Pharmacy Apprenticeship

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Pharmacy Service Assistant

Staff Development Programme
Contents Welcome to Woodspeen
Firstly, thank you for considering continuing your education or expressing an interest in
Welcome to Woodspeen.................................................................................. 3 working with us here at Woodspeen. We are passionate about providing life-changing
Developing your Staff........................................................................................ 4 opportunities to students and developing staff for our employer partners. We are
Programme Overview....................................................................................... 5 committed to ensuring our students are work-ready and have the necessary knowledge,
skills and behaviours that employers are seeking to enhance their workforce.
Staff Development and Future Progressions................................................... 6
Knowledge Modules.......................................................................................... 8
We offer training programmes closely aligned to employer needs. We want you and your
End Point Assessment......................................................................................... 10 business to achieve your potential and our experienced staff are on hand to provide
The Learner Journey........................................................................................... 11 expert careers, education, information, advice and guidance from the outset - to ensure
Off-the-job Training............................................................................................. 12 a clear pathway is in place to help you to achieve your career goals - our provision is a
The Future of Training Provision......................................................................... 13 credible alternative to school or college.

Woodspeen Training.......................................................................................... 14
All of our courses are aimed at fast tracking your career without compromising quality,
enabling you to progress in your pharmacy career, with real life hands-on experience -
the opportunities are endless.

If it’s an apprenticeship you’re looking for, then look no further. We work with over 400
employers in supporting students to become competent. Read on and take a look at
the pharmacy pathways available. We hope you choose to study with Woodspeen
Training and join the over 3,000 students per year that we already support to progress their

John Deaville
Chief Executive Officer
For more information contact Woodspeen Training Ltd

Phil Taylor and Jeannette Adrian on:

[email protected] - 07940 516087 - 01484 429359

[email protected] - 07483 367410 - 01484 429359

Head Office: Kings Head Buildings, 1st & 2nd Floor, Cloth Hall Street, Huddersfield, HD1 2EF

For Reference:

The learner is a Pharmacy Technician

Programme Qualification
Overview On completion of the programme, your
employee will be awarded with the Level
Welcome to the 15 month, 2 Pharmacy Assistant Apprenticeship
Level 2 Pharmacy Assistant standard. Although not needed for

Apprenticeship Programme. the Apprenticeship standard, as an

enhancement and to develop your
The Level 2 Pharmacy Assistant staff all apprentices will complete GPhC
apprenticeship programme is designed to accredited HCA course, which includes
equip your employee with the knowledge, Health Care Assistant, Medicines Counter
skills and behaviours required to support Assistant and Dispensing Assistant
the delivery of your pharmacy service. qualifications.

Over the 15 month Apprenticeship, Awarding Body Partner

apprentices including: City and Guilds
• Dispensing and supply of medicines
and medicinal products,
• Team work
• Communication
• Pharmacy law and ethics
• Person centred care
• Health and safety in the workplace.

Duration Entry Requirements

Typically this Apprenticeship will • Must hold GCSEs in English and
take 12 months with 3 months for Maths grade A* to C. 9 to 4 or
End Point Assessment equivalent.
• Hold a level 2 English and
Maths or equivalent.

Developing Your Staff

• Have been a resident in the
Qualification Level UK/EEA/EU for the last 3 years
Level 2 Apprenticeship Standards • Be able to meet the
Medicines Counter Assistant programme modules through
At Woodspeen Training we have developed our programmes to allow you to develop Dispensing Assistant their job role
your talent within your pharmacy. We put a key focus on providing a clear structured
progression route for your staff to give them the opportunity to develop and flourish both
as an individual and as an asset to your service.
4 5
Staff Development and Progressions Role Profile
Our programmes are designed to equip and develop your staff with the skills your business The role of a Pharmacy Services Assistant is to provide support to Pharmacies and
needs them to have and to prepare them for their next step in their career. Pharmacy Technicians in the supply of medicines and medicinal products.

Our Pharmacy Service Assistant programme provides a strong foundation for aspiring With excellent communication and team-working skills providing the basis of ensuring a
Pharmacy Service Assistants who would like to progress in their careers to GPHC high level of Person Centred Care.
recognised Level 3 Pharmacy Technician programme (subject to meeting entry
requirements) with a further progression available to a Level 4 Pharmacy Clinical Services Pharmacy Service Assistants are required to be methodical and accurate in all areas of
(BTEC Diploma Level 4). their work.

Level 2 They will undertake duties such as dispensing, stock management, answering the
telephone, dealing with enquiries over the counter and face to face with healthcare
Assistant professionals, patients and carers alike.
Level 4
MCA Level 3 Pharmacy With training, a Pharmacy Service Assistant will be able to give information relating
Medicine Pharmacy Clinical
Counter Technician Services making effective use of medication, healthy lifestyle choices and signposting to relevant
Assistant BTEC screening and health care services.
Blended Learning
There will be a blended approach to the training provided during this programme. This will
Typical Job Roles be a combination of the following:

Pharmacy Services Assistant can be employed across all sectors in the industry including, Delivery Session Virtual Learning Work Place Mentor

but not limited to: There will be face to This will be via teams This is someone who
face contact through and apprentices will you will allocate to
• Retail delivery workshops and be able to access support the Apprentice
coaching sessions. support training in the workplace
• NHS Pharmacies material
6 7
Learning Modules
Here is what each learning module will cover:

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4

Dispensing and Supply of Medicines and Medicinal Team Work Communication, Pharmacy Law and Ethics Person Centred Care
Knowledge of: Knowledge of: Knowledge of:
Knowledge of: The roles and responsibilities of the pharmacy and Why it is important to communicate effectively at What it means to give ‘person centred care and
Dispensing procedures, and practices. healthcare team. work; how to communicate with individuals who have support’ and give people choices about their care.
The different types of prescriptions. How to follow standards and codes of conduct, as well specific language needs or wishes; ways to make Why it is important to gain consent.
How to complete pharmacy calculations (e.g. the as work within the limitations of your role. yourself understood; how to reduce problems with Why it is important to get people actively involved in
number of tablets or volume of liquid to be supplied). The requirements and rationale behind Standard communication. their own health and care.
Different weights and measures (e.g. grams, kilograms, Operating Procedures (SOPs). Legislation, policies and local ways of working and The importance of treating people as valuable and
millilitres to litres). How to work in the patients’ best interest, with other handling information; how to keep information unique individuals.
Doses and forms of medicines. people, both inside and external to the organisation. confidential; why it is important to record and store How to promote healthy lifestyles, such as the
Issues that may affect how medicines are taken. Where to go to for help and advice about anything to patient information securely and what to do if you think importance of healthy eating, regular exercise and
The documentation relating to administration, supply do with work. information is not secure. reducing health risks such as alcohol consumption and
and methods of medicines distribution support. The importance of personal development and how to Application of relevant systems used in Pharmacy smoking.
The management of medicines and the supply chain. reflect on your work Practice and the restrictions and values around the use How health inequalities affect different parts of society.
of social media. The other organisations which can support the well-
Skills to: Skills to: being of a patient.
Receive and log prescriptions. Work within the parameters of Standard Operating Skills to:
Assemble prescribed items, undertake an in-process Procedures (SOPs). Communicate effectively with the public, carers and Skills to:
accuracy check and issue prescribed items. Act in accordance with systems and organisational other health and social care professionals using a Demonstrate person centred care and support within a
Work according to legislative requirements, and governance. range of techniques to determine their needs, and pharmacy setting.
organisational policies. Recognise and act within the pharmacy regulatory, keep information confidential. Make pharmacy patients and patient safety your first
Order, receive, maintain and issue pharmaceutical legal and ethical standards. Handle information (record, report and store concern.
stock. Support the team in the development of others. information) related to individuals and/or patients in Use judgement and refer service user as appropriate to
Provide appropriate advice when authorised on Maintain and further develop your own skills and line with local and national policies. another member of the team, GP, healthcare worker,
supplied medicines and products, their storage and knowledge through development activities; maintain Use pharmacy IT systems and other IT resources manufacturer etc.
disposal. evidence of your personal development and actively according to legislative requirements and Maintain the interests of patients and the health of the
prepare for and participate in appraisal. organisational policies. public.
Promote and advocate equality, diversity and
Promote healthy lifestyles to customers.

Module 5

Health and Safety in the Workplace

Knowledge of:
How to identify risks and hazards in a workplace
What appropriate action should be taken in response
to incidents or emergencies following local guidelines.

Skills to:
Work safely within the parameters of your role using
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
Apply policies which relate to health and safety at
Act appropriately in situations to prevent harm to
yourself and others.

8 9
How to get ready for the End Point The Learner’s Journey
Assessment Pharmacy Assistant Level 2
We want to deliver memorable learning experiences, whilst delivering learners with well- Programme time line | Duration: 12 Months | End Point Assessment: 3 Months
rounded skill-sets, ready to meet their professional requirements. 1. Confirm commitment
2. Confirm role suitability Induction Tasks:
3. Ensure completion of induction tasks Workplace Induction Induction Module
4. Set initial portfolio objectives Portfolio administration
To ensure we are achieving this goal consistently, it is important for learners, skills tutor 5. Safeguarding module (side by side)

and employers to work together to ensure learners are supported to succeed in their
Apprenticeship’s third-party End Point Assessment (EPA). Overall Progression
Team Work Module
Portfolio Progression Month 1
Functional Skills Level 2
In this section we outline a number of guidelines which intend to provide a framework so Overall Progression
Team Work Module
that can be achieved in a consistent way. Month 2 Portfolio Progression
Functional Skills Level 2
Overall Progression
Communication, Pharmacy, Law and
Ethics Module
Preparation for the end point assessment starts from day one. Portfolio Progression Month 3
Functional Skills Level 2 Overall Progression
Communication, Pharmacy, Law and
Staying on track throughout the programme Month 4
Ethics Module
Portfolio Progression
Overall Progression Functional Skills Level 2
Communication, Pharmacy, Law and
The EPA preparation starts as soon as each new learner joins a programme, as all its Ethics Module
Portfolio Progression Month 5
components will support the learner to develop the necessary technical knowledge, Functional Skills Level 2 Overall Progression
Communication, Pharmacy, Law and
skills and behaviours to confidently meet, or exceed, all the requirements specified in the Month 6
Ethics Module
Portfolio Progression
standard. Overall Progression
Functional Skills Level 2

Person Centred Care Module

Portfolio Progression Month 7
Functional Skills Level 2
For this reason, it is very important to keep learners, skills tutors and employers informed
Overall Progression
about the expected learner journey. It is critical to the success of the apprenticeship Person Centred Care Module
Month 8 Portfolio Progression
programme that all the above work together to ensure that each learning journey is kept Overall Progression
Functional Skills Level 2

Health and Safety in the Workplace

on-track avoiding further interventions (and time commitment) whenever possible. Module
Portfolio Progression Month 9
Functional Skills Level 2 Overall Progression
Health and Safety in the Workplace
Month 10 Portfolio Progression
Overall Progression Functional Skills Level 2
Dispensing and Supply of Medicines
and Medicinal Products Module
Portfolio Progression Month 11
Functional Skills Level 2
Overall Progression
Dispensing and Supply of Medicines
and Medicinal Products Module
Month 12 Portfolio Progression
Functional Skills Level 2
EPA (End Point Assessment)
Portfolio Progression Months 13-15
Functional Skills Level 2

Qualification Awarded

10 11
Off-the-job Training
Our programme design facilitates off-the-job learning so we can support you to
confidentially evidence the off-the-job training requirements which needs to be
completed within working hours. Examples of off-the-job training include:





MENTORING LEARNING The Future of Training Provision
At Woodspeen Training, we ensure quality is at the heart of everything we do. Our training
COMPLETING and assessment is quality assured by Ofsted. We were recently graded as ‘Good’ in our
PROJECTS recent (September 2019) inspection.

A Career path from Woodspeen Training

Workplace Supervision With a team of dedicated Pharmacy Tutors and Internal Quality Assurers, we aim to
support the learner and the company throughout their Apprenticeship journey with
Workplace Supervision is a vital part of the learner journey and is a prerequisite of Woodspeen Training.
enrolment onto the apprenticeship. The role of the workplace supervisor is to ensure that
structured training is provided affording learners the experience to obtain the necessary
skills, along with supported mentor-ship in providing time for ‘off the job’ training activities
and learning opportunities to take place.

The Workplace Supervisor must be registered with the GPhC as it is their responsibility to
sign off the Health Care Assistant course, which includes a workplace observation.
12 13
Woodspeen Training Woodspeen Training
Woodspeen Training is a well-established provider of apprenticeship and skills As a training provider, I have found Woodspeen Training an outstanding company to
programmes for both young and adult learners. Woodspeen prides itself on delivering work with. Their staff from the management team to face-to-face tutors to reception
high quality provision. Ofsted inspected Woodspeen in September 2019 and awarded a have been a pleasure to deal with and their dedication to ensuring that learners not
Grade 2 – Good. only succeed in their qualifications but also away from the classroom is something that is
Woodspeen Training has operated successfully for over 30 years. We are based in West
Yorkshire, with delivery across the north of England and beyond. With a team of over 60 Woodspeen offers a wide range of qualification at multiple levels. As an employer, we
full time directly employed staff, we can support training for individuals and companies are always looking for new and innovative ways to recruit apprentices and up-skill staff,
alike. Woodspeen Training have been the perfect partners and platform to work with and grow
organisations that I work with across the country.
Specialists in Pharmacy training provision, Woodspeen have a long track record of work-
ing with over 1,000 learners in the recent past. Whatever your ambitions, Woodspeen Training can help you to achieve your goals
through their excellent Traineeships and Apprenticeships programmes. Whether you are
We deliver a range of provision to support the Pharmacy sector, including starting on a Traineeship and beginning your career or looking to upskill yourself or your
Apprenticeships, Adult Learning, workforce with Level 3, 4 or 5 qualifications, Woodspeen Training has an opportunity for all
Pre-Employment training, Traineeships and Learner Loans. Our provision spans Pre and their specialist staff will not fail you.
Employment (level 1) to higher level qualifications (foundation degree – Level 5);
providing complete career progression in the sector. Enjoy your learning in whichever field you choose.

Woodspeen have operated nationally for over 30 years and work with over 500
employers across a range of occupational sectors including Optical, Business, Information Paul Kallee-Grover MBE
Technology, Digital Marketing, Hairdressing, Barbering, Customer Service, Beauty Therapy, Trade Advisor
Warehousing, Childcare, Health and Social Care, Team Leading and Management. HM Government

Apprentices quickly develop new knowledge, skills and
behaviours through well-planned programmes that staff
design in close collaboration with employers. Apprentices
gain in confidence to practise, improve and apply their
skills in their workplaces. Employers value the contribution

that apprentices make to their business.
Ofsted Report September 2019

Managers and staff work closely with employers to design
apprenticeships that meet employers’ needs. Through
well-sequenced learning activities, apprentices

progressively develop new knowledge and skills.
Ofsted Report September 2019

14 15
Yorkshire Office Newcastle Office Registered Office Poulton Office Liverpool Office

Kings Head Buildings Riverview Business 3rd Floor Premier House Unit House
1st & 2nd Floor Centre 86 - 90 Paul Street Premier Way Evans Road
Cloth Hall Street Asama Court London Poulton Le Fylde Speke Boulevard
Huddersfield Newcastle England FY6 8JP Liverpool
HD1 2EF NE4 7YL WC2A 1PP L24 9HZ
01484 429359

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