ZF Zf4hp16
ZF Zf4hp16
ZF Zf4hp16
It’s not that other
fluids are so bad,
It’s just that ours are so good.
The people at Lubegard have been perfecting Lubegard products have been awarded ten times
automatic transmission fluids 30 years longer than more industry choice awards by professional
other brands. Lubegard was one of the first lubricant technicians and is, still to date, the only product of its
manufacturers to develop additive technology for a kind that has ever been recommended for use by an
variety of fluid specifications. We didn’t just nail it. original equipment manufacturer and the exclusive
We killed it. When different OEMs tested our product recommendation by the 3 largest repair chains.
on their equipment, Lubegard reduced heat and acid Another reason Transtar Industries recommends
and eliminated noise and vibration. It wasn’t long Lubegard.
before endorsements started pouring in from multiple
OEMs around the world. We are the transmission fluid experts.