01 - Security Essentials

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Security Essentials
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TechWorld with Nana is an established name in the DevOps and
Cloud industry, and it stands for the quality trainings helping 1,000s
of engineers acquire the most in-demand skills in this field.

Our mission is enable individual engineers as well as companies to take advantage of the
recent developments in Cloud and DevOps fields, to use technologies and concepts in
order to create efficient, automated, streamlined DevSecOps processes in organisations.

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Importance of Security
Targets for hacker attacks

Security is defence against malicious actors

What needs to be secured

Customer data
Company data
Internal Applications
User Applications

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Importance of security at many levels

Hacking into an internal system should not give access to all systems

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Application security

All application components need to be secured

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Types of Security Attacks
Types of attacks

Different hacking methods and tactics to get into different systems

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Phishing Attack

A human as a hacking target, instead of a system

How it works

1. Personalised phishing emails

2. Redirects to malicious pages
3. Links to malicious websites
4. Downloading malicious scripts

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XSS - Cross Site Scripting
How it works
Execute scripts from malicious sources
An attacker often exploits input fields on a
website (like comment sections) to inject
malicious code
When other users visit the affected page, the
script is served to their browsers, which is

Application allows fetching script from

anywhere and executes malicious code
CSRF - Client Side Request Forgery
Common impact of XSS: Stealing user identity
Attacker forging request = Pretending to be another user
Client-side = Attack happens on user/client side

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SSRF - Server Side Request Forgery
Forging server request

Attacker manipulates server to send requests to protected resources

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SQL Injection Access to Database

How it works

SQL injection typically occurs when a web application Exploitations include

doesn’t properly validate or sanitize user inputs
before incorporating them into SQL queries Fetch sensitive user data
User inputs include data entered into web forms,
URL parameters or cookies Manipulate DB data

Delete data

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Security Issues in Libraries

An application often has many dependencies

(libraries, frameworks), which is a main part of
your software
These libraries can have vulnerabilities, just like
your own code

Many applications don’t know they are using

vulnerable 3rd-party code
Hackers can exploit those 3rd-party security

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Weak Password

Weak Passwords
Brute Force Attacks But people also use weak passwords and use
Cybercriminals use trial and error same passwords for multiple systems
to try and break into a network or For companies, it’s essential to enforce strong
website password policies
They typically use hacking tools to Password manager tools can help
automate these loin attempts

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DoS - Denial of Service Attack

How it works

DoS makes an application unable to respond to legitimate user requests

Often 1000s of bots sending requests at once

This results in the attacker consuming all available bandwidth, consuming
too many connections or exhausts server’s resources

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Security Principle

Easier to hack into systems than to defend them

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Security Posture
Refers to organisation’s overall security status and ability to defend against and
respond to security threats and incidents

We need to know how secure the How secure is the

applications are? underlying infrastructure?

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What is OWASP

OWASP stands for Open Web Application Security Project

A nonprofit organization dedicated to improving

the security of software
Raises awareness about common web application
security risks
Provides resources, tools and documentation to
help organizations and developers enhance the
security of their web applications

One of OWASP’s most well-known initiatives is the


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Lists the most critical web application security risks

Companies should adopt this document to minimize these risks

Regularly updated to reflect emerging security trends

1. Broken Access Control

2. Cryptographic Failures
3. Injection
4. Insecure Design
5. Security Misconfiguration
6. Vulnerable and Outdated Components
7. Identification and Authentication Failures
8. Software and Data Integrity Failures
9. Security Logging and Monitoring Failures
10. Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)
Broken Access Control
Access control enforces policies so that
users cannot act outside of their intended
Failure of that leads to unauthorized

Common vulnerabilities of this category include

Violation of least privilege principle

Bypassing access control checks by modifying the URL
Fails to detect request forgery
Returning unauthorized data
Phishing attacks, session hijacking

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Cryptographic Failures

Common vulnerabilities of this category include Leads to

Sensitive data exposure
Lack of or weak cryptography Access to unauthorized resources
Hard-coded sensitive data
Use of broken or risky crypto algorithms
Using insecure protocols
Protect data in transit and at rest

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Application allows hackers to inject malicicious code
That code can be JavaScript, SQL, NoSQL, OS command

How to avoid

Validate and sanitize user input

Avoid creating templates from user input
Always expect malicious user input by default

Template Injection

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Insecure Design
Insecure design vs insecure implementation

Focuses on risks related to design and architectural flaws

Pre-implementation phase

A call for more

Missing or ineffective control design
Threat modelling
What are possible threats for a specific Bad credential management
application, or specific systems Bad permission handling
Insecure infrastructure configuration
Secure design patterns

Reference architectures
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Security Misconfiguration
Some examples

Improper access configuration

Unnecessary open ports
SSH port allowing access from any source
Debugging features enabled
Can be on any level
Using default accounts & passwords

More chances of

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Vulnerable and Outdated Components
No difference between your own code and library code, for security threats
Vulnerability in third-party library affects your whole system
You are likely vulnerable if:
you don’t know the versions of all components you use
you do not scan for vulnerabilities regularly
developers do not test the compatibility of updated, upgraded or patched libraries
Identification and Authentication Failures

Relates to failure to properly identify and

authenticate user

Common vulnerabilities of this category include

Weak confirmation of user identity

Allow weak passwords
Missing or ineffective multi-factor
Weak credential password recovery process
Plain-text or weakly hashed passwords
User sessions not properly invalidated

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Software and Data Integrity Failures
Relate to code and infrastructure that does not protect against
integrity violations

Some examples

Using libraries & plugins from

unverified sources
Auto-update downloading without
integrity verification
Weak digital signature

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Security Logging and Monitoring Failures

Category is to help detect, escalate and

respond to active breaches
Without logging and monitoring, breaches
cannot be detected

Monitoring and Alerting

Notify on attack attempts
Without monitoring, you are blind and deaf
Logging and Tracing
to attacks
Without it, we have no insights on
Enough time for attackers to probe around
system behavior
in systems
Recording events, actions, errors
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Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)

SSRF flaws occur whenever a web application is

fetching a remote resource without validating
the user-supplied URL
Allows attacker to coerce the application to
send a crafted request to an unexpected
destination (accessing a protected resource)
SSRF attacks circumvent firewall, VPN or
network access control lists Attack scenarios

Port scan internal servers

Sensitive data exposure
Access metadata storage

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Security in Layers
Layered Security

It includes:
Access management
Network security
Application security

If attackers gain access to some part of our

We must secure our system on multiple layers
system, they should not get access to our
whole system

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