Dielectric Constant

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Dielectric Constant

Shreyas Upadhye, 21295

5 February 2024

Measurement of the dielectric constant of non-conducting solids & liquids

• Dielectric constant of Solids & Liquids, DSL-01:One
• Solid Samples ( Glass Plate, Bakelite Sheet, Teflon, PZT(Lead Zirconate Titanate)
• Liquid Samples (Carbon Tetrachloride, Benzene)

Theory & Formulae

Dielectric materials are substances in which an electrostatic field can persist for long. When a dielectric is placed
between the plates of a capacitor and the capacitor is charged, the electric field between the plates polarizes the
molecules of the dielectric. This produces a concentration of charge on its surface that creates an electric field that
is antiparallel to the original field (which has polarized the dielectric). This reduces the electric potential difference
between the plates, which means that a dielectric between the plates of a capacitor can hold a more significant charge.

Parallel Plate Capacitor

κ= ε0 ×A
Where A is an area of the parallel plate & d is the distance between them. C is the capacitance of material(pF).

Cylindrical Capacitor
( dC
dh ) r2
κ − κ0 = 2πε0 ln( r1 )
κ0 is the dielectric constant of free Air.
r1 is the external radius of the inner cylinder.
r2 is the internal radius of the outer cylinder.
ε0 = 8.854 × 10−12 C 2 m−2 N −1 is permittivity of free space.

Data & Calculation

Solid Sample
• Diameter of smaller capacitor plates: 10.0mm

• Diameter of bigger capacitor plates: 50.0mm

PZT Glass Bakelite Teflon
Cf (pF) Cf - C (pF) Cf (pF) Cf - C (pF) Cf (pF) Cf - C (pF) Cf (pF) Cf - C (pF)
720.575 422.395 371.61 60.72 365.58 52.71 336.35 18.62
724.74 426.56 372.57 61.68 364.95 52.08 336.45 18.72
729.64 431.46 372.78 61.89 365.39 52.52 336.43 18.7
743.46 445.28 373.33 62.44 365.69 52.82 336.53 18.8

Table 1: Capacitance values of PZT, Glass, Teflon & Bakelite

Capacity Measurement
κP ZT = ε0 A = 2436.32

κbakelite = ε0 A = 4.53

κglass = ε0 A = 5.32

κtef lon = ε0 A = 1.07

Liquid Sample
• Dielectric Constant of free air: 1.0059
• External radius of the inner cylinder: 25.4 mm
• Internal radius of the outer cylinder: 30.6 mm

Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4 )

Height(cm) Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 Reading 4 Average

1 4.16 3.95 4.09 4.12 4.08
2 7.76 7.67 7.6 7.61 7.66
3 11.52 11.44 11.37 11.55 11.47
4 15.45 15.32 15.23 15.32 15.33
5 19.58 19.27 19.39 19.46 19.425
6 23.22 23.12 23.17 23.28 23.1975

Figure 1: Capacitance v/s Liquid Level curve for Carbon Tetrachloride

( dC
dh ) r2
• The graph is linear. Its slope dC/dh = 3.865 κ − κ0 = 2πε0 ln( r1 ) = 1.15
κ = 2.16

Benzene (C6 H6 )

Height(cm) Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 Reading 4 Average

1 4.69 4.29 4.43 4.48 4.4725
2 7.94 7.97 8.15 8.2 8.065
3 12.25 12.04 12.06 12.14 12.1225
4 16.1 16.13 16.01 16.19 16.1075
5 20.41 20.48 20.33 20.28 20.375
6 24.34 24.37 24.39 24.31 24.3525

Figure 2: Capacitance v/s Liquid Level for Benzene

( dC
dh ) r2
• The graph is linear. Its slope dC/dh = 4.02 κ − κ0 = 2πε0 ln( r1 ) = 1.20
κ = 2.21

Error Analysis
Solid Sample
For Solid Samples
C ×d
ε0 × A
ln κ = ln C + ln d + ln ε0 + ln A
∆κ ∆C ∆d
= +
κ C d
∆C ∆d
∆κ = κ +
C d
∆C = 0.01 pF ∆d = 0.01 mm

• Lead Zirconate titanate

∆κ = 8.54

• Bakelite
∆κ = 0.05

• Glass
∆κ = 0.06

• Teflon
∆κ = 0.012

Liquid Sample
For Liquid Samples
( dC
dh ) r2
κ − κ0 = ln
2πε0 r1
∆( dC
dh )
∆κ = κ
( dC
dh )

• Carbon Tetrachloride
∆κ = 0.025

• Benzene
∆κ = 0.009

• Dielectric constant of PZT is 2436.32 ± 8.54
• Dielectric Content of Bakelite is 4.53 ± 0.05
• Dielectric Content of Glass is 5.32 ± 0.06

• Dielectric Content of Teflon is 1.07 ± 0.012

• Dielectric Content of Carbon Tetrachloride is
2.16 ± 0.025
• Dielectric Content of Benzene is 2.21 ± 0.009

1. Handle solutions carefully so as not to spill on the apparatus.
2. Place the sample inside the plates properly and totally.
3. Always turn off the apparatus after using it.

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