CNS-MD5-The MD5 Algorithm (With Examples) - Comparitech

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The MD5 algorithm (with examples)
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In this article, we discuss the underlying processes of the MD5
algorithm and how the math behind the MD5 hash function works.


Updated: September 25, 2023


How does the MD5

algorithm work?
Padding in the MD5
The main MD5
The MD5 algorithm in-
This article covers the mechanics of the MD5 algorithm
in detail. It’s our second and final piece on the MD5
Summary of the first
hash function, which is an older and insecure algorithm
that turns data of random lengths into fixed 128-bit
The second operation
hashes. Our What is MD5? article focused on MD5’s:
The final step of the
MD5 algorithm, after 64
The hash of an MD5
hash function
Security problems
Larger message inputs

This time, we’ll be zeroing in on what actually happens The MD5 Algorithm

when data goes through the MD5 hashing algorithm. 1/45
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How does something like “They are deterministic” (this

is just a random sentence we used in the other article)
get turned into a 128-bit hash like this?


How does the MD5 algorithm work?

Let’s show how the MD5 algorithm works through an

example. Our input, “They are deterministic”, becomes
wildly different when it is put through the MD5 hash
function. All we can guarantee is that it will be 128 bits
long, which works out to 32 characters. But how can
the MD5 algorithm take inputs of any length, and turn
them into seemingly random, fixed-length strings?

Converting the data to binary

When we put “They are deterministic” into an MD5

hash function, the first thing that happens is that it is
converted to binary. This is done according to the
American Standard Code for Information
Interchange (ASCII), which is basically a standard
that we use to convert human readable text into
the binary code that computers can read.

Using an ASCII table, we see that a capital letter “T” is

written as “01010100” in binary. A lowercase “h” is
“01101000”, a lowercase “e” is “01100101”, and a
lowercase “y” is “01111001”. The binary code for a
space (SP) is “00100000”. You can see it in the table at
the top of the second column, in line with the decimal
number 32.

If we continue on in this fashion, we see that our input,

“They are deterministic” is written in binary as: 2/45
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01010100 01101000 01100101 01111001

00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101
00100000 01100100 01100101 01110100
01100101 01110010 01101101 01101001
01101110 01101001 01110011 01110100
01101001 01100011

Padding in the MD5 algorithm

The next step in MD5 is to add padding. Inputs in

MD5 are broken up into 512-bit blocks, with
padding added to fill up the rest of the space in the
block. Our input is 22 characters long including
spaces, and each character is 8 bits long. This means
that the input totals 176 bits. With an input of only 176
bits and a 512-bit block that needs to be filled, we need
336 bits of padding to complete the block.

MD5’s padding scheme seems quite strange. After

laying out the initial 176 bits of binary that represent
our input, the rest of the block is padded with a single
one, then enough zeros to bring it up to a length of 448
bits. So:

448 – 1 – 176 = 271

Therefore the padding for this block will include a

one, then an extra 271 zeros. The reason we only
need to pad it up to 448 bits (instead of 512) is
because the final 64 bits (512 – 64 = 448) are reserved
to display the message’s length in binary. In this case,
the number 176 is 10110000 in binary. This forms the
very end of the padding scheme, while the preceding
56 bits (64 minus the eight bits that make up
10110000) are all filled up with zeros.

In cases where the message length takes up a greater

number of bits, there will be fewer zeros. If the initial 3/45
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input’s length is longer than 64 bits (if it is greater than

264, which equals 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 in
decimal), then only the least significant 64 bits are

The term “least significant bits” essentially means the

rightmost numbers. As an example, if we only wanted
the four least significant bits of a random binary
number like 01011110, we would be referring to the
1110 and disregarding the initial 0101.

Once the padding scheme is complete, we end up with

the following 512-bit string:

01010100 01101000 01100101 01111001

00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101
00100000 01100100 01100101 01110100
01100101 01110010 01101101 01101001
01101110 01101001 01110011 01110100
01101001 01100011 10000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 10110000

The first 176 bits (the length varies according to the

initial input) represent our initial input of “They are
deterministic” in binary. The next 272 bits are a one
followed by 271 zeros. The final 64 bits are the length
of our initial input (176 bits), written in binary. It is
preceded by zeros to fill the rest of the 64 bits. The 4/45
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three components of the padded input have been

broken up between bold and regular text to make it
easier to see where each begins and ends.

Inputs larger than 512 bits

When the initial input is greater than 448 bits long, it is

split into multiple 512-bit blocks. Each block includes
512 bits of input data until the entire input has been
split into blocks. The final block must include at least 1
bit of padding, plus the 64-bit length in binary.

In the case where the remaining input data is exactly

448 bits long, an entire extra block would need to be
added for the padding. The second-last block would
include the final 448 bits of data, then a one, followed
by 63 zeros to fill up the block. The final block would
include 448 zeros (making a total of 512 bits of
padding), followed by the 64-bit message length in

If there were 449 remaining bits of input data instead,

an extra block would still have to be added. The
second last block would include the 449 bits of the
remaining input data, followed by a one and 62 zeros
to fill up the block. The final block would contain 448
zeros, followed by the 64-bit message length.

In contrast, if the remaining data was only 447 bits

long, the final block would include the last 447 bits of
input data, followed by a single one as the padding,
without any zeros. The 64-bit message length would
be appended at the end to bring the total to 512 bits.

The difference between these two cases may seem

strange, but it allows the input to be padded by at least
one digit, while still leaving room for the 64-bit
message length. 5/45
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The main MD5 algorithm

Here stands the main MD5 algorithm in all its glory: 6/45
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Don’t understand what’s going on? That’s fine. It’s a

complicated algorithm, so there isn’t really any way to
draw it without it being confusing.

The input M

At the top, we have our input, which says 512-bit

message block, M. At this stage of the diagram, it
already includes all of the padding that we added in the
last step. If you follow the arrow down, you will see that
it enters each of the four “16 operations of…”
rectangles. Each of these four rectangles are called
rounds, and each of them are composed of a series of
sixteen operations

This means that our input, M, is an input in each of

these four stages. However, before it can be used as
an input, our 512-bit M needs to be split into sixteen
32-bit “words”. Each of these words is assigned its
own number, ranging from M0 to M15. In our example,
these 16 words are:

M0 – 01010100 01101000 01100101 01111001

M1 – 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101
M2 – 00100000 01100100 01100101 01110100
M3 – 01100101 01110010 01101101 01101001
M4 – 01101110 01101001 01110011 01110100
M5 – 01101001 01100011 10000000 00000000
M6 – 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
M7 – 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
M8 – 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
M9 – 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
M10 – 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
M11 – 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
M12 – 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
M13 – 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
M14 – 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 7/45
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M15 – 00000000 00000000 00000000 10110000

We will mostly be using hexadecimal for the rest of the

article. If you aren’t clear on what hexadecimal is, refer
to this section of our prior article on MD5. Using an
online converter, the hexadecimal equivalents to our
binary numbers are:

M0 – 54686579
M1 – 20617265
M2 – 20646574
M3 – 65726D69
M4 – 6E697374
M5 – 69638000
M6 – 00000000
M7 – 00000000
M8 – 00000000
M9 – 00000000
M10 – 00000000
M11 – 00000000
M12 – 00000000
M13 – 00000000
M14 – 00000000
M15 – 000000B0

Each of these sixteen values act as inputs to the

complex set of operations that are represented by
each “16 operations of…” rectangle. Once again,
these four “16 operations of…” rectangles
represent the four different rounds, with the one at
the top representing the first round, while the
lowest one is the fourth round. While each of these
M inputs are used in every single round, they are
added in different orders.

In the first round, the M inputs are added into the

algorithm sequentially, e.g. M0, M1, M2… M15. 8/45
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In the second round, the M inputs are added in the

following order:

M1, M6, M11, M0, M5, M10, M15, M4, M9, M14,
M3, M8, M13, M2, M7, M12

In the third round, the M inputs are added in this


M5, M8, M11, M14, M1, M4, M7, M10, M13, M0,
M3, M6, M9, M12, M15, M2

In the fourth round, the M inputs are added in the

following order:

M0, M7, M14, M5, M12, M3, M10, M1, M8, M15,
M6, M13, M4, M11, M2, M9

In cases where the initial input and its padding are

greater than one 512-bit block, the numbering scheme
resets. Once the first block of data has been
processed, the second block’s inputs are also labelled
M0 through to M15

For simplicity, our example will stick to a single 512-bit

block of data that contains 16 words.

The MD5 algorithm’s initialization vectors

Now that we have explained our M inputs a little, it’s

time to turn our attention to the Initialization Vectors,
which are shown just below the 512-bit message
block, M in the diagram.

At the beginning, the initialization vectors are four

separate numbers, specified in the RFC that outlines
the MD5 standard. These are:

A – 01234567 9/45
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B – 89abcdef
C – fedcba98
D – 76543210

As we progress through the algorithm, these numbers

will be replaced by various outputs that we produce
through the calculations. However, these four
initialization vectors are important for getting us
started. All four of them are inputs into the first “16
operations of…” rectangle.

The MD5 F, G, H and I functions

The first step in the “16 operations of…” rectangle is

the function:

F(B, C, D) = (B∧C)∨(¬B∧D)

Looks confusing? We will explain it in depth later on.

The important thing to note is that initialization vectors
B, C and D are used in this function as inputs.

In the latter stages of the algorithm, the values that

replace initialization vectors B, C and D will fill their

The F(B, C, D) function is used for the 16 operations of

the first round. In the subsequent rounds, its place is
taken by these functions:

Round 2: G(B, C, D) = (B∧D)∨(C∧¬D)

Round 3: H(B, C, D) =B⊕C⊕D

Round 4: I(B, C, D) = C⊕(B∨¬D)

Don’t worry, we will explain these too.

The operations 10/45
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This diagram gives a rough overview of what happens

within each “16 operations of…” rectangle:

When we zoom in on each “16 operations of…”

rectangle, you can see that the arrows from B, C and D
point to a box labelled F. This represents function F(B,
C, D) – note that in the other three rounds, the F
function is replaced by the G, H and I functions,

If you follow the arrow out of it into the next box, this
indicates that the output of F(B, C, D) is added to
the initialization vector A, with a special type of
addition. In the first operation, initialization vector A’s
value is 01234567, but it changes in subsequent

The result moves onto the next box, where it is added

to a portion of the input, represented by Mi. After this, a
constant, K, is added to the result, using the same
special type of addition. The values for K are is derived
from the formula:

abs(sin(i+ 1))×232

This formula isn’t too important for understanding the

rest of MD5. However, we do need the values it leads
to, which are: 11/45
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K1 – D76AA478
K2 – E8C7B756
K3 – 242070DB
K5 – F57COFA
K6 – 4787C62A
K7 – A8304613
K8 – FD469501
K9 – 698098D8
K10 – 8B44F7AF
K11 – FFFF5BB1
K12 – 895CD7BE
K13 – 6B901122
K14 – FD987193
K15 – A679438E
K16 – 49B40821
K17 – F61E2562
K18 – C040B340
K19 – 265E5A51
K20 – E9B6C7AA
K21 – D62F105D
K22 – 02441453
K23 – D8A1E681
K24 – E7D3FBC8
K25 – 21E1CDE6
K26 – C33707D6
K27 – F4D50D87
K28 – 455A14ED
K29 – A9E3E905
K30 – FCEFA3F8
K31 – 676F02D9
K32 – 8D2A4C8A
K33 – FFFA3942
K34 – 8771F681
K35 – 699D6122
K36 – FDE5380C 12/45
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K37– A4BEEA44
K38 – 4BDECFA9
K39 – F6BB4B60
K40 – BEBFBC70
K41 – 289B7EC6
K42 – EAA127FA
K43 – D4EF3085
K44 – 04881D05
K45 – D9D4D039
K46 – E6DB99E5
K47 – 1FA27CF8
K48 – C4AC5665
K49 – F4292244
K50 – 432AFF97
K51 – AB9423A7
K52 – FC93A039
K53 – 655B59C3
K54 – 8F0CCC92
K55 – FFEFF47D
K56 – 85845DD1
K57 – 6FA87E4F
K58 – FE2CE6E0
K59 – A3014314
K60 – 4E0811A1
K61 – F7537E82
K62 – BD3AF235
K63 – 2AD7D2BB
K64 – EB86D391

One of these K values is used in each of the 64

operations for a 512-bit block. K1 to K16 are used in
the first round, K17 to K32 are used in the second
round, K33 to K48 are used in the third round, and K49
to K64 are used in the fourth round.

After the K value has been added, the next step is to

shift the number of bits to the left by a predefined 13/45
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amount, Si. We will explain how this works further on in

the article. The amount that each bit is shifted varies
according to which operation the MD5 algorithm is up
to. Each operation has a preset number of shifts, and
the operations use them in sequential order (e.g. S1,
S2, S3, etc.). The S values are:

Round one
S1, S5, S9, S13 – 7
S2, S6, S10, S14 – 12
S3, S7, S11, S15 – 17
S4, S8, S12, S16, – 22

Round two
S17, S21, S25, S29 – 5
S18, S22, S26, S30 – 9
S19, S23, S27, S31 – 14
S20, S24, S28, S32 – 20

Round three
S33, S37, S41, S45 – 4
S34, S38, S42, S46 – 11
S35, S39, S43, S47 – 16
S36, S40, S44, S48 – 13

Round four
S49, S53, S57, S61 – 6
S50, S54, S58, S62 – 10
S51, S55, S59, S63 – 15
S52, S56, S60, S64 – 21

After the shift has been made, the result of all of these
calculations is added to the value for initialization
vector B. Initially, it’s 89abcdef, but it changes in
subsequent operations.

The output of this value becomes the initialization

vector for B in the next operation. The initialization 14/45
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vectors B, C and D are shuffled over one space to the

right, so that B becomes C, C becomes D, and D
becomes A in the next operation.

Four rounds of 16 operations

This process goes in a loop for 16 operations. Each

time, the inputs stipulated above are used for their
respective operation. The 17th operation is the start of
the second round, and the process continues similarly,
except the G function is used instead.

Things change again by the 33rd operation, when the

H function is used for the duration of the third round.
The fourth round begins at the 49th operation, and the
I function is used instead.

Upon conclusion of the fourth round and its 64th

operation, the outputs are added to the original
initialization vectors that we listed above. The result of
this calculation is the final MD5 hash of our input.


It’s okay, we have begun with a rough and simplistic

overview that only aims to give you an outline of the
many steps involved in MD5. In the next section, we
will walk through each part of the process in greater

The MD5 algorithm in-depth

Let’s start by digging into the F function.

The F function

The F function is a bitwise operation (so are functions

G, H and I). These are basically fast and easy ways for 15/45
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computers to perform arithmetic with binary. While

computers do their work in binary, we will mostly be
sticking to hexadecimal because it’s easier to read.
Refer to the section on hexadecimal in our other article
on MD5 if you need a deeper understanding on what it

The F function is:

F(B, C, D) = (B∧C)∨(¬B∧D)

If you have never studied Boolean algebra before,

these symbols may be a little confusing. A full
discussion of Boolean algebra will take us off on too
much of a tangent, but it’s basically a special kind of
algebra that’s used heavily in computing.

The symbols you will need to know are the following:

∧– AND
∨– OR
¬ – NOT
⊕ – XOR, which basically means either, but not

Now we can plug in the numbers for our initialization

vectors that we discussed in the Initialization vectors

F (89abcdef, fedcba98, 76543210) = (89abcdef AND

fedcba98) OR (NOT-89abcdef AND 76543210)

We can complete this calculation with an online

Boolean calculator. However, we will need to divide it
into separate steps because this calculator doesn’t
allow us to use parentheses to order the equation

If you want to try it out for yourself: 16/45
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Enter 89abcdef into input A.

Select AND from the dropdown menu below it.
Enter fedcba98 into input B.
Select Hex from the four different number
systems. It’s located right below the Operation

The answer appears next to Operation Result:


Now, let’s do the other half of the equation:

Select NOT to the left of input A.

Enter 89abcdef into input A.
Select AND from the dropdown menu below it.
Enter 76543210 into input B.
Select Hex from the four different number
systems, located right below the Operation

Our answer is:


We’ve solved part of the equation, so now we know


F(B, C, D) = 88888888 OR 76543210

We can finish it by:

Entering 88888888 into input A (make sure that

the NOT box is no longer selected).
Selecting OR from the dropdown menu below it.
Entering 76543210 into input B.
Selecting Hex from the four different number
systems, located right below the Operation
Result. 17/45
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If you’ve done it right, the output of F(B, C, D) should



Boolean algebra works differently to normal algebra. If

you are confused by the whole process, you may have
to do some background study at the Boolean algebra
page we linked above. Otherwise, you’ll just have to
trust us.

So far we’ve only completed our first calculation. Take

a look at the diagram to see where we are heading:

All we’ve done is run values B, C and D through

Function F. There’s a whole lot more to go just in this
diagram. This diagram represents just one
operation, and there are sixteen of them in a round.
There are four rounds for each 512-bit block, giving
us a total of 64 operations. If there is more than one
512-bit block of input data, each block has to undergo
these 64 operations. We have a lot to get through, so
let’s move along.

Modular addition

If you look at the arrow coming out of the F box, you

will see that it points into another square that looks
kind of like a window. There’s also an arrow from the A 18/45
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going into this box. The box symbol represents

modular addition.

We introduced modular operations in our other article

on MD5. You can revisit that section if you need a
quick reminder. However, it may be more helpful to
refer to the following article on modular arithmetic,
because modular addition is a little different to the
modular operations we talked about earlier.

The formula for this step of the algorithm is:

(X + Y) mod Z


X – 01234567 (the initialization vector A, a

predefined value which we discussed in the The
MD5 algorithm’s Initialization vectors section)

Y – fedcba98 (the result of function F from the

previous step)

Z – 100000000 (this is the equivalent to 232 (which

ensures that the result of this equation are no
more than eight characters long)

When we put everything into our formula, we get:

(01234567 + fedcba98) mod 100000000

We will use this online calculator to do the modulo

operation. First, select hexadecimal for “Number a
type”, “Number b type”, “Number c type” and “Convert
calculation result to a”. Once more, we will have to split
up the operation into parts, because this calculator
doesn’t allow parentheses either.

Enter: 19/45
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01234567 into “Number a value”.

fedcba98 into “Number b value”.

Type “add(a,b)” into the field where it says “Calculation

equation”. This simply tells the calculator to add the
numbers we have typed in for A and B. This gives us a
result of:


For the next step, enter:

ffffffff into “Number a value”.

100000000 into “Number b value”.

mod(a,b) into “Calculation equation”.

If you have done everything right, when you click

Calculate, you should get the following answer:


If you are still confused by how these calculations

work, perhaps it’s a good idea to check out the
modular arithmetic link posted above. Another option is
to convert the hexadecimal numbers into decimal
numbers. By converting the numbers into decimal and
running through the calculations in a number system
you are more familiar with, it might help you figure out
what’s actually happening. You can then convert your
answer back into hexadecimal to see if it’s the same.

The first portion of our message input

Now that we have our output from this first modular

addition box, it’s time to move on. If you follow the line
leaving the box, you will see that it points to another of
the same modular addition boxes. To the left of this 20/45
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box, we see an arrow with Mi pointing toward it as well.

These represent our two inputs in the next calculation.

If you remember what we discussed at the start of The

input M section, each 512 block of input is divided up
into sixteen 32-bit “words”, labelled M0-M15. The i in
the diagram is a general placeholder for whichever
word the algorithm is up to. In this case, we are just
starting, so we are dealing with the first word, M0.

When we broke down our input into sixteen 32-bit

words in The input M section, M0 was 54686579 in

In addition to our M0 input, we also need our output

from the last step, ffffffff. The box indicates that we
need to perform modular addition with both of these
numbers, just like in the previous section.

The formula for this step of the algorithm is also:

(X + Y) mod Z


X – 54686579 (M0)

Y – ffffffff (the output from the previous section)

Z – 100000000 (this is 232)


(54686579 + ffffffff) mod 100000000

We are going to use the same online calculator. This

time, it’s the same equation, but with different inputs,
so we’ll go through it much faster. If you get lost, just
refer to the previous section and replace the values
with these new inputs. 21/45
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54686579 into “Number a value”.

ffffffff into “Number b value”.

add(a,b) into “Calculation equation”.

Hit the Calculate button. It will give you an answer of:


Copy this value and insert it into “Number a value”

field. Insert 100000000 into “Number b value”. Change
the formula to mod (a,b). If you have done everything
correctly, when you hit calculate, you should get an
answer of:


With this output in hand, it’s time to move on to the

next step.

Adding in the constant

Referring back to our diagram, when we follow the line

out of the previous box, we see yet another one of the
boxes that indicate modular addition. This time, we
need our output from the last operation to act as an
input, as well as what the diagram refers to as Ki. 22/45
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K refers to a constant, of which there are 64 different

ones, one for each of the operations involved in
processing a 512-bit block. i is just a placeholder for
whichever constant we are up to. Since this is still the
first operation, we will use K1 first (the RFC does not
state why the message input, M starts at M0, while the
constant starts at 1). Each of the values for K are
shown in the The operations section. If you refer
back, you will see that K1 is:


Once more, our function is:

(X + Y) mod Z

Our values are:

X – d76aa478

Y – 54686578 (the output from the previous


Z – 100000000 (232)

When we plug everything in, we get:

(d76aa478 + 54686578) mod 100000000

Using the same online calculator, we enter the

following inputs:

d76aa478 into “Number a value”.

54686578 into “Number b value”.

add(a,b) into “Calculation equation”.

Hit the Calculate button. It will give you an answer of:

12bd309f0 23/45
3/9/24, 11:45 AM The MD5 algorithm (with examples) | Comparitech

Copy this value and insert it into “Number a value”

field. Insert 100000000 into “Number b value”. Change
the formula to mod (a,b). If you have done everything
correctly, when you hit calculate, you should get an
answer of:


The above is our output for this step of the operation.

Left bit-shift

When we follow the arrows once more, we see a box

with several symbols pointing to the left. This signifies
that we need to take our input from the previous
operation and shift it to the left. The number of spaces
we shift depends on the round, according to the
predefined values that we listed in the The operations

Since this is our first time going through the function,

we start with S1. If you consult the listing, you will see
that the value for S1 is 7. This means that we need to
shift our value seven spaces to the left. As with
everything that computers do, this happens at the
binary level, and it will be easier for us to see what’s
going on if we temporarily convert our hexadecimal
number back into binary.

So let’s take the output from our previous step:


And use an online converter to switch it to binary:

0010 1011 1101 0011 0000 1001 1111 0000

All we have to do is move each bit 7 spaces to the left.

We will do it with an intermediate step to make it easier 24/45
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to see what is going on:

001 0101 1110 1001 1000 0100 1111 1000 0xxx


We have added in the seven x symbols at the right to

represent the shift. However, this space is actually
replaced by the seven leftmost numbers which we
have underlined. The seven bit rotation really looks like

1110 1001 1000 0100 1111 1000 0001 0101

If we convert this number back to hexadecimal, we get:


As you can see, while this left bit-shift seems like a

relatively similar step, it makes the string look radically
different to us.

More modular addition

Looking back at the diagram once more, when we

trace the lines onward, we see that the result of our left
shift goes to another modular addition box. The other
input traces back to the B at the top, which is the
initialization vector B. If you refer back to the The
MD5 algorithm’s initialization vectors section, you
will see that this value is 89abcdef.

By now, you should be pretty familiar with modular

addition and the steps we have been taking to solve it.
The formula is:

(X + Y) mod Z

This time:

X – 89abcdef (initialization vector B) 25/45
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Y – e984f815 (the output from the previous


Z – 100000000 (232)

When we put all of the numbers in, we get:

(89abcdef + e984f895) mod 100000000

Let’s use our online calculator to enter:

89abcdef into “Number a value”.

e984f815 into “Number b value”.

add(a,b) into “Calculation equation”.

Click the Calculate button to get an answer of:


Now it’s time to copy and insert this value into “Number
a value” field. Type 100000000 into “Number b value”
and change the formula to mod (a,b). This should give
you an answer of:


The end… of the first operation 26/45
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We have basically finished the first operation. If you

trace the arrow leaving the last modular addition box
we worked on, it ends up pointing to the B at the
bottom. These values at the bottom for A, B, C and D
will act as the initialization vectors for the second

This means that the output of the last step will become
the initialization vector B for the next operation. It
replaces the original initialization vector B, which was
89abcdef. If you follow all of the other lines, we end up

D as the new initialization vector for A.

The output of the entire operation as the
initialization vector for B.
B as the new initialization vector for C.
C as the new initialization vector for D.

Only 63 more operations to go…

Summary of the first operation

Before we move ahead, it’s best to give a quick

summary of the many complicated steps we have been

We started off with our four initialization vectors:

A – 01234567
B – 89abcdef
C – fedcba98
D – 76543210

We put these last three values through the F function:

F(B, C, D) = (B∧C)∨(¬B∧D)

This gave us a result of: 27/45
3/9/24, 11:45 AM The MD5 algorithm (with examples) | Comparitech

F(B, C, D) = fedcba98

We took this result and put it into the following formula

for modular addition alongside the initialization vector

(X+Y) mod Z


X = 01234567

Y = fedcba98

Z = 100000000

This gave us an answer of:


Next, we did some more modular addition, this time

with the first word of our initial input, M0, which is
54686579. We added it to the result of the last step
with the same formula, which gave us:


The next step was some more modular addition, this

time with a constant, K, which we listed the values for
in the The operations section. K1 was d76aa478,
which we added to the previous result, giving us an
output of:


The next step mixed things up, and we converted the

hexadecimal result into binary, so that we could easily
see the seven bit left-shift. When we changed it back
to hexadecimal, the result was:

e984f815 28/45
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We followed this by getting back to modular addition,

adding this result to the initialization vector B,
89abcdef. We ended up with the following value,
which becomes the initialization vector B in the next


The values for B, C and D were also shuffled to the

right, giving us new initialization vectors for the next

A – 76543210
B – 7330c684
C – 89abcdef
D – fedcba98

The second operation

The second operation passes through the very same

patterns as the previous operation, however, it is done
with different values. Not only are the initialization
vectors different, but so are some of the inputs. The
operation proceeds along the following lines:

The new values for B, C and D are put through the

F function in the same way as in the prior
operation. 29/45
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The result is then added to the new value for A

through modular addition.
This time, the second word from the input
message, M1 is added to the result from the prior
step with modular addition. According to the The
input M section, M1 is 54686579.
Modular arithmetic is used once more, this time
adding the last outcome to the constant, which is
K2. K2 is e8c7b756 according to our list of K
values in the The operations section.
We then take the result from the last section and
shift it to the left. However, instead of moving it
seven spaces, this time we shift it twelve. This is
because the values we laid out for the left bit-
shifts in the The operations section stipulates
that S2 is 12. This signals 12 moves to the left in
the second operation.
This outcome is then added to the new value for
initialization vector B with modular arithmetic.
The result becomes the new initialization vector B
for the third operation. The values for B, C and D
are also rotated to the right, so that B becomes
the initialization vector C, C becomes the
initialization vector D, and D becomes the
initialization vector A.

Subsequent operations

By now, you have hopefully gotten the hang of what

happens in each individual operation. Operations three
through to 16 each begin with the results from the
previous operations as the “initialization vectors”.
However, these results have always been shifted one
letter to the right.

Subsequent operations involve: 30/45
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The values for B, C and D going through the F

The results being added to the respective A values
through modular addition.
The results being added to the respective portion
of the message input, Mi.
The results being added to the respective
constant, Ki.
The results being shifted left a set number of
spaces, according to the Si.
The results being added to initialization vector B
and this value becoming the new initialization
vector B in the next round.
The other three values being shifted one space to
the right.

The final values from operation three become the

initialization vectors for operation four, and the final
values from operation four become the initialization
vectors for operation five. This pattern continues until
the 16th operation, which uses the results from the
15th round as its initialization vectors. The results of
operation 16 will become “initialization vectors” for the
first operation of round two.

Round two

Let’s zoom out for a minute and take a look at the

overall structure of the algorithm. We’ve gone through
the first lot of 16 operations, and now we are shifting
onto the second round. The diagram doesn’t really do
the algorithm justice and include everything, but if it did
it would become too messy: 31/45
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Right now, we have the outputs from round one, which

will become our initialization vectors for the first
operation of round two in the second long rectangle. 32/45
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Things change at the start of round two. Its first

operation, the 17th overall, begins with a different
function. The F function is replaced by the G function,
which will be used for operations 17 through 32. The G
function is as follows:

G (B, C, D) = (B∧D)∨(C∧¬D)

The values for B, C and D are whatever the outputs

from the previous operation were, just like before. For
a refresher on Boolean algebra:

∧– AND
∨– OR
¬ – NOT

So the formula is basically saying, G (B, C, D) equals


Figuring out the correct values for each of the previous

16 operations doesn’t sound very fun, so we will just
make some up instead. It will still give you an idea of
how this new G function works, and save you from
scrolling through pages of repetition. Let’s say that the
16th operation led to the following initialization vectors
for the 17th round:

A – 799d1352
B – 2c34dfa2
C – de1673be
D – 4b976282


G (B, C, D) =

We will need to complete the calculation in steps,

because this online calculator for logical expressions 33/45
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doesn’t allow parentheses for ordering the operations.

Let’s start by finding the result of the first part:


Enter 2c34dfa2 into input A.

Select AND from the dropdown menu below it.
Enter 4b976282 into input B.
Select Hex from the four different number
systems, located right below the Operation

This gives us a result of:


Now, let’s take care of the other half of the equation:


Switch out the old value for input A and place

de1673be there instead.
You can leave the same 4b976282 value in input
B, just click the NOT button to the left of it.

You should get the following as your result:


Now that we have the results of both (B∧D) and

(C∧¬D), we can do the OR operation.

8144282 ∨ 1400113c

We need to:

Enter 8144282 into input A.

Select OR from the dropdown menu below it.
Enter 1400113c into input B. Make sure that NOT
is no longer selected. 34/45
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Select Hex from the four different number

systems, located right below the Operation

This gives us a result for G (B, C, D) of:


This value then gets sent into the modular addition

function along with the initialization vector we made up
for A. Everything else proceeds pretty much the same
as during the operations we described above, with the
outputs from the previous operation becoming inputs
into the next round. Each operation uses its respective
Mi and Ki inputs, as well as the Si shifts we specified in
the The operations section.

Round three

Once the 32nd operation has been completed, its

outputs are used as initialization vectors for the 33rd
operation. However, because this is the start of the
third round, the H function is used from now until the
end of the 48th operation. The formula is:

H (B, C, D) = B⊕C⊕D

The H function is also a function of (B, C and D). The

⊕ symbol on the right side of the equation may be
unfamiliar to you. It’s generally known as an XOR
operation, short for exclusive or. In practical terms its
output is true (in the logical sense) if one of its input
arguments is true, but not if both of them are.

Let’s make up some outputs from the 32nd round to

act as initialization vectors for this function in the 33rd

A – eb160cd0 35/45
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B – d5071367
C – c058ade2
D – 63c603d7

This gives us:

H(B, C, D) = d5071367 ⊕ c058ade2 ⊕ 63c603d7

Let’s go back to our online calculator and input this

equation by:

Entering d5071367 into input A.

Selecting XOR from the dropdown menu below it.
Entering c058ade2 into input B.
Selecting XOR from the dropdown menu below it.
Entering 63c603d7 into input C.
Selecting Hex from the four different number
systems, located right below the Operation Result.

This gives us a result for the H (B, C, D) function of:


Everything else continues as above, except with their

respective input values for each operation.

Round four

When we get to the 49th operation, it’s time for the

beginning of the fourth round. We get a new formula,
which we will use up until the end of the 64th round:

I(B, C, D) = C⊕(B∨¬D)

This formula also has the XOR function for one or the
other, but not both. It’s basically saying “C OR, BUT
NOT BOTH (B OR NOT-D). Let’s make up some more
outputs from the end of the 48th round:

A – 60cdceb1 36/45
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B – 7d502063
C – 8b3d715d
D – 1de3a739


I(B, C, D) = 8b3d715d⊕(7d502063∨¬1de3a739)

Let’s do the bracketed part of the operation in our

online calculator first. Enter it by:

Placing 7d502063 into input A.

Selecting OR from the dropdown menu below it.
Entering 1de3a739 into input B.
Selecting clicking NOT beside input B.
Selecting Hex from the four different number
systems, located right below the Operation Result.

This gives us an output of:


The rest of the equation is therefore:

8b3d715d ⊕ 7f5c78e7

To finish it:

Place 8b3d715d into input A.

Select XOR from the dropdown menu below it.
Enter the result of our last calculation, 7f5c78Ee7,
into input B (make sure that the NOT beside it is
no longer selected).
Select Hex from the four different number
systems, located right below the Operation

This gives us an output of:

f46109ba 37/45
3/9/24, 11:45 AM The MD5 algorithm (with examples) | Comparitech

The rest of this operation continues in the same way

that each of the operations that came before did. This
result is added to initialization vector A with modular
arithmetic, and each of the other steps are followed
with the respective input values for this round.
Ultimately, this gives us outputs which are used as the
initialization vectors for operation 50, which also uses
function I.

This process continues up until (and including) the

64th round.

The final step of the MD5 algorithm, after

64 operations

The 64th operation proceeds like each of those before

it, using the outputs of the 63rd operation as its
initialization vectors for the I function. When it has
gone through each of the steps of the operation, it
gives us new values for A, B, C and D.

Let’s say that these values are:

A – 60cdceb1
B – 7d502063
C – 8b3d715d
D – 1de3a739

First, we’ll zoom out again and take a look at the larger
MD5 algorithm: 38/45
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By this stage, we have finished the bottom rectangle

that says “16 operations of…”. If you follow the arrows
down, you will see that they are connected to a box 39/45
3/9/24, 11:45 AM The MD5 algorithm (with examples) | Comparitech

with four modular addition calculations. The other

inputs come from the initialization vectors that we used
at the very start of the MD5 algorithm.

For this stage, let’s refer to them as OIV-A, OIV-B, etc.

for original initialization vector A, B, etc.. This should
help to keep things clear. These original initialization
vectors were:

OIV-A – 01234567
OIV-B – 89abcdef
OIV-C – fedcba98
OIV-D – 76543210

Once again, our equation for modular addition is:

(X + Y) mod Z

In this case:

X – 60cdceb1 (The output for initialization vector

A after the 64th operation).
Y – 01234567 (OIV-A).
Z – 100000000 (this is 232).


(60cdceb1 + 01234567) mod 100000000

Let’s return to our online calculator for modular

addition. Once again, we will have to do this equation
in stages, because the calculator doesn’t allow
parentheses. Let’s add the first two numbers by

60cdceb1 into “Number a value”.

01234567 into “Number b value”.

Put “add(a,b)” into “Calculation equation”. Make sure

that you have Hexadecimal selected for “Number a 40/45
3/9/24, 11:45 AM The MD5 algorithm (with examples) | Comparitech

type”, “Number b type” and “Convert calculation result

to a”.

Click the Calculate button to get an answer of:


Now it’s time to copy and insert this value into “Number
a value” field. Type 100000000 into “Number b value”
and change the formula to “mod (a,b).” This should
give you an answer of:


This is the answer for the final value of A (in the case
of a single 512-bit block of input data).

The last three calculations of the MD5


We need to do the exact same equation for our

remaining numbers:

(A + B) mod C

Therefore, we need to solve:

(B + OIV-B) mod C
(C + OIV-C) mod C
(D + OIV-D) mod C

When we plug in the respective numbers, we get:

(7d502063 + 89abcdef) mod 100000000

(8b3d715d + fedcba98) mod 100000000
(1de3a739 + 76543210) mod 100000000

By now, you should be pretty familiar with how each of

these equations work, so you should be able to 41/45
3/9/24, 11:45 AM The MD5 algorithm (with examples) | Comparitech

compute them on your own if you want to. If you want

to skip the hard work, the answers are:

B – 06fbee52 (the calculator will actually give you

an answer of 6fbee52. We have simply added the
zero at the front to bring it up to eight characters in
C – 8a1a2bf5
D – 9437d949

The hash of an MD5 hash function

Because we are only computing the hash for a single

512-bit block of data, we have all of the information we
need for the final hash. It’s simply a concatenation (this
is just a fancy word that means we put the numbers
together) of these latest values for A, B, C and D:

Hash = ABCD

Therefore, the hash of our original message of “They

are deterministic” is:

H (They are deterministic) =


Larger message inputs

If the initial input was 448 bits or larger, it would need

to be split into two or more 512-bit blocks. In the first
block, the input would be added essentially the same
way we have described throughout. The only
difference comes in the final step.

After operation 64, the results for A, B, C and D are

added to OIV-A, OIV-B, OIV-C and OIV-D using
modular addition, as above. However, these results
would not be concatenated to form the final hash. 42/45
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Instead, the result of A + OIV-A would act as the

initialization vector A for the beginning of the second
512-bit block of data. The results of B + OIV-B, C +
OIV-C and D + OIV-D would form the initialization
vectors for B, C and D, respectively, in this second
512-bit block of data.

The second 512 bits of input would be divided up into

sixteen 32-bit words, just as the initial 512 bits of data
were. Each of these new words would become M0,
M1, M2 …M15 for the MD5 algorithm to run again. All
of the other variables would be the same as in the
previous steps.

There would be four rounds of 16 operations each, for

a total of 64 operations. Each round would have its
own function, functions F, G, H and I, which would be
used in the same order and in the same way as last

If the initial input was only two 512-bit blocks long, the
last parts of the MD5 hash algorithm would proceed in
essentially the same way as they did in the The final
step, after 64 operations section, finally outputting
the hash for the two 512-bit blocks of input data.

If the initial input was more than two 512-bit blocks

long, the A, B,C and D outputs that would have
otherwise formed the hash are instead used as
initialization vectors for the third block.

This process would continue until all of the initial input

has been processed, no matter how many 512-bit
blocks it takes. Whenever it comes to the last block,
the algorithm would follow the process outlined in the
The final step, after 64 operations section, ultimately
delivering us new values for A, B, C and D. These
would then be concatenated to form the hash. 43/45
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The MD5 Algorithm

The MD5 algorithm seems like an arduous process

when you go through each of the steps, but our
computers are able to do it all in an instant. While it is
a lot of work to us, this process results in an algorithm
that can be quite useful for things like verifying data
integrity. Find out about the MD5 hash function, its
other uses, its security vulnerabilities and more in our
What is MD5 and how is it used? article.


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