Effect of Physiotherapy On Spinal Alignment

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International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 2019;32(1):25 – 32


Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Institute of Physiotherapy
Provincial Integrated Hospital in Kielce, Kielce, Poland
Świętokrzyskie Center for Pediatrics
Wye Valley Foundation Trust, Hereford, United Kingdom
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Hereford County Hospital
Rehabilitation Centre, Zgorzelec, Poland
Technical University in Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Institute of Biomedical Engineering

Objectives: This paper assesses the effect of neurophysiological rehabilitation in children with postural defects on the depth of thoracic kyphosis, lateral
spinal deviation and rotation of spinal motor segments. Material and Methods: A total of 201 patients aged 8–15 years old with a postural defect diag-
nosed by medical examination were enrolled. The analyzed parameters were determined using the DIERS system before the first therapeutic session
and after 4 weeks of therapy. The angle of thoracic kyphosis, lateral deviation of the spine and spinal rotation were assessed. The therapy employed
techniques associated with the proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) and Vojta’s approaches. The results were analyzed separately for both
sexes and for patients rehabilitated solely with Vojta’s techniques vs. patients rehabilitated according to combined Vojta’s and PNF techniques. The
χ2 test was used for statistical analyses, at p < 0.05. Results: There was improvement in the angle of thoracic kyphosis, ranging from 0.14 (among boys
with kyphosis < 42°) to 5.47 (among girls with kyphosis ≥ 42°), spinal rotation, from 0.37 (among boys with kyphosis ≥ 42°) to 4.33 (among patients
with kyphosis ≥ 42° rehabilitated solely according to Vojta’s method), and lateral deviations, ranging from 1.32 mm (among boys with kyphosis < 42°)
to 2.99 mm (among patients with kyphosis ≥ 42° rehabilitated solely according to Vojta’s method). Conclusions: Neurophysiological rehabilitation of
patients with postural defects produced positive effects by improving the angle of thoracic kyphosis, spinal rotation and lateral deviation of the spine.
Children with reduced thoracic kyphosis achieved less improvement in the kyphosis angle, lateral spinal deviation and spinal rotation than children with
kyphosis ≥ 42°. The DIERS Formetric System enables precise monitoring of therapeutic outcomes. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2019;32(1):25–32

Key words:
postural defects, PNF, Vojta, DIERS, physiotherapy, rehabilitation

Received: December 19, 2017. Accepted: April 25, 2018.

Corresponding author: Anna Zmyślna, Jan Kochanowski University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Institute of Phisiotherapy, al. IX Wieków Kielc 19A,
25-317 Kielce, Poland (e-mail: [email protected]).

Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Łódź, Poland 25


INTRODUCTION popular. Such methods include moiré topography, the

Our clinical experience shows that postural defects in the Metrecom System, Integrated Shape Imaging System
pediatric population may be regarded as a characteristic (ISIS), Posturomet-S, and the DIERS Formetric III 4D
feature and a health problem of this population [1]. system [1,9].
Research on the Polish pediatric population since The latter method allows for precise three-dimensional
the 1980s shows decreasing physical performance. The determination of the morphology of the dorsum, orien-
development of civilization and the contemporary life- tation of the pelvis and calculation of the spinal mid-line
style are also producing a steady increase in the preva- and rotation curves. The optoelectronic technology of
lence of postural defects [2]. Reduction in physical activ- the DIERS Formetric III 4D is totally non-invasive and
ity and repeatedly exceeding the body’s energy needs has safe for patients, allowing for repeated examinations. It
an adverse effect on the health and posture of the pediat- produces very detailed and precise results, enabling a di-
ric population [3]. agnosis that allows for the choice of the best possible and
Postural disorders are often produced by poor habits. The customized therapy [9].
maintenance of a particular alignment of the body during
daily activities contributes to the development and per- Aim
petuation of faulty postures [4,5]. This paper assesses the effect of neurophysiological reha-
Ignoring postural defects at an early stage of their de- bilitation in children with postural defects on the depth of
velopment may later produce complications in overall thoracic kyphosis, lateral spinal deviation and rotation of
health [6,7]. spinal motor segments.
Despite numerous and diverse scientific publications, the
etiology of postural defects is not fully elucidated. Epide- MATERIAL AND METHODS
miological data also varies, with estimates of prevalence The study enrolled 201 patients undergoing rehabilitation
of postural defects ranging from a few to several dozen at the Division of Physiotherapy, Świętokrzyskie Center
percent of society [6–8]. for Pediatrics in Kielce, Poland, who had been diagnosed
Postural defects affect approximately 50–60% of the Pol- with a postural defect by medical examination. The par-
ish pediatric population. They present mostly as habitual ticipants were aged 8–15 years old and included 103 boys
faulty postures. The research by the Centre for Health and 98 girls. History and physical examination did not re-
Care Information Technology Systems indicates that a to- veal any comorbidities that could have contributed to the
tal of 417 381 postural defects, mostly of the spine, were symptoms. The study parameters were assessed before the
diagnosed in Poland in 2007, accounting for 5.19% of the first therapeutic session and after 4 weeks of therapy.
population aged 0–18 years old [5]. Inclusion criteria:
An important role in the diagnostic process is played by –– age: 8–15 years old,
radiographs, which allow for tracing abnormal vertebral –– diagnosis of postural defect,
morphology and calculating the Cobb angle of spinal cur- –– good overall health (≤ 2 by Eastern Cooperative On-
vature. However, radiography involves exposing the pa- cology Group/World Health Organization [ECOG/
tient to ionizing radiation. WHO]),
At present, precise and non-invasive examinations based –– consent of the legal guardian for the child to participate
on computer technology are becoming increasingly in the study.

26 IJOMEH 2019;32(1)

Exclusion criteria: Vojta’s method techniques with individual therapeutic ses-

–– comorbidities that could affect the body axis, such as sions consisted of a combination of global patterns (reflex
Scheuermann’s disease, genetic conditions such as creeping and the first phase of reflex rolling) and patient
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, or metabolic disease, education regarding the need to assume an optimal body
–– withdrawal from the study or non-compliance with the posture for the rehabilitation process. This group con-
instructions regarding the rehabilitation therapy. sisted of 93 patients, including 54 with reduced thoracic
The study parameters were assessed with the DIERS kyphosis (27 girls and 27 boys) and 39 patients with kypho-
Formetric 4D system. Markers were used for improving sis ≥ 42° (23 girls and 16 boys).
measurement precision. The DIERS Formetric Average The children and their parents received detailed informa-
examination was carried out for each patient to assess spi- tion about the treatment approach and were instructed to
nal alignment and vertebral rotation at individual levels. practice the exercises at home 3 times daily. Each partici-
The following parameters were assessed: pant and his or her legal guardians were informed about
–– angle of thoracic kyphosis: formed by the apex of tho- the methodology of the study and provided their informed
racic kyphosis and the C7 and Th12 spinous processes, consent.
–– lateral deviation: distance of the apex of scoliosis from Consent to conduct the study was obtained from the local
the body’s axis of symmetry, Ethical Review Board at the Jan Kochanowski University
–– spinal rotation: differences in skin height overlying the in Kielce, Poland.
spinal transverse processes. The results of the examinations were subjected to a sta-
The study group was divided into 2 subgroups: tistical analysis based on the χ2 test, with a threshold of
–– experimental group with reduction of thoracic kypho- statistical significance at p < 0.05. The results were ana-
sis < 42° (as measured between the C7 and Th12 and lyzed separately for the group rehabilitated according to
the apex of kyphosis), with 55 girls and 69 boys; the PNF and Vojta’s approach and the group rehabilitated
–– control group with thoracic kyphosis ≥ 42° (as meas- only according to the Vojta’s approach in order to verify
ured between the C7 and Th12 and the apex of kypho- the effect of the method of rehabilitation on the results.
sis), with 43 girls and 34 boys. Results were also compared for boys vs. girls to verify the
The patients were rehabilitated according to 2 systems. effect of sex on therapy outcomes.
A combination of proprioceptive neuromuscular fa-
cilitation (PNF) and Vojta’s techniques, with individual RESULTS
therapeutic sessions consisting of a combination of global The patients rehabilitated according to the PNF and
patterns based on Vojta’s method (reflex creeping and Voj­
ta’s approach demonstrated improvement in the
the first phase of reflex rolling), a combination of pat- angle of thoracic kyphosis amounting to 1.22 (p < 0.05)
terns for the limbs and the shoulder and pelvic girdles among patients with kyphosis < 42° and 1.23 (p < 0.05)
according to the PNF concept, and patient education re- among patients with kyphosis ≥ 42° (Table 1). Both sub-
garding the need to assume an optimal body posture for groups demonstrated a reduction in vertebral rotation:
the rehabilitation process. This group comprised a total of 1.18 among patients with kyphosis < 42° (p < 0.05)
of 108 patients, including 70 with reduced thoracic ky- and 2.13 among patients with kyphosis ≥ 42° (p < 0.05).
phosis (28 girls and 42 boys) and 38 with kyphosis ≥ 42° Lateral deviation of the spine was reduced by 1.78 mm
(20 girls and 18 boys). among patients with kyphosis < 42° (p < 0.05) and

IJOMEH 2019;32(1) 27
Table 1. Rehabilitation outcomes by depth of kyphosis among patients rehabilitated according to a combination of Vojta’s and PNF techniques and according to Vojta’s
approach at the Division of Physiotherapy, Świętokrzyskie Center for Pediatrics in Kielce, Poland

Depth of kyphosis

IJOMEH 2019;32(1)

Parameter combination of PNF and Vojta’s techniques Vojta’s approach

kyphosis < 42° kyphosis ≥ 42° kyphosis < 42° kyphosis ≥ 42°
examination 1 examination 2 examination 1 examination 2 examination 1 examination 2 examination 1 examination 2
Angle of thoracic kyphosis 31.78±6.87 32.99±7.92 48.68±5.6 41.91±8.66 34.42±7.01 35.18±4.86 50.25±8.65 46.23±4.61

Spinal rotation 5.59±3.79 4.41±2.21 5.55±2.74 3.7±1.56 6.29±3.69 4.85±2.54 7.65±1.87 3.32±2.41
Lateral deviation 5.78±3.24 4±2.91 6±3.17 3.87±2.46 7.25±5.69 4.85±2.54 6.31±3.62 3.32±2.51

Table 2. Rehabilitation outcomes by depth of kyphosis among boys and girls rehabilitated according to Vojta’s approach and a combination of Vojta’s and PNF
techniques at the Division of Physiotherapy, Świętokrzyskie Center for Pediatrics in Kielce, Poland

Depth of kyphosis
boys girls
Parameter [N = 103] [N = 98]
kyphosis < 42° kyphosis ≥ 42° kyphosis < 42° kyphosis ≥ 42°
[N = 69] [N = 34] [N = 55] [N = 43]
examination 1 examination 2 examination 1 examination 2 examination 1 examination 2 examination 1 examination 2
Angle of thoracic kyphosis 33.32±6.73 33.46±7.11 47.01±4.73 42.55±10.07 31.79±6.52 33.53±9.08 48.99±5.19 43.52±7.54
Spinal rotation 5.22±3.39 4.63±2.37 4.38±1.96 4.01±2.32 5.19±3.02 4.79±2.53 5.59±2.81 4.92±2.24
Lateral deviation 6.17±4.29 4.85±2.54 7.11±6.34 5.67±4.17 6.17±4.29 4.85±2.54 7.39±4.87 5.92±4.24

by 2.13 mm among patients with kyphosis ≥ 42° (p < 0.05). of reduction of the natural curvatures of the spine, are be-
The patients rehabilitated only according to the Vojta’s ing observed more and more frequently among children.
approach demonstrated improvement in the angle of tho- Such abnormal postural patterns lead to disorders associ-
racic kyphosis amounting to 0.76 (p < 0.05) among pa- ated with non-physiological loading of the spine and spi-
tients with kyphosis < 42° and 4.02 (p < 0.05) among pa- nal joints. The dorsum with attenuated curvatures is more
tients with kyphosis ≥ 42°. Both subgroups demonstrated prone to developing abnormal curvatures in the frontal
a reduction in vertebral rotation: of 1.44 among patients plane. Early detection of postural defects could contribute
with kyphosis < 42° (p < 0.05) and 4.33 among patients to effective prevention and treatment. It is extremely dif-
with kyphosis of ≥ 42° (p < 0.05). Lateral deviation of the ficult to obtain an effective and objective attitude assess-
spine was reduced by 2.4 mm among patients with kypho- ment both for diagnostic purposes and for monitoring the
sis < 42° (p < 0.05) and by 2.99 mm among patients with rehabilitation process [10].
kyphosis ≥ 42° (p < 0.05). The research regarding the causes of abnormal postures
Boys demonstrated improvement in the angle of thoracic among children has been conducted for many years, but an
kyphosis amounting to 0.14 (p > 0.05) among patients unambiguous explanation is yet to be provided. Children
with kyphosis < 42° and 4.46 (p < 0.05) among patients with scoliosis have been found to demonstrate more pro-
with kyphosis ≥ 42°(Table 2). Both subgroups demon- nounced problems with body balance, reduced response
strated a reduction in vertebral rotation: of 0.59 among to stimuli and prolonged baseline position recovery time.
patients with kyphosis < 42° (p < 0.05) and 0.37 among Abnormal lateral spinal curvatures are particularly dan-
patients with kyphosis ≥ 42° (p > 0.05). Lateral devia- gerous among postural defects; hence, the importance of
tion of the spine was reduced by 1.32 mm among patients early diagnosis [3].
with kyphosis < 42° (p > 0.05) and by 1.44 mm among The DIERS Formetric system is a non-invasive and ob-
patients with kyphosis ≥ 42° (p < 0.05). Girls demon- jective imaging technique that may be used for assessing
strated improvement in the angle of thoracic kyphosis body posture. Both static and dynamic postural imaging
amounting to 1.74 (p < 0.05) among patients with ky- may be performed and it may also be used for assessing
phosis < 42° and 5.47 (p < 0.05) among patients with treatment outcomes. The DIERS system was chosen for
kyphosis ≥ 42°. Both subgroups demonstrated a reduc- this study also in view of the short duration of the exami-
tion in vertebral rotation: of 0.4 among patients with nation, low cost and the possibility of an unlimited number
kyphosis < 42° (p < 0.05) and 0.67 among patients with of repetitions [11].
kyphosis ≥ 42° (p < 0.05). Lateral deviation of the spine According to the 2016 study, the DIERS Formetric 4D
was reduced by 1.32 mm among patients with kypho- system allows for objective assessment of the outcomes of
sis < 42° (p < 0.05) and by 1.47 mm among patients with on-going rehabilitation for patients with scoliosis [11].
kyphosis ≥ 42° (p < 0.05). The determination of a normal range for the angle of
thoracic kyphosis has been a problem for researchers for
DISCUSSION years. The Scoliosis Research Society has defined this
With the development of civilization, the level of physical range in the developing adolescent as 20–40° [12–14].
activity among children has decreased, eating habits have In a study of 316 healthy individuals aged 2–27 years
changed and, most importantly, a sedentary life-style has old, Wenger and Frick [14] found that the upper limit of
become dominant. Postural disorders, mostly in the form the normal range for thoracic kyphosis was 45. It was noted

IJOMEH 2019;32(1) 29

that average kyphosis increased with age, from 20 in child- and PNF), which resulted in improvement in the body axis
hood to 25 among teenagers to 40 in adults [14]. in all 3 planes. Similar results have also been obtained by
For the purposes of our study, the limit of the physiologi- other researchers utilizing these methods, which indicates
cal range of thoracic kyphosis was assumed at 42° in accor- that they are useful in the treatment of individuals with
dance with the protocol of the DIERS-based examination postural defects [23].
and guidelines [16]. Statistically significant improvement in the body axis was
The lack of consistent definition of kyphosis in literature obtained in both groups investigated, which leads to the
makes it difficult to compare different studies since the conclusion that the customization of therapy for individu-
inclusion criteria may vary, making it virtually impossible al patients and patient education are more important for
to distinguish the upper normal range of normal kyphosis a positive therapeutic outcome than the specific method
and severe juvenile deformity [17]. employed [24].
The problem of pronounced thoracic kyphosis merits fur-
ther studies because a sedentary life-style contributes to CONCLUSIONS
loss of the lumbar lordosis, further accentuation of kypho- Neurophysiological rehabilitation of patients with postur-
sis and an increase in the prevalence of postural defects in al defects produced positive effects by improving the angle
young people [18]. of thoracic kyphosis, spinal rotation and lateral deviation
As it has been demonstrated, restoration of physiologi- of the spine.
cal lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis stabilizes the Children with reduced thoracic kyphosis achieved less im-
spine with regard to lateral deformity by improving spinal provement in the kyphosis angle, lateral spinal deviation
alignment in the frontal plane. This is confirmed by the and spinal rotation than children with kyphosis ≥ 42°.
research presented in this article [19]. The DIERS Formetric System enables precise monitoring
Sagittal spinal misalignment is also a significant contribu- of therapeutic outcomes.
tor to pain, which is often chronic [20,21].
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32 IJOMEH 2019;32(1)

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