Present Continuous Explanation

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Present Simple

Present Continuous: When to use it


Now The baby is sleeping.

It’s raining outside.

Can be used with: now, at the moment / at this moment.

Around now He is writing a book.

He is working on a project.

Temporary We are staying at a hotel.

I am living in London.

Used with: at the moment, for a few weeks, for a couple

of months, etc.

Trend / Temporary New The prices of houses are increasing.

Habits People are wearing white this summer season.
He’s eating a lot these days.
She’s swimming every morning (she didn’t use to do this).

Used with: at the moment, these days, etc.

Repeated Action They are always making noise.

You’re forever losing your keys!
(usually negative / She’s constantly missing the train!
annoying habit) Lucy is always smiling.

Used with: always, never, constantly.


Future Timetables / She’s flying to Mexico next week.

Schedules I’m meeting my father tomorrow.

Use with: tomorrow, later, at 7pm tonight, on Tuesday.

Present Continuous: When not to use

I am living in Canada.
I am working at ABC company.
Stative Verb I am understanding English. (mental stative verb)
We are liking this show. (emotional stative verb)
a verb that described
They are having a car. (possessive stative verb)
a state of being or
perception. Are you needing help? (emotional stative verb)

* Stative verbs can refer to mental states e.g., believe, or emotional states e.g.,
dislike, as well a physical states or qualities e.g., contain. A dynamic verb describes
an action.

Present Continuous: How to use it

Subject + to be + verb + ing

I am working

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I am Am I

You you
We are Are we
They not they
working working

He he
She is Is she
It it

Question Words

Where are you working How are you working?

What are you working on? How much are you working?
Who are you working with? How many people are you working with?
When are you working? How often are you working?
Why are you working?
Present Continuous: Contractions

Affirmative Negative

I am I’m I am not I’m not

You are You’re You are not You’re not

He is He’s He is not He’s not

She is She’s learning She is not She’s not watching

It is It’s It is not It’s not

We are We’re We are not We’re not

They are They’re They are not They’re not

Present Continuous: Spelling

Verbs Changes Spelling

eat > eating

most verbs add -ing
walk > walking

use > using

verbs ending in e drop -e
take > taking

drop -e lie > lying

verbs ending in ie
add -y tie > tying

clap > clapping

verbs ending in c, v, c double the last letter
sit > sitting
Present Continuous: Short Answers

When someone asks you a question, there is no reason to repeat the whole
question when answering.

Formula: yes / no + pronoun + do / does

Is he working late?
Yes, he is. (no contraction)
No, he isn’t. (contraction of is not)

If a question starts with is then your answer will include is or isn’t at the end,
depending on whether your answer is a positive or a negative one.
*There is no way to shorten the affirmative answer.

Are they going to the meeting?

Yes, they are. (no contraction)
No, they aren’t. (contraction of do not)

Are you studying?

Yes, I am. (no contraction)
No, I’m not. (contraction of do not)

*Are you is the exception in that you don’t add it to the answer.

Present Simple: Common Errors

My brother watching the news John not helping

My brother is watching the news John is not helping / John isn’t
to be’ is helping
missing She going?
Is She she going?

to be' is Bob and Maria is driving home. He ain’t studying

incorrect Bob and Mare is are driving home. He ain’t isn’t studying.

Verb is She is do her homework. The game is start now.

incorrect She is do doing her homework. The game is start starting now.

She’s lieing / siting / writeing. Were going to the mall.

She’s lying / sitting / writing. We’re going to the mall.

I am needing some water. I am want to visit Hawaii.

Stative verb I am needing need some water. I am wanting want to visit Hawaii.

We are manufacturing cars. We manufacture cars.

Present Continuous: Practice

1. I go I __________.
Affirmative 2. We wait We __________.
3. They play They __________.

4. She’s calling She’s __________.

Negative 5. We’re cooking We’re __________.
6. I’m reading I’m __________.

7. They are buying a new car.


8. She is doing her homework.


9. We are leaving at 8:00 pm.


Present Continuous: Review

You know the present simple tense when you know when to use it and how to
use. You know how to use it when you can make an affirmative sentence, a
negative sentence and an interrogative sentence.


David is making coffee.

David is not making coffee.
Is David making coffee.

Present Continuous: Exercises

1. Mary __________ to some customers.

is talking
are talking

2. Why are you __________ the car?

3. Peter’s flight __________ right now.
taking off
is taking off
take off

4. I am very thirsty. I __________ some water, please.

am needing
are needing

5. We __________ London this year.

ar’ent visiting
are’nt visiting
aren’t visiting

6. They’re __________ a lot of noise tonight.


7. Which __________?
he is cooking
is he cooking
he cooking

8. Are they __________ arriving today?

Yes, they is.
Yes, they’re.
Yes, they are.

9. Which is correct?
He’s coming home at 8:00 pm.
He coming home at 8:00 pm.
He come home at 8:00 pm.

10. She’s __________ her shoelaces.


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