POLIM-K Datasheet 1HC0075855 AF en

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Surge arrester

Technical data

Classification according to IEC 60099-4

Arrester class SL, Station Low
Line discharge class (LD) 2
Nominal discharge current In (8/20 µs) 10 kA peak
Repetitive charge transfer rating Qrs 1.0 As (C)
Rated thermal energy
W th at Tamb = 40 °C 4.5 kJ/kV (Ur) = 5.6 kJ/kV (Uc)
W th at Tamb = 55 °C 4.0 kJ/kV (Ur) = 5.0 kJ/kV (Uc)
High current impulse Ihc (4/10 µs) 100 kA peak
Long duration current impulse 500 A for 2000 µs
Short circuit rating Is 50 kA rms for 0.2 s

Power frequency voltage versus time characteristics (TOV)

With no prior duty energy input
UTOV at t = 1 s 1.170 Ur = 1.463 Uc
Product description: UTOV at t = 3 s 1.145 Ur = 1.431 Uc
• Metal-oxide (MO) surge arrester without spark gap, UTOV at t = 10 s 1.118 Ur = 1.398 Uc
designed and type tested according to IEC 60099-4, with With prior duty energy input of 4.0 kJ/kV (Ur) = 5.0 kJ/kV (Uc)
own ABB metal-oxide resistors since more than 30 years UTOV at t = 1 s 1.120 Ur = 1.400 Uc
• Direct molded silicone housing in patented loop design for UTOV at t = 3 s 1.090 Ur = 1.362 Uc
best environmental robustness
UTOV at t = 10 s 1.066 Ur = 1.333 Uc
• 100% in-house production – fully in charge of complete
• High quality, safe and reliable, maintenance free Mechanical loads
• For alternating current (AC) systems Torque 50 Nm
• For indoor and outdoor installations Tensile strength axial 1000 N
Short term load SSL perpendicular to axis 250 Nm
Especially recommended for overvoltage protection of: Long term load SLL perpendicular to axis 250 Nm
• MV distribution transformer
• Pole mounted MV transformer
Service conditions
• MV cable and cable termination
Ambient air temperature Tamb −60 to +55 °C
• Air insulated MV switchgear and panel
(for temperatures up to 80 °C
• Further MV distribution equipment consider instructions
of application guidelines)
Additional certification: Altitude of installation up to 1800 m
(for higher altitudes
• Shock and vibration tested according to IEC 61373 contact ABB)
• Fire and smoke behavior tested and classified Frequency of system voltage 15 to 62 Hz
according to EN 45545-2
Surge arrester | POLIM-K 2

Electrical data

Continuous Rated Residual voltage Ures at specified impulse current (Maximum value)
operating voltage Steep current impulse Lightning current impulse Switching current impulse
voltage wave 1/…µs wave 8/20 µs wave 30/60 µs
Uc Ur 5 kA 10 kA 1 kA 2.5 kA 5 kA ln=10 kA 20 kA 0.125 kA 0.25 kA 0.5 kA
kVrms kVrms kVpeak kVpeak kVpeak kVpeak kVpeak kVpeak kVpeak kVpeak kVpeak kVpeak
4 5.0 13.0 14.7 11.0 11.8 12.5 13.4 15.2 9.8 10.2 10.5
6 7.5 19.4 21.9 16.4 17.6 18.6 20.0 22.6 14.6 15.1 15.6
8 10.0 25.9 29.3 21.9 23.5 24.9 26.7 30.2 19.5 20.2 20.9
10 12.5 32.3 36.5 27.4 29.4 31.0 33.3 37.7 24.4 25.2 26.0
12 15.0 38.8 43.8 32.8 35.2 37.2 40.0 45.2 29.2 30.2 31.2
14 17.5 45.3 51.1 38.3 41.1 43.5 46.7 52.8 34.1 35.3 36.5
16 20.0 51.6 58.4 43.8 47.0 49.6 53.3 60.3 39.0 40.3 41.6
18 22.5 58.1 65.7 49.2 52.8 55.8 60.0 67.8 43.8 45.3 46.8
20 25.0 64.5 72.9 54.7 58.7 62.0 66.6 75.3 48.7 50.3 52.0
22 27.5 71.0 80.2 60.2 64.6 68.2 73.3 82.9 53.6 55.4 57.2
24 30.0 77.5 87.6 65.6 70.4 74.4 80.0 90.4 58.4 60.4 62.4
26 32.5 83.9 94.8 71.1 76.3 80.6 86.6 97.9 63.3 65.4 67.6
28 35.0 90.4 102.1 76.6 82.2 86.8 93.3 105.5 68.2 70.5 72.8
30 37.5 96.8 109.4 82.0 88.0 93.0 99.9 112.9 73.0 75.5 78.0
32 40.0 103.2 116.7 87.5 93.9 99.2 106.6 120.5 77.9 80.5 83.2
34 42.5 109.7 124.0 93.0 99.8 105.4 113.3 128.1 82.8 85.6 88.4
36 45.0 116.1 131.2 98.4 105.6 111.6 119.9 135.5 87.6 90.6 93.6
38 47.5 122.6 138.6 103.9 111.5 117.8 126.6 143.1 92.5 95.6 98.8
40 50.0 129.0 145.8 109.3 117.3 123.9 133.2 150.6 97.3 100.6 103.9
42 52.5 135.5 153.1 114.8 123.2 130.2 139.9 158.1 102.2 105.7 109.2
44 55.0 142.0 160.4 120.3 129.1 136.4 146.6 165.7 107.1 110.7 114.4
Surge arrester | POLIM-K 3

Housing and TOV Characteristics

Continuous Housing Creepage Flashover Recommended Height H Weight Insulation withstand voltage of housing
operating size * distance distance clearances 1.2/50 µs 50 Hz, 60 s, wet
required guaranteed required guaranteed
values values
Uc E F acc. to EN/IEC acc. to EN/IEC
kVrms mm mm mm mm mm kg kVpeak kVpeak kVrms kVrms
4 20 384 199 68 132 199 2.0 18 113 9 56
6 20 384 199 89 132 199 2.0 26 113 13 56
8 20 384 199 110 133 199 2.0 35 113 17 56
10 30 504 239 132 154 239 2.6 44 136 21 67
12 30 504 239 153 175 239 2.6 52 136 25 67
14 30 504 239 175 196 239 2.6 61 136 30 67
16 30 504 239 196 217 239 2.6 70 136 34 67
18 40 625 279 217 238 279 3.0 78 159 38 79
20 40 625 279 239 259 279 3.0 87 159 42 79
22 70 985 399 260 280 399 4.2 96 227 46 113
24 70 985 399 282 301 399 4.2 104 227 50 113
26 70 985 399 303 322 399 4.2 113 227 54 113
28 70 985 399 325 343 399 4.2 122 227 59 113
30 70 985 399 346 364 399 4.2 130 227 63 113
32 70 985 399 367 385 399 4.2 139 227 67 113
34 90 1460 552 389 407 549 5.6 148 314 71 156
36 90 1460 552 410 427 549 5.6 156 314 75 156
38 90 1460 552 432 449 549 5.6 165 314 79 156
40 90 1460 552 453 470 549 5.6 174 314 83 156
42 90 1460 552 474 491 549 5.6 182 314 88 156
44 90 1460 552 496 512 549 5.6 191 314 92 156

* Other combinations may be available upon request

Power frequency voltage-versus time characteristics (TOV) Power frequency voltage-versus time characteristics (TOV)
based on Ur Surge Arrester Type POLIM-K based on Uc Surge Arrester Type POLIM-K
Power frequency voltage-versus time characteristics (TOV) based on rated voltage Ur Power frequency voltage-versus time characteristics (TOV) based on continuous voltage Uc
- Tests carried out on thermal prorated sections - samples preheated to 60°C - - Tests carried out on thermal prorated sections - samples preheated to 60°C -
1.30 1.60



T = UTOV / Ur

T = UTOV / Uc


1.05 1.30





0.80 1.00
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
t/s t/s

without prior duty energy input with prior duty 4.0kJ/kV (Ur) = 5.0kJ/kV (Uc) energy input without prior duty energy input with prior duty 4.0kJ/kV (Ur) = 5.0kJ/kV (Uc) energy input
without prior duty energy input without prior duty energy input
PTHA 491xxx
• •• with prior duty 4.0 kJ/kV (Ur)PGHV-A
= 5.0 kJ/kV
- Version AAx (Uc) energy inputC Copyright 2016 ABB, All rights reserved with prior duty 4.0 kJ/kV (Ur) = 5.0 kJ/kV (Uc) energy input
Samples preheated to 60 °C Samples preheated to 60 °C
Surge arrester | POLIM-K 4


Standard dimensions without accessories Dimensions according to outline drawing 1HC0053587

Outline drawings with accessories on request

Structure of type designation with optional accessories (Example)

POLIM-K 20-40 / 1002/1071 / 2012
Type of surge arrester
Uc = Continuous operating voltage

Type of top accessory (optional)

Type of bottom accessory (optional)


Dimensions (mm)
Surge arrester | POLIM-K 5

Common Top Accessories (optional)

Type 1002 Clamp type connector (stainless steel) Type 1023 Threated stud with nuts M12x80 (stainless steel)

Type 1071 Bird cap

Dimensions (mm)
Surge arrester | POLIM-K 6

Common Bottom Accessories (optional)

Type 2011 Insulating bracket with disconnector (Uc = 4..12 kV)

Type 2012 Insulating bracket with disconnector (Uc = 13..24 kV)

Type 2013 Insulating bracket with disconnector (Uc > 24 kV)

Dimensions (mm)
Surge arrester | POLIM-K 7

Common Bottom Accessories (optional)

Type 2020 Clamp type connector (stainless steel) Type 2000 Threated stud with nuts M12x80 (stainless steel)

Dimensions (mm)
For more information please contact: Note
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.
ABB Power Grids Switzerland Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.
High Voltage Products
Surge Arresters We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify
Jurastrasse 45 the contents of this document without prior notice. With
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Phone: +41 58 585 29 11 prevail. ABB does not accept any responsibility whatsoever
Telefax: +41 58 585 55 70 for potential errors or possible lack of information in this
E-Mail: [email protected] document. We reserve all rights in this document and in the
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www.hitachiabb-powergrids.com reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its
contents – in whole or in parts – is forbidden without prior
written consent of ABB.

For detailed information for dimensioning of our products Our products are certified according ISO 9001, 14001
see following ABB documents: and 18001

• Application guidelines
Overvoltage protection
Metal oxide surge arresters in medium voltage systems
• Application guidelines
Overvoltage protection
Metal oxide surge arresters in railway facilities

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1HC0075855 EN AF

[email protected]

Copyright © 2020 Hitachi ABB Power Grids.

All rights reserved.
Specifications subject to change without notice.

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