Class#2 - TPG3700 - 22 Feb - Signal Timing
Class#2 - TPG3700 - 22 Feb - Signal Timing
Class#2 - TPG3700 - 22 Feb - Signal Timing
TPG3700 #4
05 March
06 March
19:00 to 20:30
19:00 to 20:30
Horizontal alignment
Vertical alignment
#6 07 March 19:00 to 20:30 Vertical alignment
#7 08 March 19:00 to 20:30 Pavement structure design: TRH4
Discussion Class 2 of 7
Interrupted Flow :
Signal Timing
Step 4: green time allocation (i.e. distribute the green time between the phases
of the signal)
Flow Sum of ped. Ped
Phase C0 Y +AR C (*) allocation Green
ratio ratios check
51–9 = 29.2
A 3+1 0.465 (**)(69.6 9.8 Ok (+)
42 (***)
51 0.668 %)
(*) 0.304 Not ok
B 3+2 0.203 12.8 15.6
(30.4%) (++)
(*) = available cycle length after deduction of Y+AR Gp (Phase A) = 9.8 sec
(**) = 0.465/0.668) = 0.696 Gp (phase B) = 15.6 sec
(***) =42*0.696 =29.2 sec
(+): 9.8 <29.2 sec, sufficient time for to cross E-W ok
(++):15.6<12.8 sec insufficient time for pedestrian to cross
N-S, ped will be in the asphalt when phase B.
Iterations until ped check is ok
Flow Sum of allocat ped. Ped
Phase C0 Y +AR C (*) Green
ratio ratios ion check
A 3+1 0.465 (69.6% 36.2 9.8 ok
61–9 )
61 0.668
=52 0.304
B 3+2 0.203 (30.4% 15.8 15.6 ok
Green times vehicles: Phase A (36.2 sec) & Phase B (15.8 sec)
Green time Pedestrians: Phase A (9.8 sec) & Phase B (15.6 sec)