1983 Fire Tech Pool Fires

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Estimating large pool fire burning rates

Article in Fire Technology · January 1983

DOI: 10.1007/BF02380810


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1 author:

Vytenis Babrauskas
Fire Science and Technology Inc.


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Estimating Large Pool Fire
Burning Rates
Center for Fire Research
National Bureau of Standards

Data for estimating the burning rate and heat output of large pool
fires (diameter > 0.2 m) are compiled and computational equations
presented. Since a large scatter in the reported data is noted, atten-
tion is also focused on areas where further research is most needed i n
order to improve predictability.

p O OtoL aBwide
URNING is probably the simplest form of combustion applicable
range of industrial fireprotection concerns. Typically, this is
conceived of as a firein an open-topped, circular flammable liquid tank or as
a bounded spillof combustible liquid. More generally, both liquefied gases
and melting plastics materials, horizontally placed, conform to the same
pattern. Somewhat related, but computationally different are problems of
pools burning in enclosed spaces. The solutions of Reference 2 consider the
limit where the enclosure effects dominate the fire. Here we will only con-
sider "free" pools, not inside an enclosure nor in the vicinity of another fire.
The burning of pool fires presents a rich field for inquiry into flame
chemistry, radiation, fluidmechanics and other aspects. To a fireprotection
engineer, however, two questions are primary: H o w fast is the fireburning?
And, what is its temperature {or heat flux) distribution?
In this article an attempt is made to systematically summarize the
available information only to the first question. Furthermore, the fires of
greatest practical concern are the larger ones. A fire of 100 k W can be
typically produced by a fuel pool %0.2 m in diameter. As will be shown, such
a restriction to "large" pools simplifies the data analysis considerably.
252 Fire Technology
Thus, except where otherwise specified, all the discussion will pertain to
pools with D > 0.2 n~
HotteP 9 w~s probably the first to suggest how to systematically analyze
pool burning data according to basic heat transfer principles. By Conserva-
tion of energy for the liquid we have

= 0." + 0: - 0.: - 0=,.o (1)

where rh" is the mass loss rate per unit area (assumed identicalto the burn-
ing rate)in units of kilograms per square meter per second; hh, is the total
heat of gasification,i.e.,the heat to bring a liquid fuel at 298 K to its boiling
temperature and then to change it to vapor; ~," is the radiant flux absorbed
by the pool; ~" is the heat received convectively; ~ is the re-radiant heat
loss, due to the surface of the pool being at an elevated temperature; and
into ~",, are lumped wall conduction losses and non-steady terms. {Units for
allare given in Nomenclature.) Quantitative expressions for ~ , are usually
not available,while ~;; is usually small For simple analysis both are cus-
tomarily dropped. Hotters analysis of Blinov and Khudlakov's 8 data
showed two basic regimes are possible: radiatively dominated burning for
large D and convectively dominated burning for small D. Furthermore, in
the convective regime the flow can be either ]sminar or turbulent {being
always turbulent for radlativelydriven pools),while in the radiative regime
the flames can be optically thin or thick. These distinctions can, in the
simplest analysis, be made solely on the basis of pool diameter. Thus:

D(m) Burning Mode

< 0.05 convective, ]aminar
0.05 to 0.2 convective, turbulent
0.2 to 1.0 radiative, optically thin
> 1.0 radiative, optically thick

In the convective limit (small pools) then we would expect that

m" -__ ~,"IAh,. (2)

Behavior in the convective laminar mode has not been fully correlated
although Blinov8 and Corlett and Fu 9 indicatefunctionalrelationsof the form

m" = ,zD-" + b (3)

with y~ < n _ ~ For the convective turbulent mode, the rh" values are inde-
pendent of D and at theirlowest. DeRis and Orlof@ I have provided a dimen-
sioniess correlation,based on fuel thermochemical properties.
B u r n i n g Rate 253
In the radiative mode both the optically thick and thin regimes might be
modeled if we let

m , = aT}(1 -- e-~~ (4)

Here a is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant and Ah~ is easily determlnabld,

at least for pure liquids. Ts is an effective equivalent grey-gas flame temper-
ature. It should be related to the measured temperatures in the hottest
zone, but a predictive relationship is not available. The effective flame
volume emissivity is represented by (1 - e-~~ where k is the absorption-
extinction coefficient of the flame, D is pool diameter and ~ is a "mean-
beam-length corrector."
For most fuels,reliablemeasurements exist only for rh" as a function of
D and not for T~, k, or ~ separately. The data can be presented in predictive
form as

m| (1 -- e - ~ ~ (5)

This form was first recommended by Zabetakis and Burgess ~~ and re

quires determining two empirical factors: m|" and (k~),not separated into k
and ~. For a few fuels, independent measurements of Ts, k, and ~ are
reported. In those cases one could ex~mlne the quantity

9 /?
m| ~Jz~

which should go to 1.0. Instead values of 0.05 to 0.25 can be computed,

based on data in the table. This computation illustrates some pitfalls:
1. The assumption of grey-gas radiation, while fruitful as a functional
form for correlation, is too simplified when computed from fundamental
2. The flame volume should not, in fact, be represented as being at a
mixed mean temperature. The volume right above the pool surface, in fact,
contains mostly low-temperature pyrolysate gases.
If rh'=' has to be determined experimentally, instead of from theory, how
about ~? Can values of k measured through flames, in a laboratory fire, be
used with a fixed ~ to produce k~?. Polymethylmethacrylateis a material for
which adequate values of k~ and of k exist. 1~.26These imply ~ = 2.6. For
other fuels, the tabulated data range over 0.7 -_- ~ --- 3.8. This probably can
be attributed to widely differing measurement teclu~ques for k. Nonethe~
less, a common ~ does not emerge.
254 Fire Technology

0.200 I ] I I I




0.010 I I I I I
0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10 20

Figure 7. Gasoline pool burning rates.

0.200 I [ I I f




0.010 I I I I I
0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10 20

Figure 2. LNG pool burning rates.

Burning Rate 255
Experimental data a r e tabulated in the Appendix. From these data
points values of kB and rh~ were determined by using a nnmerical algorithm
for nonlinear curve-fitting. In each case, Equation (5) was used for fitting,
with the exception of the alcohols. For alcohols a functional form of

rh ~ = rh~, D > 0.2 m (6)

is appropriate. The results are listed in the table, along with values of some
relevant thermochemical properties, taken from Cragoe 1~and NFPA Fire
Protection Handbook. 2~ For illustration, the experimental data points and
the curve fit are shown for three fuels in Figures 1, 2, and 3. Figure 1 shows
the results for gasoline, a typical fuel. Figure 2 gives results for LNO,
chosen to illustrate the larger degree of scatter associated with cryogenic
fuel measurements. Finally, Figure 3 illustrates the behavior of alcohol
fuels. The fit in these curves, along with the standard deviations indicated
in the table can be used to gauge the expected uncertainty of predictions.

Use of Tabulated DataL" The data in the table can be used directly to
estimate the burning rates of pools with D > 0.2 m. The values pertain to
steady-state burning, in a wind-free environment and in a vessel without ex-
cessive lip height (freeboard height). When these assumptions are not met,
weaker predictions are to be expected. We will discuss briefly some of these
0.200 ] t i I i
-- o Methanol

. . . . . o Ethanol


0 0 0
0.020 0

-~- - 0. " 0
13 UD 0 0
0.010 I I I I I
0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10 20

Figure 3. Alcohol pool burning rates.

256 Fire Technology
Boil-Over: A few fuels do not show steady burning properties. Instead, at a
certain temperature they start to boil rapidly. This results in a significant
expansion and may cause overflow of the vessel, with attendant flame
spread hazards. This problem has been associated primarily with certain
crude oils and with petroleum products with a significant amount of
moisture. Burgoyne and Katan s have discussed boil-over in detail.

Transient Effects: Systematic burning rate data are available only for
steady-state burning. A pool fire, however, does not reach a steady state im-
mediately after ignition for several reasons:
1. The heat conduction losses into the liquid are still changing.
2. Edge heating effects may still be present.
3. The bottom of the vessel may be progressively heated if the fuel layer
is thin.
4. Lip effects on convective and radiative flaxes may progressively
change if the liqu/d level is allowed to run down in the vessel significantly.
In some short-burning fires there may indeed not be a steady state.
Others, however, do show eventually a fairly steady burning rate. Some ex-
perimenters have reported transient periods as short as one minute. On the
whole, however, 10 or more minutes may be expected before fully steady-
state burning results. A general model of the various losses which could
predict these transient effects in large pool fires has not been developed.

Bounding Materials and Layer Thickness Effects: Pool fires in vessels

made of different materials can be expected to show different burning rates,
primarily due to conduction losses. Blinov a has shown quite substantial ef-
fects for small pools. For large pools, systematic studies are not available.
Burgess 4 and Zabetakis 4~have studied some aspects of special relevance to
cryogenic fuels.
The layer thickness for a pool has an effect if it is less than that required
to reach steady-state burning conditions. A fuel spilled in relatively small
volume on a surface is a problem often encountered. Modak 25provides some
experimental guidance on expected thicknesses.
For thin, diathermanous layers, the boundary materials present under
the pool can show radiative differences, depending on their reflectivity. The
practical effects of this have not been explored.

Lip Height Effects: The effects of having a nonzero freeboard height, d, are
significant for all pool fires and involve numerous phenomena. Hall" has
snmmarized some findings for small p .ools. For large pools, there are convec-
tive, conductive, and radiative effects:
1. A lip of significant height can initiate turbulence closer to the pool
edge, and thereby raise convective heat transfer.
2. It can change the temperature distribution of the vessel walls, and
thereby change conduction heat terms.
3. It tends to promote a stubbier, more emissive flame volume.
Burning Rate 257
0rloff '8 has studied the combined effects of this heat redistribution on
one fuel, P M M A , and finds that between d/D = 0 and d/D = 0.07 the burn-
ing rate is roughly raised by 60 percent, then slowly rises to twice the zerc~
lip rate at d/D = 0.20, and then slowly falls.Earlier data by Blinov a and by
Magnus '4 are av-il-ble for liquid fuels burned at large freeboard heights.
These do not show burning rate increasing with lip height, but rather, mono-
tonically decreasing, down to as low as 12 percent of the zero-lip condition.
It is unfortunate that further data do not exist on the lip height effects.
Orloff's findings, however, could explain up to a factor of 2, inconsistencies
among reported experimental data.

Effects of Wind: The effects of wind on a pool fire are complex. In the small-
diameter limit, the main effect could be taken simply as convective heat
transfer enhancement. Here, however, we are concerned with the effects at
large dj-meters. Here, there still is an effect of convective enhancement, but
two other phenomena also appear. The fl-me temperature is raised due to
improved mixing and combustion, 8 and the radiant heat fluxes are

T A s I ~ 1. Data for Large Pool Burning Rate Estimates

l~ity Ah, ~o rag, kO k T,

Material (kg/mS) (lkl/kg) (MJ/kg) (kg/m2-s) (m-') (m-') (K) References
Liquid H= 700 442 120.0 0.169 (• 6.1 (• -- 1600 4,5
LNG (mostly CH,) 415 619 50.0 0.078 (• 1.1 (• 0.5 1500 1,4,30
LPG (mostly C~I-I,) 585 426 46.0 0.099 (• 1.4 (• 0.4 -- 20,35

A lcohole
Methanol (CH~OH) 796 1230 20.0 0.017 (• -- 1300 5,22,37
Ethanol (C2HsOH) 794 1000 26.8 0.015 (• 0.4 1490 7,9,24,31

Simple Organic Fue~

Butane (CJ-I ,o) 573 370 45.7 0.078 (• 2.7 (• 5
Benzene (CsHJ 874 500 40.1 0.085 (• 2.7 (• 4.0 1460 5,31,38
H A ~ - n e (C,M .) 650 450 44.7 0.074 (• 1.9 (• -- 1300 5,38,39
Heptane (C,H,,) 675 505 44.6 0.101 (• 1.1 (--+0.3) 22,33
Xylene (C~I-I~o) 870 555 40.8 0.090 (• 1.4 (• 5
Acetone (C~I-I~0) 791 570 25.8 0.041 (• 1.9 (• 0.8 -- 9,29,37
Dioxsne {C~H,0~) 1035 530 26.2 0.018 b 5.4' 33
Diethyl ether (CJ'I,o0) 714 385 34.2 0.085 (• 0.7 (• 3

Petroleum Products
Benzine 740 -- 44.7 0.048 (• 3.6 (__.+0.4) 3
Gasoline 740 330 43.7 0.055 (• 2.1 (• 2.0 1450 3,18,24,31,38,39
Kerosene 820 670 43.2 0.039 (• 3.5 (• 2.6 1480 3,21
JP-4 760 -- 43.5 0.051 (+0.002) 3.6 (• ~ -- 1220 3,16,21,34
JP-5 810 700 43.0 0.054 (+__.0.002) 1.6 (• 0.5 1250 8,14,15,32
Transformer oiL
hydrocarbon 760 -- 46.4 0.039' 0.7 b -- 1500 22
Fuel oil, heavy 940-1000 -- 39.7 " 0.035 (• 1.7 (• 3,6
Crude oil 830-880 -- 42.5-42.7 0.022-0.045 2.8 (• 3,38

metlmcryhte 1184 1611 24.9 0.020 (• 3.3 (• 1.3 1260 12,26
9 Value independent of di~metsr in turbulent regime
, Only two data points available
Data from [14] excluded; otherwise mR-- 0.064 (• and hE = 5.3 (•
258 Fire Technology
redistributed. It would seem t h a t the flux change would be such as to make
the flame volume smaller and less well,entered, and thereby lower the
radiative heating. Capener and Algeff did indeed find such an effect for 1
and 3 m JP-5 pools. In their data the burning rate of a 1 m pool in a 6 meter
per second wind drops to about half of its still-air value.
Unfortunately, there is somewhat more documentation showing an in-
creased burning rate for large-diameter pools in wind. Lois and Swithen-
banlr 28observe a doubling of the burning rate of a hexane pool in a 4 meter
per second wind, with no further increase for greater velocities. Blinov and
Khudiakov' give some equations which can be expressed as

r~:,.dy _ 1 + 0.15 __u

9 n
D (7)

The above appears to be the best formula available for use, with the
restriction t h a t it is not appropriate for alcohol fuels, nor for wind velocities
sufficient to lead to blow~ff. Beyond about 5 meter per second some fuels
can be blown out, but the exact value depends on whether a flAmeholder ac-
tion can be obtained.

Effects at Very Large Diameters: Some experimental data show a slight

decrease in the burning rate of v e r y large pools (D > 5 or 10 m). Not enough
systematic, precise data exist to provide a numeric model here beyond
assuming independence of m" on D in this regime. Qualitatively this is
presumed to be due to poorer relying, leading to a larger cool vapor zone,
lower flame temperatures, and cooler smoke (which can act to shield a fire
base from its flames). In any case, this effect is not likely to be larger than
about 20 percent.

Burning rates for pools with D > 0.2 m can be estimated on the basis of
the equations

rh" = rh_" (1 - - e ' ~ V ) . (5)


= ~Jzo. rh" ~ A (8)

with appropriate values taken from the table. The largest causes of uncer-
tainty are believed to stem from effects of wind and of lip height. In the
worst case this can introduce an uncertainty of the order of a factor of 2. Ad-
ditional investigations are needed to provide better estimates in these
Burning Rate 259
A pool area (m 2)
d = lip height (m)
D = pool diameter (m), = x/-~2[]~ for noncircular pools
lower heat of combustion (kJ per kg)
total heat of vaporization or gasification (kJ per kg)
k = extinction coefficient (m "1)
pool mass loss rate (kg per m 2 per s)
m~ infinite~ameter pool mass loss rate (kg per m 2 per s)
convective heat-flux (kW per m 2)
miscellaneous heat loss flux (kW per cm 2)
re-radiant heat flux (kW per m s)
T, = flame temperature (K)
U ---~ wind speed (meters per second)
S = second
= mean beam length corrector ( - )

G -" Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.67 X 10-" kW per m 2 K 4)

Data for Burning Rates
For each entry, measured burning rates (kg per m 2 per s) are listed, along
w i t h pool ~ - m e t e r D (m).

Ref. i LNG: 0.053 (D=0.22), 0.046 (D=0.34), 0.042 (D=0.75), 0.022 (D=I.8), 0.13 (D=3.0),
0.060 (D=6.1), 0.085 (D--6.8).
Ref. 3 Diethyl ether. 0.025 (D=0.3), 0.032 (D=0.8), 0.056 (D=l.4), 0.073 (D=2.6).
Benzine: 0.026 (D=0.2), 0.026 (D=0.25), 0.029 to 0.032 (Dr0.3), 0.046 (D=0.5),
0.043 (D=0.8), 0.049 (D=l.3), 0.048 (D= 1.4), 0.054 (D=2.6), 0.046 (D=8.6),
0.044 (D=22.9).
Gasoline: 0.048 (D=l.3).
Kerosene: 0.022 (D=0.2), 0.022 (D=0.25), 0.022 to 0.024 (D=0.3), 0.031 (D=0.8),
0.035 (D=l.4), 0.037 (D=2.6), 0.049 (D=22.9).
Fuel oil, heavy: 0.025 (D-1.3), 0.038 (D=2.6), 0.037 (D=22.9).
Crude oil: 0.012 (D=0.3), 0.021 (D=0.8), 0.021 (D=l.4), 0.022 (D=2.6).
Ref. 4 LNG: 0.030 (D=0.38), 0.042 (D=0.75), 0.047 (D=1.52).
Ref. 5 Liquid H2:0.064 (D=0.075), 0.101 (D=0.15), 0.147 {D--0.33).
Methanoh 0.013 (D=0.31), 0.018 (D=0.75), 0.022 (D=1.22), 0.024 (D=1.8).
Butane: 0.044 (D=0.31), 0.064 (D=0.61), 0.067 {D=0.75).
Benzene: 0.047 (D=0.31), 0.054 (D--0.38), 0.077 (D=0.75), 0.076 to 0.083 (D=1.22).
Hexane: 0.037 (Dr0.31), 0.050 (D=0.50), 0.063 (D=0.75), 0.073 (D=1.22).
Xylenes:-0.027 (Dffi0.31)~ 0.053 (D=0.75), 0.067 (D--1.22).
Ref. 6 Fuel oil, heavy: 0.025 (D=0.56), 0.032 (D=2.7).
Ref. 7 Ethanol: 0.015 (D=0.33).
Ref. 8 JP-5:0.042 (D=0.92), 0.054 (D=3.1), 0.054 (D=17.).
Ref. 9 Methanoh 0.015 (D=0.25), 0.013 (D-0.32), 0.013 (D=0.38).
Ethanol-- 0.013 (D=0.25), 0.013 (D=0.32), 0.012 (D=0.38).
Acetone: 0.019 (D=0.25), 0.019 (D=0.3).
Ref. 13 Cyclohexane: 0.110 (D=0.2), 0.165 (D=0.3).
Ref. 14 Avgas: 0.106 (D=0.6 to 2.4).
JP-4:0.106 (D=0.6 to 2.4).
JP-5:0.071 (D=0.6 to 2.4).
Ref. 16 JP-4:0.051 (D=I.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3~, 5.0, 10.).
Ref. 20 LPG: 0.053 (D=0.34), 0.066 (D=0.77), 0.067 (D=l.7), 0.102 (D=3.4), 0.099 (D=6.9),
0.IIi ( D = I 4 ) .
260 Fire Technology
Ref 21 Kerosene: 0.026 (D---0.2).
JP-4:0.026 (Dr0.2).
Ref.22 Methanoh 0.020 (D----I.2), 0.021 (D-~I.7), 0.021 (D=2.4).
Heptane: 0.067 (D--1.2), 0.073 (D-~1.7).
Transformer oil, hydrocarbon: 0.022 (D-~1.2), 0.027 (D--1.7).
Rsf 24 Ethanol-- 0.016 (D--0.25).
Gasoline: 0.023 (D--0.25).
Ref 26 PMMA: 0.009 (D----0.26),0.016 (D=0.34), 0.017 (D----0.52),0.018 (D--0.69),
0.018 (D----0.86),0.020 (D-~1.4).
Ref. Heptane: 0.028 (D=0.25), 0.062 (D---0.5).
Dioxane: 0.0131 (Dffi0.25), 0.0165 (D--0.5).
Ref. JP-4:0.045 (D--1.22, 2.4, 3.9, 5.3).
Ref Methanol'- 0.013 (D--0.61), 0.014 (D----1.52).
Acetone: 0.025 (D-0.61), 0.038 (D----1.52).
Ref. Benzene: 0.087 (Dr6.0).
He~Rne: 0.077 (Dffi6.0).
Gasoline: 0.059 (D=6.0).
Crude oil- 0.045 (Dffi6.0).
Ref. Hexane: 0.036 (D----0.6),0.060 (D=1.5), 0.074 (Dffi3.0).
Gasoline: 0.040 (Dffi0.6), 0.051 (D----1.5),0.052 (D=3.0).

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