Distance Is Klin Us, Am Redy To Cross Ocean

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my angel, there are somethings that i would have loved to tell you but i am scared

that you may not understand me and it may ruin our friendship but i'm going to say
it anyway because i believe that the truth always hurt. my angel please permit me
to call you my love, because that is exactly how i feel deep down inside my heart.
my love, right form the very first day i met you, it was like i loosed my mind, i
could no longer think straight, all i do now is to make sure i impress you. Baby, i
have been through a lot in life that is why i am also scared of falling in love too
but i guess i could no longer control my emotions and feelings and it has developed
into love. Baby, i don't know the right words to use right now because i think am
short of words, anytimes i write you or read from you, I am always speechless and
confused, it's just like am going crazy, crazy for your love. baby, each time i try
to control my self and my emotions, each time i say to myself that this cannot work
out, we are so far apart , that moment the love i have for you grows stronger.
baby, i have come to realize that distance can never be a barrier to true love, i
am ready to climb any mountain and cross over any ocean just to be with you, to be
with the woman i love.

baby, ever since i lost my wife, i never knew that i could ever fall so deeply
inlove like this again, i thought that my world had ended, i thought my happiness
has seized, i just live my life to make sure that i give the very best treatment to
my little daughter and believe that one day when i must have completed all i wanted
in life, i would die and never find love again but i guess i was wrong, everything
changed the very moment i set eyes on you, it was just like magic. baby, i think
the love i have for you is magical and i don't just know the right words to use and
describe it. baby, like my late wife would always say, I believe in being strong
when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the
prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and i believe in miracles.
baby, i know that everything is possible just if we believe in God the father. how
is your family doing today.i love to have a chat with you all true the night, what
did you think about this?

my love, i will provide everything you would ever need in life, i willsupport you
in anyway i could. i will give you the very best treatment in life, just as an
angel that you are to me. i have never been so deeply in love with any other woman
ever since i lost my wife, i promised myself that the very first woman that i would
love after the death of my wife, i will give to her all what i could not give to my
wife when she was still alive. Baby, i have been so restless ever since you came
into my life, i have always looked for this very opportunity to tell you how much i
love and feel for you but i guess i was too scared that you may run away and take
advantage of my love. Baby, me and Faith are very close , we are just like husband
and wife, she is everything i have and live for, so my innermost and deepest
secret, i always share with her. She has noticed that her father had not been
thesame for the past days and week and as an intelligent young girl that she is,
she has asked me and i have explained to her everything. i have even shown her your
pictures. Ever since then she has been disturbing that i should take her to see
you, she doesn't even know that i have not been brave enough to stand and tell you
how i feel, my love , this is the very reason i have decided to drop my pride and
tell you that i am dying to have you in my arms, to kiss your lips and neck and to
tell you how important you are to me. Baby, Faith likes you and she thinks you are
going to be her happy mom, baby, we need to prove to her that what she believes is
true and can come alife.

your man,

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