Wuolah Free EXAMEN USA 2.0 1

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Long time ago, many people from the U.K. decided to travel by boat (the
Mayflower) to a new land to settle. This new land belonged to Great
Britain. The British king George III ruled both lands. Thirteen colonies were
formed there. After a while, some of the colonists talked and decided that
they wanted to be a free country. They didn’t want to be under the rule of
the king of England anymore, so many Patriots decided to fight for
independence. That decision meant the Patriots would have to fight the
huge British army, but it was important for them to fight for freedom.
After the war began, a bright young patriot named Thomas Jefferson sat
and wrote the Declaration of Independence in June of 1776. After it was
written, many men met at the Independence Hall in Philadelphia, to talk
about this document. The Revolutionary War ended in 1783. This was a
very cruel war. The land that the Patriots fought for was finally
independent and free from Britain. The name given to the new country
was “The United States of America”. Then the Constitution was written.
The United States Constitution says how the government works. It was
signed on September 17, 1787. Some of the men who signed it were
George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams.


General George Washington: 1st U.S. president

John Adams, 2nd U.S. president: Washington D.C. was declared the capital
city when he was the president.
Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. president: he lead the Civil War, put and end
to slavery and passed the 13th amendment.
Barak Obama, 44th U.S. president: he is the first African-American
president of the U.S.A.
2.Caracteristics from each region
USA its composed of West, Midwest, Nort heast and South.
Americans often speak of their country as one of several large regions.
These regions are cultural units rather tan govermental units formed by
history and geography and shaped by the economics, literature and
folwway that all the parts of a región share.
A region’s multicultural heritage as well as distinct demographic
caracteristics like age and ocupation make regions different and special.
Within several regions, language is used differently and there are strong
dialects. There are also differences in Outlook and attitude base don

The West: Native Americans still live in reservations or towns

There are a lot of parks where there is beauty nature.
Coast of California is occupied by the white settlers.
The Midwest: It’s the fertile sole of the country. There are abundant
cereal crops.
Farmers are normally located separately from eachother
They go to the village usually to buy supplies or to go to church
The Northeast: It’s the booming financial and economic center of US
NY’s World trade center.
There are major urban centers
NY’s Stock Exchange is a hub for bussiness and iversors
The South: it’s the most distinctive region
For southerners, slavery was aceptable
Nowadays it is a manufacturing region and there are highrise buildings.
3.Pluralism in the USA
Life in U.S:
There are two important facts abouth America: America is very large and
America has great ethnic diversity.
These two facts are fundamental when looking at the USA.
Ethnic diversity is probably the most important factor influencing life in
USA. Very early settlers came from spain, later they came from Northern
Europe becoming the dominant culture. Over time, inmigrants came from
differnet countries including China, Japan, Eastern and Southern Europe.
Gradually, they became part of the dominant culture.
The term “Melting Pot” is used to describe the mixing of differnet races
and cultures in the USA. Despite this, the dominant culture of Northem
Europe has survived. However, it has been altered by new immigrants.
“Cultural Pluralism” is the principle that different cultures can life
together peacefully.
Even though many people in the US, maintain their ethnic heritage, the
number of interracial marriages is increasing.

4.Education System
1. Prekindergarden: 4 – 5 and 5 – 6 years old
General school alphabet
2. Kindergarden: 6 – 7 years old
Alphabet and diction words
3. Elementary school: 1st to 5th grade (8-12 years old)
Vocabulary, maths science, phonics
4. Midle school: 6th to 8th grade (12-14 years old)
Much more higher level test
Good marks to choose next school.
5. High School:
- Public school: Majority, free and there are not uniform.
- Private catholic schools: Expensive, uniforms, smaller, more strict
- Private/ Boarding school: Smaller, sleep at school


The Federal Government: The constitution: Federal government (Trump)

Its divided in:
- Legislative branch
- Executive Branch
- Judicial Branch
Federal-countries states-individual states
The cabinet…
The president..

6.Symbols and Holidays

- Martin Luther King
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Columbus Day
- Veterans Day
- Thanksgiving Day

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