ACC Project For AES DES

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Project 3

(Advanced Cryptography & Cryptanalysis)

Submitted by:
Khawar Abbas Khan
MS CS Semester 1

Submitted to :
Dr M Shamim Baig

Muslim Youth University Islamabad

Task 1:
For one-letter plaintext-P/ ciphertext-C & cipherkey-K (k1 , k2) (working on the
same PC)
Build Encryptor & Decryptor for P / C, K provided by the user.Built Key-Generator
for generating session cipherkey-K.Build (2-letter Known-Plaintext based) Brute
Force Attack/Cryptanalysis systemBuild (2-letter known plaintext based) .

C++ Code

using namespace std;

//function to encrypt the plain text

string encrypt(string x,int n)
string cipher="";

/* only caps and small caps alphabet would be considered for encryption other symbols
would remain as it is. */

for(int i=0;i<x.length();i++)
cipher += (x[i] + n - 65)%26 + 65; /* here x[i] would be ASCII value of corresponding
alphabet */
else if(islower(x[i]))
cipher += (x[i] + n - 97)%26 + 97;
cipher += x[i]; /* other symbols other than alphabets would remain as it is. */
return cipher;

//function to decrypt the cipher text using brute force attack

void decrypt(string x)
string text;
for(int n=0;n<26;n++)
text = "";
for(int i=0;i<x.length();i++)
if((x[i] - n - 65)<0)
text += 91 + (x[i] - n - 65);
text += (x[i] - n - 65)%26 + 65;
else if(islower(x[i]))
if((x[i] - n - 97) < 0)
text += 123 + (x[i] - n - 97);
text += (x[i] - n - 97)%26 + 97;
text += x[i];
cout << "plain text for key " << n << " :- " << text << endl;

int main()
int key;
string text;
cout << "enter text:- ";
cout << "enter key:- ";
cin >> key;

string cipher = encrypt(text,key);

cout << "cipher text :- " << cipher << endl << endl;

Task 2:
Use system in task1 (parts 1 & 2) to Encrypt & Decrypt your Name.

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