Part 4 - 230610 - 093240

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Impulse and Linear Momentum

• Momentum is defined as the quality of a moving object to exert a

force on anything that tries to stop it

� = ��

Momentum is a vector quantity in the direction of the velocity with

SI unit kgm/s

• Using Newton‘s second law of motion

∆� ∆(��) ∆�
�=� = =
∆� ∆� ∆�

∆� = �∆�
� = ∆� = �� − �� = �∆�
Conservation of Linear Momentum

Whenever two or more particles in an isolated system interact, the total

momentum of the system remains constant.
• If the two particles form an isolated system, the momentum of the system must be conserved.

• Therefore, the total momentum of an isolated system just before a collision equals the total
momentum of the system just after the collision.

• But, the total kinetic energy of the system of particles may or may not be conserved,
depending on the type of collision.

• Whether or not kinetic energy is conserved is used to classify collisions as either elastic or
Elastic collision
• An elastic collision between two objects is one in which the total
kinetic energy as well as total momentum of the system is
• Perfectly elastic collisions occur between atomic and subatomic
• If the collision is elastic, both the momentum and kinetic energy
of the system are conserved
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��� − ��� =− (��� − ��� ) ����������
Inelastic Collision

• An inelastic collision is one in which the total kinetic energy of the

system is not conserved.

• But the momentum of the system is conserved

Perfectly Inelastic Collision
• When the colliding objects stick together after
the collision, the collision is called perfectly
• The total momentum before the collision
equals the total momentum of the composite
system after the collision

�� ��� + �� ��� = (�� + �� )��

Center of Mass
• The center of mass is the point at which all
the mass can be considered to be
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��� = =
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��� = ��� � + ��� � + ��� �

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1. A 60-kg archer stands at rest on frictionless ice and fires a 0.50-kg
arrow horizontally at 50 m/s. With what velocity does the archer
move across the ice after firing the arrow?

2. A block of mass m1=1.6 kg initially moving to the right with a

speed of 4m/s on a horizontal frictionless track collides with a second
block of mass m2=2.1 kg initially moving to the left with a speed of
2.5m/s. If the collision is elastic, find the velocities of the two blocks
after collision.
Example 3
• A system consists of three particles with masses m1=m2=1kg and
m3=2kg located as shown in the figure below. Find the center of
mass of the system
FLUID MECHNICS: Properties of Bulk
• Although a solid may be thought of as having a definite shape and
volume, it‘s possible to change its shape and volume by applying
external forces
• A sufficiently large force will permanently deform or break an
object, but otherwise, when the external forces are removed, the
object tends to return to its original shape and size
• This is called elastic behavior
are materials that regain their original shape and size when the deforming
force is removed

do not regain their original shape and size when the deforming force is

• is a reversible deformation by a force applied within the elastic limit

• Beyond elastic limit, a force applied on an object causes permanent and irreversible
deformation called plastic deformation
The elastic properties of solid materials are
described in terms of stress and strain
is the force per unit area that is causing some deformation
on an object.
• It has SI unit N/m2 called the Pascal (Pa), the same as the unit of

������ =

the amount of deformation by the applied stress
and defined as the change in configuration of a body divided by its
initial configuration. Strain is unit less quantity
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������ =
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There are three kinds of strains
When the ends of a
bar(rod or wire) of uniform cross-
sectional area A are pulled with equal
and opposite forces of magnitude F⊥the
bar will undergo a stretch by the tensile
stress defined as the ratio of the force
magnitude F⊥ to the cross-sectional
area A

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2. Shear Stress and Strain
• Another type of deformation occurs when
an object is subjected to a force parallel to
one of its faces while the opposite face is
held fixed by another force
• The stress in this case is called a shear
����� ������ =

The shear strain is defined as the ratio x/h,
where x is the horizontal distance that the
shearedface moves and h is the height of the

����� ������ = = ����

Volume Stress and Strain
• Volume Stress is a stress which causes
volume deformation on an object and
defined as the ratio of the change in the
magnitude of the applied force ΔF to the
surface area A
������ ������ = = ∆�

Volume strain is the fractional change in
volume that is - the change in volume, ΔV ,
divided by the original volume V0
������ ������ =
Elasticity Moduli
• The stress will be proportional to the strain if the stress is
sufficiently small
• In this regard, the proportionality constant known as elastic
modulus depends on the material being deformed and on the
nature of the deformation

Corresponding to the three types of strains, there are three types of

elastic module
Young‘s Modulus (Y)
• Is the ratio of the tensile stress to the tensile strain
• It measures the resistance of a solid to a change in its length and
typically used to characterize a rod or wire stressed under either
tension or compression
• Y has units of force per unit area

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Shear Modulus (S):
• With units of Pascal, is the ratio of shear stress to shear strain.
• It is the measure of the resistance to motion of the planes within a
solid parallel to each other
• A material having a large shear modulus is difficult to bend

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Bulk Modulus (B)
• Its SI unit is Pascal, is the ratio of the volume stress to the volume
• Bulk modulus measures the resistance of solids or liquids to
changes in their volume.
• A material having a large bulk modulus doesn‘t compress easily

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�= =
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1. A solid sphere made of wood has a radius of 0.1 m. The mass of
the sphere is 1.0 kg. Determine a) density and b) specific gravity of
the wood
Density and Pressure in Static Fluids
is the quantity of mass (m) per unit volume (V) of a
body with SI unit Kg/m3 and given by:


is the ratio of the density of the substance to
the density of another substance which is taken as a standard

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• Pressure is the ratio of the force acting perpendicular to s surface
to the surface area (A) on which the force acts
• Unit is N/m2 which is equal to Pascal (Pa)
• Another commonly used pressure unit is atmosphere (atm) equal
to 101.3 kPa, which is the average pressure, exerted by the Earth‘s
atmosphere at sea level

The pressure produced by the column of fluid of height h and
density is given by
������ = ���
Atmospheric Pressure
• Atmospheric Pressure: is the pressure due to the weight of the
atmosphere exerted on the surface of the Earth
• Atmospheric pressure decreases with increase in altitude as a result
of decrease in the density of the air
• is the difference in pressure between a system and
the surrounding atmosphere
������ = ������ − �����������
The total pressure, or absolute pressure, is thus the
sum of gauge pressure and atmospheric pressure
��������� = ������ + �����������
Buoyant Force and Archimedes’ Principles

sates that pressure

applied to a confined fluid in a
container is transmitted equally to all
regions of the fluid and to the walls of
the container

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�� ��
Archimedes’ principle
• To understand the origin of the buoyant force,
consider a cube immersed in a liquid as in figure
• The pressure Pb at the bottom of the cube is
greater than the pressure Pt at the top by an
amount ������ ��
• The pressure at the bottom of the cube causes an
upward force equal to PbA, where A is the area
of the bottom face
• The pressure at the top of the cube causes a
downward force equal to PtA.
• The resultant of these two forces is the buoyant
force B
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= ������ ����������� = ������
Moving Fluids and Bernoulli Equations (Fluid
v expresses conservation of mass for an
incompressible fluid flowing in a tube
v The amount (either mass or volume) of fluid flowing through a
cross section of the tube in a given time interval must be the same
for all cross sections OR
vThe product of the area and the fluid speed at all points along a
tube is constant for an incompressible fluid
�� = �� �� = �� ��
if the cross sectional area is decreased, and then the flow rate
���� ���� = = �� = ��������
Bernoulli‘s Equation

• Bernoulli‘s principle states that swiftly moving fluids exert less

pressure than slowly moving fluids

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1. The small piston of a hydraulic lift has an area of 0.2 m^2. A car
weighing 1.2*10^4 Nsits on a rack mounted on the large piston. The
large piston has an area of 0.9 m^2 . How large force must be
applied to the small piston to support the car?
2. A sample of an unknown material weighs 300 N in air and 200 N
when submerged in an alcohol solution with a density of 0.7*10^3
kg/m^3. What is the density of the material?
• Heat is defined as the flow of energy from one object to another

• This flow of energy is caused by a difference in temperature

v If the objects are at different temperatures, energy is exchanged between
them, even if they are initially not in physical contact with each other
v we assume that two objects are in with each other if
energy can be exchanged between them by these processes due to a
temperature difference
a situation in which two objects would not
exchange energy by heat or electromagnetic radiation if they were placed
in thermal contact
So what is Temperature?

• We can think of temperature as the property that determines

whether an object is in thermal equilibrium with other objects

• Two objects in thermal equilibrium with each other are at the

same temperature
• If objects A and B are separately in thermal
equilibrium with a third object C, then A and B are
in thermal equilibrium with each other.
Temperature Scales

• On the Celsius scale, the freezing point of water is 00C and the
boiling point is 1000C. The unit of temperature on this scale is the
degree Celsius (0C).

• The Fahrenheit scale has the freezing point of water at 320F and the
boiling point at 2120F. Its unit is the degree Fahrenheit (0F).

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