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Journal Full Title: Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences DOI: 10.37871 (CrossRef)
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Hydrogels: A Novel Drug Delivery

Tayyaba Rana1, Madeeha Fatima2, Abdul Qayyum Khan3*, Zainab
Naeem1, Sumiyya Javaid1, Nayab Sajid4 and Aamna Habib4
University of central Punjab, Pakistan
The University of Faisalabad, Pakistan
Hannover Medical School, Germany
University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan

ABSTRACT *Corresponding author

Abdul Qayyum Khan, Department of Pharm-D,

Hannover Medical School, Hanover, Germany
Hydrogels are water-swollen networks, which are cross-linked structures consisting of
hydrophilic polymers. They are made three-dimensional by the creation of the cross-links by joining Tel: +009-233-34384-799
them through covalent or ionic bonds. Hydrogels have been used in various areas including industry E-mail:
and medicine due to their excellent characteristics such as high swelling capacity, high content of DOI: 10.37871/jbres1176
water, compatibility with other biological molecules, controlled chemical and physical properties,
high mechanical integrity and biodegradability. They have been the center of attention of researchers Submitted: 20 December 2020
from the past 50 years because of their promising applications in industries and other areas. They Accepted: 23 December 2020
are used in different fields, in medicine, in the diagnosis of the diseases, in culturing of cells, in
injuries as wound healers, in cosmetics, in skin diseases like pruritis, in environmental pollution Published: 24 December 2020
reduction and other miscellaneous applications such as in diapers for babies and sanitary products. Copyright: © 2020 Rana T, et al. Distributed
Extensive literature can be found on the subject of hydrogels. The present review discusses the under Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0
history, description of hydrogels, basic properties, classification, different techniques or methods of
hydrogel synthesis and the areas in which hydrogels find applications.

Subject: General Science

Topic & Subtopic(s): Community Health, Family



The word “hydrogel”, as stated by Lee, Kwon and Park, has been used since
1894 but that material was not a hydrogel but a colloidal gel (of inorganic salts) [1].
These gels are made of polymeric matrices but they do not dissolve instead they
swell [2]. Anyhow, the first accurate hydrogel having a cross-linked network was
reported by Wichterle and Lim in 1960 for the first time [3]. It was a polyhydroxy
ethyl methacrylate hydrogel that was synthesized with the aim of its usage in
permanent contacts. Hydrogels are the first to be synthesized for uses inside the
patient. After that the researches on the topic of hydrogels and their biomedical
applications started to rise [4]. Some influential and important work was performed
on hydrogels in the 1980s by Lim and Sun [5].

They have been used in medicine from about fifty years ago. Their history goes
way back although the discussion in literature involves more information about
their use in medical and pharmaceutical areas. The history of hydrogels has been
classified in three different generations. The first generation included cross-
linking techniques that involved chemical alterations. These modifications were
applied to achieve high swelling and good mechanical characteristics [6]. The
second generation contains materials that are sensitive to and respond to specific
stimuli, for example, pH, concentration, and temperature. The second-generation
hydrogels were made to overcome the problems of mechanical strength. Finally, VOLUME: 1 ISSUE: 8

How to cite this article: Rana T, Fatima M, Khan QA, Naeem Z, Javaid S, Sajid N, Habib A. Hydrogels: A Novel
Drug Delivery System. J Biomed Res Environ Sci. 2020 Dec 24; 1(8): 439-451. doi: 10.37871/jbres1176, Article ID:
the third generation then focused on investigating and density, nature of monomers, and cross-linkage [17]. The
developing stereo complex materials and hydrogels that charged hydrogels swell when they are exposed to the
were cross-linked through physical interactions. This electrical field and undergo shape changes [18].
development led to the development of “smart hydrogels”
that are polymeric matrices with a broad spectrum of Classiϐication of hydrogels
tailorable attributes [7]. These gels maintain their stability
The main constituents of the hydrogels are biopolymers
in the fluctuating condition such as temperature [8].
or polyelectrolytes [19]. Hydrogels can be divided into
different types according to the source from which they have
WHAT ARE HYDROGELS? been and the ionic charges, appearance, configuration and
type of cross-linkages. These are classified based on below
A hydrogel can be described as a three dimensional
network formed by hydrophilic polymers which can expand
in water. These polymers can hold copious amounts of water Source:
without disrupting the structure [9]. Some researchers define
it as a swollen polymeric material retaining a significant i. Natural origin: These hydrogels contain natural
volume of water in it without itself being dissolved in polymers, for instance, proteins (gelatin and
water [10]. Hydrogels are novel drug deliverers that can collagen) and other polysaccharides (starch, agarose,
aid in the delivery of several kinds of drug molecules either and alginate) [20].
therapeutic or diagnostic nature. They are also suitable
carriers for immunological products such as vaccines and ii. Synthetic origin: These are constituted from
other biological products like plasmas and seras and valvular synthetic polymers that are synthesized by chemical
intestinal cells [11]. polymerization methods [21].

Hydrogels, owing to their high water load, show Nature of hydrogel: Hydrogels can be of different types
flexibility that is similar to natural tissue. They owe this in nature [22].
property to the existence of different functional groups in
i. Physical gels: These transitions from liquid to gel in
them that are hydrophilic. These groups include:
turn of environmental changes (pH, temperature or
• -COOH pressure) or mixing. Physical gels are also called as
• -NH2 reversible gels.

• -OH ii. Chemical gels: These gels involve covalent

• -CONH bonding for mechanical integrity and resistance to
• -CONH2 degradation. These gels are also called as permanent
• -SO3H [12]

A polyampholyte hydrogel consists of negative and iii. Biochemical gels: These involve biological agents
positive ions are bound to the backbone [13]. The resistance such as amino acids or enzymes as participants of the
of hydrogels to dissolution occurs due to the cross-linkage gelation process.
between the chains in the network [14]. This network can
Configuration: Hydrogels can be put into different
include both natural and synthetic materials.
classes depending on their morphology such as:
The synthetic hydrogels are gradually taking the place of
i. Amorphous (non-crystalline)
the natural ones during the last two decades due to the better
properties presented by the synthetic hydrogels for instance, ii. Semicrystalline
high water absorption capacity and incredible strength. They
show a well-defined morphology which can also be modified iii. Crystalline [23]
or altered to get desired traits such as strength, functionality
Physical appearance: Hydrogels can be organized into
and biodegradability [15].
various classes based on how they appear, these are as
Hydrogels can undergo transitions such as gel-sol follows:
transition or transitions in the volume phase as a result
i. Matrix
of different biochemical stimuli and physical or chemical
stimuli [16]. Physical stimuli comprise electric fields, ii. Film
temperature, pressure, light intensity, the composition of
the solvent and magnetic field. In contrast, the chemical and iii. Microsphere
biochemical stimuli involve pH, chemical compositions, and
various ions. In most cases, these transitions are reversible. This appearance usually depends on the polymerization
A hydrogel’s response to stimuli is dependent on the charge method being used in the preparation process [24].

Rana T, et al. (2020) J Biomed Res Environ Sci, DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.37871/jbres1176 440
Type of cross-linking: The cross-link junctions in the swollen in a liquid medium [35]. They can absorb from
hydrogels can have chemical or physical nature. a minimum of 10 to 20% to 1000 folds of their dry weight
present in water. When a dry hydrogel soaks up the water,
i. Chemical cross-linkage has a permanent junction. the molecules infiltrating the hydrogel matrix moistens the
polar hydrophilic groups in it. After the hydration of these
ii. Physical cross-linkages have transient junctions
oppositely charged groups, the network swells and exposure
to the hydrophobic groups occurs [36].
Polymeric composition: Classification into different
types on the method of their preparation is as follows:
Mechanical properties

Homopolymeric hydrogels: Contain a polymeric These properties of the hydrogels can vary relying on the
network having a single monomer species [26]. These purpose of use of the substance. A gel with high rigidity can
hydrogels can be used as scaffolds for the promotion of cell be obtained by increasing the cross-linkages in it. In contrast
adhesion and the regeneration of spinal cord cells [27]. this rigidity can be reduced by heating these materials. Such
as gelatin shows an increase in the Young Modulus through
Copolymeric hydrogels: Comprise of two or more cross-linking [37]. The Young Modulus is the result of the
species of different monomers with a minimum of one interaction between the gel matrix and solution, i.e., water.
lipophobic component. These components are usually The hydrogel cross-linking density can be assessed by
arranged in different configurations, such as random or employing Flory’s theory and Young’s Modulus [38].
block configuration along the polymer network chain. For
example, cellulose and CMC were used in the manufacture of Porosity and permeation
PVP based hydrogels [28].
The factors that affect the hydrogel matrix include the
Semi-Interpenetrating polymeric hydrogels: This interconnections between the pores, the average size of the
network is formed by penetration of one linear chained pore and the distribution of pore size. All these factors add
polymer into another cross-linked network and they have up to form a significant parameter called tortuosity [39]. The
no chemical bonds in between them [29]. influencing factors for the distribution of pore-size are as
Interpenetrating Polymeric Hydrogels (IPN): This class
has two synthetic or natural independent and cross-linked  Chemical cross-link concentrations of the polymer
polymeric components in a network configuration [30]. strands.

Electrical charge:  Physical entanglements present in the polymer

i. Nonionic - having no charge [31].
 Net charge present on the polyelectrolyte hydrogel.
ii. Ionic - having either a negative or positive charge.

iii. Amphoteric electrolyte (Ampholytic). The influencing factors of the porous structure of a
hydrogel include:
iv. Zwitterionic [32].
 Type of the surrounding solution.
 Diffused ionic solutes in solution.
Hydrogels are finding many applications in domestic
and industrial areas due to its properties.  Dissolved uncharged solutes.

Hydrogels have:
The high porosity enable them to uptake large amounts
 Both solid and liquid-like properties of water and swell [40]. The porous microstructure of
hydrogels can be determined by various methods [41].
 High biocompatibility [33]
Cross linking
 Maximum absorption capacity
The hydrogels are characterized by networks of polymers
 Preferred particle size and desired porosity
formed by cross-links. The properties of the hydrogels are
 Shrink on drying altered by the presence of the number of cross-links [42].
The cross-links are of various types and they vary according
 Responsive to stimuli [34]
to the type such as if they are bound physically or chemically
[43]. The tailorable characteristics of hydrogels come
from the type of cross-linkage and that is how they can be
Hydrogels are polymers with cross-linkages that become optimized [44].

Rana T, et al. (2020) J Biomed Res Environ Sci, DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.37871/jbres1176 441
METHODS OF PREPARATION OF HY- Co-polymeric hydrogels
DROGELS They comprise of two monomer types from which one is
lipophobic (Water-loving). Gong et al. produced the triblock
They consist of cross-linked water interacting network
Poly(Ethylene Glycol)-Poly(caprolactone)-Poly(Ethylene
of polymer that gives it an elastic structure. To produce a
Glycol) (PECE) co-polymeric biodegradable hydrogel for
hydrogel such techniques are used that can form a cross-
drug delivery [50]. The ring-opening copolymerization
linked polymer [45]. A standard method to produce cross- technique was implied for -caprolactone. For triblock
linkage is the free-radical polymerization. Some ways to synthesis the initiator used was mPEG, the catalyst was
cross-link water-soluble linear polymers include: stannous octoate and the coupling agent was hexamethylene
diisocyanate. When applied in-situ, this co-polymeric block
Linking the polymer chains via a chemical reaction forms a hydrogel.

Use of ionizing radiation for the generation of main- In another study, Kim and his co-workers synthesized
chain free radicals that can recombine as cross-link copolymers of methacrylic acid (MAA) with PEG-PEGDA by
junctions using the technique of free-radical photo-polymerization.
They used tetra (ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate as the
 Physical interactions, i.e., electrostatics [24] cross-linking agent and 1-hydroxycyclohexyl phenyl ketone
as an initiator. A nitrogen atmosphere was maintained for
As stated in the above classification, they are divided 30-minutes, and the process was done under UV light. The
into three classes based on the technique used in their hydrogel formed was loaded with insulin successfully [51].
preparation. These are as follows:
Inter Penetrating Network (IPN)
IPNs are formed by combining two polymers intimately
Cross-linked homopolymers hydrogels are usually used when one polymer is synthesized in the presence of the other
for contact lens production and one way to prepare it is by polymer. This is done by immersion of a pre-polymerized
hydrogel in a solution of monomers and an initiator. The
selecting poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) as a monomer,
main advantages of IPNs are resilient mechanical properties,
cross-linking agent; polyethylene glycol dimethacrylate and
more efficient drug loading, and controllable physical
UV-sensitive initiator; benzoin isobutyl ether. The cross-
properties [52].
linked film is formed in de-ionized water and then treated
with UV radiation ( = 253.7 nm) for 20 minutes. The next An example of IPN is the modification of
step is the immersion in water for 24 hrs until fully saturated polyethyleneglycol diacrylate hydrogel with -chitosan.
and non-toxic [46]. This modification resulted in improved biocompatibility.
This was done by using a 2 percent chitosan solution for
Another way to synthesize the poly HEMA hydrogel is the mixing a 10 percent aqueous PEGDA solution. UV radiations
use of low molecular weight cross-linking agent. The use of were used for the formation of cross-links leading to the
formation of IPN hydrogel.
this agent forms a soft hydrogel containing about 30-40
percent of water and high permeation ability of oxygen. This Kim et al. attempted to extend the applications of
makes it suitable for contact lenses, soft tissue implants, another classic biomaterial; Polyurethane (PU), by making
and carriers for drug delivery [47]. its IPN with Polyacrylamide (PAA) [53]. The result was an
IPN hydrogel that could control water absorption. For this
Polyethelene glycol-based hydrogels that are responsive purpose, both PAA and PU were mixed and exposed to UV
to external stimuli are suitable for efficient and controlled radiation. The cross-linking agents used for this process
drugs, biomolecules, proteins, and growth factor release. A were methylenebisacrylamide and vinylpyrrolidone. These
novel technique of PEG hydrogel formation, introduced by types of IPN-PU hydrogels find applications in DDS, artificial
Lin and Anseth, is called as ‘Click’ chemistry. This method muscles, wound dressing material, and sensor systems [54].
has the advantage of rapid, specific reaction and versatility
in bio-conjugation [48].
Cross-linked networks of natural biopolymers such as
Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) hydrogels formation includes
alginate, carboxymethylcellulose, and chitosan have been
interchanging cycles of freezing and thawing. This method
seen. Synthesis polymers such as polyvinyl pyrrolidone [55],
of PVA material preparation provides greater mechanical polythene glycol [56], polyacrylic acid [57], polyethylene
strength as compared to UV radiation. Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone oxide [58], polymethacrylate [59] and polylactic acid [60]
(PVP) hydrogels can be synthesized by radiation technique have been cross-linked to form hydrogels. Several methods
and used in wound healing [49]. for the synthesis of hydrogels include physical crosslinking

Rana T, et al. (2020) J Biomed Res Environ Sci, DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.37871/jbres1176 442
[25], chemical cross-linking [61], grafting polymerization use of 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid for
[62], and radiation cross-linking [63]. These modifications cross-linking acrylic acid and -carrageenan for producing
can enhance the viscoelasticity and other properties for biodegradable hydrogels [74]. Carrageenan hydrogels also
applications in the pharmaceutical and biomedical field [64]. find applications in the industry for the immobilization of
enzymes [75]. Epichlorohydrin can be used as a cross-linker
Physical cross-linking for synthesizing hydrogels from cellulose by heating and
freezing techniques [76].
Physical or reversible gels have been a topic of interest
because they do not need cross-linking agents for their Grafting: Grafting is done by the polymerization of a
production and they are relatively easy to produce. Various monomer on a preformed polymer backbone. Grafting can
methods used for cross-linking to produce physical gels be divided into two types; chemical grafting of radiation
include: grafting. Chemical grafting involves the activation of
polymer chains by chemical reagents for example the use of
Heating or cooling a polymer solution: The hot
N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone to graft starch with acrylic acid [77].
solutions of carrageenan or gelatin are cooled to form cross-
Said et al. prepared CMC hydrogel by using electron beam
linked gels. The gels formation occurs because of the helix
radiation [62].
formation and association between the helices [65]. Hennink
and Nostrum reviewed the polyethylene glycol-polylactic Radiation Cross-linking
acid hydrogels formed by physical cross-linking by simply
warming the solutions of polymers [25]. Another technique for the preparation of these systems
is by cross-linking the polymers. This method involves the
Ionic Interactions: This method includes the addition use of free radical production in the polymer followed by its
of divalent and trivalent counter ions to cross-link the exposure to a high energy source. It is a useful method as
polymers. Some examples of hydrogels formed by ionic it does not require any chemical additives. It is also a cost-
interaction include chitosan-glycerol phosphate salt [66] effective process for the modification of biopolymers to be
and chitosan-polylysine [67]. used for biomedical applications [78].

Complex Coacervation: Literature has also shown

another method that involves the sticking of oppositely
charged polymers and forming complexes that depend on Morphology, elasticity, and the swelling property
the pH and concentration of the solutions. Esteban et al. are various parameters on which the hydrogels can be
formed a polyionic hydrogel by coacervating xanthan and characterized. The morphology indicates the structure of
chitosan [68]. Polyionic complexes form as the proteins are the hydrogel or its porosity. The swelling property indicated
positively charged below their isoelectric points and tend to the mechanism by which the drug is released from the
associate with the negatively charged hydrocolloids [69]. polymeric material, and the third parameter elasticity shows
the strength and stability of the polymeric network and
Hydrogen Bonding: Hydrogels formed by hydrogen
drug carriers respectively [79]. These three parameters are
bonding involve reducing the pH of polymer solutions that
discussed in detail in the following paragraphs.
have carboxyl groups. Takigami et al. reported the formation
of CMC hydrogel by hydrogen bonding after dispersing CMC Morphological characterization
in a solution of HCL 0.1M [70].
The morphology of hydrogels includes its shape,
Freeze Thawing: Freeze-thaw cycling is another form, and structure and it is determined through a
way of physically cross-linking the polymers to obtain stereomicroscope. The texture of the polymers such as
hydrogels. The principle of this technique is the microcrystal starch, can be assessed by the SEM technique [80].
formation after freeze-thawing. Giannouli et al. performed
cryogelation of the xanthan polymers to form hydrogel [71]. X-ray diffraction

Chemical cross linking Xray diffraction is employed to evaluate the molecular

organization and nanoscale structure of an organic hydrogel
It can be done by various techniques that involve the in its hydrated form. It may also be used to the transition of
grafting process or linkage of two polymer chains by a cross- polymers from their crystalline form to another during the
linking agent. processing [81].

Chemical cross-linkers: Cross-linking agents such In-vitro release study for drugs
as glutaraldehyde [72] and epichlorohydrin [73] were
employed to synthesize hydrogels containing both natural The release studies of drugs from the hydrogel carriers
and synthetic polymers. This technique includes the are essential to understand the mechanism of release. The
addition of new molecules for producing cross-linked duration taken by the hydrogel to release the drug is also of
chains in the polymeric chains. Literature also shows the significant importance [82].

Rana T, et al. (2020) J Biomed Res Environ Sci, DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.37871/jbres1176 443
FTIR property of high permeability [88]. The main advantage is
that they can be used for sustained release of drugs with a
The IR absorption spectra of the hydrogels changes if high concentration to a specific area in the body [89]. Studies
there is any alteration in their morphology. These changes in have also suggested the use of hydrogels for the long term
the spectra can be determined by using FTIR. The appearance delivery of drugs by gastro-retentive mechanisms [90].
of bands shows the cross-linking of the polymers [83].
To enhance the binding of a drug to the matrix of
Swelling behavior hydrogel (To extend the drug release time), both chemical
and physical strategies can be used [91]. The drug can be
The following equation can calculate the swelling
released from hydrogels according to different local changes
percentage (S%) of the hydrogels:
(stimuli) such as temperature, pH, physical stimuli, or some
S (%) = (Ws – Wd)/ Wd *100, specific enzymes.

Wd: Dry hydrogel The examples of such hydrogels are as follows:

Ws: Swollen hydrogel [84]. • pH-sensitive hydrogels: pH is one of the most

crucial parameters for DDS, as pH changes occur at
Rheology many body sites such as the stomach or other specific
tissues [92]. To form pH-sensitive hydrogels, both
The viscosity of the hydrogels can be evaluated by the
basic and acidic polymers are used, for example:
Cone plate viscometer at a constant temperature, i.e., 4°C
[85]. Acidic Polymers: PAA, Sulfonamide containing polymers
Measurement of gel content
Basic: Ethyl methacrylate, Polyvinyl pyridine [94]
The gel content can be determined by putting the sample
in 200 mesh and washing it three times with distilled water • Temperature-sensitive hydrogels in DDS:
following extraction at 80°C in distilled water for 24 h. The Temperature-sensitive hydrogels are responsive to
remaining gel was dried. changes in the temperature of the body. These can
be formed by using thermosensitive polymers, for
Gel content can be measured gravimetrically as follows:
example, Poly N-isopropylacrylamide and Poly N,
Gelation (%) = Wd/ Wo*100, N diethyl acrylamide [95]. Methylcellulose has also
been seen to be triggered by thermal transitions [96].
Wd: Weight after extraction
Dyes and heavy metal ions removal
Wo: Initial weight [86].
The waste-water of many industrial procedures can
APPLICATIONS OF HYDROGELS cause heavy metal pollution, which can be a severe threat
to the health of the public and the eco-systems. Thus the
Hydrogel applications are widespread in various fields,
removal of these dangerous heavy metal ions is of great
due to their compatibility with different usage conditions
scientific interest. Hydrogels find applications in this regard
and their specific structures. The flexibility of hydrogels
as well. They act as adsorbents to remove heavy metals and
makes them easy to be availed in various areas that range
toxic compounds. The functional groups such as carboxyl,
from biological to industrial areas. Due to their non-
phosphonic, sulfonic, and nitrogen on the surface of
toxic nature and chemical compatibility with biological
hydrogels can favor the absorption of the metal ions [97].
environments their use extends to medical sciences. Some
However, the use of hydrogels for heavy metal ion toxicity
primary uses of the hydrogels in industry and medicine are
on large scales is not economical [98].
as following fields.
Studies have reported that hydrogels are excellent dye
Drug delivery
adsorbents. They can absorb materials with high amounts of
The astounding characteristics of hydrogels make them methylene blue dye. Polyelectrolytes have been reported to
a significant candidate for controlled drug delivery systems be significant in heavy metal ions removal as they can bind
(Systems that deliver the drug at a predetermined rate and to the oppositely charged metal ions forming complexes
time) [87]. This can help to overcome various problems that [99].
may occur while handling some formulations.
Other examples of hydrogels that can be used for metal
The hydrogels are suitable for the loading and proper ion removals are starch, chitosan, cellulose derivative, and
release of many drugs because of their high porosity (Due alginate. Other phenomena like chelation and sorption also
to cross-linking and swelling) that, in turn, give them the aid hydrogels in removing metal ions [100].

Rana T, et al. (2020) J Biomed Res Environ Sci, DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.37871/jbres1176 444
Biosensors in appropriate conditions. Tissue engineering offers the
potential for regeneration of almost any tissue or organ in a
A biosensor is a combination of chemical and physical human body [108].
sensors [101]. It is a device used to sense and report a
biophysical property of any system. A biosensor has a Hydrogels are an excellent option for a scaffold material
biological recognition part known as a bioelement which due to the similarity of their structures to many tissues.
makes analyzing biological information possible. Biosensors They provide the advantage of minimal invasion for delivery
find applications in the following areas: and easy processing in mild conditions [109].

• Point-of-care testing The material and scaffold design selection depend upon
several variables, such as physical properties, biological
• Environmental monitoring
properties, and mass transfer properties depending on the
• Diagnostics [102] environment in which it will be placed and the intended
application [110]. For example, the type of scaffold and its
Bioelement has different structures similar to enzymes, structure varies for the production of artificial skin and that
living cells or tissues and antibodies but the critical aspect is for artificial bone.
its specificity [103]. The biological molecules can be coupled
with sensors by various methods such as covalent bonding, Hydrogels for this purpose can belong to either synthetic
entrapment into membranes or matrix and physical or natural materials. It is easy to control the chemistry as
adsorption. Hydrogels have also been manipulated to be well as the structure of synthetic hydrogels, which in turn
used in diagnostic purposes or tests such as ECG (Used as can help in altering their properties. The natural polymers
medical electrodes). forming hydrogels have favorable in vivo interaction, for
example, chitosan and alginate [111].
The hydrogels can be used in biosensors by coating them
on the sensing device (Such as an electrode) or by acting as a • In tissue engineering applications, the hydrogels
3D matrix or supporting bioelements. Hydrogels can protect have three purposes, which are:
the sensor parts in a biosensor by preventing undesirable
interactions with cells or biological molecules. Various • Agents for filling vacant spaces (Act as bioadhesives,
studies have been performed that depict the potential of bulking agents, preventing adhesions)
hydrogels for cell culture. These can be used in endothelial
• Carriers for bioactive molecules
injury, cardiovascular diseases in which the blood vessels
may be reformed to treat the disease, the formation of
• 3D structures for supporting cells
proteins that can accelerate the growth process and bone
remodeling [104]. • Hydrogel scaffolds based on polymers such as
alginate, collagen, and chitosan are generally used
They can give an excellent environment to enzymes or
as bulking agents [112]. Synthetic hydrogels such as
other biomolecules for the preservation of their activity
polyethylene glycol act as anti-adhesive materials
and functional structure. Hydrogels can also immobilize
in conditions such as in the prevention of post-
biosensing elements. Some examples for different biosensors
operative adhesions.
in hydrogel matrices include glucose-responsive hydrogels,
DNA, antibody-antigen based sensors and oligonucleotides When acting as vehicles for stabilizing and delivering the
[105]. bioactive molecules to target tissues, the hydrogels allow the
drug delivery to only the desired tissues minimizing toxicity
Living sensors are another group of biosensors, in
to the other tissues. Some of the examples of their carrier
which hydrogels are combined with living microorganisms
hydrogels include ionically cross-linked alginate hydrogels
or cells forming living cell-polymer composites [106].
and glutaraldehyde cross-linked collagen sponges [113]. PVA
The 3D structures, biocompatibility, and the high water
content make the hydrogels suitable for the entrapment for is another hydrophilic polymer that is finding applications
cells or bacteria. An example of the living sensor is Arxula in drug delivery [114].
adeninivorans LS3 (A biological recognition element) used to
Hydrogels can act as 3D networks for supporting cells
determine the biodegradable pollutants in the waste water
and the formation of an ideal tissue because of being able
to be highly hydrated. This makes the hydrogels suitable for
Tissue engineering the goal of tissue development [115].

Tissue engineering refers to the combination of materials, Blanchard et al. used the keratin-based hydrogels for
cells, and engineering for the improvement or replacement cell scaffolds in tissue engineering [116]. Chitosan-based
of biological organs. This requires the searching and finding hydrogels such as beta-glucan have also been studied as
proper cell types and a suitable scaffold for culturing them candidates for 2D and 3D scaffolds [117].

Rana T, et al. (2020) J Biomed Res Environ Sci, DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.37871/jbres1176 445
Injectable hydrogel for regeneration of the spinal Leonardo da Vinci. Polyhydroxyethyl methacrylate lenses
cord were developed in the late 1960s by Professor Otto Wichterle
which then started the era of soft lenses [126].
SCI defined as a complex degenerative disorder that is
caused by growth inhibition due to trauma to the tissues of An acceptable contact lens has a high oxygen permeability
the spinal cord [118]. The use of hydrogels can sometimes because when a contact lens is placed on the cornea that
recover these injuries. The viscoelastic hydrogels are two main problems that occur include the prevention of
converted from a liquid to a gel after being injected into the oxygen exchange and hypoxic stress (disturbance of natural
site of injury. Small spaces or transected parts are formed in physiological metabolism of the cornea) [127]. A proper
SCI, which are filled by hydrogels [119]. choice of contact lens shape and material is necessary for
minimizing these problems [128].
These hydrogels can be loaded with therapeutic agents
before injecting them into the site of injury. However, the Hydrogels are the best solution for this problem because
properties of these hydrogel scaffolds should resemble that they can cover the following requirements:
of spinal cord tissues [120].
• Superior mechanical characteristics
The requirements for the designing parameters include: • Oxygen permeability
• Creating a scaffold for cellular infiltration • Surface wettability
• Maintenance of bioactivity • Good optical properties
• Provision of sustained delivery of loaded agents • Hydrolysis stability
• Tunable and local delivery of therapeutic agents • Sterilizing

Design parameters include: • No toxicity

• Designed scaffold’s mesh size, • Biological tolerance towards living cells [129].

• Mechanical characteristics of the gel material Typical hydrogels used for contact lenses include
dihydroxy methacrylates, acrylamides, methacrylic acid
• Biocompatibility of materials used for injured site
and many other monomers [130]. Their right swelling and
• Conditions of mild solidification permeability properties make them suitable and efficient for
use in lenses [131].
• Suitable porosity

• Rate of degradation Colon speciϐic drug delivery

• Bioactivity Hydrogels also find applications in the colon-specific
drug delivery. For this purpose, polysaccharides are used as
Injectable hydrogels can either be natural or
polysaccharidase enzymes are present in high concentration
synthetic, having their pros and cons. Examples of some
in the colon. These hydrogels provide tissue specificity to the
injectable hydrogels include glycidyl methacrylate and
drugs in the colon [132]. The controlled delivery of Ibuprofen
polyamidoamine macromers (After undergoing gelation
has been achieved by hydrogel of guargum with cross-
process) [121]. Injectable hydrogels are patient-friendly as
linking agent glutaraldehyde [133]. Dextran based hydrogels
they are minimally invasive. They provide an easy mixing
are also found to be promising as carriers of therapeutic
of cells or bioactive molecules with the polymer solutions
agents for colon-specific drug delivery [134].
which in turn can quickly form the 3D microenvironments in
desired shapes [122]. Cosmetology
Enzyme mediated injectable hydrogels such as hydrogels Hydrogels are also good candidates for cosmetic use as
containing tyramine conjugated polymers are used in drug they impart emulsion stability and conditioning [135]. They
delivery systems and as scaffolds due to their high elasticity are useful as carriers for cosmetic agents in delivery and
[123]. Studies have also been done for the role of hydrogels protection purposes as they liquefy at body temperature
having antigen-antibody interactions in the formation of an [136]. They are also used for aesthetic purposes [137].
injectable 3D network [124].
Topical drug delivery
Contact lenses
Hydrogels are also good candidates for the topical
Synthetic hydrogels have bio-applications in delivery of various therapeutic agents [138]. Hydrogels have
ophthalmology, especially in contact lenses [125]. The been made to deliver a synthetic corticosteroid Desonide
concept of contact lenses was first described in 1508 by which is used as an anti-inflammatory. These hydrogels

Rana T, et al. (2020) J Biomed Res Environ Sci, DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.37871/jbres1176 446
provide moisturizing properties and prevent scaling and the diapers for children. A super absorbent cross- linked
dryness [139]. Antifungal formulations like cotrimazole polymer starch-g-polyacrylate has been used since 1978 for
have also been developed as hydrogel formulations [140]. this purpose in Japan [151]. The diapers and other hygiene
Hydrogels containing extracts of medicinal plants have been products made of SAP hydrogels provide the advantage of
synthesized for the treatment of topical dermatitis [141]. moisturized skin, no rashes and improved skin health. These
Polyacrylic polymers have been found to have promising hydrogels based diapers also prevent contamination, germ
results in topical drug delivery due to their bioadhesive colonization and reduce leakage. The weight of diapers could
properties [142]. also be reduced by using these hydrogels other disposable
products such as napkins, bed sheets for hospitals and
Modiϐied dosage forms
sanitary towels [152].
Biomacromolecules such as heparin can be manufactured
as modified dosage forms [143]. Insulin can be delivered LIMITATIONS OF HYDROGELS
to the absorption site with hydrogels by entrapping in a
In addition to all the merits related to hydrogels, there
polymer matrix. Cross linkers such as N, N’ – methylene
are some demerits or limitations as well. However, the
bisacrylamide have been found to provide maximum
number of advantages of the hydrogels as carriers for drugs
entrapment efficiency. Thus these hydrogels prevent the
relatively high as compared to the demerits. Most of these
unwanted degradation of drugs like insulin [144].
limitations can be overcome but some substantial challenges
Wound healing remain to exist with the hydrogels. The main drawback of
the hydrogels is that they are expensive. The loading of drug
Hydrogels have been developed to treat cartilage defects in the hydrogels is a complex process and requires skilled
by using modified polysaccharide occurring in the cartilage labour and mechanical devices for manufacturing. They are
[145]. The aldehyde and methacrylate groups functionalizing very fragile, so they careful handling. The sterilization of the
the polysaccharides react with the proteins in the skin tissue hydrogels is a complicated process. The concentration of the
forming a network where chondrocytes are released [146]. cross-linkers in the hydrogels is vital as a high concentration
Hydrogels containing honey in a matrix are also being used may lead to toxicity [153].
in wound healing [147]. Cell adhesive hydrogels made of PVA
and gelatin in addition to blood coagulants have been shown
to ensure better effects [148].
Hydrogels belong to a class of polymeric materials
Agricultural Uses
either natural or synthetic; having the ability to entrap
Hydrogels not only have biomedical applications but large volume of water in their matrix due to their swelling
also have been used in the agriculture. They can be used to properties and specific and flexible structures. They can be
prevent soil erosion as they can hydrate the soil and improve characterized and evaluated by various tests such as their
infiltration in soil. Hydrogels are considered as eco friendly morphology, appearance, viscosity (rheological properties),
as they can prevent the drying of plants during drought microscopic techniques for their crystalline structures, their
periods. Pesticides have been encapsulated by utilizing release characteristics for the drugs entrapped in them,
hydrogels to improve plant growth and avoid pests. It has the way they accumulate water in them and swell various
also been claimed that hydrogels decrease the leaching of times their size, the content of gel or the gelation capacity.
the fertilizers [149]. They have found a wide variety of applications because
of their ability to modify the polymeric structures thus
Food Industry helping them to obtain the desired functionality. The areas
of hydrogel applications are rapidly expanding day by day.
Hydrogels are being used in the food industry for
Hydrogels can also be formulated and designed to respond to
various purposes as well. A group of hydrogels called as the
specific stimuli. These hydrogels are referred to as stimuli-
bio-based hydrogels are used for packaging various food
responsive hydrogels. These stimuli-responsive hydrogels
products. Foods such as vegetables or fruits that can become
can be employed in biosensors such as for the detection
dry because of loss of water may be packed in bio- based
of ulcers or other diseases. They are also being employed
hydrogel packing which will then prevent dehydration and
in tissue regeneration making them good candidates for
keep them fresh. This biodegradable packaging also helps to
the treatment of tissue injuries such as spinal cord injury.
prevent the food from contamination by various microbial
They have different applications that involve their use in
organisms [150].
the reduction of environmental waste, including the heavy
Miscellaneous metals that are usually present in waste-waters, also they
are being used in a sanitary product like towels, napkins,
Hydrogels also find applications in various products and baby diapers. Among their properties, biodegradability
related to hygiene especially in the diaper industry. Super and biocompatibility makes them an excellent candidate for
absorbent hydrogels contain such polymers that can provide biological and industrial applications; for example, they can
excellent retention properties that are utilized making act as materials for toxic pollutants removal.

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