CA 002 - Ramos

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Make a Reflection of what you have learned from the topics/videos discussed

As I've learned in the discussion, special education has shown me the

importance of addressing the diverse needs of individuals with disabilities in
education. Based on what i've seen in real life, Technology plays a significant
role in facilitating the learning process for these individuals. Assistive
technologies such as screen readers, closed captioning, and communication
devices have revolutionized education for individuals with visual impairments,
hearing impairments, speech and language disorders, and physical disabilities.
These advancements have created a more inclusive educational environment,
promoting independence and academic success. However, accessibility and
training must be prioritized to fully utilize these technologies. Overall, technology
has empowered individuals with disabilities and should continue to be advanced
to ensure an inclusive educational experience for all.

2. Research on the following topics:

A. Cite the history of Special Education in the Philippines using graphic

organizer: (Time-line/Flowchart/ Story Map).
B. Basic Education
- Basic education is a comprehensive educational framework that seeks to cater to
the fundamental learning requisites of individuals, aiming to establish a solid
groundwork upon which further scholastic endeavors can be built upon. This all-
encompassing form of education not only includes the quintessential domains of
kindergarten, elementary, and secondary education but also extends its reach to
encompass alternative learning platforms specifically crafted for individuals who
are unable to attend traditional schooling due to various circumstances, as well
as tailored educational systems that cater to the distinctive requirements of
learners with special needs. By taking into account such varied educational
provisions, basic education strives to ensure that every individual, irrespective of
their background, abilities, or constraints, is granted equal access to the
transformative power and transformative possibilities of education.

C. Principles of Special Education

1. Zero Reject and Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

- Outlines that all students with special needs are entitled to receive a free and
appropriate public education.
- Zero Rejection: no child may be refused access to FAPE based on his or her
- There will be no required out-of-pocket costs to the families of these children for
those services.

2. Nondiscriminatory and Appropriate Evaluation

- Students with disabilities are entitled to a high qualify evaluation, which may
produce an identification as a student with a special need.
- The evaluation should be completed by a multi-disciplinary team of professionals
and using more than a single indicator of disability.

3. Appropriate Individualized Education Program

- The IEP is designed in accordance with the state and federal laws that outline
the programs and services available to disabled students.
- The IEP team works collaboratively to ensure that each child is allowed access
to FAPE during the IEP development process.
- Outlines the required elements of the IEP and timelines for its creation and
4. Least Restrictive Environment

- This is the setting in which students with disabilities could benefit the most, while
still receiving appropriate services for their needs.
- Encourages students with disabilities to engage with typically developing peers
by placing students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment.

5. Student and Parental Participation

- Allows for students to play a part of educational planning (when appropriate).

- Requires that parents play an integral part in their child’s educational planning.
- Major decisions are not to be made without fully informed parental consent (or
student consent if the student is of the age of majority.)
- Allows the family (student and parents) to give input into the IEP development

D. Objectives of Special Education

- The specific objectives of special education are dedicated to the multifaceted

development and optimal enhancement of learning competencies, ensuring that
learners with special needs acquire the necessary skills, knowledge, and
capacities to flourish academically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially.
Special education endeavors to foster an inclusive environment where
individuals with special needs can not only gain academic proficiency but also
cultivate strong moral character, empathy, and a sense of belonging within their
communities. By utilizing specialized strategies, interventions, and resources,
special education aims to empower learners with special needs, enabling them
to discover their unique strengths, overcome challenges, and attain their full
potential, therefore facilitating their integration as indispensable, purposeful, and
contributing members of society.

E. Legal Basis of Special Education in the Philippines

Under Republic Act 11560, also known as the "Inclusive Education for Children
and Youth with Disabilities Act," it is required that all learners with disabilities,
regardless of whether they attend public or private schools, are entitled to receive
services and reasonable accommodation as stipulated in their personalized
Individualized Education Plan (IEP). This act emphasizes the importance of
addressing the unique needs and ensuring equal opportunities for students with
disabilities by providing them with the appropriate academic, social, and
emotional support, as well as other related services that facilitate their overall
development and success in the educational setting. The Individualized
Education Plan (IEP) plays a significant role in the implementation of inclusive
education for learners with disabilities. It is a personalized document crafted by a
team of professionals, educators, parents or guardians, and the student
himself/herself, outlining specific goals, strategies, and accommodations tailored
to address the individual needs of the learner. This plan serves as a blueprint
that guides educators and stakeholders in providing targeted interventions and
supports, promoting not only academic growth but also fostering independence,
self-advocacy, and inclusivity among students with disabilities. The passage of
RA 11560 ensures that learners with disabilities have the right to avail
themselves of the appropriate support and related services. It aims to eliminate
barriers and discriminatory practices that hinder them from enjoying a quality and
inclusive education. This provision emphasizes the principle of equal access to
education for all, irrespective of their disabilities, empowering individuals with
disabilities by promoting their active participation and fostering an inclusive
learning environment where their strengths and contributions are recognized and

Furthermore, the implementation of RA 11560 requires collaboration among

various stakeholders, including educators, parents or guardians, school
administrators, and relevant government agencies. This cooperative effort
ensures the proper identification, assessment, and provision of support and
related services for learners with disabilities. It promotes a holistic approach to
their education, acknowledging that their educational journey extends beyond the
classroom and involves addressing their specific needs, abilities, and aspirations.

In conclusion, the passage of Republic Act 11560 highlights the commitment of

the Philippine government to provide inclusive education for learners with
disabilities. This act guarantees services and reasonable accommodation based
on the Individualized Education Plan, ensuring that learners with disabilities have
equal opportunities for educational success and holistic development. By
upholding the principles of inclusivity and equal access to education, this law
aims to create a society where the rights and potentials of all individuals,
regardless of their disabilities, are respected, celebrated, and nurtured.

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