HSE Plan Medco Energi Shale Shaker Project 2023
HSE Plan Medco Energi Shale Shaker Project 2023
HSE Plan Medco Energi Shale Shaker Project 2023
Haslan Harun
Boy Imlex
Syaifulloh Amro
1.1 General
This HSE Plan will remain current until the Contract is completed - scheduled for
Medco Energi unless options are exercised to extend contract.
To detail the specific safety related actions to be carried out by SCOMI OILTOOLS
personnel pursuant to operations under Contract Medco Energi. These actions are
generally over and above those routinely conducted, as described in the SCOMI
OILTOOLS Safety Manual, Operations Safety Handbook, and customer’s standard safety
The HSE Plan applies to, and affects all SCOMI OILTOOLS personnel who have
involvement with the Contract Medco Energi. Specifically, on the occasions when, calls
out services under this contract, the field personnel, workshop personnel preparing
equipment and office personnel involved shall all be familiar with this HSE Plan and be
committed to implementing the relevant actions.
The objectives of this HSE Plan are as follows:
To identify and highlight Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) requirements associated
with the proposed services;
Policy Distribution
HSE Policy is given to all employee whenever there are any changes. Director send the
policy to the manager per division and the managers give the copy to their employees.
Whenever policy issued, manager will discussed with their employee.
All HSE Policy statement will be posted on staff notice boards in English and Bahasa
Indonesia language.
General Manager
Haslan Harun
General Manager
1. To monitor, maintain, and get the report on daily basis from Project
2. To demonstrate a total commitment to Scomi Oiltools Quality, Health,
Safety & environment strategy and complies with all safety rules, local
authorities’ standards, policies and related legal requirements.
3. To alert management to shortcomings in existing rules, recommend
improvements and ensure that corrective actions are being carried out in
a timely manner
4. To constantly monitor and identify client’s needs, competitive threats and
new market opportunities with special emphasis on New Technology and
cross segments solutions
5. Communicates constantly with Management regarding his operation,
discussing needs and problems before they become a liability or a major
6. Responsible for creating and managing local equipment maintenance
procedures, schedules and budgets with Product Line Managers and
liaising with Financial Controller.
7. Work with internal and external customers to meet the Companies
needs, and achieve the organization country goals.
DWM Manager
1. To monitor, maintain, and get the report on daily basis from Project
2. To provide technical support to all customers as and when required
3. To maintain good relation and communication with all corporate
4. To enforce and monitor QA/QC
5. To respond to any complaints by customers with regards to any stock
delivery problem or service delivery quality
6. To manage and supervise program for Drilling Waste
7. To assist Project Manager to provide solutions in resolving any drilling
8. To help in monitoring of invoices and payment.
9. To provide monthly sales report on drilling equipment rental and
engineering services and operations.
10. Ensure that all expenses in supporting field operations are within the
budget and inline with company policies
11. To implement and adhere to Company and Clients Health, Safety and
Environment policy
Project Manager
1. To monitor, maintain, and get the report on daily basis of the operation
2. To provide technical support to all customers as and when required.
Project Support
1. Manage operations of equipment and services.
2. Maintain good rapport with customers.
3. Recommend hire, training & HR Issues for subordinates.
4. Technical Support for Operations.
5. Reports to accounts department for invoice / sales information.
6. First approval of invoices
7. First Approval of Engineer Time Sheets and Transport Claims.
8. First Approval of Purchase Requisitions (for DWM items)
9. HSE Assessments for Operational Issues.
DWM Coordinator
1. Operates and Maintains Equipment at Field Operation.
2. Trouble Shoot and provide greater Technical assistance for operational
3. Report daily activity to Client Rep., Field Spv and Asst. Operations
4. Conduct Tool Box Meeting on location.
5. Implement field/site HSE regulation
6. Assist, Engineer and Trainees with all aspect of Operations.
7. Responsible for Good Housekeeping on Site.
8. Maintains good rapport with Client Rep.
9. Drilling Waste Analysis to support drilling activity.
HSE Manager
1. Checking the project HSE plan to remain in accordance with HSE
policies PT. Scomi Oiltools
Where the employees of the Principal have elected a Health and Safety Representative
pursuant to any law, directive, policy or industrial agreement for the purpose of
representing their Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare interests in the workplace,
the Principal shall ensure that the identity of the Health and Safety Representative is
made known to each SCOMI OILTOOLS employee upon accessing the Principal’s
premises or workplace.
The Principal shall maintain free access to the Principal’s Employee Health and Safety
Representative, to enable employees of SCOMI OILTOOLS to consult with and discuss
O.H.S. issues.
3.4 Subcontractor
Regular HSE meeting and management review shall be held at all company work
location. The frequency of the meeting will be appropriate to the location
The meeting will be attended by management, staff and (if any) sub contractor
representatives. The agendas depend on the project situation and condition and staff
need. The meeting will be chaired by HSE Coordinator/ HSE field representative and/or
Client HSE Officer. The minutes of the meeting will be made and distribute to all
attendees, formal follow up procedures shall be enforced. Schedule of the meeting and
the MOM form for this project are attached.
agenda would includes identify recent accident and incident, as well as new and
outstanding issues
Meeting schedule
Management Participation
The company’s safety policies and plans will be communicated to all employees through
the issue of written documents such as procedures, training material and memoranda and
also verbally at departmental safety briefings/meetings.
Each departmental manager is required to hols a safety meeting on a quarterly basis for
the department’s personnel at site. The meeting will have a prepared agenda or topic any
points raised will be minuted and published within the departments. Attendance will be
As part of the awareness campaign and typical HSE Awareness issue that could feature
Promotion method
Safety observation is an important pro active tool in risk management, it is Scomi OIltools
policy to use the Scomi Oiltools 12 Safety rules and it is attendant Safety Observation
Card in the workplace to reduce accident an incident, therefore Scomi OIltools using
Hazard Hunt Card method as behavioral safety approach to employee, and will gives
award for best and most submission Hazard Hunt Card to HSE department.
All employees are required to have medical examination before commence work and also
for new hire.
It is the responsibility of all employees; HSE Department coordinates the medical check-
up schedule by yearly. Department Managers are responsible for coordinates the medical
check-up schedule to the team.
Before designing the beginning, if applicable HSE orientation will be held and given to all
personnel who cover the company's policy. Standard and practice such as safe work
systems and emergency response planning, the use of PPE, risk reporting observations
and other programs.
When orientation, HSE personnel will ensure the completeness of PPE and other safety
equipment in good condition and fit for use.
Upon commencement of employment, all personnel will receive a copy of this HSE
Manual Handbook. Each personnel shall attend an HSE induction conducted by Scomi
HSE Manager. At this meeting, it will be discussed the contents of the Company’s HSE
to ensure that all personnel understand Scomi’s policy and commitments to HSE and
safe work practices and his/her obligations to perform the tasks in a sound manner.
Further items that will be discussed include, among others:
At the completion of the briefing session, the HSE representative and new employee will
sign a record of the meeting verifying the employee’s understanding of their obligations
regarding health and safety. PT Scomi Oiltools understands that Client will conduct its
own induction/orientation program for the project personnel prior to commencing the
Refer to:
QP-HR-01-HR Development
WI-HR-03-General Training
All risk assessment will be conducted by people knowledgeable with the work processes
and in accordance with a written procedure or guideline, the person who will carrying the
risk assessment shall be trained in the procedure. The task based risk assessment
process should include the following steps:
A note of the control measure required to eliminate, control or minimize the risk
Where risk assessments have been completed, they must be published and made
available to the entire employee in the area addressed by the assessment.
By Whom When
MR= Management Representative A= Annual
During the project the steps of identifying, assessing and controlling the hazards
include JSA shall be repeated as part of an ongoing process, especially when there are
changes to the workplace. This shall be conducted with the full engagement of crews for
all critical tasks, jobs with a history of or potential for injury or incident, new jobs, changes
in any job & when new personnel are performing the task or there is new knowledge on
hazards observed or changes in legislation requirements. JSA form is attached to this
HSE Plan.
the Principal shall supply a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each poison or
hazardous substance so provided.
The principal shall ensure that every SCOMI OILTOOLS employee exposed to or
required to use or likely to be affected by Dangerous Goods or Hazardous Substances
are fully informed of their properties, hazards and effects, and all risks associated with
their use or exposure.
All Supervisors and Managers ensure that the work activities with which they are
involved are assessed for hazards.
All PPE shall be inspected before use by the wearer to check for any damage or soiling
which may obviously be detrimental to its performance. In the case of any doubt, the
item of PPE shall be replaced from stores.
safety gloves;
hearing protection
safety glasses, safety goggles and face shields
steel-capped safety boots
Each SCOMI OILTOOLS employee has a statutory duty to use such protective clothing
and equipment as is provided, in a manner in which the employee has been properly
instructed to use it.
Contractors to SCOMI OILTOOLS, and their employees, are also bound by statute to the
above conditions.
Each line Manager is responsible for ensuring that the appropriate PPE is requisitioned
and issues to departmental personnel and that everyone understands how to use the
equipment issues
The line manager is responsible for enforcing the correct use of personal protective
equipment in his area of responsibility. Managers will give best demonstrate safety
leadership by wearing PPE themselves, when visiting work areas. Employee shall be
trained or briefed in the correct use of PPE.
Standard issue PPE is to be appropriated to the work hazards to which the employee will
be exposed. All manual and offshore workers are required to wear coveralls and safety
boots at all times. Clothing will be provided to protect personnel exposed to the bad
weather effects of rain and the extremes of cold and heat. Hearing protection must be
provided to personnel working in areas where noise levels may exceed 85 decibels.
Safety hats shall be provided where appropriate. Safety glasses should be provided to all
personnel and worn in defined hazardous areas. The appropriate eye protection in the
form goggles, welding goggles shall be worn by any persons engaging in or observing,
the hazardous activities of welding, burning, grinding, hard stamping or handling of
chemicals. Additional PPE will be provided if required for special hazardous task.
The progress of the implementation of the HSE Procedures and Program is tracked on a
quarterly basis at the Management Review meetings to ensure:
Continued applicability/suitability of controls;
Changes to operation, or outside influences that may change the risk significance;
Opportunities for improvement (risk elimination, reduction); and
Re-determination of risk ranking and priority and consequent review of objectives and
Permit to work
As per COMPANY requirements and procedures. These shall include such permits as
the following, suited to the Contractor’s and Sub-Contractor’s scope of works:
- Confined Space Entry Permit
- Electrical Permit
- Hot Work Permit
Medco Energi may have own formal work permit policy. It is the responsibility of Scomi
OIltools employees to know and follow any Permit To Work policy and system in force at
any location
All controlled documents (procedure) is place in public folder, and all of employee can
access the documents in lock pdf format
Each new employee and for refreshment, Scomi Oiltools given global HSE manual. And at
the end of page of this manual, employee who already read and understand the manual,
put their signature on it as the application of safe working practices and forward to HSE
Department and or Human Resources Department
Refer to:
The Principal shall provide and designate a safe area away from the workplace,
accommodation and ablution facilities to which SCOMI OILTOOLS personnel may
assemble with confidence.
The Principal shall ensure that all safe assembly areas are suitably identified and
signposted, and that their location is clearly communicated to SCOMI OILTOOLS
In the case of serious health or injury situations requiring urgent medical treatment, the
Principal shall provide appropriate means of transportation and suitably qualified
personnel to ensure that the SCOMI OILTOOLS employee or contractor is treated with
due care and diligence.
All work has a potential to cause a variety of injuries that could require first aid or
emergency treatment. The field teams will carry an approved first aid kit with them. The
following items represent the key procedural issues that must be followed for all fieldwork:
Project Managers/HSE representative must ensure that all fieldwork briefs contain an
emergency telephone contact list;
Every onshore field survey team must carry a first aid kit set with them in the field;
All injuries must be reported immediately following first-aid treatment. The approved
Accident Report Form will be submitted by the General Manager/HSE representative
for each job related accident or incident. If necessary, the employee will be referred to
an emergency room for further treatment.
In the event of serious trauma the employee should be stabilized by one group of
employees while the emergency phone number list is consulted and evacuation
procedures initiated. Workers with suspected back or neck injuries are NOT to be
moved unless their life is immediately threatened by surrounding circumstances until
professional emergency assistance arrives.
All survey team members should be particularly aware of the risks of heat exhaustion,
and should monitor each other constantly for warning signs. Any team member who
feels that he is suffering from the effects of heat should IMMEDIATELY inform his
nearest colleague for assistance.
Scomi Oiltools will be responsible for providing necessary medical services and first aid
facilities for all its personnel employed on the Project for the duration of the work.
Boy Imlex
DWM Manager
The Principal shall provide appropriate means of responding to fires of a kind reasonably
likely to occur at the workplace.
Fire Alarms
Evacuation Procedures
The Principal shall ensure that in the event of a fire, all personnel are promptly
notified of any hazard or risk and evacuated to a designated safe area.
Fire Fighting Personnel
The Principal shall provide appropriately trained and experienced fire fighting personnel.
Except in the case of minor fires associated with SCOMI OILTOOLS plant or equipment
and for which SCOMI OILTOOLS employees and contractors have been trained and
equipped to respond, all fire-fighting activity shall be performed by the Principal, or his
Routine Certification
No Equipment
Lifting Certificate Valid until
Refer to:
WI-DWM-MNT-06 Maintenance Checklist Weekly/6-12 Monthly
provision of certain medical services; the control of the working environment and of
harmful substances and effects found there; the issue and correct use of PPE.
Information on any occupational health hazard and guidance to promote healthy living will
be provided on a staff notice board.
First aid facilities provided at work are to meet the minimum legislative
requirement; whenever possible the level of fisrt aid facilities abd other
medical support services should reflect the isolation of the workplace from
hospitals and other advanced medical services
Scomi Oiltools reserves the right to require an employee to have their health
and fitness checked by a medical doctor during or after a period of sickness
or injury
HSE department will promote the Health issue to the employee through
HSE Poster
Scomi shall apply General housekeeping whenever works at the office nor at the
project site.
Especially on site project this guideline must be apply:
Ensure all of the workplace include camp always clean and hygiene
All of the equipment stored and place orderly
Use the right PPE (Personnel Protective Equipment) when cleanup workplace
5.6 Environment
Before and during the operation we will always minimize the direct impact on the
environment, and this goal will be achieved by protecting water, air, land, wildlife and
humans from the impact of our operations in the area of drilling projects. We refer to the
legislation in force in the territory of Indonesia.
Scomi use third party (Waste disposal Company) to manage and arrange disposal
process of waste and we received.
Refer to:
QP-HSE-02 - Waste Disposal Handling
WI-HSE-08 - Waste Handling
WI-HSE-10 - Chemical Spill
Scomi Oiltools always plan the route and advise the base of departure time and
estimated arrival time. Phone the base upon arrival.
Vehicle Requirements:
All vehicles must fulfill the requirements stated under the contract scope of service
and always comply with Local regulation.
All vehicles shall have a valid Police Registration (STNK).
All commercial vehicles (Bus, Truck, and Pickup) shall possess a valid KIR.
Seat belts shall be securely fitted and in good condition as required by Government
of Indonesia regulations.
All vehicles shall be maintained in a safe working condition. In particular the
following items/systems shall be in good operating order.
QP-HSE-03 - Journey Management Plan
Light and Heavy Vehicles Operations
1. Light vehicle
All light vehicle work (Cars, pickups, light trucks <5 ton)
2. Heavy vehicle
All heavy vehicle work (FOCO, Trailer, Forklift, Crane (> 5 ton)
All of vehicle use in this project will be maintained and inspection regularly either
owned by Company or rented by the Company.
Daily basis
Weekly basis
3 month
6 month
Either owned by Scomi or rented by Scomi.
HSE Meeting
Observation card
Performance Monitoring
Performance monitoring can be done in two basic ways:
Active monitoring of preventive plans and controls in place to reduce the
probability of accident happening at all
Reactive monitoring to events as they occur, followed by corrective action
To monitor HSE performance during the project, Scomi plans to maintain the following
documentation, among others:
Work permits issued;
HSE meeting minutes (Toolbox and Induction meetings);
Incident reporting and investigation reports;
Inspection reports and follow up action reports;
1 LTI <1
2 TRC <1
3 MTC <1
4 Chemical Spill 0
5 Property Damage <1
6 Near Miss <1
7 Motor Vehicle Incident Frequency 0
8 RWC <1
Input Indicator
1 Employee Training Hours 12000
2 Meeting 352
3 Toolbox Talks 730
4 Inspection 48
5 Observation 250
Data for the above Performance Indicators will be collected and analysed by the
Operation Manager at monthly intervals.
Statistical data is reported monthly to the Oiltools International global Safety Adviser,
located in Aberdeen, Scotland, for trends analysis and comparison with equivalent
performance indicators from Oiltools International operations in more than thirty
Statistical data is consolidated and circulated to all divisions for information and
performance comparison.
Scomi Personnel Team responsible for the activity being performed shall report all
accidents, incidents, unsafe acts and near misses. At all times SCOMI OILTOOLS
Accident & incident report forms will be used and submitted within 12 hours of incident.
SCOMI OILTOOLS shall also use Accident & Incident reports, or either COMPANY
template if required.
All Managers and Supervisors shall ensure that any incident or incident that happens
within their department or areas of responsibility is property reported and investigated
Scomi scheduled for internal audit on 6 monthly basis periods January 2024, please see
attachment HSE program for detail
3 days prior, QHSE manager inform to Project Manager to conduct HSE Management
system audit. QHSE Manager can inform the audit plan through audit plan letter and
should signed by project manager
Flow process:
1. Develop audit program
2. Prepare audit team
3. Opening audit
4. Audit
5. Closing audit
6. Corrective action
7. Close the CPAR (close out audit)
8. Documentation
QP-QMS-02 - Internal Audit
QP-QMS-04- Control of Non-Conformity
QR-HSE-04- Workplace Inspection Checklist