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Journal of the Knowledge Economy

Growth Effect of Inflation in Central African Countries: Does

Security Situation Matter?

Guivis Zeufack Nkemgha1 · Moses Abit Ofeh1 · Boker Poumie2

Received: 23 April 2020 / Accepted: 10 March 2022

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

Despite the growing literature on the determinants of inflation on the one hand and
the effect of inflation on economic growth on the other hand, little is known about
the role of insecurity in these analyses, particularly in the Central African countries.
This paper aims to contribute to the understanding of other neglected aspects of
inflation by analyzing both its origins and its effects on the economy through the
role of the security situation. The use of the system GMM on a panel of Central
African countries during the period 2011–2017 reveals that, apart from traditional
sources (money supply, economic growth, and oil rent), insecurity is also one of the
origins of inflation. Moreover, inflation promotes economic growth while insecurity
hinders it. Finally, the results also show that the coexistence of inflation and inse-
curity significantly constrains the production capacity of the economies of the sub-
region. Thus, the resolution of the various present conflicts (internal and border) and
the anticipation of possible future ones will make it probably to control the level of
inflation as well as to eliminate this constraint which limits the production capacity
of the economies of Central Africa.

Keywords Inflation · Insecurity · Production capacity

JEL Classification D74 · E31 · F43

* Guivis Zeufack Nkemgha

[email protected]
Moses Abit Ofeh
[email protected]
Boker Poumie
[email protected]
Department of Economics, Higher Teacher Training College, University of Bamenda, Bamenda,
Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Maroua, Maroua, Cameroon

Journal of the Knowledge Economy


A work on the effects of inflation on economic growth might at first seem uninter-
esting and less relevant. In fact, many studies have already clarified this relation-
ship (Arawatari et al., 2018; Fischer, 1983; Ibarra & Trupkin, 2016; Sarel, 1996).
Accordingly, the general price level affects economic activity. Furthermore, recent
work concerning the relationship between inflation and economic growth has
focused on showing its nonlinearity. In this way, the effects of the inflation on eco-
nomic activity are not linear and will even depend on the inflation rate. Therefore, it
is up to monetary authorities to decide the optimal inflation rate compatible with the
stimulation of economic growth. In the analysis of the relationship between infla-
tion and economic growth, many recent works search for this threshold at both the
national and regional context (Nubukpo, 2007; López-Villavicencio and Mignon,
2011; Eggoh & Khan, 2014; Ndoricimpa, 2017; Makiliwè & Leleng, 2018).
In the Central Africa region, the general price level has long been relatively sta-
ble. Until the end of the 2000s, the salient characteristic of the CEMAC countries,
which include the majority of this economic grouping, was therefore enjoyed a cer-
tain degree of inflation control due to their membership in the franc zone. However,
this controlled inflation has been severely tested since the end of the decade 2000.
Indeed, the rise of terrorism and political instability in Central African countries
since the beginning of the decade has been accompanied by an increase in the price
of products traded within the zone. In fact, intra-regional trade, which is mostly con-
ducted overland, has been disrupted by insecurity at the various borders, leading to a
surge in the price of these products.
The correlation between civil unrest and rising food price seems to be an obvi-
ous fact. African countries, in the first decade of this millennium, have experienced
recurring food crises due to food prices, the two most striking episodes being those
of 2008 and 2010. In the first episode between January 2008 and December 2008,
prices of food increased by 51%. This caused many political upheavals such as the
2009 overthrow of President Marc Ravalomanana of Madagascar. Also, on Febru-
ary 2008, Cameroonians took to the streets for a week to protest against the increase
in the price of fuel and the cost of living. The second episode was characterized by
increasing prices of food by 40% in January 2010 and in February 2011 and had led
into famine into certain regions of Africa. The Arab spring episode that had shaken
the regimes of Ben Ali in Tunisia and Mubarack in Egypt had, in part, been linked
to spikes in the food prices (Ciezadlo, 2012). On April 11, 2019, another conse-
quence of inflation has been the fall of the former South Sudanese President Omar
El Bashir. Everything started with an increase in the price of bread and the forma-
tion of the protest movements that followed prompted the president to resign. All
of the foregoing supports that inflation is one of the key determinants of insecurity.
However, beyond its impact on political instability, inflation can worsen the security
situation by encouraging terrorism. The increasing prices raise the risk of terrorism
attacks in a country (Shahbaz, 2013).
In this study, we want to determine the influence of the security situation
on the relationship between inflation and economic growth in Central African

Journal of the Knowledge Economy

countries. It appears that lower and more stable inflation has frequently been
associated with better growth outcomes because of its role in reducing the uncer-
tainty and the financial stabilization. However, in the countries of Central Africa,
the resurgence of political instability and insecurity has reduced the transparency
of relative price changes and has stimulated inflation in these countries. In addi-
tion, severe inflation will contribute to significantly more stunted growth (Kremer
et al., 2013).
Insecurity is the state of being subject to danger or injury. The anxiety that is
experienced when one feels vulnerable and unsecured. Ezemonye (2011) affirms the
above definition of insecurity as “a state of being not secured, lack of confidence.”
The state of insecurity in one country is caused by the activities of different groups
taking on alarming dimensions. Such activities include militancy, kidnapping, vio-
lent armed robbery, political assassination, ritual killings, and suicide bombings
(Udeh & Okoroafor, 2013).
Regarding the security situation in Central Africa, apart from Gabon, Equato-
rial Guinea, and Sao Tome, the other countries of the sub-region have been plagued
by multiple security crises in recent years. These are Cameroon (BOKO HARAM
and the Anglophone crisis), Chad (BOKO HARAM), the Central African Repub-
lic (CPJP, SELEKA and LRA), the Democratic Republic of Congo (FDLR, CNDP,
ADF-NALU, and M23), and Congo Republic (CNR). This situation is confirmed
by the ranks that these countries occupy in the ranking effected by Global Peace
Index (2019). According to this organization, some of these countries are qualified
as being very unstable (Democratic Republic of Congo and Central African Repub-
lic) and others as unstable (Cameroon, Chad and Congo) since 2011. In this con-
text of widespread insecurity, a re-examination of the inflation-economic growth
relationship seems to be of particular interest. This interest is aroused by the fact
that the literature claims that developing countries need a higher inflation rate than
developed ones to sustain economic growth. Indeed, developing countries need an
inflation rate between 9 and 20% to sustain economic growth (Ghosh & Phillips,
1988; Khan & Senhadji, 2001; Lopez-Villavicencio and Mignon, 2011; Eggoh &
Khan, 2014). A low inflation rate relatively produces a negative effect on economic
growth. The deterioration of the security situation by stimulating the previously sta-
ble price level in the countries in our study could therefore alter its relationship with
economic growth.
Many studies have proved that inflation is linked with security situation. These
studies find that inflation and security have a bilateral relationship. For instance,
inflation can cause important political instability (Deaton & Miller, 1995). Inflation
can also contribute to insecurity by predicting and precipitating civil wars (Besley &
Persson, 2008) or by reducing the level of political democracy of a country.
Against this background, this paper carries out an empirical explanation of the
following main question: does the upsurge of the insecurity affect the relation-
ship between inflation and economic growth in the Central African countries?
The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of insecurity on the
growth-inflation nexus. The study contributes to existing growth-inflation litera-
ture by incorporating the variable insecurity in the analysis of the relationship
between inflation and economic growth.

Journal of the Knowledge Economy

Three main results emerge from this work. The first reveals that insecurity is an
important source of inflation in Central Africa because a 1% increase in insecurity
leads to an increase in inflation of 33.21%. The second shows that inflation has a
positive impact on economic growth while insecurity is an obstacle to this growth.
Finally, the interaction between inflation and insecurity significantly limits the pro-
duction capacity of Central African countries.
The paragraphs below are intended to describe the evolution of the main variables
of this study in the panel of Central African countries during the period 2011–2017.
The average evolution of inflation, growth, and the level of insecurity in each coun-
try in the panel is shown in Fig. 1.
The analysis of Fig. 1 reveals three important information: the first shows that the
Central African Republic (CAR) and Equatorial Guinea recorded negative average
growth rates while the other countries of the sub-region achieved positive average
growth with higher value observed in the Democratic Republic of Congo (6.79).
The second information is related to the level of inflation. Only Cameroon recorded
an average annual inflation rate below 3% while the other countries exceeded this
community threshold with a higher value observed in the Central African Repub-
lic (23.17) during the study period. The latest information is related to the level of
insecurity in the countries of the sub-region. The average level of insecurity is 5.8 in
Sao Tome, 8.42 in Equatorial Guinea, 9.6 in Gabon, 17.74 in Congo, 29.84 in Cam-
eroon, 39.36 in Chad, 57.18 in DRC (57.18), and 71.88 in CAR.
The average evolution of these variables in the Central Africa panel is pre-
sented in Fig. 2. It emerges from this graph that the average level of insecurity
in Central Africa increased by 64.31% during the period 2011–2017, because
among the 8 countries of this sub-region, only Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, and
Sao Tome are classified as stable countries and the rest have been classified
and are currently classified by the Global Peace Index (2019) as being unstable
countries since 2011. During the same period, the inflation rate increased by


-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

average insecurity average inf average gdp

Fig. 1  Representation of the average rate inflation, growth, and average insecurity rates in each Central
African country during the 2011–2017 period. Source: Authors based on data from African Develop-
ment Bank Group, 2019

Journal of the Knowledge Economy

-52010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018


Fig. 2  Representation of average rates of inflation, growth, and the average level of insecurity in Central
Africa during the period 2011–2017. Source: Authors based on data from African Development Bank
Group, 2019

27.25% in the sub-region. However, this sub-region recorded a loss of the aver-
age economic growth rate of around 56% during the same period.
Analysis of Fig. 2 reveals that inflation and insecurity are moving in the same
direction. This suggests that there is a positive correlation between the two var-
iables. On the other hand, insecurity is inversely linked to economic growth.
Hence, the presumption of a negative relationship between the two variables is
possible. Overall, the security situation of the countries of Central Africa may
be as well as the origin of the inflationary propensity as it would also constitute
a constraint for the production capacity of the economies of the countries of this
sub-region as shown in Fig. 2.
After this introduction, this work is organized into six sections. The second
section is devoted to the literature review, the third section highlights the meth-
odological approach, the fourth section presents the results obtained, the fifth
section discusses the emperical results and the sixth section concludes.

Literature Review

According to the literature, many variables affect economic growth. Some of

these variables are foreign investment, domestic investment, human capital,
general price level, institutions, trade, etc. Based on theoretical and empirical
works, this study has selected two variables which are inflation and insecurity to
examine their interaction effect on growth in Central Africa countries.

Journal of the Knowledge Economy

Determinants of Inflation

Existing literature provides various determinants of inflation in developed as well

as in developing countries. Theoretically, the determinants of inflation are either
monetary or non-monetary. According to the non-monetarism conception, the
inflation can be explained by the demand-pull paradigm and the cost-push theory.
To the demand-pull paradigm, inflation exists when the gap between demand and
supply cannot be filled neither by existing stocks nor by the import and export
regulations. The cost-push theory considers that prices rise via the production costs.
The rising cost of production is mainly due to such random non-monetary shocks
such as crop failure, commodity shortage, vagaries of weather, and increase in the
price of oil (Onwioduokit, 2002). This non-monetarist conception contrasts with the
view of monetarist theory which opined that “inflation is always and everywhere a
monetarist phenomenon resulting from and accompanied by a rise in the quantity
of money supply relative to output.” Finally, inflation can also be imported by
transiting through international trade from one country to another. However, the
causing factors of inflation remain inconclusive by both non-monetarism and
monetarism perceptions.
Empirical studies have identified possible determinants of inflation. They find
that inflation is mainly explained by money supply, exchange rate, interest rate,
imported inflation, oil price shocks, and GDP. For instance, Kahn and Gill (2010)
supported that depreciation of exchange rate and increase in the value of imports
have contributed to shoot up the different indicators of inflation. His study also
showed that budget deficit does not play any role on the indicators of inflation.
Lim and Sek (2015) examined the determinants of inflation in high inflation
group of countries and low inflation group of countries. They argued that in low
inflation countries, GDP growth and imports of goods and services affect infla-
tion. Conversely, inflation is determined in the high inflation countries by money
supply, national expenditure, and GDP growth. Similarly, Anfofum et al. (2015)
opined that in addition to fiscal deficit, money supply, exchange rate, and imports
of goods and services, agriculture output also has a long-run positive influence on
inflation. In return, Akinbobola (2012) has shown that in the long run, the money
supply and exchange rate have an inverse effect on inflation. However, money sup-
ply does not also affect inflation (Altowaijri, 2011; Berry et al., 2001). Imimole
and Enoma (2011) examined the effect of exchange rate depreciation on inflation
and reported that exchange rate depreciation, money supply, and real GDP are
the main determinants of inflation in Nigeria. Apart from that, Choi et al. (2018)
identified a similar positive vanished effect of oil price on domestic inflation in
developed and developing economies. Their results also supported that the effect
of positive oil price shock is larger than negative ones. Caceres et al. (2013) also
examined the impact of commodity prices shocks on inflation in Central Africa
and found that price controls play an important role in Central Africa. The com-
parison of these results to the ones of Zoli (2009) on emerging Europe permits to
note that the response of domestic inflation to global oil prices shocks in develop-
ing countries can be influenced by region-specific factors. Similarly, Yildirim and
Arifli (2021) confirmed the finding of Caceres et al. (2013) by pointing out that

Journal of the Knowledge Economy

negative oil price shock increases inflation. This result was also found by Su et al.
(2021) and cited by Gong et al. (2021).
In case of Central Africa countries, Portillo (2009) finds that fiscal shocks have
been a major source of inflation volatility in CEMAC. Taking the example of Chad
and using the quarterly data from 1983: Q1 to 2009: Q3, Kinda (2011) puts forward
as determinants of inflation: rainfall and foreign price fluctuations, the combined
effects of which would persist for six quarters. Using a VAR model over the period
1960–2007, they find that an increase in the money supply leads to an increase in
economic growth, which in turn causes inflation. Caceres et al. (2013) use a panel
VAR of Central African countries (CEMAC) during the period 1996–2010, to show
that the prices of food products and oil affect the dynamics of non-monetary infla-
tion for four or five quarters and their impa ct decreases substantially over time.
Indeed, for these authors, past inflation influences current inflation due to the slow
adjustment of economic agents’ expectations. Nguyen et al. (2015) also identify
as predominant determinants of inflation in the CEMAC: domestic supply shocks,
exchange rate shocks, and monetary variables. By paying particular attention to the
monetary dimension in their analysis of the sources of inflation in CEMAC, Bikai
et al. (2016) used an autoregressive vector approach during the period 1990–2014.
The results of this study show that the money supply and imported inflation are the
two main sources of inflation in the CEMAC zone. Ntita et al. (2017) analyzed the
determinants of inflation in CEMAC during the period 1996 to 2016. The estima-
tion of a fixed effects panel reveals that the money supply has a positive effect on
inflation. However, they found that political stability had a rather negative effect
on the level of inflation in CEMAC. Tékam (2018) examined the determinants of
inflation in Cameroon during the period 1980–2016. Using the Autoregressive and
Distributed Lags estimation technique, the author finds that monetary policy, fiscal
policy, and the exchange rate have a significant impact on inflation in Cameroon.
Ngambo and Biligil (2019) analyzed the impact of debt dynamics on economic
growth and inflation in Cameroon during the period 1987–2015. By using an error
correction model, the result shows that debt dynamics have no effect on short-term
inflation. However, it would explain in the long term, the variation of the inflation
rate to more than 10%.
With this in mind, we can formulate the hypothesis 1 about the determinants of
inflation in Central Africa countries:

Hypothesis 1 The inflation is mainly influenced by the economic growth, the level
of insecurity, the previous rate of inflation, the money supply, the oil rent, and the
budget deficit.

The investigation model of inflation is given as follows:

Inflation = f

(economic growth, level of insecurity, previous rate of inflation, money supply, oil rent, and budget deficit).

Journal of the Knowledge Economy

Economic Growth Evolution: Does Inflation Matter?

Many studies have empirically explored the inflation-economic growth nexus. These
studies have mainly analyzed the effect of inflation on economic growth in many
countries. For instance, in the specific case of African countries, the review of inter-
national literature on macroeconomics determinants of economic growth made by
Chirwa and Odhiambo (2016) has shown the inflation carrying out a great role for
the explanation of economic growth in Africa.
Thus, the inflation rate is negatively and significantly associated with economic
growth because economic growth is enhanced by lower inflation (Barro, 2003; Chen
& Feng, 2000). This negative effect of inflation on economic growth has moreover
been found in Bangladesh by Rao and Hassan (2011). They show in their study that
inflation is negatively and significantly associated to economic growth in this coun-
try. On the other hand, additional studies adopting linear models have concluded
that inflation exerts a positive effect on economic growth. The study by Anyanwu
(2014) found that inflation measured by the metal price index exerts a positive effect
on economic growth in Africa. In addition, the work of Ramzi and Wiem (2016)
demonstrated that there is a causality between inflation and economic growth in a
sample of 25 countries in the world.
The relationship between inflation and economic growth is not always a lin-
ear. Pollin and Zhu (2006) presented a new non-linear regression estimates of
the relationship between inflation and economic growth for 80 countries over the
1961–2000 period, using middle-income and low-income countries. They found that
higher inflation is associated with moderate gains in GDP up to a roughly 15–18%
inflation threshold. However, the results diverge according to the income level
In Central Africa, many works have tried to determine this rate of inflation. Bikai
and Kamga (2011) used a smooth transition threshold panel model also called panel
smooth threshold regression (PSTR) over the period 1987–2008 to find a thresh-
old of 6% above which the correlation between inflation and economic growth is
negative in CEMAC countries. Based on BEAC experience, Mondjeli and Tsopmo
(2017) determined the optimal inflation rate compatible with economic growth.
The application of a PSTR model using data from BEAC countries over the period
1985–2013 shows that (i) the optimal inflation rate is around 4.3%; (ii) below this
threshold, any 1% increase in inflation induces that of economic growth by about
0.28%; but beyond the threshold, economic growth is reduced by 0.26% when infla-
tion increases by 1%. Nganga (2018) estimated the inflation threshold in the rela-
tionship between inflation and growth in the Economic and Monetary Community
of Central Africa more specifically in Cameroon and Congo-Brazzaville during the
period 1986–2015. The analysis made on the basis of the threshold model, made
it possible to show the existence of a non-linear relationship between inflation and
economic growth in Cameroon and Congo-Brazzaville. Put differently, there is
an inflation threshold in Cameroon and Congo-Brazzaville which is 5% and 10%
respectively, below which any measure of expansionary monetary policy would pro-
mote economic growth. Thus, these results also indicate the monetary authorities
of the CEMAC can somewhat relax the constraints of the Community rules of the

Journal of the Knowledge Economy

inflation rate below 3%. By carrying out a comparative study between Cameroon
and the Ivory Coast on the relationship between inflation and economic growth dur-
ing the period 1980–2014, Ngouhouo and Nkemgha (2018) found through the appli-
cation of OLS that inflation has no effect on economic growth in Cameroon. How-
ever, it causes a negative and significant effect on economic growth in Ivory Coast.
Moreover, economic performance is also influenced by innovation capability (Lopes
et al., 2021). We can therefore draw the hypothesis 2 about the impact of inflation on
economic growth in the Central Africa:

Hypothesis 2 Ceteris paribus, inflation can stimulate economic growth in the Cen-
tral African countries.

Conceptual Linkages Between Inflation, Insecurity, and Economic Growth

Existing literature provides various studies on the impacts of insecurity variables on

economic growth. These studies support that there is an uninterrupted relationship
between insecurity situation and economic deprivation. There are several opinions
regarding the impacts of relationship between GDP growth and terrorism. On one
hand, Li and Schaud (2004) and Collier and Hoeffler (2004) have found that this
relationship is negative and inverse. Several other studies (Muller & Weede, 1990;
Bravo & Dias, 2006; Lai, 2007; Blomberg and Hess, 2008; Campos & Gassebner,
2008; Dreher & Fisher, 2010; Çinar, 2017) also find the similar results regarding
negative nexus between terrorism and GDP growth. On the other hand, studies per-
formed by Tavares (2004), Lai (2007), Patra and Ray (2010), Caruso and Schneider
(2011) found positive association between economic growth and terrorism activities.
Apart from that, out of terrorism, social unrest and poor governance also have neg-
ative relationships with economic growth (Okafor & Shaibu, 2016). These results
corroborate the findings of Alesina et al. (1996) that political instability negatively
affects per capita GDP growth. Moreover, Dunne and Tian (2014) supported that
either at home or in neighboring states, the insecurity situation like civil war nega-
tively impacts the economic growth in a country and his neighbors.
The literature on how insecurity influences relationship between inflation and
economic growth is still underdeveloped in the Central Africa context. All the
previous studies analyze the non-linear and linear relationship between inflation
and economic growth. They do not consider the role of variables that affect security
situation like terrorism, and political instability on this relationship. However,
Boujelbene (2021) analyzed the role of institutions quality measured by political
instability and level of democracy on the inflation-growth nexus. Their results show
that in terms of economic growth, the cost of inflation increases with the quality of
institutions. However, the dynamic threshold panel method used by the author is
inappropriate to capture this role. The author does not also crossed inflation with the
political variable to determine interactive effect of these two phenomena.
Some studies have looked at the relationship between insecurity and economic
growth. It has been exposed that insecurity predominantly affects economic
growth negatively. Some studies have concluded the negative effects are more

Journal of the Knowledge Economy

pronounced in developing countries where the reallocation of resources across

different sectors of activity is less evident (Blomberg et al., 2004; Sandler &
Enders, 2004; Gaibulloev & Sandler, 2009). Similarly, much other work has
naturally asserted that terrorism has a negative effect on economic activity (Choi,
2015; Tahar et al., 2018). These findings are also confirmed by work on African
countries (Olusegun, 2016; Shuaibu & Lawong, 2016). Most of these countries
are still in a condition of uncontrolled vulnerability (Ngouhouo & Nchofoung,
2021). Against this background, we draw the hypothesis 3 about the inflation-
growth nexus in a context of insecurity:

Hypothesis 3 The interaction between inflation and insecurity hampers economic

growth ceteris paribus.

Despite the abundant literature on the determinants of inflation on the one hand
and the effect of inflation on economic growth on the other, little is known about
the role of insecurity in this relationship. However, most of the countries of Cen-
tral Africa (Cameroon, Congo, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic
of Congo, and Chad) have been classified since 2011 by the Global Peace Index
as being politically instable countries. Thus, the aim of this article is to fill this
gap in the literature by incorporating the variable insecurity in the analysis of the
relationship between inflation and economic growth.
Referring to the above, we formulate the following growth model:
Economic growth = f

(lagged growth variable, inflation, level of insecurity, money supply, oil rent, and budget deficit).

Methodological Approach

Specification of Equations and Estimation Technique

To study the importance of insecurity on the relationship between inflation and

economic growth, we specified the following models:

Specification 1

The inflation equation used in this work is inspired from the work of Diop et al.
(2008). The specification of this model is given by the following equation:
Infit = 𝛾0 + 𝛾1 Infi,t−1 + 𝛾2 Insecurityi,t + 𝛾3 M2i,t + 𝛾4
Gdpi,t + 𝛾5 Oilrenti,t + 𝛾6 Budefi,t + 𝜇i + 𝛿t + 𝜀it

Journal of the Knowledge Economy

where Gdp , Insecurity , Inf , M2 , Oilrent , and Budef represent respectively eco-
nomic growth, the level of insecurity, the rate of inflation, the money supply, the
oil rent, and the budget deficit while 𝜇i , 𝛿t , and 𝜀it represent respectively the spe-
cific effect not observed in each country, the time effect not observed in each
country, and error term.

Specification 2

The specification of the growth model is derived from that of Mankiw et al. (1992)
as shown in the equation below:
Gdpit = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 Gdpi,t−1 + 𝛽2 Inf i,t + 𝛽3 Insecurityi,t + 𝛽4 Oilrenti,t
+ 𝛽5 M2i,t + 𝛽6 Budef i,t + 𝛽7 Inf i,t ∗ Insecurityi,t + Ui + Vt + Eit

where Inf i,t ∗ Insecurityi,t represents the interaction variable between inflation and
Given the fact that there may be a two-way causality in the first equation
(between insecurity and inflation) and in the second equation (between inflation and
economic growth) on the one hand and on the other hand, our econometric model
being dynamic and according to the work of Nickell (1981), this lagged variable
(Gdpi,t−1 ) is correlated with the error term and thus generates the endogenity
problem. To address this endogeneity issue, we apply the system generalized
method of moment (GMM) proposed by Arellano and Bond (1991); Arellano and
Bover (1995); Blundell and Bond (1998). The GMM technique is increasingly used
in the literature on the relationship between inflation and economic growth (Ekinci
et al., 2020; Junankar & Wong, 2020). GMM is useful for several advantages.
First, GMM estimator has been widely used to address the endogeneity problem
that appears in panel data estimation (Arellano & Bover, 1995; Blundell & Bond,
1998). Second, GMM estimator also takes into account the biases that appear due to
country-specific effects. Third, GMM also avoids simultaneity or reverse causality
problems. Moreover, it should be added that the GMM on panel has another
advantage; it generates the instruments from the explanatory variables, which is not
the case with other traditional methods of instrumental variables such as (2SLS and
3SLS), which require the choice of theoretical instrumental variable correlated with
the explanatory variables and not correlated with the residual, which is difficult to
find. The consistency of the GMM estimator depends on two tests: the validity of
the assumption that the error term does not exhibit serial correlation (AR (2)) and
the validity of the instrument’s (Hansen test). Too many instruments can severely
weaken and bias the Hansen over-identifying restrictions test, and therefore, the
rule of thumb is that the number of instruments should be less than the number of
countries (Roodman, 2009).

Journal of the Knowledge Economy

Data and Sources

This study uses annual data covering 2011 to 2017 taken from all the height coun-
tries of Central Africa. The choice of the period of the study is related to the avail-
ability of data on interest variables like insecurity. All the variables of this study
come from African Development Bank Group (ADBG, 2019), except fiscal policy
variable which comes from UNCTAG (2019). The dependent variable in Eq. (1) is
inflation while that of Eq. (2) is economic growth. Inflation variable is measured
by the consumer price index (Inf) and the economic growth variable is measured
as the rate of the gross domestic product (GDP). According to the fiscal policy, it
is appreciated in this work by the budget deficit (Budef). The budget deficit here
is captured by the primary deficit which is the difference between public revenue
and public expenditure, apart from servicing the external debt. The money supply
is captured in this work as the share of M2 on GDP. The variable oil rent represents
the share of oil rent on GDP. The insecurity variable is obtained from a subcom-
ponent of one of the five headings which constitute Mo Ibrahim’s African govern-
ance index. The rubric in question is that of safety and security, of which the first
component (national security) and the second component (public safety) have the
weight 2/3 and 1/3 respectively (Saisana et al., 2009). The national security sub-
component is a composite index of six elements, namely, government involvement
in armed conflict, number of battle-deaths, number of civilian deaths, refugees and
asylum seekers, internally displaced people, and ease of access to small arms and
light weapons. The sum of the points of the six indicators that make up the national
security subcomponent is established on a scale ranging from 0 to 100. Therefore,
when the national security variable tends to 100, the country’s security is reinforced
and the country is qualified as stable. But on the other hand, when it moves away
from 100, it is rather the insecurity which increases and the country is described as
unstable. To measure a country’s level of insecurity, we subtract from that country’s
national security value out of 100 (Insecurity value = 100 − National Security value).
The descriptive statistics of the variables used in our models are presented in
Table 1.
The descriptive statistics reveal that the average insecurity of the countries of Central
Africa during the period 2011–2017 is 29.98 while those of economic growth and the
level of inflation are respectively 2.88% and 6.47%. The value of insecurity sufficiently

Table 1  Descriptive statistics Variables Obs Mean Std. Dev Min Max

Gdp 56 2.883062 6.6755 −36.7 8.97

M2 56 34.26726 12.89036 13.93879 62.96
Inf 56 6.472227 11.14972 −9.026025 50.674
Budef 56 −3.42463 8.625112 −49.63134 19.08102
Oilrent 56 16.73563 20.21045 0 65.60266
Insecurity 56 29.98393 24.96848 5.1 88.9

Authors, from the collected data

Journal of the Knowledge Economy

Table 2  Im-Pesaran-Shin (IPS) and Levin-Lin-Chu (LLC) unit root tests

Variables IPS without trend LLC without trend Order
Statistics Probabilities Statistics Probabilities

Gdp −0.90467 0.1828 −0.30327 0.3808 I (1)

M2 0.90938 0.8184 −2.32939 0.0099 I (1)
Inf −3.20000 0.0000 −0.67558 0.2497 I (1)
Oilrent −6.50000 0.0000 −4. 01,787 0.0000 I (0)
Budef −6.43436 0.0000 −11.3434 0.0000 I (0)
Insecurity −2.40000 0.0000 −20.9093 0.0000 I (0)

Authors, from the collected data

demonstrates that the countries of the sub-region are not in a situation of security stabil-
ity. In addition, there is a propensity for inflation and low growth.
Before running the estimation model, it is necessary to determine the properties
of each of the variables. Subsequently, we apply Im-Pesaran-Shin (IPS) and Levin-
Lin-Chu (LLC) panel stationary tests without trend because of the small size of T
period. The results of this test are presented in Table 2.
Table 2 shows that the variables Insecurity, Budef, and Oilrent are stationary at
level while the variables GDP, M2, and Inf are rather stationary in first difference.
It is for this reason that we introduced lagged inflation and lagged growth in Eqs. 1
and 2 respectively. The results from the estimation of the two models are presented
in the following section.


The results of the estimation of the inflation equation and that of economic growth
by the system GMM method are presented in Tables 3 and 4 respectively. The results
of Tables 3 and 4 show that the Wald test is significant at 1%, which illustrates a
good specification of the model. In addition, we observe an absence of second-order
autocorrelation at the 5% threshold and the validity of the instrument identification
test. The analysis of Table 3 reveals that the variables insecurity, money supply, eco-
nomic growth, and the oil rent have a significant impact on inflation in the Central
African countries while inflation, insecurity, the oil rent, the budget deficit, and the
interaction variable between inflation and insecurity are explanatory factors of the
economic growth model of this study as shown by the results reported in Table 4.
To test the robustness of the above results (results of Table 4), we decided to
capture the insecurity variable as a dummy variable. This dummy variable takes «
1» if a country is classified as «unstable country» and « 0» if a country is classified
as « stable country». The estimation of this model will be by the system generalized
moments of method of Blundell and Bond (1998). The results from the estimation of
the growth model by the System GMM are reported in Table 5.

Journal of the Knowledge Economy

Table 3  Results of inflation Variables (1) (2) (3)

Inft−1 1.0102*** 0.1835 0.0345
(3.78) (1.03) (0.04)
Insecurity 0.3384*** 0.2146* 0.3321*
(2.78) (1.72) (1.81)
M2 0.1476** 0.3188** 0.5223**
(2.07) (2.26) (1.99)
Gdp 0.6037*** 0.5000*** 0.5646**
(3.01) (2.87) (2.27)
Oilrent −0.1346** −0.1814*
(− 2.07) (−1.67)
Budef −0.2518
Constant −15. 7823*** −11.9347* −21.8918**
(−4.94) (−1.75) (−2.08)
Wald chi2 77*** 22.39*** 33.33***
Prob(AR2) 0.952 0.545 0.714
Prob(Sargan test) 0.198 0.717 0.274
N. Countries 8 8 8
N. Obs 48 48 48

The values in parentheses represent the t-statistics

***p < 0.001; **p < 0.05; and *p < 0.1

Discussion of Results

This sub-section relating to the economic discussion is structured in three para-

graphs. The first analyzes the determinants of inflation. The second, on the one
hand, analyzes the determinants of economic growth on the one hand and, on the
other hand, analyzes the effect of the coexistence of inflation and insecurity on eco-
nomic growth. Finally, the robustness analysis is provided by the last paragraph.

Analysis of the Determinants of Inflation

The insecurity variable produces a positive and significant effect on inflation.

Thus, an increase in the level of insecurity of a unit leads to an increase in infla-
tion by 33.21%. This situation sufficiently demonstrates insecurity is one of the
sources of inflation in Central Africa. The money supply has a positive and signif-
icant effect on inflation. Thus, an increase of one unit in the money supply leads
to an increase in inflation by 52.23%. This result is compatible with theoretical
and empirical evidence which stipulates the money supply is always a monetary
phenomenon (Friedman, 1963; Chaudhry et al., 2015; Mohamed, 2016). Like the
money supply, economic growth has a positive and significant effect on inflation.
Unlike money supply and economic growth, oil rent has a negative and signifi-
cant effect on inflation. Thus, an increase of one unit in oil rent leads to a drop

Journal of the Knowledge Economy

Table 4  Results of growth model

Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Gdpt−1 0.1989** 0.0465 1.4501* 0.3382 8.9768*

(2.07) (0.58) (1.81) (0.82) (1.76)
Inf 0.3654*** 0.4165*** 0.9412*** 0.6700*** 4.8595**
(6.16) (11.0) (4.94) (3.28) (2.02)
Insecurity −0.1772*** −0.2482*** −0.3285** −0.2645* −1.1930*
(− 2.65) (− 3.18) (−2.12) (−1.74) (−1.83)
Oilrent 0.1877* 0.4123* 0.2542** 3.6281*
(1.78) (1.84) (2.22) (1.86)
M2 0.8842 0.8065** −0.3848
(1.57) (2.33) (−0.92)
Budef 0.7979*** −13.5795*
(3.50) (−1.83)
Inf*Insecurity −0.0484*
Constant 3.2372 3.8786 −36.1202 −20.9462 −99.2111
(1.46) (1.43) (−1.54) (−1.43) (−1.60)
Wald Chi2 728*** 179*** 40.60*** 112*** 46***
Prob(AR2) 0.128 0.140 0.190 0.325 0.568
Prob(Sargan test) 0.096 0.399 0.780 0.945 0.082
N. Countries 8 8 8 8 8
N. Obs 48 48 48 48 48

The values in parentheses represent the t-statistics

***p < 0.001; **p < 0.05; *p < 0.1

in inflation of 18.14%. The inverse relationship between the two variables also
materializes that a drop in oil rent would lead to an increase in inflation through
the tax channel, the aim being to find a balance between revenue and expendi-
ture. This result is compatible with the work of Caceres et al. (2013). This result
reveals that apart from the traditional origins of inflation (money supply, eco-
nomic growth, and oil rent), insecurity is one of the sources of inflation in Central
Africa. The analysis of the consequences of inflation on economic growth and the
role of the security situation in this relationship is presented in Table 4. These
results allow us to partially accept the hypothesis ­H1.

Analysis of the Effect of Inflation on Economic Growth Through the Role

of the Security Situation

The results of Table 4 show that economic growth lagged by one period (model
5) has a positive and significant effect at the 10% threshold on economic growth.
This result corroborates the convergence theory of the growth model of Barro
(1990) which states that the economic growth levels of different economies tend
to be loser over time. The inflation rate has a positive and significant effect on
economic growth. Thus, an increase in this rate by 1% leads to an increase in

Journal of the Knowledge Economy

Table 5  Results of growth model (insecurity variable is capture as a dummy variable)

Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Gdpt−1 0.3762*** 0.0086 −0.1018 −0.6653 −1.8026

(5.01) (0.02) (−0.24) (−0.92) (−1.52)
Inf 0.3323*** 0.4962*** 0.5349*** 0.7694* 3.1667**
(3.01) (4.99) (3.69) (1.95) (2.02)
Dum −4.4114* −10.43** −13.2638* −20.4902* −84.8059*
(−1.70) (−2.37) (−1.84) (−1.88) (−1.90)
Oilrent 0.5236** 0.5799** 0.8774** 1.1742**
(2.21) (2.32) (2.21) (1.98)
M2 0.0656 0.0068 −1.2318*
(0.72) (0.05) (−1.82)
Budef −0.12 −0.6747
(−0.45) (−1.49)
Inf*Dum −1.7541*
Cons 3.0127 −2.9721 −5.1019 −4.4443 59.5333*
(0.97) (−1.62) (−1.60) (−0.97) (1.87)
Wald Chi2 61.90*** 167.81*** 101.23*** 198.38*** 54.34***
Prob(AR2) 0.241 0.914 0.837 0.549 0.531
Prob (Sargan test) 0.173 0.07 0.061 0.118 0.082
Nb. Obs 48 48 48 48 48

The values in parentheses represent the t-statistics

***p < 0.001; **p < 0.05; *p < 0.1

growth of 4.85% (model 5). This situation shows that inflation has a virtuous
effect on economic growth in Central Africa. The work of Khan and Senhadji
(2001) explains this result because, according to studies carried out by the latter,
the threshold of inflation compatible with growth in developing countries fluctu-
ates between 8 and 12%. Despite the establishment of the multilateral surveil-
lance system, the average annual inflation rate of the Central African countries
exceeds a threshold of 3% and it is less than 8% these recent years. This result is
consistent with those of Gillman and Kejak (2002), who consider that low infla-
tion has a positive effect on growth. This result is also consistent to the work of
Anyanwu (2014). However, this result is not consistent to the works of Rao and
Hassan (2011) who found that inflation hampers economic growth in Bangladesh.
Regarding insecurity, it negatively and significantly impacts the economic growth
of the countries of Central Africa. These findings are also confirmed by work on
African countries (Olusegun, 2016; Shuaibu & Lawong, 2016).Thus, an increase
in the level of insecurity of 1% leads to a drop in growth of 1.19%. Therefore,
our hypothesis ­H2 which states that inflation can stimulate economic growth is
accepted. This table also reveals that inflation combined with insecurity or the
coexistence between inflation and insecurity (Inf * Insecurity) negatively and sig-
nificantly impacts economic growth. This result is explained by the fact that infla-
tion combined with insecurity considerably constrains the productive capacity of
Central African economies. In other words, inflation negatively impacts economic

Journal of the Knowledge Economy

growth through the channel of insecurity. This result confirms the hypothesis ­H3
which states that the interaction between inflation and insecurity hampers eco-
nomic growth. Concerning the oil rent, it has a positive and significant effect on
economic growth. This means that the countries of Central Africa are not victims
of the natural resource curse. This result corroborates with the work of Omrani
and Toumache (2016). Regarding the budget deficit (model 5), it also has a nega-
tive and significant effect on economic growth. Thus, an increase of 1% of budget
deficit causes a decrease of 13.57% in growth. This situation can be explained
perhaps because these deficits have been unoriented towards profitable invest-
ments. This result is contrary to those of Iyeli and Azubuike (2013).

Analysis of the Sensitivity of the Results

The results of the robustness test are recorded in Table 5. Regarding the signifi-
cance of the main variables of our model (Inf, Dum, and Inf*Dum), we found the
same result as that of Table 4 (model 5). Therefore, inflation has a positive and
significant effect on economic growth. The insecurity variable captured here as
a dummy variable negatively and significantly impacts the growth of the Central
African countries. Table 5 also reveals that inflation combined with insecurity or
the coexistence between inflation and insecurity (Inf *Dum) negatively and sig-
nificantly impacts economic growth. This result confirms that inflation combined
with insecurity significantly constrains the production capacity of the economies
of Central Africa.


Remember the Purpose of the Study

This article aimed to verify whether the security situation influences the relation-
ship between inflation and economic growth in Central Africa. More specifically,
it investigated the insecurity as a source of inflation on the one hand, and on the
other hand, it assessed the effect of inflation combined with insecurity on eco-
nomic growth in Central African countries.

Main Findings

Robustly, the use of the system GMM estimation reveals that insecurity is also one
of the origins of inflation in Central Africa. This result also shows that the coexist-
ence of inflation and insecurity significantly constrains the production capacity of
the economies of the sub-region. This result reminds us that the prosperity of the
economic fabric of a country or group of countries depends on its level of security.

Journal of the Knowledge Economy

Theoretical Implications

These results theoretically imply that insecurity must be considered an explana-

tory factor of inflation on the one hand and on the other hand as an explanatory
factor of the contraction of production in African countries in general and in Cen-
tral Africa in particular.

Practical Implications

In practical terms, it is urgent for the countries of Central Africa to further inte-
grate security (national and cross-border) into their development programs. This
integration of security requires political negotiation between established govern-
ments and various rebel groups.

Social Implications

A return to peace not only will be beneficial for growth but will also make it pos-
sible to control the level of inflation for the greatest happiness of the populations.
Moreover, the States must diversify their economies in order to no longer depend on
the oil rent, the fall of which is a source of inflation.

Originality of the Study

This study contributes to existing growth-inflation literature by incorporating the

variable insecurity in the analysis of the relationship between inflation and economic
growth. Moreover, two indicators of insecurity were used in this study.

Limitations of the Study

However, this study does not take into account another structural characteristic of
African countries: governance.

Future Lines of Research

Given that the countries of sub-Saharan Africa are going through a crisis of gov-
ernance, we will strive in the future works to analyze the role of governance in the
transmission of the effects of insecurity on inflation on the one hand and on the
other hand on economic growth in these countries.

Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Pr Ngouhouo Ibrahim for his comments and suggestions.


Conflict of Interest The authors declare no competing interests.

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