Evolutionary Theory, Systematics, and The Study of Human Origins

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Journal of Anthropological Sciences

Review Vol. 100 (2022), pp. 19-43 doi.10.4436/jass.10007

Evolutionary theory, systematics, and the study of

human origins
Ian Tattersall

Division of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History, 200 Central Park West, New York NY
10024, USA
e-mail: [email protected]

Summary - Paleoanthropology’s relationship with evolutionary theory has not been entirely happy. The
anatomists who dominated paleoanthropology for its first century had little interest in biological diversity
and its causes, or in hominins’ place in that diversity, or in the rules and principles of zoological nomenclature
– which they basically ignored entirely. When, as the twentieth century passed its midpoint, Ernst Mayr
introduced theory to paleoanthropology in the form of the gradualist Modern Evolutionary Synthesis (in its
most hardened form), he shocked students of human evolution not only into a strictly linear evolutionary
mindset, but into a taxonomic minimalism that would for years obscure the signal of phylogenetic diversity
and vigorous evolutionary experimentation among hominins that was starting to emerge from a rapidly
enlarging hominin fossil record. Subsequently, the notion of episodic as opposed to gradualist evolution
re-established phylogenies as typically branching, and species as bounded entities with births, histories, and
deaths; but the implications of this revised perspective were widely neglected by paleoanthropologists, who
continued to reflexively cram diverse new morphologies into existing taxonomic pigeonholes. For Pleistocene
hominins, the effective systematic algorithm became, “if it isn’t Australopithecus, it must be Homo” (or vice
versa), thereby turning both taxa into wastebaskets. The recent development of the “Extended Evolutionary
Synthesis” has only exacerbated the resulting caricature of phylogenetic structure within Homininae, by
offering developmental/phenotypic plasticity as an excuse for associating wildly differing morphologies
within the same taxon. Homo erectus has been a favorite victim of this foible. Biological species are indeed
morphologically variable. But they are only variable within limits; and until we stop brushing diverse
morphologies under the rug of developmental plasticity, paleoanthropology will remain at a major impasse.

Keywords - Paleoanthropology, Homininae, Evolutionary theory, Systematics, Taxonomy, Modern

Evolutionary Synthesis, Extended Synthesis.

Introduction least the first quarter-century of its existence

paleoanthropology had at its disposal only the
Paleoanthropology has from the beginning bones of early modern humans and the broadly
ploughed its own very distinctive scientific fur- similar Neanderthals. But it did mean that from
row. Whereas other branches of paleontology its earliest beginnings paleoanthropology was
emerged in the early nineteenth century from firmly insulated from the rest of evolutionary
geology and comparative anatomy, paleoan- biology. And, perhaps most importantly from
thropology developed later in the century in a the perspective of its later repercussions, this iso-
rather haphazard way, as antiquarians, archae- lation meant that the study of the human fos-
ologists, and others sent the human fossils they sil record was initially shielded from developing
found to physicians and human anatomists for ideas about evolution itself.
study. In one sense, of course, this was entirely At first glance this might appear a little sur-
reasonable. After all, nobody knew the human prising, since it was early paleontologists, observ-
skeleton better than the anatomists; and for at ers of the fossil record, who had first articulated

Istituto Italiano di Antropologia, founded in 1893 by Giuseppe Sergi

Paleoanthropology and Evolution

Fig. 1 – The early nineteenth originators of the two concepts that underwrite our understanding of
evolutionary patterns today: Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (right), who proposed that lineages of organ-
isms transform over time; and Giambatista Brocchi (left), who observed that species have finite
lives in the fossil record, and deaths via extinction. Brocchi portrait courtesy of Stefano Dominici,
Lamarck courtesy of Dave Bergman.

the two basic notions that underpin our under- Darwin’s own Descent of Man (Darwin 1871)
standing of evolution today: namely, that mor- followed a broadly similar trajectory, at least to
phological change can accumulate within lineages the extent that its author was willing to speculate
over time (Lamarck 1809, Fig.1), and that species about hypothetical human ancestors while scru-
have births via splitting, finite lives as themselves, pulously avoiding any discussion of fossils that
and deaths via extinction (Brocchi 1814, Fig 1). might be germane to that ancestry. In the entire
Yet even Charles Darwin’s close associate Thomas two volumes of the Descent, the one and only ref-
Henry Huxley, an energetic proselytizer for evo- erence to the Neanderthal fossil merely observed
lution who was the first to realize that birds had that it showed that ancient humans could have
evolved from dinosaurs, and whose 1863 book big brains. This reluctance to integrate abstract
Man’s Place in Nature was foundational to anglo- evolutionary principles with the material human
phone paleoanthropology, could not bring himself fossil record lingered with some tenacity. Thus,
to apply evolutionary principles to human fossils. the early twentieth century’s most widely read
Instead of viewing the odd-looking Neanderthal anglophone review of the human fossil record,
fossil that had been discovered in Germany six Arthur Keith’s The Antiquity of Man (Keith
years earlier in evolutionary context, Huxley tied 1915), respected its title to the extent that it
himself into knots arguing that the Neanderthaler delved quite deeply into geological and archae-
was nothing more than an ancient and particu- ological sequences. But it contained nothing
larly brutish member of our own species, Homo about natural selection, evolutionary process, or
sapiens (Huxley 1863). evolutionary patterns.

Paleoanthropology and Evolution

By the time Keith’s volume appeared, Huxley’s Tab. 1 – Genus names (with type species) that
were in common use before World War II for
successors were prepared to accept diversity in the the relatively few fossils then known that are
human fossil record. And indeed, Marcellin Boule assigned to genus Homo today.
had by then already made his Herculean attempt
to portray the Neanderthals as creatures that were
unlike modern humans as possible (Boule 1911- Pithecanthropus erectus

13). But another equally idiosyncratic and per- Meganthropus palaeojavanicus

nicious tendency had by that point replaced the
Sinanthropus pekinensis
denial of diversity: the misuse of zoological nomen-
clature. Paleontologists in other fields had long Atlanthropus mauritanicus
recognized that zoological names, and the Linnean Palaeoanthropus palestinensis
hierarchy within which they were ranged, existed
in some way to reflect the phylogenies that under- Palaeanthropus heidelbergensis

pinned the order clearly observable in nature. And Protanthropus neanderthalensis

they acknowledged that supraspecific names were
Cyphanthropus rhodesiensis
there to reflect the nested sets of organisms that
systematists and paleontologists recognized on the Javanthropus soloensis
basis of their morphologies. They also recognized
Telanthropus capensis
that, while the genus/species binomen played an
unusual role at the most fundamental level of this Africanthropus helmei

hierarchy, it was nonetheless an integral part of it. Homo spelaeus

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the anatomists did not
share this perspective. After all, instead of trying
to make sense of the riotous diversity of nature, and specific names to each new type without much
they were fixated on one single species and on the concern for the kind of relationship to other types
minutiae of variation within it. Emancipated by formerly known” (Mayr 1950, p. 109).
this intense central focus from any perceived need As a result of its exceptionalist foibles, pre-
to consider diversity, the paleoanthropologists were World War II research in paleoanthropology
consequently free to use zoological names in any had a distinctly different flavor from that in the
way they wanted. Which, apparently by analogy evolutionary sciences in general. But practition-
with the family and given names they themselves ers of all branches of paleontology nonetheless
possessed, was basically as convenient tags to iden- shared one fundamental similarity: their analyses
tify individual fossils. New hominin genus and of the fossils to hand were based on “expert judg-
species names were accordingly coined and thrown ment.” Everyone had his or her own story to tell,
around with reckless abandon, so that by the mid- and the credibility of each story was conferred
dle of the twentieth century a dozen different genus by the reputation, seniority, access to fossils, and
names were in regular in use for a limited number sometimes the chutzpah of the storyteller, rather
of fossils that are all subsumed today within the than by the testability or robustness of the story
genus Homo (Tab. 1), with many more species itself. Perceptions were always subjective, and
names to boot. The result, of course, was to endow often arbitrary. Hypotheses were not couched in
the still relatively poorly known human fossil testable terms, and their acceptance depended on
record with a spurious appearance of great diversity. the authority of their proponents. This was not a
Franz Weidenreich, the highly respected anato- way of doing science that could endure in the long
mist and describer of the Weimar-Ehringsdorf and term, but it showed surprising durability. And for
Zhoukoudian hominin fossils, described the situa- as long as it persisted, it papered over the funda-
tion very neatly when he was quoted as saying: “it mental procedural differences between paleoan-
always was and still is the custom to give generic thropology and the rest of paleontology.

Paleoanthropology and Evolution

The Modern Evolutionary Synthesis favor as an evolutionary mechanism only once the
heredity issue had been settled.
Charles Darwin published his (and Alfred Back in 1866 the Czech cleric Gregor
Russel Wallace’s) notion of evolution by natu- Mendel had proposed a theory of hybridity to
ral selection in his classic work On the Origin which many now trace the origin of the mod-
of Species (Darwin 1859). Following an initial ern science of genetics (though see Olby 1979;
uproar, the twin tenets that all life on Earth is Kampourakis 2017). Things began to change
united by common ancestry, and that the nested only in 1900, when the basics of what we know
pattern of resemblances among organisms is due today as Mendelian genetics were independently
to “descent with modification,” were remarkably rediscovered in three European laboratories.
rapidly accepted by most biologists as well as a Focusing on the expression of traits that were dis-
large sector of the public. That rapidity is entirely crete (i.e., tall or short), researchers determined
understandable, for the idea that all life forms that the units of heredity were both discrete and
are related by descent is still our only hypothesis paired (one from each parent), and that those
pertaining to the origin of natural variety that that specified different traits were passed along
actually predicts what we see out there – and that independently of each other. Each unit of a pair
reliably continues to do so, at the finer and finer (of what are now known as “alleles”) retained its
levels of resolution that rapidly advancing tech- identity, and was passed intact from one genera-
nologies are making possible. What proved to tion to the next, even where a “dominant” form
be a harder sell, at least in the shorter term, was might mask the effects of its “recessive” twin in
Darwin’s choice for the driver of modification. the phenotype (the physical appearance of the
That choice was, of course, natural selection, individual). The origin of the modern science
whereby individuals with favorable heritable char- of genetics is thus generally dated to that event-
acteristics reproduced more successfully than their ful year of 1900 when the discreteness of genes
less well-endowed conspecifics, leading to the slow was established, although the term “genetics”
modification of each lineage of organisms as the itself dates only from 1905, and the word “gene”
generations passed. One of the larger problems was not introduced for the unit of heredity until
that Darwin faced in convincing his audience that 1909. A key term that emerged very early on in
natural selection was what drove evolution was the lexicon of genetics, and that remains central
the lack of any convincing mechanism for hered- to it, was “mutation.” This label had originated
ity, the transmission of those favorable features in the context of the distinctive new plant varie-
from parent to offspring on which the process ties that had long been known on occasion to
depended. Darwin was very well informed about arise spontaneously; but once Mendelian genet-
animal and plant breeding, and he knew that bio- ics came on the scene, it rapidly came to refer
logical heredity was real; but he had no clue about to the changes in the genes that underlay such
how that heredity worked. His espousal of the “sports of nature.”
“pangenesis” notion, which held that the body’s Early researchers had stumbled over the
cells and tissues gave off “gemmules” that some- Mendelian principles in search of answers to a
how accumulated in the reproductive organs, range of different questions; but genetics as a sci-
was no more than a guess: a mere placeholder ence began to take on a more distinctly focused
that allowed him to complete his larger theory form when the Mendelian perspective was com-
of evolution. Pangenesis, moreover, was not the bined with the newly developed chromosomal
only game in town: by the end of the nineteenth theory of inheritance. Things moved fast, and
century, there were by one count as many as 30 the first map of genes along the chromosomes of
different theories of heredity in circulation. This the fruit fly Drosophila was completed in 1913
background makes it readily comprehensible that in the Columbia University (New York) labora-
natural selection would begin to find widespread tory of Thomas Hunt Morgan (Sturtevant 1913).

Paleoanthropology and Evolution

Two years later, the same laboratory revealed exist, but it did present a quantitation of the
that at least 25 different genes were responsi- within-population variation on which Darwinian
ble for determining eye color in those fruit flies natural selection worked, and integrated it with a
(Morgan et al. 1915): simple Mendelian inherit- mechanism for the transmission of the hereditary
ance was, it was turning out, a comparative rarity. information.
Simultaneously, it was becoming realized that the In retrospect Fisher’s analysis appears as a
environment in which an individual was raised significant turning point that allowed a gradual
could affect the expression of its underlying convergence to begin among the systematists,
genes. The upshot was that, while everyone could geneticists, comparative anatomists, paleontolo-
agree that the rapidly developing science of genet- gists, developmental biologists, and others whose
ics was somehow meshing well with Darwinian work intersected with evolutionary science. At
ideas of evolution, not everyone agreed how. the time, though, it didn’t necessarily look that
Accordingly, the first two decades of the way; for there was plenty of mutual incompre-
twentieth century were a time of extraordinary hension to overcome, especially between the
hyperactivity for the nascent sciences of heredity experimentalists and the empiricists. As the
and evolutionary biology, and almost everyone paleontologist George Gaylord Simpson elo-
had his or her own theory about how inherit- quently put it, looking back from the vantage
ance and evolution worked, both at the genetic point of 1944:
level and at the level of evolutionary change over
time. Mutationists embraced the “saltation- Not long ago, paleontologists felt that a geneticist
ist” view which held that new species appear was someone who shut himself in a room, pulled
rapidly, through discontinuous transmutation. down the shades, watched small flies disporting
Darwinians, in contrast, held that change was themselves in milk bottles, and thought that he
slow, as selection within an existing spectrum of was studying nature. A pursuit so removed from
variation led to gradual long-term transforma- the realities of life, they said, had no significance
tion. “Biometricians” noted that numerous genes for the true biologist. On the other hand, the
appeared to be involved in determining continu- geneticists said that paleontology had no further
ously varying traits such as height or weight. contributions to make to biology, that its only
Others thought that “mutation pressure” deter- point had been the completed demonstration of the
mined the rate and direction of change. Ideas truth of evolution, and that it was a subject too
of “soft” or “blending” inheritance continued to purely descriptive to merit the name “science.” The
prove tenacious. And so on. paleontologist, they believed, is like a man who
Things began to shake out when quantitative undertakes to study the principles of the internal
modelers began trying to integrate the empiri- combustion engine by standing on a street corner
cal results that were coming in from all sides. and watching the motor cars whiz by (Simpson
Most notably, in 1918 the English quantitative 1944, p. xv-xvi).
geneticist R. A. Fisher published his “infini-
tesimal model,” whereby continuously varying Nonetheless, over the two decades following
physical characteristics – i.e., most of them – are Fisher’s seminal contribution there emerged what
determined by multiple genes, each of which became known as the “Modern Evolutionary
makes a smaller relative contribution as numbers Synthesis” (Huxley 1942), which integrated
increase; and which between them, in conjunc- Darwinian ideas of natural selection with chang-
tion with environmental influences, will produce ing frequencies of genes in populations, and
a “continuous, normally distributed phenotype which brought specialists of very diverse kinds
in the population.” This view did not exclude together into the nascent field of evolutionary
what we now view as Mendelian inheritance in biology. Perhaps the most compelling metaphor
the relatively few discontinuous traits known to of the period was the statistician Sewall Wright’s

Paleoanthropology and Evolution

(1932) notion of the “adaptive landscape,” with The Synthesis and

its analogy to a topographic map in which the Paleoanthropology
most viable (fittest) combinations of alleles (geno-
types) clustered on the hilltops, while the less fit The years following the end of World War II
genotypes were scattered in the valleys between. saw a generational change in paleoanthropology,
Natural selection worked to keep the hilltops as as the prewar cohort of traditional anatomists
crowded and the valleys as sparsely populated as and physical anthropologists began to age out of
possible, even as environmental change shifted the the profession, ultimately to be replaced largely
underlying topography. This image of the adap- by adherents of what was to become the “New
tive landscape very cogently married the ideas Physical Anthropology.” This term was invented
of natural selection and gene frequency change. in 1951 by the physical anthropologist Sherwood
And by catching the imagination of many, it set Washburn (at the time a junior Columbia
the scene for the full-blown development of the University colleague of Theodosius Dobzhansky,
Modern Evolutionary Synthesis (hereafter, “the the most generally influential of the architects of
Synthesis”) as expressed not only in Huxley’s book, the Synthesis), in the context of a clarion call for
but in the approximately coeval and equally com- biological anthropology to switch away from the
pelling presentations of three New York scientists fusty old anatomical traditions of measurement
with very different foci: the geneticist Theodosius and classification, and to embrace being a mul-
Dobzhansky (1937), the ornithologist and sys- tidisciplinary and forward-looking science focus-
tematist Ernst Mayr (1942), and the vertebrate ing on the mechanisms and processes involved
paleontologist George Simpson (1944). in evolutionary change. Washburn’s appeal was
Although necessarily nuanced in its earlier hugely effective; and its timing was clearly far
manifestations, the Synthesis rapidly “hard- from coincidental, because it was made the year
ened,” as the paleontologist Stephen J. Gould after what was, unquestionably, the most forma-
(1983) elegantly put it, into a firmly reductionist tive single intellectual event in the twentieth-
dogma whereby the evolutionary process con- century history of paleoanthropology.
sisted essentially of the gradual within-lineage In 1950, Long Island’s prestigious Cold
accumulation of small genetic mutations and Spring Harbor Biological Laboratory (CSHBL)
recombinations over vast periods of time. That convened a conference on The Origin and
slow accretion of changes over the generations Evolution of Man that was attended by the
took place principally under the control of natu- leading figures in American evolutionary biol-
ral selection, as individuals with superior herit- ogy. The most resonant of the many presenta-
able features out-reproduced their less favored tions was made by the ornithologist Ernst Mayr
conspecifics. Over long stretches of time larger- (1950), identified earlier as one of the leading
scale effects would result from the continuous lights of the Synthesis. Mayr took as his theme
accumulation of such minor changes, ultimately “Taxonomic Categories in Fossil Hominids,”
to produce higher-level phenomena such as the an issue that he undiplomatically positioned
emergence of new species and the occupation of within the most hardened possible interpreta-
new ecological zones. By the mid-1940s, most tion of the Synthesis. Bluntly – and entirely
anglophone adherents of the new science of evo- correctly – Mayr informed the paleoanthropolo-
lutionary biology had come together to agree on gists in the CSHBL audience that, because of
these general principles. Even the paleontolo- their “very intense occupation with only a very
gists concurred, in a testament to the reductionist small fraction of the animal kingdom,” they
attractions of a Synthesis that had substantially had adopted “systematic standards that differed
short-changed them by relegating their basic unit “greatly from those applied in other fields of
of analysis, the species, to an evanescent entity zoology.” This, Mayr continued, had led to an
that inexorably evolved itself out of existence. unfortunate “attempt to express every difference

Paleoanthropology and Evolution

of morphology, even the slightest of them, by a recollections quoted in Tattersall 2009). And
different name” (Mayr 1950, p.109). In these their younger colleagues (including Washburn)
words, Mayr peremptorily dismissed almost all had already been primed by their association
of the many names available for hominin fossils with Dobzhansky and others to embrace the
(Tab. 1), declaring that the diversity implied by new perspective. Change was by then in the air,
this forest of generic nomina was entirely illusory. awaiting catalysis; and it was Mayr’s broadside
In contrast, he insisted that the entire known that proved to be the catalyst, with immediate
hominin (to him, hominid) fossil record con- and lasting impact.
tained only three species. What is more, all three On the other hand, if Mayr’s intention had
belonged to the single genus Homo, and all repre- been to shock the paleoanthropological profes-
sented sections of one single, gradually evolving, sion into bringing its systematic standards into
and time-transgressive lineage. Homo transvaal- line with those employed by other paleontologists
ensis (what we would now today refer to as the and systematists, he was surely disappointed. For
gracile australopiths) transformed insensibly into the presumably unintended effect of his upbraid-
Homo erectus, which in turn gradually became ing was to cause paleoanthropologists of all incli-
Homo sapiens (via the Neanderthals). And that nations (not only the Old Guard at whom he had
was it. Any morphological discontinuities an taken direct aim, but the Young Turks too) to shy
observer might have perceived in this sequence away from systematics entirely. Each group had
were no more than artifacts of an imperfect fossil its own reasons for doing this, but the effect was
record: in the dimension of time, the three spe- identical across the board. For at least a decade,
cies had possessed no morphological or behav- paleoanthropologists of all stripes shunned zoo-
ioral boundaries. Which was, Mayr sonorously logical nomina entirely. Mayr had urged, spe-
continued, entirely inevitable, because “Man has cifically in the case of the South African australo-
specialized in despecialization … if the single piths, that “until a real taxonomic distinction has
species man occupies successfully all the niches been established … it would be safer and more
that are open for a Homo-like creature, it is obvi- scientific to refer [to them] by vernacular names”
ous that he cannot speciate” (Mayr 1950, p.116). (Mayr 1950, p.113); and paleoanthropologists
Mayr’s audience reacted strongly to this not only welcomed this advice but broadened
direct assault – and not because it was hearing it to embrace the entire human fossil record.
this rigorously linear and gradualist dogma from Hominin phylogenetic trees lost their branches,
a man who was already developing a reputation and instead became agglomerations of bubbles
as an expert on speciation and the origin of new and broad arrows within which informal desig-
lineages. Instead, the strength of the reaction nations such as “Swanscombe,” and “Starosele”
reflected the fact that, by 1950, the cracks in floated in varying proximities. Practically no
the existing paleoanthropological edifice were anglophone paleoanthropologists wanted to go
already in plain sight. It is clear, for example, near a zoological name.
that some of the older generation of paleoan- Almost the only dissenting voice was that
thropologists were already at least subliminally of the South African paleoanthropologist John
aware that they had scant theoretical justifica- Robinson, whose ox Mayr had specifically gored.
tion for their nomenclatural extravagances, Robinson very reasonably drew attention to the
and that they had been guilty of neglecting the bounteous evidence offered by the South African
wider evolutionary implications of their system- australopiths that multiple lineages had indeed
atic follies. This had certainly been true of the existed in the hominin fossil record (Robinson
then very recently deceased Franz Weidenreich, 1953), a point that Mayr rapidly, if grudgingly,
who had finished his career at the American conceded (Mayr 1953). Nonetheless, such was
Museum of Natural History, the academic home the power of Mayr’s onslaught that most anglo-
of both Ernst Mayr and George Simpson (see the phone paleoanthropologists were happy to

Paleoanthropology and Evolution

drop the now-tendentious matter of taxonomy extinct worlds of the past had been. Some earlier
entirely, and to content themselves instead both paleoanthropologists such as Franz Weidenreich
with those vernacular names, and with the lack at Zhoukoudian, and Raymond Dart most
of phylogenetic precision that came along with famously at Makapansgat, had sought to bring
them. This abandonment of taxonomy and their ancient subjects to life in particular respects;
phylogenetic accuracy came, naturally enough, but under the sway of the Synthesis multifacto-
at a major long-term cost. It resulted in an rial explanatory narrative took center stage, and
entrenched taxonomic minimalism, a reluctance paleoanthropological analyses such as those of
by paleoanthropologists to embrace as many cat- the Neanderthals by Washburn’s student Clark
egories as were needed to express the richness of Howell (1951, 1952, 1957) routinely assumed
the hominin fossil record and the complexities a freshness and a three-dimensionality that had
of descent it encodes. The hominin fossil record generally been lacking under the old “measure
has expanded out of recognition since Mayr and classify” regime.
handed down his graven tablets from the Cold New zoological names returned to the fore in
Spring Harbor mountaintop; but in obeisance 1964, in a curious and temporary reversal when
to his strictures, and despite the wealth of new Louis Leakey and two illustrious colleagues (L.
fossils and morphologies available, almost three- Leakey et al. 1964) named the new species Homo
quarters of a century later paleoanthropologists habilis from the earliest exposures in Tanzania’s
remain extremely reluctant to create new catego- Olduvai Gorge. Unlike his paleoanthropological
ries to accommodate all this novelty. The result colleagues, the unconventional Leakey was always
is that Homininae has become a small jumble of ready to name a new species of anything at the
wastebasket taxa as paleoanthropologists have drop of a hat; and, deeply under the sway of the
energetically shoehorned new morphologies into then-pervasive idea of “Man the toolmaker” (i.e.,
old species, in the process caricaturing both (see that the making of tools was the hallmark of the
Tattersall 2017). genus Homo) he was on a single-minded mission
None of this is to say that the results of to find the remains of the hominin that had made
Mayr’s intervention in paleoanthropology were the crude stone tools that had for years been turn-
entirely negative. That was because the Synthesis ing up in the lowest levels of the Gorge. He was
was not fundamentally about taxonomy, but a bit disappointed by the first candidate fossil,
about biology and evolutionary process. And found in 1959. This was the hyper-robust aus-
even as they turned their backs on systematics, tralopith he called Zinjanthropus boisei (L. Leakey
the postwar generation of paleoanthropologists 1959); and even he could see that it was a bit too
willingly embraced the many positive things that specialized to be considered ancestral to modern
the Synthesis had to offer. This was done largely humans. Consequently, he was greatly relieved
under the influence of Theodosius Dobzhansky, when the remains of a more gracile and general-
who had offered paleoanthropologists his gradu- ized hominin soon turned up in Olduvai deposits
alist and unilinear perspective on human evolu- of approximately the same age (L. Leakey 1961).
tion as early as 1944, and who dedicated a major Here was his toolmaker; and Leakey clung to the
book to the subject in 1962. Unlike the tradi- idea that it was an early member of Homo even
tional anatomists, the advocates of the Synthesis after the oldest of the fossils came in with a mind-
thought in terms of populations and of ancient boggling potassium-argon age (L. Leakey et al.
demographics. They thought in terms of chang- 1961) of 1.8 million years (myr), three times
ing environments, and of function, and of indi- what he had informally estimated.
viduals striving to achieve reproductive success Many at the time felt that the holotype man-
in challenging circumstances. More than any- dible of Homo habilis was not appreciably dif-
one before them, they consciously emphasized ferent from its counterparts among the gracile
how intricately complex and interactive the South African australopiths; but when a very

Paleoanthropology and Evolution

Fig. 2 – Front and side views of the 1.63-million-year-old East Turkana fossil KNM-ER 3733, the best-pre-
served example of an adult Homo ergaster cranium. Drawing by Don McGranaghan; centimeter scales.

fragmentary Olduvai braincase was estimated to Turkana, a fragmentary and edentulous 1.9 myr-
have an endocranial volume (a proxy for brain old cranium with a cranial volume of around 800
size) of some 680 ml, versus the australopith mean ml (R.E.F. Leakey 1972). The specimen con-
of around 450 ml (modern humans average 1,330 cerned was the KNM-ER 1470 fossil that is now
ml: all averages quoted here are from Holloway generally referred to H. rudolfensis (see Wood
et al. 2004), he felt he had morphological justi- 1999), but that was seen at the time as settling
fication for placing the whole gracile Olduvai the taxonomic argument in favor of H. habilis.
assemblage in the genus Homo (L. Leakey et al. Notably, though, Richard soon parted company
1964), even though the higher brain volume still from his father (yet again). He tacked sharply in
lay below the “cerebral Rubicon” of 750 ml. that the other direction, and took the general reluc-
Arthur Keith (1931) had established for Homo a tance to introduce new species names into paleo-
quarter-century earlier. Leakey made this judg- anthropology to a ludicrous extreme by ban-
ment, of course, in the service of what we now ning the allocation, to any species whatever, of
know to be a major misconception (that stone any hominin fossil from East Turkana that was
toolmaking was the foundational human quality, suspected of membership in the genus Homo.
and the hallmark of the genus Homo); but it was The Turkana literature consequently became
fundamental to two trends that have marred paleo- saturated with a confusing welter of hominins
anthropology ever since. One of those twin unfor- referred to just as “Homo sp.”
tunate tendencies is the dichotomizing of virtually Eventually Richard relaxed the ban, just in
all early Pleistocene hominins into Australopithecus time to allow a remarkably complete 1.6 myr-
or Homo; the other is the frenetic search for the old adolescent hominin skeleton found at
“earliest Homo,” at the expense of seeking phyloge- Nariokotome, a site near the western shore of
netic pattern in the human fossil record. Lake Turkana (F. Brown et al. 1985, Fig. 2), to
After much initial grumbling (see account in be classified as “early African H. erectus.” This
Tattersall 2009), Homo habilis became generally designation (derived directly from Mayr’s char-
accepted among anglophone paleoanthropolo- acterization of Homo erectus as “the hominid in
gists as an appropriate designation for the grac- the middle”) was chosen despite the plainly evi-
ile Olduvai materials, especially after Louis’s son dent fact that, beyond a broadly similar cranial
Richard had found, to the east of Kenya’s Lake capacity of around 880 ml, the Nariokotome

Paleoanthropology and Evolution

skull bore little resemblance to the much the geneticists and systematists. As a result, it is
younger (>700,000-year-old) holotype skullcap hardly surprising that the first major attack on
of H. erectus from Java. Informally known as the the Synthesis came from the direction of paleon-
“Nariokotome Boy,” the new skeleton (Fig. 2), tology. In 1972 the invertebrate paleontologists
had close to modern bodily proportions, show- Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould pointed
ing long legs, relatively short arms, and (relative out (Eldredge and Gould 1972) what many pale-
to australopiths) a narrow pelvis; and nowadays ontologists had known all along, which was that
many classify it as H. ergaster. This is a name most fossil species appeared rather abruptly in the
originally given by the interlopers Colin Groves fossil record, lingered for varying lengths of time,
and Vratja Mazak (1975) to a 1.5 myr-old mandi- and then disappeared, to be replaced as often as
ble from East Turkana, and the species concerned not by a close relative. Far from being gradual, as
is best exemplified in fully adult form by the rea- predicted by the Synthesis, evolutionary change
sonably complete KNM-ER 3733 cranium (Fig. has accumulated in fits and starts, as new species
2). By the 1980s, then, paleoanthropology had came on to the environmental stage, competed
begun to throw off its Mayr-induced absolute for ecological space, gave rise to descendant spe-
aversion to zoological names. But it retained its cies in the short-term process of speciation, and
minimalist stance, even as it veered back towards eventually became extinct, with or without prog-
the prewar arbitrariness that Franz Weidenreich eny. As visualized in a phylogenetic diagram,
had described so well. And it was doing so in an this process produced a more or less luxuriantly
entirely ad-hoc way, unguided by any coherent branching bush of taxa, in sharp contrast to the
theoretical framework or expectations. ladder-like structure predicted by the Synthesis.
In the new view, whether or not a species
succeeded in the long term would often have
Post-Synthesis Developments depended much less on its innate qualities (as
honed by traditional natural selection) than on
Although George Simpson (1944) had very whom it happened to be competing with, and
stylishly brought his discipline of paleontology under what environmental conditions. Changes
into the fold of the Synthesis in his Tempo and in external conditions that had no relation what-
Mode in Evolution, the formulation of evolution ever to excellence of adaptation were seen as key
as a matter of gradual lineage transformation overall influencers of evolutionary patterns, and
had, as noted, severely handicapped paleontolo- internal processes within species took on a dif-
gists by depriving the fossil species, their most ferent role from before, as stabilizing influences.
fundamental unit of analysis, of an objective Eldredge and Gould (1972) named the process
existence. Species might appear to have reason- of lineage splitting, followed by varying peri-
ably well-defined boundaries in space, where ods of stasis, “punctuated equilibria;” and they
the systematists dwelled; but the Synthesis saw contrasted it with the transformational “phyletic
them as unbounded in time, gradually and inex- gradualism” of the Synthesis. What’s more, they
orably evolving themselves into something else. suggested that punctuated equilibria provided a
For paleontologists, species as thus conceived much better fit than gradualism to what most
would be impossible to define or to recognize, paleontologists actually saw in the fossil record.
even in principle. Even worse for the students Under punctuated equilibria, species ceased
of the fossil record (who had, after all, got the to inexorably evolve themselves out of existence,
whole evolutionary ball rolling in the first place), and instead regained their importance as individ-
the Synthesis had relegated paleontology to the uated actors and interactors in the evolutionary
humble clerical task of documenting and classi- play. Similarly, overall patterns of evolutionary
fying the results of evolution, while its mecha- change came to be seen as more deeply affected
nisms and grand patterns lay in the purview of by external forces than by the intrinsic excellence

Paleoanthropology and Evolution

of the individuals who reproductively competed conceptual leap forward to some of us, it pro-
within those species. After all, in the larger voked a strong adverse reaction among others.
scheme of things, of what use is it to be the most Still, at the very least its implications should have
excellently adapted member of your population come as a wake-up call to those paleoanthropolo-
in some aspect or another, if your entire species gists who, under the sway of the New Physical
is being outcompeted into extinction, or if it Anthropology and Mayrian linearity, were
is being made unviable by local environmental increasingly focusing on the “evolution of the
change? Darwinian natural selection might still, brain,” or the “evolution of the gut,” or “the evo-
of course, be expected to occur under conditions lution of the foot,” as if those systems had inde-
where the putative selective agent was very close pendent existences whose modification could
to critical aspects of reproduction or survival be independently traced over vast tracts of time.
(think large testes in promiscuous chimpanzees, Which was, of course, very clearly not the case:
or lactase persistence in cattle-herding human all anatomical systems are embedded in individ-
populations). But in the light of punctuated equi- uals and in the species to which those individuals
libria, natural selection (which is a mathematical belong; and each one is inextricably interlinked
certainty in any population in which more indi- with all the other properties of the organism
viduals are born than survive to reproduce) can involved. For those who were willing to see it, by
begin to be seen not so much as an active agent the mid-1970s it was already blindingly evident
of inevitable change, but as a principally stabiliz- that without a strong systematic framework, and
ing influence that acts mainly to trim off the less without knowing how the various states of the
viable extremes in the normal curves of character features of interest were distributed among the
distributions produced by Ronald Fisher’s infini- taxa in a phylogeny, it was simply not possible
tesimal model of gene behavior. By promoting to make proper sense of the changes in physi-
homeostasis in this way, natural selection’s main cal properties observed over time. Nonetheless,
large-scale effect is to keep entire populations as both the taxonomic minimalism that was Mayr’s
fit as possible (amid fluctuating environments). paleoanthropological legacy, and the traditional
And then again, beware in an uncertain world of human anatomist’s tendency to dismiss taxon-
excessively tight adaptation to any specific envi- omy as “merely arguing about names,” proved
ronment: extinction rates have typically been far highly durable. The tendency to proceed with
higher among the stenotopes (specialists) that paleoanthropological analysis without establish-
are very highly honed to their environments, ing an adequate phylogenetic structure lingered
than they are among eurytopes (generalists) powerfully, and still casts a very long shadow.
such as hominins (Eldredge 1979). Further, the
homeostatic perspective fit well not only with
the reality, established early on, that most genes Punctuated Equilibria and
are pleiotropic (affecting many characters) while Systematics
most characters are polygenic (affected by many
genes), but also with the obvious although fre- Perhaps the single most salutary effect of the
quently overlooked fact that strictly Darwinian new punctuated equilibria perspective was to
natural selection can only work on entire indi- restore the identity of species as bounded units:
viduals, which must necessarily succeed or fail as entities with definable characteristics that invited
the sum of their parts. Being the keenest-eyed of phylogenetic analysis. And, coincidentally, the
your group may not help you much in the long arrival of punctuated equilibria had broadly
run, if you are also the slowest. coincided with the advent of cladistics, the
In long retrospect, the advent of punctuated school of phylogenetic analysis that insisted that
equilibria looks like a simple return to reason. taxa should be linked on the basis of synapomor-
At the time, though, even as it felt like a major phy. Synapomorphies are derived characteristics

Paleoanthropology and Evolution

(or states of the same character) that are shared enough outcrops, and collected enough well-
among two taxa (“derived” indicating depar- dated fossils, the course of evolution would
ture from the common ancestral condition). simply be revealed, much as the picture emerges
Two pairs of related taxa united by one or more in a jigsaw puzzle as the pieces drop into place.
synapomorphies could, in their turn, be united This belief in the magical properties of discov-
using other shared common ancestral characters, ery was, indeed, what had implicitly permitted
and so on down the line to obtain a branch- paleoanthropologists to skip the essential sys-
ing diagram that indicates the relationships by tematics stage when evaluating a fossil or a fos-
descent of all the members of the group under sil assemblage, in favor of proceeding directly
consideration. The resulting explicit statements to the “more interesting” ecological and behav-
of relationships by descent were known as “clad- ioral stuff. But if phylogenies were complex
ograms,” and they were scientific to the extent branching structures, as it was rapidly emerging
that they could be tested and potentially rejected during the 1970s they typically were, the story
by the addition of new characters or new taxa to was entirely different. Phylogenies could not be
the analysis. All species were treated as termi- directly discovered. Instead, they were a matter
nal, both living and extinct species being given of careful analysis. Discovery of fossils was obvi-
identical treatment. There are, of course, two ously important; but the accumulation of fossils
possible kinds of relationship by descent: that was now seen by most paleontologists to be only
between two “sisters” uniquely descended from the beginning of a much longer process: one that
the same common ancestor, and that between an had to start with basic phylogenetic inquiry.
ancestor and its direct descendant. Cladograms The advent of cladistics was thus as truly
do not attempt to distinguish between these radical for systematics as that of punctuated
because, while sister relationships are encoded in equilibria had been for evolutionary theory, for
synapomorphies, the ancestor-descendant rela- it banished the expert judgment that had ruled
tionship is not directly testable as such (Tattersall for so long. If you wanted to demonstrate that
and Eldredge 1977). two taxa were each other’s closest relative, you
This systematic advance depended, natu- had to be able to show how they were exclusively
rally enough, on the fact that if it was to offer linked by derived characters free of homoplasy
usable systematic characters, any species obvi- (independent acquisition). Sadly, though, old
ously needed to possess the finite morphologi- habits die hard; and despite the compelling logic
cal boundaries that phyletic gradualism had behind the approach, “cladist” is still sometimes
denied it. Punctuated equilibria had provided used as a term of opprobrium in paleoanthropol-
that. And in its turn, once such boundaries had ogy. At the time, however, cladistic theory and
been acknowledged by the punctuated equilib- procedures offered a welcome breath of fresh air
ria model, the cladistic approach ensured that to some of us; and, from the contemporary per-
taxa could at least in principle be identified and spective, their most important contribution was
grouped in an objective and testable way. to open the way for the quantitative computer-
If less overtly, cladistics also offered a new driven approaches (using mainly parsimony and
mindset to paleontology. Under the Synthesis, maximum likelihood algorithms) that are nowa-
species had essentially formed chains running days used to generate and test phylogenetic trees.
through time, a perspective that had implied in Making use of sometimes mind-bogglingly large
turn that understanding evolutionary histories data sets, such procedures are by now routinely
was not a great deal more than a matter of dis- employed in all areas of systematics, very occa-
covering fossils (Eldredge and Tattersall 1975). sionally also including paleoanthropology (e.g.,
If, as Mayr’s model implied, a fossil’s historical Dembo et al. 2015).
place was a simple function of its chronologi- Significantly, though, the quantitative meth-
cal position, it followed that if you crawled over ods that have been most eagerly adopted by

Paleoanthropology and Evolution

paleoanthropologists have tended to be such still involved in sorting fossil assemblages into
multivariate procedures as principal components these fundamental units; and although as a gen-
analysis and geometrical morphometrics. Not eral rule of thumb species do tend to vary around
only do these techniques not produce phyloge- fairly readily recognizable themes, there is prob-
nies, but they are not means of analyzing data and ably a general tendency to underestimate their
are rather ways of visualizing them. And, when frequency in the fossil record (Tattersall 1996).
one is dealing with fossils, the human eye/brain But species recognition difficulties are not
combination is in many cases probably at least as the sole, or even the major, reason why paleo-
efficient at visualization as the shooting of vectors anthropologists so rarely use analytical methods
through multivariate space is. Of course, you do to construct hominin genealogical trees. The
emerge from those quantitative exercises with a lot principal difficulty with using widely available
of numbers; but they are unlikely to mean much quantitative phylogenetic/analytical procedures
until you have been able to precisely situate the in paleoanthropology is very likely that their use
fossils you have quantified within a phylogeny. depends on the existence of extensive and reli-
Other quantitative visualization methods able data matrices. Such data sets are relatively
that have been widely used in paleoanthropology easily compiled when one is dealing with long-
include the “virtual anthropology” techniques established taxa within which a lot of differen-
that involve scanning broken or distorted fossils, tiation has occurred; but in paleoanthropology
then disassembling and rejoining them on the we are dealing with a recently evolved and very
computer screen with the option of 3-D print- closely related group within which differentia-
ing the result. At least for research purposes, the tion is often minimal, homoplasy is rampant,
technological ability to do this will soon have and variation is rife. What is more, we are look-
all but replaced the earlier, labor-intensive, and ing at human evolution in such extremely fine
time-consuming process of manual fossil prepa- grain that both reliably recognizing fossil species,
ration and reconstruction; and it also permits and compiling large discrete data matrices, are
the production of replicas without the wear- supremely difficult tasks. To use quantitative
and-tear and risk of physical damage inherent in phylogenetics you need well-defined and well-
traditional preparation and molding-and-casting documented operational taxonomic units in
procedures. These advantages have, of course, addition to a solid data matrix, and the structur-
been of huge benefit to paleoanthropology; but ing of such units among the hominins is such a
once you have your high-resolution reconstruc- tricky issue that paleoanthropology has found it
tion in your hands, you still require some way of most convenient to avoid confronting it.
analyzing it. And, even more importantly, you There is, moreover, another level of com-
first need to have some way of accurately clas- plication in paleoanthropology: one that is not
sifying it. This is a current weak point, because only related to the very intensive level at which
prior grouping of fossils into units of analysis we scrutinize our data, but to the extremely close
(usually species) is normally obligatory; and such phylogenetic affiliations of the lineages under
groupings are typically all over the map from scrutiny. Genomic information at varying lev-
one researcher to the next. Indeed, they usually els of resolution is now available on certain fos-
involve informal groupings rather than species. sil hominins as far back as 400,000 years or so
One reason for this is that the species is the (Meyer et al. 2016); and it indicates not only that
one single level in the entire Linnean hierarchy there were more lineages out there than we had
that, even in principle, is not recognized on the guessed from the fossils alone (Reich et al. 2010),
basis of morphology; and there is no quantita- but that interbreeding was fairly routine among
tive method I am aware of that claims to reliably more recently differentiated lineages within the
allocate fossils to species. Regrettably, then, an genus Homo (Villanea and Schreiber 2019).
unavoidable element of subjective judgement is This appears to have been true even when the

Paleoanthropology and Evolution

lineages concerned (such as Homo sapiens and attention paid to the morphological affinity that
H. neanderthalensis) were clearly already estab- should have positively guided the determination.
lished on independent evolutionary trajectories. The genus is, of course, a conceptually
In the instances we are able to recognize, such tricky taxonomic category. Living species define
genetic interchange may have made minor dif- themselves, in the sense that they are the larg-
ferences to adaptability in the recipient lineages est freely and effectively reproducing groups in
(e.g., Huerta-Sanchez et al. 2014); but long-term nature: their members basically know who they
evolutionary outcomes were nonetheless broadly are, and it is up to biologists to discover what it
unaffected. There may well also, of course, have is that they know from all possible lines of evi-
been some so far undetected reticulating expres- dence available, ranging from the reproductive,
sions; and the wider message is obvious that there through the developmental, to the ecological.
was a significant amount of lineage splitting, and Genera, on the other hand, are the creation of
probably of reticulation as well, within the genus taxonomists. They are necessarily monophy-
Homo in the later part of the Pleistocene. Any of letic groups of species (i.e., including only the
the very subtle signals that reflect those events in descendants of a particular common ancestor);
the recent hominin record will, however, likely but there is no rule that specifies how many spe-
not be easy to decipher. cies a genus should embrace. There is, perforce,
a phylogenetic structure (a branching pattern)
within every polyspecific genus; and how many
Taxonomy of the Genus Homo branching events a given genus should embrace
is essentially an arbitrary decision on the part of
We saw earlier that by the middle 1980s the taxonomist. And what is most remarkable,
mainstream paleoanthropologists (of whom given this subjective/arbitrary element, is that
Louis Leakey had never been one) were begin- there is on the whole so little argument about
ning to countenance the very occasional new mammalian genera. Among mammals a genus
species name for newly discovered hominin fos- may contain many species or only a few; but it
sils, simply in response to the pressure of dis- will always have a Gestalt quality that is instantly
covery. What remained largely taboo, though, recognizable and shared among its members.
was the proposal of new genus names, although Why exactly this should almost invariably be the
by around the turn of the twenty-first century case – no matter how speciose the genus – when
even this taboo had been violated in the case in evolution the tendency is to diversify, I do
of a string of discoveries of very early putative not know, if it is not that even sister clades will
hominins in the 7-3.5 myr bracket (Ardipithecus, inevitably diversify along their own unique lines.
Sahelanthropus, Orrorin, Kenyanthropus). In But as a rule, all members of well-established
the case of more recent hominins, however, the genera share a basic Bauplan that is instantly
old injunction remained. If a robust australo- recognizable, even when body sizes vary greatly.
pith fossil was found, in obeisance to tradition One genus does not grade into the next, and the
it would duly be assigned to Paranthropus. It exceptions are very few.
was, as it were, grandfathered in. Otherwise, When Linnaeus named the genus Homo in
however, the choice was essentially between 1758, its type and only species (apart from Homo
Australopithecus and Homo. The implicit algo- troglodytes, an ape) was Homo sapiens, a very unu-
rithm for Pleistocene hominins (especially using sual, large-brained, globe-headed, microdont,
the older short chronology: Gradstein et al. tall and slender biped that, by definition, was and
2004) became: “If it isn’t Australopithecus, it must remains the standard by which membership in
be Homo – or vice versa” (see Tattersall 2014 for the human genus had, and has, to be measured.
more detailed discussion). In effect, the diagno- By the time Mayr traumatized paleoanthropol-
sis to genus became one of exclusion, with little ogy in 1950, only a couple of fossil species were

Paleoanthropology and Evolution

known that by most standards deserved inclu- and it had lived less than 100,000 years ago. So
sion in the genus: the large-brained and relatively strange was it, that many thought the skeleton
recent H. neanderthalensis, and the rather older pathological, a notion eventually refuted not
and smaller-brained H. erectus from Java and only by the elimination of all candidate patholo-
China. The three made a reasonably compact gies, but by the discovery of other, similar mate-
monophyletic assemblage, and even a Gestalt rials at another site. But the attribution to Homo
one, despite the significantly smaller brain of the has stuck: an attribution that could only ever
Javan form – which was, nonetheless, comforta- have been arrived at by concluding (correctly)
bly larger than that of the australopiths (the early that it was not Australopithecus, in the context of
bipeds, known since 1925). the belief that those two options were the only
As we saw, Louis Leakey put the cat among ones available. Some >50,000-year-old bone
the pigeons in 1964 when, along with Phillip fragments from a cave on the island of Luzon
Tobias and John Napier, he named the extraordi- in the Philippines are similarly small, and it has
narily ancient and notably small-brained Homo been suggested that they may belong to a related
habilis. Paleoanthropologists by that time had form, H. luzonensis (Detroit et al. 2019).
moved on somewhat from typology; but few had A genus that could contain both Homo sapi-
much experience in mammalian systematics, and ens and the Flores hominin would already bog-
despite some initial grumbling opinion eventu- gle the minds of most mammalian taxonomists;
ally moved in Leakey’s favor. The very small- but more was to come. In 2015 the discovery
brained (for Homo) and very australopith-like was announced (Berger et al. 2015) of a trove of
gracile Olduvai material became an accepted part fossils belonging to another diminutive hominin
of the Homo hypodigm. And once the morpho- species, in a limestone cave system adjacent to
logical concept of Homo had been so dramatically some of the most famous South African austra-
broadened by this addition the sky was the limit, lopith sites. Though a bit taller than LB1, these
and fossils with very little similarity to Homo new hominins were small, standing on average
sapiens were crammed in. Each new addition around 144 cm high; and they boasted brain vol-
expanded the boundaries of the human genus in umes ranging from 465 to 610 ml, along with
some way, making it easier for new arrivals, how- protrusive faces (Fig. 3) and many archaic post-
ever inappropriate, to qualify as well. cranial features. Most observers guessed from
Over the years Homo habilis expanded well the fossils’ physical attributes that they were in
beyond Olduvai, to embrace a variety of mostly the range of 1.5 to 2 myr old, and amazement
fragmentary fossils from various parts of south- prevailed when they were dated to only around
ern and eastern Africa that were up to about 2.5 300,000 years ago (Dirks et al. 2017). And
myr old. The miscellaneous nature of the assem- yet these archaic-looking creatures, too, were
blage eventually became sufficiently embarrass- assigned to our own genus, as H. naledi. Once
ing for some anthropologists to start calling some more, one can only conclude that the “if it isn’t
of its members “Homo sp.” once more. And then Australopithecus, it must be Homo” algorithm was
the floodgates opened. In 2004 an extremely at work. For indeed, the Rising Star hominins
diminutive skeleton (LB1) and other materials are not Australopithecus.
from the cave site of Liang Bua in the Indonesian Something similar must also be said of the
island of Flores (P. Brown et al. 2004) were given astonishing series of 1.8 myr-old hominin fos-
the name Homo floresiensis (Fig. 3). The tiny sils discovered since 1992 at the site of Dmanisi,
LB1 individual (it had stood 106 cm tall, about in the Republic of Georgia, in association with
the height of the small Australopithecus afarensis Oldowan (Mode 1: very archaic) stone tools.
individual known as “Lucy”) had bizarre body They are the earliest non-African hominins
proportions, a small dentition like nothing ever attested to by fossils (there are earlier archaeolog-
seen before, and a brain volume of only 426 ml; ical intimations of hominins in Asia). By now,

Paleoanthropology and Evolution

Fig. 3 – Skulls of Homo floresiensis (left), and of H. naledi (right). Drawn by Patricia Wynne; not to scale.

five skulls are known, three with associated post- but if all the Dmanisi hominins can be crammed
cranial materials; and they make up a very miscel- into the genus Homo, then virtually any homi-
laneous assemblage (see summary by Rightmire nin can be. Under these perversely ecumenical
et al. 2006; see also Schwartz et al. 2014, and circumstances, there is no chance whatever of
Tattersall 2015). Although assigned to Homo deriving any coherent morphological definition
from the very start, the Dmanisi hominins have of the genus Homo, or of deriving phylogenetic
had a wild taxonomic ride at the species level (and structure from the vast array of morphologies
below), one or more of them having at one time that the genus now covers.
or another been assigned to H. habilis, H. erectus, Still, at a time when paleoanthropol-
H. ergaster, H. georgicus, and most recently (and ogy’s equivalent of the medieval quest for the
as illegally as amusingly) to the sub-subspecies Holy Grail seems to be the search for the most
H. erectus ergaster georgicus (Lordkipanidze et al. ancient possible representative of our genus,
2013). All five Dmanisi hominins are united by that may not be perceived as the point. Since
small brains in the 546-775 ml range; and the Louis Leakey’s day, the epicenter of that search
preserved postcranial elements indicate not only has moved from Tanzania to Kenya, and thence
very modest stature but gait differences from to Ethiopia, where the latest entrant in the
modern humans (Lordkipanidze et al. 2007). “the earliest Homo” stakes is the partial homi-
The five crania present a variety of morphologies nin mandible identified as NME LD 350-1.
that has yet to be sorted out; but if there is one This comes from the Afar site of Ledi-Geraru,
thing on which all can agree, it is that the last- which is dated to 2.8 myr (Villmoare et al.
found of the crania (D 4500, matched with the 2015). Ledi-Geraru is geographically close to
earlier-discovered mandible D 2600; together the Hadar area, from which slightly older and
they are known as “Skull 5,” Fig. 4) is hugely dis- slightly younger hominin fossils had already
tinctive. This is not the place to go into detail; been recovered, and assigned to Australopithecus

Paleoanthropology and Evolution

Fig. 4 – Two of the series of 1.8-million-year-old skulls from Dmanisi, Republic of Georgia. Left: D
2600/4500, “Skull 5.” Right: D 2700/2735, “Skull 3.” Despite its many unusual features Skull 5
has been eccentrically designated “Homo erectus ergaster georgicus” (Lordkipanidze et al. 2013).
Drawn by Patricia Wynne; not to scale.

afarensis and Homo sp., respectively. Villmoare bloated; and the comparison looks very different
and colleagues reported that the LD 350-1 speci- if it is made with the type species of the genus
men not only matched smaller individuals of instead. Still, it nonetheless remains entirely
Hadar Australopithecus afarensis in size, but also possible that sufficient morphological justifica-
shared various mandibular features with them. tion exists for concluding that the Ledi-Geraru
However, they also pointed to some dental dif- fossil belongs to a taxon distinct from A. afaren-
ferences that they felt “aligned” LD 350-1 with sis; and it is even conceivable that the taxon con-
“early Homo,” in addition to noting some unique cerned was in some way ancestral to later forms
features in the new specimen. In a move that that have been classified as Homo, even if only
one can only attribute to the lingering influence in its most bloated sense. However, the doubt-
of Ernst Mayr, the researchers concluded that less complex phylogenetic signal that the Ledi-
Ledi-Geraru mandible sampled the gradual evo- Geraru and Hadar fossils are trying to convey
lutionary transition that they hypothesized had will only become properly apparent once rigid
occurred in the region from the older A. afarensis linearity has been abandoned, and some taxo-
to the younger Homo (species unspecified). By nomic sense has been brought to the situation.
arbitrarily assigning the chronologically interme- Merely stretching the genus Homo ever farther
diate Ledi-Geraru specimen to the human genus into the past will get us nowhere.
(as under Mayr’s rules they were entitled to do), Given the deep resonances involved in assign-
they were able to claim the “earliest Homo” title. ing any fossil form to the genus that we Homo
Of course, the “Homo” to which Villmoare and sapiens define, it is remarkable how little objec-
colleagues were comparing their new find already tion has been raised in the anglophone literature
represented the genus at its most unattractively to turning our very own genus into a taxonomic

Paleoanthropology and Evolution

wastebasket. One voice in the wilderness was an omission that brings us back to the Homo/
that of Bernard Wood, once a loyal member Australopithecus dichotomy that has for so long
of Richard Leakey’s nominophobic team, who impeded the recognition of phylogenetic struc-
complained in 1992 that the genus Homo as then ture within Homininae. Without any broader
generally recognized was in all likelihood neither resolution it was inevitable that the baby would
monophyletic nor morphologically coherent. In eventually go out with the bathwater, and Wood
1999 Wood returned to the subject in collabora- and Collard’s sage advice about the necessity of
tion with his student Mark Collard (Wood and creating a morphologically coherent vision of our
Collard 1999), pointing out that there were no genus has subsequently been honored very much
generally agreed criteria for classifying a fossil in the breach. Within a decade or two of their
in Homo. The two researchers suggested that review, floresiensis, georgicus, naledi and luzonen-
membership in our genus should be reserved for sis had all been unceremoniously dumped into
hominins that were demonstrably more closely Homo, along with all the hoary old favorites and
related to Homo sapiens than they were to austra- some new ones too. We were back to square one
lopiths, and that showed similarities to the living (Tattersall 2014).
species in body mass, limb, and jaw proportions. One final taxonomic note. It is one thing
These suggestions were hardly prescriptive in to be misguided in the subjective recognition of
terms of detailed morphology, and they implic- taxa, and entirely another to misunderstand the
itly depended on the Australopithecus/Homo objective rules by which those taxa are named.
dichotomy; but they did return Homo sapiens to But, amazingly enough, paleoanthropologists
primacy as the standard by which other homi- have proven to be enduringly and outstand-
nin pretenders to membership in Homo were ingly good at both. In the second instance, this
to be judged. And Wood and Collard’s belief is because the cavalier attitude toward zoologi-
was clear that no hominin should be included cal naming to which Franz Weidenreich rather
in Homo that lacked substantial stature, long guiltily confessed is still alive and well today. An
legs, short arms, small jaws, reduced dentitions, instance in point is the recent contribution, in a
relatively large braincases, delayed development major journal, by Roksandic et al. (2021). These
schedules, and evidence of obligate bipedality. authors proposed the new species name Homo
Unfortunately, Wood and Collard ultimately bodoensis for the large assemblage of European,
reverted to the Mayrian mindset in insisting on African and Asian fossils that is generally taken
“adaptive coherence” rather than on morphology to include the partial cranium recovered in 1976
as the key unifying taxonomic criterion; but they from middle Pleistocene sediments at Bodo d’Ar
did paint a broad picture of what a member of in Ethiopia. Nowadays this entire assemblage is
the genus Homo should look like, and it was a most commonly placed in the species Homo hei-
picture that clearly excluded Homo habilis, Homo delbergensis, the name given long ago to a jaw dis-
rudolfensis, and all the supposed “Homo sp.” fos- covered near the eponymous German city. Well,
sils from the period before about 2 myr ago. there is certainly a case to be made that the Bodo
This was a welcome clean-up of the genus cranium is distinctive enough from the other
Homo, restricting the taxon as it did to Homo heidelbergensis materials to be placed in its own
ergaster, Homo erectus, and later big-brained species. But that is not the case that Roksandic
hominins, all of which share relatively large and colleagues make when they reject the hei-
cranial volumes and the basics of modern body delbergensis name on a series of rather unusual
form, and together constitute a reasonably com- grounds, and push instead for their new nomen.
pact and defensibly monophyletic group. On Almost incredibly, their first objection to call-
the minus side, however, Wood and Collard had ing the whole group H. heidelbergensis is that the
no helpful suggestions for what should be done holotype mandible was named in 1908, before
with the forms that they excluded from Homo, the Synthesis was developed. For the very same

Paleoanthropology and Evolution

reason you could, of course, reject the nomen H. The Extended Synthesis
sapiens (and, for that matter, the entire contents
of Linnaeus’s Systema Naturae: Linnaeus 1758). The notion of punctuated equilibria was
Roksandic et al. next question the reasons why welcomed by some evolutionary biologists. But
researchers in the 1980s revived the heidelber- it was initially excoriated by the many more
gensis nomen for the wider group of Middle who remained under the seductive reductionist
Pleistocene fossils, without bothering to consider sway of the Synthesis. “Evolution by jerks” was
the crucial question of whether this view of the a phrase widely cackled, and smugly smiled at,
species actually holds up in morphological terms after the concept was published in 1972. Fifty
(as it probably does: Schwartz and Tattersall years down the line, though, Eldredge and
2005) – though the Roksandic group would cer- Gould’s insights have been thoroughly absorbed
tainly have the right to disagree that it does, if into the wider canon of evolutionary biology as
only they were willing to cite some morphology the science has expanded, the fossil record has
in support of their contention. grown, and the multiple complexities of the
Guided by the breathtakingly dubious prop- evolutionary process (or, rather, processes) have
osition that “the revival of taxonomic names become apparent once more. Indeed, so much
rarely produces desirable clarity,” Roksandic and has occurred in the half-century that has elapsed
colleagues then proceed to blithely ignore the since Eldredge and Gould originally wrote that
principle of priority on which the entire edifice a group of evolutionary theoreticians and phi-
of modern zoological nomenclature is founded, losophers has recently decided the time has come
and without which there is no objective basis for for a new umbrella concept, one that will both
deciding which name should properly be used in broaden and rival the Synthesis of yore. The
referring to a given species. They also appear to unfortunate name chosen for this new construct,
regret that the holotype of H. heidelbergensis is which is designed to embrace such new areas of
not more “typical” of its species, although this study as genomics (and all the other “-omics”),
would seem dangerously close to a nostalgia for evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo),
the nineteenth-century typology that one might niche construction, systems biology, and so
suppose they would prefer to avoid, given their forth, is the “Extended Evolutionary Synthesis”
ultra-contemporary attitude that “decolonizing (Laland et al. 2015).
anthropology … should take precedence over This moniker has ominous overtones for the
rigid taxonomic rules.” This last, and entirely science of paleoanthropology, and not just because
extraneous, issue arises because Roksandic and it reminds us that the original Synthesis had
colleagues believe that the Bodo fossil on which destructively steered human evolutionary stud-
they wish to bestow a new name belongs to the ies into a systematic dead-end: a trap from which
same species as the Kabwe cranium from Zambia an extension of the initial source of the problem
(formerly Northern Rhodesia), which bears the could hardly be expected to help rescue it. What
prior name H. rhodesiensis (Woodward 1921). is more, many of the elements that the Extended
They thus need a way of deep-sixing the H. Synthesis aspires to incorporate are more produc-
rhodesiensis name, the problem being that the tively seen as procedural tools that will potentially
beautifully preserved and more-than-adequate- help us extend and broaden our evolutionary
as-holotype Zambian specimen is much more studies, rather than as concepts that will help us
complete than the Ethiopian one is. But in change our minds about the nature of evolution
Roksandic et al.’s brave new world, decolonizing itself, or about the patterns that evolution pro-
correctness must evidently prevail at any cost; duces. As a result, while paleoanthropologists
and heaven forfend that any name with even the certainly need to take maximum advantage of all
most indirect colonial resonances should ever the many recent biological advances that impact
sully a hominin species, priority be damned. on the evolutionary sciences, they would most

Paleoanthropology and Evolution

advantageously seek to do so selectively, avoiding than fossil morphologies have yet betrayed (e.g.,
the distortions that would necessarily be imposed Meyer et al. 2012; Lipson et al. 2020), the clear
by yet another reductionist umbrella paradigm. implication being that there was more diversifi-
That said, the Extended Synthesis draws atten- cation and reticulation in recent hominin history
tion to a whole host of putative influences on evo- than anyone had earlier expected. Much more
lutionary histories that any paleoanthropologist information of great paleoanthropological sig-
needs at least to be aware of, and some of which nificance can be expected from this source, albeit
are of critical importance. Evo-devo, for example, entirely independently of whether the Synthesis
brings to mind the key consideration that develop- is successfully extended or not.
mental constraints play major roles in limiting the Advances in genomics have also impacted
directions that evolution can potentially take, in on notions of inheritance, of which several non-
addition to raising such alarming possibilities as, genetic varieties have recently been recognized in
in the words of Muller (2017), that “homologous addition to the importance of gene regulation as
structures can be specified by non-homologous opposed to protein coding. The most familiar of
genes, a characteristic of the genotype-phenotype them is epigenetics, where it has been established
relation described by developmental systems drift that cells may change the activity of genes in the
… close mapping between genotype and morpho- absence of changed DNA sequences. Often this
logical phenotype may not represent the cause but is achieved by the methylation of cytosines (via
a consequence of evolution.” the attachment of small molecules to the DNA
The Extended Synthesis also makes much building blocks) or by the modification of his-
of the advent of genomics, something that has tones (elements of the chromosomal structure
also revolutionized paleoanthropology at the around which DNA wraps). Such changes may
near end of the timescale. Notably, the arrival of be transmitted across several generations at least,
the ability to extract aDNA sequences from the or they may be repeatedly stimulated over time
bony remains of early Homo sapiens and recently by similar environmental effects. Quantitative
extinct hominins has shown us that, at the very models suggest that epigenetic modifications
fine levels of resolution at which paleoanthropol- have the potential for significant long-term
ogists often need to operate, the histories even effects within lineages; but although they have
of lineages that are morphologically or genomi- been implicated in various genetic defects in the
cally distinctive may be intricately intertwined. clinical arena, how they might relate to the mac-
As already noted, we now know that over their roevolutionary patterns with which paleoanthro-
time of coexistence the morphologically well pologists need to deal is yet to be clarified.
differentiated hominin species Homo sapiens Another aspect of non-genetic inheritance on
and H. neanderthalensis interbred on numerous which the architects of the Extended Synthesis
occasions (e.g., Vernot and Akey 2014), and that have laid much emphasis, is cultural inherit-
the former has benefited, locally at least, from ance via learning; and of course, it is has always
genomic acquisitions from the latter (Huerta- been a truism in paleoanthropology that from
Sanchez et al. 2014). This seems to have been the beginning, and with increasing importance
the case even though, in the long run, macroevo- as time elapsed, the cultural transmission of
lutionary outcomes were evidently unaffected: knowledge and behaviors has constituted a cru-
the Neanderthals clearly became extinct recog- cial aspect of human evolution. Culture was,
nizably as themselves, while H. sapiens who were for example, a key element of process under the
morphologically and behaviorally indistinguish- Synthesis (it was what broadened the human
able from their immediate predecessors went niche so much that, according to both Mayr and
on to take over the world. Genomic evidence Dobzhhansky, there could never be more than
also suggests that more lineages of differentiated one hominid on the planet at any one time); and
hominins were out there in the late Pleistocene it is clearly set to continue as a central focus of

Paleoanthropology and Evolution

paleoanthropological attention. Indeed, given the conditions that environmentally mediated

modern demographics, it is highly probable selection will impose on its descendants tomor-
that in Homo sapiens innovation in the cultural row. It is thus claimed that the processes associ-
realm will effectively be superseded by that in ated with niche construction can lead on the one
the biological one (Tattersall 2009). This is the hand to the fixation of alleles that under other
case, however, irrespective of whether or not one circumstances would be deleterious, and thereby
believes that an association with the Extended eliminated, and on the other hand to the per-
Synthesis is heuristically helpful here. sistence of organisms in otherwise unsuitable
And just as views on inheritance have changed, environments (O’Brien and Shennan 2010).
so have views on selection. The Synthesis Well, yes; but it is evident that, to one extent
regarded the individual as the unit of selection; or another, every organism changes its environ-
but an evident difficulty is that whole individu- ment merely by being part of it. Subtract any
als are incredibly complex integrated bundles, organism from an ecosystem, and you have a dif-
in manifold genomic and phenotypic respects. ferent ecosystem. Often the difference will be
Tampering with one aspect of an organism’s biol- relatively minor. But some species modify their
ogy may well have undesirable effects elsewhere. surroundings quite dramatically, as mountain
Fortunately, the notion of punctuated equilibria gorillas do when they tear up the local vegetation
suggested an alternative perspective: that selec- during displays, thereby keeping the plant com-
tion might instead take place at multiple levels munity in the early stage of succession that offers
(Lloyd 1988, 2005) both above and below that the young and tender plant shoots they desire
of the individual. Those levels range from the to consume. Entire communities of herbivores
genetic and the cellular, through the individual, do the same thing on a larger scale, when they
to kin selection, group selection, and on up. closely crop open grasslands that would turn to
Fitness at these different levels of selection will bushland and woodland if left to themselves.
express itself in different ways; and it will play And human beings, of course, do it in spades, by
different roles in the maintenance of the com- negatively altering the entire surface of the planet
plex and hierarchically organized systems that that supports them in a process that not even
species represent. Indeed, it has been mooted by Dr Pangloss could consider adaptive. So, even
an advocate of the Extended Synthesis (Muller though human beings as usual take the process
2017) that natural selection may in fact not only to a ridiculous extreme, there is nothing particu-
exert itself in several different ways at once, but larly extraordinary about niche construction. It
that it may actually leak between levels. At any certainly does not require an extension of evolu-
significant magnification, such effects would, of tionary theory to accommodate it.
course, complicate the construction of evolu- Although students of human evolution and
tionary narratives, although the “hierarchy the- evolutionary psychologists occasionally toy with
ory” (Eldredge and Salthe 1984; Eldredge 1985) the idea and presumed consequences of niche
that attempts both to discriminate among and construction, it is hard to argue in most cases that
to integrate the genealogical (genes, demes, spe- the Extended Synthesis has yet made much gen-
cies, and higher taxa) and ecological (individuals, eral impact on paleoanthropology. But there is
populations, and communities) hierarchies, may one major area of exception: developmental and
ease the way forward in this respect. phenotypic plasticity. The investigation of this
One aspect of evolutionary strategy on phenomenon has been made a major component
which advocates of the Extended Synthesis have of the Extended Synthesis (Laland et al. 2015;
laid much emphasis (e.g., Laland et al. 2015; Muller 2017), and its attraction to paleoanthro-
Muller 2017), is “niche construction.” This pologists has been as great as its influence has
notion invokes a feedback between the impacts been malign. It has, of course, been known for a
an organism has on its environment today, and very long time that the ways in which organisms

Paleoanthropology and Evolution

develop are sensitive to the environments they Acknowledgments

occupy (viz. the classic study by Clausen and
Heisey 1958). Nobody disputes that the same My profound thanks go to Professors Giorgio Manzi
genotype will often produce different phenotypic and Giovanni Destro-Bisol for so kindly inviting
expressions in different places; but although me to contribute these thoughts on the history of
under most circumstances such differences will paleoanthropology to this very special issue of a very
be modest, some paleoanthropologists have seen special journal. Should some readers have detected
fit to take the notion of phenotypic plasticity to a curmudgeonly note here and there, I hasten to
a crazy extreme. They have done this by using reassure them that I am fully aware of my enor-
the phenomenon as an excuse to include wildly mous debt to the giants of paleoanthropology’s his-
diverse fossil morphologies within the same spe- tory on whose shoulders I am standing. And I am
cies rubric, blaming huge morphological differ- also keenly conscious of the fact that what I have
ences on the development of similar genotypes presented here is a picture taken from only one of
under distinctive local conditions. Once again, many possible angles. Getting to my current vantage
we find paleoanthropologists showing blind point was a tortuous process, and at the very least I
fealty to Ernst Mayr, with the influence of the feel I should record my appreciation to my extraor-
Extended Synthesis on their science looking in dinary teachers, David Pilbeam and the late Elwyn
this respect very much like that of the original Simons, who introduced me to the Synthesis, and
Synthesis in its hardened form. to my friends and colleagues Niles Eldredge and the
An excellent example is the recent review late Steve Gould for showing me, many years ago
of Homo erectus by Antón et al. (2016), which now, that there is life beyond it. Stefano Dominici
doughtily defends the profligate stuffing of diverse kindly provided the portrait of Giambatista Broc-
morphologies into that single species in obeisance chi and Dave Bergman the image of Lamarck; Don
to the shade of Ernst Mayr. Antón and colleagues McGranaghan drew Figure 2 and Patricia Wynne
are clearly aware at some level that there is no drew Figures 3 and 4. Thank you all. And finally,
rational morphological, temporal, geographic, or a special nod must go to the memory of Ernst Mayr,
systematic justification for jamming forms like without whose intervention paleoanthropology
the Trinil holotype, the Nariokotome Boy, and would almost certainly be a much less interesting
Skull 5 from Dmanisi into the same species; but place today.
since paleoanthropological tradition by now dic-
tates that all these fossils be interpreted as belong-
ing to the same species, they are clearly happy to References
take refuge in the notion of phenotypic plastic-
ity. This enables them to note, with breathtak- Antón S, Taboada HG, Middleton ER et al (2016)
ing understatement, that “H. erectus varies more Morphological variation in Homo erectus and
than Neanderthals,” while being apparently the origins of developmental plasticity. Phil
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