Homework Wars

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Homework has been a long-standing debate in the education system.

Some argue that it is necessary

for reinforcing learning, while others believe it adds unnecessary stress to students. Regardless of
where you stand on the issue, one thing is for sure - homework can be a challenging and time-
consuming task.

As a student, you are expected to juggle multiple subjects, extracurricular activities, and personal
responsibilities. With the increasing workload and expectations, it's no surprise that homework
becomes a battleground for many students.

The Difficulties of Homework

Homework can be difficult for various reasons. For one, it can be overwhelming to manage the
workload, especially when assignments from different subjects pile up. It can also be challenging to
understand the material, causing frustration and confusion. Moreover, the pressure to perform well
on homework can lead to anxiety and stress.

Another difficulty with homework is finding the time to complete it. With a busy schedule, students
may have to sacrifice other activities, such as spending time with family and friends, to finish their
assignments. This can lead to a lack of work-life balance and affect overall well-being.

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Don't Let Homework Be Your Enemy

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School dictates a curriculum that is sometimes not appealing and promises little return on investment
for life. Do you question why your child has to do homework at all. Every day, you’re adding a half-
hour of review time for his subjects. Yes, and let’s now look at what you can do as a parent. My
guess is that they do care somewhere deep down. “I don’t give a damn” becomes a weapon in a
power battle. “I’m never going to be concerned since you can’t really make me,” your youngster is
essentially saying. “You don’t really have control over my life.” And he’s correct. You can’t even
make him care, the reality is. I want you to watch the segment and then I am going to give you a
quiz afterwards to see how many facts you recall. It’s a really neat site and one you may want to
check out. For example, ask her to bring in the mail, then ask her to set the table, and follow that
with a request to help you tear lettuce for the salad. Having said that, some schools will still give
homework so here are a few tips to help with the homework wars. In one case a mum said that her
child is very bright and she feels it is such a waste for her not to dedicate more time to her education.
If they are taking medication, it is wearing off and the last thing they are willing to focus on is some
boring math or history. I encourage parents to try different methods with their kids, even older ones
to receive information that they need to finish their homework. Many parents are actually vigilant of
sites such as YouTube and the likes. Periodically, come by with an encouraging word and draw a star
or make a check in one of the sections. I want you to watch the home shopping network and they’re
selling plumbing supplies (hopefully you’re not a plumber). On the contrary, let us try to incorporate
these breaks in a functional method that can coexist in homework time. Almost every parent of a
student with ADHD has been on the front lines of homework battles. Our team consists of
journalists, researchers, academics, former teachers and education leaders — most of whom are also
dedicated parents and family members — who not only research, fact check, and write or produce
this information, but who use it in our daily lives as well. When I listened and validated their
feelings, they felt heard. Fold worksheets in half to further break it into smaller chunks. It is
important for you and your child to recognise that as part of the learning process, accept it and push
through it. Disappointing to get such a letdown after looking forward to it for several days. While
routines must be flexible to accommodate soccer practice on Tuesday and volunteer work on
Thursday, knowing in general when and where you, or your child, will do homework literally
removes half the battle. Susan loves all social media, but her top addiction these days is Pinterest.
Watch the video above to see the three characteristics of effective homework. This is where the real
homework wars lie—not just the amount, but the ability to successfully complete assignments and
feel success. She has been featured on Kids In The House, Parenting OC Magazine, About.com
Parenting, The New Social Worker, and The Daily Parent. What are your life ambitions, and what
“homework” must you complete in order to attain them. My sons are young (oldest will start K this
fall), but there are some neat learning activities for them on the site as well. They cannot control
what the assignment is or how much work they will be given, but they can control how they will
Not only will you have a way to profoundly impact your child’s learning, but you will also impact
your whole family’s quality of life. Read instantly on your browser with Kindle for Web. Our team
consists of journalists, researchers, academics, former teachers and education leaders — most of
whom are also dedicated parents and family members — who not only research, fact check, and
write or produce this information, but who use it in our daily lives as well. The number of chips will
vary day to day but there should always be enough to earn at least one reward. Rather than say,
“They should be able to do this on their own at this age,” try saying, “How can I help them work
more independently” or “How can I foster more confidence than they have now” —meet your child
where he or she is now. Parents or older siblings then have to re-teach the concepts at home before
any activities that actually demonstrate the child’s understanding of the work can be completed.
Plus, get more school and learning strategies from ADDitude via email. Sometimes the panic begins
in the final term of grade 3 in anticipation of what they “know is coming”. Especially given, as you
no doubt are experiencing, children at this age want more control over their lives and are primed to
fight for every last bit of control they can. That could save your child from a semester of foggy
classwork where they learn very little and end up with reduced self-confidence. If your child has
learning or attention problems, it’s likely you and your child have faced such challenges. Let her
choose a pleasurable activity she can do immediately following homework, e.g., playing a game with
the family, listening to a favorite story or CD, talking to a friend on the phone. The tension in a
household can reach such high levels that this small activity becomes a huge mess. Instead,
concentrate on what will help him modify his conduct. So, I can understand why parents are so strict
about it. School’s out soon, and we have all summer to kick back and forget about this until the next
school year. Homework gives your child a chance to practice what she’s learned in school. Gershom
Aitchison This is a very popular question these days and the answer is not as simple as many would
like it to be. Experts and parents are also arguing about the right amount of time children should be
formally learning versus experiential life learning. I for one don’t remember doing homework in
primary school, but I do remember reading every day and learning my times tables and spelling. If
we ignore their feelings about homework, then we can surely expect a frustrated reaction in return.
Don’t be so concerned with his attitude as with what he’s actually accomplishing. If you don’t, you
won’t be able to assist him with his obligations. In other homes, the kitchen table may be the best
place. It’s a really neat site and one you may want to check out. This works well with subjects for
math and chemistry, but for history and art, the path is more subjective, and may involve a good bit
of memorization. If the amount of time exceeds the school’s homework policy, meet with her teacher
to discuss what accommodations might be made to help your child succeed with homework. This
means that because of anxiety, children learn less. Dr. Walisever received the 2012 Distinguished
Educator Award from the National Tourette Syndrome Association for her work educating parents
and schools to support children with Tourette Syndrome. Learn about your school’s homework
policy for each grade level.
Some benefit from beginning their work immediately after they arrive. Your child has been sitting all
day just transferring seats from school bus to classroom to lunchroom. Or even fail to hand in
assignments even though you have stayed up late the night before finishing it with them. For a young
child, fold worksheets into two or three parts to reduce feelings of being overwhelmed. Or use index
cards to cover the bottom part of a page. So no matter how much you griped about algebra or
despised memorizing facts about Christopher Columbus, you muddled through. Who, in this world,
enjoys ten hours of tedious clerical work every day. Simply pull that resource right out of the glove
department, whip out a glue stick and surprise-crisis avoided. Identify one or two ways in which
your student struggles, and one or two ways in which you might help him or her focus on their
strengths and take steps to overcome challenges. Originally created by Schwab Learning, formerly a
program of the Charles and Helen Schwab Foundation. As a result, parents and children argue,
relationships are shaken and, in the end no real learning occurs. These are just a few instances of
how children seek to maintain what little power they do have. Don’t conceive of your youngster as a
helpless creature incapable of doing the job. Admittedly, this wasn’t your garden-variety scrum over
homework: It was what can only be described as a knock-down, drag-out battle with someone one-
quarter my age. Sign up By clicking Sign up, you agree to our privacy policy. Watch the video above
to see the three characteristics of effective homework. Credit: iStock By Jennifer Berger April 14,
2014 Share Does homework time turn into a war zone at your house. Jessica Moon has twin 11-year-
old grade school students. That’s a great time to check their phone, get a snack or just get up and
stretch. About 60 percent of students need assistance in at least one subject regularly. For more than
40 years, students and families have trusted The Princeton Review to help them get into their dream
schools. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. We also use
third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Either way, school
is back in session and for many it means the dreaded homework battles are back on. You don’t want
a power battle over homework, believe me. Listen to her ideas on what would make homework
easier. Experts and parents are also arguing about the right amount of time children should be
formally learning versus experiential life learning. We were unable to process your subscription due
to an error. I too have a few reservations about how easy we tend to accept the education system and
anything it dictates is necessary. Some children come home from school and need to engage in
physical activity or have a snack.

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