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Yadav Jay Shankar Singh

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Université du Québec

Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique

Centre Eau Terre Environnement





Thèse présentée pour l’obtention du grade de

Philosophiae doctor (Ph.D.)
en sciences de l’eau

Jury d’évaluation

Président du jury et Prof. Denis Groleau

examinateur externe Université de Sherbrooke

Examinateur externe Dr. Ashwani Kumar

National Research Council, Ottawa

Examinateur interne Prof. Guy Mercier


Directeur de recherche Prof. Rajeshwar D. Tyagi


© Droits réservés de Jay Shankar Singh Yadav, 2014


This thesis is dedicated to my parents, my wife Sunita and my loving

twins (Anish and Ankit).


First and foremost, I feel immense pleasure to express my sincere sense of gratitude to my
research supervisor Prof. R.D. Tyagi for his inspiring, valuable suggestions and regular
encouragement during the period of my PhD research. Sir, you have been a steady influence
throughout my PhD pursuit. You have oriented and supported me with promptness and care,
and have always been patient and encouraging in times of new ideas and difficulties. Your ability
to select and to approach convincing research problems, your high scientific standards, and your
hard work set an example, which was transmissible and motivational for me. It was a great
experience, and I am grateful to you for providing me the opportunity to pursue my research.

I take the opportunity to express my gratitude to Prof. José R. Valéro for providing me guidance
and encouragement during the course of my travail dirigé. I express my sincere thanks to Dr.
R.Y. Surmapalli for providing me guidance and inspiration during the research period.

I would like to acknowledge Dr. Song Yan for her appreciable suggestion, constructive
discussions and support during the whole period of my research. I am grateful to Dr. Jyothi
Bezawada and Dr. C.M. Ajila, for insightful comments during the research work. I would like to
thank Madam Nirmala Tyagi for her suggestions and support throughout my stay in Quebec.

I would like to thank all the laboratory personnels, especially Sébastien Duval, Stéfane
Premont, René Rodrigue, Lise Rancourt and Pauline Fournier for their technical support and
maintaining the lab facility throughout the research work. I would like to express sincere gratitude
to the student’s secretary, Suzanne Dussault, Johanne Desrosiers, Linda Aubert and Magos
Sophie for being always prompt in any kind of administrative help. I am grateful to the
informatics support at INRS-ETE. I am also thankful to all the staff in INRS-ETE for proving the
first class study and working environment.

I would also like to express my thanks to my colleagues Tanaji More, Sridhar Pilli, Lalit Kumar
and Indrani Bhattacharya for their help during research work. I would like to acknowledge
Tarek, Gnepe Jean Robert, Douha, Nouha, Louis-Philippe Theroux, Adma, Brahima,
Yassine Ouarda, Khalid Oubennaceur and Imen for the French translation of synthèse part of

my thesis. At this point, I would like to thank all my colleagues who have made my stay in INRS-
ETE enjoyable.

In particular, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my parents, my wife and my

brothers for everything they have done for me.


Le lactosérum est un coproduit de la fabrication du fromage qui contient environ 55% des
nutriments résiduels du lait. La présence de ces nutriments mène à une demande chimique en
oxygène élevée (DCO), allant de 60 à 80 g/L, ce qui restreint le rejet direct du lactosérum dans
les cours d’eau. D’un autre côté, la présence des nutriments comme le lactose, les protéines, les
lipides et minéraux font du lactosérum une ressource pour la transformation et la production
d’une grande variété de produits à valeurs ajoutées. Ces produits sont la poudre de lactosérum,
les protéines de lactosérum, le bioéthanol, les biopolymères, les enzymes, le méthane, les
protéines unicellulaires (PU) et les probiotiques. Parmi ces produits à valeurs ajoutées, la
transformation du lactosérum et de son perméat en produits protéinés comme les PU est
attrayante et de grande valeur puisqu’elle demande un simple procédé de biotransformation en
réduisant simultanément la charge polluante. Cependant, la tendance pour la production de PU
est d’utiliser uniquement le perméat. La séparation des protéines du lactosérum s’effectue par
précipitation ou par filtration membranaire. La présence du lactose dans le lactosérum est un
obstacle dans les deux procédés de séparation. Par ailleurs, le coût de récupération élevé et les
faibles volumes disponibles font en sorte qu’il est difficile pour certaines industries d’appliquer
les deux procédés séparément (c.a.d. la séparation des protéines de lactosérum et le traitement
du perméat). Pour ces raisons, la biotransformation du lactosérum non-traité en biomasse
pourrait être un meilleur choix pour l’utilisation du lactosérum que la biotransformation du
perméat. Par la suite, les protéines résiduelles du lactosérum fermenté pourraient être
récupérées facilement par précipitation ou par filtration membranaire. Les protéines récupérées
pourraient être mélangées avec de la biomasse ou utilisées séparément. Donc, le but de cette
étude était la production de PU de grade alimentaire, la caractérisation des protéines résiduelles
et leur récupération en maintenant un équilibre entre le rendement et l’efficacité de l’enlèvement
de la DCO.

La fermentation du lactosérum par Kluyveromyces marxianus s’est déroulée à 40 °C et pH 3,5

afin d’examiner simultanément la production de PU et l’enlèvement de la DCO, ainsi que pour
déterminer les caractéristiques et le sort de la fraction des protéines solubles du lactosérum de
même que caractériser les métabolites intermédiaires. Lors de la fermentation de type « batch »,
le rendement de biomasse obtenu (Yx/s) était de 0,12 g de biomasse/g de lactose avec une
réduction de la DCO de 55% (protéines incluses), tandis que la concentration de protéines

solubles du lactosérum a diminué de 5,6 à 4,1 g/L. L’électrophorèse a révélé que les protéines
fermentées étaient différentes des protéines présentes au départ. Une analyse
chromatographique a démontré un changement dans la composition des composés organiques
après fermentation. Une fermentation continue avec un système de recyclage de cellules a
résulté en un rendement de 0,19 g de biomasse/g lactose et une productivité de 0,26 g/L/h.
L’efficacité de l’enlèvement de la DCO était de 78-79% avec une concentration de protéines
résiduelles de 3,8-4,2 g/L.

Les levures ont été séparées du bouillon fermenté de la fermentation continue par centrifugation.
Les protéines solubles résiduelles du surnageant de lactosérum fermenté (SLF) ont été
précipitées par traitement à la chaleur (100 °C, pH 3,5 et 10 minutes de temps d’incubation)
sous agitation. Le résultat de ce traitement a donné une récupération de 68% des protéines
solubles résiduelles et un enlèvement simultané de la DCO résiduelle de 62%. Plus tard, le
procédé en deux étapes de précipitation/coagulation des protéines solubles en combinaison
avec le carbométhylcellulose (CMC) (traitement thermique suivi de la précipitation par CMC) a
permis d’augmenter à 81% la récupération des protéines du total des protéines solubles du SLF.

La fermentation discontinue d’une monoculture (K. marxianus) et d’une culture mixte (K.
marxianus et C. krusei) à des conditions extrêmes (40 °C et pH 3,5) a démontré de meilleurs
résultats pour la culture mixte. En effet, une efficacité d’enlèvement de la DCO de 9% supérieure
a été obtenue avec un rendement de biomasse supérieur de 19% et une productivité augmentée
de 33%. L’enlèvement maximal de la DCO, 80%, (incluant les protéines résiduelles) a été
obtenu à 24 heures de temps de rétention hydraulique (TRH) avec une productivité en biomasse
de 0,17 g/L/h. Cependant, la productivité maximale de biomasse, soit 0,38 g/L/h et un
enlèvement de 34% de la DCO ont été obtenus pour un TRH de 6 heures. Lors de la
comparaison des cultures, le contenu en lysine de la biomasse de la culture mixte était plus
élevé que celui de la biomasse de la monoculture.

Les cellules de levure K. marxianus ont été perméabilisées avec un détergent anionique, non
toxique et biodégradable, le N-lauroyl sarcosine (N-LS), pour déterminer l’activité enzymatique
intracellulaire de la β-galactosidase. Les paramètres du procédé de perméabilisation (la
concentration de N-LS, le volume de solvant, la température et le temps d’incubation) ont été
optimisés. L’activité enzymatique maximale de la β-galactosidase, 1220 IU/g de biomasse
sèche, a été obtenue sous des conditions optimales. Les cellules perméabilisées ont par la suite

été évaluées pour leur capacité à hydrolyser le lactose du lactosérum. Le meilleur résultat pour
l’hydrolyse du lactose, 91%, a été observe à 600 mg (poids sec de cellules/100 mL) dans une
solution de poudre de lactosérum (5% p/v) à pH 6,5 et 30 °C pendant un temps d’incubation de
180 minutes. L’hydrolyse simultanée du lactose du lactosérum pour l’amélioration de la
croissance de la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae, une levure qui ne consume pas le lactose, a
été évaluée avec les cellules perméabilisées de K. marxianus. La levure S. cerevisiae peut
croître dans le lactosérum hydrolysé par K. marxianus en culture mixte.

La biomasse de levure a été traitée en deux étapes avec une combinaison de produits
chimiques (N-LS et NH4OH) pour réduire la teneur en acide nucléique afin d’obtenir des PU de
qualité alimentaire. La combinaison de produits chimiques a réduit efficacement le contenu en
acide nucléique sous 2% avec un relâchement externe simultané de nucléotides. Finalement,
les caractéristiques et la récupération des protéines solubles résiduelles de lactosérum dans leur
état natif ont été évaluées. La fraction des protéines de lactosérum fermenté est différente des
protéines natives du lactosérum et sont partiellement hydrolysées lors de la fermentation. Les
paramètres opérationnels d’ultrafiltration (flux de perméat et pression transmembranaire-PTM)
ont été optimisés pour des membranes de 1 et 10 kDa. Un flux de perméat de 413 L/h/m2 et une
PTM de 80 kPa donne le meilleur résultat pour la membrane de 10 kDa, alors que pour la
membrane de 1 kDa, le meilleur résultat a été obtenu avec un flux de perméat de 2760 L/h/m2 et
une PTM de 230 kPa. Les conditions optimisées combinées ont permis, respectivement, un
recouvrement de 84% et 92% des protéines résiduelles solubles totales du surnagent de
lactosérum fermenté d’une monoculture (K. marxianus) et d’une culture mixte (K. marxianus et
S. cerevisiae).

Les PU ont été produites sous des conditions opératoires extrêmes à partir de lactosérum non
traité suivi d’un recouvrement des protéines résiduelles par précipitation. La biomasse et les
protéines solides récupérées pourraient être mélangées et pulvérisées à sec, ce qui pourra
augmenter le contenu global en protéine et balancer le profil des acides aminés essentiels des
PU. Les PU de la culture mixte (K. marxianus et C. krusei) ont été produites sous conditions
non-aseptiques avec une efficacité d’enlèvement de la DCO supérieure, un rendement amélioré
et une qualité du produit augmentée. Les deux microorganismes ont démontré une interaction
physiologique. Le détergent a été efficace pour perméabiliser les cellules afin de permettre au
lactose de pénétrer et de subir l’action des enzymes intracellulaires. Les cellules perméabilisées
ont efficacement hydrolysé le lactose du lactosérum. Les PU de qualité alimentaire ont été

obtenues par prétraitement de la biomasse avec une combinaison de produits chimiques. Les
protéines résiduelles après la fermentation ont été récupérées par ultrafiltration dans leur état
natif. Donc, en se basant sur la présente étude, trois différentes approches pourraient
potentiellement être appliquées pour la biotransformation du lactosérum non traité en produits


Cheese whey, a byproduct, is produced during manufacturing of cheese and contains around
55% of the milk residual nutrients. The presence of milk nutrients leads to a high chemical
oxygen demand (COD) of 60-80 g/L, it restricts direct whey disposal into natural environmental
streams. On the other hand, the presence of nutrients such as lactose, protein, lipids and
minerals makes cheese whey a potential resource for the processing and production of a wide
range of value-added products, such as whey powder, whey protein, bioethanol, biopolymers,
enzymes, methane, single-cell protein (SCP) and probiotics. Among these, the transformation of
whey and whey permeate into proteinaceus products such as SCP is attractive and demands
since it involves a simple biotransformation process and simultaneous pollution load removal.
However, the general trend for production of SCP is using whey permeate. The recovery of whey
proteins is carried out by precipitation or membrane filtration. The presence of lactose in whey is
an hindrance in both separation processes. Moreover, high recovery cost and low volume
availability of whey make it hard for some companies to apply two processes separately (i.e.
whey protein separation and whey permeate treatment). Therefore, biotransformation of raw
cheese whey to biomass could be a better choice for whey utilization. Thereafter, the residual
fermented whey proteins could be recovered via precipitation or membrane filtration with ease.
The recovered proteins could be either mixed with biomass or used separately. Thus, the aim of
the study was the production of feed- and food-grade SCP, the characterization of the residual
proteins and their recovery by maintaining a balance between product yield and COD removal

Cheese whey fermentation with Kluyveromyces marxianus was carried out at 40 oC and pH 3.5
to examine simultaneous SCP production and COD removal, to determine the fate and
characteristics of the soluble whey protein and to characterize the intermediate metabolites.
During batch fermentation, the biomass yield (Yx/s) obtained was 0.12 g biomass/g lactose with
55% COD reduction (including proteins), whereas soluble whey protein concentration decreased
from 5.6 to 4.1 g/L. Electrophoresis revealed that the fermented whey protein characteristic was
different from the native whey protein. Chromatographic analysis showed a change in the
composition of organic compounds post-fermentation. Continuous fermentation with a cell
recycle system resulted in a biomass yield of 0.19 g biomass/g lactose and a productivity of 0.26

g/L/h. The COD removal efficiency was 78-79% with a residual protein concentration of 3.8-4.2

The yeast biomass was separated from the fermented broth from continuous fermentation by
centrifugation. The residual soluble proteins from fermented whey supernatant (FWS) were
precipitated by heat treatment (at 100 oC, pH 3.5 and 10 min incubation) under agitation, which
resulted in 68% of protein recovery and a simultaneous residual COD removal of 62%. Further,
precipitation/coagulation of the soluble proteins in presence of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) in
two-step process (thermal treatment followed by CMC precipitation) enhanced protein recovery
from FWS up to 81%.

Batch fermentation of mono (K. marxianus) and mixed (K. marxianus and C. krusei) cultures at
extreme conditions (temperature 40 oC and pH 3.5) showed that the mixed culture resulted in
9% higher COD removal efficacy, 19% higher biomass yield and 33% increased productivity.
Maximal COD removal of 80% (including residual proteins) was obtained at 24 h HRT with a
biomass productivity of 0.17 g/L/h; however, maximal biomass productivity of 0.38 g/L/h and
34% COD removal were obtained at 6 h HRT. The mixed culture biomass showed a higher
content of lysine compared to monoculture biomass.

Yeast K. marxianus cells were permeabilized with the non-toxic, biodegradable, anionic
detergent N-lauroyl sarcosine (N-LS) for accessing the intracellular β-galactosidase activity. The
permeabilization process parameters (N-LS concentration, solvent volume, temperature and
incubation time) were optimized. The maximal β-galactosidase activity of 1220 IU/g dry weight
was obtained under the optimized conditions. Further, the permeabilized cells were evaluated for
whey lactose hydrolysis. The maximal lactose hydrolysis of 91% was observed with 600 mg (dry
cell weight/100 mL) in whey powder (5% w/v) solution with a 180-min incubation, pH 6.5 and 30
°C. Simultaneous whey lactose hydrolysis for increasing the growth of the non-lactose-
consuming yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was evaluated with permeabilized K. marxianus
cells. S. cerevisiae was able to grow in hydrolyzed whey with K. marxianus in a mixed culture

The yeast biomass was treated in two steps with a combination of chemicals (N-LS and NH4OH)
to reduce the nucleic acid content in order to obtain food-grade SCP. The combination of
chemical was effective to reduce the nucleic acid content below 2% with simultaneous release of

nucleotides. Finally, the characteristics and the recovery of the residual soluble whey proteins in
native state was evaluated. The fermented whey protein fraction was different from the native
whey protein fraction and it was partially hydrolyzed during fermentation. The ultrafiltration
operational parameters (permeate flux and transmembrane pressure-TMP) were optimized for 1
and 10 kDa membranes. The permeate flux of 413 L/h/m2 and TMP of 80 kPa resulted in highest
recovery with the 10 kDa membrane followed by a permeate flux of 2760 L/h/m2 and TMP of 230
kPa for the 1 kDa membrane. The optimized conditions in combination recovered 84% and 92%
of the total residual soluble proteins from mono- (K. marxianus) and mixed cultures (K.
marxianus and S. cerevisiae) fermented whey supernatants, respectively.

SCP was produced under extreme operating conditions from raw cheese whey followed by
residual protein recovery through precipitation. The biomass and the recovered proteinaceous
solids could be mixed and spray-dried, which will increase the overall protein content and
balance the essential amino acids profile of SCP. The mixed culture (K. marxianus and C.
krusei) SCP was produced under non-aseptic conditions with higher COD removal efficiency,
enhanced yield and improved product quality. The two microorganisms have demonstrated
physiological interactions. Permeabilization of yeast cells with a detergent was effective for
accessing intracellular enzyme activity. Permeabilized cells were effective in hydrolyzing whey
lactose. Food-grade SCP was obtained by pre-treatment of biomass with a combination of
chemicals. The residual proteins after fermentation were recovered by ultrafiltration in their
native state. Thus, based on the present study, three different approaches could be potentially
applied to biotransform raw cheese whey into proteinaceous products.



1. Yadav, J.S.S, Yan, S., Pilli, S., Kumar, L., Tyagi, R.D. and Surampalli, R.Y (2014). Cheese
whey: a potential resource to transform into bioprotein, functional/nutritional protein and
bioactive peptides. Biotechnology Advances (under review).
2. Yadav, J.S.S., Bezawada, J., Elharche, S., Yan, S., Tyagi, R.D. and Surampalli, R.Y.
(2014a). Simultaneous single-cell protein production and COD removal with characterization
of residual protein and intermediate metabolites during whey fermentation by K. marxianus.
Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 37:1017-1029.
3. Yadav, J.S.S., Yan, S., More, T.T., Tyagi, R.D. and Surampalli, R.Y. (2014d). Recovery of
residual soluble protein by two-step precipitation process with concomitant COD reduction
from the yeast-cultivated cheese whey. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering,
4. Yadav J.S.S., Bezawada J., Yan S., Tyagi R.D. and Surampalli R.Y. (2012). Candida krusei:
biotechnological potentials and concerns about its safety. Canadian Journal of Microbiology,
58 (8):937-952.
5. Yadav, J.S.S., Bezawada, J., Ajila, C.M., Yan, S., Tyagi, R.D. and Surampalli, R.Y. (2014c).
Mixed culture of Kluyveromyces marxianus and Candida krusei for single-cell protein
production and organic load removal from whey. Bioresource Technology, 164, 119-127.
6. Yadav, J.S.S., Bezawada, J., Yan, S., Tyagi, R.D. and Surampalli, R. Y. (2014b).
Permeabilization of Kluyveromyces marxianus with mild detergent for whey lactose
hydrolysis and augmentation of mixed culture. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology,
172(6), 3207-3222.
7. Yadav, J.S.S., Yan, S., Ajila C.M., Bezawada, J., Tyagi, R.D. and Surampalli, R.Y. (2014).
Food-grade single-cell protein production, characterization and ultrafiltration recovery of
residual fermented whey proteins from whey. Food and Bioproduct Processing (under


1. Bhattacharya I., Yan, S., Yadav, J.S.S., R.D. Tyagi and R.Y. Surampalli (2013).
Saccharomyces unisporus: biotechnological potential and present status. Comprehensive
Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 12(4): 353-363.
2. More, T.T., Yadav, J.S.S., Yan, S., Tyagi, R.D. and Surampalli, R.Y. (2014). Extracellular
polymeric substances of bacteria and their potential environmental applications. Journal of
Environmental Management, 144, 1-25.
3. Bhattacharya, I., Yadav, J.S.S., T.T. More, Song Yan, R.D. Tyagi, R. Y. Surampalli and
Zhang, T.C. (2014). Biochar. Book chapter for ASCE .(In press).
4. Bhattacharya, I., More, T.T., Yadav, J.S.S., Kumar, L., Yan, S., Rojan P. John, R.P., Tyagi,
R.D. and Surampalli, R.Y. and Zhang, T.C. (2014). Carbon Burial and Enhanced Soil Carbon
Trapping. Book chapter for ASCE publisher. (In press).
5. Yadav, J.S.S., Kumar, L., More, T.T., Pilli, S., Yan, S., Tyagi, R.D. and Surampalli, R.Y.
(2014). Recovery Technologies of Biodiesel. Book chapter for ASCE publisher. (Under
6. Bhattacharya, I., Yadav, J.S.S., Yan, S., Tyagi, R.D. and Surampalli, R.Y. (2014). Evaluation
of inhibitory methods for food spoiler yeast Candida krusei during fermentation process by
chemical, biochemical and nanoparticle approaches. (To be submitted).


1. Yadav, J.S.S., Jyothi, B., More, T.T., Tyagi, R.D. and Surampalli, R.Y. (2011). Production of
protein rich yeast biomass and hydrolyzed whey protein with subsequent COD removal from
cheese processing wastewater (whey). 26th Eastern Canadian Symposium on Water Quality
Research, October 7, 2011, INRS-ETE, Québec, CANADA.
2. Mahmoudi, A., Rouissi, T., Yadav, J.S.S., Valero, J. and Tyagi, R.D. (2011). Optimisation of
COD removal and biomass production of a cheese whey fermentation process using
response surface methodology and desirability function. 26th Eastern Canadian Symposium
on Water Quality Research, October 7, 2011, INRS-ETE, Québec, CANADA.
3. More, T.T., Yan, S., Yadav, J.S.S., Tyagi, R.D. and Surampalli, R.Y. (2011). Bio-flocculaion:
Novel approach for wastewater and sludge conditioning. 26th Eastern Canadian Symposium
on Water Quality Research, October 7, 2011, INRS-ETE, Québec, CANADA.
4. Elharche, S., Yadav, J.S.S. and Tyagi, R.D. (2011). Identification des intermédiaires produits
durant la bioconversion des eaux usées (lactosérum) en protéine animal. 26th Eastern
Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research, October 7, 2011, INRS-ETE, Québec,
5. Bhattacharya, I., Yadav, J.S.S., Tyagi, R.D. and Surampalli, R.Y. (2011). Potential of cheese
industry waste water for the production of Phenyl ethyl alcohol (PEA), an antimicrobial
compounds. 26th Eastern Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research, October 7,
2011, INRS-ETE, Québec, CANADA.
6. Yadav, J.S.S., Bezawada, J., Yan, S., Tyagi, R.D. and Surampalli, R.Y. (2012).
Characterization of residual whey protein, recovery and COD removal from fermented
cheese whey. 1st Waterloo international conference of sustainable wastewater treatment:
The recovery of value-added product, August 8-9, 2012, University of Waterloo, ON,
7. Portal, E., Yadav, J.S.S. and Tyagi, R.D. (2012). Cheese whey as a potential substrate for
production of 2-Phenylethanol (2-PE). 27th Eastern Canadian Symposium on Water Quality
Research, October 26, 2012, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec, CANADA.
8. Yadav, J.S.S., Ajila, C.M., Yan, S., Tyagi, R.D. and Surampalli, R.Y. (2013). Mixed culture
for removal of pollution load from cheese industry wastewater with simultaneous production
of protein as animal feed. 48th Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research,
March 6-8, 2013, Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA.

9. More, T.T., Yan, S., Yadav, J.S.S., Tyagi, R.D. and Surampalli, R.Y. (2013). Production of
biopolymers by Serratia sp. using pre-treatment sludge as raw material and its application to
river water and wastewater treatment. IWA conference on Holistic Sludge Management, May
6-8, 2013, An IWA specialist conference – Vasteras SWEDEN.
10. Yadav, J.S.S., Yan, S., Tyagi, R.D. and Surampalli, R.Y. (2013). Evaluation of the re-
solubilisation of thermally precipitated whey protein and comparison of single cell protein
production in precipitated and non-precipitated cheese whey. 2nd CRIBIQ student
conference: Value chains of bio-based products: from biomass to bioproducts, September
23-24, 2013, Trois-Rivières, Quebec, CANADA.
11. Yadav, J.S.S., Yan, S., Tyagi, R.D. and Surampalli, R.Y. (2014). Production of feed and
food-grade bioprotein, characterization and recovery of residual fermented protein from whey
fermentation. 29th Eastern Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research, October 17,
2011, Polytechnique Montréal, Québec, CANADA.


1. Yadav, J.S.S. (2012). Development of wettable powder (WP) biopesticides formulation of

Bacillus thuringiensis produced on synthetic media with starch industry wastewater.
Submitted report to Institut National de la Recherche Scientific- Eau, Terre et Environment,
Quebec, Canada.
2. Yadav, J.S.S. (2014). Recovery of polyhydroxyalkanoates (bio-plastic) through different
chemical treatments and evaluation of their impact on molecular mass. Submitted report to
Institut National de la Recherche Scientific- Eau, Terre et Environment, Quebec, Canada.


DÉDICACE ........................................................................................................................ i
REMERCIEMENTS ......................................................................................................... iii
RÉSUMÉ .......................................................................................................................... v
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... ix
AVANT-PROPOS .......................................................................................................... xiii
PUBLICATIONS/MANUSCRIPTS DANS CETTE THÈSE ............................................. xiii
PUBLICATIONS EN DEHORS DE CETTE THÈSE........................................................ xv
CONGRÈS ET CONFÉRENCES.................................................................................. xvii
RAPPORT CONFIDENTIELS ........................................................................................ xix
TABLE DES MATIÈRES ................................................................................................ xxi
LISTE DES TABLEAUX ............................................................................................... xxxi
LISTE DES FIGURES ................................................................................................ xxxiii
LISTE DES ABRÉVIATIONS ..................................................................................... xxxvii
CHAPITRE I .....................................................................................................................1
SYNTHÈSE ......................................................................................................................1
1. REVUE DE LITTÉRATURE ..........................................................................................3
1.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 3
PRODUITS À VALEUR AJOUTÉE .......................................................................................... 5
1.2.1 Les caractéristiques physiques .....................................................................................................5
1.2.2 Les caractéristiques chimiques .....................................................................................................6
1.2.3 Utilisation du lactosérum pour la production de produits à valeur ajoutée ....................................6
1.3.1 Les protéines unicellulaires ........................................................................................................ 11
1.3.2 Facteurs qui affectent la production de protéines unicellulaires ................................................ 12
1.3.3 Qualité des protéines unicellulaires produites à partir du lactosérum ........................................ 18
1.3.4 Les considérations de sécurité et de pré-traitement des protéines unicellulaires ...................... 21
1.4.1 Les produits protéinés issus du lactosérum ............................................................................... 22
1.4.2 Les protéines de lactosérum individuelle composants ............................................................... 23

1.4.3 Le traitement des produits protéinés du lactosérum .................................................................. 28
1.4.4 Le fractionnement des protéines du lactosérum ........................................................................ 31
1.4.5 Les application des produits enrichis en protéines et des protéines individuelles du lactosérum
............................................................................................................................................................. 34
LACTOSÉRUM ...................................................................................................................... 36
1.5.1 Les peptides bioactifs ................................................................................................................. 36
1.5.2 Méthodes de production de peptides bioactifs ........................................................................... 38

2. PROBLlÉMATIQUE ....................................................................................................39
3. HYPOTHÈSES, OBJECTIFS ET ORIGINALITÉ ........................................................41
3.1 HYPOTHÈSES ................................................................................................................ 41
3.1.1 Hypothèse 1 ................................................................................................................................ 41
3.1.2 Hypothèse 2 ................................................................................................................................ 41
3.1.3 Hypothèse 3 ................................................................................................................................ 42
3.1.4 Hypothèse 4 ................................................................................................................................ 42
3.1.5 Hypothèse 5 ................................................................................................................................ 42
3.2 OBJECTIFS ..................................................................................................................... 43
3.2.1 Objectif 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 43
3.2.2 Objectif 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 43
3.2.3 Objectif 3 ..................................................................................................................................... 43
3.2.4 Objectif 4 ..................................................................................................................................... 43
3.2.5 Objectif 5 ..................................................................................................................................... 44
3.3 ORIGINALITÉ .................................................................................................................. 44
4. RÉSULTATS ET DISCUSSION ..................................................................................45
FERMENTATION................................................................................................................... 45
4.1.1 Lactosérum: une ressource potentiellement transformable en bio-protéines, protéines
fonctionnelles/nutritionnelles et peptides bioactifs (Chapitre II, partie 1) ............................................ 45
4.1.2 La production de protéines unicellulaires et l’élimination simultanée de la DCO avec
caractérisation des protéines résiduelles et des métabolites intermédiaires au cours de la
fermentation du lactosérum par K. marxianus (Chapitre II, partie 2) .................................................. 46
4.1.3 Récupération des protéines solubles résiduelle par un procédé de précipitation en deux étapes
avec réduction concomitante de la DCO du lactosérum de levure cultivées (Chapitre II, partie 3) .... 47
UNICELLULAIRES ................................................................................................................ 47

4.2.1 Candida krusei: potentiel biotechnologiques et préoccupations quant à sa sécurité (Chapitre III,
partie 1) ................................................................................................................................................ 47
4.2.2 Culture mixte de Kluyveromyces marxianus et Candida krusei pour la production de protéines
unicellulaires et l'élimination de la charge organique à partir du lactosérum (Chapitre III, partie 2) ... 48
4.3.1 La perméabilisation de Kluyveromyces marxianus avec un détergent doux pour l'hydrolyse du
lactose lactosérum et l'augmentation de la culture mixte (Chapitre IV, partie 1) ................................ 49
4.3.2 Production de qualité alimentaire protéines unicellulaires, la caractérisation et la récupération
des protéines résiduelles fermentés par ultrafiltration du lactosérum (Chapitre IV, partie 2). ............ 49

5. CONCLUSIONS ET RECOMMANDATIONS ..............................................................51

BIBLIOGRAPHIE ................................................................................................................... 52
CHAPITRE II ..................................................................................................................63
FERMENTATION ...........................................................................................................63
PARTIE 1........................................................................................................................65
RÉSUMÉ ............................................................................................................................... 67
ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................ 68
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 69
PRODUCTS........................................................................................................................... 71
2.1 Physical characteristics ................................................................................................................. 71
2.2 Chemical characteristics ................................................................................................................ 71
2.3 Whey utilization for production of value-added products............................................................... 71
3.1 Bioprotein ....................................................................................................................................... 73
3.2 Factors affecting and production process of bioprotein................................................................. 74
3.2.1 Microorganisms ...................................................................................................................... 74
3.2.2 Nutrients ................................................................................................................................. 76
3.2.3 pH ........................................................................................................................................... 77
3.2.4 Temperature ........................................................................................................................... 77
3.2.5 Dissolved oxygen.................................................................................................................... 78
3.2.6 Mode of fermentation process ................................................................................................ 78

3.3 Quality of cultivated bioprotein from whey ..................................................................................... 80
3.4 Safety considerations and pre-treatment of bioprotein .................................................................. 81
4. FUNCTIONAL/NUTRITIONAL WHEY PROTEINS FROM WHEY ...................................... 82
4.1 Whey-based proteinaceous products ............................................................................................ 83
4.2 Individual whey protein components ............................................................................................. 83
4.2.1 β-Lactoglobulin ....................................................................................................................... 84
4.2.2 α-Lactalbumin ......................................................................................................................... 84
4.2.3 Bovine serum albumin ............................................................................................................ 85
4.2.4 Immunoglobulins..................................................................................................................... 85
4.2.5 Glycomacropeptide ................................................................................................................. 86
4.2.6 Lactoferrin ............................................................................................................................... 86
4.2.7 Proteose-peptone component ................................................................................................ 87
4.2.8 Lactoperoxidase ..................................................................................................................... 87
4.3 Processing of proteinaceous whey products ................................................................................. 87
4.4 Methods for fractionation of individual whey proteins .................................................................... 89
4.4.1 Separation by precipitation ..................................................................................................... 89
4.4.2 Separation by membrane technology ..................................................................................... 90
4.4.3 Chromatographic separation .................................................................................................. 90
4.5 Application of protein enrich products and individuals whey proteins ........................................... 91
5. BIOACTIVE PEPTIDES AND THEIR PROCESSING FROM WHEY .................................. 92
5.1 Bioactive peptides.......................................................................................................................... 92
5.1.1 ACE-inhibitory peptide ............................................................................................................ 93
5.1.2 Bioactive peptides with opioid activity .................................................................................... 93
5.1.3 Iron-binding bioactive peptide ................................................................................................. 94
5.1.4 Hydrolysed whey protein ........................................................................................................ 94
5.2 Process for production of bioactive peptides ................................................................................. 95
6. CONCLUSIONS................................................................................................................. 96
7. FUTURE PROSPECTIVE .................................................................................................. 96
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 99
PARTIE 2......................................................................................................................123
RÉSUMÉ ............................................................................................................................. 125
ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................................... 126
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 127

MATERIALS AND METHODS ............................................................................................. 128
Cheese whey ..................................................................................................................................... 128
Microorganism ................................................................................................................................... 129
Inoculum preparation ......................................................................................................................... 129
Fermentation ...................................................................................................................................... 129
Fermentation with normal cell density inoculum ............................................................................ 130
Fermentation with high-cell-density inoculum................................................................................ 130
Batch fermentation with medium-cell-density inoculum followed a switch to continuous
fermentation ................................................................................................................................... 130
Analytical methods ............................................................................................................................. 131
Characterization of residual proteins and of the intermediate compounds ....................................... 132
Electrophoresis of native whey and fermented whey proteins ...................................................... 132
Evaluation of sugar and intermediate compounds in whey and fermented whey ......................... 133
RESULT AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................................... 134
Variation of different parameters during cheese whey fermentation with K. marxianus ................... 134
Characteristics of the native whey proteins and of the fermented whey proteins ......................... 136
Sugars and intermediate compounds in whey and fermented whey ............................................. 136
Fermentation with high cell-density-inoculum.................................................................................... 137
Batch fermentation with medium-cell-density inoculum and the shifted to continuous fermentation 139
CONCLUSIONS................................................................................................................... 140
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 142
PARTIE 3......................................................................................................................157
CULTIVATED CHEESE WHEY ....................................................................................157
RÉSUMÉ ............................................................................................................................. 159
ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................................... 160
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 161
MATERIALS AND METHODS ............................................................................................. 162
Fermentation and downstream processing ....................................................................................... 162
Precipitation of proteins through thermal treatment .......................................................................... 163
Effect of temperature ..................................................................................................................... 163
Effect of pH .................................................................................................................................... 163
Treatment time............................................................................................................................... 163
Impact of agitation rate on precipitation and process scale up ..................................................... 163
Coagulation/precipitation using CMC ................................................................................................ 164

Precipitation at room temperature ................................................................................................. 164
Precipitation at elevated temperature ............................................................................................ 164
Combination of thermal precipitation followed by coagulation with CMC .......................................... 164
Effect of pH at which CMC was added after heat treatment ......................................................... 164
Heat treatment followed by addition of different concentrations of CMC ...................................... 165
Addition of CMC at different temperatures .................................................................................... 165
Optimization of mixing time and determination of sediment volume ............................................. 165
Analysis.............................................................................................................................................. 165
RESULT AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................................... 166
Recovery of residual proteins by thermal precipitation ...................................................................... 166
Effect of temperature ..................................................................................................................... 167
Effect of pH .................................................................................................................................... 167
Treatment time............................................................................................................................... 168
Cations/anions content of the precipitates..................................................................................... 170
Role of agitation in precipitating proteins in a large-scale process ............................................... 170
Precipitation/coagulation with CMC ................................................................................................... 171
Precipitation with CMC at room temperature................................................................................. 171
Precipitation/coagulation at elevated temperature ........................................................................ 172
Combination of thermal precipitation followed by coagulation with CMC .......................................... 173
Effect of pH at which CMC was added after heat treatment ......................................................... 173
Optimization of CMC concentration in heat-treated solution ......................................................... 173
Addition of CMC at different temperatures .................................................................................... 174
Optimization of mixing time and determination of sediment volume ............................................. 174
CONCLUSIONS................................................................................................................... 175
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 177
CHAPITRE III ...............................................................................................................191
PROTÉINES UNICELLULAIRES..................................................................................191
PARTIE 1......................................................................................................................193
ABOUT ITS SAFETY ....................................................................................................193
RÉSUMÉ ............................................................................................................................. 195
ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................................... 196
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 197
TAXONOMY AND BIOLOGY ............................................................................................... 198

Presence and role of C. krusei in traditional fermented food products ............................................. 201
Milk products .................................................................................................................................. 201
Cocoa fermentation ....................................................................................................................... 201
Cassava fermentation .................................................................................................................... 202
Tapai and Boza .............................................................................................................................. 202
Koko ............................................................................................................................................... 203
Elubo .............................................................................................................................................. 203
Other indigenous fermented foods .................................................................................................... 203
Role of C. krusei in enzyme production ............................................................................................. 204
Phytase .......................................................................................................................................... 204
Carbonyl Reductase ...................................................................................................................... 205
Role of C. krusei in bioproducts and biochemicals ............................................................................ 205
Single-cell protein .......................................................................................................................... 205
Folate biofortification ...................................................................................................................... 206
Glycerol .......................................................................................................................................... 206
Ethanol ........................................................................................................................................... 207
Role of C. krusei in bioremediation .................................................................................................... 207
Decolorization of synthetic dye ...................................................................................................... 207
POTENTIAL RECOMBINANT TECHNOLOGY .................................................................... 208
PATHOGENIC ROLE OF C. KRUSEI IN HUMAN DISEASE ............................................... 209
Epidemiology and pathogenicity ........................................................................................................ 209
Classification and mechanism of action of antifungal (anti-Candida) drugs ...................................... 211
Drug resistance and management of C. krusei infection................................................................... 212
CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES ............................................................... 213
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 216
PARTIE 2......................................................................................................................237
WHEY ...........................................................................................................................237
RÉSUMÉ ............................................................................................................................. 239
ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................................... 240
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 241
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS ......................................................................................... 243
2.1 Cheese whey ............................................................................................................................... 243
2.2 Microorganisms ........................................................................................................................... 243

2.3 Inoculum preparation ................................................................................................................... 244
2.4 Fermentation ................................................................................................................................ 244
2.4.1 Batch fermentation with mono-culture .................................................................................. 244
2.4.2 Batch fermentation with mixed culture.................................................................................. 245
2.4.3 Batch fermentation switched to continuous fermentation with mixed culture ....................... 245
2.5 Analytical methods....................................................................................................................... 246
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ......................................................................................... 247
3.1 Batch fermentation with mono-culture ......................................................................................... 247
3.2 Batch fermentation with mixed culture......................................................................................... 248
3.3 Batch fermentation followed by continuous fermentation with mixed culture .............................. 250
3.3.1 Variation of individual populations of K. marxianus and C. krusei ....................................... 250
3.3.2 Variation in lactose, COD and soluble protein concentration during batch and continuous
fermentation ................................................................................................................................... 251
3.4 Compositional analysis of biomass (SCP)................................................................................... 253
4. CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................................... 254
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 256
CHAPITRE IV ...............................................................................................................265
PARTIE 1......................................................................................................................267
RÉSUMÉ ............................................................................................................................. 269
ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................................... 270
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 271
MATERIALS AND METHODS ............................................................................................. 272
Microorganisms ................................................................................................................................. 273
Inoculum preparation ......................................................................................................................... 273
Production of yeast biomass ............................................................................................................. 273
Permeabilization of yeast cells .......................................................................................................... 274
Effect of N-LS concentration .......................................................................................................... 274
Effect of solvent volume................................................................................................................. 274
Effect of incubation temperature .................................................................................................... 274
Effect of incubation time ................................................................................................................ 275

Hydrolysis of whey lactose using permeabilized K. marxianus cells ................................................. 275
Production of mixed culture SCP in hydrolyzed whey ....................................................................... 275
Analytical methods ............................................................................................................................. 276
β-galactosidase assay ................................................................................................................... 276
Catalase assay .............................................................................................................................. 276
Viability of permeabilized cells ....................................................................................................... 276
Analysis of whey lactose hydrolysis .............................................................................................. 277
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................................. 277
Permeabilization of yeast cells .......................................................................................................... 277
Effect of N-LS concentration .......................................................................................................... 277
Effect of solvent volume................................................................................................................. 278
Effect of temperature ..................................................................................................................... 278
Effect of incubation time ................................................................................................................ 279
Catalase activity in the permeabilized cells ................................................................................... 279
Viability of permeabilized cells ....................................................................................................... 280
Hydrolysis of whey lactose by permeabilized yeast cells .................................................................. 280
Production of mixed culture SCP in hydrolyzed whey ....................................................................... 282
CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................... 283
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 285
PARTIE 2......................................................................................................................297
FROM WHEY ...............................................................................................................297
RÉSUMÉ ............................................................................................................................. 299
ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................................... 300
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 301
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS ......................................................................................... 303
2.1 Microorganisms ........................................................................................................................... 303
2.2 Inoculum preparation ................................................................................................................... 303
2.3 Production of mono-culture (K. marxianus) yeast biomass ......................................................... 304
2.4 Production of mixed culture yeast biomass ................................................................................. 304
2.5 Downstream processing .............................................................................................................. 305
2.5.1 Treatment of biomass to reduce the nucleic acid content .................................................... 305
2.5.2 Electrophoresis of native whey and fermented whey proteins ............................................. 305
2.5.3 Ultrafiltration .......................................................................................................................... 306
2.6 Analytical ..................................................................................................................................... 307

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ......................................................................................... 307
3.1 Biomass production and nucleic acid removal ............................................................................ 308
3.1.1 Fermentation profiles, yields and COD removal efficiency of mono and mixed culture ....... 308
3.1.2 Nucleic acid removal from mono and mixed culture biomass .............................................. 308
3.2 Characterization of the fermented whey proteins ........................................................................ 309
3.3 Selection of the ultrafiltration membrane ..................................................................................... 310
3.3.1 Permeate flux for the 10 kDa membrane ............................................................................. 310
3.3.2 Transmembrane pressure for the 10 kDa membrane .......................................................... 311
3.2.3 Permeate flux for the 1 kDa membrane................................................................................ 312
3.2.4 Transmembrane pressure for the 1 kDa membrane ............................................................ 312
3.3.5 COD reduction during the ultrafiltration ................................................................................ 312
4. CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................................... 313
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 315
CHAPITRE V ................................................................................................................327
CONCLUSIONS ET RECOMMANDATIONS ................................................................327
PARTIE 1: CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................. 329
PARTIE 2: RECOMMANDATIONS ...................................................................................... 331
ANNEXES ....................................................................................................................333
ANNEXE 1 ....................................................................................................................335
ANNEXE 2 ....................................................................................................................341
ANNEXE 3 ....................................................................................................................347
ANNEXE 4 ....................................................................................................................355
ANNEXE 5 ....................................................................................................................359
ANNEXE 6 ....................................................................................................................367



Table 1.1 Les caractéristiques de la composition du lactosérum doux et du lactosérum acide .... 6
Table 1.2 Bioutilisation du lactosérum pour la production de produits à valeur ajoutée................ 9
Table 1.3 Les conditions de fermentation, le mode de fermentation, les rendements et l’efficacité
d’élimination pendant la production de protéines unicellulaires à partir du lactosérum............... 16
Table 1.4 Les profils en acides aminés essentiels de protéines unicellulaires de différents
microorganismes et leur comparaison avec le profile standatd de la FAO ................................. 20
Table 1.5 Les caractéristiques des différents produits protéiques issus du lactosérum.............. 23
Table 1.6 La composition protéique et les caractéristiques des protéines du lactosérum .......... 24


Table 1. Compositional characteristic of sweet whey and acid whey ....................................... 109
Table 2. Bioutilization of cheese whey for production of value-added products........................ 110
Table 3. Cultivation conditions and process yields during different mode of fermentation for
bioprotein production from whey .............................................................................................. 112
Table 4. Essential amino acid profile of SCPs of different microorganisms and their comparison
with FAO standard ................................................................................................................... 113
Table 5. Typical components of various whey-derived proteinaceous products ....................... 114
Table 6. Protein composition and basic characteristics of the whey proteins ........................... 115


Table 1. Composition of the cheese whey ............................................................................... 145

Table 2. Organic compounds identified in cheese whey and in supernatant from K. marxianus
fermented cheese whey .......................................................................................................... 146
Table 3. Process parameter values and results obtained with different modes of fermentation 147


Table 1. Cations and anions content of precipitates obtained at pH-3.5 and pH-4.5 ................ 181
Table 2. Effect of different agitation rates (average shear rate) on protein precipitation and COD
removal at treatment conditions: time 10 min, pH 3.5 and temperature of 100 oC .................... 182
Table 3. Effect of mixing time on precipitation with CMC at reactor scale* ............................... 183


Table 1. Comparison of some properties of pathogenic yeast Candida species and S. cerevisiae
................................................................................................................................................ 228

Table 2. Summary of diseases caused by Candida krusei ....................................................... 229
Table 3. Comparison to antifungal drugs susceptibility of C. krusei and C. albicans ................ 230


Table 1. Summary of residual substrates, yield and COD removal efficiency during batch and
continuous processes with mono-culture and mixed culture conducted at pH 3.5 and 40 oC using
cheese whey as substrate ....................................................................................................... 259
Table 2. Amino acid profile of mono-culture and mixed culture SCP ........................................ 260
Table 3. Prediction for further improvement of the process efficiency by recovering the residual
soluble proteins employing the Yadav et al. (2014) two-step precipitation method .................. 261


Table 1. Comparison of β-galactosidase activity with different permeabilizing agents and their
toxicity ..................................................................................................................................... 287
Table 2. Kinetics of whey lactose hydrolysis with permeabilized cells in relation to different E:S
ratios during the 180 min-incubation ........................................................................................ 288


Table 1. Specification of the membranes used ........................................................................ 318

Table 2. Yields, productivities and process efficiencies during mono- and mixed culture after 30 h
fermentation ............................................................................................................................ 319



Figure 1.1 La comparaison des composantes du lait de vache et du lactosérum (LS) ................. 5
Figure 1.2 Schéma du traitement du lactosérum par des méthodes physiques et
biotechnologiques ....................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 1.3 Schéma du traitement de concentrés de protéines sériques (WPC) ......................... 29
Figure 1.4 Schéma de traitement d'isolat protéique de lactosérum (WPI) .................................. 30
Figure 1.5 Fractionnement séquentiel des protéines de lactosérum par le système de filtration
membranaire à trois étapes ....................................................................................................... 33
Figure 1.6 Rôles individual fonctionnels et nutritionnels importants de protéines de lactosérum 35


Figure 1. Comparison of the proximate analysis of bovine milk and its whey ........................... 116
Figure 2. Flow diagram of the processing of whey by physical/thermal and biotechnological
method .................................................................................................................................... 117
Figure 3. Processing for the production of various whey protein concentrates (WPCs) ........... 118
Figure 4. Processing for the production of whey protein isolate (WPI) ..................................... 119
Figure 5. Three-stage membrane filtration system for sequential fractionation of whey proteins
from whey ................................................................................................................................ 120
Figure 6. Important functional and nutritional roles of individual whey proteins ........................ 121
Figure 7. The regulatory system of human blood pressure by the rennin-angiotensin system and
the Kallikrein-Kinin system....................................................................................................... 122


Figure 1. Schematic diagram of continuous fermentation with a cell recycle system................ 148
Figure 2. (a) Variation in viable cell concentration (CFU/mL) and biomass with respect to time
during fermentation; (b) Variation in lactose, COD and protein concentration during fermentation
................................................................................................................................................ 149
Figure 3. SDS-PAGE with native whey and fermented whey supernatant proteins (lanes 1 and 2
whey proteins; lanes 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 supernatant proteins; and lane 8 MW marker) ............... 150
Figure 4. (a) HPLC chromatogram of a cheese whey sample indicates the presence of lactose;
(b) HPLC chromatogram of a supernatant of fermented whey indicates the presence of various
intermediate compounds other than lactose ............................................................................ 151
Figure 5. GC-MS chromatogram of cheese whey* ................................................................... 152
Figure 6. GC-MS chromatogram of supernatant* ..................................................................... 153
Figure 7. (a) Variation in viable cell concentration (CFU/mL) and biomass with respect to time
during fermentation with a high cell density inoculum; (b) Variation in lactose, COD and protein
concentration during fermentation a with high cell density inoculum ........................................ 154

Figure 8. (a) Variation in viable cell concentration (CFU/mL) and biomass with respect to time
during batch and continuous fermentation; (b) Variation in lactose, COD and protein
concentration during batch and continuous fermentation (with cell recycle) ............................. 155


Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the reactor tank used for protein precipitation ........................ 184
Figure 2. (a) Effect of temperature on precipitation of residual proteins in FWS at pH 3.5 with a
treatment time of 15 min; (b) Effect of pH on precipitation of proteins from FWS at 100 oC for 15
min .......................................................................................................................................... 185
Figure 3. (a) Effect of different incubation times on proteins precipitation and COD removal at
100 oC and pH 3.5; (b) Effect of different incubation times on proteins precipitation and COD
removal at pH 4.5 at 100 oC..................................................................................................... 186
Figure 4. Effect of different pH on precipitation of proteins with a 0.50% w/v concentration of
CMC ........................................................................................................................................ 187
Figure 5. (a) Heat treatment followed by change of pH and addition of CMC; (b) Heat treatment
followed by addition of different conc. of CMC at pH 5.5; (c) Effect of temp. on precipitation with
CMC at pH 5.5 after heat treatment ......................................................................................... 188
Figure 6. Precipitate of proteins obtained after only heat treatment and after heat treatment
followed by CMC addition ........................................................................................................ 189
Figure 7. Flow chart summarizing the results and future prospectives ..................................... 190


Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree illustrating the relationship of C. krusei with Cadida species, based
on the cytochrome b gene ....................................................................................................... 231
Figure 2. Pathways of dephosphorylation of myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (myo-IP6) catalyzed
by the phytases of Candida krusei WZ-001 ............................................................................. 232
Figure 3. C. krusei SW2026 mediated asymmetric reduction of ethyl 2-oxo-4-phenylbutyrate
(OPBE) to ethyl(R)-2-hydroxy-4-phenylbutyrate [(R)- HPBE] ................................................... 233
Figure 4. Chemical difference between (a) folic acid (pteroly-L-glutamic acid) and (b) native food
folates. Substitutens (R): -CH3, methyl; -CHO, formyl; -CH=NH formimino; -CH2, methylene; -
CH= methenyl ......................................................................................................................... 234
Figure 5. Structure of representative antifungal agents ............................................................ 235
Figure 6. Ergosterol biosynthesis pathways. Sites where antifungal agent acts and blocks
ergosterol biosynthesis. Antifungal agents: terbinafine (TERB), fluconazole (FLU), itraconazol
(ITRA) and voriconazole (VOR) ............................................................................................... 236


Figure 1. (a) Growth profile of K. marxianus during batch fermentation in cheese whey; (b)
Variation in substrates profiles during fermentation ................................................................. 262
Figure 2. (a) Growth profile during mixed culture (K. marxianus and C. krusei) fermentation in
cheese whey; (b) Variation in substrates profiles during the mixed culture fermentation .......... 263

Figure 3. (a) Growth profile of mixed culture (K. marxianus and C. krusei) during continuous
fermentation at different HRT (6, 12, 18 and 24 h); (b) Variation in substrates profiles during
continuous fermentation at different HRT ................................................................................ 264


Figure 1. Effect of N-LS concentration on permeabilization of K. marxianus cells .................... 289

Figure 2. Effect of solvent (water) volume with constant amount of N-LS on permeabilization of
K. marxianus cells ................................................................................................................... 290
Figure 3. Effect of incubation temperature on permeabilization of K. marxianus cells .............. 291
Figure 4. Effect of incubation times at 25 oC on permeabilization of K. marxianus cells ........... 292
Figure 5. (a) HPLC chromatogram of unhydrolyzed whey lactose; (b) HPLC chromatogram of
hydrolyzed whey lactose to glucose and galactose by β-galactosidase ................................... 293
Figure 6. Hydrolysis of whey lactose by permeabilized yeast cells with different dry cell weight
loads and at different incubation times..................................................................................... 294
Figure 7. Cells count, biomass and substrate profiles during the production of mixed culture SCP
in hydrolyzed whey lactose ...................................................................................................... 295


Figure 1. (a) Online parameters profile during mono-culture batch fermentation (K. marxianus);
(b) online parameters profile during mixed culture batch fermentation*.................................... 320
Figure 2. SDS-PAGE of native whey proteins and of fermented whey supernatant proteins (lanes
1 and 2: mixed culture fermented proteins; lanes 3 and 4: mono-culture fermented whey
proteins; lanes 5 and 6 native whey proteins, lane 7: MW marker) .......................................... 321
Figure 3. Variation of protein content in the retentate with the 10 kDa membrane at different
permeate flux using mono-culture fermented whey supernatant .............................................. 322
Figure 4. Variation of protein content in the retentate with the 10 kDa membrane at different TMP
values using mono-culture fermented whey supernatant ......................................................... 323
Figure 5. Variation of protein content in the retentate of 1 kDa membrane at different permeate
flux using 10 kDa permeate ..................................................................................................... 324
Figure 6. Variation of protein content in the retentate with the 1 kDa membrane at different TMP
values using 10 kDa permeate as feed .................................................................................... 325
Figure 7. Flow chart of the combined process for food-grade SCP production and recovery of the
residual soluble proteins after cheese whey fermentation ........................................................ 326


APHA American Public Health Association

AAFCO Association of American Feed Control Officials
α-LA α-lactalbumin
β-LG β-lactoglobulin
BOD Biochemical oxygen demand
BSA Bovine serum albumin
CMC Carboxymethyl cellulose
COD Chemical oxygen demand
CTAB Cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide
DNS 3,5-Dinitrosalicylic acid
DO Dissolve oxygen
SDS-PAGE Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
ELISA Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
ICP-AES Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy
Igs Immunoglobulins
GC-MS Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
GMP Glycomacropeptide
GOS Galactooligosaccharide
GRAS Generally recognized as safe
HPLC High-performance liquid chromatography
HRT Hydraulic retention time
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
FPLC Fast protein liquid chromatography
FWS Fermented whey supernatant
LAB Lactic acid bacteria
Lf Lactoferrin
LP Lactoperoxidase
MIC Minimal inhibitory concentration
MRS de Man, Rogosa and Sharpe
MW Molecular weight

MWCO Molecular weight cut-off
N-LS N-Lauroylsarcosine
NTU Nephelometric turbity units
PER Protein efficiency ratio
PMSF Phenyl methyl sulphonyl fluoride
RP-HPLC Reversd-phase high-performance liquid chromatography
SCP Single-cell protein
SS Suspended solids
TFF Tangential flow filtration
TS Total solids
TSB Tryptic Soya Broth
UF Ultrafiltration
USDEC US Dairy Export Council
US-FDA U.S. Food and Drug Administration
VOCs Volatile organic compounds
WHO World Health Organization
WPC Whey protein concentrate
WPI Whey protein isolate
YM Yeast Malt





Le lactosérum est la fraction liquide issue de la coagulation de la caséine du lait durant la

fabrication du fromage ou aussi durant l’extraction de la caséine en tant que sous-produit. La
production mondiale en lactosérum a été estimée à 180.000.000-190.000.000 tonnes/an (Mollea
et al., 2013), dans laquelle l’Union européenne et les États-Unis contribuent avec près de 70%.
Cette production de lactosérum augmente graduellement de 2% chaque année, suivant ainsi le
taux de production de lait (Smithers, 2008). Bien que certaines de ces quantités de lactosérum
sont utilisées en alimentation ou en industries alimentaires comme additifs, les grands volumes
générés sont en train de créer un grand problème environnemental et sanitaire en raison des
volumes importants de production d’une part, et en raison de la charge organique élevée d’autre
part. La demande biochimique en oxygène (DBO) et la demande chimique en oxygène (DCO)
du lactosérum sont aux environs de 30-50 g/L et de 60-80 g/L, respectivement (Guimarães et
al., 2010). L’élimination du lactosérum dans les égouts municipaux a été interdite par de
nombreuses municipalités vu qu’il (le lactosérum) affecte le processus biologique de traitement
des eaux usées dans les stations d’épuration. L’élimination du lactosérum par les méthodes
conventionnelles pourrait être à l’origine de plusieurs problèmes de pollution, en particulier au
niveau du sol, ce qui affecte sa structure physique et chimique ainsi que le rendement des
cultures. Quand il est libéré dans les cours d’eau, le lactosérum réduit l’oxygène dissous,
constituant ainsi une menace pour la vie aquatique, pour la santé humaine et pour
l’environnement (Ghaly et al., 2007).

La présence de nutriments résiduels (du lait) est à l’origine de la charge organique élevée dans
le lactosérum. Ces éléments nutritifs peuvent être valorisés et exploités pour la production de
divers produits à valeur ajoutée. Le progrès réalisé en biotechnologie les dernières années a été
mis en service pour améliorer la gestion des effluents de lactosérum. Actuellement, une bonne
fraction de lactosérum est transformée en produits à valeur ajoutée. Cependant, malgré tous ces
efforts, d’importantes quantités de lactosérum (le petit-lait), qui représentent la moitié de la
production totale, restent inutilisées. Ainsi, de nouvelles issues doivent être développées pour la
valorisation du lactosérum pour la limitation de ses incidences sur l’environnement (Panesar et
al., 2007).

Deux méthodes sont utilisées actuellement pour la valorisation-transformation du lactosérum en
produits à valeur ajoutée. La première est le traitement direct (transformation physique); cette
méthode permet l’obtention de la poudre de lactosérum, de concentrés de protéines sériques,
de l’isolats de protéines sériques, du perméat de lactosérum, du lactose et d’autres fractions. La
deuxième méthode est basée sur des procédés biotechnologiques, le lactosérum etant utilisé
comme substrat pour les enzymatiques/microorganisms, ce qui permet l’obtention de produits à
valeur ajoutée. Ces produits sont utilisés principalement pour l’alimentation animale; il s’agit
principalement de protéines unicellulaires (PU), de probiotiques, d’acides organiques,
d’enzymes, de caroténoïdes, de bio-conservateurs, des gommes biologiques,
d’exopolysaccharides et de bioplastiques (Kosseva et al., 2009; Mollea et al., 2013; Panesar et
al., 2013; Siso, 1996).

En raison de leurs valeurs fonctionnelles, les protéines de lactosérum (concentrés de protéines

sériques, isolats de protéines sériques et protéines de lactosérum individuelles) sont très
demandées sur le marché. Plusieurs applications ont été récemment développées pour les
protéines de lactosérum en industrie pharmaceutique, par exemple, pour le développement de
formulations pour le contrôle de la pression artérielle ou pour induire le sommeil (Korhonen,
2009; Modler, 2009). Les protéines de lactosérum ont la faculté d’être facilement transformables
en peptides bioactifs par voie enzymatique ou fermentaire. Ainsi, l’étape la plus importante dans
le traitement du petit lait de fromage est la récupération de la fraction protéique du lactosérum
ou du perméat (fraction lactose) et sa conversion en produits à valeur ajoutée. La
biotransformation du perméat de lactosérum pour la production des protéines (PU) et des
galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), par accumulation dans la biomasse, représente l’option la plus
prometteuse (Gänzle et al., 2008). La production de PU à partir de lactosérum est effectuée en
utilisant les microorganismes qui sont capables de dégrader le lactose comme les levures
Kluyveromyces spp. et Candida spp. et les bactéries Lactobacillus spp. (Panesar et al., 2013).


1.2.1 Les caractéristiques physiques

En général, le lactosérum est défini comme la partie du liquide ou du sérum de lait résiduel qui
reste après la séparation du caillé à partir de la coagulation du lait par des enzymes
protéolytiques ou des acides. Le lactosérum a une couleur jaune/vert, ou parfois même teinte
bleuâtre, mais la couleur peut être changée avec le type de lait utilisé. Il peut être produit à partir
de différents types de lait, mais le lait de vache est le plus populaire dans les pays occidentaux,
alors que, dans d’autres régions du monde, le lait de chèvre, de brebis et même de chameau est
utilisé dans la production de fromages et de lactosérum (Bordenave-Juchereau et al., 2005;
Smithers, 2008). En effet, le lactosérum représente environ 85-95% du volume de lait et
conserve environ 55% des éléments nutritifs du lait (Varnam et Sutherland, 1994). La figure 1.1
représente l’analyse comparative du lait et de composés du lactosérum.


12 Lait Lactosérum
Contenu (% p/V)


La caséine La protéine Gras Cendre Lactose Sels Solides
de LS totaux

Figure 1.1 La comparaison des composantes du lait de vache et du lactosérum (LS)

1.2.2 Les caractéristiques chimiques

Le type et la composition du lactosérum dépend principalement des techniques de traitement

utilisées dans l’élimination de la caséine du lait. Le type le plus souvent connu de lactosérum
provient de la fabrication de fromages ou de certains produits de fromage à base de caséine, où
la transformation est basée sur la coagulation de la caséine par la présure. La présure induite
par la coagulation de la caséine se produit à un pH d’environ 6,5, donc, le lait produit pendant le
traitement enzymatique est désigné comme lactosérum doux. Le second type de lactosérum est
du lactosérum acide (pH inférieur à 5), qui est généré gràce à des acides ou des acides
organiques afin de coaguler la caséine. La principale différence entre les deux types de
lactosérum est son contenu minéral, son acidité et sa composition en protéines, comme indiqué
dans le tableau 1.1 (Jelen et al., 2003;. Kosseva et al., 2009).

Table 1.1 Les caractéristiques de la composition du lactosérum doux et du lactosérum acide

Composants Lactosérum doux (g/L) Le lactosérum acide (g/L)

Total des solides 63,0 à 70,0 63,0 à 70,0

Lactose 46,0 à 52,0 44,0 à 46,0
Protéines 6,0-10,0 6,0-8,0
Calcium 0,4-0,6 1,2-1,6
Phosphate 1,0-3,0 2,0-4,5
Lactate 2.0 6.4
Chlorure 1.1 1.1

1.2.3 Utilisation du lactosérum pour la production de produits à valeur


Environ 50% du total de lactosérum produit dans le monde est traité et transformé en différents
produits alimentaires, dont environ 45% sont utilisés directement sous forme liquide, 30% sous
forme lactosérum en poudre, 15% comme lactose et divers sous-produits, et le reste sous forme
des concentrés de protéines de lactosérum (Kosseva et al., 2009;. Panesar et al., 2013).

Lactosérum Être éliminés comme déchet
(DCO élevée)

Traitement Traitement biotechnologique


Séchage par Précipitation/filtration Fermentation Fermentation Digestion

pulvérisation membranaire aérobie anaérobie anaérobie

Lactosérum en
Biomasse, Ethanol, acide Biogaz (CH4)
poudre propionique,
bactériocines, acide citrique,
Protéine de Perméat de acide acétique
lactosérum lactosérum

Figure 1.2 Schéma du traitement du lactosérum par des méthodes physiques et biotechnologiques

Étant donné que le lactose est le principal composant des matières solides du lactosérum, ainsi
que les protéines solubles, les vitamines et des minéraux, divers procédés biotechnologiques
ont été mis au point pour utiliser le lactosérum comme substrat pour produire des produits
industriels importants tels que des enzymes, des protéines riches en biomasse et de l’éthanol.
Par contre, d’autres procédés physiques sont utilisés pour la conversion directe de lactosérum
en des produits importants (Morales et al., 2006; Panesar et al., 2013; Siso, 1996). Divers
traitements biotechnologiques et physiques sont illustrés à la figure 1.2. Les traitements
physiques et chimiques ont joué un rôle important dans la transformation du lactosérum en
produits à valeur ajoutée. Microorganismes qui consomment le lactose sont utilisés pour la
bioconversion directe de lactosérum.

La large gamme de produits à valeur ajoutée, tel que présenté dans le tableau 1.2, est obtenue
à partir de lactosérum ou à partir du perméat de lactosérum par fermentation (Carlotti et al.,
1991; De León Rodríguez et al., 2006; Guimarães et al., 2010; Panesar et al., 2013; Pham et al.,
2000; Wan et al., 2008). Cependant, dans certains cas, l’hydrolyse du lactose est une première
étape avant la fermentation par les microorganismes, ceux-ci étant incapables d’hydrolyser le
lactose afin d’améliorer l’utilité de lactosérum. L’hydrolyse de la liaison β-glycosidique du lactose
en glucose et galactose peut être réalisée soit avec des enzymes telles que la β-galactosidase
(lactase), soit par hydrolyse acide (Siso, 1996; Zadow, 1992). Par exemple, l’éthanol a été
produit à partir de lactosérum en tant que substrat par des souches la levure Kluyveromyces
marxianus utilisant du lactose (Guimarães et al., 2010). Des acides organiques tels que l’acide
acétique, l’acide propionique, l’acide lactique et l’acide citrique, peuvent être produits à partir de
lactosérum/le perméat de lactosérum par fermentation (El Aasar, 2006; Morales et al., 2006;
Mostafa, 2001; Mukhopadhyay et al., 2005; Panesar et al., 2007; Wan et al., 2008). Le perméat
de lactosérum est utilisé au cours de la fermentation comme substrat pour la production de
polysaccharides, mais le lactose doit être tout d’abord hydrolysé (exemple: la gomme xanthane
est produite par Xanthomonas campestris (Mesomo et al., 2009).

Table 1.2 Bioutilisation du lactosérum pour la production de produits à valeur ajoutée

Catégorie de produit Microorganismes Produit Références

Probiotiques et protéines Le kefir microflore Protéine unicellulaire Paraskevopoulou et al., 2003

unicellulaires Lactobacillus casei Probiotiques Aguirre-Ezkauriatza et al., 2010
Candida kefyr & Candida valida Biomasse (levure) Carlotti et al., 1991

Enzymes Bacillus spp. α-amylase Bajpai, 1991

Kluyveromyces marxianus, β-galactosidase Fonseca et al., 2008
Candida rugosa Lipase Tommaso et al., 2011
Escherichia coli Recombinant Pénicilline acylase De León-Rodríguez et al., 2006

Peptides et protéines Lactococcus lactis Nisine (bacteriocine) Liu et al., 2005

Peptides bioactifs Hernández-Ledesma et al., 2008

Kluyveromyces marxianus et Lactobacillus Inhibiteur de l'ACE (antihypertenseur) Hammé et al., 2009


Oligosaccharides et Kluyveromyces marxianus Galacto-oligosaccharides Petrova et Kujumdzieva, 2010

biopolymères Lactobacillus rhamnosus Expolysaccharides (EPS) Pham et al., 2000
Xanthomonas campestris Gomme xanthane Mesomo et al., 2009
Leuconostoc mesenteroides Dextrane & Fructose Santos et al., 2005
Azotobacter chrooccum Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) Khanafari et al., 2006
Kluyveromyces lactis D-arabitol Toyoda et Ohtaguchi, 2011
Xylitol Toyoda et Ohtaguchi, 2009
Lactulose Gänzle et al., 2008
Kluyveromyces marxianus Oligonucléotides Belem et Lee, 1999a
Rizopus oryzae Chitosane Chatterjee et al., 2008

Acides organiques et Bactéries lactique Acide lactique Panesar et al., 2007
produits biochimiques Aspergillus niger Acide citrique El Aasar, 2006
Actinobacillus succinogenes Acide succinique Wan et al., 2008
Kluyveromyces fragilis Acide acétique & glycérol Mostafa, 2001
Aspergillus niger Acide gluconique, lactones Mukhopadhyay et al., 2005
Propionibacterium acidipropionici Acide propionique Morales et al., 2006
Bacillus licheniformis K51 Biosurfactant Joshi et al., 2008
Anaerobiospirillum succiniciproducens Succinate pour alimentation animale Samuelov et al., 1999

Agent de biocontrôle B. thuringiensis, Beauveria bassiana et Kassa et al., 2008

Metarhizium anisopliae
Steinernema carpocapsae Chavarría-Hernández et al., 2006
Bacillus sphaericus El-Bendary et al., 2008

Carburants et énergie Biogaz Gelegenis et al., 2007

K. marxianus Ethanol Guimarães et al., 2010
Hydrogène Davila-Vazquez et al., 2009

Ainsi, le lactose, constituant du lactosérum, a été largement utilisé pour la production d’une large
gamme d’exopolysaccharides, tels que les dextranes (par Leuconostoc mesenteroides), et les
biopolymères comme le poly-β-hydroxy butyrate (PHB) (Azotobacter chrooccum) (Khanafari et
al., 2006; Pham et al., 2000; Santos et al., 2005). La production de méthane ou de biogaz par
fermentation de lactosérum est un processus composé de trois étapes successives; l’hydrolyse
de lactose/protéine, la fermentation (acidogénèse, acétogénèse) et la méthanisation. La
production de méthane devrait donc représenter une source importante d’énergie utilisée
comme carburant ou pour produire de l’électricité (Gelegenis et al., 2007). La liste des produits
(Tableau 1.2) montre le rôles de la biotechnologique dans la transformation des déchets ou des
sous-produits dans différentes catégories (probiotiques, enzymes, protéines et peptides,
biopolymères, produits biochimiques, agents de lutte biologique et carburants).



1.3.1 Les protéines unicellulaires

Une protéine unicellulaire (PU) peut être définie comme la cellule biomasse des
microorganismes. Les PU peuvent être produites en utilisant la matière carbonée des déchets
disponibles en abondance. Les algues, les champignons/levure et les bactéries sont les
principales sources de biomasse microbienne qui peuvent être employées comme source de PU
(Paraskevopoulou et al., 2003). Parmi les importantes caractéristiques des microorganismes
unicellulairés, il y à la grande teneur en protéines, allant d’environ 40 à 80% de leur poids en
cellules sèches, sur la base de protéines brutes. En outre, les protéines tendent à être de haute
qualité, ressemblant plus à une protéine animale qu’à une protéine végétale et, par conséquent,
aisément disponible de façon nutritive (Anvari et Khayati, 2011; Schultz et al., 2006). Parmi les
algues, champignons/levures et les bactéries, les levures sont préférées pour la production de
PU en raison du etre fait que la levure peut facilement être propagée sur une source de carbone
bon marché et facilement récoltée en raison de sa plus grande taille compareé à celle des
bactéries. En outre, la levure contient moins d’acides nucléiques que les bactéries (Bekatorou et
al., 2006). Il existe divers microorganismes de GRAS (GRAS-generally recognized as safe) de
catégorie (levures et bactéries), qui sont généralement utilisés pour produire les PU. Les plus
couramment utiliseés parmi les espèces de levure sont Saccharomyces, Kluyveromyces

marxianus, Candida, Pichia et Torulopsis. Parmi les espèces bactériennes, Lactobacillus,
Cellulomonas et la bactérie Alcaligenes sont les plus courantes (Bekatorou et al., 2006).

La biotransformation du lactosérum ou du perméat de lactosérum en biomasse protéinique est

l’une des meilleures utilisations du lactosérum (Grba et al., 2002; Mansour et al., 1993; Mawson,
1994). Les microorganismes utilisant le lactose (p. ex., Kluyveromyces marxianus spp.) sont les
plus couramment utilisés pour la production de biomasse à partir du lactosérum. Cependant,
l’accent a également été accordé pour la production de non-lactose consommant
universellement la levure de boulanger acceptée (S. cerevisiae). Le procede industriel pour
produire S. cerevisiae à partir du lactosérum a été adopté par la société Nutrisearch en 1983 au
Kentucky. Le processus se compose de l’hydrolyse du lactose du lactosérum par une β-
galactosidase immobilisée, suivie par une fermentation des sucres résultants (Siso, 1996).
Plusieurs procédés ont été rapportés visant la production de biomasse à partir du lactosérum;
parmi ces procédés, celui de Vienne et de Bel sont les plus importants. La production industrielle
de biomasse microbienne à partir du lactosérum, pour ingrédients alimentaire, a commencé en
France dans les Fromageries Bel autour de 1958. Les procédé impliquée trois espèces de
levure (Kluyveromyces lactis, K. Fragilis et Torulopsis bovina), que ont été cultivées en équilibre
sur du lactosérum en mode continue sur une période de plus d’un an, à pH 3,5 et à 38 oC. Une
haute température et un faible pH sont suggérés car ils réduisent le risque de contamination
(Siso, 1996).

1.3.2 Facteurs qui affectent la production de protéines unicellulaires

Les facteurs qui influent sur la production de biomasse par une levure (PU), à partir du
lactosérum, sont les microorganismes, la supplémentation en nutriments, les conditions de
culture et le type du procedes de fermentation. Le microorganisme préféré est la levure.


La sélection des microorganismes pour la production de PU dépend de leur capacité à

métaboliser le lactose du lactosérum. La production de biomasse est essentiellement limitée aux
microorganismes consommant le lactose (Ghaly et al., 2003), cependant, certains
microorganismes qui ne consomment pas le lactose et qui prolifèrent sur les métabolites
intermédiaires peuvent également être utilisés (Cristiani-Urbina et al., 2000). Différentes
espèces de levure, telles que Kluyveromyces marxianus (p. ex., Kluyveromyces marxianus et K.

lactis), Candida (p. ex., Candida utilis) et Trichosporon spp., sont employées, car elles sont
capables d’assimiler le lactose (Mansour et al., 1993; Mawson, 1994). Parmi ces espèces, les
espèces de Kluyveromyces marxianus. ont été le plus largement étudiées (Grba et al., 2002). La
levure K. marxianus est la plus dominante et la plus couramment utilisée jusqu’à une échelle
commerciale (Bekatorou et al., 2006; Fonseca et al., 2008). Les espèces bactériennes (comme
Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus plantarum et Lactobacillus fermentum), qui sont classées
comme «GRAS» ou ont une histoire sûre dans les denrées alimentaires d’aliments peuvent être
utilisées (AAFCO, 2010; Panesar et al., 2013).

Un problème principal qui survient généralement au cours de la culture de K. marxianus à une

concentration de lactose initiale eleveé est la production de produits (p ex., éthanol) au détriment
de la formation de biomasse due à l’effet Crabtree. La classification de levures Crabtree-positive
ou Crabtree-négative est fondée sur leur système d’absorption du glucose. Les
microorganismes Crabtree-négatifs minimisent la perte de lactose en convertissant le lactose en
éthanol. K. marxianus est classée comme Crabtree-négatif et est un microorganisme de pouvoir
fermentaire facultatif (van Dijken et al., 1993; Fonseca et al., 2008). Il ne peut pas croître sous
des conditions strictement anaérobiques et l’apparition de la formation de l’éthanol est presque
exclusivement liée à la limitation d’oxygène (Bellaver et al., 2004). La capacité de l’organisme
modèle Crabtree-négatif K. lactis à métaboliser le lactose est principalement due à la présence
de lactose perméase (codée par le gène LAC12) et de β-galactosidase (gène LAC4) (Rubio-
Texeira, 2006).

En général, l’objectif des espèces de Kluyveromyces marxianus (p. ex., K. marxianus) est de
produire de la biomasse et, simultanément, d’enlever la charge organique du lactosérum (Ghaly
et Kamal, 2004; Schultz et al., 2006). Cependant, la formation d’éthanol et d’autres métabolites
a un effet négatif sur la biomasse et la réduction de DCO pendant la culture de Kluyveromyces
marxianus. D’autre part, l’efficacité d’élimination de la DCO était supérieure avec la culture mixte
(K. marxianus et S. cerevisiae) par rapport à la monoculture de K. marxianus (Domingues et al.,
2010). L’élimination de la DCO la plus élevée pendant la culture mixte de K.marxianus et S.
cerevisiae (ne consommant pas de lactose) était le résultat de la consommation de certains des
métabolites extracellulaires produits pendant la croissance de Kluyveromyces marxianus
(Domingues et al., 2010). En outre, l’augmentation de biomasse a été signalée lors de
l’utilisation des cultures mixtes de Torulopsis cremoris et C. utilis. L’amélioration du rendement
en biomasse peut être due au fait que les sous-produits métaboliques consommés par C. utilis

générés par T. cremoris entrainent une augmentation du rendement en biomasse avec
l’élimination de la DCO la plus élevée (Cristiani-Urbina et al., 2000).


La croissance microbienne nécessite du carbone et de l’azote comme une source majeure de

substrats. En outre, d’autres nutriments essentiels sont le soufre, le phosphore et des éléments
en quantité mineure. La principale source de carbone dans le lactosérum est le lactose tandis
que de l’azote organique est présent sous forme complexe (comme les protéines, les peptides et
les acides aminés) (Ghaly et Kamal, 2004). En raison de la nature complexe de l’azote dans le
lactosérum, les microorganismes ont besoin facilement assimilés la forme inorganique ou la
forme organique simple d’azote (p. ex., l’urée) pour une croissance optimale. L’azote
inorganique peut être fourni sous la forme d’ammoniac ou d’ammonium et de nitrates.
L’assimilation de l’urée implique soit une dégradation extracellulaire par l’uréase, conduisant à la
production d’ammoniac ou son transport et son assimilation par la voie de l’urée amydolyase
(Roon et Levenberg, 1972). Des sources d’azote inorganiques influencent le pH du milieu de
culture; l’assimilation d’un ion ammonium génère un proton, tandis que l’assimilation d’un ion
nitrate consomme un proton. Cependant, l’assimilation de l’urée est neutre par rapport à
l’équilibre de protons (Castrillo et al., 1995). L’extrait de levure, qui est une bonne source
d’acides aminés libres, de peptides et de vitamines du complexe B, a également été utilisé
(Lukondeh et al., 2005).


En général, le pH neutre est la valeur optimale pour la croissance des microorganismes. En

outre, les levures sont généralement tolérantes au conditions acides et peuvent se développer
dans un intervalle de pH de 4 à 4,5 (Battcock, 1998). En maintenant le pH en dessous de 4,5
durant la culture, on élimine la possibilité de contamination par des bactéries pathogènes (Ghaly
et Kamal, 2004). Les levures sont capables de maintenir un pH cytosolique plus ou moins
constant sur une plage extracellulaire du pH de 3,5 à 9 (Viegas et Sá-Correia, 1991).
Cependant, Ghaly et Kamal (2004) ont rapporté que la stabilité du pH entre 4 et 5 est essentielle
pour la croissance optimale et la survie de K. fragilis. La levure est capable de soutenir la
croissance à un pH plus faible, mais une augmentation du rendement en biomasse de levure a
été observée avec une augmentation du pH de 4 à 7 (Munawar et al., 2010; Rajoka et al., 2006).


Une analyse détaillée des effets de la température sur la croissance de la levure a été analysée
par van Uden (1984). Les températures élevées donnent généralement lieu à des petits mutants
qui peuvent affecter la perméabilité de la membrane cytoplamique. La variation de la
perméabilité de la membrane cytoplamique peut conduire à une diminution de l’efficacité de
génération d’énergie et a une augmentation des coût de la maintenance. L’augmentation du coût
de la maintenance aboutit finalement à une diminution du rendement en biomasse. En outre, il
est rapporté qu’une diminution du rendement à des températures élevées peut être due à la
consommation de glucose par une fraction non viable de la culture (Van Uden et Madeira Lopes,
1976). L’intervalle de température optimale pour la levure C. utilis pour la production de
biomasse est signalé à être entre 30 et 35 °C (Munawar et al., 2010; Rajoka et al., 2006). La
plage de température comprise entre 25 et 35 °C a été rapportée comme étant optimale pour la
croissance de la levure et la production de PU (Tableau 1.3).

Table 1.3 Les conditions de fermentation, le mode de fermentation, les rendements et l’efficacité d’élimination pendant la production de
protéines unicellulaires à partir du lactosérum

Fermenta Substrat Microorganismes Source d’azote pH Temp µ Yx/s Productiv Taux d’élimination Références
tion . ( C) (1/h) (g/g) ité (g/L/h) de DCO (%)

Batch CW Candida kefyr et C. (NH4)2SO4 + 4,5 35 - 0,38 - - Carlotti et al., 1991

valida extrait de levure
Batch CW Kluyveromyces fragilis - 4,4 31 0,150 0,44 NA 90,6 (PE) Ghaly et Kamal, 2004

Batch WP K. lactis et S. (NH4)2 SO4 4,5 25 - - 0,47 88,5 (DBO) Moeini et al., 2004
Batch DWC K. marxianus - 5,8 30 NA 0,52 NA 90,0 (PE) Schultz et al., 2006

Batch DSWC K. marxianus - 4,8 30 NA 0,48 NA 83,0 (PE) Schultz et al., 2006

Batch WP K. marxianus (NH4)2 SO4 5,0 34 0,230 0,26 0,45 88,5 (PE) Anvari et Khayati,
Fed-batch WP Torulopsis cremoris et NH4)2 SO4 4,8 29 - 0,75 - 95,8 Cristiani-Urbina et al.,
C. utilis 2000
Fed-batch DPP K. marxianus (NH4)2SO4 + 5,0 30 - 0,38 2,90 NA Lukondeh et al., 2005
extrait de levure
Continu CW K. fragilis - 4,5 33 0,105 0,26 0,40 NA Ghaly et al., 2005

Continu CW K. fragilis - 4,5 35 0,041 NA 0,21 NA Ben-Hassan et Ghaly,


*Remarque- CW: lactosérum; WP: le perméat de lactosérum; DWC: le concentré de perméat de lactosérum doux; DSWC: le concentré de
lactosérum acidifié; DPP: poudre de lactose déprotéiné; NA: non disponible; PE: Hors proteins; DBO: Demande biochimique en oxygène.

Oxygène dissous

L’oxygène dissous (DO) est généralement présenté en tant que pourcentage de saturation au
cours du procedé de fermentation. Différents pourcentages de la valeur de saturation en
oxygène au cours de la fermentation de lactosérum ont été soulignés par différents chercheurs.
Carlotti et al. (1991) ont rapporté le besoin de maintenir DO-dessus de 30% de saturation lors de
la production de PU par la levure à partir de lactosérum. Cristiani-Urbina et al. (2000) ont
également rapporté le besoin de maintenir DO dessus de 25% lors de la production. En outre, il
a été conclu que la DO critique pour le lactose consommant par la levure est supérieure à 25%
de saturation, autrement la culture des levures change son métabolisme de l’oxydation de type
oxydation-fermentation mixte qui conduit à la formation des métabolites intermédiaires (p. ex.,
l’alcool, les aldehydes et les esters).

Le changement dans le métabolisme due à DO affecte le rendement de production de biomasse

et l’efficacité de l’élimination de la charge organique (Cristiani-Urbina et al., 2000). La formation
des métabolites (p. ex., l’éthanol) a même été observée dans des conditions totalement aérobies
(> DO saturation de 20%) lors de la production de biomasse de K. marxianus à partir du milieu à
base de lactose (Lukondeh et al., 2005).

Mode de fermentation

Le fermenteur est un instrument, qui est mis en place pour réaliser un procédé de fermentation
principalement pour la culture en masse de la plante, de cellules animales ou de
microorganismes et que peut varier en taille de l’échelle du laboratoire, 1-10 L, à des modèles
industriéls plusieurs centaines de litres en capacité. Les fermenteurs sont équipés d’un aérateur,
qui fournit de l’oxygène à des procédés aérobies, et d'un agitateur pour obtenir un mélange
homogène des ingredients. Un thermostat est utilisé pour réguler la température et un capteur
de pH pour contrôler le pH (Nasseri et al., 2011). Le procédé de fermentation peut être effectué
en mode immergé ou en mode semisolide. Cependant, le mode submergé est le principal mode
de production la production impliquer dans de biomasse à partir le lactosérum.

Le choix du mode de fonctionnement des différents procédés de fermentation submergés

dépend du but du procédé. Cependant, trois modes principalement de fermentation sont utilisés
(batch, fed-batch et continu) pour la production de biomasse à partir de lactosérum utilisant une
levure. Un désirait but de cette fermentation est l'elimination de la DCO du lactosérum (Ghaly

etKamal, 2004;. Moeini et al., 2004). Le premier but de la fermentation par le (batch) est
d'identifier les conditions optimales à utilisant plus tard en mode continu ou discontinu. Il existe
diverses études à l'échelle du laboratoire sur la fermentation discontinue (Anvari et Khayati,
2011; Cristiani-Urbina et al., 2000;. Ghaly et al., 2003).

En particulier, lorsque l'étude est sur le traitement des eaux usées, le mode préféré du procédé
de fermentation est le mode continu. La fermentation continue est favorisée pour diverses en
raison d’une l'opération sans interruption pendant une période de temps longue (Shuler et Kargi,
2002). De plus, un autre avantage de la fermentation en continu sur un lot est une réduction de
la durée de fonctionnement avec une uniformité de produit attendu. Le processus aérobie
continu a été utilisé avec succès pour la production de biomasse à partir de lactosérum en
utilisant la levure Kluyveromyces fragilis (Ben-Hassan et Ghaly, 1995; Ghaly et al., 2005).

Type fed-batch est un mode entre la fermentation en discontinu et la fermentation en continu. Le

mode fed-batch offre certains avantages par rapport aux cultures en discontinu et aux cultures
en mode continu. Les principaux avantages sont de donner des cellules de densité élevées, de
contrôler les conditions de concentration du substrat, de contrôler la production des sous-
produits ou les effets de la répression catabolique en raison de l’approvisionnement limité en
substrat, et aussi de permettre le remplacement des pertes d'eau par évaporation (Shuler et
Kargi, 2002). Étant donné que les fermentations fed-batch impliquent le contrôle de
l'alimentation en source de carbone, le mode fed-batch dominance plus adapté pour la
production de biomasse. Une concentration de biomasse trés élevée (105 g/L) a été signalée
dans une culture fed-batch utilisant K. marxianus (Lukondeh et al., 2005). Un résumé du
rendement en biomasse (Yx/s), du taux de croissance spécifique (µm), de la productivité, des
conditions de culture (pH, température et source d'azote), et du mode de fonctionnement du
procédé de fermentation à partir de lactosérum est presenté dans le tableau 1.3.

1.3.3 Qualité des protéines unicellulaires produites à partir du


La valeur alimentaire et l'utilité du PU sont fondeés sur sa teneur en éléments nutritifs et sa

composition. Les principaux composants du PU sont des protéines, des glucides, des acides
gras, des constituants de la paroi cellulaire, des acides nucléiques et des vitamines (Anupama et
Ravindra, 2000). Parmi ces derniers, l'élément important, qui déterminent la qualité des PU est

la teneur en protéines et leur composition. Comme par American Feed Control Officials-AAFCO
(2010) la teneur minimale en protéines necessaire pour à l'alimentation animale ne doit pas être
inférieure à 40% p/p.

En outre, le principal facteur déterminant des PU est le profil en acide aminés des PU. La norme
fixée par la FAO/WHO pour les acides aminés essentiels est présentée dans le tableau 1.4. Le
principal inconvénient des protéines microbiennes est leur faible contenu en certains acides
aminés essentiels comme contenant du soufre (cystéine et méthionine) et l’acide aminé lysine.
La basse teneur en acides aminés essentiels des PU de lactose fermentating levure
Kluyveromyces marxianus spp. est également indiqué (Paul et al., 2002; Schultz et al., 2006). La
composition en acides aminés des PU dépend principalement des caractéristiques du
microorganisme. Comme présenté dans le tableau 1.4, aucun des microorganismes ne donne la
composition requise en acides aminés. Pour atteindre l'équilibre dans le profil des acides
aminés, différentes stratégies ont été proposées telles que l'utilisation de levures enrichies en
méthionine ou l’utilisation de cultures mixtes. Des mutants de K. lactis enrichies en methionine,
et qui utilisant le perméat du lactosérum, ont été isolée pour améliorer les caractéristiques
nutritionnelles de biomasse de la levure (Kitamoto et Nakahara, 1994).

Table 1.4 Les profils en acides aminés essentiels de protéines unicellulaires de différents microorganismes et leur comparaison avec le
profile standatd de la FAO

g/100 g de protéines

Microorganismes (substrat) Leucine Lysine Thréonine Valine Isoleucine Tyrosine Méthionine Methinine + Références

K. marxianus, CBS 6556 7,7 - 6,94 7,5 5,48 2,5 0,77 - Schultz et al., 2006
(perméat de lactosérum)
Kluyveromyces marxianus, 10,6 5,5 15,2 ND * 6,7 - 1,73 1,73 Paez et al., 2008
ATCC 8554 (lactosérum)
K. fragilis 3,8 1,8 2,5 3,0 5,2 1,7 0,5 1,4 Martini et al., 1979

Saccharomyces cerevisiae 7,9 8,2 4,8 5,5 5,5 1,2 - 4,1 Paez et al., 2008
Candida krusei SO1 5,6 6,5 4,1 4,0 4,18 - 0,91 - Konlani et al., 1996
Candida utilis 3,5 1,7 2,5 2,7 5,2 1,8 0,3 1,2 Martini et al., 1979

Candida utilis 4,4 7,6 3,4 4,0 3,2 2,60 1,5 4,2 Adedayo et al., 2011

Lactobacillus fermentum 3957 6,3 7,1 3,6 4,9 4,4 - 2,0 - Erdman et al., 1977
(Bouillon de Trypticase Soja)
La FAO/WHO 7,0 5,5 4,0 5,0 4,0 2,80 2,20 3,5 Joint FAO/WHO, 2007

ND: Non déterminé

Des protéines unicellulaires de cultures mixtes de Trichoderma reesei et K. Marxianus, cultivées
sur des pulpes de betterav, sont censées contenir des acides aminés essentiels, ce qui se
compare favorablement aux directives de la FAO (Anupama et Ravindra, 2000). L'autre facteur
important qui détermine la valeur nutritionnelle des PU est leur performance réelle, qui est
déterminée par leur digestibilité et le coefficient d'efficacité protéique (PER). La digestibilité des
protéines est présentée en pourcentage et varie de 65 à 96% pour différentes protéines
microbiennes. La valeur de PER varie de 0,6 à 2,6 (Anupama et Ravindra, 2000).

1.3.4 Les considérations de sécurité et de pré-traitement des protéines


L’examen de la sécurité est nécessaire pour l'application des PU soit comme aliments pour
animaux ou ingrédients alimentaires. Le niveau de toxicité permis pour l'alimentation animale est
généralement plus élevé par rapport. Les essais sur la toxicité du produit final doit inclure les
tests de toxicité aigüe à court terme, suivie des études à long terme (Anupama et Ravindra,
2000). Le substrat utilisé pour la culture de PU représente le principal danger pour la sécurité.
Le substrat utilisé pour la culture PU représente le principal danger pour la sécurité. Les PU
produite à partir de différentes sources peut être un support de composants cancérigènes. Les
PU peuvent contenir également des métaux lourds ou des composés métalliques, ce qui peut
provoquer des mutations, même en très faibles quantités. En outre, la présence de mycotoxines
est également un facteur important qui influe sur l'utilisation des PU (Anupama et Ravindra,
2000). Cependant, les PU produites à partir de lactosérum devraient être exemptes de
contamination, parce le lactosérum est classé comme GRAS pour l’alimentation animale et pour
les denrées alimentaires par la Food and Drug Administration des Etats Unis (FDA américaine).

Les PU nécessitent un assainissement et des procédés de purification avant que le produit final
soit distribué pour la consommation par les normes de contrôle de qualité en particulier pour les
applications alimentaires. En outre, l'utilisation de protéines microbiennes pour la consommation
humaine nécessite les prétraitements: i) une désintégration non digestibles de parois cellulaires
et ii) une réduction de contenu des acides nucléiques (Anupama et Ravindra, 2000; Nasseri et
al., 2011). Le but partiel ou complèt de la digestion de la paroi cellulaire est d'améliorer la
digestibilité des PU de la levure. La désintégration ou la digestion de la paroi cellulaire
microbienne est généralement obtenue par des méthodes mécaniques (p. ex.,
homogénéisateurs sous haute pression, broyage humide, sonication, l'extraction par pression et

le traitement de particules de meulage) et par d’autres méthodes (comme le traitement
chimique, le traitement enzymatique et le traitement physique) (Nasseri et al., 2011).

Le facteur inhibiteur important des PU admis comme aliments, est le contenu en acides
nucléiques, qui varie de 8 à 25 g/100 g de protéines unicellulaires (Larsen et Joergensen, 1996).
Un régime alimentaire ayant un contenu élevé en acides nucléiques aboutit à la production
d'acide urique suite à la dégradation des acides nucléiques. L'acide urique s'accumule dans
l'organisme en raison de l'absence de l'enzyme uricase chez l'homme. Une consommation
humaine supérieure à 2 g d'acides nucléiques équivalent par jour peut conduire à la goutte et à
une insuffisance rénale, et donc à la formation de calculs rénaux (Anupama et Ravindra, 2000;
Larsen et Joergensen, 1996). Différents traitements, tels que le traitement chimique avec
NH4OH, NaOH ou NaCl, ou l'activation de nucléases endogènes (ribonuclease-RNase et
désoxyribonucléase-DNase) pendant la phase finale de production de biomasse microbienne.
Aussi le choc thermique a été utilisé pour réduire les acides nucléiques (Alvarez et Enriquez,
1988; Larsen et Joergensen, 1996; Nasseri et al., 2011). Alvarez et Enriquez (1988) ont montré
une réduction des acides nucléiques des levures S. cerevisiae et K. fragilis avec traitement au
NH4OH (4.5%), avec un contenu acides nucléiques de moins de 2%. Larsen et Joergensen
(1996) ont appliqué un choc thermique pour activer les RNase et DNase endogènes dans la
bactérie Methylococcus capsulatus, ce qui a abouti à une réduction de 80% de la teneur en
acides nucléiques, avec une perte de moins de 10% de protéines.



L’intensification des activités de recherche, l'avancement des techniques de séparation et la

disponibilité des instruments analytiques sophistiqués ont renforcé l'intérêt de séparer (ou
concentrer) les différentes protéines du lactosérum. Les protéines obtenues à partir du
lactosérum sont reconnues pour leurs nombreuses applications, notamment, dans les industries
alimentaires et pharmaceutiques.

1.4.1 Les produits protéinés issus du lactosérum

Il existe plusieurs produits utiles, obtenus à partir d’un simple traitement physique du lactosérum
liquide contenant différentes teneurs en protéines. Ces produits sont notamment; la poudre de

lactosérum, le lactosérum à teneur réduite en lactose, les concentrés de protéines sériques
(«WPC- whey protein concentrate») et l’isolats de protéines sériques («WPI- whey protein
isolate») (Modler, 2009; USDEC, 2006). La poudre de lactosérum est obtenue par élimination
de l'eau par séchage. Le lactosérum à teneur réduite en lactose est du lactosérum dont la teneur
en lactose est inférieure à 60% p/p. L’WPI résulte de l'élimination des composés non protéiques
présents dans le lactosérum afin d'atteindre différentes teneurs en protéines. Les WPC les plus
connus sont WPC34, WPC50, WPC60, WPC75 et WPC80. Les valeurs numériques indiquent la
teneur en protéines. Par exemple, WPC34 doit contenir pas moins de 34% de protéines. WPI
résulte de l'élimination des constituants non protéiques du lactosérum afin d'atteindre des
teneurs en protéines de plus de 90% (USDEC, 2006). Les compositions typiques de différent
products, dérivés du lactosérum sont présentées au tableau 1.5 (USDEC, 2006). La valeur sur le
marché d’un produit protéiné dépend de sa teneur en protéines. Par exemple, la valeur sur le
marché du WPC est de 3 à 40 fois plus élevée que celle de la poudre de lactosérum (Baldasso
et al., 2011).

Table 1.5 Les caractéristiques des différents produits protéiques issus du lactosérum

Produits Protéines Lactose Matières Cendres Humidité

(%) (%) grasses (% ) (% ) (%)

Poudre de lactosérum doux 11,0-14,5 63,0-75,0 1,0-1,5 8,2-8,8 3,5-5,0

Poudre de lactosérum acide 11,0-13,5 61,0-70,0 0,5-1,5 9,8-12,3 3,5-5,0

Lactosérum réduit en lactose 18,0-24,0 52,0-58,0 1,0-4,0 11,0-22,0 3,0-4,0

Lactosérum dématérialisé 11,0-15,0 70,0-80,0 0,5-1,8 1,0-7,0 3,0-4,0

WPC34 34,0-36,0 48,0-52,0 3,0-4,5 6,5-8,0 3,0-4,5

WPC50 50,0-52,0 33,0-37,0 5,0-6,0 4,5-5,5 3,5-4,5

WPC60 60,0-62,0 25,0-30,0 1,0-7,0 4,0-6,0 3,0-5,0

WPC75 75,0-78,0 10,0-15,0 4,0-9,0 4,0-6,0 3,0-5,0

WPC80 80,0-82,0 4,0-8,0 4,0-8,0 3,0-4,0 3,5-4,5

WPI 90,0-92,0 0,5-1,0 0,5-1,0 2,0-3,0 4,5

1.4.2 Les protéines de lactosérum individuelle composants

Les protéines de lactosérum sont un mélange de différentes protéines. Ce sont notamment la β-

lactoglobuline (β-LG), la α-lactalbumine (α-LA), l’immunoglobuline (Ig), l’albumine de sérum de

boeuf (ASB), la lactoferrine (Lf), la lactoperoxydase (LP), le protéose-peptone et
glycomacropeptide (GMP). À l’exception de la glycomacropeptide, toutes les autres protéines
sont naturellement présentes dans le lactosérum, tandis que la glycomacropeptide est produite à
partir de la caséine, lors de la première étape du traitement enzymatique du lactosérum
(Madureira et al., 2007). Selon le tableau 1.6, la composition et les caractéristiques des
protéines sont différentes (Amiri et Valsaraj, 2004; Kim et al., 2007; Krissansen, 2007). La
composition des protéines dans le lactosérum indique qu'il s'agit d'un mélange hétérogène de
différentes fractions protéiques qui ont leurs propres propriétés fonctionnelles, physiologiques et

Table 1.6 La composition protéique et les caractéristiques des protéines du lactosérum

Protéines Composition Masse moléculaire pH isoelectrique

(% m/m) (kDa) (pI)

Immunoglobulines (Igs) 8,0 150-1000 5,5-8,3

Albumine de sérum de 5,0 66,0 5,13
boeuf (ASB)
Lactoferrine (Lf) 1,0 76,5 9,5-10,0
β-Lactoglobuline (β-LG) 40-50 18,3 5,35-5,49
α-Lactalbuline (α-LA) 12-15 14,0 4,2-4,5
Glycomacropeptide (GMP) 12,0 6,8 4,3-4,6
Proteose-peptone 0,19 4-22 -
Lactoperoxidase (LP) 0,5 78,0 9,5


La β-lactoglobuline est une importante et essentielle protéine du lactosérum. Elle représente

environ 64% des protéines coagulables sous l’effet de la chaleur ou 51% des protéines totales
du lactosérum. Elle est généralement présente sous la forme d’un dimère constitué de deux
sous-unités identiques. Chaque sous-unité (monomère) est constituée d'un groupement
sulfhydryle et deux liaisons disulfure. Le nombre d'acides aminés dans la chaîne peptidique
simple de la β-lactoglobuline est 162. La solubilité de cette protéine dépend principalement du
pH et de la force ionique (Hernandez-Ledesma et al., 2011a; Walstra et al., 2010). La
dénaturation thermique de la β-lactglobuline se produit entre 70 et 75 °C tandis qu’elle forme
des agrégats entre 78 et 82 oC. La précipitation de la β-lactglobuline se produit avant celle de

l’α-lactalbumine. La dénaturation de l’α-lactalbumine est réversible, comparée à celles d'autres
protéines de lactosérum. Par conséquent, elle est plus résistante à la chaleur par rapport à la β-
lactoglobuline (Save et al., 2005). Des produits à forte teneur en protéines telles que les WPI,
sont enrichis en β-lactoglobuline, ce qui améliore leurs propriétés fonctionnelles, tels que la
stabilité à l'émulsion, l'activité de l'émulsion, la viscosité et les propriétés de gélification, comparé
aux WPC. La séquence d'acides aminés de la β-lactoglobuline a une similarité avec celle de la
protéine de liaison du rétinol (provitamine A). C’est grâce à cette similarité que la β-
lactoglobuline se lie à des molécules hydrophobes, telles que les vitamines liposolubles et les
lipides (Modler, 2009).


L’α-lactalbumine (α-LA) représente environ 11% des protéines totales du lactosérum. C’est une
petite protéine globulaire à chaîne polypeptidique simple. La masse moléculaire de l’α-LA est 14
kDa, avec une chaine polypeptidique de 123 acides aminés et huit résidus de cystéine
(Hernández-Ledesma et al., 2011a; Markus et al., 2002). Le calcium se lie fortement à l’α-LA et
assure la stabilisation des conformations moléculaires. L’α-LA a plusieurs utilisations
bénéfiques, notamment comme composante alimentaire. L’α-LA, comme composante
alimentaire, augmente le ratio plasma/tryptophane relativement à la somme des autres acides
aminés neutres (valine, isoleucine, leucine tyrosine et phénylalanine) qui ont des effets négatifs,
tels que le déséquilibre du cerveau en sérotonine (5-hydroxytryptamine). L'amélioration de ce
déséquilibre conduit à de meilleures performances cognitives, de l'humeur et du sommeil
(Markus et al., 2002). Elle aide à préserver l'oxydation des lipides dans le cycle métabolique et
augmente la masse corporelle maigre chez le rat (Bouthegourd et al., 2002). L’α-LA contribue
également à l'absorption des minéraux, possède une activité antibactérienne, montre des effets
immunomodulateurs et une activité anti-tumorale (Modler, 2009).

L'albumine de sérum bovin

La protéine de lactosérum contient environ 5-6% d’albumine de sérum de boeuf, qui est
pratiquement similaire à la concentration dans le lait humain. La masse moléculaire de l’ASB est
66,26 kDa avec 35 résidus de cystéine et 17 liaisons disulfure par molécule (Walstra et al.,
2010). Le nombre d'acides aminés dans la chaîne polypeptidique de l’ASB est 582 (Hernandez-
Ledesma et al., 2011a). L’ASB a une température de dénaturation de 64 °C, qui est presque
similaire à celle de l’α-LA (62 oC). Bien que la température de dénaturation de l’ASB est un peu
élevée que celle de l’α-LA, elle précipite avant l’α-LA à cause de la nature réversible du précipité

α-LA (Modler, 2009). La caractéristique la plus importante de l’ASB est sa capacité à se lier de
manière réversible à plusieurs ligands, grâce auxquels elle peut être utilisée en tant que la
transporteur d'acides gras (Mollea et al., 2013).


Les immunoglobulines (Igs) sont composées de trois classes principales: IgG, IgA et IgM. En
outre, l'IgG est divisée en sous-classes: IgG1 et IgG2. La concentration totale des
immunoglobulines dans le lactosérum est de l'ordre de 0,7 g/L et les concentrations d’IgG
représentent jusqu'à 80% (p/p). Les IgG sont présentes sous forme de monomères, tandis que
les IgA et IgM sont présents dans des formes de polymères (Mollea et al., 2013). Le rôle
principal des immunoglobulines est d’agglutiner les bactéries, de neutraliser les toxines et
d’inactiver les virus. Les IgA protègent contre la protéolyse et peuvent également neutraliser des
virus et des toxines bactériennes. L’IgM se révèlent être plus efficaces que les autres
immunoglobulines, en termes du fixation de complément, de neutralisation des virus et
d’agglutination des bactéries. Les IgG peuvent également résister à la digestion gastrique. Les
autres rôles métaboliques sont la baisse de la pression sanguine, en réduisant de taux de
cholesterol, et les utilisation comme substituts de lait pour nourrissons (Modler, 2000; Modler,
2009;. Mollea et al., 2013).


Le glymacromacropeptide (GMP) est aussi connu sous le nom de caséinomacropeptide (CMP).

Le GMP est dérivé des composantes de la k-caséine du lait durant la fabrication du fromage par
l’action d'enzymes de coagulation du lait (p. ex., la chymosine). Les résidus d'acides aminés du
GMP sont de 64 et la masse moléculaire est 6,8 kDa. Le degré de glycosylation des molécules
varie de 0 à 5 unités d’acide N-acétyl-neuraminique (acide sialique). Cependant, 25 à 50% des
GMP peuvent être dépourvus de glycosylation de glucides. Le GMP sont thermostables et
semblent être une partie de la fraction protéose-peptone (Modler, 2009). Les molécules de GMP
ont une caractéristique simple en raison de l'absence de phénylalanine, de tryptophane, de
tyrosine, d'histidine, d'arginine ou de cystéine. L'absence de phénylalanine dans le résidu rend
cette protéine un ingrédient alimentaire utile pour les patients qui souffrent de phénylcétonurie
(Modler, 2009). En outre, le GMP sont également riches en acides aminés ramifiés (Krissansen,
2007; Marshall, 2004).


La glycoprotéine de fixation du fer lactoferrine (Lf) appartient à la famille des protéines de

transfert. La lactoferrine est présente généralement dans les sécrétions exocrines du lait de
mammifère, les larmes, le mucus et la salive. La présence de lactoferrine a également été
rapportée dans le blanc d'oeuf, la conalbumine et ovatransferrine. La masse moléculaire de la
lactoferrine est de 76,50 kDa et elle se compose d'une chaîne polypeptide simple de 700 résidus
d'acides aminés (González-Chavez et al., 2009; Modler, 2009). Les molécules de lactoferrine
sont stables à la chaleur et résistantes à l'acide à pH 4,0 (Modler, 2009). Elles sont également
résistantes à l'action de la trypsine et de la chymotrypsine, mais peuvent être hydrolysées par la
pepsine (Modler, 2000). Traditionnellement, la lactoferrine est connue pour son activité
antimicrobienne et antifongique contre une vaste gamme de bactéries et de levures (Hernández-
Ledesma et al., 2011a). La lactoferrine possède également une activité immunomodulatrice. Elle
a des effets sur la croissance cellulaire et la différenciation, le développement embryonnaire, la
myelopoesis, l'adhérence des cellules endothéliales, cytokines et la production de chimiokines
(Cornish et al., 2004; Ulber et al., 2001).

Proteose-peptone composant

La protéose-peptone est la fraction de protéine de lait qui reste en solution après que le lait ait
été chauffé à 95 °C pendant 20 min, puis acidifié à pH 4,7. La protéose-peptone a quatre formes
(forme 3, forme 5, forme 8-lente et forme 8-rapide). La forme 3 est la forme majeure avec 25%
m/m (Krissansen, 2007). Les trois autres formes (forme 5, forme 8-lente et forme 8-rapide)
proviennent de la β-caséine par action de la plasmine native, tandis que la forme-3 semble
dériver des lipides de la membrane des globules. La protéose-peptone a été reconnue pour ses
applications très limitées dans le domaine alimentaire. La forme 3 peut être utilisée comme un
facteur bifidogène en raison de sa teneur élevée en glucides. Toutefois, peu de recherches ont
été effectuées sur cet aspect (Sørensen et Petersen, 1993).


La lactoperoxydase (LP) est une enzyme naturelle du système de défense des mammifères
(Hernández-Ledesma et al., 2011a). La masse moléculaire de la lactoperoxydase de 78 kDa
constitue une chaîne polypeptidique simple de 612 résidus d'acides aminés. Elle contient 15
résidus de demi-cystine, un groupement hémique et environ 10% (m/m) de groupements
glucidiques. L'activité enzymatique est affectée par la température et le temps de traitement.
L'activité enzymatique est perdue à 62,5 °C pendant 30 min, à 70 °C pendant 15 min ou à 85 °C

pendant 15 s (Modler, 2009; Mollea et al., 2013). La principale utilisation de la lactoperoxydase
est la protection contre les microbes infectieux (Shin et al., 2005).

1.4.3 Le traitement des produits protéinés du lactosérum

Le lactosérum est traité par différentes opérations unitaires pour obtenir le produit final. La
première étape est la clarification, durant lequel le lactosérum est tamisé et/ou centrifugé pour
éliminer l'excès de lait caillé issu de la production du fromage. La lipides sont également enlevés
pour faciliter la filtration sur membrane (Zadow, 1992). Après la clarification et l’élimination des
lipides, le lactosérum doit être pasteurisé immédiatement pour éliminer les pathogènes et
inactiver les cultures starter du fromage. De plus, le prétraitement peut être appliqué pour
décolorer le lactosérum en enlevant le rocou (Modler, 2009). L'étape du prétraitement est suivie
de la concentration des protéines du lactosérum. Les méthodes de concentration couramment
utilisées comprennent l'évaporation, l'osmose inverse et la filtration sur membrane (Akpinar-
Bayazit et al., 2009). L'évaporation est souvent réalisée sous vide à des températures
inférieures à 100 °C afin de protéger les protéine du lactosérum de la dénaturation. Les
inconvénients des procédés thermiques classiques d'évaporation sont l'exigence d’une grande
quantité d’énergie, la haute teneur en cendres, et da presence de lactose dans le concentré. En
outre, les caractéristiques des protéines thermolabiles peuvent changer, ce qui conduit à une
modification des propriétés fonctionnelles et nutritionnelles du produit final (Baldasso et al.,
2011). La concentration du lactosérum par osmose inverse est réalisée par passage du
lactosérum sous haute pression à travers une membrane de porosité d’environ 0,001 µm. Le
lactosérum peut être concentré à 20-22% base séche, par osmose inverse. Parfois, l'osmose
inverse est utilisée comme une étape de pré-concentration avant évaporation (Zadow, 1992).

Les technologies membranaires ont gagné de l'importance en raison de leur advantage côte
économie d'énergie. Le WPC, obtenu par ultrafiltration du lactosérum, est disponible en haute
qualité, en termes de teneur en protéines, état natif et propriétés fonctionnelles (Atra et al., 2005;
Limsawat et Pruksasri, 2010). L'ultrafiltration et la nanofiltration peuvent être définies comme de
procédés à membrane sous pression pour la séparation et la concentration des substances
ayant un poids moléculaire compris entre 1 kDa et 1000 kDa pour l'ultrafiltration et entre 100 et
500 Da pour la nanofiltration (Baker, 2002). En fonction des caractéristiques de rétention des
membranes, il peut y avoir une différence significative dans la qualité nutritive du rétentat et du
perméat. L’ultrafiltration, pour obtenir le WPC du liquide clarifié, peut concentrer jusqu'à 65% sur

une base de matière sèche. En outre, en diluant le rétentat avec de l'eau et en utilisant la
diafiltration, la protéine peut être concentrée jusqu'à 80% (Varnam et Sutherland, 1994). Le
WPC peut être produit soit en tant que liquide concentré soit en tant que poudre séchée aprés
pulvérisation. L'organigramme général décrivant la production industrielle le WPC est présentée
dans la figure 1.3. (USDEC, 2006).

Figure 1.3 Schéma du traitement de concentrés de protéines sériques (WPC)

Pour obtenir l’isolats de protéines sériques (WPI) ayant une plus grande (au dessus de 90%),
une microfiltration supplémentaire ou un traitement par échange d'ions est nécessaire. Comme
les autres protéines, les protéines du lactosérum sont également de nature amphotère et elles
agissent comme un acide ou une base en fonction du pH du milieu. Les protéines de lactosérum
ont une charge nette positive à des valeurs de pH en dessous du point isoélectrique et une
charge nette négative au-dessus du point isoélectrique. De cette manière, le pH du milieu peut
être ajusté, et les protéines sont donc des adsorbées sur un échangeur d'ions qui a une taille de
pores et une surface appropriée pour la récupération de protéines à partir de solutions diluées
(Varnam et Sutherland, 1994). Les protéines du lactosérum sont récupérées de l'échangeur

d'ions à un pH approximatifde 9 puis la solution peut être concentrée par ultrafiltration (Morr et
Foegeding, 1990).

Figure 1.4 Schéma de traitement d'isolat protéique de lactosérum (WPI)

Généralement, le séchage par pulvérisation est le procédé utilisé pour le séchage à sec pour
obtenir la poudre de lactosérum et des protéines de lactosérum, que sont souhaitables pour de
nombreuses applications (Modler, 2009; Zadow, 1992). La poudre est obtenue à partir du
séchoir par pulvérisation avec une teneur en humidité d'environ 5-7% (Henning et al., 2006). Le
lactosérum devient très collante durant le processus de séchage, donc, de l'équipement
spécialisé est utilisé pour atteindre plus solides les concentrations (de 50% à 80% de solides).
En outre, un deuxième ensemble de l'équipement est utilisé à cristalliser et à refroidir le produit
rapidement. Il est ensuite introduit dans un tambour interne et séché à 95-96% de matières
solides à 54 à 60 °C. Le produit du lactosérum séché, en outre, est traité dans un broyeur à
marteaux pour réduire la taille des particules. Les différentes étapes impliquées dans le
traitement de l'isolat de protéines du lactosérum sont représentées dans la figure 1.4 (USDEC,

1.4.4 Le fractionnement des protéines du lactosérum

Il y a un intérêt accru pour le développement des technologies rentables. L'isolement des

différentes fractions de protéines du lactosérum permet l’acquisition de nouvelles parts de
marché. En général, trois approches sont utilisées pour séparer ou fractionner les protéines de
lactosérum: i) la précipitation/floculation par un traitement thermique ou en utilisant des
polymères; ii) la technologie membranaire (l’ultrafiltration et la nanofiltration) et iii) la séparation
par chromatographie.

Séparation par précipitation

La séparation des protéines par précipitation consiste à ajuster les propriétés physiques de la
solution afin de promouvoir le caractère insoluble. Des protéines sont généralement moins
solubles à un pH proche du point isoélectrique et dans des solutions faibles en force ionique.
Les conditions énoncées ci-dessus permettent de former des agrégats de protéines. Les
traitements thermiques ont une incidence sur la structure et la solubilité des protéines de
lactosérum. Les protéines de lactosérum précipite et lorsqu elles sont chauffées à plus de 90 °C
pendant 10 min dans des conditions acides (pH 3,5 à 5,5). Il existe de nombreuses études sur la
separations des protéines de lactosérum influencée par le pH, la température, et la
concentration en protéines (Antoine et Souza, 2007; de la Fuente et al., 2002.). À un pH
isoélectrique, les protéines dénaturées par la chaleur interagissent via des réactions
irréversibles du thiol-disulfure. Ensuite, elles forment des agrégats, qui se rejoignent ensuite

pour dimer de grosses particules sédimentables. C’est le cas du lactosérum ajusté à un pH 4,2
et chauffé à 65 °C afin de dénaturer et précipiter les agrégats α-lactalbumine (Pearce, 1983). Le
surnageant a été appauvri en α-lactalbumine et enrichi en la β-lactoglobuline, qui est la protéine
restante (Pearce, 1983). La tendance à l'agrégation augmente avec la concentration en
protéines. Dans ces conditions opératoires, la β-lactoglobuline est restée soluble (plus de 98%),
alors que l’ASB et les Igs co-précipitent. Les agrégats ont été partiellement solubilisés de
nouveau par un réajustement du pH et de la température.

La précipitation ou le fractionnement est également effectué en utilisant des agents floculants

tels que la bentonite, la carboxyméthylcellulose et le chitosane. Le fractionnement via des
polymères (p. ex., des polysaccharides) sur la base de l'interaction électrostatique (les deux
semaines ou fortes polyélectrolytes de charges opposées) entre les protéines et les polymères
(Koupantsis et Kiosseoglou 2009; Vikelouda et Kiosseoglou, 2004; Xu et al., 2001). Le chitosane
permet une précipitation optimale de la β-lactoglobin avec un pH de 6,2 tandis que 80% des
outres protéines du lactosérum demeurent soluble (Casal et al., 2006).

Séparation sur membranes

Il y a eu plusieurs études faites sur le fractionnement individuel des protéines de lactosérum à

l'aide de technologies membranaires (ultrafiltration et nanofiltration). Deux étapes du procédé à
membranes sont utilisées pour l'obtention l’α-lactalbumine enrichie à partir du lactosérum. Par
exemple, une membrane XM50 (poids moléculaire limite 50 kDa) a été utilisée pour produire un
perméat contenant principalement de l’α-lactalbumine, de la β-lactoglobuline et d'autres petites
protéines/peptides. Une seconde membrane (poids moléculaire limite plus faible) a été utilisée
pour enlever le caésinomacropeptide. Cependant, le produit final est composé uniquement d’α-
lactalbumine et de β-lactoglobuline à un ratio de 2:1 (Zydney, 1998). De même, Mehra et Kelly
(2004) ont proposé trois étapes séquentielles de fractionnement individuel des protéines de
lactosérum, par filtration et ultrafiltration, avec différentes membranes de poids moléculaire limite
(MWCO), et la modification de charge, sur la base d’un pH, tel que présenté dans la figure 1.5.

Figure 1.5 Fractionnement séquentiel des protéines de lactosérum par le système de filtration
membranaire à trois étapes

La Séparation par chromatographie

Les méthodes de séparation par chromatographie sont aussi très populaires dans le
fractionnement individuel des protéines de lactosérum. Un schéma de fractionnement a ete
proposé pour les IgG, la lactoferrine et la lactoperoxydase. Il est basé sur l'échange de cations
sur S-HyperD-F, S Sepharose FF et Fractogel EMD-S 650 (S) (Hahn et al., 1998). Naqvi et al.
(2010) ont purifié la β-lactoglobuline par chromatographie sur gel à partir du lait de bovin. Ils ont
utilisé la colonne Bio-Gel P10 (BIORED) à pH 3,0, laquelle fut éluée avec du chlorure de sodium
à 18 mM. La récupération et le fractionnement des protéines de lactosérum, à partir de WPC
(80% p/p), par chromatographie à interaction hydrophobe, a également été rapporté par Santos
et al. (2011). Ils ont utilisé des protéines de référence et de WPC80 dissoutes dans un tampon
phosphate avec du sulfate d'ammonium (1M) et utilisé une colonne HiPrep Octyl Sepharose FF
couplée à une chromatographie liquide rapide des proteins (FPLC) système. L'élution était
réalisée par diminution de la force ionique du tampon en utilisant un gradient de sel. La
récupération obtenue fut de 45,2% de β-lactoglobuline avec 99,6% de pureté (Santos et al.,

1.4.5 Les application des produits enrichis en protéines et des
protéines individuelles du lactosérum

Les protéines de lactosérum ont été reconnues pour différentes propriétés fonctionnelles et leur
valeur nutritive. Les propriétés fonctionnelles sont principalement dues à des caractéristiques
physiques, chimiques et structurelles (Jovanovic et al., 2005). La valeur nutritionnelle est due à
une forte teneur en acides aminés essentiels (en particulier ceux contenant du soufre) et ceux à
chaîne ramifiée (isoleucine, leucine, et valine) (Baldasso et al., 2011). De plus, les protéines de
lactosérum sont classées comme GRAS pour des applications alimentaires et elles peuvent être
utilisées dans de nombreux aliments transformés tels que les aliments sains, les produits laitiers,
carnés, surgelés et les préparations pour nourrissons (Jayaprakasha et Brueckner, 1999; Morr
et Foegeding, 1990). WPC80 et WPI sont fréquemment utilisés pour leurs propriétés
fonctionnelles dans les produits de boulangerie pour améliorer la qualité de la cuisson, ou
comme un remplacement de l'œuf, pour augmenter le rendement en fromage, dans le yogourt
comme stabilisant, dans les trempettes et tartinades comme texturant, dans les confiseries, en
remplacement de blanc d'œuf, et dans les produits à base de viande comme diluant (Varnam et
Sutherland, 1994). Les protéines de lactosérum sont utilisées en boulangerie, pâtisserie,
viandes et fruits de mer pour obtenir un gel à haute résistance avec une bonne capacité de
rétention d'eau (Jovanovic et al., 2005; Veith et Reynolds, 2004). L’interaction de la protéine se
traduit par la formation de gel et d’un réseau élastique (Foegeding et al., 2002). Les protéines de
lactosérum peuvent également être utilisées comme agent épaississant ou émulsifiants en
raison de leur capacité à stabiliser les émulsions (Onwulata et Huth, 2009). En outre, la
formation de mousse est une propriété attrayante importante pour de nombreux produits
alimentaires, tels que les garnitures fouettées, gâteaux, milk-shakes et desserts glacés
(Jayaprakasha et Brueckner, 1999; Jovanovic et al., 2005). La formulation de boissons enrichies
en protéines de lactosérum appelées boissons prêtes-à-boire, lancée par USDEC, fournissent
des protéines nutritionnelles particulièrement destinées aux athlètes (Rittmanic, 2006).

Les chercheurs en alimentation sont régulièrement à la recherche de nouvelles façons d'utiliser

ou de transformer des protéines de lactosérum en ingrédients fonctionnels. Mishra et al. (2001)
ont produit un complexe de protéines-polysaccharides avec WPC71 et de la pectine, une même
proportion de deux biopolymères. Le complexe produit a montré une solubilité accrue, une
émulsification, une gélification, la formation de mousse et la stabilité de la mousse par rapport
aux protéines de lactosérum concentrées seule. La couche encapsulée a retardé la dégradation

oxydative de cacahouètes grillées à sec. Une autre étude a montré que l'utilisation de la
transglutaminase en tant qu'agent de réticulation dans les films a amélioré la barrière à
l'oxygène. Des recherches approfondies ont disparu pour faire des protéines de lactosérum en
tant qu'agents de revêtement contre l'oxydation (Di Pierro et al., 2006; Lin et Krochta, 2005). En
outre, le rôle fonctionnel et nutritionnel de protéines de lactosérum individuelles est résumé dans
la figure 1.6 (Hernández-Ledesma et al., 2011a; Madureira et al., 2007).

β-LG: source des acides α-LA: source à acides

aminés essentiels à aminés essentiels à
chaînes latérales, chaînes latérales, anti-
protéines de transport cancéreux

protéines de La lactoferrine:
Lactoperoxidase: lactosérum antibactérienne,
antivirale, anti- antivirale, antifongique
inflammatoire et

ASB: Sources
d’acides aminés

Igs: immunomodulateurs,
croissance et développement

Figure 1.6 Rôles individual fonctionnels et nutritionnels importants de protéines de lactosérum


1.5.1 Les peptides bioactifs

Les fragments de protéines spécifiques qui ont une influence positive sur les fonctions du corps
et finalement, un impact sur la santé sont définis comme des peptides bioactifs. L'activité du
peptide bioactif est fonction de sa séquence spécifique acides aminés et leur taille, qui varier de
2 à 20 résidus d'acides aminés (Korhonen, 2009). Le lactosérum peut être converti en divers
peptides bioactifs suivant différents types de traitement.

Peptide inhibiteur de l’ACE

Actuellement, l’inhibiteur de l’ACE (antihypertenseur) est utilisé de préférence avec le captopril,

l’énalapril, le lisinopril et alecepril synthétisés chimiquement ou avec des peptides bioactifs
produits par hydrolyse enzymatique du lait et des protéines de lactosérum, en utilisant des
enzymes comme la trypsine, la pepsine et l’alcalase (Mota et al., 2004). L’α-Lactorphine [YGLF,
l’α-LA (f 50-53)], un tétrapeptide provenant de la protéolyse de bovins α-LA; la β-lactorphine
[YLLF, β-LG (f 102-105)]; β-lactotensin [HIRL, β-LG (f 146-149)], un tétrapeptide issus de la
protéolyse de bovins β-LG ont été rapportés pour montrer l'activité inhibitrice de l'enzyme
angiotensine-I-conversion (ACE) (Belem et al., 1999b; Sieber et al., 2009). Le rôle principal de
l’inhibiteur de l’ACE de peptides est dans la régulation de l'hypertension. L’inhibition de l'ACE
conduit à une diminution du niveau du peptide angiotensine II vasoconstrictrice et de
l'augmentation correspondante au niveau du peptide vasodilatoire, le bradykinine qui se traduit
par une diminution globale de la pression artérielle (Fitzgerald et Murray, 2006; Saito, 2008).
Actuellement, les fragments de β-LG dérivés de l'hydrolyse de l'isolat protéique de lactosérum
sont commercialisés par BioZate (Danisco Foods International, Le Sueur, MN), pour réduire la
pression artérielle (Madureira et al., 2010).

Peptides bioactifs avec activité morphinique

Les peptides opioïdes sont des peptides qui ont une affinité pour un récepteur aux opiacés ainsi
que des opiacés qui ont un effet inhibiteur au naloxone (Pihlanto-Leppälä, 2000). Les peptides
opioïdes présentent une activité pharmacologique similaire à celle de l'opium (morphine,
alcaloïde) (Sharma et al., 2011). Les peptides opioïdes typiques sont originaires de trois
protéines précurseurs; proopiomélanocortine (endorphines), proencéphaline (enképhaline) et

prodynorphine (dynorphine). La caractéristique importante de peptides opioïdes typiques est
d'avoir la même séquence N-terminale, Try-Gly-Gly-Phe (Pihlanto-Leppälä, 2000; Sharma et al.,
2011). Les séquences d'opioïdes présent en la structure native de la proteine α-LA, f (50-53) et
β-LG, f (102-105) de lactosérum natif. Les peptides de l'α-LA et β-LG sont appelés α- et β-
lactorphins (Pihlanto-Leppälä, 2000).

Peptides bioactifs liant le fer

Protéines liant le fer est un peptide bioactif qui est produit par hydrolyse enzymatique de WPC.
La lactoferricine est un exemple de liaison de fer à un peptide provenant de l'hydrolyse
peptidique de WPC (Vegarud et al., 2000; Wakabayashi et al., 2003). De tels peptides du
peuvent être utiles dans la prévention de l'anémie, d’une grande carence en fer, en particulier
chez les enfants et les femmes (WHO, 2001). De plus, les peptides se liant au fer peuvent offrir
un avantage sur l'administration prophylactique ou thérapeutique de la formulation orale,
contenant des composés du fer non hémique, tel que le sulfate de fer, en atténuant le problème
de la faible biodisponibilité et les effets secondaires dans le cas de l’anémie (Kim et al., 2007).

Les protéines de lactosérum hydrolysées

Généralement utilisées de façon standard dans la formule de lait infantile produit à partir de lait
de vache ou de ses dérivés. Bien qu'il y ait beaucoup de similitude entre le lait humain et le lait
de vache en ce qui concerne le profil des protéines, la différence est due à la présence de β-
lactoglobuline dans le lait de vache. La β-lactoglobuline est absente dans le lait humain, et si elle
est administrée à partir de sources extérieures, elle provoque l'allergie chez les nourrissons due
à l'absence de la sécrétion de pepsines sous-développés. Par conséquent, le WPC est
généralement allergique pour certains nourrissons en raison de la présence de β-lactoglobuline,
qui est le composant majeur de la protéine de lactosérum. Il existe deux approches possibles
pour éviter l’allergie aux protéines de lactosérum. La première est l'élimination de β-
lactoglobuline à partir des produits de protéines de lactosérum par précipitation/ou filtration sur
membrane (ultrafiltration). La seconde est la protéolyse des protéines de lactosérum par une
protéase différente pour produire des protéines et des peptides de poids moléculaires inférieurs.
Les protéines peuvent être largement ou partiellement hydrolysées pour les préparations des
nourrissons. Cependant, certains chercheurs ont suggéré que seulement un hydrolysat très
étendu doit être utilisé pour éviter toute réaction chez les nourrissons hautement sensibles
(Chan et al., 2002).

1.5.2 Méthodes de production de peptides bioactifs

Il existe un certain nombre de méthodes pour produire des peptides bioactifs. Les méthodes les
plus couramment utilisées dépendent de l'agro-alimentaire: (i) le chauffage dans des conditions
acides/alcalines (ii) l'hydrolyse enzymatique de protéines et (iii) l'activité microbienne (hydrolyse
microbienne) dans les aliments fermentés. L’hydrolyse limitée de protéines connues libère des
peptides bioactifs actifs. Cependant jusqu'à ce jour, la façon la plus courante pour produire des
peptides bioactifs est la digestion enzymatique, en utilisant différentes échelles et techniques
(Pihlanto-Leppälä, 2000). La trypsine a été utilisée de préférence pour l'hydrolyse de la protéine
connue, qui clive à l'extrémité C-terminale de l'arginine (R) et la lysine (K) du résidu. Une autre
importante action de l’enzyme chymotrypsine sur la chaîne latérale aromatique du C-terminal.
Les protéases bactériennes et fongiques ont également été utilisées pour générer des peptides
bioactifs tels que des peptides bioactifs inhibiteurs de l’ACE. L'hydrolyse enzymatique de la
protéine ou du peptide précurseur peut être effectuée soit en mode discontinu soit en mode
continu (dans des réacteurs à membrane) pour obtenir des peptides bioactifs (Madureira et al.,

A côté de l'hydrolyse enzymatique, le procédé de fermentation a également été identifié comme

étant l'une des voies pour produire des peptides bioactifs. Les bactéries lactiques (LAB) sont la
dominante parmi toutes, pour hydrolyser les protéines du lait, en particulier la caséine, en
peptides bioactifs (Hernández-Ledesma et al., 2011b). La protéine de lactosérum a été
hydrolysée en des peptides inhibant l'ACE par l'action de levures et de bactéries protéolytiques.
Les bactéries utilisées pour la fermentation est des espèces Lactobacillus et la levure K.
marxianus. Les espèces Lactobacillus comme L. rhamnosus et L. helveticus CNP4 leur activité
de protéolitique et leur production de peptide inhibant l'ACE. Les levures comme, K. marxianus
et S. cerevisiae sont reconnues pour avoir une activité protéolytique sur les protéines de
lactosérum pour produire des oligopeptides (Didelot et al., 2006; Hamme et al., 2009).
Cependant, l'hydrolyse microbienne est encore à l'étape du laboratoire.


L'examen de la littérature montre que le lactosérum est un sous-produit valorisable des

industries fromagères qui, s’il est directement déversé dans les eaux usées, pose des
problèmes pour l'environnement. Cependant, s’il est traité par des procédés biotechnologique et
physiques, ce sous-produit peut potentiellement être transformé en produits à valeur ajoutée, ce
qui contribue à minimiser le problème de gestion environnementale y étant associé. Néanmoins,
un problème demeure: l'excès de volume de production du lactosérum. Le procédé principal de
biotransformation du lactosérum est la production de protéines unicellulaires (PU). Cependant, il
existe de nombreux défis qui entravent l'adaptation commerciale de la production de PU et du
traitement du lactosérum.

2.1 Problème 1

La biomasse est habituellement produite à l'aide du perméat de lactosérum, ce qui nécessite un

traitement préalable pour séparer les protéines du lactosérum avant la fermentation. Les étapes
du prétraitement, telle l’ultrafiltration, sont dispendieuses, surtout pour parvenir à séparer les
protéines du lactosérum et obtenir un grand volume de perméat de lactosérum liquide. En outre,
la séparation des protéines de lactosérum avant la fermentation n'est généralement pas dans
l'intérêt des petites et moyennes industries fromagères en raison du faible volume de lactosérum
pour en séparer les protéines, suivi par le traitement et la biotransformation du perméat de

2.2 Problème 2

Des cultures pures de la levure (Kluyveromyces marxianus) utilisant le lactose sont

principalement utilisées pour la production de biomasse (PU), qui est utilisée comme aliments
pour animaux. Cependant, le principal problème lors de la culture de la levure à haute
concentration de lactose est la création de métabolites secondaires, qui conduit à une
augmentation de la DCO résiduelle et à la réduction du rendement en levure. De plus, les
cultures pures de K. marxianus ne contiennent pas certains acides aminés essentiels, ce qui
réduit la valeur des PU comme nourriture animale ou pour leur application en alimentaition

2.3 Problème 3

Le sort et les méthodes de récupération des résidus solubles des protéines de lactosérum après
fermentation sont inconnus.

2.4 Problème 4

La monoculture est moins efficace dans la dégradation de la DCO, contrairement aux cultures
mixtes. Cependant, ceci nécessite des souches de levures acido-résistantes et thermo-
tolérantes pour effectuer la fermentation en conditions non-aseptiques.

2.5 Problème 5

La production de biomasse de la levure plus accommodante Saccharomyces cerevisiae est

effectuée après l'hydrolyse du lactose grâce à l’utilisation de β-galactosidase (libre ou par
système enzymatique immobilisé). Toutefois, l'utilisation d’enzymes purs ou en systèmes
immobilisés rend le processus coûteux. En outre, le prétraitement de la biomasse pour réduire
son contenu en acides nucléiques pour une PU de qualité alimentaire nécessite également une
méthode efficace.

2.6 Problème 6

Les protéines de lactosérum ont diverses propriétés fonctionnelles avec haute valeur
nutritionnelle. Cependant, le pourcentage élevé de β-lactoglobuline rend les protéines du
lactosérum allergènes chez les enfants en bas âge. Les protéines de lactosérum ont donc été
hydrolysées par traitement enzymatique ou par un procédé de fermentation. Le traitement
enzymatique est coûteux et le processus de fermentation nécessite diverses avancées
technologiques, telles que la récupération de protéines de lactosérum à l’état natif après la
fermentation et l'évaluation des activités biologiques in-vitro.



Les souches de K. marxianum ont la capacité de métaboliser le lactose pour leur croissance, et
sont utilisées comme source de PU pour la création de nourriture. L'hypothèse générale de cette
étude est qu’il pourrait être possible de produire de la biomasse de levure en utilisant le
lactosérum comme substrat, en éliminant simultanément la DCO. La production de métabolites
peut être minimisée en jouant sur la concentration de lactose ou en employant des cultures
mixtes. Les cultures mixtes de levures pour de la PU de grade alimentaire peuvent être
produites par hydrolyse du lactose avec des cellules de levure perméabilisées. De plus, les
protéines de lactosérum résiduelles peuvent être récupérées à l’état primaire par une filtration
sur membrane.

3.1.1 Hypothèse 1

La fermentation du perméat de lactosérum avec la levure acido-résistante et thermo-tolérante K.

marxianus est bien connue pour la production de biomasse avec réduction de la DCO
simultanée. Ainsi, il pourrait être possible de produire la biomasse en utilisant le lactosérum sans
retirer les protéines du lactosérum dans des conditions extrêmes (pH faible et haute
température) afin de minimiser les risques de contamination. La caractérisation des métabolites
intermédiaires et la détermination du sort des protéines de lactosérum pendant la fermentation
fournira une information pour jouer sur l’efficacité de la dégradation de la DCO et le rendement
en biomasse durant la fermentation.

3.1.2 Hypothèse 2

Le lactose contenu dans les milieux sera consommé durant la fermentation, laissant la plupart
des protéines solubles dans le bouillon fermenté. La présence de lactose a un impact négatif sur
la précipitation des protéines de lactosérum, donc une fois que le lactose est consommé (lors de
la fermentation), il pourrait être possible de précipiter et récupérer les protéines solubles
résiduelles avec facilité par l'optimisation de la méthode de précipitation. Les protéines

précipitées peuvent être mélangées avec la biomasse pour améliorer leur contenu en protéines
et équilibrer les profils d’acides aminés essentiels des PU ainsi produites.

3.1.3 Hypothèse 3

Les cultures mixtes pourraient être produites en employant des levures consommatrices de
lactose (K. marxianus) et des levures non consommatrices de lactose pour améliorer l’efficacité
d’enlèvement de la DCO, la qualité des produits et opérer le procédè de fermentation sous
conditions non-aseptiques employant des levures acido-résistantes et thermo-tolérantes.

3.1.4 Hypothèse 4

La production de cultures mixtes (surtout Saccharomyces cerevisiae avec K. marxianus), pour

équilibrer les profils d’acides aminés essentiels, nécessite du lactose hydrolysé. L'hydrolyse est
effectuée à l'aide d’enzymes β-galactosidase pures ou immobilisés, ce qui rend le processus
coûteux. Cependant, il est possible de perméabiliser les cellules de K. marxianus (qui possèdent
une activité β-galactosidase) avec des agents perméabilisants non-toxiques et ensuite d’utiliser
ces cellules perméabilisées comme source d'enzymes pour hydrolyser le lactosérum lactose.

3.1.5 Hypothèse 5

Le prétraitement est effectué par traitement chimique ou enzymatique pour réduire le contenu en
acides nucléiques des PU utilisées comme denrées alimentaires. Néanmoins, il est possible
d'utiliser des détergents pour améliorer l'efficacité du traitement chimique et la libération des
nucléotides, séparément. La séparation par membrane est la technologie privilégiée pour
récupérer les protéines et peptides indigènes, lorsque le poids moléculaire des protéines et des
peptides sont connus. Ainsi, il est possible d'utiliser la technologie des membranes pour séparer
les protéines de lactosérum fermentées à l’état primaire après évaluation leur poids moléculaire.


L’objectif global de ce project est de produire des PU de qualité alimentaire et de caractériser et

récupérer les protéines de lactosérum résiduelles et solubles suite à la fermentation du
lactosérum. Les objectifs spécifiques de recherche sont décrits ici.

3.2.1 Objectif 1

La production de PU, la caractérisation des métabolites intermédiaires de K. marxianus et la

détermination du sort des protéines de lactosérum à partir du lactosérum.

3.2.2 Objectif 2

Le développement d’une méthode de récupération des protéines de lactosérum résiduelles

solubles par précipitation suite à récuperation de la biomasse produite.

3.2.3 Objectif 3

L’évaluation des cultures mixtes de K. marxianus et Candida krusei pour la production de PU et

le retrait de la charge organique du lactosérum sous conditions non-aseptiques.

3.2.4 Objectif 4

La perméabilisation de K. marxianus pour accés à la β-galactosidase et l'augmentation des

cultures mixtes pour la production de biomasse.
Objectif 4.1
La perméabilisation de K. marxianus pour accés à la de la β-galactosidase et l'hydrolyse du
lactose avec les cellules perméabilisées de K. marxianus.
Objectif 4.2
L’augmentation des cultures mixtes de Saccharomyces cerevisiae et K. marxianus sur le
lactosérum hydrolysée.

3.2.5 Objectif 5

Le prétraitement de la biomasse de levure pour réduire le contenu en acides nucléiques et

l’optimisation de l'ultrafiltration pour la récupération des protéines du lactosérum résiduelles
solubles fermentées.


La production de PU directement du lactosérum est une approche nouvelle pour éviter la

séparation des protéines du lactosérum avant la fermentation. La production de biomasse à
partir du lactosérum, en plus de la détermination du sort des protéines de lactosérum, leur
caractérisation et leur récupération ainsi que la caractérisation des métabolites intermédiaires
n'ont pas été effectués auparavant. En outre, la production de cultures mixtes sous conditions
non-aseptiques n’a également jamais été explorée. De plus, la production de biomasse de
qualité alimentaire provenant de cultures mixtes de levures utilisant des cellules perméabilisées
de K. marxianus pour augmenter la population de S. cerevisiae est une approche novatrice. La
récupération des protéines de lactosérum résiduelles fermentées après fermentation à l'état
primaire n’a pas été rapportée à ce jour. Ainsi, l’étude proposée prévoit fournir une technologie
viable pour la transformation du lactosérum en produits protéiniques.


Les résultats obtenus dans cette thèse sont présentés en 3 parties. La première partie présente
la transformation du lactosérum, la production de protéines unicellulaires (PU) et la valorisation
des résidus de protéines solubles après la fermentation (deux articles publiés, un est soumis).
La deuxième partie démontre le potentiel biotechnologique de Candida krusei et son rôle en tant
que membre de culture mixte pour la production de PU (deux articles publiés). La troisième
partie est consacrée à la présentation de la perméabilisation des cellules de levure pour l'activité
enzymatique, l’hydrolyse du lactose du lactosérum avec des cellules perméabilisées,
l'augmentation de la culture mixte pour la production de PU de qualité alimentaire et la
récupération de la protéine soluble résiduelle par ultrafiltration (un article publié, un est soumis).




4.1.1 Lactosérum: une ressource potentiellement transformable en

bio-protéines, protéines fonctionnelles/nutritionnelles et peptides
bioactifs (Chapitre II, partie 1)

Dans ce chapitre, les différents procédés de transformation du lactosérum en produits à valeur

ajoutée sont présentés. En effet, l'objectif est de mettre en évidence les facteurs qui peuvent
affecter la biotransformation du lactosérum en bioprotéine (PU). De plus, les procédés de
séparation et de transformation des protéines du lactosérum en diverses protéines
fonctionnelles et nutritionnelles ont été également évalués. Le lactosérum peut être transformé
en produits à valeur ajoutée tels que la poudre de lactosérum, les protéines de lactosérum, le
bioéthanol, les biopolymères, le méthane, les bioprotéines (PU) et les probiotiques. D’une part,
le lactosérum et le perméat de lactosérum sont biotransformés en aliments riches en protéines
et en PU de qualité alimentaire par une simple fermentation. D'autre part, le lactosérum est
directement transformé en du concentré de protéines de lactosérum, en isolat de protéines de
lactosérum et en des protéines de lactosérum individuelles. De plus, les protéines de lactosérum
peuvent être transformées en peptides bioactifs par des procédés enzymatiques ou par

4.1.2 La production de protéines unicellulaires et l’élimination
simultanée de la DCO avec caractérisation des protéines résiduelles et
des métabolites intermédiaires au cours de la fermentation du
lactosérum par K. marxianus (Chapitre II, partie 2)

La fermentation du lactosérum utilisant Kluyveromyces marxianus a été effectuée à 40 °C et à

un pH de 3,5. Elle a permis d’évaluer la production des PU et l’élimination simultanée de la
DCO, de déterminer le sort des protéines du lactosérum et de caractériser les métabolites
intermédiaires. De plus, le rendement en biomasse (Yx/s) de 0,12 g biomasse/g de lactose et une
réduction de la DCO (y compris des protéines) de 55% a été observée au cours de la
fermentation en mode discontinu avec un inoculum de densité cellulaire normale. Le faible
rendement de la biomasse pourrait être dû à des conditions extrêmes de fermentation, c'est-à-
dire un pH faible et une haute température, qui ont été utilisés pour minimiser les risques de
contamination. Par contre, la faible dégradation de la DCO est plutôt due à la concentration
initialement élevée de lactose. Aussi, la concentration de protéines solubles du lactosérum a
diminué de 5,6 à 4,1 g/L, ce qui indique la très faible quantité de protéines du lactosérum utilisée
au cours de la fermentation. En outre, les résultats d'électrophorèse ont démontré que les
protéines du lactosérum fermenté sont différentes des protéines du lactosérum initial. Ces
résultats ont été confirmés par des analyses HPLC et GC-MS qui ont révélé une modification de
la composition des composés organiques au cours de la fermentation. Certains des composés
volatiles du lactosérum naturel ont été consommés alors que d’autres ont été générés lors de la
fermentation. La fermentation discontinue avec un inoculum à concentration élevée a entraîné
une augmentation du rendement en biomasse jusqu'à 0,19 g biomasse/g de lactose et une
réduction de la DCO (incluant les protéines) de 80%, avec une concentration en protéines
résiduelle de 4,5 g/L. Ainsi, une réduction importante de la DCO a été remarquée en raison d’un
rapport de nourriture sur microorganismes diminuant la production des métabolites
intermédiaires. Une troisième fermentation en mode discontinu a été réalisée avec un inoculum
de densité cellulaire moyenne et a été remplacée par une fermentation continue avec un
système de recyclage des cellules pour maintenir la concentration de la biomasse élevée. Dans
ce cas, un rendement en biomasse de 0,19 g de biomasse/g de lactose et une productivité de
0,26 g/L/h ont été obtenus. Le taux d'élimination de la DCO a été de 78-79% avec une
concentration en protéines résiduelles de 3.8 à 4.2 g/L. La forte DCO résiduelle rapportée en
comparaison de celle obtenue dans des exemples de la littérature est due à la présence de
protéines résiduelles solubles. Auparavant, la plupart des études ont été menées avec du
perméat de lactosérum où la DCO résiduelle due aux protéines est négligeable.

4.1.3 Récupération des protéines solubles résiduelle par un procédé
de précipitation en deux étapes avec réduction concomitante de la
DCO du lactosérum de levure cultivées (Chapitre II, partie 3)

Le procédé de précipitation pour la récupération des protéines résiduelles solubles de

lactosérum fermentés, suite à la culture de la levure (K. marxianus) par fermentation en mode
continu, a été évalué. La biomasse a également été récupéré par centrifugation, et les protéines
résiduelles solubles dans le surnageant du lactosérum fermenté a été précipitées par un
traitement thermique. Une récupération des protéines solubles jusqu’à 53% et une élimination
de la DCO jusqu’à 54% ont été obtenues dans les conditions optimales de température (100 °C)
et de pH (4,5) pendant 10 minutes. Toutefois, une sédimentation des précipités due à la gravité
a été obtenue à un pH de 3,5 avec 47% de récupération des protéines. De plus, l'étude a été
effectuée à un pH de 3,5 avec agitation, ce qui a conduit à 68% de la récupération des protéines
et à une DCO résiduelle de 62%. En effet, l'augmentation de la vitesse d'agitation (vitesse de
cisaillement) induit l'agrégation des protéines précipitées par la chaleur. De plus, la précipitation
et la coagulation des protéines solubles ont été aussi évaluées en présence de
carboxyméthylcellulose (CMC). Par la suite, deux procédés de précipitations (CMC thermique
suivi par précipitation) ont été combinés, ce qui a entraîné 81% de récupération des protéines
totales. En outre, ce procédés n'a pas besoin de la centrifugation pour récupérer les protéines.
Par conséquent, le précipité qui sédimente par gravité peut être mélangé avec de la biomasse
centrifugée et séchée par pulvérisation pour obtenir un produit enrichi en protéines.



4.2.1 Candida krusei: potentiel biotechnologiques et préoccupations

quant à sa sécurité (Chapitre III, partie 1)

Une revue complète sur Candida krusei (le potentiel biotechnologique et les préoccupations sur
sa sécurité) est présentée. L’espèce Candida krusei (un pathogène opportuniste) a été observée
dans différents habitats. Elle attire de plus en plus l’attention avec son rôle biotechnologique
diversifié. En effet, on la trouve dans de nombreux produits alimentaires fermentés ainsi que
dans des produits laitiers. Elle a également été exploitée pour la production de divers enzymes

et produits biochimiques. En outre, elle est acido-résistante et thermo-tolérante. Elle pourrait être
exploitée pour la production de PU à partir du lactosérum en culture mixte.

4.2.2 Culture mixte de Kluyveromyces marxianus et Candida krusei

pour la production de protéines unicellulaires et l'élimination de la
charge organique à partir du lactosérum (Chapitre III, partie 2)

L'étude a été menée pour évaluer le potentiel de la culture mixte de K. marxianus et Candida
krusei par rapport à la culture pure de K. marxianus pour: améliorer le taux de réduction de la
DCO, minimiser les risques de contamination en utilisant des conditions de fermentation
extrêmes (c.-à-d. haute température et faible pH) et obtenir une meilleure qualité de PU au cours
de la fermentation en continu et en discontinu. La fermentation aérobie en mode discontinu
utilisant sont la culture pure (K. marxianus) sont la culture mixte (K. marxianus et de C. krusei) a
été effectuée à 40 °C et à pH de 3,5. Également, la fermentation en mode continu a été réalisée
à différents temps de rétention hydraulique (TRH) (6, 12, 18 et 24 h) pour éliminer au maximum
la DCO et pour une production importante de biomasse. La fermentation en discontinu par la
culture mixte a obtenu plus de 8,8% d’élimination de DCO avec 19% de rendement de la
biomasse et 33% d’augmentation de productivité par rapport à la fermentation par la culture
pure. Une forte dégradation de la DCO utilisant la culture mixte a été obtenue puisque la levure
lactose-négative (C. krusei) consomme des métabolites intermédiaires au cours de la
fermentation. Ce dernier phénomène a également conduit à une meilleure productivité et un
meilleur rendement en biomasse. Le retrait maximal de DCO de 80,2% (y compris les protéines
résiduelles) a été obtenu avec un TRH de 24 h, pour une productivité en biomasse de 0,17
g/L.h. Néanmoins, la productivité maximale en biomasse de 0,38 g/L/h, avec 34% de DCO
éliminée, a été obtenue avec un TRH de 6 h. La croissance de C. krusei dans la culture mixte
dans les deux cas de fermentation continue ou discontinue a montré que les deux types de
levures ont des interactions physiologiques commensalistes. Ainsi, elle a montré que les PU de
la culture mixte ont une forte teneur en protéines et sont enrichies en lysine, un acide aminé


4.3.1 La perméabilisation de Kluyveromyces marxianus avec un

détergent doux pour l'hydrolyse du lactose lactosérum et
l'augmentation de la culture mixte (Chapitre IV, partie 1)

Les cellules de K. marxianus ont été perméabilisées avec le détergent anionique N-lauroyl
sarcosine (N-LS), qui est non-toxique et biodégradable, pour améliorer accéder à enzymatique
intracellulaire et l'hydrolyse du lactose. Dans ce contexte, des paramètres du procédé de
perméabilisation comme la concentration de N-LS, le volume de solvant, la température et le
temps d'incubation ont été optimisés. Ainsi, une activité maximale de la β-galactosidase de 1220
UI/g poids sec a été obtenue avec des cellules perméabilisées et les conditions optimisées
suivantes : une concentration de N-LS de 1,5% (p/v), un volume d’eau de 1 ml (ou 1,0 g de
poids humide/mL d'une solution de N-LS), la température de 25 °C et une dureé de 20 minutes
d'incubation. De plus, la viabilité des cellules perméabilisées a également été évaluée. Une
réduction de la viabilité des cellules de deux unites logarithmique après perméabilisation a été
observée. Par la suite, une hydrolyse du lactose de lactosérum a été réalisée avec des cellules
perméabilisées. Un maximum d’hydrolyse de 91% est atteint avec 600 mg (poids sec de
cellules/100 mL) dans la poudre de lactosérum (5% p/v) pendant 180 minutes d’incubation à un
pH de 6,5 et une température de 30 °C. En outre, le lactosérum hydrolysé a été évalué pour son
améliorer la croissance de la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae qui ne consomme pas le lactose.
Il a été démontré que S. cerevisiae est également capable de croître dans le lactosérum
hydrolysé en culture mixte avec K. marxianus.

4.3.2 Production de qualité alimentaire protéines unicellulaires, la

caractérisation et la récupération des protéines résiduelles fermentés
par ultrafiltration du lactosérum (Chapitre IV, partie 2).

L’étude a été effectuée afin de caractériser et récupérer les protéines solubles résiduelle après
la production de la culture pure (K. marxianus) ou de la culture mixte (K. marxianus et S.
cerevisiae), utilisant la biomasse de la levure en tant que PU de qualité alimentaire présent dans
le lactosérum. La fermentation en mode discontinu a été effectuée à 35 °C et à un pH de 5,5

pour la culture pure et à 30 °C et un pH de 6,5 pour la culture mixte. Dans ces conditions, les
rendements en biomasse obtenus étaient de 0,27 et 0,31 g de biomasse/g de lactose
consommé pour la culture pure et de la culture mixte, respectivement. La biomasse et le
lactosérum ont été obtenus dans le surnageant suite à une centrifugation du bouillon fermenté.
Par la suite, la biomasse de levure a été traitée en deux étapes avec la N-LS et le NH4OH,
respectivement. Le traitement a entraîné une réduction de la teneur en acides nucléiques de
moins de 2% (p/p) à partir de 11,4% (p/p). De plus, une caractérisation des protéines solubles a
été évaluée par SDS-PAGE. Une fraction des protéines a été consommée au cours de la
fermentation. Les résultats obtenus à partir de SDS-PAGE ont révélé que les protéines du
lactosérum fermenté sont différentes des protéines de lactosérum original, et qu'elles sont
partiellement hydrolysés durant la fermentation. Les paramètres de fonctionnement de
l'ultrafiltration (flux de perméat et pression transmembranaire, PTM) ont été optimisés pour des
membranes de 1 kDa et de 10 kDa afin de récupérer les protéines résiduelles du lactosérum
fermenté. Un flux de perméat de 413 L/h/m2 (LMH) avec une PTM de 80 kPa a montré un
meilleur taux de récupération avec la membrane de 10 kDa suivis par un flux de perméat de
2760 L/h/m2 et une pression transmembranaire de 210 kPa pour la membrane de 1 kDa. Avec
ces conditions optimisées, une récupération de 84% et de 92% des protéines solubles
résiduelles totales a été obtenue avec les surnageants de la culture pure et de la culture mixte
du lactosérum fermenté, respectivement.


Sur la base de la présente étude, trois processus différents ont été développés, ce qui pourrait
potentiellement être appliquées à biotransformer le lactosérum cru en produits protéiques. Le
premier processus est la fermentation en continu (à haute température et un pH bas) avec
recyclage des cellules, suivie de la récupération des protéines soluble résiduelle par
précipitation. Le processus intégré (p. ex., production de PU, suivie de la récupération de
protéines résiduelles) a donné lieu à une productivité plus élevée et plus de DCO d'élimination.
Le produit (alimentation animale) a une teneur en protéines élevée et équilibrée en acides
aminés essentiels. Le second processus est la fermentation en mode continu dans des
conditions non aseptiques employant la culture mixte (K. marxianus et C. krusei), qui a abouti à
plus efficacité d'élimination de DCO avec un rendement amélioré de la biomasse. Le PU produit
(de l'alimentation animale) a une teneur en lysine plus élevé, qui est fortement preferée pour
l'alimentation animale. Le troisième procédé est de produire une qualité alimentaire des PU de
culture mixte (K. marxianus et S. cerevisiae) utilisant les cellules de K. marxianus
perméabilisées comme source d'enzyme pour hydrolyser le lactose du lactosérum, suivie de la
récupération de la protéine résiduelle par ultrafiltration. PU de qualité alimentaire a été obtenues
par pré-traitement de la biomasse avec une combinaison de produits chimiques en deux étapes.
Les protéines solubles résiduelles à l’état natif ont été récupérées par ultrafiltration.

Une analyse économique comparative est de mise pour les trois cas de processus de production
de PU et de leur récupération afin de trouver le meilleur procédé conditionnel pour la valorisation
du lactosérum.


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Jay Shankar Singh Yadav1, Song Yan1, Sridhar Pilli1, Lalit Kumar1, R.D. Tyagi1*,

R.Y. Surampalli2

Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Centre Eau, Terre &
Global Institute for Energy, Environment and Sustainability

P.O. Box 14354 Lenexa, Kansas 66285, USA.

*Corresponding author: R. D. Tyagi, E-mail: [email protected]; Tel: (418) 654 2617

Submitted to Biotechnology Advances


Les sous-produits (de lactosérum) de l’industrie de la production du fromage sont considérés

comme des matières polluantes en raison de leur forte DBO et des concentrations résultantes
en DCO. La forte charge organique du lactosérum provient en fait de la présence d’éléments
nutritifs résiduels dans le lait. Comme la demande pour les produits dérivés du lait augmente,
elle conduit à la production de grandes quantités de lactosérum, ce qui occasionne un grave
problème de gestion. Dans le but de surmonter les problèmes de gestion liés à cette production
de lactosérum, différentes approches technologiques ont été utilisées pour convertir le
lactosérum en produits à valeur ajoutée. Concrètement, l’avancement technologique a permis de
favoriser l’utilisation du lactosérum et de la moitié de la totalité produite en lactosérum en les
transformant en produits à valeur ajoutée, tels que la poudre de lactosérum, les protéines du
petit-lait, le perméat de lactosérum, le bioéthanol, les biopolymères, le méthane, les bioprotéines
et les probiotiques. Parmi les différents produits à valeur ajoutée, la transformation du
lactosérum en produits protéiques est avantageuse et exigeante. Le principal facteur qui importe
dans la transformation du lactosérum en produit protéique, en ce qu’il rend cette transformation
avantageuse, est sa nature généralement reconnue comme inoffensive (GRAS- generally
recognized as safe). Le lactosérum et le perméat de lactosérum sont biotransformés, grâce à un
procédé de fermentation, en aliments protéiques et en bioprotéines/protéines d’origine
unicellulaire de qualité alimentaire. D’autre part, le lactosérum est traité directement pour obtenir
des concentrés de protéines du lactosérum, l’isolat de protéines du lactosérum et des protéines
individuelles du lactosérum. En outre, les protéines du lactosérum sont également transformées
en peptides bioactifs via des procédés enzymatiques ou de fermentation. Les produits
protéiques ont aussi des applications fonctionnelles, nutritionnelles et thérapeutiques. Ainsi, la
disponibilité, les caractéristiques et les procédés de transformation/biotransformation du
lactosérum en divers produits protéiques à valeur ajoutée sont présentés et discutés dans cet

Mots-clés: Lactosérum; Fermentation; Transformation; Biotransformation; Bioprotéine; Protéine

fonctionnelle/nutritionnelle; Les peptides bioactifs.


The byproduct of cheese-producing industries, cheese whey, is considered as an environmental

pollutant due to its high BOD and COD concentrations. The high organic load of whey arises
from the presence of residual milk nutrients. As demand for milk-derived products is increasing,
it leads to increased production of whey, which poses a serious management problem. To
overcome this problem, various technological approaches have been employed to convert whey
into value-added products. These technological advancements have enhanced whey utilization
and about 50% of the total produced whey is now transformed into value-added products such
as whey powder, whey protein, whey permeate, bioethanol, biopolymers, methane, bioprotein
(single cell protein) and probiotics. Among various value-added products, the transformation of
whey into proteinaceous products is attractive and demanding. The main important factor which
is attractive for transformation of whey into proteinaceous products is the generally recognized
as safe (GRAS) regulatory status of whey. Whey and whey permeate are biotransformed into
proteinaceous feed and food-grade bioprotein/single cell protein through fermentation. On the
other hand, whey can be directly processed to obtain whey protein concentrate, whey protein
isolate, and individual whey proteins. Further, whey proteins are also transformed into bioactive
peptides via enzymatic or fermentation processes. The proteinaceous products have
applications as functional, nutritional and therapeutic commodities. Whey characteristics, and its
transformation processes for proteinaceous products such as bioproteins, functional/nutritional
protein and bioactive peptides are covered in this review.

Keywords: Cheese whey; Fermentation; Transformation; Biotransformation; Bioprotein;

Functional/Nutritional protein; Bioactive peptides.


The food processing industries, such as dairy and cheese processing plants, generate large
volumes of liquid waste including “cheese whey”. Whey is liquid portion produced during cheese-
making or during coagulation of the milk casein process as a byproduct. The current total
worldwide production of whey is estimated at about 180 to 190 million tons/year (Mollea et al.,
2013). The major share of whey production comes from the European Union and the USA
(approximately 70% of the total world whey). Moreover, the whey production rate is increasing
with similar rates of milk production. The global growth rate of whey generation is around 2% per
annum (Smithers, 2008). A portion of cheese whey is used for animal feed and in food
applications. However, whey creates significant environmental and health issues due to its large
volume production and high organic content. The biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and
chemical oxygen demand (COD) values of whey are about 30-50 g/L and 60-80 g/L, respectively
(Guimarães et al., 2010). Disposal of whey into municipal sewers has been banned by many
local authorities as it interrupts the biological process of wastewater treatment plants. Whey
dumping on land creates severe pollution concerns for the surrounding environment by affecting
the physicochemical characteristics of soil that results in decreased crop yields. Furthermore,
when poured into water bodies, it reduces the dissolved oxygen, hampers biodegradability, and
poses a major risk to aquatic life, and to environment and human health (Ghaly et al., 2007).
Biodegradability of dairy effluents was studied by Janczukowicz et al. (2008) and they concluded
that the effluents generated from all dairy factories could be treated together without any
problem, except for whey, because whey contains complex components. Whey components are
difficult to degrade and create a major problem to any wastewater treatment plant that treats
other effluents. Therefore, proper management (treatment or re-use) of cheese whey, which
would be economical and ecofriendly, is required before its disposal.

Responsible factors for the high organic load of whey is the presence of residual milk nutrients
(lactose, proteins, lipids and vitamins). On the other hand, the presence of whey nutrients is
considered as a potential resource for the production of various value-added products. Various
advanced technologies are in use to tackle this whey management issue, and major fraction of
whey is utilized and transformed today into valuable products. However, still a significant amount
of whey remains unutilized. So, whey must be further processed to attain maximal benefits and
to limit its environmental pollution impact (Panesar et al., 2007).

Processing of whey is carried out by 2 procedures to transform whey into value-added products.
The first one is direct processing (physical or thermal treatment) of whey to obtain whey powder,
whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, whey permeate, lactose, and other fractions. The
second one involves biotechnological processing, where whey is used as substrate for various
microbial/enzymatic processes to obtain valuable end products. Such products are animal feed,
bioprotein (single cell protein-SCP), probiotics, organic acids, enzymes, carotenoids, bio-
preservatives, biological gums, exopolysaccharides, and bioplastics (Kosseva et al., 2009;
Mollea et al., 2013; Panesar et al., 2013; Siso, 1996). These products and methods used have
been demonstrated to be technically achievable. However, research is continuing to make value-
added products even more economically viable.

Demand for whey is increasing to manufacture whey proteins due to their high functional and
nutritional values. Whey proteins have also several applications in the pharmaceutical industry.
Specific protein fractions are used to control blood pressure and to induce sleep (Korhonen,
2009; Modler, 2009). Peters (2005) has evaluated the techno-economic feasibility of whey
processing alternatives and concluded that the transformation of whey into whey protein
concentrate generates a large stream of whey permeate (lactose fraction), which needs further
processing. Therefore, a whey protein concentrate as the only product is not very profitable.
Additionally, the value of whey protein isolate can be further enhanced by enzymatic hydrolysis
of the proteins to non-allergenic peptide fractions. Further, whey proteins have the potential to be
transformed into bioactive peptides via enzymatic or fermentation processes. So, an important
step in processing of cheese whey is protein fraction recovery and whey permeate (lactose
fraction) conversion to different valuable products. Biotransformation of whey permeate into
protein-rich biomass (SCP) and into galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) are most feasible options,
among others at the present time. Bioprotein/SCP production from whey is carried out by
employing specific lactose-consuming microorganisms, especially yeasts (Kluyveromyces spp.
and Candida spp.) and bacteria such as Lactobacillus spp. (Panesar et al., 2013). Moreover,
non-lactose consuming microorganisms are used for production of SCP through hydrolysis of
lactose into monosaccharides (glucose and galactose). The bioprotein could be used as animal
feed or as a protein source for humans and GOS could be used as a replacement for antibiotics
in animal feeding. This makes cheese whey promising to influence the whey market (Gänzle et
al., 2008). The main emphasis of this paper is on cheese whey utilization for the production of
the bioprotein, on factors affecting the production, quality, acceptability of bioprotein, and on
processing and production of functional/nutritional and bioactive peptides.


2.1 Physical characteristics

Whey is residue that remains after recovery of the curd from the clotting of milk with proteolytic
enzymes or acid. Colour of whey varies from a dominantly yellow/green colour to rarely a bluish
tinge, but colour can vary with type of milk used. Whey is produced from all types of milk, but
cow’s milk is most common in the western countries. In some regions of the world, goat’s,
sheep’s and camel’s milk are also used in the production of cheese and cheese whey
(Bordenave-Juchereau et al., 2005; Smithers, 2008). Whey shares about 85-95% of milk volume
and contains around 55% of the milk nutrients (Varnam and Sutherland, 1994). Fig. 1 shows a
comparative analysis of milk and of whey.

2.2 Chemical characteristics

The type and composition of whey depend mainly upon the processing techniques used in
casein removal from milk. The most frequently encountered type of cheese whey results from
the coagulation of casein by rennet (an industrial casein-clotting enzymatic complex containing
chymosin or other casein-coagulating enzymes). Coagulation of casein by rennet occurs at
around pH 6.5 thus, whey produced during the enzymatic treatment is called sweet whey. Acid
whey (pH less than 5) is generated when coagulation of casein is achieved through the addition
of mineral or organic acids. The main difference between the two types of whey are mineral
content, acidity and content of the whey protein fractions (Table 1) (Jelen et al., 2003; Kosseva
et al., 2009).

2.3 Whey utilization for production of value-added products

The presence of residual milk nutrients has drawn an interest to transform whey into value-
added products. Around 50% of the total produced whey worldwide is transformed into different
food stuffs. These food items include about 45% in liquid form, 30% as dried whey powder, 15%
as lactose and various byproducts from its elimination and remaining as whey protein
concentrates (Kosseva et al., 2009; Panesar et al., 2013). Since the major fraction of whey
solids is lactose along with soluble proteins, vitamins and minerals, various biotechnological

processes have been applied to utilize whey as substrate to produce industrially important and
valuable products such as enzymes, protein rich biomass and ethanol. Alternatively,
physical/thermal processes are used for direct conversion of whey into important products
(Morales et al., 2006; Panesar et al., 2013; Siso, 1996). The outline of various biotechnological
and other processes is illustrated in Fig. 2. Both routes of processing have played an important
role in the transformation of whey into value-added products. Whey is directly used for
fermentation using lactose-consuming microorganism for its bioconversion. The broad range of
value-added products, as presented in Table 2, is obtained from whey or whey permeate via
fermentation (Carlotti et al., 1991; De León-Rodríguez et al., 2006; Guimarães et al., 2010;
Panesar et al., 2013; Pham et al., 2000; Wan et al., 2008). However, in some cases, lactose
hydrolysis is performed before fermentation, when microorganisms are unable to hydrolyze
lactose, to enhance whey usefulness. Hydrolysis of lactose into monosaccharides (glucose and
galactose) is performed either with the enzyme β-galactosidase or by acid hydrolysis (Siso,
1996; Zadow, 1992). For example, ethanol is produced using whey as substrate by lactose-
utilizing yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus strains. Produced ethanol can be used as an energy
source (as fuel) or further used as substrate for vinegar or acetic acid production (Guimarães et
al., 2010). Different organic acids like acetic acid, propionic acid, lactic acid and citric acid can be
produced from whey/whey permeate by fermentation. Most of the organic acids are used as
speciality chemicals. For example, lactic acid is used to make propylene oxide, the polylactic
acid polymers and propylene glycol or acrylic fibers. Acetic acid is used to produce calcium
magnesium acetate (CMA) which is used in large amounts as road or airport de-icer. Acetic acid
is also used as a raw material (as substrate) for bioplastic (polyhydroxyalkanoates) production.
Similarly, propionic acid is used as preservative, herbicides and chemical intermediates (Dias et
al., 2006; El Aasar, 2006; Morales et al., 2006; Mostafa, 2001; Mukhopadhyay et al., 2005;
Panesar et al., 2007; Wan et al., 2008). Hydrolyzed lactose from whey permeate is used as a
substrate for the production of polysaccharides by fermentation such as xanthan gum (a
heteropolysaccharide) produced by Xanthomonas campestris (Mesomo et al., 2009). Whey
lactose is also used for the production of other exopolysaccharides such as dextrans
(Leuconostoc mesenteroides), and biopolymers such as poly-β-hydroxy butyrate (PHB)
(Azotobacter chrooccum) (Khanafari et al., 2006; Pham et al., 2000; Santos et al., 2005).
Anaerobic digestion of whey results in the production of methane or biogas and is a process
comprised of three successive steps, lactose (and protein) hydrolysis, fermentation
(acidogenesis, acetogenesis) and methanogenesis. The produced methane can be used as a
source of energy (as fuel) or to generate electricity (Gelegenis et al., 2007). The list of products

in Table 2 shows biotechnological role in the transformation of whey into different product
categories (probiotics, enzymes, proteins and peptides, biopolymers, biochemicals, biocontrol
agents and fuel).



3.1 Bioprotein

Bioprotein or single cell protein (SCP) may be defined as microbial biomass. SCP may be
produced by cultivation on various and abundant carbon sources. Bacteria, yeast, fungi and
algae are the main sources of microbial biomass, which can be employed as sources of
bioprotein/SCP (Paraskevopoulou et al., 2003). The trademark name Bioprotein® is given for
single cell protein, based on the transformation of methane, by the addition of ammonia and
oxygen, into biomass (protein source) (VKM, 2006). The important characteristics of single cell
microorganisms are their substantial content of crude protein, which varies from 40 to 80% w/w
of dry cell weight. In addition, protein quality is high and more closely resembles to that of animal
protein compared to plant proteins. Therefore, readily available nutritionally (Anvari and Khayati,
2011; Schultz et al., 2006). Additionally, there are a number of other advantages in the
production of microbial proteinaceous biomass compared to conventional source crops protein
used as food and feed. These are: (i) rapid succession of generations (algae, 2-6 h; yeast, 1-3 h;
bacteria, 0.5-2 h); (ii) high protein content on a dry mass basis; (iii) broad spectrum of substrate
(carbon sources) utilization; (iv) production in continuous cultures of consistent quality; (v)
independence of environmental conditions, low land requirements and ecologically beneficial
and (vi) potential for cellular, molecular and genetic alterations (Anupama and Ravindra, 2000;
Bekatorou et al., 2006; Nasseri et al., 2011; Srividya et al., 2014). Among the algae, fungi/yeast
and bacteria, yeasts are preferred for the production of bioprotein due to the fact that yeast can
easily be propagated on cheap carbon sources and are easily harvested due to their bigger size.
Additionally, yeasts contain less nucleic acids than bacteria (Bekatorou et al., 2006). There are
various GRAS microorganisms (yeast and bacteria), that are often used to produce SCP. The
most commonly used yeast genera for SCP/bioprotein production are Saccharomyces,
Kluyveromyces, Candida, Pichia and Torulopsis. Among the bacterial genera, Lactobacillus,
Cellulomonas and Alcaligenes are the most common. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has

been commonly used due to its availability as a byproduct from the beer industry (Bekatorou et
al., 2006).

Biotransformation of whey or of whey permeate into proteinaceous biomass (bioprotein) is one of

the best options for whey utilization (Grba et al., 2002; Mansour et al., 1993; Mawson, 1994).
The lactose-utilizing microorganisms (e.g. Kluyveromyces spp.) are more commonly used for
biomass production from whey. However, attention has also been given to production of non-
lactose consuming universally accepted baker’s yeast (S. cerevisiae) for food and feed
applications. The industrial process to produce S. cerevisiae using whey was implemented by
the Nutrisearch Company in 1983 in Kentucky (USA). The production method was comprised of
two steps: (a) lactose hydrolysis in whey with an immobilized β-galactosidase enzyme, followed
by (b) monosaccharides fermentation (Siso, 1996). Numerous processes have been reported for
biomass cultivation from whey, and among these the Vienna process and the Bel process are
prominent. Production of microbial biomass at industrial scale from whey for food applications
started in France at the Fromageries Le Bel around 1958, where a consortium of 3 yeasts
(Kluyveromyces lactis, K. fragilis and Torulopsis bovina) was grown in equilibrium on whey
permeate in a continuous fermentation system for a period of over 1 year, at pH 3.5 and 38 °C.
The extreme culture conditions (high temperature and low pH) were applied to reduce the
probability of contamination (Siso, 1996). During the fermentation oxygen supply was kept high
to diminish ethanol production. However, ethanol formation by Kluyveromyces spp. has been
reported in a fully aerated system. In order to avoid ethanol production, a mixed culture including
the non-lactose consuming yeast T. bovina was employed. T. bovina utilized ethanol produced
during the fermentation (Siso, 1996).

3.2 Factors affecting and production process of bioprotein

The factors that affect the production of yeast biomass (bioprotein/SCP) using whey as substrate
are microorganisms, nutrients supplementation, culture conditions and type of fermentation
process. The preferred microorganism is yeast.

3.2.1 Microorganisms

Selection of microorganism for SCP production depends on ability to metabolize whey lactose.
The production of biomass is mostly limited to lactose-consuming microorganisms (Ghaly et al.,

2003), however, some non-lactose consuming microorganisms (e.g. Candida utilis and Candida
valida), which grow on intermediate metabolites can also be used (Cristiani-Urbina et al., 2000).
Different yeast species such as Kluyveromyces (e.g. Kluyveromyces lactis and K. marxianus),
Candida (e.g. Candida pseudotropicalis) and Trichosporon, are employed since they are capable
of metabolizing lactose (Mansour et al., 1993; Mawson, 1994). Among these, Kluyveromyces
species have been most widely studied (Grba et al., 2002). The yeast K. marxianus is the
dominant and most commonly used one, up to commercial scale (Bekatorou et al., 2006;
Fonseca et al., 2008). The bacterial species (like Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus plantarum,
Lactobacillus fermentum etc.), which are categorized as GRAS or have a safe history in food
and feed applications, can also be used (AAFCO, 2010; Panesar et al., 2013).

One main problem that generally occurs during cultivation of K. marxianus at higher initial
lactose concentration is the production of byproducts (intermediate metabolites) at the expense
of the biomass yield due to the Crabtree effect. The classification of Crabtree-positive and -
negative yeasts is based on their glucose-uptake mechanism. Crabtree negative
microorganisms optimize their use of lactose by converting lactose into ethanol. K. marxianus is
classified as a Crabtree-negative yeast and is a facultative fermentative microorganism
(Fonseca et al., 2008; van Dijken et al., 1993). Kluyveromyces spp. cannot grow in severely
anaerobic environments and, thus the formation of ethanol is entirely associated with oxygen
supply (Bellaver et al., 2004). The ability of the Crabtree-negative model organism K. lactis to
metabolise lactose is mainly due to the existence of a lactose permease, which is encoded by
the LAC12 gene, and of a β-galactosidase which is encoded by the LAC4 gene (Rubio-Texeira,
2006). Glucose and galactose are the products of lactose hydrolysis due to action of the β-
galactosidase. Intracellular glucose is metabolized through glycolysis whereas galactose is
metabolised by the Leloir pathway (Leloir pathway enzymes encoded by the GAL genes and
activated in the presence of galactose) (Sellick et al., 2008). K. fragilis (now known as K.
marxianus) has been also reported to change its cellular metabolic pathway, from oxidative to a
mixed oxidative-fermentative type that resulted in other metabolic end products such as
aldehydes and esters. The formation of byproducts (intermediate metabolites) led to a reduction
of the biomass yield on lactose, which affects the economics of the process and also affects the
efficacy of organic matter elimination (Cristiani-Urbina et al., 2000). Additionally, biomass yield
has been reported to decrease with an increase in lactose concentration and this may be due to
increased production of metabolic products. The production of metabolites has also been

reported during aerated cultures of K. lactis, C. pseudotropicalis, Torulopsis cremoris and C.
kefyr (Cristiani-Urbina et al., 2000).

The general purpose of cultivation of Kluyveromyces spp. (e.g. K. marxianus) is to produce

biomass, and simultaneously, to remove the organic load of cheese whey (Ghaly and Kamal,
2004; Schultz et al., 2006). However, the formation of ethanol and of other metabolites has a
detrimental effect on biomass yield and COD reduction during the cultivation of Kluyveromyces
species. In contrast, COD degradation efficiency was higher with a mixed culture of K.
marxianus and S. cerevisiae compared to the monoculture of K. marxianus (Domingues et al.,
2010). The higher COD degradation with the mixed culture of K. marxianus and S. cerevisiae
(non-lactose consuming) was due to consumption of part of the extracellular intermediate
metabolic products of Kluyveromyces spp. (Domingues et al., 2010). Therefore, to minimize the
generation of metabolic byproducts and enhance productivity, mixed yeast cultures can be used.
A higher biomass yield has been reported employing mixed cultures of Torulopsis cremoris and
C. utilis. The improvement in biomass yield may be due to the fact that C. utilis consumed the
metabolic byproducts of T. cremoris, which resulted in increased biomass production with higher
COD removal efficiency (Cristiani-Urbina et al., 2000). Yadav et al. (2014a) also reported a
higher biomass yield and COD removal efficiency during mixed-culture cultivation of K.
marxianus and Candida krusei (non-lactose consuming yeast). However, the main challenging
issue during cultivation of mixed cultures is the stability of the microbial consortium, which must
be studied before implementation of any mixed culture at industrial scale.

3.2.2 Nutrients

Biomass production or microbial growth requires carbon and nitrogen as a major source of
nutrients. Additionally, other essential nutrients are sulfur, phosphorus and some elements in
minor quantity. The major source of carbon in whey is lactose whereas organic nitrogen is
present in the complex form (as protein, peptides, and amino acids) (Ghaly and Kamal, 2004).
Due to the complex nature of nitrogen in whey, microorganisms require readily assimilated
inorganic or simple organic forms of nitrogen for optimal growth. Inorganic nitrogen can be
provided as ammonia/ammonium salts and nitrates. Most of the yeasts and fungi assimilate
ammonia and ammonium salts. The simplest form of organic nitrogen source is urea, which is
used either by a extracellular urease that leads to ammonia generation or transported and used
through the urea amydolyase pathway (Roon and Levenberg, 1972). Supplementation of a

inorganic nitrogen source (ammonium sulphate) has been reported to improve biomass yield
during SCP production from cheese whey (Cristiani-Urbina et al., 2000; Moeini et al., 2004).
Inorganic nitrogen sources influence the pH of the culture medium such as assimilation of one
ammonium ion produces one proton, whereas assimilation of one nitrate ion utilises one proton.
However, assimilation of urea is neutral regarding proton equilibrium (Castrillo et al., 1995).
Yeast extract, which is rich in free amino acids, peptides and B-vitamins has been also used
(Lukondeh et al., 2005). Cheese whey is rich in minerals, however; during biotransformation into
biomass, supplementation of trace elements, ammonium and calcium has been recommended
with sweet whey concentrates while, supplementation of ammonium, trace elements and
vitamins was required for sour whey concentrates (Schultz et al., 2006).

3.2.3 pH

In general, neutral pH is the optimum for the growth of microorganisms (bacteria and yeasts). In
addition, yeasts are usually acid-tolerant and can grow in the pH range of 4 to 4.5 (Battcock,
1998). Keeping the pH below 4.5 during cultivation eliminates possibility of contamination by
pathogenic bacteria (Ghaly and Kamal, 2004). The most advisable pH range for the prevention
of contamination from pathogenic bacteria is pH 3-4 (Yadav et al., 2014a). Generally, yeasts
have the capacity to maintain a constant cytosolic pH over an extracellular pH range from 3.5 to
9.0 (Viegas and Sa-Correia, 1991). However, Ghaly and Kamal (2004) suggested maintaining
the pH the of culture medium between pH 4 and 5 to achieve optimal growth and survival of K.
fragilis. The yeast is able to sustain growth at lower pH, but an increase in the yield of yeast
biomass was observed with an increase of pH from 4 to 7 (Munawar et al., 2010; Rajoka et al.,
2006). However, Adoki (2008) reported that a Candida species was capable to grow at pH
values between 3.0 and 5.8. A pH is a key factor for the growth and proliferation of
microorganisms. Alteration in pH stresses the cells, which increases the requirement for
maintenance energy that results in lower yields and lower productivity of the process. Thus,
optimal pH and its maintenance are essential during cultivation.

3.2.4 Temperature

The effect of temperature on yeasts growth has been comprehensively analyzed by van Uden
(1984). An increase in temperature generally promotes the generation of petite mutants that may
affect the permeability of the plasma membrane. The change in permeability of plasma the

membrane may lead to a reduction of energy generation efficiency and to an increasing in
energy mainaintance. The increase in maintenance energy will finally end up in a decrease of
biomass yield. Additionally, a decrease in yield at high temperatures has been reported and this
may have been due to glucose dissimilation by a non-viable fraction of the culture (Van-Uden
and Madeira-Lopes, 1976). The optimal temperature range of the yeast C. utilis for biomass yield
is reported to be between 30 and 35 oC (Munawar et al., 2010; Rajoka et al., 2006). The
temperature range between 25 and 35 oC has been reported to be optimal for yeast growth and
SCP cultivation (Table 3).

3.2.5 Dissolved oxygen

Dissolved oxygen (DO) is generally presented as percentage of saturation during the

fermentation process. Various percentages of oxygen saturation during whey fermentation have
been reported by different researchers. Carlotti et al. (1991) maintained DO above 30%
saturation during production of yeast SCP from whey. Cristiani-Urbina et al. (2000) also reported
to maintaining DO above 25% during production. Moreover, it has been concluded that the
critical DO value for lactose-consuming yeasts is above 25% saturation, otherwise yeasts
cultures switch their metabolic pathways from oxidative to the mixed oxidative-fermentative type,
which results in the formation of intermediate metabolites (e.g. alcohol, aldehyde, esters, etc.).
The change in metabolism due to DO affects the economics of the process and the efficacy of
organic load removal (Cristiani-Urbina et al., 2000). Metabolites (e.g. ethanol) formation was
even observed with fully aerobic conditions (DO > 20% saturation) during production of K.
marxianus biomass in a lactose-based medium (Lukondeh et al., 2005). Thus, it is essential to
maintain the DO above 20% saturation during the production process, as a minimum.

3.2.6 Mode of fermentation process

A fermenter is an apparatus, which is used for biomass cultivation of plant, animal or microbial
cells and it can vary in size, from laboratory scale (1 to 10 L) to industrial models of several
hundreds of litres in capacity. A fermentation process may be conducted as submerged or as
solid state fermentation (Nasseri et al., 2011). However, submerged type of fermentation is the
dominant mode of fermentation process applied to the production of biomass from whey.

The choice of the production mode of submerged fermentation depends on the purpose of the
process. However, all three modes of fermentation process, i.e. batch, fed-batch and continuous
process, have been reported for the production of biomass (bioprotein) from whey using yeasts.
However, a secondary but significant purpose is to reduce the COD of the whey (Ghaly and
Kamal, 2004; Moeini et al., 2004). An initial study using batch fermentation is a prerequisite to
find the optimal condition for continuous or fed-batch fermentation. Various lab-scale studies
have been reported on batch fermentation of whey (Anvari and Khayati, 2011; Cristiani-Urbina et
al., 2000; Ghaly et al., 2003).

When the purpose is specifically wastewater treatment, the preferred mode of the fermentation
process is continuous fermentation. Continuous fermentation is favoured for various obvious
reasons, such as the economics of the process due to uninterrupted operations for long periods
of time (Shuler and Kargi, 2002). Moreover, another advantage of continuous fermentation over
a batch one is the reduction in operational time (e.g. inoculum preparation, harvesting, cleaning,
and recharging the bioreactor) with expected product uniformity. High sugar contents during the
continuous process may ultimately result in pyruvate accumulation, thus, stimulating higher
glycolytic flux that may result in a decrease in final biomass yields. Growth is an oxidative
process under subcritical substrate flux and limited carbon source with an adequate oxygen
supply. However, growth will be oxido-reductive, under conditions of critical or super-critical
glucose flux and both oxidative and fermentative glucose metabolism will occur concurrently
(Castrillo and Ugalde, 1993). Continuous fermentation has been applied effectively for biomass
production from cheese whey employing the yeast Kluyveromyces fragilis (Ben-Hassan and
Ghaly, 1995; Ghaly et al., 2005).

Fed-batch, which is a mode of fermentation between batch and continuous fermentation, offers
some advantages over batch and continuous processes. The major advantages are higher cell
densities, controlled conditions of substrate concentration, control on the generation of
byproducts, or catabolite suppression, and also allow maintenance of cell culture volume (Shuler
and Kargi, 2002). Furthermore, an increase in lactose content can enhance pyruvate
accumulation due to a higher glycolytic flux in the yeasts that finally results in a reduction of the
biomass yield (Belem and Lee, 1999). Since fed-batch fermentations allow for facile control of
carbon source supply by adjustment of the feeding rate, they are the most suited for biomass
production. Comparatively, a high cell concentration of 105 g/L was reported in fed-batch
cultures using K. marxianus (Lukondeh et al., 2005). A summary of biomass yields (Yx/s), specific

growth rates (µm), productivities, cultivation conditions (pH, temperature, and nitrogen source),
and modes of the fermentation process employing cheese whey is presented in Table 3.

3.3 Quality of cultivated bioprotein from whey

The food value and the usefulness of bioprotein (SCP) depend on the nutrient content and
composition of the bioprotein. The main components of bioprotein are proteins, carbohydrates,
fatty acids, cell wall components, nucleic acids and vitamins. The composition of bioprotein for
animal feed or food applications should always be analyzed (Anupama and Ravindra, 2000).
Among these, the most important component, which determines the quality of the bioprotein, is
the content in proteins and its composition. As per American Feed Control Officials-AAFCO
(2010) guidelines, the protein content for animal feed applications should not be less than 40%
w/w. Estimation of crude protein is generally based on total nitrogen, which is multiplied by the
factor 6.25. Furthermore, the main decisive factor is the amino acids profile of bioprotein. The
standard fixed by the FAO/WHO for the essential amino acids profile given in Table 4. The main
drawback of microbial protein is the low content in some essential amino acids such as sulfur
containing amino acids (cysteine and methionine) and lysine. The low cocentration in essential
amino acids in biopreotein (or SCP) of Kluyveromyces yeast has been reported (Paul et al.,
2002; Schultz et al., 2006). The amino acid composition of bioprotein depends mainly on the
characteristic of the microorganism used. As presented in Table 4 none of the single
microorganism studied fulfils the required amino acid composition. To achieve the balanced
amino acid profile, different strategies have been suggested such as the use of methionine-
enriched yeast strains or the use of mixed cultures. K. lactis mutants, which was methionine-
enriched isolate and grown on whey permeate to improve the nutritional value of yeast biomass
(Kitamoto and Nakahara, 1994).

Mixed culture SCP of Trichoderma reesei and K. marxianus cultivated on beet pulp, was
reported to show the desired amino acid composition according to the FAO guidelines (Anupama
and Ravindra, 2000). The cultivation of mixed culture of K. marxianus with yeasts like Candida
and Saccharomyces may also fulfill the requirement for an essential amino acids profile as well
as enhances COD removal efficiency. Furthermore, biotransformation of whey (which contains
whey protein) in place of whey permeate (without whey proteins) may also be an option to
produce higher value bioprotein. Whey protein are rich in lysine and in sulfur containing amino
acids and mixing them with biomass protein will balance the composition of essential amino

acids (Yadav et al., 2014d). Additionally, the approach will be more attractive for small and
medium scale industries because they do not have a sufficient volume of whey to recover the
whey proteins and treat whey permeate separately (Yadav et al., 2014d). Others important factor
that determines the nutritional value of bioprotein is its actual performance, which is determined
by protein digestibility and the protein efficiency ratio (PER). Protein digestibility is presented in
percentage and varies from 65 to 96% for different microbial proteins. The PER value varies
from 0.6 to 2.6 (Anupama and Ravindra, 2000). Besides the nutritional value of the proteins, the
other impacts of bioprotein on consumers are palatability, allergies and gastrointestinal effects,
toxicological effects and carcinogenesis (Adedayo et al., 2011). Therefore, assessment of these
factors is essential to determine the value of bioprotein.

3.4 Safety considerations and pre-treatment of bioprotein

Safety considerations arise from the bioprotein applications either as animal feed or as food
ingredients. Acceptable toxicity levels are higher for animals than for humans. Toxicity evaluation
of the end product must comprise short-term acute toxicity evaluation followed by extensive and
long term-studies (Anupama and Ravindra, 2000). The substrate used for SCP cultivation
represents the main safety hazard. The bioprotein produced/cultivated from different sources of
substrate may be a carrier of carcinogenic components. Bioprotein may also be contaminated
with heavy metals or metallic components that may increase the probability of mutations, even at
low concentrations. Furthermore, the presence of mycotoxins is an important factor, which
affects the use of bioprotein (SCP). Therefore, purification of the end consumer product is
essential before using bioprotein as animal feed or as food ingredients (Anupama and Ravindra,
2000). However, the bioprotein produced from cheese whey should be considered as safe as
cheese whey has GRAS status for animal feed and food ingredients by the United State Food
and Drug Administration (US-FDA).

A rigorous hygiene and purification process is required for food-grade SCP as an end-product as
per standard quality control norms. Additionally, the use of microbial protein (bioprotein) for
human consumption requires pretreatments for: (i) disintegration of the non-digestible cell walls
and (ii) reduction of the nucleic acid content (Anupama and Ravindra, 2000; Nasseri et al.,
2011). The purpose of partial or complete digestion of microbial cell walls is to enhance
digestibility of the yeast bioprotein. The disintegration or digestion of microbial cell walls is
generally achieved by mechanical methods (e.g. high pressure homogenizers, wet milling,

sonication, pressure extraction and treatment with grinding particles) and non-mechanical
methods (e.g. chemical and enzymatic treatment) (Nasseri et al., 2011).

The second and significant inhibitory factor associated with bioprotein intake as food is its
content of nucleic acids, which varies from 8 to 25 g/100 g cell protein (Larsen and Joergensen,
1996). Foods with a higher nucleic acid content increase the level of uric acid in the body due to
nucleic acid degradation. The accumulation of uric acid in the body occurs due to the lack of the
uricase enzyme in humans. Ingestion of nucleic acids superior to 2 g equivalent per day by
humans may lead to kidney stone development and gout disease. Therefore, the nucleic acid
content of the bioprotein must be reduced to an acceptable range (< 2.0 g nucleic acid/day)
(Anupama and Ravindra, 2000; Larsen and Joergensen, 1996). Different treatments such
chemical treatment with ammonium hydroxide, sodium chloride or activation of endogenous
nucleases (ribonuclease-RNase and deoxyribonuclease-DNase) during the final stage of
microbial biomass production as well as thermal shocks has been applied to decrease nucleic
acids (Alvarez and Enriquez, 1988; Larsen and Joergensen, 1996; Nasseri et al., 2011). Alvarez
and Enriquez (1988) reported nucleic acid reduction of the yeast S. cerevisiae and K. fragilis
after treatment with ammonium hydroxide (4.5%) to give a nucleic acid content less than 2%.
Larsen and Joergensen (1996) applied a heat shock method to activate endogenous RNase and
DNase in the bacterium Methylococcus capsulatus which resulted in a 80% reduction in nucleic
acid content with loss of less than 10% in protein. Exogenous nucleases have also been applied
to hydrolyse the nucleic acids. The derivatives of pancreatic RNase and endonuclease of
Staphylococcus aureus as insolubilized thermostable form have been employed to decrease the
nucleic acids content in bioprotein/SCP of yeast. The exogenous enzymatic treatment decreased
the nucleic acid content from 5-15% to 0.5% with a simultaneous protein loss of only 6%
(Martinez et al., 1990). Both enzymatic and chemical treatments have their disadvantages i.e.
loss of protein during treatment. Moreover, alkaline treatment at high temperature generates
toxic compounds such as lysinoalanine (Nasseri et al., 2011). Therefore, the method of choice
for pretreatment should be considered based on the factors (protein loss and toxicity).


Increased research activities, advances in separation technology and availability of sophisticated

analytical instruments have increased the interest to separate out (concentrate) various

proteinaceous products from whey. The processed proteins from whey are applied in the food
industry due to their excellent functional and nutritional properties.

4.1 Whey-based proteinaceous products

There are various useful products, which can be obtained through simple physical processing
from liquid whey with different protein contents. These products are whey powder, reduced
lactose whey, whey protein concentrate (WPC) and whey protein isolate (WPI) (Modler, 2009;
USDEC, 2006). The simplest dried whey product is whey powder, which is obtained by removal
of water via spray drying. Reduced lactose whey is a product that contains a lactose
concentration less than 60%. WPC results from the removal of non-protein fractions to attain a
defined protein content. The commonly available WPC products are WPC34, WPC50, WPC60,
WPC75 and WPC80. The numerical value defines the percentage of protein in the product such
as WPC34 must contain not less than 34% protein. Similarly, WPI is obtained through removal of
the non-protein fraction to achieve protein concentrations higher than 90% in the final product
(USDEC, 2006). The US-FDA (2013) have fixed specifications according to, which WPC protein
content should be not less than 25%. The other components, such as fat should be between 1
and 10% and moisture should be between 2 and 6%. The ash value is fixed between 2 and 15%
whereas the lactose content should not be more than 60% and the limit of heavy metals is 10
ppm. Furthermore, whey or WPC should be produced from pasteurized milk or the WPC must be
decontaminated or its equivalent before application as food (US-FDA, 2013). The typical whey
protein content of various whey derived proteinaceous products is summarized in Table 5
(USDEC, 2006). The market value of proteinaceous product depends on the protein content of
the product; the WPC value is 3 to 40 times higher than that of whey powder (Baldasso et al.,

4.2 Individual whey protein components

Whey proteins are a mixture of different individual whey proteins, which are β-lactoglobulin (β-
LG), α-lactalbumin (α-LA), immunoglobulins (Igs), bovine serum albumin (BSA), lactoferrin (Lf),
lactoperoxidase (LP), proteose-peptone and glycomacropeptide (GMP). Excluding
glycomacropeptide, all other protein components are naturally present in whey, while
glycomacropeptide is produced from casein during the first step of enzymatic cheese processing
(Madureira et al., 2007). The content and characteristics of each individual protein is different as

presented in Table 6 (Amiri and Valsaraj, 2004; Kim et al., 2007; Krissansen, 2007). Whey
protein composition indicates that it is a heterogeneous mixture of different individual proteins,
with its specific distinctive functional, physiological and neutraceutical characteristics.

4.2.1 β-Lactoglobulin

β-lactglobulin (β-LG) is an important and major component of whey proteins. It accounts for
around 64% of heat-coagulable proteins or 51% of the total whey proteins. The molecular weight
(MW) of this protein ranges from 18.20 to 18.36 kDa. It is generally present as a dimer of 2
identical subunits with each monomer consisting of one sulfhydryl group and two disulphide
bonds. The number of amino acids in the single peptide chain of β-LG is 162. Solubility of this
protein is mainly dependent on pH and ionic strength (Hernández-Ledesma et al., 2011a;
Walstra et al., 2010). The heat denaturation of β-LG occurs between 70 to 75 oC and forms
aggregates at 78 to 82 oC. The precipitation of β-LG occurs before that of α-LA. Denaturation of
α-LA is reversible compared to other whey proteins; therefore, it is more resistant to heat
compared to β-LG (Sava et al., 2005). High protein content products, such as WPI, are enriched
with β-LG. The high content of β-LG in WPI leads to enhanced functional properties like
emulsion stability, activity, viscosity and gelling properties compared to WPC. The amino acid
sequence of β-LG shows similarity with that of the retinol-binding protein (provitamins A) and
consequently it binds to hydrophobic molecules such as fat-soluble vitamins as well as lipids
(Modler, 2009).

4.2.2 α-Lactalbumin

α-lactalbumin (α-LA) comprises around 11% of the total whey proteins and is a small globular
protein with a single polypeptide chain. The molecular mass of α-LA is 14 kDa, a 123 amino
acids polypeptide containing eight cysteine residues (Hernández-Ledesma et al., 2011a; Markus
et al., 2002). Calcium strongly binds to α-LA and provides stabilization of the molecular
conformation. α-LA has several beneficial uses as a dietary component. α-LA with dietary
ingredients, increases the level of plasma tryptophan compared to dominant neutral amino acids
(valine, isoleucine, leucine tyrosine and phenylalanine), which has the negative effects of an
imbalance of brain serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine). Improvement in this imbalance leads to
better cognitive performance, mood and sleep (Markus et al., 2002). It helps to maintain lipid
oxidation and increases lean body mass in rat models (Bouthegourd et al., 2002). α-LA helps in

the absorption of minerals, possesses antibacterial activity, shows immunomodulatory effects
and antitumor activity (Modler, 2009).

4.2.3 Bovine serum albumin

Whey protein consists of around 5-6% in bovine serum albumin (BSA), which is almost similar to
its human milk concentration. The nature of BSA is very heterogeneous and its concentration in
milk is approximately identical to that present in bovine blood. The molecular mass of BSA is
66.26 kDa, with 35 cysteine residues and 17 disulphide linkages per molecule (Walstra et al.,
2010). The number of amino acids in the BSA polypeptide chain is 582 (Hernández-Ledesma et
al., 2011a). BSA has a denaturation temperature of 64 oC, which is almost similar to that of α-LA
(62 oC). Though the temperature at which BSA gets denatured is a little higher compared to that
of α-LA, BSA precipitates before α-LA because of the reversible nature of α-LA precipitate
(Modler, 2009). Important characteristic of BSA is its capacity to bind reversibly to several
ligands and because of this it can be used as carrier of fatty acids (Mollea et al., 2013).
Moreover, it can also be used as a source of essential amino acids, but due to availability of
other sources, there is no real demand for it (Modler, 2009).

4.2.4 Immunoglobulins

Bovine immunoglobulins (Igs) are comprised of three main classes: IgG, IgA and IgM. Further,
IgG has two subclasses, IgG1 and IgG2. The total content of immunoglobulins in whey is around
0.7 g/L and IgG shares up to 80% (w/w) of the total. IgGs are present in a monomeric form,
whereas IgA and IgM are present in polymeric forms (Mollea et al., 2013). The main role of
immunoglobulins is to agglutinate bacteria, neutralize toxins and inactivate viruses. IgA protects
from proteolysis and it can also neutralize viruses and bacterial toxins. IgM is more efficient than
other immunoglobulins in terms of complement fixation, neutralizing viruses and agglutination of
bacteria. IgG can also withstand gastric digestion. The other reported metabolic roles of IgG are
lowering of the blood pressure by reducing the cholesterol level and use of immunoglobulin
preparation in infant formula as milk replacers (Modler, 2000; Modler, 2009; Mollea et al., 2013).

4.2.5 Glycomacropeptide

Glymacromacropeptide (GMP) also known as caseinomacropeptide (CMP). GMP is derived from

the k-casein component of milk during cheese processing by the action of the milk-clotting
enzyme (e.g. chymosin). Amino acid residue of GMP is 64 and has a MW of 6.8 kDa with an
isoelectric pH of 4.3 to 4.6. The glycosylation degree of the molecules varies from 0 to 5
trisaccharide units of N-acetyl-neuraminic acid (sialic acid). However, 25 to 50% of the GMP can
be devoid of glycosylation. GMP is thermo-stable and are part of the proteose-peptone fraction
(Modler, 2009). The GMP molecules have unique characteristics due to the absence of
phenylalanine, tryptophan, tyrosine, histidine, arginine or cysteine residues. Due to absence of
aromatic amino acids in the molecule, GMP does not show absorption at 280 nm (Rajput et al.
2013) The absence of phenylalanine makes this protein a valuable dietary ingredient for patients
who are suffering from phenylketonuria. Phenylketonuria is a genetic disorder and around 15
thousand people in the United States sufferg from this defect (Modler, 2009). Thus, whey can be
used as a potential source of GMP to fulfill the nutritional profile of such patients. Moreover,
GMP is rich in branched chain amino acids (Krissansen, 2007; Marshall, 2004).

4.2.6 Lactoferrin

The iron-binding glycoprotein lactoferrin (Lf) belongs to the transferring family of proteins.
Lactoferrin generally is found in exocrine secretions of mammal’s milk, tears, mucus and saliva.
Presence of lactoferrin has also been reported in egg white, conalbumin and ovatransferrin. The
MW of lactoferrin is 76.50 kDa and lactoferrin consists of a single polypeptide chain of 700
amino acid (Gonzalez-Chavez et al., 2009; Modler, 2009). The polypeptide chain may contain
one or two carbohydrate chains. It has a very high isoelectric point of 9.5 (for the lactoferrin ‘a’
variant) and 10.0 (for the lactoferrin ‘b’ variant). The lactoferrin molecules are heat stable and
acid resistant at pH 4.0 (Modler, 2009). It is also resistant to the action of trypsin and
chymotrypsin but it can be hydrolysed with pepsin (Modler, 2000). Traditionally, lactoferrin is
known for its antimicrobial and antifungal activity against a wide range of bacteria and yeasts
(Hernández-Ledesma et al., 2011a). Lactoferrin also shows immunomodulatory activity. It has
influence on cell growth and differentiation, embryonic development, myelopoesis, endothelial
cell adhesion, cytokine and chemokine generation (Cornish et al., 2004; Ulber et al., 2001).

4.2.7 Proteose-peptone component

Proteose-peptone is the fraction of milk protein which remains soluble in milk when milk is
heated at 95 oC for 20 min under acidic condition (pH 4.7). Proteose-peptone has 4 components
(component 3, component 5, component 8-slow and component 8-fast). Component 3 is the
major one and makes with 25% by weight (Krissansen, 2007). The other three peptides
components originate from β-casein due to action of the native plasmin, while component-3
appears to derive from the fat globule membrane. Proteose-peptone has been recognized for
very limited consideration in terms of food application. Component 3 may be used as a
bifidogenic factor due to its higher carbohydrate content, however, research is lacking on this
aspect (Sorensen and Petersen, 1993).

4.2.8 Lactoperoxidase

Lactoperoxidase (LP) is a natural enzyme of the mammals’ host defense system (Hernández-
Ledesma et al., 2011a). The molecular mass of lactoperoxidase is 78 kDa. This enzyme is a
single polypeptide chain of 612 amino acid residues. It contains 15 half-cystine residues, one
heam group and about 10% w/w of carbohydrate moieties. The enzymatic activity is influenced
by temperature and time, i.e. enzymatic activity is lost at 62.5 oC after 30 min, 70 oC after 15 min
or 85 oC after 15 s (Modler, 2009; Mollea et al., 2013). The main use of lactoperoxidase is as a
protective factor against infectious microbes. Mice infected by the influenza virus can be
attenuated by oral administration of lactoperoxidase (Shin et al., 2005). Increases in superoxide
production have been reported in sheep neutrophils after dose dependent application of
lactoperoxidase (Wong et al., 1997).

4.3 Processing of proteinaceous whey products

Liquid whey is processed through different unit operations to obtain the desired final product.
The first step is clarification, which eliminates residual curd. Fat is also removed to facilitate
membrane filtration (Zadow, 1992). After that, whey is pasteurized to eradicate pathogens and to
deactivate the starter cultures. Further, pretreatment can be applied to decolourize whey by
removing annatto (Modler, 2009). The pretreatment step is followed by concentration of the
whey protein. The commonly used concentration methods include evaporation, reverse osmosis
and membrane filtration (microfiltration, ultrafiltration, pervaporation, nanofiltration and

electrodialysis) (Akpinar-Bayizit et al., 2009). Evaporation is often achieved under vacuum at
temperatures lower than 100 oC to protect whey proteins from denaturation. The disadvantage of
conventional thermal evaporation methods is high energy requirement, high ash values and
presence of lactose in the final product. Moreover, the thermolabile protein characteristics may
change, which leads to change in the functional and nutritional properties of the final product
(Baldasso et al., 2011). Concentration of whey via reverse osmosis is carried out by passing
whey under pressure via membranes with a pore size of around 0.001 µm and the product can
be concentrated up to 20-22% solids (Zadow, 1992). However, the most preferred method to
concentrate whey proteins in their native state is membrane filtration (ultrafiltration and
nanofiltration) (Atra et al., 2005).

Membrane technology has gained great interest because of its energy saving advantage. WPCs,
which are obtained by whey ultrafiltration, are available in high quality in terms of protein content
and functional properties (Limsawat and Pruksasri, 2010). Ultrafiltration (UF) and nanofiltration
are defined as pressure-driven membrane separation and concentration processes for target
components in the MW ranges from 1 to 1000 kDa by ultrafiltration and from 100 to 500 Da
through nanofiltration (Baker, 2002). Generally, higher MW whey components (e.g. proteins and
fat) are retained on the retentate side whereas lower MW components (e.g. lactose, minerals
and vitamins) are partitioned on both sides of the membrane (i.e. retentate and permeate sides)
(Kessler, 2002). Ultrafiltration to obtain WPC from a clarified liquid can concentrate up to 65%
solids. Further, a more concentrated proteins fraction (up to 80% solids) is obtained by
diafiltration, which involves dilution the retentate with water (Varnam and Sutherland, 1994).
However, diafiltration cannot remove all of the lactose from the retentate. Further, to enhance
the purity of whey proteins, a combination of ultrafiltration and microfiltration is used, which can
yield a WPC containing up to 99% in whey proteins (Henning et al., 2006). WPC can be
produced either as concentrated liquid or dried powder after spray drying. The general flow chart
describing the industrial production of WPC is presented in Fig. 3 (USDEC, 2006).

Whey protein isolate-WPI (protein content above 90%) is obtained by performing a additional
microfiltration or an ion exchange chromatography. Like other proteins, whey proteins are also
amphoteric in nature; they may behave either as an acid or base with respect to medium pH.
Generally, any protein possesses a net positive charge at pH values below its isoelectric point
and a net negative charge above the isoelectric point. In this manner, the pH of the medium can
be adjusted to adsorb proteins onto an ion exchange and therefore, concentrate them from dilute

solutions (Varnam and Sutherland, 1994). Further, proteins are eluated from the ion exchanger
at ~ pH 9, and then concentrated by ultrafiltration (Morr and Foegeding, 1990).

Generally, spray drying is the method used for drying to obtain dry whey powder and whey
proteins, which are desired for many applications (Zadow, 1992). The powder is obtained from
the spray dryer with a moisture content around 5-7% (Henning et al., 2006). Whey becomes very
sticky during the drying process, therefore, specialized equipment is used to achieve higher
solids concentrations (from 50% to 80% solids). Further, a second set of equipment is used to
crystallise and to cool down the product rapidly. The cold product is sent to an internal drum and
dried up to 95 to 96% solids at 54-60 oC. Then the dried whey product is milled by a hammer mill
to decrease particle size. The various steps involved in WPI processing are represented in Fig. 4
(USDEC, 2006).

4.4 Methods for fractionation of individual whey proteins

There is increasing interest to develop cost-efficient technologies for the isolation of individual
whey protein fractions in order to capture growing market opportunities. Generally three
approaches are used to separate or fractionate individual whey proteins: (i)
precipitation/flocculation by heat treatment or using polymers; (ii) membrane technology
(ultrafiltration and nanofiltration) and (iii) chromatographic separation.

4.4.1 Separation by precipitation

The separation of protein by precipitation involves adjustment of solution physical properties to

decrease protein solubility. Proteins generally have low solubility at a pH near the isoelectric
point and in low ionic concentrated solutions. Therefore, by applying the above conditions (i.e.
adjusting pH near isoelectric point) proteins will start to aggregate. Heat treatments, when
applied, modify the whey protein structure and solubility. Protein precipitate when whey is heated
above 90 oC for 10 min in acidic conditions (pH 3.5 to 5.5). There are various fundamental
studies on whey protein aggregation, which is as affected by pH, temperature and protein
concentration (Antoine and Souza, 2007; de la Fuente et al., 2002). At isoelectric pH, heat
denatured proteins interact via irreversible thiol-disulphide bonding and form aggregates.
Further, the aggregated molecules will coalesce resulting finally in sedimentable precipitates. For
example, a precipitate of α-LA from liquid whey was obtained by adjustement of pH at 4.2 and

heat treatment at 65 oC (Pearce, 1983). The supernatant was exhausted in α-LA and enriched
with the remaining proteins like β-LG. Pearce (1983) has reported that α-LA has more of a
tendency to aggregate at a pH between pH 4.2 and 4.6 and at a temperature between 50 and 65
°C. The aggregation tendency increases with an increase of protein content. Moreover, in this
environment, β-LG completely remains soluble (more than 98%), while other major proteins
(BSA and Ig) co-precipitate. Re-solubilization of the aggregates was partially obtained by re-
adjustment of pH and temperature. An optimized set of conditions has also been reported by
Bramaud et al. (1997) for whey protein fractionation based on selective aggregation of α-LA.
Precipitation or fractionations were also carried out by using a flocculating agent such as
bentonite, carboxymethyl cellulose and chitosan. The fractionation with polymers (e.g.
polysaccharides) based on electrostatic interactions (the two-week or strong opposites charged
polyelectrolytes) between proteins and polymers (Yadav et al., 2014d). Chitosan was found to be
more effective for β-LG precipitation from whey at pH 6.2 and around 80% of the other whey
protein fractions was left in the solution (Casal et al., 2006).

4.4.2 Separation by membrane technology

There have been several reports on the fractionation of individual whey proteins using
membrane technology (ultrafiltration and nanofiltration). For example, a two-step membrane
separation process for an α-LA-enriched product has been reported. In the first stage, an XM50
(50 kDa molecular weight cutoff-MWCO) membrane was applied, which retained higher MW
proteins on the retentate side while the permeate contained mainly α-LA, β-LG and smaller
proteins. Then, a second membrane (lower MWCO) was used to remove caesinomacropeptide.
The end product had an α-LA- to -β-LG ratio of 2:1 (Zydney, 1998). Similarly, Mehra and Kelly
(2004), proposed three-stage sequential fractionation of individual whey proteins via ultrafiltration
filtration using different MWCO membranes and charge modifications based on pH (Fig. 5).

4.4.3 Chromatographic separation

Chromatographic methods of separation are also dominant for the fractionation and purification
of individual whey proteins. Especially, preparative chromatographic techniques are more
attractive. Though chromatographic process development is easy, its optimization is a
complicated process as it involves various process parameters like selection of the column
matrix, salts, buffer, organic solvent, temperature and gradients. A fractionation scheme has

been reported for IgG, lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase employing cation exchang matrices such
as S-HyperD-F, S Sepharose FF and Fractogel EMD-S 650 (S) (Hahn et al., 1998). Naqvi et al.
(2010) purified the β-LG using gel chromatography from bovine milk whey. They have used the
column Bio-Gel P10 (Biored) at pH 3.0 and eluated the protein with 18 mM sodium chloride.
Separation and purification of whey proteins from WPC80 using hydrophobic interaction
chromatography has also been reported by Santos et al. (2011). They have used standard
proteins and a WPC80 solution in phosphate buffer with ammonium sulfate (1M). The solubilized
sample was loaded onto a HiPrep Octyl Sepharose FF column using a fast protein liquid
chromatography (FPLC) system. A lower ionic strength buffer with a salt gradient was used to
eluate the proteins. The recovery obtained was 45.2% for β-LG with 99.6% purity (Santos et al.,
2011). Among the three separation techniques, more emphasis has been placed on membrane
filtration and chromatographic separation. Furthermore, the use of supercritical carbon dioxide
(SCO2) has also been applied to manipulate pH of solution at different temperatures to
precipitate some components of whey proteins and leaving some in soluble form. Thereafter, the
soluble form could be concentrated by membrane filtration (ultrafiltration) (Bonnaillie et al.,
2014). Casein glycomacropeptide of 94% purity from WPI has been reported by employing
SCO2 and ultrafiltration. Use of SCO2 can avoid the use of buffer solutions.

4.5 Application of protein enrich products and individuals whey


Whey proteins have been recognized for their various functional properties and nutritional value.
The functional properties are mainly due to their physical, chemical and structural characteristics
( ovanović et al., 2005), and the nutritional value is directly linked to the concentration of
essential amino acids (especially sulfur-containing ones) and branched-chain amino acids
(isoleucine, leucine and valine) (Baldasso et al., 2011). Moreover, whey proteins have GRAS
status for food applications and can be used in various food products such as healthy foods,
dairy foods, meat products, frozen foods and baby food formulations (Jayaprakasha and
Brueckner, 1999; Morr and Foegeding, 1990). WPC80 and WPI are frequently used to enhance
functional properties like baking quality, egg replacement, in cheese to enhance yield, as a
stabilizer in yogurt, in dips and spreads as a texturizer and as an extender in meat products
(Varnam and Sutherland, 1994). Whey proteins are used in bakery, confectionary, meats and
seafood to obtain a strong gel with high water-holding capacity ( ovanović et al., 2005; Veith and
Reynolds; 2004). Protein interactions result in gel formation and form an elastic network

(Foegeding et al., 2002). Whey proteins can also be used as thickeners or emulsifiers due to
their ability to stabilize emulsions such as in processed meats and desserts. Whey proteins
emulsification properties mainly depend on pH. The emulsification is lowest near the isoelectric
point (Onwulata and Huth, 2009). Foaming is an important attractive property for many food
products, such as whipped toppings, cakes, milkshake and frozen desserts. Whey proteins
induce foam formation by lowering the interfacial tension and exhibit their best properties near
the isoelectric point (Jayaprakasha and Brueckner, 1999; ovanović et al., 2005). The whey
protein-fortified beverage formulation known as ready-to-drink beverages has been initiated by
the US Dairy Export Council-USDEC, which provides nutritional proteins that target especially
athletes (Rittmanic, 2006).

The researchers in food science are regularly looking for new methods to develop or to
transform whey proteins into more functional ingredients. Mishra et al. (2001) have developed a
protein-polysaccharides compound made up of WPC71 and pectin, in a 1:1 ratio. The produced
complex showed enhanced solubility, emulsification, gelation, foam formation and foam stability
over WPC alone. Moreover, an encapsulated layer of whey protein delayed the oxidative
degradation of dry-roasted peanuts. Furthermore, use of transglutaminase as a cross-linking
agent with whey protein in the film enhanced oxygen barrier. Extensive research has been
conducted to use whey proteins as coating agents against oxidation (Di Pierro et al., 2006; Lin
and Krochta, 2005). Additionally, the functional and nutritional role of individual whey proteins
are summarized in Fig. 6 (Hernández-Ledesma et al., 2011a; Modler, 2009; Mollea et al., 2013).


5.1 Bioactive peptides

A defined protein fragment, which shows a positive influence on body functions and finally
impact on health, is defined as bioactive peptide. The activity of a bioactive peptide depends on
its intrinsic amino acid sequence and size, which varies between 2 and 20 amino acid residue
(Korhonen, 2009). Whey proteins can be converted into various bioactive peptides following
different types of treatment.

5.1.1 ACE-inhibitory peptide

Presently, the ACE-inhibitors (antihypertensive agents) such as captopril, enalapril, alecepril and
lisinopril are synthesized chemically or alternatively bioactive peptides are generated by
enzymatic hydrolysis of milk and whey proteins, using enzymes like trypsin, pepsin and alcalase.
After hydrolysis, peptides are fractionated and identified through reverse phase HPLC employing
a UV detector (Mota et al., 2004). α-Lactorphin [YGLF, α-LA(f 50-53)], a tetra-peptide originating
from the proteolysis of bovine α-LA; β-lactorphin [YLLF, β-LG(f 102-105)]; β-lactotensin [HIRL, β-
LG (f 146-149)], tetra-peptides originating from the proteolysis of bovine β-LG, etc., have been
reported to show angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity (Belem et al., 1999;
Sieber et al., 2009). The ACE-inhibitory peptides are used for the control of hypertension (high
blood pressure). The physical approach for blood pressure management includes dietary
modification and exercise while drug management includes calcium-channel agonists,
angiotensin-II receptor blockers, diuretics and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors.
ACE inhibition controls the concentration of the vasoconstrictory peptide, angiotensin-II, and with
an enhancement in the concentration of the vasodialatory peptide, bradykinin, this finally leads to
a decrease in blood pressure (Fitzgerald and Murray, 2006). The ACE-inhibitory peptides
inactivate the angiotensin-converting enzyme, which is responsible for developing hypertension
inducing factors in the body as mechanism presented in Fig. 7 (Saito, 2008).

Presently, fragments of β-LG derived from the hydrolysis of whey protein isolate are marketed as
BioZate (Danisco Foods International, Le Sueur, MN), which are claimed to lower blood
pressure. A study has been conducted with the BioZate 1 product on 30 borderline hypertensive
subjects for 6 weeks with a placebo-control, in which the placebo was un-hydrolysed WPI. A
decrease in blood pressure of 8 mmHg was documented compared with to placebo group
(Madureira et al., 2010).

5.1.2 Bioactive peptides with opioid activity

Opioid peptides are those bioactive peptides that shows an affinity with opiate receptors along
with opiate like effects, and are inhibited by naloxone (an opioid antagonist) (Pihlanto-Leppälä,
2000). Moreover, the pharmacological activity of opioid peptides is similar to that of opium
(morphine, an alkaloid) (Sharma et al., 2011). Three precursor proteins, proopiomelanocortin
(endorphins), proenkephalin (enkephalin) and prodynorphin (dynorphin) usually generate opioid

peptides. The important characteristic of typical opioid peptides is having an identical N-terminal
sequence, Try-Gly-Gly-Phe (Pihlanto-Leppälä, 2000; Sharma et al., 2011). Opioid-like
sequences present in the native bovine whey protein structure of α-LA f (50-53) and β-LG f (102-
105). The peptides from α-LA and β-LG have been termed α- and β-lactorphins, respectively
(Pihlanto-Leppälä, 2000). The enzymatic treatment required to liberate lactorphins involve
pepsin for α-LA hydrolysis and trypsin for β-LG hydrolysis. α-lactorphins are reported to exert low
but stable opioid activity while β-lactorphins exert a clear, non-stimulatory opioid activity in the
guinea pig ileum when bound to opioid receptors. The binding affinity of these peptides with
receptors is low, and is more specific towards the µ-type receptor. Both α and β-lactorphins were
found to displace naloxone from its binding sites at micromolar concentrations. Moreover, these
two peptides have also reported to possess antihypertensive activity (Madureira et al., 2010;
Pihlanto-Leppälä, 2000).

5.1.3 Iron-binding bioactive peptide

Iron-binding bioactive peptides are produced by enzymatic hydrolysis of whey protein

concentrate (WPC). Lactoferricin is an example of an iron-binding peptide derived from peptic
hydrolysis of WPC (Vegarud et al., 2000; Wakabayashi et al. , 2003). Iron-binding peptides can
be helpful in the management of anemia (a wide spread iron deficiency), especially in kids and
women (WHO, 2001). In addition, it may be more useful compared to oral formulations of
prophylactic or therapeutic doses of non-heme iron components like iron sulphate, by mitigating
the low bioavailability and side effect problems in anemic subject. These iron-binding peptides
make iron supplementation safe and more efficient (Kim et al., 2007).

5.1.4 Hydrolysed whey protein

Commonly used standard base in infant milk formula is developed from the cow’s milk or its
derived products. Though there is much similarity between human and cow’s milk proteins,
however, differences arise due to the presence of β-LG in cow’s milk. β-LG is absent in human
milk and if it is administered it might cause allergy in infants due to the lack of underdeveloped
pepsin secretion. Therefore, WPC is generally allergenic to some infants due to the presence of
β-LG, which is a major component of whey protein. There are two approaches available to avoid
allerginicity of whey proteins. The first one is elimination of β-LG from the whey protein products
by precipitation/or membrane filtration (ultrafiltration). The second one is proteolysis of the whey

proteins by different proteases to produce lower MW proteins and peptides. Infant formulations
may be prepared either from extensively or from partially hydrolyzed whey proteins. However,
some researchers have suggested that only the extensive hydrolys is giving peptides with MW
less than 3 kDa is acceptable for more sensitive infants to avoid any reactions (Chan et al.,
2002). Alexander et al. (2010) have extensively reviewed the benefits of partially hydrolyzed
100% whey protein for infant formula and suggested that it was effective to reduce the risk of
incidence of atopic dermatitis.

5.2 Process for production of bioactive peptides

There are various methods available to produce bioactive peptides. The most commonly used
methods depend on the food processing: (i) heating under alkali/acid conditions; (ii) enzymatic
hydrolysis and (iii) microbial proteolysis of the fermented foods. Limited hydrolysis of well-known
proteins releases bioactive peptides. However, till date, the dominant procedure to generate
bioactive peptides is enzymatic breakdown, utilizing different techniques and scales (Pihlanto-
Leppälä, 2000). Trypsin (a pancreatic enzyme) has been preferably used for the hydrolysis of
known proteins, which cleaves at the C-terminal end of arginine (R) and lysine (K) residues.
Another important enzyme, chymotrypsin, acts on aromatic side chain of the C-terminal.
Bacterial and fungal proteases have also been employed to produce bioactive peptides like
ACE-inhibitory peptides. The enzymatic hydrolysis of precursor proteins or peptides may be
conducted either in a batch or in a continuous (in membrane reactors) mode to obtain bioactive
peptides (Madureira et al., 2010). The development of membrane reactors (or continuous
process) for hydrolysis of proteins is increasing to overcome the high cost of batch processes.
The higher cost in batch processes arise due to the need for large quantities of enzymes, energy
and labor costs. To avoid the higher cost of batch process, a membrane bioreactor with an
ultrafiltration membrane of a MWCO 3 kDa has been reported by Guadix et al. (2006) for the
manufacturing of whey protein hydrolysates.

Beside enzymatic hydrolysis, fermentation has also been identified as one of the routes to
produce bioactive peptides. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are the dominant ones to hydrolyze milk
proteins, especially casein, to bioactive peptides (Hernandez-Ledesma et al., 2011b). Whey
proteins have been hydrolyzed to ACE-Inhibitory peptides by the action of yeast and bacteria.
The bacteria used in these fermentation processes are Lactobacillus spp. and the yeast K.
marxianus. Lactobacillus spp. like L. rhamnosus and L. helveticus CNP4 are well established for

producing ACE-Inhibitory peptides. Yeast species like K. marxianus and S. cerevisiae have been
reported to have proteolytic activity on whey proteins for producing oligopeptides (Didelot et al.,
2006; Hamme et al., 2009). However, such microbial hydrolysis is still carried out only at
laboratory scales. The produced bioactive peptides during these hydrolysis processes are
purified and characterized through analytical techniques. The commonly used technique for
peptides purification is reversed phase chromatography. Further, the purified peptides are
generally characterized by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass
spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) (Butylina et al., 2006). The in-vitro peptide activity is evaluated
using chemical or biochemical assay methods. Antigenicity of the hydrolyzed whey product is
evaluated using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (Guadix et al., 2006). Finally,
the bioactive peptides are separated or concentrated from hydrolysate product by membrane
separation. The preferred methods of membrane separation for bioactive peptides are
ultrafiltration and nanofiltration (Bazinet and Firdaous, 2009; 2013).


The present surpluses amount of cheese whey may be potentially transformed into various
value-added products to tackle the environmental problems. In addition, the GRAS status of
cheese whey allow to produce proteinaceous products such as yeast bioprotein (SCP), and
functional and/or nutritional proteins and bioactive peptides. The biotechnological transformation
of whey or whey permeate into bioprotein is advantageous in two ways i.e. whey management
and production of proteinaceous animal feed or food ingredients. On the other hand, physical
processing has potential to transform whey into functional and nutritional proteins (WPC, WPI
and individual whey proteins). Furthermore, combined processing i.e. enzymatic treatments or
fermentation processes lead to generation of bioactive peptides (antihypertensive, opioid, iron-
binding and hydrolysed whey proteins) from whey. Thus, combined physical and
biotechnological processing has potential for achieving a complete transformation of whey into
various proteinaceous products.


The quality of bioprotein, which mainly depends on the essential amino acid profile, may be
enhanced by: (i) employing yeast stains rich in sulfur-containing amino acids; or (ii) employing
mixed cultures to achieve the desired amino acid profile. Additionally, mixed cultures have

shown more potential for higher COD removal. Mixed culture cultivation of K. marxianus and C.
krusei at higher temperature and low pH could be a good option for animal feed production. The
extreme cultivation conditions will provide an opportunity to run the fermentation process under
non-aseptic conditions. This potential consortium should be applied on an industrial scale.
Another option to improve bioprotein quality is by replacing whey permeate with whey following
fermentation thereafter, the residual unutilized whey protein would be mixed with biomass
protein to enhance protein content and to balance the essential amino acids profile. This,
approach will be highly beneficial for small- and -medium scale cheese producing companies,
thus, permetting to utilize crude whey for the production of protein-rich products and to enhance
value of their waste product economically.

Food-grade bioprotein can easily be produced from whey by processing of crude biomass.
Moreover, good quality, food-grade SCP can also be produced from cheese whey employing a
mixed culture of K. marxianus and S. cerevisiae. Partial or complete hydrolysis of lactose could
be achieved using permeabilized yeast cells (Yadav et al., 2014c). Moreover, processing of
crude bioprotein (SCP) could be achieved by employing a combined method of treatment
(detergent in combination with chemicals), such as a mild detergent to release the nucleotides
and to make the yeast cells fragile. Further, addition of a chemical treatment will yield a food-
grade product. Emphasis should also be given to fractionate the yeast cell wall components for
value addition. Another opportunity using permeabilized yeast cells is the simultaneous
generation of galactooligosaccharide during whey fermentation (Yadav et al., 2014c). The
galactooligosaccharides could be recovered with the residual whey proteins that might give
partially hydrolysed whey protein and GOS. Such a type of product is currently being marketed
by company like Nestle. Thus, fermentation and membrane technology may play an important
role in the production such products. However, these all aspects need a systematic study to
translate them into real products processes.

Another opportunity employing fermentation is production of bioactive peptides. K. marxinaus

was reported to produce bioactive peptides during fermentation, which needs to be developed
into a pilot scale process. Further, proteolysis of whey proteins can be improved by employing a
protease-producing Lactobacillus species. Till date, most of the bioactive peptide
characterization and recovery studies have used WPC or WPI. Therefore, development of
analytical methods to characterize the bioactive peptides from fermentation and recovery
processes (membrane filtration) are still needed. Additionally, a recent trend is to get two

products at the same time to enhance the economics of any fermentation process. Like
production of nisin (antibacterial peptide) employing Lactococcus lactis and K. marxinaus, has
GRAS status, and after separation of extracellular nisin, the biomass can be used as animal
feed. Some aroma compounds like phenyl ethyl alcohol can also be produced during biomass
production. The byproduct can be recovered after fermentation. Another opportunity with the
fermentation of cheese whey, instead that of whey permeate is that it will be easier to apply a
precipitation or an ultrafiltration method to recover the residual proteins because lactose has
been depleted. This strategy also needs to be explored further.


Authors are sincerely thankful to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada (Grant A4984, RDCPJ379601-08, and Canada Research Chair) for their financial


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Table 1. Compositional characteristic of sweet whey and acid whey

Constituents Sweet whey (g/L) Acid whey (g/L)

Total solids 63.0-70.0 63.0-70.0

Lactose 46.0-52.0 44.0-46.0
Protein 6.0-10.0 6.0-8.0
Fat 5.0 0.4
Lactate 2.0 6.4
Ash 5.0 8.0
Calcium 0.4-0.6 1.2-1.6
Phosphate 1.0-3.0 2.0-4.5
Chloride 1.1 1.1

Table 2. Bioutilization of cheese whey for production of value-added products

Product category Microorganism Product References

Probiotics and biomass Kefir microflora Single-cell protein Paraskevopoulou et al., 2003
(single cell protein) Lactobacillus casei Probiotics Aguirre-Ezkauriatza et al., 2010
Candida kefyr & Candida valida Biomass (Yeast) Carlotti et al., 1991

Enzymes Bacillus spp. α-amylase Bajpai, 1991

Kluyveromyces marxianus β-galactosidase Fonseca et al., 2008
Candida rugosa Lipase Tommaso et al., 2010
Recombinant Escherichia coli Penicillin acylase De León-Rodríguez et al., 2006

Peptides and proteins Lactococcus lactis Nisin (Bacteriocin) Liu et al., 2005

Bioactive peptides Hernandez-Ledesma et al., 2008

Kluyveromyces marxianus & Lactobacillus ACE-Inhibitory peptides (Antihypertensive) Hamme et al., 2009
Oligosaccharides and Kluyveromyces marxianus Galacto-oligosaccharides Petrova & Kujumdzieva, 2014
biopolymers Lactobacillus rhamnosus Expolysaccharides (EPS) Pham et al., 2000
Xanthomonas campestris Xanthan gum Mesomo et al., 2009
Leuconostoc mesenteroides Dextran & Fructose (Santos et al., 2005)
Azotobacter chrooccum Poly-β-hydroxy butyrate (PHB) Khanafari et al., 2006
Kluyveromyces lactis D-arabitol Toyoda & Ohtaguchi, 2011
Xylitol Toyoda & Ohtaguchi, 2009
Lactulose Gänzle et al., 2008
Kluyveromyces marxianus Oligonucleotides Belem & Lee, 1999
Rhizopus oryzae Chitosan Chatterjee et al., 2008

Organic acids and Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) Lactic acid Panesar et al., 2007
biochemicals Aspergillus niger Citric acid El Aasar, 2006
Actinobacillus succinogenes Succinic acid Wan et al., 2008b
Kluyveromyces fragilis Acetic acid & glycerol Mostafa, 2001
Aspergillus niger Gluconic acid Mukhopadhyay et al., 2005
Propionibacterium acidipropionici Propionic acid Morales et al., 2006
Bacillus licheniformis K51 Biosurfactant Joshi et al., 2008
Anaerobiospirillum succiniciproducens Succinate-rich animal feed supplement Samuelov et al., 1999

Biocontrol agent Beauveria bassiana & Kassa et al., 2008

Metarhizium anisopliae
Steinernema carpocapsae Chavarria-Hernandez et al., 2006
Bacillus sphaericus El-Bendary et al., 2008

Fuel/Energy Biogas Gelegenis et al., 2007

K. marxianus Ethanol Zafar & Owais, 2006; Guimarães et al.,
Hydrogen Davila-Vazquez et al., 2009

Table 3. Cultivation conditions and process yields during different mode of fermentation for bioprotein production from whey

Fermentati- Substrate Microorganism Nitrogen pH Temp. µ (1/h) Yx/s Productivit COD removal References
on source ( C) (g/g) y (g/L/h) efficiency (%)
Batch CW Candida kefyr & C. valida (NH4)2 SO4 4.5 35 - 0.38 - - Carlotti et al., 1991
+yeast extract
Batch CW Kluyveromyces fragilis - 4.4 31 0.150 0.44 ND 90.6 Ghaly & Kamal, 2004

Batch WP K. lactis & Saccharomyces (NH4)2 SO4 4.5 25 - - 0.47 88.5 Moeini et al., 2004
Batch DWC K. marxianus - 5.8 30 ND 0.52 ND 90.0 Schultz et al., 2006

Batch DSWC K. marxianus - 4.8 30 ND 0.48 ND 83.0 Schultz et al., 2006

Batch WP K. marxianus (NH4)2 SO4 5.0 34 0.230 0.26 0.45 88.5 Anvari & Khayati, 2011

Batch CW K. marxianus - 3.5 40 0.200 0.12 0.16 55.0 Yadav et al., 2014a

Batch CW K. marxianus Urea 3.5 40 0.210 0.26 0.15 78.0 Yadav et al., 2014c

Batch CW K. marxianus+C. krusei Urea 3.5 40 0.200 0.31 0.20 86.8 Yadav et al., 2014c

Fed-batch WP Torulopsis cremoris & C. (NH4)2 SO4 4.8 29 - 0.75 - 95.8 Cristiani-Urbina et al.,
utilis 2000
Fed-batch DPP K. marxianus (NH4)2SO4 + 5.0 30 - 0.38 2.90 ND Lukondeh et al., 2005
yeast extract
Continuous CW K. fragilis - 4.5 33 0.105 0.26 0.40 ND Ghaly et al., 2005

Continuous CW K. fragilis - 4.5 35 0.041 NA 0.21 ND Ben-Hassan & Ghaly,

Continuous CW K. marxianus Urea 3.5 40 0.026 0.19 0.26 78.5 Yadav et al., 2014a

*Note- CW: Cheese whey; WP: Whey permeate; DWC: De-proteinized sweet whey concentrate; DSWC: De-proteinized sour whey concentrate; DPP:
Deproteinated lactose powder; ND: Not defined.

Table 4. Essential amino acid profile of SCPs of different microorganisms and their comparison with FAO standard

g/100 g Protein

Microorganisms (substrate) Leucine Lysine Threonine Valine Isoleucine Tyrosine Methionine Methinine + References
Kluyveromyces marxianus 7.7 - 6.94 7.5 5.48 2.5 0.77 - Schultz et al., 2006
CBS 6556 (whey permeate)
Kluyveromyces marxianus 10.6 5.5 15.2 ND* 6.7 - 1.73 1.73 Paez et al., 2008
ATCC 8554 (whey)
K. fragilis 3.8 1.8 2.5 3.0 5.2 1.7 0.5 1.4 Martini et al., 1979

Saccharomyces cerevisiae 7.9 8.2 4.8 5.5 5.5 1.2 - 4.1 Paez et al., 2008
Candida krusei SO1 5.6 6.5 4.1 4.0 4.18 - 0.91 - Konlani et al., 1996
Candida utilis 3.5 1.7 2.5 2.7 5.2 1.8 0.3 1.2 Martini et al., 1979

Candida utilis 4.4 7.6 3.4 4.0 3.2 2.60 1.5 4.2 Adedayo et al., 2011

Lactobacillus fermentum 3957 6.3 7.1 3.6 4.9 4.4 - 2.0 - Erdman et al., 1977
(trypticase soy broth)
FAO/WHO 7.0 5.5 4.0 5.0 4.0 2.80 2.20 3.5 FAO/WHO, 2007

ND: Not determined

Table 5. Typical components of various whey-derived proteinaceous products

Products Protein Lactose Fat Ash Moisture

(%) (%) (% ) (% ) (%)

Sweet whey powder 11.0-14.5 63.0-75.0 1.0-1.5 8.2-8.8 3.5-5.0

Acid whey powder 11.0-13.5 61.0-70.0 0.5-1.5 9.8-12.3 3.5-5.0
Reduced lactose whey 18.0-24.0 52.0-58.0 1.0-4.0 11.0-22.0 3.0-4.0
Dematerialized whey 11.0-15.0 70.0-80.0 0.5-1.8 1.0-7.0 3.0-4.0
WPC34 34.0-36.0 48.0-52.0 3.0-4.5 6.5-8.0 3.0-4.5
WPC50 50.0-52.0 33.0-37.0 5.0-6.0 4.5-5.5 3.5-4.5
WPC60 60.0-62.0 25.0-30.0 1.0-7.0 4.0-6.0 3.0-5.0
WPC75 75.0-78.0 10.0-15.0 4.0-9.0 4.0-6.0 3.0-5.0
WPC80 80.0-82.0 4.0-8.0 4.0-8.0 3.0-4.0 3.5-4.5
WPI 90.0-92.0 0.5-1.0 0.5-1.0 2.0-3.0 4.5

Table 6. Protein composition and basic characteristics of the whey proteins

Protein Content Molecular mass Isoelectric

(% w/w) (kDa) pH (pI)

Immunoglobulin’s(Igs) 8.0 150-1000 5.5-8.3

Bovine serum albumin (BSA) 5.0 66.0 5.13
Lactoferrin (Lf) 1.0 76.5 9.5-10.0
β-Lactoglobulin (β-LG) 40-50 18.3 5.35-5.49
α-Lactalbulin (α-LA) 12-15 14.0 4.2-4.5
Glycomacropeptide (GMP) 12.0 6.8 4.3-4.6
Proteose- peptone 0.19 4-22 -
Lactoperoxidase(LP) 0.5 78.0 9.5

Figure 1. Comparison of the proximate analysis of bovine milk and its whey

Cheese whey Disposal as waste (High COD)

Physical/thermal processing Biotechnological processing

Spray drying Precipitation/Membrane Aerobic Anaerobic Anaerobic

filtration Fermentation Fermentation Digestion

Whey powder
Biomass, Ethanol, Biogas (CH4)
Enzymes, Propionic acid,
Bacteriocins, Citric acid, Acetic
Whey protein Whey acid

Figure 2. Flow diagram of the processing of whey by physical/thermal and biotechnological method

Figure 3. Processing for the production of various whey protein concentrates (WPCs)

Figure 4. Processing for the production of whey protein isolate (WPI)

Figure 5. Three-stage membrane filtration system for sequential fractionation of whey proteins
from whey

β-LG: source of essential α-LA: source of essential
and branch chain amino and branch chain amino
acids, transporter protein acids, anticancer

Lactoperoxidase: antibacterial,
antiviral, anti- Whey
antiviral, antifungal
inflammatory proteins and

BSA: source of
essential amino acid

Igs: Immunomodulatory,
growth and development

Figure 6. Important functional and nutritional roles of individual whey proteins

Figure 7. The regulatory system of human blood pressure by the rennin-angiotensin system
and the Kallikrein-Kinin system




Yadav, J.S.S.1, Bezawada, J.1, Elharche, S2, Yan, S.1, Tyagi, R.D.1*, Surampalli,


Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Centre Eau,
Terre et Environnement, 490 de la Couronne, Québec (QC), G1K 9A9, CANADA.
Institut Supérieur des Hautes Etudes en Développement Durable, 15 Bis, Rue
Daraa, Agdal, Rabat, Morocco.
USEPA, P.O. Box 17-2141, Kansas City, KS 66117, USA.

*Corresponding author: Tyagi, R.D., Tel: (418) 654 2617; Fax: (418) 654-2600, E-
mail: [email protected]

Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering



La fermentation du lactosérum avec K. marxianus a été effectuée à 40 oC et à pH 3,5 dans le

but d’examiner la production simultanée des protéines unicellulaires (PU) avec l’élimination
de la DCO, mais aussi afin de déterminer le sort des protéines solubles du lactosérum et de
caractériser les métabolites intermédiaires. Après 36 heures de fermentation discontinue, la
concentration de la biomasse a augmenté de 2,0 à 6,0 g/L avec une réduction de 55% en
DCO (incluant les protéines), tandis que la concentration en proteins solubles du lactosérum
a diminué de 5,6 g/L à 4,1 g/L. La nature différente des protéines du lactosérum fermenté,
par rapport aux protéines naturelles du lactosérum, a été confirmée via électrophorèse. Les
analyses HPLC et GC-MS ont révélé une modification de la composition en composés
organiques pendant la fermentation. Une forte concentration de l’inoculum a donné lieu,
après 36 heures de fermentation discontinue, à une augmentation de la concentration de la
biomasse de 10,3 à 15,9 g/L, à une réduction en DCO de 80% (incluant les protéines), ainsi
qu’à une concentration de 4,5 g/L en protéines résiduelles. Après 22 heures de fermentation
discontinue, la concentration de la biomasse a augmenté de 7,3 à 12,4 g/L avec une
réduction de 71% de la DCO et 4,3 g/L de concentration en protéines résiduelles. À la suite
de ce troisième procédé, le mode discontinu de fermentation a été remplacé par un mode
continu avec recyclage cellulaire, et l’état à l’équilibre a été atteint après 60 heures
supplémentaires dont le rendement en biomasse était de 0,19 g de biomasse/g de lactose
avec 0,26 g/L.h de productivité. L’efficacité d’élimination de la DCO était de l’ordre de 78-
79% avec une teneur en protéine résiduelle de 3,8 à 4,2 g/L. Le procédé continu de
fermentation aérobie avec recyclage cellulaire a ainsi pu être appliqué à la production de
protéines d’origine unicellulaire provenant du lactosérum de fromage, avec une importante
élimination de la DCO à pH faible et à température élevée.

Mots-clés: Protéines unicellulaire; Lactosérum; DCO; Protéines du lactosérum; Métabolites

intermédiaires; Recyclage cellulaire.


Cheese whey fermentation with K. marxianus was carried out at 40 oC, pH 3.5, to examine
simultaneously single-cell protein (SCP) production and COD removal, to determine the fate
of soluble whey protein and to characterize the intermediate metabolites. After 36 h of batch
fermentation, biomass concentration increased from 2.0 to 6.0 g/L with 55% COD reduction
(including proteins), whereas the soluble whey protein concentration decreased from 5.6 g/L
to 4.1 g/L. It was confirmed through electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) that the fermented whey
proteins were different from the native whey proteins. HPLC and GC-MS analyses revealed a
change in composition of organic compounds post-fermentation. High inoculum
concentration in batch fermentation resulted in an increase in biomass concentration from
10.3 to 15.9 g/L with 80% COD reduction (including proteins) within 36 h with a residual
protein concentration of 4.5 g/L. In a third batch fermentation, the biomass concentration
increased from 7.3 to 12.4 g/L with 71% of COD removal and a residual protein concentration
of 4.3 g/L after 22 h. After 22 h, the batch process was shifted to a continuous process with
cell recycle and the steady state was achieved after another 60 h with a biomass yield of
0.19 g biomass/g lactose and a productivity of 0.26 g/L.h. COD removal efficiency was 78-
79% with residual protein content of 3.8-4.2 g/L. The aerobic continuous fermentation
process with cell recycle could be applied to single-cell protein production from cheese whey
with substantial COD removal at low pH and high temperature from cheese whey.

Keywords: Single-cell protein; Cheese whey; COD; Whey protein; Intermediate metabolites;
Cell recycle.


Cheese whey is a byproduct of the cheese-producing industry, which is considered as an

environmental pollutant due to its high biological oxygen demand (BOD) of 40-60 g/L and its
chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 60-80 g/L. The main components of cheese whey are
lactose (4.5-5.0% w/v), soluble proteins (0.6-0.8% w/v), lipids (0.4-0.5% w/v) and mineral
salts (0.8-1.0% w/v) [1, 2]. Whey proteins are the major second dominant component in
cheese whey. Whey protein is a mixture of different proteins which are composed of β-
lactoglobulin (40-50% w/w), α-lactalbumin (12-15% w/w), immunoglobulin’s (8% w/w), bovine
serum albumin (5% w/w), lactoferrin (1% w/w), lactoperoxidase (0.5% w/w), proteose-
peptone and glycomacropeptide (12% w/w) [3].

Production of cheese whey is on the rise due to increase in demand for milk and milk-derived
products. As per a Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2005 report, the worldwide
annual production of cheese whey was around 139 billion kilograms of which 35.2 and 3.1
billion kilogram were generated in the USA and Canada, respectively, with a global annual
growth rate of 2% [4-6]. Around half of the whey is either dumped into sewers or spread on
land [4]. The disposal and land applications have detrimental impacts on health and the
environment [4, 7]. The availability of surplus amounts of cheese whey provides an
opportunity to apply various biotechnological processes to convert it into value-added
products such as ethanol, lactic acid, enzymes, biopolymers, biogas and single-cell protein
(SCP) [1, 2]. Bioconversion of whey into SCP has become one of the best solutions and is
carried out in many countries [1, 2, 8]. The use of whey for the production of proteinaceous
yeast biomass is advantageous because it is a simple process and final discharge of the
whey is facilitated due to reduced organic content by utilization of lactose during yeast
biomass production.

SCP is generally produced using yeasts such as Kluyveromyces, Candida and Trichosporon
species as they can naturally metabolize whey lactose [9]. Kluyveromyces marxianus
species have been the most widely studied for SCP production from cheese whey and
categorised as generally regarded as safe (GRAS) microorganisms for food and feed
applications [9-11]. SCP production is a good alternative for whey treatment; however, there
are some challenges: i) economics of the process and contamination problems; ii) low
efficiency of COD removal; iii) fate and recovery of the soluble whey proteins after
fermentation (when raw whey is fermented without protein removal). On-site production of
SCP as animal feed using cheese whey is not commercialised due to contamination
problems and poor economic returns [12-15]. The fermentation at extreme conditions such

as low pH (3 to 4) and high temperature (40 to 45 oC) has been suggested to prevent the
contamination problem [1, 16]. A few large scale companies are able to remove the whey
proteins before fermentation through membrane separation technology (ultrafiltration and
nanofiltration); however, application of membrane technology is not possible for small- and
medium-scale companies for economic reasons [15, 17]. Till date, most of the studies and
trends for SCP production use whey permeate (after removal of whey proteins by
ultrafiltration) [2, 18-20]. Therefore, there is a need for an alternative process, one which
could efficiently tackle the problem with on-site utilization of cheese whey.

SCP production and COD removal can be carried out employing basic bioprocess
engineering principles through the running of different modes of fermentation, such as a
batch, fed-batch or continuous process. However, each process has its own advantages and
disadvantages. The choice of the mode depends on the objective i.e. production or treatment
or both. However, batch process information is always essential before developping a
continuous or fed-batch process. Moreover, a continuous process is usually preferred at
industrial scales for economic reasons [21].

Thus, the aim of the present research was to study a fermentation strategy for yeast SCP
production, with high COD removal, using raw cheese whey (with proteins) as substrate, at
low pH and high temperature to minimise contamination. Further, the study was also
undertaken to characterise the residual soluble whey proteins and the intermediate
compounds produced during the fermentation.


Cheese whey

Fresh cheese whey was obtained from the cheese producing industry in Quebec, Canada,
and stored at -20 oC until used. The major composition of the cheese whey is presented in
Table 1. A higher lactose concentration in the whey increases the chances of ethanol
formation [22]. Therefore, cheese whey with a COD of 68.0±2.0 g/L was diluted to a COD of
approximately 50.0 g/L, and the diluted whey was used in batch or continuous fermentation


A strain of yeast K. marxianus was isolated from cheese whey and identified by biochemical
and molecular methods in our laboratory (accession number GQ 506972). The culture was
subcultured on de Man, Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS) agar plates and incubated at 35 oC for 24
h and preserved at 4 oC for subsequent use.

Inoculum preparation

MRS broth was prepared and sterilized at 121 oC for 15 min. A loopful of K. marxianus grown
on MRS agar plates was used to inoculate 100 mL Erlenmeyer flasks containing 20 mL of
MRS medium. The flasks were incubated in an incubator shaker at 150 rpm and 35 oC for 12
h. The actively grown cells from the flasks were used as a pre-culture to inoculate 2 L
Erlenmeyer flasks containing 500 mL of pasteurized cheese whey and the flasks incubated
under the conditions described above. The actively grown cells from the flask were used as
inoculum to inoculate 10 L of medium placed in a bioreactor.


Fermentation was carried out in a stirred tank 15 L bioreactor (working volume: 10 L,

Biogenie, Quebec, Canada) equipped with accessories and a programmable logic control
(PLC) system for dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, anti-foam, impeller speed, aeration rate and
temperature. The software (iFix 3.5, Intellution, USA) allowed for automatic set-point control
and integration of all parameters via PLC. Before each sterilization cycle, the polarographic
pH-electrode (Mettler Toledo, USA) was calibrated using buffers of pH 4 and 7 (VWR,
Canada). The oxygen probe was calibrated to zero (using N2 gas) and to 100% (air saturated
water). Fresh cheese whey (10 L) with initial COD 50.0 g/L was transferred to the 15 L
bioreactor followed by pasteurization for 15 min at 80 oC and pH 3.5 (original pH of the
whey). After pasteurization, the temperature was reduced to 40 oC and the DO probe was re-
calibrated. The fermentation was conducted at low pH (3.5) and high temperature (40 oC) to
minimize contamination, which is one of the most common problems in industry [1, 16]. The
bioreactor was inoculated described below. Three fermentation runs were conducted with
normal, high and medium-cell-density inoculums as described below.

Fermentation with normal cell density inoculum

The first batch bioreactor was inoculated with 5% (v/v) inoculum (initial suspended solids
concentration of 2.0 g/L) of K. marxianus which was prepared as described earlier. To keep
the DO above 25% saturation (critical DO for K. marxianus), air flow and agitation rates were
appropriately adjusted. pH 3.5 was maintained using 4 N H2SO4 or 4 N NaOH and a
polypropylene glycol (PPG, Sigma-Canada) (0.1% v/v) solution was used to control foaming
during fermentation. The fermentation was carried out for 36 h.

Fermentation with high-cell-density inoculum

The second batch fermentation was carried out with a high-cell-density inoculum (initial
suspended solids concentration of 10.3 g/L). The inoculum was prepared by growing K.
marxianus in a 10 L (working volume) bioreactor for 24 h. To obtain rapid growth of K.
marxianus, the fermentation (inoculum production) was conducted at pH 5.5 and at 35 oC
using diluted cheese whey (initial COD 50.0 g/L) as substrate. The fermented broth was
centrifuged aseptically to obtain a concentrated biomass, which was used as the inoculum.

Bioreactor preparation and feed pasteurization for the second batch was done similarly to the
first batch fermentation, except that feed (cheese whey) was supplemented with urea (0.22%
w/v, following optimization studies in shake flasks) as extra nitrogen source to minimize
nitrogen limitation. Urea as nitrogen supplement was chosen because it is cheaper compared
to other nitrogen sources and its consumption, unlike that of ammonium sulfate, does not
change the pH of the medium [23]. The fermentation was conducted at pH 3.5 and 40 oC for
36 h.

Batch fermentation with medium-cell-density inoculum followed a switch to

continuous fermentation

The third batch fermentation was conducted using a medium cell density inoculum (initial
suspended solids concentration of 7.3 g/L). The inoculum was prepared similarly to the one
for the second batch. The batch fermentation process in this case was switched to a
continuous process with an hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 24 h, after 22 h of batch
operation. Bioreactor preparation and feed (fortified with 0.22% w/v of urea) pasteurization
were conducted as described for the second batch fermentation.

In batch fermentation, the specific growth rate (µ) is calculated from the slope of the line of a
semi log plot of cell concentration versus time. For continuous fermentation with cell recycle
system, at steady state the following equations were derived using mass balance [21] in the
bioreactor (Fig. 1) to calculate the specific growth rate (µ):

  D[1  r(1 -  )] (1)

Factor of cell concentrat ion ( ) 
r r

In which X and Xr are the biomass concentration in the bioreactor and in the centrifuged
biomass (recycle stream) respectively; F, Fr, F1, r, V and D represent the feed flow rate (L/h),
recycle flow stream (L/h), total flow in the reactor (L/h), recycle ratio, working volume of the
reactor (L) and the dilution rate (1/h). X0 and X2 represent the biomass concentration in feed
and supernatant, respectively (Fig. 1). The high-cell-density biomass (between 12.0-13.0 g/L)
during the continuous fermentation was maintained by recycling centrifuged biomass. Raw
cheese whey feeding (fortified with 0.22% w/v urea), sampling, and biomass recycling feed
flow were controlled using an external peristaltic pump (Masterflex, Cole-Palmer, USA). The
recycled biomass was prepared by centrifuging the fermented effluent of the bioreactor and
the volume was maintained as desired. When the system reached a steady state, it was
operated continuously for 8 days (192 h) at 24 h HRT.

Analytical methods

Samples were withdrawn at regular intervals (in all three runs) and analyzed for cell
concentration (colony forming unit-CFU), yeast biomass (suspended solids), reducing sugar
(lactose), COD and soluble proteins. Total cell count (CFU/mL) was determined by a
standard agar plate technique. The appropriately diluted samples were plated on MRS agar
and the plates incubated at 35 oC for 24 h to get isolated colonies. Suspended solids were
measured according to the APHA Standard Methods [24]. Reducing sugar (lactose)
concentration was measured by using the dinitro salicylic acid (DNS) method [25]. 1 mL of
appropriately diluted sample, 2 mL of distilled water and 2 mL of DNS solution were

transferred to a test tube, followed by incubation in a water bath at 100 oC for 5 min. After
that, 15 mL of distilled water (to cool down the reaction mixture, and thus, to stop the reaction
and to dilute the colour) was added to the reaction mixture. Absorbance of the solution was
read in a spectrophotometer at 540 nm. COD was measured according to APHA Standard
Methods [24] using a closed reflex, colorimetric method. Soluble proteins concentration was
determined according to the Lowry et al. [26] method using 1 mg/mL bovine serum albumin
(BSA) as standard.

The protein content in the biomass at the end of the first batch fermentation was determined
using the method described by Lopez et al. [27] after some modifications. The biomass was
treated with lysis buffer, which contained 5 mL/L of Triton X-100, 0.372 g/L of
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and 0.035 g/L of phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride
(PMSF). Then, the biomass suspension was incubated for 20 min under shaking conditions
at room temperature. After incubation, the sample was sonicated for 5 min with an ultrasonic
homogenizer Auto tune 750W (Cole-Parmer Instruments, Vernon Hills, Illinois, US) to
increase lysis of the cells and release the proteins. Protein concentration was measured
using the method of Lowry et al. [26]. All the analyses were carried out in triplicates and the
average values are presented (with standard error less than 5% of the mean).

Characterization of residual proteins and of the intermediate


Electrophoresis of native whey and fermented whey proteins

The nature of the residual proteins in the centrifuged supernatant of the first batch yeast
fermented cheese whey was evaluated using electrophoresis and the results compared to
those obtained with the native whey proteins. Sodium dodecyl polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was carried out according to the protocol of Laemmli [28].
Acrylamide/bis-acrylamide gel 10% was used to prepare the resolving gel, whereas 5%
Acrylamide/bis-acrylamide gel was used as stacking gel. Samples were prepared with
sample loading buffer and heated for 3 min at 100 oC before loading the gel. One lane was
also loaded with molecular weight (MW) markers (Sigma, USA) to evaluate the approximate
MW of the proteins. After loading the samples, gel electrophoresis was conducted in a VWR
electrophoresis unit and was run at a constant voltage of 100 mV for 4 h. Then gel was
rinsed with water and stained with a Coomassie Blue solution for 45 min followed by de-
staining overnight.

Evaluation of sugar and intermediate compounds in whey and fermented whey

Cheese whey and centrifuged fermented whey (supernatant) were characterized for their
sugars and intermediate compounds (produced during fermentation) to evaluate the
components responsible for residual COD in the supernatant. The analyses was carried out
by HPLC and GC-MS.

HPLC analysis

Analysis of sugars and intermediate compounds produced during fermentation was

performed using HPLC. The samples of cheese whey and fermented broth were centrifuged
at 5000 rpm for 10 min to remove the suspended particles. The collected supernatants from
the centrifuged samples were filtered to obtain a clear liquid using Nanosep MF Centrifugal
Devices purchased from Pall Life Sciences, USA. The following conditions were used for
sugar analysis by HPLC: mobile phase solvent, 480 mM sodium hydroxide solution, isocratic
flow rate, 0.4 mL/min; analytical column 4x250 mm dimension (CarbopackTMMA1) from
Dionex, Dionex ED40 Electrochemical Detector (ED). The data were analyzed using
Chromeleon software [29]. The retention time of standard sugars were determined by
running standard glucose, galactose and lactose (Sigma Chemicals, USA). After
determination of the retention time of the standards, the samples were run through the HPLC
under optimal conditions to obtain the sugars and other intermediates profile.

GC-MS analysis

Cheese whey and centrifuged fermented whey supernatant samples were extracted for
analysis of intermediate compounds in two different ways. Firstly, the samples were directly
extracted with solvent and, secondly, the samples were distilled and the distillates were
extracted by solvent. The two extraction methods were used because precipitation occurred
during direct solvent extraction, whereas there were chances of loss of some volatile
compounds during distillation. Whey and the supernatant samples (original and distillate)
were extracted with dichloromethane (CH2Cl2). 100 mL of sample (whey or supernatant) was
extracted five times with 5 mL of CH2Cl2 each time. The extracted samples in CH2Cl2 were
concentrated using liquid nitrogen, followed by filtration through a 0.4 µm filter. The filtered
samples were used for analysis of the intermediate compounds through GC-MS. GC-MS
analysis was carried out after some modifications of the Dragone et al. [30] protocol. A
PerkinElmer Clarus-500 GC-MS system was used. Separation of the different compounds
was performed on a fused silica capillary Innowax column (length-30 m, I.D 0.25 mm, film
0.25 µm, Agilent Technology) with 1 µL of injected sample. The injection was performed in
the split mode (10:1). Helium was used as the career gas at a constant flow of 1 mL/min.

Oven temperature was programmed from 60 to 250 °C at a rate of 5 °C/min with an initial 5
min hold time and a final hold time of 20 min. The detector was set to the electronic impact
mode (70 eV), with an acquisition range from m/z 29 to m/z 360. Identification of the volatile
and semi-volatile compounds was performed using the Turbo Mass software and the
National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) library.


Variation of different parameters during cheese whey fermentation

with K. marxianus

The first batch fermentation was conducted without supplementation in nitrogen due to the
fact that previous research reports did not use extra nitrogen when cheese whey was used
as growth medium for Kluyveromyces species [7, 31]. Furthermore, this allowed us to
evaluate the protein consumption profile and the fate of the proteins without addition of
external nitrogen. The nitrogen source was supplemented only when whey permeate was
used as growth medium [13, 20].

The results for cell count, biomass (suspended solids), lactose, COD and soluble protein
concentration during the fermentation are presented in Fig. 2. The cell count (CFU/mL) of K.
marxianus increased with time and reached a maximum of 4.60x108 CFU/mL in 30 h. Yeast
biomass (suspended solids) concentration during fermentation was also increased and
reached 6.0 g/L at 24 h of fermentation. The values for specific growth rate (µm), productivity
(g/L.h) and yield (Yx/s) were found to be 0.20 h-1, 0.16 g/L.h and 0.12 g biomass/g lactose
consumed, respectively. The specific growth rate (µm) of 0.37 h-1, biomass yield (Yx/s) of 0.37
g/g, biomass concentration 15.0 g/L and biomass productivity of 1.27 g/L.h of K. marxianus
at pH 5.0 and at 30 oC have been reported by Lukondeh et al. [32] with 40.0 g/L in initial
lactose concentration in a synthetic medium. A comparatively lower biomass yield and a
lower productivity in the present work might be due to two reasons: a) extreme fermentation
conditions (i.e. low pH 3.5 and high temperature (40 oC)) as used in this work to minimise the
contamination problem, and b) deficiency in easily assimilable nitrogen of the medium,
because external nitrogen was not supplemented and only a small quantity of the proteins
(26% of the initial protein) present in the medium was consumed by the yeast (as presented
below). However, nitrogen deficiency may not have been very important as Ghaly and Kamal
[7] reported a higher yield (0.44 g/g) but low specific growth rate (0.15 h-1) (Table 3) during
the production of SCP using undiluted cheese whey at 31 oC and pH 4.4, without external
nitrogen supplementation. In order to eliminate this possibility, we conducted shake flasks

experiments (initial pH 3.5, but not controlled during the experiments) at different
concentrations of urea and we found that a 0.22% w/v urea concentration was optimal
leading to a 10% improvement in biomass yield. On the other hand, the maximal yield and
productivity of Kluyveromyces species have been reported at pH 4.4 and 5.8 and
temperature 31 and 30 oC in batch processes, respectively while cultivating K. marxianus on
cheese whey [7] and whey permeate [20] (Table 3). Thus, yeast cells cultivated at higher
temperature and lower pH, as done in this study, show higher maintenance energy (diverting
a greater amount of lactose towards catabolism), which leads to a decrease in biomass yield

The protein content of yeast biomass (or suspended solids) at the end of fermentation was
found to be 42% w/w which is higher than the required minimal protein content (40% w/w) for
yeast biomass to serve as animal feed as per the guidelines of the Association of American
Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) [34].

Most of the lactose (30.0 g/L) was consumed within 18 h and the final lactose concentration
was less than 1.0 g/L (Fig. 2). The soluble whey protein concentration decreased up to 12 h
(Fig. 2) and slightly increased from 12 to 18 h, which may be due to the excretion of cellular
proteins and enzymes. After that, the soluble protein concentration remained almost constant
until the end of the fermentation (36 h). A similar trend in protein consumption has been
reported [22]. The decrease in soluble protein concentration during the first 12 h of
fermentation could be due to their consumption by microorganisms, as nitrogen source. This
hypothesis was supported by the fact that K. marxianus and Lactobacillus species are known
to show proteolytic activity on whey proteins [35, 36]. K. marxianus is known to possess a
serine carboxypeptidase and a lysine aminopeptidase [37]. The stable concentration of
soluble proteins after 18 h might be due to partial consumption of the proteins and to
simultaneous secretion of extracellular enzymes by K. marxianus (such as inulinase and
lipase), as this yeast is known to produce various enzymes [11].

COD decreased rapidly up to 18 h (Fig. 2) of fermentation followed by a slower reduction.

This could be due to the rapid increase in yeast cells, which consumed most of the lactose
during the first 18 h. However, COD continued to decrease from 18 h until the end of
fermentation (36 h), which could be due to the consumption of intermediate compounds that
might have formed during the first 18 h or were already present in the cheese whey. A COD
reduction of 55% was achieved at the end of the fermentation. The high residual COD (21.8
g/L) in the fermented whey supernatant was due to residual soluble proteins (4.1 g/L) and the
other residual organic compounds (present in cheese whey as well as those produced during

fermentation) [38]. Intermediate metabolites such as organic acids (pyruvic acid, malic acid,
acetic acid, citric acid, propionic acid, fumaric acid and others) were reported to be produced
during whey fermentation by K. marxianus [30, 32]. Moreover, it has been reported that the
production of intermediate metabolites increased with high initial lactose concentration during
fermentation due to a change in the metabolic pathways of K. marxianus from oxidative to
mixed oxidative [13].

Characteristics of the native whey proteins and of the fermented whey proteins

SDS-PAGE was carried out on native whey proteins and on supernatants (centrifuged
fermented broth) containing residual whey proteins (Fig. 3). Results clearly demonstrated
that the nature of the whey proteins changed during fermentation. The native whey proteins
(lanes 1 and 2) were in the higher molecular weight (MW) range (mostly above 29 kDa) while
the supernatant proteins were largely in the lower MW range (below 29 kDa). Thus, the SDS-
PAGE results confirmed that the whey proteins were partially hydrolyzed to gave a lower MW
range of proteins during fermentation. Proteolysis of goat whey proteins has also been
reported with K. marxianus and Lactobacillus species [35, 36].

Sugars and intermediate compounds in whey and fermented whey

HPLC analysis

The results of HPLC analysis of cheese whey and of supernatants from fermented whey are
presented in Fig. 4. The retention times were determined for the three sugars: glucose (24.7
min), galactose (27.63 min) and lactose (29.32 min) (chromatogram not shown). This method
was found to be good for analysis of the three sugars at a time with clear separated peaks.
The main sugar component of cheese whey is lactose, which was also evident in the HPLC
analysis (Fig. 4). The HPLC chromatogram of the supernatant (Fig. 4) indicates that there
was no residual lactose after fermentation; however, the presence of many other peaks
indicate the presence of secondary metabolites generated during fermentation. These
intermediate compounds were responsible for the residual COD after fermentation. It was
difficult to identify all of these unknown compounds in the supernatant by HPLC (because
standard compounds are required to detect these unknown compounds). Therefore, further
identification of these intermediate compounds was carried out using GC-MS.

GC-MS analysis

The individual separated compounds were identified by GC-MS on the basis of the NIST
library and the results are presented in Figs. 5 and 6 and in Table 2. The obtained GC-MS

chromatogram for cheese whey and that for fermented whey supernatant are presented.
Both samples were directly extracted with CH2Cl2. Cheese whey as well as the supernatant
contained different groups of volatile compounds such as carbonyls, alcohols, esters, acids,
furans and phenols. A comparison of the organic compounds of cheese whey before and
after fermentation reveals that some compounds (such as 2-methyl propanol, formic acid,
isomaltol, etc.) were degraded and some new intermediate metabolites (such as 2,3-
butanediol; 2-furanemethanol; butyrolactone, glycerin, etc.) were generated during
fermentation. The degradation of original cheese whey compounds might be responsible for
the COD reduction after lactose utilization. The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and
semi-VOCs identified during this study (fermentation conducted at a lower pH and at higher
temperature) in cheese whey (Table 2) are similar to those identified (in cheese whey or
whey powder) by other researchers [38, 39]. This study also confirmed that some valuable
compounds (like phenylethyl alcohol, an aroma compound) are produced during
fermentation. The production of aroma compounds (like fruit esters, carboxylic acids,
ketones, furans, alcohols and isoamyl acetate) by K. marxianus has also been documented

Fermentation with high cell-density-inoculum

The first batch results revealed low COD reduction (55%) and low biomass yield. In order to
obtain higher COD reduction, the second fermentation batch was conducted with a higher
cell density inoculum (high initial biomass concentration) considering the fact that a high cell
concentration can reduce the diversion of K. marxianus, metabolic pathway towards mixed
oxidative metabolism, and thus, the less amounts of intermediates will be formed. Further,
higher degradation of intermediate metabolites was expected at a higher cell concentration.

The variation in cell count, biomass, lactose, soluble proteins and COD during the
fermentation with a high cell density inoculum (10.3 g/L initial suspended solids) is presented
in Fig. 7. The cell count (CFU/mL) increased from an initial (1.03x109 CFU/mL) to a maximum
of 1.70x109 CFU/mL in the first 12 h. Initially, the cell count increased rapidly followed by a
slow or no growth (Fig. 7). After 12 h, an increase in cell concentration was not observed,
which could be due to deficiency in a growth-limiting substrate such as lactose. A similar
profile for biomass (suspended solids) increase was also observed; biomass increased from
an initial 10.3 g/L to a maximum of 17.1 g/L at 12 h (Fig. 7); thereafter, the biomass started
decreasing. The overall increase in biomass (15.9 - 10.3 = 5.6 g/L) at the end of fermentation
(36 h) was 39% higher compared to the first batch (biomass increase of 4.0 g/L) and the yield
of biomass was also increased by 58% (Table 3). The increase in biomass concentration and

biomass yield could be attributed to two reasons: a) utilization of more whey lactose for
oxidative metabolism and b) availability of easily assimilable nitrogen source as urea.
However, the yield of biomass was still lower than those observed with processes operated
at pH 4.4 and a temperature of 31 oC (Table 3) using cheese whey as growth medium. This
is due to the higher maintenance energy required to maintain cells at low pH and higher
temperature. Additionally, maintenance energy requirement further increased due to higher
cell concentrations used in this batch [31, 40]. The specific growth rate (µ), productivity
(g/L.h) and yield (Yx/s) are presented in Table 3.

Lactose consumption was rapid during the first 18 h (Fig. 7) and approximately more than
98% of the lactose was consumed during this period giving a residual lactose concentration
less than 0.7 g/L. The soluble protein concentration decreased during the first 6 h followed by
a slight increase at 12 h, which might be due to excretion of some extracellular proteins or
enzymes, and it remained almost constant during the rest of the fermentation process with
residual protein concentration 4.5 g/L. This again indicates that the proteins could not be
utilized after a certain extent. Though urea was supplemented in this batch, however, the
addition of urea did not show any effect on the protein consumption trend (i.e. first a
decrease, followed by a slight increase and then, the protein content stayed constant as
observed in the first batch).

A COD reduction of 80% was obtained at the end of 36 h of fermentation. COD and lactose
decreased rapidly during the first 18 h of fermentation and this is attributed to the high cell
density. After lactose consumption (i.e. after 18 h), the COD reduction continued slowly up to
36 h of fermentation and this was probably due to consumption of the intermediate
metabolites produced, similarly to the first batch fermentation (Table 2). The residual COD at
the end of fermentation was 9.6 g/L. The residual COD was due to residual soluble proteins
(5.4 g/L) and to lactose (0.8 g/L). The rest 3.3 g/L COD could be due to the intermediate
compounds, which K. marxianus has produced (as characterized in the first batch
fermentation). The value of COD associated to the intermediate metabolites is much lower
compared to the COD value observed in the first batch (15.8 g/L). This COD reduction of
80% at the end of fermentation was 25% higher than that of the first batch fermentation
(which was operated with a 2.0 g/L initial biomass concentration as inoculum). The results
revealed that the degradation of organic compounds (original whey and those substances
produced during the fermentation with K. marxianus) was higher with a high-cell-density
inoculum (initial suspended solids of 10.3 g/L), which resulted in low residual COD. The
consumption of intermediate metabolites as carbon sources by Kluyveromyces species has
been reported to be of diauxic metabolic nature [41]. The second reason for the low residual

COD might be the a low intermediates production due to lower lactose-to-cell (biomass) ratio
that resulted in increased oxidative metabolism [13]. The finding of this batch study i.e. higher
COD reduction, could be applied to the bioconversion of whey into SCP in a continuous
process employing a similar initial cell concentration.

Batch fermentation with medium-cell-density inoculum and the

shifted to continuous fermentation

The second batch fermentation results revealed that a fermentation with a higher cell density
at start increased COD degradation efficiency. However, it might be difficult to maintain high
cell concentration (15.0-17.0 g/L) during a fermentation process. Therefore, the third batch
fermentation was started with a lower cell concentration compared to the second batch
fermentation. The variations in the value of the different parameters during this batch
fermentation with a medium-cell-density inoculum (7.3 g/L initial suspended solids), such as
cell count, biomass, lactose, soluble proteins, and COD are presented in Fig. 8. The cell
count (CFU/mL) of K. marxianus increased from an initial value of 6.20x108 CFU/mL to a
maximum of 1.44x109 CFU/mL at 22 h. Similarly to the second batch fermentation, the
increase in cell count (CFU/mL) was rapid. A similar profile for biomass increase was also
noticed, which increased from 7.3 g/L to 12.4 g/L at 22 h (Fig. 8). Lactose concentration
decreased from 32.4 g/L to 0.7 g/L and a COD removal of 71% was obtained at 22 h. The
soluble protein content decreased from 5.7 to 4.3 g/L and there was no further change or
little change in the protein concentration with time.

After 22 h, the batch fermentation was switched to a continuous mode with a 24 h HRT. The
cell recycle system was used to keep a high biomass concentration (12.0 to 13.0 g/L, almost
close to the cell concentration in the second batch) so that the COD degradation would
remain high. Steady state during the continuous process was obtained after 60 h of
operation. The variations in lactose, COD and soluble protein concentration during the batch
plus continuous fermentation are shown in Fig. 8. The lactose concentration increased from
0.7 to 4.3 g/L when the batch process was shifted to the continuous mode and then slowly
decreased to 0.8 g/L. The lactose consumption at steady state was 97.5%, whereas the
effluent COD concentration varied between 10.0 and 12.0 g/L (Fig. 8). The soluble protein
concentration in the effluent at steady state ranged from 3.8 g/L to 4.2 g/L. The specific
growth rate (h-1), biomass yield (Yx/s), productivity (g/L.h) and % of COD reduction during the
continuous process are shown in Table 3.

The results of the continuous fermentation with cell recycle showed that a higher COD
reduction (up to 78-79%) could be achieved during a fermentation conducted at low pH (3.5)
and high temperature (40 oC). The biomass productivity 0.26 g/L.h was comparable to that of
the batch process (second run). However, the batch process productivity does not include
the downtime required for inoculum preparation, harvesting, cleaning and recharging of the
bioreactor. This will lower batch productivity of a real-world process. The other advantage of
low pH and high temperature as operating conditions is that it provide an opportunity to run
the continuous process with cell recycle for a long time without contamination, which is one
of the main obstacles of a continuous process for large-scale operations [21].

Studies by others researchers [7, 20, 31, 42, 43] on SCP production and COD removal
during batch and continuous processes have been presented in Table 3, which showed
somewhat higher yields and higher COD removal efficiencies (in batch processes). These
studies were conducted under favorable fermentation conditions (pH 4.5 to 6.0 and
temperature 30 to 35 oC) where the chances of contamination were higher. Thus, to run the
process without contamination while using cheese whey without sterilization, an all loss in
yield would be acceptable. Moreover, most of the studies were conducted using whey
permeate (Table 3) and reported higher COD removal values. This was due to the absence
of residual proteins in the whey permeate. In the present case, COD removal up to 95%
could be achieved if the residual soluble proteins are to be recovered from the supernatant.
The recovered protein could be mixed with the biomass to increase overall SCP production.

This study provides an alternative continuous process for the biotransformation of raw
cheese whey into SCP without removing the whey proteins before fermentation, which will
reduce the whey management problem. Also, the residual soluble proteins (3.9 g/L) could be
recovered from the fermented whey supernatant and mixed with the biomass (SCP). This
could increase the protein content of the final product and further reduce the effluent COD
(4.8 g/L). However, this would require further study to optimize the protein recovery process.


Biomass concentration increased from 2.0 to 6.0 g/L after 24 h in the case of the batch
fermentation with a low-cell-density inoculum. The COD reduction after 36 h was 55% with a
residual soluble protein concentration of 4.1 g/L. The SDS-PAGE results revealed that the
residual proteins were different (low molecular weight) from the native whey proteins. HPLC
and GC-MS analyses indicated that there was no residual lactose in the supernatant, but
many other intermediate compounds present were responsible for the residual COD along

with residual proteins. The fermentation with a high-cell-density inoculum resulted in higher
COD removal (up to 80%) with a biomass productivity 0.25 g/L.h. The protein consumption
trend was similar with all batch fermentations, with residual concentrations ranged between
4.1 and 4.5 g/L. The finding of a higher COD removal with the batch process led us to a
continuous process using a cell recycle system. Continuous fermentation with cell recycle
gave a COD reduction of up to 78.5% with a biomass productivity of 0.26 g/L.h. Thus, this
study established that continuous fermentation with cell recycle could be applied to produce
SCP with simultaneous high COD removal. Further studies are required for recovering of the
residual soluble proteins and to decrease COD even further.


The authors are sincerely thankful to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada (Grant A4984, RDCPJ379601-08, and Canada Research Chair) for their
financial support.


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Table 1. Composition of the cheese whey

Characteristics Concentration

Color Yellowish
Total solids (g/L) 65±2
Suspended solids (g/L) 0.7±0.1
Protein (g/L) 7±0.5
Lactose (g/L) 45±2
COD (g/L) 68±2
pH 3.5±0.3
Calcium (g/L) 0.45
Phosphorus (g/L) 0.45
Potassium (g/L) 1.50
Sodium (g/L) 0.77

Table 2. Organic compounds identified in cheese whey and in supernatant from K. marxianus
fermented cheese whey

Before fermentation After fermentation

VOC RT(min) VOC RT (min)

2-Methylpropanol 4.20 3-Methylbutanal 7.25

3-Methylbutanal 7.28 2-Butane,3-hydroxy 9.40
Acetic acid hydrazide 9.82 Acetic acid hydrazide 9.80
Propionic acid, 2-hydroxy, methyl
11.33 Furfural 14.59
Acetic acid 13.94 Acetic acid 14.86
Furfural 14.64 2,3-Butanidiol 16.78
Ethanone,1-(2-furanyl) 15.64 Octanol-1 (internal standard) 17.04
Formic acid 15.40 Propionic acid,2-methyl 17.29
Octonol-1 (internal standard) 16.39 2-Furanethanol 17.61
2-Furancarboxyaldehyde,5-methyl 17.37 Butyrolactone 18.61
2-Cyclopentane-1-4-dione 17.58 Butanoic acid 18.82
Isomaltol 18.53 Butanoic acid,3-methyl 19.76
Butanoic acid 18.81 Acetamide 21.72
2-Furanmethanol 18.91 1-Pentadecanamine,N,N-dimethyl 22.82
Butanoic acid,3-methyl 19.80 Hexanoic acid 23.65
2(5H)-furan 21.49 Phenylethyl alcohol 24.88
2(3H) Furanone,dihydroxy-4,4-
1,2-Cyclopentanedione 21.85 27.24
2-Cyclohexen-1-ol 22.10 Octanoic acid 27.95
Formamide, N-(2-phenylethyl) 22.90 31.56
Hexanoic acid 23.63 n-Decanoic acid 31.89
Maltol 25.33 Glycerine 32.44
Octanoic acid 27.95 35.53
2-Propanone,1,3-dihydroxy 27.72 36.33
Methyltartonic acid 30.32 2(3H)-Furanone,dihydroxy-4-hydroxy 37.06
4H-pyran-4-one,2,3-dihydro -3,5-
31.09 Not applicable (NA) NA
9-Decanoic acid 32.94 NA NA
Butanedioic acid, monomethylester 33.07 NA NA
35.08 NA NA
2(3H) Furanone,dihyro-4-hydroxy 36.60 NA NA
Tetradecanoic acid 38.84 NA NA
n-Hexanoic acid 42.00 NA NA

Table 3. Process parameter values and results obtained with different modes of fermentation

Fermentation Substrate Initial COD pH Temp. µ (1/h) Yx/s Productivity COD removal References
(g/L) ( C) (g/g) (g/L.h) efficiency (%)

Batch -1, normal CW 48.9 3.5 40 0.200 0.12 0.16 55.0 (including protein) This study
Batch -2, high cell CW 49.3 3.5 40 0.027 0.19 0.25 80.0 (including protein) This study
density inoculum
Batch -3, medium cell- CW 49.9 3.5 40 0.017 0.16 0.21 71.0 (including protein) This study
density inoculum
Continuous with cell CW 49.9 3.5 40 0.026 0.19 0.26 78.5 (including protein) This study
Batch CW 59.6 4.4 31 0.150 0.44 NA 90.6 (excluding [7]
Continuous CW NA 4.5 33 0.105 0.26 0.40 NA [31]

Continuous CW NA 4.5 35 0.041 NA 0.21 NA [42]

Batch DWC 150.0 5.8 30 NA 0.52 NA 90.0 (excluding [20]

Batch DSWC 193.0 4.8 30 NA 0.48 NA 83.0 (excluding [20]
Batch WP NA 5.0 34 0.230 0.26 0.45 88.5 (excluding [43]

*Note- CW: Cheese whey; WP: Whey permeate; DWC: De-proteinized sweet whey concentrate; DSWC: De-proteinized sour whey concentrate; NA: Not

Feed pump
F, X0 (F + Fr)X


V, X (F1Xr)


Biomass recycled (FrXr) Product (F1- Fr)Xr

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of continuous fermentation with a cell recycle system

Figure 2. (a) Variation in viable cell concentration (CFU/mL) and biomass with respect to time
during fermentation; (b) Variation in lactose, COD and protein concentration during

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4
1 2 3 200 kDa
116 kDa
97 kDa
66 kDa

45 kDa

29 kDa

Figure 3. SDS-PAGE with native whey and fermented whey supernatant proteins (lanes 1 and 2
whey proteins; lanes 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 supernatant proteins; and lane 8 MW marker)

Figure 4. (a) HPLC chromatogram of a cheese whey sample indicates the presence of lactose;
(b) HPLC chromatogram of a supernatant of fermented whey indicates the presence of various
intermediate compounds other than lactose

Retention Time (min)

Figure 5. GC-MS chromatogram of cheese whey*

From the left:* Acetic acid hydrazide (9.82); Acetic acid (13.94); Formic acid (15.40); octanol-1,
internal std. (16.39); 2-furan methanol (18.91); 2-cyclohexene-1-ol (22.10); Maltol (25.33); 2-
propanone1,3-dihydroxy (27.72); 2-hydroxy,propionic acid (29.78); 4-H-pyran-4-one-2,3-dihydro-3,5-
dihydroxy-6-methyl (31.09); 2-furan,carboxaldehyde,5-hydroxy,methyl (35.08); 2(3H)-
furanone,dihydro-4-hydroxy (36.60)

Retention Time (min)

Figure 6. GC-MS chromatogram of supernatant*

From the left:* 2-butanone 3-hydroxy (9.40); Acetic acid hydrazide (9.80); Acetic acid (13.97); 2,3-
butanediol (16.02); octanol-1 internal std. (16.39); 2-furan methanol (18.92); Pentanoic acid 3-methyl
(19.23); Maltol (25.33); 2-propanone-1,3-dihydroxy (27.71); 4-H-pyran-4-one 2,3-dihydro-3,5-
dihydroxy-6-methyl (31.09); 2-furan carboxaldehyde 5-hydroxy methyl (35.07); 2(3H)-
furanone,dihydro-4-droxy (36.59)

Figure 7. (a) Variation in viable cell concentration (CFU/mL) and biomass with respect to time
during fermentation with a high cell density inoculum; (b) Variation in lactose, COD and protein
concentration during fermentation a with high cell density inoculum

Viable cells (CFU/mL)
1.6E+09 14.0
1.4E+09 13.0

Biomass (g/L)
1.2E+09 12.0
1.0E+09 11.0
8.0E+08 9.0
6.0E+08 Biomass (g/L) 8.0
4.0E+08 7.0
2.0E+08 6.0
24 HRT 6
Batch 16
Batch 22
Batch 0
Batch 8

24 HRT 102
24 HRT 114
24 HRT 126
24 HRT 138
24 HRT 150
24 HRT 162
24 HRT 174
24 HRT 186
24 HRT 18
24 HRT 30
24 HRT 42
24 HRT 54
24 HRT 66
24 HRT 78
24 HRT 90
Time (h)

60.0 6.0
Lactose & COD (g/L)

50.0 5.0

Protein (g/L)
40.0 4.0
30.0 Lactose (g/L) 3.0
COD (g/L)
20.0 Protein (g/L) 2.0
10.0 1.0
0.0 0.0
Batch 12
Batch 16
Batch 20
Batch 22
24 HRT 0
24 HRT 6
Batch 0
Batch 4
Batch 8

24 HRT 12
24 HRT 18
24 HRT 24
24 HRT 30
24 HRT 36
24 HRT 42
24 HRT 48
24 HRT 54
24 HRT 60
24 HRT 66
24 HRT 72
24 HRT 78

Time (h)

Figure 8. (a) Variation in viable cell concentration (CFU/mL) and biomass with respect to time
during batch and continuous fermentation; (b) Variation in lactose, COD and protein
concentration during batch and continuous fermentation (with cell recycle)




Yadav, J. S. S.1, Yan, S.1, More, T. T.1, Tyagi, R. D.1*, Surampalli, R. Y.2

Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Centre Eau,
Terre et Environnement, 490 de la Couronne, Québec (QC), G1K 9A9, CANADA.
USEPA, P.O. Box 17-2141, Kansas City, KS 66117, USA.

*Corresponding author: Tyagi, R. D., Tel: (418) 654 2617; Fax: (418) 654-2600, E-
mail: [email protected]

Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (2014)



La présente étude a été menée dans le but de récupérer les protéines résiduelles solubles
des cultures de levures (K. marxianus) sur lactosérum de fromage. La fermentation en
continu du lactosérum a été effectuée à 40 oC et à pH 3,5 avec un système de recyclage
cellulaire. La biomasse de levures a été séparée du bouillon de fermentation par
centrifugation, et les protéines résiduelles solubles contenues dans le surnageant du petit-lait
fermenté ont été précipitées par traitement thermique (incubation pendant 10 minutes à 100
C et à pH 4,5). La récupération maximale en protéines solubles était de 53% et elle a été
atteinte à pH 4,5 en combinaison avec 54% d’élimination de la DCO résiduelle. Les
précipités sédimentables par gravité ont cependant été obtenus à pH 3,5 en combinaison
avec 47% de récupération en protéines. Par conséquent, l’étude en réacteur (à grande
échelle) a été réalisée à pH 3,5 avec agitation, ce qui a abouti à 68% de récupération en
protéines résiduelles solubles simultanément avec 62% d’élimination de la DCO résiduelles.
Également, la précipitation/coagulation des protéines solubles a par après été évaluée en
utilisant la carboxyméthylcellulose, puis deux procédé de précipitation ont été combinés (un
processus thermique suivi d’un processus via la carboxyméthylcellulose) afin d’accroître la
précipitation des protéines du surnageant, laquelle a finalement permis d’atteindre jusqu’à
81% de récupération en protéines solubles. Ce procédé optimisé a donc pu être appliqué à
la récupération des protéines résiduelles de la fermentation du lactosérum de fromage, et ce,
sans centrifugation.

Mots-clés: Fermentation; Protéines du lactosérum; Précipitation thermique;

Carboxyméthylcellulose; Récupération; DCO.


The present study was conducted to recover the residual soluble proteins after cultivation of
yeast (K. marxianus) in cheese whey. Continuous fermentation of cheese whey with cell
recycle was carried out at 40 oC and pH 3.5. The yeast biomass was separated from the
fermented broth by centrifugation and the residual soluble proteins from the fermented whey
supernatant were precipitated by heat treatment (at 100 oC, pH 4.5 and 10 min incubation). A
maximal soluble protein recovery up to 53% was achieved at pH 4.5 with 54% residual COD
removal. However, sedimentable precipitates were obtained at pH 3.5 with 47% protein
recovery. Therefore, the reactor (scale up) study was conducted at pH 3.5 with agitation,
which resulted in 68% of residual soluble protein recovery and simultaneously a residual
COD removal value of 62%. Further precipitation/coagulation of the soluble proteins was also
evaluated using carboxymethyl cellulose and then two precipitation processes (thermal
followed by carboxymethyl cellulose precipitation) were combined to increase protein
precipitation, which finally yielded up to 81% of total soluble protein recovery from the
supernatant. This optimized process could be applied to recover the residual proteins left
after fermentation of cheese whey without use of centrifugation.

Keywords: Fermentation; Whey protein; Thermal precipitation; Carboxymethyl cellulose;

Recovery; COD.


The protein content of cheese whey is around 0.6-0.8% w/v, which is the second dominant
component after lactose. Whey proteins are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for food
applications and is used in many processed foods such as healthy foods, dairy foods, meat
products, frozen foods and infant formulas [1, 2]. The main components of whey protein are
β-lactoglobulin, α-lactalbumin, immunoglobulins, bovine serum albumin, lactoferrin,
lactoperoxidase, proteose-peptone and glycomacropeptide, with their different physical
characteristics [3]. Yeast Kluyveromyces species have been widely studied for single-cell
protein (SCP) production from cheese whey [4, 5]; however, cultivation of K. marxianus has
not been efficient in utilizing whey proteins. During SCP production, lactose gets utilized
completely but at the end of fermentation, a major fraction of the proteins remains unutilized
[6]. The unutilized proteins are then washed due to lack of knowledge about their
characteristics and recovery methods.

The recovery of whey proteins by membrane separation (ultrafiltration and nanofiltration),

and by precipitation after thermal treatment has been well documented [7, 8]. However, for to
economic reasons, membrane separation technology, in general, is not employed by
medium- and small- scale cheese-producing companies [9]. Thermal precipitation is not
commonly used for protein separation from cheese whey due to the presence of lactose,
which has a negative impact on β-lactoglobulin and α-lactabumin precipitation (which
constitute more than 50% of total whey proteins) [10-12].

Thermal precipitation and precipitation/coagulation using polymers are the two most
commonly used methods for whey protein separation. Thermal precipitation is based on
whey protein characteristics such as, denaturation temperature, isoelectric point/isoelectric
pH (pI) and electrostatic interaction [7]. Protein precipitation/coagulation by coagulating
agents is based on electrostatic attraction, and therefore, it depends on the target protein
characteristics and on the nature of polymer used. There are many polymers (coagulating
agents) which are generally used to coagulate proteins and fats from wastewaters from food
processing plants. Examples of coagulating agents are carboxymethylcellulose (CMC),
hydroxylethylcellulose (HEC), lignosulphonate, bentonite, chitosan, xanthan gum, alum and
ferric chloride [9, 13, 14]. Bentonite and CMC have GRAS status and both can be used in
animal feed as supplement [15]. The impact of HEC, which has been reported as whey
protein precipitant and non-toxic in nature, has also been tested on liver and kidney in albino
rats [16].

Most studies till date have reported on native whey protein recovery. However, following
cultivation of the yeast K. marxianus in cheese whey, changes in the characteristics of the
whey proteins have been reported [6]. The changes in characteristics may affect the recovery
of residual soluble proteins while applying the same methods and conditions as used for the
recovery of native whey proteins. Therefore, there is a need to find an economical and
efficient method for residual soluble protein recovery after cultivation of yeast. The recovered
residual proteins could be mixed with the yeast biomass (produced during whey fermentation
and to be used as animal feed) to increase the protein content as well as to enhance the
essential amino acids profile of the final product. A biomass with high protein content as
animal feed is highly desirable.

Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate a method for residual protein recovery
from the supernatant of K. marxianus fermented cheese whey. The specific objectives of the
research included: i) Optimization of different parameters of thermal precipitation for residual
protein recovery; ii) evaluation of coagulation/precipitation of residual protein using the non-
toxic polymer CMC; iii) evaluation of a combination of the two methods for enhancement of
protein recovery.


Fermentation and downstream processing

Fermented whey broth [6], after cultivation of K. marxianus, was collected from the
continuous fermentation process with cell recycle operated at 40 oC and pH 3.5. The
fermented whey broth was centrifuged to separate biomass and fermented whey supernatant
(FWS). The centrifugation was conducted at 9682 x g for 15 min at 20±1 oC in a Beckman
Coulter centrifuge (model Avanti J-25 XP) using the JAL rotor (Beckman USA). The FWS
was stored in cold room (4 oC) until used. The initial protein content, chemical oxygen
demand (COD), pH and turbidity (NTU) of the FWS was 3.9 g/L, 10.10 g/L, 3.5 and 580 NTU,
respectively. CMC sodium salt, having a high viscosity 2440 mPas was purchased from
Calbiochem (Canada). A stock solution of CMC (30.0 g/L) was prepared by dissolving CMC
in hot distilled water (60 oC) with stirring and left overnight for complete solubilisation. The
CMC stock was kept at 4 oC.

Precipitation of proteins through thermal treatment

Effect of temperature

Precipitation of the residual soluble whey proteins was carried out by treating the FWS (pH
3.5) at different temperatures (80, 90, 95 and 100 oC). For the thermal treatments, the FWS
500.0 mL (in one litre glass bottles) was heat-treated in an autoclave for 15 min. Precipitates
from thermally treated FWS were separated by centrifugation at 8000 rpm (10,808 x g) for 10
min using a Sorvall RC5C centrifuge. Supernatants of thermally treated FWS were used for
protein analysis.

Effect of pH

To determine the optimal pH for maximal protein precipitation through heat treatment, FWS
samples were heated at 100 oC for 15 min at different initial pH values (3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0
and 5.5) in an autoclave. The precipitates were separated by centrifugation. Supernatants of
thermally treated FWS were used for protein analysis.

Treatment time

To determine the effective incubation time of heat treatment, FWS were heat-treated for
different times (5, 10, 15 and 20 min). Two different initial pH values (3.5 and 4.5) were also
tested and kept the FWS in an autoclave at 100 oC. After heat treatment, the precipitates
were separated by centrifugation. Supernatants of thermally treated FWS were used for
protein and COD analysis. Precipitates were also used for cations/anions analysis.

Impact of agitation rate on precipitation and process scale up

Based on the optimized values identified above at small scale (1 L), the effect of agitation
speed (100, 150, 200 and 250 rpm) on precipitation of proteins from FWS was evaluated at
pH 3.5, 100 oC, and a treatment time of 10 min using a 15 L reactor. The reactor was
equipped with accessories for precise control of pH, temperature and agitation speed (Fig.
1). The reactor (15 L, total volume) used in the study was fitted with 4 baffles and an agitator,
comprising three impellers. The geometry of the impeller was three six-flat blade turbines
(Rushton turbine) with a diameter of 0.08 m. The average shear rate (s-1) was calculated
based on the geometry of the impeller using the formula (Equation 1) [17].

γ = ksN (1)
Where γ is the average shear rate, ks is a constant, which depends on the geometry of the
impeller and N is the rotational impeller speed. After heat treatment in the reactor, FSW
samples were centrifuged and the supernatants used for analysis.

Coagulation/precipitation using CMC

Precipitation at room temperature

Coagulation/precipitation of proteins from FWS with addition of CMC was conducted as

reported in the literature at room temperature (20 oC) [14]. Coagulation/precipitation of FWS
samples was carried by first adding CMC (0.50% w/v) to FWS at different initial pH values
(3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.5 and 6.5) and at room temperature (20 oC). The initial pH of FWS was
adjusted using 1 N H2SO4 acid or 1 N NaOH. Then, the samples were mixed at 70 rpm for 10
min in a jar test apparatus using 1000 mL glass beakers. After mixing, the samples were kept
at room temperature for 1 h (for settling). The precipitates were separated by centrifugation
at 8000 rpm for 10 min. The residual protein concentration in the supernatant was measured.
The treated samples at different pH value were also kept in 1 L graduated glass bottles
overnight to determine gravity sedimentation of the precipitates.

Precipitation at elevated temperature

Protein precipitation from FWS at elevated temperature was carried out by adding the 0.25%
w/v concentration of CMC to FWS at different pH values (3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.5 and 6.5) with
good agitation. Then the samples were heated for 10 min at 100 oC. Following this treatment,
the samples were left to settle for sedimentation of the precipitate to occur.

Combination of thermal precipitation followed by coagulation with


Effect of pH at which CMC was added after heat treatment

FWS was first heat-treated at pH 3.5, 100 oC for 10 min. Then the solution was cooled to 70
C and pH was adjusted to the desired value (5.0, 5.5, 6.0 and 6.5). Then CMC of
concentration 0.25% w/v was added to each sample. The samples were mixed in a jar test
apparatus for 10 min and kept for 2 h to settle the precipitates. Protein content and COD
were measured in the supernatant following sedimentation.

Heat treatment followed by addition of different concentrations of CMC

The effective concentration of CMC for precipitation of the residual proteins was optimized by
fortifying the heat-treated supernatants (pH 3.5, 100 oC, 10 min) with different concentrations
of CMC (0.0, 0.05, 0.075, 0.10, 0.20 and 0.25% w/v) followed by adjustment of pH to 5.5.
The samples were mixed for 10 min in a jar test apparatus and kept in graduated cylinders
(500 mL) overnight (12 h) to settle for sedimentation to occur.

Addition of CMC at different temperatures

The optimal temperature for CMC addition was evaluated by adding the 0.05% w/v
concentration of CMC, pH 5.5 at different temperatures (20, 35, 50 and 75 oC). Prior to this,
FWS was heat-treated at 100 C, pH 3.5, 10 min followed by cooling to different
temperatures (20, 35, 50 and 75 oC). After cooling to the desired temperature, pH was
adjusted to 5.5 and the 0.05% w/v concentration of CMC was added. The treated solutions
were mixed and kept settle for sedimentation to occur.

Optimization of mixing time and determination of sediment volume

Mixing time was optimized, using the optimal values for CMC concentration, pH and
temperature in a 15 L reactor (Fig. 1). Firstly fermented whey supernatant was heat-treated
at 100 oC, pH 3.5 for 10 min at an agitation rate of 250 rpm. After the heat-treatment, the
temperature was brought down to 50 oC and 0.05% w/v CMC was added followed by pH
adjustment to 5.5. Mixing was done at 50 oC at an agitation rate of 250 rpm for up to 60 min.
Samples were withdrawn at 15 min intervals and left to settle for sedimentation to occur.
Sediment volume was also measured in only heat treated solution and CMC added solution
to compare the compactness of the sediments after overnight (12 h) gravity settling. Zone
settling velocity of the FWS after CMC addition was evaluated as per Metcalf and Eddy [18].
After thermal and CMC treatment the FWS mixtures were transferred to 1 L graduated glass
cylinders. The height of the settled zone with respect to time (each 15 min) was recorded and
the slope of the straight line (settled zone height versus settling time) was determined to
calculate the zone settling velocity.


Protein concentration of the samples was measured according to Lowry et al. [19]. The
standard curve was drawn with different concentrations of bovine serum albumin (BSA)

obtained by diluting a 1 mg/mL BSA stock solution. Suspended solids (SS) and COD of the
samples were measured by Standard Methods [20]. Turbidity of the samples was measured
using the Micro 100 Turbidity meter, Hach Company.

Cations and anions contents of the precipitates obtained at pH 3.5 and 4.5 were analyzed by
ICP-AES (Varian Vista AX, USA) after partial digestion of the samples (of the precipitated
proteins) using an acid-peroxide reagent (HNO3 and H2O2). To partially digest the samples,
0.5 g of dry precipitated sample was taken in a 50 mL Pyrex glass tube and 5 mL of 50%
HNO3 was added followed by heating for 10 min at 95 ± 2 oC. Concentrated HNO3 (2.5 mL)
was added to the samples and digestion continued at 95 ± 2 oC for 1 h. After this 1 h
digestion, 9 mL of 30% (v/v) H2O2 was added followed by digestion for 2 h at 95 ± 2 oC.
Finally, 2.5 mL of concentrated HNO3 was added and the samples heated for 15 min. The
final digestates were diluted up to 50 mL with Milli-Q water and used for metals analysis by
ICP-AES. Quality control of elemental analysis by ICP-AES was performed with two certified
liquid samples (multi-element standards, catalog number 900-Q30-100 (Lot SC-8305871)
and 990-Q30-101 (Lot SC7256497), SCP Science, Lasalle, QC, Canada).

All bench-scale experiments were conducted in duplicates, whereas all of the reactor-scale
experiments were carried out one time only. However, analysis of all samples was carried out
in triplicates, irrespective of the experiment (lab- or reactor-scales) and the average value
was reported (with standard error less than 5% of the mean).


Recovery of residual proteins by thermal precipitation

The change in the molecular weight (MW) of native proteins due to proteolysis would change
the characteristics of these proteins, and therefore, this would require different thermal
precipitation conditions to recover the residual fermented whey proteins. A second inhibitory
factor, lactose is fortunately not present in fermented whey supernatants. The important
factors, which affect precipitation of whey proteins, are pH, heating temperature, ionic
strength and protein concentration. The major component of whey proteins is β-lactoglobulin
and it shares around 50% of the total whey proteins. The pI of β-lactoglobulin is in the pH
range of 5.2-5.4 [21]. Aging (treatment time) and agitation also affect protein precipitation and
the particles size of precipitates. Increase in aging with agitation rate increases the
precipitation of α-lactalbumin; however, particle size of the precipitates is inversely
proportional to agitation [22]. During heat precipitation, protein molecules became unfolded

(denaturation), and then, aggregation occurs due to covalent binding between active
sulphydryl (-SH) groups of the two intermolecular protein surfaces (i.e. thiol/disulphide
exchange) [23, 24]. The second step of the aggregation mechanism is interaction (due to
fluid motion and collision of particles within the fluid) between the different denatured
molecules, which leads to formation of the aggregates. The second step of aggregation
controlls the rate of aggregation at elevated temperatures, and thus, making stirring
(agitation) an important parameters during heat induced denaturation process [23].

Effect of temperature

Precipitation of proteins increased with an increase of temperature and maximal precipitation

(46%) was observed at 100 oC (Fig. 2a). A temperature above 100 oC was not tested to
prevent boiling of water and also denaturation of proteins at higher temperature. At lower
temperatures only negligible protein precipitation (at 80 oC only 2.5%) was observed. The
temperature needed for unfolding the native whey protein has been reported to be higher
than 70±2 oC and precipitation was directly proportional to the temperature used [25].
Temperature is the critical factor for breaking the disulphide bonds and to create new thiol-
disulphide bonds [26]. Thus, the residual soluble proteins in the yeast FWS followed almost
the same trend in precipitation as that of the native proteins in cheese whey.

Effect of pH

The results revealed that the optimal pH for thermal precipitation (at 100 oC) was between
4.0 and 4.5 with 53% protein precipitation (Fig. 2b). There was a decrease in protein
precipitation at pH above 4.5, which indicated that the pI of most of the residual proteins
(formed during fermentation due to hydrolysis) was between pH 4-4.5. The proteins typically
have the least solubility near their pI [27]. The maximal precipitation was obtained at pH 4.5.
However, the precipitated solids (mostly protein) at pH 3.5 settled without centrifugation, but
with comparatively less protein recovery (47% of the total). The observed optimal pH for
maximal residual protein precipitation was different from that of the native whey proteins (pH
of 5.3) [28]. This could be due to a change in the nature of the proteins after fermentation [6].
Due to the presence of new (hydrolysed) proteins with a much reduced MW and a different
pI, different precipitation condition were needed. The majority of the studies on whey protein
precipitation have been carried out using pure β-lactoglobulin as model protein and the
dominant mechanism of heat-induced aggregation has been reported to be unfolding of the
protein, which results in exposure and activation of free sulphydryl groups. The activated free
sulphydryl groups form aggregates via a thiol/disulphide exchange reaction between an

activated β-lactoglobulin intermediate and a free (reactive) thiol group. β-lactoglobulin also
unfolds and aggregates through a series of parallel and successive steps, which involves
hydrophobically-driven association reactions. Unfolding reactions of protein would be the
rate-limiting step at low treatment temperature, at pH values close to the pI (5.2) and at high
ionic strength; whereas aggregation reactions would be reduced at high treatment
temperature, pH values far from the pIs and at low ionic strength. At very acidic pH values (2-
3), β-lactoglobulin bears only positive charge in contrast to its amphoteric behaviour at
neutral pH. At low pH condition, electrostatic interactions between monomers are purely
repulsive and two opposite effects on protein aggregation would be involved. First, an
increase in ionic strength reduces the intermolecular repulsion (between molecules) because
of the screening of charged groups, and thus, increasing the aggregation rate. Second, an
increase in ionic strength increases the denaturation temperature of the protein because
screening of the charged groups reduces intra-molecular repulsion, therefore, increasing
conformational stability [7]. The mechanism discussed above should be applicable to the
fermented whey proteins as they are mostly derived from native whey proteins.

Treatment time

Effect of different treatment duration on precipitation of the residual proteins was studied at
both pH 3.5 and 4.5 and the results are given in Figs. 3a and 3b. The results indicate that in
both cases a thermal treatment time of 5 min (after reaching the temperature of 100 oC) was
sufficient for maximal soluble protein precipitation. There was no significant increase in
precipitated proteins after 5 min of heat treatment. At the same time, residual COD after
precipitation at pH 3.5 and 4.5 was 47.5% and 46%, respectively. Thus, during precipitation,
COD reduction from FWS up to 52.5 and 54% was achieved in both cases (Figs. 3a and 3b).
The protein precipitates obtained at pH 3.5 settled well (within ~8-10 h) without any need for
centrifugation. The heat treatment time for maximal precipitation (5-10 min at 100 oC) is
comparatively less than that required (30 min at 92±2 oC) for precipitation of the cheese whey
protein in presence of lactose [28]. The maximum of protein precipitation was only 47% at pH
3.5, but COD reduction was comparatively high as compared to the protein precipitated.
Generally, 1.0 g of protein equals to 1.5 g of COD [29] {total COD removed (5.4 g) - COD
removed due to protein precipitation (2.70 g) = 2.70 g of extra COD was removed during the
precipitation}. The higher COD reduction during precipitation than that equivalent to protein
precipitated might be due to the removal of other organic (phenolic) compounds together with
the precipitated proteins. The interaction between phenolic/polyphenolic compounds and
proteins (plants, milk and whey proteins) during precipitation is well documented [30-32] and

could be one of the reasons for the removal of organics, which would explain the higher COD

Protein-polyphenolic complexes are formed due to various weak interactions such as

hydrophobic, van der Waals and hydrogen bonding. However, hydrophobic interactions are
reported to be dominant [33-35]. Moreover, interactions due to hydrophobic bonding between
bovine serum albumin (type of milk or whey protein) and flavour compounds (esters,
aldehydes and ketones) have also been reported [36]. The presence of such organic
compounds (e.g. phenylethyl alcohol, aldehydes, ketones and acids) in FWS has been
reported in our previous work [6]. Thus, these compounds are most likely to be removed
along with proteins during precipitation. The concentration of these organic compounds in the
precipitated proteins should not be an issue for safety and quality of the product (i.e.
precipitated proteins) as the presence of such organic compounds has also been reported in
the cheese whey-based fermented beer, and kefir-like beverages [37, 38].

The quality control issue might be raised due to the presence of synthetic hormones (such as
recombinant bovine growth hormone-rBGH) in cheese whey, which is used by dairy farmers
to increase milk production in cows. The hormones have been used in the USA since their
approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1993, but their use is not permitted in
the European Union, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Israel, since 2000. The
presence of such hormones in milk has been confirmed by various studies. However, there is
no consensus on their harmful effects or not on consumers. These hormones are mostly
degraded in the digestive system when a milk containing them is ingested by human/animal
[39, 40]. On the other hand, the use of hormones leads to adverse effects on cows, such as
higher rates of mastitis, foot problems, and reactions at the injection site. Thus, to avoid such
infections the use of antibiotics has been in practice. The residues of those antibiotics in milk
may lead to antibiotics resistance and to health risk for humans and therefore precautions
are needed. The most commonly used antibiotics in lactating cows are penicillin. Other than
penicillin, the most used antibiotics are oxytetracycline, sulfadiazine, metronidazole,
chloramphanicol, cephalosporins, streptomycin, and rifampicin. Most commonly excreted
antibiotics in milk are oxytetracycline, chloramphenicol and streptomycin [41-43]. In
conclusion, hormones have no side-effect if present in milk. However, due to the adverse
effects of hormones on cows, the use of antibiotics is higher that finally end up in the milk.
This concern might be raised in the USA, however, countries like Canada, which banned the
use of lactating hormones and therefore, at present safe from these concerns.

The other side of whey proteins is that it can decrease the absorption of antibiotics in the
body due to interaction of antibiotics with calcium. A well-established example of such
interaction is between tetracycline and calcium [44]. In one sense the interaction of antibiotics
with protein will be beneficial in order to reduce absorption and the side-effects of antibiotics,
if the antibiotics are present in recovered protein and these used by the consumer. It may be
possible that antibiotics present in cheese whey are degraded during yeast fermentation,
which needs to be verified. Degradation of some of the whey native organic compounds was
observed as reported in our previous study [6].Other chemicals such as herbicides and
pesticides are also of concern for the quality of milk and dairy products [43]. However, these
can be divided in both the cheese and the whey fraction, thus, diluting their concentration,
which still needs to be verified.

Cations/anions content of the precipitates

The content of cations and anions was determined in both the precipitates obtained at pH 3.5
and 4.5. Generally speaking, content of anions and cations in the precipitates was
significantly higher at low pH i.e. pH 3.5 (Table 1). Protein molecules at low pH usually exist
as positively charged entities [7]. Therefore, interaction of anions with positively charged
proteins (at pH 3.5) resulted in higher precipitation of anions (SO42- and PO43-). Cross-
bridging (between phosphate and sulfate attached to protein with cations) could be the
dominant mechanism to explain the higher precipitation of monovalent and divalent cations at
low pH (3.5). Another reason behind Ca2+ precipitation might be the presence of
phosphoserine in the protein molecules [45]. Phosphoserine molecules bind with calcium,
and probably with other cations, leading to their precipitation. Also, the higher mineral
contents of the precipitates at low pH (3.5) produced dense flocs, which resulted in fast
settling and compact sediments, and thus, obviating the need of centrifugation (as discussed
above). The high content of minerals (e.g. calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and
sulfur) could enhance the value of proteins in the precipitated solids as these are well known
essential minerals present in protein rich animal feeds [46].

Role of agitation in precipitating proteins in a large-scale process

The role of the agitation rate (shear rate) on protein precipitation was evaluated and the
results obtained are presented in Table 2. The results showed that there was an increase in
protein precipitation with agitation. Heat treatment with agitation increased protein
precipitation from 47% to 68%. The effect of agitation was considerable and demonstrated
that the shear rate is an important factor. Initially, protein precipitation increased from 47% to

61% with only a small increment in agitation (Table 2), which indicates that agitation is
required for aggregation of the heat-precipitated proteins. Further increments in the shear
rate did not substantially increase precipitation. Agitation in a reactor increases the shear rate
between particles, which leads to higher interactions between unfolded protein molecules,
and thus, results in higher aggregation. Increased interactions of active molecules resulted in
an increase of protein precipitation in dynamic state compared to the precipitation in static
state. Later increase in shear rate with agitation did not significantly increase the precipitation
rate, which indicated that the interaction of the active unfolded protein was almost completed.
A similar trend for the shear rate effect on whey protein precipitation has been reported and
revealed that the initial shear rate was important in whey protein aggregation. Shear rate
increases aggregation and decreases the particle size of the aggregates leading to higher
compactness of the precipitate [22, 24, 28].

Overall, thermal protein precipitation was increased by 13.3% at pH 4.5 compared to pH 3.5.
Although thermal protein precipitation at pH 4.5 was significantly higher, pH 3.5 was selected
for further studies due to the fact that, at this pH protein (precipitated) separation was
possible without centrifugation. Treatment time had an insignificant effect (less than 0.8%
variation) on protein precipitation. However, it was observed that the precipitate was more
stable with the treatment time of 10 min. Agitation had the most significant impact (47.8%
increment) on the thermal protein precipitation.

The residual COD removal from FWS was 62% (6.24 g/L). The overall COD reduction from
cheese whey (79% during fermentation and 12.5% during protein precipitation) was
approximately 91.5%, which is a substantial pollution load reduction. The precipitated solids
settled by gravity without centrifugation. The scale-up (reactor) study indicated that the
process could be used in cheese processing plants where yeast biomass (animal feed)
production becomes the option of choice.

Precipitation/coagulation with CMC

Precipitation with CMC at room temperature

The attractive interaction between proteins and polysaccharides has been used in many
processes to recover proteins or to stabilize food products. The attractive forces between
proteins and polysaccharides arise from electrostatic interactions of the two -weak or -strong
oppositely charged polyelectrolytes that forms a complex. The electrostatically-bound
complexes may be either soluble or insoluble [47]. CMC, an anionic polysaccharide, is very

effective as a protein-precipitating agent. The strong interaction of anionic polysaccharides
with proteins is assumed to take place at pH values between the pI of the protein and the pK
value of the polysaccharides [48].

An initial experiment with CMC was conducted to identify the optimal pH value. The results
for precipitation obtained with a 0.50% w/v concentration of CMC at different pH are
presented in Fig. 4. The results established that the optimal pH for maximal protein
precipitation with CMC was pH 5.5 (Fig. 4). Above and below the optimal pH, protein
precipitation decreased. The reason for the change in the degree of precipitation at different
pH values is probably due to changes in charge distribution; precipitation is known to occur
due to electrostatic attraction between proteins and CMC. The charge on the protein
molecules and CMC depends on the pH of the medium (solution) [49]. The optimal pH for
maximal precipitation/coagulation of protein from cheese whey with CMC has been reported
to be between 3 to 4 for native whey proteins [14, 50], values that one substantially different
from that identified in the present study (pH 5.5). The difference in the optimal pH is due to a
change in the nature of the residual soluble proteins during yeast fermentation. The
maximum of protein precipitated at the optimal pH was 28.5% w/w of the initial protein level.
The precipitates settled slowly (more than 15 h) with a high residual turbidity (150 NTU).
Therefore, under these conditions, the proteins would not be separated only by gravity
settling and centrifugation was required for effective separation of the precipitates.

Precipitation/coagulation at elevated temperature

Protein precipitation with FWS samples at different initial pH values (3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.5
and 6.5) fortified with 0.25% w/v CMC and concomitant heat treatment for 10 min at 100 oC
was studied. Surprisingly, the results observed no precipitation (visually no precipitation at
any pH). Inhibition of protein aggregation was probably due to destabilization of the
electrostatic forces between proteins and CMC or to interactions between the globular
proteins and CMC preventing aggregation of the complexes. It has been reported that, at
higher temperatures hydrophobic interactions between protein molecules may overcome the
electrostatic interactions between proteins and anionic polysaccharides. The interaction of
globular proteins with charged polysaccharides can inhibit thermal aggregation of proteins.
On a similar line, the inhibition of aggregation of bovine serum albumin in presence of pectin
or alginate has been reported [51].

Combination of thermal precipitation followed by coagulation with

The results from thermal protein precipitation or from polymer-assisted (CMC) precipitation
were analysed and compared. Thermal precipitation was found to be more efficient to
recover residual soluble proteins from (68% of total soluble protein recovered) FWS.
Moreover, recovery through thermal precipitation at pH 3.5, as said before, did not require
centrifugation and the precipitated proteins could be recovered by gravity settling alone. On
the other, hand polymer-assisted precipitation alone gave only 28% of total protein recovery.
Therefore, to enhance the further protein recovery, combinations of these two individual
precipitation methods were evaluated as described below.

Effect of pH at which CMC was added after heat treatment

Protein precipitation from FWS with heat treatment (at 100 oC, pH 3.5 for 10 min) followed by
adjustment of pH at different values (3.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0 and 6.5) and by addition of 0.25% w/v
of CMC was tested (Fig. 5a). The results revealed that, after the heat treatment, the optimal
pH for CMC addition was 5.5 for maximal protein precipitation/coagulation. This optimal pH
was similar to the one found for precipitation at ambient temperature. The results showed
that maximal interaction of CMC with proteins was at pH 5.5 and this might have been due to
the nature of the residual proteins, following thermal precipitation, which were positively
charged molecules able to forms complexs with CMC. Above and below pH 5.5, a decrease
in precipitation occurred. As said before, a decrease in the efficiency of precipitation above
and below pH 5.5 was due to changes in the charge on the interacting molecules.
Furthermore, after heat treatment at pH 3.5, the pH of the solution needs to be increased to
pH 5.5 for protein and CMC interactions to happen.

Optimization of CMC concentration in heat-treated solution

The optimal concentration of CMC required after heat treatment (at 100 oC, pH 3.5 for 10
min) followed by pH adjustment to 5.5 and addition of different concentrations of CMC was
investigated (Fig 5b). Maximal precipitation of proteins was obtained with 0.05% w/v CMC. At
CMC concentrations above 0.05% w/v, there was a decrease in protein precipitation and an
apperent increase in the COD value of the residual FWS solutions. This increase in COD
values indicates that CMC concentrations above the optimal value did not bind with the
protein and remained in the solution, which resulted in increased COD value.

Addition of CMC at different temperatures

Samples of FWS were heat-treated (at 100 oC, pH 3.5 for 10 min) and cooled to different
temperatures followed by addition of CMC (0.05% w/v) (Fig. 5c). The results revealed that
the optimal temperature (for maximal precipitation of proteins and maximal COD reduction)
for addition of CMC was 50 oC. A temperature of 75 oC, resulted in a decrease in
precipitation. The reason might be exposure of the hydrophobic groups and that resulted to
overcome the electrostatic attraction as explained before. A temperature below 50 oC gave
somewhat lower protein precipitation results. Thus, when temperature reaches 50 oC (during
cooling); CMC should then be added to attain maximal precipitation of proteins.

Overall, addition of CMC significantly increased (13.4%) protein precipitation at pH 5.5 as

compared to pH 3.5. Addition of 0.05% CMC significantly increased (20.8%) protein
precipitation compared to the control (no CMC addition). CMC addition was carried out
during the process of cooling of the sample, once the temperature reached 50 oC. Protein
precipitation was relatively higher (20.2%) at 50 oC.

Optimization of mixing time and determination of sediment volume

The effect of mixing time after the heat treatment, cooling to 50 oC, adjustment of pH and
addition of CMC (0.05% w/v, pH 5.5 at 50 oC) was evaluated and the results are presented in
Table 3. The results indicate that a 15 min mixing time was sufficient for maximal protein
precipitation. Mixing times of more than 15 min gave no significant increase in protein
precipitation. This confirms that a 15 min mixing time at 250 rpm in the reactor is optimal for
maximal protein precipitation. Mixing is an important factor, which is responsible for the
interactions between proteins and CMC. The requirement of mixing or shear rate up to an
optimal level is reported to be important to improve process efficiency using polymer
precipitation [52]. Overall, thermal treatment followed by CMC addition increased protein
precipitation by 18.1% as compared to thermal treatment alone.

The sediment volume after overnight (12 h) gravity settling of the various samples was
measured after different mixing times. The results indicates that addition of CMC helped the
precipitates to settle down more compactly (reduce sediment volume) compared to only heat
treated samples (Table 3; Fig. 6). Compactness of the precipitate is an additional advantage
besides increase protein recovery. Turbidity of the FWS during precipitation/coagulation
process was also removed and it decreased from 580 NTU (FWS) to 10-20 NTU
(supernatant after protein precipitation) (Table 3). The low turbidity indicated that FWS was

highly purified and that the purified FWS could be disposed or reused as dilution water for the
cheese whey needed prior to fermentation. The calculated zone settling velocity of the
precipitate was 0.48 cm/min. This value could be used to define the shape/size of a settler or
clarifier for a real word process.

On the basis of the previously reported work by Yadav et al. [6] and from the present study,
an integrated plant could be designed for SCP production with recovery of the residual
soluble whey proteins. The results of the previous study (i.e. continuous fermentation at pH
3.5 and 40 oC with cell recycle) followed by the present study on protein recovery, a process
treating 1000 L/day of diluted whey could be implemented as shown in Fig. 7. The recovered
proteins could be used to increase the protein content of the yeast biomass. The yeast
biomass protein content obtained was 42% w/w (Fig 7, option 1), which could be mixed with
the precipitated proteinaceous solids containing approximately 56% w/w protein. Addition of
these proteinaceous solids could increase the protein content approximately up to 49% w/w
(Fig 7, option 2). The settled proteinaceous solids could also be spray dried together with the
yeast biomass slurry, and thus, substantial savings could be achieved. Mixing of the
recovered proteinaceous solids will enhance product quality in two ways: i) the overall protein
content of the produced SCP will be increased; ii) the amino acid profile of the SCP will also
be balanced due to the higher content of sulfur-containing amino acids (cysteine and
methionine) in the whey-derived proteins. Moreover, the digestibility of whey proteins is
reported to be higher over other sources of proteins [53]. On the other hand, the SCP from
the whey fermenting yeast K. marxianus generally lacks sulfur-containing amino acids [54].
Thus, the overall protein quality will be better compared to SCP alone and this will improve
the value of the proposed proteinaceous product.


The optimal conditions for maximal residual protein precipitation from fermented whey
supernatant were pH 4.5, temperature of 100 oC for 5 min. The gravity sedimentable
precipitates were found at pH 3.5. Sedimentation of the precipitates obviates the need of
centrifugation for protein recovery, and therefore, pH 3.5 was used for scale up. Precipitation
at pH 3.5 also gave precipitates rich in mineral contents, which could be mixed with the yeast
biomass to increase the final mineral content of the product. The combination of two
precipitation processes (thermal treatment followed by CMC addition) increased protein
recovery to approximately 81%. Residual COD removal was also increased during the
combined process. The acidity of treated water reached toward neutrality (pH 5.5) from acidic
(pH 3.5) and could be discarded to natural stream. The protein content of the final product

was increased from 42% w/w to 49% w/w by mixing precipitates with yeast biomass with an
increase in quantity of product of approximately 48%. Overall COD removal increased from
79% (removed during fermentation) to 93% (including 14% removal during precipitation).
This optimised method for residual protein recovery could be useful for industrial scale
processes where raw cheese whey is directly used to produce SCP for animal feed


Authors are sincerely thankful to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada (Grant A4984, RDCPJ379601-08, and Canada Research Chair) for their financial


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Table 1. Cations and anions content of precipitates obtained at pH-3.5 and pH-4.5

Cations and anions Al B Ca Fe K Mg Mn Na P S

in precipitates

pH 3.5 (g/kg 0.01 0.03 6.66 0.05 17.96 1.95 0.07 12.36 7.30 38.76

pH 4.5 (g/kg 0.01 0.24 3.17 0.05 5.76 0.87 0.08 4.87 2.40 21.29

Table 2. Effect of different agitation rates (average shear rate) on protein precipitation and COD
removal at treatment conditions: time 10 min, pH 3.5 and temperature of 100 C

Agitation Average % of protein % of COD Suspended solids Protein content in

speed shear precipitated reduction during (g/L) after the precipitated
(rpm) rate (s ) precipitation precipitation solids (% w/w)

0 0 46.3±1.19 53.0±1.16 3.3 55.0

100 50 61.4±0.72 59.8±0.95 4.4 56.0

150 75 62.6±0.74 60.5±0.97 4.4 56.0

200 100 67.7±0.94 61.8±1.10 4.7 55.5

250 125 68.5±0.67 62.0±0.67 4.8 55.0

Table 3. Effect of mixing time on precipitation with CMC at reactor scale*

Mixing time (min) % of protein % of COD Turbidity Sediment Suspended (% w/w) of

precipitated removal (NTU) volume solids (S.S) in protein content
after 12 h (mL/500 the precipitated in the
settling mL) (after sediment (g/L) precipitated
12 h) solids

10 (only heating) 68.6±0.82 62.0±1.64 16.6 130 18.8 55.8

15 80.3±1.85 67.6±2.57 16.3 110 25.3 56.3

30 80.8±1.54 67.6±1.96 11.3 110 25.4 56.5

45 81.8±1.88 67.3±2.62 9.6 100 28.3 56.4

60 81.3±2.20 67.4±2.35 8.6 100 28.1 56.4

*CMC concentration of 0.05% w/v, pH 5.5, 50 C and agitation rate of 250 rpm after heat treatment
(pH 3.5, 100 C, 250 rpm, 10 min).

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the reactor tank used for protein precipitation

Figure 2. (a) Effect of temperature on precipitation of residual proteins in FWS at pH 3.5 with a
treatment time of 15 min; (b) Effect of pH on precipitation of proteins from FWS at 100 C for 15

Figure 3. (a) Effect of different incubation times on proteins precipitation and COD removal at
100 C and pH 3.5; (b) Effect of different incubation times on proteins precipitation and COD
removal at pH 4.5 at 100 C

Precipitated protein (%) 30





3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.5 6.5

Figure 4. Effect of different pH on precipitation of proteins with a 0.50% w/v concentration of


Figure 5. (a) Heat treatment followed by change of pH and addition of CMC; (b) Heat treatment
followed by addition of different conc. of CMC at pH 5.5; (c) Effect of temp. on precipitation with
CMC at pH 5.5 after heat treatment

Control treated Heat+ CMC

Figure 6. Precipitate of proteins obtained after only heat treatment and after heat treatment
followed by CMC addition

Cheese whey with initial COD 50 g/L and
protein content 0.56% w/v; 1000 L/day

Continuous aerobic
process with K.
marxianus at pH 3.5 Disposal leads to waste
and temperature 40 C of residual proteins; high
Supernatant ~950 L/day; residual
COD 10 g/L, protein content 0.39% residual COD and acidic
w/v pH (3.5); restrict
disposal; needs further

Heat and CMC

Concentrated biomass
Option 2
slurry (~50 L) with
suspended solids (130 g/L)
Gravity settling (10 h)

Sediment 185 L with Treated supernatant

25 g/L SS* (765 L) pH 5.5, low COD
Option 1 (3.5 g/L) could be

Mixing of biomass slurry

Spray drying with precipitate Option-2 to recover product through
precipitated slurry from supernatant

Spray drying If not treated

SCP 6.5 kg/day, If treated by heat and CMC

protein content ~42%
w/w ~11 kg/day high quality SCP with
protein content (~49% w/w), rich
in essential amino acids

Figure 7. Flow chart summarizing the results and future prospectives

*SS: suspended solids







Jay Shankar Singh Yadav1, Jyothi Bezawada1, Song Yan1, R. D. Tyagi1* and R.
Y. Surampalli2

INRS-ETE, Université du Québec, 490, rue de la Couronne, Québec, Canada G1K 9A9
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, P. O. Box 17-2141, Kansas City, KS 66117.

*Corresponding author: R. D. Tyagi, E-mail: [email protected]; Tel: (418) 654 2617

Canadian Journal of Microbiology

58(8) (2012): 937-952


Les levures sont traditionnellement utilisées à des fins d’applications biotechnologiques et les
espèces Saccharomyces constituent les représentantes les plus fréquentes. Parmi les
espèces de levures utilisées, Candida krusei isolée de différents habitats, a suscité au cours
des dernières années un intérêt accru à cause de ses rôles variés en biotechnologie. On la
retrouve dans plusieurs types d’aliments et de produits laitiers fermentés, et elle a aussi été
exploitée pour produire des composés biochimiques et des enzymes. Cependant, à cause de
sa nature pathogène opportuniste, elle est l’objet d’une attention scientifique particulière en
regard de la sécurité de son exploitation industrielle. Candida krusei cause des infections
chez les patients immunosupprimés comme ceux atteints du virus d’immunodéficience
humaine (VIH) – syndrome de l’immunodéficience acquise (SIDA) et les patients cancéreux.
L’augmentation récente de l’utilisation de médicaments immunosuppresseurs a aussi accru
les risques d’infection à C. krusei. Candida krusei possède une résistance intrinsèque à
plusieurs médicaments antifongiques de type triazole, notamment le fluconazole, qui est la
principale drogue utilisée en thérapie antifongique; ainsi son utilisation industrielle sécuritaire
soulève de sérieuses questions.

Mots-clés: Candida krusei; Biologie de la levure; Applications biotechnologiques;



Yeasts have a tradition in biotechnological applications and Saccharomyces species are the
most dominating representatives. Among the yeast species, Candida krusei has been
isolated from different habitats and in recent years, it has gained increased interest because
of its diverse biotechnological roles. It is found in many fermented food items and dairy
products and it has also been exploited for production of biochemicals and enzymes.
However, because of its opportunistic pathogenic nature, it draws scientific attention
regarding the safety of its industrial exploitation. Candida krusei generally causes infections
in immunocompromised patients, such as those suffering from the Human immunodeficiency
virus-acquired immune deficiency syndrome, and also in cancer patients. The recent
increase in the use of immunosuppressive drugs has increased the chances of C. krusei
infections. Candida krusei possesses an intrinsic resistance to many triazole antifungal
drugs, especially fluconazole, which is a main drug used in antifungal therapy; therefore,
there is serious concern regarding its safe industrial use.

Keywords: Candida krusei; Yeast biology, Biotechnological applications; Pathogenicity.


Yeasts are well known for their biotechnological potential or industrial applications. Yeasts
are usually used in both traditional and modern biotechnology for the production of food
products, beverages, enzymes, fine chemicals, and pharmaceuticals. Yeasts are also used in
the production of single-cell protein, flavouring compounds, and in various biotransformations
(Satyanarayana and Kunze 2009). Modern research is also exploiting yeasts for research in
genetics, molecular biololy and cell biology. Though it is true that the majority of the research
has been focused on 2 species, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces
pombe, another medically important yeast, Candida albicans, is being exploited mainly in
biomedical and clinical research. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the most biotechnologically
exploited yeast species because of its Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) status, as
designated by the United States Food and Drug Administration. There is an increasing
interest in the use of molecular biology tools and processes to develop some
nonconventional yeast strains for the production of beneficial products. Among
nonconventional yeasts, Candida species mainly draw interest for their biotechnological

The important pathogenic species in the genus Candida are Candida albicans, Candida
tropicalis, and Candida glabrata. These species contribute to more than 80% of the clinical
isolates, while species like Candida krusei, Candida parapsilosis, Candida guilliermondii, and
Candida kefyr strains are isolated sporadically and are thought to be less virulent
(Samaranayake and Samaranayake 1994). Recent clinical data also show similar trends
regarding the Candida species, where C. albicans is the predominant yeast in blood
infections, accounting for 55% of the total yeast isolates in the United States. It is also
dominant in Canada, Latin America, and Europe. After C. albicans, the dominant species are
C. glabrata (21%), C. parapsilosis (11%), C. tropicalis (9%), C. krusei (2%), and other
Candida species (2%) (Pfaller et al. 2006, 2008; Fenn 2007). Samie and Mashao (2012)
reported on the diversity of yeast infection from HIV-infected patients with tuberculosis from
South Africa. The identified species were Cryptococcus neoformans (28%), C. parapsilosis
(19%), C. krusei (16%), C. albicans (15%), C. tropicalis (13%), and others (4%).

Candida krusei draws the attention of many researchers for its potential biotechnological
exploitation. Candida krusei shows various biotechnological potentials, but the literature
available on its industrial applications is limited. The main reason for this is its opportunistic
pathogenic nature. Candida krusei represents the imperfect form of Issatchenkia orientalis

(Barnett et al. 2000). Candida krusei presence has been documented in different natural food
products like cheese (Prillinger et al. 1999), cassava fermentation (Oyewole 2001), tapai
(Chiang et al. 2006), and togwa (Tanzanian fermented food) (Mugula et al. 2003). Though C.
krusei has various beneficial roles, its use is limited because of its pathogenicity, drug
resistance, and current scenario of medication where immunosuppressive drugs are
commonly used (Hachem et al. 2008; Garnacho-Montero et al. 2010). This article reviews
both the positive impacts of C. krusei, namely its role in fermented food production and
potential use in modern biotechnology, and its negative impacts, such as causing infection
and being drug-resistant.


Yeast species are found within 2 phyla of the Fungi kingdom: the Ascomycota and the
Basidiomycota. Under certain conditions, ascomycetous yeasts, such as Saccharomyces
and Candida species, form ascospores, while basidomycetous yeasts, such as Trichosporon
and Rhodotorula species, are known to produce external spores (Suh et al. 2006; Morrow
and Fraser 2009). Fungi have sexual and asexual forms during their life cycle. The sexual
form (teleomorph) is considered as the perfect form, and the asexual form (anamorph) is
considered as the imperfect form (Jacques and Casaregola 2008). Fungi or yeast
identification by conventional methods is based on colony morphology, physiology, and
biochemical tests (assimilation of specific carbon source and fermentation tests), but
identification by these means has some disadvantages, such as the phenotypic characters
may be variable, the methods take a long time (minimum 48 h), and the results may be
misleading (Guarro et al. 1999). Therefore, the limitations of these methods has encouraged
the application of molecular biology approaches. The variation in the D1–D2 region of the
large subunit (26S) of ribosomal DNA was used as a basis to develop a standard test for
identification of yeasts and for understanding interspecific phylogenetic relationships
(Kurtzman and Robnett 1998). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based methods such as
random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and restriction fragment length polymorphism
(RFLP) approaches are extensively used for identification of yeast species. The RAPD
technique is based on application of a short (10 bases long) arbitrary primer to amplify the
total genomic DNA at low annealing temperature by PCR. Amplification products are usually
separated on agarose gels and stained with ethidium bromide. Thanos et al. (1996) used
comparative analysis of band patterns generated by RAPD to identify different Candida
species. RFLP analysis is also a widely used method for yeast species classification and is
based on the internal transcribed sequences region of their ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes.
RFLP methodology involves fragmentation of DNA by a restriction enzyme (e.g., EcoRI and

MspI) and separation of the DNA fragments through agarose gel electrophoresis, followed by
hybridization of a labeled DNA probe to a Southern-blotted genomic DNA digested fragment.
On the basis of the rRNA gene sequence, C. krusei has been identified from kefir
(Fernandez-Espinar et al. 2006; Latorre-García et al. 2007). Another molecular method,
nucleic acid sequence based amplification (NASBA), is used to identify the six medically
important Candida species, including C. krusei. NASBA is a specific and very sensitive RNA
amplification technique, which is based on the action of three enzymes, reverse
transcriptase, RNase H, and T7 RNA polymerase, in isothermal conditions. In Candida
species, the conserved regions of the 18S rRNA gene are targeted for amplification. Labelled
oligonucleotide probes are then hybridized to an internal specific sequence of the Candida
species (Trtkova and Raclavsky 2006).

In 1960, Issatchenkia was proposed as genus name by Kudryavtsev for the ascosporic state
of C. krusei. This genus was characterized by formation of spherical, possibly roughened,
ascospores formed in a persistent ascus. Kurtzman et al. (1980) assigned additional species
to this genus as Issatchenkia orientalis. However, D1–D2 LSU rRNA gene sequence analysis
suggested that Issatchenkia species are members of the Pichia membranifaciens clade
(Kurtzman and Robnett 1998). Some Issatchenkia species were described initially as Pichia
species, and valid names in this genus already exist for Pichia scutulata and Pichia terricola.
The species name Pichia orientalis was earlier given to Guilliermond, a taxon of which a
culture is no longer available. So, in 1998, Kurtzman transferred I. orientalis to Pichia under a
new species, namely Pichia kudriavzevii (Kurtzman et al. 2008). Though the species name of
I. orientalis was changed, most literature still presents C. krusei as I. orientalis. Studies of
diverse molecular markers clearly validated that C. krusei belongs to the Candida clade
species. Almost all Candida species translate CUG codons (called the CTG clade) as serine
in place of leucine except C. glabrata and C. krusei (Butler et al. 2009). Evolutionary studies
and phylogenetic analysis of Candida species based on small-subunit rRNA sequences
reveals that C. krusei is relatively more closely related to C. parapsilosis than C. albicans
(Barns et al. 1991). A mitochondrial gene is also used to evaluate phylogenetic relationships
among Candida species, and based on this gene, Yokoyama et al. (2000) showed the high
interspecies and low intraspecies divergence of the cytochrome b gene sequence. Using
cytochrome b gene sequences from the GenBank database of Candida species and S.
cerevisiae, a phylogenetic tree was made to compare the relationship among these yeast
species. The phylogenetic tree was drawn using the neighbor-joining method. The statistical
method used is maximum likelihood, after complete deletion of gaps in the cytochrome b
gene using the nearest neighbor heuristic method (Fig. 1).

Candida krusei cells are generally elongated and look like “long grains of rice” with a
dimensions of 2.2-5.6 µm × 4.3- 15.2 µm. Budding is the normal process of replication in C.
krusei in which new cells are formed by the protrusion of smaller daughter cells from the
mother cell. The maximal temperature at which C. krusei can grow is 43-45 °C. Most
Candida species require biotin for optimal growth and some have extra requirements of
vitamins, but C. krusei can grow in vitamin-free media (Samaranayake and Samaranayake
1994). All known isolates of C. krusei are able to utilize N-acetylglucosamine, DL-lactate,
glycerol, and glucose. Some of the strains can even assimilate galactose, sorbose, and
inositol (Hayford and Jakobsen 1999).

On Sabouraud’s dextrose agar, C. krusei colonies are white to cream in colour, smooth,
glassy, and wrinkled, making them difficult to differentiate from other non-C. albicans species
by classical methods; however, C. krusei colonies are identified as dry, flat, and rough-
textured with a pale pink colour in the centre and white edges on CHROMagar Candida
medium. CHROMagar Candida medium supplemented with Pal’s agar allows for the
identification of mixed Candida culture of Candida dubliniensis, C. tropicalis, C. albicans, and
C. krusei (Bernal et al. 1996; Sahand et al. 2005). The morphology of C. krusei isolated from
Toddy palm in Thailand and then grown for 48 h on yeast malt agar media was described as
oval to elongated cells under a scanning electron microscope (Tuntiwongwanich and
Leenanon 2009).

Yeasts within the Candida clade have evolved an extremely divergent pattern of sexual
development. Candida albicans undergoes a parasexual cycle wherein two diploid cells
mate, resulting in cell fusion and a ploidy increase (2N to 4N), and the tetraploid cells then
undergo mitosis and random chromosome loss to return to the diploid state with no
recognized meiosis. No sexual cycle has yet been described for C. tropicalis or C.
parapsilosis (Butler et al. 2009; Lee et al. 2010). Candida krusei is an asexual (anamorphic)
form that does not produce ascospores, while I. orientalis represents the teleomorph (non-
spore) form and persists in warmer regions. The transformation between the two forms is a
complex process and it usually depends on the environmental conditions (Barnett et al. 2000;
Jolly et al. 2006). Table 1 summarizes important characteristics of different Candida species
and compares them with those a S. cerevisiae.

Candida krusei has dual effects for human beings, because traditionally it is considered as a
nonpathogenic yeast owing to its presence in many fermented food products, but nowadays
it is identified and classified as a non-albicans opportunistic pathogenic yeast.


Fermentation is one of the oldest forms of food processing techniques. Presently, the
products of modern yeast biotechnology form the backbone of many commercially important
sectors such as foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals, industrial enzymes and other
biochemicals through fermentation processes (Satyanarayana and Kunze 2009). C. krusei
has shown its presence and importance in various traditional fermented food products, in the
production of enzymes, bioproducts, biochemicals and bioremediation applications, which
are discussed below.

Presence and role of C. krusei in traditional fermented food


Milk products

Candida krusei is present in Armada cheese, which is produced from raw goat’s milk in North
Spain using farmstead procedures without adding a starter culture, i.e., the ripening process
is completed by the natural flora of the milk. This implies a possible role of the yeast flora,
including C. krusei, in the development of flavours in this cheese (Tornadijo et al. 1998).
Candida krusei is also present in acid curd cheese produced from quarg and plays a role in
flavour production of the cheese (Bockelmann et al. 2005). Suusac is a Kenyan traditional
fermented camel’s milk product, which is produced by spontaneous fermentation via a
natural flora, including lactic acid bacteria and yeast such as C. krusei (Lore et al. 2005).
Kefir is a fermented milk beverage produced from Kefir grains of bacteria and yeasts in the
milk. The presence of C. krusei has been documented during mass cultivation of kefir
(Witthuhn et al. 2005).

Cocoa fermentation

Cocoa beans are the seeds of fruit pods from the tree Theobroma cacao, which is cultivated
in tropical regions all over the world. Cocoa beans are embedded in a mucilaginous pulp
inside the pods. The fermentation of cocoa is generally done by traditional methods. Candida
krusei, which is naturally present on the cocoa pods, is a key microorganism in the
fermentation process of cocoa. The fermentation helps to break down the mucilaginous pulp

surrounding the beans and causes death of the embryo. The fermentation of cocoa by C.
krusei develops the chocolate aroma and eliminates the bitterness (Jespersen et al. 2005;
Gálvez et al. 2007). The yeast diversity during Ghanaian cocoa bean heap fermentation has
been characterized by Daniel et al. (2009) with the help of PCR fingerprinting. Pichia
kudriavzevii (I. orientalis) (30%), S. cerevisiae (24%), and Hanseniaspora opuntiae (20%)
were identified as dominant species of the total microbial community.

Cassava fermentation

Cassava is a root crop of the tropics. Fufu, which is consumed in Africa, is produced by
fermentation of cassava predominantly by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) (e.g., Lactobacillus
plantarum) and yeasts, with C. krusei the dominant yeast species. The main role of C. krusei
in the fermentation process is to influence the odour of fufu (Oyewole 2001). Gari is a solid-
state naturally fermented product that is produced traditionally from cassava pulp in Nigeria.
The microorganisms reported for gari production with the use of rudimentary equipment are
mainly lactic acid bacteria and yeasts. The main yeast species involved in gari production
and aroma development are S. cerevisiae and C. krusei (Oguntoyinbo 2008). Also, the use of
C. krusei in ogi production (a traditional fermented food of Nigeria) has been reported by
Omemu and Andeosun (2010). Agbelima is another fermented product famous in Ivory Coast
and Ghana. It is used in the preparation of conventional meals, such as banku, akple and
kenkey (Ellis et al. 1997). The microflora involved in the fermentation of cassava into
agbelima shows the presence of LAB species, such as Lactobacillus brevis, L. plantarum,
and Lactobacillus mesenteroides and of the yeasts, C. krusei, C. tropicalis and
Zygosaccharomyces bailii (Amoa-Awua et al. 1997).

Tapai and Boza

The indigenous fermented alcoholic beverage tapai is well known in the Kadazan–Dusan–
Murut ethnic group of Sabah and is consumed during festive occasions and gatherings.
Tapai is produced by fermentation of glutinous rice by yeast and LAB. The yeasts involved in
the process have been identified as S. cerevisiae, C. krusei, Candida pelliculosa, Candida
guillermondii, Candida magnolia and Rhodotorula glutinis, and the LAB are L. brevis and L.
plantarum (Chiang et al. 2006). The main role of yeasts in these fermented food products is
to improve the flavour. Tapai is a safe fermented food product to consume because of the
absence of Enterobacteriaceae at the end of the fermentation process, probably because of
the low pH and the increase in the content of alcohol (up to 12% v/v) (Chiang et al. 2006).

Boza is a rare beverage in the pious Muslim countries that has been also characterized by
the presence of C. krusei (Teramoto et al. 2001).


Koko is a traditional fermented product from Ghanaian maize dough. The microflora that is
present naturally in koko has been identified as Lactobacillus fermentum, S. cerevisiae and
C. krusei (Hayford and Jakobsen 1999). The detailed role of the microflora present during
production of koko has been determined by Annan et al. (2003). The role of C. krusei in the
fermentation process is the production of aroma compounds such as alcohols, carbonyls,
esters, and acids. The combination of C. krusei and L. fermentum leads to a high sensory
score compared to spontaneous fermentations only.


Yams (Dioscorea rotundata) constitute the most important food crop in West Africa. Elubo
(yam flour) is produced by a fermentation process involving Lactobacillus spp. and yeasts,
such as Pichia burtonii and C. krusei (Achi and Akubor 2000).

Other indigenous fermented foods

There are various Asian indigenous fermented food products that are prepared in a natural
fermentation processes. These fermented food products play an important role in household
food preparation and in medium and large-scale industries. Kombucha is a beverage
produced by fermentation of sweetened boiled tea by a mixed culture of yeast and acetic
acid bacteria in which the presence of C. krusei has been reported (Aidoo et al. 2006). Papad
is an important condiment or savoury food that is prepared from blackgram, lentil, redgram,
or greengram flour by fermentation with S. cerevisiae and C. krusei (Shurpalekar 1986).
Wadi, traditionally consumed in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan is used as a spicy
condiment. Wadi is prepared by inoculating the sterilized ingredients with a mixed culture of
C. krusei and L. mesenteroides. The role of these microorganisms in wadi preparation is to
increase acidification, leavening, and nutritional factors (B vitamins) (Sandhu and Soni 1989).

Role of C. krusei in enzyme production


Phytases are enzymes that release soluble inorganic phosphate by hydrolyzing phytates.
Phytases (myo-inositol hexakisphosphate phosphohydrolase) are classified as
phosphohydrolases and are responsible for catalyzing the sequential release of phosphate
from phytate (myo-inositol-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexakisphosphate), which is an abundant storage form
of organic phosphorus in plant seeds and grains. The acceptance of this enzyme as animal
feed supplement (Yi et al. 1996) and its potential in improving human nutrition are increasing
worldwide (Da Silva et al. 2005; Kumar et al. 2010). The high-level intake of dietary phytate
severely impedes the absorption of important trace elements, such as iron and zinc, in the
digestive tract. The phytate content could be reduced through supplementing phytases in
human food, and it is an effective way to reduce the negative effects of phytate on
mineralization (Greiner and Konietzny 2006). Other applications in the area of aquaculture
are also being extensively explored (Robinson et al. 1996). Moreover, some myo-inositol
phosphates have shown important pharmacological effects, such as prevention of diabetes
complications and antiinflammatory activity (Claxon et al. 1990; Bezprozvanny et al. 1991).
The use of a specific myo-inositol triphosphate as pain killer has also been proposed (Siren
1995). Surprisingly, the esters of myo-inositol triphosphate have been shown to exert
significant inhibitory effects against retroviral infections, including HIV (Siren 1998).

Candida krusei (I. orientalis) produces an intracellular phytase. Biodegradation of phytate by

C. krusei has nutritional importance in that it increases bioavailability of divalent minerals
such as iron, zinc, calcium, and magnesium (Quan et al. 2001, 2002). The detailed steps of
dephosphorylation of myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6) by a phytase from C. krusei WZ-
001 were determined by Quan et al. (2003) (Fig. 2). The significant increase in specific
phytase activity under phosphate-depleted conditions has been observed in C. krusei
compared to other Candida species (Tsang 2011). So, the enhanced capability of specific
phytase activity by C. krusei could be useful for industrial applications. Togwa is a naturally
fermented product generally prepared in villages in the countryside of Eastern Africa, and it is
identified with higher phytase activity due to the presence of I. orientalis (Hellström et al.

Carbonyl Reductase

The enzyme carbonyl reductase belongs to the class of oxidoreductases that are generally
cytosolic enzymes of low molecular weight. Carbonyl reductase is capable of catalyzing the
NAD(P)H-dependent reduction of various natural and unnatural carbonyl compounds
(Kaluzna et al. 2005; Kira and Onishi 2009). Carbonyl reductase has been purified and
characterized from C. krusei SW2026 (Li et al. 2010). Ethyl (R)-2-hydroxy-4-phenylbutyrate
((R)-HPBE), an important intermediate in the synthesis of angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitors, is produced by enantioselective reduction of ethyl 2-oxo-4-phenylbutyrate using C.
krusei SW2026. The microbial biotransformations that are biocatalyzed by a NADPH-
dependent carbonyl reductase are presented in Fig. 3 (Zhang et al. 2009). Angiotensin-
converting enzyme inhibitors like enalapril, lisinopril, benazepril, and ramipril are drugs used
for the treatment of hypertension (Iroyukifujita et al. 2000; Weinberg et al. 2000). The present
approach for synthesis of (R)-HPBE is multistep chemical synthesis. Multistep chemical
synthesis has various draw backs, such as multiple steps, consumption of large amounts of
toxic chemical reagents, and low yield of the enantioselective final product (Oda et al. 1998;
Herold et al. 2000). Therefore, use of a biotechnological process for enantioselective
reduction of ethyl 2-oxo-4-phenylbutyrate for production of (R)-HPBE employing C. krusei
could be an alternative green chemistry approach.

Role of C. krusei in bioproducts and biochemicals

Single-cell protein

Single-cell protein (SCP) is produced by unicellular microorganisms, such as yeast, algae,

and bacteria. It is a good source of protein and is useful for animal feed and human food in
cases of protein malnutrition. Candida krusei SO1 co-cultured with Saccharomyces spp.
strain LK3G has been used in the production of SCP from sorghum hydrolysate media. The
crude protein content reported was 47%-50% for C. krusei SO1 and 45%-48% for
Saccharomyces spp. strain LK3G. The amino acid profiles of the mixed-culture protein had a
composition almost similar to that of the Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) references
except for its content of methionine and cysteine (Konlani et al. 1996). A mixed culture of
Geotrichum candidum, Hansenula anomala, and C. krusei from whiskey distillery spent has
been stabilized for microbial protein production. The mixed-culture protein would be suitable
as a dietary supplement for nonruminant animals. A true protein content of 38%-41.7% w/w
in the mixed microbial biomass has been reported (Barker et al. 1982, 1983). Though the
amino acid profile of SCP produced by C. krusei has been reported and is similar to the FAO

guidelines, toxicological data with reference to the United Nations FAO/WHO are scanty.
Therefore, more information on the beneficial and toxicological effects are still needed before
SCP commercialization.

Folate biofortification

Folates (vitamins B9) are important cofactors for nucleotide biosynthesis, which is essential
for cellular replication and growth. A folate biosynthesis pathway naturally exists in plants,
yeast, and in some bacterial species. Hence, they are able to synthesize natural folates.
Mammals lack the ability to synthesize folates, and therefore, they are dependent on an
adequate dietary intake (Moslehi-Jenabian et al. 2010). A balanced folate intake prevents the
risk of neural tube defects in the foetus, cardiovascular diseases, megaloblastic anaemia and
in cancer patients, especially in colon cancer patients (Bailey et al. 2003; Jägerstad et al.
2004). Presently, chemically synthesized folic acid or pteroylglutamic acid (Fig. 4a) is mostly
used, but it has the side effect of masking pernicious anemia. Because of this side effect,
interest in the use of natural folates has been increasing. The natural folates differ from folic
acid in the reduction state of the pteroyl group, the nature of the substituents on the pteridine
ring, and the number of glutamyl residues attached to the pteroyl group (Fig. 4b). Naturally
occurring folates comprise 5-methyltetrahydrofolate; 5-formyltetrahydrofolate; 10-
formyltetrahydrofolate; 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate; 5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate; 5-
formiminotetrahydrofolate; 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate; and dihydrofolate (LeBlanc et al. 2007).

Currently, yeast has been identified to enhance folate concentration in food products by
fermentation (Jägerstad et al. 2005). The folate content of traditionally fermented maize-
based porridge, called togwa, consumed in rural areas in Tanzania, has been investigated.
The yeasts originally identified from togwa are C. krusei (I. orientalis), Pichia anomala, S.
cerevisiae, Kluyveromyces marxianus and C. glabrata (Hjortmo et al. 2008). Kefir, a
fermented milk beverage, has also been reported to have high folate content. Yeasts
responsible for kefir fermentation are K. marxianus, Saccharomyces exiguus, Candida
lambica and C. krusei (I. orientalis) (Witthuhn et al. 2005; Patring et al. 2006). Detailed
studies are required to evaluate the role of C. krusei in folate biofortification to augment folate
content in fermented foods.


Glycerol is produced by chemical synthesis from petrochemicals, or by hydrolysis of oils and

fats, and by microbial fermentation. In recent years, the supply of oils and fats has been

limited and the cost of propylene has increased, so, the production of glycerol by microbial
fermentation process is emerging as an alternative method (Wang et al. 2001). Candida
krusei, an osmophilic yeast, produces up to 179 g glycerol/L of water to balance the high
extracellular osmotic pressure in media containing a high glucose concentration (Omori et al.
1995; Liu et al. 2002; Chen et al. 2006).


Candida krusei IA-1 is identified as an ethanol-producing yeast that does not produce organic
acids like succinic acid as by-product, as it is the case with the ethanol-producing yeast S.
cerevisiae. The main advantage of the absence of succinic acid in the fermented broth is in
the separation process. The separation of bioethanol is done by pervaporation using a silicon
rubber-coated silicate membrane, which is prone to damage by succinic acid. Separation of
ethanol by pervaporation is gaining interest due to its cost effectiveness over the traditional
distillation method of separation (Nakayama et al. 2008; lkegami et al. 2009). The bacterial
species Zymomonas mobiliz also produces ethanol without producing succinic acid, but its
industrial application is limited because of its narrow spectrum of sugar (glucose, sucrose,
and fructose) fermentation (Lin and Tanaka 2006). Issatchenkia orientalis has been isolated
from a continuous ethanol production process in which the fermentation system was fed with
sugar cane syrup and S. cerevisiae cells were recycled. The detailed role of the isolated
yeast I. orientalis was determined to be its capacity to produce ethanol at higher
temperatures (above 40 °C) (Gallardo et al. 2011). The capability of I. orientalis to produce
ethanol at higher temperatures could be useful for industrial fermentations in tropical climates
where the maintenance of an efficient refrigeration system is costly. The production of
ethanol at higher temperatures has one more advantage: there is less chance of
contamination (Gallardo et al. 2011). A thermotolerant strain of P. kudriavzevii (I. orientalis)
has been documented by Dhaliwal et al. (2011). The isolated thermotolerant, galactose-
adapted P. kudriavzevii showed ethanol production up to 71.9 g/L from sugarcane juice.

Role of C. krusei in bioremediation

Decolorization of synthetic dye

Synthetic dyes are xenobiotic chemicals and are difficult to degrade in nature. Currently, the
textile industry is one of the major generators of liquid effluent pollutants due to the high
quantities of water used in dyeing processes. Therefore, the removal of dyes from aqueous
effluents of the textile industry has received considerable research attention (Borchert and

Libra 2001). Biodegradation is one of the promising approaches for the remediation of
synthetic dyes in wastewaters because of its cost effectiveness, efficiency and environment-
friendly nature (Verma and Madamwar 2003; Jirasripongpun et al. 2007). Candida krusei G-1
has been identified as an efficient colour remover from dyes like reactive azo dye and
Reactive Brilliant Red K-2BP (Yu and Wen 2005). Candida krusei has been isolated from
textile industry wastewaters and reported to degrade basic violet 3 (triphenylmethane dye). A
maximal decolorization of basic violet 3 up to 74% and 100% has been reported in sucrose
and sugarcane bagasse extract supplemented media, respectively. The degradation of basic
violet 3 proceeds through stepwise reduction and demethylation processes (Deivasigamani
and Das 2011). An increase in the activities of the enzymes nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide-dichlorophenol indophenol reductase and laccase has been observed after the
decolorization process. Melanoidins are complex carbohydrate-based, nitrogen-containing
high molecular weight polymers formed during the final stage of the Maillard reaction.
Chemically, melanoidins are multicomponent polymers consisting of protein-polyphenol-
oligosaccharide complexes (Brudzynski and Miotto 2011). The melanoidin pigment, which is
present in molasses wastewater as a dark brown pigment, has been documented to be
decolorized by yeast I. orientalis No. SF9-246 (Tondee et al. 2008). Though limited work has
been carried out on bioremediation employing yeasts, yeasts have some advantages in
bioremediation due to their fast growth and ability to resist unfavourable environmental
conditions (Yang et al. 2003). These properties of yeasts could be useful in future for
bioremediation of dyes to control environmental pollutants.


There are various important functions of C. krusei that could be exploited through genetic
engineering manipulations. The genes for biotechnologically important enzymes such as
carbonyl reductase and phytase from C. krusei could be cloned and overexpressed in
bacteria, such as E. coli. Even though up to now no work has been carried out with C. krusei,
C. parapsilosis genes closely related (more than 80%), based on cytochrome b gene
sequences (Yokoyama et al. 2000), have been cloned. Kosa et al. (2007) constructed 4
cloning vectors pBP1, pBP2, pPK1 and pPK2 for C. parapsilosis. The plasmids were based
on the E. coli vector pUC19, which possesses a ColE1 origin of replication and a β-
lactamase gene conferring resistance to ampicillin. The expression vectors pBP3, pBP5 and
pBP7 have been also constructed by Kosa et al. (2007). The constructed vectors are suitable
for genetic studies of C. parapsilosis and functional analysis of its genes, such as expression
of cloned genes, intracellular localization of protein products, and monitoring of promoter
activity. Both C. krusei and C. parapsilosis contain a gene encoding for a carbonyl reductase

and the biocatalytic properties of the carbonyl reductase are suitable for diverse industrial
applications. The gene that encodes (R)-specific carbonyl reductase (rCR) from C.
parapsilosis CCTCCM203011 has been cloned and sequenced. The rCR gene expressed in
E. coli JM109 produced (R)-1-phenyl-1,2-ethanediol from β-hydroxyactophenone without any
additive to regenerate NAD+ from NADH (Xu et al. 2008). Cloning and expression of rCR
could be applied to C. krusei using suitable vectors. Another interesting physiological feature
of C. parapsilosis, similar to C. krusei, is its ability to degrade various aromatic compounds
via an operative gentisate pathway that includes flavoprotein monooxygenase catalyzing the
regioselective hydroxylation of phenol derivatives. Interestingly, the C. parapsilosis genes
CPAG-01781 and CPAG-03408, which encode homologs of salicylate 1-monooxygenase
and gentisate 1,2-dioxygenase, respectively, are not found in the C. albicans genome. This
indicates that degradation of phenolic compounds has particular physiological functions in C.
parapsilosis species (Nosek et al. 2009).


Epidemiology and pathogenicity

Opportunistic fungal or yeast infections are one of the major reasons of morbidity and
mortality in immunocompromised patients. Candida species are usually found as commensal
organisms in association with human and animal hosts. The most common Candida species
causing infection is C. albicans and, of the non-albicans species, C. glabrata, C. tropicalis, C.
parapsilosis and C. krusei are the most common causes of infection (Fidel et al. 1999). The
classification of fungal infections is dependent on the degree of tissue involvement and the
mode of entry of the pathogen. Infection classifications are as follows: (i) superficial infections
are localized to the skin, hair, and nails; (ii) subcutaneous infections are confined to the
dermis, subcutaneous tissue, or adjacent structures; and (iii) systemic infections are confined
to deep infection of the internal organs. With systemic infections, the infection spreads from
the original site of infection and enters the blood stream. Systemic infections usually occur
only in immunocompromised patients (Odom 1994; Hay 2006).

The severity of fungal or yeast infections depend upon the various host defence
mechanisms. There are various defence mechanisms that play an important role in host
defence against microbial invasion. The epidermal host defence mechanism involves
desquamation of the epithelium, increased saliva production, fungistatic factors in saliva such
as lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, and lysozymes, interaction with the resident bacterial flora,
and adherence inhibitors like mucins (glycoproteins). Activation of CD4 T-lymphocytes and of

neutrophil leucocytes and secretion of immunoglobulin A antibodies are also part of the host
defence mechanism (Rogers and Balish 1980; Romani et al. 1996).

The pathogenesis caused by Candida species proceeds through different stages. The first
step of pathogenesis is adherence of Candida to epithelial cells of the host. Adhesion is
prerequisite to colonization and invasion of the Candida spp. virulence and it is initiated with
different factors produced by virulence genes such as Hwp1p, EAP1, CaMnt1p and Csf4.
Adhesion is followed by invasion into submucosa, angioinvasion adherence to endothelial
cells and dissemination, resulting in systemic candidiasis (Odds 1994; Segal 2006).

Candida krusei has emerged in recent years as an opportunistic, nosocomial fungal

pathogen responsible for 2% of candidemia cases (Kang et al. 2010), with a particular
preference for neutropenic adult cancer patients (Wingard et al. 1991). The largest proportion
of C. krusei infections has been seen in patients with leukaemia (13%-25%) and the lowest in
neonates (Abi-Said et al. 1997). It colonizes and infects the vagina, urinary tract, or
gastrointestinal tract of immunocompetent persons and may be fatal, particularly in
immunocompromised cancer patients. The susceptibility of C. krusei infections is correlated
with the use of broad spectrum antibiotics, corticosteroids, antitumoral agents, oral
contraceptives and HIV protease inhibitors and with an increase in the number of
immunocompromised patients (Eggimann et al. 2003).

Candida krusei mainly causes fungaemias (also known as candidemia or invasive

candidiasis), which is the infection of blood with fungi or yeast; endophthalmitis, an
inflammation of the internal coats of the eye; endocarditis; and osteomyelitis, an infection of
bone marrow (Krcmery and Barnes 2002). For the past two decades, the increased incidence
of nosocomial fungal infections has been reported owing to the invasive use of medical
devices and wider use of broad spectrum antimicrobial agents (Hachem et al. 2008).

Similar to C. albicans, C. krusei has several virulence attributes. Some of these include
adherence to host surfaces, production of phospholipases and proteinases, antigenic
variability, dimorphic transition (yeast to hypha), phenotypic switching or capability of
switching among different cell phenotypes, and modulation of the host’s immune response
(Samaranayake et al. 1998; Calderone and Fonzi 2001). Most of the virulence genes have
been well identified and characterized in C. albicans, but they are not well characterized in C.
krusei owing to the unavailability of its whole genome sequence (Pang et al. 2012). Candida
krusei is usually found in two basic morphological forms (dimorphism): yeast and
pseudohyphae (Samaranayake and Samaranayake 1994). It is generally accepted that

dimorphism is a virulence trait and is coregulated with other virulence factors associated with
cellular morphology (Brown and Gow 1999). Normally, the yeast state is noninvasive,
whereas the transition to pseudohyphae makes C. krusei invasive (Samaranayake et al.
1998). Though hyphae formation takes place in C. krusei, it is less effective compared to C.
albicans. Studies on rat epithelial and mucosal cells have shown that C. krusei hyphae do not
penetrate into deep tissue as effectively as C. albicans hyphae. Furthermore, colonization in
the tissue by C. krusei is less effective than colonization by C. albicans (Samaranayake et al.
1998; Dorko et al. 2001).

Phenotypic switching is recognized as one of the important virulence factors of Candida

species. The switched state helps Candida to rapidly adapt to different environmental
conditions. Under the phenotypic switched condition, C. krusei also shows higher adherence
ability and the lowest susceptibility towards antifungal agents. In addition, C. krusei exhibits
high hydrophobicity, which enhances its adherence to the host (Samaranayake and
Samaranayake 1994; Arzmi et al. 2012).

The hydrolytic enzymes (exoenzymes) secreted by pathogenic fungi are the major virulence
factors for their invasiveness. The virulence property of Candida species depends on their
ability to secrete exoenzymes (proteinases and phospholipases), and the activities of these
enzymes are influenced by the medium. The exoenzyme secretions by C. albicans is more
pronounced than that of C. krusei, therefore, C. krusei is less virulent (Costa et al. 2010). In a
liver transplant recipient infected with C. krusei, two main hydrolytic enzymes were identified:
esterase lipase C8 and valine arylamidase (Kawecki et al. 2006). Table 2 summarizes the
diseases caused by C. krusei in general and in susceptible patients.

Classification and mechanism of action of antifungal (anti-Candida)


To understand antifungal drugs and their mechanism of action requires a brief look at the
chemical nature of drugs. Antifungal drugs are generally classified into the following groups
on the basis of their chemical structure, and the structure of representative antifungal agents
of each group is shown in Fig. 5 (Ghannoum and Rice 1999; Odds et al. 2003; Cannon et al.
1. Azoles- examples include ketoconazole, fluconazole, itraconazole, and voriconazole.
All azole antifungal agents work principally by inhibiting the cytochrome P-450 14a-
demethylase. This enzyme is involved in the sterol biosynthesis pathway that leads to
synthesis of ergosterol from lanosterol. Ergosterol serves as a bioregulator of membrane

fluidity and asymmetry, which is essential to maintaining membrane integrity in fungal cells
(Fig. 6) (Georgopapadakou and Walsh 1996; Ghannoum and Rice 1999).
2. Polyenes- main examples are nystatin and amphotericin B. Antifungal polyenes bind
to ergosterol, which is the main component of fungal cell membranes, forming a
transmembrane channel that leads to monovalent ion leakage and finally to fungal cell death
(Georgopapadakou and Walsh 1996; Ghannoum and Rice 1999).
3. Allylamines/thiocarbamates- terbinafine and naftifine are classified under this class.
Terbinafine is an allylamine that inhibits ergosterol biosynthesis by inhibiting squalene
epoxidase. Ergosterol biosynthesis is started by squalene epoxidation, which is catalyzed by
squalene epoxidase from the precursor squelene (Fig. 6) (Ghannoum and Rice 1999; Odds
et al. 2003).
4. Others- an example is 5-flurocytosine, a fluorinated pyrimidine, which acts by
interfering with RNA, DNA and protein synthesis in fungal cell. One of the most recently
developed classes of antifungal drugs is cyclic lipopeptides called echinocandines. This
group is represented by caspofungin, micafungin and anidulafungin. These drugs act by
retarding cell wall biosynthesis by inhibiting (1,3)-D-β-glucan synthase (Georgopapadakou
and Walsh 1996; Ghannoum and Rice 1999; Odds et al. 2003).

Drug resistance and management of C. krusei infection

C. krusei possesses an intrinsic resistance to many azole antifungal agents, especially

fluconazole, and some strains have elevated minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) to
itraconazole (MIC 0.5 to 1.0 mg/L). All C. krusei isolates have been reported as resistant to
fluconazole and some isolates also exhibit decreased susptibility to amphotericine B and
flucytosine (Pfaller and Diekema 2007; Pfaller et al. 2008). Table 3 summarises the MIC of
regularly used antifungal drugs against C. krusei in comparison to C. albicans.
Microbiological antifungal resistance may be defined as non-susceptibility of fungal infections
to antifungal therapy. Resistance can be measured by in vitro susceptibility testing in which
the MIC of the drug exceeds the susceptibility break point for that organism. Antifungal drug
resistance has been classified as primary (intrinsic)- resistance found to be present
inheritably among some fungi without any earlier exposure to antifungal drugs or as
secondary (acquired) resistance, which develops after exposure to antifungal drugs owing to
stable or transient genotype alteration (Kontoyiannis and Lewis 2002; Kanafani and Perfect

Three main mechanisms which are responsible for azole resistance have been described in
Candida species. The first one is an alteration of the target enzyme, 14α-demethylase which
is encoded by the ERG11 gene, the key enzyme of ergosterol biosynthesis. Some
microorganisms overexpress the 14α-demethylase gene and/or the enzyme is less
susceptible to azoles inhibition. The second mechanism is lowered accumulation of the drug
at the target site due to action of efflux pumps. Efflux pumps are encoded by the family of
transporter genes Cdr1-Cdr2 and Mdr1. The third mechanism is alteration in sterol
biosynthesis caused by a deficiency in C5(6) desaturase (Anderson 2005; Kanafani and
Perfect 2008; Perlin 2009).

Azole resistance (especially fluconazole) by strains of C. krusei is mainly the result of

decreased affinity of 14a-demethylase encoded by the ERG11 gene to fluconazole (Orozco
et al. 1998; Anderson 2005; Kanafani and Perfect 2008). One recent study documented the
presence of an alternative oxidase in C. krusei and its impact on generation of reactive
oxygen species by fluconazole. The results showed there was a reduction of reactive oxygen
species generation due to the alternative oxidase which resulted in a decrease of
susceptibility of C. krusei to fluconazole (Costa-de-Oliveira et al. 2012). Some isolates of C.
krusei also show reduced susceptibility to caspofungin, which is an echinocandin family
antifungal drug. Mutation in the amino acid region of Fks1p, a component of the catalytic
subunit of (1,3)-b-D-glucan synthase, has been associated with caspofungin resistance in C.
krusei (Hakki et al. 2006; Kahn et al. 2007).

The mortality rate as a result of C. krusei infection is high (up to 60%) due to multidrug
resistance, which makes its management problematic (Pfaller and Diekema 2007; Pfaller et
al. 2008; Kang et al. 2010); therefore, early detection of the pathogen is prerequisite for
therapy. The diagnosis can be done accurately with the help of modern molecular
techniques. PCR and NASBA-based techniques have potential for early diagnosis of fungal
infection (Perlin 2009). New data suggests that most recently developed azole agents like
posaconazole, ravuconazole, and glucan inhibitors, like micafungin and anidulafungin, have
activity against C. krusei and other more resistant Candida species (Pfaller et al. 2008).
Among the systemically active antifungal agents, echinocandins, especially anidulafungin,
appear to be the most active (Denning 2002).


The traditional and industrial applications, epidemiology, pathogenicity, drug resistance, and
brief history of C. krusei have been reviewed. The available literature indicates that C. krusei

is significantly different from the other nonpathogenic yeasts and medically important
Candida species. Candida krusei has some distinct characteristics, which are as follows:

• It is naturally present in many traditional fermented food products.

• It has potential to produce valuable enzymes, bioproducts and biochemicals.
• It can be used in bioremediation of xenobiotic compounds.
• It is an opportunistic pathogen mainly in immunocompromised humans.
• Present scenario of medication makes patients more susceptible towards infection by
C. krusei.
• C. krusei possesses multidrug resistance genes, which leads to high mortality rate.

Because of its dual nature (traditional and industrial potentialities as well as pathogenic role),
the main concern regarding this yeast is how it could be exploited for its beneficial purposes
while at the same time preventing its pathogenicity. Its presence in various traditional food
products (i.e., milk products, cocoa fermentation, cassava fermentation, tapai, and koko)
indicates the possibility that there is no secretion of mycotoxins in the final fermented
products, interestingly C. krusei is documented as a mycotoxin decontaminating agent
(Shetty and Jespersen 2006). Still, there is a need to take extra precautions during the
production of SCP (i.e., there should not be any live yeast cells in the final product), as it is
an opportunistic pathogen. Future research should place emphasis on determining the actual
nature of all C. krusei strains with the help of molecular biology tools such as PCR-RFLP and
RAPD-PCR. To date, no work has been done to exploit the nonpathogenic nature of C.
krusei strains, but the traditional presence of C. krusei strains in several fermented food
products indicates that some strains may be nonpathogenic. Biomedical science clearly
considers it an opportunistic pathogen, so a clear line needs to be drawn for its industrial

Candida krusei, in mixed culture with K. marxianus, has shown good growth and biomass
production with efficient removal of chemical oxygen demand from cheese whey. The
biomass could be used as SCP (J.S.S. Yadav, J. Bezawada, S. Yan, and R.D. Tyagi.
unpublished result). Cheese whey, a by-product of the dairy industry, contains lactose (4.5%-
5% w/v) and it is considered an environmental pollutant owing to its high chemical oxygen
demand (Siso 1996). As reported, there is no toxic effect of the C. krusei SCP, thus, it could
be considered for production of SCP. However, toxicity and allerginicity of SCP should be
evaluated in long term clinical trials. The mixed culture of K. marxianus and C. krusei could
also be utilized for ethanol production using cheese whey as fermentation substrate.
Production of ethanol using K. marxianus and C. krusei will be the most exploited research

interest in the near future. Candida krusei can be more useful for ethanol production in
tropical climates because it can grow at high temperatures. The other areas of research that
should be pursued include the exploitation of C. krusei for biotechnological purposes (such
as utilization for production of enzymes such as phytase and carbonyl reductase) and
biodegradation (bioremediation). Until now, C. krusei genes, which have potential
biotechnological application, have not been genetically cloned and expressed; hence, in the
future, more studies are required to reveal the nature of the genes that can be expressed and
exploited for biotechnological benefits.


Authors are sincerely thankful to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada (Grant A4984, RDCPJ379601-08, and Canada Research Chair) for their financial


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Table 1. Comparison of some properties of pathogenic yeast Candida species and S. cerevisiae

Properties C. albicans C. glabrata C. tropicalis C. parapsilosis C. krusei S. cerevisiae References

Genome size (Mb) 14.3 12.3 14.5 13.3 Unknown 12.5 Butler et al. 2009; ten Cate et al. 2009;
Inglis et al. 2011

No. of genes 6107 5212 6258 5733 Unknown 5770 Butler et al. 2009; Inglis et al. 2011

Ploidy Diploid Haploid Diploid Aneuploid/ Diploid Haploid/ diploid Butler et al. 2009; Lee et al. 2010; ten Cate
diploid et al. 2009

CTG clade Yes No Yes Yes No No Butler et al. 2009; ten Cate et al. 2009

Pseudohyphae Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ten Cate et al. 2009

Hyphae formation Yes No No No No No ten Cate et al. 2009

Pathogenicity* +++ ++ ++ ++ + - Butler et al. 2009; Alby and Bennett 2010

Reproduction Asexual/ Asexual Asexual Asexual Asexual/ Sexual/asexual Lee et al. 2010
parasexual sexual

*Pathogenicity: +++, highest; ++, moderate; +, least; -, none.

Table 2. Summary of diseases caused by Candida krusei

Disease Susceptible patient References

Fungaemia Neutropenic Munoz et al. 2005; Abbas et al. 2000

Soft tissue abscess Osteoarthritis Jiang et al. 2006

Pneumonia Post- transplantation Petrocheilou-Paschou et al. 2002

Oral Candidiasis Leprosy Reichart et al. 2002

Candidemia Allogeneic marrow transplant Safdar et al. 2001

Oncholysis Healthy Rao et al. 2004

Vaginitis Older age Singh et al. 2002

Spondylodiscitis Acute myeloid leukemia Peman 2006

Table 3. Comparison to antifungal drugs susceptibility of C. krusei and C. albicans

Candida Range of minimal inhibitory concn. (µg/mL) of: References

species Fluconazole Voriconazole Amphotericin B Caspofungin Micafungin

C. krusei 32.0-64.0 0.25-1.0 0.5-4.0 0.06-2.0 0.03-0.25 Hakki et al. 2006;

Singh et al. 2002;
Pfaller et al. 2006
C. 0.13-8.0 0.006-0.13 0.25-0.50 0.05-1.0 0.06-0.25 Fukuoka et al.
2003; Junqueira et
al. 2011; Pfaller et
al. 2006

Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree illustrating the relationship of C. krusei with Cadida species, based
on the cytochrome b gene


Ins(1,2,4,5,6)P5 Ins(1,2,3,5,6)P5





Figure 2. Pathways of dephosphorylation of myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (myo-IP6)

catalyzed by the phytases of Candida krusei WZ-001


Carbonyl Reductase COOEt



Figure 3. C. krusei SW2026 mediated asymmetric reduction of ethyl 2-oxo-4-phenylbutyrate

(OPBE) to ethyl(R)-2-hydroxy-4-phenylbutyrate [(R)- HPBE]


H2N N N Folic Acid





Native food folate

Figure 4. Chemical difference between (a) folic acid (pteroly-L-glutamic acid) and (b) native
food folates. Substitutens (R): -CH3, methyl; -CHO, formyl; -CH=NH formimino; -CH2, methylene;
-CH= methenyl


Cl Cl





Amphotericine B HO OH





Figure 5. Structure of representative antifungal agents








Figure 6. Ergosterol biosynthesis pathways. Sites where antifungal agent acts and blocks
ergosterol biosynthesis. Antifungal agents: terbinafine (TERB), fluconazole (FLU), itraconazol
(ITRA) and voriconazole (VOR)




Yadav J.S.S.1, Bezawada J.1, Ajila C.M.1, Yan S.1, Tyagi R.D.1 and Surampalli


Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Centre Eau,
Terre & Environnement, 490 de la Couronne, Québec (QC), G1K 9A9, CANADA.
Department of Civil Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln, N104 SEC, P. O.
Box 886105, Lincoln, NE 68588-6105, USA.
*Corresponding author: Tyagi, R.D., Tel: (418) 654 2617; Fax: (418) 654-2600, E-
mail: [email protected]

Bioresource Technology
164 (2014) 119–127


L’étude réalisée visait à évaluer le potentiel des cultures mixtes de Kluyveromyces

marxianus et Candida krusei afin d’améliorer l’efficacité d’élimination de la DCO, de
minimiser la contamination lorsque des conditions extrêmes ont lieu pendant la fermentation
aérobie continue et discontinue (une haute température fixée à 40 oC et un faible pH fixé à
3,5), et d’améliorer la qualité des protéines unicellulaires (PU) obtenues lors de l’utilisation du
lactosérum comme substrat. La fermentation discontinue des monocultures et les résultats
obtenus avec les cultures mixtes ont montré que ces dernières ont engendré 8,8% de plus
en efficacité d’élimination de la DCO, en combinaison avec un rendement de 19% de plus en
biomasse et une productivité de 33% supérieure. L’élimination maximale de 80,2% de la
DCO (incluant les protéines résiduelles) a été obtenue après 24 heures de temps de
rétention hydraulique (TRH) en combinaison avec 0,17 g/L/h de productivité en biomasse. La
productivité maximale de 0,38 g/L/h en biomasse a toutefois été atteinte après 6 heures de
TRH en combinaison mais avec seulement 34% d’élimination en DCO. Les résultats ont
montrés que les cultures mixtes de levures employées dans cette étude sont résistantes aux
conditions acides et thermiques extrêmes, et représentent une avenue prometteuse dans la
production des PU (alimentation animale), conjointement avec l’élimination de la DCO en ces
conditions d’opération extrêmes.

Mots-clés: Lactosérum; Candida krusei; Kluyveromyces marxianus; Cultures mixtes;

Fermentation continue.


The study was conducted to evaluate the potential of mixed culture of Kluyveromyces
marxianus and Candida krusei to enhance COD removal efficiency, minimize contamination
at extreme conditions (high temperature 40 oC and low pH 3.5) during batch and continuous
aerobic fermentation and to obtain improved quality single-cell protein (SCP) using whey as
substrate. Batch fermentations of a mono-culture and a mixed culture showed that the mixed
culture resulted in 8.8% higher COD removal with a 19% higher biomass yield and 33% of
increased productivity. The maximal COD removal of a 80.2% (including residual protein)
was obtained at 24 h HRT with a biomass productivity of 0.17 g/L/h; however, a maximal
biomass productivity of 0.38 g/L/h but only 34% COD removal were obtained at 6 h HRT. The
results showed that the mixed culture of acid resistance and thermotolerant yeasts is a
potential approach for producing SCP (animal feed) and simultaneous COD removal under
extreme operating conditions.

Keywords: Cheese whey; Candida krusei; Kluyveromyces marxianus; Mixed culture;

Continuous fermentation.


Cheese whey, a by-product of cheese producing industries is produced during the

coagulation of milk casein. The generation of large volumes of cheese whey poses an
environmental problem due to its high organic matter content. The high organic content leads
to chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 60-80 g/L and biological oxygen demand (BOD) of 40-
60 g/L, respectively (Guimarães et al., 2010). Generally, cheese whey contains lactose (4.5-
5.0% w/v), soluble proteins (0.6-0.8% w/v), lipids (0.4-0.5% w/v) and mineral salts (0.8-1.0%
w/v) (Panesar and Kennedy, 2012). Production of cheese whey is increasing day by day as
the demand for milk and milk-derived products increases. As per a Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) 2005 report, the worldwide annual production of cheese whey is around
139 billion kilograms of which 35.2 and 3.1 billion kilogram are generated in the USA and
Canada, respectively (Ghaly et al., 2007; Yadav et al., 2013). About 50% of the total whey
produced is either dumped into sewers or applied on land (Ghaly et al., 2007). The disposal
and land application have negative effect on health and environment (Ghaly and Kamal,
2004; Ghaly et al., 2007). The surplus availability of whey and its nutrient content provide an
opportunity to use several biotechnological routes to transform it into value added products
such as ethanol, lactic acid, enzymes, biopolymer, biogas, kefir-like whey drinks, probiotics
and single-cell protein (SCP) (Koutinas et al., 2009; Mollea et al., 2013; Panesar and
Kennedy, 2012). Among these, biotransformation of whey into SCP has arisen as one of the
attractive options and is employed in several countries (Mollea et al., 2013; Panesar and
Kennedy, 2012). The bioconversion of whey (mainly lactose) into yeast biomass has
advantages such as it is a simple wastewater treatment process (i.e. COD removal), and final
discharge of the whey has been facilitated since the pollutant load is significantly reduced.

The most widely yeast species used for SCP production from cheese whey is Kluyveromyces
marxianus, which is categorised as generally regarded as safe (GRAS) microorganism for
food and feed applications (Fonseca et al., 2008). Though SCP production using lactose-
utilizing yeast (K. marxianus) is a good alternative for whey treatment (crude whey or whey
permeate) and the most widely employed practice, however, there are some challenges
during whey processing and the bioconversion process: i) contamination during fermentation;
ii) low COD removal efficiency; iii) lower product quality of the produced SCP; iv) whey
processing on site in small and medium scale industries; v) poor economic return
(Chatzipaschali and Stamatis, 2012; Çinar et al., 2006; Cristiani-Urbina et al., 2000;
Spălățelu, 2012). Fermentation under extreme conditions such as low pH and high
temperature has been suggested to prevent the contamination problem especially with

pathogenic bacteria (Pacheco and Galindo, 2010). These conditions are unfavourable for
most of the microorganisms used for whey bioconversion. Another important issue for whey
processing to produce SCP is the fact that most of the results reported in the literature have
employed whey permeate for the biotransformation process. The recovery of whey protein is
carried out by protein precipitation or by membrane filtration before fermentation to produce
SCP. The presence of lactose in whey poses a hindrance during the recovery process of
protein by precipitation or by membrane filtration. Moreover, some companies do not want to
apply two processes separately (i.e. whey protein separation and whey permeate treatment)
for economic reasons. Therefore, recovery of protein before fermentation is not of interest
especially for small and medium scale industries (Yadav et al., 2014). However, if the protein
is recovered after fermentation, lactose interference will be eliminated due to its consumption
the during fermentation process.

Further, the economics of SCP production and of simultaneous COD reduction could be
improved using a continuous fermentation process; however, such a process is prone to
contamination. A continuous fermentation process can help to reduce the cost of the process
and it can be employed for bioconversion of large volumes of whey (i.e. simultaneous SCP
production and wastewater treatment) provided the contamination problem is minimized.
Moreover, product quality (amino acid profile of SCP) can be improved by employing a mixed

Therefore, there is a need for a strategy and a process which could efficiently tackle the
above problems with on-site utilization of cheese whey. The problem of contamination could
be minimized by using extreme conditions like low pH (3-4) and high temperature (40-45 oC)
during the fermentation process; however, this required acid resistant and thermotolerant
microorganisms. Furthermore, employing a mixed culture, especially a combination of
lactose- and non-lactose consuming microorganisms, which could grow on the metabolites of
the lactose-utilizing yeast (K. marxianus), could be highly efficient for COD removal. K.
marxianus is used as the principal microorganism to produce SCP. This strain is poor in
sulfur containing amino acids and in lysine. The mixed culture (Candida krusei & K.
marxianus) will be useful to improve protein quality as C. krusei contains these amino acids
(Konlani et al., 1996; Rajoka et al., 2012).

The yeast C. krusei (Issatchenkia orientalis), which is generally present in milk and in other
dairy products (Lavoie et al., 2012) has not been exploited for its industrial potential. C.
krusei could be applied for production of SCP as animal feed with simultaneous removal of
COD from cheese whey because it does not excrete any extracellular toxin (Yadav et al.,

2012). However, C. krusei is regarded as an opportunistic pathogen (in immunocompromised
hosts). C. krusei is acid resistant and thermotolerant, it can grow at low pH (3-4) and at high
temperature (40-43 °C) (Shin et al., 2002; Yadav et al., 2012). The natural presence of C.
krusei has been documented in many traditional fermented foods (Armada cheese, suusac,
kefir, cocoa & cassava fermentation, tapai, koko, elubo, etc.). C. krusei can grow on cheese
whey in a mixed culture mode and it could be used as SCP (animal feed) after spray drying.
It was suggested that C krusei should be cultivated in a mixed culture with K. marxianus
(Yadav et al., 2012).

Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate C. krusei as a potential candidate in a mixed
culture, with K. marxianus, for production of SCP with simultaneous removal of COD from
cheese whey under extreme fermentation conditions. Furthermore, a continuous
fermentation process employing the mixed culture was also studied at different hydraulic
retention times (HRT). Additionally, the major composition of the mixed culture SCP
produced was evaluated.


2.1 Cheese whey

Fresh cheese whey was acquired from a cheese producing company in Quebec, Canada
and stored at -20 oC until used. A high initial lactose concentration is responsible for
generation of higher concentrations of intermediate metabolites during the SCP production
process that led to lower yields and lower COD removal (Cristiani-Urbina et al., 2000).
Therefore, the cheese whey with an initial value of COD 68.0±2.0 g/L was diluted
approximately 30.0 g/L, and the diluted cheese whey was used in batch and continuous
fermentation experiments. In this study, a higher dilution of whey compared to that of dilution
used in chapter two was used because in this study, the objective was to use whey without
pasteurization. Thus, there is no cost factor related to pasteurization.

2.2 Microorganisms

Strains of the yeasts K. marxianus and C. krusei were isolated from cheese whey and
identified by biochemical and molecular methods (K. marxianus strain CHY1612 and C.
krusei strain NRRL Y-5396, respectively). The culture was sub-cultured on de Man, Rogosa
and Sharpe (MRS) agar plates, and incubated at 35 oC for 48 h and then preserved at 4 oC
for future use.

2.3 Inoculum preparation

Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) was prepared and sterilized at 121 oC for 15 min. A loopful of K.
marxianus and C. krusei grown on MRS agar plates was used to inoculate separately 100
mL Erlenmeyer flasks containing 20 mL of TSB medium. The flasks were incubated in a
rotatory incubator shaker at 150 rpm, 35 oC for 12 h. The actively grown cells from the flasks
were used as a pre-culture (2% v/v) to inoculate 2000 mL Erlenmeyer flasks containing 500
mL of pasteurized cheese whey supplemented with urea (0.15% w/v) as nitrogen source for
K. marxianus and sterilized TSB medium for C. krusei, respectively. The inoculated flasks
were incubated under the conditions described above. The actively grown cells from the
flasks were used as inoculum to inoculate 10 L of pasteurized whey medium in the bioreactor
for mono-culture (K. marxianus) and mixed culture (K. marxianus and C. krusei),

2.4 Fermentation

Fermentation was carried out in a stirred tank 15 L bioreactor (working volume: 10 L,

Biogenie, Quebec, Canada) equipped with accessories and a programmable logic control
(PLC) system for dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, anti-foam, impeller speed, aeration rate and
temperature. The software (iFix 3.5, Intellution, USA) allowed for automatic set-point control
and integration of all parameters via PLC. Before each sterilization cycle, the polarographic
pH-electrode (Mettler Toledo, USA) was calibrated using buffers of pH 4.0 and 7.0 (VWR,
Canada). The oxygen probe was calibrated to zero (using N2 gas) and to 100% (air saturated
water). Diluted cheese whey (10 L) of 30.0 g/L COD and supplemented with 0.15% w/v of
urea was transferred to the 15 L bioreactor followed by pasteurization for 20 min at 80 oC and
pH 3.5. After pasteurization, the temperature was cooled to 40 oC and the DO probe was re-
calibrated. The fermentation was conducted at pH 3.5 and 40 oC to minimize chances of
contamination. Three fermentation runs were conducted using either the mono-culture (K.
marxianus) approach or the mixed culture (K. marxianus and C. krusei) approach as
described below.

2.4.1 Batch fermentation with mono-culture

The first batch bioreactor was inoculated with 5% (v/v) of K. marxianus, which was prepared
as described earlier. In order to keep the DO above 25% saturation (critical DO for K.
marxianus), air flow and agitation rates were appropriately adjusted. pH 3.5 was maintained
using 4 N H2SO4 or 4 N NaOH and an polypropylene glycol (PPG, Sigma-Canada) (0.1% v/v)

solution was used to control foaming during fermentation. The fermentation was carried out
for 30 h (based on the previous study of batch fermentation and when the DO was increased
the fermentation was stopped).

2.4.2 Batch fermentation with mixed culture

The second batch bioreactor was inoculated with a 6.5% (v/v) inoculum (4% v/v of K.
marxianus and 2.5% v/v of C. krusei), which was prepared as described earlier (each culture
was grown separately, K. marxianus in cheese whey and C. krusei in TSB medium). The DO
was maintained above 25% saturation by controlling the air flow rate and/or the agitation
rate. pH 3.5 was maintained using 4 N H2SO4 or 4 N NaOH and a polypropylene glycol (PPG,
Sigma-Canada) (0.1% v/v) solution was used to control foaming during fermentation.

2.4.3 Batch fermentation switched to continuous fermentation with mixed


The third batch fermentation was conducted using a mixed culture inoculum of 10% v/v (5%
v/v of K. marxianus and 5% v/v of 10 times concentrated cells of C. krusei grown in TSB
medium, centrifuged and re-suspended in diluted pasteurized cheese whey) to increase the
initial cell concentration of C. krusei. Bioreactor preparation and feed pasteurization were
similar to the first and second batch of the fermentation as mentioned above. The
fermentation, after 22 h (when DO just started increasing due to depletion of main substarte
lactose) of batch operation, in this case, was switched to a continuous process and run at
different hydraulic retention times-HRT (HRT is reciprocal of dilution rate) of 6, 12, 18 and 24
h. The constant volume of the reactor was maintained by feeding (inflow) diluted
unpasteurized cheese whey (unpasteurized cheese whey was used to evaluate
contamination during the continuous process) supplemented with 0.15% w/v of urea at a
predetermined flow rate with a peristaltic pump and pumping out (outflow) the fermented
broth at an equal flow rate with second peristaltic pump (Masterflex, Cole-Palmer, USA). All
samples were drawn from the fermenter outflow. With batch fermentation, the specific growth
rate (µm) was calculated from the slope of the line of semi-log plot of cell concentration
versus time, while with the continuous fermentation mode the specific growth rate was equal
to dilution rate (working volume/feed flow rate).

2.5 Analytical methods

Samples were withdrawn at regular intervals (during batch and continuous fermentation) and
analyzed for viable cell count (colony forming unit-CFU), yeast biomass (suspended solids),
lactose, COD and soluble proteins. The total cell count (CFU/mL) was determined by the
standard agar plate technique. The appropriately diluted samples were plated on MRS-agar
plates and incubated at 35 oC for 48 h to obtain the isolated colonies. Suspended solids (dry
weight) were measured using APHA Standard Methods (APHA, 2005). Lactose
concentration was measured by using the 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method (Miller,
1959). COD was measured according to APHA Standard Methods (APHA, 2005) using the
closed reflex, colorimetric method. Soluble protein concentration was determined by the
Lowry et al. (1951) method.

Sample used to determine the protein content of biomass were prepared using the procedure
reported by Yadav et al. (2013). In brief, biomass was lyophilized and treated with lysis buffer
(5.0 mL/L of Triton X-100, 0.372 g/L of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and 0.0345
g/L of phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF)). Then, the treated biomass suspension was
incubated for 20 min under shaking conditions at room temperature to lyse the cells. After
incubation, the samples were sonicated for 5 min with an ultrasonic homogenizer Auto tune
750W (Cole-Parmer Instruments, Vernon Hills, Illinois, US) to increase cells lysis and release
of the proteins. The protein content was measured by the Lowry et al. (1951) method.

The carbohydrates content of biomass was measured the using standard phenol sulfuric acid
method (DuBois et al., 1956). The lipids content of the biomass was determined by a Soxhlet
extraction procedure using petroleum ether as solvent (Horwitz & International, 2011). Ash
content of SCP was measured by the standard procedure described in AOAC (Horwitz &
International, 2011). The individual minerals content was determined by ICP-AES (Varian
Vista AX, USA) analysis after digestion of biomass.

The essential amino acid compositions of the SCP were analyzed through hydrolyzing the
lyophilized SCP with 6 N HCl at 110 ºC for 22 h. Digested samples containing HCl were
evaporated in vacuum lyophilizer and re-suspended in acetate buffer (Lourenço et al., 2002).
The amino acids produced as a result of SCP hydrolysis were analyzed by HPLC. HPLC
conditions used were: analytical column Aminopac PA10 of dimention 2x250 mm, Detector:
Electrochemical Detector (ED), mobile phase solvent: 1 M sodium acetate, flow rate: 0.25
mL/min, gradient flow was used. The data were analysed using Chromeleon software. All

analyses were carried out in triplicate and average values of each parameter are presented
(with standard error less than 5% of the mean).


3.1 Batch fermentation with mono-culture

The data for the various parameters (cell count, biomass, lactose, COD and soluble proteins)
during cheese whey fermentation with the mono-culture (K. marxianus) are illustrated in Figs.
1a and 1b. The cell count (CFU/mL) of K. marxianus (initial 7.0x106 CFU/mL) increased with
time and reached a maximum of 5.10x108 CFU/mL at 20 h. From 20 to 30 h of fermentation,
the cell concentration remained constant. Yeast biomass (suspended solids) concentration
increased with time and reached maximum of 6.6 g/L at 20 h. The specific growth rate (µm),
productivity (g/L/h) and the biomass yield (Yx/s, based on lactose) were found to be 0.21 h-1,
0.15 g/L/h and 0.26 g biomass/g lactose consumed, respectively. A specific growth rate (µm)
of 0.37 h-1, a productivity of 1.27 g/L/h and a biomass yield (Yx/s) of 0.37 g/g of K. marxianus
at pH 5.0 and 30 oC have been reported by Lukondeh et al. (2005) from an initial lactose
concentration of 40 g/L in a synthetic medium. A higher yield (0.44 g/g) but low specific
growth rate (0.15 h-1) have been reported by Ghaly and Kamal (2004) during SCP production
from cheese whey at 31 oC and pH 4.4. Relatively, speaking the lower biomass yield and
productivity in the current work might be due to the extreme process conditions (i.e. low pH
3.5 and high temperature of 40 oC) used in this work to diminish contamination risk. The
maximal yield and productivity of Kluyveromyces species have been reported at pH 4.4 and
5.8 and 31 and 30 oC in batch processes while cultivating K. marxianus on cheese whey
(Ghaly and Kamal, 2004) and on whey permeate (Schultz et al., 2006), respectively (Table
1). Thus, yeast cells cultivated at higher temperature and low pH, as done in the present
study, required higher maintenance energy (i.e. higher amount of lactose diverted towards
catabolism), which led to a decrease in the biomass yield (Yadav et al., 2013).

Most of the lactose (initial concentration 17.2 g/L) was consumed within the first 16 h and
reached zero at 20 h (Fig. 1b). The soluble whey protein concentration initially decreased
very slightly up to 12 h (Fig. 1b) and slightly increased from 12 to 16 h, which may be due to
excretion of extracellular proteins and enzymes. Then, the soluble protein concentration
remained almost constant until the end of the fermentation process (30 h). A similar trend for
the protein consumption profile has been observed by Yadav et al. (2013) during whey
fermentation. Reduction in soluble protein concentration in the first 12 h of fermentation could
be due to its utilization as nitrogen source by the microorganism. The constant concentration

of soluble protein after 16 h might be due to partial consumption of proteins and concurrent
secretion of extracellular enzymes by K. marxianus (such as inulinase and lipase) as this
yeast is known to excrete various enzymes (Fonseca et al., 2008).

COD (initial 30.6 g/L) decreased rapidly up to 16 h (Fig. 1b) followed by a slow reduction until
30 h. A rapid decrease of COD coincided with the exponential increase in cell count and a
fast consumption of most of the lactose (during the first 16 h). However, the COD continued
decreasing after 16 h until the end of fermentation (30 h), which could be due to consumption
of the intermediates compounds that might already have been present in the cheese whey or
formed during the first 16 h. A COD reduction of 78% was achieved with a residual COD
value of 6.8 g/L at the end of fermentation. The residual COD was due to residual soluble
proteins (3.4 g/L) and to other residual organic compounds (originally present in cheese and
new intermediates produced during the fermentation). Organic intermediate metabolites such
as organic acids and others were reported to be produced during whey fermentation by K.
marxianus (Lukondeh et al., 2005; Yadav et al., 2013).

3.2 Batch fermentation with mixed culture

The variation in the values of different parameters (total cell count, individual cell count,
biomass, lactose, residual COD and soluble protein concentrations) during cheese whey
fermentation with a mixed culture (K. marxianus and C. krusei) are presented in Figs. 2a and

The initial population of K. marxianus (initial count: 5.0x106 CFU/mL) was comparatively just
a bit higher than that of C. krusei (initial count: 3.50x106 CFU/mL). The growth of K.
marxianus (specific growth rate of 0.20 h-1) was also higher compared to C. krusei (specific
growth rate of 0.14 h-1) (Fig. 2a). This was due to the presence of lactose as main carbon
source, which is not consumed by C. krusei. The overall (based on total cell count) specific
growth rate was 0.20 h-1. The biomass yield and productivity of the mixed culture have been
summarised in Table 1. The growth of C. krusei was not too rapid, however C. krusei was
able to grow in the medium (Fig. 2a) and increased from an initial cell count of 3.50x106
CFU/mL to 5.40x107 CFU/mL at the end of fermentation. Growth of C. krusei indicates that it
is able to utilize other carbon sources (i.e. other than lactose). These carbon sources might
be intermediate metabolites produced by K. marxianus. Because C. krusei was not able to
grow in pure cheese whey, however, it was able to grow in the fermented broth supernatant
of K. marxianus (an observation from flask culture results). The final concentration of K.
marxianus after 30 h reached 4.70x108 CFU/mL. The overall increase in biomass was higher

with the mixed culture (6.1 g/L) compared to the mono-culture (4.7 g/L) as shown with the
previous batch experiment (i.e. mono-culture). The increase in biomass concentration led to
an increase in the biomass yield and productivity (Table 1). Thus, these results established
that C. krusei has potential to grow in a mixed culture at higher temperature (40 oC) and low
pH (3.5). Similar results of an increase in biomass yield (due to consumption of extracellular
intermediate metabolites by one yeast) during production of SCP using a mixed culture of
Torulopsis cremoris and Candida utilis (Cristiani-Urbina et al., 2000) and for C. utilis and
Brevibacterium lactofermentus (Rajoka et al., 2012) have been reported.

The lactose concentration decreased during fermentation from 19.2 g/L to 0.0 g/L in 20 h
(Fig. 2b). The soluble whey protein concentration initially decreased (similar to the mono-
culture case) up to 12 h (Fig. 2b) and slightly increased from 12 to 16 h. Then, the soluble
protein concentration remained almost constant until the end of the fermentation process (30
h). COD also decreased with time as shown in Fig. 2b. COD decreased from 31.7 g/L to 4.2
g/L at the end of fermentation (30 h). The overall reduction of COD with the mixed culture
was 86.8%, which was 8.8% higher than with the mono-culture during a same fermentation
duration (30 h). The 8.8% higher reduction does not look statistically significant, however,
when the residual COD was calculated separately for each component (i.e. lactose, proteins
and intermediate metabolites), as shown in Table 1, the reduction of COD due to
intermediate metabolites utilization was approximately 2.5 g/L. The residual COD associated
with intermediate metabolites (0.3 g/L) with mixed culture is almost negligible compared to
the mono-culture where COD associated with intermediate metabolites was 2.5 g/L. The
difference indicates that intermediate metabolites were consumed during the mixed culture
fermentation, which resulted in a lower residual COD. This proved that a mixed culture has
potential to remove more COD compared to a mono-culture.

A similar trend in COD reduction has been reported with another mixed culture (yeast
Kluyveromyces fragilis and bacterium Serratia marcescens) compared to a mono-culture (K.
fragilis) during production of protease and COD removal from cheese whey (Ustáriz et al.,
2007). A mixed culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces lactis at pH 5 and
30 oC has also been reported to enhance COD removal and biomass yield (Ghata et al.,
2013). S. cerevisiae has been reported to grow in mixed culture; however, it cannot grow at
high temperature and low pH, which is an essential condition for prevention of pathogenic
bacterial contamination. Batch and fed-batch cultures have also been reported using a mixed
culture of Torulopsis cremoris and Candida utilis for biomass production and COD removal
from cheese whey at pH 4.8 and 29 oC (Cristiani-Urbina et al., 2000). The batch fermentation
results of this study showed that the mixed culture has higher potential in terms of COD

removal, biomass yield and productivity. Therefore, this mixed combination was
subsequently used in a continuous fermentation process. A continuous process was
employed for subsequent study because it is more practical when the purpose is both i.e.
continuous wastewater treatment as well as biotransformation (Yadav et al., 2013).
Additionally, previous reports have reported comparatively higher COD removal results
(Table 1) but most of these studies were conducted using whey permeate and thus the
residual COD due to proteins was negligible.

3.3 Batch fermentation followed by continuous fermentation with

mixed culture

3.3.1 Variation of individual populations of K. marxianus and C. krusei

The variation of the individual populations of C. krusei and K. marxianus during batch and
continuous fermentation are shown in Fig. 3a. An increase in more than one log in C. krusei
(initial 2.60x107 CFU/mL) population (maximum up to 6.20x108 CFU/mL at 20 h) and K.
marxianus (initial 2.30x106 CFU/mL) population (maximum up to 9.50x107 CFU/mL) during
the batch fermentation was observed (Fig. 3a). An increase in the K. marxianus/C. krusei
ratio during the batch fermentation from 0.08 to 0.15 was also observed.

The batch fermentation process, after 22 h, was changed to the continuous mode. At 24 h
HRT, from beginning of the continuous process up to 48 h, the C. krusei population was
higher than that of K. marxianus. At 54 h, the K. marxianus and C. krusei population were
approximately equal (Fig. 3a). A reason for this might be the addition of fresh medium whey,
which contains mainly lactose and less of other the organic components. The limitation in
consumable carbon limited growth of C. krusei whereas K. marxianus grew at a faster rate
compared to C. krusei. The K. marxianus/C. krusei ratio varied during the continuous
fermentation (from 24 h HRT to 6 h HRT) and this ratio increased with HRT. A maximal K.
marxianus/C. krusei ratio 3.5 was found at 6 h HRT while the minimal K. marxianus/C. krusei
ratio of 0.05 was observed at 24 h HRT (at steady state). The increase in ratio at the lowest
HRT (6 h HRT) value (or higher dilution rate) might be due to increase in availability of
lactose. Due to the availability of lactose K. marxianus was able to grow continuously;
however, at higher dilution rate (low HRT), the concentration of intermediate metabolites
probably become diluted resulting in less availability of intermediate metabolites as carbon
source for C. krusei. The ratio of K. marxianus/C. krusei varied with HRT during the
continuous fermentation; however, C. krusei sustained the growth during whole fermentation
period (22 h of batch followed by 168 h of continuous process).

The interaction among microorganisms in mixed cultures, especially with a lactose-positive
and a lactose-negative exists due to mutualism or commensalism. Commensalism is a type
of interaction in which one organism benefits from the interaction while the other strain is not
affected (Smid and Lacroix, 2013). A commensalism interaction of Candiada kefyr (now
known as K. marxianus) with the lactose-negative yeast Candida valida LY497 during SCP
production using cheese whey has been reported (Carlotti et al., 1991). A 20% increase in
biomass yield was reported with the mixed culture over the mono-culture. A specific
physiological interaction has not been reported between K. marxianus and C. krusei,
however, Pedersen et al. (2012) reported higher percentages of these two yeasts in the
fermented food product fura (West African fermented cereal) from different sources, which
supports the existence of physiological interaction-between these two yeast species as well
as the present study supports this interaction.

3.3.2 Variation in lactose, COD and soluble protein concentration during batch
and continuous fermentation

The variation in lactose, COD and soluble protein concentration during batch and continuous
fermentation is presented in Fig. 3b and in Table 1. The lactose concentration decreased
during the batch fermentation from 17.5 g/L to 1.1 g/L. The soluble protein concentration
showed a similar trend as observed in the first two batch runs and its concentration
decreased from 3.9 to 3.1 g/L. The COD concentration decreased from 29.7 g/L to 9.3 g/L
from 0 to 22 h of batch operation (Fig. 3b).

At the start of the continuous process with 24 h HRT steady state was achieved after 54 hrs
of continuous operation. The lactose concentration in the bioreactor effluent initially
increased from 1.1 g/L to 3.3 g/L after switching from batch to continuous. This transient
increase in lactose concentration was due to osmotic stress arising from feeding of new
substrate. The microorganisms required time for homeostatic adjustment (Brauer et al.,
2005). The residual lactose concentration at steady state was 1.8 g/L, and thus, consumption
of lactose reached 91%. At 18 h HRT the lactose concentration in the bioreactor effluent
decreased from 2.9 to 1.4 g/L and a lactose consumption value of 92% at steady state was
observed. At 12 h HRT, the lactose concentration in the bioreactor effluent significantly
increased (increased from 3.4 to 6.6 g/L) and lactose consumption was only 63.4% at steady
state. At 6 h HRT, the lactose concentration in the bioreactor effluent increased from 8.8 to
11.8 g/L and lactose consumption was only 34.3% at steady state. The reason for these
increases in residual lactose concentration at lower HRT values is that the microorganisms

were not getting sufficient time to utilize lactose supplied by the increased dilution rates. The
soluble protein concentrations during continuous fermentation ranged from 2.5 to 3.9 g/L
depending on HRT. However, the lowest concentrations of proteins were observed at 24 h
HRT while the highest concentrations were observed at 12 h and 6 h HRT.

The variation in COD concentration, residual COD, COD due to each component and
percentage of COD removal during continuous fermentation is shown in Fig. 3b and Table 1.
At 24 h HRT, the effluent COD concentration varied between 8.9 g/L and 5.7 g/L. However,
the residual COD at steady state (Table 1) associated with the intermediate metabolites was
much lower and this indicates that consumption of these metabolites was similar to that in
batch fermentation using the mixed culture. At 18 h HRT, the effluent COD first decreased
from 7.6 g/L to 6.0 g/L up to 24 h. However after 24 h, the COD concentration increased to
9.2 g/L. The increase in COD concentration might be related to poor growth of the K.
marxianus population (Fig. 3a) that resulting in higher accumulation or production of
intermediate metabolites. At 12 h and 6 h HRT, the COD concentrations were 16.2 and 22.3
g/L, respectively. Continuous fermentation with K. fragilis using cheese whey for SCP
production has been carried out by other researchers, however the fermentation conditions
used were different (pH 4.5 and 33 oC), which were reported to be optimal conditions for
Kluyveromyces species (Ghaly et al., 2005). The optimal HRT reported for SCP production
was 12 h, however, there is no report correlating COD removal efficiency and SCP

Biomass increased from 6.0 g/L to 10.1 g/L at 22 h growth during batch fermentation. The
yield of biomass (0.16 g/g lactose) was comparatively lower compared to the previous batch
results and this might be due to the high concentration of inoculum, which probably
consumed more carbon source for maintenance energy (Yadav et al., 2013). Moreover, this
yield was measured only after 22 h of batch fermentation when lactose and intermediate
metabolites had not been fully consumed.

The results for biomass yield and productivity with respect to lactose consumed at steady
state and their variation during the continuous process are presented in Table 1 and Fig. 3a,
respectively. The higher variation in biomass yield was observed at 24 h HRT compared to
18 h HRT. At 12 h and 6 h HRT, the biomass yield increased during the process (Table 1).
Higher biomass yield and productivity have also been reported at lower HRT values during
continuous SCP production from cheese whey (Table 1) by other researchers (Ben-Hassan
and Ghaly, 1995; Ghaly et al., 2005). Considering the fact that higher COD removal or
lactose consumption was observed at 18 h and 24 h HRT (Table 1), therefore, these HRT

values could be employed for simultaneous COD removal and biomass production during
continuous process. However, when the purpose is only biomass production then lower HRT
could be employed. Samples were also examined for contamination by other
microorganisms. No contamination was detected during 168 h of continuous cultivation and
that was due to the extreme process conditions (i.e. low pH and high temperature) employed.
Thus, the combination of these two yeast strains has the potential for concurrent cultivation
to produce SCP with better quality of protein and COD removal (i.e. treatment of whey) at
industrial scale under non-aseptic conditions in a continuous process.

3.4 Compositional analysis of biomass (SCP)

The produced biomass (SCP) from 24 h HRT was analyzed for its major chemical
components. The composition of the mixed culture biomass showed that the major
components were protein (43.4% w/w), carbohydrates (33.6% w/w), crude fiber (4.6% w/w),
lipids (6.4% w/w) and ash (minerals) (8.4% w/w). Similar compositions of SCP produced from
whey permeate have been reported by Anvari and Khayati (2011) and Paul et al. (2002)
using pure Kluyveromyces species. The protein content of SCP from C. krusei strain SO1
has been reported to be 47.53 and 50.10% w/w, grown in synthetic medium and sorghum
medium, respectively (Konlani et al., 1996). As per requirement of Association of American
Feed Control Official Incorporated (AAFCO), the minimal protein content for SCP should not
be less than 40% w/w (AAFCO, 2010). The details of the minerals profile also showed a
balanced composition with the following values for individual minerals (mg/100 g dry cells
weight): calcium (1700 mg), phosphorus (2120 mg), potassium (1700 mg), sulfur (610 mg),
sodium (200), magnesium (170 mg), iron (0.15 mg), manganese (0.007 mg), copper (0.03),
zinc (0.13), molybdenum (0.01 mg), and nickel (0.007). There were no heavy metals (toxic
metals) detected in the SCP.

The essential amino acid profile of the mixed culture biomass was also evaluated and the
results are presented in Table 2. The amino acid profile shows that the mixed culture SCP
was balanced in the essential amino acid content. Moreover, it was expected that the lysine
content should be high as C. krusei is reported to be rich in this amino acid. Lysine is one of
the most essential amino acids along with sulfur-containing amino acid (Rajoka et al., 2012).
The method used for amino acid analysis was not able to detect the presence of methionine
and cysteine. Though the methionine content of C. krusei is reported to be less than that
required by the Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) (Konlani et al., 1996), however, the
methionine content of C. krusei is higher than the methionine content reported in K. fragilis
(Paul et al., 2002). Thus, the mixed culture (K. marxianus and C. krusei) amino acid profile

should be better compared to that of the mono-culture (K. marxianus). Important information
obtained during the minerals analysis is the high sulfur content of the SCP (as given above).
This high sulfur content might be due to sulfur-containing amino acids.

The biomass from the fermented broth could be separated by centrifugation or through
membrane filtration (ultrafiltration). Separation of biomass via centrifugation will require one
more step (either precipitation or membrane filtration) to recover the residual soluble whey
proteins. Though, ultrafiltration could simultaneously recover the biomass as well as the
proteins. The recovery of the residual soluble protein through ultrafiltration needs to be
optimized. However, recovery of residual soluble protein by precipitation from the
supernatant of yeast-grown (K. marxianus) on cheese whey has been optimized, with a
residual protein recovery up to 81%, which further reduced the residual COD (Yadav et al.,
2014). Protein precipitation does not require a centrifugation step because the precipitate can
be separated by gravity settling. The optimal conditions for protein precipitation developed
earlier could be applied on the supernatant of the mixed culture (K. marxianus and C. krusei)
cultivated on cheese whey, with a similar recovery of the proteins. Thus, the present study of
mixed culture SCP production from cheese whey could be integrated with our earlier
developed technique (Yadav et al., 2014). The overall productivity and COD removal
efficiency of the proposed process will be increased through recovery of the residual soluble
protein (2.3 g/L) via precipitation. The recovered protein could be spray-dried (along with the
biomass), and thus, this will help to increase the protein content of SCP (the final product).
The biomass protein content obtained was 43.2% w/w, which will be further increased when
mixed with the recovered precipitated proteinaceous solids. Thus, based on our calculations
for the integrated process (fermentation and protein precipitation), the expected results as
shown in Table 3. Mixing of the recovered proteinaceous solids with the biomass will
enhance product quality in two ways: i) the overall protein content of the produced SCP will
be increased; ii) the amino acid profile of the SCP will also be balanced due to a higher
content of sulfur-containing amino acids (cysteine and methionine) and of lysine in the whey-
derived proteins. Thus, the overall protein quality will be better compared to that of the pure
culture SCP and this improve the value of the proteinaceous product (animal feed). COD
removal is also enhanced, to 91-93% (Table 3). However, to implement this potential
integrated process further studies are required i.e. scale-up and economic analysis.


A mixed culture is a better choice for SCP production and COD removal at higher
temperature and lower pH. C. krusei and K. marxianus showed physiological interactions.

Continuous fermentation at 24 h HRT was optimal for higher COD removal with substantial
yield and productivity. Additionally, mixed culture SCP is enriched with lysine and meet with
the minimal required protein content. The extreme process conditions will minimize the
contamination and thus, the continuous process can be operated under non-aseptic
conditions. Residual protein recovery through precipitation increased the productivity from
0.17 to 0.31 g/L/h and COD removal efficiency, from 80% to 91-93%. Further, study is
warranted to scale up the process in an integrated scenario. These results naturally lead to
the need for scaling up the process using an intergrated scenario i.e. mixed culture SCP
production + recovery of the residual proteins by precipitation.


Authors are sincerely thankful to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada (Grant A4984, RDCPJ379601-08, and Canada Research Chair) for their financial


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Table 1. Summary of residual substrates, yield and COD removal efficiency during batch and continuous processes with mono-culture and mixed
culture conducted at pH 3.5 and 40 C using cheese whey as substrate

Fermentation pH Temp. Total COD COD COD due to µ Yx/s Productivi COD Reference
o -1
( C) residual due to due to metabolites (h ) (g/g) ty (g/L/h) removal
COD lactose proteins (g/L) efficiency
(g/L) (g/L) (g/L) (%)

Batch-1 (K. marxianus) 3.5 40 6.8 0.0 4.0 2.5 0.21 0.26 0.15 78.0 (IP) This study
Batch-2 (K. marxianus + 3.5 40 4.2 0.0 3.9 0.3 0.20 0.31 0.20 86.8 (IP) This study
C. krusei)
Batch (K. fragilis) 4.4 31 5.4 0.0 0.0 Na 0.15 0.44 Na 90.6 (EP) Ghaly and Kamal,
Batch (K. marxianus) 5.0 34 Na Na 0.0 Na 0.23 0.26 0.45 88.5 (EP) Anvari and Khayati,
Batch (K. marxianus) 5.8 30 15.0 Na 0.0 Na Na 0.52 Na 90.0 (EP) Schultz et al., 2006
Batch (T. cremoris + C. 4.8 29 10.2 0.0 0.0 Na 0.25 0.46 Na 92.7 (EP) Cristiani-Urbina et
utilis) al., 2000
Continuous process

24 h HRT 3.5 40 5.9 2.0 2.9 0.98 0.041 0.17 0.17 80.2 (IP) This study
18 h HRT 3.5 40 8.4 1.7 3.5 3.2 0.055 0.21 0.21 72.2 (IP) This study
12 h HRT 3.5 40 16.2 6.5 4.0 5.3 0.083 0.23 0.26 46.0 (IP) This study
6 h HRT 3.5 40 22.2 13.4 3.5 5.4 0.167 0.27 0.38 26.0 (IP) This study
24 h HRT (K. fragilis) 4.5 33 Na Na Na Na 0.105 0.26 0.40 Na Ghaly et al., 2005
12 h HRT (K. fragilis) 4.5 33 Na Na Na Na 0.087 0.74 2.85 Na Ghaly et al., 2005
12 h HRT (K. fragilis) 4.5 33 Na Na Na Na 0.083 0.74 2.86 Na Ben-Hassan and
Ghaly et al., 1995

*Na: not available; IP: including protein; EP: excluding proteins

Table 2. Amino acid profile of mono-culture and mixed culture SCP

Amino acid (g/100 g protein)

Yeast Leucine Lysine Threonine Valine Isoleucine Tyrosine Methionine Methionine Phenylalanine Tryptophan
+ Cystine
K. marxianus 9.42 6.02 ND ND 3.50 3.32 ND ND ND ND

(K. marxianus 7.40 9.8 ND ND 3.80 1.8 ND ND ND ND

+C. krusei)
FAO/WHO 7.0 5.5 4.0 5.0 4.20 2.80 2.20 3.5 2.8 1.4

*ND: Not determined

Table 3. Prediction for further improvement of the process efficiency by recovering the residual
soluble proteins employing the Yadav et al. (2014) two-step precipitation method

Mixed culture product recovery conditions Productivity Protein content COD removal
(g/L/h) of SCP (% w/w) efficiency (%)

Recovery of SCP (biomass) after continuous 0.17 43.4 80.2

fermentation by centrifugation (present status)

Predicted process efficiency after recovery of the 0.31 47.4 91-93

residual soluble proteins using the two-step
precipitation method

6.1E+08 (a) 7.0
Cell count (CFU/mL)

5.1E+08 6.0

SS (g/L)
CFU/mL 2.0
1.1E+08 SS (dry wt.)
5.0E+06 0.0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 30
Time (h)

Figure 1. (a) Growth profile of K. marxianus during batch fermentation in cheese whey; (b)
Variation in substrates profiles during fermentation

(a) 9.0
Cell count (CFU/mL)


SS (g/L)
1.5E+07 K. marxianus
C. krusei 3.0
Total cells 2.0
SS (dry wt.)
1.5E+06 0.0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 30
Time (h)

Figure 2. (a) Growth profile during mixed culture (K. marxianus and C. krusei) fermentation in
cheese whey; (b) Variation in substrates profiles during the mixed culture fermentation

Figure 3. (a) Growth profile of mixed culture (K. marxianus and C. krusei) during continuous
fermentation at different HRT (6, 12, 18 and 24 h); (b) Variation in substrates profiles during
continuous fermentation at different HRT







Jay Shankar Singh Yadav1, Jyothi Bezawada1, Song Yan1, R. D. Tyagi1* and R.

Y. Surampalli2

Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Centre Eau, Terre & Environnement,
Université du Québec, 490 de la Couronne, Québec (QC), G1K 9A9, CANADA.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), P. O. Box 17-2141, Kansas City,
KS 66117, USA.

*Corresponding author: R. D. Tyagi, E-mail: [email protected]; Tel: (418) 654 2617

Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology

172: 6 (2014), 3207-3222


Le lactosérum est un sous-produit issu de l’industrie de production du fromage. Son

utilisation aussi bien que son élimination entraînent un défi de taille puisque très peu de
microorganismes ont la capacité de métaboliser le lactosérum. Une des approches
d’application biotechnologique visant à pallier à ce problème est basée sur l’hydrolyse
enzymatique du lactosérum en glucose et en galactose à l’aide de l’enzyme de la β-
galactosidase. À cette fin, les cellules de Kluyveromyces marxianus ont été perméabilisées
avec du N-lauroyl sarcosine (N-LS), un détergent anionique, biodégradable et non toxique.
Puis, les paramètres du procédé de perméabilisation ont été optimisés (concentration en N-
LS, volume de solvant, température, et temps d’incubation). L’utilisation des cellules
perméabilisées sous conditions optimales a ainsi permis d’atteindre l’activité maximale de la
β-galactosidase, sont 1220 IU/g de masse sèche. Par ailleurs, la viabilité des cellules
perméabilisées a été évaluée, ce qui a montré que les cellules étaient viables, mais que
cette viabilité était réduite de deux cycles logarithmiques. Les cellules perméabilisées ont
aussi été évaluées pour leur capacité à hydrolyser le lactose contenu dans le lactosérum.
Une hydrolyse maximale de 91% du lactose a été observée en utilisant 600 mg de cellules
(masse sèche/100 mL) dans une solution de poudre de lactosérum (5% m/v) incubée à 30 oC
et à pH 6,5 pendant 180 minutes. De plus, le lactosérum hydrolysé a été évalué pour son
aptitude à améliorer la croissance de Saccharomyces cerevisiae, une levure qui ne possède
pas l’enzyme hydrolysant le lactose. Il s’est avéré que S. cerevisiae, avec la présence
simultanée de K. marxianus, était capable de croître dans ce milieu. La présente étude
confirme que le N-LS a pu être employé afin de rendre les cellules de K. marxianus
perméables, et donc de rendre disponible leur activité enzymatique pour l’hydrolyse du

Mots-clés: β-galactosidase; Kluyveromyces marxianus; N-lauroyl sarcosine;

Perméabilisation; Hydrolyse du lactose; Cultures mixtes; Protéines unicellulaire.


Cheese whey is a by-product of cheese manufacturing, and the utilization of whey is a

challenging problem either to use it or to dispose of it, because only few microorganisms can
metabolize the whey lactose. Enzymatic hydrolysis of whey lactose to glucose and galactose
by β-galactosidase is one of the possible the approaches for biotechnological application.
Kluyveromyces marxianus cells were permeabilized using the non-toxic, biodegradable,
anionic detergent N-lauroyl sarcosine (N-LS) to access its enzyme activity. The
permeabilization process parameters (N-LS concentration, solvent volume, temperature and
incubation time) were optimized. A maximal β-galactosidase activity of 1220 IU/g dry cell
weight was obtained using the optimized conditions. Moreover, viability of the permeabilized
cells was also evaluated, which showed that cells were alive however, viability was reduced
by two log unit. The permeabilized cells were evaluated for whey lactose hydrolysis. A
maximal lactose hydrolysis of 91% was observed with 600 mg (dry cell weight/100 mL) in a
whey powder (5% w/v) solution after 180 min of incubation, pH 6.5 and 30 oC. Further, the
hydrolyzed whey was evaluated for growth of the non-lactose consuming yeast
Saccharomyces cerevisae. S. cerevisiae was able to grow in the hydrolyzed whey
simultaneously with K. marxianus. The study confirmed that N-LS could be used to
permeabilize K. marxianus cells in order to access its enzyme activity.

Keywords: β-galactosidase; Kluyveromyces marxianus; N-lauroyl sarcosine;

Permeabilization; Lactose hydrolysis; Mixed culture; Single-cell protein.


Cheese whey is a by-product of cheese manufacturing and is considered as an

environmental pollutant due to its high biological oxygen demand (BOD). The main
components of liquid cheese whey are lactose (4.5-5.0% w/v), soluble proteins (0.6-0.8%
w/v), lipids (0.4-0.5% w/v) and mineral salts (8-10% of dried matter) [1, 2]. Lactose is
primarily responsible for the high BOD. Increase in the production of cheese has resulted in a
serious problem of whey management and disposal [3, 4]. However, lactose and protein
components of whey also make it a nutritious resource for conversion into value-added
products via various physical and biological processes. Physical methods involved are direct
spray drying to convert liquid whey into whey powder or through separation of whey protein
followed by spray drying of the permeate to obtain whey permeate powder. Whey proteins
are used as a source of various functional and nutritional proteins, whereas whey permeate
is used as a source of lactose in various applications such as fillers and diluent in the
pharmaceutical industry [1, 2, 5]. Whey permeate (lactose) is also used to produce various
products such as lactobionic acid, lactulose, lactitol, lactosucrose and galacto-
oligosaccharides (GOS) [6]. These physical methods are effective for value addition to whey
but due to surplus amounts of whey, still half of the produced whey remains unutilized.
Therefore, to tackle this issue, various biotechnological processes have been applied to
biotransform whey into value-added products like enzymes, single-cell protein (SCP),
bioethanol, polyhydroxyalkaonates and GOS, etc. [1, 2, 5].

The major challenge in whey bio-utilization is lactose, which cannot be metabolized by the
majority of microorganisms. Hence, alternative biotechnological approaches have been
employed to use lactose. One approach is to hydrolyze the whey lactose by a free or an
immobilized enzyme into a mixture of glucose and galactose, and subsequently, to use the
hydrolyzed sugars either as a sweet syrup or as a substrate to grow non-lactose consuming
microorganism to generate various products (such as baker’s yeast SCP for feed and food)
[7, 8]. Protein-rich SCP also has been produced using hydrolyzed whey lactose while
employing a mixed culture of lactose-consuming and non-lactose consuming yeasts [9, 10].
Thus, lactose hydrolysis can make whey suitable for fermentation by lactose-negative
microorganisms such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

β-galactosidase (β-D-galactoctohydrolase, EC is an enzyme which is responsible

for the release of D-galactosyl residues from polymers, oligosaccharides or secondary
metabolites. This enzyme can be obtained from bacteria, yeasts (Kluyveromyces spp.) and

moulds (Aspergillus spp.). β-galactosidase is also used for the hydrolysis of lactose to solve
the problem associated with lactose crystallization in frozen concentrated dessert and that of
milk consumption by lactose intolerant individuals and tackle the disposal problem of whey
[6, 7]. Pure or analytical grade β-galactosidase is expensive therefore, an alternative method
is necessary to make the enzyme available at low cost.

The permeabilization technology is one of the effective tools, normally used to increase the
accessibility to intracellular enzymes. Permeabilized cells could be used as a source of
intracellular enzymes as biocatalysts for biotransformation of substrates to various products
[11, 12]. There are many chemicals and detergents (ethanol, iso-propanol, n-butanol, n-
propanol, toluene, benzene, chloroform, Triton X-100, sodium dodacyl sulphate (SDS),
digitonin and cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) available for the permeabilization of
yeast cells [13-15]. However, most of them are toxic and non-biodegradable, which hinders
their application, especially in feed and food processing industry.

N-lauroyl sacosine (N-LS), an amino acid derived detergent (an anionic detergent made up of
amino acid sacosine and fatty acid) is non-toxic, biodegradable and completely
metabolizable in the human body into sarcosine and fatty acids [16-18]. Thus, it can be safely
used for permeabilizing yeast cells to exploit various intracellular enzyme activities. A trace
residue of N-LS (if remained in the permeabilized cells after washing) will not be harmful due
to its low toxicity and used in leave on products (cosmetics) at a concentration up to 5% w/v
[19]. Thus, permeabilized cells could be safely applied for whey lactose hydrolysis.

Therefore, the objectives of the present work were: i) to study the pemeabilization efficiency
of N-LS for the yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus to make the intracellular enzyme available ii)
evaluation of the permeabilized cells for hydrolysis of whey lactose and iii) use the
hydrolyzed whey to favor growth of a non-lactose consuming yeast for the production of SCP
in a mixed culture.


N-lauroyl sarcosine, lactose, glucose and galactose standards and 2-nitrophenyl β-D-
galactopyranoside (ONPG) were obtained from Sigma Chemicals, USA. Hydrogen peroxide
was from Lab Mat Canada and whey powder was from a cheese factory (Fromage Saputo,
St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada).


Yeast strains (Kluyveromyces marxianus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae) were isolated from
the cheese whey and identified by biochemical and molecular methods (accession number
GQ 506972 and GQ 506975, respectively). The yeasts cultures were propagated on Yeast
Malt (YM) plates (Quebact Laboratories Inc., Quebec, Canada) plates at 35 oC for 48 h and
preserved at 4 oC for future use.

Inoculum preparation

YM broth was prepared and sterilized at 121 oC for 15 min. A loopful of K. marxianus grown
on YM agar was used to inoculate a 100 mL Erlenmeyer flask containing 20 mL of sterilized
YM broth medium. The flasks were incubated in a rotary incubator shaker at 150 rpm and at
35 oC for 18 h. The actively grown cells from these flasks were used as a pre-culture to
inoculate a 2000 mL flask containing 500 mL of pasteurized whey powder (4.5% w/v)
supplemented with urea (0.22% w/v) as nitrogen source for K. marxianus or sterilized YM
broth medium for S. cerevisiae.

Production of yeast biomass

Production of yeast (K. marxianus) biomass was carried out in a stirred tank 15 L fermentor
(working volume: 10 L, Biogenie, Quebec, Canada) equipped with accessories and a
programmable logic control (PLC) system for dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, anti-foam, impeller
speed, aeration rate and temperature. The software (iFix 3.5, Intellution, USA) allowed for
automatic set-point control and integration of all parameters via PLC. Before each
sterilization cycle, the polarographic pH-electrode (Mettler Toledo, USA) was calibrated using
buffers of pH 4.0 and 7.0 (VWR Canada). The oxygen probe was calibrated to zero (using N 2
degassed water) and 100% (air saturated water). The fermentor was sterilized at 121 oC for
15 min in-situ by water to maintain sterility. Subsequently, the fermentor was charged with
reconstituted cheese whey (9.5 L) using whey powder (4.5% w/v) and urea (0.22% w/v). A
polypropylene glycol solution (0.1% v/v) (PPG, Sigma-Canada) was used as antifoaming
agent. The fermentor with medium was pasteurized in-situ at 80 °C for 20 min. When the
fermentor was cooled to 35 °C, the pH was adjusted to 5.5 and the DO probe was
recalibrated to zero.

The fermentor was then inoculated aseptically with 5% (v/v) of a K. maxianus pre-culture in
the exponential phase (15 h-age). Air flow and agitation rates were adjusted during

fermentation in order to keep the DO above 25% saturation. The temperature was
maintained at 35 oC, and pH 5.5 (optimal pH for maximal production of β-galactosidase in
whey medium) was maintained by adding 4 N NaOH or 4 N H2SO4 throughout the
fermentation. The fermentation was carried out until 24 h and culture was then harvested.

Permeabilization of yeast cells

K. marxianus biomass from the fermented broth was recovered by centrifugation at 5000 rpm
for 10 min. One gram wet weight (0.17 g dry weight) of K. marxianus cells was suspended in
a 1 mL solution of 1.5% (w/v) of freshly prepared N-lauroyl sacosine (N-LS) and incubated at
25 oC for 20 min under shaking condition (150 rpm). After treatment with the detergent, the
cells were separated by centrifugation at 5000 rpm for 10 min. N-LS-treated cells were
washed twice with sterile distilled water to remove excess detergent and the permeabilized
cells (permeabilized cells were used as a source of the crude enzymes β-galactosidase and
catalase) were used to measure enzyme activity. Different permeabilization process
parameters were optimized and the methodology used for each parameter is given below.

Effect of N-LS concentration

1.0 g wet weight of yeast cells was treated with a 1 mL solution containing different
concentrations (1.0 to 3.5% w/v) of N-LS prepared in sterilized distilled water. β-
galactosidase activity of the permeabilized cells was determined after centrifugation.

Effect of solvent volume

1.0 g wet weight of yeast cells was treated with 15 mg of N-LS dissolved in different volumes
(1 to 6 mL) of solvent (water). The permeabilized cells were used to measure β-
galactosidase activity.

Effect of incubation temperature

1.0 g wet weight of yeast cells was mixed with 1 mL of the N-LS solution (1.5% w/v) and
incubated at different temperatures (20 to 45 C). β-galactosidase activity of the
permeabilized cells was determined after centrifugation.

Effect of incubation time

1.0 g wet weight of yeast cells was mixed with 1 mL of the solution of N-LS (1.5% w/v) and
incubated at 25 oC for different incubation times (10 to 60 min). The permeabilized cells after
centrifugation were used to estimate enzyme activity.

Hydrolysis of whey lactose using permeabilized K. marxianus cells

One hundred mL of a whey powder 5% (w/v) solution (pH 6.5) was prepared in Erlenmeyer
flasks and inoculated with different amounts (150 mg, 300 mg, 450 mg, 600 mg and 675 mg
dry weight) of permeabilized cells. Inoculated flasks were incubated at 30 oC in an orbital
shaker at 100 rpm for 3 h. Samples were withdrawn at regular intervals and at the end of
hydrolysis. Enzyme activity (lactose hydrolysis) was stopped by heating the samples at 100
C for 10 min. The samples were centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 5 min and the supernatant of
each sample was used to determine the hydrolysis products with high performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC). The HPLC method of sugar analysis was chosen to measure
hydrolysis process because the β-galactosidase enzyme may also show transgalactosylation
activity and produce galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) during the hydrolysis process.

Production of mixed culture SCP in hydrolyzed whey

The K. marxianus cells were produced in a 15 L fermentor as described before (production of

yeast biomass). The fermented broth was harvested after 24 h. The required volume of the
fermented broth was centrifuged to obtain a biomass pellet and the pellet was permeabilized
with the N-LS solution (1.5% w/v) at 25 oC for 20 min at the ratio of 1.0 g wet weight/1 mL of
N-LS solution. The permeabilized cells were centrifuged and washed with sterilized distilled

For the production of SCP, the prepared permeabilized K. marxianus cells (0.15% w/v dry
weight) were added to the pasteurized reconstituted whey powder (4.5% w/v) solution
supplemented with 0.22% w/v urea. Simultaneously, S. cerevisiae (10% v/v inoculum) was
added to obtain a mixed culture. In this case, the permeabilized cells of K. marxianus not
only supplied the needed enzyme, but also served as inoculum. The fermentation was
carried out at pH 6.5 (optimal pH for hydrolysis of lactose by β-galactosidase) and 30 oC.
Samples were withdrawn at 6 h intervals and subsequently used for analysis.

Analytical methods

β-galactosidase assay

β-galactosidase activity was measured by the method of Miller [20]. The re-suspended
permeabilized cells in distilled water served as source of crude enzyme. The reaction mixture
contained 3 mL of Z-buffer, 1 mL of permeabilized cells (8 x concentrated compared to
fermented broth) and 1 mL of ONPG (4 mg/mL). The reaction mixture was incubated at 30 oC
until the yellow colour developed (approximately 30 min). After incubation, the reaction was
stopped by adding 3 mL of 0.4 M Na2CO3. The samples were centrifuged to separate the
permeabilized cells at 5000 rpm for 5 min and the supernatant was collected. The produced
colour in the supernatant was measured at 420 nm via spectrophotometer. One unit of
enzyme activity is defined as one µmole of 2-nitrophenol liberated per min under the
standard assay conditions.

Catalase assay

Catalase activity was measured by the method of Aebi [21] in which H2O2 degradation was
monitored by measuring a decrease in absorbance at 240 nm due to catalase reaction.
Hydrogen peroxide (5-40 mM solutions) was used as standard to determine enzyme activity.
The catalase activity of permeabilized cells was measured by incubating 0.5 mL of the
suspension of permeabilized cells (8 x concentrated compared to fermented broth) in 10 mL
H2O2 (40 mM solution), prepared in 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), and incubated for 10
min with shaking. After incubation, the reaction was stopped by adding 1.5 mL H2SO4 (4 N).
The samples were centrifuged (at 5000 rpm for 5 min) and absorbance was measured on the
supernatant. One unit of enzyme activity is defined as the decomposition of one µmole of
H2O2 per min at 25 oC and pH 7.0.

Viability of permeabilized cells

Viability of the permeabilized cells was determined as colony-forming units per milliliter
(CFU/mL) by the serial dilution plating technique. The appropriately diluted samples of
permeabilized cells or of non-permeabilized cells were plated on YM agar plates and
incubated for 48 h at 35 °C to form fully developed colonies.

Analysis of whey lactose hydrolysis

The HPLC conditions used for sugar analysis were; mobile phase 480 mM sodium hydroxide;
isocratic flow rate, 0.4 mL/min; column, CarbopackTM MA1, analytical 4x250 mm dimension
from Dionex; equipped with pump, auto sampler and Dionex ED40 Electrochemical Detector.
The data were analyzed using the Chromeleon software [22].

The soluble protein concentration was measured by the Lowry [23] method. The standard
curve was drawn with different concentrations of bovine serum albumin (BSA) obtained by
diluting the 1 mg/mL BSA stock solution. The reducing sugar concentration was measured by
the dinitro-salicylic acid (DNS) method of Miller [24]. The standard curve was drawn with
different concentrations of lactose using a 2.0 g/L of lactose stock solution. All estimates
were carried out in triplicate and the average values are presented (with standard error less
than 5% of the mean).


Permeabilization of yeast cells

Effect of N-LS concentration

The impact of permeabilization of K. maxianus cells at different concentrations of N-LS is

presented in Fig. 1. The maximal β-galactosidase activity was obtained at the N-LS
concentration of 1.5% (w/v). Decreased enzyme activity at higher N-LS concentration could
have been due to either cell lysis or interaction of membrane proteins with N-LS, which
resulted in enzyme leakage, from the permeabilized cells to inactivation of the enzyme. At
lower concentration of N-LS (<1.5% w/v) the lower enzyme activity was probably due to less
effective permeabilization of the cells [25]. Thus, the concentration of a permeabilizing agent
plays an important role in determining whether the cells are permeabilized or lysed during
treatment. The affinity of the detergent towards the cell membrane could also affect the
permeabilization process [17]. The mechanism of permeabilization (or alteration in
membrane permeability) depends on the interaction of different detergents (ionic, zwitterion
and non-ionic) with proteins and lipids of the cell membrane, which results in pore formation
in the membrane or perturbation of the membrane structure [26, 27].

Effect of solvent volume

The results revealed that the maximal enzyme activity was obtained when 1 mL of N-LS
(containing total 15 mg of N-LS) was used to permeabilize 1.0 g wet weight of cells (Fig. 2).
The enzyme activity decreased with the increase in volume of the solvent (water). The results
indicated that volume of permeabilizing media (or cells to detergent ratio/unit volume of
solvent) plays an important role in permeabilization of K. marxianus cells. This probably due
to low interaction of N-LS molecules with yeast cells when the volume of solvent increases
(or the cell concentration in detergent solution decreases). Moreover, the phenomenon of
micelles formation must also play a key role above and below the critical micelle
concentration (CMC), which in turn decreases the permeabilization effect and thus the
enzyme activity.

It is known that process parameters (concentration of detergent, for example) for

permeabilization differ for different types of microorganisms [11]. The permeabilization study
on S. cerevisiae for catalase activity reported by Abraham and Bhat [17] revealed that the
effective concentration of N-LS was 2% w/v. This might be due to the nature of the enzyme
(catalase) or to a difference in the yeast species (S. cerevisiae). Moreover, one important
information obtained during this N-LS volume optimization study was that the requirement in
solvent (water) was very minor (1 mL with 15 mg N-LS/1.0 g cells wet weight). Due to this
low requirement for the detergent solution, the released protein and nucleotides after
permeabilization could be easily recovered because they were in a concentrated form. The
recovered proteins and nucleotides could be used as flavouring agents and as nutrients in
aquaculture [28].

Effect of temperature

The optimal temperature to achieve maximal enzyme activity was 25 oC (Fig. 3). Decreases
in enzyme activity at higher temperatures may have been due to heat inactivation of the
enzyme or increased deleterious enzyme-detergent interaction or activation of membrane
bound endogenous proteases. Activation of these proteases may have degraded the enzyme
β-galactosidase. A higher protease activity has been reported at temperatures above 25 oC
[29]. Low activity of the enzyme β-galactosidase at 20 oC might have been caused by a
reduction in the efficiency of the detergent.

Effect of incubation time

An incubation time of 20 min was found to be the optimal to achieve maximal β-galactosidase
activity (Fig. 4). Enzyme activity decreased with incubation time above and under 20 min.
However, enzyme activity was stabilized after 30 min of incubation time. A decrease in
enzyme activity when incubated for longer than 20 min could be attributed to inactivation or
lysis of yeast cells by the permeabilizing agent or inactivation of β-galactosidase protein by
proteases [17]. The lower enzyme activity with incubation times lower than 20 min could be
due to insufficient permeabilization of the yeast cells [25]. A maximal activity of 1220 IU/g dry
cell weight of β-galactosidase was observed with the optimal conditions (20 min and 25 oC).

Use of permeabilized microbial cells as enzyme source has advantages over use of pure or
free enzymes (such as low purification cost and enhanced enzyme stability). The
permeabilization technique has been applied to Kluyveromyces spp. for β-galactosidase
activity employing different permeabilizing agents. Various yeast strains of K. marxianus and
of K. fragilis were permeabilized and different levels of β-galactosidase activity were reported
[13, 15, 25, 30-32] by several researchers, as presented in Table 1. Though some chemicals
such as organic solvents, CTAB and digitonin showed a slightly higher permeabilization
efficiency (enzyme activity) compared to N-LS permeabilization, but due to their higher
toxicity (lower LD50 value) these chemicals cannot be used especially in the context of food

Catalase activity in the permeabilized cells

A catalase activity of 38 000 IU/g dry cell weight was found under the conditions found
optimal for the permeabilization of K. marxianus cells to achieve maximal β-galactosidase
activity. The catalase activity in the permeabilized K. marxianus cells demonstrated that other
intracellular enzyme activities could also be made available during permeabilization.
Simultaneous presence of catalase along with β-galactosidase would be an added
advantage because the premeabilized cells could also be used as an enzyme cocktail. Thus,
permeabilized cells with catalase activity could be utilized simultaneously for degradation of
hydrogen peroxide as well as hydrolysis of whey lactose. Hydrogen peroxide is used for cold
pasteurization during the processing of cheese, and therefore, it is necessary to remove
residual hydrogen peroxide before culturing microorganism in cheese whey [33].

Viability of permeabilized cells

The viability of yeast cells was evaluated before and after permeabilization. The results
revealed that the cells were viable after permeabilization but the total cells concentration
decreased by 2 log units during permeabilization. Cell viability decreased from 4.30x108
CFU/mL to 5.20x106 CFU/mL. This might be due to inactivation or lysis of the cells brought
about by the action of detergent. However, cell lysis seems improbable because β-
galactosidase activity was not observed in the supernatant. A reduction in cell viability up to
15% together with a change in cell morphology has been reported after permeabilization of
the yeast Pichia anomala with 5% v/v Triton X-100 [34]. Since viability of cells after
permeabilization remained high, it is possible that some of the lactose might have been
consumed by the yeast cells during hydrolysis. In order to verify this possibility, the
concentration of glucose and lactose was monitored before and after hydrolysis (3 h). It was
found that 15.5 g/L of glucose was released after maximal hydrolysis. The glucose
concentration measured (15.5 g/L) was lower by 0.9 g/L than that theoretically expected from
the hydrolysis of 32.7 g/L of lactose (initial concentration at the beginning of hydrolysis). The
reduction in glucose concentration might have been due to consumption by the viable yeast
cells within 3 h. Thus, the consumption of sugars during hydrolysis was not appreciable.

This is the first study to show the extent of viability after permeabilization of K. marxianus
cells with a detergent. The lysis of cells should have been minimal otherwise the enzyme
would have been released from the cells and consequently a loss of enzyme activity would
have occured. This result is contrary to ethanol-permeabilized cells, where yeast cells lost
viability after permeabilization (an observation evaluated from ethanol-permeabilized K.
marxianus cells). On the other hand, viability of cells might be useful when the purpose is to
produce galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS). During the enzymatic synthesis process, galactose
(2 to 20 molecules) will be converted to GOS and residual glucose (generally 1 molecule
used in synthesis of GOS) [35] will be consumed by the viable cells.

Hydrolysis of whey lactose by permeabilized yeast cells

The permeabilized yeast cells were tested for whey lactose hydrolysis (Figs 5 & 6). Keeping
in view that other reactions such as trangalactosylation could occur, the hydrolysis products
of lactose by β-galactosidase were measured by HPLC. Same β-galactosidases from various
K. marxianus strains possess a higher specificity towards lactose hydrolysis and some are
more specific towards trangalactosylation activity [36]. The percentage of unhydrolyzed and
hydrolyzed lactose in whey was calculated from the standard curve for lactose. The HPLC

chromatogram results (Fig. 5a - unhydrolyzed lactose, and Fig. 5b - hydrolyzed lactose)
clearly indicate that whey lactose was hydrolyzed by β-galactosidase to glucose and
galactose with minor trangalactosylation activity because the peak height of galactose was
comparatively smaller to that of the glucose peak. The fourth peak appearing in the
chromatogram was for GOS (Fig. 5b).

The amount of whey lactose hydrolyzed increased with time up to a permeabilized yeast cells
concentration of 600 mg dry weight/100 mL of whey powder solution (Fig. 6). A maximal
lactose hydrolysis of 91% was obtained with a permeabilized cell concentration of 600 mg
dry cell weight per 100 mL of whey powder solution (5% w/v whey powder or lactose
concentration of 3.6% w/v) after three hours of incubation. A permeabilized cell concentration
above 600 mg dry cell weight/100 mL of whey powder solution did not show any further
increase in the hydrolysis. At the same time, 51% hydrolysis was achieved with 150 mg
biomass within 3 h. The increased lactose hydrolysis at higher permeabilized cell
concentrations is due to increased availability of β-galactosidase enzyme. Lactose hydrolysis
did not increase beyond 600 mg permeabilized cells/100 mL whey powder solution and this
could be due to substrate (lactose) limitation or product (galactose) inhibition [37].

Based on the results obtained with different enzyme-to-substrate [permeabilized

cells:substrate (lactose)] ratio, the kinetics of lactose hydrolysis was evaluated and first order
kinetics showed the best fit with the data. The integral method of analysis has been used to
evaluate the reaction kinetics of the hydrolysis. The relationship between substrate
concentration and time of hydrolysis for a first order reaction was calculated using the
following equation:
ln(Ct/C0) = -kt (1)
Where Ct is the substrate concentration at time t, C0 is the initial substrate concentration and
k is the apparent rate constant (min-1). A plot of ln(Ct/C0) versus time (t) gave a straight line
with a slope of -k. Linear regression analysis of the plots gave the k-values with their
respective coefficient of determination (R2) value as presented in Table 2. Half-life (t1/2) of the
substrate was calculated by the first order kinetics half-life equation:
t1/2 = 0.693/k (2)
The kinetics results obtained indicated that as the enzyme:substrate (E:S) ratio increased,
the rate of hydrolysis increased from 51% to a maximum of 92% when the E:S ratio
increased from 1:240 to 1:53. Similarly, the trend of half-life for substrate disappearance was
also observed and decreased from 178 min to 50 min. However, with higher E:S ratios, there
was not much variation in the half-life of the substrate. Thus, a E:S ratio could be chosen

based on the purpose of lactose hydrolysis (i.e. complete, partial or slow hydrolysis). The
other parameter values related to enzyme kinetics are summarized in Table 2.

These results proved that N-LS permeabilized yeast cells could be used to hydrolyze whey
lactose, and subsequently, the hydrolysate could be used to produce various products such
as mixed culture SCP, ethanol and/or milk lactose hydrolysis. Moreover, lactose can also be
used for biotransformation to GOS after selecting a specific β-galactosidase with
transgalactosidase activity. Lactose hydrolysis up to 89 to 90.5% has been reported from
skim milk and whey using Kluyveromyces permeabilized cells [31, 38]. Furthermore, whey
lactose hydrolysis carried out by cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB)-permeabilized
yeast cells and subsequent use of the hydrolyzed lactose for bioethanol production by non-
lactose consuming yeast has been reported [39].

Production of mixed culture SCP in hydrolyzed whey

The variations in reducing sugar, soluble protein concentration, cell count and suspended
solids (yeast biomass) during hydrolyzed whey (via permeabilized K. marxianus cells) batch
fermentation are shown in Fig. 7. The reducing sugar concentration during the batch
fermentation decreased from 32.8 to 1.1 g/L. A sugar consumption of 96% was observed
after 24 h of batch fermentation. The soluble protein content during the fermentation
decreased from 8.2 to 7.8 g/L. A higher concentration of residual soluble protein in the
fermented broth was observed compared to the fermentation without use of permeabilized K.
marxianus (residual protein content was 5.2 g/L). The higher residual soluble protein
concentration during fermentation with permeabilized cells might be due to release of soluble
proteins from the permeabilized K. marxianus cells or excretion of some extracellular
enzymes during the mixed culture cultivation (K. marxianus and S. cerevisiae). The biomass,
in terms of suspended solids steadily increased from 2.3 to 9.2 g/L. Cell counts of K.
marxianus and S. cerevisiae increased with time and active growth was observed after 6 hrs
of fermentation (Fig. 7). The initial slow growth might have been due to the fact that K.
marxianus cells were in a permeabilized state (almost inactivated cells) and it took some time
before they start growing. Moreover, S. cerevisiae growth depends on the availability of
glucose and galactose in the medium generated as a result of hydrolysis of lactose by the
permeabilized cells and that may have delayed growth. Even though viable K. marxianus
cells (or inoculum) were not added during the fermentation, the permeabilized cells of K.
marxianus started growing. The K. marxianus/S. cerevisiae ratio during the batch
fermentation (0-24 h) was increased from 0.6 to 1.3. An increase in the ratio of K.
marxianus/S. cerevisiae might have been due to the fact that K. marxianus can utilize all

three sugars (glucose, galactose and lactose) while S. cerevisiae can consume only glucose
and galactose. Moreover, the concentration of S. cerevisiae could be enhanced by using a
higher concentration of permeabilized cells to increase hydrolysis, if necessary. The yields
(Yx/s), productivities (g/L.h) and sugar degradation rates (g/L.h) were compared between
fermentation of whey without hydrolysis with K. marxianus (profile not presented) and
fermentation with the mixed culture (K. marxianus and S. cerevisiae) in hydrolyzed whey.
The yield, productivity and sugar degradation rate were found to be 0.26 g biomass/g
lactose, 0.32 g/L.h and 1.25 g/L.h in the case of no lactose hydrolysis while they were 0.22 g
biomass/g lactose, 0.29 g/L.h and 1.32 g/L.h in the case of hydrolysis, respectively. The
biomass yield was a little higher with no hydrolysis, however, this could be compensated by
the higher content of residual soluble proteins, which could be recovered and added to the
biomass, or they could be used separately.

Growth of S. cerevisiae in the mixed culture confirmed that permeabilized cells could be
applied for mixed culture biomass production (K. marxianus and S. cerevisiae), which is in
higher demand for food grade yeast. The mixed culture biomass could be used as a source
of protein with a balanced composition of amino acids [39]. K. marxianus usually lacks sulfur-
containing amino acids [40] while S. cerevisiae possesses them. The hydrolyzed whey
lactose can provide an alternate cheap medium for baker’s yeast production without addition
of other carbon sources, as done by some researchers who added molasses in cheese whey
to improve growth of baker’s yeast in a mixed culture [41]. Further, the observed yield and
productivity during the fermentation process could be increased by applying a fed-batch
process using one time permeabilized cells and thus reduce the production cost.

There is also the possibility of performing simultaneous galacto-oligosaccharides production

in the same batch or fed-batch process due to transgalactosylation activity of the β-
galactosidase. Moreover, as said above, the released nucleotides and proteins during
permeabilization could be used as flavoring agents and as nutrients in aquaculture. This
study shows that the permeabilization process can enhance the usefulness of whey for non-
lactose consuming yeasts. Permeabilized K. marxianus cells can also be used for the
production of lactose-free milk, as a cheap alternative, over the use of a pure enzyme for the


This study demonstrated that the non-toxic and biodegradable detergent (N-LS) can be
successfully used to permeabilize K. marxianus cells. In order to obtain maximal β-

galactosidase activity, the process parameters for permeabilization of K. marxianus cells
were optimized to gave the following values: N-LS concentration of 1.5% w/v, solvent (water)
volume of 1 mL (or 1.0 g wet weight/mL of N-LS solution), temperature of 25 oC and
incubation time of 20 min. The permeabilized K. marxianus cells also exhibited catalase
activity. This is an added advantage, which could be exploited for degradation of H2O2
present in cheese whey. More than 90% of the whey lactose hydrolysis (from 50.0 g/L of
whey powder solution) was achieved within 3 h with 6.0 g dry weight of permeabilized cells. It
was established that the hydrolyzed whey could be effectively used to grow the mixed culture
(for SCP production) consisting of lactose-consuming (K. marxianus) yeast and of a non-
lactose consuming yeast (S. cerevisiae). Additional studies are needed to test this new
process at pilot scale as well as to optimize the recovery of the soluble proteins after
fermentation. Moreover, it is also desirable to purify the released protein and nucleotides
during permeabilization for its potential applications.


Authors are sincerely thankful to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada (Grant A4984, RDCPJ379601-08, and Canada Research Chair) for their financial


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Table 1. Comparison of β-galactosidase activity with different permeabilizing agents and their toxicity

Yeast strains Permeabilizing agents Conc. of permeabilizing agent Enzyme activity Toxic (LD50) References

(mg/g wet wt.) (mg/g dry wt.) (IU/g wet wt.) (IU/g dry wt.)

K. marxianus N-LS 15 90 203.3 1220 No (>5000 mg/kg) This study

K. marxianus Toluene: ethanol (1:1) N.a N.a N.a 1610 Yes [32]

K. marxianus CTAB N. a 136 N.a 1290 Yes (410 mg/kg) [38]

K. marxianus CTAB 10 220.9 N.a Yes (410 mg/kg) [13]

K. marxianus Ethanol (50 % v/v) N.a N.a N.a 1540 Yes (6200 mg/kg) [15]

K. marxianus Ethanol (50% v/v) N.a N.a N.a 1573 Yes (6200 mg/kg) [31]

K. fragilis Digitonin 10 N.a 212.0 N.a Yes (50 mg/kg) [30]

K. fragilis Triton X-100 107 N.a 51.7 N.a Yes (1800 mg/kg) [30]

K. marxianus Toluene (20%) N.a N.a N.a 1432 Yes (13 mg/kg fish) [32]

* N.a: Not available; LD50: Lethal dose

Table 2. Kinetics of whey lactose hydrolysis with permeabilized cells in relation to different E:S ratios during the 180 min-incubation

Hydrolysates E:S % of lactose Rate equation R Rate constant Half-life of the
hydrolyse (min ) substrate (min)

1 1:240 51 y= -0.0037x - 0.0828 0.9729 0.0037 178

2 1:120 68 y = -0.0059x - 0.1405 0.9718 0.0059 108

3 1:80 84 y = -0.0094x - 0.109 0.9746 0.0094 68
4 1:60 91 y = -0.0135x - 0.1043 0.991 0.0135 51
5 1:53 92 y = -0.014x - 0.1587 0.9816 0.0140 50

*Note E:S [permeabilized cells:substrate (mg:mg)]

Figure 1. Effect of N-LS concentration on permeabilization of K. marxianus cells

Figure 2. Effect of solvent (water) volume with constant amount of N-LS on permeabilization of
K. marxianus cells

Figure 3. Effect of incubation temperature on permeabilization of K. marxianus cells

Figure 4. Effect of incubation times at 25 C on permeabilization of K. marxianus cells

Figure 5. (a) HPLC chromatogram of unhydrolyzed whey lactose; (b) HPLC chromatogram of
hydrolyzed whey lactose to glucose and galactose by β-galactosidase

Figure 6. Hydrolysis of whey lactose by permeabilized yeast cells with different dry cell weight
loads and at different incubation times

Figure 7. Cells count, biomass and substrate profiles during the production of mixed culture
SCP in hydrolyzed whey lactose




Yadav, J.S.S.1, Yan, S.1, Ajila, C.M.1, Bezawada, J.1, Tyagi, R. D. 1*, Surampalli, R.


Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Centre Eau, Terre & Environnement,
Université du Québec, 490 de la Couronne, Québec (QC), G1K 9A9, CANADA.

Global Institute for Energy, Environment and Sustainability
P.O. Box 14354 Lenexa, Kansas 66285, USA.

*Corresponding author: R. D. Tyagi, E-mail: [email protected]; Tel: (418) 654 2617

Submitted to Food and Bioproducts Processing


Cette étude a été effectuée afin de caractériser et de récupérer les protéines résiduelles
solubles engendrées par des monocultures (Kluyveromyces marxianus) et des cultures
mixtes (K. marxianus et Saccharomyces cerevisiae) de levures sur protéines unicellulaires
de qualité alimentaire, ces dernières étant issues du lactosérum. La fermentation discontinue
a été réalisée à 35 oC et à pH 5,5 pour les monocultures et à 30 oC et à pH 6,5 pour les
cultures mixtes. Les biomasses de levures ont été séparées du bouillon de fermentation par
centrifugation, laissant les protéines résiduelles solubles dans le surnageant du lactosérum
fermenté (SLF). Les biomasses de levures (monocultures et cultures mixtes) ont alors été
traitées en deux étapes par une combinaison novatrice de réactifs (N-lauroyl sarcosine et
NH4OH) permettant la réduction de la teneur en acides nucléiques selon le niveau désiré
(inférieur à 2% p/p) pour les PU de qualité alimentaire. De plus, les caractéristiques des
protéines solubles issues de la fermentation ont été évaluées par électrophorèse. Pendant la
fermentation, il s’est avéré qu’une fraction des protéines du lactosérum était consommée.
Les résultats de l’électrophorèse ont ainsi révélé que les protéines du lactosérum fermenté
sont différentes des protéines natives contenues dans le lactosérum, et que ces dernières
sont partiellement hydrolysées pendant la fermentation. Les paramètres opérationnels de
l’ultrafiltration (flux de perméat et pression transmembranaire- PTM) ont été optimisés pour
des membranes de 1 et 10 kDa. Les valeurs maximales de récupération des protéines
résiduelles solubles ont été atteintes selon les conditions suivantes 413 L/h/m2 en flux de
perméat et 80 kPa en PTM pour la membrane de 10 kDa, suivie de 2760 L/h/m2 en flux de
perméat et 230 kPa en PTM pour la membrane de 1 kDa. Finalement, la combinaison des
deux conditions optimales a permis de récupérer 84% et 92% des protéines résiduelles
solubles issues des monocultures et des cultures mixtes SLF, respectivement.

Mots-clés: Lactosérum; Fermentation; Protéines unicellulaire; Protéines du lactosérum;

Électrophorèse; Ultrafiltration; Récupération.


This study was carried out to characterize and recover residual soluble proteins after
cultivation of mono- (Kluyveromyces marxianus) and mixed culture (K. marxianus and
Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on whey, to serve as food-grade single-cell protein (SCP). Batch
fermentation was carried out at 35 oC and pH 5.5 for mono-culture and 30 oC and pH 6.5 for
mixed culture. The yeasts biomass was separated from the fermented broth by centrifugation
leaving residual soluble proteins in the fermented whey supernatant (FWS). The yeasts
biomass was treated in two-step with a novel combination of chemicals (N-lauroyl sarcosine
and NH4OH), which reduced the nucleic acid content in the biomass to the desired level
(below 2% w/w) for food-grade SCP. The characteristics of the proteins were evaluated by
electrophoresis. During fermentation, a fraction of the whey proteins was consumed. The
electrophoresis results revealed that the fermented proteins were different from the native
whey proteins and that they were partially hydrolyzed. The ultrafiltration operational
parameters were optimized (in series) using 10 kDa and 1 kDa membranes. A permeate flux
of 413 LMH (L/h/m2) and transmembrane pressure-TMP of 80 kPa resulted in the highest
recovery with the 10 kDa membrane followed by a permeate flux of 2760 LMH and a TMP of
210 kPa were determined for the 1 kDa membrane. Recovery of the total proteins under
these optimized conditions was 84% and 92% from mono- and mixed culture FWS,

Keywords: Cheese whey; Fermentation; Single-cell protein, Whey protein; Electrophoresis;

Ultrafiltration; Recovery.


Cheese whey is produced after precipitation and removal of milk casein during cheese
manufacturing. In terms of milk volume, cheese whey shares around 90-95% and contains
around 55% of the milk nutrients (Spălăţelu, 2012). Due to the presence of milk components
(nutrients), the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of whey is high (60-80 g/L) and considered
as an environmental problem. The main components of cheese whey are lactose (4.5-5%
w/v), soluble proteins (0.6-0.8% w/v), lipids (0.4-0.5% w/v) and mineral salts (0.8-1.0% w/v)
(Spălăţelu, 2012; Panesar and Kennedy, 2012). Whey proteins are the second dominant
component in cheese whey, and is categorized as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for
food and pharmaceutical applications. Whey proteins are an heterogeneous mixture of
different individual proteins, which are β-lactoglobulin (40-50% w/w), α-lactalbumin (12-15%
w/w), immunoglobulins (8% w/w), bovine serum albumin (5% w/w), lactoferrin (1% w/w),
lactoperoxidase (0.5% w/w), proteose-peptone and glycomacropeptide (12% w/w)
(Madureira et al., 2007). Due to the presence of these nutrients, whey is utilized for value-
added product such as various types of proteins (e.g. whey protein concentrate, whey protein
isolate, individual whey proteins and hydrolyzed whey proteins) and lactose. Whey proteins
are used in many processed foods such as healthy foods, dairy foods, meat products, frozen
foods and infant formulas (Jayaprakasha and Brueckner, 1999; Modler, 2009). Furthermore,
whey or whey permeate is biotransformed into value-added products such as single-cell
protein (SCP) with simultaneous pollution load removal (Panesar and Kennedy, 2012; Yadav
et al., 2014a).

SCP can be directly used for animal feed as a source of protein. However, direct use is
restricted for food application because of higher content of nucleic acids in SCP. Too high a
nucleic acid consumption in humans may lead to the development of gout disease due to
accumulation of uric acid in the body (Anupama and Ravindra, 2000). Therefore, different
techniques have been proposed for the reduction of nucleic acid from SCP to make SCP
useful for food application. Chemical (e.g. sodium chloride, ammonium hydroxide and sodium
hydroxide) and enzymatic (e.g. ribonuclease and deoxyribonuclease) treatments are
generally employed to pre-treat the biomass in order to reduce the nucleic acid content to a
desired level (below 2% w/w) (Alvarez and Enrquez, 1988; Parajó et al., 1995; Larsen and
Joergensen, 1996; Anupama and Ravindra, 2000)

Yeast biomass production as SCP using cheese whey as raw material has been extensively
studied employing Kluyveromyces species. However, K. marxianus has not been efficient in

consuming the whey proteins. During the fermentation process, lactose gets consumed
entirely, but a major fraction of the protein remained unutilized. Furthermore, the
characteristics of native whey proteins have been reported to change during fermentation
(Yadav et al., 2014a). Moreover, Yadav et al. (2014b) reported the presence of residual
soluble proteins after cultivation of mixed culture of K. marxianus and Saccharomyces
cerevisiae on hydrolyzed lactose in cheese whey.

Whey protein recovery by thermal precipitation, chromatography and membrane separation

(ultrafiltration and nanofiltration) are well established methods and used in commercial
practice (De la Fuente et al., 2002; Chollangi and Hossain, 2007; Akpinar-Bayizit et al.,
2009). The precipitation method involves the adjustment of physical properties (e.g. salt, pH
and heat treatment) of the medium to enhance insolubility of proteins (Tovar-Jiménez et al.,
2012). However, thermal precipitation has the disadvantage of changing the characteristics
of native whey proteins, which can affect the functional and nutritional values of the proteins.
Additionally, a change in precipitation method was required for residual soluble protein
recovery after fermentation (Yadav et al., 2014c). Chromatographic methods (e.g. gel
permeation, hydrophobic interaction and affinity chromatography) are also popular for
separation and purification of whey proteins or of individual whey proteins. Especially,
preparative chromatographic techniques are used for large scale protein separation (Almécija
et al., 2007). A chromatographic method of separation is easy to develop, but it is a complex
process to optimize because of the various process parameters such as choice of column
matrix, salt, buffer, organic solvent, temperature and gradient (Bonnaillie et al., 2014). To
circumvent thermal denaturation and complex chromatographic protocol method
development, recovery of the whey proteins by membrane filtration (ultrafiltration) has been
chosen as the best alternate approach (Akpinar-Bayizit et al., 2009; Tovar-Jiménez et al.,

Membrane separation (ultrafiltration) of whey components is based on the retention of

proteins and permeation of lactose, minerals and other lower molecular mass components.
Membrane separation occurs due to the transmembrane pressure (TMP) difference at the
two sides of the membrane, i.e. higher on the retentate side and lower on the permeate side.
Furthermore, ultrafiltration does not increase the temperature and thus, does not involve the
phase change of the product (protein) (Chollangi and Hossain, 2007; Baldasso et al., 2011).
Ultrafiltration is an effective method for whey protein separation. However, additional steps of
diafiltration and/or ion exchange adsorption are needed to obtain lactose free or highly
purified whey proteins (e.g. whey protein isolate contains > 90% w/w of protein). Moreover,
the presence of lactose has a negative impact on permeate/feed flux (i.e. reduction of flux)

(Yorgun et al., 2008). On the other hand, fermented cheese whey will not have residual
lactose, therefore, the negative impact on permeate/feed flux due to lactose will be minimized
during protein recovery. The absence of lactose in the supernatant will increase the efficiency
of the ultrafiltration process and enhance the recovered proteins purity. However,
ultrafiltration requires to know a suitable molecular weight cutoff membrane and optimum
operating parameters to recover the protein. Therefore, there is a need to find suitable
membrane cutoff and values of the optimal parameters for residual soluble protein recovery
after cultivation of the yeast (mono or mixed culture).

Therefore, the objective of this study was to characterize the fermented whey proteins and to
investigate a method for residual protein recovery from the fermented whey supernatant of
either the mono- (K. marxianus) or mixed culture (K. marxianus and S. cerevisiae) to serve
as food-grade SCP. The specific objectives were: i) production of food-grade SCP; ii)
characterization of the mono and mixed-culture fermented whey proteins and iii) optimization
of the recovery of residual soluble whey proteins by ultrafiltration.


2.1 Microorganisms

Yeast strains (Kluyveromyces marxianus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae) were isolated from
cheese whey and identified by biochemical and molecular methods (accession number GQ
506972 and GQ 506975, respectively). The yeast cultures were propagated on Yeast Malt
(YM) agar plates at 35 oC for 48 h and preserved at 4 oC for future use.

2.2 Inoculum preparation

YM broth was prepared and sterilized at 121 oC for 15 min. A loopful of each K. marxianus
and S. cerevisiae culture grown separately on YM agar plates was used to inoculate a 100
mL Erlenmeyer flasks containing 20 mL of sterilized YM broth medium. The flasks were
incubated in a rotary incubator shaker at 150 rpm and 35 oC for 18 h. The actively grown
cells from these flasks were used as a pre-culture to inoculate a 2.0 L flask containing 500
mL solution of pasteurized whey powder (4.5% w/v) (whey powder obtained from a cheese
factory, Fromage Saputo, St. Hyacinthe, Quebec) supplemented with urea (0.22% w/v) as
nitrogen source for K. marxianus. S. cerevisiae pre-culture was produced in YM broth.

2.3 Production of mono-culture (K. marxianus) yeast biomass

Production of mono-culture yeast (K. marxianus) biomass was carried out in a stirred tank 15
L fermentor (working volume: 10 L, Biogenie, Quebec) equipped with accessories and a
programmable logic control (PLC) system for dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, antifoam, impeller
speed, aeration rate and temperature. The software (iFix 3.5, Intellution, USA) allowed for
automatic set-point control and integration of all parameters via PLC. The polarographic pH-
electrode (Mettler Toledo, USA) was calibrated using buffers (pH 4.0 and 7.0) before each
sterilization cycle. The oxygen probe was calibrated to zero (by using nitrogen) and to 100%
(air-saturated water). The fermentor was filled with water, and was pre-sterilized in-situ to
maintain sterility. After that, water was drained and the fermentor was charged with the whey
powder (4.5% w/v) solution and urea (0.22% w/v). A polypropylene glycol (PPG, Sigma-
Canada) solution (0.1% v/v) was used as antifoam agent. Cheese whey medium in the
fermentor was pasteurized in-situ at 80 °C for 20 min. The fermentor was cooled to 35 oC,
and the pH was adjusted to 5.5. The DO probe was recalibrated to zero (with nitrogen) and to
100% saturation (by using maximum aeration and agitation).

The fermentor was aspectically inoculated with a pre-culture of K. marxianus (5% v/v). After
inoculation, the air flow and agitation rates were adjusted during fermentation in order to
keep the DO above 25% saturation. The temperature was maintained at 35 oC and pH 5.5
was maintained with the help of 4 N NaOH or 4 N H2SO4. The fermentation was carried out
until 30 h and then harvested.

2.4 Production of mixed culture yeast biomass

The production of mixed culture biomass was carried out in hydrolyzed whey lactose. The
lactose in cheese whey was hydrolysed employing permeabilized cells of K. marxianus as
reported in our earlier work (Yadav et al., 2014b). The fermented broth of a K. marxianus
mono-culture was centrifuged to obtain the biomass pellet. The pellet was permeabilized with
a detergent N-Lauroylsarcosine (N-LS) solution (1.5% w/v) at 25 oC for 20 min at a ratio of
1.0 g wet wt pellet/mL (1.0 g wet wt equal to 0.18 g dry wt) of N-LS solution. The
permeabilized cells were centrifuged and washed with sterilized distilled water. The washed
permeabilized K. marxianus cells (0.20% w/v dry wt) were added to the pasteurized whey
powder (4.5% w/v) solution supplemented with 0.22% w/v urea. Simultaneously, an inoculum
of K. marxianus (2.5% v/v) and S. cerevisiae (7.5% v/v) was also added to obtain a mixed
culture. The permeabilized cells of K. marxianus not only provided the enzyme for hydrolysis

of whey lactose, but also served as partial inoculum due to their remains viability. The
fermentation was carried out at pH 6.5 and 30 oC for 30 h and then harvested.

2.5 Downstream processing

Fermented broths after cultivation of the mono- (K. marxianus) and the mixed culture (K.
marxianus and S. cerevisiae) were collected. The broths were centrifuged to separate the
biomass from the fermented whey supernatant (FWS). The centrifugation was conducted at 8
000 rpm (10 808 g) for 15 min using a Sorvall RC5C centrifuge at 4 oC. The biomass and
FWS were stored in a cold room (4 oC) until used. The supernatant was used for the
characterization and recovery of the residual soluble proteins.

2.5.1 Treatment of biomass to reduce the nucleic acid content

Yeast biomass of mono or mixed culture was chemically treated to reduce the nucleic acid
content. A N-LS solution (1.5% w/v) at 25 oC for 20 min at the ratio of one g biomass wet
wt/mL of N-LS solution (the conditions were optimized in one of our previous study) followed
by a treatment with 2.5 mL of different concentrations of NH4OH (1.25, 2.5, 3.75 and 5% v/v)
at 65 oC for 30 min were used. Firstly, biomass was treated with N-LS and centrifuged. The
pellet and supernatant were collected. The pellet was again treated with NH4OH and the
supernatant was collected. The level of released nucleic acids in the pooled supernatants
were measured and compared with the level of total nucleic acids of untreated biomass

2.5.2 Electrophoresis of native whey and fermented whey proteins

The nature of the residual soluble proteins in the yeast fermented whey supernatants (mono
and mixed culture) were evaluated using electrophoresis in comparison with the native whey
powder proteins. Sodium dodecyl polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was
carried out according to the protocol of Laemmli (1970). Acrylamide/bis-acrylamide (10%) gel
was used as resolving gel whereas acrylamide/bis-acrylamide (5%) gel was used as stacking
gel. Samples were prepared with sample loading buffer and heated for 3 min at 100 oC
before loading. One lane was also loaded with molecular weight (MW) markers (Precision
plus protein standard, Bio-Rad, USA) to evaluate the MW distribution of the proteins. After
loading the samples, gel electrophoresis was conducted in a VWR electrophoresis unit and
run at constant voltage (120 V) for 6 h. Then the gel was washed with water and stained with

Coomassie Blue solution for 45 min followed by destaining overnight in the destaining

2.5.3 Ultrafiltration

Principle of operation and filter cleaning

A tangential flow filtration unit (PREP/SCALE-TFF, Cartridges Millipore) with a recirculation

system was used for ultrafiltration. Pressure was applied by a pump (Casy Load, Master
Flex, Millipore) to force a portion of the fluid through the membrane to the permeate side. The
sample to be filtered was brought to room temperature (25 C) before start of the
ultrafiltration study. The process consisted of feeding a volume of the sample (referred as
“feed”) through the membrane in order to concentrate the proteins (the concentrated volume
is referred as “retentate”). The flow of the sample was controlled by means of a pump to
obtain the desired flow and permeate flux. The flow of permeate, generally, depends on the
transmembrane pressure (TMP) and the resistance of the membrane. After ultrafiltration, the
permeate and retentate were collected and they were used for measurement of their
respective volume and protein concentration.

After each ultrafiltration operation, the liquid in the membrane was completely drained off and
the membrane was washed with water until complete cleaning before the next operation.
Afterward, the membrane was first cleaned with water, followed by washing with an alkaline
solution (0.1 N NaOH). The alkaline solution was passed through the membrane until the
membrane was clean.

Membrane size

Ultrafiltration membranes for tangential flow filtration (TFF) or cross flow filtration (CFF) with
molecular weight cutoffs (MWCO) of 1 kDa and 10 kDa were used in the present study
(Millipore, prep/scale spiral wound TFF). The membranes were made up of regenerated
cellulose and was of the spiral wound TFF module PLCC with a surface area of 0.093 m2 (1
kDa) and 0.557 m2 (10 kDa). The other details and characteristics of the membranes are
presented in Table 1.

Optimization of ultrafiltration parameters

Permeate flux and transmembrane pressure (TMP) are the two important operational
parameters to be controlled during ultrafiltration.

The permeate flux is determined with pure water at the beginning of the experiment using
equation (1):

Where J is the permeate flux (L/h/m2 or LMH), A the surface area of the membrane (m2), V
the permeate volume and t is the unit time (h). For optimization of the permeate flux, the
experiment was carried out of various values of permeate flux of 267-505 LMH for the 10 kDa
and permeate flux of 1345-3261 LMH for the 1 kDa membrane, respectively.

The transmembrane pressure, the pressure exerted on the membrane surface is calculated
using equation (2):

Where Pfeed and Pret are the feed and retentate pressure, respectively, and Pperm is the
permeate pressure, which is equal to atmospheric pressure. To optimize the TMP, TMP
values between 60 and 90 kPa for the 10 kDa membrane and TMP values between 150 and
250 kPa for the 1 kDa membrane were tested. Samples were withdrawn to determine the
soluble proteins and total solids in the retentate and permeate.

2.6 Analytical

The soluble protein concentration was measured by the Lowry method (Lowry et al., 1951)
using bovine serum albumin (BSA) as standard. The reducing sugar concentration was
determined by the dinitro-salicylic acid (DNS) method of Miller (1959). Total nucleic acids
content were estimated by a spectrophotometric method (Zachleder, 1984). COD, total solids
and suspended solids were measured by standard APHA methods (2005). The total cell
count (colony forming unit-CFU) was quantified by the standard agar plate method. All
estimates were carried out in triplicate and the average value of each parameter was
presented (with standard error less than 5% of the mean).


3.1 Biomass production and nucleic acid removal

3.1.1 Fermentation profiles, yields and COD removal efficiency of mono and
mixed culture

The online fermentation profiles during mono- (K. marxianus) and mixed cultures (K.
marxianus and S. cerevisiae) are presented in Fig. 1 (a and b). The online profiles show the
variations in air flow rate, agitation and DO during fermentation while pH and temperature
remained constant. DO started decreasing from the beginning. It was then maintained above
25% (critical DO) by increasing the agitation and/or aeration. The high demand of oxygen
between 7 and 18 h indicates that the yeast started growing in exponential phase. After 22 h,
the demand for the oxygen had been decreased. The decrease in oxygen demand indicated
that the main substrate (lactose) had been utilized and that the stationary growth phase had

The yield coefficient and important parameter values in both cases after 30 h of fermentation
are presented in Table 2. After 30 h of fermentation, lactose had been consumed in both the
fermentations. The residual components in the fermented whey supernatant were soluble
proteins and intermediate metabolites, which were responsible for the residual COD. The
fermentation yields were comparable to our previously reported study on mono- and mixed
culture biomass (SCP) production from cheese whey (Yadav et al., 2014b).

3.1.2 Nucleic acid removal from mono and mixed culture biomass

A combined two-step treatment, i.e. treatment with a non-toxic detergent (N-LS) followed by
a NH4OH treatment was carried out. The purpose of the using a non-toxic detergent before
the NH4OH treatment was to release the cytoplasmic nucleotides into the N-LS solution,
which could be recovered separately and used as flavouring agents. Moreover, the initial
treatment with detergent makes the cells fragile, leading to enhanced NH4OH treatment.
Different concentrations of NH4OH (1.25, 2.5, 3.75 and 5.0% v/v) was used and optimal
concentration found was 3.75% v/v NH4OH (13.7 mL of diluted NH4OH/g dry cell wt). In the
first step, treatment with N-LS (1.5% w/v) resulted in a decrease of 1.8% (w/w) nucleic acids
in the form of nucleotides from an initial nucleic acids content of 11.4% (w/w) in the biomass.
Further, in the second step treatment with NH4OH resulted in a total decrease (N-LS +
NH4OH treatment) of 9.6% of the initial. On the other hand, when the same concentration
(3.75% v/v) of NH4OH was used alone, the total decrease of nucleic acid was only 6.0% of
the initial. Thus, the combined treatment of detergent and NH4OH showed a synergistic effect

for nucleic acid release. During the two step treatment, the overall protein loss was
approximately 18% w/w. The final protein content of the biomass after treatment was found
to be approximately 49% w/w. Parajó et al. (1995) have used NH4OH to reduce nucleic acid
content and reported an optimal concentration of 4.5% v/v (13.2 mL of diluted NH4OH/g dry
cell wt) in order to reduce the nucleic acid content below 2% w/w from Candida utilis. Thus,
the present study shows better results due to use of N-LS as compared to those previously
reported and attributed to a lower requirement for NH4OH. In the present study the amount of
NH4OH required to treat 1 kg dry biomass is approximately 513 mL of concentrated NH4OH
(14.5 N) whereas the literature value (Parajó et al., 1995) will be 594 mL of concentrated
NH4OH. The lower requirement for NH4OH will be helpful to eliminate the formation of toxic
compound (lysinoalanine), which depends on the concentration of alkali, temperature and
time during the treatment process (Pomeranz, 1991). Thus, this is a novel approach to obtain
a food-grade SCP. Moreover, an increase in the digestibility of Candida utilis biomass after
treatment with NH4OH has been reported (Parajó et al., 1995).

3.2 Characterization of the fermented whey proteins

Electrophoresis was carried out to fractionate the proteins of whey powder (native whey
proteins) and residual soluble fermented whey supernatant (FWS) proteins and the results
are presented in Fig. 2. Results demonstrated that the native whey proteins showed a wider
range of molecular mass (MW) distributions (lanes 5 and 6). Although, the whey proteins are
not clearly differentiated, their molecular masses can be approximated based on the MW
markers (lane 7). The dominant native whey proteins are immunoglobulins (MW 150-1000
kDa), lactoferrin (MW 76 kDa), bovine serum albumin (MW 66 kDa), β-lactoglobulin
(monomer 18 kDa and dimer 36 kDa), α-lactalbumin (MW 14 kDa) and glycomacropeptide
(MW 6.8 kDa) (Tovar Jiménez et al., 2012). The nature of the native whey proteins were
modified during fermentation and mostly converted into lower MW proteins. Moreover, the
light bands of the fermented whey protein indicate that the dominated whey proteins β-
lactoglobulin and α-lactalbumin has also been partially hydrolyzed and consumed during
fermentation. Thus, the electrophoresis results confirmed that the whey proteins were
partially hydrolyzed during fermentation to gave lower MW proteins. Proteolysis of goat whey
proteins has been reported by K. marxianus and Lactobacillus species (Hamme et al., 2009).
Moreover, Yadav et al. (2014a) also reported on whey protein hydrolysis during liquid cheese
whey fermentation by K. marxianus. This fermentation study was conducted with whey
powder solution (i.e. reconstituted whey), which was obtained by spray drying. However, the
proteolysis pattern observed in the previous study (Yadav et al., 2014a) is almost similar to
the one in the present study. Thus, spray drying did not have any impact on the microbial

proteolysis. Additionally, proteolysis of the individual whey protein lactoferrin to produce an
antihypertensive bioactive peptides by K. marxianus has also been reported by García-
Tejedor et al. (2014). Lanes 1 and 2 representing mixed culture fermented whey proteins
also revealed almost similar pattern in protein MW distribution. Thus, this study confirmed
that both the cultures (i.e. mono and mixed culture) have the capacity to partially hydrolyze
and consume the whey protein during fermentation. Didelot et al. (2006) also reported on the
proteolysis of whey proteins by S. cerevisiae during whey fermentation. Therefore, the
recovery of the residual soluble proteins post-fermentation will probably require different
strategy of recovery through membrane filtration as the most of the residual fermented whey
proteins lies below 25 kDa.

3.3 Selection of the ultrafiltration membrane

Based on the molecular mass distribution observed above, two ultrafiltration membranes (1
and 10 kDa MWCO) were chosen to recover the residual soluble proteins post-fermentation.
The cellulose membranes were chosen because of their higher antifauling effect compared to
polyether-sulphone membranes (Luo et al., 2011). However, the use of the 1 kDa MWCO
membrane led to substantial foaming during direct filtration of FWS. Therefore, the first
optimization study was conducted using 10 kDa membrane and the permeate from 10 kDa
was filtered through 1 kDa membrane to further recover the protein.

3.3.1 Permeate flux for the 10 kDa membrane

The recovered protein value and total solids profiles in the retentate with respect to permeate
flux at a constant TMP is presented in Fig. 3. Different permeate flux values between 267
LMH and 505 LMH were studied. For each permeate flux value, the retentate pressure was
adjusted in order to maintain the same TMP of 70 kPa. The permeate flux of 413 LMH gave
the highest values for protein and total solids in the retentate (Fig. 3). The retentate volume
was concentrated 9 times volume of the initial value of FWS, which resulted in an increase in
soluble protein concentration up to 27.7 g/L, from an initial 4.6 g/L value. The protein and
total solids concentrations in the retentate were decreased at highest permeate flux value
tested (505 LMH). The generation of turbulence effect might be the reason to decrease the
protein and total solids concentration in the retentate at high flux. At higher permeate fluxes
proteins might be degraded and products expelled to the permeate side (Millipore, 2003).
Furthermore, turbulence can cause severe foaming in the retentate that may create a
vacuum and decrease the permeate flux to below the optimum value. Foaming was more

dominant during vibration of the filtration unit at higher permeate fluxes because of the
presence of soluble proteins in the medium (Abdel-Ghani, 2000).

3.3.2 Transmembrane pressure for the 10 kDa membrane

TMP values in the range of 60 to 90 kPa were tested to identify the optimal value for a fixed
permeate flux (413 LMH). The soluble protein and total solids profiles in the retentate are
presented in Fig. 4. The highest protein recovery was found at 80 kPa. The retentate was
concentrated by 9 times with the protein concentration of 28.6 g/L in the retentate.

A lower or higher value of TMP than 80 kPa resulted in a decrease in the concentration of
proteins in the retentate. The reason might be feed pressure, which may not have been
sufficient enough to force the solution through the membrane. On the other hand, a loss of
protein may have taken place in the tubes or on the surface of the membrane at the highest
TMP value. Higher TMP also increases foam formation in the ultrafiltration membranes.
Foaming resulted in the loss of protein on the membrane or some fractions were retained in
tubes because foam cannot be retained either in the permeate or in the retentate. Clogging
of some of the membrane pores by solutes may also be responsible for the generation of
extra surfaces for adsorption and caking. Several other factors play a role in the losses
through ultrafiltration membranes, such as the molecular mass of the solute components
nearer to the MWCO of the membranes i.e. pore size of the membranes. In addition,
formation of smaller fragments of solute molecules due to shear forces could also contribute
to the losses (Powell and Timperman, 2005).

The optimized permeate flux and TMP resulted in a total protein recovery of 60.9%. Around
1.8 g/L of soluble protein was still found in the permeate. The presence of a high protein
concentration in the permeate was linked to the presence of lower MW whey proteins (e.g.
glycomacropeptide) and other small peptides (below 10 kDa) created during fermentation
from the native whey protein. Most of the previous literature reported 95 to 100% recovery of
whey protein employing 10 kDa regenerated cellulosic membranes (Chollangi and Hossain,
2007; Luo et al., 2011). Atra et al. (2005) also reported up to 98% of whey protein recovery
employing a polyvinil-difluoride (Zoltek Rt MAVIBRAN) ultrafiltration membrane. This
indicates that the different nature of the whey proteins post-fermentation (smaller MW, as it is
also clear from electrophoresis result, Fig. 2) resulted in a higher concentration of permeate
proteins during ultrafiltration with the 10 kDa membrane. To recover the residual proteins
from the permeate, further ultrafiltration through a 1 kDa membrane was evaluated as
discussed below.

3.2.3 Permeate flux for the 1 kDa membrane

The protein and total solids profiles in the retentate with respect to different permeate fluxes
(of permeate from 10 kDa membrane, mono-culture FWS) at a constant TMP value (170
kPa) are presented in Fig. 5. The permeate flux of 2760 LMH gave the highest values of
protein and total solids in the retentate (Fig. 5). A higher permeate flux was required to filter
the protein through 1 kDa membrane as compared to that for the10 kDa membrane.

3.2.4 Transmembrane pressure for the 1 kDa membrane

TMP values in the range of 150 to 250 kPa were tested to find the optimal TMP value. The
soluble proteins and total solids profiles in the retentate are presented in Fig. 6. The highest
protein concentration was obtained with 210 kPa. The retentate was concentrated 9 times of
the initial value of the permeate from the 10 kDa membrane of mono-culture FWS. The
filtration at optimum values of permeate flux and TMP resulted in a recovery of 59.4% of the
residual proteins from the 10 kDa permeate (mono-culture). The overall total protein recovery
with the combination of two membranes in series reached 84% starting from the mono-
culture FWS. A similar approach, i.e. combination of ultrafiltration (MWCO of 10 kDa) and
nanofiltration (MWCO of 1 kDa) in series has been reported by Butylina et al. (2006) to
recover the whey proteins and whey derived peptides from sweet whey. Thus, the two
ultrafiltration membranes operated in series can be applied to recover lactose-free and
partially hydrolyzed whey proteins.

The filtration process (with 10 and 1 kDa ultrafiltration membranes) at similar optimized
conditions (those found for mono-culture FWS) was evaluated to recover protein from the
mixed culture fermented whey supernatant. A similar trend of protein recovery was observed.
The optimized conditions for the 10 kDa ultrafiltration membrane resulted in 76.4% protein
recovery, while the1 kDa ultrafiltration membrane resulted in 67% protein (remaining after 10
kDa filtration) recovery from the permeate of 10 kDa ultrafiltration. The overall protein
recovery from the mixed culture supernatant in the combined ultrafiltration membranes (1
and 10 kDa in series) was 92%. Thus, the optimized conditions can be used successfully to
recover the protein from the supernatant (by mono or mixed culture) of the fermented whey.

3.3.5 COD reduction during the ultrafiltration

The ultrafiltration recovery of proteins resulted in further reduction of residual COD in the
fermented whey supernatant. The COD decreased from 11.58 g/L to 3.78 g/L in case of

mono-culture FWS, while in case of mixed culture FWS, it was reduced from 13.92 g/L to
4.15 g/L. The overall COD removal during combined treatment, i.e. fermentation followed by
ultrafiltration (the combined process) of FWS resulted in 92.2% and 92% from mono and
mixed culture, respectively. In both cases the COD reduction was almost equal, however, the
mixed culture SCP will be better in food quality because of the presence of balanced amino
acids composition (especially sulfur containing amino acids) (Yadav et al., 2014b). Moreover,
this approach of COD removal will be the best alternative to combined processes of
ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis applied for whey treatment, which reduced
the COD down to 2.8 g/L (Yorgun et al., 2008). The present approach resulted in the
proteinaceous value-added products (food-grade SCP and highly purified whey-derived
protein) plus pollution load minimization.

The overall production of food-grade SCP (i.e. SCP with reduced nucleic acid content) and
recovery of residual soluble proteins in the native state could be implemented as shown in
figure 7. Higher biomass yield (compared to whey permeate fermentation) and highly purified
partially hydrolyzed protein could be obtained from the cheese whey biotransformation
through the present approach. The ultrafiltrated fermented proteins have purity more than
90%, which is equal to whey protein isolate. Moreover, partially hydrolyzed protein has been
reported to possess higher value due to reduced allergenicity and increased digestibility (Bu
et al., 2013). Further, studies are needed to evaluate the bioactivity of the recovered proteins.
There is a higher probability of the presence of bioactive peptides (e.g. antihypertensive and
opioid bioactive peptides) in the second fraction of ultrafiltered proteins. Additionally,
economic analysis and a scale-up study is also required for large-scale food-grade SCP
production and protein recovery from cheese whey.


The food-grade SCP could be obtained from the mono and mixed culture yeast biomass by
the combined treatment of detergent and NH4OH in two steps. The fermentation of cheese
whey with pure and mixed culture showed that the whey proteins were partially hydrolyzed
and somewhat consumed during fermentation using two approaches (mono and mixed
culture). Further, electrophoresis results revealed that the majority of the fermented whey
proteins molecular mass was below 25 kDa. The protein recovery from the lactose free
fermented whey supernatant through a series of ultrafiltration (in 10 kDa and 1 kDa) process
recovered 84% and 92% of residual protein from mono and mixed culture FWS, respectively.
The process operation under optimized conditions can recover the residual soluble protein
(left after fermentation of cheese whey) with a purity of approximately 90% or higher. The

recovered protein could be used as an alternative to whey protein isolate. Additionally, the
whole process potentially reduced the cheese whey COD.


Authors are sincerely thankful to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada (Grant A4984, RDCPJ379601-08, and Canada Research Chair) for their financial


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Table 1. Specification of the membranes used

Description Membrane-I Membrane-II

Type Prep/scale spiral wound TFF Prep/scale spiral wound TFF

Filter type Ultrafiltration Ultrafiltration
Length (cm) 15.2 39.9
Diameter (cm) 5.8 5.8
Minimum working volume (mL) 100 250
pH range 2.0- 10.0 2.0- 13.0
Filtration area (m ) 0.093 0.557
Maximum operating temp. (◦C) 80 80
Filter material Regenerated cellulose Regenerated cellulose
Maximum inlet pressure, bar (psi) 0- 5.5 (0-80) 0- 5.5 (0-80)
Molecular weight cutoff, (kDa) 1 10
Configuration Spiral wound cartridge Spiral wound cartridge

Table 2. Yields, productivities and process efficiencies during mono- and mixed culture after 30
h fermentation

S. No Fermentation profile and yields Mono-culture Mixed culture

1. K. marxianus/ S. cerevisiae ratio -- 2.73

2. Biomass yield (g biomass/g lactose 0.27 0.31
3. Productivity (g/L.h) 0.29 0.33
4. Initial protein concentration (g/L) 6.40 8.53
5. Residual protein concentration (g/L) 4.60 7.20
6. Residual COD (g/L) 11.58 13.92
7. % COD removal 75.60 73.30

Figure 1. (a) Online parameters profile during mono-culture batch fermentation (K. marxianus);
(b) online parameters profile during mixed culture batch fermentation*

*White square (□) with gray solid line denotes dissolved oxygen (% saturation), black (- -) dash line
denotes the air flow rate (L/min), white circle (○) black solid line denotes pH, black (…) dot line
denotes temperature ( C) and hollow star (◊) with a solid line denotes agitation (rpm).

Figure 2. SDS-PAGE of native whey proteins and of fermented whey supernatant proteins
(lanes 1 and 2: mixed culture fermented proteins; lanes 3 and 4: mono-culture fermented whey
proteins; lanes 5 and 6 native whey proteins, lane 7: MW marker)

34 34
Protein concentration (g/L)

Protein Total solids

32 32

Total solids (g/L)

30 30
28 28
26 26
24 24
22 22
267 343 413 505
Permeate flux (LMH)

Figure 3. Variation of protein content in the retentate with the 10 kDa membrane at different
permeate flux using mono-culture fermented whey supernatant

32 32
Protein Total solids
Protein concentration (g/L)

31 31

30 30

Total solids (g/L)

29 29

28 28

27 27

26 26

25 25
60 70 80 90
TMP (kPa)

Figure 4. Variation of protein content in the retentate with the 10 kDa membrane at different
TMP values using mono-culture fermented whey supernatant

Figure 5. Variation of protein content in the retentate of 1 kDa membrane at different permeate
flux using 10 kDa permeate

Figure 6. Variation of protein content in the retentate with the 1 kDa membrane at different TMP
values using 10 kDa permeate as feed

Whey powder (4.5% w/w)

Aerobic fermentation
with mono or mixed

Supernatants from mono and Disposal leads to

mixed culture with protein loss of high value
content 4.60 and 7.20 g/L, residual protein;
respectively residual COD (11-
14 g/L)

Ultrafiltration 10 kDa
Yeast biomass (protein
content 46-48% w/w, nucleic
acid content 11-11.4% w/w) Retentate; protein
content: 28- 49 g/L

Treatment for nucleic

Permeate (pass
acid reduction
through 1 kDa)

Retentate; protein
content: 9.5 -10.3

Nucleotides: Food grade SCP Permeate with residual

1.6-1.8% w/w (protein content If not treated
protein content < 0.7
to be used as 48-49% w/w; g/L and residual COD If treated by
flavouring nucleic acid below 4.0 g/L, ultrafiltration
agents content < 2% w/w) respectively

Figure 7. Flow chart of the combined process for food-grade SCP production and recovery of
the residual soluble proteins after cheese whey fermentation




En conclusion, la présente étude a démontré que K. marxianus comme PU peut être cultivée
à haute température et faible pH, réduisant ainsi les chances de contamination, à partir du
lactosérum. De plus, une faible quantité des protéines du lactosérum à été consommée au
cours de la fermentation. Cependant, la nature des protéines solubles résiduelles était
différente par rapport à celle des protéines naturelles du lactosérum. Les analyses de HPLC
et GC-MS effectuées sur le surnageant de lactosérum fermenté ont montré que la présence
de métabolites intermédiaires est le facteur responsable de la haute DCO résiduelle. Le taux
d’élimination de la DCO élevé et la productivité améliorée de la biomasse ont été obtenus
lors de la fermentation avec un inoculum à densité cellulaire élevée. Le meilleur taux de
réduction de la DCO et la meilleure productivité de biomasse ont été obtenus au cours de la
fermentation en continu avec recyclage des cellules.

La sédimentation du précipité de protéines de lactosérum fermenté due à la gravité a été

obtenue à un pH de 3,5 et une température de 100 °C pendant 10 minutes. La sédimentation
gravitaire évite la nécessité de la centrifugation pour récupérer les protéines. En outre, les
précipités obtenus à un pH de 3,5 sont riches en minéraux et peuvent ainsi être mélangés à
la biomasse de levure pour augmenter la teneur minérale finale du produit. La combinaison
des deux étapes de précipitation (traitement thermique suivi par l'addition de CMC) a
augmenté le taux de récupération de protéines jusqu'à 81%, ainsi que le taux d'élimination
de la DCO résiduelle. La teneur en protéines du produit final a été augmentée de 42%
(poids/poids) à 49% (poids/poids) en mélangeant le précipité avec la biomasse. En outre,
une augmentation de la quantité de produit d'environ 48% a été observée. La DCO a été
éliminée à 93% suite à une combinaison des deux types de fermentation suivie d'une
précipitation. Par conséquent, la méthode développée et utilisée pour récupérer les protéines
résiduelles pourrait être appliquée à l'échelle industrielle (en particulier dans les petites et les
moyennes industries) pour produire la PU qui peut être utilisée par la suite dans
l’alimentation animale.

La culture mixte de C. krusei et K. marxianus a donné un rendement plus élevé et un taux

d’élimination important de la DCO en comparaison avec la culture pure de K. marxianus. Par
conséquent, les deux levures ont montré une interaction physiologique entre elles. De plus,
la fermentation en continu à 24 h TRH a montré un taux d’élimination élevé de la DCO avec
un meilleur rendement et une bonne productivité. Aussi, la PU de la culture mixte est
enrichie en lysine. En effet, le procédé de fermentation en continu peut être recommandé
dans des conditions non-aseptiques. La récupération des protéines résiduelles à travers

deux étapes de précipitation a amélioré la productivité de 0,17 à 0,31 g/L.h et a augmenté le
taux de réduction de la DCO de 80% à 91-93%.

Le détergent non-toxique et biodégradable N-PE peut être utilisé pour perméabiliser les
cellules de K. marxianus afin d’avoir accés à l’enzyme β-galactosidase intracellulaire. Plus de
90% du lactose du lactosérum (à partir de 50,0 g/L de la solution de poudre de lactosérum) a
été hydrolysé pendant seulement 3 heures avec 6,0 g de poids sec de cellules
perméabilisées. Le lactosérum hydrolysé avec cellules perméabilisées peut être utilisé
efficacement pour développer une culture mixte de levures qui consomme le lactose (K.
marxianus) et d’autres qui ne consomment pas le lactose (S. cerevisiae).

Pour conclure, la PU de qualité alimentaire peut être obtenue par le traitement combiné de
détergent et de NH4OH à partir de la biomasse de levure avec une libération de nucléotides
(comme agent aromatisant). De plus, les protéines de lactosérum ont été partiellement
hydrolysées et consommées au cours de la fermentation dans les deux cas (culture pure et
culture mixte). Aussi, les résultats de SDS-PAGE ont révélé que la majorité de la masse
moléculaire de la protéine de lactosérum fermenté est inférieure à 25 kDa. Les protéines de
lactosérum fermenté peuvent être récupérées par l'intermédiaire d’un système d’ultrafiltration
combiné (membranes de 10 kDa et 1 kDa) avec presque 90% de pureté des protéines.

Sur la base de la présente étude, trois processus différents ont été développés, ce qui
pourrait potentiellement être appliquées à biotransformer le lactosérum cru en produits
protéiques. Le premier processus est la fermentation en continu (à haute température et un
pH bas) avec recyclage des cellules, suivie de la récupération des protéines soluble
résiduelle par précipitation. Le processus intégré (p. ex., production de PU, suivie de la
récupération de protéines résiduelles) a donné lieu à une productivité plus élevée et plus de
DCO d'élimination. Le produit (alimentation animale) a une teneur en protéines élevée et
équilibrée en acides aminés essentiels. Le second processus est la fermentation en mode
continu dans des conditions non aseptiques employant la culture mixte (K. marxianus et C.
krusei), qui a abouti à plus efficacité d'élimination de DCO avec un rendement amélioré de la
biomasse. Le PU produit (de l'alimentation animale) a une teneur en lysine plus élevé, qui est
fortement preferée pour l'alimentation animale. Le troisième procédé est de produire une
qualité alimentaire des PU de culture mixte (K. marxianus et S. cerevisiae) utilisant les
cellules de K. marxianus perméabilisées comme source d'enzyme pour hydrolyser le lactose
du lactosérum, suivie de la récupération de la protéine résiduelle par ultrafiltration. PU de
qualité alimentaire a été obtenues par pré-traitement de la biomasse avec une combinaison

de produits chimiques en deux étapes. Les protéines solubles résiduelles à l’état natif ont été
récupérées par ultrafiltration.


Les futures recherches sur la production de PU pour les applications alimentaire du

lactosérum devraient tenir compte des recommandations suivantes:

1. L’étude à grande échelle est justifiée pour la production de la PU. La PU peut être utilisée
dans l'alimentation animale avec une élimination importante de la DCO dans un procédé
intégré, c'est-à-dire la production de la biomasse utilisant le système de recyclage des
cellules et la récupération résiduelle des protéines solubles avec un procédé de
précipitation en deux étapes.

2. L’étude à grande échelle est également recommandée pour la production de la PU dans

la culture mixte (K. marxianus et C. krusei), cette PU pourrait par la suite etré utilisée
comme aliments pour les animaux avec une meilleure réduction de la DCO dans des
conditions non-aseptiques. En outre, l'accent devrait également être mis sur
l’enregistrement de la PU produite de la culture mixte à l'Agence Canadienne
d'Inspection des Aliments ou de tout autre organisme de réglementation afin d'approuver
Candida krusei comme membre d'consortium de PU pouvant être utilisé dans
l'alimentation animale.

3. La réutilisation de l'eau traitée pour la dilution du lactosérum doit être étudiée pour éviter
la dépendance sur l'approvisionnement en eau municipalité.

4. Les PU de qualité alimentaire de la culture pure ou mixte ont été obtenues à partir de
biomasse, en combinant un prétraitement par détergent + alcali. Cependant, une étude
plus approfondie devrait être menée afin de purifier les nucléotides libérés et d’analyser
les propriétés fonctionnelles des protéines de la biomasse traitée. Une ultrafiltration
pourrait être appliquée pour retrouver la grande pureté de protéines de lactosérum
fermenté à l'état natif. Cependant, l'étude à grande échelle pour l'ultrafiltration et
l'évaluation de la bio-activité de la protéine de lactosérum fermenté doit d’abord être

5. Une analyse économique comparative est de mise pour les trois cas de processus de
production de PU et de leur récupération afin de trouver le meilleur procédé conditionnel
pour la valorisation du lactosérum.

6. Possibilité de synthèse de prébiotiques (galacto-oligosaccharides) pendant la production

de la culture mixte de cellules perméabilisées employant comme source d'enzyme (β-
galactosidase). En outre,la possibilité de la production d'autres sous-produits tels que
l'alcool phényle éthylique doit être étudiée pour rendre le procédé plus économique et

7. La précipitation des composés organiques en cours de procédés de précipitation de

protéines doit être étudiée pour explorer les mécanismes de base.

8. Etude comparative doit être effectuée sur le profil d'acides aminés essentielles des
protéine unicellulaires unique produites à partir de lactosérum et le perméat de



Raw data

Simultaneous single-cell protein production and COD removal with

characterization of the residual proteins and of the intermediate
metabolites during whey fermentation by K. marxianus (Chapter 2,
part 2)

Figure 2. (a) Variation in viable cell concentration (CFU/mL) and biomass with respect to time
during fermentation

Time CFU/mL Biomass

(h) (g/L)
0 7.40E+06 2.00
6 1.21E+07 3.20
12 6.70E+07 5.10
18 2.82E+08 5.80
24 4.20E+08 6.00
30 4.60E+08 5.90
36 4.60E+08 5.83

Figure 2. (b) Variation in lactose, COD and protein concentration during fermentation

Time Lactose COD Protein

(h) (g/L) (g/L) (g/L)
0 32.40 48.85 5.46
6 25.80 39.52 4.25
12 12.90 34.85 4.01
18 1.57 30.68 4.30
24 0.87 28.28 4.20
30 0.78 26.41 4.30
36 0.75 21.84 4.10

Figure 7. (a) Variation in viable cell concentration (CFU/mL) and biomass with respect to time
during fermentation with high cell density inoculum

Time CFU/mL Biomass

(h) (g/L)
0 1.03E+09 10.34
6 1.24E+09 13.67
12 1.70E+09 17.08
18 1.68E+09 16.72
24 1.66E+09 16.55
30 1.61E+09 16.32
36 1.57E+09 15.90

Figure 7. (b) Variation in lactose, COD and protein concentration during fermentation with high
cell density inoculum

Time COD Lactose Protein
(h) (g/L) (g/L) (g/L)
0 49.29 32.40 5.64
6 39.21 23.53 5.02
12 26.35 10.14 5.47
18 13.14 0.76 5.08
24 11.06 0.75 5.27
30 9.87 0.75 4.81
36 9.56 0.76 4.51

Figure 8. (a) Variation in viable cell concentration (CFU/mL) and biomass with respect to time
during batch and continuous fermentation

Fermentation CFU/mL Biomass

time (h) (g/L)
Batch 0 6.20E+08 7.25
Batch 4 1.28E+09 9.81
Batch 8 1.39E+09 11.45
Batch 12 1.46E+09 12.66
Batch 16 1.50E+09 12.84
Batch 20 1.47E+09 12.64
Batch 22 1.44E+09 12.39
24 HRT 0 1.42E+09 12.36
24 HRT 6 1.44E+09 12.50
24 HRT 12 1.45E+09 12.67
24 HRT 18 1.43E+09 12.47
24 HRT 24 1.45E+09 12.53
24 HRT 30 1.44E+09 12.37
24 HRT 36 1.48E+09 12.67
24 HRT 42 1.45E+09 12.40
24 HRT 48 1.45E+09 12.44
24 HRT 54 1.47E+09 12.51
24 HRT 60 1.45E+09 12.28
24 HRT 66 1.46E+09 12.43
24 HRT 72 1.47E+09 12.50
24 HRT 78 1.45E+09 12.47
24 HRT 84 1.43E+09 12.36
24 HRT 90 1.45E+09 12.53
24 HRT 96 1.46E+09 12.61
24 HRT 102 1.45E+09 12.48

24 HRT 108 1.42E+09 12.24
24 HRT 114 1.45E+09 12.39
24 HRT 120 1.44E+09 12.47
24 HRT 126 1.45E+09 12.38
24 HRT 132 1.46E+09 12.54
24 HRT 138 1.45E+09 12.56
24 HRT 144 1.47E+09 12.64
24 HRT 150 1.44E+09 12.35
24 HRT 156 1.43E+09 12.42

24 HRT 162 1.46E+09 12.73

24 HRT 168 1.46E+09 12.61
24 HRT 174 1.45E+09 12.55
24 HRT 180 1.43E+09 12.37
24 HRT 186 1.46E+09 12.67
24 HRT 192 1.42E+09 12.42
25 HRT 198 1.48E+09 12.77
26 HRT 204 1.49E+09 12.87
27 HRT 210 1.46E+09 12.67
28 HRT 216 1.42E+09 12.36
29 HRT 222 1.43E+09 12.53
30 HRT 228 1.42E+09 12.48
31 HRT 234 1.40E+09 12.25
32 HRT 240 1.44E+09 12.53
33 HRT 246 1.42E+09 12.34
34 HRT 252 1.47E+09 12.87
35 HRT 258 1.46E+09 12.77
36 HRT 264 1.49E+09 12.94
37 HRT 270 1.48E+09 12.87
38 HRT 276 1.45E+09 12.53
39 HRT 282 1.46E+09 12.77
40 HRT 288 1.47E+09 12.52
41 HRT 294 1.42E+09 12.34
42 HRT 200 1.42E+09 12.28

Figure 8. (b) Variation in lactose, COD and protein concentration during batch and continuous
fermentation (with cell recycle)

Fermentation Lactose COD Protein

time (h) (g/L) (g/L) (g/L)
Batch 0 32.40 49.86 5.67
Batch 4 28.80 41.21 5.30
Batch 8 22.30 35.35 5.02
Batch 12 15.30 28.16 4.50
Batch 16 7.40 21.01 4.30
Batch 20 1.30 16.65 4.20
Batch 22 0.68 14.80 4.23
24 HRT 0 4.52 13.87 4.42
24 HRT 6 2.57 13.23 4.16
24 HRT 12 2.15 12.42 4.10
24 HRT 18 1.72 12.73 4.05
24 HRT 24 1.49 12.30 4.02
24 HRT 30 1.25 11.40 4.00
24 HRT 36 1.12 11.12 3.95
24 HRT 42 1.08 11.20 3.93
24 HRT 48 1.02 10.98 3.96
24 HRT 54 0.89 10.74 3.85
24 HRT 60 0.96 10.68 3.98
24 HRT 66 0.82 10.70 3.97
24 HRT 72 0.82 10.58 4.08
24 HRT 78 0.75 10.75 3.98


Raw data

Recovery of residual soluble proteins by a two-step precipitation

process with concomitant COD reduction from the yeast cultivated
cheese whey (Chapter 2, part 3)

Figure 2. (a) Effect of temperature on precipitation of residual proteins in the FWS at pH 3.5 and
treatment time 15 min

Temperature % of protein
( C) precipitated
80 2.5±0.11
90 39.0±1.30
95 44.0±1.41
100 46.3±1.04

Figure 2. (b) Effect of different pH on precipitation of proteins from FWS at 100 C for 15 min

pH % of protein
3.0 46.5± 1.6
3.5 47.0±1.40
4.0 52.8±1.42
4.5 53.3±1.76
5.0 49.0±1.27
5.5 46.0± 1.87

Figure 3. (a) Effect of different incubation times on proteins precipitation and COD removal at
100 C and pH 3.5

Treatment % of protein % of residual

time (min) precipitated COD
5 46.8±1.45 47.0±2.02
10 47.0±1.60 47.3±1.70
15 47.3±0.99 47.0±1.46
20 47.5±1.25 47.7±2.15

Figure 3. (b) Effect of different incubation times on proteins precipitation and COD removal at
pH 4.5

Treatment % of protein % of residual
time (min) precipitated COD
5 53.0±1.47 46.0±1.69
10 53.3±1.70 46.2±1.11
15 53.7±1.29 46.6±1.79
20 54.0±2.21 46.4±2.13

Figure 4. Effect of different pH on precipitation of proteins with 0.50% w/v concentration of


pH % of protein
3.0 0.77±0.02
3.5 4.60±0.09
4.0 5.60±0.19
4.5 25.80±0.70
5.5 28.50±0.97
6.5 24.10±0.67

Figure 5. (a) Heat treatment (at 100 C, pH 3.5 for 10 min) followed by change of pH and addition
of CMC (0.25% w/v)

pH % of protein
3.5 36.15±1.01
5.0 39.20±1.25
5.5 41.00±1.07
6.0 35.89±1.24
6.5 23.33±0.69

Figure 5. (b) Heat treatment (at 100 C, pH 3.5 for 10 min) followed by addition of a different
concentration of CMC at pH 5.5

Conc. of CMC % of precipitated % of residual
(% w/v) protein COD
0.00 53.08±0.80 47.13±1.46
0.05 64.10±1.99 45.54±1.78
0.10 61.54±1.66 46.29±1.90
0.15 57.95±2.09 46.90±1.36
0.20 52.82±1.43 47.37±1.75
0.25 51.03±1.44 47.52±2.04

Figure 5. (c) Effect of temperature on precipitation with CMC (0.05% w/v) at pH 5.5 after heat
treatment (at pH 3.5, 100 C, for 10 min)

Temperature ( C) % of precipitated % of residual
at CMC added protein COD
20 73.33±1.98 48.43±1.99
35 74.36±2.31 47.82±1.00
50 76.41±1.60 46.14±2.12
75 63.59±2.03 49.23±1.87


Raw data

Mixed culture of Kluyveromyces marxianus and Candida krusei for

single-cell protein production and organic load removal from whey
(Chapter 3, part 2)

Figure 1. (a) Growth profile of K. marxianus during batch fermentation in cheese whey

Time K. marxianus SS
(h) (CFU/mL) (g/L)
0 7.00E+06 1.94
4 5.20E+07 3.43
8 2.10E+08 5.39
12 3.30E+08 6.13
16 4.10E+08 6.48
20 5.10E+08 6.62
24 5.14E+08 6.57
30 5.10E+08 6.46

Figure 1. (b) Variation in substrates profiles during fermentation

Time Lactose COD Soluble

(h) (g/L) (g/L) protein (g/L)
0 17.70 30.64 4.45
4 16.04 25.56 4.13
8 10.71 18.92 3.37
12 5.20 14.28 3.04
16 0.53 10.01 3.18
20 0 8.28 3.38
24 0 7.57 3.52
30 0 6.75 3.35

Figure 2. (a) Growth profile during mixed culture fermentation (K. marxianus and C. krusei) in
cheese whey

Time K. marxianus C. krusei Total cells SS

(h) (CFU/mL) (CFU/mL) (CFU/mL) (g/L)
0 5.00E+06 3.50E+06 8.50E+06 1.80
4 8.60E+06 4.20E+06 1.28E+07 2.67
8 3.00E+07 7.90E+06 3.79E+07 3.28
12 1.70E+08 2.90E+07 1.99E+08 5.65
16 3.70E+08 4.30E+07 4.13E+08 7.25
20 4.40E+08 5.50E+07 4.95E+08 7.90
24 4.70E+08 5.60E+07 5.26E+08 8.03
30 4.70E+08 5.40E+07 5.24E+08 7.88

Figure 2. (b) Variation in substrates profiles during mixed culture fermentation

Time Lactose COD Soluble
(h) (g/L) (g/L) protein (g/L)
0 19.2 31.7 4.56
4 17.7 29.4 4.36
8 13.8 25.6 3.34
12 3.2 17.5 2.86
16 0.4 9.3 2.95
20 0 6.0 3.12
24 0 5.1 3.24
30 0 4.2 3.25

Figure 3. (a) Growth profile of mixed culture (K. marxianus and C. krusei) during continuous
fermentation at different HRT (6, 12, 18 and 24 h)

Fermentation K. marxianus C. krusei Total cells SS

time (h) (CFU/mL) (CFU/mL) (CFU/mL) (g/L)
0 2.30E+06 2.60E+07 2.83E+07 6.02

4 7.40E+06 6.80E+07 7.54E+07 8.75

8 6.20E+07 4.10E+08 4.72E+08 9.17

12 7.40E+07 5.20E+08 5.94E+08 9.85

16 8.10E+07 6.00E+08 6.81E+08 9.95

20 9.20E+07 6.20E+08 7.12E+08 10.23

22 9.50E+07 6.10E+08 7.05E+08 10.13

0 9.00E+07 5.30E+08 6.20E+08 8.53

6 7.90E+07 4.20E+08 4.99E+08 8.33

12 2.60E+07 2.60E+08 2.86E+08 7.28

18 6.70E+06 1.40E+08 1.47E+08 7.18

24 5.20E+06 6.80E+07 7.32E+07 6.15

30 3.60E+06 5.90E+07 6.26E+07 6.13

36 4.00E+06 5.40E+07 5.80E+07 5.65

42 3.80E+06 4.80E+07 5.18E+07 4.53

48 3.20E+06 6.70E+07 7.02E+07 3.89

54 9.30E+07 8.40E+07 1.77E+08 4.22

60 7.70E+07 8.00E+07 1.57E+08 4.30

66 6.10E+07 6.00E+07 1.21E+08 4.05

72 5.80E+07 6.50E+07 1.23E+08 3.96

0 4.50E+07 7.60E+07 1.21E+08 4.33

8 7.00E+07 6.80E+07 1.38E+08 4.10

16 5.00E+07 5.00E+07 1.00E+08 3.88

24 7.00E+07 6.00E+07 1.30E+08 4.03

32 6.50E+07 5.00E+07 1.15E+08 3.75

40 9.00E+07 4.00E+07 1.30E+08 3.58

48 9.50E+07 5.00E+07 1.45E+08 3.70

0 6.00E+07 5.00E+07 1.10E+08 3.05

8 5.00E+07 6.00E+07 1.10E+08 3.55

16 4.50E+07 6.00E+07 1.05E+08 3.18

24 4.00E+07 5.60E+07 9.60E+07 3.18

30 4.00E+07 5.00E+07 9.00E+07 3.22

0 1.40E+07 1.20E+07 2.60E+07 3.08

3 1.30E+07 7.40E+06 2.04E+07 3.05

6 1.20E+07 3.60E+06 1.56E+07 2.85

9 9.00E+06 3.30E+06 1.23E+07 2.80

12 9.50E+06 3.20E+06 1.27E+07 2.90

15 9.40E+06 3.60E+06 1.30E+07 2.80

18 9.50E+06 4.00E+06 1.35E+07 2.80

Figure 3. (b) Variation in substrates profiles during continuous fermentation at different HRT (6,
12, 18 and 24 h)

Fermentation Lactose COD Soluble

time (h) (g/L) (g/L) protein (g/L)
0 17.50 29.69 3.90

4 15.43 24.36 3.69

8 11.85 18.39 3.20

12 9.55 14.91 3.40

16 5.56 13.08 3.54

20 1.15 9.35 3.60

22 1.10 9.25 3.10

0 3.25 8.81 3.65

6 1.65 6.35 3.03

12 1.80 7.29 3.11

18 1.70 5.31 3.18

24 1.42 6.93 2.83

30 1.15 7.34 2.68

36 1.05 7.80 2.71

42 1.47 8.91 2.47

48 3.35 8.48 2.41

54 1.92 6.47 2.60

60 1.86 5.80 2.40

66 1.84 5.69 2.31

72 1.68 6.31 2.30

0 2.93 7.64 2.71

8 1.68 6.94 2.46

16 1.72 6.35 3.38

24 1.70 5.98 2.40

32 1.60 8.07 3.02

40 1.40 7.85 2.87

48 1.50 9.15 2.35

0 3.40 13.35 2.74

8 3.47 14.42 2.76

16 4.25 14.93 3.15

24 6.60 16.17 3.50

30 6.60 16.24 2.86

0 8.77 16.69 2.84

3 9.27 19.02 3.71

6 11.02 21.40 2.64

9 11.56 21.40 2.81

12 11.97 21.48 2.99

15 11.92 22.58 2.53

18 11.83 22.62 2.70


Raw data

Permeabilization of Kluyveromyces marxianus with mild detergent

for whey lactose hydrolysis and augmentation of mixed culture
(Chapter 4, part 1)

Figure 1. Effect of N-LS concentration on permeabilization of K. marxianus cells

NLS concentration Enzyme activity

(% w/v) (IU)/g dry cell wt.
1.0 934
1.5 1010
2.0 991
2.5 973
3.0 971
3.5 960

Figure 2. Effect of solvent (water) volume on permeabilization of K. marxianus cells

Volume of solvent Enzyme activity

with 1 mL NLS (IU)/ g dry cell wt.
1.0 1050
2.0 973
3.0 810
4.0 776
5.0 541
6.0 466

Figure 3. Effect of incubation temperature on permeabilization of K. marxianus cells

Incubation Enzyme activity

temperature ( C) (IU)/ g dry cell wt.
20 1150
25 1220
30 1015
35 849
40 820
45 776

Figure 4. Effect of incubation time on permeabilization of K. marxianus cells

Incubation Enzyme activity

time (min) (IU)/g dry cell wt.
10 1000
15 1150
20 1230
25 1140
30 995
45 980
60 950

Figure 6. Hydrolysis of whey lactose by permeabilized yeast cells with different dry cells wt
loads and at different incubation times

Time Hydrolysis (%) Hydrolysis (%) Hydrolysis (%) Hydrolysis (%) Hydrolysis (%)
(min) with 150 mg with 300 mg with 450 mg with 600 mg with 675 mg
0 0 0 0 0 0
30 19 31 35 42 44
60 29 42 55 58 64
90 35 50 61 76 79
120 42 58 66 83 86
150 46 64 78 88 90
180 51 68 84 91 92

Figure 7. Cells count, biomass and substrate profiles during the production of mixed culture
SCP in hydrolyzed whey lactose

Time K. marxianus S. cerevisiae Reducing SS Soluble

(h) (CFU/mL) (CFU/mL) sugar (g/L) (g/L) protein (g/L)
0 1.90E+06 3.50E+06 32.80 2.30 8.18
6 1.30E+07 7.60E+06 23.87 3.76 8.12
12 3.10E+08 8.50E+07 11.24 5.13 7.98
18 9.40E+08 6.40E+08 3.27 8.26 7.88
24 1.12E+09 8.70E+08 1.12 9.20 7.82


Raw data

Food-grade single-cell protein production, characterization and

ultrafiltration recovery of residual fermented whey proteins from
whey (Chapter 4, part 2)

Figure 1. (a) Online parameters profile during mono-culture (K. marxianus) batch fermentation

Time DO Agitation pH Temp. Air flowrate

(h) (%) (rpm) ( C) (L/min)
0.00 99.57 400.00 5.52 35.09 3.90
0.51 97.22 400.17 5.54 35.02 3.94
1.00 96.87 401.04 5.46 35.00 3.94
1.50 95.27 402.79 5.50 35.02 3.94
2.00 94.05 399.87 5.50 35.06 3.94
2.50 92.40 399.29 5.46 35.02 3.94
3.01 90.40 397.83 5.55 35.09 3.94
3.50 88.55 401.62 5.50 35.02 3.94
4.01 86.77 400.46 5.54 35.06 3.94
4.50 84.75 401.33 5.45 35.02 3.94
5.00 83.35 397.83 5.53 35.00 3.93
5.51 79.30 398.71 5.54 35.00 3.93
6.00 72.95 401.62 5.46 35.04 3.94
6.51 62.85 398.42 5.53 35.08 3.93
7.01 49.45 403.08 5.45 35.03 3.93
7.51 35.70 404.83 5.45 35.09 3.94
8.01 51.73 455.58 5.53 35.03 4.44
8.50 52.65 454.12 5.50 35.07 4.44
9.01 53.92 446.54 5.54 35.03 4.44
9.50 54.60 455.50 5.45 35.03 4.44
10.01 55.02 455.33 5.50 35.03 4.44
10.50 57.00 455.29 5.46 35.03 4.44
11.00 57.60 455.67 5.55 35.09 4.44
11.50 58.15 447.12 5.50 35.09 4.44
12.00 58.37 456.17 5.54 35.09 4.44
12.51 59.95 456.17 5.45 35.09 4.44
13.00 60.70 455.50 5.45 35.09 4.44
13.51 60.87 455.00 5.46 35.05 4.44
14.01 61.32 453.83 5.46 35.05 4.44
14.50 62.00 450.33 5.50 35.02 4.44
15.01 62.07 452.67 5.51 35.05 4.44
15.50 62.22 451.21 5.46 35.05 4.44
16.01 63.62 450.92 5.45 35.05 4.44
16.50 64.50 450.87 5.50 35.09 4.44
17.01 64.17 455.67 5.46 35.02 4.44
17.50 66.32 451.79 5.45 35.04 4.44
18.00 66.50 446.25 5.50 35.03 4.44
18.51 61.50 452.37 5.45 35.04 3.94

19.00 57.58 450.87 5.45 35.02 3.94
19.51 56.97 446.83 5.46 35.04 3.94
20.01 55.17 452.08 5.55 35.08 3.94
20.50 54.45 455.75 5.54 35.09 3.94
21.01 53.54 453.25 5.53 35.09 3.94
21.50 53.72 450.33 5.51 35.08 3.94
22.01 53.97 452.96 5.45 35.08 3.94
22.50 55.62 453.25 5.51 35.08 3.93
23.01 56.50 448.87 5.50 35.04 3.94
23.51 56.42 453.83 5.53 35.08 3.93
24.00 57.37 450.33 5.50 35.03 3.93
24.51 58.17 446.83 5.45 35.08 3.93
25.00 59.52 450.29 5.52 35.00 3.93
25.51 59.95 455.50 5.45 35.00 3.94
26.01 60.07 452.96 5.51 35.04 3.94
26.51 60.30 450.29 5.45 35.00 3.94
27.01 61.72 455.92 5.46 35.00 3.94
27.50 62.80 452.96 5.54 35.08 3.94
28.01 62.30 452.67 5.50 35.00 3.94
28.50 63.40 455.42 5.45 35.00 3.94
29.01 65.72 455.96 5.51 35.04 3.94
29.50 66.70 451.79 5.45 35.00 3.94
29.99 70.15 455.50 5.45 35.06 3.94

Figure 1. (b) online parameters profile during mixed culture (K. marxianus & S. cerevisiae)
batch fermentation

Time DO Agitation pH Temp. Air flowrate

(h) (%) (rpm) ( C) (L/min)
0.00 99.05 403.08 6.56 30.42 3.01
0.51 91.95 399.29 6.55 30.35 3.01
1.01 88.82 398.71 6.59 30.30 3.02
1.50 86.87 397.54 6.50 30.30 3.01
2.01 84.62 404.54 6.55 30.30 3.02
2.50 81.80 399.87 6.59 30.35 3.01
3.01 77.27 398.12 6.58 30.30 3.01
3.52 71.42 401.92 6.57 30.35 3.01
4.01 64.40 402.21 6.52 30.35 3.01
4.51 57.13 404.54 6.56 30.43 3.01
5.00 54.98 405.42 6.55 30.43 3.01
5.49 48.52 398.42 6.52 30.43 3.01
6.00 45.53 397.54 6.51 30.30 3.01
6.51 39.60 400.46 6.53 30.47 3.02
7.01 34.10 403.37 6.55 30.42 3.02

7.51 54.10 449.87 6.51 30.42 3.02
8.01 58.30 449.71 6.60 30.42 3.01
8.50 58.60 449.58 6.53 30.42 3.02
9.01 57.58 450.05 6.58 30.42 3.02
9.50 56.95 451.58 6.53 30.42 3.01
9.99 56.33 450.62 6.57 30.42 3.02
10.51 56.33 451.05 6.59 30.38 3.02
11.00 55.30 451.96 6.50 30.38 3.01
11.51 54.95 451.75 6.55 30.30 3.01
12.00 54.08 451.71 6.55 30.34 3.01
12.51 52.78 451.87 6.54 30.38 3.02
13.00 53.45 450.92 6.57 30.47 3.02
13.51 51.85 452.50 6.59 30.47 3.02
14.01 51.05 451.05 6.50 30.30 3.02
14.50 50.20 450.62 6.59 30.43 3.02
15.01 49.85 451.50 6.57 30.43 3.01
15.50 50.40 451.45 6.53 30.43 3.01
16.01 50.20 450.33 6.54 30.43 3.01
16.51 50.65 452.00 6.54 30.30 3.01
17.01 51.25 451.92 6.52 30.34 3.01
17.51 51.95 451.79 6.59 30.30 3.01
18.00 51.52 451.96 6.53 30.30 3.01
18.51 53.25 451.50 6.53 30.47 3.01
19.00 53.80 450.17 6.59 30.38 3.01
19.51 54.55 451.17 6.51 30.42 3.01
20.01 54.78 450.75 6.59 30.34 3.01
20.50 54.65 450.87 6.55 30.38 3.01
21.01 55.33 451.67 6.59 30.30 3.01
21.50 56.48 452.50 6.51 30.34 3.01
22.01 56.65 450.25 6.51 30.42 3.01
22.50 57.98 451.96 6.58 30.34 3.02
22.99 58.50 450.46 6.52 30.42 3.02
23.51 58.59 451.71 6.56 30.42 3.02
24.00 59.48 451.71 6.51 30.42 3.02
24.51 60.98 450.83 6.52 30.46 3.02
25.00 60.25 451.45 6.58 30.46 3.02
25.51 62.50 452.71 6.54 30.46 3.02
26.01 62.95 451.17 6.52 30.42 3.01
26.51 64.45 452.37 6.56 30.46 3.01
27.01 65.50 451.05 6.53 30.46 3.01
27.50 66.65 450.55 6.56 30.42 3.01
28.01 68.65 451.79 6.57 30.30 3.01
28.50 69.33 451.79 6.58 30.47 3.01

29.01 71.75 451.71 6.55 30.34 3.01
29.51 74.80 450.87 6.53 30.30 3.01
29.99 77.33 452.37 6.53 30.38 3.01

Figure 3. Variation of protein content in the retentate with the 10 kDa membrane at different
permeate flux using mono-culture fermented whey supernatant

Permeate Protein Total solids

flux (L/h/m ) concentration (g/L) (g/L)
267 26.80 29.60
343 27.26 30.17
413 27.94 30.50
505 25.63 28.40

Figure 4. Variation of protein content in the retentate with the 10 kDa membrane at different
TMP values using mono-culture fermented whey supernatant

TMP Protein Total solids

(kPa) concentration (g/L) (g/L)
60 28.42 30.60
70 28.70 30.70
80 28.63 30.14
90 26.80 29.30

Figure 5. Variation of protein content in the retentate of 1 kDa membrane at different permeate
flux using 10 kDa permeate

Permeate flux Protein Total solids

(L/h/m ) content (g/L) (g/L)
1345 10.3 11.9
1922 10.5 11.7
2446 10.4 11.6
2760 10.3 11.2
3261 9.1 9.8

Figure 6. Variations of protein content in the retentate with 1 kDa membrane at different TMP
values using 10 kDa permeate as feed

TMP Protein Total

(kPa) content (g/L) solids (g/L)
150 9.6 10.4
170 9.9 11.1
190 10.3 11.4
210 10.7 11.7
230 10.6 11.6
250 9.6 11.2


Synthèse (Version anglaise)

Synopsis (English version)

The literature review shows that the cheese whey is a valuable byproduct of cheese
producing industries and if it is directly dumped into the sewage, creates environmental
problems. However, if it is processed via biotechnological and physical processing it has
potential to transform into value-added products and helps to minimize the whey
management problem. However, problems still exist due to excess volume of whey
production. The one dominant biotransformation process for whey utilization is the production
of single-cell protein (SCP). However, there are many challenges that hamper the
commercial adaptation of SCP production and whey treatment.

2.1 Problem 1
Biomass is usually produced using whey permeate, which requires pre-treatment to separate
the whey protein before fermentation. The pre-treatment steps such as ultrafiltration is
expensive to separate whey protein and leaving large volume of liquid whey permeate.
Furthermore, the separation of whey protein before fermentation is generally not in the
interest of small and medium scale cheese producing industry due to low volume of whey to
separate the whey protein, followed by the treatment or biotransformation of whey permeate.

2.2 Problem 2
Pure culture of lactose utilizing yeast (Kluyveromyces marxianus) is mostly used for the
production of biomass (SCP), which is used as animal feed or food. However, the main
problem during cultivation of this yeast at high lactose concentration is the generation of
secondary metabolites, which leads to the higher residual COD and reduction of biomass
yield. Moreover, pure culture of K. marxianus lacks some essential amino acids that reduce
the SCP value as animal feed or food applications.

2.3 Problem 3
The fate and the recovery methods of the residual soluble whey protein after fermentation
are unknown.

2.4 Problem 4
Monoculture is less efficient in COD degradation, whereas mixed cultures were efficient for
COD degradation. However, this requires acid resistance and thermotolerent yeast strains to
operate the fermentation under non-aseptic condition.

2.5 Problem 5
The biomass production of more acceptable yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is carried out
after hydrolysis of lactose using pure β-galactosidase (free or immobilized enzyme system).
However, the use of pure or immobilized enzyme system makes the process expensive.
Moreover, pre-treatment of biomass to reduce its nucleic acid content for food grade SCP
also needs an efficient method.

2.6 Problem 6
Whey proteins have various functional properties with high nutritional value. However, higher
percentage of β-lactoglobulin make the whey proteins allergic to infants. So whey proteins
were hydrolyzed via enzymatic treatment or by fermentation. Enzymatic treatment is
expensive and fermentation process needs various technological developments (i.e. recovery
of whey protein in native state after fermentation and evaluation of in-vitro biological activity).

The strains of K. marxianum has the capacity to metabolize the whey lactose for its growth,
and used as a source of SCP for animal feed and food. The general hypothesis of this
research is: it could be possible to produce yeast biomass using cheese whey as a substrate
with simultaneous removal of COD. The metabolite generation can be minimised by
manipulation of lactose concentration or employing mixed culture. The mixed culture yeast
biomass for food grade SCP can be produced by hydrolyzing the whey lactose employing
permeabilized yeast cells. Further, the residual whey protein can be recovered in native state
by membrane filtration.

3.1.1 Hypothesis 1

Fermentation of whey permeate with acid tolerant and thermotolerant yeast K. marxianus is
well known for the production of biomass and simultaneous COD reduction. Thus, it could be
possible to produce the biomass using cheese whey without removing the whey protein
under extreme conditions (low pH and high temperature) that minimize the chances of
contamination. The characterization of intermediate metabolites and determination of whey
protein fate during fermentation will provide an information to manipulate the COD
degradation efficiency and biomass yield.

3.1.2 Hypothesis 2

Lactose in the medium will be consumed during fermentation, leaving most of the soluble
protein in the fermented broth. The presence of lactose has negative impact on the
precipitation of whey protein, therefore once the lactose is consumed (during fermentation), it
would be possible to precipitate and recover the residual soluble protein with ease by
optimizing the precipitation method. The precipitated protein can be mixed with the biomass
to enhance its protein content and balance the essential amino acids profile of the produced

3.1.3 Hypothesis 3

The mixed culture could be produced employing lactose consuming yeast (K. marxianus)
with non-lactose consuming yeast to enhance the COD removal efficiency, improve the
product quality and operate the fermentation process under non-aseptic conditions
employing acid resistance and thermotolerant yeast.

3.1.4 Hypothesis 4

Cultivation of mixed culture (especially Saccharomyces cerevisiae with K. marxianus), to

balance the essential amino acids profile needs hydrolyzed whey lactose. Hydrolysis is
carried out using pure β-galactosidase enzyme or using immobilized enzyme, which makes
the process expensive. However, it is possible to permeabilize K. marxianus cells (which
possess β-galactosidase activity) with non-toxic permeabilizing agents and subsequently use
of the permeabilized cells as a source of enzyme to hydrolyze whey lactose.

3.1.5 Hypothesis 5

The pre-treatment is carried out by chemical or enzymatic treatment to reduce the nucleic
acid content from the SCP to be used as food. However, it is possible to use detergent to
enhance the efficiency of chemical treatment and release of nucleotides, separately.
Membrane separation is a preferred technology to recover the native protein and peptides,
when molecular weight of protein and peptides are known. Thus, it is possible to use
membrane technology to separate the fermented whey protein in native state after evaluation
of molecular weight.

3.2 Objectives
The global research objective is to produce feed and food grade single-cell protein,
characterization and recovery of residual soluble whey protein from cheese whey
fermentation. The specific research objectives are as follows:

3.2.1 Objective 1

Production of single-cell protein, characterization of intermediate metabolites of K. marxianus

and determination of the fate of whey protein from cheese whey.

3.2.2 Objective 2

Development of recovery method for residual soluble fermented whey protein by precipitation
after yeast cultivation.

3.2.3 Objective 3

Evaluation of mixed culture of K. marxianus and Candida krusei for single-cell protein
production and organic load removal from whey under non-aseptic condition.

3.2.4 Objective 4

Permeabilization of K. marxianus for β-galactosidase activity and augmentation of mixed

culture for biomass production. Objective 4.1

Permeabilization of K. marxianus for β-galactosidase activity and hydrolysis of whey lactose
with permeabilized K. marxianus cells. Objective 4.2

Augmentation of mixed culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and K. marxianus on
hydrolyzed whey.

3.2.5 Objective 5

Pre-treatment of yeast biomass to reduce the nucleic acid content and optimization of
ultrafiltration for recovery of residual soluble fermented whey protein.

The production of single-cell protein directly from cheese whey is a novel approach to avoid
the separation of whey protein before fermentation. The biomass production from cheese
whey with determination of the fate of whey protein, their characterization and recovery as
well as characterization of intermediate metabolites has not been studied. Moreover,
production of mixed culture under non-aseptic conditions has also been not explored.
Further, production of food grade mixed culture yeast biomass using permeabilized K.
marxianus cells to increase the population of S. cerevisiae is a novel approach. The recovery
of residual fermented whey protein post fermentation in native state is not reported. Thus, the
proposed research is expected to provide a feasible technology for the transformation of
whey into proteinaceous products.

The obtained results of this thesis are presented in the 3 parts. The first part is comprised of
the transformation of whey, single-cell protein (SCP) production and recovery of residual
soluble protein post-fermentation (2 articles published; one is submitted). The second part
comprises of the biotechnological potential of Candida krusei and its role as a mixed culture
consortium for the production of SCP (2 articles published). The third part is about the
permibilization of yeast cells for enzyme activity, hydrolyze whey lactose with permeabilized
cells, augmentation of mixed culture for food grade SCP production and recovery of residual
soluble protein through ultrafiltration (1 article published; one is submitted). Results are
presented accordingly.

4.1 Transformation of whey, single cell-protein production and

residual protein recovery post-fermentation

4.1.1 Cheese whey: a potential resource to transform into bioprotein,

functional/nutritional protein and bioactive peptides (Chapter II, part 1)

An overview of cheese whey transformation processes for the value added products are
presented. The main emphasis has been given to the processes and factors affecting the
biotransformation of cheese whey into bioprotein/single-cell protein. Additionally, separation
and transformation processes of whey protein into various functional and nutritional proteins
have also been reviewed. Cheese whey can be transformed into the value added products
such as whey powder, whey protein, bioethanol, biopolymers, methane, bioprotein (single-
cell protein) and probiotics. Whey and whey permeate is biotransformed to proteinaceuous
feed and food grade single-cell protein through fermentation. On the other hand, whey is
directly processed into whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate and individual whey
proteins. Further, whey proteins have the potential to transform into bioactive peptides via
enzymatic or fermentation processes.

4.1.2 Simultaneous single-cell protein production and COD removal with

characterization of residual protein and intermediate metabolites during
whey fermentation by K. marxianus (Chapter II, part 2)

The fermentation of cheese whey with Kluyveromyces marxianus was carried out at 40 oC
and pH 3.5 to examine the simultaneous single-cell protein (SCP) production and chemical
oxygen demand (COD) removal, determine the fate of whey protein and to characterize

intermediate metabolites. The biomass yield (Yx/s) of 0.12 g biomass/g lactose and 55% of
COD reduction (including protein) was observed during batch fermentation with normal cell
density inoculum. Comparatively lower biomass yield might be due to extreme fermentation
conditions, i.e. low pH and high temperature, which were used to minimize the chance of
contamination. The lower COD degradation was due to high initial lactose concentration. The
soluble whey protein concentration decreased from 5.6 to 4.1 g/L, which indicated that the
very minor quantity of whey protein was utilized during fermentation. Further, the
electrophoresis result indicates that the fermented whey protein was different from native
whey protein. HPLC and GC-MS analysis revealed a change in the composition of organic
compounds post-fermentation. Some of the whey native volatile compounds were consumed
while some new compounds were generated during fermentation. Batch fermentation with
high initial inoculum concentration resulted in an increase in the biomass yield up to 0.19 g
biomass/g lactose and 80% COD reduction (including protein) with residual protein
concentration of 4.5 g/L. The higher COD reduction was due to the lower food to
microorganism ratio that decrease the higher intermediate metabolite generation. Third batch
fermentation, which was conducted with medium cell density inoculum and shifted to the
continuous fermentation with cell recycle system to maintain the higher biomass
concentration. The biomass yield of 0.19 g biomass/g lactose and productivity of 0.26 g/L/h
was obtained during continuous fermentation. The COD removal efficiency was 78-79% with
residual protein concentration of 3.8-4.2 g/L. The higher residual COD compared to the
literature report was due to the presence of residual soluble protein. Previously, most of the
studies were conducted with whey permeate where the residual COD due to protein was

4.1.3 Recovery of residual soluble protein by two-step precipitation

process with concomitant COD reduction from the yeast-cultivated
cheese whey (Chapter II, part 3)

The precipitation method for the recovery of residual soluble fermented whey protein
remained after yeast (K. marxianus) cultivation by continuous fermentation was evaluated.
The yeast biomass was separated from the fermented broth by centrifugation, and the
residual soluble protein from fermented whey supernatant was precipitated by heat
treatment. The maximum soluble protein recovery up to 53% and 54% of residual COD
removal were obtained at the optimum temperature 100 oC, pH 4.5 and time 10 min.
However, gravity sedimentable precipitates were obtained at pH 3.5 with 47% of protein
recovery. Further, the study was conducted at pH 3.5 with agitation, which resulted in 68% of
protein recovery and simultaneously residual COD removal of 62%. The increase in agitation

rate (shear rate) enhanced the aggregation of heat precipitated protein. Further,
precipitation/coagulation of soluble protein was evaluated with carboxymethyl cellulose
(CMC) and then two precipitation (thermal followed by CMC precipitation) processes were
combined. The combined precipitation process resulted in 81% of total protein recovery. The
precipitation process did not require the centrifugation to separate the protein. The gravity
sedimentable precipitate slurry could be mixed with centrifuged biomass and spray dried to
obtain an enriched proteinaceous product.

4.2 Biotechnological potential of yeast Candida krusei and its role

as a mixed culture consortium for the production of SCP

4.2.1 Candida krusei: biotechnological potentials and concerns about its

safety (Chapter III, part 1)

A comprehensive review about the two sides (i.e., biotechnological potentials and concerns
about its safety) of Candida krusei has been done. The yeast species, Candida krusei (an
opportunistic pathogen) has been reported from different habitats. It has gained increased
attention because of its diverse biotechnological role. It is found in many fermented food
items and dairy products. It has also been exploited for the production of various biochemical
and enzymes. Moreover, it is an acid resistant and thermotolerant in nature, which could be
exploited for the production of single-cell protein from cheese whey in mixed culture.

4.2.2 Mixed culture of Kluyveromyces marxianus and Candida krusei for

single-cell protein production and organic load removal from whey
(Chapter III, part 2)

The study was conducted to evaluate the potential of mixed culture of K. marxianus and
Candida krusei over a mono-culture of K. marxianus to enhance COD removal efficiency,
minimize the chances of contamination using extreme fermentation conditions (i.e. high
temperature and low pH) and to obtain improved quality SCP during batch and continuous
fermentation. The aerobic batch fermentation with mono-culture (K. marxianus) and mixed
culture (K. marxianus and C. krusei) was carried out at 40 oC and pH 3.5. The continuous
fermentation at different hydraulic retention times (HRT) (6, 12, 18 and 24 h) was conducted
for maximum COD removal and biomass production. The batch fermentation of mixed culture
resulted in 8.8% higher COD removal efficiency with 19% higher biomass yield and 33%
increased productivity than that of mono-culture. The higher COD degradation with mixed

culture was obtained due to the fact that lactose negative yeast (C. krusei) consumed
intermediate metabolites during fermentation. Moreover, the intermediate metabolites
consumption also resulted in enhanced biomass yield and productivity. The maximum COD
removal 80.2% (including residual protein) was obtained at 24 h HRT with biomass
productivity of 0.17 g/L/h, however, maximum biomass productivity 0.38 g/L/h with 34% COD
removal were obtained at 6 h HRT. The growth of C. krusei in the mixed culture during batch
and continuous fermentation showed that the two yeasts have commensalism type of
physiological interaction. The mixed culture SCP is composed of desired protein content and
enriched with lysine essential amino acid.
4.3 Permibilization of yeast cells, hydrolysis of whey lactose,
augmentation of mixed culture for SCP production and recovery of
residual soluble fermented whey protein

4.3.1 Permeabilization of Kluyveromyces marxianus with mild detergent

for whey lactose hydrolysis and augmentation of mixed culture (Chapter
IV, part 1)

K. marxianus cells were permeabilized with non-toxic, biodegradable, anionic detergent N-

lauroyl sarcosine (N-LS) for the intracellular enzyme activity and lactose hydrolysis. The
permeabilization process parameters (N-LS concentration, solvent volume, temperature and
incubation time) were optimized. The maximum β-galactosidase activity of 1,220 IU/g dry
weight was obtained with permeabilized cells under the optimized conditions: N-LS
concentration of 1.5% w/v, water volume of 1 mL (or 1.0 g wet weight/mL of N-LS solution),
temperature 25 oC and incubation time of 20 min. Moreover, the viability of the permeabilized
cells was also evaluated, which showed that cells were alive; with viability reduction of two
log cycles after permeabilization. The whey lactose hydrolysis was conducted with
permeabilized cells. The maximum lactose hydrolysis of 91% was observed with 600 mg (dry
cell weight/100 mL) in whey powder (5% w/v) solution at 180-min incubation, pH 6.5 and 30
°C. Further, the hydrolyzed whey was evaluated for amelioration of growth of non-lactose-
consuming yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. S. cerevisiae was able to the grow in
hydrolyzed whey with K. marxianus in mixed culture.

4.3.2 Characterization and ultrafiltration recovery of residual soluble

protein from food grade yeast-fermented whey (Chapter IV, part 2).

The study was carried out to characterize and recovery of the residual soluble protein after
cultivation of mono (K. marxianus) and mixed (K. marxianus and S. cerevisiae) culture yeast
biomass as food grade SCP from cheese whey. The batch fermentation was carried out at 35
C and pH 5.5 for mono-culture and at 30 oC and pH 6.5 for mixed culture. The obtained
biomass yields were 0.27 and 0.31 g biomass/g lactose consumed from mono and mixed
culture, respectively. The fermented broth was centrifuged to obtain biomass and fermented
whey supernatant. The yeast biomass was treated in two steps with N-LS and NH4OH,
respectively. The treatment resulted in a reduction of nucleic acid content below 2% w/w from
initial 11.4% w/w. The characteristics of soluble protein after fermentation were evaluated by
SDS-PAGE. During fermentation a fraction of whey protein was consumed. The SDS-PAGE
result revealed that the fermented whey protein is different from the native whey protein and
partially hydrolyzed during fermentation. The ultrafiltration operational parameters (permeate
flux and transmembrane pressure-TMP) were optimized for 1 and 10 kDa membranes to
recover the residual fermented whey protein. The permeate flux of 413 L/h/m2 and TMP of 80
kPa resulted in the highest recovery with 10 kDa membrane followed by a permeate flux of
2760 L/h/m2 and TMP of 230 kPa for 1 kDa membrane. These optimized conditions in
combination recovered 84% and 92% of total residual soluble protein from mono and mixed
culture fermented whey supernatant, respectively.

Yeast K. marxianus as SCP could be cultivated with minimal chances of contamination at
high temperature and low pH from cheese whey. A very minor quantity of whey protein
consumption was observed during fermentation. However, the nature of residual soluble
proteins were different from native whey proteins. HPLC and GC-MS analysis of fermented
whey supernatant showed that the intermediate metabolites presence was the responsible
factor for high residual COD along with residual protein. The higher COD removal and
enhanced biomass productivity were obtained during fermentation with high cell density
inoculum. The higher COD reduction and biomass productivity were achieved during
continuous fermentation with a cell recycle system.

The gravity sedimentable precipitates of protein from fermented whey supernatant were
obtained at pH 3.5, temperature 100 C and treatment time of 10 min. The gravity
sedimentation obviates the need of centrifugation for protein recovery. Additionally,
precipitates obtained at pH 3.5 was rich in mineral content, which could be mixed with the
yeast biomass to increase the final mineral content of the product. The combination of two
step precipitation process (thermal treatment followed by CMC addition) increased the
protein recovery up to 81% with further residual COD removal. The protein content of the
final product was increased from 42% w/w to 49% w/w by mixing the precipitates with yeast
biomass, and an increase in the quantity of the product by approximately 48%. The overall
COD removal in combination of fermentations, followed by precipitation was reaching up to
93%. The developed method for residual protein recovery could be applied at industrial scale
(especially by small and medium scale industries) to produce the SCP as animal feed.

The mixed culture of C. krusei and K. marxianus gave higher biomass yield and COD
removal efficiency over a mono-culture of K. marxianus. Moreover, they have shown the
physiological interaction with each other. The continuous fermentation at 24 h HRT is
optimum for higher COD removal with substantial yield and productivity. In addition, SCP
from mixed culture was enriched with lysine amino acid. The continuous process can be
operated in non-aseptic condition. Residual protein recovery through two steps precipitation
will increase the productivity from 0.17 to 0.31 g/L/h and COD removal efficiency from 80% to

The non-toxic and biodegradable detergent (N-LS) can be used to permeabilize K. marxianus
cells for intracellular β-galactosidase activity. More than 90% of whey lactose (from 50.0 g/L
of whey powder solution) hydrolysis was achieved within 3 h with 6.0 g dry weight of
permeabilized cells. The hydrolyzed whey with permeabilized cells could be effectively used
to grow a mixed culture of lactose consuming (K. marxianus) and non-lactose consuming (S.
cerevisiae) yeasts.

The food grade SCP could be obtained by the combined treatment of detergent and NH 4OH
from yeast biomass with simultaneous release of nucleotides (as flavoring agent). The whey
proteins were partially hydrolyzed and consumed during the fermentation in two cases (mono
and mixed culture). The SDS-PAGE result revealed that the majority of the fermented whey
protein molecular mass was remained below 25 kDa. The fermented whey protein could be
recovered through combined (10 and 1 kDa membrane) ultrafiltration with approximately 90%
of protein purity.

Based on the present study, three different processes have been developed, which could be
potentially applied to biotransform the raw cheese whey into proteinaceous products. The
first process is the continuous fermentation (at high temperature and low pH) with cell
recycle, followed by residual soluble protein recovery through precipitation. The integrated
process (i.e. production of SCP, followed by residual protein recovery) resulted in higher
productivity and higher COD removal. The product (SCP to be used animal feed) has high
protein content and balanced with essential amino acids. The second process is the
continuous fermentation under non-aseptic conditions employing mixed culture (K. marxianus
and C. krusei), which resulted in higher COD removal efficiency and enhanced biomass
yield. The produced SCP (animal feed) has higher lysine content, which is highly desired for
animal feed. The third process is to produce food-grade mixed culture (K. marxianus and S.
cerevisiae) SCP using permeabilized K. marxianus cells as a source of enzyme to hydrolyse
whey lactose, followed by residual protein recovery through ultrafiltration. Food-grade SCP
was obtained by pre-treatment of biomass with a combination of chemicals in two-step. The
residual soluble proteins after fermentation were recovered by ultrafiltration in native state.

5.2 Recommendations
Future research of single-cell protein production for feed and food application from cheese
whey should consider the following recommendations:

1. Scale up study is warranted for the production of SCP for use as animal feed with
simultaneous COD removal in an integrated process, i.e., production of biomass
employing cell recycle system and residual soluble protein recovery through two steps
precipitation process.

2. Scale up study is also necessary for the production of mixed culture (K. marxianus and C.
krusei) SCP to be used as animal feed and COD removal in an integrated scenario under
non-aseptic conditions. Moreover, the emphasis should also be given for the registration
of this mixed culture SCP at Canadian Food Inspection Agency or other regulatory body
to accept the Candida krusei as a consortium of SCP to be used as animal feed.

3. Reuse of treated water for dilution of cheese whey should be investigated to avoid the
dependency on municipal water supply.

4. The food grade mono and mixed culture SCP were obtained from biomass by combining
pre-treatment of detergent and alkali. However, further study should be conducted to
purify the released nucleotides and functional properties of treated biomass protein.
Ultrafiltration could be applied to recover the high purity fermented whey protein in native
state. However, scale-up study for ultrafiltration and the bioactivity evaluation of
fermented whey protein should also be conducted.

5. A comparative economic analysis is required, considering all three cases of single-cell

protein production and protein recovery processes to find the best conditional based
process for whey valorization.

6. Possibility of synthesis of prebiotics (galacto-oligosaccharides) during production of

mixed culture employing permeabilized of cells as a source of enzyme (β-galactosidase).
Furthermore, the possibility of the production of other byproducts such as phenyl ethyl
alcohol should also be investigated to make the process further economically attractive.

7. The precipitation of organic compounds during protein precipitation processes should be

investigated to explore the basic mechanism.

8. Comparative study should be conducted on the essential amino acid profile of the single
cell proteins produced from whey permeate and cheese whey.


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