DPDC Classa
DPDC Classa
DPDC Classa
Resolution No. T.P.S. 3678/814-B/UD-5
Mantralaya, Bombay-400 032.
Dated 16th July 1980
2. Govt. is pleased to accept and approve the recommendation made bye the state level committee
on incorporating the provision of National Building Code in building bye-laws for corporations and Municipal
council (vide Govt. has U.D.& P.H.D. Resolution No.MUG.-3576/172/UD-19,dt 10 January 1977 and
no.MUG.3576/172/UD-19,dated 25 Feb.1977 ) subject to modifications which are mentioned in Annexure A &
B appended to this resolutions.
3. Govt. is pleased to direct that the recommendations made by the committee and approved by govt.
with modifications, which have been incorporated therein, should be of the Maharashtra municipal Act, 1965 in
suppression of model the provision of section 323 already prepared and published under Govt. Notification,
U.D.P.H.& Housing Dept. No. BYM/1671/67907 - T, dated 2 April 1974.All the municipal councils are hereby
advised to a dopt. These building byelaws in place of those already published as a foresaid.
All the municipal council are directed under the provisions of the state of Maharashtra regional and town
planning Act, 1966 to revise their existing development control Rules on the lines of the lines of the
recommendations made by the committee & approving with modification mention in Annexure 'A' and 'B' appended
to this resolution following the producer proscribed under section 37 of the maharashtra retinal planning act, 1966
to submit the same for sanction of government unless their exiting meant control rules includes a provision for
authority replaying the presents development control rules without the necessity of fowling producer recorded
u/s37 of regional and town planning act 1966.The accompanying notification are published maharashtra
government gazette pare- I-A central dt.16.1.70
No. TPS. 3678/814-B-UD-5 (I) … In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 323
of Maharashtra Municipalitie. Act 1965 (Mah. XL of 1965) and all other powers enabling it in that be half
and in supersession of the provision Model Building By-lows made on the subject and published in
Government Notification, Urban Development, Public Health and Housing Department, No. BYM
1671/67907-T, dated 2nd April 1974, the Government of Maharashtra hereby makes the following
standardized Building Bye-laws and Development Control Rules namely :-
1.1 These Bye-laws and rules shall be called “Building Bye-laws and Development Control Rules of …
Municipal Council, … ** “
1.2 These Bye-laws and rules shall come in to force from … / and these shall replace all existing
building bye-laws and development control rules in forced framed under Maharashtra Regional and
Town Planning Act, 1966 or Maharashtra Municipalities Act 1965.
2.1 In additions to the provisions contained in section 44, 45, 58 and 69 of Maharashtra Regional and
Town Planning Act, 1966 and Section 183, 189, 190, 191 and 192 of Maharashtra Municipalities Act,
the bye-laws and rules shall apply to the building regulation activity given under 2.2 to 2.3
2.2 The ye-laws and rules shall apply to all ‘development’ work. Further these shall apply to the various
building operations under 2.2.1 to 2.2.4
2.2.1 Where a building is erected the bye-laws applies to the design and construction of the building.
2.2.2 Where the whole or any part of the building is removed, the bye-laws applies to all parts of the
building whether removed or not.
2.2.3 Where the whole or any part of the building is demolished the bye-laws applies to any remaining
part and to the work involved in demolition.
2.2.4 Where the occupancy of a building is changed, the bye-laws applies to all part of the building
affected by the change.
2.3 Existing Building :- Nothing in the bye-law shall require the removal, alteration or abandonment,
nor prevent continuous of the use of occupancy of the existing building unless in the opinion of the
Authority, such building is unsafe or constitutes hazard to the safety of the adjacent property or the
occupants of the building itself.
3.0 General
3.0.1. In this by laws and rules, unless the contacts other wise requires, the definition given under 3.1
to 3.69 shall have the meaning indicated against each term.
3.0.2. Words and expression not defined in this by laws shall have the same meanings or sense as in
the maharashtra regional and town planning act, 1966 and maharashtra municipalities act 1965
3.11. Built up Area. - Any area covered with structure of any sort either with plinth or otherwise and
which will fall within the definition of a building. The built of area shall not include certain space as
given under by law no.15.62
3.12. Chajja. - A sloping or horizontal structural overhangs usually provided over openings on external
walls to provide protection forms sun and rain.
3.13. Combustible Material. - A material, if tit burns or adds heat to a fire when tested for
combustibility in accordance with is 3808-1966 method of test for combustibility of building
3.14. Courtyard or Chowk. - A space permanently open to the sky enclosed fully or partly by buildings
and may be at ground level or any other level with in all-adjacent to a building.
3.15. Detached Building - A building whose walls and roofs are indepidentent of any other building
with open space on all sides as specified.
3.16. Development -"Development" with grammatical variations means the carrying out of buildings,
engineering, mining or other operations in, or over, or under land or water, or the making of any
material change, in any buildings, or land, or in the use of any building or land, and includes
redevelopment and lay out and subdivision of any land, and "to develop" shall be construed
3.17. Drain. - A line of pipes including all fitting and equipments such as manholes, inspection
chambers, traps, gullies and floor traps used for the drainage of a building, or a number of
building, or yards appurtenant to the buildings, within the same cartilage. Drain shall also include
open channels used for conveying surface water.
3.18. Enclosed Staircase. - A staircase separated by fire resistance walls and doors from the rest of
the buildings.
3.19. Exit - A passage, channel or means of egress from any buildings, stores or floor area to a
street or other open space of safety.
3.19.1 Vertical Exit. - A vertical exit is mean of exit used for ascension or dissension between two or
more levels including stairways smoke, proof towers, ramps, escalators and fire scopes.
3.19.2 Horizontal Exit. - A Horizontal exit is a protected opening through or around a firewall or
abridges connecting two buildings. Enclosed fire resistive passage leading to a public way.
3.19.3 Outside Exit. - An outside exit is an exit from the building to public way, to an open area
leading to public way or to and enclosed fire resisting passage leading to a public way
connecting two buildings. Enclosed fire resistive passage leading to a public way.
3.20. Fire And/Or Emergency Alarm System - An arrangement of call points or detectors, sounders
and other equipments for the transmission and indication of alarms signals, for testing of circuits
and whenever required for the operation of an auxiliary services. This device may be workable
automatically or manually to alert the occupants in the event of fire or other emergency.
3.21. Fire Left - One of the lifts specially designed for use by service personnel in the event of fire.
3.22. Fire Proof Door -A door or shutter fitted to a wall opening, and erected with the constructed and
erected with the requirement to check the transmission of heat and fire for a specified period.
3.23. Fire Resisting Material - Material, which has certain degree of fire resistance.
3.23.1. Fire Resisting. - The time during which it fulfils its function of contributing to the fire safety of a
building when subject to prescribed conditions of heat and load or restraint. The fire resistance
test of structures shall be done in accordance with IS: 3809-1966. Fire resistance test of
3.24. Fire Separation - The distance in meters measured from any other building on site, or from other
site, or from other the opposite side of a street or other public space to the building.
3.25. Fire Service Inlets -A connection provided at the base of a building for pumping up water through
in-built fire fighting arrangement by fire service pumps in accordance with the recommendations
of the Fire Services Authority.
3.26. Fire Tower - An enclosed staircase which can only be approached from the various floors
through landing or lobbies separate from both the floor areas and the staircase by fire-resisting
doors, and open to the outer air.
3.27. Floor - The lower surface in a story on which one normally walks in a building. The general term
"floor" unless otherwise specifically mentioned shall not refer to mezzanine floor.
NOTE. - Its relation to the determining entrance level shall determine the sequential numbering of
floor. For floors at or wholly above ground level the lowest floor in the building with direct entrance
from the road/street shall be termed as floor 1. The other floors above floor I shall be numbered in
sequence as floor 2, floor 3, and etc. with number increasing upwards.
3.28. Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.). - The quotient obtained by diving the total covered area (plinth area)
on all floors by the area of the plot:
Note. - The term, F.A.R. is synonymous with floors space index (F.S.I.)
3.29. Footing. - A foundation unit constructed in brickwork, masonry or concrete under the base of a
Wall or column for the purpose of distributing the load over a large area.
3.30 Foundation. - That part of the structure which is in direct contact with and transmitting loads to
the ground
3.31 Garage. - A building or portion there of use or intend to be use for the shelter or storage of any
3.32 Ground Level. - The average level of ground in a plot. (Site).
3.33 Group Housing Scheme. - A housing scheme wherein dwelling houses are not constructed in
separate individual plot, but where a group of buildings is proposed in one plot.
3.34 Habitable Room. -A room occupied or designed for occupancy by one or more persons for
study, leaving, sleeping, eating, kitchen if it is use as living room, but not including bathrooms,
water-closet compartments, launders serving and storage pantries corridors, cellars, attach and
space that are not used frequently or during extend periods.
3.35 Lying Out of New Street. - Includes provision of road for formation, leveling, medalling or paving
of road and footpaths etc.including lying of the service such as water supply, drainage etc.
3.36 Lift. - And appliance designed to transport persons for materials between two or more levels in a
vertical or substantially vertical direction by means of guided car or platform.
3.37 Lift Machine. - Part of the lift equipment compressing the motor (s) and control gear therewith,
reduction gear (if any), break (s) and winding drums or shave, by which the lift car is raised or
3.38 Lift Well. - Unobstructed space within an in closer provided for the vertical movement of lift car
(s) and any counter-weight (S) including the lift peat and the spies for top clearance.
3.39 Loft. - A intermediary floor between two floors or a residual space in a pitched roof, above
normal floor level which is constructed or adopted for storage purposes
3.40 Masonry. - An assemblage of masonry unites properly bounded together with motor.
3.41 Means of Access. - These shall include the road /street /vehicular access way, pathway up to
the plots and to the building with in a plot.
3.42 Mezzanine Floor. - An intermediate floor, between two-floor levels above ground level.
3.43 Non-Combustible. -A material, which does not burn nor add heat to a fire when tested for
combustibility in accordance with good practice (see Bay-law No.3.13).
3.44 Occupancy or Use Group. - The principal occupancy for which a building or a part of a building
is used or intended to be used; for the purposes of classification of a building according to the
occupancy, shall be demeaned to include subsidiary occupancies which are contingent upon it.
Buildings with mixed occupancies are those buildings in which more than one occupancy are
present in different portions of the building.
The occupancy classification shall have the meaning given from 3.44.1.to 3.44.9. Unless otherwise
spelt out in development plan.
3.44.1. Residential Building. - These shall include any building in which sleeping accommodation is
provided for normal residential purposes with or without cooking or dining or both facilities. It
included one or two multi-family dwellings, lodging or rooming houses dormitories, apartment house
and flats, residential hotels and private garages.
3.44.2. Educational Buildings. - These shall included any buildings used for school, collage or
day-care purposes for more than 8 hours per week involving assembly for instruction, education or
recreation incidental to education buildings.
3.44.3 Institutional Buildings. - These shall includes any building or part there of which is use for
purpose such as medical or other treatment or care of persons suffering from physical or mental
illness disease or infirmity, care of infants, convalescents or aged persons and for penal or corrector
detentions in which the liberty of the in meets is restricted. Institutional buildings ordinarily provide
slipping accommodation for the occupants. It includes hospitals, sanatoria, custodial institutions and
panel institutions like jails, prisons, and mental hospitals reformatories.
3.44.4. Assembly Buildings. -These shall include any building or part of a building where groups of
people congregate or gather for amusement, recreation, social, religious, patriotic, civil, travel and
similar purpose.; for example theaters, motion picture houses, assembly halls, city halls, town halls,
auditoria, exhibition halls, any seems, mammal Karalee , gymnasium, reaustorant, places of
worship, dance hall, club rooms, passenger station, and terminals of air, surface and other public
transportation services , recreations piers and staid.
3.44.5 Business Building. - These shall include any building or part of a building, which is use for
transaction of business for the kipping of accounts and records for similar purpose. Doctors service
facilities, court houses, records and reference libraries shall be classified in this group in so far as
principal function of these is transaction of public business and the keeping of books and records.
3.44.6 Mercantile Buildings. -. - These shall include any building or part of a building, which is use as
shops stores, market, for display, and sale of merchandise either wholesale or retail. Office, storage
and service facilities incidental to the sale of merchandise and located in the same building shall be
included under this gropes.
3.44.7 Industrial Buildings. - These shall include any building or part of a building, or structure, in
which products or materials all kinds and properties are fabricated, assembuilt or presses like
assembly plants, laboratories, power plants, smoke houses, refineries gas plants, mills, dairies,
factories etc.
3.44.8 Storage Buildings. . - These shall include any building or part of a building, use primarily for
the storage of sheltering of goods wares or merchandise, like ware houses, cold storage, fright
depots, transit sheds, store houses, public garages, hangers, truck terminals, grain, elevators,
barns and stable.
3.44.9 Hazardous Buildings. - These shall include any building or part of a building, which is use for
storage, handling manufacture of processing of highly combustible of explosive materials or
products which are liable to burn with extreme rapidity and /or which may produce poisonous fumes
or explosion for storage, handling, manufacturing or processing which involve highly corrosive, toxic
or noxious alkalis, acids or other liquids or chemicals producing flame, fumes and explosive mixture
of dust or which results in the division of matter into fine particles subjects to spontaneous ignition
3.45. Open Space. - An area, forming and integral part of the side, left open to the sky
3.46. Owner. - The person who has legal title for land or building it also includes---------------
a) An agent or trusty who receives the rent on behalf of the owner
b) An agent or trusty who receives the rent of or is entrusted with or is concerned with any building
devoted to religious or charitable purpose.
c) A receiver, executor or administrator or a manager appointed by any court of competing
jurisdiction to have the change of, or to exercise the rights of the owner; and
d) A mortgage in possession
3.47. Parapet - A low wall or railing built along the edge of a roof or a floor
3.48. Parking Space. - An area enclosed or unenclosed, converted or open, sufficient in sizes to park
vehicles, together with a driveway connecting thwacking space with a street or alley and
permitting in grass and egress of the vehicles
3.49. Planning Authority . - The ------* Municipal councils or 'any' other authority thereafter
constituted to control the development the area included with in the municipal limit.
3.50. Plinth. - The portion of a structure between the surface of the surrounding ground and surface
of the floors, immediately above the ground.
3.51. Porch. - A covered surface supported on pillars or otherwise for the purpose of pedestrian or
vehicular approach to a building.
3.52. Rear. - As applied to a building means that portion which is the side directly opposite in direction
to the roadside.
NOTE. - In case of corner plots facing two roads, the road having the bigger width shall be considered
as the frontage to decide the rear. In the case of roads of equal widths, the end of longer side
shall be considered as rear
3.53. Road/Street. -Any highway, street lane, pathway, alley, stairway, passageway, carriageway,
footway, square, place or bridge, whether a thoroughfare or not, over which the public have a
right of passage or access or have passed and had access uninterruptedly for a specified
period; whether existing or proposed in any scheme, and includes all bunds, channels, ditches,
storm-water drains, culverts, sidewalks, traffic islands, roadside trees and hedges, retaining
walls, fences, barriers and railing within the street lines.
3.54. Road/Street Level or Grade. - The officially established elevation or grade of the central line of
the street upon which a plot fronts and if there is no officially established grade, the existing
grade of the street at its mid-point.
3.55. Road/Street line - The line defining the side limits of a street.
3.56. Room Height. - The vertical distance measured from the finished floor surface to the finished
ceiling/slab surface. The bottom (under side) of the beam or joists or tie beams shall determine
the upper points of measurement for headroom's.
3.57. Row Housing. - A row of houses with only front, rear and interior open space.
3.58. Semi-Detached Building- a building detached on three sides with open space as specified.
3.59. Site Or Plot. - A parcel/piece of land enclosed by definite boundaries.
3.60. Site, Corner. - A site at the junctions of and fronting on two or more intersecting streets.
3.61. Site, Depth of. - The mean horizontal distance between the front and rear site boundaries.
3.62. Site, Double Frontage. - A site, having a frontage on two streets other than a corner plot.
3.63. Site, Interior or Tandem. - A site access to which is by a passage from a street whether such
passage from part of the site or not.
3.64. Smoke-Stop Door. - A door for preventing or checking the spread of smoke from one area to
3.65. Story. - The portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the floor next
above it, or if there be no floor above it, then the space between any floor and the ceiling next
above it.
3.66. To Erect Means -
(a) To erect a new building on any site whether previously built upon or not ;
(b) To re-erect any building of which portions above the plinth level have been
pulled down, burnt or destroyed; and
(c) Conversion from one occupancy to another.
3.67. Travel Distance. - The distance from the remotest point on a floor of a building to a place of
safety be it a vertical exit, horizontal exit or an outside exit measured along the line of travel
3.68. Unsafe Building. - Unsafe building are those which are structurally unsafe, insanity or not
Provided with adequate means of egress or which constitute a fire hazard or are otherwise
dangerous to human life or which in relation to existing use constitute a hazard a safety or
healthy or public welfare, by reason inadequate maintenance, dilapidation or abandonment
3.69. Volume-to-Plot Ratio. - The ratio of volume of building measured in cubic meters to the area of
plot measured in square meters and expressed in meters.
3.70. Water Closet (W C). - A privy with arrangement for flushing the with water. It does not include a
4.1. In the bye-laws, the use of present tens includes the future tense, the masculine gender
includes the feminine and the neutral the singular number includes the plural tense
includes the singular. The word 'person' includes a corporation and an individual; writing
includes printing and typing and 'signature' includes thumbs impression made by a person
who cannot write if his name is written near to such thumb impression. The term 'bye-laws'
and 'rules' shall be synonymous and hereinafter the term byelaws are used in the body of
the document.
6.1. Notice. - Every person who intends to carry out development works, erect, re-erect or make
material alteration in any place in a building shall give notice in writing to the authority of said
intention in the prided Performa given in appendix A and such notice shall be accompanied by
plans and statements in sufficient copies (bye-laws no.6.1.1.) as required under bye laws no.6.2
to 6.3 The plans may be ordinary prints on Ferro paper or any other type. One set such plans
shall be retained in the office of the Authority for record after the issue of permit or useful.
6.1.1. Copies of Plans And Statements. -Normally, four copies of plans and statements shall be made
available a long with the notice in case of buildings schemes, where the clearance is required
from other agencies like ……* fire service and other agues number of copies of plans required
shall be as decided by the authority.
6.2. Information Accompanying Notice. - The notice shall be accompanied by the key (location)
plan, site plan, sub-division layout plan **, building plan**, service plans, specification and
certificate of supervision and ownership title as prescribed in 6.2.1.to 66.2.11
6.2.1. - Sizes Drawing Sheets and Coloring of Plans - The sizes of drawing sheets shall be any of those specified in table first. --
Drawing sheets sizes
Serial No. Designation Trimmed Size, mm
1 AQ .. .. .. 841x1,189
2 A1 .. .. 594x841
3 A2 .. .. 420x594
4 A3 .. .. .. 297x420
5 A4 .. .. .. 210x297
6 A5 .. .. .. 148x210
_______________________________________________________________________ -COLOURING NOTATIONS FOR PLANS. -The plans shall be colored as specified in table
2. Further the prints of plans shall be on one side of paper only. - DIMENSIONS. -All dimensions shall be indicated in metric units.
Table 2
Coloring of plans
Sr.No. Item Site Plan Building Plan
White Plan Blue Print Ammonia Print White Plan Blue Print Ammonia Print
(1) (2) (4)(3) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1 Plot Lines.. Thick Black Thick Black .. Thick Black .. Thick Black .. Thick Black .. Thick Black
2 Existing street Green Green Green .. .. ……
3 Futures street Green Doted Green Doted Green Doted.. ……….. ……….
if any
4 Prim sable Thick Black Thick Black Thick Black ………. ……… ………..
Lines /Buildings Doted Doted Doted
5 Open spaces No. Color
6. Existing work Black (outline) White Blue Black White Blue
7. Work proposed to be Yellow hatched Yellow hatched Yellow hatched Yellow hatched Yellow hatched Yellow hatched
8.Proposed work Red filled in Red Red Red Red Red
9. Drainage and Red dotted Red dotted Red dotted Red dotted Red dotted Red dotted
Sewerage work.
10. Water supply Work Black dotted thin. Black dotted thin. Black dotted thin. Black dotted thin. Black dotted thin. Black dotted thin.
11. Deviations Red hatched Red hatched Red hatched Red hatched Red hatched Red hatched
12.Recreation ground Green wash Green wash Green wash Green wash Green wash Green wash
* Name of City.
** Depending Applicability for permit for development work/ building work.
6.2.2. - Ownership Title. - Every application for a building permit and commencement certificate shall
be accompanied by two copies of the following for verifying the proof of ownership:
(1) Latest 7/12 extracts from the revenue department or the properties registered card. ; Or
(2) Attested copy of original sale/ lease deed; and
(3) Other documents acceptable to the authority
In case of lease hold plots the leases will be responsible to prove that he is entitled to
constructed on the leasehold plots
6.2.3. - Key Plan (or Location Plan). - A key plan drawn to a scale of not less than 1: 8000 shall be
submitted along with the application for building permit and commencement certificate showing
the boundary location of site with respect to neighbor hoods landmarks.
6.2.4. Site Plan. -The site plan sent which an application for permit shall be drawn to a scale of not
less than 1: 500 and shall show:
(a) The boundaries, giving the dimensions of the site and of any contiguous land belonging
to the owner thereof;
(b) The position of the site in relation to neighboring street;
(c) The name of the street (s) in which the building is proposed to be situated, if any
(d) All existing buildings standing on, over or under the site;
(e) The position of the building, and of all other buildings (if any) which the applicant
intends to erect upon his continuous land referred to in (a) in relation to:-
(1) The boundaries of the site and in case where the site has been partitioned, the
boundaries of the portion owned by the applicant and also of the portions owned by
(2) All adjacent street (s) buildings (with number of story and height) and premises
within a distance of 12 m of the site and of the contiguous land (if any) referred to in
(a); and
(3) If there is no street within a distance of 12 m of the site, the nearest existing street;
(f) The means of access from the street to the building, and to all other building (if any)
which the applicant intends to erect upon his contiguous land referred to in (a);
(g) Space to be left about the building to secure a free circulation of air, admission of light
and access for scavenging purpose;
(h) The width of the street (if any) in front and of the street (if any) at the side or rear of the
(i) The direction of north point relative to the plan of the building(s);
(j) Any existing physical features, such as wells, drains, trees etc;
(m) The ground area of the whole property and the break-up of covered area on each floor
with the calculations for percentage covered in each floor in terms of the total area of
the plot as required under bye laws governing the coverage of the area;
(n) Overhead electric supply line, drainage and water supply line;
(p) Such other particulars as may be prescribed by the authority.
6.2.5. Sub-Divisional Layout Plan. - In case of development work, the notice shall be accompanied by
the sub-division layout plan, which shall be drawn on a scale of not less than 1:500
containing the following:
(a) Scale used and north point;
(b) The location of all proposed and existing roads with their existing/proposed widths within
the land;
(c) Dimensions of plots (s) along with building lines showing the dimensions of the
setbacks, within each plot;
(d) The location of drains, sewers, public facilities and services and electrical lines etc;
(f) A statement indicating the total area of the site, area utilized under roads, open space,
for parks, play-grounds, recreation spaces and development plan reservations, schools
shopping and other public places along with their percentage with reference to the total
area of the site proposed to be sub-divided.
(g) In case of plots which are sub-divided in built-up areas in addition to the above, the
means of access to the sub-division from existing street.
6.2.6 BUILDING PLAN. - The plans of the building and elevations and section accompanying the
notice shall be drawn to a scale of not less than 1:100. The building plan shall: -
(a) Include floor plans of all floors together with covered area clearly indicating the sizes of
rooms and the position and which of staircases, ramps and other exit ways, lift wells, lift
machine room and lift pit details. It shall also include ground floor plans as well as
basement plans and shall indicate the details of parking space provided around and within
building as also the access ways and the appurtenant open spaces with projections in
dotted lines, distance from any building existing on the plot in figured dimensions along with
accessory building
(b) Show the use or occupancy of all parts of the building;
(c) Show exact location of essential services for example, WC, sink, bath and the like;
(d) Include sectional drawings showing clearly the sizes of the footings, thickness of
basement wall, wall construction, size and spacing of framing members, floor slabs with
their material. The section shall indicate the heights of buildings and rooms and also the
height o the parapet; and the drainage and the slope of the roof. At least one section
should be taken through the staircase provided further that the structural plan giving
details of all structural elements and materials used along with structural calculations
could be submitted separately but in any circumstance before the issue of the building
permit/commencement certificate;
(e) Give dimension of all doors, windows and ventilators;
(f) Show all street elevations;
(g) Indicate details of basket (served) privy, if any;
(h) Give dimensions of the projected portions beyond the permissible building line;
(i) Include terrace plan indicating the drainage and the slope of the roof;
(j) Give indications of the north point relative to the plan; and
(k) The Authority may prescribe such other particulars as.
150 sq m. 200
For every additional 150 sq.m.or part thereof 100 additional for every
To a maximum of Rs.1, 000
Total covered area Rupees
150sqm 25
More than 150 sq.m. 25 additional for every 150 sq.m.
Above Rs.25 subject to a maximum
Of Rs.100.
(V) Industrial Buildings
(VI) Compound Wall. - It should be a minimum of Rs.5 for walls up to 100 running meters and further
increase the fee on the same scale.
6.4.1. The fixation of these fees shall be govern red by the following: -
(a) For re-erection of existing buildings, the fees chargeable shall be the same as
erection of new building.
(b) For additions and alterations in the existing building, the fees shall be chargeable
on the added/altered positions only, on the same scale as for new building.
(c) For revised plan of a building which the authority has already sanction, the fees
chargeable shall be 1/4 of the fees chargeable on the original plan, subject to the
condition that the cover area of the building has not increased than in the original
sanctioned plan.
(d) In case of additions and alteration of buildings if the use of the building is also
changed, than the chargeable fees shall be calculated on the use proposed.
(e) In case of basements, for the purpose of calculating fee, the area covered under
the basement shall be counted towards the covered area.
(f) In the case of buildings with principal and subsidiary accompanies, in which the
fees livable are different, than the fees for the total building scheme shall be
calculated as per the rates for individual accompanies.
(g) In the case of repetitive type of residential buildings, the building permit fees shall
be calculated only for each type of the building block/schem, based on which the
other building are constructed.
6.4.2. The owner may withdraw his applications and plans at any time prior to the sanction and such
withdrawal shall terminate all proceeding with respect to such application; but the fees paid
shall, in no case be refunded.
6.4.3 Charges for staking of building materials on public road. -The stacking of building materials
and debris on public roads, highways shall be prohibited except with special permeation
of the authority. Where such permeation has been granted, the licensed fee for
depositing building materials and debris on public roads, highways etc. shall be as for
as; -
(a) For construction of residential buildings .. .. .. .. Rs. 5 per sq.m. Per week.
(b) For construction of non -residential buildings .. .. .. Rs.10 per sq.m. Per week.
Note. - The stacking of materials would be permitted till the completion of the building. If after
completion of the building, in the opinion of the authority, certain material have not been
cleared or left in a stage causing annoyance or inconvenience, the authority shall take
necessary actions against the owner and any cost incurred in the removal of such
material, which has been carried out by the authority, shall be recovered form the
6.5.Qualification and competence of the Licensed Architect/ Engineers/Structural Engineer/ Super wiser. -
Architects, Engineers/Structural Engineer/ Super wiser referred to under 6.2.8., 6.2.9.
And 6.3 shall be licensed by the authority as competent to do the various works as
given in Appendix C. The qualifications and producer for licensing the architect,
engineers, structural engineer and supervisor shall be as given in Appendix C.
6.6. Grant or Refusal of Permit
6.6.1. The authority may either sanction or refuse the plans and specifications or may
sanction them with such modifications, conditions or directions as it may deem
necessary and thereupon shall communicate its decision to the person giving the notice
in the prescribed from given in Appendix D and E. In the case of proposals for development work, if in the opinion of the Authority, the
layout of plots, or alignment of the street or access way is not adopted to or would
detrimentally affect the layout or development of adjoining lands, the Authority shall
required the applicant to alter the layout as deemed necessary. The details of laying or
roads, of quality not less than 150mm. WBM road, laying of water supply drainage lines
to meet the requirements of water supply and sewage effluent of the population to the
level of the municipal mains, as decided by the authority, shall be furnished to the entire
satisfaction of the authority, of the authority, or the owner may deposit an amount equal
to the expenses for such development, as estimated by the Authority. The plans for buildings identified in byelaws No. Shall also be subject to the
scrutiny of the competent fire authority as approved by the fire adviser of government of
Maharashtra and the sanction through building permit shall be given by the authority
after the clearance.
6.6.2. If within sixty (60) days of the receipt of the notice, under 6.1 of the byelaws, the
authority fails to intimate in writing to the persons, who has given the notice, of its
refusal or sanction, the notice with its plans and statements shall be deemed to have
been sanctioned following the date of expiry of sixty days. Subject to the conditions
mentioned in these byelaws, noticing shall be construed to authorize any person to do
anything in contravention of or against the terms of lease or titles of the land or against
any other regulations, byelaws or ordinance operating on the site of the work.
6.6.3. Once the plan has been scrutinized and objections have been pointed out, the owner
giving notice shall generally modify the plan to comply with the objections raised and
resubmit it. No new objections shall generally be raised when they are re-submitted
after compliance or earlier objections. The authority shall scrutinize the re-submitted
plan and if there be further objections, the plan shall be rejected.
6.6.4. Refusal or Sanction of Work by Government Departments Where a authority raised any objection to the proposed development on the ground that
the development is not in conformity with the provisions either of any development plan
under preparation, or of any building byelaws in force for the time being, or for any
other material consideration, the officer shall-
(I) Either make necessary modification in the proposals for development to meet the
objections raised by the authority, or
(II) Submit the proposals for development together with objections raised by the authority to the
state Government for decision. The state Government, on receipt of the proposals for development together with the
objections of the authority shall, in consolation with the Director of town planning, either
approve the proposals with or without modifications or direct the officers to make such
modifications in the proposals, as it considers necessary in the circumstance.
6.7. Board of Appeals. - A board of appeals shall be set up to give one more chance to the
architect/engineer to defend their plans in case the same had been refused. The board of
appeals shall consist of the town planning along with concerned divisional deputy director of
town planning for the zone.
The architect/engineer shall appeal to this board within a period of thirty (30) days after refusal.
The apple shall be cleared within sixty (60) days of receipt of appeal.
6.8. Duration of Sanction. - In line with section 48 of Maharashtra regional and town planning Act
1966, the sanction once accorded through building permit shall remain valid for one year from
the date of issue. The building permit shall be got revalidated before the expiry of this period.
The request for further revalidation shall be subject to the development plan provision as also
the building byelaws and the development control rules amended up to date. Such revalidation
could be done for 2 consecutive terms of 1 year each after which proposals will have to be
submitted to obtain building permit/commencement certificate afresh.
6.9. Revocation of Permit. - In addition to the provisions of section 51 of Maharashtra regional and
town planning Act 1966 the authority may revoke any building permit issued under the
provisions of byelaws, where there has been any false statement or any misrepresentation of
material fact in the applications on which the building permit was based. In the case of
revocation of permit based on false statement, misrepresentation of material fact in the
applications, no compensation would be paid.
7. Procedure during Construction work
7.1. Neither the granting of the permit not the drawings and specifications, nor inspections made by the
authority during erection of the building shall in any way relive the owner of such building from
full responsibility for carrying out the work in accordance with requirements of the byelaws.
7.1.1. The Authority shall have the power to carry out inspection of the work at various stages to
ascertain whether the work is preceding as per the provisions of byelaws and sanctions plan.
Section 333 of Maharashtra municipalities Act, 1965 shall apply for the procedure for
inspections by the authority and for action to be taken by the authority arising out of the
inspection carried put.
7.3. Documents at Site
7.3.1. Where test of any material are made to ensure conformity with the requirements of the byelaws,
records of the test data shall be kept available for inspection during the construction of the
building and for each a period thereafter as required by the authority.
7.3.2. The person to whom to permit is issued shall during construction keep available at site a
certificate copy of approved drawing and specifications by licensed Technical
Personnel/Planning Authority.
7.4.Checking of Plinth/Columns up to Plinth Level. - The owner shall given notice in prescribed from
given in appendix G to the Authority after the completion of week up to plinth level with a view
to enable the authority to ensure that the work is carried out in accordance with the sanctioned
plans. The authority shall carry out inspection within seven days from the receipt of such notice
and give them permission, for carrying out further construction work as per sanctioned plans in
prescribe pro forma given in appendix H.
7.5. Deviation during Construction. - If during the construction of a building, any departure of a
substantial nature from the sanctioned plan is intended to be made by way of internal
alterations or external additions which violate any provision regarding general building
requirements, structural stability and fire safety requirements of the byelaws, sanctions of the
authority shall be obtained. The revised plan showing the deviations shall be submitted and the
procedure laid down for the original plan heretofore shall apply to all such amended plans.
7.6. Completion Certificate. - The owner through the licensed architect, engineer, supervisor or
group, as the case mat be, who has supervised the construction, shall give notice to the
authority regarding completion of work described in the building permit. The completion
certificate shall be submitted in the preformed given in appendix J and shall be accompanied by
two sets of completion plan, one of which shall be cloth mounted.
The provision of completion certificate shall not apply to building construction work referred in
byelaw No.5.1.2.
7.7. Occupancy Certificate. - The authority, on receipt of the completion certificate, shall inspect the
work and sanction or refuse an occupancy certificate, in the perform given in Appendix K within
twenty-one (21) days from the date of receipt of completion certificate, after which period it shall
be deemed to have been approved by the authority for occupation provided the building has
been constructed as per the sanctioned plans, where the occupancy certificate is refused, the
various reason shall be rejecting at the first instance itself. At the time of issue of occupancy
certificate the authority shall also ensure that temporary structures erected during construction
stages are removed.
The provision of occupancy certificate shall not apply to building construction work referred in
byelaw no.5.1.2.
7.7.1. Part Occupancy Certificate. - Upon the request the holder of the building permit, the authority
may issue a part-occupancy certificate for a building or part thereof, before completion of the
entire work as per building permit provided sufficient precautionary measures are taken by the
holder of the buildings permit to ensure public safety and health safety. Further the part of
building for which part occupancy certificate is applied for, shall be complete and conform to all
requirements of the byelaw.
The part occupancy certificate shall be given by authority subject to the owner indemnifying the
authority on stamp paper of such values as decided by the authority
As per the Performa given in appendix L.
7.7.2. In the case of buildings identify in by law no , The work shall also be subjects to the
inspection by the competent fore authority as approved by fire advisor, govt. of maharastra and
the accompany certificate shall be issued by the authority only after the clearance regarding the
completion of the work from the fire protection point of view.
8. Inspection -
8.1. Provision of by law no 7.1.1 shall apply for inspection.
9 Unsafe Building
9.1 All unsafe buildings shall be considered to constitute danger to public safety and hygience and
sanction and shall be restored by repairs, demolition or delta with as otherwise directed by the
authority. The provisions of section195 of maharastra municipalities act, 1965 shall apply for
producer of actions to be taken by the authority or unsafe buildings.
10 Offences and penalties
10.1 Offence and Penalties. - Any person who contrivance any of the provision of these by laws or
any requirements or obligations imposed all him by virtue of these by laws including the
maintenance of fire protection cervices or who interferes with or obstructs any person in the
discharge of his duties shall be guilty of and absence and upon conviction shall -
(a) Be punished by a fine as fixed by the authority and as stipulated in section 52 of Maharshtra
regional and town planning further the authority shall -
(b) Take suitable actions including demolition of unauthorized works as decided by the authority;
(c) Take suitable action against the licensed technical personal, which may include collection of the
license and debarring him from further practice for a period up to 5 years.
11. Architectural control
11.1 For the buildings coming up in the important areas or fronting on major roads more than 18m
in width or streets or in the case of important monumental buildings or in the proximity of
buildings of historical importance, the buildings schemes may be clear from the architectural
aesthetics point of view. The authority shall have powers to frame suitable rules for ensuring the
For this the authority may seek the following information through detailed or models showing
the exterior of the building indicating the details on the following; -
(I) Projections, architraves on windows, doors and other openings, whether frames, sun-
brakers, galleries, balconies, porches
(II) Exterior materials/ finishes used with texture
(III) Stairs rooms and such other constructions on the top of the building which affect the sky
line; and
(iv) Details of gats and boundary walls
Vertical Horizontal
m. m.
(a) Low and medium voltage lines and services lines 2.5 1.2
(b) High voltage lines up to and including 33,000 v. 3.7 2.0
(c) Extra high voltage lines beyond 33,000v. 3.7 2.0
(Plus 0.3 m for (plus 0.3m for every
additional 33,000v Or part thereof)
12.2.1. The minimum clearance specified in clause 12.2 above shall be measured from maximum sag
vertical clearance and from maximum delectation due to wind pressure for horizontal clearance.
13.Means of Access
13.1. No building shall be erected so as to deprive any building of the means of access.
13.2. Every person who erects a building shall not at any time erect or cause or permit to erect any
building, which in any way encroaches upon or diminishes the area set apart as means of
13.3. The plot shall abut on a public means of access. Like street/road.
13.3.1. In case of building not abutting on a public means of access like street/roads etc., The buildings
shall about on or have access from spaces directly connected from the street by a hard surface
approach as given: -
(a) The which as such access ways in non-GAO than areas shall be as follows: -
(I) Min width of access ways Max. Length of such access ways
6m 75m
9m 150m
(II) The approach to the building from the road/street/internal means of access shall be through
paved pathway of which not less than 1.5 m provided its length is not more than 20m from the
main/internal means of access.
(b) In GAO than areas in the case of plots facing street less than 4.5 m in which, plot boundary shall
be shifted to be away by 2.25 m from the center line of the street to give rise to a new street
width of 4.5m.
13.3.2. In the case of housing sachems for LIG and economically weaker section of society developed
up to two storied row housing scheme, the pathway width shall be 3 m which shall not serve
more than 50m and 8 plots on each side pathway.
13.3.3. Area under development work, layout or sub-division shall have suitable means of access from
a development plan or town planning scheme road or any other road or from approved layouts
of the adjoining lands. In cases, where the land in the interior does not have any existing
access, the owner of such land shall have purchase strip of land required for access.
13.4. In case of special buildings identified on byelaws no. The following additional conditions for
means of access to the plot and around building shall be ensured: -
(I) If there are any bends or curves on the approach road, a sufficient which shall be provided at
the curve to enable the fire appliances to turn, the running circle begin at least of 10.0m radius.
(II) The approach to the building and open space on its all sides up to 6m width and the layout
for the same shall be done in consolation with competent fire authority as approved by fire
advisor to government of Maharashtra and the same shall be of hard surface capable of taking
the weight of fire engine, weighing up to 18tonnes. The said open space shall be kept free of
obstructions and shall be motor able.
(III) Main entrances to the plot shall be of adequate width to allow easy access to the fire engine
and in no case it shall measure less than 4.5m. The entrance gate shall fold back against the
compound wall of the premises, thus leaving the exterior access way within the plot free for
movement of fire services vehicles. If main entrance at boundary wall is built-over the minimum
clearance shall be 4.5m.
(IV) For multistoried group housing schemes on one plot, the approach road shall be minimum
9m in width and between individual buildings; there shall be a minimum space of 6m widths.
Up to 75m .. 6.0 m.
Above 75m and up to 150m .. 9.0 m.
Above 150m and up to 300m .. 12.0m or as may be required by the authority but not
exceeding 15m.
Above 300m .. 15.0m or more as may be required by the authority in view of
the projected traffic on importance of road.
(II) Cul-de-sacs giving access to plots and extending up to 150m normally and 275m maximum
with an additional turning space at 150m be allowed only in residential areas, provided that cul-
de-sacs would be permissible only on straight roads and further provided that cul-de-sacs end
shall be higher in level than the of starting point of such dead end road. The turning space in
which road shall be not less than 81sq.m. Area with a maximum width of 9m.
14.1.2. Commercial and Industrial Areas. - The minimum width of layout road or internal road in sub-
division proposals shall not be less than the following: -
14.1.3. Intersection of Roads. - At junctions of roads the building off rounding off of intersection shall
be done with tangent length from the point of intersection to the curve being 1/2 the road width
across the direction of tangent as given below: -
14.2. Open Spaces. - In any layout or sub-division of land admeasuring 0.4Ha. or more for residential
purpose and 08.Ha. Or more for industrial purpose 10 per cent. Of the total area of land shall be
reserved for open space, which shall as far as practicable be located in one central place. Out
of such open spaces, an area to the extent of 10 per cent may be allowed to be constructed by
a ground floor structure for the purpose of allied public use, such as kinder garnet, library, club
hall, pavilion etc. location of such structure shall be in one corner of the open space.
14.3 Whenever called upon by the planning Authority to do so, under provision of section 183 of MM
Act areas under road and open space in byelaws Nos. 14.1 and 14.2.shall be handed over to
the planning authority after development of the same for which nominal amount (of Re.1) shall
be paid by the planning authority. In case of the owners who undertake to develop the open
spaces for bona fide reasons as recreational community open spaces, the authority may permit
the tower to develop the open space unless the authority is convinced that there is miscue of
development of open space in which case the authority shall takeover the land.
14.4.1. Residential Buildings. - Subject to the limitation of urban land (ceiling and regulations)
Act,……………, the plot in residential area shall be laid out based on the following criteria: -
Note. - Plots, which are 4.5m to 7m. in width shall be developed as row housing schemes. For housing scheme for low-income group and economically weaker section of society
undertaken by public agencies, the minimum plot size shall be 30sq.m. With a minimum width of
14.4.2. Other buildings. - In addition to the provisions of byelaws Nos.14.4.2..1 to The
minimum sizes of plots for buildings of other uses like business, educational, mercantile and
industrial uses shall be as decided by the authority in consultation with the director of town planning. Cinema Theaters/Assembly Halls. - Minimum size of plot for cinema theaters/assembly
buildings shall be basis of seating capacity of the building at the rate of 3sq.m per seat. Public Entertainment Hall/Mangle Karyalaya. - The minimum size of plot shall be 1,000
sq.m. Petrol Filling Station. - The minimum size of plot shall be:-
(a) 30.50m x 16.75m in the case of petrol filling station with kiosk without service bay.
(b) 36.5 x 30.5m in the case of petrol filling station with service bay.
15. Development Control Rules
15.1. Land Use Classification. - The various land use classification shall be in the following zones: -
The various occupancies and uses to be permitted in the various land use zones shall be as
given in appendix M. Any other land uses not identified in appendix M or marginal changes may be
permitted by the authority in consultation with the director of town planning.
15.2. Regulations for Gaothan and Similar Congested Areas as may be specified in the Development Plan.
15.2.1. General. - Area included in the go than shall be intended mainly for residential purpose
excepting areas reserved for public purpose or municipal purpose in the development plan and
areas in which it would be expedient to acquire for the said purposes, but not so designated. All
other users as listed out under residential use in land use classification order, shall be permitted
in the go than or similar congested areas.
15.2.2.Residential Floor Area Ratio. - The permissible F.A.R. shall be 1.5 for purely residential buildings and in
case of mixed residential and commercial or other user; additional F.A.R. to the extent of 0.5 for
the non-residential user only shall be permissible. Front Open Spaces. - The minimum set back from existing or proposed road shall be as
under: -
(a) For streets 7.5m to less than 12.00 m in width .. .. .. .. .. 1.0m
(b) For streets 12.0m and above in width.. .. .. .. .. .. 1.5m.
(c) For streets less than 7.5 m in width no set back shall be prescribed subject to condition that no
lane shall be less than 4.5m in width clear of structural projections. For lanes less than 4.5m
wide a set back of 2.25m shall be prescribed from the centerline of such lane. Streets less than
4.5m wide shall be treated as lanes only when they serve as access to the properties fronting
on them. Where such streets, despite their narrowness, from part of traffic circulation system,
widening shall be proposed and normal set back mentioned above shall be applied.
(c) Structural projections such as balconies, cornices, weather sheds, roof projections etc. shall be
allowed in the set back distance prescribed above. Such projection will not be taken into
consideration for calculation of built over area. Lighting and Ventilation. - This shall be in accordance with provisions of byelaw no.17.14
subject to the provision of byelaw No 15.4
15.2.3. Other Building. - Floor Area Ratio. - Maximum Floor Area Ratio shall be 2.0. Built-up Area. - Maximum Built-up Area shall be 50 per cent of plot area. Open Spaces. - A clear open space of 3 m all around the building shall be provided.
15.2.4. Further the provisions of 15.2.2. And 15.2.3. May be relaxed in consultation with the deputy
director to town planning the concerned division, in special circumstances.
15.3 Regulation of Development Outside the Congested Area.
15.3.1. Residential Buildings. The rules as given in able 3 shall apply for residential buildings, residential-cum-office or shop
buildings permissible in non-go than areas and residential buildings permissible in industrial
Sr.No. Category and road Minimum size of Minimum set Minimum Maximum built No. of
Width and plot fronting on back from the marginal up area story's
Description of housing the road roadside distance fraction of
Plot area
Rear Side
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1 National highways, 450sq.m. 25m from the center 4.5m 3.0.m. 1/3 3
State highways. Line of the road
Major District roads. (Existing or proposed)
Or 4.5m from the road
Boundary whichever
Is more.
2 other roads 18m wide 450sq.m. 4.5m 4.5m 3.0m 1/3 3
And above
3 Above 18m above300sq.m. 4.5m 3.0m 2.25m 1/3 3
4 Below 18m above 150sq.m 3.0m 1.5m 1.5m 1/2 2
5 Below 18m. Above 100sq.m 3.0m 1.5m 1.5m 1/2
(Only on
One side)
6 Row housing width below above 50sq,m 2.25m 2.25m nil 1/2 2
(And only below 12m)
7 Row housing by public
Agencies for low income
Group and Economically 30sq.m. … …… 3/4
Weaker section of society
8 Group Housing scheme 5m from main 3.0m 2.25m 1/3 (of the
Road 3mfrom 3.0m 3.m net plot area)
3 Pathway
Note 1. - For the sake of calculation of net area in-group housing scheme, area of plots less than
900 sq.m. shall treat as net plot area. In other cases, the net area shall be 3/4th of the total
Plot area.
Note 2. - The distance between any two main buildings shall be 4.50m minimums up to ground and
two floor constructions.
Note 3. - Where substandard plots have been either been granted or approved by
government/planning authority prior or coming into operation of these development control rules -
(I) Plot admeasuring 50sq.m. In area and forming a compact block shall be governed y rules
in byelaws no.15.2.
(II) If such substandard plots from pockets within area of large plots, the roadside setback
shall be the same as in case of large plots and other provisions in byelaw no.15.2 shall apply.
(III) In case of substandard plots above 50-sq.m.in areas, whether authorized or
unauthorized, provisions of serial Nos.1 to 6 of the above table shall apply.
Note 4. - In no case, the ribbon development rules shall be relaxed without approval of the highway
authority. Minimum distance between main and subsidiary building - A clear distance of at least
3.00 m shall be left between the main building and any subsidiary building such as an out-
house, garage etc constructed in one building plot:
Provided that the main and the subsidiary building may be permitted to be connected by a
covered corridor. Provided further that such subsidiary building shall be allowed to be
constructed on the common boundary of two adjoining plots and in the rear of the plot without
leaving any marginal space from the boundaries. Such subsidiary structures shall be of ground
floor construction only. Number of main subsidiary buildings in a plot. - Only one main building either a tenement
house or a block of flats or a dwelling house together with such outhouses, garages etc as are
reasonably required for the bona fide use and enjoyment of the occupants of such main building
and their domestic servants and which shall not be separately let out, shall be permitted to be
erected in any plot. These provisions are not applicable to group housing schemes.
Provided that this restriction shall not prevent erection of two or more main buildings on the
same plot, if the plot is up to thrice as the case may be (according to the number of buildings) or
the minimum size of building plot as laid down under byelaw No.15.3.1. up to a plot
admeasuring 900sq.m. In area.
15.3.2. Educational Buildings - Built up Area. - The maximum permissible built-up area shall be not more than 1/3 rd of plot
area. - The maximum F.A.R. shall be 1. There shall be a minimum open space of 6m on all sides. No. Buildings shall be constructed if the distance between the perimeters of the site of
proposed building and cinema theatre/assembly halls is less than 60m.
15.3.3. Institutional buildings (Hospitals, Maternity Homes, Health Centers) Built-up Area. - The built-up area shall not be more than 1/3rd of the area of the plot. F.A.R. - The maximum F.A.R. shall be 1. There shall be a minimum open space of 6m on all sides. No building shall be constructed if the distance between the perimeters of the site of the
proposed building and cinema theatre assembly halls is less than 60m.
15.3.4. Cinema Theatres/Assembly Halls Open Spaces:
(a) Front Set Back - A set back of 12m from road shall be left.
Note- Further in cases of plots facing National Highway, state and major district roads the building line
shall be 37 m from the center line of existing or proposed road or 12m from plot boundary
whichever is more.
(b) Side and Rear Open Space. - Side and rear marginal distance to be left open shall be 6m.
The above shall be exclusive of parking spaces. Access roads. - The plot of cinema theatre/assembly hall shall have a frontage on minimum
15m wide roads.
1..3.4.3. The minimum distance between boundary of the site for cinema theatre/assembly halls and
boundary of educational of institutional and other government business buildings shall not be
less than 60m.
15.3.5. Public Entertainment Hall/Mangle Karayalaya and like Buildings Built-up area. - The maximum permissible built-up area shall be 1/3rd. F.A.R. - Maximum F.A.R. shall be 1. Access roads. - The minimum width of access roads shall be 15 m and plot shall abut on this
road. Open Spaces. -
(a) Front open space … … … 12m.
(b) From all the three boundaries … … … 6m.
15.3.6. Petrol Filling Stations with or without service Bays. The plot on which a petrol filling station with or without services bays is proposed shall be
independent plot on which no other structure shall be constructed. Petrol station shall not be permitted within a distance of 91.5m.from any junction of roads. Petrol station shall not be sited on the convex side of a road curve. In case the curve is not
very sharp and moving out of the station are completely visible to the traffic from a distance of
at least 91.5m. And vice-versa, a petrol station may be permitted on such a convex curve. Petrol station shall not be sited within a distance of 91.5m from the nearest gate of a school,
hospital, theatre, and place of assembly or stadium. In case of kiosks and other buildings for sales offices, snack bars etc. within the plot for petrol
filling stations, the set back from the boundaries shall be 4.5m. Further the other clearance for
the installations shall be as per the petroleum rules of 1937.
15.3.7. Buildings in A.P.M.C. Zone. Means of access. - When two or more buildings are constructed in the same plot, every
building shall be provided with independent means of access of not less than 6m widths. The
means of access shall not be considered as part of marginal open spaces required to be left
around the buildings. land under development admeasures more than 0.4 ha. In area, minimum 10 per cent of
the total area of land shall be reserved as open space; and such open space shall have
proper means of access. Further in such cases either additional services passage of width
not less than 6m. Shall be provided or the mercantile building shall be stilts so as to ensure
that vehicles engaged in loading and unloading operations do not occupancy front streets. Built-up area. - Maximum plot coverage shall be half of the plot size. F.A.R. and V.P.R. - Maximum F.A.R. permissible shall be one. For the purpose of F.A.R., net
area of land excluding open space, and areas covered by internal roads shall only be
considered. Provided that in congested areas, F.A.R. may be permitted to be increased to
2.50 further the area and height limitations shall be subject to a maximum volume to plot ratio
(VPR) of 4m. Open spaces. - Marginal open spaces along periphery of land or plot shall be 4.5m. Minimum
provided that in case of land/plots fronting on classified roads set back prescribed under
ribbon development rules 4.5m. Whichever is more shall be observed.
Note. - The provisions of note under byelaw No.15.3.4. (a) Shall apply for front open space in the
case of storage Buildings.
15.3.8. Industrial Buildings Minimum size of plot, maximum built-up area, minimum marginal open spaces to be left in a
plot, minimum open spaces to be left in a plot, minimum width of plot, maximum number of
story's, and minimum parking space to be provided in a plot shall be as given in Table 4.
Sr.No. Plot size in sq.m. Maximum Built-up Min. Marginal opens Min. Width of Max.
Area percent spaces from all plot, m.
Sides, m.
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 200-500 25/50 2 12 2/1
2 501-1000 25/50 3 20 2/1
3 1001-2500 25/50 4.5 25 2/1
4 2501-5000 25/50 6 35 2/1
5 Above 5001 25/50 9 50 2/1
Note.1. - The provisions of the Note under byelaws no. (a) Shall apply for front open spaces
given in column (4).
Note.2 - The maximum built up area and the maximum number of stores shall be so chosen to have a
total built-up area of 50 per cent either as a single stored or a two-stored structure. Means of Access. - Width of other internal roads, which serve the function of collector road or
a higher function, shall be more than 12m. Depending upon function of the road.
When two or more buildings are constructed in the same plot every building shall be
provided with independent means of access of no less than 6m. Inclusive of marginal
distance. When lands under development admeasure more than 0.4 Ha. In area. -
(I) Minimum 10 per cent of total area of land shall be reserved as open space. Such open space
shall have a proper means of access and it shall be so located that it could be conveniently
utilized. As such by persons working in the industry.
(II) Minimum 5 per cent of the total area of land shall be reserved as amenity space for amenities
such as canteen, welfare centers, banks, hotels, post office, telephone exchange, fire stations,
telex building, tea stalls, industrial hardware shops, transport offices, cycle repair shops, petrol
pumps automobile repair shops, motor rewinding shops, dispensaries, hospitals, electric Sub-
station, structures connected with water supply and drainage, housing for essential staff
required for such services, welfare centers and recreation and recreation halls etc. The industrial zone, actual factory or workshop building and storage or go down shall not be
constructed within a distance of 23m.from the boundary of such zone where it separates an
industrial zone from any other use, except a large open space; provided that such distance
shall be measured from the opposite edge of the road where the zone abuts on existing or
proposed road. Provided further that ancillary buildings such as essential staff quarters,
canteen, garage, electricity stations, water tank etc; may be permitted in such distance of 23m.
15.4. Interior Open Space. - The whole of one side of one or more rooms intended for human
habitation and abutting on either the front, rear or side open space for buildings in 15.3.2. To
15.3.8. Shall abut on an interior open space whose minimum widths shall be 3m. Subject to the
provision of increasing the same as per provisions of byelaw 15.5.
15.5 Open Spaces and Height of Buildings. - For buildings identified in 15.3.2. To 15.3.8. which have
taller than 10m the minimum open spaces shall be as given below in table 5, subject to the
minimum specified in byelaw no.15.3.2.to 15.3.8.
Open Spaces For Buildings Of Different Height
Serial No. Height of Buildings Exterior Open Spaces to be left out on rear and sides in each plot
M. M.
1. 10 3
2. 15 5
3. 18 6
4. 21 7
5. 24 8
Note 1. - Irrespective of their distance from the aerodrome, even beyond the 22 km. Limit from the
aerodrome reference point, no radio mats or similar type of installations exceeding 152m.in
height should be erected without the prior permission of the director general of civil aviation.
Note 2. - No buildings, structure or installation exceeding the height specified in Table shall be
permitted without prior consultation with the concerned civil or military aerodrome authority.
Note 3. - The location of slaughter house/butcher houses and other area for activities like depositing of
garbage dumps which would generate the collection highflying birds like eagles/hawks etc. shall
not be permitted within a radius of 10km. From aerodrome reference point.
Note 4. - This table is applicable to civil airports and civil aerodromes other than international civil
airports and their alternates.
16. Packing spaces -
16.1. Each off-street parking space provided for motor vehicles shall not be less than 20 sq. m. area,
and scooters and cycles the parking spaces provided shall not be lass than 3.sq. m. and 1.4sq.
16.2. For buildings of different occupancies, off-street space for vehicles shall be provided as stipulated
below: -
(a) Motor Vehicles. - Space shall be provided as specified in table 7 for parking motor vehicles.
(b) Other types of vehicles. - For non-residential and non-assembly occupancies in addition to the
parking areas provided under bye law no.16.3 (a) above 100, per cent additional parking space
shall be provided for parking other of vehicles. Of this, a minimum of 60 per cent shall be set
apart exclusively for cycles.
Off-street parking spaces
Sr. No. Occupancy One parking space for every
1 Residential -
(I) Multi-family residential (a) 2 tenements having carpet areas 101 to 200sq. m.
(II) Lodging establishments, tourist and (b) 1 tenements exceeding 201sq. m. carpet area. 6 guest
Hotels, with lodging accommodation. Rooms.
2. Educational* 100sq. m. carpet area or fraction thereof the administrative
office area and public services areas.
3. Institutional (medical) 20 beds.
Beside the above, one ambulance parking space
10m x 4m shall be provided for hospital having bed
Of 100 or above.
4. Assembly 40 seats.
5. Government or semi-public or private business 100sq.m. Carpet area of fraction thereof.
6. Mercantile 100sq.m. Carpet area of fraction thereof.
7. Industrial** 200sq.m. Carpet area or fraction thereof
8. Storage 300sq.m. Or part thereof.
*In the case of auditoria for educational buildings, parking space shall be provided as per sr.no.4.
** For plots up to 100sq.m. As in the case of shops, parking spaces need not be insisted on.
16.3. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided with adequate vehicular access to a street; and the
area of drives, aisles and such other prohibitions required for adequate maneuvering of vehicles shall
be exclusive of the parking spaces stipulated in these rules.
16.4. If the total parking space required by these rules is provided by a group of property owners for
their mutual bonfires, such use of this space may be construed as meeting the off-street parking
requirements under these rules, subject to the approval of the authority.
16.5. In addition to the parking spaces provided, for buildings of mercantile (commercial), industrial
and storage at the rate of one such space of3.5m x 7.5m. For loading and unloading activities for each
1000sq.m. of floor area or fraction thereof may be provided.
16.6. Parking lock-up garages shall be included in the calculation for floor space for F.A.R. calculations
unless they are provided in the basement of building, or under a building constructed on stilts with no
external wall.
161.7. The parking space in cinemas, theatres, places of public assembly shall be provided as under: -
Sr. no. Type of Vehicle No. of vehicles for which parking space shall be
1. Cars 2.5%
2. Scooters, motor cycles, two wheelers 10% of the seating capacity.
3. Cycles 2.5%
16.8. The spaces to be left out for parking as given in byelaw no.16.1 to 16.7 shall be in addition to the
open spaces left out for lighting and ventilation purpose as given in byelaw no. 15.2 to15.7
excepting that 50 per cent of the open spaces required under byelaw no.15.2.to 15.7. Around
buildings may be allowed to be utilized for parking, loading or unloading spaces, provided than
minimum distance of 3.6.m around side and rear and 6m. At front shall be kept free of any
parking, loading! Unloading spaces.
16.9. Parking spaces shall be paved and clearly marked for different types of vehicles.
16.10. In the case of parking spaces provided in basements, at least two ramps of adequate width and
slope (see byelaw no.19) shall be provided located preferably at opposite ends
17. Requirement of parts of Buildings -
17.1. Plinth.
17.1.1. Main Buildings. - The plinth or any part of a building or outhouse shall be also located with
respect to surrounding ground level as well as average normal flood level/water mark so that
adequate drainage of the site is assured but not at a height less than 45cm. For housing for
Economically weaker section of society and low income group the plinth may be 30 cm.
17.1.2. Interior Courtyards. - Every interior courtyard shall be raised at least 15 cm. above the level of
the center of the center of the nearest street and shall be satisfactorily drained.
17.2 Habitable Rooms.
17.2.1. Size. - No habitable room shall have a floor area of less than 9.5sq.m. Except those in hostels
attached to recognize educational institutions, the minimum size of a habitable room for the
residence of a single person shall be 7.5sq.m. The minimum width of a habitable room shall be
2.4m. Where there are two rooms, one shall be not less than 9.5m, and other 7.5m the case of special housing schemes put by public agencies for low-income group and
economically weaker section of society, the size of a single room tenement shall be 11sq.m.
17.2.2. Height. - The height of all rooms for human habitation shall not be less than 2.75m. Measured
from the surface of the floor to the lowest point of the ceiling (bottom of slab). In the case of
centrally air-conditioned building, of the habitable room shall not be less than 2.4m. Measured
from the surface of the floor to the underside of the slab or to the underside of the false ceiling.
The minimum clear headroom under beam shall be 2.4m. In the case of pitched roof, the average height shall not be less than 2.75m. And the minimum
height of eaves level shall not be less than 2.2 m.
17.3. Kitchen.
17.3.1. Size. - The area of the kitchen shall to be less than 5.5.sq.m. With a minimum width of 1.8m. A
kitchen, which is also intended for use as a dining room, shall have a floor area not less than
9.5sq.m. With a minimum width of 2.4m. In the case of special housing scheme under byelaw no. In single room tenement on
provision for kitchen is necessary in the case of two room tenements the size of kitchen shall be
4.0.sq.m. With a minimum width of 1.5m.
17.3.2. Height. - The room height of a kitchen measured from the surface of the floor, the lowest point
in the ceiling (bottom of slab) shall not be less than 2.75m. The provisions of 17.2..2.1. Shall apply for pitched roof.
17.3.3. Other requirements. - Every room to be used as kitchen shall have-
(a) Unless separately provided in a pantry, means fro the washing of kitchen utensils which shall
lead directly or through a sink to grated and trapped connection to the waste pipe;
(b) An impermeable floor;
(c) A chimney not less than 500sq.m. in area after par getting if fire wood, coal or like materials is
used which will generate smoke; and
(d) Window of not less than 1sq.m.in area, opening directly into an interior or exterior space, but
not into a shaft (see byelaw no.17.14.3.)
17.4. Bath Rooms and Water Closets.
17.4.1. Size. - The size of bathrooms shall be not less than 1.8sq.m. With a minimum width of 1.2.m.
The minimum size of water closets shall be 1.1sq.m. With a minimum width of 0.9m. If it is a
combined bathroom and water closets, the minimum area shall be 2.8sq.m. With a minimum side of
1.2.m. In the case of special housing scheme under byelaw No. The sizes of bathroom's
water closets shall be as follows: -
(a) Independent w. c. 1.0x0.9m.
(b) Independent baths 1.2x1.1m.
(C) Combined bath and w. c. 2.0.sq.m. with a minimum side of 1.1.m
17.4.2. Height. - The height of a bathroom or water closet measured from surface of the lowest point in
the ceiling (bottom of slab) shall not be less than 2.2.m.
17.4.3. Other requirements. - Every bathroom or water closets shall: -
(a) Be so situated that at least one its walls shall open to external air. The size of the opening on the
wall shall not be less than 0.3sq.m. with minimum side of 0.3.m. This could be in the from of
ventilator, window or louses. (See byelaw no.17.13.3.)
(b) Not be directly over any room other than another latrine, washing place, bath or terrace, unless it
has a water-tight floor;
(c) Have the platform or seat made of water-tight non-absorbent material;
(d) Be enclosed by walls or partitions and the surface of every such wall or partitions shall finished
with a smooth impervious material to a height of not less than 1.m. above the floor of such a
room; and
(e) Be provided with impervious floor coverings; sloping towards the drain with a suitable grade and
not towards verandah or any other room.
17.4.4. No room containing water closets shall be used for any purpose except, as a lavatory and no
such room shall open directly into any kitchen or cooking space by a door, window or other
opening. Every room containing water closets shall have a door completion closing the
entrance to it.
17.5. Loft. - The maximum height of a loft shall be 1.5.m. and the loft may be provided over residential
kitchens, bathrooms, corridor and over show floors, built up to an area 25 per cent over kitchen
and full space of bath rooms, water and corridor. In shops, with a width up to 3m. Lofts up to 33
1/3 per cent of the covered area may be provided. In shops with widths above 3m. Lofts up to
50 per cent of the covered area may be provided. The headroom under the loft shall not be less
than 2.2.m. The loft in industrial units commercial shop shall be located 2m. Away from the
17.6. Ledge or Tend.
17.6.1. Size. - A ledge or tend in a habitable room shall not cover more than 25 per cent of the area of
the floor on which it is constructed and shall not interfere with the ventilation of the room under
any circumstances.
17.6.2. Height. - The ledge shall be provided at a minimum height of 2.2.m.
17.7 Mezzanine Floor.
17.7.1. Size. - The aggregate area of the mezzanine floor shall not exceed 33 1/3 per cent of the built
up area of that floor. The minimum size of mezzanine floor its is used as a living room shall
room not be less than 9.5m.
Note. - Mezzanine floor area is counted towards F.A.R. calculation.
17.7.2. Height. - The minimum height of a mezzanine floor shall be 2.2m.
17.7.3. Other requirements. - A mezzanine floor may be permitted over a room or a compartment
provided that :-
(a) It conforms to the standards of living rooms as regards lighting and ventilation in case the size of
mezzanine floor is 9.5 m or more.
(b) It is so constructed as not to interfere under any circumstance with the ventilation of the space
over and under it;
(c) Such mezzanine floor or any part of it shall not be used as a kitchen; and
(d) In no case a mezzanine floor shall closed so as to make it liable to be converted into unventilated
17.8. Store Room
17.8.1. Size. - The area of a storeroom in residential buildings shall not be more than 3.sq.m.
17.8.2. Height. - The height of storeroom shall not be less than 2.2.m.
17.9. Garage. -
17.9.1. Garage, Private. - The size of private garage in residential buildings shall be not less than
2.75m.x 5.4m. The garage located in the side open space shall be constructed within from the
rear plot line.
17.9.2. Garage Private. - The size of public garage shall be calculated based on the number of vehicles
to be parked (as per table) and the minimum parking spaces for each vehicles as specified in
byelaw no.16.1
17.9.3 Height. - The minimum headroom in a garage shall be 2.4m.
17.9.4. The plinth of garage located at ground level shall not be less than 15cm above the surrounding
ground level.
17.9.5. The garage shall be set back behind the building line for the street/road on to which the plot
abuts, and shall not be located affecting the access ways to the building.
17.9.6. Corner Site. - When the site fronts on two streets, the frontage would be as on the street
having the larger width. In case where the two streets are of the same width, then the larger
depth of the site will decide the frontage and open spaces. In such cases location of the garage
(in a corner plot) if provided with in open spaces shall be located diagonally opposite the point
of intersection.
17.10. Roofs.
17.10.1 The roof of a building shall be constructed or framed as to permit-drainage of the rain-water
there from by means of sufficient rain-water pipes of adequate size, wherever required, so
arranged, and fixed as to ensure that the rain-water is carried away from the building without
causing dampness in any part of walls or foundations of the building or those of an adjacent
17.10.2 The authority may required rainwater pipes to be connected to a drain or sewer through a
covered channel formed beneath the public footpath to connect the rainwater pipe to the road
gutter or in any other approved manner.
17.10.3. Rain water pipes shall affixed to the walls of the building or in recesses or the authority may
approve chases cut or formed in such walls or in such other manners as may be approved by
the authority.
17.11. Basement
17.11.1. Basement may be put to only the following uses to be constructed with in the prescribed set
backs and prescribed buildings lines and subject to a maximum converge on floor 1 (entrance
(I) Storage of the household or other goods for ordinary combustible materials.
17.14. Parapet. - Parapet walls and handrails provided on the edges of roofs terraces, balcony etc.
shall not be less than 1.05m and not more than 1.20m in height.
17.15. Boundary Wall. - The requirements of the boundary wall is given below :-
(a) Except with the special permission of the authority, the maximum height of the front, side and rear
compound wall shall be 2.0m above the level of the center of the front street.
(b) In the case of corner plot the height of the boundary wall shall be restricted to 0.75m. for a length
of 10m.
Or tangent length whichever is more on the front and side of the intersections and the remaining
height of 2.0m may be made up of railings.
(c) However the provisions of (a), (b) and (c) are not applicable to boundary walls of institutional
buildings like jails, sanatoria, hospitals, industrial buildings like workshops, factories and
educational buildings like schools, colleges, including the hostels.
17.16. Stables. - No cattle shall be kept in a residential building except as provided for in a land use
classification order. The stable or cattle sheds shall be constructed separately and they shall not
be nearer to a residential building than 3m. The floor of the stable shall be properly paved, sloped,
and drained.
17.17 Special Requirements of Educational Buildings.
17.17.1. No classroom shall admeasure less than 38sq.m.with a minimum dimension of 5.5.m.
17.17.2. The height of any classroom shall not be less than 3.6m
17.18. Special Requirements of Institutional Buildings (Hospital, Maternity Homes And Health
17.18.1. Any special room in the hospital buildings shall not be admeasured less than 9.5sq.m. in area
with no side less than 3m.
17.18.2. Area of the general wards shall be not admeasured less than 40sq.m. With no sides less than
17.18.3. The height of any room shall not be less than 3.6m.
17.19. Special Requirements of Cinema Theatres (Assembly Halls)
17.19.1. They shall conform to the provisions of Maharashtra Cinema (Regulations) Rules, 1966, as
amended from time, and such other rules as may be prescribed from time to time.
17.20. Special Requirements of Mercantile Buildings
17.20.1. Minimum area of shop shall be 6 sq.m. In R-1 zones with a minimum width of 2.0m. and
10sq.m. in R-2 and other zones with a minimum width of 3m.
17.21. Special Requirements of Industrial Buildings
17.21.1. In addition to provisions of these byelaws, regulations prescribed under factory act shall be
17.21.2. In the case of Industrial buildings with different operations/processes the different (gaseous,
solid, liquid)
18. Provision of Lifts
18.1. Provisions of lift shall be made for all building
19.Exit requirements
19.1. General. -The following general requirements shall be apply exits: -
(a) Every building meant for human occupancy shall be provided with exits sufficient to permit safe
escape of occupants in case of fire or other emergency.
(b) In every building exit shall comply with the minimum requirements of this part except those not
accessible for general public use.
(c) All exits shall be free of obstructions.
(d) No buildings shall be altered so as to reduce the number, width or protection of exits to less than
that required.
(e) Exits shall be clearly visible and the reach the exit shall be clearly marked and sign posted to
guide the population for floor concerned.
(f) All exit ways shall be properly illuminated.
(g) Fire fighting equipment where provided along exits shall be suitably located and clearly marked
but must not obstruct the exit way and yet there should be clear indication about its locations
from either side of the exit way.
(h) Alarm devices shall be installed to ensure prompt evacuation of the populations concerned
through the exits.
(i) All exits shall provided continuous means of egress to the exterior of a building or to an exterior
open space leading to street.
(j) Exits shall be so arranged that they may be reached without passing through another occupied
unit, except in the case of residential buildings.
19.2. Type of Exits: -
(a) Exits shall be either of horizontal or vertical type. An exit may be doorway, corridor, passageway,
to an internal staircase or external staircase, ramps, or to a verandah and/or terraces which have
access to the street or to roof of a buildings. An exit may also include a horizontal exit leading to
an adjoining building at the same level.
(c) Lifts and escalators shall not be considered as exits.
19.3. Number And Size of Exits. - The requisite number and size of various exits shall be provided,
based on the populations in each room, area of floor based on the occupant load, capacity of
exits, travel distance and height of buildings as per provisions of byelaw no.19.3.1.to 19..3.3.
19.3.1.Arrangenent of Exits. - Exits shall be so located that the travel distance on the floor shall not
exceed 22.5m for residential educational, Institutional and hazardous occupancies and 30m for
assembly, business, mercantile, industrial and storage occupancies whenever more than one
exits is required for a floor of a building, exits shall be placed as remote from each other as
possible. All the exit shall be accessible from the either floor area at all levels.
19.3.2. Occupant Load. - The population in rooms, areas of floors shall be calculated based on the
occupant load given in Table 8:
Occupant load
Sr. No. Group of occupancy Occupant load gross area*in
(1) (2) (3)
1 Residential 12.5
2 Educational 4
3 Institutional 15+
4 Assembly -
(a) With fixed or loose seats and dance floors … 0.6+
(b) Without seating facilities including dining rooms. 1.5+
5 Mercantile -
(a) Street floor and sales basement 3
(b) Upper sale floors 6
6 Business and Industrial 10
7 Storage 30
8 Hazardous …
*The gross area shall mean plinth area or covered area.
Occupant load in dormitory portions of homes for the aged, orphanages, insane asylums etc. where
sleeping accommodations is provided shall be calculated at not less than 7.5m gross area/persons.
The gross area shall include, in addition to the main assembly room or spaces, any occupied
connecting room or space in the same store or in the store's above or below, where entrance is
common to such rooms and spaces and they are available for use by the occupants of the
assembly occupancy.
19.3.3. Capacity of Exits. - The capacity of exits (doors and stairways) indicating the number of
persons that could be safety evacuated through a unite exit width of 50 cm. shall as given in Table 9.
Occupants per unite exit
Sr. No. Group of Occupancy Number of Occupants
Stairways Doors
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Residential 25 75
2 Educational 25 75
3 Institutional 25 75
4 Assembly 60 90
5 Business 50 75
6 Mercantile 50 75
7 Industrial 50 75
8 Storage 50 75
9 Hazardous 25 40
19.3.4. For all other buildings excepting single and multi-family dwellings below 15 m in height, there
shall be a minimum of two staircases; and one of them shall be an enclosed stairways and the
other shall be on the external walls of buildings and shall open directly to the exterior, interior
open spaces or to any open place of safety.
19.3.5. Notwithstanding the detailed provision for exits as per byelaw no.19.3.1. to 19.3.3. the following
minimum width provisions shall be made for stairways: -
(a) Residential buildings 1.0m.
(b) Assembly building like auditorium, theatres and cinemas 1.5m.
(c) Institutional buildings like hospitals Up to 10beds- 1.5m.
More than 10 beds-2.0m.
(d) Educational buildings like schools, colleges, and etc 2.00m
(e) All other building 1.5m.
19.4. Other Requirements of Individual Exits. - The detailed requirements of individual exits are given in
byelaw no.19.4.1. to 19.4.6.
19.4.1. Doorways
(a) Every exit doorway shall open into an enclosed stairway, a horizontal exit, or a corridor or
passageway providing continuous and protected means of egress.
(b) No exit doorways shall be less than 100cm in width. Doorways for bathrooms, water closets, store
etc. shall be not less than 75 cm. wide.
(c) Exits doorways shall open outwards, that is away from the room but shall not obstructed the travel
along any exit. No door, when opened, shall reduce the required with of stairways or landing to
less than 90cm; overhead or sliding doors shall not be installed.
(d) Exit door shall not open immediately upon a flight of stairs; a landing equal toat least the width of
the door shall be provided in the stairways at each doorway; level of landing shall be the same as
that of the floor which it serves.
(e) Exit doorways shall be opening able from the side which they serve without use of a key.
19.4.2. Revolving Doors
(a) Revolving doors shall not be used as required exits except in residential, business and mercantile
occupancies, but shall not constitute more than half the total required door width.
(c) When revolving doors are considered as required exit way the following assumptions shall be
(I) Each revolving door shall be credited one half a unit exit width.
(II) Revolving doors shall not be locate at the foot of a stairway. Any stairways served by a revolving
door shall discharge through a lobby or foyer.
19.4.3 Stairways
(a) Interior stairs shall not be constructed of ordinarily combustible materials throughout.
(b) Interior staircase shall be constructed as a self-contained unit with at least one side adjacent to
an external wall. Wherever a building is not identified by byelaw no. 10.5m. in
height and is served by single staircase the same shall be of enclosed type.
(c) A staircase shall not be arranged round a lift shaft unless the letter is entirely enclosed by
material of fire resistance rating as that for type of construction itself. For buildings more than
15m in height the staircase location shall be to the satisfaction of the competent fire adviser to
the government of Maharashtra.
(d) The minimum width of treads without of treads without nosing shall be 25cm for an internal
staircase for residential buildings. In the case of other buildings the minimum tread shall be
30cm. the treads shall be constructed and maintained in a manner or prevent slipping.
(e) The maximum height of riser shall be 19cm. in the case of residential buildings and 15cm. in the
case of other buildings. They shall be limited to 12 per flight.
(f) Handrails shall be provided with a minimum height of 90cm. from the center of the tread.
(g) The minimum headroom in a passage under the landing of a staircase and under the staircase
shall be 2.2.m.
(h) No living spaces, store or other fire risk shall open directly to the open spaces or can be
reached without passing through any door other than a door provided to former a drought lobby.
(i) In the case of assembly, institutional, residential hotels and business buildings the exit sign
arrow indicating the way to the escape route shall be provided at a height of 0.5.m. from the
floor level on the wall and shall be illuminated by electric light connected to corridor circuits. All
exit way marking sign should be flush with the wall and so designed that no mechanical damage
shall occur to them due to moving of furniture or other heavy equipments. Further all landing of
floor shall have floor indication boards indicating the number of floor as per byelaw no.3.2.7.
The floor indication board shall be placed on the wall immediately facing the flight of stairs and
nearest to the landing. It shall be of size not less than 0.5x 0.5m.
(j) In the case of single staircases it shall terminate at the ground floor level and the access to the
basement shall be by a separate staircase. Wherever the building is served by more than one
staircase one of the staircase ma lead to basement level provided the same is separated at
ground level by either a ventilated lobby with discharge points at two different ends through
enclosures (see byelaw no.17.11.2.).
19.4..4. Fire Escapes or External Stair. -
(a) Fire escape shall not be taken into account in calculating the evacuation time of a building.
(b) All fire escapes shall be directly connected to the ground.
(c) Entrance to fire escape shall be separate and remote from the internal staircase.
(d) The route to fire escape shall be free of obstructions at all times, except a doorway leading to the
fire escape which shall have the required fire resistance.
(e) Fire escapes shall be constructed of non-combustible materials.
(f) Fire escape stairs shall have straight flight not less than 75cm.wide with 15cm treads and risers
not higher then 19cm. The number of risers shall be limited to 16 per flight.
(g) Handrails shall be of a height not less than 90cm.
19.4.5. Spiral Stairs (Fire escape). - The use of spiral staircase shall be limited to how occupant load
and to a building of height 9m. Unless they are connected to platforms, such as balconies and
to allow terraces to pause.
A spiral fire escape shall be not less than 150cm in diameter and shall be designed to give
adequate headroom
19.4.6. Ramps
(a) Ramps with a slope of not more than 1 in 10 may be permitted for and shall comply with all the
applicable requirements of required stairways as to enclosure, capacity and limiting dimensions.
Ramps shall be surfaced with approved non-slipping materials.
(b) The minimum width of the ramps in hospitals shall be 2.25m.
(c) Handrails shall be provided on both sides of the ramp.
(d) Ramps shall lead directly to outside open space at ground level or courtyards or safe place.
19.4.7. Corridors
(a) The minimum width of a corridor shall be 1.0m.
(b) For buildings more than 15m. In height the inter-connecting corridor between staircases shall be
provided with at least one smoke stop door across the corridor or enclosed space between the
doors in the enclosing walls of any two staircases.
19.4.8. Refuge Area. - For all buildings exceeding 15m. in height excepting multi-family building, one
refuge area on the floor immediately above 18m.shall be provided. Refuge area shall be provided on the external walls as cantilever projections or in any other
manner (which will not be covered in F.A.R.) with a minimum area of 15.sqm. and to be calculated
based on the population on each floor at the rate of 1sq.m. Per person.
19.4.9. Lifts.
(a) All the floors shall be accessible for 24 hours by the lifts. The lifts provided in the buildings shall
not be considered as a means of escapes in case of emergency.
(b) Grounding switch at ground floor level to enable the fire services to ground the lift cars in an
emergency shall also be provided in the case of building above 15m.in height.
(c) The lift machine room shall be separate and no other machinery shall be installed there in.
20.Fire Protection Requirements
20.1. Building shall be planned, designed and constructed to ensure fire safety and this shall be done in
accordance with part IV fire protection of National Buildings Code of India, unless otherwise
specified in these byelaws. In the case of buildings (identified in byelaw no., the building
scheme shall also be cleared by the competent fire authority as approved by the fire adviser to
the government of Maharashtra.
20.2. The additional provisions which are more than 15m. in height and buildings identified in byelaw
no. shall be as given in appendix P.
20.3. For buildings which are more than 24m. in height the additional fire protection requirements
specified in the building byelaw and development control rules for Maharashtra corporations 1978
shall apply.
21. Powers of Relaxation
The director of town planning state may permit special relaxation to any of the byelaws, provided
the relaxation sought does not violate the health safety, fire structural safety, public safety of the
building and neighborhood.
Per Capita Water requirements for various occupancies/use
Sr. No. Type of Occupancy Consumption per head day (in
1 2 3
1 Residential
(a) In living units 135
(b) Hotels with lodging accommodation (per bed) 180
2 Educational
(a) Day schools 45
(b) Boarding schools 135
3 Institutional (medical Hospitals)
(a) No. of beds not exceeding 100 340
(b) No. Of beds exceeding 100 450
4 Assembly- Cinema theatres, auditoria etc. (per seat of accommodation) 15
5 Government of semi-public business 45
6 Mercantile (commercial)
(a) Restaurants (per seat) 70
(b) Other business buildings 45
7 Industrial
(a) Factories where bathrooms are to be provided 45
(b) Factories where no bath room sere required to be provided 30
8 Storage (including warehouse) 30
9 Hazardous 30
10 Intermediate/stations (excluding mail and expenses stops) 45(25)*
11 Junction stations 70(45)*
12 Terminal/Stations 45
13 Intentional and domestic airports 70
*The values in parenthesis are for stations where bathing facilities are not provided.
Note. - The number of persons for serialno.10 to 13 shall be determined by the average number of
passengers handled by the station daily; due consideration may be given the staff and workers
likely to use the facilities.
Flushing Storage Capacities
Sr. no. Classification of Buildings Storage Capacity
(1) (2) (3)
1 For tenements having common convenience 900 liters net WC seat.
2 For residential premises other than tenements 270 liters net for one WC seat and 180
having common Convenience. Liters for each additional seat in the same flat
3 For Factories and Workshops 900 liters per WC seat and 180 liters per urinal seat.
4 For cinemas, public assembly halls etc. 900 liters per WC seat and 350 liters per urinal seat.
Sanitation Requirements for shops and commercial offices
Sr. No. Fitments For personnel
(1) (2) (3)
1 Water closet one for every 25 persons or part thereof exceeding 15 (including
employee And customers) for female personnel 1 for every 15 persons or
part thereof exceeding 10
2 Drinking Water Fountain One for every 100 persons with a minimum of one on each floor.
3 Wash Basin One for every 25 persons or part thereof.
4 Urinals same as serial no.3 of table 18.
5 Cleaner's Sink One per floor minimum, preferably in or adjacent to sanitary rooms.
Note. - No. of customers for the purpose of the above calculation shall be the average number of
persons in the premises for a time interval of one hour during the peak period. For male-female
calculation a ratio of 1:1 may be assumed.
Domestic Storage Capacities
Sr. No. No. Of floors Storage capacity Remarks
(1) (2) (3) (4)
For premises occupied as tenements with common convenience
1 Floor 1 (Ground) Nil provided no down take fittings
are installed.
2 Floors 2,3,4,5 and upper floors 500liters per tenements
Sanitations requirements for hotels
Sr. No. Fitments For residential For public rooms For non-residential staff
Public and staff _________________________
For male For female For male For female
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1 Water closet one per 8 persons One per 100 Two per 100 one for 1-15 One for 1-
Omitting occupants persons up to persons up to Two for 16-35 Two for
Of the room with 400 persons 200 persons Three for 36-65 Three for
Attached water closet for over 400 over 200 add Four for 66-100 Four for
Water closet minimum add at the rate at the rate of
Of 2 in both sexes lodge of one per 250 one per100
Persons or part persons or
Thereof. Part thereof.
2 Ablution One in each water closet. One in each water One in each one in each water one in each
. Closet water closet. Closet closet.
One water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part thereof in the vicinity of
water closet and urinals. Persons
3 Urinals One for 50 persons Nil, up to
or part thereof one for 7-20
Two for 21-45
Three for 46-70
Four for 71-100
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
4 Washbasins one per 10 persons One per water One per water One for 1-15 One for 1-
Omitting the wash closet and urinal closet provided. Two for 16-35 Two for
Basins installed in provided. Three for 36-65 Three for
The room suites. Four for 65-100 Four foe
Five for
Six for 78-
5 Baths One per 10 persons
Omitting occupants
Of the room with bath
In suite.
6 Slope sink one per 30 bedrooms
(One per floor mini.)
7 Kitchen sinks one in each kitchen. One in each One in each One in each One in each
Kitchen Kitchen. Kitchen. Kitchen.
Note. - It may be assumed that the two-thirds of the number are males and one-third females.
Sanitation Requirements for Educational Occupancy.
Sr. No. Fitments Nursery school boarding institutions other Educational Institutions
__________________________ _________________________
For Boys For girls For boys For girls
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1 Water closet One per 30 pupils One/every 8 pupils One/every 6 One/80 pupils One/50 pupils
And part thereof. Or part thereof.
Pupils or part or part thereof. Part thereof.
2 Ablution One in each water One in each water One in each water One in each water One in
Closet. Closet. Closet. Closet. Water
One water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part thereof in the vicinity of
water closets and urinals.
3 Urinals One per 25 pupils One per 20 pupils
Or part thereof. Or part thereof.
4 Wash Basin One per 30 pupils One per 8 pupils One per 6 pupils One per 80 pupils One per
or part thereof. Or part thereof. Or part thereof. Or part thereof. Or part
5 Baths One bath sink per one for every 6 One for every 6
40 pupils. Pupils or part pupils or part
Thereof. Thereof.
6 Drinking water One for every 50 One for every50 One for every 50 One for every 50 One for every
Pupils or part thereof. Pupils or part pupils or part pupils or part pupils or part
Thereof. Thereof. Thereof. Thereof.
7 Cleaner's sink One per floor One per floor One per floor One per floor
Minimum. Minimum. Minimum. Minimum.
Note. - For teaching staff, the schedule of fitments to be provided shall be the same as in the case of
office buildings (table 18).
Sanitation Requirements for Institutional (Medical) Occupancy- Hospitals.
Sr. No. Fitments Hospitals with Hospitals with out -door Administrative buildings
Indoor patient wards patient wards.
__________________ ______________________
For males & for females For males For females For male personnel For
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Water closet One for every 8 beds one for every 100 Two for every 100 One for every25 one for
Or part thereof. Persons or part persons or part persons or part persons
Thereof. Thereof. Thereof. Part
2 Ablution taps One in each water closet. One in each water One in each water One in each water One in
Closet. Closet. Closet. Water
One water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part thereof in the vicinity of
water closet and urinals.
3 Washbasins 2 up to30 beds; add one for every100 one for every 100 one for every 25 one for
every 25
One for every additional persons or part persons or part persons or part persons or
30 beds or part thereof. Thereof. Thereof. Thereof. Thereof.
4 Baths with shower One bath with shower one on each floor one on each
For every 8 beds or part
5 Bedpan washing one for each ward
6 Cleaner's sinks one for each ward one for floor one per floor one per floor one per floor
Minimum. Minimum. Minimum. Minimum.
7 Kitchen sinks one for each ward
& Dish washer
(Where kitchen is provided)
8 Urinals One for every 50 One up to 20 persons
Persons or part 2 for 21-45 persons
Thereof. 3 for 46-70 persons
4 for 71-100 persons
For 101 to 200 persons
Add at the rate of
3 per cent,
For over 200 persons
Add at the rate of 2.5
Sanitation requirements for Institutional (medical) Occupancy - (staff quarters and Hostels)
Sr. No. Fitments Doctor's Dormitories Nurses Hostel
For male staff For female staff
1 2 3 4 5
1 Water closet One for 4 persons One for 4 persons One for 4 persons or part
2 Ablution taps One in each water closet One in each water closet. One in each water closet.
3 Wash basins One for every 8 persons One for every 8 persons One for every 8 persons
or part thereof. Thereof. Or part thereof.
4Baths ( with one for 4 persons or part thereof. One for 4 persons or part One for 4-6 persons or part
Shower) thereof.
5 Cleaners sinks One per floor minimum One per floor minimum One per floor minimum.
Sanitation Requirements for Governmental and public business occupancies and offices
Sr. No. Fitments For male personnel For female personnel
1 2 3 4
1 Water closet one for every 25 persons or part thereof. One for every 15 persons or part
2 Ablution taps One in each water closet One in each water closet
One water tap with draining arrangement shall be provided for every 50 persons or part thereof, in the
Of water closet and urinals.
3 Urinals Nil up to 6 persons
One for 7-20 persons
2 for 21-45 persons
3 for 46-70 persons
4 for 71-100 persons
For 101 to 200 persons add at the rate of 3 per cent
For over 200 persons add at the rate of 2.5 per cent.
4 Wash basins One for every 250 persons or part thereof.
5 Drinking Water fountains one for every 100 persons with a minimum of one for each floor.
6 Baths preferably one on each floor
7 Cleaner's Sinks One per floor minimum preferably in or adjacent to sanitary rooms.
Sanitation requirements for residential
Sr. No. Fitments Dwellings with individual convenience Dwellings without individual coven ices
1 2 3 4
1 Bath Room 1 provided with water tap 1 for every three tenements
2 Water closet 1 1 for every three tenements
3 Sink (or NAHANI) in 1
The floor.
4 Water tap 1 1 with draining arrangements in
1 in common bath rooms and
Water closet.
Note. - Where only closet is provided in a dwelling, the bath and water closet shall be separately accommodated.
Sanitation Requirement for Assembly occupancy Buildings (cinemas, Theatres and Auditoria)
Sr. No. Fitments For public For staff
Male female male female
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Water closets 1 per 100 persons up 3 per 100 persons up 1 for 1-15 persons 1 for 1-12
To 400 persons. To 200 persons. 2 for 16-35 persons 2 for 13-25
For over 400 persons, For over 200 persons,
Add at the rate of 1 add at the rate of 2 per
Per 250 persons or 100 persons or part thereof.
Part thereof.
2 Ablution taps 1 in each water closet 1 in each water closet. 1 in each water closet 1 in each water
One water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part
thereof in the vicinity of water closet and urinals.
3 Urinals 1 for 25 persons or part thereof. Nil up to 6 persons
1 for 7-20 persons
2 for 21-45 persons
4 Wash basins 1 for every 200 persons 1 for every 200 persons 1 for 1-15 persons 1 for 1-12
Or part thereof. Or part thereof. 2 for 16-35 persons 2 for 13-25
5 Drinking water 1 for 100 persons or part thereof.
Note. - It may be assumed that two-thirds of the numbers are males and one-third females.
Sanitation Requirements for Assembly Occupancy Buildings, (Art galleries, libraries and Museums)
Sr. No. Fitments For public for staff
Male Female Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Water closets 1 per200 persons up to 400 1 per 100 persons up 1 for 1-15 persons 1 for 1-12
Persons. 200 persons. 2 for 16-35 persons 2 for 13-
For over 200 persons, add For over 200 persons,
At the rate of 1 per 250 Add at the rate of 1 per
Persons or part thereof. 150 persons or part thereof.
2 Ablution taps 1 in each water closet. 1 in each water closet. 1 in each water closet. 1 in each water
One water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part thereof in the vicinity
of water closets and urinals.
3 Urinals 1 for 50 persons Nil up to 6 persons
1 for 7-20 persons
2 for 21-45 persons
4 Wash basins 1 for every 200 persons 1 fro every 200 persons 1 for 1-15 persons 1 for 1-15 persons
Or part thereof. For over or part thereof. For over 2 for 16-35 persons 2 for 13-25
400 persons, add at the 200 persons add at the
Rate of 1 per 250 persons rate of 1 per 150 persons
Or part thereof. Or part thereof.
5 Cleaner's sinks 1 per floor, minimum
Note. - It may be assumed that two-thirds of the numbers are males and one-third females.
Sanitation Requirements for Restaurants
Sr. No. Fitments For public For staff
Male female Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Water closets 1 for seats up to 200 seats. 1 for 50 seats up to 200 1 for 1-15 persons 1 for 1-12
For over 200 seats, add at seats. For over 200seats. 2 for 16-35 persons 2 for 13-25
The rate of one per 100 add at the rate of one 3 for 36-65 persons 3 for 26-40
Seats or part thereof. Per 100 seats or part 4 for 66-100 persons 4 for 41-57
Thereof. 5 for 58-77
6 for 78-100
2 Ablution taps 1 in each water closet 1 in each water closet 1 in each water closet 1 in each water
One water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part thereof
in the
Vicinity of water closets and urinals.
3 Urinals One per 50 seats Nil up to 6 persons
1 for 7-20 persons
2 for 21-45 persons
3 for 46-70 persons
4 Wash basins 1 for every water closet provided
5 kitchen sinks & dish washer 1 in each kitchen
6 Slope or services sink 1in the restaurant
Note. - It may be assumed that two-thirds of the numbers are males and one-third females.
Sanitation Requirements for Factories
Sr. No. Fitments For male personnel For female personnel
1 2 3 4
1 Water closets 1 for 1-15 persons 1 for 1-12 persons
2 for 16-35 persons 2 for 13-25 persons
3 for 36-65 persons 3 for 26-40 persons
4 for 66-100 persons 4 for 41-57 persons
For 101 to 200 persons, add at the rate of 3 per 5 for 58-77 persons
Cent. For over 200 persons, add at the rate of 6 for 78-100 persons
2.5 per cent. For 101 to 200 persons add at
Of 5 per cent for over 200
Add at the rate of 4 per cent.
2 Ablution taps 1 in each water close 1 in each water closet
One water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part
Thereof in vicinity of water closets and in urinals.
3 Urinals Nil, up to 6 persons
1 for 7-20 persons
2 for 21-45 persons
3 for 46-70 persons
4 for 71-100 persons
For 101 to 200 persons, add at the rate of
3 per cent. For over 200 persons, add at the
Rate of 2.5 per cent.
4 Washing taps with draining 1 for every 25 persons or part thereof. 1 for every 25 persons or part
5 Drinking water fountains 1 for every 100 persons with a minimum
Of one on each floor.
6 Baths (preferably showers) As required for particular trades or occupations.
Note. - For many trades of a dirty or dangerous character, more extensive provisions are required.
Sanitary Requirements for Large stations and Airports
Sr. No. Place WC for males WC for females Urinals for males only
1 2 3 4 5
1 Junction stations, intermediate 3 for first 1000 persons & 1 4 for first 1000 persons 4 for every 1000 persons
Stations and bus stations. For subsequent 1000 and 1 for every 1 for every additional
Persons or part thereof. Additional 1000 persons. Persons.
2 Terminal station and bus 4 for first 1000 persons & 5 for first 1000 persons 6 for first 1000 persons
Terminals. 1 for every subsequent 1000 and for every subsequent for every or part
Persons or part thereof. 2000 persons for part thereof.
3 Domestic airports, min 2* 4* 2*
For 200 persons 5 8 6
For 400 persons 9 15 12
For 600 persons 12 20 16
For 800 persons 16 26 20
For 1000 persons 18 29 22
4 International airports
For 200 persons 6 10 8
For 600 persons 12 20 16
For 1000 persons 18 29 22
*At least one Indian style water closet shall be provided in each toilet. Assume 60 males to 40 females in any area.
Note. - Provision for washbasins, baths including shower stalls shall be in accordance with part IX
section 2 drainage and sanitation of national buildings code of India.
25.3.1. Septic Tanks. - Where septic tank is used for sewage disposal, the location, design and
construction of the septic tank shall conform to requirements of byelaw no. And Location of septic tanks and subsurface absorption systems. - A subsoil dispersion
system shall not be closer than 18 m from any source of drinking water, such as well to mitigate
the possibility of bacterial pollution of water supply. It shall also be as far removed from the
nearest habitable building as economically feasible but not closer than 6m, to avoid damage to
the structures. Requirements
(a) Dimensions of septic tanks. - Septic tanks shall have minimum width of 75cm, minimum depth
of one meter below water level and a minimum liquid capacity of one cubic meter. Length of
tanks shall be 2 to 4 times the width;
(b) Septic tanks may be constructed of brickwork, stone masonry concrete or other suitable
materials as approved by the authority;
(c) Under no circumstance should effluent from a septic tank be allowed into an open channel,
drain or body of water without adequate anaerobic treatment through soak pit;
(d) Minimum nominal diameter of pipe shall be 100mm further, at junctions of pipes in manholes;
direction of flow from a branch connection should not make an angle exceeding 45 with the
direction of flow in main pipe.
(e) The gradients of land drains, under-drainage as well as the bottom of dispersion trenches and
soak ways should be between1: 300and 1:400;
(f) Every septic tank shall be provided with ventilating pipe of at least 50 mm diameter. The top of
the pipe shall be provided with a suitable cage of mosquito-proof wire mesh.
The ventilating pipe shall extend to a height which cause no smell nuisance to any building in
the area, generally, the ventilating pipe may extend to a height about 2m when the septic tank
is at least 15m away from the nearest building and to a height of 2m above the top of the
building when it is located closer than 15meters;
(g) When the disposal of septic tank effluent is to seepage pit, the seepage pit may be of any
suitable shape with the least cross-sectional dimension of the 90cm and not less than 100cm in
depth below the invert level of the inlet pipe. The pit may be lined with stone, brick or concrete
blocks with dry open joints, which should be backed with at least 7.cm of clean coarse
aggregate. The lining above the inlet level should be finished with mortar. In case of pits of
large dimensions, the top portion may be narrowed to reduce the size of the RCC cover slabs.
Where no lining is used, especially near tress, the entire pit should be filled with loose stones. A
masonry ring may be constructed at the top of the pit to prevent damage by flooding of the pit
by surface run off. The inlet pipe may be taken down a depth of 90cm from the top as an anti-
mosquito measure; and
(h) When the disposal of septic tank effluent is to a dispersion trench the dispersion trench shall be
50 to 100 cm deep and 30 to 100 cm wide excavated o a slight gradient and shall be provided
with 15 to 25 cm of washed gravel for crushed stones. Open jointed pipes placed inside the
trench shall be made of unglazed earthenware clay or concrete and shall have minimum
internal diameter of 75 to 100 mm. Each dispersion trench should not be longer than 30m. And
trenches should not be placed closer than 1.m.
26. Sings and outdoors display structures
26.1.The display of advertising sings on building and shall be in accordance with part X sings and
outdoors display structures of national buildings code of India published by the India standards
26.2. General. - The following sings are prohibited along national highways, state highways, and
other major roads above 18 m width:
(a) Any sign that by reason of its shapes, positions or color may be confused with an authorized
traffic sign or signal;
(b) Any sing containing the word "stop", "look", "danger" or other similar word that might mislead or
confuse the traveler;
(c) Any sign that is attaches to or printed o a rock or other natural object; and
(d) Any sign that is located with in a public right-of-way unless it is unofficial street name traffic sign
or signal or other official sign.
26.3.Ground sings. - Following byelaws shall apply for ground signs within municipal area:
(a) Dimensions. - No ground shall be erected to a height exceeding 9m above the ground. Lighting
reflectors may extend beyond the top or face of the sign;
(b) Supports and Anchorage. - Every ground sign shall be firmly supported and anchored to the
ground. Supports and anchors shall be treated timber in accordance with good practice or metal
treated for corrosion resistance or masonry or concrete;
(c) Obstruction to Traffic. - No ground sign shall be erected as to obstruct free access to or
egress from any buildings; and
(d) Set back. - No. Ground sign shall be set nearer to the street line than the established building
26.4. Roof sign. -Following byelaws shall apply for roof sign within municipal area:
(a) Location. - No roof sign shall be placed on or over the roof of any building, unless the entire
roof construction is of noncombustible material;
(b) Projection. - No roof sign shall project beyond the existing building line of the building on
which it is reacted beyond the roof in any dirt eon; and
(c) Supports and Anchorage. - Every roof sign shall be thoroughly secured and building or over
which it is erected. Al loads shall be softly distributed tom the structural members of the
26.5. Wall Signs. - Following byelaws shall apply for wall signs within municipal area:
(a) Dimensions. - The total area of sign shall not exceed 10 percent of the total area of the
façade on which the sign is erected the façade on which the sign is erected the façade of the
building shall be subdivided into blocks of uniform height and the area of the sign erected on a
particular block shall not exceed 10 percent of the area of that block;
(b) Projection. - No wall sign shall extend above the top of the wall or beyond the ends of the wall
to which it is attached. At any place where pedestrians may pass along wall, any wall sign
attached thereto shall not project more than 7.5cm., there from within a height of 2.5 m
measured from the level of such place :
(c) Supports and Attachment. - Every wall sign shall be securely attached to walls. Wooden
blocks or anchorage with wood used in connection with screws, staples or nails shall not be
considered proper anchorage, except in the case of wall signs attached to walls of wood; and
(d) Reflectors. - Lighting reflectors may project 2.4 m beyond the face of the wall provided such
reflectors are at least 4m above the footpath level, but in no case shall such reflectors project
beyond a vertical plane 1 m inside the curb line.
26.6. Projecting sings. - No projecting sign or any part of its supports or framework shall project
more than 2m beyond the main face of the building to which such sign is attached. At every
place where pedestrians may pass underneath a projecting sign, an over-head clearance of at
least 2.5m shall be maintained.
Appendix A.
(Byelaw No.6.1.)
From for first application for development and to erect a building
(Under section 44/45/58/69 of Maharashtra Regional and Town planning act, 1966 and under section
189/190,191/192 of Maharashtra Municipalities act, 1965)
(On Rs.0.20 Stamp)
The Authority
Municipal Council of___________________*
I hereby give notice that I intend to carry out development in the site/to erect, to re-erect/to demolish/to make
material alteration in the building……………..on/in plot No………… land, Town and Revenue Survey No.
………………C.T.S. No………………..Situated at road/street……………………..City……………………..
I forward herewith the following plans and statements (Item 1 to 6) in quadruplicate, where applicable,
signed by me and (name in block letters)…………………, the licensed
Architect/Engineer/StructureEngineer/Supervisor-Licence No………………who have prepared the plans, designs
and a copy of other statements/documents/as applicable Items to 9):
1. Key plan (Location) plan
2. Site plan
**3. Subdivision layout plan.
**4. Building plan
5. Services plan.
6. Particulars of development in form.
7. Ownership Title.
8. Attested copy of receipt for payment of application fee
9. Clearance Certificate of tax arrears
I request that the proposed development/construction may be approved and permission accorded to me to
excite the work.
Signature of Owner ……………………
Name of owner ……………………….
Address of Owner ……………………..
Date ……………………… FROM ……………
(Byelaw No.6.2.9.)
From for supervision…………….
The Authority
Municipal Council of*……………………..
I hereby certify that the development work/erection/re-erection/demolition or material alteration in/of
building No………….on/in plot No………………….in C.T.S.No……………………situated at
street/road…………….City No……………shall be carried out under my supervision and I certify that all the
materials (type and grade) and the workmanship of the work shall be generally in accordance with the general
specification submitted along with, and that the work shall be carried out according to the sanctioned plans. I shall
be responsible for the execution of work in all respects.
Name of Licensed Architect/Engineer/Structural Engineer/Supervisor
(In block letters)
License No. Of Licensed/Architect/Engineer/Structural Engineer/Supervisor
Address of Licensed Architect/Engineer/Structural Engineer/Supervisor
Date …………………………
C.4.1. Qualifications. - The qualification for licensing of supervisor will be: -
(I) Three years architectural assistantship or intermediate in architecture with two years
(II) Diploma in civil engineering with two years experience; or
(III) Draftsman in civil engineering from I.T.I. with five years experience under
C.5.1. Qualifications. - Qualification for licensing of structural engineer shall be the following with
minimum three years experience in structural engineering practice with designing and field
work: -
(I) Graduate in civil engineering of recognized Indian or foreign university and chattered
engineer or associate member in civil engineering division of institution of engineers (India) or
equivalent overseas institution;
(II) Associate member in civil engineering division of institution of engineers (India) or
equivalent overseas institution possessing exceptional merits.
The three years experience shall be relaxed to two years in the case of post-graduate degree of
recognized Indian and foreign university in the branch of structural engineering. In the case of
doctorate in engineering experience required would be one year.
C.5.2. Competence. - Structural engineer shall be competent to submit the structural details and
calculations for all buildings and supervision.
C.5.2.1. In the case of complicated buildings and sophisticated structures as decided by the
authority, which is within the horizontal areas and vertical limits under c-2.2. (II), Only structural
engineers shall carry out C-3.2 (II) and C-4.2 (I) and (II) design shall be carried out only by
structural engineers.
C.6.1. Technical Personnel to be licensed. - The qualified technical personnel as given in byelaws C-
2., C-3., C-4., and C-5, shall be licensed with the authority and the license shall be valid for one
calendar year ending 31 December after which it shall be renewed annually.
C.6.2. Fees for Licensing. - The annual licensing fees shall be as follows: -
For architects, engineers and structural engineers Rs.250 per annum.
For supervisor S-I Rs.100 per annum.
For supervisor S-II Rs.50 per annum.
(Byelaw No.6.6.1.)
From for sanction of buildings permit and commencement certificate
With reference to your application No……………..dated………………………………….for grant to sanction
of commencement certificate under section 45/69 of MR and TP act 1966 to carry out development work and
building permit under section 189 of MM act 1965/to erect building in building No……………………on/it plot
No…………………, the C.T.S. No…………………….situated at road/street………………………..city
No………………….the commencement certificate/building permit is granted subject to the following conditions:
1. The land vacated in consequence of the enforcement of the set back rule shall from part of the public
2. No new building or part thereof shall be occupied or allowed to be occupied or used or permitted to be
used by any persons until occupancy permission has been granted.
3. The commencement certificate/building permit shall remain valid for a period one year commencing from
the date of its issue.
4. This permission does not entitle you to develop the land which does not vest in you.
5. …………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
7. …………………………………………………………………………………………….
8. …………………………………………………………………………………………….
Yours faithfully,
Office communication No. …………………… THE
Office stamp …………………………………
Date ……………………………………….
* Name of Municipal Council/Address
(Byelaw No.6.6.1.)
From for Refusal of sanction
(Under section 45/69 of MR and TP act 1966 and section 189 of M.M. Act 1965)
With reference to your application No………………………………dated …………………………….for
the grant of sanction for the development work/the erection of a building/execution of work in building
Plot no…………………………………block no………………………………situated at
MOHALLA/road…………………………………city no………………………………..,I have to inform you that
the sanction has been refused on the following grounds:
1. ………………………………
2. ………………………………
3. ………………………………
4. ………………………………
5. ………………………………
6. ……………………………… Yours faithfully,
The Authority
Office No……………………
Office Stamp …………………
*Name of Municipal Council/address
(Byelaw No.7.2.)
From for Notice for Commencement of Works
The Authority
Municipal Council of ……………*
I hereby certify that the development work/erection/re-erection/demolition or material alteration or material
alteration in/of building No……………………on/in plot no…………………………C.T.S.
Situated at…………………………….street/road ………………………………….. City
no…………………….will be commenced on……………………………………as per your permission vie office
communication no………………...
Dated………………………………under the supervision of. ……………………………Licensed
Architect/Engineer/Structural Engineer/supervisor, License No………………………….and in accordance with
the plans sanctioned.
Signature of
Name of
(In block letters)
Address of
*Name of Municipal Council/address.
(Byelaw No.7.4.)
From for Notice Commencement of Works
The Authority
…………………*Municipal Council
I hereby inform that the construction up to plinth/column up to plinth level has been completed in building
no on/inplot No…………………………………………………..C.T.S. No…………………situated
Road/street…………………..City No……………………….as per your permission vide office communication
no……………….dated…………………..under my supervision and in accordance with the sanctioned plan.
The completed work may be checked and permission given to proceed with further works.
Signature of Licensed Architect/Engineer/Structural
Name of Licensed Architect/engineer/structural
(In block letters)
Address of licensed Architect/Engineer/Structural Engineer/
*Name of Municipal Council/address.
(Byelaw No.6.)
From for Completion certificate
The Authority
I hereby certify that the erection/re-erection or development work in/on building/part building
In plot No…………………C.T.S. No…………………………Situated at …………………………..Road/street
…………………………………………..City No………………………….has been supervised by me and has
been completed on…………………………..according to the plans sanctioned, vide office communication
Dated……………………………..the work has been completed to my best satisfaction, the workmanship and all
the materials (type and Grade) have been used strictly in accordance with general and detailed specifications. No
provisions of the act or the building byelaws, no requisitions made, conditions prescribed or orders issued there
under have been transgressed in the course of the work. I am enclosing three copies of the completion plans, one
of which is cloth mounted. The building is fit for occupancy for which it has been erect/re-erected or altered,
constructed and enlarged.
I have to request you to arrange for the inspection and give permission for the occupation of the building.
Signature of Licensed Architect/Engineer/Structural
Name of Licensed Architect/Engineer/Structural
Address of licensed Architect/Engineer/Structural
Encl.: as above
*Name of Municipal Council/address
(Byelaw No.7.4)
From for Approval of Work Up to Plinth Level
With reference to your intimation no……………………dated………………………...regarding the
completion of construction work up to plinth/columns up to plinth level in building
no………………………..on/in plot no……….
On/in plot no…………………C.T.S. No…………………….situated at………………………
City No…………………….I have to inform that the further work may be proceeded with as per sanctioned
plans/shall not be proceeded with as the construction up to plinth level is not as per sanctioned plans.
Office Communication No…………………
Office Stamp………………………………. Yours faithfully,
The Authority
*Name of Municipal Council/address.
(Byelaw No.7.7)
From For Occupancy certificate
This is to certify that the development work/erection/re-erection or alteration in/of building/part building
No………………on/in plot No………………….C.T.S. no…………………………..Situated at
Street/road………………………….City No……………………Completed under the supervision of
Licensed Architect/Engineer/Structural Engineer/Supervisor, License No……………………..is permitted to be
occupied/not permitted to be occupied on the following grounds:
1. ……………………………….
2. ……………………………….
3. ……………………………….
4. ……………………………….
Office No…………………………………….. Yours faithfully,
Office Stamp…………………………………. The Authority
Date………………………………………….. *
*Name of Municipal Council/Local Body
(Byelaw No.7.7.1.)
From for Indemnity for Part Occupancy Certificate
(On Stamp Paper)
The Authority,
………………**Municipal Council
Sub: ………………………………………………
While thanking you to allow me to occupy a portion of the above building before acceptance of
the completion Certificate of the whole building for he plans approved under Communication
Dated………………………I hereby indemnify the Municipal Council against any risk, damage and
danger which may occur to occupants and users of the said portion of building and also undertake to
the necessary security measure for their safety. We say that this undertaking will be binding on me/us,
our heirs, and administrators and to our assignees.
Yours faithfully,
Witness: Owner
*Of such value as decided by the authority.
**Name of Municipal Council/Address.
(Byelaw No.15.1.)
Land use classification and various building Occupancies/uses Permitted
M-1. RESIDENTIAL ZONE R1 (All residential area excluding R2)
Serial No. Permissible
(I) Any residences.
(II) Customary Home occupation j. e. occupation conducted only by persons residing in the dwelling,
the area for such use not exceeding 25 per cent of the total floor area dwelling of 20 square
meters which ever is less and without any public display of goods.
(III) Primary and Nursery schools.
(IV) Religious Buildings.
(V) Parks, playgrounds, Nurseries green houses.
(VI) Swimming pools and Gymnasiums.
(VII) Medical and Dental practitioners clinics and dispensaries.
(VIII) Camping grounds organized by recognized agencies.
(IX) Petty convenience shops for domestic needs of up to 6 square meters in area.
(X) Ration shops not exceeding 15 square meters area.
(XI) Police choky, civil deface office, home guard office and other offices serving the local area not
exceeding15 square meters area.
(XII) Stables for domestic cattle up to 2 animals per plot.
(XIII) Public conveniences.
(Byelaw No. 20.2.)
Additional fire portions requirements for buildings more than 15m in height but not more than 25m. and
buildings as
Covered byelaw No.
P. -1.1. In additions to the provisions of part IV fire portions of national buildings code of India, the
competent fire authority as approved by the fire adviser to the government of Maharashtra may
insist on suitable provisions in buildings from the fire safety and fire fighting point of view
depending on the occupancy and height of buildings.
P.2.1. Buildings Materials
P.2.1.1. Load bearing elements of constructions of elements of construction for which the required fire
resistance is one hour or more shall be of non-combustible material. Interior finish materials (wall
paneling, floors coverings etc.) may be permitted of materials having their rating for flame spread
and smoke developed not exceeding a very low flame spread limit in accordance with IS: 1642-
1960 (class I). Ceiling linings shall be of non-combustible or of plasterboard.
P.2.1.2. Stairs and corridors shall not contain combustible materials.
P-2-2. Structural members such as supports and bearing walls shall have fire reentrance rating of 3
hours, transoms and ceilings 2 hours to 4 hours.
P-2.3. Internal walls and partitions (Fire sections) walls, separating corridors from areas of floor that
are used for any purpose other than circulations shall have a fire resistance of not less than two
hours. There shall be no opening in such walls other than for doors or delivery hatches with fire
resistance not less than half an hour to one hour.
P.2.4. Facades shall consist of non-combustible buildings materials. A fire must bridge a distance of at
least 0.9 meters between stores.
P.3.1. The internal enclosing walls of staircase shall be brick or R.C.C. construction having fire
resistance of not less than two hours. All enclosed staircases shall have access through self-
closing doors of at least half hour fire resistance. These shall be single swing doors opening in the
direction of the escape. The door shall be fitted with check action doors closer.
P-3.2. The staircase enclosure on external wall of the building shall be ventilated to atmosphere at
each landing.
P-3.3. Permanent vent at the top equal to 5 per cent of the cross sectional area of the enclosure and
open able sashes at each foot level with area equal to 15 per cent of the cross sectional area of
the enclosure on the external wall shall be provided. The roof of the shaft shall be at least 1m
above the surrounding roof. There shall be glazing or glass bricks in any internal enclosing wall of
a staircase.
p-4.1. The walls enclosing lift shafts shall have a fire resistance of not less than two hours. Shafts shall
have permanent vents at the top not less than 1800 sq. mm. In clear area. Lift motor rooms shall
preferably be sited at the top of the shaft and shall be separated from lift shafts by the enclosing
wall of the shaft or by the floor of the motor rooms.
P-4.2. Landing doors in lift enclosure shall open in the ventilated corridor/lobby and shall have fir
resistance of not less than on hour.
P-4.3. The number of lifts in one lift bank shall not exceed four. Shaft for fire in a bank shall be
separated from each other by brick masonry or R.C.C. wall of fire resistance of not less than two
hours. Lift car doors shall have fire resistance of not less than one hour.
P-4.4. Exit from the lift lobby shall be through a self-closing stop door of half fire resistance.
P-4.5. The lift machine room shall be separate and no other machinery shall be installed therein.
P-4.6. Lifts shall not normally communicate with the basement. However, one of the lifts may be
permitted to reach basement levels provided the lift lobby at each basement level is separated
from the rest of the basement areas, by fusible link operated fire resisting door of two hours fire
P-4.7. Grounding switch/switches at ground floor level to enable the fire services personnel to ground
the lift car/cars in an emergency shall be provided for buildings more than 15m in height.
P-4.8. External Windows. - In case of certainly air conditioned buildings area of the open able external
windows on a floor shall be not less than Two and half per cent of the floor area. The locks for
these windows shall be fitted with budget lock of the carriage key type (which can be opened
with the point of a fireman's axe).
P-5.1. Provisions for a fire lift shall be made as per the following details in buildings more than 15 m
only: -
(a) To enable fire services personnel to reach to the upper floors with in the minimum delay, one of
the lifts shall be also designed so as to be available for the exclusive use of the firemen in an
emergency and be directly accessible to every dwelling/let table floor space on each floor.
(b) The lift shall have loading capacity of not less than 450 kg (6 persons lift).
(c) The electric supply shall be on separate services from electric supply mains in a building and the
capable of changing run in a route safe from fire, that is, within the lift shafts. In case of failure of
normal electric supply it shall be capable of changing over to alternate supply manually through
a change over switch.
(d) The operation of a fire lift is made by a simple toggle or two-button switch situated in a glass
fronted box adjacent to the lift at the entrance level. When the switch is on, landing call-point will
become inoperative and the lift will be on car control only. When switch is off, the lift will return to
normal working. This lift can be used by the occupants in normal times.
(e) The words "FIRE LIFT" shall be conspicuously displayed in fluorescent paint on the lift landing
doors at each floor level.
(f) For buildings above 15 m in height collapsible gates shall not be permitted for lifts and shall have
solid door slip fire resistance of one hour.
P-6.1 Each basement shall be separately ventilated. Vents with cross sectional area (aggregate) not
less than 2.5 percent of the floor area spread evenly round the perimeter of the basement shall
be provided in the from of greens or breakable stall boards lights or pavement light or by way of
P-6.2 The staircase of basement shall be enclosed type having fire resistance of not less than two
hours and shall be situated at the periphery of the basement and shall communicated with
basement through a lobby provided with fire resisting self-closing doors of one hour fire
resistance. If the travel distance exceeds 18.15 m.additional stair case at proper place shall be
If the uncompartment floor space on a floor exceeds 750 sq.m. it shall be separated with each
compartment not exceeding 750 sq.m. By means of firewalls of not less than two hours fire
resistance. For floors with sprinklers, the area maintained above may be increased by 50 percent.
P-8.1. Service ducts for electrical conduits, cables etc. shall be enclosed by walls having a fire
resistance of not less than two hours doors for inspection or access shall also fire resistance of
not less than two hours.
P-8.2. If the cross sectional area exceeds 1 sq.m. It shall be sealed where it paces a floor by carrying
the ducts through the floor. The floor with in the ducts shall be tiered for any service pipe or
ventilation trunk and shall be it as closely as possible around any such pipe or trunk.
P-8.3. A permanent vent shall be provided at the top of the services shaft of cross sectional area not
less than 460sq.m. or 6.25 sq.m. For each 900 sq.m. Of the shaft whichever is more.
P-9.1. Hoppers to refuse chutes shall be suited in well ventilated positions and the chutes shall be
continued upward with an outlet above roof level and with an enclosure wall of non-combustible
material with fire resistance not less than two hours. The hoppers shall not be located within the
staircase enclosure.
P-9.2. Inspections panel and hopper (charging station) opening shall be fitted with tight fitting metal
doors, having a fire resistance not less than one hour.
P-9.3. Refuse chutes shall be not being provided in staircase wells, air conditioning shafts, etc.
P-9.4. Refuse chambers shall have walls and floors or roofs constructed of non-combustible and
material and shall have a fire resistance of not less than two hours. They shall be located at a
safe distance from exit routes.
(a) The electrical distribution cable/wiring shall be laid in separate duct (see byelaw No. P-8.1).
The duct shall be sealed at every alternative floor with non-combustible, materials having the
same fire resistance as that of the duct.
(b) Water mains, telephone lines, inter-com lines, gas pipes or any other services line shall not be
laid in the duct for electric cables.
(c) Separate circuits for water pumps, lifts, staircases and corridor lighting shall be provided
directly from the main switch gear panel and these circuits shall be laid in separate conduit
pipes so fire in one circuit will not affect the others.
(d) The inspection panel doors and any other opening in the shaft shall be provided with airtight
fire doors having the fire resistance of not less than two hours.
(e) Medium and low voltage wiring running in shafts, and within false, ceiling shall run in metal
(f) An independent and well-ventilated services room shall be provided on the ground floor with
direct access from outside or from the corridor for the purpose of termination of electric supply
from the licensees' service and alternate supply cable. The doors provided for the services
room shall have fire resistance of not less than two hours.
(g) If the licensees agree to provide meters on upper floors, the licensees' cables shall be
secreting from consumers cable by providing a partition in the duct.
When gas pipes are run in the building, the same shall be run in separate shafts exclusively
shafts exclusively for this purpose and these shall be on external walls, away from the staircases.
There shall be no interring connection of these shafts with the rest of the floors.
(a) The staircase and corridor lighting shall be on separate service and shall be independently
connected so as it could be operated by one switch installation on the ground floor easily
accessible to fire fighting staff at any time irrespective of the position of the individual control of
the light points if any.
(b) Staircase and corridor lighting shall also be connected to alternate source of supply as defined in
Byelaw No.P-10.4.
(c) Suitable arrangements shall be made by installing double throw switch shall be installed in the
service room for terminating the stand by supply.
(d) Emergency lights shall be provided in the staircase/corridor, in the case of assembly and
institutional buildings only.
A stand-by electric generator shall be installed to supply power to staircase and corridor lighting
circuits, fire lifts, the stand-by fire pump smoke extraction and damper system in case of failure
of normal electric supply. The generator shall be capable of taking starting current' of all the
machines and circuits stated above simultaneously. If the stand-by pump. Where parallel HV/LV
from a supply from a separate sub-station is provided with appropriate transformer for
emergency, the provisions of generator may be waived consultation with competent fire an
authority as approved by the fire adviser to the government of Maharashtra.
(a) If transformers are housed in the building below the ground level it shall be necessary in the first
basement in separate fire reinstating room of 4 hours rating. The room shall necessarily be at
the periphery of the basement. The entrance to the room shall be provided with a steel door of 2
fours fire rating. A curb a suitable height shall be provided at the entrance in order to prevent the
flow of oil from returned transformer in to other parts of the basement. The direct access to the
transformer room shall be provided preferably from outside. The switchgears shall be housed in
a separate room separated from the transformer bays by a fire-resisting wall with fire resistance
not less than fours hours. The transformer shall be housed protected by an automatic high-
pressure water spray (emulsifier) system.
(b) In case the transformers housed in the basements are totally segregated from other areas of the
basements by 4 hours fire resisting wall/walls with an access directly from outside, it may be
protected by carbon dioxide fixed installation system.
(c) When housed at ground floor level it/they shall be cut off from the other portions of premises by
fire resisting walls of 4 hours fire resistance.
(d) They shall not be housed on upper floors.
(e) A tank of RCC construction of capacity capable of accommodation entire oil of the transformers
shall be provided at lower level, to collect the oil from the catch-pit in case of emergency. The
pipe connecting the catch-pit to the tank shall be non-combustible construction and shall be
provided with a flame-arrester.
(a) Escape routes like staircases, common corridors, lift lobbies etc. shall not be used as return air
(b) The ducting shall be constructed for gauge metal in accordance with IS: 655-1963 (Revised).
(c) Where the ducts pass through firewalls or floors the opening around the ducts shall be sealed
with fire resisting materials such as asbestos rope, vermiculite concrete, glass wool, etc.
(d) As far as possible metallic ducts shall be used even for the return air instead of space above the
false ceiling.
(e) The materials used for insulating the duct system (inside or outside) shall be non-combustible
material such as glass wool etc.
(f) Area more than 750 sq.m. On individual floor shall be segregated by firewall and automatic fire
dampers for isolation shall be provided where the ducts pass through firewalls. The fire dampers
shall be capable of operating manually.
(g) Air ducts serving main floor areas, corridors, etc. shall not pass through the stair well.
(h) The air handling units shall as far as possible be separate for each floor and air ducts for every
floor shall be separate and in no way interconnected with the ducting of any other floor.
(i) If the air-handling unit serves more than one floor, the recommendations given above shall be
complied with in addition to the conditions given from j to 0.
(j) Proper arrangements by way of automatic fire dampers working on smoke detectors for isolating
all ducting at every floor from the main riser shall be made.
(k) When the automatic fire alarm operates the respective air handing units of the air-conditioning
system shall automatically be switched off.
(l) Automatic fire dampers shall be provided at the inlet of the fresh air duct, and the return air duct
of each compartment/ shop on every floor.
(m) Automatic fire dampers shall be arranged so as to close by gravity in the direction of the air
movement and to remain tightly closed up on operation of a smoke detector.
(n) The air filters of the air-handling units shall be of non-combustible materials.
(o) The air handling unit room shall not be used for storage of any combustible materials.
Note 1. - Any of the above categories may incorporate an automatic sprinkler/drencher system, if the
risk is such that requires installation of such protective methods.
Note 2. - Minimum of two hydrants shall be provided within the courtyard, the location of which shall be
decided in consultation with competent fire authority as approved by the fire adviser to the
government of Maharashtra.
Note 3. - Wet riser-cum-down comer is an arrangement for fire fighting within the building by means of
vertical pipes not less than 10.16 cm. dia. With hydrant outlets on each floor/landing connected
to an overhead water storage tank for fire fighting purpose through a booster pump, gate valve
and a non-return valve near the tank-end a fire pump, gate and non-return valves over the
underground static tank. A fire service inlet at ground level fitted with a non-return valve, shall
also be provided to the rising main for charging it through fire service pumps in case of failure of
static fire pump over the underground static tank.
Note 4. - The pumps specified above shall not exceed 2000 R.P.M.
Note 5. - In case of group housing of apartment building 15 m. and above in height but below 24m. a
centrally located tank having a specify of 2,00,000 liters shall be provided.
Note 6. - The above quantities of water shall be exclusively for the fire fighting and shall not be utilized
for domestic or other use.
P-12.1.1. In addition to wet riser-cum-down comers firs-aid hose reels shall be installed on all the floors
of the buildings falling under Byelaw No.P-13.1.1. and 13.1.2. and shall conform to IS-884-1969
specification for firs-aid hose reel foe fire fighting (fixed installations). The first-aid hose reel
shall be connected to one of the female couplings of twin couplings of landing valves of the wet
riser installations by means of adapter.
A satisfactory supply of water for the purpose of fire fighting shall always be available in the from of
underground static storage tank and tank at terrace level with capacities as specified under
byelaw No.P-12 for each building by the local fire authority with arrangements of replenishment
by town's main or alternative source of supply at 1,000 liters per minute. The static storage
water supply required for the above maintained purposed should be accessible to the fire
engines of the local fire services. Provision of suitable number of manholes shall be made
available for inspection, repairs and insertion of suction hose etc. The covering slab shall be
able to withstand the vehicular load of 12 tones.
P-12.1.3. To prevent stagnation of water in the storage tank, the suction tank of the domestic water
supply shall be fed only through an overflow arrangements to maintain the level there in at the
minimum specified capacity and a baffle wall (see on text page) should also be provided to the
static water storage tank.
P-12.1.4. The static water storage tank shall be provided with a fire brigade collecting breaching with 2
Nos. 65mm.dia. Instaneous male inlets arranged in a valve box at a suitable point at street level
and connected to the static tank by a suitable fixed pipe not less than 10.16 cm. dia. To
discharge water in to tank when required at a rate of 1,000 liters per minute.
Automatic sprinklers shall be installed: -
(a) In basements, which are used as car parks, storage of combustible article, laundry etc. if
the area exceeds 500 sq. m.
(b) On floors used as departmental stores, shops and trades involving fire risks exceeding 1,125 sq.m.
This system shall be provided for protection of indoor transformers of sub-stations in basement area.
NO. P-12.1.3
Occupancy Live loading Refer to Figure No. Height of rooms in m Spans of rooms in m Per. Of Openings
(a) Residential 200 kg/m 1A and 1B 2.8 and 3.2 3.0, 3.6 and 4.2 0 to 5
(b) Business (office) 300 kg/m 1C, 1D and 1E 3.0, 3.4 and 3.8 3.0, 3.6 and 4.2 0 to 5
(c) Business (office) 400 kg/m 1F, 1G and 1H 3.0, 3.4 and 3.8 3.0, 3.6 and 4.2 0 to 5
Table basic compressive stresses for masonry members
(At and after the stated Times)
Mix (parts by volume) Hardening Basic stress in kg/cm corresponding to masonry units with
Time after crushing strength (kg/cm)
Sr. no. Description Cement Lime Lime Pozzo sand of work 35 70 105 140 175 210 280 350 440
Of mortar (see Pozzo land (see note 7)
Not 5) Lana mixture
(see note 6)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
(i) Cement 1 0.1/4C* .. .. 3 7 3.5 7.0 10.5 12.5 14.5 16.5 21.0 25.0 30.5
(ii) Cement 1 1/2C* .. .. 4.1/2 14 3.5 7.0 10.5 11.5 13.0 14.5 17.5 21.5 25.0
(iii) Cement-lime 1 1C .. .. 6 14 3.5 7.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 16.0 19.0 22.0
(iv) Cement-lime 1 2B .. .. 9
(v) Cement 1 .. .. .. 6 14 3.5 5.5 8.5 10.0 11.0 12.0 14.5 16.5 19.0
(vi) Lime-pozzolana .. .. 1 .. 1.1/2
(vii) Cement-lime 1 3B or C .. .. 12 14 2.5 5.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0
(viii) Hydraulic lime .. 1A 1 2 14 2.5 5.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0
(ix) Lime pozzolana 1C 1 2
(x) Lime 1B 3 28 2.5 4.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.5 9.5
* The inclusion of lime in cement mortars is optional.
Note 1. - This table is valid for slenderness ratio 6 and the loading with zero eccentricity.
Note 2. - Linear interpolation is permissible for units whose crushing strengthens are intermediate
between those given I the table.
Note 3. - It is advisable to use politicizes for cement motors in order to improve properties of the motor
such as flow and water retentively. Politicizes should be used according to manufacture's
Note 4. - Masonry cement motors are also advisable and shall be used according to manufacturer's
instructions. The mix proportions of masonry cement sand shall be such as to give comparable
motor crushing strengths with the cement lime sand motor or cement sand motor of the
particular grade.
Note 5. - Lime classification (classes A, B and C) and building lime shall conform to IS: 712-1973
specifications for buildings limes (second revision).
Note 6. - For motor under serial no. (VI) lime puzzling shall be conforming to IS: 4098-1967
specifications for lime puzzling mixture
Note 7. - These periods should be increased by the full amount of any time during which the air
temperature remains below 4.5 C. plus half the amount of any time during which the
temperature is between 4.5 and 10.C.
Q-2.2.2. The thick nesses are calculated for the different strengths of masonry (brick and motor)
available in the country [See IS-1077-1976 specification for common burnt clay building bricks
(third revision)].
Q-2.2.3. Masonry thick nesses are calculated for buildings up to six stores in height both for interior and
exterior walls.
Q-2.3. Structure of the Monograms. - The monograms for thickness of bricks wall consist of nine
vertical lines. From left to right, the vertical lines represent the basic streets, stores, reference
line1, spans point, reference line2, and percentage of opening and thickness of walls for spans
of 3.0, 3.6 and 4.2 m; details of which are given below: -
(a) Basic stress. - The basic stress of masonry depending on the crushing strength of masonry unit
(brick) and motor used is indicated on the first vertical line. Table gives the basic stress for
known values of crushing strength of the masonry of the unite and the motor used. Linear
interpolation between the limits is permitted.
(b) Stores. - The second line lists the number of stores of the masonry building for which the
thickness of brick wall are available. Masonry thick nesses are arrived at for buildings up to six
stores in height. For use of monograms in the case of multistoried buildings, the wall thickness at
each floor is found by passing the line through the number of stores above that section. For
example, in a four-stored building the thickness of wall at the ground floor (floor 1) is founded by
passing the line through '4 on the stores line. Similarly, for floor 2, the line shall be passed
through '3' on the stores line; for floor 3, the line shall pass' through '2'.
(c) Reference line 1. - This reference line fixed a point on the line for any combination of values for
basic stress and stores.
(d) Spans point. - The fourth line has a spans point, through which all lines shall pass through for
arriving at the thickness.
(e) Reference line 2. - This reference line also fixes a point on the line for any combination of values
for basic stress and stores.
(f) Percentage of opening. - The opening provided on the walls for windows, ventilators, doors,
shelves, etc. are taken care of in the monograms by this line. Window height is taken as 1.5 m.
for calculations. Openings, which occupy up to 50 per cent of the area of wall under
considerations, come under the purview of the monograms.
(g) Thickness. - The last three lines in any monograms give of thickness of bricks wall for a
particular loading and stores height. The three sets of thickness are for three spans of the rooms
namely, 3.0, 3.6 and 4.2 m. Thickness are indicated on both sides of the lines. The bold
markings on the left side of the lines give the thickness for external walls and the dotted markings
on the right side of the lines give the thickness for internal walls. Internal walls are analyses as
walls having spans on either side. The numbers 1, one and half, 2, etc. on these lines indicate the
(Number of) bricks thickness; for example, 1 indicates 1 brick thick. The calculations are valid for the
common burnt clay building bricks conforming to IS: 1077-1976.
Q-2.4. Procedure for Use. - The representative dotted lines give in fig. 1A give the method of arriving at the
thickness of the wall at ground floor (floor 1) in a four-stored building for known parameters. The
following procedure shall be followed for interpreting the monograms:
In the example given in fig. 1A, the dotted line starts from 11.0 on the 'Basic stress line' and connects with
4 on the 'Stores line ', the extension of which outs 'Reference line 1 at A. Point A is connected through
'Spans point' to cut 'Reference line 2' at B. Point B is joined with '50' on 'Opening-per cent line' which when
extended intersects the 'Thickness lines ' at C, D and E. The thickness of the wall shall be the value of the
dividing line, which appears immediately above the point of intersection on the 'Thickness line'. For
example, in fig. 1A, for the points of intersection C, D and E, the following thickness are obtained:
Point Spans Thickness
(In Brick Thickness)
M. External Internal
C .. .. .. .. .. 3.0 One and half One and half
D .. .. .. .. .. 3.5 One and half One and half
E .. .. .. .. .. 4.2 One and half One and half