Lecture 2-3
Lecture 2-3
• x + y = x⋅y x⋅ y = x + y D eM organ's L aw s
Proof of Simplification
• x⋅y + x⋅y = y ( x + y ) ( x + y )= y
Proof of Concensus
• x⋅y + x⋅z + y⋅z = x⋅ y + x⋅z
Proof of DeMorgan’s Law
• x + y = x⋅y x⋅ y = x + y
Boolean Function Evaluation
F1 = x yz x y z F1 F2 F3 F4
F2 = x +y z 0 0 0 0 0
F3 =xyz + x y z + xy 0 0 1 0 1
F4 = xy + x z 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 1
Expression Simplification
• Simplify to contain the smallest number
of literals (complemented and
uncomplemented variables):
A B+ A C D + A B D + A C D + A B C D=
Complementing Functions
Use DeMorgan's Theorem to
complement a function:
1. Interchange AND and OR operators
2. Complement each literal
Example: Complement x yz +xy z
(x yz + xy z) = ( x y z) (xy z)
= (x +y + z) (x + y +z)
xyz i M0M2M3M5M6 = F1
000 0 0 1 1 1 1 =0
001 1 1 1 1 1 1 =1
010 2 1 0 1 1 1 =0
011 3 1 1 0 1 1 =0
100 4 1 1 1 1 1 =1
101 5 1 1 1 0 1 =0
110 6 1 1 1 1 0 =0
111 7 1 1 1 1 1 =1
Maxterm Function Example
• F ( A , B , C , D )= M 3⋅M 8⋅M 11⋅M 14
Cannonical Sum of Minterms
Any Boolean Function can be expressed as a Sum of
The minterms used are the terms corresponding to the
"1's" in the function table.
Note: You may have to expand all terms first to explicitly
list all minterms. You do this by "ANDing" any term
missing a variable v with a term (v +v).
Example: Implement f = x +xy as a sum of minterms.
First expand terms: f = x (y + y) +xy
Then collect terms: f = x y + xy +x y
Express as sum of minterms: f = m3+m2+m0
Another SOM Example
Example: F = A + B'C
There are three variables, A, B, and C which we take to be
the standard order.
Expanding the terms missing variables:
A = A(B+B') = AB+AB'
AB = AB(C+C') = ABC+ABC'
AB' = AB'(C+C') = AB'C+AB'C'
and B'C = (A+A')B'C = AB'C + A'B'C
Collect terms (and get rid of duplicate terms):
Expressed as minterms: F = m7+m6+m5+m4+m1
Shorthand SOM Form
From the previous example, we started
F = A + B'C
We ended up with:
F = m7+m6+m5+m4+m1
T h is c a n b e d e n o te d in th e fo r m a l s h o r th a n d :
F ( A , B , C ) (1 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 )
Note that we explicitly show the standard
variables in order and drop the “m” designators.
Canonical Product of
Any Boolean Function can be expressed as a Product of
The maxterms used are the terms corresponding to the
"0's" in the function table.
Note: You may have to expand all terms first to explicitly
list all maxterms. You do this by first using the distributive
law and by "ORing" terms missing variable v with a term
equal to v v'.
Example: Implement f = x+x'y' as a product of maxterms.
First apply the distributive law:
x+x'y' = (x+x')(x+y') = 1 (x+y') = (x+y')
In this example, we do not need to add missing variables.
Express as sum of Maxterms: f = M1
Product of Maxterm Example
Given f(A,B,C) = AC' + BC + A'B'
we must convert it to Product of Maxterm form.
Use distribution of + over to get:{Hint: x + yz =
(x+y) (x+z)
so substitute x= (AC' + BC), y = A', and z = B'}
f= (AC' + BC + A')(AC' + BC + B')
Then use the relation x + x'y = x + y to get:
f= (C' + BC + A')(AC' + C + B') and a second time for:
f = (C' + B + A')(A + C + B') and then rearrange to get:
f = (A' + B + C')(A + B' + C)
Thus: f = M5 M2
Function Complements
The complement of a function expressed as a sum of
minterms is constructed by selecting the minterms missing
in the sum-of-minterms canonical forms.
Alternatively, the complement of a function expressed by a
Sum of Mintems form is simply the Product of Maxterms
of the same index.
Example: Given F(x,y,z) = F (1, 3,5, 7)
Then: F ' ( 0, 2 , 4 , 6)
F (1,2 )
Review: Complements, Conversions
Complement: Swap indices with the indices not in the list,
or use opposite canonical form.
Example: Given F Form the complement: