Seto 1985
Seto 1985
Seto 1985
Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon Press Ltd
The reaction rate does not depend on the number of functional groups of the oligomer at low
doses, but above 0.3 Mrad the rate is slower for oligomers of higher functionality. A gel
is formed more readily upon curing of a polyfunctional than a monofunctional oligcmer,
especially at high conversion to polymer; the resulting loss of flexibility of the polymer
chains slows the reaction. Decrease of the molecular weight per functional group results in
lower conversion; this is also due to the loss of chain flexibility, which is indicated as
well by a higher glass-transition temperature. Modification of the acrylate oligcmers with
urethane results in more effective cross-linking reactions because of the more rigid molec-
ular chains.
Addition of 7-FegO ~ pigment reduces the reaction rate very little, but has the effect of
providing added ~t~uctural integrity, as indicated by the decrease of solvent-extractable
material and the improvement of anti-abrasion properties. However, the flexibility of the
coating and its adhesion to a PET base film are diminished. To increase the flexibility,
linear polyvinylchloride and/or polyurethane were added to the acrylic oligcmers. Final
conversion to polymer was nearly 100 per cant, and a higher elastic modulus and better anti-
abrasion properties were realized.
Although the polymerization kinetics under electron-beam irradiation has been examined for
styrene[l], acrylates[2,3] and polybutadiene[4] among others, there have been few studies
concerned with the mechanical properties of the resin, which must be of high quality frc~
the point of view of industrial applications [5]. Appropriate selection and blending of
electron-beam curable resins are of special importance in the case of paint films such as in
magnetic tapes, in which the magnetic coating has a large content of magnetic pigment in
568 J. Sf~l(, et a l.
polymer binder.
Therefore, after first studying the basic electron-beam curing properties of various acrylic
oligcmers available commercially and of some urethane-modified acrylic oligomers which we
synthesized in order to fabricate a more flexible paint film, we next studied blend systems
of these oligomers with thermoplastic resins in order to optimize the required properties
for use in magnetic tape. Finally, we evaluated actual magnetic coatings fabricated using
these materials.
The u/ethane-modified acrylic oligcmers, UA-300, -700 and -1500, were synthesized by adding
a urethane group prepared by reacting 2,4-toluene-diisocyanate and 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate
to polyether-triols having molecular weights of 300, 700 and 1500, respectively. A-700 was
the product obtained by adding acrylic acid to the triol with molecular weight 700. The
other oligomers were purchased commercially.
Thermoplastic resins were used in studies of blend systems. One was a vinyl chloride-vinyl
acetate-vinyl alcohol copolymer (VAGR, Union Carbide) and the other was a linear polyurethane
(Nippon Polyurethane Co.).
Electron beam irradiation
EB curing was carried out in a nitrogen atmosphere (<100ppm 0 o) using a CB 150 lab unit
(Energy Sciences Inc.) with a bean voltage of 175 kV. The ex~_~t of reaction was measured
by observing the decrease of the IRabsorptionband at 1640 cm- assigned to the olefinic
double bond.
Number of Mw/Functional
Oiigomcr functional Mw Group
HEA; CH.. = CHCOO(CH~):OH 1 116 116
HDDA; CH. = CHCOO(CH..)aOOCCH = CH.. 2 226 113
NPGDA; (CH.. = CHCOOCH,.)..C(CH=)-. 2 212 106
TMPTA; (CH.. = CHCOOCH-.)3CC=H6 3 296 99
DPHA; [(CH.. = CHCOOCH~),CCH..]:O 6 578 96
TMPTEOA; [CH.. = CHCOO(CsHaO)CHshCCH-.CHs 3 470 157
UA-300; CHtO--(C,H,O),~-UA 3 1200 400
UA-700; CHO-(C=H60).-UA 3 1600 530
UA-I500; CHsO--(C,HaO)~-UA 3 2370 790
UA= - - ~ NHCOO(CH22
In Figure I, the percent conversion to polymer in the early stages of the reaction has the
same linear relationship to the dose regardless of the n~mber of functional groups. How-
ever, when the dose exceeds about 0.3 Mrad, higher conversion is observed for oligomers with
fewer functional groups. Table 2 shows that at a dose of 0.5 MEad the gel fraction is
greater for samples with a larger ramber of functional groups. Polyfunctional monomers
undergo a reaction process process similar to monofunctional monomers in the low-dose
region, whereas in the high dose region the mobility of the reactive species is decreased by
the gel formation.
In the low dose region, the rate of polymerization R for ~ is proportional in first
order to the dose rate as shown in Figure 2. This i~dicates that a moncmolecular termina-
tion reaction takes place in the low dose region.
Figures 3 and 4 show that the percent conversion is higher for oligcmers with greater molec-
ular weight per functional group.
Figures 6 and 7 show that greater gel formation occurs at comparable conversion in both
acrylates and urethane-acrylates of larger molecular weight per functional group. The
number density of reacted double bonds in the acrylates is five times greater than in the
urethane-acrylates at 100% gel fraction.
According to Flory's theory of gelation [7], for trifunctional oligomers 100% gelation is
reached at 66% conversion to polymer, provided that intramolecular reactions are neglected.
The conversion of urethane-acrylates at 100% gel fraction was slightly under 66% in all
cases, indicating the absence of intramolecular reactions. In contrast, the urm~dified
acrylates exceeded 80% conversion at 100% gel fraction.
At the same dose, the urethane acrylate UA-700 was at a lower conversion than the unmodified
acrylate A-700, although the gel fractions were nearly the same.
Thus in the unmodified acrylates reactions other than those effective in cross-link forma-
tion must take place, such as the cyclization reaction between neighboring functional groups
shown in Figure 8.
On the other hand, such cyclization reactions can not occur in the urethane-acrylates,
because of the rigidity of the molecular chains due to intermolecular hydrogen bending and
the presence of phenyl groups, which raises the Tg of UA-700 to 40 °C compared to -30 °C
for A-700.
Many of the acrylic oligomers discussed in the previous section are brittle and have poor
elastic and adhesive properties and high T . For application to magnetic tape coatings,
these characteristics must be improved by Blending with some other type of polymer.
We therefore investigated ~ curable polymer blends of the acrylic oligomers with ~ and
polyurethane. Since both of these latter are much less sensitive to the electron beam than
the former, the effects of any reactions involving them may be neglected.
Figure 9 shows the relation between the percent conversion and dose for the two blend
systems, VA(~/polyurethane/TMPTA and VAGR/polyurethane/DPHA. In both cases, increasing the
fraction of acrylic oligcmer significantly increases the amount of reacted double bonds at
the same dose, although the conversion slightly decreases. With sufficiently high dose the
conversion reaches nearly 100%.
570 J. Se'ro er al.
c 60
~o ~o
I f I 1 t
00 0.5 1.0 1.5
Dose (Mrod)
~: 10-I
~: 10"; m
o I
d-J 06 10 7
Dose rate. I [ r a d / s e c ]
Figure 2. Rate of polymerization, R n,
as a function of dose rat~.
Electron Beam Curin~ o f Acrvlic O l i o o m e r s 571
I 100
°°/ .~'-1 [
2ol/// I- A-V00 II
o 20 ;~
¢.~ Io oA-3ooI
I o UA-V0_0 I
I x UA-~500 I
I i I I I I I
O0 0.2 0.4 0.6 O0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Dose (Mrad) Dose (Mrad)
Figure 3. Percent conversion as a function Figure 4. Percent conversion as a function
of dose for acrylate oligomers. of dose for urethane-acrylate
i0 TI ' 1 ' I i
1 0 '~
\ :=75~C
-~io 9
\'\ ~,
\\ ',;
108i \ \
: UA-30o I \ %
UA-7OO I \
,-- UA- 1soo I k
~ C ZS:4/6-J
572 J. SETOet al.
0 f f ! f r
0 2 4 6 8 xlO"3
Reacted double bonds [ m o [ / c m 3]
80 f
C 60
I. 40
t9 20
0 ~I I t
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 xlO "3
Reacted doubte bonds [ m o i / c m 3]
CH CH Cyclizat ion CH
zt tt s/
CHz CH2 CH 2
100 O
•> 50
U Acrytute VAGH Pot yurethcu~e
2 (e o) 7 3
4(A A) 7 3
6( I m) t 3
I I f I
00 4 8 12
Dose (Mrad)
Figure 9. Percent conversion as a function of dose fOE
the blend systems of DPHA or TMPTA with VAGH
and polyurethane.
Dose ( Mrad )
• 1
A 3
O 4 • 10
° ~
m I I I I I
v0 2 4 6 8 10
Acrylate (g/(VAGH ?g • Polyu.3g))
The percent conversion is closely related to the swelling ratio shown in Figure i0 for
blends with VA(~ and polyurethane, which is a measure of the cross-link density. Results
were similar for blends with either VAGH or polyurethane alone. Figure ii shows that the
T~F-soluble fraction decreases with increasing dose and acrylate fraction.
The molecular weight distribution of the soluble fraction was examined by GPC. An example
is shown in Figure 12 for the DPHA oligomer. The low molecular-weight peak is the unreacted
DPHA and decreases rapidly as the reaction proceeds; this is acc(m~anied by a gradual
decrease of the high molecular-weight ~ t s , V A ~ and polyurethane. At a dose of 10
Mrad low molecular-weight components of these polymers can hardly be detected.
These results indicate that the EB cross-linked acrylic oligomers interact with the other
polymer components, which results in significant changes of their mechanical properties.
These studies of the swelling ratio, the amount of soluble fraction, and the molecular-
weight distribution of the soluble fraction indicate that in the cured samples molecularly
close interactions such as in interpenetrating networks must be present between the cured
oligcmer and the linear polymers.
If there were a simple "sea/island" type of mixing, two separate peaks of the dynamic loss
for each component would have been observed and the nominal fraction of the linear polymers
in the cured sa~ples should be entirely soluble [8,9].
These results demonstrate that the flexibility, adhesion to PET and T are improved by
forming blends with some types of linear polymers and are suitable foe application in
magnetic tape coatings.
Table 3 shows the compositions and characteristics of magnetic recording tapes fabricated by
using the EB curable polymer systems described in Section 2. Paints were prepared by first
thoroughly ball-milling the magnetic pignent together with surfactant in cyclohexanone and
then adding the acrylic oligomer, the linear polymer and olive oil as lubricant. Acicular
7-FegO ~ with adsorbed Co was used as the pigment, and had a coercive force of 700 Oe.
Tape~ ~ere fabricated by coating the paint on a PET film, orienting the pigment in a
magnetic field, drying, and then irradiating with the electron beam.
a) Magnetic properties
The squareness ratios of the hysteresis curves of magnetization of the EB cured tapes are
comparable to the values for conventional thermally cured tapes. These values are related
to the degree of dispersion of the pigment [I0]. The saturation magnetization of the
cured tapes are more than 20% greater than for conventional tapes; this may be explained by
the greater fluidity of the low-molecular-weight acrylic oligcmers, which causes a leveling
effect during film formation.
b) Young' S modulus
As shown in Figure 15, the Young's modulus increases rapidly with dose up to 5 Mrad and
gradually thereafter. The modulus is higher for the DPHA than for the TMPTA system because
of the greater number of functional groups, which gives rise to a much higher cross-link
density. Conioared to conventional thermal curing, a high modulus is easily attained by EB
d) _Loose powder
A practical requirement for magnetic tapes is high wear-resistance when they are run through
the tape recorder; it was evaluated by measuring the weight of the loose powder that is
rubbed off the surface of the magnetic coating by a #i000 sand paper.
Electron Beam Curing of Acrylic Oligomers 575
Dose ( Mrad )
o 2
E • 3
=u 40 • 5
• 10
o 20
< Thermal
2 4 6 8 10
Acrytdt e (g / (VAGH7g + Potyu,3g) )
Figure ii. Soluble fraction as a function of acrylate
fraction for DPHA/VAGH/polyurethane.
('Thermal' indicates the value for the
thermally cured reference film. )
...... 1
.... 3
--- 10
35 30 25
Etution Votume ( mt )
I I I I I l
- 1. 6 _
:5 .,.,2\\ ~ 7 ~ ~ o I
f,,oe I
~-----/---~%...~",, _~ 14 ? 3 8 I
J / ~ 15 7 3 ~S I
I I ,,. I I I 1
-50 0 50 100 150 200
Temperature (°C)
Figure 13. Dynamic rigidity (G') and dynamic loss (G")
vs. temperature for ~ ] 4 P T ~ p o l y u r e t h a n e
measured with a torsional braid analyzer.
, . \
\ "\
Id °
-,~ \ \
/%\ \ ~,~:
"I0 1o'
\, \\
\ ,\,~
1o' =-=o:,~ Tg 1\ '
• 10 0 -17"cJ-t
' 3 7
" 0 10 i
i! I 1
-50 0 50 100 50
Temperature ( °C )
Figure 14. Dynamic modulus (~') and dynamic loss (~")
vs. temperature for UA-1500/VAGR measured
with a Vibron apparatus.
Electron Beam Curing of Ac~'lic Oligomers 577
Table 3. C¢~uositions and characteristics of the magnetic
recording tapes fabricated.
_= DPHA / ~
/ OMrad
20 No. 1 tope(DPoHA)
- NO.9 tape
2 tape
10 (Thermal)
D Olivq~/~
t oil ~5 Mrad
10 20
| ,
Dose (Mrad)
4O 30 20
E i ut ion Vo| u m e (m I )
Figure 15. Young's modulus as a function of dose for I I I I I
polymer blends of DPHA and TMPTA with 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6
VA~] and polyurethane.
MolecuLar Weight
Figure 18 shows that the amount of loose powder decreases rapidly with increasing dose up to
i0 MEad, beyond which the increase is gradual. Of the tape samples, #8, with a U A - 1 5 0 0 / ~
binder, had the least amount of loose powder.
e) Adhesion
The bonding strength between the magnetic coating and the PET base film was evaluated by
measuring the 180 peeling strength. Figure 19 shows that the strength decreases with
curing. The slight increase in the peeling strength at doses of 15 to 20 Mrad is probably
due to degradation and recombination reactions at the interface between the polymer binder
end the PET base film.
f) Friction
The coefficient of friction ~_ decreases to a desirable value with a dose greater than 5
Mrad, end is comparable to or hess than that of the thermally cured tape. This may be due
to the higher Young's modulus that results fr~u EB curing (Figure 20).
The reaction rate does not depend on the number of functional groups of the oligomer at low
doses, but above 0.3 Mrad the rate is slower for oligomers of higher functionality. A gel
is formed more readily upon curing of a polyfunctional than a monofunctional oligcmer,
especially at high conversion to Polymer; the resulting loss of flexibility of the Polymer
chains slows the reaction. Decrease of the molecular weight per functional group results in
lower conversion; this is also due to the loss of chain flexibility, which is indicated as
well by a higher glass-transition temperature. Modification of the acrylate oligomers with
urethane resulted in more effective cross-linking reactions because of the more rigid molec-
ular chains.
We investigated EB curable polymer blends of the acrylic oligcmers with VAGR end poly-
urethane for application to magnetic tape coatings. Increasing the fraction of oligcmers
significantly increases the amount of reacted double bonds at the same dose, and at suffi-
ciently high dose the conversion reaches nearly 100%.
The flexibility, adhesion to PET and T n are improved to be suitable for application in
magnetic tape coatings by forming b l ~ with some linear polymers.
The characteristics of magnetic recording tapes fabricated by using the EB curable polymer
systems were evaluated. High Young's modulus, low coefficient of friction, high saturation
magnetization end less loose powder were realized, but the overall balance of their charac-
teristics requires greater peeling strength.
The authors are sincerely grateful to Dr. M. Kikuchi, Director of Sony Corporation Research
Center, for his continuing interest and encouragement.
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V,T., J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 16, 645 (1972)
3) Labana, S.S., J. Polym. Sci. A-I 8, 179 (1970)
4) Hayashi, K., Tachibana, M. and Oksmura, S., O. Polym. Sci. Pollau. Chem. Ed. 18, 2785
5) Oraby, W. and Walsh, W.K., J. AR~I. Polym. Sci. 23, 3227 (1979)
6) seto, j., ~uchi, T., Nagai, T. and Azakawa, S., K ~ ~ 40, 9 (1983)
7) Flory, P.J., "Principles of Polymer Chemistry", Japanese Ed. (transl. Oka, S. and
Kanamaru, K.), Maruzen, p. 342 (1956)
8) Takayanagi, M., Uemura, S. and Minami, S., O. Polym. Sci. C5, 113 (1964)
9) Seto, J., Nagai, T. and Taguchi, H., Preprint, Annual Meeting Soc. Rheol. Japan, Vol.
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Electron BeamCuringof Acrylic Oligomers 579
O No. 1 tope
I I ~I
5 15 20
Oose (Mrud) I t
10 20
Dose ( Mrad )
Figure 17. Swelling ratio as a function of dose for
tape coatings fabricated with polymer blends
of DPHA and TMPTA with ~ and polyurethane.
-~ No. 9 tape
"~ 0.3
~ 50 u 0.2 NO. 2 Tape I-I
N No
// 0.1 No.,
0 F
0 10 20 0 5 10
Dose (Mrad)
Dose ( Mrad )