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Ares(2022)401364 - 19/01/2022


Reporting on the
dissemination of the report:
Intermin platform operation
and stakeholder consultation
This deliverable reports on the dissemination effort on for the Intermin platform op-
eration and stakeholder consultation on Social Media. The consortium has been ac-
tive in promoting project outcomes online, particularly on Twitter and LinkedIN and
this report gives a reference point to access the activity.

Deliverable Information
Deliverable number and name: Interim Report D3.3 and Update on Pi-
lots dissemination (on social media)
Due date: 28 Feb 2021
Deliverable: D24
Work Package: WP4
Lead Partner for the Deliverable: UNU-MERIT
Author: Arho Suominen
Reviewers: Scott Cunningham, and Hugo Hollanders
Approved by: Arho Suominen
Dissemination level: Public
Version v. 1.0 23rd November 2020
v. 2.0 18th January 2022

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 re-
search and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870822
This document contains a description of the BIGPROD project findings, work and
products. Certain parts of it might be under partner Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
rules so, prior to using its content please contact the consortium coordinator for ap-

In case you believe that this document harms in any way IPR held by you as
a person or as a representative of an entity, please do notify us immediately.

The authors of this document have taken any available measure in order for
its content to be accurate, consistent and lawful. However, neither the project
consortium as a whole nor the individual partners that implicitly or explicitly
participated in the creation and publication of this document hold any sort of
responsibility that might occur as a result of using its content.

This publication has been produced with the assis-

tance of the European Union. The content of this
publication is the sole responsibility of BIGPROD
consortium and can in no way be taken to reflect the
views of the European Union.

The European Union is established in accordance

with the Treaty on European Union (Maastricht). There are currently 27 Mem-
ber States of the Union. It is based on the European Communities and the
member states cooperation in the fields of Common Foreign and Security Pol-
icy and Justice and Home Affairs. The five main institutions of the European
Union are the European Parliament, the Council of Ministers, the European
Commission, the Court of Justice and the Court of Auditors (http://eu-

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870822.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 re-
search and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870822
The working paper “BIGPROD platform operation: Interim report” describing the data
sources, mining algorithms and the operation of the platform was published on to the
BIGPROD website. The work describes in detail the inner workings of the BIGPROD
data platform and also focuses on the additions needed to have a working interface
for public access to a curated dataset created in the project.

The report on the data platform was disseminated broadly. In addition to two stake-
holder events, the report has been posted on the project website1. In addition, a
presentation on the report, also used in stakeholder engagements, has been uploaded
to the BIGPROD projects ResearchGate website2

Figure 1 Screen capture of the ResearchGate project pages for BIGPROD.

In addition to the website and repository presentation material, the report was dissem-
inated through social media, namely Twitter and LinkedIn, using the handle #BIG-
PROD. Figure 2 shows the Twitter posts used to disseminate the report3. Figure 3
shows the same dissemination on LinkedIn platform4. Further discussion on the pro-
ject can be followed using the #BIGPROD handle.

Access via BigProd » Reporting
Using BIGPROD data platform to web scrape company information (re-
LinkedIn Post

Figure 2 Twitter post to disseminate the report.

Figure 3 Disseminating the report via LinkedIn.

For more information, please contact
Dr. Arho Suominen (Consortium leader)
Tel. +358 50 5050 354
[email protected]

BIFPROD is a research project focusing on Big Data based analysis of productivity
using webscraped data. This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870822.

The project partners in the project are Quantitative Science and Technology Studies
team, Foresight-driven Business Strategies, 1) VTT Technical Research Centre of
Finland, Competence Center Innovation and Knowledge Economy (Coordinator), 2)
Fraunhofer ISI, Economics of Knowledge and Innovation team, 3) UNU-MERIT, Maas-
tricht University, 4) Public Policy and Management Institute, 5) Economics of Technol-
ogy and Innovations, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, 6) Delft Univer-
sity of Technology, Economics of Technology and Innovations, 7) Faculty of Technol-
ogy, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology

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