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National Roads Authority: Project Appraisal Guidelines

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Project Appraisal Guidelines

Appendix 12 - Guidance note on the preparation of scheme costs for appraisal

March 2008

Version 1.0

Guidance note of the preparation of scheme costs for use in appraisal Changes made to document since previous version Date issued 01.03.2008

St Martins House, Waterloo Road, Dublin 4 Tel:+353 1 660 2511 Fax +353 1 668 0009 Email: [email protected] Web: www.nra.ie

Table of contents

Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 2 Context .............................................................................................................................. 2 Contents ............................................................................................................................ 2 Components of scheme costs ....................................................................................... 4 Composition of scheme costs ........................................................................................... 4 Timing of cost .................................................................................................................... 5 Bygone and retrievable costs............................................................................................ 6 Converting scheme estimates to COBA format........................................................... 8 Scheme estimates............................................................................................................. 8 Contingencies ................................................................................................................... 9 Discounting and the price basis ........................................................................................ 9 Relative Price Factor......................................................................................................... 9 Indirect taxation............................................................................................................... 10 Converting scheme estimates to COBA format .............................................................. 10 Worked example............................................................................................................ 14 Enquiries ........................................................................................................................ 24

4 5


Guidance note on the preparation of scheme costs


Context 1.1 This document is an appendix to the NRA Project Appraisal Guidelines and has been developed to address the issue on how estimates of scheme costs are converted into a format to be used in the Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) of road schemes. Specifically, the processes described in the document relate to the preparation of the input required for use with the COBA program; however the approach is equally applicable in the case of a TUBA assessment, although there are some differences in the format of the data entry. Guidance is given on how scheme costs are treated at different phases of the project and a worked example is presented. To assist in the process, spreadsheets for deriving the input costs during appraisal and evaluation have been developed, which are available for download, along with other appendices described in this document, from the NRA website. It is important to note that all scheme costs used in the economic appraisal must be agreed with the NRAs Cost Estimation Unit in advance of any CBA commencing (see Section 3 for further guidance). Contents 1.4 Following this introduction, this appendix is split into the following sections: Section 2 describes the components of scheme costs; Section 3 provides advice on how to develop scheme costs for input into COBA; Section 4 presents a worked example, and Section 5 enquiries.



Components of scheme costs

Guidance note on the preparation of scheme costs

Components of scheme costs

Composition of scheme costs 2.1 A schemes cost is made up from the following elements: Main contract construction; Main contract supervision; Archaeology; Advance works; Residual network; Land and property, and Planning and design. as well as the cost of maintaining the scheme throughout its life. 2.2 Construction costs Construction costs include: The main works, covering the preliminaries, earthworks, roadworks, main carriageways, interchanges and junctions, side roads, structures, signage, accommodation works, etc; The ancillary works, covering lighting, landscaping, noise, mitigation, maintenance compounds, motorway communications, tolling, etc, and The works by other authorities, such as Iarnrd ireann, local authorities and statutory undertakers. 2.3 2.4 2.5 Construction costs should also include any costs associated with measures required to mitigate the environmental impact of the scheme. Construction costs are input into COBA / TUBA exclusive of VAT. Land and property costs Land and property may be directly on-line of the final route of the scheme or off-line but ultimately involved in the scheme in some way. Such costs are often difficult to predict, since they can depend on the outcome of arbitration or other factors. However, information on the likely costs involved may be obtained from the outturn costs of previous schemes. It is important that all relevant land and property costs are considered in the appraisal and included in the scheme cost estimates. Land and property costs relate to all payments for land and property, including: Acquisition costs not necessarily the money paid to the previous owner, but the Valuers estimate of the current value of the land and property converted to the current price base; Legal transaction costs the amount paid to estate agents and solicitors to deal with the paper work relating to the acquisition or sale (excluding stamp duty); severance; injurious affection and disturbance; Property management costs the costs of managing and preparing the land and property before it is used for the scheme. It is usually desirable to keep agricultural land farmed and properties occupied, rather than let them go unused. There may be a transaction cost of renting out the land or property to be included, and Resale value of surplus (i.e. off-line) land and property. The Valuers estimate of the land and property that the National Roads Authority might buy, but would be surplus to the scheme, is entered in the appraisal as a negative cost at the point in time in which it is likely to be resold. 2.7 The costs should also include the value of land already owned by the road authority.


Guidance note on the preparation of scheme costs


Payments for land and property may be made at various times before, during and after construction. Where land has been purchased in advance of its use for a scheme, the value of the land may have changed in the interval. This change reflects a change in the opportunity cost of the land, that is, the value of the land when put to its best alternative use. Irrespective of the original purchase price, the current price estimated by the Valuer should be used in the scheme appraisal. Land and property costs entered into COBA are all exclusive of VAT. Preparation (planning and design) Preparation costs include the fees payable to consulting engineers / agents, costs incurred for public consultation and oral hearing and the costs of any surveys carried out during scheme preparation. If the NRDO (Design Office) undertakes the design work, the design costs incurred should be included in the CBA. Preparation costs are exclusive of VAT. In considering preparation costs, reference should be made to the discussion of bygone and retrievable costs later in this chapter. On site supervision and testing Supervision costs are those associated with the costs of site staff acting on behalf of the client, together with the back office support. Supervision costs are inclusive of income tax but exclusive of VAT. Road maintenance The difference in costs incurred from maintaining the Do-Minimum and Do-Something networks must be accounted for. These costs are split into non-traffic and traffic related works, with the former including items such as structures, drainage, street lighting, verge maintenance, and signals/signage which are largely independent of traffic flows; and the latter consisting of the reconstruction, overlaying, resurfacing works, etc. that depend on the level of traffic flow. For guidance on the amounts to be included for road maintenance refer to the National Parameter Values Sheet (Appendix 6). Timing of cost

2.9 2.10




An important general principle of cost benefit analysis is that the cost of resources should be recorded at the time that the resources are to be used (that is, become unavailable for alternative uses), rather than when they are actually paid for. This issue is particularly relevant to land and property costs where the purchase of agricultural land, for example, may occur some time before the time when farming of the land ceases. In such instances the acquisition cost should relate to the year in which the land is taken out of current use, which for many schemes will occur in the first year of construction. However, there are situations when this is an inappropriate assumption: Where significant land or property is taken out of use before the first year of construction; Where the land and property costs of a scheme are unusually large, and For all schemes at Preliminary Design when the simplifying assumption should be reviewed if better information is available.


Land and property costs consist of a number of different items and it is important to consider when each resource cost is likely to be incurred. This may mean that instead of making the assumption that land costs are incurred in the first year of construction, costs are disaggregated and each element is input at different stages of the appraisal period. The following treatment for land and property costs is recommended: Scenario 1 Land and property on-line, not farmed / unoccupied from purchase to construction. The costs to be input into the COBA appraisal are all acquisition costs and legal transaction costs, to be input at time of purchase, and any property management costs. Scenario 2 Land and property on-line, farmed/occupied until construction begins. The costs to be input into the COBA appraisal are legal transaction costs, estimated costs of renting and property management costs, to be input at time of purchase, with acquisition costs input when taken out of use for construction of the road scheme. Scenario 3 Land and property off-line, not farmed / unoccupied and later resold. The costs to be input into the COBA appraisal are the full purchase costs (acquisition and legal


Guidance note on the preparation of scheme costs

transaction costs) input when taken out of use, and resale value input when resold and returned to use. Scenario 4 Land and property off-line, farmed / occupied and later resold. The costs to be input into the COBA appraisal are the transaction costs of purchase and property management costs, which should be input at time of acquisition. Bygone and retrievable costs 2.16 The COBA appraisal should concern itself only with those costs that will be incurred due to a decision to go ahead with the scheme. It should not include bygones, that is expenditures incurred prior to economic appraisal that cannot be retrieved as a result of any subsequent decision. A distinction should be made between expenditure that is genuinely a bygone, and that which is retrievable. An example of a bygone cost might be the preparation costs that have been incurred in the preliminary design of a scheme in order to take it to the planning stage. These costs are not retrievable, as they will have been sunk regardless as to whether or not the scheme goes ahead. However, land and property costs are generally retrievable since it is usually possible to resell if the scheme does not go ahead. These costs should not, therefore, be treated as a bygone. Even if the property has actually been demolished the land on which the property stood will still have a resale value. Unless otherwise directed by the NRA, all expenditure incurred in the development of a scheme should be included within the COBA appraisal. Any bygones may only be excluded with NRA approval.



Converting scheme estimates to COBA format

Guidance note on the preparation of scheme costs

Converting scheme estimates to COBA format

Scheme estimates 3.1 CBA is required at four distinct project phases: Route Selection; Preliminary Design; Construction Documents Preparation and Tender Award, and Final Account / Closeout [a CBA is required for a sample of schemes at this stage]. 3.2 At all stages of the appraisal process the best available information on scheme costs should be used in the CBA. Hence, depending on the phase, a different cost estimate is to be used in the economic evaluation of road schemes. At all phases, the costs used in the economic assessment must have been agreed by the NRAs Cost Estimation Unit The following terminology is used to describe the various types of cost estimates. The following terminology shall be used to describe the type of cost estimates: Feasibility Working Cost - Estimates prepared during Phases 1 & 2 of the National Roads Project Management Guidelines (NRPMG). Option Comparison Cost Estimate - Estimates prepared during Phase 3 of the NRPMG. Total Scheme Budget and Target Cost 1 - Estimates produced at CPO / EIS Stage. The Total Scheme Budget set here shall remain constant for the rest of the project lifecycle. Total Scheme Budget and Target Cost 2 - Estimates produced at main contract award. The Total Scheme Budget shall be the same as the one set at CPO / EIS stage but the Target Cost will be adjusted by the NRA to take account of An Brd Pleanla conditions or agreed variations to the Schedule of Environmental Commitments and the tender received. Feasibility Working Costs and Option Comparison Estimates shall be point estimates based on the philosophy that the estimate is unlikely to be exceeded but is not excessively conservative. Target Cost This is the realistic estimate of the Final Outturn for the project based on assumptions made, identified risks and defined scope of work inclusive of VAT and inflation. It does not take into account exceptional events happening on the project. Total Scheme Budget This is the formal cost estimate for the project incorporating the identified core cost elements, an appropriate contingency in respect of these elements, and an allowance for future inflation to the completion of the project. In addition, a programme level contingency, known as Programme Risk, will be included to cover the situation of exceptional items occurring on isolated projects. 3.4 3.5 The estimate applicable to each phase of CBA is highlighted below: Route selection At this phase Option Comparison Cost Estimates (OCCE), to be agreed with the NRA Cost Estimation Unit, will be used. The CBA must reflect the relative benefits of competing options. Preliminary design Separate CBA runs should be undertaken at preliminary design stage based on a) Target Cost 1 (TC1), and b) Total Scheme Budget (TSB) figures. The CBA must be therefore be run four times; one for each combination of traffic growth scenario (high and low) and cost estimate (Total Scheme Budget and Target Cost 1). The results of each of the four scenarios (two traffic growth scenarios with two cost estimates) should be presented separately.


3.6 3.7

Guidance note on the preparation of scheme costs

3.8 3.9

Construction Documents Preparation and Tender Award Separate CBA runs should be undertaken at construction documents preparation / tender award phase based on a) Target Cost 2, and b) Total Scheme Budget figures. The CBA must be therefore be run four times; one for each combination of traffic growth scenario (high and low) and cost estimate (Total Scheme Budget and Target Cost 2 (TC2)). The results of each of the four scenarios should be presented separately. Final Outturn / Closeout CBA CBAs are required at final outturn / closeout stage for a sample of schemes. The DOPM should contact the NRA in advance of this stage to ascertain whether a closeout CBA will be required for their scheme. Final outturn costs should be used at this project phase. The results of high and low traffic growth scenarios should be presented. Contingencies




The OCCE, TC1, TC2 and TSB estimates described above all contain an element of contingency to account for project risk. There is no requirement for any further adjustment to be made to the approved estimates prior to developing cost data for input into CBA. Discounting and the price basis


Scheme costs are incurred over a period of years. All costs should, therefore, be allocated to appropriate years for input to the CBA process. The effects of general inflation should be removed by application of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to convert from the current year to the price base year. For example, an expenditure of 1.05m in 2003 at a CPI inflation of 5% from 2002 to 2003 would be equivalent to an expenditure of 1.0m in 2003 but based on 2002 prices. The user undertakes this calculation before costs are input to the COBA file. The CPI is used to covert scheme costs to the price base year using the following expression.


Cost at Price Base Year = Latest Available Costing


Where q refers to the year and quarter corresponding to the rates used for the estimates and b refers to the price base year. 3.15 Discounting of costs to the present value year is undertaken by COBA. In the above example, the 1.0m expenditure in 2003 is discounted to 2002 values by applying the discount rate of 4%, leading to an expenditure of 0.96m in 2002 values and 2002 prices. The discount rate (r) is used to convert a sum (S) received in year I to a value at the present value year (P) using the following expression.


Present Value =

(1 + r )I P

Discounting and the price base are discussed in detail in the NRA Project Appraisal Guidelines. The latest information on the CPI and discount rate should be obtained from the National Roads Authority. Relative Price Factor


The requirement to take into account the changes in the price of construction relative to movements in the general price index by application of the Relative Price Factor (RPF) is no longer valid. For all project phases, an RPF value of unity is applicable unless the NRA direct otherwise.


Guidance note on the preparation of scheme costs


Indirect taxation 3.20 All elements of scheme costs should be input into COBA net of indirect taxation and VAT. A different rate of VAT is applicable for the various expenditure headings. Table 3.1 VAT rates Base cost expenditure heading Land and Property Main Contract Construction, Advance Works, Residual Network Archaeology Main Contract Supervision, Planning and Design VAT 0.0% 13.5% 17.3%* 21.0%

* An average rate based on VAT levels applicable to different elements of archaeology. Converting scheme estimates to COBA format 3.21 In line with recent guidance from both the Department of Finance and the Department of Transport, both costs and benefits are to be presented in CBA reports to a 2002 base year. In addition, costs must be entered into COBA in multiples of 1,000 and in 2002 factor prices (i.e. exclusive of VAT and indirect taxes). Consequently, the cost figure inputted into COBA is quite different to the NRA estimates at each project phase. The procedure to be used to convert cost estimates to COBA format is largely the same for preliminary design and construction documents preparation / tender award phases. The procedure is described below, with reference to the user inputs into spreadsheets that have been developed to assist in this task. Copies of these spreadsheets for route selection, preliminary design, construction documents preparation / tender award and final outturn / closeout stages are provided in Appendices 13, 14, 15 and 16 respectively. It is important to note that the preliminary design and construction documents preparation / tender award CBAs require separate CBA runs for each identified cost scenario: Total Scheme Budget and Target Cost 1 for preliminary design, and Total Scheme Budget and Target Cost 2 for construction documents preparation / tender award phase. Process for route selection, 1) Based on information in the signed off option comparison cost estimate spreadsheet, the user enters the breakdown of expenditure according to expenditure category (main contract construction, main contract supervision, archaeology, advance works, residual network, land & property and planning & design), as well as the total inflation allowance and NRA programme risk. All these figures are inputted in units of 1 million. 2) The spreadsheet calculates the option comparison cost estimate itself (though the user should check this number of ensure that the figures were entered correctly). 3) The user enters CPI for year and quarter of the price estimate and the price base year (2002). The user also enters a value for RPF. CPI and RPF data are to be obtained from the NRA. Current guidance is to apply an RPF factor of unity for all appraisals. 4) Using the data provided, the spreadsheet deducts the total inflation allowance from the option comparison cost estimate to bring costs to a current base year and then, using the CPI data, rebases to 2002. 5) The spreadsheet applies the appropriate RPF factor and automatically deducts VAT from the resulting figures. 6) The spreadsheet calculates the undiscounted costs for input into COBA, using KEY055, according to the year in which they accrue in multiples of 1,000 in 2002 factor prices.



Guidance note on the preparation of scheme costs


Process for preliminary design and construction documents preparation and tender award phases 1) Based on information in the signed off scheme cost estimate reporting form, the user enters the Total Scheme Budget, Target Cost (Target Cost 1 for the preliminary design CBA, and Target Cost 2 for the construction documents preparation / tender award CBA) and the full inflation allowance into the spreadsheet. All values are to be entered in multiples of m. 2) The spreadsheet subtracts the full inflation allowance from the Total Scheme Budget to get the un-inflated Total Scheme Budget. 3) The spreadsheet subtracts the full inflation allowance from the Target Cost figure to get the un-inflated Target Cost. 4) User enters CPI data for year and quarter of the price and the price base year (2002). User must also enter a value for RPF. CPI and RPF data are to be obtained from the NRA. 5) Using CPI data the spreadsheet re-bases costs to a 2002 base. 6) The spreadsheet also applies the appropriate RPF factor. 7) The user enters the breakdown on the base cost expenditure into headings relating to main contract construction, main contract supervision, archaeology, advance works, residual network, land and property and planning and design. The sum of these expenditure items should exactly equal the un-inflated Target Cost. 8) VAT is automatically deducted from the resulting figures. 9) The user then allocates the proportion of each expenditure heading occurring over the years in which expenditure accrues. 10) Using the data in the scheme cost profile, the spreadsheet calculates the undiscounted costs for input into COBA, using KEY055, according to the year in which they accrue in multiples of 1,000 in 2002 factor prices. The spreadsheet produces two sets of cost data to enter into COBA, one based on Target Costs and the other based on Total Scheme Budget. 11) Note that for preliminary design and construction documents preparation / tender award CBAs four CBA runs are required: a) CBA based on Target Cost and high traffic growth. b) CBA based on Target Cost and low traffic growth. c) CBA based on Total Scheme Budget and high traffic growth. d) CBA based on Total Scheme Budget and low traffic growth. Scenario C i.e. CBA based on Total Scheme Budget and high traffic growth scenario should ordinarily be taken as the baseline scenario. Other scenarios may, with the approval of the NRA, be used as the baseline scenario. Process for final account / closeout 1) The user enters actual expenditure figures into the spreadsheet for each single year of the project according to the expenditure item. 2) The user enters the VAT rate that is applicable to each item of expenditure. 3) The user enters the CPI index at expenditure year. Data on the CPI are to be obtained from the NRA. 4) An RPF factor of unity is to be applied at final account / closeout phase. 5) Spreadsheet calculates the outturn cost at each year, exclusive of VAT and at the price base year for each item of expenditure. 6) The total factor cost at each year, at factor cost and at the price base year is entered into COBA using KEY055 according to the year in which the expenditure occurs in multiples of 1,000 in 2002 factor prices.

Guidance note on the preparation of scheme costs


Residual value 3.24 For each of the CBAs shown above, the spreadsheets used can also calculate the schemes residual value, i.e. the value of the road at the end of the appraisal period. To obtain the schemes residual value it is necessary to enter the following: the discount rate; the appraisal period (in years); the base year; the scheme opening year, and the useful working life of the road (default value = 60 years). The spreadsheet automatically calculates the schemes residual value, which can then be added to the Present Value of Benefits (derived from COBA or TUBA). This will have the effect of increasing the PVB, NPV and BCR. Note that the IRR Internal Rate of Return calculated using COBA or TUBA will not reflect the schemes residual value.


Worked example

Guidance note on the preparation of scheme costs



Worked example
The following worked example describes how to convert the Target Cost and Total Scheme Budget estimates to a format suitable for entry into COBA. The information is for a hypothetical road scheme Scheme A, at preliminary design phase. The derivation of the COBA inputs requires cost data from the scheme cost estimate reporting form, which must have been signed off by the NRAs Cost Estimate Unit. A completed form is provided as Table 4.1. There are seven key stages in deriving costs for entry into COBA for a preliminary design scheme, as summarised below. A spreadsheet has been developed by the NRA to assist with these steps, and a completed version relating to hypothetical Scheme A is provided in Figure 4.1. The user of the spreadsheet is only required to input values into the coloured cells. The full process is described as follows, with reference to the spreadsheet: 1. Calculate Total Scheme Budget / Target Cost data 4.5 Based on the agreed cost estimates, the user enters values for: a) Total Scheme Budget b) Target Cost; and c) Full inflation allowance 4.6 The spreadsheet then calculates: Un-inflated Total Scheme Budget (d) = (a)-(c), and Un-inflated Target Cost (e) = (b)-(c). TOTAL SCHEME BUDGET / TARGET COST 1 DATA m Total Scheme Budget Target Cost 1 Full Inflation Allowance Un-inflated Total Scheme Budget Un-inflated Target Cost 1 2. Rebase cost figure to 2002 price base and apply RPF. 4.7 The un-inflated costs in this worked example are to base April 2006. With reference to Table 4.1, the CPI Index (base = December 2006) for April 2006 = 97.2. The CPI Index (base = December 2006) for the Year 2002 = (102.7/118.0)*100 = 87.0. An RPF factor of unity applies. CPI / RPF DATA CPI Index for current base year CPI Index for 2002 RPF Factor 4.8 97.2 87 1.00 375.91 341.74 11.74 364.17 330.00




The spreadsheet automatically applies the inflation index data to rebase the un-inflated Target Cost 1 and the un-inflated Total Scheme Budget to 2002 prices. The spreadsheet then automatically applies the RPF factor specified to both.

Guidance note on the preparation of scheme costs


TSB & TC m Uninflated Target Cost 1, 2002 base year Uninflated Target Cost 1, 2002 base year, RPF applied Uninflated TSB, 2002 base year Uninflated TSB, 2002 base year, RPF applied 3. Deduct any VAT / indirect taxation from resulting figure. 4.9 The user enters the un-inflated target costs under each heading of expenditure. BASE COST EXPENDITURE DATA Base Cost Expenditure Heading Main Contract Construction Main Contract Supervision Archaeology (all phases) Advance works Residual Network Land & Property Planning and Design Un-inflated Target Cost 4.10 m 220.00 11.00 5.50 5.50 2.20 66.00 19.80 330.00 % of total 66.7% 3.3% 1.7% 1.7% 0.7% 20.0% 6.0% 100.0% Applicable VAT rate 13.5% 21.0% 17.3% 13.5% 13.5% 0.0% 21.0% 295.37 295.37 325.95 325.95

The VAT is then automatically removed from both the un-inflated Target Cost 1 (2002 base year, RPF applied) and the un-inflated Total Scheme Budget (2002 base year, RPF applied). WEIGHTED AVERAGE COST AFTER VAT EXCLUDED. TSB m Main Contract Construction 191.46 Main Contract Supervision 8.98 Archaeology (all phases) 4.63 Advance works 4.79 Residual Network 1.91 Land & Property 65.19 Planning and Design 16.16 Target Cost m 173.49 8.14 4.20 4.34 1.73 59.07 14.65


The un-inflated Target Cost 1 (2002 prices, RPF applied) after VAT has been excluded is 265.62. The un-inflated Total Scheme Budget (2002 prices, RPF applied) after VAT has been excluded is 293.12m. These are the undiscounted scheme costs that are to be entered into COBA. 4. Produce a scheme cost profile for input into COBA.


Costs of each of the individual items are allocated according to the year in which they are expected to accrue. The proportion of expenditure within each category accruing in each year is taken to be identical to that in the un-inflated Target Cost profile in the scheme cost estimate reporting form. These percentages are entered into the spreadsheet under the Allocation of Costs to Each Year heading. Using this distribution, the spreadsheet automatically calculates the costs that are input into COBA, using KEY055, for both the Target Cost 1 and Total Scheme Budget scenarios. These costs are undiscounted and in multiples of 1,000 at factor prices at the price base year of 2002. Discounting is undertaken in the COBA program.

4.13 4.14

Guidance note on the preparation of scheme costs


Allocation of costs to each year Allocate the percentage of each expenditure heading according to year of occurrence. Note: the percentages in each expenditure heading must sum exactly to 100%. Year 2002 (and before) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Main Contract Construction Main Contract Supervision Archaeology (all phases) Advance works Residual Network Land & Property Planning and Design

10% 40% 40% 10% 0%

25% 25% 25% 25% 0%

100% 0% 0% 0% 0%

100% 0% 0% 0% 0%

0% 0% 0% 0% 100%

100% 0% 0% 0% 0%

40% 40% 20% 0% 0%








Guidance note on the preparation of scheme costs


Total Scheme Budget Scenario

Main Contract Construction (m) Year 2002 (and before) 2003 2004 2005 2006 19.1 2007 76.6 2008 76.6 2009 19.1 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 191.5 Main Contract Supervision (m) 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 9.0 Archaeology (all phases) (m) 4.6 4.6 Advance works (m) 4.8 4.8 Residual Network (m) 1.9 1.9 Land & Property (m) 65.2 65.2 Planning and Design (m) 6.5 6.5 3.2 16.2 COSTS TO INPUT INTO COBA ( '000s) 102,466 85,293 82,060 21,391 1,915 -

Guidance note on the preparation of scheme costs


Target Cost 1 Scenario

Main Contract Construction Year (m) 2002 (and before) 2003 2004 2005 2006 17.3 2007 69.4 2008 69.4 2009 17.3 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 173.5 Main Contract Supervision (m) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 8.1 Archaeology (all phases) (m) 4.2 4.2 Advance works (m) 4.3 4.3 Residual Network (m) 1.7 1.7 Land & Property (m) 59.1 59.1 Planning and Design (m) 5.9 5.9 2.9 14.6 COSTS TO INPUT INTO COBA ( '000s) 92,852 77,290 74,360 19,383 1,735 -

Guidance note on the preparation of scheme costs


4. Input data for calculation of residual value. 4.15 The user inputs the discount rate (in percent), the appraisal period, the base year, the schemes first year and the assumed useful life of the road (default = 60 years). Discount Rate Appraisal Period Base Year First Scheme Year Residual Value Year 4% 30 2002 2010 2040 Useful Life (years) 60 Infinite Remaining % of value retained Life 30 50% Infinite 100%

Road Land and Property 4.16

Using a straight-line depreciation method, the spreadsheet automatically calculates the residual value (of both the land and the road) for both the Target Cost and Total Scheme Budget scenarios. These values can be added to the scheme PVB, NPV and can be included in the BCR calculation. Note that the values shown are not reflected in the schemes calculated IRR (derived from COBA / TUBA).

Target Cost 1 Scenario

For calculation of PVB, BCR and NPV Residual Value of Road (2002 market prices, discounted to 2002) Residual Value of Land (2002 market prices, discounted to 2002) in 000 24,781.4 14,868.8

Total Scheme Budget Scenario

For calculation of PVB, BCR and NPV Residual Value of Road (2002 market prices, discounted to 2002) Residual Value of Land (2002 market prices, discounted to 2002) in 000 27,347.4 16,408.4

Guidance note on the preparation of scheme costs


Table 4.1 Scheme cost estimate reporting form hypothetical scheme A

SCHEME NAME Road Authority Key Mainline Scheme Length Cross Section Grade Separated Junctions No. of Bridges Scheme A Road Authority A TSB - Total Scheme Budget tba tba tba tba NRA Ref. Project Status TC - Target Cost tbd tbd tbd tbd Current Date Main contract start date Main contract completion Statutory Order Confirmed 01/04/2006 Dec-06 Q4 2009 04/09/2004 Scheme A Prelim Design Region

Agricultural Land Acquired (acre) Potential Development Land (acre) Terrain Ground Conditions

Base Cost Expenditure Heading Main Contract Construction (incl VAT) Main Contract Supervision Archaeology All Phases Advance Works Residual network Land & Property Planning & Design (incl GI & Topo) Subtotal (Excl Contingency & Inflation)

Base Cost

Full Contingency 20.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.20 6.00 1.80 30.00

Un-inflated Target Cost 220.00 11.00 5.50 5.50 2.20 66.00 19.80 330.00

Un-Inflated Target Cost Profile Pre 2006 2006 22.00 2.75 5.50 5.50 66.00 7.92 109.67 2007 88.00 2.75 2008 88.00 2.75 2009 22.00 2.75 2010 Post 2010

200.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 60.00 18.00 300.00

2.20 7.92 98.67 3.96 94.71 24.75 2.20

Contingency Levels Main Contract Construction Main Contract Supervision Contingency & Inflation Factors Archaeology All Phases Advance Works Old Network Land & Property Planning & Design

TSB 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00%

TC Portion 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Inflation Levels Construction Land & Property- Pre-Notice to Treat Land & Property Post Notice to Treat Other Expenditure Heads Inflation Adjustment Factor Programme Risk

TSB 2.00% 7.00% 7.00% 4.25% 10.00%

TC Portion 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 60%

Target Cost With Inflation Main Contract Construction Main Contract Supervision Archaeology All Phases Advance Works Residual network Land & Property Planning & Design (incl GI & Topo) Target Cost Totals

Un-inflated Full Inflation Target Cost 220.00 11.00 5.50 5.50 2.20 66.00 19.80 330.00 6.72 0.73 0.14 0.14 0.31 2.77 0.93 11.74

Target Cost Adjusted for Inflation 226.72 11.73 5.64 5.64 2.51 68.77 20.73 341.74

Target Cost With Inflation Profile Pre 2006 2006 22.00 2.75 5.50 5.50 66.00 7.92 109.67 2007 90.13 2.89 2008 91.23 2.97 2009 23.09 3.05 2010 Post 2010

2.51 8.33 101.36 4.28 98.48 26.14 2.51


Cost / km



TOTAL SCHEME BUDGET BREAKDOWN Total Scheme Budget Breakdown Base Cost Main Contract Construction Main Contract Supervision Archaeology All Phases Advance Works Residual network Land & Property Planning & Design (incl GI & Topo) Sub-Total 200.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 60.00 18.00 300.00 Full Contingency Allowance 20.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.20 6.00 1.80 30.00 Full Inflation Allowance 6.72 0.73 0.14 0.14 0.31 2.77 0.93 11.74 Total Scheme Budget 226.72 11.73 5.64 5.64 2.51 68.77 20.73 341.74

Programme Risk

To Cover

> Land Zoning & Value Risk > Contractor Solvency Risk > Funding Delay Risk > Legal Challenge Risk > Archaeology Find Risk



TOTAL SCHEME BUDGET Signature : Inspector /SPM Signature: Land Acquisition Sign.: Cost Estimation/PMU Head of Engineering & Prog. Mngt.

375.91 Chief Executive Officer

Guidance note on the preparation of scheme costs


Table 4.2 CPI index

(Source: Consumer Price Index June 2007, Central Statistics Office, 12th July 2007).

Guidance note on the preparation of scheme costs



Guidance note on the preparation of scheme costs



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