Building Machine Learning Systems With A Feature Store - Early Release
Building Machine Learning Systems With A Feature Store - Early Release
Building Machine Learning Systems With A Feature Store - Early Release
Jim Dowling
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Table of Contents
Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Brief Table of Contents (Not Yet Final)
Chapter 1: Building Machine Learning Systems
Chapter 2: ML Pipelines (unavailable)
Chapter 3: Build an Air Quality Prediction ML System (unavailable)
Chapter 4: Feature Stores for ML (unavailable)
Chapter 5: Hopsworks Feature Store (unavailable)
Chapter 6: Model-Independent Transformations (unavailable)
Chapter 7: Model-Dependent Transformations (unavailable)
Chapter 8: Batch Feature Pipelines (unavailable)
Chapter 9: Streaming Feature Pipelines (unavailable)
Chapter 10: Training Pipelines (unavailable)
Chapter 11: Inference Pipelines (unavailable)
Chapter 12: MLOps (unavailable)
Chapter 13: Feature and Model Monitoring (unavailable)
Chapter 14: Vector Databases (unavailable)
Chapter 15: Case Study: Personalized Recommendations (unavailable)
This book is the coursebook I would like to have had for ID2223, “Scalable Machine
Learning and Deep Learning”, a course I developed and taught at KTH Stockholm.
The course was, I believe, the first university course that taught students to build
complete machine learning (ML) systems using non-static data sources. By the end of
the course, the students built their own ML system they developed (around 2 weeks
work, in groups of 2) that included:
Charles Fyre, developer of the Full Stack Deep Learning course, said the following of
In 2017, having a shared pipeline for training and prediction data that updated auto‐
matically and made models available as a UI and an API was a groundbreaking stack at
Uber. Now it’s stanard part of a well-done (ID2223) project.
Some of the examples of ML systems built in ID2223 are shown in Table P-1 below.
The ML systems built were a mix of ML systems built with deep learning and LLMs,
and more classical ML systems built with decision trees, such as XGBoost.
Prediction Problem Data Source(s)
Electricity Demand Prediction Public electricity demand data, projected demand data, and weather data
Electricity Price Prediction Public electricity price data, projected price data, and weather data
Game of Thrones Tours Review Tripadvisor reviews and responses
Response Generator
Bitcoin price prediction Twitter bitcoin sentiment using a Twitter API and a list of the 10,000 top crypto
accounts on Twitter
x | Preface
The architectural skills you will learn in this book include:
Preface | xi
Companies of all stages of maturity, size, and risk adversity are adopting machine
learning (ML). However, many of these companies are not actually generating value
from ML. In order to generate value from ML, you need to make the leap from train‐
ing ML models to building and operating ML systems. Training a ML model and
building a ML system are two very different activities. If training a model was akin to
building a one-off airplane, then building a ML system is more like building the air‐
craft factory, the airports, the airline, and attendant infrastructure needed to provide
an efficient air travel service. The Wright brothers may have built the first heavier-
than air airplane in 1903, but it wasn’t until 1922 that the first commercial airport was
opened. And it took until the 1930s until airports started to be built out around the
In the early 2010s, when both machine learning and deep learning exploded in popu‐
larity, many companies became what are now known as “hyper-scale AI companies”,
as they built the first ML systems using massive computational and data storage
infrastructure. ML systems such as Google translate, TikTok’s video recommendation
engine, Uber’s taxi service, and ChatGPT were trained using vast amounts of data
(petabytes using thousands of hard drives) on compute clusters with 1000s of servers.
Deep learning models additionally need hardware accelerators (often graphical pro‐
cessing units (GPUs)) to train models, further increasing the barrier to entry for most
organizations. After the models are trained, vast operational systems (including
GPUs) are needed to manage the data and users so that the models can make predic‐
tions for hundreds or thousands of simultaneous users.
These ML systems, built by the hyperscale AI companies, continue to generate enor‐
mous amounts of value for both their customers and owners. Fortunately, the AI
community has developed a culture of openness, and many of these companies have
shared the details about how they built and operated these systems. The first com‐
pany to do so in detail was Uber, who in September 2017, presented its platform for
building and operating ML systems, Michelangelo. Michelangelo was a new kind of
platform that managed the data and models for ML as well as the feature engineering
programs that create the data for both training and predictions. They called Michel‐
angelo’s data platform a feature store - a data platform that manages the feature data
(the input data to ML models) throughout the ML lifecycle—from training models to
making predictions with models. Now, in 2024, it is no exaggeration to say that all
Enterprises that build and run operational ML applications at scale use a feature store
to manage their data for AI. Michelangelo was more than a feature store, though, as it
also includes support for storing and serving models using a model registry and
model serving platform, respectively.
Naturally, many organizations have not had the same resources that were available to
Uber to build equivalent ML infrastructure. Many of them have been stuck at the
model training stage. Now, however, in 2024, the equivalent ML infrastructure has
become accessible, in the form of open-source and serverless feature stores, vector
databases, model registries, and model serving platforms. In this book, we will lever‐
age open-source and serverless ML infrastructure platforms to build ML systems. We
will learn the inner workings of the underlying ML infrastructure, but we will not
build that ML infrastructure—we will not start with learning Docker, Kubernetes, and
equivalent cloud infrastructure. You no longer need to build ML infrastructure to
start building ML systems. Instead, we will focus on building the software programs
that make up the ML system—the ML pipelines. We will work primarily in Python,
making this book widely accessible for Data Scientists, ML Engineers, Architects, and
Data Engineers.
xiv | Introduction
holdout data—your model only generates value once. Many ML educators will say
something like: “we leave it as an exercise to the reader to productionize your ML
model“, without defining what is involved in model productionalization. The new
discipline of Machine learning operations (MLOps) attempts to fill in the gaps to pro‐
ductionization by defining processes for how to automate model (re-)training and
deployment, and automating testing to increase your confidence in the quality of
your data and models. This book fills in the gaps by making the leap from MLOps to
building ML systems. We will define the principles of MLOps (automated testing,
versioning, and monitoring), and apply those principles in many examples through‐
out the book. In contrast to much existing literature on MLOps, we will not cover
low-level technologies for building ML infrastructure, such as Docker and Terraform.
Instead, what we will coverthe programs that make up ML systems, the ML pipelines,
and the ML infrastructure they will run on in detail.
Introduction | xv
Figure I-1. A feature is a measurable property of an entity that has predictive power for
the machine learning task. Here, the fruit’s color has predictive power of whether the
fruit is an apple or an orange.
The fruit’s color is a good feature to distinguish apples from oranges, because oranges
do not tend to be green and apples do not tend to be orange in color. Weight, in con‐
trast, is not a good feature as it is not predictive of whether the fruit is an apple or an
orange. “Roundness” of the fruit could be a good feature, but it is not easy to measure
—a feature should be a measurable property.
A supervised learning algorithm trains a machine learning model (often abbreviated
to just ‘model’), using lots of examples of apples and oranges along with the color of
each apple and orange, to predict the label “Apple” or “Orange” for new pieces of fruit
using only the new fruit’s color. However, color is a single value but rather measured
as 3 separate values, one value for each of the red, green, and blue (RGB) channels. As
our apples and oranges typically have ‘0’ for the blue channel, we can ignore the blue
channel, leaving us with two features: the red and green channel values. In figure 2,
we can see some examples of apples (green circles) and oranges (orange crosses), with
the red channel value plotted on the x-axis and the green channel value plotted on the
y-axis. We can see that an almost straight line can separate most of the apples from
the oranges. This line is called the decision boundary and we can compute it with a
linear model that minimizes the distance between the straight line and all of the cir‐
cles and crosses plotted in the diagram. The decision boundary that we learnt from
the data is most commonly called the (trained) model.
xvi | Introduction
Figure I-2. When we plot all of our example apples and oranges using the observed val‐
ues for the red and green color channels, we can see that most apples are on the left of the
decision boundary, and most oranges are on the right. Some apples and oranges are,
however, difficult to differentiate based only on their red and green channel colors.
The model can then be used to classify a new piece of a fruit as either an apple or
orange using its red and green channel values. If the fruit’s red and green channel val‐
ues place it on the left of the line, then it is an apple, otherwise it is an orange.
In figure 2, you can also see there are a small number of oranges that are not correctly
classified by the decision boundary. Our model could wrongly predict that an orange
is an apple. However, if the model predicts the fruit is an orange, it will be correct -
the fruit will be an orange. We can say that the model’s precision is 100% for oranges,
but is less than 100% for apples.
Another way to look at the model’s performance is to consider if the model predicts it
is an apple, and it is an apple - it will not be wrong. However, the model will not
always predict the fruit is an orange if the fruit is an orange. That is, the model’s recall
is 100% for apples. But if the model predicts an orange, it’s recall is less than 100%. In
machine learning, we often combine precision and recall in a single value called the
F1 Score, that can be used as one measure of the model’s performance. The F1 score is
the harmonic mean of precision and recall, and a value of 1.0 indicates perfect preci‐
sion and recall for the model. Precision, recall, and F1 scores are model performance
measures for classification problems.
Let’s complicate this simple model. What if we add red apples into the mix? Now, we
want our model to classify whether the fruit is an apple or orange - but we will have
both red and green apples, see figure 3.
Introduction | xvii
Figure I-3. The red apple complicates our prediction problem because there is no longer a
linear decision boundary between the apples and oranges using only color as a feature.
We can see that red apples also have zero for the blue channel, so we can ignore that
feature. However, in figure 4, we can see that the red examples are located in the bot‐
tom right hand corner of our chart, and our model (a linear decision boundary) is
broken—it would predict that red apples are oranges. Our model’s precision and
recall is now much worse.
Figure I-4. When we add red apples to our training examples, we can see that we can no
longer use a straight line to classify fruit as orange or apple. We now need a non-linear
decision boundary to separate apples from oranges, and in order to learn the decision
boundary, we need a more complex model (with more parameters), more training exam‐
ples, and m.
Our fruit classifier used examples of features and labels (apples or oranges) to train a
model (as a decision boundary). However, machine learning is not just used for clas‐
sification problems. It is also used to predict numerical values—regression problems.
An example of a regression problem would be to estimate the weight of an apple. For
xviii | Introduction
the regression problem of predicting the weight of an apple, two useful features could
be its diameter, and its green color channel value—dark green apples are heavier than
light green and red apples. The apple’s weight is called the target variable (we typically
use the term label for classification problems and target in regression problems).
For this regression problem, a supervised learning model could be trained using
examples of apples along with their green color channel value, diameter, and weight.
For new apples (not seen during training), our model, see figure 5, can predict the
fruit’s weight using its type, red channel value, green channel value, and diameter.
Figure I-5. This regression problem of predicting the weight of an apple can be solved
using a linear model that minimizes the mean-squared error
In this regression example, we don’t technically need the full power of supervised
learning yet—a simple linear model will work well. We can fit a straight line (that pre‐
dicts an apple’s weight using its green channel value and diameter) to the data points
by drawing the line on the chart such that it minimizes the distance between the line
and the data points (X1, X2, X3, X4, X5). For example, a common technique is to sum
together the distance between all the data points and the line in the mean absolute
Introduction | xix
error (MAE). We take the absolute value of the distance of the data points to the line,
because if we didn’t take the absolute value then the distance for X1 would be negative
and the distance for X2 would be positive, canceling each other out. Sometimes, we
have data points that are very far from the line, and we want the model to have a
larger error for those outliers—we want the model to perform better for outliers. For
this, we can sum the square of distances and then take the square root of the total.
This is called the root mean-squared error (RMSE). The MAE and RMSE are both
metrics used to help fit our linear regression model, but also to evaluate the perfor‐
mance of our regression model. Similar to our earlier classification example, if we
introduce more features to improve the performance of our regression model, we will
have to upgrade from our linear regression model to use a supervised learning regres‐
sion model that can perform better by learning non-linear relationships between the
features and the target.
Now that we have introduced supervised learning to solve classification and regres‐
sion problems, we can claim that supervised learning is concerned with extracting a
pattern from data (features and labels/targets) to a model, where the model’s value is
that it can used to perform inference (make predictions) on new (unlabeled) data
points (using only feature values). If the model performs well on the new data points
(that were not seen during training), we say the model has good generalization per‐
formance. We will later see that we always hold back some example data points dur‐
ing model training (a test set of examples that we don’t train the model on), so that we
can evaluate the model’s performance on unseen data.
Now we have introduced the core concepts in supervised learning1, let’s look at where
the data used to train our models comes from as well as the data that the model will
make predictions with.
The source code for the supervised training of our fruit classifier is available on the
book’s github repository in chapter one. If you are new to machine learning it is a
good exercise to run and understand this code.
1 The source code for the supervised training of our fruit classifier is available on the book’s github repository
in chapter one. If you are new to machine learning it is a good exercise to run and understand this code.
xx | Introduction
Building Machine Learning Systems
Imagine you have been tasked with producing a financial forecast for the upcoming
financial year. You decide to use machine learning as there is a lot of available data,
but, not unexpectedly, the data is spread across many different places—in spread‐
sheets and many different tables in the data warehouse. You have been working for
several years at the same organization, and this is not the first time you have been
given this task. Every year to date, the final output of your model has been a Power‐
Point presentation showing the financial projections. Each year, you trained a new
model, and your model made one prediction and you were finished with it. Each
year, you started effectively from scratch. You had to find the data sources (again), re-
request access to the data to create the features for your model, and then dig out the
Jupyter notebook from last year and update it with new data and improvements to
your model.
This year, however, you realize that it may be worth investing the time in building the
scaffolding for this project so that you have less work to do next year. So, instead of
delivering a powerpoint, you decide to build a dashboard. Instead of requesting one-
off access to the data, you build feature pipelines that extract the historical data from
its source(s) and compute the features (and labels) used in your model. You have an
insight that the feature pipelines can be used to do two things: compute both the his‐
torical features used to train your model and compute the features that will be used to
make predictions with your trained model. Now, after training your model, you can
connect it to the feature pipelines to make predictions that power your dashboard.
You thank yourself one year later when you only have to tweak this ML system by
adding/updating/removing features, and training a new model. The time you saved in
grunt data source, cleaning, and feature engineering, you now use to investigate new
ML frameworks and model architectures, resulting in a much improved financial
model, much to the delight of your boss.
The above example shows the difference between training a model to make a one-off
prediction on a static dataset versus building a batch ML system - a system that auto‐
mates reading from data sources, transforming data into features, training models,
performing inference on new data with the model, and updating a dashboard with
the model’s predictions. The dashboard is the value delivered by the model to stake‐
If you want a model to generate repeated value, the model should make predictions
more than once. That means, you are not finished when you have evaluated the mod‐
el’s performance on a test set drawn from your static dataset. Instead you will have to
build ML pipelines, programs that transform raw data into features, and feed features
to your model for easy retraining, and feed new features to your model so that it can
make predictions, generating more value with every prediction it makes.
You have embarked on the same journey from training models on static datasets to
building ML systems. The most important part of that journey is working with
dynamic data, see figure 1. This means moving from static data, such as the hand
curated datasets used in ML competitions found on, to batch data, data‐
sets that are updated at some interval (hourly, daily, weekly, yearly), to real-time data.
Figure 1-1. A ML system that only generates a one-off prediction on a static dataset gen‐
erates less business value than a ML system that can make predictions on a schedule
with batches of input data. ML systems that can make predictions with real-time data
are more technically challenging, but can create even more business value.
A ML system is a software system that manages the two main life cycles for a model:
training and inference (making predictions).
Figure 1-2. A monolithic batch ML system that can run in either (1) training mode or
(2) inference mode.
Batch ML systems have to ensure that the features created for training data and the
features created for batch inference are consistent. This can be achieved by building a
monolith batch pipeline program that is run in either training mode or inference
mode. The architecture ensures the same “Create Features” code is run in training
and inference.
In figure 3, you can see an interactive ML system that receives requests from clients
and responds with predictions in real-time. In this architecture, you need two sepa‐
rate systems - an offline training pipeline, and an online model serving service. You
can no longer ensure consistent features between training and serving by having a
single monolithic program. Early solutions to this problem involved versioning the
feature creation source code and ensuring both training and serving use the same
version, as in this Twitter presentation.
Notice that the online inference pipeline is stateless. We will see later than stateful
online inference pipelines require adding a feature store to this architecture.
Stateless online ML systems were, and still are, acceptable for some use cases. For
example, you can download a pre-trained large language model (LLM) and imple‐
ment a chatbot using only the online inference pipeline - you don’t need to imple‐
ment the training pipeline - which probably cost millions of dollars to run on 100s or
1000s of GPUs. The online inference pipeline can be as simple as a Python program
run on a web application server. The program will load the LLM into memory on
startup and make predictions with the LLM on user input data in response to predic‐
tion requests. You will need to tokenize the user input prompt before calling predict
on the model, but otherwise, you need almost no knowledge of ML to build the
online inference service using an LLM.
However, a personalized LLM (or any ML system with personalized predictions)
needs to integrate external data, in a process called retrieval augmentation generation
(RAG). RAG enables the LLM to enrich its input prompt with historical data or con‐
textual data. In addition to RAG, you can also collect the LLM responses and user
responses (the prediction logs), and with them you will be able to generate more
training data to improve your LLM.
So, the general problem here is one of re–integration of the offline training system
and the online inference system to build a stateful integrated ML system. That general
problem has been addressed earlier by feature stores, introduced as a platform by
Uber in 2018. The feature store for machine learning has been the key ML infrastruc‐
ture platform in connecting the independent training and inference pipelines. One of
the main motivations for the adoption of feature stores by organizations has been that
they make state available to online inference programs, see figure 4. The feature store
enables input to an online model to be augmented with historical and context data by
low latency retrieval of precomputed feature data from the feature store. In general,
Figure 1-4. Many (real-time) interactive ML systems also require history and context to
make personalized predictions. The feature store enables personalized history and con‐
text to be retrieved at low latency as precomputed features for online models.
The evolution of the ML system architectures described here, from batch to stateless
real-time to real-time systems with a feature store, did not happen in a vacuum. It
happened within a new field of machine learning engineering called machine learn‐
ing operations (MLOps) that can be dated back to 2015, when authors at Google pub‐
lished a canonical paper entitled Hidden Technical Debt in Machine Learning
Systems. The paper cemented in ML developers minds the adage that only a small
percentage of the work in building ML systems was training models. Most of the
work is in data management and building and operating the ML system infrastruc‐
Inspired by the DevOps1 movement in software engineering, MLOps is a set of prac‐
tices and processes for building reliable and scalable ML systems that can be quickly
and incrementally developed, tested, and rolled out to production using automation
where possible. Some of the problems considered part of MLOps were addressed
already in this section, such as how to ensure consistent feature data between training
and inference. An O’Reilly book entitled “Machine Learning Design Patterns” pub‐
lished 30 patterns for building ML systems in 2020, and many problems related to
testing, versioning, and monitoring features, models, and data have been identified by
the MLOps community.
However, to date, there is no canonical MLOps architecture for ML systems. As of
early 2024, Google and Databricks have competing MLOps architectures containing
1 Wikipedia states that “DevOps integrates and automates the work of software development (Dev) and IT
operations (Ops) as a means for improving and shortening the systems development life cycle.”
Data Sources
Data for ML systems can, in principle, come from any available data source. That
said, some data sources and data formats are more popular as input to ML systems. In
this section, we introduce the data sources most commonly encountered in Enter‐
prise computing.2
Tabular data
Tabular data is data stored as tables containing columns and rows, typically in a data‐
base. There are two main types of databases that are sources for data for machine
2 Enterprise computing refers to the information storage and processing platforms that businesses use for oper‐
ations, analytics, and data science.
Row-oriented databases are operational data stores that power a wide variety of appli‐
cations that store their records (or rows) row-wise on disk or in-memory. Relational
databases (such as MySQL or Postgres) store their data as rows as pages of data along
with indexes (such as B-Trees and hash indexes) to efficiently find data. NoSQL data
stores (such as Cassandra, and RocksDB) typically use log-structured merge trees
(LSM Trees) to store their data along with indexes (such as Bloom filters) to effi‐
ciently find data. Some data stores (such as MongoDB) combine both B-Trees and
LSM Trees. Some row-oriented databases are distributed, scaling out to run on many
servers, some as servers on a single host, and some are embedded databases that are a
library that can be included with your application.
From a developer perspective, the most important property of row-oriented data‐
bases is the data format you use to read and write data. Popular data formats include
SQL and Object-Relational Mappers (ORM) for SQL (MySQL, Postgres), key-value
pairs (Cassandra, RockDB), or JSON documents (MongoDB).
Analytical (or columnar) data stores are historical stores of record used for analysis of
potentially large volumes of data. In Enterprises, data warehouses collect all the data
stored in all operational data stores. Programs called data pipelines extract data from
the operational data stores, transform the data into a format suitable for analysis and
machine learning, and load the transformed data into the data warehouse or lake‐
house. If the transformations are performed in the data pipeline (for example, a Spark
or Airflow program) itself, then the data pipeline is called an ETL pipeline (extract,
transform, load). If the data pipeline first loads the data in the Data Warehouse and
then performs the transformations in the Data Warehouse itself (using SQL), then it
is called an ELT pipeline (extract, load, transform). Spark is a popular framework for
writing ETL pipelines and DBT is a popular framework for writing ELT pipelines.
Columnar data stores are the most common data source for historical data for ML
systems in Enterprises. Many data transformations for creating features, such as
aggregations and feature extraction, can be efficiently and scalably implemented in
DBT/SQL or Spark on data stored in data warehouses. Python frameworks for data
transformations, such as Pandas 2+ and Polars, are also popular platforms for feature
engineering with data of more reasonable scale (GBs, not TBs or more).
Unstructured Data
Tabular data and graph data, stored in graph databases, are often referred to as struc‐
tured data. Every other type of data is typically thrown into the antonymous bucket
called unstructured data—text (pdfs, docs, html, etc), image, video, audio, and sensor-
generated data are all considered unstructured data. The main characteristic of
unstructured data is that it is typically stored in files, sometimes very large files of
GBs or more, in low cost data stores, such as object stores or distributed file systems.
The one type of data that can be either structured or unstructured is text data. If the
text data is stored in files, such as markdown files, it is considered unstructured data.
However, if the text is stored as columns in tables, it is considered structured data.
Most text data in the Enterprise is unstructured and stored in files.
Deep learning has made huge strides in solving prediction problems with unstruc‐
tured data. Image tagging services, self-driving cars, voice transcription systems, and
many other ML systems are all trained with vast amounts of unstructured data. Apart
from text data, this book, however, focuses on ML systems built with structured data
that comes from feature stores.
Event Data
An event bus is a data platform that has become popular as (1) a store for real-time
event data and (2) a data bus for storing data that is being moved or copied between
different data stores. In this book, we will mostly consider event buses as the former, a
data source for real-time ML systems. For example, at the consumer tech giants, every
click you make on their website or mobile app, and every piece of data you enter is
typically first sent to a massively scalable distributed event bus, such as Apache Kafka,
from where real-time ML systems can use that data to create fresh features for models
powering their ML-enabled applications.
API-Provided Data
More and more data is being stored and processed in Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
systems, and it is, therefore, becoming more important to be able to retrieve or scrape
data from such services using their public application programming interfaces
(APIs). Similarly, as society is becoming increasingly digitized, more data is becoming
available on websites that can be scraped and used as a data source for ML systems.
There are low-code software systems that know about the APIs to popular SaaS plat‐
Incremental Datasets
Most of the challenges in building and operating ML systems are in managing the
data. Despite this, data scientists have traditionally been taught machine learning with
the simplest form of data: immutable datasets. Most machine learning courses and
books point you to a dataset as a static file. If the file is small (a few GBs at most), the
file often contains comma-separated values (csv), and if the data is large (GBs to
TBs), a more efficient file format, such as Parquet3 is used.
For example, the well-known titanic passenger dataset4
consists of the following files:
the training set you should use to train your model;
the test set you should use to evaluate the performance of your trained model.
The dataset is static, but you need to perform some basic feature engineering. There
are some missing values, and some columns have no predictive power for the prob‐
lem of predicting whether a given passenger survives the Titanic or not (such as the
passenger ID and the passenger name). The Titanic dataset is popular as you can
3 Parquet files store tabular data in a columnar format - the values for each column are stored together, ena‐
bling faster aggregate operations at the column level (such as the average value for a numerical column) and
better compression, with both dictionary and run-length encoding.
4 The titanic dataset is a well-known example of a binary classification problem in machine learning, where you
have to train a model to predict if a given passenger will survive or not.
What is a ML Pipeline ?
A pipeline is a program that has well-defined inputs and outputs and is run either on
a schedule or 24x7. ML Pipelines is a widely used term in ML engineering that loosely
refers to the pipelines that are used to build and operate ML systems. However, a
problem with the term ML pipeline is that it is not clear what the input and output to
a ML pipeline is. Is the input raw data or training data? Is the model part of input or
the output? In this book, we will use the term ML pipeline to refer collectively to any
pipeline in a ML system. We will not use the term ML pipeline to refer to a specific
stage in a ML system, such as feature engineering, model training, or inference.
An important property of ML systems is modularity. Modularity involves structuring
your ML system such that its functionality is separated into independent components
that can be independently run and tested. Modules should be kept small and easy to
understand/document. Modules should enable reuse of functionality in ML systems,
clear separation of work between teams, and better communication between those
teams through shared understanding of the concepts and interfaces in the ML sys‐
In figure 5, we can see an example of a modular ML system that has factored its func‐
tionality into three independent ML pipelines: a feature pipeline, a training pipeline,
and an inference pipeline.
The three different pipelines have clear inputs and outputs and can be developed and
operated independently:
• A feature pipeline takes data as input and produces reusable features as output.
• A training pipeline takes features as input trains a model and outputs the trained
• An inference pipeline takes features and a model as input and outputs predictions
and prediction logs.
The feature pipeline is similar to an ETL or ELT data pipeline, except that its data
transformation steps produce output data in a format that is suitable for training
models. There are many common data transformation steps between data pipelines
and feature pipelines, such as computing aggregations, but many transformations are
specific to ML, such as dimensionality reduction and data validation checks specific
to ML. Feature pipelines typically do not need GPUs, but run instead on commodity
CPUs. They are often written in frameworks such as DBT/SQL, Apache Spark,
Apache Flink, Pandas, and Polars, and they are scheduled to run at defined intervals
by some orchestration platform (such as Apache Airflow, Dagster, Modal, or Mage).
Feature pipelines can also be streaming applications that run 24x7 and create fresh
features for use in real-time ML systems. The output of feature pipelines are features
that can be reused in one or model models. To ensure features are reusable, we do not
encode or scale feature values in feature pipelines. Instead these transformations
(called model-dependent transformations as they are parameterized by the training
dataset), are performed consistently in the training and inference pipelines.
What is a ML Pipeline ? | 35
The training pipeline is typically a Python program that takes features (and labels for
supervised learning) as input, trains a model (using GPUs for deep learning), and
saves the model in a model registry. Before saving the model in the model registry, it
is important to additionally validate that the model has good performance, is not
biased against potential groups of users, and, in general, does nothing bad.
The inference pipeline is either a batch program or an online service, depending on
whether the ML system is a batch system or a real-time system. For batch ML sys‐
tems, the inference pipeline typically reads features computed by the feature pipeline
and the model produced by the training pipeline, and then outputs the model’s pre‐
dictions for the input feature values. Batch inference pipelines are typically imple‐
mented in Python using either PySpark or Pandas/Polars, depending on the size of
input data expected (PySpark is used when the input data is too large to fit on a single
server). For real-time ML systems, the online inference pipeline is a program hosted
as a service in model serving infrastructure. The model serving infrastructure receives
user requests and invokes the online inference pipeline that can compute features
using on user input data and enrich using pre-computed features and even features
computed from external APIs. Online inference pipelines produce predictions that
are sent as responses to client requests as well as prediction log entries containing the
input feature values and the output prediction. Prediction logs are used to monitor
the performance of ML systems and to provide logs for debugging ML systems.
Another less common type of real-time ML system is a stream-processing system that
uses a trained model to make predictions on features computed from streaming input
Building our first minimal viable ML system using feature, training, and inference
pipelines is only the first step. You now need to iteratively improve this system to
make it a production ML system. This means you should follow best practices in how
to shorten your development loop while having high confidence that your changes
will not break your ML system or clients of your ML system. For this, we will follow
best practices from MLOps.
Notebooks as ML Pipelines?
Many software engineering problems arise with Jupyter/Colaboratory notebooks
when you write ML pipelines as notebooks, including:
Principles of MLOps
MLOps is a set of development and operational processes that enables ML Systems to
be developed faster that results in more reliable software. MLOps should help you
tighten the development loop between the time you make changes to software or
data, test your changes, and then deploy those changes to production. Many develop‐
ers with a data science background are intimidated by the systems focus of MLOps on
automation, testing, and operations. In contrast, DevOps’ northstar is to get to a min‐
imal viable product as fast as possible - you shouldn’t need to build the 26 or 28
MLOps components identified by Google and Databricks, respectively, to get started.
This section is technology agnostic and discusses the MLOps principles to follow
when building a ML system. You will ultimately need infrastructure support for the
automated testing, versioning, and monitoring of ML artifacts, including features,
models, and predictions, but here, we will first introduce the principles that transcend
specific technologies.
The starting point for building reliable ML systems, by following MLOps principles,
is testing. An important observation about ML systems is that they require more lev‐
els of testing than traditional software systems. Small bugs in data or code can easily
cause a ML model to make incorrect predictions. ML systems require significant
engineering effort to test and validate to make sure they produce high quality predic‐
tions and are free from bias. The testing pyramid shown in figure 6 shows that testing
is needed throughout the ML system lifecycle from feature development to model
training to model deployment.
What is a ML Pipeline ? | 37
Figure 1-6. The testing pyramid for ML Systems is higher than traditional software sys‐
tems, as both code and data need to be tested, not just code.
It is often said that the main difference between testing traditional software systems
and ML systems is that in ML systems we need to test both the source-code and data -
not just the source-code. The features created by feature pipelines can have their logic
tested with unit tests and their input data checked with data validation tests, see
Chapter 5. The models need to be tested for performance, but also for a lack of bias
against known groups of vulnerable users, see Chapter 6. Finally, at the top of the pyr‐
amid, ML-Systems need to test their performance with A/B tests before they can
switch to use a new model, see Chapter 7.
Given this background on testing and validating ML systems and the need for auto‐
mated testing and deployment, and ignoring specific technologies, we can tease out
the main principles for MLOps. We can express it as MLOps folks believe in:
MLOps folks believe in testing their ML systems and that running those tests should
have minimal friction on your development speed. That means automating the exe‐
cution of your tests, with the tests helping ensure that changes to your code:
There are many DevOps platforms that can be used to implement continuous integra‐
tion (CI) and continuous training (CT). Popular platforms for CI are Github Actions,
Jenkins, and Azure DevOps. An important point is that support for CI and CT are
not a prerequisite to start building ML systems. If you have a data science back‐
ground, comprehensive testing is something you may not have experience with, and
it is ok to take time to incrementally add testing to both your arsenal and to the ML
systems you build. You can start with unit tests for functions (such as how to com‐
pute features), model performance and bias testing your training pipeline, and add
integration tests for ML pipelines. You can automate your tests by adding CI support
to run your tests whenever you push code to your source code repository. Support for
testing and automated testing can come after you have built your first minimal viable
ML System to validate that what you built is worth maintaining.
MLOps folks love that feeling when you push changes in your source code, and your
ML artifact or system is automatically deployed. Deployments are often associated
with the concept of development (dev), pre-production (preprod), and production
(prod) environments. ML assets are developed in the dev environment, tested in pre‐
prod, and tested again before for deployment in the prod environment. Although a
human may ultimately have to sign off on deploying a ML artifact to production, the
steps should be automated in a process known as continuous deployment (CD). In
this book, we work with the philosophy that you can build, test, and run your whole
ML system in dev, preprod, or prod environments. The data your ML system can
access will be dependent on which environment you deploy in (only prod has access
What is a ML Pipeline ? | 39
to production data). We will start by first learning to build and operate a ML system,
then look at CD in Chapter 12.
MLOps folks generally live by the database community maxim of “garbage-in,
garbage-out”. Many ML systems use data that has few or no guarantees on its quality,
and blindly ingesting garbage data will lead to trained models that predict garbage.
The MLOps philosophy deems that rather requiring users or clients to clean the data
after it has arrived, you should validate all input data before it is made accessible to
users or clients of your system. In Chapter 5, we will dive into how to design and
write data validation tests and run them in feature and inference pipelines (these are
the pipelines that feed external data to your ML system). We will look at what mitigat‐
ing actions we can take if we identify data as incorrect, missing, or corrupt.
MLOps is also concerned with operating ML systems - running, maintaining, and
updating systems. In particular, updating ML systems has historically been a very
complex, manual procedure where new models are rolled out in stages, checking for
errors and model performance at each stage. MLOps folks dream of a ML system
with a big green button and a big red button. The big green button upgrades your
system, and the big red button rolls back the most recent upgrade, see figure 7. Ver‐
sioning of ML artifacts is a necessary prerequisite for the big green and red buttons.
Versioning enables ML systems to be upgraded without downtime, to support roll‐
back after failed upgrades, and to support A/B testing.
Figure 1-7. Versioning of features and models is needed to be able to easily upgrade ML
systems and rollback upgrades in case of failure.
1. Monitoring the quality of your models’ predictions with respect to some business
key performance indicator (KPI),
2. Monitoring the quality/distribution of new data arriving in the ML system,
3. Measuring the performance of your ML system’s components (model serving,
feature store, ML pipelines)
Your ML system should provide service-level agreements (SLAs) for its performance,
such as responding to a prediction request within 100ms or to retrieve 100 precom‐
puted features from the feature store in less than 10ms. Observability is also about
logging, not just metrics. Can Data Scientists quickly inspect model prediction logs to
debug errors and understand model behavior in production - and, in particular, any
anomalous predictions made by models? Prediction logs can also be collected for the
goal of creating new training data for models.
In chapters 12 and 13, we go into detail of the different methods and frameworks that
can help implement MLOps processes for ML systems with a feature store.
While the feature store stores feature data for ML pipelines, the model registry is the
storage layer for trained models. The ML pipelines in a ML system can be run on
potentially any compute platform. Many different compute engines are used for fea‐
ture pipelines - including SQL, Spark, Flink, and Python - and whether they are batch
or streaming pipelines, they typically are operational services that need to either run
on a schedule (batch) or 24x7 (streaming). Training pipelines are most commonly
implemented in Python, as are online inference pipelines. Batch inference pipelines
can be Python, PySpark, or even a streaming compute engine or SQL database.
Given that this is the canonical architecture for ML systems with a feature store, we
can identify four main types of ML systems with this architecture.
Real-time, interactive applications differ from the other systems as they can use mod‐
els as network hosted request/response services on model serving infrastructure. The
other systems use an embedded model, downloaded from the model registry, that
they invoke via a function call or an inter-process call. Real-time, interactive applica‐
tions can also use an embedded model, if model-serving infrastructure is not avail‐
able or if very low latency predictions are needed.
Embedded/Edge ML Systems
The other type of ML system, not covered in this book, is embedded/edge applications.
They typically use an embedded model and compute features from their rich input
data (often sensor data, such as images), typically without a feature store. For exam‐
ple, Tesla Autopilot is a driver assist system that uses sensors from cameras and other
systems to help the ML models to make predictions about what driving actions to
take (steering direction, acceleration, braking, etc). Edge ML Systems are real-time
ML systems that run on resource-constrained network detached devices. For exam‐
ple, Tetra Pak has an image classification system that runs on the factory floor, identi‐
fying anomalies in cartons.
The following are some examples for the three different types of ML systems that use
a feature store:
Real-Time ML Systems
ChatGPT is an example of an interactive system that takes user input (a prompt)
and uses a LLM to generate a response, sent as an answer in text.
A credit-card fraud prevention system that takes a credit card transaction, and
then retrieves precomputed features about recent use of the credit card from a
feature store, then predicts whether the transaction is suspected of fraud or not,
letting the transaction proceed if it is not suspected of fraud.
Batch ML Systems
An air quality prediction dashboard shows air quality forecasts for a location. It is
built from predictions made by a batch ML system that uses observations of air
quality from sensors and weather data as features. A trained model can predict
air quality by using a weather forecast (input features) to predict air quality. This
will be the first example ML system that we build in Chapter 3.
Google Photos Search is an interactive system that uses predictions made by a
batch ML system. When your photos are uploaded to Google Photos, a classifica‐
In this chapter, we introduced ML systems with a feature store. We introduced the
main properties of ML systems, their architecture, and the ML pipelines that power
them. We introduced MLOps and its historical evolution as a set of best practices for
developing and evolving ML systems, and we presented a new architecture for ML
systems as feature, training, and inference (FTI) pipelines connected with a feature
store. In the next chapter, we will look closer at this new FTI architecture for building
ML systems, and how you can build ML systems faster and more reliably as connec‐
ted FTI pipelines.
Summary | 45
About the Author
Jim Dowling is CEO of Hopsworks and an Associate Professor at KTH Royal Insti‐
tute of Technology. He’s led the development of Hopsworks that includes the first
open-source feature store for machine learning. He has a unique background in the
intersection of data and AI. For data, he worked at MySQL and later led the develop‐
ment of HopsFS, a distributed file system that won the IEEE Scale Prize in 2017. For
AI, his PhD introduced Collaborative Reinforcement Learning, and he developed and
taught the first course on Deep Learning in Sweden in 2016. He also released a popu‐
lar online course on serverless machine learning using Python at
This combined background of Data and AI helped him realize the vision of a feature
store for machine learning based on general purpose programming languages, rather
than the earlier feature store work at Uber on DSLs. He was the first evangelist for
feature stores, helping to create the feature store product category through talks at
industry conferences, like Data/AI Summit, PyData, OSDC, and educational articles
on feature stores. He is the organizer of the annual feature store summit conference
and the community, as well as co-organizer of PyData Stockholm.