Class 7 Mirror Eng

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Subject:-Mirror English F.M: 75 a) When Robinson was 19 years old, he ran away.

Why did
Class:- 7 P.M : 30 he run away and where did he go?
Q.No.1) Read the following text and do the activities that follows: - b) Who was Friday? How did Robinson meet Friday?
Long ago, once there was broker. He always worked hard in office. He
c) How did Robinson return to England?
used to love his secretary. He wanted to marry her. She also agrees to get d) Where are the seventh graders going tomorrow?
married. Finally, they got married. Next day the broker was busy in the e) What sound does the poet hear in the morning?
office with papers. The secretary also arrived in office. He forgot that they f) What does the word ‘Losar’ mean? How many days do
had got married. The broker asked if she would marry him or not. The the main celebration go?
secretary said nothing. At last, she reminded him that they had already got
g) What do Buddhist monk do at monasteries during Losar?
married the previous day at the church. The busy broker felt ashamed. She
felt pity on him for his forgetfulness.
h) Who were the five friends?
i) Why did five friends decide to plant soul trees?
A. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for the false statements: - 5 j) Who made the flying machine? What was the reason of
a) The broker did not love his secretary. the quarrels?
b) The secretary agreed the marriage proposal.
c) The busy broker forgot his birthday. Q.NO.3) Match the words with their meanings: -5
d) The secretary did not remind him about their marriage. A B
e) The busy broker felt ashamed.
 Dewy - gentle and pleasant
B) Answer these questions: - 2x5= 10  Noon tide - flies or rises high in the air
a) Whom did the busy broker fell in love with?  Soars - being very tired
b) What did he want?  Soothing - the time of noon
c) Where did they get married  Wearily - wet with drops of dew
d) How did you know that the broker was very busy?
e) Why did secretary feel pity on him?
Q.NO.4) Write a single word for the following definitions:- 5
Q.NO.2) Answer these questions (any eight):- 3x8=24
a) Some one who attacks and robs ships …………..
b) With no people living there ……….. f) ………… watch a good film on television this weekend.
c) Someone who eats human flesh ………. I. Let’s ii. Let iii. To let
d) Hard animal fat used to make candles …….
Q.NO.7) Choose the correct homonyms from the box to
e) A person who continues to live after an accident ……..
complete the sentences.:- 6
Q.NO.5) choose the pairs of synonyms words from the lists
a) I have……… more days of school. (some, sum)
below:- 5
b) Have you……. this book before? (read, red)
Exhausted , catastrophic, tired, disastrous, c) ……….. are ninety boxes left to open. (there , their)
d) That lion has large ………. ( paws, pause)
Enormous , gigantic, trader, merchant,
e) The boys had ……. Much work to do before dark. ( too,
Sadness, misery, two)
f) Tony ……. The ball against the building all recess.
Q.NO.6) Choose the correct answer: - 6
( through, threw)
a) Mohan, we are going to the mountains. Why ……… come
Q.NO.8) Write of your paragraphs on your favorite festival
with us?
i. Does not you ii.Don’t you iii. Do you Or

b) It is a beautiful day. ……. Go to the beach. Write a letter to your mother describing about your best friend.:-6
I. Let’s ii. Why do iii.Who let’s
Q.NO.9) Imagine you had a fight with someone very close to you. Then
c) It is getting late? How about………. a taxi? you realized that it was your mistake. Now prepare a card for him/ her
i. Taking. Ii. Take iii. To take tell how sorry you are for hurting him/her:- 3
d) Our mother wants a new back. How about………. father for
I. To ask ii.Asking iii. Ask THE END
e) I think it’s a good idea. Let’s …….. some money for the
I. Collect ii.Collecting iii. To collect

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