ANSWERS ENGL120 Grammar 3-2 - Past Perfect Simple-3

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Read the situations and complete the sentences in the Past Perfect
Simple with the verbs in parentheses:


My finger was bleeding so I put on a band aid. I had cut (cut) myself.


We went to the store to buy a new dishwasher. Ours had broken (break).

He looked very different the last time we saw him. He had gained (gain) a
lot of weight.


I opened the door and entered the classroom. Everyone looked at me

angrily. I had interrupted (interrupt) the class.

The road to the beach was closed. A landslide had covered (cover) the
road with rocks.


I went to the clinic to see my doctor. I had caught (catch) a cold.


The town was flooded. The ocean’s waves had gone (go) over the walls.


Three days after the earthquake, I was told some sad news. About 8,000
people had died (die) in the disaster.

We had an amazing view of the fireworks last night. We had climbed

(climb) onto the roof to see them.


My brother came down for dinner walking in pain. He had hurt (hurt) himself
in his soccer game earlier in the day.

We were tired when we finally got home. We had had (have) a busy day.


The missing dog was returned to the owner. It had been (be) at a
neighbour’s house for most of the day.
2. Complete the following sentences with the Past Simple and Past

The fire (start) because someone (leave) a

burning cigarette on the ground.
The fire started because someone had left a
burning cigarette on the ground.

He (be) in pain because he (fall down) two days

He was in pain because he had fallen down two
days earlier.

When we (drive) around the city, we (see) that

the earthquake (cause) a lot of damage.
When we drove around the city, we saw that the
earthquake had caused a lot of damage.

I (be) hungry when I (come) to school. I (not

eat) breakfast yet.
I was hungry when I came to school. I hadn’t
eaten breakfast yet.

I (feel) better because I (take) some medicine.

I felt better because I had taken some medicine.
When we (go) skiing, there (be) so much snow
on the mountain. There (be) a blizzard the night
When we went skiing, there was so much snow
on the mountain. There had been a blizzard the
night before.

I (be) very relaxed because I (just spend) an

hour in the jacuzzi.
I was very relaxed because I had just spent an
hour in the jacuzzi.

When the hurricane (arrive), most of the people

(already leave) the city.
When the hurricane arrived, most of the people
had already left the city.

The tsunami (appear) because there (be) a

large earthquake earlier in the day.
The tsunami appeared because there had been
a large earthquake earlier in the day.

My friend (not come) with me to the gym

because he (hurt) his back at work.
My friend didn’t come with me to the gym
because he had hurt his back at work.
We (be) freezing because we (be) on the
balcony all evening.
We were freezing because we had been on the
balcony all evening.

The firefighter (rescue) the child from the fire.

He (hear) the child’s screams.
The firefighter rescued the child from the fire.
He had heard the child’s screams.
3. Complete the verbs in the sentences in either the Past Simple or
Past Perfect Simple. Use the order of events as indicated by the
numbers to help you decide which grammar tense to use:

1. I ate breakfast.
2. I made my lunch.
3. I took a shower.

a. It didn’t take me long to get ready after I took my shower because I had
already eaten breakfast and made my lunch.
1. We decided to meet at 3 PM.
2. I arrived at Starbucks at 2:55 PM.
3. Joe arrived at 3:15 PM.

b. When I arrived five minutes early for our meeting, I didn’t see Joe at the
coffee shop. We had decided to meet at 3 PM. He finally arrived about twenty
minutes later.
1. Tsunami alarm went off.
2. Everyone ran up the hill.
3. Everyone waited until it was safe to go home.

c. Many of the children at the school screamed when the tsunami alarm went
off. Everyone in the school ran up to the top of a large hill and waited until it
was safe to go home.
1. I went to the park to fly my kite because it was windy.
2. The wind stopped.
3. I arrived at the park.

d. When I arrived at the park, the wind had stopped. I had gone to the park to
fly my kite because it had been windy earlier.
1. Andrea went home.
2. We got to the party.
3. We left.

e. When we got to John’s party, we didn’t see Andrea because she had already
gone home. We left an hour later.
4. Complete the conversations with the Past Simple, Continuous, or
Perfect forms of the verbs in parentheses:

“Where did you go (you / go) in Italy on your vacation, John?”

“We spent (spend) most of our time in Florence and Rome. We didn’t go
(not / go) to Milan because we had been (be) there before.”
“What were you doing (you / do) when I called? You didn’t answer (not /
“I was working (work) on my garden outside. I didn’t hear (not / hear) the
“Did you cook (you / cook) dinner when you got (get) home?”

“No, I didn’t have to. My wife had already finished (already / finish) cooking
dinner when I got (get) home.”
“Did you hear (you / hear) the news about John?”

“No, what happened (happen)?”

“He was climbing (climb) a tree and fell down (fall down). Now he’s in the

“Wow, that’s terrible.”

“This morning, something really strange happened (happen) on my way to

“Oh yeah? What was it (it / be)?”

“Well, while I was riding (ride) the train, everyone on the train suddenly
started (start) singing.

“Oh, that’s called a flash mob. I’ve only seen them on YouTube.”
“Here’s the money you lent (lend) me, Sue. Thanks.”

“Oh yeah! It’s a good thing you remembered (remember) because I had
forgotten (forget) all about that money.”

5. Complete the following sentences about yourself:

a. While I was coming to school today, I did my homework on the bus.

b. When I went to bed last night,

c. I’d already eaten breakfast when

d. It was raining when

e. When I woke up this morning

f. Before I came to class,

g. I’d never seen anything like it when

h. When I started studying at this school,

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