Researching The Challenges Tour Guides Face in Ensuring Sustainable Tourism Development

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ISSN: 2581-8651

Journal of Humanities and

Vol-6, Issue-2, Mar-Apr 2024
Education Development
Peer-Reviewed Journal

Researching the Challenges Tour Guides Face in Ensuring

Sustainable Tourism Development
Tran Tuan Dung

Master's student in Tourism, Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Email: [email protected]

Received: 05 Feb 2024; Received in revised form: 26 Mar 2024; Accepted: 02 Apr 2024
©2024 The Author(s). Published by TheShillonga. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

Tour guides have been equipped with knowledge to understand their important role in sustainable tourism development.
However, in practice, they are facing many difficulties in trying to perform behaviors and implement specific actions in this
role. Based on the process of contributing to sustainable tourism development by tour guides, the paper conducted a survey on
5 issues: (1) Searching for and updating information; (2) Serving as role models for tourists; (3) Incorporating information
about sustainable tourism development into presentations; (4) Advising tourists on appropriate behavior; (5) Accepting the
reduction of personal benefits to contribute to local economic development to determine the level of difficulty tour guides
encounter in performing this process.
Keywords— Tour guides, sustainable development, the role of tour guides

I. INTRODUCTION Currently, sustainability and related issues are

In the tourism industry, guiding and escorting are not emphasized in tourism training organizations. This has
just economic sectors but also powerful entities responsible provided knowledge and changed the perception of tour
not only for organizing and guiding tourists but also for guides, helping them realize their important role in the
shaping tourism trends (Manh, N. V., Chuong, P. H. 2006). sustainable development strategy of the tourism industry.
Therefore, it is accurate to say that guiding and escorting However, the reality shows that many tour guides are still
play a crucial role in promoting the sustainable development not fully prepared or face difficulties in fulfilling their roles
of the tourism industry. Among various factors such as in the development of the tourism industry.
qualifications, work environment, and accessibility, tour
guides play a pivotal role in influencing, guiding, and II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND
supervising tourism activities at destinations with the aim of RESEARCH MODEL
building a sustainable tourism industry. Tour guides not
2.1. Theoretical framework
only help tourists understand the impacts of tourism on the
environment, culture, and local community but also guide Tour guide
them to participate in environmental and cultural protection The term "tour guide" is one of the job positions in the
activities and support local products. tourism industry. According to the Oxford dictionary, a tour
Many studies have indicated that individual behavior guide is defined as someone who directs others (Ludowyk
depends on perceptions of behavioral control, attitudes, and & Moore, 1996). According to the World Federation of
personal standards (Ajzen, 1991). Chartrand and Bargh Tourist Guide Associations (2005), a tour guide is someone
(1999) also mentioned the intimate relationship between who guides tourists using their chosen language and
behavior and perception. However, during the execution of explains the cultural and natural heritage of an area.
behavior, even with clear perceptions, activities may be Although there are various definitions, the essence of this
influenced by various environmental factors. term is relatively consistent. In 1998, the International
Association of Tourism Managers (IATM) and the
European Federation of Tourist Guide Associations 59
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(EFTGA, 1998) provided a definition: "A tour guide is a The role of tour guides is not only to provide guidance
person who guides groups or individual tourists, both but also to create experiences, communicate culture, protect
domestic and foreign, to specific historical sites or the environment, and contribute to the sustainable
landmarks and promotes the cultural and natural heritage of development of the tourism industry.
the tourist destination in an entertaining manner and in the Sustainable tourism development
language chosen by the tourists."
The concept of "sustainable tourism" emerged in 1996
In Vietnam, tour guiding is an activity that provides and has been supported by many countries and major
information, connects services, guides tourists, and assists tourism associations worldwide. It is understood as tourism
tourists in using services according to the tour program. conducted responsibly with respect for the environment and
Tour guides are individuals licensed to work as tour guides local culture, benefiting both tourists and the local
(National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, community. Researchers such as Hens. L (1998) and
2017). Machado (2003) have contributed to defining and
The role of tour guides researching sustainable tourism. In Vietnam, this topic has
Cohen (1985) and Urry (1990) emphasized two also received attention from researchers and is mentioned in
important roles of tour guides: as leaders and as mediators. the Tourism Law 2017. It is a comprehensive approach,
Pond (1993) summarized the basic roles of tour guides, combining economic, socio-cultural, and environmental
including leadership, education, public representation, aspects to ensure the sustainable development of the
hosting, and performing all these roles professionally and tourism industry.
effectively. 2.2. Research model and Research methodology
Research by Macdonald illustrates the role of tour Research model
guides as intermediaries to enrich tourists' experiences. For the perception of the difficulty level in performing
Tour guides not only provide directions and organize trips tasks contributing to sustainable tourism development by
but also create profound experiences with tourist tour guides, it was investigated through the variables (1)
destinations and spaces. They also act as intermediaries Searching, updating information; (2) Setting an example for
between tourists and the local community, facilitating tourists; (3) Integrating information about sustainable
effective communication and conveying cultural and tourism development into presentations; (4) Advising
environmental information (Macdonald, S., 2006). tourists on appropriate behavior; (5) Accepting to sacrifice
The Tourism Law 2017 stipulates the duties of tour personal benefits to contribute to local economic
guides, including guiding tourists, complying with laws, development using a 5-point Likert scale: (1) very difficult,
providing information and assistance to tourists, ensuring (2) difficult, (3) neutral, (4) easy, and (5) very easy.
safety, and playing an important role in the sustainable
development of the tourism industry.

Searching for and updating information

Vietnam Tourism Occupation
Serving as role models for tourists Standards: Tour Guide
Incorporating information about sustainable tourism (Vietnam National
Challenges faced Administration of Tourism,
development into presentations
by tour guides 2015)
Advising tourists on appropriate behavior
Accepting the reduction of personal benefits to contribute to
Author proposes
local economic development

Research Methodology The participants in the study are tour guides who are
Sample size currently or have previously collaborated with travel
companies in Ho Chi Minh City. The survey was conducted
The sample size for survey-related studies often varies.
from October to December 2023, with a total of 187 surveys
Hair (2009) and his colleagues suggest that the minimum
collected. After removing invalid survey responses, there
sample size should be between 100 – 150. According to Erin
were 168 valid responses, meeting the minimum sample
size requirement (165). 60
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Survey method appropriate questions to collect information for the

The survey method is the primary methodology of this research. The survey aims to determine the role of tour
study. Based on the information obtained from the guides in sustainable tourism development and the
aforementioned methods, the author designed a system of challenges they face.


Table 1: Challenges tour guides encounter in performing their roles in sustainable tourism development
Minimum Maximum Average Standard
Value Value Value deviation Evaluation
Searching for and updating information 2 5 3.35 .848 neutral
Serving as role models for tourists 2 5 3.53 .935 easy
Incorporating information about 2 5 3.43 .964 easy
sustainable tourism development into
Advising tourists on appropriate 2 5 3.30 .983 neutral
Accepting the reduction of personal 1 5 3.35 .949 neutral
benefits to contribute to local economic

Based on the results of Table 1, it can be seen that from multiple sources, ranging from research reports to
there are no activities that make tour guides feel difficult. government policies and online news. This creates
The activities of serving as role models for tourists (3.53) difficulties as information may not always be accurate. The
and integrating information on sustainable tourism next challenge is keeping up with rapid changes in the
development into presentations (3.43) are evaluated as tourism and sustainable tourism industry, where policies
relatively easy to perform. Steps such as searching for and and strategies may change due to climate change, global
updating information (3.35), accepting reducing personal events, and economic developments. Lack of resources also
benefits to contribute to local economic development poses challenges, reducing the ability to update new
(3.35), and advising tourists on appropriate behavior (3.30) knowledge. To overcome these challenges, tour guides can
all have average scores, indicating a normal level of seek support from reliable sources and continuously update
difficulty in implementation. However, among tour guides, information from credible sources to enhance
there is a difference in the level of difficulty they encounter understanding.
in each step, as evidenced by high standard deviations and Setting an example for tourists and colleagues:
scores ranging from 1 to 5 on the scale.
Survey results on tour guides serving as role
Searching and Updating information: models for tourists and colleagues, achieving an average
Survey results on searching and updating score of 3.53, indicate that many tour guides find this task
information about sustainable tourism development show easy. However, among the surveyed tour guides, some still
that tour guides perceive the difficulty level of this task as find it difficult (score 2) to serve as role models for tourists
average (3.35), but there is still diversity among tour guides and colleagues.
in how they perceive the difficulty. Some tour guides find Some tour guides face difficulties due to
this task very easy (score 5), while others find it challenging differences in perceptions of sustainable tourism. Some
(score 2). understand the issue well, while others lack information.
The complexity and multidimensionality of the The business environment often focuses on profit, creating
sustainable tourism field make searching and updating conflicts between sustainable development and the
information challenging for tour guides. This is not only an demands of travel companies. Company policies can affect
environmental issue but also involves various socio- tour guides' motivation. Lack of policy support is also an
cultural, economic, and other related aspects. The diversity issue, reducing their commitment. To set an example for
in information requires tour guides to gather knowledge others, tour guides need to enhance their knowledge and use 61
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communication skills to promote positive changes in the Accepting reducing personal benefits to contribute to local
tourism industry. economic development:
Integrating information on sustainable tourism Accepting reducing personal benefits to contribute
development into presentations: to local economic development may be the most distinctly
Presentations on each trip are not only an activity different task in terms of perceived difficulty among tour
but have become an essential task for every tour guide. guides. In the survey results, although some tour guides rate
However, integrating information on sustainable tourism this task as very easy, others find it very difficult (score 1).
development into presentations remains a significant However, the average perception score of the difficulty
challenge for tour guides. Survey results show that the level of this task for tour guides is 3.35, significant at the
average score for tour guides' perceptions of this task is easy normal level.
(3.43), although this score only slightly exceeds the normal Accepting a reduction in personal benefits to
level (3.40). While some tour guides rate this task as very support local economic development is a significant
easy (score 4) or even extremely easy (score 5), others still challenge for tour guides. This reduction may pose risks to
find it difficult (score 2) to incorporate scientific their personal lives and comfort. Travel companies often do
information on sustainable tourism development into not factor shopping commissions into profits, so changing
emotionally charged presentations. shopping points can affect tour guides' income. They also
A significant challenge is the difference in tourists' have to comply with company business regulations;
understanding of sustainable tourism. Some tourists may however, support and education from tourism organizations
not fully comprehend the negative impacts of tourism, and governments can help them better understand their roles
requiring time and patience to understand and change their and support local economic development.
behavior. However, some tourists may not be willing to Other challenges faced by tour guides:
change their behavior due to personal comfort and Tour guides face many challenges in participating
convenience. In the tourism business environment, profit in sustainable tourism development. Lack of
goals can create pressure, diverting attention from environmentally friendly products, limited funding, and
sustainable behaviors. Tour guides need extensive difficulties in collecting feedback from tourists are the top
knowledge and communication skills to promote positive obstacles. They also struggle to convey feedback from
awareness and actions from tourists, through open tourists and face a lack of financial resources to promote the
negotiation and discussion. use of environmentally friendly products. Their work
Advising tourists on appropriate behavior: requires them to address a range of challenges, from
Based on survey results, the average perception searching for information to persuading customers about
score of tour guides regarding advising tourists on sustainable tourism and even sacrificing personal benefits.
appropriate behavior is 3.30, indicating significance at the This creates considerable pressure for tour guides.
normal level. This is the step with the lowest average score,
meaning that it is considered the most challenging for tour IV. CONCLUSION AND
guides. Among tour guides, there is also a difference in RECOMMENDATIONS
perception of the difficulty level in performing this task.
Throughout the process of contributing to sustainable
While some tour guides find this task very easy (score 5),
tourism development, tour guides encounter certain
others still feel difficulty (score 2) in advising tourists on
challenges. According to the survey results, the difficulty
appropriate behavior.
level of the steps increases in the following order: being a
For tour guides, a significant challenge is the role model for tourists; integrating information about
inconsistency in tourists' perceptions of sustainable tourism. sustainable tourism development into presentations;
Some tourists may not fully realize the negative impact of searching and updating information; accepting personal
tourism, requiring time and patience to understand and sacrifices to contribute to local economic development;
change their behavior. However, some tourists may not be advising tourists on appropriate behavior. Additionally,
willing to change their behavior due to personal comfort and some tour guides also indicated that issues related to
convenience. In the tourism business environment, profit tourists, local communities, and environmentally friendly
goals can create pressure, diverting attention from products are causing difficulties in fulfilling their roles in
sustainable behaviors. Tour guides need extensive sustainable tourism development.
knowledge and communication skills to promote positive
The research results in this study provide a basis for the
awareness and actions from tourists, through open
article to propose some recommendations to create
negotiation and discussion. 62
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conditions for tour guides to enhance their knowledge and Travel companies, Tourism businesses
behavior, thereby making better contributions to the To support tour guides in contributing to sustainable
sustainable development of the tourism industry. development, travel companies and tourism businesses can
For stakeholders take several measures as follows: Firstly, they can develop
In the process of sustainable tourism development, a company development strategy with a clear focus on
stakeholders such as government agencies, local authorities, sustainable tourism, aiming at the benefits of the
local communities, and tourism businesses play important community and society. Secondly, they can organize
roles in the activities of tour guides. These stakeholders, periodic training courses and workshops for tour guides on
besides influencing the activities of tour guides, can also issues related to sustainable tourism. These courses may
provide support to create favorable conditions, helping tour revolve around topics such as promoting economic
guides perform their intermediary role in sustainable development at destinations, socio-cultural aspects, and the
tourism development better. environment. Thirdly, they can establish and maintain close
relationships with local communities to create sustainable
Government agencies, Local authorities
tourism products. Companies can collaborate with local
Government agencies and local authorities can producers to develop high-quality, interesting, and
undertake several activities to support tour guides in environmentally and socially responsible tourism tours,
sustainable tourism development. Firstly, they can organize thereby creating favorable conditions for tour guides to
training programs and in-depth workshops on sustainable perform their roles well. Lastly, to alleviate economic
tourism, focusing on conveying knowledge about pressure on tour guides in supporting sustainable
environmental protection, local cultural preservation, and development of the tourism industry, travel companies need
promoting responsible economic development at to implement incentive policies and special mechanisms for
destinations. Secondly, they can establish specialized guides who strive to protect the environment, culture, and
information channels providing guidance and information support local economic development. Additionally,
for tour guides about sustainable tourism destinations, as companies should recognize and honor ideas contributing to
well as activities in line with sustainable principles. Thirdly, building sustainable operation models for tourism
they can organize events, conferences, and workshops to businesses proposed by tour guides.
create opportunities for tour guides to exchange, share
For tour guides
experiences, and learn from each other about methods and
skills in promoting sustainable tourism development. To enable tour guides to positively contribute to
Lastly, they can propose policies to cooperate with non- sustainable tourism development, the topic proposes some
governmental organizations, local communities, and recommendations as follows: Firstly, tour guides need to
tourism businesses to promote sustainable tourism, creating have a deep understanding of the importance of building a
favorable conditions for tour guides to fulfill their tasks. sustainable tourism industry and understand their important
role in this process. They need to adhere to principles and
Local communities
regulations to become ideal role models for tourists.
Local communities play an important role in supporting Secondly, continuously updating knowledge about
tour guides in sustainable tourism development. They can sustainable tourism development through reliable sources
create favorable conditions by respecting and closely of information and participating in courses, workshops will
cooperating with tour guides, contributing together to the help tour guides enhance their awareness and understanding
sustainable development of the tourism industry. of this issue. Tour guides also need to integrate information
Additionally, receiving feedback from tourists and tour about sustainable tourism development into their
guides is very important, as it will help improve the quality presentations, creating opportunities for tourists to better
of services and increase tourist satisfaction with understand their impact and encourage positive actions.
destinations. For this reason, building good relationships Lastly, close collaboration with stakeholders such as local
and maintaining communication with tour guides will also communities, government agencies, and tourism businesses
contribute to enhancing the quality of the tourism will create favorable conditions for tour guides to fulfill
experience. Finally, efficiently exploiting the tourism their roles and contribute to the sustainable development of
potential of the locality and promoting sustainable the tourism industry.
development through the production of unique tourism
products, cultural value preservation, and environmental
protection is an essential part of the comprehensive
development of the tourism industry. 63
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