Chess Openings For Beginners A Comprehens - Magnus Templar 110741

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A Comprehensive Guide to Chess


By Magnus Templar
Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Key Concepts to Chess Openings
Why Focusing on the Opening Matters
Navigating the Chessboard
Control of the Center
Pawn Structure
Open and Closed Positions
King Safety
Chapter 2: White's First Moves
King's Pawn Opening / The Open Game
King's Gambit (1. e4 e5 2. f4)
King's Gambit Accepted
King's Gambit Declined
Italian Game (1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4)
Giuoco Piano
Two Knights Defense
Ruy Lopez (1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5)
Queen's Pawn Opening / Closed Game
Queen's Gambit (1. d4 d5 2. c4)
Queen's Gambit Accepted
Queen's Gambit Declined
c4 – English Opening
Reversed Sicilian
Symmetrical Defense
Chapter 3: Black's First Moves
e4 c5 - Sicilian Defense
Open Sicilian Defense
Closed Sicilian
e4 e6 - French Defense
Winawer Variation
e4 c6 - Caro-Kann Defense
Exchange Variation
Nc3/Nd2 Variations
e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 - Petrov's Defense (Russian Game)
Classical Variation (3. Nxe5)
Steinitz Variation (3. d4)
d4 c5 2. c4 c6 - Slav Defense
Chapter 4: What’s Next?
Know the End-Game
Know the Tactics
Learn about the Principles of Chess
Chess Puzzles
Join a Chess Club
Find a Mentor
Play in a Local Tournament
A Comprehensive Guide to Chess Openings
Copyright © 2017 by Magnus Templar
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form including photocopy,
scanning or otherwise without prior permission of the copyright holder.
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Congratulations on downloading CHESS OPENINGS FOR BEGINNERS,
and thank you for doing so.

This eBook will introduce aspiring chess enthusiasts to the key concepts
behind some of the most popular opening strategies. Concepts such as
control of the center, pawn structure, open vs. closed positions,
development, king safety, and transposition. Also covered is a brief
overview of the tactics to know and watch out for during the earliest
moments of the game. The readers will then be shown how all of these
principles relate to some of the most popular openings in the game, such as
the Italian Game, King's Gambit, Ruy Lopez, Queen's Gambit, and the
English for white, and the Sicilian Defense, Caro-Kann Defense, French
Defense, Italian Game, and Petrov's Defense for black. This book will take
a look at some of the more popular variations, and how they differ from the
mainline strategy. In some of these variations, it is possible for black to
achieve an equality or even a possible advantage. The last part of the book
will focus on how to continue improving beyond the scope of this book.
This will provide readers with a foundation level understanding of Chess
openings to build upon.

To learn more about the tactics mentioned in this book as well as other
Chess strategies, be sure to check out the other book in this series: CHESS
STRATEGY FOR BEGINNERS. As for now, learn how to master chess
openings. Read on!
Chapter 1: Key Concepts to Chess Openings

Why Focusing on the Opening Matters

So you just bought this eBook entirely dedicated to chess openings, and you
might be asking yourself: “Seriously? An entire book just for the opening?”
Believe it or not, this book cannot even begin to scratch the surface of all
the research and study that has gone into the opening moves of chess. The
reason is simple: if you start the game better than your opponent you will
have an advantage. In an ongoing effort to catch each other off-guard, even
the most elite chess players diligently study the opening in order to be better
prepared than their opponent.

In order to understand what's going on with the opening moves, there are a
few important ideas we will need to cover first. They include control of the
center, development, pawn structure, open and closed positions, king safety,
and transposition.

We will introduce these concepts to you here in the first chapter so we can
move on and apply them to some of the most popular opening lines in

Navigating the Chessboard

For the purposes of this book we will be using the standard algebraic
notation for chess based on this chessboard diagram:

And according to this nomenclature:

Pawn = cell
Knight = N
Bishop = B
Queen = Q
King = K Rook = R
Castle King-side = O-O
Castle Queen-side = O-O-O
Capture = x
Check = +
Checkmate = #
En passant = ep.
Promotion = c1=Q
Fantastic Move = !
Dubious Move = ?

Control of the Center

One of the goals of any opening of quality should be to gain control of the
center squares of the board. We are mainly focusing on the d4, d5, e4, and
e5 squares, although c4, c5, f4, and f5 are also important squares to
consider as they help to control those four most important squares. The
classic approach to the opening is to occupy these squares directly with
pawns and to support them with your pieces. A more modern idea is to
control the center indirectly with pieces, leaving pawns in a safer position
and developing slowly. For the purposes of this book, we are going to be
taking a look at classical approaches as they best illustrate the principles of
controlling the center and developing quickly.
By controlling the middle of the board with our pawns we not only gain
space to develop our pieces behind our pawns but will limit the mobility of
our opponent, hopefully causing them to have to choose less ideal place for
their pieces in order not to fall behind in development. We will cover
development more in the next section but for now, just understand that
another goal in the opening is to get as many of your pieces into action as
possible while trying to stop your opponent from doing the same when

Imagine for a moment you are white, and you have a pawn on d4 and on e4
and your opponent hasn't moved yet. Can you see how your pawns create a
wall blocking black's access to the center? White is attacking all of the
black’s side central squares: c5, d5, e5, and f5. Now if black were to try to
occupy any of those squares, white can either defend the attacked piece to
keep up the wall or exchange whichever they prefer. The point is that white
has the choice about what happens and black has to play within that
understanding. Now in a real game white doesn't get to move twice before
black does, only once, but the principle is exactly the same. Because white
has an ever so slight advantage by choosing the first move, they will always
start the game with a small space advantage and time advantage (called a
tempo) over black.

As such, white usually starts to play with confidence, staking a claim to the
middle immediately and challenging black to find equality given white’s
inherent advantage. Black, on the other hand, hopes to prove that white has
overextended himself and gain equality in the position by taking his share
of the space and winning back some of the lost tempi if possible.

It's time we take a look at the development and how to get our pieces
moving in an effective way.

When it comes to developing pieces of chess it must be said: Don't move
the same piece twice without a good reason. Of course, this doesn't mean to
pass up on great opportunities should they arise, nor neglect your defense if
moving that piece is your best option. But generally speaking, you should
aim to develop all your other pieces first before moving that same piece a
second time if you can help it. If anyone has ever told you that you
shouldn't bring your queen out early in chess, this is one of the key reasons
why. The queen is incredibly powerful and as such is also very valuable.
While it might be tempting to swing out your queen for a dramatic check
early, chances are you are leaving your opponent with a valuable target to
attack while also developing his own pieces. If you have to spend time
running away while your opponent is making moves with his pieces, that
actually means you are falling behind. For these reasons, most people
develop their minor pieces first (knight, and bishop), and use their major
pieces in supportive roles (Rook, and Queen).

In a typical opening from white, say:

1. e4

This move is the start of many famous chess lines and is fantastic for
several reasons. First, this move directly stakes a claim on the center, by
giving white control of the d5 and f5 squares. If you remember, those are
two of the center squares that are very important for the opening. Also, by
moving the pawn out of the way, it leaves white with several great options
for turn 2. White has the option to develop either knight to great squares in
Nc3 or for the queen-side or Nf3 and Ne2 for the king-side. White could
instead choose to deploy his light-colored bishop anywhere along the a6-f1
diagonal. Finally, there is still the option to move another pawn, such as the
popular King's Gambit.

For black, a typical response might be:

1. e4 c5
The Sicilian Defense, a popular answer by black to white's most common
first move. This move stakes a claim in the center by occupying the c5
square, and controlling the central d5 square white might have been eyeing
otherwise. If you remember the position where white had a pawn on both e4
and e5, it created a real blockade for black to contend with. This simple
flanking pawn maneuver gives black control of that central square by
stopping that d5 move from being played right away. Additionally, this
move gives the black knight a great square on c6 to occupy when it wants
to. The c pawn has already moved ahead so the knight won't have to worry
about getting out of the way for a future pawn advance.

Another general principle in the opening is to castle early. We will touch on

this topic more in King Safety, but your opening moves should generally
work towards preparing you to castle.

By following these steps, you will be making moves that have a purpose.

Pawn Structure

Let’s imagine again that white has pawns arranged on a2, b3, c4, d5, e5, f4,
g3, and h2. These diagonal formations of pawns are called pawn chains.
Notice how each pawn behind defends and supports the pawn ahead of it.
Pawn chains can be as small as two pawns chained together in a diagonal.
These are power formations to use in order to give yourself a strong
defensible position to play behind.

The next concept to consider with pawn structure is called pawn islands.
Consider the same position as above but let’s remove the c4 and f4 pawns,
meaning, white has pawns on a2, b3, d5, e5, g3, and h2. Notice how
white's pawns are separated into three separate groups? This means white
now has three pawn islands. In general, the more pawn islands you have the
weaker your pawns will be as they will be stretched thin, and unable to
defend one another.
An isolated pawn is a single pawn as an island with no pawns on either
side. Generally, isolated pawns are considered a weak point in the defense
as only pieces can ever defend them. There are always exceptions of course,
but generally, isolated pawns are something you hope to avoid.

Double Pawns or even triple pawns can occur, which is just a fancy name
given when two or even three pawns end up on the same file. In most cases,
these pawns are considered a weakness as the pawns on the same file
cannot help protect each other.

A backward pawn is a pawn that cannot be safely advanced and is behind

all pawns of the same color. In a hypothetical position with white with a
pawn on e4 and black with pawns on d6 and e5, the black pawn d6 would
be backwards if there is no pawn on the c rank, as it cannot safely advance,
or it will be captured by white's pawn on e4.

Finally, a passed pawn is a pawn that no enemy pawn is able to stop, as it

has “passed” their attack range. In a position with white having a pawn on
e4, it would be a passed pawn if no pawn on either the d or f file could stop
it from advancing to promotion.

Open and Closed Positions

Open positions arise in openings where central pawns are exchanged and
the center becomes more accessible. As the name suggests these positions
are filled with open spaces and long diagonals. As such, rooks, bishops, and
the queen all shine in these kinds of games, as they can best take advantage
of the spaces.

Closed games are games where the pawns are still on the board, usually
locked in a potential exchange, going many layers deep. These games are
highly tactical and involve thinking many steps ahead in exchanges to
determine who the potential victor would be in a big exchange in the
middle. The theme of closed games is very often maintaining the tension, as
many times the person who gives in to the pressure and attacks first, comes
out behind. In closed position, knights tend to shine a bit more as they are
capable of maneuvering themselves around the tight battlefield better than
most other pieces.

King Safety

It was mentioned before in the development section, but for the most part,
your opening moves should work towards enabling you to castle. If you
develop pieces on both sides of the board before castling your king, you are
opening yourself up to potentially devastating all-in attacks at very early
turns in the game. The most extreme example of this is called the fool’s
mate, and it is the fastest way to lose a game of chess. If you were curious:

1. f3 e5
2. g4?? Qh4#

However, it doesn't need to be so extreme as that in order to run into

problems. Many exciting professional chess matches were decided by
gutsy sacrifice attacks made against a king stuck in the middle of the board.
Such is chess, but for beginners, it is always best to start by keeping the
defense of your king in mind.

This ties into the last point on king safety, and that is the pawns around your
king. It is rarely a good idea to advance the three pawns in the corner you
want to castle unless you really have to. Any time you advance one of these
pawns you are creating a tiny weakness in the defenses around your king
that your opponent can later try to use to attack you.


Many openings have similar elements to them and can be reached in

different move orders. Being able to move from one opening into another is
called transposition, and is one of the ways great players can stay flexible in
their opening moves while sticking to the same overall opening plan. In
response to your opponent’s moves, it might be preferable to change your
move order, but that doesn't mean you have to go off into uncharted
territory. Look for ways to transpose from your deviation back into a
position you are familiar with. This is how the best players can play chess
in positions they are unfamiliar with. They make reasonable moves looking
to go back into familiar territory.
Chapter 2: White's First Moves

King's Pawn Opening / The Open Game

Known as the King's Pawn Opening, this is by far white's most popular
choice historically and empirically. 1. e4 has proven a favorite opening
move by some of the biggest names in chess. It is easy to see why as the
move accomplishes all of the main goals we set out for our opening. It
controls the key central squares d5 and f5 as well as allowing development
of two of our pieces, the bishop, and the knight. It is for this reason that it
should come as no surprise that three of our example openings are King's
Pawn mainline variations. When black replies back with the move 1...e5
this is called the Open Game.

King's Gambit (1. e4 e5 2. f4)

A historically very popular opening, especially around the 19th century

when this opening saw a lot of play. It has since fallen out of favor
somewhat but is still worth mentioning to beginners as it keeps to our core
opening principles and has a lot of solid theory and evidence to support its
The main line starts off:

1. e4 e5
2. f4

Immediately white contests the center with the sharp pawn advance f4. A
little bit of lingo here for this opening: a gambit is a sacrifice for some
other advantage. In this position, black can simply capture the pawn on f4
immediately if they so choose as white is not defending their f4 pawn.
There are two main variations to the King's Gambit depending on whether
or not black accept this sacrifice. They are therefore named the King's
Gambit Accepted if black chooses to take the pawn on f4, or the King's
Gambit Declined, should black instead choose to protect their now
threatened e5 pawn. Let's start off with the King's Gambit Accepted to try
and learn why white would ever want to give a pawn away in the first place.

King's Gambit Accepted

With the moves:

1. e4 e5
2. f4exf4

We have reached the first position in the King's Gambit Accepted. It is

white’s turn to play now. If you remember back to our discussion about
controlling the center, white was very happy to have pawns on both d4 and
e4 as this gave them very excellent control of the middle of the board, as
well as options for all of their minor pieces to develop naturally. We will
cover what d4 brings to the table in a lot more detail in the Queen's Gambit
Opening. This is the most usual continuation for white, but sometimes
white will instead elect to play Nf3 followed by Bc4 next turn to both stop
black from advancing their f4 pawn, as well as to prepare to castle
King's Gambit Declined


1. e4 e5
2. f4bc5

This is the King's Gambit Declined – Classical Defense. Black has

developed his bishop, as well as interfered with white's attempt to castle –
as you cannot castle through check. You may be wondering why white
wouldn't simply capture the black e5 pawn after black neglects to protect it.
Let's take a look at what happens if white takes the pawn.

1. fxe5?? Qh4+

Suddenly white is in some real trouble. They are either going to lose the
rook after:

2. g3 Qxe4+

Notice how both the King and the Rook are being attacked? This is a tactic
called a fork. Because black has forked white's king and rook, black is
going to have to move his king and lose the rook.

If instead, white tries to run, the game ends swiftly:

Ke2 Qxe4#

We will take a deeper look into the King's Gambit during the next chapter.

Italian Game (1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4)

A historic opening, containing over 500 years of recorded games, it has
been studied by many of the biggest names in chess history. The
characteristic move of this opening is the move:

1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. Bc4

Sometimes referred to as the Italian Bishop. These games are very often
sharp attacking games with white trying to focus on the poorly defended f7
square (only the king defends it at the start of the game).

Also note how white has started developing an attack while, at the same
time, preparing to defend with a castle king-side at any moment. A
hallmark of high-level chess is accomplishing several goals with just one

Black, on the other hand, will usually try a strong counterattack in order to
try and prove white was overzealous in their efforts. While more modern
variations such as the Ruy Lopez have gained popularity, it is still worth
examining this opening as there are great attacking chances for both sides.
The two main variations branch depending on how black decides to respond
after white moves their bishop. After 3...Bc5 we reach a position known as
the Giuoco Piano and after 3...Nf6 we instead reach a position called the
Two Knights Defense. We will be exploring each one separately.

Giuoco Piano

The Giuoco Piano main line continues as follows:

1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. Bc4 Bc5 - Giuoco Piano with Bc5
4. c3

White is playing c3 in order to prepare the move d4, grabbing vital central
spaces away from black. Black will usually try to either counterattack with
the aggressive move 4...Nf6, or hold on to their central control with the
move 4...Qe7. Note that while this is a queen move in the early game, it
doesn't violate our opening principles here, because the queen is being used
far back on the 7th rank, as a support for her more forward pieces. This is a
great and safe way to activate your queen without putting her in immediate
Two Knights Defense

The Two Knights Defense starts out with:

1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. Bc4 Nf6

The most obvious attacking continuations is to continue with the move 4.

Ng5. White is increasing the pressure on that f7 square and threatening to
win a pawn by force, as well as messing up black's hopes of castling. The
usual reply from black is:

4.4 Ng5 d5

From this position, white has little option but to take on d5 as his bishop
and e4 pawn are both under attack. After this, there are several different
variations we will discuss later on.

However, black can instead try the exciting move:

4. Ng5 Bc5
This is a dangerous counterattack from black. He is ignoring the mounting
pressure upon the f7 square in favor of developing some counterattacking
potential. White has three main variations: 5. d4, 5. Bxf7+, and 5. Nxf7.

Ruy Lopez (1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5)

It can be said that the Ruy Lopez is the go-to option for many professional
chess players when it comes to the Open Game (1 e4 e5). Unless black
plays with perfection, it can be very tough for them to achieve equality.
This is one of the key reasons why many black players choose to use the
Sicilian Defense in response to 1. e4 instead. We will be covering that
opening in the section for black in Chapters 4 and 5 if you're interested in
learning how that plays out.

After 3. Bb5, let’s take a moment to analyze the relationship between

white's bishop and black's knight. Imagine for a moment that the pawn on
d7 didn't exist or had already moved to d6 or d5. If you notice, white's
bishop would attack black's knight and have the king lined up right behind
it. This maneuver is called a pin. Pinned pieces can't move or they will
expose a valuable piece of it (King, Queen or Rook usually, but pawns can
be pinned to other pieces too!) to danger. Black someday has hopes of
making a break in the center with a move like d5, but with the white bishop
attacking the black knight, that is an issue for black to think about. Let's see
how black typically likes to respond:

1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. Bb5 a6 - Morphy Defense

Named after the great chess player Paul Morphy during the 1800's, this is
the most popular response for white. This move forces white to clarify their
intent with the move b5. If he wishes to trade bishop for knight, black has
taken no steps to prevent this exchange. If white retreats back to c4 black
has won a tempo back from white by forcing him to move his bishop

The most common line is called the Closed Defense and goes as follows:

4. Ba4 Nf6
5. O-O Be7

Ba4 from white to retreat away from the attacking pawn. Note that black
can still, at any time, kick the bishop away with the move b5. In some
variations, the white bishop may find itself trapped in the corner and care
must be taken to allow room to escape a possible b5 pawn thrust by black at
any moment. Nf6 increases black's central pressure by attacking the e4
pawn, as well as supporting that d5 move black has in the back of their
mind. White castles away to safety and black develops his bishop and
prepares for a king-side castle of his own.

Queen's Pawn Opening / Closed Game

White starts the game off with the great move d4 and achieves several of
our goals for the opening. White again occupies a central square with a
pawn and attacks the two important central squares in c5 and e5. Also,
white can now look to develop their queen-side bishop as the pawn has
moved to allow the bishop to move. It's a bit far away yet, but this move
does also contribute to king safety in the sense that it is the first of several
moves that white could use to facilitate a queen-side castle.

Although there are several good replies for black, very often black will
choose to occupy his central space with a pawn on d5 and there the Close
Game has been reached. All the same good things that applied for white,
apply to black as well, so black feels very comfortable in staking a claim in
the center in this way. Next, we will explore a mainline called the Queen's
Gambit. One of the oldest and most exciting chess openings, as it features
exciting chances for both sides.

Queen's Gambit (1. d4 d5 2. c4)

The Queen's Gambit is one of the oldest studied openings with well over
500 years of written history to support it. Another gambit opening which, if
you remember from the King's Gambit, means some kind of sacrifice in
material for a positional advantage.

Play starts out:

1. d4 d5
2. c4

Right away, white is telling black that he intends to fight for the middle in a
serious way. He is offering an undefended wing pawn on c4 in exchange
for that ever-tempting double pawn center of d4 and e4. The difference is,
unlike the King's Gambit that takes place on the relatively undefended
king's side, this gambit takes place on the queen's side and that means the
queen can get involved much more readily if the need arises. Because of
this difference, it is not a true gambit, as black can't actually hold on to their
pawn on c4 after the exchange, which we will cover below. Just like the
King's Gambit, the Queen's Gambit has two mainline variations depending
on whether or not the offer on c4 is accepted by black, and they are called
Queen's Gambit Accepted, and Queen's Gambit Declined. We will
cover each variation in some detail.

Queen's Gambit Accepted

To recap, the position is:

1. d4 d5
2. c4 dxc4
The Queen's Gambit Accepted has been reached after these set of moves.
As I promised you earlier, this was not a true gambit and I told you that
black can't hold on to their current pawn advantage. Let me first
demonstrate that to you now.

3. e3 b5?

The move e3 is played if white aims to recapture the pawn immediately, as

it opens up the light-square bishop onto the c4 square, threatening the
opponent's pawn already. Also, it helps solidify white's center which can be
useful in ensuring that white's plan goes off without any interference from
black. The play would continue:

4. a4 c6?
5. axb5 cxb5?
6. Qf3!

After that dazzling queen move, black is going to lose a piece. This isn't the
main line but I wanted to show you how black's best chances are to accept
that the pawn isn't going to stay around and play objectively good chess

White's most common play here is actually 3. Nf3.

White recognizes that the pawn on c4 is doomed and instead focuses on

getting a slight lead on development. White will usually move to recapture
the c4 pawn in their upcoming turns as follows:

3. Nf3 Nf6 - Black's most common reply is to develop their own knight
4. e3 Nc6
5. Bxc4 c5
6. O-O

This position leaves both players with solid chances. White has regained
their missing pawn and has developed their pieces to effective spaces.
Black, on the other hand, managed to get through the opening with equality
in terms of development and space and should feel satisfied with his
chances of going into the later stages of the game.

Queen's Gambit Declined

While technically, any move that is not 2...dxc4 is considered a Queen's

Gambit Declined game, we will be focusing on the orthodox response as

1. d4 d5
2. c4 e6

By moving his pawn to e6, black is able to defend his central pawn, holding
on to his control of the center. In addition, this allows black the option to
develop his dark-squared bishop along the a3-f8 diagonal, also getting him
one step closer to eventually castling to safety king-side.

While this is a solid and defensible position for black to play from, and
indeed many players with the black pieces have found success here, white
will try to prove that black's light-squared bishop does not have an effective
square to find a meaningful place in the game. Black, on the other hand,
will try to either release the bishop, trade it off, or find a useful supportive
outpost for it and try to use it in the end game.
Another option for black to try is 2...c6 which is called the Slav Defense,
which we will examine from black's point of view in an upcoming chapter.

The main line continues thus:

3. Nc3 Nf6
4. Bg5 Be7
5. Nf3

White develops his queen-side knight to its ideal square behind the c4 pawn
where it can exert great control over the middle of the board. Black takes
the opportunity to get his king-side knight into the game and help prepare
his king-side castle. White tries to take advantage of black's last move by
creating a pin on black’s knight onto the queen. Black is forced to develop
his dark-squared bishop to e7 to free black's knight from this pin (now if the
black knight moves, the bishops will face off instead of leaving the queen

White then develops their knight to a good square and helps solidify the
bishop's position on g5 against a potential discovered attack from the
knight against the previously undefended bishop. A discovered attack is
when the movement of one of your pieces will expose an attack from
another piece behind it. These maneuvers are an excellent tactic to watch
out for as it can come as a real shock to an unsuspecting opponent (or you if
you get caught in one yourself!).

c4 – English Opening
While the move has been known since antiquity, it only arrived in
tournament level play in 1843. Considered a somewhat new opening, this
was an opening used by such legends as Bobby Fischer in his sensational
match against fellow legend Boris Spassky.

It is known as a flank opening, meaning it attempts to exert control over the

center of the board from a wing pawn position. Wing pawns are the pawns
on the c and f files for both sides. The c4 pawn in the initial position
controls the d5 square of our opponent with a non-central pawn. If we
could trade our c pawn for our opponent’s d pawn, we would have a slight
advantage, since we could then play d4 and control space with our pawn,
that our opponent has to use pieces to have the same control. These are
small advantages, but they can add up when you keep gaining more small
advantages. This is how professional chess players win.

One feature about the English Opening, in particular, is that it is a flexible

opening that can transpose between other well-known positions or stay on
its own unique path. This flexibility is one of the big draws for players who
enjoy this opening, as it allows them to play a very adaptive style of game
in response to what their opponents are trying to do.

This opening has two main lines called the Reversed Sicilian, or the
appropriately named Symmetrical Defense. This opening is much less
rigid than some of the other openings we looked at before, and generally
has some goals it tries to achieve and less a strict order of moves.
Nonetheless, we will take a look at very common move orders here to go
over the strategy behind the opening.

Reversed Sicilian

The line starts out:

1. c4 e5

The name of this variation comes from a very popular black opening called
The Sicilian Defense, which we will cover in black's section of this book.
Take a moment to look at the formation of black in that section if you wish.
The way that games usually continue after this opening is:

2. Nc3 Nf6
3. g3

The knight development to c3 is again perfect since the c4 is already

moved. Black likely wants to prepare to king-side castle and solidify their
stake to the middle so Nf6 is perfectly reasonable. But then there is this
odd g3 move. This move seems to break one of the rules we laid out about
king safety and pawn structure. We normally don't want to move any of the
three pawns around the side of the board we plan to castle. While this
move does weaken the pawn chain itself by opening diagonals through g2,
what white is intending to do is a maneuver called fianchettoing-the-
bishop. This fancy word really just means you will be putting your bishop
into that hole you just opened up in g2. This diagonal on the board is called
the long diagonal and is a great outpost for bishops, as it gives them the
most possible squares that they can move to.

From here black can play either 3...c6 or 3...g6 with both having about
equal chances. With that being said, white will almost always follow up
with 4. Bg2.
Symmetrical Defense

As the name suggests, the line begins:

1. c4 c5

Black holds on to positional symmetry with this move. White has many
options of play and many of them are tried. The moves white wants to play
in some order are g3 and Bb2 when possible. Additionally, the queen-side
knight would be quite happy on c3 since the pawn has already advanced.
And finally, the king-side pieces need to be developed to allow castling.
These moves can really be executed in the most logical sequence based on
your opponent’s moves, but for the sake of demonstration we will show a
typical move sequence here:

2. Nc3 Nc6
3. g3 g6
4. Bg2 Bg7
5. Nf3 Nf6
6. O-O O-O
7. d4

Now that's a lot of moves all in a row, and they are all keeping perfect
symmetry, but it doesn't have to happen exactly like this. The important
thing to recognize is what the position looks like, and you can do the moves
leading up the castle in a different sequence. In games where black just
keeps mirroring white, black is neither falling behind nor gaining ground.
It tends to be a line that can lead to positions more likely in ending in a
draw, with white being given slightly better odds due to moving first.
Chapter 3: Black's First Moves

e4 c5 - Sicilian Defense

Easily the most popular and statistically successful opening for black to the
nearly universally played 1. e4 from white. While visually similar to the
English Opening: Reverse Sicilian, this is a much older opening with a full
and rich history. Indeed, enough has been said on the Sicilian to fill several
books in their entirety with this opening alone. Let's start by analyzing the
opening move from black c4.

Just like in the Reverse Sicilian for white, black aims to control the center
of the board from a flanking wing pawn, keeping their important d and e
pawns for a potential break in the middle later. Again, if black could ever
trade their c pawn for white's d pawn, he could see that as a slight
advantage over white, as he could then have a central pawn majority over
the white player. As we have seen before, the advanced c pawn also
provides a great outpost for black's queen-side knight that is a major factor
in how the game usually plays out.

From a theoretical standpoint, black is starting to lay a claim to the dark-

colored squares in the center of the board. Imagine for a moment that black
could achieve their goal of a Knight on c6 as well as the eventual move e5.
Notice the grip that black would have on all those central dark squares. The
c pawn gives control over b4 and d4, the hypothetical pawn on e5 targets
the d4 and f4 dark squares, and a knight on c6 could exert its influence on
a5, b4, d4, and helps protect e5. This is a very common theme for black to
try and have a rock-solid grip on the dark squares, especially d4, where
white would otherwise have plans of eventually making a break with moves
like c3 and d4. Lastly, to further show dark-square dominance, a common
strategy for black will be to fianchetto their dark square bishop at g7 giving
them even greater control over those squares.

There are two mainline variations to the Sicilian Defense, called the Open
and Closed Variations. Let's take a look at the Open Sicilian first:

Open Sicilian Defense

The main Open line goes as follows:

1. e4 c5
2. Nf3 d6
3. d4
White develops their king-side knight, preparing to castle shortly. White is
also taking a chance to control more of the center of the board, especially
those dark squares we know black is so keen on in d4 and e5. Black has
other options for his second move other than d6, however, this is the most
common reply. The move d6 by black creates a pawn chain with the c5
pawn, solidifying the defense of that pawn. Additionally, it opens a path for
the light-square bishop to activate along the c8-h3 diagonal. Finally, this
move actually prepares black to play their king-side knight to f6. Notice
how if black played the knight move immediately, as in 2. Nf3 Nf6, white
could cause some real problems for black with the simple move: e5,
threatening to capture our freshly developed knight and taking a lot of
central space. Best to avoid that scenario with the preparatory move d6.

There are of course many other ways black could respond after Nf3 which
we can touch on in the next chapter. From here the main continuation is:

3. d4 cxd4
4. Nxd4 Nf6
5. Nc3

Black has achieved one of his goals of exchanging his c pawn in for white's
d pawn. Black continues to develop the king-side knight now that white
can't disturb it with their e pawn because of the d6 pawn protecting the e5
square for us. White continues development with Nc3.

In this position, black will try to prove that his central pawn majority is
winning and has a clear advantage. White, on the other hand, has a
significant lead in piece development, as well as more control over the
center of the board, which he will argue, giving him more than fair
compensation for his d pawn.

Closed Sicilian
The main line looks like this:

1. e4 c5
2. Nc3 Nc6

And here black will develop similarly to in the open Sicilian but not always
in the same order. Black has goals they wish to accomplish and not a rigid
plan of attack requiring a strict move order.

We want that knight on c6 and usually, we want our bishop to fianchetto on

g7 (Notice how the black pawn chain is otherwise in the way for black to
put their bishop on a meaningful square. Fianchetto is a great way to solve
this problem!). We get our queen-side knight into the game on its favorite
square now as well. This is a great example of why knights like to be
behind pawns. Look at the difference between the two knights on the c
file. Notice how black's c pawn has contributed to his plan in a significant
way. White would love to be able to play moves like c3 and d4 and grab
some of that juicy center, but right now his knight on c3 is in the way! This
is one of the major draws for players who enjoy playing flank openings
such as the English and the Sicilian.

Let's see what is considered to be the main line, but again this move order
can vary significantly:
3. g3 g6
4. Bg2 Bg7
5. d3 d6

Both white and black have the same idea here: My pawns are in the way
and I need to get my king-side bishop into the game somehow. Once again,
a fianchetto is the answer, and in this case, both sides will usually opt for
this strategy, as they are both being walled in by their pawn chain. White's
pawn on e4 is still on the way – for now. White can at any time open a
discovered attack with a cheeky move like e5, both attacking black's pawn
chain (assuming it is played after d6 from black), and disrupting the scope
of black’s bishop. Both sides solidify their pawn structure by creating
pawn chains in turn 5 with d3 and d6 respectively.

From here both sides will develop their last pieces and castle, and we have
reached a stable and about equal position to start a mid-game. Both sides
have great chances here and many fantastic positional games have been
reached from this opening.

e4 e6 - French Defense
The French Defense is a fairly recent opening that began to see more
prominent play in the early 1800s. This is a bit of a slower start compared
to some of the more flashy openings and can lead to some very technical
closed games.

The main line opens as follows:

1. e4 e6
2. d4 d5

White gets his classical double pawn center, but black intends to fight back
from the very start with an early pawn advance on d5 supported by his first
move e6.

White has several responses. The most popular is 3. Nc3 to protect the
attacked e4 pawn.

Another common try is 3. Nd2 called the Tarrasch variation which is

similar to the usual move 3. Nc3 in that it defends e4, but also different in
the sense that the knight has a broader scope for its second move, and the
dark-squared bishop has been blocked in, meaning it cannot be developed
until a solution is created.

There is another variation known as the Advance Variation, where white

plays 3. e5 taking the space given by black's second move and avoiding the
exchange of central pawns.

Finally, there is the exchange variation that can be tried after 3. exd5 exd5,
which leads to a symmetrical pawn structure, with each player having a
pawn on d4 and d5 respectively. The exchange variation leads to a position
that is objectively equal for both sides, and either side will have to try to
unbalance the position if they hope to achieve a win instead of a draw.

Winawer Variation
Let's take a look at 3. Nc3 and a typical continuation of the main line called
the Winawer Variation now, as it is one of the most well-studied
continuations for the French Defense.

3. Nc3 Bb4
4. e5 c5
5. a3 Bxc3+
6. bxc3Ne7

Let's walk through each move. White moves his Knight to c3 protecting the
e4 pawn. Black moves his bishop to b4 creating a pin on the c3 knight
against the white king. This pin effectively means that e4 is no longer
defended as that knight cannot move to recapture while pinned to the king,
as it would leave the king in check, an illegal move.

To deal with the undefended pawn, white advances it to e5, claiming some
extra space, and making a pawn chain with d4. Black seeks to undermine
this pawn chain with the pawn move c5 attacking the d4 pawn, protecting
the e5 pawn now. White aims to dislodge the bishop on b4 with the move
a3, by attacking the bishop with a lesser piece, making black decide what
they want to do.
Black captures the knight on c3 and white recaptures with his b pawn,
creating doubled pawns for white to worry about later. Finally, black
develops his king-side knight to a square preparing to castle soon. White is
still several moves away from being able to castle and if black castles and
breaks things open in the middle, white can find himself in a real danger
being caught in the middle of the board with his king.

This variation is a very good try for black to achieve equality or possibly an
advantage. He is exchanging a slightly cramped space by virtue of white’s
e5 pawn, for a lead in development and better king safety.

e4 c6 - Caro-Kann Defense

Compared to some of the big-name chess openings like the King's Gambit
and the Italian Game, the Caro-Kann Defense is a very newly adopted
opening by chess masters, only entering into professional play in the late

From the initial position, white will almost universally play d4, to claim the
classical d4 and e4 center white loves so much. Black's plan with c6 was to
prepare for turn two and the move d5. Black immediately contests white
for the middle. This tension makes many newer white players uneasy and
results in an early exchange, which favors black. Since if white is the one to
initiate the exchange black will end up trading the c pawn for white's
precious e pawn.

By preserving both central pawns in the event of an exchange, black hopes

to avoid some potential weaknesses found in some other openings when
playing for control of the center directly with a move like e5.

By creating this tension on d5 it forces white to clarify his intentions and

allows black to react accordingly. There are three main ways white tends to
reply and these are the main variations of the Caro-Kann. They are the
exchange variation, either of Nc3 or Nd2 as they very often transpose into
each other, and the advance variation where white pushes their pawn to
e5. We will take a quick look at the exchange variation and the Nc3/Nd2
line in this chapter. The advance variation plays very similar to the French
Defense with some positional differences to consider.

Exchange Variation

This line starts out as follows:

1. e4 c6
2. d4 d5
3. exd5 cxd5

Black strikes back into the center with d5 and white chooses to trade
pawns. The next moves vary but the most common line and considered the
main line goes like this:

4. Bd3 Nc6

White develops their bishop to d3. The main purpose of this move is to
control the f5 square, preventing black from developing to its light-squared
bishop to its optimal square on f5. The next moves can vary. But, to finish
off the main line for the exchange variation, a common continuation is:

5. c3 Nf6
6. Bf4 Bg4
7. Qb3

White makes a solid pawn chain with c3 and limits the potential scope of
black's dark-squared bishop by taking away the b4 square. Black develops
their king-side knight to better defend the king-side squares, including g4
which will be important in a moment. White develops their dark-squared
bishop to a useful square on f4. And black take advantage of the support of
their knight on f6 to play Bg4 attacking white's queen while developing to a
useful square. Finally, white will move the queen to safety and develop to a
useful square by moving her to b3. This move gives her excellent scope
over the board, including the now weak b7 pawn, since the black's light-
color bishop is now sitting on g4.

From this position, we have reached an equal position with both sides
having roughly equal chances.

Nc3/Nd2 Variations
This line is considered together since they will usually transpose into the
same position after black plays the move, 3...dxe4, and white recapturing
with the knight at either position moving to be on e4. This is where the line

1. e4 c6
2. d4 d5
3. Nc3/Nd2 dxe4
4. Nxe4

The classical variation then continues:

4. Nxe4 Bf5
5. Ng3 Bg6

Black attacks white's undefended knight after the capture, and so white
retreats to g3 and now attacks the bishop! The black bishop retreats to g6 to
stay in a good position and get out of harm's way.

There is actually a special relationship here between black's bishop, and

white's knight that is pretty annoying for white to deal with. A bishop that
is 4 squares away from a knight (eg. Bg6 and Ng3) can cover every square
the knight can move forward.
Because of this reason, white will sometimes continue with the idea of
eventually disrupting that bishop with 6. h4. Black will usually respond
with 6...h6 giving the bishop a spot to back into if needed, and stopping that
h4 pawn from disrupting black's pawn structure.

The main line goes like so:

6. h4 h6
7. Nf3 Nd7
8. h5 Bh7
9. Bd3 Bxd3
10. Qxd3

Both sides activate their knights, black wants to get into the action king-side
so it deploys to d7. White continues on with his pawn on the h file, moving
up a square. Black tucks his bishop away in the corner where it will be safe
as well as to shore up the space left behind by the move h6. White plays
Bd3 – a final challenge to that pesky light-colored bishop for black:
Capture me or I will capture you and leave your king more exposed. Black
is forced to trade bishops, and white will collect the annoying black bishop
once and for all with Qxd3. From here we have a position where black can
hope to have some solid defensive options in the mid-game without having
conceded too much to our opponent in terms of positional weakness.

e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 - Petrov's Defense (Russian Game)

Also known as the Russian Game, this is a symmetrical response that
became more popular after it was introduced by Alexander Petrov in the
mid-1800s. It is a favorite by many who prefer to avoid the Sicilian
Defense, and it also steers white away from common lines such as the
already demonstrated Italian Game and the Ruy Lopez.

Classical Variation (3. Nxe5)

Let's take a look at the classical variation:

1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nf6 - Petrov's Defense
3. Nxe5 d6

Note that it is a mistake for black to try and mimic white with a recapture of
their own, as white will come out ahead in position or material. Instead,
black should dislodge the knight on e5 to force it to move with the simple
move d6. Let’s see what happens if black tried to capture with 3...Nxe4.

3. Nxe5 Nxe4?
4. Qe2
And now white either wins black’s queen (4...Nf6?? 5. Nc6+) after a
discovered attack with the knight moving to strike at the queen, or gains a
much better position after 4...Qe7 5.Qxe4 d6 6.d4 f6 7.Nc3 dxe5 8.Nd5
Qd6 9.Bf4 Nd7 10.0-0-0.

Instead, black plays the move 3...d6 taking the central space with his pawn,
supporting with that knight on f6. Mainline play continues:

4. Nf3 Nxe4
5. d4d5
6. Bd3

White brings his knight back to safety, black now takes the opportunity to
capture white's pawn with Nxe4. Both white and black fight for the middle
with central pawn advances to d4 and d5 respectively. And finally, white
tries to increase the pressure against the advanced knight on e5 with his
bishop moving to d3. It will take white a couple more pieces if he hopes to
come out ahead with an exchange of bishop and knight, as if white is not
careful and simply exchanges pieces now, it could be black that ends up
with a large space advantage. If they get a pawn on e4 supported by moves
like f5 and g6. Black could then tuck his king away queen-side instead, and
be left with a brilliant mid-game to look forward to with a nice spatial

Steinitz Variation (3. d4)

This variation progresses as follows:

1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nf6
3. d4

From here black can capture either pawn. If pawn takes pawn, the line
would go:
3. d4 exd4
4. e5 Ne4
5. Qxd4 d5
6. exd6 (ep.) Nxd6
7. Nc4 Nc6
8. Qf4

Black captures pawn for pawn with exd4, white advances his e pawn
further to e5, threatening the knight on f6. The knight moves to a more
central square with Ne4. White wants to continue having central control and
so scoops up black’s hanging pawn on d4. Black plays d5 to protect the
knight on e4, supporting itself from the black queen on d8. White
exchanges with exd6 (ep.).

En Passant, meaning “in passing” in French, is a special move that

happens when a pawn tries to run past another pawn like we just seen. In
the turn right after the pawn runs past, the other player will have a one-
time opportunity to capture the pawn as it passes.

Knight captures back with Nxd6. Next, we continue with development on

the queen-side with Nc4 and Nc6 respectively. Finally, white activates their
queen to f4 pressuring black's somewhat exposed king-side. This is a pretty
even position for both sides.

If black decides to capture with knight instead, we would have the


3. d4 Nxe4
4. Bd3 d5
5. Nxe5 Nd7 or Bd6

Here, black captures the e4 pawn instead with his knight. White again adds
pressure against the e4 knight – a real theme in the Petrov, and black
defends with d5. White captures black’s pawn now with the move Nxe5.
And now black can continue development with either Nd7 or Bd6 as both
help to increase black's control of the center, while also developing pieces.
Notably, the Bd6 option allows black to castle.

d4 c5 2. c4 c6 - Slav Defense

As mentioned in a previous chapter, the Slav Defense is one of the main

ways black can play against the Queen's Gambit. If you remember from
our discussion during the Queens Gambit Declined, one of the problems
black could face quite often was having his light-colored bishop end up
trapped behind the pawn chain. Another possible weakness of traditional
defenses when it comes to the Queen’s Gambit Declined is that the
traditional black’s pawn structure is left with clear targets for white to focus
on during the mid-game. The Slav Defense is an attempt to deal with these
issues as black.

The main line looks like this:

1. d4 c5
2. c4 c6
3. Nf3 Nf6 - 3...e6 is an opening called the Semi-Slav
4. Nc3 e6/dxc4/a6
5. a4 Bf5
Everything looks normal – both sides are developing in a usual manner,
white choosing often to deploy both knights back to back in turns 3 and 4.
Black has three usual moves to choose from on turn 4.

As mentioned, the move e6 transposes into an open known as the Semi-

Slav. This central pawn move is to maintain a solid pawn chain after an
eventual pawn exchange on d5. If you notice, however, one drawback with
this position is that the black pawns trap the light-colored bishop, and black
may struggle to find meaningful game-play with that bishop.

The next possible choice is the pawn exchange with dxc4. White is happy
to trade their wing pawn for a central pawn, the main point of the Queen's
Gambit. The usual follow up here would be 5. a4 to stop black from trying
to reinforce the advanced pawn on c4 with the move b5. The typical next
move for black is to develop the bishop to f5, preventing white from
pushing the pawn to e4 next turn.

The last option for turn 4 a6 plays into the same idea for black: an early b5
play to add increased pressure onto the queen-side. Black aims to follow up
very shortly with b5, and even if white tries to hold on to his space
temporarily with a move like c5, after b6 we see that black is going to start
tearing down that center one way or another.

One of the reasons players have begun to favor a6 is because it does not
create that problem for the light-squared bishop becoming inactive. Black
can keep the c8-g3 diagonal open and find scope for the bishop soon.
Chapter 4: What’s Next?

Okay, so we just learned a whole bunch of moves for both white and black
that only get us to move 5 to 10 or so. What next? How do we proceed
from here when we are swimming in unknown waters? Welcome to the
mid-game. These are the uncharted waters that chess players try and
navigate to actually win a game of chess. When you reach the end of your
opening knowledge, this is called playing out of the book, and there are a
few key ideas to keep in mind to help guide you along your way.

Know the End-Game

This is probably the other most important area to study in chess.

Considered dry by many in the chess community, the study of the end-game
mostly involves rote memorization of mating patterns. While not the most
exciting area of study, being able to recognize a winning position from 6
moves away can certainly help you get through the otherwise uncertain
parts of the mid-game. If you can master an extensive list of moves in the
opening, and you can recognize mating patterns from several moves away,
you are chipping away at the unknown part of the game for you to have to
play in.

At a minimum, you should work to be able to checkmate a king on the open

board with each of the possible pieces to do so. Some are as simplistic as
they come, such as Queen and King. Others can prove a challenge for even
a seasoned player of the game, such as checkmate with two bishops and a
knight, is not an easy task to be sure.

The study of the end-game is far too broad a topic to include here in this
chapter, however, so be sure to look for other resources on this topic to
improve your game.
Know the Tactics

Unlike a broad and fuzzy topic like, What strategy should I use to win?
tactics are tools to know in your chess toolbox. They are pieces you can
learn to recognize both for yourself and from your opponent. Using tactics
allows you to gain an edge in position, material or time (tempo). We have
already introduced the fork, pin, and discovered attack, but let's include
the full list and briefly explain the rest. The tactics to know include:

Pins Forks
Skewers Discovered Attacks
Overloading the Defender Sacrifices
Zugzwang Zwischenzug

For reference, we will define these tactics here once again.

Pins are when your attack on the front piece is lined up with
another more valuable piece behind it, making it
disadvantageous to move the pinned piece. A good general
rule to follow is to attack the pinned piece.
Skewers are very similar to pins, except reversed. The
attack is against a high-value target such as the king or
queen, with another usually undefended piece lined up
behind it. When the high-value target has to move out of the
way, you have an attack against the piece behind.
Forks are the knight’s specialty, although, in truth, any piece
can deliver a fork attack. Forks occur when with one move
you attack more than one of your opponent’s pieces.
Usually, this can involve a check against the king while
threatening some other piece that is typically lost.
Discovered Attacks, we have already touched on, but they
happen when the movement of a piece exposes an attack
onto another piece. This is often done with a knight moving
to attack deep into enemy positions, exposing a threat from a
bishop, rook, or queen behind it.
Overloading the Defender is a bit of a different tactic but
the essential boils down to looking for pieces that are
overworked and focusing there. In an arbitrary example, if a
knight is a vital defender of, say, the e4 pawn and is also a
vital defender of a bishop on, say, d5, that knight is
overloaded and can't protect both. You can use this to your
advantage by attacking one side and having another attack
prepared for the other piece after the knight is forced to
Sacrifices are attacks in which the attacker will lose an
attacking piece or pieces without any material as
compensation. The reason for these often flashy, reckless
looking attacks is to expose an otherwise weak position to
its breaking point. Sometimes by making a sacrifice attack,
you can create such an instability in the opponent's position,
that even down material as you are, they cannot possibly
hope to defend against the force you can bring down on
them. Some of the great immortal games of chess are
exciting sacrificial attacks such as this.
Zugzwang, a German term meaning “compulsion to move,”
is an idea that may sometimes force your opponent to move
can lead to an advantage. Especially in king and pawn vs.
king endgames, this principle often makes the difference
between a win and a draw. Often in chess, the simple
concept of giving away a tempo can lead to an advantage.
Zwischenzug is another German term, this time meaning
“intermediate move”. The principle is that sometimes in a
lengthy exchange that both sides have seemingly calculated
deeply, there can exist a Zwischenzug or in-between move
that catches the other person completely off-guard, and
changes the entire dynamic of the position. This can be
something obvious like a check that brings the exchange to a
screeching halt, a big flashy sacrifice, or even a quiet move
that just slightly alters the position in such a way that the
calculation now favors the other player. Definitely one of
the subtler concepts to know, but worth covering

Learn about the Principles of Chess

In the second book in this series, CHESS STRATEGIES: For Beginners, we

will be focusing on strategy and tactics. One of the key strategic elements it
will cover is some of the core principles of chess. If you've played the
game for any length of time you will hear some old adages of advice such
as “knights on the rim look dim”, and “passed pawns must be pushed”.
There are many more of these gems of advice to learn. More importantly
than just knowing these principles, however, is being able to understand
them, and apply them to your game.

Chess Puzzles

The study of chess can become a bit dry and tedious at times if you just
stare at a chessboard and a reference to study. One of the ways chess
players have found to improve is to create chess puzzles and challenging
each other to find a solution to a clever position.

The puzzle on the right is a very simple example of a type of puzzle called
“Mate-in-One”, where the puzzle asks the player to find the next move to
win the game. There are some puzzles that are much more complex and
can stump even some of the best names in chess. The point of these puzzles
is not to puff your chest and say how much you know, but to get you
thinking about the game in new ways, and hopefully help your brain to
recognize some winning positions due to being familiar with a similar
position from a puzzle you've completed. They really work! And more
importantly, they can keep things fun so you don't get bored while trying to

Join a Chess Club

No, seriously, join a chess club in your area! This is a great way to meet
new players and probably new friends too. Most major cities boast at least
one major chess club and cater to players of all skill ranges. They host
kids’ events for young children, as well as tournaments for those wishing to
test their competitive mettle. The local chess club is a fantastic resource to
learn about the game and to meet potential coaches and mentors that are
willing to help you grow as a player.

Find a Mentor

Along with joining a chess club, you can try and find a mentor; someone
from a local chess club or tournament with some experience that is willing
to take you under their wing, and show you some cool tricks and tips about
the game. These people can offer you a literal lifetime of knowledge to
draw upon and are invaluable to you as a growing player.

Play in a Local Tournament

Along with joining a chess club, this is another great way to enter into the
exciting world of chess in a big way. At a local tournament, you will meet
players of all skill levels, and it is another fantastic way to make chess
friends and learn about the game. After playing a match for real in a
tournament you will find others to talk to about your matches and learn
about ways you could have played differently and different ideas for next
time. Also, because you are playing several games back to back with time
in between, it’s a great way to try something, learn some new skills after
your game, and apply those new skills in your very next round.

Some of the biggest names in chess history found their start in a small local
tournament that grew into a passionate love for the game.

In summary, this book discussed the importance of controlling the center

and developing quickly, the role our pawns play in safety and offense, as
well as some key tactics to know and watch out for. Next, we put that
knowledge to use in exploring some key openings to know such as the
Italian Game, King's Gambit, Ruy Lopez, Queen's Gambit, and the English
for white, and the Sicilian Defense, Caro-Kann Defense, French Defense,
Italian Game, and Petrov's Defense for black. We talked about how to
improve your game beyond the material provided in this book. Finally, we
also touched on a few concepts for further study such as Chess puzzles and
a study of the end-game.

Thank you for making it through to the end of CHESS OPENINGS: For
Beginners, let’s hope it was informative and able to provide you with a
basic understanding of Chess openings, and their underlying principles.

As you have read, chess is a game for everybody. It’s a great game that
enhances thinking skills and strategies.

For those wanting to learn more, the next step is to download the other book
in this series: CHESS STRATEGY FOR BEGINNERS. The focus of this
book will be on the fundamental tactics and strategies to know to improve
your game. Tactics such as pins, forks, skewers, discovered attacks,
overloading the defender and more. Also covered are key strategic
principles including light and dark squares, good and bad bishops, playing
from behind vs. when ahead, pawns, sacrifices, and much more! Take your
chess playing to the next level with these crucial skills.
Dear reader,

I sincerely hope that you enjoyed CHESS OPENINGS FOR BEGINNERS

and could increase your understanding of Chess.
Before you close this book I´d like to ask you for a favor to leave an honest
review on amazon. It´d be greatly appreciated.

Thank you and good luck!


To the beginning chess players, it can be an overwhelming experience

trying to learn and improve your game. There are so many possibilities and
combinations that all your pieces can move! CHESS OPENINGS: For
Beginners is able to provide the reader with a starting place to begin their
Chess learning. We will start with learning the basics: the center of the
board is the most important, we want to develop quickly and effectively in
our first few turns, and the importance of our pawns. Next, we will discuss
king safety and how straying from those basic principles can leave us in
trouble. To round things out we will cover transposition or moving from
one opening into another one, as well as some important tactics to look out
for. We will focus on explaining these principles of the game in such a way
that it makes sense and relates to the openings we will be focusing on. The
book will cover the openings move by move, giving relevant notes about
the position, key concepts, and ideas, as well as noteworthy pitfalls to watch
out for. Variations of the main line are discussed as well as some reasoning
behind these different choices. Finally, we will talk about how to continue
growing as a chess player, and where to look to keep learning. We
encourage readers to join the chess community and become a lifelong
player of the game of Chess.

CHESS OPENINGS: For beginners analyzes some of the most popular

openings in Chess. For white, we will focus on the Italian Game, King's
Gambit, Queen's Gambit, the Ruy Lopez and the English. These openings
all focus on strong middle control and offer flexibility in terms of their
gameplay and position. Notably, there are both open and closed
possibilities as well as one flank strategy. For the black pieces, we will
focus on the ever-popular Sicilian Defense and several of its many
variations. Additionally, we will cover the French Defense, Slav Defense,
Caro-Cann Defense and Petrov's Defense. Each of these positions gives
black solid chances for counter-play while sticking to the core principles we
want to focus on: controlling the center and developing quickly. We will
examine a few variations on each line as well as noteworthy transpositions
along the way. Finally, we will show how the lines can develop in the
midgame with a couple noteworthy examples.

Introduction to key concepts such as control of the center, pawn
structure, open vs. closed positions, tactics, development, king
safety, and transposition.
Move by move explanations for some of the most popular
openings in the game
Italian Game, King's Gambit, Queen's Gambit, the Ruy Lopez,
and the English for white.
The Sicilian Defense, French Defense, Slav Defense, Caro-Cann
Defense and Petrov's Defense for Black.
Several variations are covered and discussed for each mainline
How to evaluate a position objectively
What to look for when determining your opponent's plan
How to create a strong plan for your own

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