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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211

Volume 9, Issue 3, March -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com

Consumer Satisfaction Level of E-Commerce with Special

Reference to Flipkart in Bhubaneswar
Dr. Somabhusana Janakiballav Mishra1, Prof. Debasish Rout2, Dr. Sushree Sangita Ray3,
Dr. Ranjan Kumar Kantha4
Assistant Professor, Amity Global Business School, Bhubaneswar
Dean, Amity Global Business School, Bhubaneswar



Online shopping or e-shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows customers to directly buy goods and
services from a seller on the internet using different web browsers. The evolution of online shopping has opened the
door for a chance to provide a competitive advantage over firms. Online shopping has grown in popularity over the
years mainly because people find it convenient at the comfort of their houses or workplace. Thus, the study
examines the customer satisfaction towards online shopping from FLIPKART. The study focuses on online
shopper's preferences, satisfaction levels and problems on Flipkart online shopping marketers. The study is based
on primary data. Random Sampling method was used in this study for selecting the samples and the sample size for
the study was 70. Research findings from the study will be useful for understanding the customers’ level of
satisfaction on basis of the products and websites experienced by customers. We have taken the help of structured
questionnaire for doing this study. Here in this study we have tried to find out why people choose Flipkart and that
if the respondents know about its new and innovative offers and services that it provides.

Key Words: Online shopping, e-shopping, flipkart, customer satisfaction, e-commerce


It is difficult to imagine that a small company can completely transform the way we do shopping. But that's what Flipkart
has beautifully done. In 2007, E-commerce was still considered a distinct segment business and most of the Indians did
their shopping offline. Two software engineers in India, Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal noticed the changing dynamics
of technology and realized the potential of E-commerce. While there were only 50 million internet users in India at that
point of time, they knew that with smartphone coming into the picture, it was only a matter of time when more Indians
would be connected to the internet. They wanted to exploit this chance to make an internet shopping platform that would
take India’s shopping experience to a completely different level.

Right now, India has over 760 million internet users, and the number of individuals shopping online has increased
exponentially. What started as a two-man mission to make India’s most trusted online shopping platform has transformed
into Flipkart, which is India’s leading E-commerce platform which offers a list of 80 million products across 80 categories
to nearly 200 million customers.


According to Mohanapriya.s “Online shopping has grown in popularity over the years mainly because people find it
convenient from the comfort of their home or office. One of the most enticing factor about online shopping is popularity
during a holiday season, it alleviates the need to wait in long lines or search from store to store for a particular item. The
main scope of the study is to know about customer satisfaction towards online shopping. The present study reveals about
reasons for preferring an online website and satisfaction towards online websites”. According to Mohanapriya.s “Online
shopping has grown in popularity over the years mainly because people find it convenient from the comfort of their
home or office. One of the most enticing factor about online shopping is popularity during a holiday season, it alleviates
the need to wait in long lines or search from store to store for a particular item.The main scope of the study is to know
about customer satisfaction towards online shopping. The present study reveals about reasons for preferring an online
website and satisfaction towards online websites”.

IJARESM Publication, India >>>> www.ijaresm.com Page 1737

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 3, March -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com

The term – “E-commerce” has been specified as the conduct of commercial, government based and person specific
activities with the assistance of electronic mediums and broadcast communications networks that includes a wide
assortment of exercises from sharing to searching sharing of information, data or any specific value based exchanges
which is of worth for the concerned parties involved. (E. Chan, and P. M. C. Swatman, 1999)

By the commercial based activities one means exercises related purchasing and selling of goods and services and
subsequently even the banking transactions though the internet medium that keeps up client relationship without any kind
of face to face interaction. (D. L. Hoffman, and T. P. Novak, 1998; F. Riggins, and S. Rhee, 1998; P. M. C. Swatman,

The customer's readiness and inclination for embracing the Internet as their shopping medium was likewise emphatically
identified with their income, family size, and innovativeness. (Sultan and Henrichs, 2000)

Consumers, everywhere on the world, are progressively moving from the crowded brick and mortar marketplace to the
single click virtual market spaces. In any case, despite the comfort offered, web based shopping has to go a long way from
being the most favored type of shopping in India. Based on a study, it has been observed that ease and saving of time drive
Indian shoppers to shop on the web; while security and protection concerns deter them from doing as such. (Vijay, Sai. T.
& Balaji, M. S., 2009)

The researcher in one of the study on Consumer’s Buying behavior towards online shopping has showed the inclination of
most of the internet users towards online shopping and especially for apparels. (Prashant Singh, 2014).

Organizations are presently utilizing the Internet to construct close relationships within purchasers and advertising
accomplices. Other than contending in conventional marketplaces, they are currently moving towards new dynamic virtual
market spaces. Besides, through the Internet, shoppers can find out about the various attributes, ordering methods and
payment modes for goods and services, which is possible without venturing out from home and followed by the marvels of
expedited service, they can get their buys in brief timeframe. From augmented reality shows that test new items to online
virtual stores that sell them, the innovation blast is influencing each part of advertising. The Internet has now become a
really worldwide marvel (Srisuwan and Barnes, 2008; Teng et al., 2007).

Objective of the Study

 To evaluate the satisfaction level of the online customers on account of factors that drive customers for online
 To analyze the respondent’s perception about online shopping.
 To find out whether the opinion of customers with regard to different factors that drive them for online shopping is

Research Methodology
This research is based on a survey made online. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. An online survey
was conducted through Google forms. The questionnaire was designed to analyze the respondent’s perception about online
shopping in Bhubaneswar. 146 respondents from various localities of Bhubaneswar were selected as sample. Data is
analyzed by simple percentage analysis and chi-square analysis in MS-Excel.

Data Analysis
Customer satisfaction is the estimation of how the needs and responses get together and are delivered to transcend customer
expectation. It can only be achieved if the customer has a comprehensive good relationship with the supplier. In the present
day’s competitive business marketplace, customer satisfaction is a predominant performance exponent and basic
distinguisher of business strategies. Hence, the more the customer satisfaction, the more is the business and the connect
with the customer.

Customer satisfaction is one of the part of a customer’s experience that reveals a supplier’s actions on customer’s
expectation. It also depends on how competently it is managed and how punctually services are provided. This satisfaction
could be related to different business features like marketing, product manufacturing, engineering, quality of products and
the services, responses to the customer’s problems and questions, accomplishment of project, post delivery services,
complaint management and many more.

IJARESM Publication, India >>>> www.ijaresm.com Page 1738

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 3, March -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com

Customer satisfaction is the all inclusive crux of the impression about the supplier by the customers. This impression which
a customer makes with respect to the supplier is the gross total of all the process he/she goes through, right from liaising
supplier before doing any marketing to post delivery options and services and managing all kinds of questions or
complaints post-delivery. During this process the customer comes across working conditions of different departments and
the type of strategies involved in the company. This helps the consumers to make a firm judgment about the supplier which
eventually results in satisfaction or disappointment.

Table: 1 Demographic Statistics of the Respondents

Number of Respondents
Variables Categories Percentage
and percentage

18-30 80 54.79
Age 31-40 44 30.14
41-55 22 15.07
Total 146

Table -1 depicts number of respondents and percentage of respondents belonging to different categories of respondents on
the basis of age. The maximum number of respondents belongs to the age group of 18-30 which is 55%.

60 44
22 Series1
18-30 31-40 41-55

Chart: 1

Chart-1 shows that 80 numbers of respondents belong to 18-30 age group followed by 44 belong to 31-40 and 22 belong to

Table: 2

Number of
Number of Respondents
Variables Categories Respondents and
and percentage

Male 78 53.42
Female 68 46.58
Total 146

IJARESM Publication, India >>>> www.ijaresm.com Page 1739

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 3, March -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com

Table -2 represents number of respondents and percentage of respondents belonging to different categories of respondents
on the basis of gender. The maximum numbers of respondents were male which was 78 and 53% of total respondents.
Female respondents were 68 and it was 47% of the total respondents.


Chart-2 depicts that 53% of respondents were male and 47% of respondents were female.

Table: 3

Variables Categories Number of Respondents Number of Respondents

and percentage and percentage
Education Undergraduate 84 57.53
Postgraduate 40 27.40
Others 22 15.07
Total 146

Table -3 represents number of respondents and percentage of respondents belonging to different categories of respondents
on the basis of education. The maximum numbers of respondents were undergraduate which was 84 and 58% of total

Chart: 3

IJARESM Publication, India >>>> www.ijaresm.com Page 1740

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 3, March -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com

Chart-3 depicts that 84 respondents were under graduate, 40 are postgraduate and 22 are having other educational
Table: 4

Variables Categories Number of Respondents Number of Respondents

and percentage and percentage
Occupation Employed 36 24.66
Business 32 21.92
Students 62 42.47
Other 16 10.96
Total 146

Table -4 represents number of respondents and percentage of respondents belonging to different categories of respondents
on the basis of occupation. The maximum percentage of respondents were students i.e., 42% followed by employees 25%.

70 62
40 32
30 Series1
Employed Business Students Other

Chart: 4

Chart-4 depicts that 62 respondents were students, 36 are employees, 32 are businessmen and 16 are having other
Table: 5

Variables Categories Number of Respondents Number of Respondents

and percentage and percentage
Income Below 50000 16 10.96
50000-1lacs 78 53.42
1-2 lacs 20 13.70
Above 2 lacs 32 21.92
Total 146

Table -5 represents number of respondents and percentage of respondents belonging to different categories on the basis of
income. The maximum percentage of respondents (53%) were having income between 50000-1lacs followed by 22%
respondents belong to above 2 lacs of income category.

IJARESM Publication, India >>>> www.ijaresm.com Page 1741

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 3, March -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com

Chart: 5

Chart-5 depicts that 78 respondents were having income 50000-1lacs, 32 were having income above 2lacs, 20 were having
income between 1lacs to 2lacs and 16 were having income below 50000.

Table: 6

Variables Categories Number of Respondents Percentage

Flipkart 64 43.84

Website you like to buy Amazon 48 32.88

from Myntra 22 15.07
Others 12 8.22
Total 146

Table -6 represents number of respondents and percentage of respondents like to buy from different types of e-commerce
site. The maximum percentage of respondents (44%) said that they like to buy from Flipkart followed by 33% of the
respondents said they like to buy from Amazon.

Chart: 6

IJARESM Publication, India >>>> www.ijaresm.com Page 1742

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 3, March -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com

Chart-6 depicts that 64 respondents like to buy from Flipkart, followed by 48 respondents like to buy from Amazon. 22 like
to buy from Myntra and 12 like to buy from other e-commerce site.


Table: 7 Factors Opinion of Respondents

Factors Highly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly


Quality of goods 44 60 18 18 6

Delivery time 65 46 18 11 6

Convenience 32 73 28 6 7
Easy return 24 80 13 21 8
Saves Time 43 62 23 11 7
Multiple brands available 62 54 21 5 4

Security of payment 46 37 23 22 18

Table -7 is a cross table of factors that drives the customers to buy from different e-commerce site and opinion of customers
(Highly satisfied to highly dissatisfied). It can be seen that most of the customers are satisfied with their preferred e-
commerce site in regard to these factors.

Chart: 7

Chart -7 shows that a large number of respondents have the opinion that they are highly satisfied and satisfied with the e-
commerce site with regard to these factors mentioned.

Chi-square test analysis

H0: The opinion of the customers is the same with regard to all the factors.
H1: The opinion of the customers differs with regard to all the factors.

IJARESM Publication, India >>>> www.ijaresm.com Page 1743

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 3, March -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com

Table: 8 Cross table for product features and opinions of customers for chi-square test

Factors Highly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied
Quality of goods 44 60 18 18 6
Delivery time 65 46 18 11 6
Convenience 32 73 28 6 7
Easy return 24 80 13 21 8
Saves Time 43 62 23 11 7
Multiple brands
62 54 21 5 4

Security of payment 46 37 23 22 18

Table: 9 Expected frequency with p value for chi-square test

1. Product Highly
Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied
Features Satisfied

Quality of goods 45.14 58.85 20.57 13.42 8

Delivery time 45.14 58.85 20.57 13.42 8

Convenience 45.14 58.85 20.57 13.42 8
Easy return 45.14 58.85 20.57 13.42 8
Saves Time 45.14 58.85 20.57 13.42 8

Multiple brands
45.14 58.85 20.57 13.42 8

Security of
45.14 58.85 20.57 13.42 8
p value 1.7717E-10

Table -8 is a cross table of factors considered for e-shopping and opinions of the customers. Table- 9 shows expected values
and the p value for the chi-square test. The p value is 0.000, which is less than 0.05. So we can reject the null hypothesis
and can conclude that the opinion of the customers differs with regard to all the factors. Opinions are not the same for
online shopping with regard to different factors considered for online shopping.


Online shopping has become a daily part of our lives as it is more and more convenient. Customers are searching out for
timely services, good quality of products, good customer service and also security and privacy in payment method. This
study shows that the maximum number of respondents belongs to the age group of 18-30 which is 55%. The maximum
numbers of respondents were male which was 78 and 53% of total respondents. Female respondents were 68 and it was
47% of the total respondents. 84 numbers of respondents were under graduate and it was 58% of total respondents. The
maximum percentage of respondents were students i.e., 42 % followed by employees 25%. 53% respondents were having
income between 50000-1lacs followed by 22% respondents belong to above 2 lacs of income category. The maximum
percentage of respondents (44%) said that they like to buy from Flipkart followed by 33% of the respondents said they like

IJARESM Publication, India >>>> www.ijaresm.com Page 1744

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 3, March -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com

to buy from Amazon. We can conclude that the opinion of the customers differs with regard to all the factors. Opinions are
not the same for online shopping with regard to different factors considered for online shopping.


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