Journal of Materials Chemistry C: Paper
Journal of Materials Chemistry C: Paper
Journal of Materials Chemistry C: Paper
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Published on 31 July 2013. Downloaded by National Institute of Technology - Rourkela on 7/12/2018 5:38:49 PM.
The structure and magneto-dielectric properties of Sm2NiMnO6 double perovskite have been investigated.
The pure monoclinic bulk phase of Sm2NiMnO6 is an intrinsic B-site disordered ferromagnet showing a
second order magnetic phase transition 157 K, along with a low temperature re-entrant spin glass-like
transition (20 K) due to the inherent coupling of Ni–Mn network with Sm3+ ion. Moreover, it is an
insulator with room temperature dc resistivity 108 U cm. Furthermore, the high dielectric permittivity
(103) coupled with a shift in dielectric maxima towards higher temperature with frequency, analysis of
the phenomenological parameters (Tm, TB, g, DTrelax), and the validity of non-linear Vogel–Fulcher
relation, we define this ferromagnetic insulator as a relaxor-type dielectric material. Importantly, it
exhibits a positive intrinsic magneto-dielectric (MD) response 2% at 100 kHz under a low magnetic
Received 21st June 2013
Accepted 29th July 2013
field of 0.5 T close to 150 K. The intrinsic MD effect indicates a correlation between spin orientations on
the two magnetic sublattices (Ni and Mn) and the magneto-dielectric coupling in the ferromagnetic
DOI: 10.1039/c3tc31203h
regime. The insulating ferromagnetic behaviour coupled with MD effect make Sm2NiMnO6 an attractive spintronic material.
I Introduction focuses of interest since they provide vast scientic and novel
technological impact.4–6 The rare earth based double perovskite
Double perovskite oxides, A2B0 B00 O6, (A – alkaline earth metals La2NiMnO6, is a single material platform with multiple func-
such as Ca, Ba, Sr, etc., or rare earth ions of larger ionic radii, B0 tions such as ferromagnetic semiconductivity, spin–phonon
and B00 – transition metal cations or lanthanides with smaller and magneto-electric coupling near ambient temperature, and
ionic radii) have received much interest since they provide a is expected to have unprecedented device applications.7 These
unique opportunity to induce and control the multiferroic complex physical properties arise from competing interactions
behaviours in oxide systems. They display interesting proper- between magnetic (spins), structural (phonons) and polariza-
ties, such as metallic/half-metallic ferromagnetic and magne- tion (charges) order parameters. While most transition metals
toresistive properties as observed in Sr2FeMoO6 (ref. 1) (half- involved in single perovskites are antiferromagnetic insulators
metallic ferromagnet), Sr2FeReO6 (ref. 2) (half-metallic ferri- due to the negative super exchange interaction between the
magnet) and Sr2FeWO6 (ref. 3) (antiferromagnetic insulator), transition metal ions,8 distorted double perovskite La2NiMnO6
together with a number of interesting phenomena, including is a ferromagnetic insulator due to the positive super exchange
room temperature magnetoresistance, magneto-capacitance interaction between Ni and Mn cations.9–13 Such behaviour is
and magnetostriction. The presence of mutually coupled signicant for exploring spintronic materials since it allows MD
magnetic and dielectric properties, the so-called magneto- properties to be achieved. Furthermore, the B-site metal ion
dielectric (MD) or magneto-capacitance (MC) effect, are current ordering in the crystallographic lattice greatly modies the
magnetic, transport and MD properties of the material. The
reported large negative MD of 16%, near the ferromagnetic
Materials Science and Technology Division, National Institute for Interdisciplinary transition (280 K) in bulk ordered La2NiMnO6 was assigned to
Science and Technology, CSIR, Trivandrum-695 019, India. E-mail:
the intrinsic spin–lattice coupling.4 Recently Choudhury et al.
[email protected]
Institute for Intensive Research in Basic Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University,
reported a large MD coupling (8–20%) in the ferromagnetic
Kottayam-686 560, India region in a partially disordered La2NiMnO6 polycrystalline
Materials Research Laboratory, University of Nova Gorica, Nova Gorica-5000, sample attributed to asymmetric hopping across the transition
Slovenia metal cations.13 However, extrinsic effects like particle size,
Center of Excellence for Biosensors, Instrumentation and Process Control, 5250 grain boundaries, spin disorder, Maxwell–Wagner (MW) inter-
Solkan, Slovenia
facial effect etc., can also inuence the dielectric response under
† CCDC reference number 957848. For crystallographic data in CIF or other
magnetic eld.14,15
electronic format see DOI: 10.1039/c3tc31203h
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It has been reported that, depending on the type, charge and susceptibility measurements, c(T), temperature dependent dc
size of the cation present in the B-site, some of the double magnetic measurements under eld cooled and zero eld cooled,
perovskites show interesting spin glass behaviour also. Spin M(T) and magnetic isotherms, M(H), were performed in a SQUID
glasses are magnetic systems which exhibit a “freezing transi- VSM magnetometer from Quantum Design. The electron trans-
tion” to a state of a new kind of order in which spins are aligned port (resistivity) measurements were carried out by constant
in random directions.16 The re-entrant spin glass (RSG) transi- voltage method in the temperature range of 10–300 K using a
Published on 31 July 2013. Downloaded by National Institute of Technology - Rourkela on 7/12/2018 5:38:49 PM.
tion is a well-known phenomenon of spin glasses emerging known resistor. In this method, a constant voltage source (4 V)
from either long-range ferromagnetic (FM) or anti-ferromag- and a known resistor was placed in series with the sample. Then
netic (AFM) ordering above the spin glass transition tempera- the voltage drop across the known resistor was measured using a
ture. Moreover, a few reports are available for the critical Kiethley nanovoltmeter (2182 A) and from that the unknown
exponents at the phase transition between the intermediate resistance of the sample was calculated. For dielectric charac-
ordered state and the high-temperature paramagnetic state of terisation disk samples with a diameter of 10 mm and height of 2
the re-entrant systems. However, until now, the exact nature of mm have been plated with silver paste and inserted into the cold
the re-entrant transition is still unclear and highly controversial head of the closed cycle cryo cooler (ARS-2HV). The measure-
due to complex experimental data of RSG.17–21 ments have been performed with a LCR meter (Agilent E4980A)
It has been observed that the properties of La2NiMnO6 will that has been compensated for the coaxial cable length and open
generally change noticeably with the substitution of La ion by and short circuit calibrated. The magnetic eld has been applied
Rare-Earth (RE) elements with smaller ionic radius. Moreover, to the samples by inserting them into the center of a hollow
the entire series of these oxides (RE2NiMnO6) have been cylindrical NdFeB magnet.
reported to be ferromagnetic with a decrease in TC, or JNi–Mn,
due to the larger deviation of the Ni–O–Mn bond angle from
180 with the substitution of heavier RE element. But the
III Results and analysis
investigation of RE2NiMnO6 (ref. 22–24) ceramics is relatively A Structural characterisation
sparse as compared to La2NiMnO6. Sm2NiMnO6 is reported to The X-ray diffraction pattern of the polycrystalline Sm2NiMnO6
be ferromagnetic with a double transition in the temperature conrmed the presence of a single phase monoclinic structure
dependence of its magnetisation curve,23,25 however, its MD with P21/n space group. The Reitveld renement result conrms
studies have not been reported until now. The present investi- the monoclinic (P21/n) phase of Sm2NiMnO6. Since P21/n is a
gation focuses on the in-depth analysis of ac as well as dc maximal nonisomorphic sub group of Pbnm, it is difficult to
magnetisation measurements and here in this report, for the distinguish between P21/n and Pbnm space groups simply by the
rst time, we show the MD effect of Sm2NiMnO6. We also notice X-ray diffraction technique especially if the ordering is incom-
that the present compound exhibits a higher resistivity value at plete and b is very close to 90 . However, renement using
room temperature and an intrinsic MD effect which may orig- orthorhombic Pbnm space group led to unsatisfactory results.
inate from the weak spin–lattice interaction. Thus the observed Further, the obtained lattice parameters and volume obtained
insulating ferromagnetic behaviour with MD coupling makes from renement using monoclinic P21/n are found similar to
Sm2NiMnO6 an attractive spintronics material. the reported value of monoclinic Sm2NiMnO6 double perov-
skites.23,25 But, the lack of superstructure peak below 20
II Experiment suggests that the ordering is not strong enough in the current
sample. Bond valence sum (BVS) formalism was done to
Single-phase polycrystalline Sm2NiMnO6 samples were prepared calculate the valence state of Ni and Mn ions. The effective
from polymeric precursors by the Pechini method. The analytical valence Vij between the ith and jth atoms is dened as
grade metal nitrate solution was mixed with a stoichiometric X
Vij ¼ eððd0 dij Þ=0:37Þ , where dij is the bond length between i and
amount of citric acid and the resulting emerald-green chelated j
solution was stirred for about 1 hour on a hot plate at 70 C. j atoms and d0 is the bond valence parameter that has been
Ethylene glycol was added to this solution and then heated to empirically determined for the i–j pair.26 Furthermore, the bond
approximately 150 C to allow the chelates to undergo poly- valence sum calculated from Ni–O and Mn–O bond lengths,
esterication as well as to remove excess water. The resulting using the soware SPuDs indicate valence uctuations between
yellowish-green-brown gel was slowly decomposed in air at Ni2+/Ni3+ and Mn4+/Mn3+. But the values are found to be more
320 C. The product underwent a subsequent treatment in air at close to Ni3+/Mn3+ that is consistent with the reported oxidation
800 C for 2 h in order to eliminate all the organic materials and state of high temperature sintered La2NiMnO6.11 Details of the
nitrates. The precursor powder was then grinded and calcined at lattice parameters extracted along with renement parameters
various temperatures, ranging from 900 to 1200 C with inter- and BVS are listed in Table 1.
mediate grinding, with a nal sintering at 1300 C. The powder
X-ray diffraction pattern is obtained with a PANalytical X'pert
Pro diffractometer in Bragg–Brentano geometry with Cu-Ka B Magnetic characterisation
radiation in the 2q range of 10 to 90 with a step size of dc magnetisation. The M(T) measurements of zero eld-
0.008 . Reitveld renement of the diffraction pattern was carried cooled (ZFC) and eld-cooled (FC) cycles under the elds of
out using the GSAS soware. Temperature dependent ac 100 Oe, 2 T and 5 T in the temperature range 5 to 300 K are
6566 | J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1, 6565–6574 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013
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Table 1 Lattice parameters, structural refinement parameters and bond valence phase along with minor AFM phase. This coexistence of FM–
sum for Sm2NiMnO6 at room temperature AFM causing the spin uctuations may lead to the freezing of
spins at the lower temperatures, thereby causing the formation
of the second transition at Tf, which is in turn understood in
Space group P21/n terms of glassy systems.27,28 The existence of the glassy state in
the vicinity of the FM transition gives rise to two possible types
Published on 31 July 2013. Downloaded by National Institute of Technology - Rourkela on 7/12/2018 5:38:49 PM.
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ordering below TC, M(H) isotherms in the low eld regime In order to further understand the critical behaviour,
(200 Oe # H # +200 Oe) were also studied at different temper- we have carried out isothermal magnetisation measurements
atures (5, 20, 30, 65, 75 and 150 K) and are shown in Fig. 2a. The near TC. Fig. 3a shows a series of M(H) curves in the
low eld ZFC hysteresis experiment was carried out in such a way immediate vicinity (152 K # T # 162 K) of the Curie temper-
that the sample was cooled from 300 K to the required low ature at an interval of 1 K. The gradual change of the
temperature and aer taking the M–H loop the sample was again M(H) curves and the curvature at low elds due to the co-
Published on 31 July 2013. Downloaded by National Institute of Technology - Rourkela on 7/12/2018 5:38:49 PM.
heated to 300 K. This process was repeated for each temperature in existence of frustrated state and FM state make it difficult to
order to avoid the thermal remanence effect that might be present extract an accurate value of TC. Fig. 3b shows Arrott plots, M2
in the sample below TC. At low applied elds, the M(H) curve vs. H/M, for the compound and it clearly indicates a positive
exhibits a typical FM-like hysteresis loop. At 150 K (Fig. 2b), the slope with non-linear curves showing curvature even at
hysteresis loop shows a lower remanent magnetisation, MR, (0.03 higher elds. However, the straight line extrapolated to the
mB F.U.1) and coercive eld, HC, (10 Oe), moreover, the virgin curve at a temperature of 152 K shows a positive intercept at
branch crosses the M(H) loop reecting either frustrated interac- the M2 axis whereas the 162 K shows an intercept on the H/M
tion, or eld induced growth of the FM phase.34 On lowering the axis, indicating a second order phase transition between 152 K
temperature to 75 K the magnitudes of MR (0.17 mB F.U.1) and HC and 162 K. The critical behaviour of magnetic systems with a
(50 Oe) slightly increase, at 65 K the magnitude of HC is found to second order magnetic phase transition near the Curie
be the same but MR (0.14 mB F.U.1) is decreased. Moreover, the temperature is characterised by a set of interrelated
virgin branch crosses the hysteresis loop at 65 K also (Fig. 2b). critical exponents, b, associated with the spontaneous mag-
However at 30 K, the M(H) loop is similar to 75 K. At 20 K (Tf), netisation (Ms), g which is associated with initial magnetic
there is a noticeable increase in MR (around 0.21 mB F.U.1) and susceptibility (c0) and d, which is related to the critical
the vertex of the loop is found to be pointing to a much higher magnetisation isotherm at TC. They are mathematically
magnetisation value. Interestingly, below Tf at 5 K, the hysteresis related as:
loop shows a further decrease in MR. In a conventional spin glass
system the magnitude of MR and HC increases with decreasing Ms(0) ¼ m0|s|b, s < 0, T < TC (1)
temperature,29 but here an anomaly is observed and it is signi-
h0 g
cant with the development of spin canting effects below TC.29,35,36 c0 1 ¼ s ; s . 0; T . TC (2)
Moreover, these features are in corroboration with those reported m0
in general for systems classied as RSG where the ferromagnetic
phase itself develops in the presence of competing H ¼ A0Md, s ¼ 0, T ¼ TC (3)
Fig. 3 (a) M vs. H around TC, (b) Arrott plots, M2 vs. H/M, (c) MAPs, M1/g vs. (H/M)1/b using critical exponents b ¼ 0.475 and g ¼ 0.98489. Inset: critical isotherm on a
log–log scale at TC ¼ 158 K along with the fitting curve to eqn (3), (d) Kouvel–Fisher plots for spontaneous magnetization Ms(0) and inverse initial susceptibility c01, (e)
temperature dependence of Ms(0) and c01 along with the fitting curves to eqn (1) and (2), respectively.
6568 | J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1, 6565–6574 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013
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where Ms(0) is the spontaneous magnetisation; c01 is the Table 2 The critical exponents obtained in this work from several methods and
inverse of the susceptibility; s is the reduced temperature comparison of critical parameters predicted by different theoretical models
s¼ 1 ; TC is the Curie temperature and m0, h0 and A0 TC b g d Ref.
are the critical amplitudes. For rst order ferromagnetic phase Sm2NiMnO6
transitions, the critical exponents are impossibly dened MAP 158.8 0.475 0.9849 This work
Published on 31 July 2013. Downloaded by National Institute of Technology - Rourkela on 7/12/2018 5:38:49 PM.
because the applied magnetic eld can shi the transition Kouvel–Fischer method 158.42 0.4537 This work
158.35 0.9501 This work
which results in a eld dependent phase boundary TC(H).37,38 Power law 158.34 0.4319 This work
The analysis of static critical phenomenology near the Curie 158.38 0.9279 This work
temperature is capable of giving further evidence for re-entrant 158 3.0465 This work
behaviour.39–41 The TC and critical exponents can be easily Wisdom scaling relation 3.0735 This work
determined from several methods which include the modied Mean-eld model 0.5 1.0 3.0 45
3D Heisenberg model 0.365 1.336 4.80 45
Arrott plots (MAP) technique,42 the Kouvel–Fisher method43 and 3D Ising model 0.325 1.24 4.82 45
the Widom scaling relation.44 The MAP technique is based on Tricritical model 0.25 1 5 45
Arrott–Noakes equation of state, Spin glass 1 2.2 3.1 40
H g 1
¼ as þ bM b ðHÞ (4)
from several models are summarized in Table 2 for comparison.
where a and b are material dependent parameters. The regular In earlier studies the critical exponents of the re-entrant systems
Arrott plot shows that the M2 vs. H/M relationship is based on are reported to have values in between the classical three
the mean-eld model of critical exponent of b ¼ 0.5 and g ¼ 1.0. dimensional ferromagnetic materials and those characterising
In the case of MAP, different values of b and g are taken as trial a spin glass transition.40,41 We have got an analogous behaviour,
exponents from various models for the construction of MAP which further supports the presence of RSG behaviour.
[(H/M)(1/g) M(1/b)] and then are tted into the data of the linear ac susceptibility. To further characterise the RSG behaviour,
part or directly tted into the initial Arrott plot.45 The Ms(0) is c(T) measurements were done in an applied eld Hac ¼ 1 Oe in
determined from the intersection of the linear extrapolation of the temperature range 5 to 300 K at various frequencies ranging
the straight line in the modied Arrott plots with the M b axis, from 29 Hz to 999 Hz, shown in Fig. 4a. From the real, c0 (T) and
while the c01 corresponds to the intersection of these lines imaginary c00 (T) parts of susceptibility, a high temperature
H g
with the axis. An initial value of TC is determined from
the isotherm that passes through the origin. These data are
tted to the exponential behaviour of eqn (1) and (2) to obtain
new values of b and g, respectively. These new values are then
used to obtain the new MAPs. This procedure is continued until
they converge to a stable value. Finally, we obtained the best
tted values as: b ¼ 0.475, g ¼ 0.9849 and TC ¼ 158.8 K and the
H g
M b vs. is shown in Fig. 3c. The corresponding value of
d, obtained from the Widom scaling relation is
d¼ 1þ ¼ 3:0735. Thus the calculated d value is close to
the estimated, d ¼ 3.0465 value from the critical isotherm at
158 K (inset Fig. 3c), which is near to TC.
In addition, we also determined the critical exponents b and
g along with TC by the Kouvel–Fisher method,43
¼ (5)
dMs ðTÞ=dT b
c0 1 ðTÞ T TC
¼ (6)
dc0 1 ðTÞ=dT g
and also directly from the power-law predictions of eqn (1) and
(2) which are given in Fig. 3d and e, respectively. The values of
Fig. 4 (a) Temperature dependence of ac susceptibility at various frequencies
TC and the critical exponents of Sm2NiMnO6 are obtained under Hac ¼ 1 Oe, (b) ln(s) vs. ln(t) [where reduced temperature, t ¼ (Tf TSG)/TSG]
through different methods and the theoretical values derived with linear fit. Inset: ln(n) vs. Tf with the fit to Vogel–Fulcher law.
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6570 | J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1, 6565–6574 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013
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precluded the resistivity measurements below 50 K. For oxide D Dielectric and magneto-dielectric behaviour
systems, different models have been proposed to describe the
Fig. 7a shows the temperature dependence of the real part, 30 , of
temperature dependent charge transport behaviour which is
dielectric permittivity, 30 (T), at several frequencies, which
dened by lnr f 1/n, where n ¼ 1, 2 and 4 corresponds to a
exhibits two dominant frequency-dependent dielectric relaxa-
simple thermal activation model, Efros–Shklovskii type
tions which saturate and become relatively frequency inde-
hopping, and Mott's variable range hopping (VRH), respec-
Published on 31 July 2013. Downloaded by National Institute of Technology - Rourkela on 7/12/2018 5:38:49 PM.
Fig. 7 (a) 30 vs. T curves at different frequencies. Inset: expanded view of low temperature relaxation, (b) tan d vs. T curves at different frequencies, (c) 1/30 vs. T at 500
kHz with CW fit. Inset: modified CW fit [log(1/30 1/3m 0
) vs. log(T Tm)] at 500 kHz, (d) non-linear Vogel–Fulcher fitting.
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frequency dependence of the maximum in the loss tangent can Table 3 Calculated effective magnetic moment, meff for the possible spin-state
be well tted to the non-linear Vogel–Fulcher (VF) law,26 configurations in Sm2NiMnO6
s ¼ s0 exp a (8) Spin states meff ¼ ð2mSm Þ2 þ mNi 2 þ mMn 2
kB Tm Tf
Mn3+ (S ¼ 2), Ni3+ (S ¼ 3/2) 6.47
which is used to characterize the frequency dispersion behaviour
(S ¼ 2), Ni3+ (S ¼ 1/2)
Published on 31 July 2013. Downloaded by National Institute of Technology - Rourkela on 7/12/2018 5:38:49 PM.
Mn3+ 5.46
in relaxors, where s0 is the pre exponential factor; Ea is the acti- Mn4+ (S ¼ 3/2), Ni2+ (S ¼ 1) 5.08
vation energy; kB is the Boltzmann constant; Tm is the tempera- Mn2+ (S ¼ 2), Ni4+ (S ¼ 2) 7.86
ture at which maximum of 30 occurs at the angular frequency u ¼ Mn2+ (S ¼ 2), Ni4+ (S ¼ 1) 6.77
2pn; s ¼ u1 and Tf is the static freezing temperature at which the Mn2+ (S ¼ 2), Ni4+ (S ¼ 0) 6.15
relaxation time s tends to innity. The best t of VF law (Fig. 7d) 1 SðS þ 1Þ LðL þ 1Þ
mSm ¼ gSm 2 JðJ þ 1Þ 2 ¼ 0:8452 gSm ¼ 3 þ
to the experimental data shows a glassy behaviour analogous to
2 2JðJ þ 1Þ
the spin glass state in magnetic materials with polarisation ¼ 0:2857 ;
uctuations above Tf. The glassy behaviour is attributed to the 1
mNi =mMn ðspin-onlyÞ ¼ ½4SðS þ 1Þ2 :
interaction arising from B-site cation disorder and valence uc-
tuations.13,26 The parameters obtained from the non-linear t are
Ea ¼ 0.15 eV, s0 ¼ 2.65 ns and Tf ¼ 15.9 K.
transition but they show different signs above the FM transition,
The temperature dependent 30 measured both in the presence
which suggests that the observed MD effect may be an intrinsic
and in the absence of a low external magnetic eld (0.5 T) at
effect.49 However, the observed colossal negative MD effect above
different frequencies and similarly tan d are shown in Fig. 8a and
the transition temperature clearly indicates the presence of
b, respectively. The % MD [dened by MD (%) ¼ 100(D3MD/30)]
extrinsic contribution also. The intrinsic contribution originates
and the % Magneto-Dielectric Loss [MDL (%) ¼ 100(Dtan dMD/
from the asymmetric hopping of charge carriers (between Ni and
tan d0)] are shown in the inset of Fig. 8a and b, respectively. The
Mn sites), whereas the extrinsic contributions may arise due to
MD effect demonstrates a positive MD effect below 150 K and
particle size, spin disorder or Maxwell–Wagner relaxations, i.e.
which further decreases to give a colossal negative MD effect
from accumulated charge carriers near the grain boundaries.13,49,57
above the transition temperature. Moreover, both MD effect and
MDL increase with eld for all temperatures below the FM
IV Discussions
The double magnetic transition observed in dc and ac mag-
netisations and the presence of large bifurcation in ZFC/FC
magnetisation below TC, with a sharp drop in magnetisation
below Tf, indicates the occurrence of re-entrant behaviour.
Deviation of the t to CW law for temperatures signicantly
above TC attributes to spin uctuations associated with glassy
systems.33 The various possible spin-state combinations for Ni
and Mn ions and the calculated total effective moment of
Sm2NiMnO6, meff ¼ ð2mSm Þ2 þ mNi 2 þ mMn 2 are shown in
Table 3. The experimental meff (5.76 mB F.U.1) value is found to
lie in between that theoretically predicted for high spin (HS)
Mn3+ (t2g3, eg1), HS Ni3+ (t2g5, eg2) and HS Mn3+ (t2g3, eg1), low
spin (LS) Ni3+ (t2g6, eg1), which is likely to be due to the presence
of mixed spin states in Ni3+ (3d7 system). Ni3+ systems are close
to HS–LS transition point due to the increased covalency.
Moreover, the increased charge transfer will further increase the
effects of 3d spin–orbit coupling.58
The dc magnetisation also indicates the co-existence of FM–
AFM interactions in the supposed ferromagnetic region Tf # T #
TC, which is supported by the low eld hysteresis behaviour in the
temperature range Tf # T # TC. Thus the thermomagnetic anal-
ysis of ZFC and FC indicates the presence of competing FM–AFM
exchange interactions in the system, which may arise due to the
combination of intrinsic disorder50 along with inherent magneto
crystalline anisotropy.23 The intrinsic disorder might be attrib-
Fig. 8 (a) The temperature dependent 30 measured at 0 T (closed symbols) and
0.5 T (open symbols). Inset: % MD effect with temperature. (b) The temperature
uted due to the presence of antiferromagnetic pairs such as
dependent dielectric loss measured at 0 T (closed symbols) and 0.5 T (open Mn3+–O–Mn3+, Ni3+–O–Ni3+, which have been introduced due to
symbols). Inset: temperature dependence of % MDL effect. the intrinsic antisite boundary in Ni/Mn network so that the
6572 | J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1, 6565–6574 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013
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ferromagnetic interaction is weakened.9,13 The inherent contri- appearance of a spin glass like transition and dipolar freezing
bution arises from the spin–orbit coupling between Mn–Ni character around the same low temperature regime (below 20 K)
network and Sm3+ ion.23–25 It is proven from the past studies that support the possibility of a multiglass state at lower tempera-
Sm3+ spin order at low temperatures and the 4f Sm spins might tures.13,59 Interestingly a notable intrinsic positive and an
cause an AFM interaction23–25,51,52 with the FM Ni3+–O–Mn3+ that extrinsic colossal negative MD response are observed below and
may be causing the sharp down turn at 20 K in the ZFC–M(T) above the FM transition temperature, respectively. The intrinsic
Published on 31 July 2013. Downloaded by National Institute of Technology - Rourkela on 7/12/2018 5:38:49 PM.
curve with the eld of 100 Oe and the presence of a small peak in effect may arise from the connection between the spin orien-
c(T) around 20 K. However, the appearance of hysteresis in the tations on the two magnetic sublattices (Ni and Mn) and the
low eld M(H) below Tf (T ¼ 5 K) suggests the presence of a magneto-dielectric coupling below the ferromagnetic transition
competing AFM–FM interaction. Moreover, the observed low temperature. Moreover, in the presence of even a low magnetic
temperature peak in the dc magnetisation depends largely on the eld, the spin–spin correlation is signicantly enhanced,
magnitude of applied elds which further supports the leading to an increasing MD effect up to somewhere near the
competing AFM–FM interactions51–54 resulting in RSG behaviour ferromagnetic transition temperature. However, the MD effect
in Sm2NiMnO6. Moreover, rigorous critical analysis near the further decreases even in the presence of the magnetic eld due
Curie temperature shows the values of the exponents (b, g, d) to thermal disordering of the spin orientation.13
slightly deviate from the mean eld values, which in turn could be
due to the presence of competing magnetic interactions, and V Conclusions
thereby establishes the RSG behaviour. Moreover, the detailed
analysis of ac susceptibility near Tf along with ac superimposed The present investigation reports polycrystalline Sm2NiMnO6
dc measurements strongly supports the RSG behaviour. double perovskite oxide crystallises into a single phase mono-
Resistivity shows an insulating type dependence on tempera- clinic structure with a phase group P21/n having intrinsic B-site
ture, being rdc 108 U cm at 300 K. The three classes of models disordered Ni3+/Mn3+ ion pairs with the characteristic features of
for resistivity in oxides do not t the experimental data in the an insulating RSG behaviour along with relaxor dielectric prop-
whole measured temperature range (50–300 K). Among them erties. Furthermore, the magneto-capacitance measurements
resistivity evolution in the low temperature region (T < 180 K) even under a low magnetic eld of 0.5 T at 10 kHz show a positive
follows the VRH model. This type of hopping conduction is typical intrinsic MD response (2%) below the FM–PM transition
of phase separated systems (FM and AFM clusters) where the temperature (150 K) and a negative extrinsic colossal MD effect
charge carriers move by hopping between two localized electronic above the transition temperature. From the experimental
states.55 Thus the overall resistivity behaviour is consistent with evidences, we suggest the RSG behaviour in the compound arises
the hopping motion of the charge carriers through such localized due to the presence of competing magnetic exchange interactions
states, as observed in many disordered systems.47 induced by intrinsic disorder along with inherent coupling of Ni–
The dielectric transport studies clearly show the presence of Mn network with Sm3+ ion. Moreover, the observed colossal
double dielectric relaxations. The deviation from Curie–Weiss dielectric response and the dielectric relaxation dynamics may
law, the parameter g 2 obtained from modied Curie–Weiss arise due to the existence of PNRs in a disordered surrounding
t, the degree of relaxation, DTrelax 99 K, and the validity of which in turn is due to the presence of intrinsic antisite disorder.
non-linear Vogel–Fulcher relationship indicate a glassy like Furthermore, the observed positive MD effect indicates a corre-
characteristic and provide direct evidence for a relaxor dielectric lation between spin orientations on the two magnetic sublattices
behaviour. This particular nature indicates that the system (Ni and Mn) and the magneto-dielectric coupling in the ferro-
freezes to a glassy state below a certain temperature and thereby magnetic regime. These observations suggest Sm2NiMnO6 is an
takes much longer to respond to the small external ac signal. attractive spintronics material since the insulating ferromagnetic
The low temperature dielectric relaxation may arise from the nature along with magneto-dielectric properties are of capital
asymmetric hopping of charge carriers between Ni and Mn ions importance for exploring spintronic materials.
which can be attributed to the presence of polarized nano-
regions (PNRs) creating a defect related hopping mecha- Acknowledgements
nism.26,56 The PNRs are characteristics in the double perovskite
structure arising from structural disorder in the lattice, due to P. Neenu Lekshmi is thankful to Council of Scientic and
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coexistence of two different B-site cations Ni and Mn) with Fellowship. M. Vasundhara and M. R. Varma acknowledge
valence uctuations. The obtained activation energy from the Department of Science and Technology (DST), and CSIR, India
VF t for the dielectric relaxation (0.15 eV) is close to the granted Project SURE (No. CSC0132) for the nancial support.
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