Course Syllabus ITCS113

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University of Bahrain

Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center

Course Syllabus Form

1. Course code: ITCS113 2. Course title: Computer Programming I

3. College: Information Technology

4. Department: Computer Science

5. Program:
B.Sc. in Computer Science,
B.Sc. in Computer Science – Cloud Computing,
B.Sc. in Computer Engineering
B.Sc. in Software Engineering,
B.Sc. in Network Engineering
B.Sc. in Information Systems
B.Sc. in Cybersecurity
6. Course credits: 3-2-3

7. Course NQF Level: 5

8. NQF Credits: 12

9. Prerequisite: -
10. Lectures Timing & Location:

Section 34: UT 16:00 – 17:15 – Location S40-049

Section 35: UT 17:30 – 18:45 – Location S40-2049

11. Course web page:

12. Course Instructor: Ali Hameed Mohsin

13. Course coordinator: Dr. Faisal Al-Qaed

14. Academic year: 2022-2023

15. Contact: [email protected]

University of Bahrain – Quality Assurance& Accreditation Center - Course Syllabus Form

1 Note: Additional information could be added as required by the Instructor, (eg,
Note: Items shown underlined cannot be changed without the department consent.

16. Semester: First Second Summer
17. Textbook(s):
Java, An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming, Seventh Edition by Walter Savitch.
18. References:
19. Other learning resources used (e.g. e-Learning, field visits, periodicals, software, etc.):
Problem Solving Handout
Blackboard (e-Learning)
Java Software
MS Teams
20. Course description (as published):
This course introduces problem solving and fundamental programming concepts and techniques
implemented by a high-level programming language. Topics include primitive and compound data
types, syntax, semantics, expressions, assignment, input, output, conditional and iterative control
structures, and functions.

21. Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs):

Mapping to PILOs
CILOs 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Analyze familiar and new problems of moderate
2. Design an algorithm to solve a defined programming
problem of moderate complexity. X
3. Implement a procedure using suitable data types and
constructs such as sequence, selection, repetition and
4. Construct programs modularly using functions.
5. Develop, test, and debug programs using current
programming tool. X X
6. Analyze the behavior of a given program involving data
types and fundamental programming constructs .
7. Investigate and analyze IT Careers X
8. Organize and use time effectively to complete a given

Course assessment:
Assessment Type Details/ Explanation of Number Weight Date(s)
Assessment in relation to
Quizzes As shown in table 23/ 2 Written
(Written and CILOs:1,2,3,4,5,6 + 20% As shown in table
Practical) 2 Practical 23
Midterm Test Chapters 2 + 3 + 4
(excluding nested loop)
U, 27 November 2022
and Flowchart 1 25 % 03:00 – 4:20 PM
(Sequence, Selection and
Lab As shown in table 23 As shown in table
5 10%
Assignments/Practical /CILOS 1,3,4,5,6 23
University of Bahrain – Quality Assurance& Accreditation Center - Course Syllabus Form
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Soft Skills As shown in table 23 As shown in table
3 5%
Assignments /CILOS 7,8 23
Projects/Case Studies - -
Final Examination Covers all chapters H, 12th Jan , 2023
1 40% 8:30-10:30 AM
/CILOS 1,2,3,4,5,6
Total 100%

22. Description of Topics Covered

Topic Title Description
(e.g. chapter/experiment title)
Chapter 1 Intro to Programming Intro to Programming concepts and
terminology, Java, Compilers
Chapter 2 Programming Basics Programming basics, constructs,
expressions, I/O, Strings
Chapter 3 Programming with Selection If-else, nested if, switch statement,
conditional/ternary operator, type boolean,
string comparisons
Chapter 4 Programming with Repetition While, do-while, for, nested loop statements
Chapter 5 Programming with Class, Objects and Methods, classes, encapsulation, objects,
Methods/ Chapter 6.1 Constructor constructors
Chapter 7 Programming with Arrays (7.1 + 7.5 + One dimensional arrays, parallel arrays,
Parallel Arrays) two-dimensional arrays, passing arrays to
methods, returning arrays

23. Weekly Schedule

Week Date Topics covered CILOs Teaching Method Assessment

Introduction to the course
Chapter 1 (1 Lecture)
Sec 1.1-1.3: Computer Basics, A Interactive
sip of Java, Programming Basics. Teaching +
(OOP Concepts should be Problem Solving
covered in Chapter 5) +
+ Lab: Hands on
1 18-Sep-22 Handout: Programming and 1,2,3,5 Tutorial:
Problem Solving Techniques – Installation and
Sequential: Decomposition, Usage of
Flowcharting and Pseudocode. Java Software,
+ Compile/Run
Chapter 2 Program
Sec 2.1: Variables and
Sec 2.2: The Class String Teaching +
Soft Skills #1
Sec 2.3: Keyboard and Screen I/O, Problem Solving Assignment
Sec 2.4: Documentation and 1,2,3,5,7, +
2 25-Sep-22 Personal
Style. 8 Lab: Hands on
+ Tutorial: Writing
Assign: Soft Skills #1 Simple Java

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Handout: Problem Solving
Teaching +
Techniques – Selection:
Problem Solving Soft Skills #2
Decomposition, Flowcharting and
+ +
Lab: Hands on Assignment
3 2-Oct-22 + 1,2,3,5,8
Tutorial: Writing #1 (LAB)
Assign: Soft Skills #2
Java Program with (Chapter 2)
I/O and Class
Chapter 3
Sec 3.1: The ’if-else’ Statement

Chapter 3 Teaching +
Sec 3.1: Nested ’if-else’ Problem Solving Assignment
Statements, Multi-branch ’if-else’ +
4 9-Oct-22 1,2,3,5 #2 (LAB)
Statement, Lab: Hands on
(Chapter 3)
Sec 3.2: The Type Boolean, Tutorial: Writing
Sec 3.3 The ‘switch’ Statement Java Program with
Interactive Written Quiz
Handout: Problem Solving
Teaching + #1
Techniques – Iteration:
Problem Solving (Multiple-
Decomposition, Flowcharting and
+ Choice –
5 16-Oct-22 Pseudocode 1,2,3,5
Hands on Tutorial: Find the
Writing Java Output)
Chapter 4
Program with Loop (Chapters 2
Sec 4.1: Java Loop Statements
and 3)
Teaching +
Problem Solving Practical
+ Quiz #1
6 23-Oct-22 Sec 4.2: Programming with Loops
1,2,3,5,6 Lab Hands on (Chapters 2
Tutorial: Writing and 3)
Java Program with
Teaching + Assignment
Problem Solving #3 (LAB)
Continue with Loops/Nested + (Chapter 4):
7 30-Oct-22 1,2,3,5,6 Part 1: Loop
Loops Lab Hands on
Tutorial: Writing Part 2:
Java Program with Nested Loop
Nested Loops

8 6-Nov-22 Mid-Semester Break

Chapter 5 Interactive
Classes, Objects and Methods Teaching +
Cover first: How to write a Problem Solving
Quiz #2
Methods/functions only + (basic Loop
9 13-Nov-22 Followed by OOP Concepts 1,2,3,4,5 LAB: Hands on
Sec 5.1: Class and Method Tutorial: Writing
selection 4.1
Definitions Java Methods and
and 4.2)
Sec 5.2: Information Hiding and calling it using
Encapsulation main()

University of Bahrain – Quality Assurance& Accreditation Center - Course Syllabus Form

4 QF-20-rev.a.4
Teaching +
Sec 5.3: Objects and References
More about Objects and
Problem Solving
10 20-Nov-22 Methods 1,2,3,4,5 +
Lab Hands on
Sec 6.1: Constructors.
Tutorial: Writing
Sec 5.3: Objects and References
Java Program with
Interactive Assignment
Teaching + #4 (LAB)
Problem Solving (Chapter 5)
Part 1:
Method only
with main( )
11 27-Nov-22 Backup Week 1,2,3,4,5
Part 2:
writing class
and use it in
main( )

Chapter 7 Arrays Teaching +
7.1: Array Basics Problem Solving
(including Parallel Arrays concept, 1,2,3,4,5, +
12 4-Dec-22
comparing arrays equality, 6 Lab Hands on
passing array to methods and Tutorial: Writing
returning array) Java Program with
1D Array
Teaching +
Problem Solving
1,2,3,4,5, Lab Hands on
13 11-Dec-22 More Array Tutorials
6 Tutorial: Writing
Java Program with
1D Array/Parallel/
Interactive Assignment
Teaching + #5 (LAB)
7.5 : Multidimensional Arrays Problem Solving (Chapters 7)
(including passing 2D arrays to 1,2,3,4,5, + Part 1: 1D
14 18-Dec-22 Array/Parallel
methods and returning 2D arrays) 6 Lab Hands on
(ragged arrays isn’t required) Tutorial: Writing
Part 2: 2D
Java Program with Array with
2D Array/Methods Method/Main
Interactive Written Quiz
Teaching + #2
Problem Solving (Multiple-
1,2,3,4,5, Choice –
15 25-Dec-22 Backup Week
6 Find the
(Chapters 4,
5, 6.1 and 7)

16 1-Jan-23 Revision

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5 QF-20-rev.a.4
Academic Integrity Statement
Honesty and integrity are integral components of the academic process. Students are expected to be honest
and ethical at all times in their pursuit of academic goals in accordance with the Regulations of Professional
Conduct Violations for University of Bahrain Students, the UOB Plagiarism Policy and the UOB Guide to
Students Rights and Duties. Any breach of academic integrity will be dealt according to the University
Regulations for Professional Conduct Violations.

Prepared by: Dr. Faisal Al-Qaed

Date: 1 September 2022

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