Care of Clients

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SITUATION 1: Ethical and moral issues are becoming a common scenario in practice setting so health
care providers have to be equipped with this competency.
1. In the clinical setting, when nurses are confronted with ethical dilemma the BEST practical guide, she
can of is ______________.
a. PRC oath for professionals c. theological doctrine
b. theological doctrine d. Florence Nightingale oath

2. Mr. RAD is admitted to the hospital complaining of chest pain due to clogged in his coronary arteries.
He is diabetic hypertensive and considered by the physician to be a high risk for cardiovascular surgery.
What PRIORITY of action should the member of the health team do in this situation?
a. consult the family member and let them give their decision
b. proceed to the surgery, as this will save the patient
c. consult the ethics committee on what to do with the patient
d. discuss with Mr. RAD his health status and let him decide

3. Mrs. Agnes 77-years-old is suffering from dementia and demonstrates unruly behavior. When nurse
Gigi describes the patient in her shift report, as “that awful, dirty old woman in Bed 14”, is an example of
what ethical behavior being employed by the nurse?
a. stigma c. gender bias
b. ageism d. depersonalization

4. Mr. Rey who is on

an end-stage of life has an order of “DO NOT Resuscitate” and passed away in your shift. He was
declared dead by his physician at 8:30 am. What should be your Priority nursing action in this situation?
a. Prepare the death certificate for the physician to sign
b. allow family to ha a private moment with the deceased
c. request your nurse attendant to call the funeral parlor at once
d. clean the body and remove all the IV lines tubes and other apparatus.

5. when a nurse is in full support of patients care safety and personal rights throughout her hospital
stay, she is implementing what ethical principle?
a. Responsibility c. advocacy
b. empathy d. accountability

6. While performing your assessment you are guided that the organs found the epigastrium include
which of the following?
a. portion of duodenum and jejunum, left kidney, appendix and ovary
b. duodenum, pancreas, portion of the liver and pyloric end of the stomach
c. stomach, spleen, tail of pancreas and adrenal gland
d. gallbladder, duodenum and portion of the right kidney
7. when conducting a nursing history on the health perception, Health Management pattern of
functioning what is the APPROPRIATE question to asked pre-operatively?
a. do you experience your wounds to heal quickly?
b. do you have shortness of breath while exercising?
c. are you aware of the risk factor of your disease?
d. have you experience weight changes in the past?

8. Patient was visited by the anesthesiologist and explain the anesthesia of his surgery. Which of the
following anesthesia would you expect to be ordered?
a. spinal c. local
b. caudal d. general

9. there are pre-operative medication given to the patient. Which of the following drug are given order
to decrease intra-operative anesthetic requirement and pain?
a. Celebrex (Celecoxib) c. Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
b. Ibuprofen (Motrin) d. Demerol (Meperidine HCL)

10. the goals for the patient’s safety in the operating room is imperative to all members of the surgical
team. Which of the following universal safety protocol are adopted and validated prior to surgery?
I. patients identity
II. surgical procedure
III. surgical site
IV. Surgical equipment
a. II and III c. I, II and IV
b. I and II d. I, II, and III

SITUATION 3: Crisostomo a 40-year-old employee has been complaining of difficult painful urination for
almost a week now. He said he saw some fresh blood in his urine but was afraid to see a physician,
instead, he went to his neighbor who is an herbalist. After a week his condition worsen and his wife
brought him to a community clinic.

11. A community clinic does primary care for patients. Most often the one manages this is which of the
a. physician c. nurse
b, barangay health worker d. midwife

In the tertiary hospital where the patient was again referred, he was considered an emergency case. Th
nurse immediately called for a specialist who is ___________?
a. Neurologist c. Phlebotomist
b. Urologist d, Nephrologist

After a thorough assessment by a physician specialist, an order for an immediate stonogram was made.
The nurse was instructed to call which of the following section of the hospital?
a. operation room c. intervention
b. laboratory d. CT scan
After the procedure, the patient was ordered for lithotripsy, under spinal anesthesia. The nurse has to
call the department of _______________?
a. internal medicine c. surgery
b. anesthesia d. imagery

SITUATION 4: An alert 67-year-old woman with diabetes mellitus is discharged from the hospital. A
referral is made to community nursing agency. You are asked reinforced teaching program, started in
the hospital. The patient is using sulfonylurea compound tolbutamide (Orinase).

When the patient turned 69 years old, Orinase was discontinued and NPH insulin is prescribed for her.
After several months, she is determined to be suffering from the Somogyi effect. Which of the following
condition will be more likely result when the patient is receiving too much insulin?
a. developing an elevation of the blood glucose level
b. producing even more insulin
c. becoming resistant to insulin
d. conserving excessive amount of fluid

A few days later, the patient comes into the emergency department via ambulance stretcher and reveals
a work-up of a blood sugar level at 800/dl, ketones are absent in the urine, she is dehydrated and has an
altered mental status. Based on the data, the patient is most likely suffering from what specific medical
a. Hyperosmolar nonketonic coma (HNKC)
b. diabetic renal failure
c. acute renal failure
d. diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)

Upon interview, the patient reported that she often felt nauseated, restless, perspired a lot, felt fatigued
and was often hungry when she was younger. What do these signs indicate?
a. Diabetic nephropathy c. Hypoglycemia
b. Hyperglycemia d. Diabetic retinopathy

Upon further assessment, you noticed that she had may scratches on her right ankle. A resulting
infection and cellulitis. When you asked her about the scratches, the patient states. “oh, my cat must
have been using my leg as a scratching post again and I did not even feel it.” Which diabetic
complications suspect the patient to have?
a. neuropathy c. retinopathy
b. macroangiopathy d. nephropathy

SITUATION 5: Nurse Pat is a newly hired registered NURSE together with 5 licensed graduate nurses
coming from different regions. It is their first day of orientation in a big health facility. The continuing
nurse educator started the session by projection the organizational structure of the medical center.

21. Which of the following is the MAJOR purpose of an organizational structure? It is a _________
a. blue print representing committees for delegation of roles and functions
b. flow that chart that shows interaction among members of major and minor groups
c. framework of relationship of units, departments and channels of communication
22. Line and staff function are identified in the presented organizational chart. What does line authority
a. staff relationship in the organizational is advisory in nature
b. staff mix of personnel reporting to the boss
c. decision is made from bottom to top in an organization
d. a direct responsibility over a subordinate within an organization

23. Which of the following statements is CORRECT of nursing service system in health care?
a. informed leaders are more effective than a formal leader in an organization
b. a shared governance tends to be controlling and with less autonomy
c. framework of relationship of units, departments and channels communication
d. a situational leadership style provides effective means in achieving patient outcomes

24. The mode of nursing service delivery system is being revisited in respond to patient’s outcome.
Which of the following is NOT TRUE of manager’s role in the health care system?
a. provides nursing care when needed
b. manages resource utilization
c. act as a liaison in litigation cases in court
d. collaborates with members of the health

25. Budgeting is an important aspect of financial management. When a unit manager allocated expenses
for unit supplies, stocks and medical-surgical supplies. This is considered __________?
a. cash budget c. capital budget
b. operational budget d. flexible budget

SITUATION 6: Mely 68-year-old, was admitted to the hospital because of decreased appetite, easy
fatigability, dehydration and weight

The physician ordered Mely on total parenteral nutrition (TPN) what is your INITIAL step to be
undertaken PRIOR to this intervention?
a. determine if the family can afford the whole treatment
b. evaluate the tolerance of the patient to glucose
c. identify the allergies of the patient to the supplemental nutrition
d. assess the basic understanding of the patient regarding TPN

Choose form the primary goals of TPN?

I promote weight gain
II improve nutritional status
III maintain muscle mass
IV stablish nitrogen balance
V enhance healing process
a. I, II, and III c. I and II
b, I, II, III and IV d. I, II, III, IV and V

28. When a patient is undergoing TPN, you have to monitor closely for the________
a. serum creatinine level c. serum glucose level
b. potassium level d. sodium level
29. While Mrs. Mely is on TPN, she suddenly complained of slight chest pain, dyspnea and appears
cyanotic. You must suspect that she is experiencing what possible IMMEDIATE complication?
a. sepsis due to IV line c. hyperglycemia
b. air embolism d. sodium level

30. What priority nursing action you do with the presenting clinical manifestation of the patient?
a. report to the physician status of the patient at once
b. take blood pressure and respiratory rate
c. stop temporarily the total parenteral nutrition
d. administer oxygen inhalation

SITUTATION 7: Ms. Monina is a retired community health nurse in barangay San Pablo. Due to her
commitment to the nursing profession, she has volunteered in their community to conduct health
education classes. One Saturday morning, several patients who are hypertensive and with pulmonary
health problems attended her session.

31. Mang Luis, is a newly diagnosed patient with chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD). Which of the
following PRIORITY teaching instruction should he be given in relation to his condition?
a. he should assume supine position while resting
b. know early sing of respiratory infection
c. he has to be thought how to to Bronchial clapping

32. Which of the following health interventions should be include in your teaching plan for Mang Luis?
a. be on prolonged corticosteroid therapy
b. lung exercises with longer inhalation then exhalation
c. reduce risk for infection

33. Pulmonary rehabilitation for COPD has a duration of at least 4 to 12 weeks. Which of the following
should be avoided while patient is having this program?
a. pursed lip breathing c. smoking cessation
b. aerobic, upper and lower body conditioning d. peripheral muscle wasting

34. weight loss and malnutrition are commonly observed among patients with COPD. They should be
taught to avoid ___________
a. have full stomach even when in dyspneic condition
b. keeping body mass between 21-25 kg/mm
c. a high caloric and high protein diet
d. exercise one hour before and after eating

35. Which of the following energy conserving strategies should NOT be done by COPD patients?
a. exhale while pushing r exerting effort when doing daily activities
b. assume tripod position with elbows supported on the table when shaving or combing
c. inhale when resting, sitting and lying down
d. stand in front of the mirror while shaving of combing hair

SITUAION 8: A housewife, appearing jaundice, complaining abdominal pain, nausea and bloated
sensation was rushed to the hospital. The patient was examined by the physician and ordered for
admission due to a suspected stone on the gall bladder. You are the nurse on duty that day.
36. when performing an interview, which is the BEST initial question should you ask when a patient is on
a. how often do you feel the pain?
b. how would you describe your pain?
c. did you take any drug to relieve the pain?
d. when did you first feel the abdominal pain?

37. Which of the following imaging test that uses transducer will be likely be ordered by the physician to
detect gallstones?
a. computed tomography c. abdominal ultrasound
b. abdominal X-RAY d. doppler sonography

38. the test revealed presence of gallstones and inflamed gall bladder. The patient was advised to
undergo open cholecystectomy. This operation compared to laparoscopic cholecystectomy. This
operation compared to laparoscopic cholecystectomy are ______________
I invasive
II less pain
III longer recovery
IV shorter hospital stay
a. I, II and IV c. I, II, and III
b. I and II d. I and III

After several days in the hospital, the physician ordered for the patient to be discharged. Which of the
following is a PRIORITY restriction that you should emphasize when he goes home?
a. stool softener to induce bowel elimination
b. driving if not using narcotic drug
c. take shower if still with surgical drain
d. lifting of objects not more than 10 lbs.

SITUATION 9: Sarah 38-year-old a teller from a bank admitted to a tertiary hospital due to hypertension
and frequent hematoma in the lower extremities every time she bumps herself in the workplace. The
physician who examined her gave an impression of Cushing disease.

Which of the following characteristics of Cushing disease is TRUE?

I. the disease occurs in women 20 to 40 years of age

II. the use of corticosteroid for multiple immune conditions is a cause of the disease process
III. condition is aggravated by excessive production of ACTH
IV. the surgical treatment of choice is Transsphenoidal
a. II and III c. I, II, III and IV
b. I, II, and III d. I and II

when one has a Cushing disease the focal structure affected is the _____________?
a. hypothalamus c. adrenal gland
b. pituitary gland d. para thyroid gland
Which of the following clinical manifestation will not be complaint in Sarah’s condition?
a. edema of the extremities c. decreased libido
b. poor wound healing d. absence of growth in the pubic area

The attending physician ordered a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to patient Sarah in order to
validate the medical impression. This imaging technique is done to detect ____________
a. hemorrhagic injury in the brain c. level of oxygen in the brain
b. electrical impulse in the brain d. non hemorrhagic injury in the brain

While patient Sarah is confined in the hospital, the safety measures to be observed by the nurses if
prevention from fall. This is brought about by them patient being prone to fracture as a result of _____
a. aging process c. osteoporosis
b. change in vision d. hematologic condition

SITUATION 10: Mr. Alda 50 year old company driver is admitted in the emergency room (ER) because of
pain in the chest and difficulty of breathing. History revealed that the patient smoke one half to one
pack of cigarette per day especially when he goes on overtime.

46. As a nurse you are guided that pain is usually described BEST as a phenomenon which is a _______
a. neurologic activation of nociceptors
b. subjective unpleasant experience
c. adaptive mechanism to a stimulus
d. creations of one’s imagination

47. When a patient has a pneumothorax, the nurse’s assessment findings will likely reveal ____
I. absent breath sounds on the affected site
II. decreased chest function unilaterally
III. sharp chest pain
IV. burning chest pain
a. I, II, III c. I, II, IV
b. III and IV d. I and II

48. Which of the following statement is not TRUE of pneumothorax?

a. atmospheric air between the pleural space can result into a rise in intra thoracic pressure and reduce
vital capacity in the lungs
b. the loss of positive intra pleural pressure can produce pneumothorax
c. the loss of negative intra pleural pressure can result to collapse of the lungs
d. a spontaneous pneumothorax can occur with the rupture of pulmonary bleb

49. the physician inserted a chest tube drainage to Mr. Alda in order to help re expand the lungs. Which
of the following should you prepare 1 st as a nurse in case of emergency when the tube is accidentally
a. sterile clamps c. sterile dressing
b. another chest tube d. a bottle of sterile water

50. In order to relieve Mr. Alda of pain, the physician prescribed morphine so4 2mg/iv PRN for
untolerable pain. The overall goal of the Health Care Professional is to provide adequate control so the
patient can breathe easily. Which of the following would indicate successful attainment of this goal?
a. anxiety level of patient will be reduced
b. respiratory rate will be decreased to 20 breaths per minute
c. oxygen respiration at 70% level
d. pain scale will show 1to2 in a rating scale of 10 highest – 0 lowest

SITUATION 11: Nurse Rachel is assigned in the medical unit if a tertiary hospital where most of the
patients admitted is suffering from endocrine disorders. She is currently assigned to patients; Claire 54-
year-old married with hyperthyroidism, Aster 66 year old has an impression of Cushing syndrome while
Sonia 48 year old is suffering from hypothyroidism.

52. Which of the following diagnostic tests do you expect NOT to ordered by Dr. Lim to patient Asten
who is suspected to have Cushing syndrome?
a. 24-hour urine cortisol level
b. D-C reactive
c. ACTH serum concentration
d. computerized tomography of the brain, chest and abdomen

53. Which clinical manifestation should nurse Rachel watch for patient Claire if she is suffering from
a. cold extremities c. decreased bowel movement
b. increased weight d. fine motor tremor

54. Patient Sonia who has hypothyroidism is given which ONE of the following drug therapy?
a. propranolol c. iron pills
b. iodine d. levothyroxine

55. Which of the following should be avoided by patient Sonia while she is being treated for
a. use of warm blankets c. taking foods low in fiber
b. light activities done at home d. exposure to cold temperature

56. Which of the following can nurse Eileen adopt to visualize her future?
a. flow chart c. Gantt chart
c. decision tree d. decision grid

57. She started to create personal and professional portfolio as a preparation for her application to a
university medical center in Metro Manila. Which of the following is NOT a major purpose of keeping a
a. keep ongoing records of skill development
b. create a systematic documenting accomplishments
c. set career and educational goals
d. set system for a possible shift to another job
58. one area of the professional portfolio is to indicate one’s philosophy of life. Which of the following
work place values should Nurse Eileen consider as NOT favorable to be written in her portfolio?
a. customer service based on acceptance, empathy and selfless duty
b. time and compensation limiting her pursuit of excellence in her job
c. commitment to continual life and self-directed learning
d. challenges which can lead to growth, responsibility and accountability

60. Nurse Eileen is aware that in her personal and professional portfolio has to include and keep up to
date the following EXCEPT ________
a. certificate of CPD attended
b. letters of reference
c. photographs
d. confidential information from the past employers

SITUTAION 13: Mr. Reynaldo is tasked to conduct a study to determine patient satisfaction on the care
they received from the hospital. In doing so, he plans to include all adult patient admitted from May –
October, first admission, with an average length of hospital confinement of 4-5 days and with no

61. Which of the following is an EXTRANEOUS variable of the study?

a. age of patient c. length of stay 4-5 days
b. absence of complications d. date of admission January – March

62. Which of the following variables will be likely EXCLUDE in his study?
a. salary of nurse c. responsiveness of staff
b. caring attitude of nurses d. competence of nurse

63. He plans to use a Likert scale to determine:

a. compliance to expected standards c. level of satisfaction
b. degree of agreement and disagreement d. degree of acceptance

64. Which criterion refers to the ability of the instrument to detect differences among the subjects being
a. reliability c. objectivity
b. sensitivity d. validity

65. This technique refers to multiple referents to draw conclusions about what constitutes the truth.
a. Delphi technique c. triangulation
b. Meta-analysis d. experiment

SITUATION 14: Nurse Tarly, the research coordinator of a Tertiary Hospital where there was a growing
concern of patients and family complaints that Nurses are “rude and cranky”. In response to this, she
organized a core group to conduct a study on the “Caring behavior of Staff-Nurses and Satisfaction on
Women with Ostomy.

66. Based on the research statement, what is the independent variable study?
a. Staff-Nurses c. Women with Ostomy
b. caring behavior d. satisfaction
What are the relevant related literature that Nurse Tarly and her groupmates can utilize in this study?
I. caring behavior
II. ostomy pathogenesis
III. contentment and satisfaction
IV. concept of body image
a. III and IV c. I and II
b. I, II and III d. I, II, III and IV

If Nurse Tarly and her core group decide to formulate a directional hypothesis it will be __________.
a. there is an increase relationship between the caring staff nurse and degrees of satisfaction of
ostomized patients
b. the caring behavior of the staff nurses is related to increased satisfaction of ostomized patients
c. the staff nurses has an effect on the patient’s satisfaction with ostomized patients
d. a significant relationship between the caring behaviors of the staff nurses and degree of satisfaction
of ostomized patients

Based on the research problem, what is the research design of the study?
a. quasi-experimental c. expost-facto
b. descriptive d. experimental

SITUATION 15: Nurse Virgo admits Benito 37 years old, due to severe abdominal and back pain and
vomiting after attending a party. He had pancreatitis. He was scheduled for diagnostic laparotomy to
further confirm the diagnosis.

Nurse Virgo gathers more appropriate data from patient Benito. Which of the following APPROPRIATE
questions should Nurse Virgo ask?
1. “can you describe your pain?”
2. “is your urine yellow?”
3. “is your stool clay colored?”
4. “do you drink alcohol?”
a. 2 and 4 c. 1,2, and 4
b. 1 and 3 d. 1,2 and 3

Patient Benito asks Nurse Virgo, “why can’t the surgeon just take out pancreas?” The BEST response
Nurse Virgo is ______________.
a. “your body needs to function well with your pancreas”
b. “your attack will soon be overcome when you are at rest”
c. “if your pancreas is removed, you can never eat fat and fried foods again”
d. “antibiotic will relieve signs of infection”

74. which of the statements of Patient Benito will convince Nurse Virgo his instructions for the
prevention of pancreatitis were understood by the patient? I will ___________.
a. “increase my intake of high protein products”
b. “try to stop drinking alcohol”
c. “follow a high fat diet faithfully”
d. “be careful of exposing myself to infection”
SITUATION 16: The Department of Health (DOH) is an agency that set standards safe and quality health
care together with Philippine health insurance which takes care of the accreditation and reimbursement
of cost of health care services.

76. The professional conduct of doctors, nurse and other health care providers in the health facilities
belong to which of the following quality standards?
a. improving performance c. patient care standard
b. organizational ethics d. leadership and management

77. the positive environment (PPR) is part is a quality standard of every health facilities in the country
today. Which is the following is not competent of the PPE in the work setting?
a. waste management c. electrical wires
b. peer view d. infection control

78. When a health facility formulates its Visio – Mission to guide management and health personnel in
the work place is what part of quality standards?
a. human resource management c. leadership management
b. patient care standard d. organizational ethics

79. When Nurse Sarah distributed a patient satisfaction survey form to be filled by the consumer upon
discharge in a hospital setting is in compliance to what quality standards?
a. organizational structure and professional ethics
b. identification of patients’ rights and welfare
c. improving performance of health care personnel
d. human resource management and staffing pattern

SITUATION 17: Mr. Lam a 44-year-old, male obese, married, was rushed to the emergency room because
of feeling nauseated, with shortness of breath and severe chest pain radiating to the back.

As a nurse what is your PRIORITY step to be done in this situation?

a. palpate the point of the maximal impulse
b. inspect the nail bed if cyanotic
c. take the vital signs and report to the physician
d. auscultate the chest for murmurs

12 lead EKG was ordered by a physician. Which finding of the EKG is suggestive evidence that patient has
myocardial infarction (MI)?
a. prominent segment elevation
b. ST segment elevator
c. peaked P wave
d. minimal QRS wave

The physician confirmed that the patient was suffering from MI. She was advised to be hospitalized and
was given streptokinase. Which of the following is the DESIRED effect of the drug?
a. dissolve clot formation c. prevent dysrhythmia
b. reduce tissue damage of the heart d. reduce edema formation
As a nurse you are aware that the heart muscles damage after an attack without treatment becomes
permanent within _________ hours?
a. 7-9 c. 4-6
b. 10-12 d. 1-3

In designing a care plan, which modifiable risks factors have to be emphasized to the patient to prevent
for another heart attack to happen?
1 smoking
2 high blood pressure
3 high cholesterol
4 overweight

a. 1,2 and 3 c. 1 and 2

b. 3 and 4 d. 1,2,3 and 4

SITUATION 18: Ms. Nilda is a new graduate with a Bachelor of Science Degree which she acquired from a
university. She is determined to pass the National Licensure Examination (NLE) to be administered by
the board of Nursing.

The licensure examination which is administered by the Profession Regulation Commission, Board of
Nursing is given to ________.
a. apply the theory learned from class room to practice settings
b. protect the public from incompetent practitioners
c. apply the scope of nursing practice
d. demonstrates expected competency standards

Ms. Sanchez is a new nursing graduate and in dire need for the hospitalization of her ailing mother. She
is being offered to endorse detergent product on TV Commercial wearing a mini skirt and a plunging
neckline shirt. In doing this performance Ms. Sanchez is violating the _________.
a. oath of professional for new nurses c. code of ethics
b. nursing practice act 7196 d. core competency standards

Nurse Rey with the members of the tea, from a tertiary hospital is going for their annual outreach
program “Operation Tuli”. There were 300 patients who came in the morning with only 4 doctors, 3
nurse and 1 pharmacist. Due to the volume of patients, Nurse Rey was asked to Nurse Rey can be liable
of committing _______.
a. assault c. tort
b. invasion of privacy d. malpractice

which of the following actions is likely to constitute GROSS negligence?

a. complied with the request of a bedridden patient not to be turned because of pain
b. a nasogastric feeding not given on time because patient is feeling nauseated
c. a patient suffering from bleeding due to post-operative wound and the nurse failed to report to the
attending physician
d. urine output has not been measured because of an emergency admission

SITUATION 19: Documentation is a basic competency expected of a graduate when performing her role
in the clinical setting
Mr. Rey ahs his insulin therapy on the day of his admission. On the second day he developed allergic
reactions after 2 hours of the insulin administration. What clinical manifestation do you expect the nurse
write in her documentation as a reaction to this drug?
1. redness 2. swelling 3. tenderness 4. Induration
a. 1,2, and 3 c. 1,2 3 and 4
b. 2 and 4 d. 1 and 2

Mr. Rey has been anxious regarding his diagnosis as well as the recent reaction to the insulin therapy. As
a nurse the PRIORITY nursing actions to overcome this anxiety behavior if to ________.
a. conduct a family reference for the concern of the patient
b. refer to the physician for an order of tranquilizer
c. express your empathy and respect for his feelings
d. take time to explain his disease process and effects of insulin

when a patient is suffering from ketoacidosis, you expect that the of the nurse assessment findings in
the chart will include the following clinical manifestations EXCEPT ______.
a. Kussmaul respiration c. lethargy
b. Cheyne stokes breathing d. acetone breadth odor

When auscultating the breadth sounds of patients with respiratory disorder they are instructed to
breadth thru their mouth. A possible complaint the nurse has to watch and be written in her
documentation when performing this procedure is which of the following?
a. palpation c. tachycardia
b. dizziness d. bradycardia

SITUATION 20: Mary, a hairstylist is experiencing a peri-umbilical pain, feeling feverish and nauseated
while at work. She was to a hospital as the pain has becoming intense at the right lower quadrant of the
abdomen. She was advised by the ER physician to be admitted for further work-up.

Nurse Ella admitted the patient and started to do her assessment. What signs is elicited by the nurse
when a deep palpation of the left iliac fossa is done and causes pain on the right iliac fossa of the
a. obturator sign c. psoas sign
b. Blumberg sign d. rovsing sign

After a thorough physical examination, laboratory and diagnostic tests, the physician ordered an
emergency open appendectomy due to a following MAJOR complications?
a. thrombosis c. perforation
b. Blumberg sign d. bleeding

the nurse prepared the patient for surgery. The overall goals by the surgical team for the patient going
for operation include which of the following?
I. relief of pain
II. preventing fluid volume deficit
III. reducing anxiety reaction
IV. eliminating infection
a. I, II, III and IV c. III and IV
b. I, II, and III d. I and II
As a safety alert, which of the following nursing measures should be avoided by the nurse prior to
a. observe nothing my mouth c. application of cold pack solution
b. maintenance of an acidic normal PH d. maintenance for a moist wound environment

SITUATION 1: The Hospital Research Coordination is discussing the basic research with the members of
the research committee as part of continuing education. Questions and answers were also part of the

1. During the open forum, the Hospital Research Coordinator raised the question as to, who among the
following team colleagues. This study is term as ____________.
a. participants c. respondents
b. exploratory d. inductive

2. One of the members of the Research Committee wishes to conduct a study involving an
interdisciplinary team of colleagues. This study is term as ________.
a. clinical c. collaborative
b. intuition d. inductive

3. In conducting a qualitative research, a nurse should follow the logic reasoning process termed as,
which of the following?
a. deductive c. causal
b. intuition d. inductive

4. The lectured reminded the committee members that bias is an influence that distorts study results. In
quantitative research, which will eliminate bias?
a. trustworthiness c. randomness
b. credibility d. triangulation

5. One of the committee members raised the question on how to make an abstract. The question was
followed by how words are required in abstract should (APA) style be followed? What is the correct
a. 450-500 c. 150-200
b. 250-350 d. 350-450

SITUATION 2: The clinical instructor (CI) is conducting a ward class on ward to perform the breast self-
examination (BSE).

6. The CI is expected to set the atmosphere by welcoming everyone and by __________.

a. showing everyone the picture of the breast
b. discussing the objective of the ward class
c. giving an anecdote of an old man
d. going ahead with the first part of the lecture

Clinical instructor proceeds with the lecture to the students using the __________.
a. question and answer method c. students as the resource person
b. entertainment style of presentation d. outline of the lecture she just presented
When the lecture presentation was finished, the CI proceeds with the ___________.
a. evaluation of the activity
b. Q and A portion on anything the students are interested to tackle
c. open forum to solicit questions related to the topic under discussion
d. cracking of humorous anecdote to keep the class alive

The last necessary part of the activity is ____________.

a. informing the students their next day’s assignment
b. the joke portion for the good vibes
c. evaluation so that future but similar activities can be improved
d. after care of the venue, an earlier reminder by the head nurse

SITUATION 3: Hypovolemic shock. The adult patient on his way to the office met a vehicular accident
and was continuously bleeding from the head. He was brought to the nearest hospital by the

What must the emergency room nurse do FIRST?

a. start the intravenous line at once
b. position with the head lower than the extremities
c. request for laboratory examination
d. stop the bleeding immediately

Due to continuous bleeding the patient goes to the second stage of shock with BP 80/60. What are the
possible effects on the heart in this stage?
I. increased heart rate
II. chest pain
III. increased troponin
Iv. Myocardial infarction
a. I, II, III and IV c. I, II and III
b. I and II d. II, III and IV

the BEST position for the patient to assume in case of shock is __________.
a. modified Trendelenburg c. recumbent
b. high fowler’s d. low fowler’s

In the case patient would go cardiovascular overload as a result the intravenous fluid therapy, the
PRIORITY nursing action should follow on ________.
a. respiratory distress c. increase in body temperature
b. increase in total urine output d. edema in the lower extremities

SITUATION 4: Patient Tita a 53-yearl-old mother of 6 has been having involuntary urine leaks aggravated
whenever she sneezes or coughs. She is diagnosed with urinary incontinence. The next 5 questions refer
to this case.

16. The type of incontinence patient Tita manifests. Where there is involuntary loss of urine as a result
of sneezing, coughing or even changing position is called ________.
a. overflow c. stress
b. reflex d. functional

17. The nurse is aware that urinary incontinence brought about psychosocial costs, including the
following ______, EXCEPT.
a. increased expenses c. embarrassment
b. social isolation d. loss of self esteem

18. The nurse instructs the patient that the best time for an incontinence patient to take his diuretics is
a. any time of the day c. in the morning
b. after 4 pm d. at bed time

19. When providing health teaching to the patient with urinary incontinence the nurse must stress that
it is _______
a. only surgery can alleviate the condition
b. often reversible and treatable
c. treatable with drugs all of the time
d. controlled with the aid of the alcohol

20. The aim of the pelvic muscle exercise for the patient with urinary incontinence is to strengthen the
muscle that control the ________.
a. vaginal and rectum c. bowel and the bladder
b. perineal care d. vagina urethra

SITUATION 5: Nurses should not only abide by the laws, but be guided by the code of ethics for nurses as

21. The code of ethics of the nurses have articles relating to the relation of nurses on _____. (select all
that apply).
I. people
II. practice and the profession
III. co-workers
IV. society and environment
a. I, III and IV c. II, III and IV
b. I, II, III and IV d. I, II and III

What are the 3 important legal principles in nursing professional ethics?

I. autonomy
II. informed consent
III. confidentiality
IV. truth-telling
a. I, II and IV c. I, III and IV
b. II, III and IV d, I, II and III

The “end-justifies- the-means” ethic is described as ____________.

a. having no correct or wrong conclusions
b. basically without any ethical issue
c. conclusively unethical
d. unavoidable during these modern times

SITUATION 6: Ms. Lanni, aged 40 has varying degrees weakness on the lower extremities, inability to
perform voluntary movements and paresthesia’s. Her physician gives a tentative diagnosis of Guillain-
Barre syndrome (GBS).

Which is common verbalization of the patient with GBS regarding the early onset of symptoms?
a. acute Hemiplegia c. weakness of the 4 extremities
b. ascending motor weakness d. acute hemiparesis

The nurse is aware that which occurrence in the patient’s health history suggest the diagnosis of GBS?
a. viral illness few weeks before c. encephalitis
b. severe bacterial infection d. meningitis

A PRIORITY nursing diagnosis in Guillain-Barre syndromes is _________.

a. ineffective breathing pattern
b. impaired verbal communication
c. imbalanced nutrition
d. impaired physical mobility

if the patient is unable to talk, how should the nurse BEST communicate to the patient?
a. enunciating the words slowly and well
b. by using pictures cards
c. just stop as he could no longer understands
d. talking loudly face to face with the patient

The nurse informs the patient and family that rehabilitation prior to discharge is BEST described as
a. a period of ups and downs, physically and emotionally
b. long and one requiring involvement of significant others
c. easy and smooth form discharge onward
d. a rapid process towards recovery

31. The nurse anticipates that the signs and symptoms of BPH do NOT include _____________.
a. frequency of urination c. dribbling of urine
b. pain on urination d. hesitancy in starting urination

32. Elmo asks nurse to explain his condition (BPH). Which statements CORRECT explanations by the
I. it blocks the urethra
II. is obstructs the bladder
III. it spreads to other parts of the body
IV. It leads to urinary retention
a. I and IV c. I, II and III
b. II, II and IV d. I and III

33. what IMMEDIATE danger should the nurse anticipate post transurethral resection of the prostate
a. infection c. thrombosis
b. bleeding d. yellowish

35. sexual dysfunction like impotence, erectile dysfunction and lack if libido are likely possibilities in
what prostate surgery?
a. suprapubic prostatectomy c. laparoscopic prostatectomy
b. transurethral resection of the prostate d. perineal prostatectomy

SITUATION 8: General concepts of immunology must be learned by the nurse, appreciate the
management of her patients.

36. Immunity that the baby gets from the immune mother through breastfeeding is:
a. passive neutral c. active neutral
b. active artificial d. passive artificial

37. Cell-mediated immunity is NOT usually associated with what condition?

a. rejection of tissue c. skin hyper sensitivity reaction
b. production of anti-bodies d. surveying for malignant cell

38. when a person vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine produces antibodies the disease, the immunity is
a. passive neutral c. active neutral
b. active artificial d. passive artificial

39. The blood protein involved in the system is:

a. thrombin c. albumin
c. globulin d. hemoglobin

SITUATION 9: Even is still a staff nurse, Minda, can well contribute to the management of the resources
and environment of her unit.

The electric fan in the unit sparks occasionally but continues to function relatively well. Nurse Minda
though knows that she _________.
a. has to ask one of the staff to preliminary check it
b. will just wait until the fan stops to function
c. should alert the unit staff to closely observe the fan
d. must have checked by the maintenance department immediately

The electric fan now stops every now and then and continues to sparks at intervals. The best thing to DO
NEXT is to __________.
a. turn off the fan immediately
b. call the maintenance immediately
c. let it continue to function
d. request for another fan as soon as possible (ASAP)

The last fire in the hospital was due to a malfunctioning equipment. The fire extinguisher was nowhere
to be found. What should have been practiced?
a. a dedicated fire extinguisher must be in every strategic place
b. place one fire extinguisher between two units
c. a fire extinguisher can be replaced with fire sensors
d. borrowing fire extinguisher may be tolerated if on the same floor
The staff assigned to check the fire extinguisher failed to monitor the “whereabouts” of assigned
equipment. The following statements are true EXCEPT ______________
a. all employees are lazy
b. reorientation of the new staff
c. refer the erring employee to HR
d. every protocol must be followed

SITUATION 10: In order for the medical team to work best, there must be some smooth collaboration
and teamwork among its members/

John, the patient with urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is on his 3 rd day of antibiotic but is still having high
fever. There is a need for the nurse to refer her observation to which of the following?
a. intern c. attending physician
c. resident-on-duty d. head nurse

48. The patient developed worsening cough and was given an anti-cough elixir. After 30 minutes he
developed itchiness with hives. The nurse hesitant to call anyone since it is already midnight, and there
was no one else since it was holiday. Who will she refer the patient to?
a. head nurse c. consultant-in-charge
b. nurse supervisor d. head intern

49. the patient suddenly developed chest pain. The result of the stat I revealed high result. What steps
are CORRECT and according to protect in this situation?
I. the medical technologies immediately calls up the physician to upset him of the result
II. the nurse waits for the doctors to call to confirm the result
III. the nurse calls up the physician to inform him of just-in lab result
IV. the doctor waits for the update of the result from the hospital
a. I, II, and III c. I, II, and IV
b. I, III and IV d. II, III and IV

50. The patient was prescribed a number of stat medications to prevent an untoward complication. The
nurse closely coordinates with which professional to facilitate the immediate release of the necessary
medicines and supplies?
a. attending physician c. pharmacist
b. nurse supervisor d. head nurse

SITUATION 11: Romy 58 years old, has been cigarette smoker since age has nagging cough and
hoarseness of voice and dyspnea. Based on the laboratory and physical findings, the physician suspected
him of having lung cancer.

51. which of the following is NOT a known predisposing factor for lung cancer?
a. house is near banana plantation
b. works as a sprayer of vegetables and fruit trees
c. lives in suburban area
d. living with mother who is tobacco user
52. upon history-taking, the nurse notes the cough of a patient with lung cancer usually starts off to be
a. blood tinged c. dark yellow sputum
b. productive d. dry and persistent

53. Which diagnostic procedure is commonly used to established the diagnostic of lung cancer which
provides a detailed description of the tracheobronchial tree and allows for biopsies of suspicious areas?
a. computerized Tomography (CT) scan c. sputum cytology
b. bronchoscopy d. position emission Tomography (PET)

54. To help the patient with his breathing, the nurse places in which position?
a. prone c. sim’s lateral
b. fowler’s d. supine

SITUATION 12: Proper recording is vital task that the nurse is trained to do properly in nursing school
and expected to practice as a professional.

Courses are taught as a student that the ideal and PROPER time for recording vital signs and notes on
the patient is ____________
a. to wait for the lunch break to do the recording
b. after all the tasks are done in order to save time
c. as soon as they obtain the signs or observation on the patient
d. to wait for the lunch break to do the recording

Right after endorsement and during the rounds, the incoming nurse observes that the IV fluid is at 800
cc level and not 400cc, as endorsed. What is the correct information that she will chart?
a. anything goes, nobody reads the charting anyway
b. record the 400cc
c. chart that she received 800cc
d. refer on the head nurse on what to do

Which is APPROPRIATE was to correct an error in the Nurses Notes?

a. take the whole page out and replace with the fresh one
b. draw a single line across the error and initial it
c. use the sticky side of the plastic tape to erase the error
d. use a rubber eraser to erase an error

If the patient is referred to another consultant and the latter has made an order already, what can the
nurse correctly chart?
a. the attending physician has not yet read the order
b. only one order has been left to be carried out
c. she has carried out the orders of the consultant
d. that the consultant has seen the patient with new orders
SITUATION 13: Dog bites are relatively common in the Philippines. The presence of a number of stray
dogs predisposes to the occurrence of rabies.

Upon entry of patient to ER, the nurse first performs which nursing intervention?
a. inject with rabies immune globulin
b. cleanse the bit with soap and running water
c. inject the rabies vaccine immediately
d. administer the pain reliever, as ordered

The nurse knows that a dog bit has a shorter incubation for rabies if located in the __________
a. leg c. abdomen
b. hand d. face

64. In administering the rabies immune globulin (RIg), the nurse infiltrates the calculated dose around
the wound edges and the rest of the dose injected ___________
a. intradermally c. subcutaneously
b. intramuscularly d. intravenously

65. According to RA 9482 or the anti-rabies Act of 2007, which of the following statements regarding
rabies post exposure prophylaxis is APPLICABLE?
a. have the dose be regularly vaccinated against rabies
b. do not allow the dog to roam around the streets
c. put the dog in a leash when in a public place
d. the owner will assist the bite victim with the medical expenses

SITUATION 14: The 3-year-old child had just finished ingesting the kerosene stored in a lem-o-line bottle.
When the mother saw the child, she immediately brought him to the nearest hospital.

66. The assessment of the patient with ingested poison must include _____________
I. determining the poison ingested and the amount
II. the time from ingestion and the signs and symptoms
III. weight of the patient
IV. patients immunization history
a. I, II, III and IV c. I, II, and III
c. I, II, and IV d. II, III and IV

67. In case of poisoning, the nurse is aware that the main goals in poisoning are to __________
I. inactivate the poison
II. administer the specific antidote
III. induced the patient to vomit
IV. support vital organ functions
a. I, II, and IV c. I, III and IV
b. I, II, and III d. II, III and IV

68. To remove the ingested poisonous substance, the physician ordered a gastric lavage. What is the
role of the nurse immediately prior to procedure?
a. get the right size of the nasogastric tube
b. remind parents to be careful next time
c. obtain an informed consent immediately
d. tell the parent that they are negligent

69. The nurse is aware is aware that the proper management of poisoning includes following EXCEPT to
a. perform hemoperfusion
b. remove toxins through dialysis
c. dilute the ingested substance
d. induced vomiting after ingestion of the caustic substance or petroleum distillate

SITUATION 15: Nurse Emma is working in the ER when a strong earthquake shook the city. Fifteen
minutes later, a number of patients have been starting to arrive in the ER.

As the triage nurse, which of the following will be Emma’s priority?

a. a non-responsive patient with sunken skull
b. the patient with facial wounds and fracture
c. patient with sucking chest wound
d. a man with over 50 percent second- and third-degree wounds

Patients brought in who are unresponsive with penetrating head wounds are tagged by the triage nurse
in which color?
a. black c. green
b. red d. yellow

Those who suffered stable abdominal wounds without significant bleeding will be tagged _______
a. green c. black
b. red d. yellow

It is very important that nurses must plan for mass casualties, which include ___________
I. warfarin
II. terrorism
III. natural disaster
IV. infectious disease outbreaks
a. I, II and IV c. I, II, III, and IV
b. I, III and IV d. II, III and IV

Nurse Emma must work with the disaster committee for an appropriate disaster response strategy, in
order to succeed, must have physical assets which includes which of the following?
I. increased security
II. stockpiles of equipment
III. numerous medications
IV. trained staff
a. I, II and III c. I, II, III and IV
b. II. III and IV d. I, III, and IV
SITUATION 16: Th nurse when practicing the profession must adhere to ethical principles.

When the nurse treats the patients in the air-conditioned rooms favorably to those in the charity wing,
she violates which of the following ethical principles?
a. veracity c. fidelity
b. justice d, distributive justice

The nurse has an obligation to tell the truth. When she admits mistakes promptly, she manifests ___
a. fidelity c. respect
b. veracity d. autonomy

79. The nurse knows the ethical dilemmas may be referred to the Hospital Ethics Committee that has
the PRIMARY role to ___________
a. prevent the physician from making the wrong decision
b. decide what must be done under the circumstances
c. prevent ethical dilemmas from occurring
d. provide guidance for healthcare teams and family of patients

80. Nurses were overheard talking about the patients and his prognosis. Which ethical principle was
a. autonomy c. non-maleficence
b. confidentiality d. beneficence

SITUATION 17: Nurse must continually grow as a person and as a professional

81. As a newly licensed nurse employed in a tertiary hospital, you are required to attend Continuing
Professional Development (CPD) program. When the training program is for the enrichment of nurses in
the hospital, it is called _____________
a. informal training program c. self-directed program
b. formal education program d. in-service training program

82. The professional development of a nurse can be achieved through various ways, such as _________
a. participating in political rallies c. attending demonstration of baking
b. attendance in socio-civic activities d. engaging in CPD programs

83. When nurse are projected in a television advertisement as sex symbol, what appropriate action is
expected from a concerned nurse?
a. keep your silence, it is the television station’s prerogative
b. go to the street to manifest displeasure of the nurses portrayal
c. make a position paper to denounce the advertisement
d. condemn the issue in the radio program
84. to grow as a person, the student nurse can attend lecture demonstration on which of the following
a. bathing the newborn c. doing first aid
b. proper bandaging d. doing make up

85. Nurse Merry’s application to Canada has finally been approved and she was advised to depart in
three months. But she is also enrolled in a graduate school and ambivalent to go because of this
engagement plus the fact that her mother has just been discharged from the hospital. Which of the
following actions is BEST?
a. tell family that the money spent in graduate school can be easily earned in Canada
b. inform the agency that she could go anytime as they wish
c. tell the recruiter to give her more time to settle her personal affairs
d. share to friends this is her escape from her sad life with her family

Nurse Myra want to draw the patient out of her shell so she would be better able to elicit the patients
cooperation. Which of the following actions is MOST helpful?
a. just asked Marlene the questions that need to be asked
b. smile at the patient and allow her to express her concerns
c. talk to the sister instead to get more information
d. be a professional in every way in dealing with her

Friendly and professional overture has finally made Marlene open up her circumstances to the nurse,
including their financial difficulty. What had been established at this time?
a. beginning of a friendship
b. trusting relationship with the nurse
c. a lifelong commitment
d. a dire need for financial help

One morning during rounds Nurse Myra, noticed that Marlene was unduly sad. The nurse’s BEST way to
communicate her concern is ___________
a. whatever it is you lift it up to GOD
b. saying you are sad again that is bad to your health
c. telling Marlene to stop worrying, everything will be okay
d. placing her hand over Marlene’s shoulder and asking why the sad face

The day of discharge came and Marlene’s face becomes all the sadder. When asked why, she answered
she has no money to pay the bill. The best way of communicating her piece of advised is stating which of
the following?
a. you can go to the cashier and find out what she can advise you
b. the government has agencies for those who need financial assistance. It will give you the list
c. you can always pay in staggered amounts to be given every 15 days.
d. ask help from generous relatives so you can have additional for down payment

Leukemia is a chronic illness and it is expected that the patient will be in and out of the hospital. To
maintain communication, the nurse will __________
a. asked the patient to call the hospital number listed in the yellow pages
b. ask for the phone number where the patient can be easily contacted
c. read the information sheet of the patient in the chart
d. tell the patient to write the number in a piece of paper and give it to the ward clerk.

In one of the Board Meetings, the QI Officer will report the result in Quality Improvement efforts in the
hospital. The report will be presented much BETTER by using which of the following? (select all that
I. diagrams
II. charts
III. graphs
IV. flow chart
a. I, II, III and IV c. II, III and IV
b. I, III, and IV d. I, III and III

93. The WHO surgical safety checklist aims to increase the safety of patients undergoing surgery. This is
being adopted by the Hospital Quality Department. Based on the checklist, you are aware that the
surgeon, nurse and anesthetist should be present during the recapitulation and reassurance of correct
patient identity, correct site and correct procedure, which occur right before kins incision. What phase
should the above take place?
a. debriefing c. sign in
b. sign out d. time out

95. The QI officer conducts her random visit to the operating room. She is one of the OR nurses in what
phase in the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist will the nurse account for the sponges and needles used in
the surgery?
a. sign out c. sign in
b. time out d. debriefing

SITUATION 20: Tommy, a 50-year-old- chain smoker, is suspected to have cancer after he was seen and
examined by his physician. He and his wife got very worried about his diagnosis.

96. Which procedure has to be done to the patient to establish a definition diagnosis of lung cancer?
a. chest x-ray followed by CT scan
b. Cytological study of the sputum
c. bronchoscopy
d. magnetic resonance imaging

97. The most significant contributory factor to the development of lung is _________
a. being a cigarette smoker
b. belonging to the male sex
c. being extremely obese
d. age over 40 years

98. The patient while in the hospital is complaining of chest pain. When nurse is assessing the degree of
pain of the patient, the MOST APPROPRIATE basis is ________
a. watcher’s description of patient’s pain
b. patients own rating of his pain
c. non-verbal cues observed in the patient
d. nurse’s own rating of the patient’s pain

Health teaching on chemotherapy includes informing Tommy on the adverse effect of bleeding related
to bone marrow depression. Which verbalization of the patient indicates further teachings?
a. I should watch out for discoloration in my skin
b. I am going to take two tables of aspirin for my headache
c. I may need platelet transfusion in the future
d. I should not blow my nose

The patient underwent a left pneumonectomy due to lung cancer. During surgery the phrenic nerve is
accidentally out. This incident will result to ____________
a. allow greater expansion of the lungs
b. make the diaphragm descend with ease
c. produce a partially functioning diaphragm
d. make the diaphragm go up with ease

SITUATION 1: Sandro 8 years old 1st grader child has always been the focus of her mother’s prompting
and care. He always test his mom’s rule in preparing for school. Although this has been for five months
now, Sandro still has to be reminded in getting dress completely and dilly daily eating his breakfast. He
still plays with his toys and interfere with his sister in playing blocks. The mother is so anxious is
reminding Sandro that his school bus will be arriving in 10 minutes every day.

1. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHCD) is characterized by on of the following?

a. mental retardation c. inattentiveness
b. overactivity d. impulsiveness

2. Which of the following would the nurse expect to see as symptoms child with ADHD?
a. moody, sullen and pouting behavior
b. interrupt others and can’t take turns
c. excessive running, climbing and fidgeting
d. easily distracted, and forgetful

3. Sandro is taking pemoline (Cylert) for ADHD. The nurse must be aware which of the following side
a. decreased thyroid stimulating hormones
b. decreased red blood cell count
c. elevated white blood cell count
d. elevated liver function test results

4. An effective nursing intervention for the impulsive and aggressive behaviors that accompany conduct
disorder is ________
a. open expression of feelings
b. assertiveness training
c. negotiation of rules
d. consistent limit setting

5. Nursing Diagnosis commonly used when working with Sandro is ______________

a. ineffective role performance
b. impaired social interaction
c. compromised family coping
d. risk for injury

SITUATION 2: The nurse is teaching a client taking an MAOI about food tyramine that he or she should

Patients health teaching for Lamotrigine (Lactimal) should include which of the following?
a. take each dose with food to avoid nausea
b. eat a balance diet to avoid weight gain
c. report any rashes to your doctor immediately
d. this drug may cause psychological independence

Which of the following health teaching concern for the nurse as discharged plan for suicidal patient who
had been taking tricyclic antidepressant drugs for 2 weeks and now ready to go home?
a. the nurse will need to include teaching regarding signs of neurologic malignant syndrome
b. the patient will need regular laboratory work to monitor therapeutic drug levels
c. the nurse evaluate the risks for suicide by overdose of tricyclic antidepressant
d. the patient may need a prescription for Benadryl to use for side effects

Patient is to take regularly lithium after discharge. The MOST important information to impart to the
patient and his family is that the patient should _________
a. not eat food which has high tyramine content like cheese, wine and liver
b. limit his fluid intake
c. have a limited intake of sodium
d. have an adequate intake of sodium

The patient with diagnosis with schizophrenia who has been taking ______ will inform the patients
family that the positive effect of this drug is ___________
a. monthly liver function studies change moderately
b. psychotic symptoms, such as hearing loss are reduced
c. patient develops leukopenia
d. patients energy level and involvement in activities goes up

SITUATION: Patrick, charge nurse is aware that the uses of resources are essential for patient care

Safe patient environment includes the following EXCEPT _________________

a. socio-economic status c. sanitation is maintained
b. basic needs are met d. physical hazard reduced
an individual which of the following is an internal variable affecting health status belief and practices
a. genetics c. family structure
b. socio economic status d. living situation

14. if a case patient falls, the nurse’s first responsibility is to ______________

a. assess the patient’s injury c. report incident to the head nurse
b. write an incident report d. notify the physician at once

15. in healthcare facility, a planned program of loss prevention and liability control refers to __________
a. quality assurance c. risk management
b. critical pathways d. peer view

SITUATION 4: Mark a 25 year old student suddenly had convulsion movement with loss of consciousness
during their lecture. After the episode he was rushed to the nearest hospital.

16. A nurse is conducting a physical assessment which of the following is INAPPRORIATE action in this
a. inset intravenous canula
b. assess patients lifestyle
c. assess patient source of stress and coping habits
d. identify the patient’s daily activity

17. Mark is scheduled for an ECG after having a seizure for the first time, what is the BEST patient
preparation instruction before the procedure?
a. “avoid thinking and personal matters for 12 hours before the test”
b. “do not shampoo your hair for 24 hours before the test”
c. “do not eat anything for 12 hours before the tests”
d. “avoid stimulants and alcohol for24 hours before the test”

18. Which of the following manifestation should the nurse APPROPRIATELY observe during generalized
a. loss of consciousness, dilated pupil, and muscular stiffening
b. jerking movement of all extremities
c. facial grimace with patting and smacking
d. vacant stare and brief loss of consciousness

19. What is the first priority which the nurse must observed in caring for patient with seizures?
a. safety c. nutrition
b. airway d. mobility

20. Phenytoin (Dilantin) has been prescribed for a patient, Based on an understanding of the medicine,
what is the APPROPRIATE nursing instruction of the nurse?
a. give Dilantin intramuscularly c. dilute IV Dilantin with 5% dextrose
b. administer good oral hygiene d. maintain a Dilantin level of 30-50 ug/ml
SITUATION: Gloria is a nurse researcher in the Department of Health. Assigned in the conduct on
patients safety practice of nurses in the psychiatric unit. She is given 6 months to conduct the study.

1. Gloria decides to include only nurse who have a minimum three years experience as psychiatric
nurses. Which of the following terms refer to this?
a. concept c. limitation
b. variable d. delimitation
2. The statement “the length of service is not associated with the degree of patient safety practices of
staff nurses” is an example of an ________________
a. variable c. hypothesis
c. assumption d. correlational

which of the following research designs is MOST APPROPRIATE for this study id the aim is to find a
relationship between two variables in the study?
a. phenomenological study c. exploratory
b. experimental d. correlational

She plans to interview the psyche Nurse manager about the patient safety practices of the nurse. What
type of sampling includes those who happens to be in the conference room where the activity is
a. random c. convenience
b. purposive d. quota

SITUATION 6: Belle is a 30 year old single mother is dependent on her family support. Her diagnosis is
mild mental retardation with post-traumatic disorder with depressive episodes related to her irritability,
difficulty tolerating frustration, difficulty falling asleep, increased appetite and weight gain,
hypervigilance and worry that something terrible will happen to her child.

A cognitive assessment of Belle indicated that according to Piaget’s theory she was functions as concrete
operational stage. Which of these behaviors would the nurse observe in Belle?
a. thinks logically and sees possibilities
b. understands only her own viewpoint
c. feel her own reasoning should agree with the reasoning of others
d. makes and test hypothesis

Belle has difficulty tolerating frustration. The GOAL of the nurse is to assist Belle to _____________
a. increase her self-esteem c. recognized her needs
b. cope with anxiety d. mobilize her resources

which of the following historical data MOST probably led to a most-traumatic stress disorder?
a. unstable relationship with ex-fiance c. no gang relationship with peers
b. suicide of her mother d. dropping out of school

30. in terms of social support therapy, which of the following is the MOST APPRORIATE and therapeutic?
a. with appropriate support, lives in the community, wither independently or supervised setting.
b. individualized relationship with a caregiver
c. high structured environment with constant aid and supervision
d. vocational training with moderate with supervision but not beyond second grade academic challenges
SITUATION 7: The following scenarios are potential routines that could work ethics of a professional

31. a patient asks to be discharged from the health care facility against medical advice (AMA). What
should the nurse do?
a. notify the physician c. have the patient sign the AMA form
b. prevent the patient from leaving d. call a security guard to help detain the
32. A nursing assistants is assigned to provide morning care to a patient. How should the nurse
document care given by the nursing attendant?
a. “morning care rendered”
b. “morning care rendered by Grace Go, NA”
c. “morning care provided by G.G nursing assistant”
d. “morning care refused to be given by nursing assistant

33. A nurse administers the wrong intravenous fluid to a patient, She accomplished which of the
following documents to be submitted to her immediate supervisor?
a. patient Kardex c. progress report
b. incident report d. endorsement record

34. When developing a care plan for a patient with a do-not-resuscitate order, the nurse should NOT
include which intervention on the care?
a. allow access to individuals who can provide spiritual care
b. administer pain medication as ordered by the physician
c. provide usual routing nursing care as ordered by the physician
d. make sure the patient is competent, awake and alert before he/she signs the consent form

SITUATION 8: Charge Nurse Tessie work at the surgical ward, she ensures record management is
implemented in her unit at all times

36. A patient is having elective surgery under anesthesia. Who is responsible for obtaining the informed
a. surgeon c. nurse anesthetist
b. nurse d. anesthesiologist

Unit secretary who transcribes the physicians order asks the nurse interpret an order because she
cannot read the writing. The nurse’s action is to____________
a. clarify the order with the pharmacies
b. clarify the order by calling the physician
c. interpret the order according to the patient’s previous medication record
d. clarify the order with junior staff

Physician orders to transfuse 500ml packed RBC bleed postoperatively. The nurse must check the name
on the label of the blood with the name on the patient’s _______________
a. medication administration record
b. wristband in the presence of another nurse
c. medical chart
d. wristband

A patient wife is so anxious about the condition of her husband, the MOST APPROPRIATE INITIAL
intervention for the nurse to make is to ________________
a. describes her husband medical treatment since admission
b. reassure her that the important fact is her presence
c. explain the nature of the injury and reassure her that the husbands condition is stable
d. allow to verbalize her feelings and concerns

SITUATION 9: Quality and safety are rooted in the daily work of a healthcare professional. Nurses in the
orthopedic unit attends monthly quality assurance meeting. The following questions were discussed.

Who should be involve in quality improvement measures?

a. everyone c. professional staff
b. management staff d. consumers

A nurse start in nursing improvement project, what is the FIRST step that a nurse must keep in mind?
a. implement plan to correct the problem
b. determine the nursing standards
c. determine findings if warrant corrections?
d. collect data, determine if standards are met

To achieve organized work flow in the unit, the staff must be aware of the head nurse’s role. What is the
PRIMARY purpose of supervision and delegation?
a. enhances the delivery of quality nursing care
b. influences organization’s approach in personnel evaluation
c. improves staff attendance in seminars
d. assigns any staff to do the tasks or project

45. The nursing team plans to do chart audit project on post-op patients had developed pressure sores
at the orthopedic unit over the past versus present. What type of audit is?
a. retrospective c. concurrent
b. process d. outcome

SITUATION 10: Incidence of drug abuse has greatly increased overtime. Korino has been using drugs for
the past three years.

46. you are a Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Center Nurse. During the assessment of a newly
admitted person who uses Drugs (PWUD’s) name Korino, which of the following is the MOST
APPROPRIATE questions to?
a. asks Korino how long he thought that he could take drugs without someone finding it
b. asks Korino why any questions for fear Korino will deny and may become assaultive.
c. not ask any question for fear Korino will deny and may become assaultive
d. ask Korino about the amount of drug used and its effect and how long he had been using

47. Upon data collection he had been failing three times in his math and Korino was known for
substance dependent for three years. What is the MOST APPRORIATE nursing diagnosis for him?
a. alteration in preceptor X
b. alteration in social interaction
c. ineffective individual coping
d. impaired judgement

48. Korino has been using meperidine and codeine for personal consumption which of the following
does the nurse understand as the psychological effect of these drugs?
a. increase sexual stimulation
b. relieves pain by increasing pain threshold
c. decrease craving for alcoholic intake
d. heightens concentration and alertness

49. which assessment by the would cause a concern for meperidine overdose?
a. respiration rate of 12 bpm
b. hypercapnia
c. dryness of the skin
d. pinpoint pupils

50. what drug should the nurse prepare for administration to reverse all signs of toxicity?
a. Digibind ( Digoxin) c. atropine sulfate
v. naloxone (Narcan) d. diazepam (valium)

SITUATION 11: Effective communication is a core skill for nurses that a professional nurse must apply in
their routine for patient care, colleagues and family.

51. The nurse asks the patient. What do you fear MOST about your surgery tomorrow? This is an
example of which communication technique?
a. providing general leads c. seeking clarification
b. summarizing d. presenting reality

53. A nurse is communicating with attending physician about medical intervention prescribed for a
patient post spine surgery. Which statement is INDICATIVE or collaborative relationship?
a. can we talk about Mrs. Santos?
b. I am worried about Mrs. Santos blood pressure. It is not decreasing even with the antihypertensive
c. that new medication you prescribed for Mrs. Santos is ineffective
d. we do not need to talk about Mrs. Santos blood pressure

54. An 80-year-old male, admitted for emergency suturing of the forehead sustained form accident fall
while gardening under local sedation. He just received in the ward. Which nursing intervention is
appropriate to facilitate effective communication with this patient?
a. talk to patient when fully awake and inform him and family events which may occur post-surgery
b. provide the patient with instructional materials about discharge
c. tell the patient. You are fine nothing to worry
d. ask the patient, do you know where your are?

55. The nurse who uses appropriate therapeutic listening skills will display which BEST behavior?
a. presume an understanding of the patient needs
b. React quickly to the message
c. re-assure the patient that everything which patient is conveying

SITUATION 12 – Effective teamwork and collaboration in nursing is achieved when individuals work
together in harmony, processes and goals are aligned towards achieving safe quality patient care.

56. which of the following actions is INAPROPRIATE for a nurse leader to apply in a work setting?
a. ask staff members of their opinion on the matter
b. modifies his own behavior favoring the needs of individual staff
c. gives equal consideration to each staff members
d. plans and organizes group activities of staff members

57. In problem solving the head nurse must know what is the MAJOR characteristic of negotiation?
a. be positive in your approach since optimism gives further favorable results
b. harmony is possible even when strategies in are not well plan
c. it is important to get anything in writing since the truth will prevail
d. Resource tend to involve too may individuals in decision making process

58. Applying multidisciplinary approach of patient care, which among the members of the
multidisciplinary team that the nurse would MOST likely collaborate with when the patient is at risk of
fall due to an impaired gait?
a. podiatrist c. speech therapist
b. physical therapist d. nutritionist

59. The nurse manager has implemented a change in the method of the nursing delivery system from
functional to team nursing. A nurse is resistant to the change and is not taking an active part in
facilitating the process of change. Which is the best approach in dealing with the nurse?
a. exert coercion with the nurse
b. provide positive reward system with the nurse
c. talk and encourage verbalizing feelings of the change
d. ignore the resistance of the nurse

60. Which among the member of the disciplinary team that the nurse would be BEST to collaborate with
when the patient can benefit the use of leg prothesis?
a. occupational therapist c. podiatrist
b. physical therapist d. pharmacist

SITUATION 13: Karen 17 years old, grade 12 active in gymnastics. She is five feet and seven inches tall,
weights 85 lbs. Her family doctor diagnosed her with anorexia nervosa.

61. Which of the following statements should nurse Cora consider as TRUE with anorexia nervosa.
a. thinness is equated with vanity among peers
b. eating disorders are not major health problems
c. cultures linking beauty to thinness increase risk of the illness
d. Anorexia Nervosa is not considered as a mental disorder

62. Karen is being assessed for eating disorder. Which option is suggestive of anorexia nervosa?
a. lack of knowledge about food and nutrition
b. guilt and shame about eating patterns
c. refusal to talk about food related topics
d. unrealistic perception of body size

63. Nurse Cora is working with Karen. Even though Karen has been eating all her meal and snacks, her
weight remained unchanged for a week. Which nursing intervention is appropriate for Karen?
a. Supervise Karen closely 2 hours before and after meal
b. supervise Karen closely 2 hours before and after meals
c. increase the daily caloric intake from 1500 to 200 calories
d. increase the daily caloric intake from 8—to 3000 calories

64. One morning as Nurse Cora enters Karen’s room, she noticed that the patient was engaging in a
rigorous push ups. Which nursing action is MOST APPROPRIATE?
a. allow her to complete her exercise program
b. tell her that she is not to exercise rigorously
c. interrupt her and offer to take her for a walk
d. interrupt her and explain that exercise is not needed

65. Which of the following is the INITIAL goal for treating the severely malnourished patient with
anorexia nervosa?
A. nutritional rehabilitation
B. correction of body image disturbance
C. weight restoration
D. correction of electrolyte imbalance

SITUATION 14: Annie is a 38-year-old with 3 children. She has a history of otosclerosis. She is admitted
for ear surgery.

66. While taking nursing history on Annie, what will be the response of the patient that indicates her
present condition?
a. she frequently experiences vertigo, nausea and nystagmus when sitting
b. she has ear pain and discharge from the left eat when travelling
c. she has had impaired hearing since birth
d. her hearing loss has become worse with each succeeding pregnancy

67. Annie states “I’m afraid to let my children out of sight now that I can’t hear them.” What is the nurse
BEST response?
a. tell me about your fear of loosing contact with your children now that you can’t hear them
b. children need some freedom and mother has to learn to trust them
c. do the children usually misbehave when they cannot be seen or heard by you?
d. what can the children do to make you feel more comfortable?

68. What should be APPRORIATE in the nursing care plan for Annie having otosclerosis?
a. substitute meaningful sensory input by the use of other senses
b. orient Annie to the staff, the unit and all treatments
c. give nursing care that will meet her psychological needs
d. make frequent calls to prevent isolation and loneliness

69. the day after surgery, Annie expresses concern that hearing is not as good as it was begore
admission. What is the BEST nurse action?
a. encourage Annie to divert her attention by reading
b. encourage Annie to blow more her nose to clear the eustachian tubes
c. reassure Annie that it is temporary loss due to post-op edema and ear packing
d. check the external ear for blood clots and remove them

70. What post operative teaching will the patient STRICTLY follow?
a. reinforce that fact that airplane travel is no longer permitted
b. show patient how to gently irrigate the external auditory
c. inform physician any dizziness that develops after she is discharged
d. stress that hair washing should be avoided immediately after surgery

SITUATION 15: Sandy a 58-year old teacher had a left total hip replacement due to osteoarthritis.

71. Sandy should be placed in which of these positions for meals?

a. supine c. semi-fowler
b. Trendelenburg’s d. Sim’s lateral

72. The nurse gives pre operative teaching to Sandy who is admitted for hip replacement surgery. Which
statement of Sandy indicates the need for further pre-operative teaching?
a. I will rest in bed for 2 to 3 hours after surgery
b. I will begin omit training within 10 hours
c. I should do muscle strengthening exercise in both legs
d. I need to turn, cough and breathe deeply every 2 hours

73. The physical therapist orders exercises of Sandy’s left hip, knee and foot to gradually increase range
of motion to the left hip. The nurse can BEST assist Sandy by ___________
a. observing Sandy’s ability to perform exercises
b. performing the exercises for Sandy
c. administering an analgesic before the exercises
d. stopping the exercises if Sandy experiences pain

74. Sandy should be instructed to avoid ________________

a. assuming prone position
b. abducting her left leg
c. putting any weight on her left leg
d. adducting her left leg

75. Sandy asks the nurse if her new joint will function normally. The nurse can BEST answer this by
saying that the ___________________
a. doctor will be able to assess your limitation in 6 weeks and then explain them to you
b. new joint will function almost as well as a normal joint, if you perform your exercise faithfully
c. new joint will be stronger than the old one if you exercise well
d. new joint will not function as well as the new joint, but will be better than the arthritic joint

SITUATION 16: When nurses are issues on control, shame and the surrounding the subject of mental
illness, one of the primary considerations should be nurse’s own sensitivity in recognizing mental health
problem. Ethics pervades good practice. The following situational apply.

76. A patient is brought to the hospital by his officemates because he kept on blaming his immediate
superior on getting him fired from his job. The ethical problem may arise when diagnosis psychiatric
patients because of __________
a. inadequate staffing c. subjectively
b. lack of exercise d. inappropriate diagnostic procedure

The patient verbalizes to the nurse about thought of threatening to kill his wife. The nurse is in dilemma
whether to tell the wife about his conversation. Given this situation which of the following is the
appropriate action of the nurse?
a. alert immediately the proper authorities regarding the threat to safeguard the safety of the wife
b. tell the wife to be very extra careful as her life is in danger
c. weigh carefully the situation by viewing it as a dilemma between disclosing confidential information or
warning appropriate authorities
d. keep information to herself and be vigilant on the action of the patient to protect the wife

85. The nurse plans to educate the entire family about obsessive compulsive disorder. Which of the
following plans would by MOST effective?
a. the nurse directs Mrs. Juan and her family to the other resources to help them learn about the illness
and medication to treat it.
b. the nurse teaches the family about Mrs. Juan’s illness and medication and suggest that they educate
Mrs. Juan about her disease and the medication to treat it
c. the nurse educate the entire family at the same time about the disease and medications to treat it
d. the nurse teaches Mrs. Juan about her illness and her medications and suggest that she teaches her
family what she has learned

SITUATION 18: Latest death toll in the Philippine due to corona virus after Easter of 2021 was 13, 425. It
was so scary that within a year this COVID 19 VIRUS takes it toll. The nurse must understand the
importance of self-awareness and competencies in helping patients and families during bereavement.
86. when human needs are taken away or not met for some reason, a person experiences loss. Using
Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs, which one of the following will the nurse consider a loss in case of
a. loss of security and a sense of belonging
b. loss related to self-actualization
c. physiologic and safety loss
d. loss of self esteem

87. Vangie, 73 years old, comorbid with hypertension and asthma died of COVID. Ariel grieved and
mourned to the loss of his mother’s untimely death. He is now aware that his mother is one of those 12,
425 deaths. The nurse will consider at what stage of grieving process is Ariel experiencing?
a. depression c. denial and anger
b. bargaining d. acceptance

88. Which of the following gives dues to the nurse that the patient may be grieving for a loss?
a. thoughts, feeling, behavior and physiologic complaints
b. hallucination, panic level of anxiety, sense of impending doom
c. sad affect, anger, anxiety and sudden change of mood
d. complaints of abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite

89. Which if the following situations will the nurse consider as risks factors for complicated grief?
a. childbirth, marriage and divorce
b. death of a spouse, child, death by suicide
c. inadequate perception of the grieving process
d. inadequate support and old age

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