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Department of Civil Engineering

A study Kit

Concrete Technology (22305)

Prepared by

Mr. B. G. Abhale

M. E. (Envt. Engg.) B. E. (Civil Engg.)

Lecturer, Sandip Polytechnic, Nashik

Mahiravani, Trimbak Road, Tal & Dist. Nashik–422213
Civil Engineering Department

Important Questions
UNIT – I) CEMENT (Wt. 6 Marks)
No. of
Question’s times
2 Marks Questions
Q. 1) List four Bogue’s compounds with their percentage in ordinary Portland 3
Q. 2) Explain the process of hydration of cement. 3
Q. 3) State physical properties of cement.
Q. 4) State two uses of low heat cement.
4 Marks Questions
Q. 5) Explain the procedure to determine standard consistency of cement.
Q. 6) Calculate the fineness modulus of a sample using following data: Total 3
weight of sample is 500g.

Q. 7) Explain the method of storage of cement at site with its effect on strength of
Q. 8) List four physical properties of OPC. Explain how fineness of cement is 2
determined by method of sieving.
Q. 9) Explain the method to determine initial and final setting time of cement.
Q. 10) Explain the procedure for determination of compressive strength of cement
in laboratory.

Subject Teacher
Prof. B. G. Abhale

Page 1 of 9

Mahiravani, Trimbak Road, Tal & Dist. Nashik–422213

Civil Engineering Department

Important Questions
UNIT – II) AGGREGATES (Wt. 10 Marks)
No. of
Question’s times
2 Marks Questions
Q. 1) State four properties of fine aggregate. 2
Q. 2) Classify the coarse aggregate with reference to its source, shape and size. 2
Q. 3) State the importance of size of aggregates in determining the strength of
the concrete.
Q. 4) Define bulking of sand.
4 Marks Questions
Q. 5) List the properties of fine aggregate and explain one of them in detail.
Q. 6) Interpret the relationship between the moisture content and the change 2
in volume of fine, medium and coarse aggregate to explain the
phenomenon of bulking with relevant sketch.
Q. 7) Impact value test was conducted on coarse aggregate in the laboratory
and the observations are recorded as given below. Find average impact
value of coarse aggregate and state its suitability.

Q. 8) Explain the criteria to classify coarse aggregate as flaky and which

properties of concrete are affected by flaky aggregate.
Q. 9) Explain procedure to find specific gravity of the fine aggregate in
Q. 10) Explain determination of bulking of fine aggregate with neat sketch.

Page 2 of 9
Q. 11) Calculate the average crushing value of aggregate using following data
and write its suitability.

Q. 12) A sand sample has a fineness modulus of 1.95. Whether this sand can be
used for concreting? Explain the procedure to bring the fineness modulus
in required permissible limits. State its importance.

Subject Teacher
Prof. B. G. Abhale

Page 3 of 9

Mahiravani, Trimbak Road, Tal & Dist. Nashik–422213

Civil Engineering Department

Important Questions
UNIT – III) CONCRETE (Wt. 14 Marks)
No. of
Question’s times
2 Marks Questions
Q. 1) Define Duff Abraham’s w/c ratio law. 5
Q. 2) List two properties of concrete in plastic state and in hardened state.
4 Marks Questions
Q. 3) Suggest the degree of workability for the following: 2
i. Building concrete, ii. Mass concrete,
iii. Pumped concrete, iv. Tremie concrete,
iv. Road Pavement, v. Heavily Reinforced concrete
Q. 4) Draw the neat labeled sketch of slump cone with all dimensions. Suggest the 2
slump values for the following situation:
i. Concrete used for road structures vibrated by power operated
ii. Concrete used for road structures vibrated by hand operated machine.
Q. 5) Explain two factors affecting the workability of concrete. 3
Define workability. List three factors affecting workability
Q. 6) Explain the significance of w/c ratio with reference to the graph of w/c ratio 2
Vs. compressive strength of concrete
Explain the importance of water / cement ratio in the concrete mix.
Q. 7) Explain stepwise procedure of compaction factor test. 2
Q. 8) Write the necessity of supervision of the concrete operations. 4
Q. 9) Explain bleeding. Suggest two ways by which bleeding can be avoided. 3
Q. 10) Calculate quantity of water to be added for costing cubes in laboratory by
12.5 kg cement, if w/c ratio 0.45.
Q. 11) Explain two causes of each 2
(i) Segregation
(ii) Bleeding of concrete.
Subject Teacher
Prof. B. G. Abhale
Page 4 of 9

Mahiravani, Trimbak Road, Tal & Dist. Nashik–422213

Civil Engineering Department

Important Questions
No. of
Question’s times
2 Marks Questions
Q. 1) Define concrete mix design. 2
Q. 2) Calculate quantity of water in liters per bag of cement, if w/c is 0.50.
Q. 3) List four methods of Mix design of concrete. 2
Q. 4) State the significance of testing of concrete.
Q. 5) State principle of ultrasonic pulse-velocity test on concrete.
4 Marks Questions
Q. 6) Write the procedure of Mix Design with reference to the provisions laid in 3
IS -10262- 2009.
Explain the laboratory procedure to determine the compressive strength
of concrete cubes as per IS-516-1959 with reference to following points:
(i) preparation of test specimen (ii) Procedure of testing
(iii) Interpretation of results.
Q. 7) Explain the procedure of conducting a rebound hammer test for 3
measuring the surface hardness with reference to following points :
(i) Rebound number and its significance
(ii) Construction of equipment
(iii) Sketch of equipment
(iv) limitations of test
Explain the rebound hammer test procedure and show the relationship
between compressive strength and rebound number with hammer
horizontal and vertical on a dry and wet surface of concrete.
Q. 8) Draw a neat and labeled sketch of rebound hammer and write two
limitations of it.
Q. 9) Explain the procedure to determine the compressive strength of concrete. 2
Q. 10) Explain with sketch the Pulse velocity method used in testing the 4

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Explain the ultrasonic pulse velocity test and techniques of measuring
pulse velocity through concrete.
Q. 11) List four objectives of concrete mix design. 3
Q. 12) Explain the importance Non-destructive Testing of concrete with the 3
names of methods deployed in it.

Subject Teacher
Prof. B. G. Abhale

Page 6 of 9

Mahiravani, Trimbak Road, Tal & Dist. Nashik–422213

Civil Engineering Department

Important Questions
No. of
Question’s times
2 Marks Questions
Q. 1) Draw the concrete operation chain. 2
In sequence, write concreting operations.
Q. 2) List four methods of water proofing.
Q. 3) Enlist any two methods of transportation of a concrete. 2
Q. 4) List four materials used for filling joints in concrete.
4 Marks Questions
Q. 5) Classify the methods of curing of concrete with detail explanation of one 3
Write three methods of curing and also explain the necessity of curing.
Q. 6) Propose the relevant type of formwork for following structures.
i. Concrete Beam, ii. Bridge Pier,
iii. Deck slab of a Bridge in creek, iv. Architectural design,
v. High rise building. vi. Chimney
Q. 7) List four methods of transportation of concrete. Explain one of them. 4
Suggest the relevant method of transportation of concrete used for
construction in following situation.
(1) Concreting in hilly areas
(2) Concreting of high rise building
(3) Concreting under water
Q. 8) Draw a sketch of form work of a rectangular concrete beam.
Q. 9) State the requirement of good form work and state the stripping time of
form work as per IS 456-2000.
(i) Slab (ii) Beam
(iii) Column
With labeling on sketch.
Q. 10) Draw neat and labeled sketches of following: 2

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(i) Plan of column formwork.
(ii) Expansion joint with load transfer device.

Subject Teacher
Prof. B. G. Abhale

Page 8 of 9

Mahiravani, Trimbak Road, Tal & Dist. Nashik–422213

Civil Engineering Department

Important Questions
No. of
Question’s times
2 Marks Questions
Q. 1) State the two purposes of using air entraining admixtures in the concrete.
Q. 2) State the uses of two special concrete.
Q. 3) List any two precautions to be taken in cold weather concreting.
Q. 4) State two purposes of using accelerating admixtures in the concrete.
4 Marks Questions
Q. 5) Write four properties of Ready Mix Concrete. 2
Q. 6) State one property of following admixtures with relevant application: 2
i. Super plasticizer,
ii. Accelerating admixture
iii. Retarding admixture,
iv. Air entraining admixture
Q. 7) Write two effects and two precautions in hot weather concreting. 2
Q. 8) Explain Ready Mix Concrete. Write two uses of RMC.
Q. 9) State the precautions to be taken in concreting operations in hot weather. 2
Q. 10) Write two effects and two precautions of cold weather and hot weather 2
Q. 11) Differentiate between retarding and accelerating admixtures with
following points.
(i) Hydration process. (ii) Setting time
(iii) Weather condition (iv) Use.
Q. 12) Write two advantages and two disadvantages of vacuum de-watered
concrete floor.

Subject Teacher
Prof. B. G. Abhale
Page 9 of 9
Sandip Polytechnic, Nashik
Department of Civil Engineering Roll No.:
Class: SYCE Semester –III Max. Marks: 20
Course & Code: Concrete Technology (CTE – 22305) Time: 01 Hour
Date: __/__/2023

1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches/flowcharts wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks of respective questions.
Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Course Outcome Chapter No.

01 CO305.1 Use relevant types of cement in different site conditions. 1

02 CO305.2 Use relevant aggregates for required concrete works. 2

03 CO305.3 Prepare concrete of desired compressive strengths. 3

Question Paper:

/ Sub Course
Questions Marks
Question Outcome
Q. 01 - Attempt any FOUR of the following. 08
a. CO305.1 List four Bogue’s compounds with their percentage in ordinary 02
Portland cement.
b. CO305.1 Explain the process of hydration of cement. 02
c. CO305.2 State four properties of fine aggregate. 02
d. CO305.2 Define bulking of sand. 02
e. CO305.3 Define Duff Abraham’s w/c ratio law. 02

f. CO305.3 List two properties of concrete in plastic state and in hardened 02


Q. 02 Attempt any THREE. 12

a. CO305.1 Calculate the fineness modulus of a sample using following data: 04
Total weight of sample is 500g.

b. CO305.2 Explain procedure to find specific gravity of the fine aggregate in 04

c. CO305.2 Calculate the average crushing value of aggregate using following 04
data and write its suitability.

d. CO305.3 Write the necessity of supervision of the concrete operations. 04

e. CO305.3 Explain the significance of w/c ratio with reference to the graph of 04
w/c ratio Vs. compressive strength of concrete.

Sandip Polytechnic, Nashik
Department of Civil Engineering Roll No.:
Class: SYCE Semester –III Max. Marks: 20
Course & Code: Concrete Technology (CTE – 22305) Time: 01 Hour
Date: __/__/2023

1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches/flowcharts wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks of respective questions.
Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Course Outcome Chapter No.

01 CO305.1 Use relevant types of cement in different site conditions. 1

02 CO305.2 Use relevant aggregates for required concrete works. 2

03 CO305.3 Prepare concrete of desired compressive strengths. 3

Question Paper:

/ Sub Course
Questions Marks
Question Outcome
Q. 01 - Attempt any FOUR of the following. 08
a. CO305.1 List four Bogue’s compounds with their percentage in ordinary 02
Portland cement.
b. CO305.1 State physical properties of cement. 02
c. CO305.2 Classify the coarse aggregate with reference to its source, shape and 02

d. CO305.2 State the importance of size of aggregates in determining the 02

strength of the concrete.

e. CO305.3 Define Duff Abraham’s w/c ratio law. 02

f. CO305.3 List two properties of concrete in plastic state and in hardened 02


Q. 02 Attempt any THREE. 12

a. CO305.1 List four physical properties of OPC. Explain how fineness of cement 04
is determined by method of sieving.
b. CO305.2 Impact value test was conducted on coarse aggregate in the 04
laboratory and the observations are recorded as given below. Find
average impact value of coarse aggregate and state its suitability.

c. CO305.2 Interpret the relationship between the moisture content and the 04
change in volume of fine, medium and coarse aggregate to explain
the phenomenon of bulking with relevant sketch.
d. CO305.3 Explain bleeding. Suggest two ways by which bleeding can be 04
e. CO305.3 Define workability. List three factors affecting workability 04

Sandip Polytechnic, Nashik
Roll No.:
Department of Civil Engineering
Class: SYCE Semester –III Max. Marks: 20
Course & Code: Concrete Technology (CTE – 22305) Time: 01 Hour
Date: __/__/2023

1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches/flowcharts wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks of respective questions.
Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Course Outcome
01 CO305.4 Prepare concrete of required specifications. 4

02 CO305.5 Maintain the quality of concrete. 5

Use relevant admixtures for concreting for different weather
03 CO305.6 6
Question Paper:

/ Sub Course
Questions Marks
Question Outcome
Q. 01 - Attempt any FOUR of the following. 08
a. CO305.4 Define concrete mix design. 02
b. CO305.4 State the significance of testing of concrete. 02
c. CO305.5 Draw the concrete operation chain. 02
d. CO305.5 List four methods of water proofing. 02
e. CO305.6 State the uses of two special concrete. 02
f. CO305.6 State two purposes of using accelerating admixtures in the concrete. 02
Q. 02 Attempt any THREE. 12
a. CO305.4 Explain the laboratory procedure to determine the compressive 04
strength of concrete cubes as per IS-516-1959 with reference to
following points:
(i) preparation of test specimen (ii) Procedure of testing
(iii) Interpretation of results.
b. CO305.4 Explain the procedure of conducting a rebound hammer test for 04
measuring the surface hardness with reference to following points :
(i) Rebound number and its significance
(ii) Construction of equipment
(iii) Sketch of equipment
(iv) limitations of test
c. CO305.5 Suggest the relevant method of transportation of concrete used for 04
construction in following situation.
(1) Concreting in hilly areas
(2) Concreting of high rise building
(3) Concreting under water
d. CO305.5 Draw neat and labeled sketches of following: 04
(i) Plan of column formwork.
(ii) Expansion joint with load transfer device.
e. CO305.6 Write four properties of Ready Mix Concrete. 04
f. CO305.6 Write two effects and two precautions in hot weather concreting. 04

Sandip Polytechnic, Nashik
Roll No.:
Department of Civil Engineering
Class: SYCE Semester –III Max. Marks: 20
Course & Code: Concrete Technology (CTE – 22305) Time: 01 Hour
Date: __/__/2023

1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches/flowcharts wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks of respective questions.
Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Course Outcome
01 CO305.4 Prepare concrete of required specifications. 4

02 CO305.5 Maintain the quality of concrete. 5

Use relevant admixtures for concreting for different weather
03 CO305.6 6

Question Paper:
/ Sub Course
Questions Marks
Question Outcome
Q. 01 - Attempt any FOUR of the following. 08
a. CO305.4 List four methods of Mix design of concrete. 02
b. CO305.4 State principle of ultrasonic pulse-velocity test on 02
c. CO305.5 Enlist any two methods of transportation of a concrete. 02
d. CO305.5 List four materials used for filling joints in concrete. 02
e. CO305.6 State the two purposes of using air entraining admixtures 02
in the concrete.
f. CO305.6 List any two precautions to be taken in cold weather 02
Q. 02 Attempt any THREE. 12
a. CO305.4 Explain with sketch the Pulse velocity method used in 04
testing the concrete
b. CO305.4 Explain the importance Non-destructive Testing of 04
concrete with the names of methods deployed in it.
c. CO305.5 Classify the methods of curing of concrete with detail 04
explanation of one method
d. CO305.5 Draw a sketch of form work of a rectangular concrete 04
e. CO305.6 State one property of following admixtures with relevant 04
i. Super plasticizer,
ii. Accelerating admixture
iii. Retarding admixture,
iv. Air entraining admixture
f. CO305.6 Write two effects and two precautions of cold weather and 04
hot weather concreting.

3 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.

Instructions – (1) All Questions are Compulsory.

(2) Answer each next main Question on a new page.
(3) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(5) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(6) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket
Calculator is permissible.
(7) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic
Communication devices are not permissible in
Examination Hall.
(8) Preferably, write the answers in sequential order.


1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10

a) List four physical properties of OPC.
b) Define bulking of sand.
c) State Duff Abraham’s water cement ratio law.
d) Name four methods of concrete mix design.
e) In sequence, write concreting operations.
f) State two purposes of using accelerating admixtures in the
g) State two uses of low heat cement.

22305 [2]
2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Explain the method to determine initial and final setting time
of cement.
b) Classify the aggregate based on its size and shape.
c) Calculate the average crushing value of aggregate using following
data and write its suitability.

Sr. No. Description Sample No. A B C

1 Weight of oven dried sample 3119 3246 3184

2 Weight of fraction passing 2.36mm

I.S. Sieve } 575 581 598

d) A sand sample has a fineness modulus of 1.95. Whether this

sand can be used for concreting? Explain the procedure to bring
the fineness modulus in required permissible limits. State its

3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) Suggest the compaction factor for following degree of workability.
(i) Medium
(ii) High
(iii) Very low
(iv) Low
b) Illustrate the effect of properties of coarse aggregates on
compressive strength of concrete.
c) Explain the procedure for measurement of workability of fresh
concrete using slump cone test.
d) Explain the necessity of supervision for concreting operations
(any four)
22305 [3]
4. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Explain the importance of water / cement ratio in the concrete
b) Write four objectives of concrete mix design.
c) Describe four characteristics of ready mix concrete.
d) Explain four effects of hot weather on concrete.
e) Write two advantages and two disadvantages of vacuum
de-watered concrete floor.

5. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Explain the laboratory procedure to determine the compressive
strength of concrete cubes as per IS-516-1959 with reference
to following points:
(i) preparation of test specimen
(ii) Procedure of testing
(iii) Interpretation of results.
b) Explain the rebound hammer test procedure and show the
relationship between compressive strength and rebound number
with hammer horizontal and vertical on a dry and wet surface
of concrete.
c) Explain the ultrasonic pulse velocity test and techniques of
measuring pulse velocity through concrete.

6. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Write four requirements of good formwork and draw a sketch
showing cross section of formwork for a L-shaped column.
b) Suggest one type of materials for water proofing for the
following situations:
(i) Rising dampness in building
(ii) Leakages in dam
(iii) Concrete continuously in wet or damp condition.
(iv) Leakages in lavatory, bathroom and kitchen floor
(v) Cracks on plastered surface
(vi) Cracks on roof surface
c) Suggest the type of joints in concrete when it is likely to
increase in volume due to temperature change. Explain it and
draw its neat sketch.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Important Instructions to examiners
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more importance. (Not
applicable for subject English and Communication Skills.)
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure. The
figures drawn by the candidate and those in the model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit
for any equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values may
vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and the model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgment on part of examiner of relevant answer based
on candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on
equivalent concept.
Que. Sub. Total
Model Answers Marks
No. Que. Marks
Q. 1 (A) Attempt any FIVE of the following : 10
List four physical properties of OPC.
Ans. Physical properties of OPC:
i. Fineness
ii. Standard consistency or Normal consistency ½
iii. Initial and Final setting time each 2
iv. Soundness ( any
v. Compressive Strength four)

b) Define bulking of sand.

Ans. Bulking of sand is defined as increase in volume of given sand due to
surface moisture present on surface of particles. 2 2

c) State Duff Abraham’s water cement ratio law.

Ans. Duff Abraham’s Law: For workable concrete, the compressive
strength of concrete depends only on water-cement ratio. 2 2

d) Name four methods of concrete mix design.

Ans. i. Arbitrary proportion method
ii. Maximum density method
iii. Fineness modulus method
iv. ACI Committee 211 method ½
v. Road note no. 4 method (Grading Curve Method) each
vi. Indian road congress method (IRC - 44) ( any 2
vii. High strength concrete mix design method
viii. Indian Standard method (IS 10262: 2009)
ix. Trial and error method
x. Surface area method

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Total
Model Answers Marks
No. Que. Marks
Q. 1
xi. Mix design based on flexural strength
xii. 12.British DOE mix design method (Department of

In sequence, write concreting operations.

i. Batching of materials
Ans. ii. Mixing of materials 2 2
iii. Transportation of concrete
iv. Placing of concrete
v. Compaction of concrete
vi. Curing of concrete
vii. Finishing of concrete

f) State two purposes of using accelerating admixtures in the

concrete. 1
Ans. each 2
i. To accelerate the initial setting of concrete (any
ii. Permit early removal of formwork in cold climate. two)
iii. Reduce the required period of curing
iv. Speed of the work can be boosted by early removal of

g) State two uses of low heat cement.

Ans. i. It is used for mass concrete works such as dams. each 2
ii. It is used for cracks resistant structures. (any
iii. It is used for sulphate resistant structures. two)
iv. It used in concreting of nuclear power plant, sea walts, break
waters, etc.

Attempt any THREE of the following : 12

Explain the method to determine initial and final setting time of
a) cement.
Ans. Procedure:
i. Take 400 gm. of cement sample and add 0.85 times water
required for its standard consistency to prepare homogenous
cement paste. Note down the time at which water is added to
cement as T1 min. 4 4

ii. Fill this cement paste in Vicat’s mould. Keep this mould under
Vicat’s apparatus with IST needle attached to it.
iii. Now allow the IST needle to penetrate in the paste by realize
pin observe the total penetration. If the penetration is not 33

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Total
Model Answers Marks
No. Que. Marks
Q.2 to 35 mm from top then change the position of penetration
iv. Note down the time at which IST needle will give required
penetration as T2 min. Hence calculate the initial setting
v. IST = T2 - T1 min.
vi. Replace IST needle with FST needle and allow FST needle to
penetrate in same cement paste.
vii. Note down the time at which FST needle will give the Just
impression on a cement surface as T3 min.
viii. Calculate final setting time i.e. FST = T3-T1 min.

b) Classify the aggregate based on its size and shape.

Ans. Classification of aggregate according to Size:
As per size aggregates are divided into two categories:
i. Coarse Aggregate: The aggregate having size bigger than 2
4.75mm is considered as coarse aggregate.
ii. Fine Aggregate: The aggregate whose size is 4.75mm and less
is considered as fine aggregate.
Classification of aggregate according to shape:
As per shape aggregates are divided into four categories:
i. Rounded: This type of aggregate is completely shaped by
attrition or water worn. 2
ii. Irregular or partly rounded: This type of aggregate is
naturally irregular or partly shaped by attrition.
iii. Angular: This type of aggregate contains well defined
edges formed at intersection of roughly planer faces.
iv. Flaky and elongated: This type of aggregate having small
thickness as compared to width or length.

Calculate the average crushing value of aggregate using following

c) data and write its suitability.
Sr. No. Description A B C
1 Weight of oven dried 3119 3246 3184
2 Weight of fraction passing 575 581 598
2.36mmI.S. Sieve

Ans. To find aggregate crushing value,

%ACV= Weight of agg.passing through 2.36mm IS sieve X 100

Weight of oven dried aggregate

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Total
Model Answers Marks
No. Que. Marks
For observation I:
%ACV= (575/3119)x100 = 18.43%
For observation II:
%ACV= (581/3246)x100 =17.89%

For observation III:

%ACV= (598/3184)x100 =18.78%

To find average crushing value of given aggregate

Average %ACV = (18.43+17.89+18.78)/3

Average %ACV = 18.36%

Suitability: As the % ACV is 18.36%,which is less than 30%, hence 1

the given sample of aggregate is suitable for non-wearing surfaces like
roadways, runways etc.

d) A sand sample has a fineness modulus of 1.95. Whether this sand

can be used for concreting? Explain the procedure to bring the
fineness modulus in required permissible limits. State its

Ans. The given sand sample has a fineness modulus 1.95, which is less than
prescribed limit i.e.2.2-3.2. It indicates that sand particles are finer, 1
which is not suitable for satisfactory concreting work.

Procedure to bring FM in prescribed limits:

i. The cumulative % retained of tested sand sample should be
increased by adding sand particles which are having lesser
% retained in the calculation.
2 4
ii. When quantity of such sand particles are increased, then
FM of sand will be in the above mentioned range, which is
also considered as well graded sand sample.

Importance of FM:
i. Fineness modulus of sand should be 2.2 to 2.6 for fine
sand, which is helpful for minimizing voids ratio and 1
increasing density of concrete mass.
ii. Well graded sand is also useful for good bonding of
particles and related strength criteria of concrete.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Total
Model Answers Marks
No. Que. Marks
Q.3 Attempt any THREE of the following : 12
Suggest the compaction factor for the following degree of

Ans. Sr. Degree of Compaction

No. workability factor
1 4
i Medium 0.92

ii High 0.95

iii Very low 0.78

iv Low 0.85

Illustrate the effect of properties of coarse aggregates on

compressive strength of concrete.
Effect of properties of coarse aggregates on compressive strength of

i. Size of aggregate:

If coarse aggregate particles are of large size (say 20 mm) in

concrete mixture , then concrete becomes harsh and only 1
strength may reduce due to honey combing. But if coarse each 4
aggregate are of smaller sizes only (say 10 mm). Then ultimate (any
strength of concrete will be lesser. Therefore coarse aggregate four)
with combination of both sizes (i.e. 10 and 20 mm) will give
better workable concrete and more compressive strength.

ii. Shape of aggregate:

If shape of concrete aggregate is angular then there is good

interlocking of aggregate particles. Hence it gives more
compressive strength. If shape of coarse aggregate is sub
angular or sub rounded then compressive strength reduces due
to less bonding between particles.

iii. Surface texture:

If the texture of coarse aggregate is rough then aggregate gets

interlocked strongly than smooth textured aggregates in
presence of same cement slurry.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.3 iv. Water absorption:

If the % water absorption of coarse aggregate is more than

prescribed limit, then concrete becomes harsh result in
reduction of strength. But if water absorption is less concrete
becomes as per proportion giving required strength.

(Note: Other than above mentioned properties of coarse aggregate

should be considered).

Explain the procedure for measurement of workability of fresh

c) concrete using slump cone test.
Ans. Test Procedure:
i. Clean the mould from inside and apply oil to it.
ii. Place the mould on smooth horizontal, rigid & non-absorbent
surface or the centre of metallic tray.
iii. Fill the mould with the concrete to be tested in four layers,
tamping each layer 25 times with the tamping rod, taking care
that the strokes are evenly distributed over the c/s.
iv. Remove the mould by one smooth continuous vertical motion.
v. The concrete subsides and this subsidence is called “slump.”
Measure the slump in mm by using a metric scale from top of
vi. Based on measured slump, the degree of workability is
designated as follows.
Sr. 4 4
Slump (mm) Degree of workability
1 0-25 Very low
2 25-50 Low
3 50-100 Medium
4 100-175 High

d) Explain the necessity of supervision for concreting operations.(any

Ans. Necessity of supervision for concreting operation:
i. Supervision is necessary to complete all concreting
operations in standard manner.
ii. It is necessary to avoid any type of delay in concrete work. 1
iii. It is also beneficial to reduce wastage of concrete during each 4
concreting. (any
iv. It is required to get overall quality in concrete work at site. four)
v. Supervision becomes essential in maintaining smooth flow
of concreting operations at each stage of project.
vi. It found very effective in controlling bad workmanship.

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Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.4 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) Explain the importance of water/cement ratio in the concrete mix.

Importance of water/cement ratio in the concrete mix :

Ans. i. The W/C ratio plays very vital role in concrete mixture. The
improper or random selection of W/C ratio leads in various
defects in fresh and hardened concrete.
ii. If W/C ratio is less (say w/c= 1/4 = 0.25), then concrete will
become harsh and results in honeycombing or porous
nature due to poor workability.
each 4
iii. If w/c ratio is more (say w/c = 3/4 = 0.75), then concrete (any
undergoes segregation and bleeding. Thus finally concrete four)
shows defects in it.
iv. Therefore w/c ratio should be optimum, which depends on
grade of concrete and exposure conditions hence w/c ratio
should be selected from IS: 456:2000.
v. If w/c ratio is opted out properly as mentioned above, then
concrete possess good workability, compressive strength
and durability ultimately.
b) Write four objectives of concrete mix design.

Ans. i. To achieve a specified compressive strength of concrete.

ii. To reduce wastage of concrete by correct proportioning.
iii. To achieve economy by selecting appropriate concrete
iv. To maintain workability of concrete mix throughout work. each 4
v. To obtain maximum possible yield per bag of cement. four)
vi. To ensure less defects and enhanced durability of concrete.
c) Describe four characteristics of ready mix concrete.

Ans. Characteristics of ready mix concrete:

i. RMC can be ordered in bulk amount at a time.

ii. It has more homogeneity as compared to other concrete. 1

each 4
iii. It becomes economical in large project. (any

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Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.4 iv. It can be easily transported at a longer distance without setting
of concrete.
v. Quality of concrete is uniform and high.
vi. Useful in urban areas where it is lack of space.
vii. No dust and noise pollution.

d) Explain four effects of hot weather on concrete.

Ans. Effects of hot weather on concrete:

i. Due to hot weather, concrete shows rapid rate of hardening,
which results difficulty in transportation of concrete.
ii. Water from concrete mix gets evaporated fastly, which results
on w/c ratio and less workability of concrete.
iii. Water may get absorbed by formwork, aggregate or ground
due to excessive heat. 1
iv. More shrinkage cracks get developed on concrete surface due each 4
to incomplete hydration with less water in concrete. Hence, (any
early finishing becomes more essential. four)

v. Continuous curing is required to keep humidity and to avoid

further development of cracks.
vi. Air entrained in concrete may get expelled due to temperature,
hence workability may reduce additionally.

e) Write two advantages and two disadvantages of vacuum de-

watered concrete floor.

Ans. Advantages of vacuum de-watered concrete floor:

i. It reduces the time for finishing the floor.

ii. Smooth and clean finish surface.

iii. It reduce permeability and increase durability of concrete floor each
iv. Increase the strength of concrete. Compressive strength is two)
increased by 10 to 50%.

v. Decrease the total shrinkage.

Disadvantages of vacuum de-watered concrete floor: 4

i. High initial cost. 1

ii. It required specific equipment. (any

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Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Model Answers Marks Total
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Q.4 iii. The porosity which there in the concrete allows water, oil and
grease to seep into thereby weakening the structure.
iv. Joint can also weaken the concrete.
v. Abrasion can cause dust and cleanliness problem.

Q.5 Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Explain the laboratory procedure to determine the compressive

strength of concrete cubes as per IS-516-1959 with reference to
following points:
i. Preparation of test specimen
ii. Procedure of testing
iii. Interpretation of results
Preparation of test specimen:
i.Take three cubes of 15 cm sides and apply oil to its inner
surface. 2
ii. Prepare the concrete mixture of required grade and fill it in
each mould in 3 layers. Compact each layer 25 times with
16 mm dia. steel rod.
iii. Keep all the moulds at room temperature for 24 hrs for
initial hardening and at relative humidity 90%.
iv. Remove cube moulds and keep concrete cubes under fresh
water for curing for 7, 14, 21, 28 days.
Procedure of testing:
i. Remove cube from water after curing period and keep it
under compression testing machine (CTM) for testing.
ii. Apply load at a rate of 35 N/mm2/min for 10 minutes or 2 6
till failure load in N by cross sectional area of cube in
iii. Finally calculate compressive strength of cubes as failure
load in N by cross sectional area of cube in mm2.
iv. The average of three test cubes can be calculated as
average compressive strength in MPa

Interpretation of results:
i. If the calculated compressive strength is less than the grade
of concrete used, then concrete can be rejected at site.
ii. When such strength is found more (say 23N/mm than the
specified grade M20, then that concrete is safe and good for

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.5 b) Explain the rebound hammer test procedure and show the
relationship between compressive strength and rebound number
with hammer horizontal and vertical on dry and wet surface of

Ans. Rebound Hammer Test:

i. Initially the plunger of rebound hammer is Kept touching
to the target concrete surface
ii. Then the tubular casing of hammer is pushed towards 4
concrete, so that the spring gets wind up around the
iii. Now release the mass attached to plunger using dash pot,
so that hammer will impact on concrete surface and
rebound back depending on strength of concrete.
iv. Due to backward motion of hammer, pointer on graduated
scale will move in same direction.
v. Observe the distance travelled by pointer/rider on 6
graduated scale as rebound Number.
vi. If this rebound Number is less, the strength of concrete will
be less, But if it is more, then concrete possess sufficient

Fig. Relationship between Compressive Strength and Rebound Number

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.5 c) Explain the ultrasonic pulse velocity test and techniques of
measuring pulse velocity through concrete.
i. Ultrasonic pulse velocity method consists of measuring the
time travel of an ultrasonic pulse passing through the
concrete to be tested.
ii. The pulse generated circuit consists of electronic circuit for
generating pulses and a transducer for transforming these
electronic pulses into mechanical energy having vibration
frequency in the range of 15 to 50 kHz. 3
iii. The time travel between the initial path and the reception
of the pulse is measured electronically.
iv. The path length between transducer divided by the time of
travel gives the average velocity of the wave propagation.
PUNDIT (Portable Ultrasonic Non Destructive Digital
Indicating Tester) is a battery operated fully digitized
instrument which is generally used for measuring
ultrasonic pulse velocity.

Techniques of measuring Pulse velocity through concrete :

a) Direct transmission: The transmitting and receiving
transducers are placed on opposite surfaces of the concrete 1
slab. This will give maximum sensitivity and provide a
well-defined path length

b) Indirect transmission: The transmitting and receiving

transducers are placed on adjacent surfaces of the concrete 1

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Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.5 c) Surface transmission: The transmitting and receiving
transducers are placed on same surfaces of the concrete 1

Q.6 Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Write four requirements of good formwork and draw a sketch

showing cross section of formwork for a L-shaped column.
i. It should be strong enough to resist the weight of concrete,
workers and machinery. 1
ii. It should be economical compared to total cost of each
construction. (any
iii. It should be possible to use the formwork for more number four)
of times.
iv. It should give smooth finish and shape to concrete faces.
v. It should be possible to erect and dismantle the formwork
very easily.
vi. It should be easily and locally available.
vii. It should be rigid enough to retain its shape without
deflection or bulging. 6

Fig. Cross-Section of L-Shape Column

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Total
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Q.6 b) Suggest one type of materials for water proofing for the following
i. Rising dampness in building
ii. Leakages in dam
iii. Concrete continuously in wet or damp condition
iv. Leakages in lavatory ,bathroom and kitchen floor
v. Cracks on plastered surface
vi. Cracks on roof surface
Ans. i. Flexible materials like butyl rubber, hot bitumen (asphalt),
plastic sheets, bituminous felts, sheets of lead.
ii. Liquid applied cementitious membranes 1 6
iii. Liquid applied cementitious membranes each
iv. Liquid applied cementitious membranes, liquid applied latex
membranes, brick bat coba, liquid applied bituminous
v. Liquid applied cementitious membranes.
vi. Brick bat coba, liquid applied bituminous membrane.

c) Suggest the type of joints in concrete when it is likely to increase in

volume due to temperature change. Explain it and draw its neat
Ans. When it is likely to increase in volume due to temperature change
expansion joint is constructed. 1
i. Expansion joints are provided by keeping a gap between panels
of concrete and later sealing it
ii. The joint which is provided to present the expansion in
concrete caused due to thermal stresses.
iii. These stresses produce due to extreme temperature conditions. 6
The typical expansion joint is provided with dowel bars at a 3
depth equal to half of slab thickness.
iv. This dowel of 20 mm diameter and 550 mm long is covered
with metal cap filled with cotton and finally such joint is sealed
using sealants like wood, thermocol or bitumen.

Fig. Expansion Joint

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3 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.

Instructions – (1) All Questions are Compulsory.

(2) Answer each next main Question on a new page.
(3) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(5) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(6) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket
Calculator is permissible.
(7) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic
Communication devices are not permissible in
Examination Hall.


1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10

a) List four major compounds of cement with their percentage in
ordinary portland cement.
b) State four requirements of good aggregate.
c) State Duff Abraham’s water cements ratio law.
d) Define concrete mix design.
e) List four materials used for filling joints in concrete.
f) State two disadvantages of air entraining admixtures.
g) Define hydration of cement.

22305 [2]
2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Explain the procedure to determine fineness of cement by dry
sieving method. State its IS requirement.
b) List four substances in water having deleterious effects. State
their effects on concrete.
c) Calculate the fineness modulus of a sample using following
data. Total weight of sample is 1kg.

Sieve 4.75 2.36 1.18 600 300 150 Pan

Size mm mm mm –

100 150 300 200 120 90 40
Retained (gm)
d) Explain determination of bulking of fine aggregate with neat

3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) Suggest the degree of workability in terms of slump for the
(i) Pavements using pavers.
(ii) Canal lining.
(iii) Heavily reinforced sections
(iv) In-situ piling
b) Explain two causes of each
(i) Seggregation
(ii) Bleeding of concrete.
c) Write the significance of water- cement ratio and its effect on
hydration of cement.
d) Explain two factors affecting properties of hardened concrete.
22305 [3]
4. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) List eight factors affecting workability of concrete.
b) Write the procedure (steps) of mix-design of concrete with
reference to the provisions laid in IS: 10262-2009.
c) Write two effects and two precautions of cold weather and hot
weather concreting.
d) Differentiate between retarding and accelerating admixtures with
following points.
(i) Hydration process.
(ii) Setting time
(iii) Weather condition
(iv) Use.
e) Define the following special types of concretes with its one
(i) Vacuum concrete
(ii) Fiber reinforced concrete.
(iii) High performance concrete
(iv) Self compacting concrete.

5. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Draw a neat and labelled sketch of rebound hammer and write
two limitations of it.
b) Write one suitability of each different six non- destructive tests.
c) Explain the technique and ways of measuring ultrasonic pulse
velocity through concrete. Draw sketches.

22305 [4]
6. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12
a) Explain the significance of batching, compaction and curing of
b) Draw neat and labelled sketches of following:
(i) Plan of column formwork.
(ii) Expansion joint with load transfer device.
c) (i) Suggest the relevant method of water - proofing used for
following construction.
1) Basements of buildings.
2) Swimming pool.
3) Water tank.
(ii) Suggest the relevant method of transportation of concrete
used for construction in following situation.
1) Concreting in hilly areas.
2) Concreting of highrise building.
3) Concreting under water.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Summer- 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Important Instructions to Examiners
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more importance. (Not
applicable for subject English and Communication Skills.)
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure. The
figures drawn by the candidate and those in the model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit
for any equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values may
vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and the model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgment on part of examiner of relevant answer based
on candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on
equivalent concept.
Que. Sub. Total
Model Answer Marks
No. Que. Marks
Q.1 Attempt any FIVE of the following: (10)

a) List four major compounds of cement with their percentage in

ordinary Portland cement.
Name of compound Formula %

1 Tricalcium Silicate (C3S) 3 CaO SiO2 54.1 ½ 2

2 Dicalcium Silicate (C2S) 2 CaO SiO2 16.6

3 Tricalcium Aluminate (C3A) 3 CaO Al2 O3 10.8

Tetracalcium Aluminoferrite 4 CaO Al2 O3

4 9.1
(C4AF) Fe2 O3

b) State four requirement of good aggregate.

The requirements of good aggregate are as follows.
1. A good aggregate should be strong having sufficient impact,
crushing and abrasion strength.
2. A good aggregate should be durable to resist atmospheric ½
variation. (each 2
3. It should be non-reactive type to avoid alkali- aggregate any
reaction. four)
4. It should be clean i.e. free from organic and inorganic
5. It should be well graded with minimum voids.
6. It should have rough texture for better bonding.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Summer- 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Total
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Q.1 7. It should not absorb water more than 5%from added water to
avoid variation in w/c ratio.
8. It should have angular shape for strong interlocking of
c) State Duff Abraham’s water cements ratio law.
Ans. Duff Abraham’s Law – For workable concrete, the compressive
strength of concrete depends on water-cement ratio.
Expression –
2 2

where, S = Strength of concrete

X = water-cement ratio
A, B = Empirical constants

d) Define concrete mix design.

Ans. Concrete Mix Design: It is the process of determining the quantity of
2 2
materials required for given grade of concrete, is known as concrete
mix design.

e) List four materials used for filling joints in concrete.

Ans. Materials used for filling joints;
1. Asphalt, tar, bituminous materials
2. Fibre and fibre products
½ 2
3. Sponge rubber
4. Cork
5. Polymer
6. Thermoplastic
7. Glass
f) State two disadvantages of air entraining admixtures.
Ans. Disadvantages of air entraining admixtures:
1. Porosity of the concrete mass increases the chances of 1
honeycombing. (each 2
2. The density of concrete i.e. unit weight decreases. any
3. Workability of concrete increases but strength of concrete
decreases up to certain extent.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Summer- 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.1 g) Define hydration of cement
Ans. Hydration of cement: It is exothermic chemical reaction takes place
when water is added to cement, which gives rise cement paste and 2 2
large amount heat is evolved. About 120 cal/gm, heat is evolved. This
is called as hydration of cement.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Summer- 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Total
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Q. 2 Attempt any THREE of the following: (12)
a) Explain the procedure to determine fineness of cement by dry
sieving method. State its IS requirement.
Ans. Procedure to determine fineness of cement by dry sieving method:
1. Take the 100 gm of cement sample given using balance as initial
weight as W1 gm.
2. Take 90 micron IS sieve and keep pan at bottom.
3. Place the measured 100 gm cement sample on 90 micron sieve and
break the visible lumps present in cement using figures without
pressing it on sieve.
4. Keep the lid on sieve.
5. Sieve the cement manually by giving wrist motion for 10-15
minutes, so that cement sample gets sieved completely. 3 4
6. Measure the weight of cement fraction retained on 90 micron sieve
as W2 gm.
7. Calculate the % fineness of given cement as (W2 / W1 ) x 100
8. Repeat all above steps to get average % fineness of given cement.

IS requirement of Fineness of cement: According to IS:269, the %

fineness of various cements should not exceed following limits.
i) Ordinary Portland cement (OPC): 10 % max. 1
ii) Rapid hardening Cement (RHC): 5 % max.
iii) Low Heat Cement (LHC): 5 % max.

b) List four substances in water having deleterious effects. State their

Ans. effects on concrete.
Substances in water:
1. Suspended particles
2. Inorganic salts
3. Acids and Alkalis
4. Algae
5. Sugar content
6. Mineral oil
Effects of deleterious materials on concrete:
1. Suspended particles: If the mixing of water contains
suspended particles more than 0.02% by weight of total
water un concrete, then it affects all properties other than
strength of concrete.
2. Inorganic salts: The inorganic salts like zinc chloride lead
nitrate, sodium phosphate etc. reduces strength whereas
sodium and potassium carbonates results very rapid setting
of concrete. The presence of calcium chloride in water 1 4
more than 1.5% of total weight of cement results reduces (each)
rate of setting of concrete. The salt content in sea water any
reduces the concrete strength about 10-20% and also four)
affects curing in the form of efflorescence.
3. Acids and Alkalis: The acids and alkalis present in
industrial waste water results in undesirable alkali-
aggregate reaction giving cracks on concrete surface.
4. Algae: The algae present in water reduces bond between
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Summer- 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.2 5. Cement and aggregate: hence reduces strength of
6. Sugar content: The sugar content in water between 0.05-
0.15% by weight of water results in retarding setting time
and early strength of concrete. The sugar more than 0.20%
will give fast setting but reduces ultimate strength of
7. Oil content: Mineral oil more than 8% reduces strength of
concrete and vegetable oil shows detrimental effects on
concrete strength at its later stages.

c) Calculate the fineness modulus of a sample using following data.

Total weight of sample is 1kg.
Sieve 4.75 2.36 1.18 600 300 150 Pan
Size mm mm mm µ µ µ --

100 150 300 200 120 90 40
retained (gm)
Cumulative Cumulative
weight weight
Sieve Size retained
retained retained
(gm) (%)

4.75 mm 100 100 10

2.36 mm 150 250 25
1.18 mm 300 550 55 3 4
600 µ 200 750 75

300 µ 120 870 87

150 µ 90 960 96
Pan -- 40 1000
∑ % cumulative wt. retained upto 150µ IS sieve 348

F. M.=∑ % cumulative wt. retained upto 150µ IS sieve / 100

F.M. = 348/100 1
F.M. = 3.48

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Summer- 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Total
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Q.2 d) Explain determination of bulking of fine aggregate with neat
Determination of bulking of fine aggregate (sand):
1. Take 100 gm. of given sand sample and fill it in measuring
cylinder about one-third of its weight. Take this volume of
sand V1 ml.
2. Now add 2% water by weight in sand initially. Shake the
cylinder vigoursly using palm at top and bottom to cylinder.
Note down the increased volume of sand V2 ml.
3. Calculate % bulking of sand as b1 = ((V2- V1)/ V1] x 100
4. Repeat above steps by adding water at suitable intervals (say
2%) i.e. 4%, 6%, 8% etc. and observe increased volumes V3, 3 4
V4, V5 etc. Also calculate corresponding % bulking as b2, b3,
b4% using above formula.
5. Finally draw the bulking curve as % water versus % bulking as
shown in fig below. Note down the maximum % of bulking
and corresponding optimum % of water from it.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Summer- 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Total
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Q.3 Attempt any THREE of the following: (12)

a) Suggest the degree of workability in terms of slump for the

i) Pavements using pavers
ii) Canal lining
iii) Heavily reinforced sections
iv) In-situ piling
Ans. Degree of workability in terms of slump for the following:
i) Pavements using pavers: 25-75 mm 1 4
ii) Canal lining: 70-80 mm (each)
iii) Heavily reinforced sections: 50-100 mm
iv) In-situ piling: 100-150 mm

b) Explain two causes of each

i) Segregation
ii) Bleeding of concrete
Ans. Causes of Segregation:
1. Inaccurate water cement ratio. 1
2. Improper mixing of concrete ingredients. (each
3. Longer distance transportation. any
4. More height of concrete placing. two)
5. Excessive or over vibration. 4
Causes of Bleeding of concrete:
1. Inaccurate concrete mix proportion with higher w/c ratio
2. Use of more flaky aggregates. 1
3. Insufficient mixing of concrete. (each
4. Lean mix i.e. less cements content. any
5. Delay in finishing of freshly placed concrete mix. two)

c) Write the significance of water-cement ratio and its effect on

hydration of cement.

Ans. Significance of water-cement ratio:

The W/C ratio plays very vital role in concrete mixture. The improper
or random selection of W/C ratio leads in various defects in fresh and
hardened concrete.
If W/C ratio is less (say w/c= 1/4 = 0.25), then concrete will become
harsh and results in honeycombing or porous nature due to poor
workability. If w/c ratio is more ((say w/c= 5/4= 1.25), then concrete
undergoes segregation and bleeding. Thus finally concrete shows
defects in it.
Therefore w/c ratio should be optimum, which depends on grade of 2 4
concrete and exposure conditions hence w/c ratio should be selected
from IS: 456:2000. If w/c ratio is opted out properly as mentioned
above, then concrete possess good workability, compressive strength
and durability ultimately

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Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.3 c) Effect of water-cement ratio on hydration of cement: When w/c
ratio is less i.e. less water in concrete mix, then it leads to less
availability of water than that of required for complete hydration. It
decreases the rate of hydration of cement.
When w/c ratio is more i.e. excessive water in concrete, then it results
in abundant availability of water for sufficient hydration. But such
large water may not give proper binding of aggregates.

d) Explain two factors affecting properties of hardened concrete.

Ans. Factors affecting properties of hardened concrete:

1. Type and quality of materials used: If type and quality of
materials used for concrete i.e. cement, sand, aggregate and
water is not as per IS recommendations, then the properties
of hardened concrete like strength, durability will affect
drastically. Reactive aggregates reduce fire resistance and
acidic/alkaline water gives cracks in concrete. Lesser grade
of cement reduces strength and durability of hardened
2. Mix proportion of materials: The badly mix proportion
of good quality materials will result in reduced segregation
and bleeding, which finally shows reduced workability and
strength of concrete. Improper mix i.e. random water
cement ratio shows harshness in concrete, which finally
results in unfinished surface of hardened concrete.
3. Methods of concreting operations: If the concreting 2 4
operations like batching, mixing, transportation are not (each
completed in standard manner, then one cannot ensure any
sufficient strength and durability of concrete in hardened two)
stage. Also lesser compaction results in honeycombing,
which shows lack of impermeabilty in concrete.
4. Workmanship: This is another important factor on which
all the properties of hardened concrete depend. If the
supervisors, labours, masons etc are not working properly,
then the bad workmanship result in various defects in
hardened concrete in terms of reduced strength, more
chances of creep etc.
5. Weather conditions: The atmospheric variation also
affects the properties of hardened concrete. The high
temperature results in expansion cracks and reduced
temperature gives rise to shrinkage cracks. Alternate
drying and wetting of concrete in monsoon season may
shows creep in concrete. The sudden change in weather
conditions reduces strength and durability of hardened

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Summer- 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.4 Attempt any THREE of the following: (12)

a) List eight factors affecting workability of concrete.

Ans. Factors affecting workability :
1. Water content (W/C ratio)
2. Mix proportions of concrete
3. Size of aggregate ½ 4
4. Shape of aggregate (each
5. Surface texture of aggregate any
6. Grading of aggregate eight)
7. Use of admixtures
8. Method of mixing of concrete.

b) Write the procedure (steps) of mix design of concrete with

reference to the provisions laid in IS:10262-2009
Ans. IS method of mix design with steps-
The concrete mix design is done by IS 10262-2009 using following
1. Calculation of target mean strength –The concrete mix design
is done for specific target strength which is calculated first. It
is calculated by using formula, f’ck = fck + t.S; where,
f’ck = target mean strength after 28 days
fck = characteristics compressive strength at 28 days
S = standard deviation from IS 456
T = tolerance factor from IS 456
2. Selection of water-cement ratio- The w/c ratio is selected from
the graph of generalized relationship between w/c ratio and
compressive strength. The selected w/c ratio is checked against
the limiting w/c ratio and lower of two is adopted.
3. Selection of water content- The maximum water content per 4 4
cubic meter of concrete with nominal maximum size of
aggregate s finalized in this step. The water content adopted is
used for computing cement content in next step.
4. Calculation of cementitous material content – From adopted
w/c ratio and selected maximum water content the quantity of
cementious materials is calculated. It is checked against the
minimum cementitous content for durability requirement ad
larger of the two values is adopted as cement content.
5. Calculation of coarse aggregate proportion –The volume of
coarse aggregate per unit volume of total aggregate is chosen
in this step based on nominal maximum size of aggregate
6. Selection of combination of coarse aggregate fractions- The
different sizes viz. 10 mm , 20 mm , 25 mm are taken in
proportion from grading , confirming in table 2 of IS 383
7. Calculation of fine aggregate proportion- From above steps,
absolute volume of all ingredients of concrete the mix
proportion is calculated for said mix design of concrete.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Summer- 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.4 c) Write two effects and two precautions of cold weather and hot
weather concreting.
Ans. Effects of cold weather concreting:
1. Due to cold weather, concrete shows reduced rate of hardening,
which results delay in removal of formwork.
2. Water added in concrete mix gets frozen quickly, which results in
difficulty in mixing showing less workability of concrete.
3. Snow fall during concerting increases the w/c ratio, which may lead ½
to segregation and bleeding in concrete. (each
4. Ordinary method of curing becomes unsuitable in such humid any
conditions. two)
5. Due to freezing and thawing effect, concrete may results in
contraction cracks.
6. Due to excessive moisture, lumps get formed in cement bag.
7. During transportation, concrete becomes hard due to ice formation
of water added.
Precautions of cold weather concreting:
1. Concrete work should be done during day time or on sunny days.
2. Warm water should be added for mixing of ingredients of concrete.
3. Before placing of concrete, the formed ice, snow or frost should be ½ 4
removed from formwork. (each
4. The accelerating admixtures should be used to increase hardening of any
concrete. two)
5. A protective cover should be used over casted concrete to avoid cold
winds and snow fall.
6. Aggregates (fine and coarse) should be heated before its use.
Effects of hot weather concreting:
1. Due to hot weather, concrete shows rapid rate of hardening, which
results difficulty in transportation of concrete.
2. Water from concrete mix gets evaporated fastly, which results on w/c
ratio and less workability of concrete. ½
3. Water may get absorbed by formwork, aggregate or ground due to (each
excessive heat. any
4. More shrinkage cracks get developed on concrete surface due to two)
incomplete hydration with less water in concrete. Hence, early
finishing becomes more essential.
5. Continuous curing is required to keep humidity and to avoid further
development of cracks.
6. Air entrained in concrete may get expelled due to temperature, hence
workability may reduce additionally.
Precautions of hot weather concreting: ½
1. During hot weather, transportation of concrete should be done (each
quickly, without delay to avoid hardening of concrete. any
2. Concrete should be covered with polythene before and after two)
concreting work to minimize defects.
3. Before placing, water should be sprinkled on ground and formwork
to avoid water absorption from concrete mix.
4. Concreting work should be done during night time only.
5. Retarding admixtures should be used to reduce rate of setting.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Summer- 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.4 6. Low heat cement should be preferred to minimize heat evolution.
7. High w/c ratio and ice crystals should be used to maintain

d) Differentiate between retarding and accelerating admixtures with

following points.
i) Hydration process
ii) Setting time
iii) Weather condition
iv) Use
Ans. The accelerating and retarding admixtures can be compared as follows.
Accelerating Retarding
Admixture Admixture
Hydration Due to accelerating Due to retarding
process admixture, hydration admixture, hydration
process completes very process completes
quickly. Hence slowly, hence concrete
hardening of concrete hardens very slowly.
takes place earlier.
Setting time Setting time of concrete Setting time of concrete
reduces due to addition increases due to addition
of accelerating of retarding admixture 1 4
admixture. (each)
Weather It is useful for It is useful for concreting
condition concreting in cold in hot weather condition.
weather condition.
Use  It is applicable  It is applicable where
where delay in high heat and
construction is not vibrations are
allowed i.e. road required to reduce
construction. i.e. in machine
 It is useful where foundations and
quick setting is nuclear power plant.
required i.e. in  It is useful where
underwater slow setting of
construction. concrete is required
 It is beneficial i.e. in extreme hot
where rapid weather concreting.
hardening of  It is beneficial where
concrete is slow hardening of
necessary i.e. in concrete is necessary
case of high rise i.e. in mass concrete
structures. structures.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Summer- 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Total
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Q.4 e) Define the following special types of concretes with its one use.
i) Vacuum concrete
ii) Fiber reinforced concrete
iii) High performance concrete
iv) Self-compacting concrete

Ans. The uses of special types of concretes are as follows.

i) Vacuum concrete: It is the concrete in which entrained air and
excess water form concrete mix is taken out from vacuum pump,
called vacuum concrete.
i. Industrial floor sheds.
ii. Hydro power plants
iii. Bridges, ports and harbours
iv. Cooling towers

ii) Fiber reinforced concrete: The concrete made up of using one or

more type of fibers in the concrete mix, is known as fiber reinforced
i.Construction of air field, road pavements, industrial floorings,
bridge decks, etc.
ii.Useful in canal lining, refractory lining.
1 4
iii.Useful in fabrication of precast products like pipes, boats, beams, (each)
staircase steps, wall panels etc.
iv.Applicable in construction of explosive resistive structures.

iii) High performance concrete: The high performance concrete is a

concrete in which certain characteristics are developed for a
particular application and environment, so that it will give excellent
performance in the structure to be built, is called as High
performance concrete.
i. Construction of special structures like atomic power stations,
satellite launching station, heavy duty runway, etc.
ii. Mass concrete structures like dams, long span bridges, etc.

iv) Self-compacting concrete: It is the concrete which settle down

under its own weight so that it does not require any type of external
vibration for its compaction.
i. Thin walled structures like pardi, retaining wall etc.
ii. Highly reinforced sections i.e. large bridge and machine
iii. Pumped concrete for floors and slabs.
iv. Pre-stressed concrete

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Summer- 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Total
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Q.5 Attempt any TWO of the following: (12)

a) Draw a neat and labelled sketch of rebound hammer and write two
limitations of it.
Ans. Labelled sketch of rebound hammer:

Limitations of Rebound hammer test:

1. Rebound of hammer may get affected due to roughness of
concrete surface. 1 6
2. The age of concrete also varies with rebound number i.e. cured (each
concrete gives more rebound no. than fresh one. any
3. Surface moisture of concrete may give inaccurate rebound two)
4. Type of concrete ingredients i.e. cement, coarse aggregate may
affect rebound number.
5. Size and shape of specimen also affect hammer impact.

b) Write one suitability of each different six non-destructive tests.

Ans. The suitability of various non-destructive tests are as follows.
1. Surface hardness test- To estimate the concrete strength using
Williams testing pistol and impact hammer.
2. Rebound hammer test- To estimate the strength of concrete and
comparative investigations.
3. Ultrasonic pulse velocity test- To determine homogeneity of
concrete mass and strength of concrete.
4. Penetration and pullout technique- To determine penetration 1 6
and pullout resistance of concrete mass and hence to determine (each
concrete strength. any
5. Dynamic or vibration test- To evaluate durability and six)
uniformity of concrete and to estimate its strength and elastic
6. Radioactive method-To measure density and thickness of
concrete using X and gamma ray
7. Nuclear method- To determine moisture and cement content.
8. Magnetic method- To determine cover of reinforcement in
concrete mass.
9. Electrical method- To measure moisture content and thickness
of concrete.
10. Acoustic emission techniques- To study the initiation and
growth of cracks in concrete.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Summer- 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Total
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Q.5 c) Explain the technique and ways of measuring ultrasonic pulse
velocity through concrete. Draw sketches.
Ans. Methods of measuring ultrasonic pulse velocity
1. Direct transmission
2. Indirect transmission
3. Surface transmission
Direct transmission- The transmitting and receiving transducers are 1
placed on opposite surfaces of the concrete slab as shown in figure

Indirect transmission: The transmitting and receiving transducers are

placed on opposite surfaces of the concrete slab. This will give
maximum sensitivity and provide a well-defined path length as shown in 1 6
figure below.

Surface transmission: The transmitting and receiving transducers are

placed on same or either side of surfaces of the concrete slab as shown in 1
figure below.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Summer- 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Total
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Q.6 Attempt any TWO of the following: (12)

a) Explain the significance of batching, compaction and curing of

Ans. Significance of Batching:
1. If the batching of materials required for concrete is not done
appropriately, then random quantity of materials produce
non-homogeneous concrete, which further leads to various
difficulties in handling the concrete operations in terms of
bad workability and poor strength. 2
2. There are more chances of wastage of concrete to produce
good quality of concrete.
3. Un-batched materials results in various defects in concrete in
later stages.
Significance of Compaction:
1. If compaction is not done then the concrete mass shows voids
in it, resulting porous concrete.
2. Insufficient compaction results in honeycombing of concrete, 2 6
hence it is important to get dense concrete
3. Compaction is significant to achieve desired strength and to
ensure enhanced durability of concrete structure.
Significance of Curing:
1. Curing plays vital role in completing the hydration of cement
hence to achieve characteristic strength of concrete.
2. Curing is essential to gain early and ultimate strength of
concrete. 2
3. Curing is necessary to make the concrete impermeable in
nature its hardened state.

b) Draw a neat and labelled sketches of following:

i) Plan of column formwork.
ii) Expansion joint with load transfer device.
i) Plan of column formwork.

3 6

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Summer- 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Total
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Q.6 ii) Expansion joint with load transfer device.

c) (i) Suggest the relevant method of water-proofing used for following

1) Basement of buildings.
2) Swimming pool.
3) Water tank.
(ii) Suggest the relevant method of transportation of concrete used
for construction in following situation.
1) Concreting in hilly areas.
2) Concreting of high-rise building.
3) Concreting under water.
Method of water-proofing for:
1) Basement of buildings: Waterproofing by using waterproof
sealants. 1
2) Swimming pool: Waterproofing by spraying or grouting in (each)
3) Water tank: Waterproofing by water proof coat.
Method of transportation of concrete for:
1) Concreting in hilly areas: Ropeway and helicopter.
2) Concreting of high-rise building: Skip and hoist 1
arrangement, concrete pump, slip form technique. (each)
3) Concreting under water: Tremie pipe, grout pipe.

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3 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.

Instructions – (1) All Questions are Compulsory.

(2) Answer each next main Question on a new page.
(3) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(5) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(6) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket
Calculator is permissible.
(7) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic
Communication devices are not permissible in
Examination Hall.


1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10

a) Define fineness of cement.
b) State any four properties of fine aggregate.
c) State water cement ratio law.
d) State principle of ultrasonic pulse-velocity test on concrete.
e) Enlist any two methods of transportation of a concrete.
f) List any two precautions to be taken in cold weather
g) State the meaning of 43 grade and 53 grade cement.

22305 [2]
2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Explain the procedure for determination of compressive strength
of cement in laboratory.
b) Explain procedure to find specific gravity of the fine aggregate
in laboratory.
c) Calculate fineness moudulus for the given data of fine
aggregate. Total weight of C.A. = 1000 gm.
Sieve size in mm 4.75 2.36 1.18 Pan
Wt. retained in gm. 20 75 210 274 305 106 10
d) Explain flakiness index and elongation index in detail.

3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) Calculate quantity of water to be added for costing cubes in
laboratory by 12.5 kg cement, if w/c ratio 0.45.
b) Suggest the minimum grade of concrete for following exposure
(i) RCC work
(ii) Water retaining structure.
(iii) Sea water construction
(iv) Prestressed concrete.
c) Draw concreting operation chain in sequence.
d) Describe the procedure for determination of workability by
compaction factor method.
22305 [3]
4. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Define bleeding. Suggest any two ways by which bleeding
can be avoided.
b) Write any four factor affecting concrete mix design.
c) Explain the significance of water reducing admixture in
concrete with respect to properties of concrete.
d) Write the procedure of vacuum dewatering concreting for
construction of floors.
e) State four points of differences between reinforced concrete
and fibre reinforced concrete.

5. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Explain the method of concrete mix design procedure by I.S.
method as per IS - 10262.
b) Explain the procedure to determine compressive strength of
concrete in lab.
c) State the importance of NDT. and state working principle
of Rebound hammer.

6. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Classify the methods of curing of concrete with detail
explanation of any one method.
b) State the requirement of good form work and state the stripping
time of form work as per IS 456-2000.
(i) Slab
(ii) Beam
(iii) Column
with labelling on sketch.
c) Explain the procedure for joining old and new concrete work,
also state any two material used or filling concrete joints.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter - 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Important Instructions to Examiners
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more importance. (Not
applicable for subject English and Communication Skills.)
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure. The
figures drawn by the candidate and those in the model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit
for any equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values may
vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and the model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgment on part of examiner of relevant answer based
on candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on
equivalent concept.

Que. Sub. Total

Model Answer Marks
No. Que. Marks
Q.1 Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10

(a) Define fineness of cement.

Ans. Fineness of cement: It is the degree of grinding of cement particles 2 2

during its manufacturing process, called as fineness of cement.
It is the measurement of size of particles, called as fineness of cement.

(b) State any four properties of fine aggregate.

Ans. Properties of fine aggregate: The properties of fie aggregate are

stated as follows.
1. Size
2. Source ½ 2
3. Shape each
4. Specific gravity (any
5. Bulk density four)
6. Fineness Modulus
7. Cleanliness
8. Silt content
9. Bulking

(c) State water cement ratio law.

Ans. Duff Abraham’s water cement ratio law: For workable concrete, 2 2
the strength of concrete depends only on its water-cement ratio.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter - 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305

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Q.1 (d) State principle of ultrasonic pulse-velocity test on concrete.

Ans. Principle of ultrasonic pulse-velocity test: The working principle of

ultrasonic pulse velocity test is as follows:
The electronically generated mechanical pulses of specific frequency 2
pass though concrete mass and travel time of waves is measured to
determine the ultrasonic pulse velocity and related quality of concrete.

(e) Enlist any two methods of transportation of concrete.

Ans. Methods of transportation of concrete: There are three methods of

transportation of concrete listed below.
1. Manual method- Transportation through the hands of labour in
the ghamela, wheel barrow. 1 2
2. Semi-manual method- Transpiration using belt conveyor, skip each
and hoist arrangement. (any
3. Mechanical Method- Transportation using truck, dumper, RMC two)

(f) List any two precautions to be taken in cold weather concreting.

Ans. Precautions to be taken in cold weather concreting:

In extreme weather, following precautions should be taken.
1. Concreting work should be done during day time or on sunny
2. Warm water should be added for mixing of ingredients of
1 2
3. Before placing of concrete, the formed ice, snow or frost should
be removed from formwork. each
4. The accelerating admixtures should be used to increase hardening (any
of concrete. two)
5. A protective cover should be used over casted concrete to avoid
cold winds and snow fall.
6. Aggregates (fine and coarse) should be heated before its use.
7. Rapid hardening or quick setting cement should be used for fast
setting of concrete.

(g) State the meaning of 43 grade and 53 grade cement.

Ans. Meaning of 43 grade cement: It means that, this type of cement

shows minimum 43 N/mm2 compressive strength after 28 days
complete curing, when tested on CTM.
2 2
Meaning of 53 grade cement: It means that, this type of cement
shows minimum 53 N/mm2 compressive strength after 28 days
complete curing, when tested on CTM.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter - 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305

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Q.2 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

(a) Explain the procedure for determination of compressive strength

of cement in laboratory.

Ans. Procedure for determination of compressive strength of cement in

1. Take 200 gm cement, 600 gm standard sand and add water
((p/4)+3) % to that of combined weight of cement and sand.
Prepare homogenous mortar.
2. Fill the prepared mortar in the cube mould of size 7.07 cm side by
proper compaction. Compact the filled mould on vibrating
machine for 3-5 minutes. 4 4
3. Keep filled moulds at room temperature for 24 hours and 90%
humidity for initial hardening.
4. Remove cube moulds and keep cement cubes under fresh water
for curing for 7, 14, 21, 28 days.
5. Remove cube from water after curing period and keep it under
compression testing machine (CTM) for testing.
6. Apply compressive load at a rate of 35 N/mm2 till failure of cube.
7. Note down the failure load in kN shown by red pointer of dial
8. Calculate compressive strength of cement cube by dividing failure
load in N to cross sectional area of cube in mm2.
9. Calculate average compressive strength of three test cubes in

(b) Explain procedure to find specific gravity of the fine aggregate in


Ans. Procedure to find specific gravity of fine aggregate in laboratory:

1. Take 2000 gm. aggregate sample in wire basket. Immerse the
basket in water completely and take it out to remove entrapped air.
Repeat it 20-25 times.
2. Keep this aggregate basket in water for 24 hours. Weigh the
aggregate and basket when still immersed in water as B1 gm.
3. Now, remove the basket. Take out aggregate and weigh empty 4 4
basket in water as B2 gm.
4. Calculate the mass of saturated surface dry aggregate in water as
B= (B1- B2) gm.
5. Keep the aggregate exposed to air for 10 minutes and take the
weight of air dried aggregate as ‘A’ gm.
6. Now, keep the air dried aggregate in oven at temperature of 1100C
for 24 hours. Take the weight of complete oven dried aggregate as
‘C’ gm.
7. Calculate the specific gravity of given aggregate as Ga= C / (A-B).
8. Repeat all above steps for two more samples to get average
specific gravity of aggregate.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter - 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305

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Q.2 (c) Calculate fineness modulus for the given data of fine aggregate.
Total weight of C.A. = 1000 gm.
Sieve size in
4.75 2.36 1.18 600µ 300 µ 150 µ Pan
Wt. retained
20 75 210 274 305 106 10
in gm

Ans. Sieve size Weight Cumulative % Cumulative

(mm) retained weight retained weight retained
(gm) (gm) (%)
4.75 20 20 2 2
2.36 75 95 9.5
1.18 210 305 30.5
600 µ 274 579 57.9
300 µ 305 884 88.4
150 µ 106 990 99
Pan 10 -- --
∑ % cumulative wt. retained upto 150µ IS

F. M.= ∑ % cumulative wt. retained upto 150µ IS sieve / 100 1

F.M. = 287.3/100 4
F.M. = 2.873 1

(d) Explain flakiness index and elongation index in detail.

Flakiness Index: It is the percentage by weight of particles whose

least dimension (thickness) is less than (3/5)th of its mean dimension
passing through thickness gauge.
It is determined by testing minimum 200 aggregate particles on
thickness gauge. All the particles of initial weight W1 gm are passed
through various sizes along its thickness. The weight of aggregate 2
particles passed through various sizes is taken as W2 gm. Finally
flakiness index of given aggregate sample is calculated by using
formula Flakiness Index = (W2/ W1) x100 %.
Elongation Index: It is the percentage by weight of particles whose
greatest dimension (length) is more than (14/5)th of its mean dimension
retained on length gauge.
It is determined by testing minimum 200 aggregate particles on length 2
gauge. All the particles of initial weight W1 gm are passed through 4
various sizes along its length. The weight of aggregate particles
retained through various sizes is taken as W2 gm. Finally elongation
index of given aggregate sample is calculated by using formula
Elongation Index = (W2/ W1) x100 %.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter - 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305

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Q.3 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

(a) Calculate quantity of water to be added for casting cubes in

laboratory by 12.5 kg cement if w/c ratio 0.45.

Ans. As w/c = (weight of water / weight of cement) 1

w/c = (Ww / Wc)
0.45 = (Ww / 12.5)
Ww = (0.45x12.5)
Ww = 5.625 kg or 5.625 Litres 1

(b) Suggest the minimum grade of concrete for following exposure

i) RCC work
ii) Water retaining structure
iii) Sea water construction
iv) Pre-stressed concrete
Ans. Minimum grade of concrete for following exposure condition: 4
i) RCC work = M 20
ii) Water retaining structure = M 25
iii) Sea water construction = M 20 for PCC and M 30 for RCC
iv) Pre-stressed concrete = M 30

(c) Draw concreting operation chain in sequence.

Ans. Sequential chain of Concreting Operations:


Fig.: Concreting Operations in Sequence

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter - 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305

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Q.3 (d) Describe the procedure for determination of workability by
compaction factor method.

Ans. Procedure for determination of workability by compaction factor

method: The procedure of determining the workability of concrete
using compaction factor as per IS: 1199-1959 is as follows.
1. Take the freshly mixed concrete of any specific grade and fill it in
upper hopper of compaction factor test apparatus with trap door 1
(TD1)in closed position.
2. After filling the upper hopper, open the TD1 and allow the concrete
to free fall from upper hopper into lower hopper through dropping
height 200mm with TD2 in closed position.
3. Now, immediately open TD2 and allow to free fall the concrete 4 4
again from lower hopper into cylinder through same dropping
4. Repeat above steps till the cylinder fills with concrete completely.
Take the weight of this partially compacted concrete as W1 gm.
5. Remove the concrete from the cylinder and fill it with same grade
of concrete by properly compacting with vibration.
6. Take the weight of this fully compacted concrete as W2 gm.
7. Calculate the compaction factor of given concrete by using
CF = (W1 / W2)
8. Depending upon calculated C.F., the degree of workability can be
designated as follows.

Sr. No. Compaction Factor Degree of Workability

1 0.78 Very low
2 0.85 Low
3 0.92 Medium
4 0.95 High

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter - 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305

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Q.4 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

Define bleeding. Suggest any two ways by which bleeding can be


Bleeding: It is one form of segregation in which water gets 2

accumulated over settled concrete mass, called as bleeding.
Prevention of Bleeding: The bleeding can be avoided by following
1. Bleeding can be prevented by selecting appropriate w/c ratio as
per IS 456:2000, so that water content w.r.t. other materials can be
2. It can be also avoided by adopting proper CA/FA ratio; so that 1 4
fine aggregate will not be more than coarse aggregate causing each
bleeding. (any
3. Mixing of concrete should be done using mixers to achieve two)
homogeneity. Homogeneous mixture avoids chances of bleeding.
4. Excessive compaction by over vibration should be avoided to
reduce bleeding effect.

Write any four factors affecting concrete mix design.

Factors affecting concrete mix design: The concrete mix design
procedure affects by the following factors.
1. Maximum water-cement ratio
2. Minimum cement content
3. Maximum nominal size of aggregate
4. Workability in terms of slump
5. Exposure conditions 1
6. Maximum temperature at the pouring point each
7. Early age and ultimate strength requirement (any
8. Grading zone of fine aggregate four)
9. Type of admixture to be used
10. Specific gravity of all ingredient materials

Explain the significance of water reducing admixture in concrete

with respect to properties of concrete.

Significance of water reducing admixture in concrete: Water

reducing admixtures are essential for several purposes. The effect of 1 4
using such admixtures on concrete properties is described below. each
1. Water reducing admixtures maintain required w/c ratio by (any
reducing excess water upto 10-30% from concrete. four)
2. These admixtures are significant in preventing segregation of
concrete mixture and maintaining flow ability of pumped concrete.
3. Mid-range water reducing admixtures are important to increase
workability in terms of slump beyond the regular water reducers.

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Model Answer: Winter - 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305

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4. Water reducing admixtures reduces the tendency of surface
5. It also ensures the good bonding between steel and concrete mass.
6. These admixtures help to increase early strength and develop
better ultimate strength.
7. The durability of concrete structures can be ensured by using these

Write the procedure of vaccum dewatering concreting for

(d) construction of floors.

Procedure of vaccum dewatering concreting for construction of

floors: The concreting using vaccum dewatering for floor construction
is done as follows.
1. Concrete is places uniformly on the spread of concrete floor and
level it approximately.
2. Vibration by using suitable vibrators is applied to remove voids
from concrete mass. The surface vibration is done using double
beam surface vibrator.
3. Levelling of vibrated is done by using suitable straight edge.
4. The magnitude of applied vacuum is usually about 0.08 MPa and
the water content is reduced by upto 20-25%. The reduction is 3
effective upto a depth of about 100 to 150 mm only.
5. Vacuum pump is a small but strong pump of 5 to 10 HP. Water is
extracted by vacuum and stored in the water separator. The mats
are placed over fine filter pads, which prevent the removal of
cement with water.
6. Proper control on the magnitude of the water removed is equal to
the contraction in total volume of concrete. About 3% reduction in
concrete layer depth takes place.
7. Finally the floating and towelling is done to achieve better
finishing of surface.

1 4

Fig.: Vaccum Dewatering for Concreting

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Model Answer: Winter - 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305

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Q.4 (e) State four point of differences between reinforced concrete and
fibre reinforced concrete.

Ans. Differences between reinforced concrete and fibre reinforced


Reinforced concrete (RCC) Fibre reinforced concrete (FRC)

1 In this concrete, steel bars are 1 In this fibers are added as
used as reinforcement. additional reinforcement in
addition with steel bars.
2 Generally, load is taken by 2 Load is equally distributed in
steel reinforcement. concrete though fibers.
3 RCC possess less fire 3 FRC has more fire resistance
resistance than fiber reinforced than reinforced concrete.
concrete. 1
4 RCC is susceptible to 4
FRC resist formation of
each 4
formation of surface cracks. micro-cracks, as fibers act as
crack arrester.
5 RCC gives ordinary finishing. 5 FRC gives extra smooth
6 RCC has more weight 6 FRC is light in weight, hence
resulting difficulty in handling. easy to handle.
7 RCC has better workability. 7 FRC has poor workability due
to improper mixing of fibers.
8 RCC has less shear and 8 FRC has more shear and
torsional strength. torsional strength.
9 RCC is costlier than FRC. 9 FRC is cheaper than RCC.
10 RCC is used in all type of 10 FRC is used in tunnel lining,
ordinary construction i.e. runway, aircraft parking,
building, road, etc. repair of dams, etc.

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Model Answer: Winter - 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305

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Q.5 Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

Explain the method of concrete mix design procedure by I.S.

method as IS-10262.

Procedure of IS method of concrete mix design: The concrete mix

design is done by IS 10262-2009 using following steps-
1. Calculation of target mean strength: The concrete mix design is
done for specific target strength which is calculated first by using
f’ck = fck + t.S
f’ck = target mean strength after 28 days
fck = characteristics compressive strength at 28 days
S = standard deviation from IS 456
t = tolerance factor from IS 456
2. Selection of water-cement ratio: The w/c ratio is selected from
the graph of generalized relationship between w/c ratio and
compressive strength. The selected w/c ratio is checked against the
limiting w/c ratio and lower of two is adopted.
3. Selection of water content: The maximum water content per
cubic meter of concrete with nominal maximum size of aggregate
s finalized in this step. The water content adopted is used for 6
computing cement content in next step.
4. Calculation of cementitous material content: From adopted w/c
ratio and selected maximum water content the quantity of
cementious materials is calculated. It is checked against the
minimum cementitous content for durability requirement ad larger
of the two values is adopted as cement content.
5. Calculation of coarse aggregate proportion: The volume of
coarse aggregate per unit volume of total aggregate is chosen in
this step based on nominal maximum size of aggregate
6. Selection of combination of coarse aggregate fractions: The
different sizes viz. 10 mm , 20 mm , 25 mm are taken in
proportion from grading , confirming in table 2 of IS 383
7. Calculation of fine aggregate proportion: From above steps,
absolute volume of all ingredients of concrete the mix proportion
is calculated for said mix design of concrete.

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Model Answer: Winter - 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305

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Q.5 (b) Explain the procedure to determine compressive strength of
concrete in lab.

Ans. Procedure to determine compressive strength of concrete in lab:

The following steps are essential to determine the compressive
strength of concrete in the laboratory.
1. Take three cube moulds of 15 cm side and apply oil to its inner
surface. Prepare the concrete mixture of required grade and fill it
in each mould in three layers.
2. Compact each layer evenly spaced 25 times strokes with 16 mm.
diameter standard tamping rod. Compaction of concrete is done by
using table vibrator to remove air completely from concrete.
3. Keep all the moulds at room temperature for 24 hrs for initial 6 6
hardening and at relative humidity 90%.
4. Remove cube moulds and keep concrete cubes under fresh water
for curing for 7, 14, 21, 28 days.
5. Remove cube from water after curing period and keep it under
compression testing machine (CTM) for testing.
6. Apply compressive load at a rate of 4 tones / min for 10 minutes or
till failure of cube. Note down the failure load in kN shown by red
pointer of dial gauge.
7. Calculate compressive strength of each cube. Take failure load in
N and cross sectional area of cube in mm2.
8. Calculate average compressive strength of three test cubes in

(c) State the importance of NDT and state working principle of

Rebound hammer.
Ans. Importance of NDT:
1. The strength can be tested without physical breaking of concrete;
hence it is safe.
2. It can give internal flaws, cavities and homogeneity details of 1
concrete within short period. each
3. It avoids wastage of concrete, hence becomes economical up to (any
certain extent. four)
4. It is applicable in any type and position of concrete members
shows wide applicability.
5. Its results are simple and easy to interpret.

Working principle of Rebound hammer: Rebound hammer test

method is based on the principle that the rebound of an elastic mass
attached to plunger i.e. rebound number depends on the hardness of 2
the concrete surface against which the mass strikes.
If the rebound of hammer is more, it indicates surface is hard, solid
and dry. But if rebound of hammer is less, then tested concrete may be
soft, porous and moist.

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Model Answer: Winter - 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305

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Q.6 Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

(a) Classify the methods of curing of concrete with detail explanation

of any one method.

Ans. Methods of curing:

A. Water curing 2
B. Membrane curing
C. Application of heat
D. Miscellaneous methods

1. Water curing:
i) This is the best method of curing, because it satisfies all the
requirements of curing.
ii) The precast concrete items are normally immersed in curing tanks
for certain duration. Pavement slab, roof slab etc. are covered
under water by making small pond.
iii) Water curing can be done in following ways: Immersion, Ponding
method, Spraying or fogging, wet covering.
2. Membrane curing:
i) Sometimes concrete works are carried out in places where there is
acute shortage of water. Therefore lavish application of water for
water curing is not possible for the reason of economy.
ii) Water from concrete gets evaporated, which is covered with
membrane which will effectively seal the concrete.
iii) A membrane will prevent the evaporation of water from the
concrete. The membrane can be either in solid or liquid form,
known as sealing compound. Other membrane curing sealing 4 6
compounds are: Rubber latex emulsion, emulsion of resins, (any
varnishes etc. one)
3. Application of heat:
i) The development of strength is not only a function of time but also
that of temperature.
ii) Concrete subjected to higher temperature accelerates the hydration
resulting in faster development of strength. Prefabricated members
are normally steam cured.
iii) In this method the ingredients of concrete heated and the strength
is gained at very fast rate. This can be done in following manner:
Steam curing, Curing by infra-red radiation, Electrical curing
4. Miscellaneous method:
i) Calcium chloride is used either as a surface coating or as an
admixture. It has been satisfactorily used as a curing medium.
ii) Both of these based on the fact that calcium chloride, being a salt
shows affinity for moisture. The salt not only absorbs moisture
from atmosphere but also retains it at the surface.
iii) The moisture held at the surface prevents the mixed water from
evaporation and thereby keeps the concrete wet for a long time.

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Model Answer: Winter - 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305

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Q.6 (b) State the requirement of good form work and state the stripping
time of form work as per IS 456-2000.
i) Slab
ii) Beam
iii) Column
with labelling on sketch.

Ans. Requirement of good form work:

1. It should be strong enough to resist the weight of concrete,
workers and machinery.
2. It should be economical compared to total cost of construction. 1
3. It should be possible to use the formwork for more number of each
times. (any
4. It should give smooth finish and shape to concrete faces. three)
5. It should be possible to erect and dismantle the formwork very
6. It should be easily and locally available.
7. It should be rigid enough to retain its shape without any deflection.

Stripping time of form work as per IS 456-2000.

i) Slab:
1. Soffit formwork – 3 days ½
2. Span up to 4.5m – 7 days
3. Span more than 4.5m – 14 days
ii) Beam:
1. Soffit formwork for beam – 7 days
2. Beam and arch of span up to 6m – 14 days ½
3. Beam and arch of span more than 6m – 21 days
iii) Column: Vertical formwork – 16 to 24 hours ½

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Model Answer: Winter - 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305

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Q.6 (b)
Form work for the following:
i) Slab

ii) Beam

iii) Column


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Model Answer: Winter - 2019
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305

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Q.6 (c) Explain the procedure for joining old and new concrete work, also
state any two material used for filling joints.

Ans. Procedure of joining old and new concrete:

When new concreting is done in continuation with old concrete after a
gap of some days, months or even years, then the new and old
concrete must have a strong bond with each other. Hence some points
should be kept in mind for joining old and new concrete.

1. Cleaning: The old concrete surface is first thoroughly cleaned
with wire brush. Loose material if any, should be clean first.
2. Chiseling: The old concrete surface is made rough by denting it
with a chisel for a strong bond with new concrete. 4
3. Application of cement slurry or paste with some admixtures:
The surface is then wetted with rich cement slurry. Sometimes an
admixture has to be added to give additional strength to the joints.
Then fresh concrete is placed over the old concrete.
4. Providing overlap: To give homogeneity to the reinforcing bars,
overlap is provided and the overlap portion is bound tightly with
high tensile wire.

Material used for filling joints:

1. Asphalt, tar, bituminous materials
2. Fibre and fibre products 1 6
3. Sponge rubber each
4. Cork (any
5. Polymer two)
6. Thermoplastic and thermo-col
7. Glass

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter- 2022
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Important Instructions to examiners:
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more Importance (Not applicable for
subject English and Communication Skills.
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure. The figures drawn
by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values may vary and
there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer based on
candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent concept.
8) As per the policy decision of Maharashtra State Government, teaching in English/Marathi and Bilingual (English +
Marathi) medium is introduced at first year of AICTE diploma Programme from academic year 2021-2022. Hence if the
students in first year (first and second semesters) write answers in Marathi or bilingual language (English +Marathi),
the Examiner shall consider the same and assess the answer based on matching of concepts with model answer.

Que. Sub. Total

Model Answer Marks
No. Que. Marks
Q.1 Attempt any FIVE of the following: (10)

a) Define:-
i) Initial setting time (IST)
ii) Final setting time (FST) of cement.

Ans. i) Initial Setting Time: It is the time elapsed from mixing of cement
and water up to when IST needle penetrates up to 33-35mm from top
of Vicat’s mould, is called as Initial Setting Time.
ii) Final Setting Time: It is the time elapsed from mixing of cement
and water up to when FST needle gives just impression on cement
paste in Vicat’s mould, is called as Final Setting Time.

Enlist four Bogue’s compounds with their formula.


Sr. No. Name of compound Formula

1 Tricalcium Silicate (C3S) 3 CaO SiO2 ½

2 Dicalcium Silicate (C2S) 2 CaO SiO2 (each)

3 Tricalcium Aluminate (C3A) 3 CaO Al2 O3

Tetracalcium Aluminoferrite
4 4 CaO Al2 O3Fe2 O3

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Model Answer: Winter- 2022
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.1 c) Define:-
i) Flakiness Index
ii) Elongation Index
Ans. Flakiness Index: It is the percentage by weight of particles whose 1
least dimension (thickness) is less than (3/5) of its mean dimension
passing through thickness gauge, is called as Flakiness Index.
Elongation Index: It is the percentage by weight of particles whose
greatest dimension (length) is more than (14/5)th of its mean 1
dimensionretained on length gauge, is called as Elongation Index.

d) State Duff Abraham’s law for water cement ratio.

Ans. Duff Abraham’s Law for water cement ratio: For workable
concrete, the compressive strength of concrete depends on water- 2
cement ratio.

e) State two purposes of using retarding admixtures in concrete.

Ans. Purposes of using retarding admixtures in concrete:
1. To reduce the rate of hardening or setting of cement concrete.
2. To avoid sudden or rapid hardening of concrete due to hot
1 2
weather. each
3. To get sufficient time for mixing, transportation, placing and (any
4. To avoid formation of expansion cracks on concrete surface.

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Model Answer: Winter- 2022
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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f) Give the two points of comparison between volume batching and
weight batching.
Volume Batching Weight Batching
In volume batching, In weight batching,
1 measurement of materials is measurement of materials is
done by taking volume. done by taking weight.
Gauge boxes are useful for Weight machine is used for
volume batching. weight batching. 1 2
Volume batching gives each
Weight batching gives (any
3 approximate measure of two)
accurate measure of materials.
Volume batching is useful for Weight batching is useful for
4 less important works where more important works where
ordinary mix is used. standard mix is used.
Volume batching is useful for Weight batching is useful for
aggregates and water. cement.
Volume batching requires less
Weight batching requires
6 time even with unskilled
skilled labours and more time.

g) State the principle of Rebound Hammer Test.

Ans. Principle of Rebound Hammer Test: Rebound hammer test method
is based on the principle that the rebound of an elastic mass attached
to plunger i.e. rebound number depends on the hardness of the
concrete surface against which the mass strikes.
If the rebound of hammer is more, it indicates surface is hard, solid
and dry. But if rebound of hammer is less, then tested concrete may be
soft, porous and moist.

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Model Answer: Winter- 2022
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q. 2 Attempt any THREE of the following: (12)
a) Explain the experimental procedure for the determination of
standard consistency of cement.

Ans. Procedure of standard consistency test on cement:

1. Take 400 gm cement sample and add 20% water by weight to
prepare cement paste within gauge time.
2. Fill this cement paste in Vicat’s mould completely, having height
40 mm.
3. Now, attach the plunger of 10 mm dia. to Vicat’s apparatus and
take the initial reading ‘d1’ mm by keeping the plunger touching
to top surface of cement.
4. Allow the penetration of plunger in cement paste by releasing 4 4
dash-pot. Take the final reading on graduated scale as ‘d2’ mm.
5. Calculate total penetration of plunger as (d1 – d2) mm. if it is not
33-35 mm, then repeat all above steps by increasing water % in
6. Note down the % water, which gives exact 33-35 mm penetration
from top of mould. This water % should be taken as standard
consistency of cement

b) Explain the procedure to determine the crushing value of


Ans. Procedure for determination of aggregate crushing value :

1. Take air dried aggregate passing through 12.5 mm and retained
on 10 mm IS sieve.
2. Fill it in crushing mould within 3 layers. Compact each layer 25
times using tamping rod.
3. Calculate the weight of aggregate filled by subtracting empty
weight of crushing mould as W1 gms. 4
4. Now, keep the mould under plunger of compression testing 4
machine and apply load 4 ton per minute for total 10 minutes; so
that aggregate will crush.
5. Sieve the crushed material through 2.36 mm IS sieve and take the
weight of aggregate retained on this sieve as W2 gms.
6. Finally calculate percentage Aggregate Crushing Value i.e.
%ACV as (W2 / W1) x 100.

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Model Answer: Winter- 2022
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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c) Explain in detail classification of the aggregate based on it’s size
and shape.
Ans. Classification of aggregate based to size:
1. Fine aggregate: The aggregates having size of particles less
than 4.75m, are called as fine aggregate.
2. Coarse aggregate: The aggregates having size of particles 2
more than 4.75mm are called as coarse aggregate.
3. All in one aggregate: The aggregate containing both fine and
coarse aggregates are called as all in one aggregate.

Classification of aggregate based to shape:

1. Rounded aggregate: The aggregate is of rounded or circular 4
shape completely shaped by attrition or water worn. Generally fine
sized aggregate i.e. fine sand is considered as rounded aggregate.
2. Partly rounded aggregate: The aggregate is of partly circular
shape formed by attrition. The medium and coarse type of sand is
partly rounded aggregate.
3. Angular aggregate: The aggregate is of triangular or angular 2
shape which contains well defined edges, formed at intersection of
roughly planer faces.
4. Flaky aggregate: The aggregate whose thickness is less than
its (3/5) th mean aggregate passing through thickness gauge.
5. Elongated aggregate: The aggregate whose length is more
than its (14/5) th mean aggregate retained on length gauge.

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Model Answer: Winter- 2022
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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d) Sieve analysis test was conducted on sand and following
observations are taken. Determine fineness modulus (FM) of
Sieve size
4.75 2.36 1.18 0.6 0.3 0.15 Pan
22 115 225 240 280 105 13
on sieve

Ans. Sieve Cumulative % Cumulative
retained on
size weight weight retained
(mm) retained (gm) (%)
4.75 22 22 2.2
2.36 115 137 13.7
1.18 225 362 36.2
0.6 240 602 60.2
0.3 280 882 88.2
0.15 105 987 98.7
Pan 13 1000 -- 4

∑ % cumulative wt. retained upto 150µ IS sieve 299.2

F. M.=∑ % cumulative wt. retained upto 150µ IS sieve / 100 1

F.M. = 299.2/100
F.M. = 2.992 1

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Model Answer: Winter- 2022
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.3 Attempt any THREE of the following: (12)
a) Explain the slump cone test in details for the determination of
workability of fresh concrete.
Ans. Procedure of slump cone test:
1. Clean and apply oil to inner surface of slump cone and place it
on non-porous plate.
2. Fill the freshly mixed concrete into cone in four layers. Tamp
each layer 25 times using round headed rod. Remove the excess
concrete using trowel. 3
3. Now lift the cone vertically using both handles, so that concrete
will subside down in one of the form i.e. true, shear or collapse
4. Calculate the slump height of concrete as height of cone minus
height of concrete subsidence.
5. The degree of workability based on slump height is defined as 4
per following.
Slump Height Degree of Workability
0 to 25 mm Very Low
25 to 50 mm Low
50 to 100 mm Medium 1
100 to 175 mm High
More than 175 mm Very High

b) Illustrate the effect of following properties of coarse aggregate on

compressive strength of concrete:-
i) Size of aggregate
ii) Shape of aggregate
Ans. Effect of properties of coarse aggregates on compressive strength
i) Size of aggregate: If coarse aggregate particles are of large size
(say 20 mm) in concrete mixture , then concrete becomes harsh
and only strength may reduce due to honey combing. But if
coarse aggregate are of smaller sizes only (say 10 mm). Then
ultimate strength of concrete will be lesser. Therefore coarse 2
aggregate with combination of both sizes (i.e. 10 and 20 mm)
will give better workable concrete with more compressive
strength. 4
ii) Shape of aggregate: If shape of coarse aggregate is angular,
then there is good interlocking of aggregate particles. Hence it
gives more compressive strength. But if shape of coarse 2
aggregate is sub-angular or sub-rounded, then compressive
strength reduces due to less bonding between particles.

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Model Answer: Winter- 2022
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.3 c) State the necessity of supervision of concreting operations and
precautions to be taken to avoid the wastage of material.
Ans. Necessity of supervision for concreting operation:
1. Supervision is necessary to complete all concreting operations in
standard manner.
2. It is necessary to avoid any type of delay in concrete work. 1
3. It is also beneficial to reduce wastage of concrete during each
concreting. (any
4. It is required to get overall quality in concrete work at site.
5. Supervision becomes essential in maintaining smooth flow of
concreting operations at each stage of project.
6. It found very effective in controlling bad workmanship.
Precautions to be taken to avoid the wastage of material:
1. Proper proportioning of mix is to be done so as to avoid excess
use of any constituent of concrete.
2. Weigh batching should be adopted as volume batching being not 1
accurate due to improper consideration of water content and each
specific gravity of aggregate. (any
3. Concrete should be transported quickly before its setting. two)
4. Quantity of material should be accurately estimated.
5. Formwork should be checked. It should be strong enough to
carry the weight of concrete without bulging.

d) Define workability of concrete. Also state the factors affecting

Ans. Workability of concrete: It is the ability of concrete for its easy
handling in various concreting operations viz. mixing, transportation,
placing and compacting, is called as workability of concrete.

Factors affecting workability : 4

1. Water content (W/C ratio)
2. Mix proportions of concrete
3. Size of aggregate
4. Shape of aggregate (any
5. Surface texture of aggregate
6. Grading of aggregate
7. Use of admixtures
8. Method of mixing of concrete

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Model Answer: Winter- 2022
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.4 Attempt any THREE of the following: (12)

a) Enlist the various concrete operations in sequence and explain any

one in detail.
Ans. Concreting operations in sequence:
1. Batching of materials
2. Mixing of materials
3. Transportation of concrete 2
4. Placing of concrete
5. Compaction of concrete
6. Curing of concrete
7. Finishing of concrete

Batching: The measurement of materials for making concrete

mixture is known as batching. The batching is the first operation of
concreting, which can be done in two ways.
1. Volume Batching: The method of measuring the materials by
volume of ingredients used for concrete. Generally sand, aggregate
and water is measured in terms of its volume. It is approximate,
hence useful for less important constructions like PCC, compound
wall etc.
2. Weight Batching: The method of measuring the materials by
weight of ingredients used for concrete. Generally cement is taken
based on its weight. It is accurate, hence useful for more important
constructions like high rise buildings, sky-scrappers etc.
(Note: Explanation of any one concreting operation mentioned
above should be considered.)

b) Define Concrete Mix Design. Write four objectives of concrete

mix design.
Ans. Concrete Mix Design: The process or method of determining the
quantity and proportions of materials required for particular grade of
concrete is called as Concrete Mix Design.
The stepwise procedure to find the quantities of materials required
for particular grade of concrete is called as Concrete Mix Design.
Objectives of concrete mix design:
1. To achieve a specified compressive strength of concrete.
2. To reduce wastage of concrete by correct proportioning.
3. To achieve economy by selecting appropriate ingredients. each
4. To maintain workability of concrete mix throughout work. (any
5. To obtain maximum possible yield per bag of cement. two)
6. To ensure less defects and enhanced durability of concrete.

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Model Answer: Winter- 2022
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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c) Write two advantages and two disadvantages of vacuum dewatered
concrete floor.
Ans. Advantages of vacuum dewatered concrete floor:
1. Vacuum dewatered concrete floor has more compressive strength
due to dewatering process.
2. In this floor, additional cement is not required for finishing as it 1
requires 40% less cement. each
3. The floor possesses more hardness with enhanced tensile strength (any
than ordinary concrete floor.
4. Vacuum dewatered floor has less permeability, hence advantageous
in water reservoirs.
5. It has better resistance to wear and tear, cracks; hence gives more 4
durability compared to ordinary floors.
Disadvantages of vacuum dewatered concrete floor:
1. Vacuum dewatered floor requires high initial cost due to heavy
2. This floor requires skilled labours to attain the required quality.
3. It is applicable to large areas only i.e. mega projects due to more cost.
4. Excessive dewatering leads to reduction in water content, which may
result in incomplete hydration.

d) Enlist any four precautions to be taken during cold weather

Ans. Precautions to be taken in cold weather concreting:
1. Concreting work should be done during day time or on sunny
2. Warm water should be added for mixing of ingredients of
3. Before placing of concrete, the formed ice, snow or frost should 1
be removed from formwork. 4
4. The accelerating admixtures should be used to increase hardening of (any
concrete. four)
5. A protective cover should be used over casted concrete to avoid
cold winds and snow fall.
6. Both fine and coarse aggregate should be heated before its use.
7. Rapid hardening or quick setting cement should be used for fast
setting of concrete

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter- 2022
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Total
Model Answer Marks
No. Que. Marks
Q.4 e) Explain fibre reinforced concrete.
Ans. Fibre Reinforced Concrete: When concrete mixture is prepared by
adding individual or combination of different types of fibers in it, then
such formed concrete is termed as Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC).
The fiber types like asbestos, glass, plastic, steel fibers can be used as
reinforcement in concrete to increase various strength characteristics

Properties of Fibre Reinforced Concrete:

1. Very high tensile strength
2. Crack arrester
3. More fire resistance
4. High shear and torsional strength 4 4
5. Resistance to freezing and thawing damage
6. More resistance to shocks and vibration
7. Self-weight is less
8. Smooth finishing

Applications of Fibre Reinforced Concrete:

1. Machine foundations – To resist shock and dynamic loading.
2. Canal lining and precast elements – To gain impermeable finish.
3. Refractory lining – To resist temperature stresses.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter- 2022
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Total
Model Answer Marks
No. Que. Marks
Q.5 Attempt any TWO of the following: (12)

a) Explain the laboratory procedure to determine the compressive

strength of concrete cubes as per IS 516-1959 following
i) Preparation of test specimen
ii) Procedure of testing
iii) Interpretation of results

Ans. Procedure to determine the compressive strength of concrete:-

i) Preparation of test specimen:
1. Take concrete cube mould of 15cm side and apply oil to internal
surface of mould.
2. Prepare the fresh concrete mixture of required specific grade and fill
it in cube mould by properly compacting it using tamping rod. 2
Prepare the two more cubes in similar manner.
3. Compact each cube on table vibrator to remove air voids for 5
4. Keep all the compacted moulds at room temperature for 24 hrs for
initial hardening and at relative humidity 90%.
5. Remove cube moulds and keep cement cubes under fresh water i.e.
in curing tank for curing for 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 days. 6

ii) Procedure of testing:

6. Remove cube from water after required curing period and keep it
under Compression Testing Machine (CTM) for testing.
7. Apply compressive load at a rate of 4 Tonnes/min for 10 minutes or
till failure of cube. Note down the failure load in N shown by red 2
pointer in dial gauge.
8. Finally calculate compressive strength of cube as failure load in N
by cross sectional area of cube in mm2.
9. The average of three test results can be considered as average
compressive strength in N/mm2 or MPa.

iii) Interpretation of results:

1. The calculated result of compressive strength gives the idea about
the grade of concrete. If concrete possess strength 23 N/mm2 or 23
MPa, then the grade of concrete will be designated as M20 i.e.
M=Mix; and 20 = 20 N/mm2.
2. Similarly, strength of concrete lies in between 25 and 30 MPa, i.e. 2
say 28.5 N/mm2; then the grade of concrete is considered to be M25.
3. It means that the lower value than the test result value is used to
designate the grade of tested concrete.
4. In other words, when we test the known grade say M25, then the test
result value should be come out more that the requirement.
Otherwise such concrete is rejected and casted concrete is needed to

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter- 2022
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Total
Model Answer Marks
No. Que. Marks
Q.5 b) Explain in details the ultrasonic pulse velocity test and technique of
measuring pulse velocity through concrete.
Ans. Procedure of measuring ultrasonic pulse velocity as per I.S.13311:
1. Identify the target concrete surface and clean it properly. Then
define two end points of application of ultrasonic pulses. Note down
the path length L in mm between two ends. (Generally 100-150mm)
2. Apply one of the acoustical coupling materials i.e. grease or oil to
both the points of the concrete.
3. Attach the transmitter and receiver end of transducer to the
identified concrete surface in one of the form given in figure below.
4. Generate the ultrasonic pulses or waves of 50 to 60 kHz using
electro-acoustical or ultrasonic pulse generator; so that it will pass
through the transmitter end attached to concrete and will reach to
receiver end depending upon homogeneity of concrete mass.
5. Note down the time of travel i.e. transit time (T) of these waves
displayed on display unit of electronic timing device in seconds.
6. Calculate the ultrasonic pulse velocity (V) of transmitted waves as 3
V=(L/T) in Km/s.
7. Repeat all above steps at other locations to calculate the average
ultrasonic pulse velocity of all such observations.
8. Determine the overall quality of concrete based on calculated
ultrasonic pulse velocity by using table given below.

Specification for deciding the quality of concrete by Ultrasonic pulse velocity as 6

per I.S.13311 (part 1 and 2)
Quality of
Velocity (Km/s) Comp. Strength (N/mm2 )
4.5 and above Very good S > 40
3.5 to 4.0 Good S = 25 -40
3.0 to 3.5 Medium S = 10 - 20 1
2.0 to 3.5 Poor S = 4 - 10
2.0 and below Very poor S<4

Fig. :Techniques of UPVT

Techniques of Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test:

1. Direct transmission: The transmitting and receiving transducers are
placed on opposite surfaces of the concrete slab. This will give
maximum sensitivity and provide a well-defined path length.
2. Indirect transmission: The transmitting and receiving transducers 1
are placed on adjacent surfaces of the concrete slab.
3. Surface transmission: The transmitting and receiving transducers
are placed on same surfaces of the concrete slab.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter- 2022
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Total
Model Answer Marks
No. Que. Marks
Q.5 c) Discuss the Non-destructive testing of concrete. List the various
methods of NDT and explain any one in brief.

Non-destructive testing of concrete: The testing of concrete in which

concrete need not to break physically to determine its properties, is called
as Non-Destructive Testing (NDT). The strength can be tested without
physical breaking of concrete; hence it is safe. It can give internal flaws, 2
cavities and homogeneity details of concrete within short period. It
avoids wastage of concrete, hence becomes economical up to certain
extent. It is applicable in any type and position of concrete members
shows wide applicability. Its results are simple and easy to interpret.

List of methods of NDT:

1. Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity test
2. Rebound Hammer Test
3. Radioactive method
4. Nuclear method
5. Electrical method each
6. Magnetic method (any
7. Surface Hardness Method two)
8. Penetration and Pull out techniques.

Rebound Hammer Test:

1. Initially the plunger of rebound hammer is kept touching to the
target concrete surface
2. Then the tubular casing of hammer is pushed towards concrete, so
that the spring gets wind up around the plunger
3. Now release the mass attached to plunger using dash-pot, so that
hammer will impact on concrete surface and rebound back
depending on strength of concrete. 2
4. Due to backward motion of hammer, pointer on graduated scale will
move in same direction.
5. Observe the distance travelled by pointer/rider on graduated scale as
Rebound Number.
6. If this rebound Number is less, the strength of concrete will be less,
But if it is more, then concrete possess sufficient strength.
(Note: Explanation of any one method mentioned above should be

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter- 2022
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Model Answer Marks Total
No. Que. Marks
Q.6 Attempt any TWO of the following: (12)

a) Write four requirements of a good form work and draw a sketch

showing c/s of formwork for R.C.C. beam.

Ans. Requirements of a good form work:

1. A good formwork should be strong enough to carry the weight of
concrete without bulging.
2. It should be easy to erect and dismantle on site. 4
3. It should be reusable for no. of times to achieve economy. (any
4. It should be easily available to avoid delay.
5. It should give uniform and smooth finishing after removal.
6. It should be leak-proof with perfect joints.
7. It should be durable with lesser wear and tear.

Fig. : C/S of Formwork for R.C.C. Beam

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter- 2022
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Model Answer Marks Total
No. Que. Marks
Q.6 b) Enlist the types of joints provided with neat sketch. Also state their
Ans. List of joints in concrete:
1. Construction joints
2. Expansion joints 2
3. Contraction joints
4. Isolation joints

Joints in concrete with necessity:

1. Construction joints: To join two stages of concreting of
construction elements like beam, column, slab, beam-column
junction, wall, pardi, dam, bridge etc.

2. Expansion joints: To allow the expansion of concrete slab due to

temperature increase in case of concrete road.

1 6

3. Contraction joints: To allow the contraction of concrete slab due to

temperature decrease in case of concrete road.

4. Isolation joints: To isolate the construction element from remaining

structure i.e. column and footing can be isolated to protect from

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter- 2022
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Total
Model Answer Marks
No. Que. Marks
Q.6 c) Illustrate the curing of concrete. Explain the different methods of
curing of concrete.
Ans. Curing of concrete: It is the process or method of keeping humidity or
temperature of freshly placed concrete to ensure complete hydration of
cement. Curing is the process of keeping the concrete moist and warm 2
enough so that the hydration of the cement can take completed and
concrete starts gaining required strength.

Methods of curing of concrete:

Water curing: This is the best method of curing, because it satisfies all
the requirements of curing. The precast concrete items are normally
immersed in curing tanks for certain duration. Pavement slab, roof slab 1
etc. are covered under water by making small pond. Water curing can
be done in following ways: Immersion, Ponding method, Spraying or
fogging, Wet covering.

Membrane curing: Sometimes concrete works are carried out in places

where there is acute shortage of water. Therefore lavish application of
water for water curing is not possible for the reason of economy. A 1 6
membrane will prevent the evaporation of water from the concrete. The
membrane can be either in solid or liquid form. It is also known as
sealing compound. Other membrane curing sealing compounds are:
Rubber latex emulsion, emulsion of resins, varnishes etc.

Application of heat: The development of strength is not only a

function of time but also that of temperature. Concrete subjected to
higher temperature accelerates the hydration resulting in faster
development of strength. Prefabricated members are normally steam 1
cured, like sleepers, electric poles and fencing poles etc. In this curing
is done by 3 ways: Steam curing- Water Vapors at 70-800; Curing by
infra-red radiation- infra red rays of 90-1000; Electrical curing- A.C. or
D.C. current to produce heat.

Miscellaneous method: Calcium chloride is used either as a surface

coating or as an admixture. It has been satisfactorily used as a curing 1
medium. Both of these based on the fact that calcium chloride, being a
salt shows affinity for moisture. The salt not only absorbs moisture
from atmosphere but also retains moisture at the surface.

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3 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.
15 minutes extra for each hour

Instructions – (1) All Questions are Compulsory.

(2) Answer each next main Question on a new page.
(3) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches
wherever necessary.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(5) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(6) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket
Calculator is permissible.
(7) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic
Communication devices are not permissible in
Examination Hall.


1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10

a) List four Bogue's compound.
b) State classification of aggregate with respect to shape and size.
c) Define Duff Abraham's w/c ratio law.
d) Name four methods of concrete mix design.
e) List four methods of water proofing.
f) Define admixture used in concrete.
g) Explain water requirement for hydration of cement.

22305 [2]
2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) List four physical properties of OPC. Explain how fineness
of cement is determined by method of seiving.
b) List eight requirements of aggregate in the formation of good
c) Impact value test was conducted on coarse aggregate in the
laboratory and the observations are recorded as given below.
Find average impact value of coarse aggregate and state its

Sr. No. Sample / Item I II

Weight of oven dried sample
1. 645 636
(W1) gm
Weight of fraction passing
2. through 2.36 mm 122 134
IS sieve (W2) gm
Weight of fraction retained 2.36
3 523 502
mm IS sieve (W3) gm
d) Explain the criteria to classify coarse aggregate as flaky and
which properties of concrete are affected by flaky aggregate.

3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) Suggest degree of workability in terms of slump for the
i) Road pavement
ii) Mass concrete foundation
iii) Heavily reinforced concrete
iv) Tremie concrete
b) Explain stepwise procedure of compaction factor test.
c) Explain necessity of supervision for concreting operations.
d) Explain bleeding. Suggest two ways by which bleeding can
be avoided.
22305 [3]
4. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Define workability. List three factors affecting workability.
b) Write four objectives of concrete mix design.
c) Write two effects and two precautions in hot weather
d) Write four properties of light weight concrete.
e) Explain Ready Mix Concrete. Write two uses of RMC.

5. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Explain ultrasonic pulse velocity test with appropriate
b) State step by step procedure for determination of
compressive strength of concrete cube.
c) Explain in detail IS method of concrete mix design.

6. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Write four requirements of good formwork and draw a
sketch showing cross-section of formwork for slab.
b) Write three methods of curing and also explain the necessity
of curing.
c) i) Suggest the relevant method of transportation of concrete
used for construction in following situation.
(1) Concreting in hilly areas
(2) Concreting of high rise building
(3) Concreting under water
ii) Suggest the relevant type of vibrator to be used for
following constructions.
(1) Road pavement slab
(2) Prefabricated RCC member
(3) Precast columns
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer – Only for the Use of RAC Assessors
Subject Name: Concrete Technology Subject Code: 22305

Important Instructions to Examiners:

1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more Importance (Not
applicable for subject English and Communication Skills.
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure. The
figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any equivalent
figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values may
vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer based
on candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent concept.
8) As per the policy decision of Maharashtra State Government, teaching in English/Marathi and Bilingual
(English + Marathi) medium is introduced at first year of AICTE diploma Programme from academic year
2021-2022. Hence if the students write answers in Marathi or bilingual language (English +Marathi), the
Examiner shall consider the same and assess the answer based on matching of concepts with model answer.

Que. Sub. Total

ModelAnswer Marks
No. Que. Marks
Q.1 Attempt any FIVE of the following: (10)

a) Define hydration of cement.

Ans. Hydration of cement: The exothermic chemical reaction takes place 2 2
due to addition of water in cement, which gives rise to cement paste
and large heat evolution, is called as hydration of cement.

b) List four Bogue’s compounds of cement.

Ans. List of Bogue’s compounds of cement:
1. Tricalcium Silicate (C3S) ½ 2
2. Dicalcium Silicate (C2S) (each)
3. Tricalcium Aluminate (C3A)
4. Tetracalcium Aluminoferrite (C4AF)

c) Define water absorption of aggregate.

Ans. Water absorption of aggregate: The percentage of the ratio of
weight of water absorbed in 24 hours to weight of dry aggregate is 2
called as water absorption of aggregate.

d) State Duff Abraham’s W/C ratio law.

Ans. Duff Abraham’s W/C ratio law: Under workable condition, the 2 2
strength of concrete depends on its water cement (W/C) ratio only.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer – Only for the Use of RAC Assessors
Subject Name: Concrete Technology Subject Code: 22305

Que. Sub.
No. Que.
ModelAnswer Marks
X Marks
Q.1 e) Write any four properties of high strength concrete.
Ans. Properties of high strength concrete:
1. High degree of workability
2. High compressive strength ½
3. Enhanced durability each 2
4. More fire resistance ( any
5. Improved impermeability four)
6. More resistance to cracking and creep
7. More resistance to expansion and contraction

f)A State any four methods of concrete mix design.

ns. Methods of concrete mix design:
1. Indian Standard (I.S: 10262: 2009) method
2. Arbitrary proportion method ½
3. Maximum density method each 2
4. Fineness modulus method ( any
5. ACI Committee 211 method four)
6. Road note no. 4 method (Grading Curve Method)
7. Indian road congress method (IRC - 44)
8. High strength concrete mix design method
9. Surface area method
10. Trial and error method

State two purposes of using admixtures in concrete.

Purposes of using admixtures in concrete:
1. To increase the rate of setting of the concrete and for early
removal of formwork in cold climate.
2. To reduce the rate of hardening of the concrete in hot weather. 1
3. To maintain appropriate water in concrete for deep beams, thin each
walls and tremie concrete. (any
4. To modify properties of plastic concrete like workability, two)
segregation and of hardened concrete like impermeability and
resistance to frost action.
5. To reduce water upto 30% without reducing workability.
6. To reduce heat of hydration and alkali-aggregate reaction.
7. To increase pumpability and rate of setting of grouting cement.
8. To join old and new concrete at construction joints.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer – Only for the Use of RAC Assessors
Subject Name: Concrete Technology Subject Code: 22305

Que. Sub.
No. Que.
X Marks
Q. 2 Attempt any THREE of the following: (12)
a) Compare setting and hardening of cement.

Ans. Comparison of setting and hardening of cement:

Setting of Cement Hardening of Cement
Setting is the stiffening Hardening is the
1 of cement. development of measurable
strength of cement.
Setting gives onsite Hardening gives complete
sufficient hardening to strength to facilitate 1 4
2 each
facilitate the removal of finishing.
part of formwork. (any
Setting of cement does Hardening of cement four)
not require curing. requires curing.
Setting of cement Hardening of cement
4 requires less time requires more time
compared to hardening. compared to hardening.
Setting of cement starts Hardening of cement starts
5 immediately after its after its final setting time.
initial setting time.

b) State any four effects of excess on silt on properties of concrete.

Ans. Effects of excess silt on properties of concrete:

1. Due to excess silt present in sand, aggregate particles does not
bind properly showing weak bonding even if cement content is
2. Concrete casted with excess silty aggregate reduces the bulk 1
density, hence give lightweight structure. each 4
3. If fine aggregate contains excess amount of silt in it, then (any
workability of concrete decreases even after homogenous mixing. four)
4. The excess silt gives bad finishing to concrete, which leads to
porous or honeycombing nature of concrete after removal of
5. Excess silt (i.e. more than 6 %) result in decrease in compressive
strength of concrete drastically.
6. The impact of silt on concrete properties is considerable like
decrease in impermeability, durability etc.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer – Only for the Use of RAC Assessors
Subject Name: Concrete Technology Subject Code: 22305

Que. Sub.
No. Que.
X Marks
Q.2 c) Compare aggregate crushing test and aggregate impact test.
Comparison aggregate crushing test and aggregate impact test.
Ans. Sr.
Aggregate Crushing Test Aggregate Impact Test
1 It helps to know the It helps to know the
resistance of aggregate to resistance of aggregate to
compressive load. impact load.
2 Compression Testing Aggregate Impact testing
machine (CTM) is useful machine is useful for
for determining crushing determining impact 1 4
value. value. each
3 In this test, aggregate In this test, aggregate (any
sample is required to fill sample is required to fill four)
in crushing mould of size in impact mould of size
150 mm diameter and 175 100 mm diameter and 50
mm height. mm height.
4 Load is applied for 10 Load is applied about 15
minutes maximum using successive blows using
loading hammer of CTM. 13.5-14 kg hammer from
380 mm dropping height.
5 Rate of loading is 4 tonne Rate of loading is such
per min. that the gap between
blows is not more than 2
6 Chances of wastage of Chances of wastage of
sample are less. sample are more due to

d) Explain the effects of sea water on properties of concrete.

Ans. Effects of sea water on properties of concrete:

1. The magnesium sulfate of sea water reacts with calcium
hydroxide of cement results in sulphate attack; which leads to
deterioration of concrete.
2. The presence of chlorides in concrete leads to erosion of concrete 1
without swelling or expansion. each 4
3. The entry of seawater in pores of concrete results in corrosion of (any
reinforcement, showing decrease in load carrying capacity of
4. The silt and sand along with seawater gives surface abrasion to
5. Use of sea water for concreting reduces the durability of
concrete, because it becomes more susceptible to weathering

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer – Only for the Use of RAC Assessors
Subject Name: Concrete Technology Subject Code: 22305
Que. Sub. Total
ModelAnswer MarksX
No. Que. Marks
Q.3 Attemptany THREE of thefollowing: (12)
a) Enlist any four works done by supervisor on site.

Ans. Works done by supervisor on site:

1. Site supervisor maintains the discipline between contractors,
masons, labours etc. for effective construction work.
2. Supervisor orders materials and equipment required for
concreting with prior permissions. 1 4
3. Supervisor looks after the execution of concreting operations as each
per IS norms for quality work and durable concrete. (any
4. Supervisor supervises the workmanship thoroughly for better
5. Supervisor reports the status of concreting and mis-happening if
any to engineer in charge.
6. Supervisor helps to take the measurement of construction work
with junior engineer.
7. Supervisor maintains the flow of site planning and execution
work on site.
8. Supervisor maintains a safe, secure, and healthy work
environment by following guidelines, standards, and procedures.

b) Write any four preventive measures which can be taken on site

to avoid bleeding of concrete.

Ans. Preventive measures to avoid bleeding of concrete:

1. The coarse aggregate content should be as per specification to
ensure better combination of FA:CA and for homogenous
mixing. 1 4
2. To avoid bleeding, water content of concrete should be less or each
moderate. Hence one should select the w/c ratio from IS 456-200 (any
only. four)
3. The machine mixing using suitable mixers should be used in
place manual mixing.
4. The concrete should be placed uniformly all over without heaps
to avoid removal of water aside.
5. Excessive vibration or revibration should be avoided in all type
of concrete mixes to avoid accumulation of water at top of
vibrated concrete.
6. Bleeding can be avoided by ensuring watertight joints of

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer – Only for the Use of RAC Assessors
Subject Name: Concrete Technology Subject Code: 22305

Que. Sub.
No. Que.
X Marks
Q.3 c) Explain any four major steps to be taken to achieve durability of
concrete on site.

Ans. Steps to achieve durability of concrete on site:

1. Select the quality materials required for concrete with appropriate
tests like compressive strength test on cement, bulking of sand,
impact strength of aggregate etc.
2. Adopt the designed mix proportion (i.e. C:S:A:W) as per grade of 1 4
concrete to produce best quality concrete mixture. each
3. Maintain the desired workability by adopting water-cement ratio (any
as IS:456-2000 based on atmospheric exposure.
4. Follow the procedures of concreting operations i.e. mixing,
compaction, curing etc. as per IS norms to get well finished, hard
and defect free concrete.
5. Avoid bad workmanship in terms of negligence by site personnel
to ensure overall quality of concrete.
6. Use suitable additives in concrete like admixtures, chemicals to
fulfill the site requirements.

d) State any four objectives of mix design.

Ans. Objectives of concrete mix design:

1. To determine quantity and proportion of materials required for
particular grade of concrete.
2. To achieve a specified compressive strength of concrete.
3. To reduce wastage of concrete by correct proportioning of 1 4
materials. each
4. To achieve economy by selecting appropriate concrete (any
ingredients including admixtures. four)
5. To maintain workability of concrete mix throughout work.
6. To obtain maximum possible yield of concrete per bag of
7. To ensure less defects (cracks, creep, shrinkage) and enhanced
durability of concrete in future.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer – Only for the Use of RAC Assessors
Subject Name: Concrete Technology Subject Code: 22305

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ModelAnswer Marks
X Marks
Q.4 Attemptany THREE of thefollowing: (12)
a) State the working principle of rebound hammer test in detail.

Ans. Working principle of rebound hammer test:

1. The impact of hammer on concrete gives rebound back
depending upon strength and hardness of concrete surface.
2. The mass attached to plunger impacts on target concrete surface
in one direction. Immediately after impact, the mass moves
backward in opposite direction.
3. The backward movement of hammer i.e. rebound is measured in 4 4
terms of distance travelled shown by indicator on graduated
scale, which is called as Rebound Number (N).
4. If hardness of concrete is more, then rebound of hammer is more
i.e. more rebound number. It indicates that there are no flaws and
cavities in concrete mass. Thus the concrete is of good quality.
5. If hardness of concrete is less, then rebound of hammer is less i.e.
less rebound number. It indicates that there are flaws and cavities
in concrete mass. Thus the concrete is of bad quality.

b) State any four requirements of good form work.

Ans. Requirements of good form work:

1. A good formwork should be strong enough to carry the weight of 1 4
concrete without bulging.
2. It should be easy to erect and dismantle on site. four)
3. It should be reusable for no. of times to achieve economy.
4. It should be easily available to avoid delay.
5. It should give uniform and smooth finishing after removal.
6. It should be leak-proof with perfect joints.
7. It should be durable with lesser wear and tear.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer – Only for the Use of RAC Assessors
Subject Name: Concrete Technology Subject Code: 22305

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ModelAnswer Marks
X Marks
c) Write the precautions to be taken while transporting concrete on site.

Ans. Precautions to be taken while transporting concrete on site:

1. Keep the least possible distance between mixing plant and
construction site by establishing the mixing plant nearest to site as
far as possible to avoid delay in progress.
2. Avoid atmospheric interaction of concrete by covering it with 1 4
polythene cover when it is transported through open trucks or each
dumpers. (any
3. During transportation, wastage of concrete should not take place. four)
There should not be any leakage of cement slurry from mix.
4. Select the higher w/c ratio for longer transportations and also
maintain humid (moist) conditions around concrete(i.e. in case of
RMC vehicles).
5. Use retarding admixtures in concrete to avoid early hardening of

d) Explain the effect of shape of aggregate on workability and strength

of concrete.

Ans. Effect of shape of aggregate on workability and strength of concrete:

1. When the shape of aggregate is rounded or partly rounded, then
workability of concrete increases; because cement slurry gets
covered around the aggregate particles easily.
2. When the shape of aggregate is angular, flaky or elongated, then
workability of concrete decreases; because cement slurry becomes 4 4
insufficient to cover the surface of all aggregate particles.
3. When the shape of aggregate is rounded or partly rounded, flaky or
elongated, then strength of concrete decreases; because it gives poor
interlocking of aggregate particles.
4. When the shape of aggregate is angular, then strength of concrete
increases; because it gives better interlocking of aggregate particles.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer – Only for the Use of RAC Assessors
Subject Name: Concrete Technology Subject Code: 22305

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X Marks
Q.4 e) State the needs for waterproofing.

Ans. Needs for waterproofing:

1. Due to defective construction there is need of waterproofing.
2. Poor drainage at building site causes leakages in structure,
therefore, need arises for waterproofing.
3. If ground water table is at shallow depth, then, in case of basement 1 4
waterproofing is needed. each
4. In case of retaining wall to prevent the seepage from wall, (any
waterproofing is necessary. four)
5. Due to defective construction there is need of waterproofing.
6. Poor drainage at building site causes leakages in structure,
therefore, need arises for waterproofing.
7. If ground water table is at shallow depth, then, in case of basement
waterproofing is needed.
8. In case of retaining wall to prevent the seepage from wall,
waterproofing is necessary.
9. To avoid dampness in usable are and unhygienic conditions
waterproofing is necessary for concrete.

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Subject Name: Concrete Technology Subject Code: 22305

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X Marks
Q.5 AttemptanyTWOof thefollowing: (12)

a) Draw a sketch of column formwork. Describe the procedure to

avoid segregation of concrete at the bottom of column.

Ans. Sketch of column formwork:

Fig: Column Formwork 6

Procedure to avoid segregation of concrete at the bottom of column:

1. In order to avoid segregation, one should ensure the joints of
formwork to be watertight in nature.
2. The concrete mixture should be placed without delay i.e.
immediately after concrete arrival at site.
3. Before placing concrete at bottom of column, the concrete cover
should be maintained using spacer blocks, which helps to avoid
obstruction of reinforcement while placing.
4. Then the concrete should be placed from dropping heightless than 1
meter, so that concrete will remain homogenous in nature.
5. Concrete should be placed uniformly at all corners and not in heaps.
6. The thickness of concrete mixture at bottom of column formwork
should be 30 cm maximum at a time.
7. The compaction of concrete should be done immediately and in
optimum level at all corners of column.
8. Over vibration and re-vibration of concrete should not be done to
avoid segregation of concrete at bottom to column.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer – Only for the Use of RAC Assessors
Subject Name: Concrete Technology Subject Code: 22305

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X Marks
Q.5 b) Illustrate the procedure for conducting ultrasonic pulse velocity test
and write specifications to decide quality of concrete.

Ans. Procedure ofmeasuringultrasonicpulsevelocity as per I.S.13311:

1. Identify the target concrete surface and clean it properly. Then
define two end points of application of ultrasonic pulses. Note down
the path length L in mm between two ends. (Generally 100-150mm)
2. Apply one of the acoustical coupling materials i.e. grease or oil to
both the points of the concrete.
3. Attach the transmitter and receiver end of transducer to the
identified concrete surface in one of the form given in figure 1
4. Generate the ultrasonic pulses or waves of 50 to 60 kHz using 4
electro-acoustical or ultrasonic pulse generator; so that it will pass
through the transmitter end attached to concrete and will reach to
receiver end depending upon homogeneity of concrete mass.
5. Note down the time of travel i.e. transit time (T) of these waves
displayed on display unit of electronic timing device in seconds.
6. Calculate the ultrasonic pulse velocity (V) of transmitted waves as
V=(L/T) in Km/s.
7. Repeat all above steps at other locations to calculate the average
ultrasonic pulse velocity of all such observations.
8. Determine the overall quality of concrete based on calculated
ultrasonic pulse velocity by using table 1 given below.

Table 1: Specification for deciding the quality of concrete by Ultrasonic Pulse

Velocity as per I.S.13311 (part 1 and 2)
Velocity Quality of Comp. Strength
(Km/s) concrete (N/mm2 )
4.5 and above Very good S > 40 2
3.5 to 4.0 Good S = 25 -40
3.0 to 3.5 Medium S = 10 - 20
2.0 to 3.5 Poor S = 4 - 10
2.0 and below Very poor S<4

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
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Subject Name: Concrete Technology Subject Code: 22305

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X Marks
Q.5 c) State the effects of under compaction and over compaction on
properties of concrete.

Ans. Effects of under compaction on properties of concrete:

1. When the freshly placed concrete is not compacted sufficiently, then
cement slurry will not cover the aggregate particles completely.
2. Under compaction of concrete also does not allow removing air
pockets from concrete mass completely, which gives stiff, porous or
honeycombing nature of concrete after removal of formwork. (any
3. Under compaction of concrete further increases permeability of
concrete, this causes dampness, efflorescence in future.
4. Under compaction reduces the load carrying capacity i.e.
compressive strength and durability of concrete.
5. Under compaction results in decrease in workability and strength 6
properties of concrete.

Effects of over compaction on properties of concrete:

1. When the freshly placed concrete is excessively compacted than the
requirement, then water accumulates on top of concrete i.e. bleeding
takes place. 1
2. Over compaction of concrete gives settlement of coarse aggregate at each
bottom or removal of water from concrete from formwork joints.
Thus it reduces water-cement ratio of concrete.
3. Over compaction results in formation of cement dust on concrete
surface in future.
4. Over compaction results in decrease in workability and strength
properties of concrete.
5. Over compaction may disturb the reinforcement leads to weaken the
structural elements.

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Subject Name: Concrete Technology Subject Code: 22305

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No. Que. X Marks
Q.6 Attempt any TWO of the following: (12)
a) State the procedure to join old concrete and new concrete with neat
Ans. Procedure to join old concrete and new concrete:
When new concreting is done in continuation with old concrete after a
gap of some days, months or even years, then the new and old concrete
must have a strong bond with each other. Hence some points should be
kept in mind for joining old and new concrete.
1. Cleaning: Firstly, the old concrete surface should be thoroughly
cleaned with wire brush. Loose material, dust and unwanted
materials if any, should be removed from concrete surface properly.
Washing with water is also suggested to ensure required cleaning of
old concrete.
2. Chiseling: In order to ensure good bonding between the old and new
concrete, the old concrete surface should made rough. It is done by 4
denting it with a chisel on target concrete surface.
3. Providing overlap: The reinforcing bars of old concrete surface is
bonded with new bars by providing proper overlap. The overlap
portion of reinforcement should be bonded tightly with high tensile
4. Application of cement slurry or paste with some admixtures: The 6
surface is then wetted with rich cement slurry. Sometimes suitable
bonding admixture has to be added in it to give additional strength to
the joints. Then fresh concrete mixture of same grade is then placed
over the old concrete supported by formwork, which is followed by
necessary compaction and curing. Thus the old concrete can be
joined with new concrete.

Fig :Joining of Old and New Concrete

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Model Answer – Only for the Use of RAC Assessors
Subject Name: Concrete Technology Subject Code: 22305

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Marks Total
No. Que. X Marks
Q.6 b) Discuss any three advantages and disadvatages of R.M.C. (Ready
Mix Concrete).
Ans. Advantages of Ready Mix Concrete (R.M.C.):
1. Bulk amount of concrete can be produced at a time to avoid delay
in construction.
2. Wastage of materials can be avoided due to mechanized operations
at plants.
3. RMC give higher quality mix than ordinary concrete due to
computerized working of plant. each
4. RMC reduces the labour cost required to produce concrete mixture.
5. RMC can be easily transported longer distance without hardening,
hence suitable even in congested urban area.
6. RMC gives continuos supply of concrete for mass concreting
works without delay. It helps to speed up the construction work.

Dis-advatages of Ready Mix Concrete (R.M.C.):

1. RMC is expensive than ordinary concrete as production cost due to
machineries and trasporation is more.
2. RMC is suitable for large projects only i.e. commercial buildings,
dams, bridges etc.
3. Continuous and bulk supply of materials (cement, sand, aggregate 1
etc.) is necessary for smooth working of RMC plant.
4. RMC may get affected on its quality due to improper functioning three)
of plant elements.
5. RMC requires skilled labours for operation to get expected quality
as per site reuirement.
6. RMC has low profit margin due to use of quality materials,
machineries etc.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer – Only for the Use of RAC Assessors
Subject Name: Concrete Technology Subject Code: 22305

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X Marks
Q.6 c) Plan the procedure for vaccum dewatering system which is used for
industrial flooring. State its two advantages.
Procedure for vaccum dewatering system which is used for
industrial flooring:
Ans. 1. Concrete placed in formwork of industrial floors is compacted using
surface Vibration with Double Beam Screed Vibrator. Final leveling
of the concrete using the Straight Edge/Bull Float is done.
2. Apply the system of lower mats and top mat (attached to a vacuum
pump) on the finished concrete to suck out surplus water if any and
to reduce initial w/c ratio by 10 to 15%. The filler pad consisting of two
layers on wet concrete. The bottom layer of filler pad in contact with
concrete is fine nylon cloth to act as filter whereas the upper layer
consist of a special type of plastic net which acts as a water duct.
3. Vacuuming should be done for approx. 1 to 2 minutes per centimeter
thickness of concrete.
4. Allow the concrete to harden sufficiently till it gives 3-6 mm imprint 4
on it. Then floor Hardener is applied uniformly at a rate of 3-7
Kg/m2 or as per the requirement of the floor.
5. Apply the Power Floater on the surface until the surface is
sufficiently compacted and leveled with no major lines appearing
any more
6. Final finishing using Power Trowel and trowelling until the required
finish is achieved. Finish could be any of the Smooth Finish, Sand
Finish or Line Finish.

Advantages of vaccum dewatering: 6

1. High early strength minimizes damage on newly cast concrete
2. W/C proportion is reduced, which prompts early setting and high
quality of concrete.
3. Cement consumption is reduced as no cement is required separately
for finishing of concrete.
4. Abrasion resistance of concrete is increased.
5. There are minimumdry and plastic shrinkage, floor wraps and crack 1
formation in concrete.
6. There is uniform homogeneous floor with high flatness accuracy. two)
7. There is lower water permeability in concrete due to increased
8. Maintenance cost of concrete is reduced.Floors may be utilized early
with the advantages of having minimum cleans, level floor, high
evenness and exactness.

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