MHF4U Unit1

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MHF 4U Unit 1 –Polynomial Functions– Outline

Day Lesson Title
1 Average Rate of Change and Secants D1.2, 1.6, both
2-3 Instantaneous Rate of Change and Tangents D1.6, 1.4, 1.7, 1.5,
both D1.1A’s
4 Solving Problems Involving Average and D1.8, 1.1
Instantaneous Rate of Change Numerically and
5-6 Characteristics of Polynomial Functions Through A1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
Numeric, Graphical, and Algebraic Representations

7 Using the Factored Form of a Polynomial Function to A1.6, 1.8

Sketch a Graph and Write Equations
8 Transformations of f(x) = x3 and f(x) = x4 and Even A1.7, 1.9
and Odd Functions

9-10 Dividing Polynomials, The Remainder Theorem and A2.1, A2.1A

The Factor Theorem
11-12 The Zeros of a Polynomial Function Graphically and A2.2, 2.3 ,2 4, 2.6
Algebraically with Applications to Curve Fitting

13-14 Solving Polynomials Inequalities Graphically, A3.1, 3.2 3.3

Numerically, and Algebraically

15-16 JAZZ DAY



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Unit 1: Day 7: In Factored Form
Learning Goals: Materials
Minds On: 15 Make connections between a polynomial function in factored form and the  BLM 1.7.1
x- intercepts of its graph  BLM 1.7.2
 BLM 1.7.3
Action: 40 Sketch the graph of polynomial functions, expressed in factored form using
 Graphing
the characteristics of polynomial functions
Consolidate:20 Determine the equation of a polynomial given a set of conditions (e.g. software/
zeros, end behaviour) and recognize there may be more than one such sketch:
function GSP_gr12_U1D
Total=75 min
Minds On… Individual  Exploration Display sketches of
2 3 yesterdays
Recall with students that (x-1) =(x-1) (x-1), (x-1) =(x-1) (x-1) (x-1) etc.
polynomial functions.
Students will complete questions 1, 2 and 3 on BLM 1.7.1. Take up questions 2 Reference to finite
and 3. Possible answer #2: the degree of the polynomial is equal to the number differences and its
of factors that contain an “x”. Possible answers #3: multiply the factored form; connection to the
multiply the variable term of each factor and logically conclude that this is the degree would be
degree of the polynomial.
Action! Individual  Investigation Word wall: concave
up/down, hills,
Students observe the sketches of the graphs generated and displayed in “minds valleys, inflection
on” and answer questions #4, 5, 6. Teacher takes up questions with the class or point (informal
students check their answers in pairs. Make connection between the x-intercept descriptions in
and its corresponding co-ordinates (xI,0). Introduce language to describe shape students' own words)
and post on word wall. Possible answer #4: the graph crosses the x axis when y =
0 in the polynomial function. This occurs when each factor is equal to zero. If students look only
at factors of the form
When these mini equations are “solved” the x-intercepts are evident. (x-a) they may have
Answers #6 respectively: The graph “bounces” at the intercept. The graph has an the misconception
“inflection point” at the intercept. that “the x intercept is
Pairs  Think Pair Share the opposite of the
“a” value. Use some
Students complete BLM 1.7.2 in pairs. factors of the form
Curriculum Expectation/Observation/Mental Note: Circulate to observe pairs (ax-b) and have the
are successful in representing the graph of a polynomial function given the students understand
equation in factored form. Make a mental note to consolidate misconceptions. that the intercept can
be found by solving
Whole Class  Discussion then Practice ax-b=0
Present a graph of a polynomial function with 3 intercepts and ask: What is a
possible equation of this polynomial? How do you know? What are some This assessment for
possible other equations? Do a few other examples including some with double learning will
determine if students
roots and inflection points. Then state some characteristics of a polynomial are ready to
function and ask for an equation that satisfies these characteristics. (e.g. What is formulate an
a possible equation of the polynomial function of degree 3 that begins in quadrant equation given the
2, ends in quadrant 4, and has x intercepts of -1, ½, and 4.) Students complete characteristics of a
polynomial function.
BLM 1.7.3.

Consolidate Pairs to Whole Class  A answers B

Teacher asks the following questions: What are the advantages of a polynomial
function being given in factored form? Why is it possible that 2 people sketching
the same graph could have higher or lower “hills” and “valleys”? How could you A answers B: Ask a
series of questions
get a more accurate idea of where these turning points are located? Explain why one at a time, to be
the graph the function y = (x2 – 4)(x2 – 9) is easier or more difficult to graph than answered in pairs,
y = (x2 + 4)(x2 + 9). How can you identify the y intercept of a function given then ask for one or
algebraically and why is this helpful to know? more students to
answer, alternating A
and B partners
Home Activity or Further Classroom Consolidation
Concept Practice Assign questions similar to BLM 1.7.1 Ask the question: What information is
needed to determine an exact equation for a graph if x intercepts are given?
Advanced Functions: MHF4Y – Unit 1 Polynomial Functions (Draft – August 2007) Page 2 of 16
Possible answer to be taken up the next day and followed through in lesson :
Another point on the function.

A-W 11 McG-HR 11 H11 A-W12 H12 McG-HR 12

1.1 2.1

Advanced Functions: MHF4Y – Unit 1 Polynomial Functions (Draft – August 2007) Page 3 of 16
1.7.1 What Role Do Factors Play?
1. Use technology (graphing calculator, software, GSP_Gr12_U1D7) to determine the graph of each polynomial
function. Sketch the graph, clearly identifying the x-intercepts.
a) f (x)= (x - 2)(x + 1) y
b) f (x) = (x - 2)(x + 1)(x+3) c) f (x) = - (x - 2)(x + 1)(x+3)
y y

x x x

                                

Degree of the function: ______ Degree of the function: ______ Degree of the function: ______
x-intercepts: ___________ x-intercepts: ___________ x-intercepts: ___________
c) f (x) = x(x+1)2= x(x+1)(x+1)
d) f (x) = (x - 2)2(x + 2)2y
f) f (x) = x(x - 2)(x + 1)(x+3)

x x x

                                

Degree of the function: ______ Degree of the function: ______ Degree of the function: ______
x-intercepts: ___________ x-intercepts: ___________ x-intercepts: ___________

g) f (x) = x(x-3)3 y
h) f (x) = (x +2)(x - 1)(x-3)2
i) f (x) = -(x - 2)(x+3)3 y

x x x

                                

Degree of the function: ______ Degree of the function: ______ Degree of the function: ______
x-intercepts: ___________ x-intercepts: ___________ x-intercepts: ___________

2. Compare your graphs with the graphs generated on the previous day and make a conclusion about the
degree of a polynomial when it is given in factored form.
3. Explain how to determine the degree of a polynomial algebraically if given in factored form.
4. What connection do you observe between the factors of the polynomial function and the x-intercepts? Why
does this make sense? (hint: all co-ordinates on the x axis have y = 0).
5. Use your conclusions from #4 to state the x-intercepts of each
of the following. Check by graphing with technology, and
correct if necessary.
f(x) = (x-3)(x+5)(x-1/2) f(x) = (x-3)(x+5)(2x-1) f(x) = (2x-3)(2x+5)(x-1)(3x-2)
x-intercepts: ___________ x-intercepts: __________ x-intercepts: ___________
does this check? _______ does this check? ______ does this check? _______

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6. What do you notice about the graph when the polynomial function has a factor that occurs twice? Three

Advanced Functions: MHF4Y – Unit 1 Polynomial Functions (Draft – August 2007) Page 5 of 16
1.7.2 Factoring in our Graphs
Draw a sketch of each graph using the properties of polynomial functions. After you complete each sketch,
check with your partner, discuss your strategies and make any corrections needed.

a) f (x)= (x - 4)(x + 3) d) f (x) = -(x - 1)(x + 4)(x – ½ ) c) f (x) = (2x - 1)(x + 1)2
y y y

x x x

                                

e) f (x) = 2x(x -2)3 d) f (x) = - (2x - 3)2(x + 2)2 f) f (x) = x(x - 2)(x + 1)(2x+3)

g) f (x) = x3(x-4) h) f (x) = -(x +3)2(x - 3)3 i) f (x) = x(x +2)(x -1)(x-3)(x+ 4)
y y

x x

                     

Advanced Functions: MHF4Y – Unit 1 Polynomial Functions (Draft – August 2007) Page 6 of 16
1.7.3 What's My Polynomial Name?
1. Determine a possible equation for each polynomial function.

a) f (x)= f) f (x) = c) f (x) =

g) f (x) = d) f (x) = f) f (x) =

2. Determine an example of an equation for a function with the following characteristics:

a) Degree 3, a double root at 4, a root at -3 ____________________________

b) Degree 4, an inflection point at 2, a root at 5 ____________________________

c) Degree 3, roots at ½, ¾, -1 _____________________________

d) Degree 3, starting in quadrant 2, ending in quadrant 4, root at -2 and double root at 3


e) Degree 4, starting in quadrant 3, ending in quadrant 4, double roots at -10 and 10


Advanced Functions: MHF4Y – Unit 1 Polynomial Functions (Draft – August 2007) Page 7 of 16
Unit 1: Day 9: Dividing Polynomials (Day 1) MHF4U
Learning Goals: Materials
Minds On: 5 Divide polynomials BLM 1.9.1
Examine remainders of polynomial division and connect to the remainder theorem BLM 1.9.2.
Action: 50 Make connections between the polynomial function f(x), the divisor x –a, the
remainder of the division f(x)/(x-a) and f(a) using technology
Identify the factor theorem as a special case of the remainder theorem
Consolidate:20 Factor polynomial expressions in one variable of degree greater than two.

Total=75 min
Minds On… Whole Class  Discussion
Students should put away their calculators and attempt the following without the
use of calculators – remind them of the long division methods for dividing:
Divide 789 by 7. result: 112 remainder 5
Divide 12546 by 6. result: 2091 remainder 0
Divide 32455 by 4. result: 8113 remainder 3
Include as many more as desired until students have a clear understanding of the
method of long division.

Action! Small Groups  Experiment

Students will work either as a class or in pairs to complete the activities:
Activity 1: Read through the worked example on BLM 1.9.1 and then do the
division questions on page 2 of BLM 1.9.1
Activity 2: Work time for homework exercises (BLM 1.9.2 or textbook work).

Consolidate Small Groups  Interview

Debrief Students will consolidate :
Activity 1: Teacher can choose to have students work in pairs or work through
the first few questions as a class and then in pairs or individually for the
remainder. As students finish, the teacher can have students complete questions
on the board to aid those who might be having difficulty.
Activity 2: Complete exercises on BLM 1.9.2.
Home Activity or Further Classroom Consolidation
BLM 1.9.2 or textbook work from outlined text below:
Exploration Addison Wesley 12 (MCT): Sections – 2.4

A-W 11 McG-HR 11 H11 A-W12 (MCT) H12 McG-HR 12

1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2 2.2, 2.3, 2.4

Advanced Functions: MHF4Y – Unit 1 Polynomial Functions (Draft – August 2007) Page 8 of 16
1.9.1 Dividing Polynomials
Dividing a polynomial by another polynomial is similar to performing a division of numbers using long
division. For example, divide the polynomial by


first divide x into x3 to get x2

2) now multiply x2 by x + 9 to get x3 + 9x2

then subtract x3 + 9x2 from x3 + 13x2 to get 4x2

3) bring down the + 39x

divide 4x2 by x to get 4x

now multiply 4x by x + 9 to get 4x2 + 36x

4) then subtract 4x2 + 36x from 4x2 + 39x to get 3x

bring down the + 46

5) divide 3x by x to get 3

multiply 3 by x + 9 to get 3x + 27
then subtract 3x + 27 from 3x + 46 to get 19

Since the remainder has a lower degree than the divisor, the division is now complete. The result can
be written as:
(x + 9)(x2 + 4x + 3) + 19

(NOTE: You could check your answer by multiplying out the result.)

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1.9.1 Dividing Polynomials (Continued)
Using the previous example, complete the polynomial division questions below:

1. by 2. by

3. by 4. by
[*note: ]

5. by 6. by

Advanced Functions: MHF4Y – Unit 1 Polynomial Functions (Draft – August 2007) Page 10 of 16
1.9.1 Dividing Polynomials (Answers)
1. by 2. by

Result: Result:
3. by 4. by

Result: Result:
extra extra
5. by 6. by

Result: Result:
extra extra

Advanced Functions: MHF4Y – Unit 1 Polynomial Functions (Draft – August 2007) Page 11 of 16
1.9.2 Dividing Polynomials
Complete the exercises below:

1. Find each quotient and remainder:

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

2. When a certain polynomial is divided by , the quotient is and the remainder is .

What is the polynomial?

3. When a certain polynomial is divided by , the quotient is and the remainder is .

What is the polynomial?

4. Divide:
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

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Unit 1: Day 10: Dividing Polynomials (Day 2) MHF4U
Learning Goal: Materials
Minds On: 5 Divide polynomials BLM 1.10.1
Examine remainders of polynomial division and connect to the remainder theorem BLM 1.10.2.
Action: 50 Make connections between the polynomial function f(x), the divisor x –a, the
remainder of the division f(x)/(x-a) and f(a) using technology
Identify the factor theorem as a special case of the remainder theorem
Consolidate:20 Factor polynomial expressions in one variable of degree greater than two.

Total=75 min
Minds On… Whole Class  Discussion
Students should take out the BLM 1.9.1 from last day:
Examine the results from the left hand (odd) questions and the right hand (even)
questions. Using the original polynomial try substituting the indicated values for
the variable in each question:
1. x= 2 2. y = -3 (y = -3/2 and y = 4)
3. y = -4 (y = -2 and y = 6) 4. x = -½ (x = -1 and x = 3)
5. x= ½ (x = -2/3 and x = 5) 6. y = -4 (y = and y = )

Note: at this point (if not previously completed) it might be suggested to the
students that they further factor their previous answers for questions 2 through 6
and then try the numbers given in parenthesis above

After examining the results try and come to a generalization of the results  this
is essentially the Remainder Theorem (odd questions) and Factor Theorem (even
Action! Small Groups  Experiment
Students will work either as a class or in pairs to complete the activities:
Activity 1: Complete the minds on and then work on the BLM 1.10.1.
Activity 2: Work time for homework exercises – BLM 1.10.2 or textbook work.

Consolidate Small Groups  Interview

Debrief Students will consolidate :
Activity 1: Teacher can choose to have students work in pairs or work through
the first couple of questions as a class and then either in pairs or individually for
the remainder. As students finish, the teacher can have students complete
questions on the front board to aid those who might be having difficulty.
Activity 2: Complete exercises on BLM 1.10.2.
Home Activity or Further Classroom Consolidation
BLM 1.10.2 or textbook work from outlined text below:
Exploration Addison Wesley 12 (MCT): Sections – 2.5

A-W 11 McG-HR 11 H11 A-W12 (MCT) H12 McG-HR 12

1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2 2.2, 2.3, 2.4

Advanced Functions: MHF4Y – Unit 1 Polynomial Functions (Draft – August 2007) Page 13 of 16
1.10.1 Remainder Theorem and Factor Theorem
Remainder Theorem:
When a polynomial is divided by , the remainder is

1. Find the remainder when is divided by each of the following:

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Factor Theorem:
If is substituted into a polynomial for , and the remainder is 0, then is a factor of the

2. Using the above Theorem and your results from question 1 which of the given binomials are
factors of ?

3. Using the binomials you determined were factors of , complete the division
(i.e. divide by your chosen ( ) and remember to fully factor your result in
each case.

Advanced Functions: MHF4Y – Unit 1 Polynomial Functions (Draft – August 2007) Page 14 of 16
1.10.1 Remainder Theorem and Factor Theorem (Answers)
1. Find the remainder when is divided by each of the following:

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

2. Using the above Theorem and your results from question 1 which of the given binomials are
factors of ?

From results  (c) and (e) are factors

3. Using the binomials you determined were factors of complete the division
(i.e. divide by your chosen ) and remember to fully factor your result in
each case.

(c) (e)

Result: Result:

(Note: The results are the same just rearranged.)

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1.10.2 Dividing Polynomials Practice
Complete the polynomial divisions below:

1. Without using long division, find each remainder:

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

2. Find each remainder:

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

3. When is divided by the remainder is 26, find k.

4. When is divided by the remainder is 2, find k.


1. (a) 4 (b) 44 (c) 27 (d) 37

2. (a) 0 (b) 11 (c) -25 (d) 6
3. 6
4. 4

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