Percentage (S)

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1. A number is first decreased by 28% and then 4. The population of a city is 3,52,314.

increased by 28%. The number so obtained increases annually at the rate of 15% per
annum. What was its population 2 years
is 784 less than the original number. Find the
value of the original number.

(a) 3,06,360 (b) 2,56,400

(c) 3,02,400 (d) 2,66,400
5. What is the number of valid votes cast in
(a) 1000 (b) 10000 favour of a candidate in an election, if the
(c) 15000 (d) 1500 candidate received 75% of the total valid
votes, and 5% of the total votes were
2. The price of a stock increased by 30% in the
declared invalid, given that the total number
first year and decreased by 20% in the of voters was 1,46,000?
second year. If an investor bought 100
shares of the stock for Rs. 1,000, then what
is the final value of the investment after 2

(a) 1,10,250 (b) 1,08,850

(c) 1,06,650 (d) 1,04,025
6. In an election between two candidates, the
difference between the candidates who won
and lost was 2,500 votes. The candidate who
(a) Rs. 1,040 (b) Rs. 1,020 won got 75% of the votes, and there were
(c) Rs. 960 (d) Rs. 1,400 no invalid votes. The total number of votes
3. The value of a washing machine depreciated polled of the losing candidate was:
from Rs. 40,960 to Rs. 21,970 in 3 years. Find
the yearly rate of depreciation.

(a) 25% (b) 16.25% (a) 1250 (b) 1875

(c) 20% (d) 18.75% (c) 5000 (d) 3750
7. A man spends 72% of his salary and saves 10. Swastik saves 20% of his income while
Rs. 5,740 per month. What is 10% of his spends the remaining amount on food, rent,
education and shopping. 15% of the income
annual salary (in Rs.)? is spent on food, while Rs. 12,800 is spent on
rent, Rs. 32,000 on education and Rs. 7,200
on shopping. The amount spent on shopping
is 11.25% of the total expenditure. How
much money (in Rs.) is spent on food?

(a) Rs. 21600 (b) Rs. 28400

(c) Rs. 24600 (d) Rs. 20500
8. The monthly salary of a person is Rs. 50,000.
He spends 40% of his salary on household
expenses, 25% on rent, and 15% on
transportation, and saves the remaining
amount. What is his yearly savings?
(a) 10800 (b) 12000
(c) 9600 (d) 15000
11. The price of almonds is increased by 10%. By
what percentage should the consumption be
decreased so that the expenditure remains
the same?

(a) Rs. 1,20,000 (b) Rs. 1,00,000

(c) Rs. 1,10,000 (d) Rs. 90,000 (a) (b)

9. The salary of Arpit fell by 5% after 1 year and (c) (d)

12. A family earns Rs. 75,000, out of which 10%
further fell by 8% after the second year due
is saved. 30% of the expenditure is incurred
to bad performance. Initially, his salary was on education, while Rs. 30,375 is spent on
Rs. 80,000. What is his current salary (in health and the remaining amount is spent
on food. What is the percentage of food
expenditure to the total income?

(a) 70920 (b) 69920

(c) 69620 (d) 65720 (a) 21.5% (b) 32.5%
(c) 20% (d) 22.5%
13. The monthly income of an employee was Rs. 17. In a village election, Sharuk got 80% of the
26,500 and his monthly expenditure was Rs. total valid votes. 10% of the votes were
22,000. Next year his income increased by invalid. If the total number of votes was
20% and his expenditure increased by 15%. 4500, then find the number of valid votes
Find the percentage increase in his savings. the other candidate got.

(a) (b)
(a) 450 (b) 530
(c) (d)
(c) 620 (d) 810
14. Rupu's income is 20% more than Madhu's 18. In an election between P and Q, P gets 40%
income. Madhu's income is less than Rupu's
of the total votes and thus loses by 10 votes.
income by:
The total number of votes is:

(a) 20% (b)

(c) (d)
15. If 30% of Ravi's income is equal to 40% of
Suresh's income, then 50% of Ravi's income (a) 70 (b) 90
is equal to what percentage of Suresh's (c) 80 (d) 50
income? 19. In an election between two candidates, 80%
of the voters cast their votes, out of which
5% votes were declared invalid. A candidate
got 9500 votes which were 80% of the valid
votes. Find the total number of voters
(a) (b)
enrolled in that election.
(c) (d)
16. A number is first increased by 10% and then
increased by 20%. The number, so obtained,
is now decreased by 12%. What is the net
increase or decrease per cent in the original

(a) 14780 (b) 15625

(c) 16100 (d) 15100
20. The fraction equivalent to is:
(a) 12.12% Increase
(b) 11.11% Increase
(c) 14.14% Increase (a) 1/40 (b) 1/125
(d) 16.16% Increase
(c) 1/500 (d) 1/200
21. In an election between two candidates,30% 23. Ayush spends 25% of an amount of money
of the electorate did not cast their votes. on an insurance policy, 26% on food, 23% on
children's education and 19% on recreation.
20% of the votes polled were found invalid.
He deposits the remaining amount of Rs.
The winning candidate got 64% of the valid 26,600 in the bank. What is the total amount
votes and won by a majority of 3136 votes. (in Rs.) that he spends on food and
Find the number of voters enrolled in the recreation together?
voter list.

(a) 1,95,000 (b) 1,71,000

(c) 1,83,000 (d) 1,62,000
24. Three candidates contested an election and
(a) 25000 (b) 24000 won 1136, 7636 and 11628 votes,
(c) 30000 (d) 20000 respectively. What percentage of the total
votes did the winning candidate get?
22. In an election between two candidates, 20%
of the voters on the voters list did not cast
their votes and 80 voters cast their ballot
papers blank. The winner secured 45% of all
the voters in the list and he got 280 votes
(a) 33 (b) 45
more than his rival. The number of voters on
(c) 57 (d) 49
the list was: 25. In an election, Ajay and Mohan are
contesting for the Secretary post in a trade
union of 9000 workers. 80% of the workers
cast their votes, out of which 20% votes
were found invalid. Ajay defeated Mohan by
1152 votes. How many votes did Ajay get?

(a) 1500 (b) 2000

(c) 2800 (d) 2500
(a) 3456 (b) 4480
(c) 3546 (d) 2304

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