Physics Sample Questions For New Curriculum Paper 1 and 2

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Paper 1
Sample paper 2021
2 hours


Uganda Certificate of Lower Secondary Education

Paper 1
2 hours 30 minutes

CANDIDATE NAME: __________________________________________________

CANDIDATE NUMBER: ________________________________________________
CENTRE NUMBER: ___________________________________________________


Do not write in the boxes on this page. The examiner will use them to keep a record of your

Qn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total

Max marks 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 40

Actual marks

Qn 11 12 13 14 15 16 Total

Max marks 15 15 15 15 15 15 60

Actual marks


i. This paper consists of two sections; Section A and Section B.

ii. Section A consists of 12 structured questions. Attempt all questions in this section by
filling the answers in the spaces provided.
iii. Section B consists of six extended short essay questions. Attempt any four questions from
this section. Answers to questions in this section must be written on separate booklets
provided. All questions in this section carry equal mar

Section A (40 mks)

1. A heap of weed of mass 3 tonnes is moving towards the turbines at the Jinja power station. A
group of engineers needs to use a machine operating at 20 kW for five minutes, to remove the
weed from the river as shown in Figure and place it at the bank, which is 15 m above the river.

Figure 1
i. Determine the efficiency of the machine. (3 marks)
ii. Comment on the efficiency of the machine. (1 mark)
2. On a hot day, a student dropped three ice cubes at -6 oC in a jug of water at room temperature.
If the final temperature of the mixture after all the ice has melted was 16 oC,
i. Sketch a temperature-time graph for the ice. (1 mark)

ii. Describe the key features of your graph in (i) above. (3marks)
3. A car of mass 1200 kg travelling at 15 m s–1 comes to rest over a distance of 30 m. Find;
i. The average retardation
(2 marks)
ii. The average breaking force. (2 marks)
4. During a thunderstorm, a certain farmer’s cow that was sheltering under a tall tree was
struck by lightning and it fell dead as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2
His village mates attributed this incidence to witchcraft. As a Physics student, explain to the
villagers how lightning is caused and that the incident was not induced by witchcraft.

(4 marks)
5. A geostationary satellite is used by a certain commercial company to relay Premier League
matches around the globe. If the altitude of a circular geostationary orbit is 35,800 km and the
radius of the earth is 6,400 km,
i. Determine the distance moved by the satellite during one complete revolution.
(2 marks)
ii. Find the speed of the satellite in its orbit. (2 marks)
6. A ship sends an ultrasonic sound wave to the seabed to determine the depth of the sea. The
echo of the ultrasonic sound wave is received after 1.2 ms.
i. What is the name of the phenomenon being applied in this case? (1 mark)
ii. If the speed of ultrasonic sound waves in sea water is 2 ×106 m s–1, what is the depth of
the sea?(3 marks)
7. A head teacher instructed the school carpenter to make a notice board of dimensions 1.5 m by
0.5 m. If each notice is written on a piece of paper of dimensions 21 cm by 30 cm, what is the
maximum number of notices that can be put on the notice board at any one time?
(4 marks)
8. Kato is a committed tailor. When she has pressure from her customers, she makes clothes
very fast, but when there is less pressure from the customers, she makes the clothes slowly. It
is noticed that when she presses on the pedal once, the needle prints five times and the
distance between successive prints is 1 cm. For her to make a hem of a skirt, she presses on
the pedal after every 2 s, 20 times. Determine;
i. The length of the hem. (2 marks)
ii. The time taken to complete the hem. (2 marks)
9. A plumber noticed that the bath in Etomet’s home was not functioning satisfactorily because
the water pressure at the showerhead shown in Figure 4was too low.

Figure 4
Taking density of water = 1000 kgm–3, g= 10 N kg–1,
a) What is the water pressure at the showerhead? (2 mks)
b) What must the plumber do to increase the water pressure at the showerhead to
15,000 Pa? (2mks)
10. On a certain sunny day, a taxi driver saw a pool of water ahead on a tarmac road as he was
driving as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5
To his surprise, the pool disappears as he approaches it. With the aid of an appropriate ray
diagram, explain the taxi driver’s surprise. (4mks)

Section B

11. (a) Kalindi was puzzled that the shallow end of the swimming pool at his school appeared to
be about 1.5 m deep when in the actual sense it was 2.0 m.
i. Use a ray diagram to illustrate Kalindi’s puzzle.
(4 marks)
ii. Use your ray diagram above to explain to Kalindi why the swimming pool appeared
shallower than it actually is. (4 marks)
(b) A barber was given a curved mirror of focal length 30 cm so that he could use it as a
shaving mirror in his salon.

i. Identify the type of curved mirror given to the barber. (1 mark)

ii. Use a ray diagram to illustrate the use of the selected curved mirror as a shaving
mirror. (4 marks)
iii. What are the properties of the image formed above? (2 marks)

12. One of the most important components of our solar system is the sun. Another important
component of our solar systems are the big masses called planets.
(a) Name all the planets found in our solar system. (4 marks)
(b) i. Identify the planet that sustains life in our solar system. (1 mark)
ii. How are the times and seasons of the year explained on the planet mentioned in (b) (i)
above? (5 marks)

(c) Explain the statement that “the sun has a life cycle”. (5 marks)

13. (a) Using a diagram, describe an experiment, which can help you to categorize the following
materials as electric conductors or insulators: copper, wood, plastic, iron, aluminium,
graphite, rubber, cardboard, glass, wool. (5marks)

(b) Four similar bulbs, P, Q, R and S are connected in a circuit as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: An electric circuit

(i) Which bulb(s) will light the brightest? (1mark)

(ii) If ammeter A1 reads 1.5 A and ammeter A2 reads 2.0 A, what is the reading on ammeter
A3? Explain your answer. (2marks)

(c) Explain why domestic appliances are arranged in parallel. (2marks)

(d) Calculate the total resistance when three resistors of values 2, 5  and 10  are
connected in
(i) Series. (2marks)
(ii) Parallel and comment on your answer. (3marks)

14. Figure 7 shows the arrangement of apparatus by a learner to investigate the relationship
between the mass of lead shots, m, and the immersion depth, h, of the cylinder. The learner
placed different masses of lead shots in the cylinder and measured the corresponding
immersion depths. A graph of immersion depth, h, against mass of lead shots, m, was then
drawn as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 7

Figure 8

(a) Based on the graph in Figure 8,

(i) state the relationship between m and h. (2 marks)
(ii) what is the value of h, if the cylindrical container is empty? (2 marks)
(iii) calculate the gradient of the graph. (4marks)

(b) (i) Using the value of the gradient of the graph obtained in (a)(iii) and the relationship,
, where A is the cross-sectional area of the cylindrical container, in cm 2,
calculate the value of A.
(2 marks)
(ii) Find the volume of the water displaced when 50 g of the lead slots are added into the
cylinder. (3 marks)

(c) Identify one principle in Physics connected with this experiment. (1 mark)

(d) State one precaution to be taken when conducting this experiment. (1 mark)

15. (a) In order to construct a p-type semiconductor or n-type semiconductor, a doping process is
performed on a pure silicon crystal. When a p-type semiconductor is combined with an n-type
semiconductor, a diode is formed which acts as a rectifier.
(i) What do you understand by the term “doping”? (1 mark)
(ii) Explain how a p-type semiconductor material is made. (2 marks)

(b) (i) Draw a circuit diagram showing the arrangement of four diodes used as a full-wave
rectifier. (2 marks)

(ii) Explain how the full-wave rectifier works and sketch the output wave. (5 marks)

(c) The combination of logic gates in Figure 9is suggested for use in a certain logic system.

Figure 9
(i) Name the logic gate K. (1 mark)
(ii) Construct the truth table to determine output X. (4 marks)

16. (a) Heat generated in the car engine has to be removed, effectively using a liquid in the car
cooling system to avoid overheating. Table 1 shows the characteristics of some of the liquids
used in the cooling system.
Table 1

(i) What is the important of a cooling system in a car? (2 marks)
(ii) With reference to Table 1, which liquid is most suitable to be used in the cooling
system? Justify your choice. (5 marks)

(b) Figure 10 shows a graph of temperature plotted against time for 0.8 kg of a pure
substance, which is being heated at a constant rate over the range from –20 °C to 60 °C.

Figure 10

The specific heat capacity of the substance is known to be 1000 J kg –1 °C–1 when it is in the
liquid state. Assume no heat is lost from the apparatus and the heat capacity of the vessel is

(i) Using the kinetic theory of matter, explain why there is no increase in temperature in
the region QR even though the substance is heated. (2 marks)
(ii) Calculate the specific latent heat of fusion of the substance. (6 marks)



The mark scheme for each question shows:
 the marks available for each part of the question
 the total marks available for the question
 the typical response or responses which are expected
 extra information to help the examiner make his or her judgment and help to delineate what
is acceptable or not worthy of credit or, in extended responses, to give an overview of the
area in which a mark or marks may be awarded.
The extra information is aligned to the appropriate answer in the left-hand part of the mark
scheme and should only be applied to that item in the mark scheme. Note the following:

 In a list of acceptable answers where more than one mark is available, ‘any two from’ is
used, with the number of marks emboldened.
 The phonetic spelling of correct scientific terminology should be credited unless there is a
possible confusion with another technical term.
 Ignore / Insufficient / Do not allow: “Ignore” or “insufficient” are used when the information
given is irrelevant to the question or not enough to gain the marking point. Any further
correct amplification could gain the marking point. “Do not allow” means that this is a
wrong answer which, even if the correct answer is given as well, will still mean that the
mark is not awarded.
 For numerical items, award the marks even if the unit is not provided, unless the item so
 In a competence-based assessment, half a score is not awarded. It’s either a score for
a competence exhibited or no score for no competence exhibited.

Section A

Item Responses Scoring criteria

1. i. - Mass, m = 30 tonnes = 30,000 kg, - Award 1 if all quantities are
- machine power, P = 20 kW =20,000 W, expressed in their correct SI
- time, t = 5 min = 300 s, units.
- height, h = 15 m. - Award 1 for correct
- Work output, Wo = mgh = 30,000x10x15 = substitution in the
4,500,000 J. expression for calculating
- Work input, Wi = Pt = 20,000x300 = 6,000,000 J. efficiency.
- . - Award 1 for the correct
answer even without
ii. Since the efficiency is less than 100%, some input - Award 1 if mention is made
energy is being wasted to perform work against of energy wastage by the
friction instead of overcoming the load. machine.
2. i. - Award 1 mark if shape of
graph is correct and the
vertical axis is correctly

ii. - Between A and B, the temperature of ice is rising - Award 1 mark for correct
because it is gaining specific heat capacity of ice description of each feature
from the water in the jug. of the graph to make a total
- Between B and C, the ice is melting at constant of 3 marks
temperature by gaining latent heat of fusion from
the water in the jug.
- Between C and D, the temperature of the molten
ice is rising because it is gaining specific heat
capacity of water from the water in the jug to raise
its temperature to 16 oC.
3. i. From - Award 1mark for correct
m s-2 (negative sign formula.
- Award 1 mark for correct
implies retardation) retardation
ii. - From F = ma = 1200 x -3.75 = -4,500 N. - Award 1 mark for correct
- Award 1 mark for correct
retarding force.
4. - During a thunderstorm, the random movement of - Award 1 mark if the learner
clouds causes them to rub against each other. explains that the clouds get
Hence, they acquire electric charges by friction. charged by friction.
- The positive hydrogen ions rise higher to the sky
due to their less weight while the negative - Award 1 mark if the learner
hydroxyl ions remain attached to the lower identifies the lower clouds
clouds. to acquire negative charge.
- When the negatively charged clouds collide, they - Award 1 mark if the learner
produce sparks by releasing high electron explains how the high
currents, which find their way to the earth electron current is
through high points on the earth’s surface. produced.
- Hence, if the cow is sheltering under a tall tree, the - Award 1 mark if the learner
tree provides a short route for the electrons to the can identify a tall tree as a
earth. The high electron currents will therefore sharp point through which
pass through the cow, killing it instantly. the discharged high
electron current flows to
the earth, causing the death
of the cow.

5. i. - Altitude, h = 35,800 km - Award 1 mark if the radius

- Radius of earth, R = 6,400 km of the satellite is correctly
- Radius of orbit, r = h+R = 35,800 + 6,400 = 42,200 identified.
km - Award 1 mark if the
- Distance moved, d = 2πr = 2x3.14x42,200 = circumference of the orbit
265,016 km is correctly calculated.
ii. - Period of satellite, T = 24 h - Award 1 mark if the learner
- Speed, km h-1 correctly identifies the
period of the satellite as 24
- Award 1 mark if the speed
of the satellite is correctly
computed, including the
correct unit.
6. i - Reflection of sound waves - Award 1 mark for correctly
identifying the
ii - From 2d = vt - Award 1 mark for correct
- km. formula.
- Award 1 mark for correctly
calculated depth of sea.
7. - Area of notice board, A1 = lw = 1.5 x 0.5 = 0.75 m2. - Award 1 mark for correctly
- Area of paper, A2 = lw = 0.21 x 0.30 = 0.063 m2. calculated area of notice
- Ratio = board.
- Award 1 mark for correctly
- Number of paper that can fit in the notice board = calculated area of paper.
11 - Award 1 mark for correctly
calculated ratio.
- Award 1 mark for correctly
identifying that only 11
pieces of paper can fit in
the notice board.
8. i. - Length covered in each pedal = 4 x 1 = 4 cm - Award 1 mark for correctly
- Length of hem = 4 x 20 = 80 cm calculated length for each
- Award 1 mark for correctly
calculated length of hem
ii. - Time between successive pedals = 2 s. - Award 1 mark identifying
- Time to complete the hem = 2 x 20 = 40 s that there are 20 steps of
length each taking 2 s.
- Award 1 mark for correctly
calculating the length of the
9. i. - h = 0.6 m, ρ = 1000 kg m-3, g = 10 m s-2. - Award 1 mark for correct
- Water pressure, P = hρg = 0.6 x 1000 x 10 = 6,000 formula and correct
Pa substitution into the formula.
- Award 1 mark for correctly
calculated showerhead
ii. - m - Award 1 mark for correctly
calculated new required
- The water head should be raised by; 1.5 – 0.6 = 0.9 height of water head.
m. - Award 1 mark for correctly
identifying that the water
head should be raised by
0.9 m.
10. - Award 1 mark for correct

- Award 1 mark for correct

description of the densities
of the different layers of air
above the earth and the
effect of this to the
propagation of a ray.
- The different layers of air above the earth’s
surface have varying densities, which increase - Award 1 mark for stating
with height above the earth. Therefore, as a ray of that the pool of water
light travels from a point in the sky, it is observed is the image of
continually refracted away from the normal, the sky.
making it to gradually bend upwards.
- Since the tarmac road acts as a reflecting surface, - Award 1 mark for stating
the driver sees the image of the sky in the tarmac that the pool water
road. disappears because the
- When the rays that undergo total internal rays that were undergoing
reflection do not reach the driver’s eyes, the pool total internal reflection are
of water (image of the sky) disappears. no longer reaching the eyes
of the driver.
11. a. i. - Award 1 mark for a ray
from the actual bottom, O,
of the pool to the
observer. The ray must be
refracted at N away from
the normal.
- Award 1 mark for correct
extrapolation of IN to
meet the normal OM.
- Award 1 mark for correct
identification of IM as
apparent depth of pool.
- Award 1 mark for correct
identification of OM as
real depth of pool.
ii. - A ray, ON, from the bottom of the pool is refracted - Award 1 mark for correct
away from the normal at N as it travels to the drawing of the ray from
observer’s eye because air is optically less dense point O to the eye.
than water. - Award 1 mark for correct
- To the observer, the ray at N appears to come from extrapolation of the line
I, the apparent position of the bottom of the pool. NI. I should be vertically
- Therefore, to the observer, the depth of the pool is above O.
IM when in the actual sense the depth of the pool is - Award 1 mark for
OM. correctly identifying IM
- The observer therefore sees the pool shallower and OM as apparent depth
than it actually is. and real depth of the
swimming pool.
- Award 1 mark for clear
b. i. - Concave mirror - Award 1 mark for correctly
identifying the type of
curved mirror.

ii. Award 1 mk for position of
object between F and P
Award 1 mk for upright
magnified image
Award 1 mk for two rays
with arrows
Award 1 mk for positions of
C, F and P.
iii. - It is magnified. - Award 1 mark each for
- It is upright. any two properties
- It is virtual. mentioned to make a total
score of 2 marks.
12, a. - Inner planets; Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars - Award 1 mark for correct
- Outer planets; Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus mention of any planet in
our solar system.
However, a maximum of
2marks should be
awarded for two inner
planets and likewise a
maximum of 2 marks for 2
outer planets.
b. i. - Planet Earth - Award 1 mark for
correctly mentioning
planet earth.
ii. - Time is explained on planet earth by its rotation - Award 1 mark for
about its axis and its revolution around the Sun. correctly mentioning
- The rotation of the earth about its axis and its rotation and revolution of
revolution about the Sun define time in terms of its the earth.
different units. - Award 1 mark for
- The seasons of the earth are explained in terms of correctly explaining
the tilt of the earth. determinants of time.
- As the earth rotates about its axis, the tilt causes - Award 1 mark for
the overhead position of the Sun to move gradually correctly mentioning
from the tropic of capricon to the tropic of cancer relation between the tilt
and vice versa. and seasons on earth.
- This movement of the overhead Sun results in the - Award 1 mark for
different seasons of the earth. correctly identifying
changes in the overhead
position of the Sun on
- Award 1 mark for
correctly linking the
changes in the overhead
position of the Sun
resulting in the different
seasons on earth.
c. - The Sun is a star, usually born out of a stellar - Award 1 mark for
nebula (a massive collection of dust particles in the identifying that the sun
universe). originates from stellar
- After acquiring a critical mass and sufficient nebula
gravity, it develops into a massive star by nuclear - Award 1 mark for stating
reactions of the constituent gasses. that the sun develops into
- After many years of nuclear radiations and a massive star by nuclear
emissions, the massive star will explode into a reactions
super red giant when the gravitational force can no - Award 1 mark for
longer hold the particles together. identifying that the
- The super red giant will undergo further explosion massive star explodes into
into a supernova, with a very bright central part. a super red giant because
- Finally, the supernova will end up into either a gravitational force is no
neutral star or a black hole, which will be the last longer sufficient to hold
stages in the life cycle of the Sun. the particles together
- Award 1 mark for
mentioning that the super
red giant will undergo
further explosion into a
- Award 1 mark for
stating that the supernova
will end up into either a
neutral star or a black hole,
13. a. - Award 1 mark for correct
circuit diagram.

The circuit above is connected with switch K open. - Award 1 mark for correct
The copper material is connected across XY and then explanation of the use of
the switch K is closed. The bulb B will be seen to the gap XY.
light. Open switch K and remove the copper material - Award 1 mark for the
from the gap XY. Repeat the procedure for the rest of correct description of the
the materials and observe whether the bulb lights or use of the switch K.
not. Materials for which the bulb lights are - Award 1 mark for the
conductors while those for which the bulb does not correct explanation of the
light are insulators. use of the bulb in the
- Award 1 mark for the
correct deductions made.
b. i. - Bulb R will light the brightest. - Award 1 mark for correctly
identifying R
ii. - Reading of A3 = 1.5 + 2.0 = 3.5 A - Award 1 mark for correct
- The effective current in a parallel connection is the reading of A3
algebraic sum of the currents in the different - Award 1 mark for
branches of the circuit. identifying that the
effective resistance in
series is obtained by
c. - Domestic appliance are arranged in parallel so that - Award 1 mark for mention
their effective resistance is low and a failure of of low effective resistance.
current flow in one branch will not affect the other - Award 1 mark for mention
branches. independence of the
different branches.
d. i. - Total resistance in series; R = R1 + R2 + R3 = 2 + 5 + - Award 1 mark for
10 expression of addition.
Therefore, R = 17 Ω - Award 1 mark for correct
value of R
ii. - Total resistance in parallel; - Award 1 mark for
expression of effective
- Therefore, implying that Ω - Award 1 mark for correct
value of R.
- The effective resistance is lower than any of the
- Award 1 mark for correct
resistors in the arrangement.
14. a. i. - h = a +bm, where a is a constant and b is the - Award 1 mark for correct
gradient of the graph. relation.
- Award 1 mark for explain
the terms a and b.
ii. - 2 cm when m = 0. - Award 1 mark for
correctly reading the
value of h.
- Award 1 mark for the
correct unit of h.
iii. - Gradient = cm g .
-1 - Award 1 mark for correct
expression for gradient.
- Award 1 mark for
correctly reading the
values used for gradient
- Award 1 mark for the
correct value of gradient.
- Award 1 mark for the
correct unit of gradient.
b. i. - cm .
2 - Award 1 for correct
substitution in the
expression for A.
- Award 1 mark for correct
value of A.
ii. - cm3. - Award 1 mark for correct
- Award 1 mark for correct
substitution in the
- Award 1 mark for correct
c. - Principle of floatation i.e. A floating body displaces - Award 1 mark for correct
its own weight of the fluid in which it is floating. statement of the principle
d. - Ensure that the cylinder is upright. - Award 1 mark for any one
- The water surface should be still (calm) of the precautions
correctly stated.
15. a. i. - Doping is the addition of impurities in a pure - Award 1 mark for correctly
semiconductor in order to improve on the electrical defining the term doping.
conductivity of the semiconductor.
ii. - A p-type semiconductor material is made by using - Award 1 mark for mention
a trivalent material. The three valence electrons of of use of a trivalent
the impurity material form covalent bonds with impurity.
three valence electrons of the semiconductor - Award 1 mark for
material. This exposes a positive charge in the correctly explaining the
semiconductor material. covalent bonding process.
b. i. - Award 1 mark for
correctly indicating the
terminals of the diodes in
the circuit.
- Award 1 mark for
correctly indicating the
input and output points
into the bridge circuit.

ii. - When P is at higher electric potential relative to R, - Award 1 mark for correct
diode D1 is forward biased while D4 is reverse explanation of this step.
biased. Therefore, current flows through D1 to Q.
- At Q, diode D2 is reverse biased. Therefore, current - Award 1 mark for correct
flows through the load to point S. explanation of this step.
- At S, both D3 and D4 are forward biased, however
current cannot flow through D4 because point P is - Award 1 mark for correct
at a higher electric potential. Therefore, current explanation of this step.
flows through diode D3 to point R.
- Although D2 is forward biased, current cannot flow
from R to Q because Q is at a higher electric - Award 1 mark for correct
potential. Therefore, from R current flows to N to explanation of this step.
complete the circuit.
- The reverse is true when R is at a higher electric
potential relative to P.
- Award 1 mark for correct
diagram of the full-wave

c. i. - K is a NAND gate - Award 1 mark for correct

identification of gate K.
ii. - Award 1 mark for
correctly completing each
of the last four columns.
Total mark is 4.

Truth table
16. a. i. - To remove excess heat from the engine. This - Award 1 mark for removal
prevents expansion of the moving parts of the of excess heat from the
engine, which could lead to an engine knock. engine.
- Award 1 mark for
prevention of expansion
of engine parts
ii. - Liquid K. - Award 1 mark for correct
- The SHC of liquid K is big implying that it can identification of liquid K.
absorb a lot of heat before its temperature rises by - Award 1 mark for correct
1oC. justification of SHC.
- Its freezing point is low implying it cannot easily - Award 1 mark for correct
solidify, thus allowing for the liquid to flow in the justification of freezing
cooling system even at low temperatures. point.
- Its melting point is high implying that it cannot - Award 1 mark for correct
easily evaporate. Therefore, there will always be a justification of melting
liquid in the cooling system to remove heat from point.
the engine. - Award 1 mark for correct
- It has a low rusting rate on metals therefore it does justification of low rusting
not contribute to wearing of the engine parts. rate.
b. i. - In region QR, the substance is undergoing a change - Award 1 mark for
of state from solid to liquid at constant temperature. identifying that QR involves
- The heat supplied is used to break the a change of state.
intermolecular forces that hold the solid particles - Award 1 mark for correct
strongly together so that the particles can move explanation of the use of
more freely in the liquid state. latent heat during melting.
ii. - Heat supplied to liquid = mc( ) = 0.8 x 1000 - Award 1 mark for correct
x (60 - 40) = 16,000 J. formula.
- Award 1 mark for
- Rate of heat supply = W correctly calculating the
heat supplied
- Award 1 mark for correct
- Heat supplied during melting = 40 x 600 = 2,400 J.
power of heating.
- Award 1 mark for correct
calculating the amount of
- Specific latent heat of fusion heat supplied during
J kg-1. melting
- Award 1 mark for correct
formula for specific latent
heat of fusion.
- Award1 mark for correct
calculation of specific
latent heat of fusion.


Paper 2
Sample paper 2021
2 hours


Uganda Certificate of Lower Secondary Education

Paper 2 (Practical Paper)
2 hours 15 minutes

CANDIDATE NAME: __________________________________________________

CANDIDATE NUMBER: ________________________________________________
CENTRE NUMBER: ___________________________________________________


Do not write in the boxes on this page. The examiner will use them to keep a record of your
Qn 1 2 3

Max marks

Actual marks

Time: 2hours 15 minutes

a. This paper consists of three questions. Attempt two questions

b. Question 1 is compulsory.
c. Answers to questions in this paper must be written on separate
booklets provided. All questions carry equal marks.
d. Candidates are advised to spend part of the time planning their
investigations for better scores.

1. It is desired that you determine the mass of a load, X, using the experimental
setup shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

(a) It is required that the load, X, should be fixed at the 90.0 cm mark of the
metre rule and that the metre rule should balance horizontally by pivoting it at
the 50.0 cm mark. Given a mass, m = 40 g, determine the distance d. Repeat the
procedure for mass, m = 50, 60, 70 and 80 g and record your results in a
suitable table, including values of .
(b) From the experiment described above, identify:
(i) The independent variable.
(ii) The dependent variable.
(iii) The constant variable.
(c) Plot a graph of m against and determine its slope, s.
(d) Determine the mass µ, of the load X from the expression; .
(e) (i) Comment on the constant value of 40 used in the expression for .
(ii) State the principle used in this experiment.
2. A heater coil is connected in series with a light bulb and a battery as shown in
Figure 2. The coil is fully immersed in a beaker of water.

Figure 2
It is observed that the brightness of the lamp progressively decreases as the
water is being heated. Based on the above information;
a) Suggest a suitable title for this experiment.
b) State one suitable hypothesis that could be investigated.

c) With the apparatus provided, connect the experimental arrangement
shown in Figure 2. Stir steadily to ensure uniform temperature
distribution in the water.
d) For the reading, θ, of the thermometer equal to 30 oC, read and record the
voltmeter reading, V, and the ammeter reading, I.
e) Repeat procedure (d) for θ = 35, 40, 50, 60 and 70 oC.
f) Tabulate your results and include values of .
g) From the experiment you have just carried out, state;
i. The aim of the experiment.
ii. The variables (independent, dependent and fixed) in the
h) Plot a graph of θ against .
i) From the graph,
i. Explain the physical meaning of the ratio .
ii. Comment on the relationship between θ and .
3. Concave mirrors are widely used in optical systems. However, it is necessary to
determine focal length f, of a concave mirror before its use.
a) A concave mirror is placed in a holder and used to focus light from a window onto
a screen. The screen is adjusted until a sharp image is formed on it.
i. Measure and record the distance y, between the screen and mirror.
ii. Explain the meaning of distance y
b) Arrange the mirror, mounted bulb and screen as shown in Figure 3. Adjust the
distance U to 45cm and obtain an image on the screen. Adjust the screen until a
sharp image of the object is obtained on the screen.

i. Measure and record the distance V.
ii. Repeat the procedure for distance, U = 40, 35, 30, 25 and 20 cm.
iii. Record your results in a suitable table, including values of ( )
c) From the experiment described above identify; the
i. the independent variable
ii. the dependent variable
iii. the constant variable.
d) i. Plot a graph of UV against ( ) and determine its slope, s.
ii.Comment on the values of the slope s and y.

e) What are the likely sources of error in this investigation?


5.4 Physics Marking guide for Paper 2 (practical paper)

Question Response Scoring guide

1 a  5 d values in cm (<50), recorded to 1 dp or Score 1 mark for the unit of d
3 s.f (i.e 30.0, 24.0, 20.0, 17.1, 15.0)±1.0 cm Score 1 mark each for the values of d
 1/d values correct to 2s.f if d<50 and decreasing
Score 1 mark for the unit of 1/d
Score 1 mark for each value of 1/d
correct to 3 s.f
Maximum= 12 mks
b  Independent variable is mass m Score 1 mark each for correctly
 Dependent variable is distance d identifying the variables
 Constant variable is moment of the load X Maximum = 3 marks
c Graph: Score 1 mark for each axis labeled
 axes labeled with quantity and unit with units
 scales suitable, plots occupying at least half Score 1 mark for each correct
grid (usable) scale for each axis
 plots all correct to ½ square (take centre of Score 1 mark for each correctly
plot if large) plotted point
 well-judged thin line (≤ ½ square) Score 1 mark for a well- judged line of
triangle method used and shown (any fit
indication on graph) using at least half line Score 1 mark for the indication of
(can be seen in calculation) triangle for obtaining the slope
Score 1 mark for substituting the
right values for obtaining the slope
Score 1 mark for the value of the
Score 1 mark for the unit of the slope
Maximum = 14mks
d µ = 27 – 33 (g) to 2 or 3 significant figures Score 1 mark for proper substitution
in expression
Score 1 mark for the value of µ
Score 1 mark for correct unit of µ
Maximum = 3mks
e - The constant value of 40 is the distance Score 1 mark for correctly identifying
from the load X to the pivot. the constant 40/
- The principle used in the experiment
states that when a body is in equilibrium, Score 1 mark for correctly stating the
the sum of the clockwise moments acting principle used in the experiment
on it will be equal to the sum of the Maximum = 2 marks
anticlockwise moments acting on it
f Any one difficulty and solution from the Score 1 mark for any one identified
following difficulty
Score 1 mark if the identified
Difficulty Solution difficulty is provided with a relevant
rule won’t balance allowing to tip one solution
exactly way then the other Maximum= 2 marks
and take average
finding position of marking centre of
centre of the mass so it can be
mass on the rule read against rule
OR take average of
right hand and left
hand readings for
mass position
mass slides on the suitable means for
ruler preventing mass
2 a  Investigating the effect of temperature on Score 1 mark for correct title of the
the resistance of a conductor experiment.
Maximum = 1 mark
b  Increase in temperature increases the Score 1 mark for correct hypothesis
resistance of a conductor for the experiment.
Maximum = 1 mark
f  Columnar table with labels of θ(oC), V(V), Score 1 mark each for the correct
I(A) and (Ω) label and unit of the columns of
table of results.
 Values of V recorded to 2d.p, increasing.
Score 1 mark for each value of V
 Values of I recorded to 1d.p, decreasing.
 Values of to 2d.p, increasing. correctly recorded
Score 1 mark for each value of I
correctly recorded
Score 1 mark for each value of
correctly recorded
Maximum = 19 marks
g (i) To investigate the effect of temperature Score 1 mark for correct title.
on the resistance of a conductor. Score 1 mark for each variable
(ii) Independent variable – Temperature; correctly stated
Dependent variable – Current and Maximum = 4 marks
Constant variable – emf of the cell.

h  Title of graph; A graph of θ against . Score 1 mark for correct title of

 Vertical axis labeled θ (oC) and horizontal
Score 1 mark for each point correctly
axis labeled (Ω). plotted on the graph
 Correctly plotted points and indication of Score 1 mk for correctly indicating
line of best fit line of best fit
Maximum = 7 marks
i (i) is the resistance of the heating Score 1 mark for correctly
element. interpreting the meaning of .
(ii) As values of θ increases, the value of
Score 1 mark for correctly stating the
also increases.
relation between θ and .
Maximum = 2 marks
3 a (i) The value of y in cm Score 1 mark for the value of y if units
are stated. Reject if unit is missing
(ii) This is approximately the focal length of Score 1 mark for the meaning and 1
the mirror. The point of the sharpest mark for the interpretation
image is the principal focus
b  Columnar table with labels of U(cm), Score 1 mark each for the correct
V(cm), (U+V)(cm) and UV(cm2) label and unit of the columns of
 Values of V recorded to 1d.p, decreasing. table of results.
 Values of U+V recorded to 1d.p, Score 1 mark for each value of V
decreasing. correctly recorded
 Values of UV to 1d.p, decreasing. Score 1 mark for each value of U+V
correctly recorded
Score 1 mark for each value of UV
correctly recorded
c (i) Independent variable – object distance U Score 1 mark for correct
(ii) Dependent variable – image distance V Score 1 mark for correct

(iii) Constant variable – focal length Score 1 mark for correct
d  Title of graph; A graph of UV against Score 1 mark for correct title of
(U+V) graph.
 Vertical axis labeled UV (cm2) and score 1 mark each foe correct labeling
horizontal axis labeled (U+V) (cm) of axes
 Correctly plotted points Score 1 mark for each point correctly
 indication of line of best fit plotted on the graph
 correctly indicating the triangle for Score 1 mark for correctly indicating
calculating the slope line of best fit
Score 1 mark for the indication of
triangle for obtaining the slope
Score 1 mark for substituting the
right values for obtaining the slope
Score 1 mark for the value of the
Score 1 mark for the unit of the slope
(ii) The slope is equal /approximately Score 1 mark for proper statement
equal to y. Hence the slope is the focal Score 1mark for the comparison
length of the mirror
e  Poor/inappropriate positioning of object Score 1 mark each for the possible
 Inability to locate sharp image sources of errors up to a maximum
of any two.



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