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Engineering Structures 289 (2023) 116243

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Engineering Structures
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Design and testing of a decision tree algorithm for early failure detection in
steel truss bridges
B. Barros , B. Conde , M. Cabaleiro , B. Riveiro *
CINTECX, Universidade de Vigo, GeoTECH Group, Campus Universitario de Vigo, As Lagoas, Marcosende, 36310 Vigo, Spain


Keywords: This paper develops a methodology for damage identification in steel truss bridges that uses vibration-based
Damage identification monitoring data and a model-based decision tree algorithm. The methodology resorts to a calibrated FE
Model-based decision tree algorithm model with an optimization-based parameter identification procedure to simulate and analyze all the potential
Riveted steel truss bridge
damages that might affect the structure. The effect of environmental conditions on the modal parameters is also
Ambient vibration test
FE model updating
accounted for, which is modeled as structure stiffness variations using the Young’s modulus and forecasted using
a surrogate modeling strategy. The feasibility of the methodology is demonstrated on a full-scale bridge in
Vilagarcía de Arousa, Spain. The underlying hypotheses used in the algorithm implementation were validated,
and the error ponderation and selection bound employed to detect and identify damage were optimized. The
results show an average success rate of 95.0% and an average false positive rate of 1.0% in identifying damage
indicating its robustness to be extrapolated to other case studies.

1. Introduction the global inventory of infrastructure, the great importance of mainte­

nance tasks and routine inspections to anticipate collapses is high­
Bridges are one of the most critical assets in the transport network. lighted. In this sense, the case of the bridge of the northwest highway
They entail high social, economic, and even political impacts. Invest­ (A6) in Spain is remarkable, which was closed in September 2021 after
ment in transport and infrastructure achieves an important part of the detecting a failure in one of the inspection and maintenance tasks.
Gross Domestic Product of the most advanced countries. In the 19 EU However, despite the efforts to repair it (about €25 million), the bridge
Member States, this rate achieves an average of the 1.1% [1]. However, collapsed on June 7, 2022, without losing human lives [8]. This event
reports about the state of infrastructure tell us that infrastructure bud­ confirms that bridges had to be periodically summited to robust main­
gets are insufficient. Nowadays, in EEUU, 42% of the bridges are at least tenance tasks and inspections to ensure their correct state. Usually, these
50 years old, and 46,154 (7.5%) are considered structurally deficient. inspections are based only on a visual inspection where the experience
Estimates show that it is necessary to increase the annual budget for the of the technicians is essential. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) could
rehabilitation of bridges from $14.4 billion to $22.7 billion (58%) [2]. greatly support these inspection tasks and make the procedure more
Regarding the railway in Europe, it is estimated that 1500 bridges are robust and efficient. The statistics on bridge failures from 2009 to 2019
expected to be strengthened in the next ten years, 3000 have to replace in China show that most are related to anthropic factors (69.6%) [9].
their deck, and 4500 have to be entirely replaced [3]. The risk associated Generally, this type of collapse can be avoided or mitigated with
with this generalized lack of maintenance is very high. Only in China, structural health monitoring, risk assessment, and suitable management
more than 300 bridges collapsed, with 564 fatalities and 917 injuries systems.
between 2000 and 2014 [4]. Over 500 bridges collapsed in EEUU be­ During recent decades, the safety and the optimization of inspection
tween 1989 and 2000, with an average age of 52.5 years [5]. Europe has costs have become top priorities for the civil engineering community of
also experienced major bridge collapses, such as the Entre-os-Rios practice and researchers. Since the beginning of this century, cost-
bridge in Portugal, where 59 people died [6], or the more recent Pol­ effective structural health monitoring (SHM) to ensure long-term
cevera Viaduct in Italy, where 43 people died [7]. structural integrity and safety levels has been highlighted on many
Due to the serious consequences of these collapses and the aging of platforms [10]. Many different SHM methods have been proposed to

* Corresponding author at: CINTECX, Universidade de Vigo, GeoTECH Group, Campus Universitario de Vigo, As Lagoas, Marcosende, 36310 Vigo, Spain.
E-mail address: [email protected] (B. Riveiro).

Received 30 December 2022; Received in revised form 27 April 2023; Accepted 28 April 2023
Available online 18 May 2023
0141-0296/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
B. Barros et al. Engineering Structures 289 (2023) 116243

modernize periodic inspections and minimize the consequences of un­ anticipate failures or at least minimize their consequences. However, the
desired failure of aging infrastructure. Among others, non-destructive vast stock of in-service bridges and the high cost of these systems make it
(NDT) active or passive testing techniques (e.g., impact echo, ultra­ challenging to deploy monitoring systems massively. For instance, ac­
sonic surface wave, ground-penetrating radar, electrical resistivity) cording to the national bridge inventory, only in EEUU there are more
[11], IoT [12] and sensor systems (such as Fiber Optic Sensors (FOS) than 690.000 bridges [5], while in Europe, the estimations round 1
[13,14] or bridge weight-in-motion (BWIM) [15–17]), and remote- million of bridges [3]. Current state budgets assigned to structural
sensing based dedicated inspection platforms (e.g., vehicle-borne laser maintenance constrain the adoption of continuous monitoring in most of
scanning, UAV, IR-thermography) [18–21] have been deeply investi­ the bridge stock. Only those most critical bridges are equipped with
gated in the last two decades. Recent advancements in sensor and advanced monitoring systems, and the others remain subject to tradi­
communication technologies (contact and contactless, wired and wire­ tional routine inspections. However, the use of discrete monitoring to
less, etc.) have created opportunities for the acquisition of sensor data complement the traditional routine inspections could be a solution to
(observable response) at an unprecedented rate and amount. These ad­ increase the number of monitored bridges due to its lower cost. Discrete
vances, together with the increasing concern about frequent extreme monitoring allows the shared use of the monitoring equipment, thus
events, motivated the extensive deployment of sensor networks by civil requiring a smaller budget to be implemented. This methodology can
infrastructure owners and operators during the last years, easing that also improve the knowledge about the condition state of the bridge
large amounts of heterogeneous data become available from various through the comparison of the actual dynamic behavior of the bridge
sensors. along successive inspections. If there are any damaged elements in the
Most of the SHM methods proposed can be classified into two main bridge, the dynamic behavior of the structure will change, affecting its
broad categories: vision-based and vibration-based methods. The vision- modal properties. Sometimes these initial failures are not detected in
based methods mainly focus on detecting and parametrizing signs of routine inspections because of human error or because they are not
malfunctioning or damage from imagery of different nature (RGB im­ detectable to the eyes of inspectors. For this reason, including dynamic
ages, 3D point clouds, IR Thermography, etc.). These approaches are monitoring in routine inspections offers opportunities to detect initial
probably the ones that most rapidly adopt the advances in artificial in­ failures accurately, thus preventing the collapse of the structure.
telligence (AI), as it directly benefits from the radical developments in In this work, a model-based decision tree algorithm is proposed to
autonomous image processing tools proposed in other fields. An exten­ work as an early damage predictor of steel truss bridges using periodic
sive review of vision-based SHM was presented in [22,23], where crack monitoring data (continuous or discrete). This approach aims to auto­
detection, change detection, and corrosion are among the most typical mate the inspection and monitoring tasks in steel truss bridges in a
applications reported in the literature. However, the relation between robust manner. The methodology is based on a model-based approach
detecting these local damages to the global response of the structure is that employs an accurate calibrated FE model to determine the effect of
limited. various potential damages in the bridge. Accordingly, a selection of
In vibration-based SHM methods, the direct benefit from advances in potential damages is considered, constituting the predictive objectives
other computer vision domains is not so straightforward; however, of the algorithm. It is noted that not contemplated damage scenarios,
vibration-based methods have the advantage that they are built on the such as settlements and loss of stiffness in supports or connections, are
premise that damages (physical changes) cause the corresponding potential damages of a more complex nature that require specific
changes in the global vibration response of the structure (i.e., natural studies. Thus, they can only be detected as possible damage through
frequencies and mode shapes) [24,25]. These methods have been widely changes in the modal properties of the structure, yet they will not be
investigated as they represent a suitable means of accurately assessing identified. The designed decision tree algorithm is used to evaluate all
structural safety. In this context, vibration-based SHM methods are the potential damages selected and predict if: i) there is damage in the
classified into two main categories: model-based (parametric) and non- structure and ii) which is the most probable damaged element. The
model-based (non-parametric). The model-based approach uses a nu­ methodology was implemented in a steel truss bridge in Vilagarcía de
merical model of the structure (e.g., based on the finite element method Arousa (Spain). In the following sections, the workflow adopted, the
(FEM), that evaluates the inconsistencies between the measured and architecture of the algorithm, and its implementation are explained in
model-generated (simulated) data for damage identification. These detail. Finally, the conclusions obtained are presented in Section 6.
techniques require advanced computational models and associated as­
sumptions about the structural system as these are solving the physical 2. Methodology
model. These approaches give good accuracy, but the uncertainties
about the structural system reduce their use in real applications. Non- 2.1. Application workflow
parametric methods (data-driven) are a good alternative when reliable
computational models cannot be developed. These models essentially The proposed algorithm is designed to be implemented within a
perform post-processing of response (sensor) data to identify damages methodology that comprises three stages: I) Initial inspection, II)
without any prior assumption regarding the structural system. Data- Routine inspection, and III) Damage prediction, as it is illustrated in
driven approaches are where AI has most noticeably impacted. In this Fig. 1.
sense, Pattern Recognition is used in SHM applications with the goal of I) Initial inspection: The initial inspection of the bridge consists of
classifying objects based on patterns represented by a set of features an experimental campaign aimed at collecting all the necessary data to
using concepts from statistical decision theory. The most common use in create the FE model of the structure. In this campaign, an Ambient Vi­
structural engineering has been for SHM and damage identification bration Test (AVT) is also performed to determine the initial modal
[22,26]. Machine Learning (ML) is a subfield of AI dealing with study­ parameters of the case study. Once all the experimental data is collected,
ing, designing, and developing algorithms that can learn from the data the FE model is designed and refined to create an accurate numerical
and make predictions using learned data [27]. ML methods have been model. The model is finally updated using an optimization-based
increasingly adopted over the last decade due to their enormous capa­ parameter identification procedure. This operation reduces the uncer­
bility to map the relations among input and output data that are non- tainty of the FE model and ensures that it accurately represents the
linear or complicated to formulate mathematically. Many SHM appli­ actual response of the structure. The next step consists of designing the
cations include damage detection, structural reliability, and parameter different potential damages that the structure may suffer. With these
identification [28,22,29]. potential damages adequately designed, the assumed hypotheses are
Continuous monitoring has shown to be especially useful for real- validated. Finally, a synthetic dataset with several damage scenarios will
time control and management of in-service systems, aiming to be created using combinations of potential damages in order to optimize

B. Barros et al. Engineering Structures 289 (2023) 116243

Fig. 1. Outline of the steps of the proposed methodology.

the response of the algorithm in the case study using a genetic algorithm, however, this implies using, e.g., deep learning techniques capable of
as depicted in section 5.5. The modal properties of the generated dataset mapping these high nonlinearities. Finally, to avoid changes in the
will be contaminated with Gaussian noise to reproduce the effect of modal parameters that cannot be identified, the potential damages must
environmental conditions. Once the setting parameters of the algorithm represent all damage possibilities of the structure, considering all con­
are optimized, the early damage-predicting algorithm is ready to be stituent elements. This hypothesis will be studied and validated in the
applied to the data extracted from the routine inspection. algorithm setup.
II) Routine inspection: In the following monitoring campaign, in
addition to the required survey tasks, the Ambient Vibration Test (AVT)
2.3. Architecture of the decision tree algorithm
is repeated, and thus new modal parameters are obtained.
III) Prediction: The actual modal properties measured in the routine
The structure of the tree algorithm starts from a root which repre­
inspection are introduced as inputs to be predicted in the decision tree
sents the modal properties of the structure in the initial or previous
algorithm. The output of the algorithm includes not only the presence of
routine inspection. This root node is linked to some children nodes,
damage but also the most likely damaged elements that trigger the
which represent the first layer of the algorithm. In this first layer, the
detected changes in the modal properties.
changes in the modal properties provoked by different environmental
conditions are added to the initial values. Consequently, a set of children
2.2. Initial hypothesis nodes will be the starting points for the algorithm. The number of
children nodes (S) is a parameter to be optimized in the algorithm setup
The proposed algorithm is designed under the following and depends on the bridge’s conditions. Once the children nodes of the
assumptions: first layer are estimated, the algorithm builds a subtree structure that
I) Hypothesis of damage differentiation: Each structural element evaluates the potential damages. The depth of the subtree structure
has a serial of features (geometry, localization, etc.) that provide stiff­ (number of layers) will depend on the nature of the damage scenario, i.
ness to the structure in a specific manner. Therefore, their deterioration e., the number of actual damages and its noise level. The leaf nodes of
will cause different changes in the modal properties of the bridge. This the subtree structure are used to select and quantify the most likely
fact provokes different residual components for each potential damage, potential damages. Finally, an indicator summarizes the concurrency of
thus allowing their identification when the algorithm is applied. each potential damage in predicting the damage scenario. The workflow
II) Hypothesis of additivity: This assumption states that the influ­ of the algorithm is depicted in Fig. 2.
ence of a potential damage on the prediction is independent of any other
damage. This means that potential damages can be designed additively 2.3.1. Damage indicator
so that they can act simultaneously without causing inconsistencies in To predict the damage scenarios, a Damage Indicator (DI) was
the prediction. Thus, it should be verified that the sum of the effects of adopted that quantifies the differences in the modal properties. This DI
the potential damages is cumulative and does not present highly non- will be used at each node of the tree structure to quantify the differences
linear interactions. If this were the case, the algorithm would need to between the current node values and those obtained in the routine in­
evaluate the FE model for each iteration of the decision tree, which spection (DInode ). Besides, the same DI is also employed to quantify the
would considerably increase the computational cost. Another possible differences between the current and the previous inspection (DICI ). The
approach would be using metamodels to reduce computational time; potential damage that minimizes the difference between both DI will be

B. Barros et al. Engineering Structures 289 (2023) 116243

Fig. 2. Workflow of the decision tree algorithm.

chosen for the next iteration (ΔDI = DICI − DInode ). The function chosen occur due to variations in environmental conditions. As these variations
as DI is composed of two different terms. The first quantifies the dif­ may lead to confusion in predicting the damage scenarios, the first step
ference in natural frequencies. The second quantifies the difference in consists of estimating the effects of environmental conditions on modal
modal displacements using the Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC) [30], parameters. Thus, Equation (3) was employed to estimate the relation
which is the normalized scalar product of two sets of vectors {φA }and { between the temperature and the Young’s modulus, which was devel­
φX } in order to check its orthogonality; as shown in Equation (1). oped in [31] and used in other works such as [32]. This equation
⃒ ⃒2 computes the Young’s modulus variation of structural steel depending
⃒ ⃒
on the temperature in a variation range of 0 ◦ C < T < 600 ◦ C.
⃒{φA }r {φX }q ⃒
MAC(r, q) = ( ) ( ) (1)
{φA }Tr {φA }r {φX }Tq {φX }r E(T)) = e0 + e1 T + e2 T 2 + e3 T 3
e0 = 206GPa
The DI function is a simplified version of the classic error function e1 = − 4.326X10− 2 GPa/ºC (3)
used in single-objective optimization-based model updating processes e2 = − 3.502X10− 5 GPa/ºC
and is given in Equation (2): e3 = − 6.592X10− 8 GPa/ºC
[ )]
m ( ) ∑ m (
∑ F case − F 0i MAC case − MAC 0i Besides temperature, other meteorological variables, such as humidity
DI = i
+ i
F 0i i=1
MAC 0i and wind speed, may affect the estimated modal parameters from the
AVT. These variables also affect the structure globally. The effect of
where m is the number of vibration modes considered, F 0i is the i − th wind can be modeled as a distributed load on the structure, while other
natural frequency of the previous routine inspection (obtained in the parameters, such as humidity or temperature, can be modeled as
AVT) and MAC 0i is the MAC between the modal displacements of the structure stiffness variations using the Young’s modulus. However, these
updated FE model and the experimental results for the i − th vibration effects may be increased due to damage, stress concentration, or the
mode. In the case of computing DInode , F case represents the frequency of deteriorated condition of the connection of some elements, among
the previous inspection plus the effects of the selected potential damages others. Therefore, it is advisable to use a Safety Coefficient (SC) that can
and MAC case is the modal assurance criterion between the experimental consider the effect of all sources of uncertainty. Once the SC is estab­
lished by attending to the singularities of the case study, a variation
results of the previous inspection and the updated FE model plus the
range for the different parameters (e.g., Young’s modulus) employed to
effects of the selected potential damages. In the case of computing DICI ,
represent the effects of environmental conditions is obtained. Thus, the
F case
i is the natural frequency of the current inspection and MAC casei is
nodes of the first layer of the algorithm are created, which will adopt
the MAC value between the current and the previous inspection.
equidistant values covering the whole variation range to compute the
frequencies and MACs corresponding to the different environmental
2.3.2. Tree of damage selection
As explained above, the decision tree starts with the root node rep­
To compute the modal properties of each node, the FE model is
resenting the natural frequencies obtained from the AVT and the MAC
replaced by a surrogate model to avoid the high computational cost. The
between the experimental and numerical modal displacements (updated
surrogate model was built using the Kriging methodology [33], which
FE model). It should be noted that changes in modal properties may
approximates the FE model response MK (x) for a set of inputs (x), see

B. Barros et al. Engineering Structures 289 (2023) 116243

Equation (4) [34]. effect of all potential damages on the structure. From this evaluation, the
p algorithm selects the N damages that produce the lowest difference

M K (x) = fj (x)βj + Z(x) = f T (x)β(x) + Z(x) (4) between the Damage Indicator (DI) of the node and the damage scenario
j=1 to be predicted. These will create the N nodes of the second layer of the
algorithm. Starting from these N nodes, the algorithm will repeat the
The trend of the Gaussian process is represented by the term
{ } damage evaluation process, selecting the N best cases. This process will
f (x)β(x), which consists of P arbitrary functions fj ; j = 1, ..., P and be repeated until the DI residual between the node and the damage
{ }
their corresponding coefficients βj ; j = 1, ..., P . Z(x) represents a sto­ scenario to be predicted is minimized. The residual is considered to be
chastic process that is composed of a constant variance (σ2 ), and a zero- minimized when the addition of any of the unselected potential damages
mean, unit-variance stationary Gaussian process (Z(x, ω)) as per Equa­ at the current node increases its value. Each end of the branch will be
tion (5) [35]. saved as a final node called a leaf node. Exemplary, Fig. 4 highlights the
leaf nodes obtained by the subtree structure from one of the nodes of the
Z(x) = σ2 Z(x, ω) (5) first layer (starting points) for a number of paths N = 2.
Once all branches of the tree structure have been made, the result is a
being ω the probability space defined by the correlation function R = vector of leaf nodes.
R(x,x’; θ), and θ hyperparameters estimated by means of an optimization { }
f = fi ; i = 1, ..., n whose length (n) depends on the characteristics
process. The surrogate models are trained based on datasets generated
of the damage scenario to be predicted. The number of simultaneous
with the calibrated FE model. Space-filling sampling techniques, such as
damages identified within each leaf node is given by the number of it­
the Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) [36], are recommended to { }
erations j = ji ; i = 1, ..., n that are needed to minimize the Damage
generate the training datasets. Once the metamodel is built, the algo­
Indicator (DI) residual (depth of the subtree structure). All selected
rithm can be used for prognosing the impact of environmental
potential damages are then clustered in the matrix S with dimensions n ×
jmax , where jmax is the maximum depth (i.e., number of iterations) in the
The number of nodes of the first layer (children) is given by the
set of leaf nodes (max(j)). In each vector Si of the matrix S, the potential
variable S, and its value is related to the prediction of the environmental
damages identified for the leaf node fi are listed, and the remaining
conditions and is determined at the validation stage by performing a
positions (jmax − ji ) are filled with zeros, indicating no damage.
parametric analysis. At the same time, every child node is used as a
Subsequently, the matrix Q with dimensions n × λ (where λ is the
starting point in the subtree structure to select the potential damages, as
total number of potential damages) is created to represent the set of
depicted in Fig. 3.
damages selected in each leaf node in order to quantify their recurrence
and thus obtain their final number of observations. For this purpose, a
2.3.3. Subtree structure
sigmoid function was used to evaluate whether each potential damage z
Starting from the first layer of nodes, the algorithm evaluates the
is present in the clustered damages (Si ) of the leaf node i. If the potential

Fig. 3. Graphic representation of the workflow of the subtrees of potential damages selection.

B. Barros et al. Engineering Structures 289 (2023) 116243

Fig. 4. Example of a prediction branch for a number of paths N = 2; the leaf nodes are highlighted in red. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

damage z is present, the value of the matrix Q at row i and column z is 1; i = 1, ..., n}. These residuals were then normalized between 0 and 1 with
otherwise, it takes the value 0, see Equation (6): respect to the maximum and minimum values to obtain the set of
⎧ ⎫ normalized residual values {resi ; i = 1, ..., n}, which were finally used to
⎪ 1 if Potential damage z ∈ Si ⎪

⎨ ⎪
⎬ weight the Q matrix.
0 if Potential damage z ∕
∈ Si
Q(i,z) = (6) However, due to the enormous number of damage combinations
⎪ 1≤z≤λ ⎪


⎭ covered in each prediction, the exponential factor K has been added to
increase the weighting of the normalized DI residual value of each leaf
This methodology extracts the set of damages identified within each node fi . This factor K should be optimized depending on the case study to
leaf node Q(i,z) and computes the probability rate of each potential be analyzed, since it depends on the characteristics of each particular
damage z. This adds robustness to the algorithm by evaluating all case, such as the number of potential damages considered, the differ­
possible damage combinations but also leads to false positives. To entiability between them, the maximum number of damages applied
overcome this drawback, it was decided to weight each potential dam­ simultaneously, etc.). Once the factor K is optimized, the probability of
age z based on the normalized DI residual value of the corresponding each potential damage P(PotentialDamage(z) ) is calculated as the sum of
leaf node fi . For this purpose, the differences between the DI of the the damage quantification Q(i,z) over the total number of leaf nodes (n)
damage scenario to be predicted and the corresponding leaf node were and weighted by the expression (1 − resi )*10K , where resi is the
obtained; this difference is represented by the vector of residuals r = {ri ; normalized residual of each leaf node fi . The result is the weighted

Fig. 5. Example of prediction screen selecting the most likely potential damages.
B. Barros et al. Engineering Structures 289 (2023) 116243

Fig. 6. A) downstream and b) upper views of Paraiso Bridge.

probability of a potential damage z, as shown in Equation (7): bound (0.4) obtained in Section 5.5, while potential damages 8, 16, and
18 are discarded.

(1 − resi )*10K
P(PotentialDamage(z) ) = Q(i,z) *
n (7) 3. Case study
3.1. Description of the bridge
The probability of each potential damage is further normalized be­
tween 0 and 1 with respect to the maximum and minimum values ob­ The methodology was validated in a bridge over the Umia river in
tained from Equation (7). Finally, the “selection bound” threshold is Vilagarcía de Arousa, west of the Galicia region, Spain. The bridge was
defined experimentally to select the most likely potential damages. This constructed in 1897 by the English company Joseph Westwood & Co. It
parameter defines the minimum weighted probability of a potential belonged to the railway route of Pontevedra-Vilagarcía de Arousa and
damage so as to be considered probable in predicting the damage sce­ was in service until 2008. In 2020 it was rehabilitated, and now it be­
nario. The selection bound should be optimized in the parameter set­ longs to a pedestrian route, open to pedestrians and cyclists. The
tings of the algorithm setup for each case study. Here, this parameter downstream and upper views of the bridge are shown in Fig. 6.
was optimized together with the factor K using a genetic algorithm and The structure is made of riveted steel with a total length of 15.6 m
the objective function given in Equation (10) to maximize the success and a width of 5.8 m, supported by two masonry abutments. All steel
rate and minimize the number of false positives. As an example, Fig. 5 members are manufactured with riveted steel plates and L-shaped pro­
shows the normalized probability of occurrence of the different potential files. The structural part of the bridge comprises two main girders with a
damages in a damage prediction scenario. Potential damages 1, 6, and high of 1.57 m and a width of 0.38 m joined by four cross-girders. The
10 are selected as the most likely because they exceed the selection main girders are laterally stiffened using twenty-six web stiffeners and

Fig. 7. Details of main elements of the bridge: a) Cross-girder b) Upper frame c) Main girder and web stiffeners d) L-shaped bracings.

B. Barros et al. Engineering Structures 289 (2023) 116243

Fig. 8. Detail of the bracing systems: a) Upper bracings b) Lower bracings c) Middle bracings.

Fig. 9. Details of the corrosion state in two of the girder-bracings connections.

thirty-one L-shaped bracings. A frame consisting of two longitudinal and site measuring to obtain the geometrical properties of the bridge and
seven transverse beams rests over the main and cross-girders to analyze its overall corrosion status; II) a terrestrial laser scanning (TLS)
distribute the loads. This frame and the remaining elements are shown in survey to obtain an accurate and detailed 3D geometrical model of the
Fig. 7 and Fig. 8. structure; III) an ambient vibration test (AVT) for characterizing the
dynamic response of the bridge through the modal properties that will
3.2. Experimental campaign then be used in the calibration and damage prediction processes.

An extensive experimental campaign was deployed to obtain 3.2.1. Visual inspection and on-site measuring
detailed information about the current condition state of the bridge. The An in-depth visual inspection was carried out to obtain better
campaign was divided into three main steps: I) visual inspection and on- knowledge about the corrosion status of the bridge. The inspection was

Table 1
Measurements of each member of the bridge. Steel plates dimensions are represented as width * thickness, while L-shaped profiles are represented as width1* width 2*
Element Web (mm) Flange (mm) L-type profile (mm)

Main girders 1570*10 380*12 100*100*12

Cross-girders 290*10 210*(11 or 22) 90*90*10
Stringers of the upper frame 270*11 – 231*90*10
Transverse beams of the upper frame 310*10 – 190*90*13
Upper bracings – – 75*75*10
Middle bracings – – 60*60*10
Lower bracings – – 75*75*10
Web stiffeners 1552*10 140*10 –

B. Barros et al. Engineering Structures 289 (2023) 116243

performed before the rehabilitation works that were executed in 2020. 3.2.3. Ambient vibration test
During these works, the rail track was removed and replaced by a wood An Ambient Vibration Test (AVT) was performed in the last step of
deck (see Fig. 7 b)). Thus, all structural elements could be inspected in the experimental campaign. The test was performed to characterize the
detail. Generally, the bridge presents a moderate corrosion status except dynamic behavior of the bridge in terms of its modal properties (natural
for the girders-bracings connections, identified as the most damaged frequencies, mode shapes, and damping ratios). These parameters
elements, see Fig. 9. constitute the ground truth data for the subsequent model updating
Once the visual inspection was completed, on-site measurements process.
were performed using a digital gauge with a tolerance of ± 0.01 mm and The equipment comprised five uniaxial seismic accelerometers type
a laser distance meter to obtain the width and thickness of the different 8340 with a sensitivity of 10 V/g and an acquisition module type 3050
steel plates. These measurements were then complemented with the with a frequency range of 0–51.2 KHz, from Brüel & Kjaer company
ones obtained from the Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) survey. The [38]. L-shaped steel supports were designed and manufactured to fix the
summary of the experimental measurements is given in Table 1. accelerometers to the structure with the help of magnetic anchors. A
multi-setup test was performed to overall characterize the structure with
3.2.2. Terrestrial laser scanning survey the available equipment. Accordingly, a preliminary finite element (FE)
A Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) survey was performed to obtain an model of the bridge was developed to determine the main conditions of
accurate 3D model of the structure. This digitalization process aims to the test. Thus, fulfilling the criteria established by Ventura in [39] and
complement the measurements obtained in the previous stage, obtaining Rodrigues [40], an acquisition frequency of 256 Hz and an acquisition
geometrical features that could not be taken manually. The instrument time of 15 min per setup were adopted. The sensors were placed over the
used is a phase-shift terrestrial laser scanner, model FARO Focus 3D upper flange of the girder adjacent to each transverse beam, as repre­
[37]. This scanner presents an operational measurement range between sented in Fig. 11. Two sensors were placed in each measurement point,
0.6 and 120 m in normal illumination conditions and a nominal accu­ one in the vertical direction (Z axis) and the other in the transversal
racy of ± 2 mm at 25 m. The field of view is 305◦ vertically and 360◦ direction (Y axis). Point 3 was employed as a reference to avoid sta­
horizontally, and its maximum angular resolution is 0.009◦ . A total of 11 tionary conditions, while the remaining positions were covered by the
scans, collected from different scanner stations, were needed to com­ roving sensors in a total of 6 setups.
plete the 3D model of the structure, as depicted in Fig. 10 a). The final As a result, a total of five vibration modes were identified. The first,
point cloud comprises a total of 5.4 million points. fourth, and fifth mode shapes are horizontal bending modes, the second
is a vertical bending mode, and the third is a torsional mode shape; see
Fig. 12. The associated natural frequencies are summarized in Table 2.

Fig. 10. A) outline of the laser scanning positions b) point cloud obtained from position 4.

Fig. 11. Outline of the sensors location in the AVT.

B. Barros et al. Engineering Structures 289 (2023) 116243

Fig. 12. Graphical representation of the five vibration modes obtained from the AVT.

AVT to reduce the uncertainty in the input parameters and, thus, obtain
Table 2 a FE model that accurately represents the actual bridge mechanical
Summary of the natural frequencies obtained from the response.
Vibration mode Frequency (Hz)
4.1. FE model development
1 11.813
2 19.313
3 22.625 The FE model was built using the software Diana FEA [41]. The as-
4 25.875 built geometrical model was created based on the point clouds and the
5 31.813 on-site measurements, see Fig. 13. As for the mesh, four-node quadri­
lateral isoparametric shell elements with a global size of 0.05 m were
adopted for almost all parts of the bridge except for the L-shaped brac­
4. FEM-based modeling
ings, which were modeled using two-node truss elements. The FE model
was then further refined by adding interface elements in the supports of
A numerical model was developed using the Finite Element Method
the bridge to represent possible aging effects affecting their stiffness.
(FEM). The model was then calibrated using the data obtained from the
Moreover, the upper frame was substituted by equivalent point masses.

Fig. 13. Geometrical representation of the FE model of the bridge.

B. Barros et al. Engineering Structures 289 (2023) 116243

Fig. 14. Finite element mesh of the numerical model, with the point masses of the upper frame (highlighted in red). (For interpretation of the references to colour in
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Table 3 This was motivated by the fact that the frame is not rigidly connected to
Parameters considered in the model updating process and their variation range. the main girders, thus being the stiffness contribution negligible. The
ID Type Variable Range final mesh and mass points of the upper frame are represented in Fig. 14.
Min Max

V1 Steel material Young’s 170 232 4.2. FE model updating

modulus (GPa)
V2 Density (Kg/ 7615 8085 Once the numerical model was developed, an updating process was
m3) carried out to reduce the input uncertainties and thus ensure the accu­
V3 Thickness reduction of bridge Main girders 0 2
component cross-sections (mm)
racy of the output results provided by the FE model. The uncertain
V4 Cross-girders 0 2 model inputs can be divided into three main groups: I) material vari­
(mm) ables, II) geometrical variables, and III) supports stiffness variables.
V5 Web stiffeners 0 2
• As for the material variables, the Young’s modulus and the density of
V6 Upper bracings 0 2
(mm) the steel were considered, while the Poison’s ratio was fixed at 0.3.
V7 Middle bracings 0 2 The density lower and upper bounds were established following the
(mm) JCSS probabilistic model code [42], assuming a normal distribution
V8 Lower bracings 0 2 with a mean of 7850 Kg/m3, a Coefficient of Variation (CoV) of 1.0
V9 Stiffness of the support Kn1 (N/m3) 1.00E + 1.00E +
%, and using the three-sigma rule of thumb that is equivalent to a
interfaces 09 10 confidence interval of 99.7% to determine the bounds of the interval.
V10 Kt1 (N/m3) 1.00E + 1.00E + The variation range of the Young’s modulus was chosen using the
09 10 limits values corresponding to a confidence interval of 99.7%, as
V11 Kn2 (N/m3) 1.00E + 1.00E +
proposed in [43,44], being the values extracted from a lognormal
09 10
V12 Kt2 (N/m ) 3
1.00E + 1.00E + distribution with a mean of 200 N/mm2 and a CoV (Coefficient of
09 10 Variation) of 5% [45].

Fig. 15. Comparison between experimental and updated FE model modal displacements.

B. Barros et al. Engineering Structures 289 (2023) 116243

Table 4 numerical modal displacements are graphically represented. As for the

Modal properties after FE model updating. natural frequencies, an average relative error of 0.18% was obtained,
Mode Experimental Frequency Numerical Frequency Error (%) MAC which entails a noticeable agreement between both results. The error
between the numerical and experimental frequencies and the MAC ra­
1 11.81 11.90 0.76% 0.96
2 19.31 19.36 0.26% 0.93 tios of the calibrated FE model are summarized in Table 4. Finally, the
3 22.63 22.64 0.04% 0.91 updated values for the model parameters are given in Table 5.
4 25.88 25.91 0.12% 0.94
5 31.81 31.84 0.09% 0.91 5. Results

Table 5 Once the previous steps were addressed, the validation through a
Updated parameter values obtained from the optimization process. real case study was carried out. First, the different potential damages
were designed to represent all the damage possibilities of the structure.
ID Variable Updated Value
Then the initial assumptions were verified aiming to achieve realistic
V1 Young’s modulus (GPa) 198.396 results and ensure their robustness. After these verifications, a two-stage
V2 Density (Kg/m3) 7754.59
optimization was performed to obtain the value of the different setting
V3 Thickness reduction of main girders (mm) 0.222
V4 Thickness reduction of cross-girders (mm) 1.014 parameters of the methodology that maximize the accuracy of the re­
V5 Thickness reduction of web stiffeners (mm) 1.140 sults for the particular case study. Finally, the success and the false
V6 Thickness reduction of upper bracings (mm) 1.190 positives rate obtained for the optimized settings of the algorithm are
V7 Thickness reduction of middle bracings (mm) 0.426
V8 Thickness reduction of lower bracings (mm) 1.914
V9 Kn1 (N/m3) 8.51E + 09
V10 Kt1 (N/m3) 4.20E + 09 5.1. Potential damages
V11 Kn2 (N/m3) 9.29E + 09
V12 Kt2 (N/m3) 4.95E + 09 A total of nineteen potential damages were designed and simulated
using the calibrated FE model. Sixteen potential damages simulate the
• The geometrical variables were established for each steel member loss of each pair of bracings. These damages were designed as local
type. A total of six variables related to the cross-section thicknesses failures because the connections with the girders are the most damaged
were considered, being the lower bound defined as the average parts due to the corrosion pitting, as observed during the in-situ in­
experimental value obtained from the on-site measurements and the spection. Herein, intermediate damage states prior to local collapses
upper bound the average experimental measurements minus the were not modeled due to the almost imperceptible changes induced in
maximum theoretical thickness reduction estimated from the current the modal parameters of the structure, which poses a challenge to their
European standards of corrosion in metals [46,47]. Accordingly, a C4 accurate identification. However, in other case studies, these interme­
corrosion category was chosen due to the localization of the bridge, diate damage states should be analyzed to evaluate the possibility of
which entails a maximum theoretical thickness reduction of 2.0 mm. their implementation together with appropriate means of numerical
• Interface elements were introduced to model the normal (Kn ) and modeling. In this sense, monitoring systems such as those described in
tangential stiffness (Kt ) of the right (Kn1 , Kt1 ) and left supports (Kn2 , [55,56] might also be adopted, thus providing valuable information for
Kt2 ). The range of variation was determined numerically from an local damage detection and monitoring. Out of the sixteen damages
extensive parametric analysis and considering the results obtained in related to local collapses, two are related to the bracings of the bridge
the ambient vibration test (AVT). Thus, the bounds were restricted to ends (1–2), three are related to the upper bracings (3–5), four to the
the region that produces a minimum error between the FE model lower bracings (6–9), and the remaining seven damages are related to
responses and the modal properties obtained from the AVT. the bracings of the inner part of the bridge (10–16); see Table 6.
To cover all the damage possibilities, three more damages related to
Table 3 summarizes the uncertain model inputs considered in the the corrosion in the main girders (17), the cross-girders (18), and the
updating process and their variation range. girders’ web stiffeners (19) were considered. These damages represent a
The FE model updating process was performed through the mini­ uniform corrosion situation, which together with the previous local
mization of the following objective (error) function [48]: damages, provide the necessary flexibility for the representation of the
actual failure mechanism of the structure. Thus, following this
m ( num )2
∑ F i − F exp ∑ approach, there may be situations in which the structure presents
π = WF i
+ WMAC (1 − MACi )2 (8)
F exp
i i=1
combinations of global (uniform) corrosion in conjunction with local­
ized corrosion that would induce local failures. These damages were
where F num
i and F exp
i are the numerical and experimental frequencies of simulated as a net cross-section reduction. The amount of thickness
each vibration mode, and MACi is the corresponding Modal Assurance reduction was set according to different factors. Initially, it was calcu­
Criterion between numerical and experimental modal displacements. lated following the standards [46,47] for a period of 10 years and
Finally, WF and WMAC are the weighting factors of the frequency and assuming a C4 exposure category. Accordingly, a thickness reduction of
MAC error terms, respectively. Weights of 0.5 were used for both factors 0.267 mm was obtained, equivalent to variations in the nominal cross-
to balance the contribution of both residual terms equally. section dimensions between 2.05% and 3.33%, depending on the pro­
A gradient-based optimization method was adopted, namely the file type. These thickness variations are of very low magnitude; hence,
lsqnonlin function available in the MATLAB optimization toolbox [49]. they do not cause appreciable variations in the modal properties of the
This method was chosen due to the good balance between accuracy and structure besides being practically imperceptible to the eyes of an
computational cost, as it has been shown in previous similar studies inspector. For this reason, it was decided to increase its value to 1.0 mm.
[50–53]. Since this is a local optimization algorithm, a total of 50 This represents variations in the nominal cross-section dimensions that
samples were generated using the space-filling Latin Hypercube Sam­ vary between 7.7% and 12.5%, which can be appreciated both in the
pling (LHS) technique [54] with the variation ranges defined in Table 3 dynamic response of the structure and by the human eye. It should be
to select suitable starting points that successfully cover all the search noted, however, that this value should be set according to the case study
space. A high agreement between the numerical and experimental re­ as the structure conditions may vary considerably. Briefly, using damage
sults was obtained, as shown in Fig. 15, where experimental and scenarios based on global (uniform) corrosion and local failures, such as
the loss of bracings, provides sufficient flexibility to reasonably

B. Barros et al. Engineering Structures 289 (2023) 116243

Table 6
Modal properties values for the considered potential damage scenarios.
Potential Damages F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 MAC1 MAC2 MAC3 MAC4 MAC5
0 FE Model 11.91 19.27 22.66 25.89 31.84 0.960 0.932 0.914 0.937 0.911

1 Bracings E1 11.78 19.25 22.17 25.69 31.81 0.959 0.927 0.899 0.913 0.909
2 Bracings E2 11.82 19.26 22.63 25.85 31.84 0.957 0.93 0.909 0.933 0.901
3 Bracings U1 11.55 18.95 22.67 24.23 31.43 0.968 0.915 0.915 0.835 0.885
4 Bracings U2 11.91 18.36 22.99 22.07 30.25 0.956 0.798 0.826 0.669 0.777
5 Bracings U3 11.24 18.95 22.66 24.79 31.52 0.944 0.886 0.909 0.914 0.883
6 Bracings L1 10.69 18.93 20.44 25.73 31.09 0.947 0.775 0.828 0.925 0.921
7 Bracings L2 11.88 19.20 22.42 24.80 31.73 0.962 0.930 0.937 0.935 0.919
8 Bracings L3 11.74 19.23 22.41 25.58 31.73 0.957 0.941 0.888 0.941 0.917
9 Bracings L4 10.17 19.22 22.09 25.09 31.07 0.966 0.939 0.965 0.931 0.792
10 Bracings M1 11.00 20.03 22.94 27.37 30.96 0.935 0.959 0.916 0.954 0.896
11 Bracings M2 11.08 19.13 21.28 23.68 31.74 0.926 0.845 0.645 0.623 0.706
12 Bracings M3 11.54 19.28 22.37 25.30 30.69 0.947 0.932 0.839 0.938 0.893
13 Bracings M4 11.81 19.28 22.60 25.88 31.84 0.961 0.932 0.913 0.930 0.911
14 Bracings M5 11.41 19.27 22.61 25.00 30.45 0.964 0.932 0.875 0.911 0.735
15 Bracings M6 10.76 19.19 23.50 22.11 31.73 0.973 0.904 0.687 0.655 0.876
16 Bracings M7 10.68 20.20 22.91 26.40 31.00 0.971 0.911 0.905 0.823 0.647
17 Main girder 11.90 18.87 22.43 25.71 31.33 0.958 0.939 0.916 0.939 0.893
18 Cross-girder 11.95 19.33 22.69 25.95 31.88 0.960 0.932 0.915 0.936 0.909
19 Web stiffeners 11.88 19.33 22.73 25.83 31.43 0.960 0.930 0.909 0.932 0.903

Fig. 16. Box and whisker plot of the natural frequencies (Y-axis) regarding the number of potential damages simultaneously applied (X-axis).

represent the corrosion effects on the structure. analyzed, contemplating from one to six potential damages simulta­
Table 6 shows the modal properties obtained for each potential neously applied to obtain reference values that facilitate the evaluation
damage scenario. These nineteen damages cover all possible local fail­ of the bridge condition state. No more than six potential damages were
ures except for the loss of stiffness at the supports, which were not considered since this would be an atypical situation within a routine
considered because they are not easily quantifiable and out of the scope inspection that probably has already triggered the bridge collapse. Thus,
of this work. The loss of stiffness in the bridge supports or scouring are after performing all the damage combinations (43795 combinations),
very complex problems that typically require a dedicated study [57,58]. Box and Whisker plots were generated, showing the main statistical
Nevertheless, in this sense, it is worth mentioning that the algorithm parameters of the modal responses. In these plots, the blue square in­
developed also includes a warning when changes in the modal proper­ dicates the values of the 75th and 25th percentiles; inside the square is
ties are detected, but they are not identified with the designed damages. the median value represented as a red horizontal line; outside the
Finally, the case 0 (the updated FE model without any damage) is also square, the maximum and minimum values are represented by black
considered in the decision tree algorithm. If the code only selects this horizontal lines, and finally, outliers or atypical values are represented
potential damage, a warning message is displayed, indicating that the with a red asterisk. Accordingly, Fig. 16 and Fig. 17 show the Box and
algorithm could not detect any damage. Whisker plots for the natural frequencies and MAC ratios, respectively.
Moreover, the different combinations of potential damage were Based on them, the inspector can visually compare future dynamic

B. Barros et al. Engineering Structures 289 (2023) 116243

Fig. 17. Box and whisker plot of the MAC ratios (Y-axis) regarding the number of potential damages simultaneously applied (X-axis).

Fig. 18. MAC value among the modal properties changes from the different potential damages.

monitoring results with the modal parameters obtained from various 12, which present high similarity with 4 and 14, respectively. None­
simultaneously applied damages. This allows for establishing a reference theless, despite the high MAC values, the induced change in the modal
of how critical the situation is. properties is different. Thus, it can be concluded that the potential
damages were designed in a way that they can be differentiable by the
5.2. Hypothesis of potential damages differentiation

Once the potential damages were designed, they were further 5.3. Hypothesis of cumulative damage
analyzed to check how they affected the different modal properties. The
higher the modal properties changes provoked by the potential dam­ Before validating the methodology in a case study, the hypothesis of
ages, the greater success the algorithm will achieve in identifying them. superposition of damages was evaluated. This analyzes whether the ef­
Each potential damage was simulated to obtain the corresponding vec­ fect of various simultaneous potential damages can be quantified as the
tor that clusters the modal properties changes (frequencies and MACs of sum of the effects caused by each potential damage individually. It also
the five vibration modes). Subsequently, the MAC of the different vec­ assesses the error as a function of the number of simultaneous damages.
tors was computed to check the similarity among the different effects of In this way, the numerical simulation of the FE model at each node of the
the damages. As a result, a graphical representation of the MAC values tree structure can be avoided, preventing the methodology from
among all the damages effects was obtained. As depicted in Fig. 18, all becoming a very expensive computational process (more than 500.000
the damages present significant discrepancies except for damages 3 and possible damage combinations). An alternative approach would be

B. Barros et al. Engineering Structures 289 (2023) 116243

Table 7 validate the methodology with up to four potential damages simulta­

Average relative error when comparing the effect of various potential damages neously applied. In this regard, it must be noted that for real-world
evaluated directly with the calibrated FE model and the sum of the individual applications, scenarios consisting of four damages simultaneously
effects of each potential damage (superposition). applied could seriously compromise the structural integrity, even
Average relative error possibly leading to the structure collapse.
Output\Potential damages 2 3 4 5 6

Frequency 0.06% 0.35% 0.44% 0.85% 0.86% 5.4. Environmental conditions and number of initial nodes
MAC 0.00% 0.89% 1.94% 3.21% 4.70%
Total 0.03% 0.62% 1.19% 2.03% 2.78% This section determines the optimal number of initial nodes to model
the environmental conditions. Due to the geographical characteristics of
building surrogate models to approximate the FE model responses for the structure location, the presence of wind is of limited influence.
the different damage combinations. However, this is not a trivial task Therefore, the distributed loads that would simulate its effect have not
since accumulating multiple damages in the same scenario is a multi- been considered. On the contrary, the bridge location is susceptible to
model problem with complex non-linear relations between input (po­ significant changes in temperature and humidity, with temperatures
tential damages simultaneously applied) and output (modal properties reaching 35 ◦ C in summer and negative values in winter. Therefore, to
variation) data that is not easily mappable. model the effects of temperature, a range of variation of 50 ◦ C was
Since the methodology focuses on early detection and localization of considered, translating into an equivalent Young’s modulus variation of
damage as a support tool in bridge inspections, priority has been given 2.16 GPa according to Equation (3). Accordingly, the calibrated FE
to detecting slight to moderate damage states produced by a limited model was used to quantify the corresponding change in modal prop­
accumulation of damages. Nonetheless, a scenario with several damages erties. As shown in Table 8, temperature variations induce changes in
would have considerable changes in the modal properties so that even if the natural frequencies up to 0.13 Hz while having little effect on the
not correctly predicted by the algorithm, a warning would be triggered modal displacements.
advising of the anomaly that would serve to alert the inspector that In addition to temperature, other sources of uncertainty must be
structural safety may be being compromised and that a thorough in­ considered to ensure the robustness of the methodology. In the absence
spection is necessary. Therefore, the prediction of severe damage states of wind, the remaining factors have a global effect on the structure;
where nonlinearities are high is beyond the scope of the study and is therefore, their effects can be modeled as stiffness variations. For this
considered a matter of further development. Accordingly, validation for reason, they were also modeled by a Young’s modulus variation using a
a limited number of damage scenarios was performed in the present safety coefficient (SC). The Young’s modulus variation is introduced as
work. Gaussian noise. To generate the Gaussian noise, a Normal distribution
To quantify the nonlinearity of the effects in the simultaneous for the Young’s modulus with a mean of 198.4 GPa (the calibrated value
application of damages, five datasets of 500 damages scenarios each of the FE model) was assumed. According to the three-sigma rule of
were simulated, where two to six potential damages were applied thumb, the standard deviation (σ) was calculated such that 99.7% of the
simultaneously. The datasets were created using the LHS technique to population values were within the E-modulus variation range obtained
explore the whole combination of damages with a minimum number of for environmental conditions of ± ΔT*SC. Therefore, considering in­
samples. Subsequently, the differences obtained between the direct crements and decrements of 50◦ and a SC of 5.0, a standard deviation of
evaluation of the FE model and the sum of the effects of each damage 3.6 GPa was derived. This distribution yields samples with Young’s
applied individually (superposition) were quantified. The average modulus values from 187.6 to 209.2 GPa for 99.7% of the population
relative errors obtained are summarized in Table 7. As expected, the values. This range of variation induces changes in modal properties that
error increases with the number of damages applied simultaneously. were simulated with the calibrated FE model and are summarized in
To establish a threshold value for the maximum admissible additivity Table 9.
error, the relative variations of the modal properties (ΔMP) for the As shown in Table 9, a SC of 5.0 induces variations in natural fre­
different damage combinations with respect to the baseline calibrated quencies ranging from 0.52 to 1.32 Hz, with a relative variation between
FE model were calculated, as shown in Equation (9). 4.0% and 5.0% with respect to the calibrated FE model. Case studies
⃒ ⃒ ⃒ ⃒ with similar approaches were reviewed in the existing literature, where
∑m ⃒⃒F PD
− F CAL ⃒ ∑m ⃒MACPD − MACCAL ⃒
(i) ⃒
+ ⃒ (j,i) CAL (i) ⃒ they also used Gaussian noise to simulate environmental conditions and
⃒ ⃒ ⃒ ⃒
∑n validate their methodologies. Most of these studies introduced a noise
i=1 F CAL i=1 MAC
(i) (i)

(9) level (variation of modal parameters) of 1.0%, 2.0%, or 2.5% [59–62],

j=1 2*m
while another study used a variation of up to 5.0% [63]. Here, the
where n is the number of potential damages (Table 6), m is the number of natural frequencies are higher than in the above studies, resulting in a
vibration modes, F PD PD more significant absolute frequency change. For this reason, the modal
(j,i) and MAC(i) are the natural frequency and MAC
CAL parameter variations obtained for a SC of 5.0 were considered accept­
ratio of vibration mode i and potential damage j, and F CAL
(i) and MAC(i) able to define the Gaussian noise used to validate the methodology and
the natural frequency and MAC ratio of vibration mode i for the cali­ thus to quantify the environmental effects robustly.
brated FE model. Once the Gaussian noise used to model environmental effects was
After performing the calculation, a ΔMP of 2.98% was obtained. defined, it was also used to create the nodes of the first layer of the
Thus, in order to not exceed this value, it was decided to implement and
Table 9
Table 8 Changes in the modal properties for each vibration mode provoked by envi­
Changes originated in the modal properties for a ΔT = 50 ◦ C. ronmental conditions with an SC of 5.0.
ΔT = 50 ◦ C (ΔE = 2.16 GPa) Young Modulus (SC = 5)
Vibration mode ΔFrequency (Hz) ΔMAC Vibration Mode ΔFrequency (Hz) ΔMAC ΔFrequency (%)

Mode 1 0.060 0.000 Mode 1 0.520 0.001 4.37%

Mode 2 0.100 0.001 Mode 2 0.960 0.005 4.98%
Mode 3 0.120 0.001 Mode 3 1.080 0.006 4.77%
Mode 4 0.120 0.003 Mode 4 1.090 0.010 4.21%
Mode 5 0.130 0.001 Mode 5 1.320 0.007 4.15%

B. Barros et al. Engineering Structures 289 (2023) 116243

Table 10 comparison. The computational cost (time) and success rate were finally
R2 and RMSE obtained for the surrogate model of each modal parameter. normalized between [0–1] to compare both factors properly. Fig. 19
Output R2 RMSE shows the representation of both magnitudes for the different number of
initial nodes. As can be observed, the increase in the computational cost
Frequency 1 1.00 0.0038
Frequency 2 1.00 0.0041 follows a linear trend. However, the success rate increases asymptoti­
Frequency 3 1.00 0.0036 cally so that from 95 nodes, it remains almost constant. For this reason,
Frequency 4 1.00 0.0030 the number of initial nodes was fixed at 100, looking for a balance be­
Frequency 5 1.00 0.0030 tween accuracy and computational cost.
MAC 1 0.96 0.0002
MAC 2 0.99 0.0003
MAC 3 1.00 0.0003 5.5. Optimization of error ponderation and selection bound
MAC 4 1.00 0.0003
MAC 5 1.00 0.0003
Once the number of initial nodes was determined, the following
parameters were adjusted to maximize the accuracy of the whole
algorithm. Accordingly, the initial nodes will produce frequencies and methodology: the number of paths (N), the error ponderation (k), and
MAC values corresponding to equidistant values of the Young’s modulus the selection bound.
over its range of variation. Therefore, surrogate models were used to First, several simulations were performed to determine the optimal
compute these frequencies and MAC values and avoid the high value of N. The larger the value of this parameter, the more thoroughly
computational cost associated with directly evaluating the FE model at all damage possibilities are explored to predict each damage scenario.
each node. These approximation models were trained on a dataset of This results in a deeper exploration of the different damage combina­
1000 samples using the LHS technique [36]. The prediction accuracy tions but also a significant increase in computational cost due to the
was then quantified based on a 10-fold cross-validation procedure using large number of evaluations required. In other case studies where the
two different metrics: the coefficient of determination (R2) and the root effects of the potential damages are similar, resorting to high N values
mean square error (RMSE). In general, coefficients of determination may be necessary. However, for the bridge studied here, since the po­
above 0.90 provide acceptable accuracy for FE model responses, as tential damages induce significant differences in the modal properties,
stated in [64]. As shown in Table 10, the R2 obtained for the ten outputs as shown in Fig. 18, the algorithm already achieves reasonably good
equals or exceeds 0.99, except for the first MAC (0.96). This is because results by setting N = 2, thus implying a lower computational cost and a
the response is almost constant; however, it can be seen that it presents a lower false positive rate.
lower RMSE value (0.0002). Therefore, it can be concluded that the Once the parameter N was determined, the error ponderation (k) and
surrogate models accurately replace the FE model with minimum the selection bound were optimized. Since these parameters presented
computational cost. strong interaction effects, manual tuning was discarded. Thus, an opti­
Regarding the number of nodes of the first layer, a large number mization process using a genetic algorithm was performed to obtain the
allows us to predict the most likely environmental conditions more best combination of values that ensure a higher success rate. This
precisely, but at the same time, it increases the computational cost methodology was chosen because it is a global optimizer that fully ex­
critically. For this reason, a parametric analysis was performed to plores the search space. The problem was formulated as a discrete
evaluate the success rate of the algorithm and the computational cost as optimization in which the parameters were optimized with a resolution
a function of the number of initial nodes. The success rate is defined as of 0.1, aiming to find a balance between accuracy and computational
the number of damages correctly predicted by the algorithm over the cost. The ranges of both parameters were obtained through a parametric
total number of damages that compose each damage scenario. Thus, the analysis exploring the sensitive regions for each variable. For the error
number of initial nodes was varied from 5 to 125 in steps of 5. A total of ponderation (k), a range of [1-10] was determined (see Table 11) since
25 datasets containing 500 damage scenarios (each with two to four outside this range, the prediction results of the algorithm hardly showed
potential damages simultaneously applied) were simulated for this any variation. As for the selection bound, a range of [0.1 to 0.9] was
determined since the variable’s influence was notably lower towards the

Fig. 19. Comparison of success rate (blue) and computational cost (orange), both normalized between [0–1] when estimating environmental conditions using a
different number of initial nodes. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

B. Barros et al. Engineering Structures 289 (2023) 116243

Table 11 false positive an actual damage. The objective function was minimized
Ranges of the setting parameters in the optimization process. using a genetic algorithm, where the initial population consisted of 100
Parameter Range individuals created using Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS). The five
Min Max individuals with the best fitness values were passed to the next gener­
Error Ponderation (k) 1 10 ation (elitism). Regarding the new individuals, 70% were created using
Selection Bound 0.1 0.9 crossover, while 30% were created using mutation. The algorithm was
run for 150 generations. The optimal values for the setting parameters
were 8 for the error ponderation (k) and 0.4 for the selection bound. The
extremes of the search space. response surface described by the results at each iteration of the opti­
Subsequently, the optimization process was carried out using as an mization process is depicted in Fig. 20.
objective a function that quantifies the average Success Rate (SR) and
the number of False Positives (FP) for a dataset composed of 500 damage
scenarios to be predicted. The SR was previously defined, while the FP is 5.6. Validation results
defined as the number of damages incorrectly selected by the algorithm
that are not part of the scenario to be predicted. The objective function is After the setting parameters were optimized for the case study, a
defined in Equation (10): final validation was performed to obtain an average success and false
100 − SR positives rate. The false positives rate is defined as the number of
f = WSR * + WFP *FP (10) damages incorrectly selected by the algorithm (false positives) over the
sum of the number of false positives and the total number of damages
where WSR and WFP are weighting factors that were fixed at 1.0 and not part of the scenario to be predicted (true negatives).
0.05, respectively. These weights were selected after performing several To perform the validation, 20.000 damage scenarios (each with one
simulations and evaluating both terms of the objective function. These to four potential damages simultaneously applied) were simulated to
weight values mean a 95 % success rate would result in the same error as test the decision tree algorithm. Thus, a random dataset composed of
one false positive. In this sense, it was considered that for the sake of nineteen columns (one for each potential damage) was created, where
structural safety, it would be critical that the algorithm identified as each column was filled with ones and zeros depending on whether or not
the damage was present. Then, for the potential damages simultaneously

Fig. 20. Graphical representation of the objective function response surface obtained in the optimization process of the parameter settings of the developed decision
tree algorithm.

Fig. 21. Average success and false positives rate for different potential damages (P.D) simultaneously applied.

B. Barros et al. Engineering Structures 289 (2023) 116243

applied, the modal properties were computed using the updated FE Data availability
model. Finally, Gaussian noise was applied, as explained in section 5.4.
The success rate and the number of false positives were determined for The authors do not have permission to share data.
each prediction.
Thus, an average success rate of 95.83% and an average false positive Acknowledgments
rate of 1.01% were obtained. Analyzing the results (see Fig. 21), a sig­
nificant improvement can be observed when the maximum number of This project has received funding from the European Union’s Hori­
damages simultaneously applied decreases. In this sense, as the simul­ zon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No.
taneous damages increase, nonlinearities in the changes of the modal 958171.Work produced with the support of a 2021 Leonardo Grant for
parameters are more significant, as discussed in section 5.3. The ob­ Researchers and Cultural Creators, BBVA Foundation. The BBVA Foun­
tained results verify that the hypotheses were correctly validated and dation takes no responsibility for the opinions, statements, and contents
that the decision tree algorithm can provide robust and confident of this project, which are entirely the responsibility of its authors. The
predictions. support of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities
through the grant PRE2019-087331 is acknowledged. Work produced
6. Conclusions with the support of the Spanish Ministry of Universities through the
human resources program “Jose Castillejo 2021” (Ref.: CAS21/00203).
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