Yr 5 Final Term Revision 2022 - 2023

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Unit 1: Seas and Oceans
Q1: Write True or False, and Justify the false sentences in the table below:

1. North Sea contains Nine percent of world fish stocks.

2. The Abyss is known as the deepest point of the ocean.

3. It is very hot near the Equator.

4. The way water moves around the world is called the ocean current.

5. The oceans play an important role in creating different climates.

6. The North Sea is a habitat for Seagulls and seals.

7. Around Antarctica so many whales are in danger of being extinct.

8. The Marianas trench is in the Indian Ocean.

Question 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

T/ F


9. Underwater vents bump cold water into the ocean.

10. Global warming threatens to change weather patterns.

11. The oceans are vital to the health of the planet.

12. Seas are around the edges of the oceans.

13. Windfarms are used to pump oil and gas from under the

14. The average depth of the North Sea is 600 meters.

15. Platforms are being built on the North Sea to produce

clean energy.

Question 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

T/ F

Q2: Choose the correct answer:

1. Below 500 meters there are unusual fish like ………. (Clown fish – coral reefs - Wolffish)

2. Minerals from (vents – coral reefs - volcanoes) provide food for sea creature.

3. Some of the most important (cargoes – shipping routes - planes) are around the coast of Europe,
Southeast Asia, and USA.

4. Most plants and animals live within (500 – 100 - 300) meters of the ocean surface.

5. Some of the most important (cargoes – shipping routes - planes) are around the coast of
Europe, Southeast Asia, and USA.
6. Most plants and animals live within (500 – 100 - 300) meters of the ocean surface.
7. The (Viperfish - clown fish – corals) lives below 500 meters.

8. There are old nuclear submarines on the floor of the (Arctic - Pacific - Atlantic) Ocean.
9. The amount of water around the world (increase - stays the same - decrease)
10. In winter, the Arctic ocean (Freeze – rain - evaporate).
Q3: Fill in the gaps using the following words:

Submarines – 200 metres – Underwater Vents – 100 metres – pacific –

Northern Wolffish – Marianas Trench –volcanoes

1. ……………………………….. pump fountains of boiling water and minerals into

the oceans.

2. Below …………………………. under the surface of the ocean, it is completely dark.

3. The …………………………………. is the deepest point of the ……………………ocean.
4. There are more …………………………… under the ocean than on dry land.
5. ……………………………. are used to explore great depths of the ocean.
6. Most plants and animals live within ……………………. of the ocean surface.
7. Below 500 metres there are unusual fish, like the …………………………………

Q4: Cross out the odd word:

1- Overfishing - Pollution - Global warming - Wind farms

2- Atlantic - Pacific - Mediterranean - Indian.

3- rubbish dumps - currents - plastic - nuclear submarines.

Q5: Mention five facts you have learnt about seas:

1- ……………………………………………………………………………………
2- ……………………………………………………………………………………
3- ……………………………………………………………………………………
4- ……………………………………………………………………………………
5- …………………………………………………………………………………....

Q6: What would happen if:

1- Ships collide or run aground.

2- There were no countries around the North Sea.
3- Global warming increased.

Q7: Copy each of the following sentence in the matching column:

• Boats drag long nets through the water catching everything in path.
• Sea water is getting more acidic.
• Plastic and garbage are building up where currents are weak.
• Stocks of herring and cod are very low in the Atlantic Ocean.
• Around Antarctica so many whales have been killed that they are in danger of extinction.
• There are old nuclear submarines on the floor of the Arctic Ocean.

Over Fishing Pollution

Q8: Mention Why Oceans are important:

Q 9: Look closely at the picture and answer the following Question:

1- What do you think the problem is? Suggest how it can be solved.

Q10: Match the following words to the suitable sentences:
1 The Sunlight (……….) There is no light here, so most
Zone creatures have tiny eyes. Creatures often create
their own light, to lure their prey and act as a

2 The Trench (……….) Due to lack of sunlight, no plants

grow here. Some creatures feed by filtering the
water while others will hunt.

3 The Midnight (……….) Sunlight allows plants to grow so

Zone plant feeders are found as well as speedy
hunters. Fish tend to be sleeked bodied and

4 The Twilight (……….) There is no light. Creatures tend to be

Zone small due to the pressure of the water above.
They also tend to move little and feed on dead
matter from above.

Q11: Oceans are vital to our planet’s health. Explain in what ways are the oceans

Q12: Complete the following sentences using the words in the box:
herring hot Three goods shallower
fish Atlantic habitats Platforms whales

1) _____________ is caught nowadays more than ever before.

2) Near the Equator it is very ______________.
3) In the Atlantic Ocean stocks of ______________ and cod are very low.
4) Around Antarctica so many _______________ have been killed that they are in danger of
5) Most of the __________________ that are moved around the world are carried by ships.

6) Some of the most important shipping routes cross the _________________ and Indian
7) The North Sea contains _____________ percent of the world’s fish stocks.
8) Like oceans, seas are important _______________for fish and other animals.
9) ___________________ are used to pump oil from under the seabed.
10) Around the edge of the oceans there are places where the water is __________________.
These are known as seas.

Unit 2: Wearing away the land

Q1: Match the following words to the suitable sentences:

1 Water cycle (……….) Happens when rivers drop gravel and mud which build up
in banks.
2 Erosion (……….) Huge earth and clay banks that hold back the flood water.
3 Transportation (……….) lining the sides and bottom of the river channel to make
them stronger.
4 Deposition (……….) Happens when rivers cut into the land creating valleys
with steep sides.
5 Dykes (……….) are when river channels meander so the water can flow
6 Levees (……….) flows southwards across the United States of America.
7 Cut-offs (……….) are built on one side of the river to force the water to cut a
deeper channel on the opposite side.
8 Boxes (……….) Is the process where flood waters are so powerful that they
carry rocks, boulders and whole trees downstream.
9 The (……….) is the way the water moves around the world.

Q2. Underlined the mistake in the sentence and Correct it below:

1. Dykes are built on the two sides of the river.

2. In the past, the Mississippi River was a very deep river.
3. Magnetic compass is used to measure the depth of the river.
4. Huge earth and clay banks called Boxes hold back the flood water.
5. A team of engineers made the channel shallower to help shipping.

Q3: Choose the correct answer:
1. ...............is when rivers cut into the land creating valleys with steep sides.

(Erosion- Deposition- Transportation)

2. ...............is used to record the observed information about the river, plants and animals.

(Measuring Tape - Information book – Binoculars)

3. ...............is used to Observe the direction of the river whether it flows south or North

4. (Measuring Tape - Magnetic compass- Plastic Collecting bottles)

5. In the ..................process, rivers drop gravel and mud which build up in banks.

(Erosion- Deposition- Transportation)

Q4: The Mississippi River used to be dangerous for Shipping. Why?

Q5: List the equipment used to study rivers and explain the function of each one:

Q6: Write whether the following sentences are true or False and Justify the false ones.
1. The Mississippi flows Northwards across the United States of America.
2. Deposition is when the river cuts into the land creating valleys with steep
sides. (………..)

3. Transportation is when the flood waters are so powerful to carry boulders

and whole trees. (………..)

Q7: Match the following tools to how they are used in river measurement:
1 Ranging Pole (………..) used to record river measurement.
2 Plastic collecting (………..) used to measure depths of water at streams.
3 Information book (………..) used to measure distances.
4 Tape measure (………..) used to take sample of the water for further

Unit 3: The Seasons

Q1: Sort out the features of each season in the following table:
Birds build their nests – Days are long and bright – Weather is cold - Days are short and dark –
Crops are ready to harvest – Weather is much warmer – plants begin to grow – Fruit and other
crops are harvested

Winter Summer Spring Autumn

Q2: Write whether the following sentences are True or False and justify the false
1- In the UK we have 4 seasons and each lasts 3 months. (…….)
2- Seasons affect how people live and what crops they can grow. (……..)
3- Southern Europe has a Monsoon climate. (…….)
4- Monsoon rains are vital for crops such as olive. (……)
5- Greece has a Mediterranean climate. (…….)

Q3: Compare between the Mediterranean climate and the Monsoon climate:

Point of comparison
Mediterranean climate Monsoon climate

Number of seasons

Duration of each season

How is the weather like in

each season?

Where can we find this climate?

Q 4: Look closely at the picture and answer the following Question:

1- Who is the bear talking to? And What does he refer to in his words?

2- In your opinion, is it a good Phenomenon (incident) or a bad one? And how does it affect
our life?

Unit 4: Cities
Q1: Write ( T ) or ( F ) and correct the false in the box below:
1- T o w n s are the largest of all settlements. 2-

The suburbs are found in the city center.

3- In the suburbs, there is more space for houses, gardens, shops and parks.

4- Vandalism is an advantage of living in the city.

5- Hong Kong has more skyscrapers than any other city in the world.

6- Cities are connected to other places by high-speed trains, motorways, and airports. 7-

A r o u n d the world, many cities are getting bigger.

8- New York City is famous with St. Paul Cathedral.

Question 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

T/ F


Q2: Write down the advantages and disadvantages of living in a city:

Advantages Disadvantages

Q3: List three characteristics of cities:
1- …………………………………………………………………………………………….
2- …………………………………………………………………………………………….
3- …………………………………………………………………………………………….

Q4: Match: (Write the answers in numbers in the spaces available)

1.Pollution ( ) are around the edges of the ocean

2.Weather ( ) are used to pump oil from under the seabed

3.Equator ( ) Changes in our surroundings which damage the health of people,

plants or animals.

4.Platforms ( ) The humidity, wind, heat and cold in the air around us.

5.Seas ( ) An imaginary line around the Earth, half-way between the North and
south Poles.

6)In cities (__) are full of bright lights from the shops.
fumes from

7)In cities the (__) largest of all settlements


8)Cities are the (__) the traffic is bad for our health

Unit 6: Pollution
Q1: Choose the correct answer:

1- When fumes, noise and waste cause damage to the environment it is called (recycling –
conservation – pollution).
2- Some natural events like (hurricanes – volcanoes – mountains) pollutes the
environment with dust and poisonous gases.

3- Poisonous car fumes cause (air – water – land) pollution.

4- Rubbish, paper and cardboard cause (air – water – land) pollution.
5- Some factories throw chemicals into rivers causing (air – water – land) pollution.
6- A plastic bag can take up to 100 years to (produce – duplicate –

Q2: Different things take different time to decay. Arrange the following items according
to how long they would take to decay starting from few weeks till hundreds of years.
Cardboard – newspaper – nuclear waste – potato peelings – metal – chemicals

A few weeks

of years

Q3: List three ways in which you can help reduce pollution:
1- ……………………………………………………………..
2- ……………………………………………………………..
3- ……………………………………………………………..

Q.4 State two types of pollution and write two sentences describing each type.

Q5. Explain what people should stop doing and what they should start doing to reduce


Q6. Fill in the blanks:

1. Ways of making electricity that causes little pollution make use of ……………………….. .
2. …………………… and power of the wind are renewable sources of energy.
3. Renewable sources will never ………………………. .
4. Coal ………………. and gas are not renewable sources.
5. Hydro-electric power catches the energy from ……………………..
6. Water is trapped by ……………………….. to make reservoirs.
7. Water is used to turn on a ………………………… to make electricity.
8. There are groups of …………………………. in some exposed places.
9. Tops of hills and ……………………. are exposed places.

Q7. Mention two sources of renewable energy and describe each source in detail.

Q8: Match each way of reducing pollution with a benefit it has for the environment

1.Making compost (----) contain no harmful chemical

2.Travelling by foot (----) saves energy

3.Recycling cans (----) less petrol needed and less air pollution

4.Using “green goods” (----) healthy soil

Q9: Put ( T ) or ( F ) and correct the false in the box below:

1- The power of the wind is a renewable source of energy.

2- Hydroelectric power catches the energy from the ice.
3- Coal, oil and gas are non-renewable sources of energy.
4- Renewable sources run out.
5- Coal, oil and gas are renewable sources of energy.
6- Geothermal energy is a non-renewable source of energy.

Question 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

T/ F


Q10. Look closely at the picture and answer the following Question:

1- In your opinion, planet Earth is happy or sad?


2- Imagine you are asked to provide steps to help reduce the effect of
pollution. What would you recommend?


Q.11: From what we studied, compare between Wales and Greece in the table

Point of Comparison Wales Greece







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