Eapp Fourth Quarter Examination

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English for Academic and Professional Purposes
1. A
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. D
7. B
8. B
9. C
10. C
11. C
12. A
13. A
14. D
15. A
16. C
17. B
18. A
19. B
20. A
21. B
22. C
23. A
24. D
25. D
26. D
27. A
28. C
29. D
30. D
31. A
32. D
33. A
34. C
35. C
36. A
37. B
38. D
39. C
40. A
41. C
42. A
43. A
44. A
45. A
46. B
47. C
48. D
49. A
50. D
S.Y. 2022 - 2023

DIRECTION: Encircle the best answer.

1. Which of the following is NOT a definition of a position paper?

a. It is a paper written to clarify the meaning of a concept.
b. It is a paper that takes a stand on an issue
c. It is usually detailed statement especially regarding single issue.
d. It articulates a view point or policy.
2. The following are the examples of issues in writing a position paper, except:
a. Schools uniforms should no longer be required
b. Distribution of condoms in schools is a necessity
c. Philippines should adopt same sex marriage
d. Parents’ love is unconditional
3. What do you call a written statement of the beliefs, aims, and policies of an organization, especially a political
a. Concept paper b. Manifesto c. Critique review d. Reaction paper
4. This is a mode of reasoning that proceeds from a general statement that leads to particular or specific
a. Inductive b. Deductive c. Climactic d. Narrative

5. The following are the qualities of a convincing position paper, except:

a. Contains a clear proposition or statement that must be defended
b. Assesses conflicting opinions or opposing views on the issue
c. There is a conflicts and interactions between economic classes
d. Takes a firm stand on the issue
6. A mode of reasoning that derives a generalization from specific examples and situations.
a. Deductive b. Narrative c. Climactic d. Inductive
7. Which among the following statements in which a position paper can be most effectively used?
a. Students nowadays are technologically-inclined.
b. Martial Law should have not been implemented in Mindanao.
c. It’s good to travel around the world and see its beautiful wonders
d. Many Filipino parents are now working abroad to sustain their family.
8. “School should not allow students to use cell phone in the class.” Can this statement be used for a position
a. YES, because the statement is relevant to the lives of the students
b. YES, because students are to make a stand
c. NO, because the statement is less essential
d. NO, because students will have the same stand on the issue
9. How would you make a convincing position paper?
a. Summarize a given text. c. Take a firm stand on the issue.
b. Paraphrase an article. d. Write a thesis statement about the issue.
10. What questions would you ask on criteria for developing a good position paper?
a. Does the issue speaks on the problem of the world?
b. Does the issue is currently happening in the certain place?
c. Does it addresses an issue which impacts the nutritional status of the public?
d. Does it focuses on the lives of the people?
11. What would be the result if your position paper doesn’t follow a given guidelines?
a. Presents factual evidence or proofs to support each argument.
b. It assess conflicting opinions and oppose views on issue.
c. It develops ambiguous, equivocal, and obscure ideas.
d. Contains statement that must be defended.

For numbers 12 and 13

Read and understand the paragraph carefully.

Allaying fears of similar abuses should be among the priorities as martial law under Duterte unfolds. The
President must make a clear case for his declaration, laying out his objectives, from the minimum to the ideal. He
must reassure the nation that his brand of martial law is meant to put the government in control in the face of
lawlessness rather than to control law-abiding citizens.

12. What makes the editorial relevant?

a. It talks about the present situation of the country.
b. It gives emphasis on Duterte’s administration.
c. It convinces people to create action.
d. It provides information.
13. Has the article provide factual evidence to support the author’s claim?
a. No. It has only showed the position of the author.
b. Yes. It is well written and informative.
c. No. It is short and irrelevant.
d. None of the above.
14. It is a tool used to gather data on a specific topic of interest when conducting a research.
a. References b. instrument c. methodology d. respondents
15. It contains prepared questions which are used to measure attitudes, perceptions, and opinions
a. Observation b. survey c. experiment d. report
16. It is an instrument that allows the researcher to qualitatively gather data.
a. Interview b. questionnaire c. survey d. experiment
17. It is more quantified which contains written questions that ask for specific information.
a. Interview b. questionnaire c. survey d. observation
18. Types of observation that allos the researcher to observe the subjects without interacting with them.
a. Covert b. non-participant c. participant d. overt
19. It is a procedure undertaken scientifically and systematically to make a discovery and to test hypothesis.
a. Experiment b. survey c. observation d. report
20. What is the definition of a report?
a. Is an informative piece of writing concerning a particular person , place, situation, plan.
b. is a written statement of the beliefs, aims, and policies of an organization, especially a political party
c. it is set as an assignment in a variety of disciplines and usually require the student to combine theory and
analysis with observation and practice.
d. is the breaking down of information using an outline.
21. What is the structure of a research paper?
a. I. Introduction c. I. Introduction
II. Body II. Summary
III. Conclusion III. Conclusion

b. I. Introduction d. I. Introduction
II. Review of Related Literature II. Review of related literature
III. Methodology III. Summary of data
IV. Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data IV. Methodology
V. Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation V. Recommendation
22. Presents the writer’s stand or viewpoint on a particular issue.
a. Position paper b. research report c. field report d. survey
23. Which of the following topics may Not be appropriate in conducting a survey?
a. Most Unforgettable Experience
b. Most Admired Philippine Comedians
c. Most Commonly Used Toothpaste
d. Most Favorite Games in Cellphone
24. One of the guidelines in writing a report is value communicated. Which of the following statements best
explains the said guideline?
a. The value of the report is well emphasized.
b. The report has a value that is properly and appropriately communicated.
c. The facts and results of the report are presented accurately and objectively.
d. The report conveys lessons and insights from which both the reporter and the listeners get.
25. How could you establish a persuasive report?
a. not objective, subjective point of view
b. accurate, not sloppy presentation of facts, numbers, statistics and data
c. self-opinionated
d. long and broad with flowery sentences
26. Why is report slightly different to an essay?
a. essay is a piece of writing that limits a person’s thoughts or opinions about a subject
b. report is a short nonfiction prose piece
c. essay is more interesting to write than report
d. report is far more formal and professional way of conducting an analysis of your topic
27. Why should a report be brief and concise?
a. to save time
b. for economical purposes
c. to refrain from monotony and allows reader/listener direct understanding of the text
d. for convenient reading
28. Ryan needs to come up with a report about frequently bought snacks in the canteen in his school. Which of
the following will Ryan do?
a. Create a questionnaire depicting the snacks bought in the canteen to be answered by the students.
b. Interview the canteen vendors on the snacks they sell.
c. Research related articles in relation to the frequently bought snacks in the canteen.
d. All of the above.
29. Conducting surveys is an unbiased approach to decision –making. How do you collect unbiased survey data
and develop sensible decisions based on analyzed results?
a. Effective surveys rely on “gut feelings” first to make important business decisions.
b. Creating a survey notes to tally the data based on research project exposure.
c. Communicating the survey findings to provide formal record of the survey research.
d. Presenting only qualified results from the survey research project that gets exposure.
30. You are working for a company and looking to refine a new product. How do you conduct a survey?
a. You need to understand why you are conducting your survey then start to think about who you should
talk with. Collect data and craft questions.
b. Choose your survey’s purpose and target group. Conduct a survey by contacting respondents via email,
the phone, talking or even snail mail. Analyze your data and produce a final report.
c. Survey should be relatively quick yes/no survey unless you want to add layers about your objectives,
product or other factor.
d. Decide when you will start and stop the surveying process. Survey is particularly important and it must
be face-to-face so determine how many people you want involved either as interviewers or data
II. Write True on the blank if the statement is correct and False if not.

_________ 31. When conducting an experiment, always ensure the confidentiality of participants.
_________ 32. One of the advantages of using a questionnaire is that it has the lowest response rate.
_________ 33. Open-ended questions aim to get specific information such as the age and address of the
_________ 34. The Intelligence Consent Form (ICF) must be filled out by the participants before experiment.
_________ 35. Subjects know they are being observed during a covert observation.
_________ 36. An experiment cannot be replicated.
_________ 37. The warm-up stage is when interviewees are asked to take basic physical exercises to prepare them
for the interview.
_________ 38. Leading questions must be asked because they guide the participants into giving a specific answer
for the research.
_________ 39. All research instruments have advantages and disadvantages.
_________ 40. A research instrument is used to analyze data.

”The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.”

By:Napoleon Hill
Competency Days Percentage of EASY 60% AVERAGE 30% DIFFICULT 10%
Analyzes the arguments
used by the writer/s in 4 8 4 3 14,15,16
Defends a stand on an
issue by presenting
reasonable arguments 4 6 3 4 12,13
supported by properly
cited factual evidences
Writes various kinds of
5 20 10 1,17 2,8 7,11 5,6 10 9
position papers
Determines the objectives
and structures of various
5 18 9 18,19,20,21,23,25,28 24 27
kinds of
Designs, tests and revises
4 4 2 22,44
survey questionnaires*
Conducts surveys,
experiments or 4 8 4 33 48 29 47
Gathers information from
surveys, experiments, or 4 10 5 42,46 31,45 32
Summarizes findings and
executes the report
4 10 5 36,37,49,50 38
through narrative
and visual/graphic forms
Writes various reports 6 16 8 39,43 26,41 30,35,40 34
TOTAL 40 10000% 50 20 10 8 7 4 1

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