ch.6 Textbook
ch.6 Textbook
ch.6 Textbook
Complex Grammar
Which of these two sentences do you prefer?
2a. Lincoln's claim that the Civil War was God's punishment of both
North and South for slavery appears in the last part of the speech.
2b. In the last part of his speech, Lincoln claims that God gave the
Civil War to both North and South as a punishment for slavery.
Most readers prefer (2b), because it begins simply with a short
introductory phrase followed by a one-word subject and a specific
verb, then moves toward grammatical complexity.
Complex Meaning
Another kind of complexity is in the meanings of words, especially
technical terms. Compare these two passages:
3a. The role of calcium blockers in the control of cardiac irregu-
larity can be seen through an understanding of the role of calcium
in the activation of muscle cells. The regulatory proteins actin,
myosin, tropomyosin, and troponin make up the sarcomere . The
energy-producing, or ATPase , protein myosin makes up its thick
filament, while actin, tropomyosin, and troponin make up its thin fil-
ament. Interaction of myosin and actin triggers muscle contraction .
.I 3b. When a muscle contracts, it uses calcium. If we can under-
stand how calcium affects muscle contraction, we can explain how
the drugs called "calcium blockers" control cardiac irregularity.
The basic unit of muscle contraction is the sarcomere. It has two
filaments, one thin and one thick. Those filaments consist of four
proteins that regulate contraction: actin, tropomyosin, and tro-
ponin in the thin filament and myosin in the thick one. Muscles
contract when a protein in the thin filament, actin, interacts with
the protein in the thick filament, myosin, an energy-producing or
ATPase protein.
Both passages use the same technical terms, but (3b) is clearer to
those who know nothing about the chemistry of muscles.
Those passages differ in two ways. First, infor mation that is
only implicit in (3a) is stated explicitly in (3b). More important,
note how almost all the technical terms in (3a) are toward the
beginnings of their sentences and the familiar ones are toward
the end:
3a. The role of calcium blockers in the control of cardiac irregu-
larity can be seen through an understanding of the role of calcium in
the activation of muscle cells.
The regulatory proteins actin, myosin, tropomyosin, and tropo-
nin make up the sarcomere.
The energy-producing, or ATPase, protein myosin makes up its
thick filament, while actin, tropomyosin, and troponin make up
its thin filament.
Interaction of myosin and actin triggers muscle contraction.
In (3b), those technical terms appear at the ends of their sentences:
... uses calcium.
. . . "calcium blockers" control cardiac irregularity
... is the sarcomere .
. . . actin, tropomyosin, and troponin in the thin filament and
myosin in the thick one .
. . . myosin, an energy-producing or ATPase protein.
These ways of introducing unfamiliar terms work even for
prose intended for professional readers. In this next passage, from
the New England Journal of Medicine, the writer deliberately uses
metadiscourse just to put the new technical term at its end:
The incubation of peripheral-blood lymphocytes with a lympho-
kine, interleukin-2, generates lymphoid cells that can lyse fresh,
noncultured, natural -killer-cell -resistant tumor cells but not
normal cells. We term these cells lymphokine-activated k iller
(LAK) cells.
If you have managed your subjects and topics well, you will, by
default, put the words you want to emphasize toward the ends
of your sentences. To test this, read your sentence aloud, and as
you reach the last three or four words, tap your finger hard as if
emphasizing them in a speech. If you tap on words that do not
deserve strong emphasis, look for words that do. Then put those
words closer to the end. Here are some ways to do that:
The passive is in the language so that we can get old and new
information in the right order.
3. What shift This is another device that shifts a part of the
sentence to the right, thereby emphasizing it more:
We need a monetary policy that would end fluctuations in money
supply, unemployment, and inflation.
,/ What we need is a monetary policy that would end fluctuations in
money supply, unemployment, and inflation.
4. It shift When you have a subject consisting of a long NOUN
CLAUSE, you can move it to the end of the sentence and start
with an it:
That oil prices would be set by OPEC once seemed inevitable.
,/ It once seemed inevitable that oil prices would be set by
5. Not only X, but (also) Y (as well) In this next pair, note how
the but emphasizes the last element of the pair:
We must clarify these issues and develop trust.
,/ We must not only clarify these issues, but also develop trust.
6. Pronoun substitution and ellipsis This is a fine point: a sen-
tence can end flatly when you repeat a word that you used just
a few words before at the end of a sentence, because the voice
we hear in our mind's ear drops off at the end. If you read
aloud the preceding sentence, this one, and the next, you can
hear that drop at the end of each sentence. To avoid that kind
of flatness, rewrite or use a pronoun instead of repeating the
word at the end of the sentence. For example:
A sentence will seem to end flatly if at its end you use a word
that you used just a few words before, because when you repeat
that word, your voice drops. Instead of repeating the noun, use a
pronoun. The reader will at least hear emphasis on the word just
before it.
Occasionally, you can just delete words that repeat earlier
It is sometimes possible to represent a complex idea in a simple
sentence, but more often you cannot.
One of the characteristics of especially elegant prose is
how wr iters use a handful of rhetorical figures to end their
sentences .
Exercise 1
Revise these sentences to emphasize the right words. In the first
three, I boldfaced what I think should be stressed. Then eliminate
wordiness, nominalizations, etc.
E mphasis
Exercise 2
Revise these passages so that their sentences begin with appropri-
ate topics and end with appropriate emphasis.
1. The story of King Lear and his daughters was a popular one
during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. At least a dozen avail-
able books offered the story to anyone wishing to read it, by
the time Elizabeth died . The characters were undeveloped in
most of these stories, however, making the story a simple nar-
rative that stated an obvious moral. When he began work on
Lear, perhaps his greatest tragedy, Shakespeare must have had
several versions of this story available to him. He turned the
characters into credible human beings with complex motives,
however, even though they were based on the stock figures of
legend .
2. Whether the date an operation intends to close down might be
part of management's "duty to disclose" during contract bar-
gaining is the issue here, it would appear. The minimization of
conflict is the central rationale for the duty that management
has to bargain in good faith . In order to allow the union to put
forth proposals on behalf of its members, companies are obli-
gated to disclose major changes in an operation during bargain-
ing, though the case law is scanty on this matter.
3. Athens' catastrophic Sicilian Invasion is the most important event
in Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War. Three-quarters
of the history is devoted to setting up the invas ion because
of this. Through the step-by-step decline in Athenian society
that Thucydides describes, we can see how he chose to antici-
pate the Sicilian Invasion. The inevitability that we associate with
the tragic drama is the basic reason for the need to anticipate the
newer and more reliable tests in the last few years, however. The risk
of human tragedy of another kind, though, has resulted fTom the
increasing accuracy of these tests: predictions about susceptibility to
Alzheimer's have become possible, long before the appearance of any
overt symptoms. At that point, an apparently healthy person could be
devastated by such an early diagnosis.
If we revise that passage to make the topics more consistent, we
also make it more coherent (topics are boldfaced):
.I 1b. In recent years, researchers have made great strides in the early
and accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Not too long ago, when
a physician examined an older patient who seemed out of touch
with reality, she had to guess whether the person was senile or had
Alzheimer's. In the past few years, however, physicians have been
able to use new and more reliable tests focusing on genetic clues. But
in the accuracy of these new tests lies the risk of another kind of
human tragedy: physicians may be able to predict Alzheimer's long
before its overt appearance, but such an early diagnosis could psy-
chologically devastate an apparently healthy person.
The passage now focuses on just two topics: researchers/physicians
and testing/diagnosis.
But there is one more revision that would make that passage
more coherent still:
Put key words in the stress position of the first sentence of a pas-
sage in order to emphasize the key ideas that organize the rest of it.
The first sentence of that paragraph stresses advances in diag-
nosis: ... the early and accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.
But the point in this passage is not about diagnosis, but about its
risks. That organizing concept, however, does not appear until we
are more than halfway through that paragraph.
Readers would grasp the point of that passage better if all of
its key concepts appeared in the first sentence, specifically toward
its end, in its stress position. Readers read the opening sentence
or two of a paragraph to find the key concepts that the paragraph
will repeat and develop, and they specifically look for those con-
cepts in the last few words of those opening, introductory, framing
Here is a new first sentence for the Alzheimer's paragraph
that would help readers focus on the key concepts not just of
Alzheimer's and new diagnoses, but of new problem and informing
those most at risk:
In recent years, researchers have made great strides in the early and
accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, but those diagnoses have
That passage now "hangs together" not for just one reason,
but for three:
• Its topics consistently focus on physicians and diagnosis.
• Running through it are strings of words that focus on the
themes of (1) tests, (2) mental conditions, and (3) a new
• And no less important, the opening sentence helps us notice
those themes by emphasizing them at its end.
Again, locate at the end of an introductory sentence words that an-
nounce the key themes that you intend to develop in the rest of the
passage. This principle applies to sentences that introduce fairly
long paragraphs (two- or three-sentence introductory, transitional,
and other kinds of paragraphs follow different patterns). It also
applies to sentences that introduce passages of any length, even a
whole document.
Exercise 3
Read a page of your own writing aloud, raising your voice and tap-
ping your fingers at the ends of your sentences. What do you no-
tice? How often do you seem to be stressing the wrong words, and
how often the right ones? Can you detect any patterns? How does
your meaning change when you inadvertently stress the wrong
Exercise 4
Have a reader use the Three Tactical Revisions ("trim the
end," "shift peripheral ideas to the left, " or "shift new
Emph asis
We can integrate the principles from this lesson with our others:
Fixed Topic
I Stress
2. Use the stress position at the very end to emphasize words that
you want your readers to hear emphasized in their minds' ear:
The administration has blurred an issue central to arms con-
trol, the issue of verification. Irresponsible charges, innuendo,
and leaks have submerged serious problems with Iranian
The issue of verification-so central to arms control-has been
blurred by the administration. Serious problems with Iranian
compliance have been submerged in irresponsible charges, in-
nuendo, and leaks.
3. Use the stress of a sentence that introduces a passage to an-
nounce the key themes that the rest of the passage will develop:
In recent years, researchers have made great strides in the early
and accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, but those diagno-
WHO SHOW NO SYMPTOMS OF IT. Not too long ago, when a physician
examined an older patient who seemed out of touch with reality,
she had to guess whether that person was senile or had Alzheimer's.
In the past few years, however, they have been able to use new and
more reliable tests focusing on genetic clues. But in the accuracy
of these new tests lies the RISK OF ANOTHER KIND OF HUMAN TRAGEDY:
physicians may be able to predict Alzheimer's long before its overt
appearance, but such an early diagnosis could PSYCHOLOGICALLY
Emp hasis
A simple English sentence is more than the sum of its words;
it is a system of systems.
Fixed Topic
I Stress
One can imagine different rationales for different stresses.
1. In my opinion, at least, the Republic is most threatened by the Presi-
dent's tendency to rewrite the Constitution.
3. In large American universities the opportunities for faculty to work
with individual students are limited.
5. College students commonly complain about teachers who assign a
long term paper and then give them a grade but no comments.
1. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth, the story of King Lear and his
daughters was so popular that by the time she died, readers could
find it in at least a dozen books. Most of these stories, however, did
not develop their characters and were simple narratives with an obvi-
ous moral. Several versions of this story must have been available to
Shakespeare when he began work on Lear, perhaps his greatest trag-
edy. But while he based his characters on these stock figures of legend,
he turned them into credible human beings with complex motives.
3. Because the most important event in Thucydides' History is Athens'
catastrophic Sicilian Invasion, Thucydides devotes three-quarters of
his book to setting it up. We can see this anticipation especially in how
he describes the step-by-step decline in Athenian society so that he
could create the inevitability that we associate with the tragic drama.