Artificial Intelligence Theory and Applications

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ISBN : 978-605-69730-2-4

Artificial Intelligence Applications in Management Information Systems:

A Comprehensive Systematic Review with Business Analytics Perspective
Halil İbrahim CEBECI 1*,
Sakarya University, Sakarya Business School, Management Information Systems Department, Turkey

* Corresponding Author: Sakarya University, Faculty of Business, Turkey

Tel.: +90 264 295 7123. E-Mail: [email protected]

Publication Information ABSTRACT

Keywords : The need to solve very complex problems and the desire to model and
 Artificial Intelligence; understand human behavior are the most important factors that trigger artificial
 Fuzzy Logic; intelligence studies. In addition, today, when digitalization has become a
 Neural Networks; necessity with the industrial revolution, the importance of management
 Deep Learning;
information systems located at the interface of information, business and
 Expert System;
 Genetic Algorithms; industry has increased even more. In this study, which was prepared by taking
 Meta Heuristics; these two approaches into consideration, it was aimed to examine the use of
 Systematic Review. artificial intelligence techniques in management information systems literature
in a multidimensional and systematic manner, and in this direction, a
systematic literature review method supported by semi-automatic modern
Category : Full Research Article technique such as text mining was proposed. As a result of the literature review,
it has been observed that studies in the field of deep learning and swarm
intelligence have gained importance in recent years. When evaluated in terms
Received : 02.04.2021 of application, although information system support and information
Accepted : 15.04.2021
management are at the forefront in the field of informatics, it is thought that
there is a shift towards cybercrime and security and fault detection. Similarly,
© 2021 Izmir Bakircay University.
it can be said that there has been a tendency towards environmental factors in
All rights reserved. other business areas where production and supply chain studies are seen more.
In sectoral evaluations, the value of the health sector has increased while
manufacturing-oriented areas are ahead as a result of the digital transformation.
When all these findings are evaluated together, it is thought that a detailed
guide is presented to the academicians and professionals who will work in the

1. Introduction

In parallel with the developments in information technologies in recent years, businesses tend to use
information systems intensively and effectively for control and decision support purposes. This situation
reveals the importance of Management Information Systems (MIS) located at the intersection of business,
informatics, and industrial applications. When this multi-disciplinary structure of MIS is evaluated, it can
be said that it is an umbrella concept that includes important sub-concepts, especially in decision support.
It is seen that the studies in the field of decision support have shifted to the business intelligence (BI) axis,
especially in the early 2000s, due to its superior visualization ability. On the other hand, BI includes many
H. I. Cebeci Artificial Intelligence Theory and Applications: 1 (2021) 25-56

activities, from extracting data within the enterprise to presenting it appropriately for decision support to
the end-user. Business analytics, which is the crucial point of this transformation, is the name given to all
numerical methods that enable converting data into information within the BI architecture [1]. In this sense,
business analytics, which includes a wide range of methods from statistical methods to modern approaches,
is supported by Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques at every stage.

Artificial intelligence is an algorithmic replica of a living system (human or other living creatures) or a
nature-based phenomenon (physics or biology-based) created in a computer environment to solve NP-Hard
problems. In this context, artificial intelligence can be expressed as a multi-disciplinary process based on
both information infrastructure and mathematics. As a result of the transformation of employment based
on companies' work in the field of digitalization in recent years, AI approaches have moved to the focus of
industrial applications and academic studies. AI approaches, which have a place in many academic fields,
also occupy an important area in MIS literature, whose primary purpose is decision support. The multi-
disciplinary nature of the MIS field and the wide-ranging use of AI approaches make it difficult to make
an overall assessment of the literature in both areas. This study aimed to evaluate AI studies in MIS
literature to turn such diversity into a potential opportunity for academics and professionals. As a result of
the ease of access to online publications, a systematic approach is required to assess the large number of
publications that can be subject to the literature review. Also, the review procedure should include the
variety of the methods used in the publications, the business, and information functions and industries in
which they are applied.

Literature reviews are evaluated under two categories, document-based and context-based [2]. In
publication(document)-oriented studies, each publication in the field is examined one by one, and a
generalization is tried to be made about the area. In context-based studies, instead of each document one by
one, articles are combined under various topics and evaluated together. Thus, it is necessary to create a
subject list and examine many publications depending on this list. Systematic literature reviews are often
preferred in context-based studies to make integrated evaluations of many sources. The critical activity in
the systematic review process is to prepare the necessary index for coding the articles. In this context, an
automated method may be needed if the number of publications increases too much, especially in coding
on the axis of the subject, method, and application area. Text mining approaches can meet this need,
especially with term-document matrices that they offer as outputs [3].

In this study, which was prepared to question AI studies in MIS literature in detail, a systematic literature
review approach supported by the text mining process was preferred. Thanks to this approach, it is thought
that it can guide academicians and professionals who want to perform research in the field by evaluating
them with new opportunities, potential publication areas, and trends.

The following research questions will be considered in the literature review research to determine the
objectives mentioned above in the study.

RQ1: What is AI studies' status in the MIS literature over the years, and how has it transformed in recent
RQ2: At what level do AI studies support business analytics approaches?
RQ3: Among the MIS journals, which ones are prominent in publishing AI, and do these journals differ
in business analytics publications?
RQ4: How and to what extent do AI approaches support informatics-related factors affecting
RQ5: What is the preference of AI methods in business functions that are not related to informatics?
RQ6: Which industries are at the forefront of AI use in MIS literature?

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RQ7: Which concepts are prominent in AI studies in the MIS literature, and has this changed over the
In the next part of the study, systematic and manual literature reviews on AI will be presented. Then brief
information about the concept of artificial intelligence and the techniques used will be given. After
explaining the methodology of the study, the findings will be presented, and in the last part, the results will
be evaluated with possible future studies and limitations.

2. Motivation and Background

Literature reviews are studies that gain increasing importance among academics and professionals with
their success in presenting the general picture of a particular academic field [4]. In this sense, as in almost
every academic field, such studies are frequently encountered in the field of MIS and AI.
In his literature review on AI usage in manufacturing applications, Oke (2008) manually examined around
150 articles on inference, genetic algorithms, expert systems, artificial neural networks, and information
representation [5]. A similar study was conducted on the use of AI in decision support applications in
diabetes management in the health sector, and 141 articles were examined and evaluated under different
decision support strategies [6]. In health, AI has been preferred in many areas, from medical diagnosis to
health management, especially in recent years. In two separate manual reviews in the field of health
management in 2018 and 2020, AI applications on health crisis management and patient safety were
presented, respectively [7, 8]
Manual reviews also appear in the MIS literature that focuses on a business or information function rather
than a specific industry. Keding (2019) evaluated 58 articles containing AI methods in strategic
management under subheadings such as data‑driven workflows, managerial willingness, organizational
determinants, managerial cognition, the value of complementary skills, human-machine collaboration,
design of decision‑making governance, agility and participation in strategy development, and predictive
logic in business models [9]. Di Viao et al. (2020) examined sustainable growth in their study using a
bibliometric approach [10]. In addition to the studies evaluating AI approaches in informatics-related fields
such as intellectual property analytics [11] and user interaction [12], general comprehensive studies
prepared without being limited to a specific area or function [13] are also encountered in the literature.
Until the early 2000s, publication-oriented approaches, in which relatively few publications were subjected
to detailed reviews and generalized, were frequently preferred in literature reviews. However, in parallel
with the developments in the science of bibliometric, especially in recent years, the number of scope-
oriented systematic reviews in which a large number of articles are evaluated in an integrated manner is
increasing rapidly. On the other hand, systematic literature reviews are studies in which the representation
ability is increased by examining a large number of articles together using various automation and coding
steps from article selection and evaluation. In such studies, when the number of attributes (the number of
classes used in article evaluation) increases, valuable results can be obtained by integrating tools such as
text mining into the systematic structure during the coding stage [14, 15]. As shown in Table 1, both types
of approaches are preferred in literature reviews focused on AI.
Industrial evaluations are an approach that is also studied in systematic reviews. For example, a limited
number of publications have been examined in studies that include AI in the field of health management
[16], transportation [17], and tourism [18]. A systematic review was used in these studies not to classify
(encode) articles but to select the correct papers. In another study on the private sector [19], a
comprehensive systematic review was presented by evaluating the entire field, AI methods, and published
journals separately. However, in this study, a limited number of articles were examined, and the
representation ability could not be clearly evaluated.

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Grover, Kar & Dwidevi (2020) focuses on Production management in the study where he examined 181
articles. Unlike other systematic reviews, a hybrid approach, in which text mining and sentiment analysis
results made with data obtained from social media are also added to the analysis, was preferred, and
digitization and AI's role in this process were questioned [20]. Jourdan, Rainer & Marshall (2008) evaluated
AI approaches as a subtitle in their study, in which they focused on the field of business intelligence.
Journal-based analyzes were also included in the study, in which 167 articles were examined [21]. In
another study, which targets the current situation of AI approaches in the digital transformation era. It
evaluates them independently; a limited number of resources (41) were examined and focused on deep
Table 1: Literature review studies related to artificial intelligence
Author(s) Review Type Duration Sample Size Application Area
Oke, 2008 [5] Manuel 1993 - 2007 ~150 Manufacturing
Jourdan, Rainer & Marshall, Systematic 1997 - 2006 167 Business
2008 [21] Intelligence
Contreras & Vehi, 2018 [6] Manuel 1987 - 2017 141 Health
Fernandez-Luque & Imran, Manuel 2012 - 2017 26 Health
2018 [7] Management
Aristodemou & Tietze, 2018 Manuel 2006 - 2018 57 Intellectual
[11] Property
Rzepka & Berger, 2018 [12] Manuel 1983 - 2018 96 Technological
Duan, Edwards & Dwivedi, Manuel 1983 - 2018 123 General
2019 [13]
Kedra et al., 2019 [16] Systematic 2013 - 2018 55 Health
de Sousa et al., 2019 [19] Systematic 2000 - 2018 59 Public
Nascimento et al., 2020 [17] Systematic 1987 - 2017 59 Transportation

Samara, Magnisalis & Systematic 2001 - 2018 102 Tourism

Peristeras, 2020 [18]
Di Viao et al., 2020 [10] Manuel 1990 - 2019 73 Sustainable
Choudhury & Asan, 2020 Manuel 2010 - 2019 53 Health
[8] Management
Grover, Kar & Dwivedi, Systematic 2010 - 2019 181 Operations
2020 [20] Management
Borges et al., 2019 [22] Systematic 2009 - 2020 41 General

Keding, 2019 [9] Manuel 1983 - 2019 58 Strategic


In the detailed evaluation of AI, both systematically and manually, it has been observed that they have
different advantages and limitations. For example, when Table 1 is examined, it is seen that the number of
sources may not be sufficient in terms of representation ability. This situation is not different in studies
where the whole of a particular field is evaluated [13, 22]. Besides drawing a general picture of a specific
H. I. Cebeci Artificial Intelligence Theory and Applications: 1 (2021) 25-56

area, many sector and business-oriented studies are also attracting attention. De Souza et al. (2019)
performed business function, method, and journal-based evaluations in the literature review [19].
Aristodemou & Tietze (2018) and Borges et al. (2019) used approaches in which different industries are
compared in terms of the use of AI techniques [11, 22]. Di Viao et al. (2020) added Bibliometric science
to their work with the R Biblioshiny package's help for more understandable and visual presentations [10].
A systematic review methodology that integrates all of these approaches that add value to literature reviews
can be instrumental. Also, the use of an extended sample so that representation ability will be eliminated
will add value to the study. This study, prepared on this axis, is planned to be in a systematic structure that
includes these advantages.
3. Artificial Intelligence

Intelligence is an integrated combination of many abilities such as thinking, reasoning, comprehension,

learning, judgment, and inference. Thanks to intelligence, people can carry out activities such as learning
from experience, producing solutions to different and uncertain problems encountered, and responding to
a new situation as soon as possible [23]. These activities are the core of AI approaches. Artificial
intelligence is the whole of techniques that can produce solutions with similar designs to solve problems
and try to imitate humans' intelligence or other living organisms in the computer environment in this
process. The main benefit of these approaches for business and individual life is their success in problems
that are very difficult to solve with classical methods called NP-Hard. In this context, a wide range of
artificial intelligence approaches is used, from multi-purpose to non-linear solutions, from estimation to
classification and clustering.
There is no widely accepted classification of artificial intelligence approaches. In this study, AI techniques
are evaluated under the titles of Fuzzy Logic (FL), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Expert Systems
(ES), and AI-supported Meta-heuristics (MH) approach.
3.1. Fuzzy Logic
Many problems encountered in real life are vague, imprecise, and ambiguous by nature. Solving such
problems is often possible by flexing the crisp foundations of mathematics. In this sense, there is a need for
methods that constitute intelligence's mathematical infrastructure to produce solutions in uncertain and
vague situations. This method, which is called soft computing, is defined as "modeling the human brain's
learning and inference abilities in uncertain and vague situations" [24]. Fuzzy logic approaches, based on
the fuzzy set theory put forward by L. Zadeh in 1965, is a soft computing technique that offers the ability
to deal with uncertainties in real-life problems [25].
Essentially, FL is an information preparation process based on fuzzy clusters that work in integration with
other methods (with or without AI), improving the problem-solving capabilities of these. This process offers
significant benefits in the problem-solving phase by stretching the binary structure of classical set theory
and logic with membership functions.

Figure 1: Artificial intelligence techniques overview

Another critical theory in the knowledge preparation process is Rough-Set Theory (RST). Based on the
clustering approach proposed by Pawlak, the approximation ratios of crisp values to the possible upper and
lower bounds are taken into account [26]. Although it is based on classical set theory, there are also fuzzy
extensions. While FL emerges as an alternative to classical set theory, RST gives set theory the ability to
deal with uncertainties. The RST approach, the primary use of rule reduction in data sets, has been preferred
in many AI approaches in recent years.
3.2. Artificial Neural Networks
The human brain is in a gigantic network structure where millions of brain cells, aka neurons, are connected
by synapses. This structure can produce solutions to varying difficulty problems in very different areas in
a short time. The modeled version of this neural network in the computer environment is called Artificial
Neural Networks (ANN). ANN, which is relatively the most used AI technique, can produce very successful
results in many data analysis areas, from clustering, classification, estimation to optimization, by working
with both continuous and discrete data [27].
ANN methods are evaluated under two categories as shallow and deep learning models [28]. In Shallow
models, inputs and outputs are designed as artificial neurons, and there is a data flow from input to output.
Table 2: Shallow artificial neural networks models

SL Technique Structure Definition

Single Layer Neural Feed It is a binary classifier learning algorithm that predicts the output class
Network [29] Forward from actual values based on a specific threshold function.
Multi-Layer Feed The structure in which the error propagates backward by adding the
Perceptron (MLP) Forward back-propagation algorithm to overcome the single-layer network's
[30] problems in XOR problems. MLP models work as a universal
approximator which they can approximate any continuous function
Radial Basis Neural Feed Another feed-forward shallow model uses Gaussian activation function
Networks [32] Forward and distance-based calculations, unlike MLP
Recurrent Neural Feedback They are memory-based neural networks where each stage's outputs are
Networks [30] used as inputs for the next stage.
Self Organizing Map Feedback An unsupervised approach tries to obtain a low-dimensional sample
(SOM) [33] from a high-dimensional input set with its unique self-mapping
Hopfield Neural Feedback In this neural network, which is based on associative memory, there is
Networks [34] no separate output layer. It is generally preferred in classification

In recent years, ANN studies have started to turn towards Deep Learning (DL). However, to better
understand the concept of DL, it is necessary to understand machine learning. Machine Learning (ML) can
be defined as predicting possible new situations by learning from past data. In this sense, there is a direct
effect of machine learning's human factor in presenting historical data to the algorithm, unique algorithms,
and, if necessary, to tune algorithmic parameters in cases where prediction success is not sufficient. If the
algorithms do not achieve a suitable learning performance in DL methods, they update themselves and
perfect the process without human touch. From this point of view, DL, a sub-branch of ML, can be the
modern version of ML methods that have evolved in recent years [35].

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Figure 2: The place of deep learning in the artificial intelligence ecosystem

There are many ANN techniques used in the DL area. It is an extension of the Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN) MLP model, which is the most popular of these techniques, including various filtering and
sampling layers developed to solve the overfitting problem. Although CNN is mainly used for image and
video processing and identification, it has applications in many areas, from natural language processing to
time-series predictions. Other important deep learning models are given in table 3.
Table 3: Most popular deep learning techniques

DL Technique Definition
Boltzmann Machines It is a stochastic RNN approach in which Markov chains are added to the
[36] architecture. The network, which is a special Hopfield ANN structure to
which hidden layers are added, is generally preferred in classification and
prediction models.
Restricted Boltzmann It is a structure where hidden and visible layers are separated, and the
Machines [37] connections between these layers are limited.
Deep Belief Networks This structure is a neural network with Restricted Boltzmann Machines
[38] architecture. In this network, all neurons, except those in the first and last
layers, assume a dual role, acting as input and hidden layers.
Autoencoders [39] It aims to learn how to convert any data to code automatically. In this
structure, the high amount of attributes is reduced to a lower number of
features with a specific decode-encode system and a particular
representation level. Thus, good results can be created in a much shorter
time with other classification and clustering approaches.
Deep Stacking It is a special deep learning architecture that uses parallel learning logic to
Networks [40] learn the large CPU clusters' parameters.
Generative Adversarial High decoder performance can be achieved by converting actual data into
Networks [41] synthetic in this neural network where two different ANN structures have
competed together.

Boltzmann Machines, Restricted Boltzmann Machines, and Deep Belief Networks are essentially complex
DC derivatives of the RNN structure, one of the shallow learning methods.
3.3. Expert Systems
Expert systems are computer software that makes knowledge-based inferences to solve complex problems.
Since human experts encounter a case, they enter the information and solution they use to solve a knowledge
base. Then, an inference engine returns this existed information to rules, and finally, decisions are generated
from the rules with the help of reasoning [42].
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Knowledge bases sometimes consist of cases that include the definition of a problem and its solution instead
of rules. In this situation, a new decision is created by choosing the most appropriate solution from the scale
of similarity measures. This process, called Case-Based Reasoning (CBR), can be evaluated as an expert
system because it is based on expert knowledge [43].
3.4. Artificial Intelligence-based Meta Heuristics
Optimization is a technique that requires mathematical modeling of data, is continuous in most cases in
which the most suitable alternative is selected for a specific objective. However, it may not be possible to
reach the best solution in every problem area. Heuristic approaches are preferred in this type of NP-Hard
problem where it is not possible to achieve the best solution, which is called the global optimum. Although
heuristic approaches cannot reach the optimum result, they can get a sufficiently good result within a
reasonable time frame. Most of the heuristic techniques are problem area dependent.
On the other hand, Meta Heuristics (MH) are higher-level, complex approaches that work independently of
the problem area. MH approaches can use nature-based (biology, chemistry, physics) computational
intelligence approaches in the solution stages. These problems are evaluated under AI-based Meta-Heuristic
methods, and they are categorized under four groups as Evolutionary Computation, physics-based
algorithms, bio-based algorithms, and swarm intelligence.
Evolutionary computation (EC) is the collection of methods based on natural selection and evolution theory
[44]. The most known EC method is genetic algorithms. Genetic algorithms (GA) [45] are a special
optimization approach based on biological evolution principles and gene crossover. In this approach, the
well-defined problem is encoded by transforming it into a suitable gene sequence. The process is repeated
with an iterative procedure until an acceptable solution is reached with crossing and mutation operations at
each stage. Other well-known EC approaches are given in Table 4.
Table 4: Evolutionary computation techniques in meta heuristics

EC Technique Definition
Genetic Programming It is a type of GA where individuals' representation is in the form of trees instead
[46] of genes. This approach can also be called "hill-climbing"
Differential Evolution In the model that tries to solve in an iterative way like GA, there is no need to
[47] convert the numbers to genes initially. As a result, the method differs from GA
in mutation and crossover steps.
Evolution Strategy It is an EC method using real numbers. Compared to the Differential Evolution
[48] technique, there are structural differences in the sequence of real numbers and
the mutation stages [49].
Bio-Geography Based The starting point is the distribution of species in time and space and the theory
Optimization [50] of evolution. Each solution called habitat is evaluated with the habitat suitability
Harmony Search [51] It is an evolutionary optimization approach inspired by the improvisational
abilities of musicians to achieve natural harmony.
Memetic Algorithm It is a hybrid technique that searches between predetermined local optimums
[52] rather than the entire solution space.
Cultural Algorithms It is an EC method inspired by cultural change, using an information component
[53] under the name of belief space and the population component in the GA

Another type of nature-based MH algorithm is physics-based (PB) approaches inspired by physical events.
Simulated Annealing (SA), the most commonly used PB algorithm, is a popular MH local search method
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used to address discrete and more minor scale optimization problems (Traveling Salesman Problem) [54].
Other popular PB techniques are summarized in Table 5.

Table 5: Physics-based meta heuristic algorithms

FT Technique Definition
Gravitational Search In the model, which is based on the laws of motion and gravity, solutions are
Algorithm [55] designed as objects, and the optimum is found by calculating the global
movements that occur as a result of the gravitation between them.
Chaotic Optimization Based on the foundations of chaos theory, the algorithm can solve complex
Algorithm [56] problems quickly.
Intelligent Water Drops It is the method that aims to replicate the principle of always choosing the
algorithm [57] optimum route for rivers to reach their destination in the computer
Magnetic Optimization It is an algorithm that optimizes based on magnetic repulsion and pulls
Algorithm [58] between objects.

Some MH algorithms are inspired by events in biological science. The most popular of the Bio-Inspired
Algorithms, Artificial Immune Systems [59], mimics the biological principles of clone production,
propagation, and maturation. Some other bio-inspired algorithms are given in Table 6.

Table 6: Bio-inspired meta heuristic algorithms

SI Technique Definition
Clonal Selection It is an approach that focuses on adaptive immunity. It is an acquired
Algorithms [60] immuno-based approach that focuses on improving the response of
lymphocytes to antigens over time.
Dendritic Cell It is an immune-inspired stochastic optimization algorithm based on the
Algorithm [61] function of natural dendritic cells.
Bacterial Foraging It is the mathematical modeling of the foraging behavior (finding, using, and
Optimization [62] swallowing) of the E. coli bacillus.

The last MH method group is the Swarm Intelligence (SI) approach, which has been increasingly used in
recent years. These approaches are inspired by the movements of animals that live in herds in nature.
Among the more than 50 [63] SI methods, the six most frequently preferred methods are summarized in
Table 7.

Table 7: Well-known Swarm intelligence techniques in meta heuristics

SI Technique Definition
Ant Colony It is an optimization adaptation of the method "always finding the shortest path
Optimization [64] for ants to return to their nest during foraging"
Bee Colony It was inspired by the bees communicating with each other during foraging to
Optimization [65] carry out the process in the fastest and most effective way.
Particle Swarm It is the optimization modeling of bird flocks' finding rich food sources and
Optimization [66] avoiding predators.
Cuckoo Search The SI algorithm is inspired by the parasite reproductive behaviors developed
[67] by the cuckoo birds to lay their eggs in other nests.
Firefly Algorithm It is the mathematical modeling of the specific behavior of fireflies in which
[68] they tend towards the brighter ones and avoid the less bright ones.

AI provides support at different decision levels in businesses with the help of the techniques mentioned
above. Analytical architecture that supports every decision level is evaluated under the umbrella concept
H. I. Cebeci Artificial Intelligence Theory and Applications: 1 (2021) 25-56

of business intelligence [23]. These supports are assessed in 3 different categories: descriptive, predictive,
and prescriptive, and each category contains more technical information and complex decisions than the
previous one. On the other hand, these decisions often require AI approaches since they are in an NP-Hard
structure. In this context, AI methods can significantly benefit problem areas that are getting more difficult,
from descriptive to prescriptive. Information on these three problem areas is presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Business analytics levels

In this study, while evaluating the studies on AI techniques and the method-based approaches, the problem
areas supported by the business intelligence architecture will also be taken into consideration.

4. Methodology

Systematic literature reviews are often preferred with their context-based generalization capability and high
representation ability. Perhaps the most critical step in this review process is the creation of a corpus with
appropriate documents. In this context, different review articles have their selection and evaluation
processes. In this study, it was considered appropriate to use a 5-stage selection and analysis process.

Figure 4: Systematic review methodology

As can be seen in Figure 4, the first stage is preliminary research. In this section, artificial intelligence
techniques that will be subject to analysis should be determined with a detailed literature review and
classified with a certain categorization. After this process, the population to be studied is selected. The
critical step in the population determination process is to determine the academic database from which the

H. I. Cebeci Artificial Intelligence Theory and Applications: 1 (2021) 25-56

contents will be drawn. The SCOPUS database is preferred for systematic reviews of the literature, mainly
because of its extensive publications catalog [4,69].

In the process of creating the first corpus, separate searches for each AI technique should be performed
with the year (2001-2020), publication type (article), and publication language (English) parameters. Then,
the search integration process is performed to remove the duplicate records from the collection. In the third
stage, it is necessary to determine the subjects in the MIS field. At this stage, the Bag-Of-Words method,
one of the text mining methods, and text clustering approaches for pre-evaluation were used by the R
programming language. After the topics are determined, the application area and artificial intelligence
method coding are performed with advanced search codes over the Term Document Matrix, a text mining
output. At the end of this stage, 3694 individual articles are transferred to the next step.
After the first three stages, the coded document should be checked, and the final corpus should be created.
The first step for this is to exclude literature review studies from the review. Afterward, the documents that
could not be coded in the previous step are coded manually, and during this process, irrelevant articles are
removed from the collection. The final corpus consists of 2944 articles. In the last stage, the process is
completed by making bibliometric and clustering analyzes together with context, journal, and concept-
based evaluations. The tool used in the previous step is the R Biblioshiny package.
5. Findings

AI has increased its importance in recent years following the developments in digital transformation and
industry 4.0. The MIS area, which puts the focal axis in the cross-section of industry, computer, and
business, can be considered a locomotive area for these studies. In this context, the current AI studies in
MIS and its orientation over the years are tried to be evaluated as context, method, journal, and concept.
Research findings will be presented on the axis of research questions previously determined.

RQ1: What is AI studies' status in the MIS literature over the years, and how has it
transformed in recent years?
Valuable inferences can be made to answer the research question from Table 8, where the evaluation of
academic publications in the axis of AI methods is presented. When the table is examined, it is seen that
the publications over the years are proportionally distributed in the fields of Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Neural
Networks, and AI-supported Meta-Heuristic. However, it is seen that especially Expert Systems
publications are not preferred much in the MIS literature in the last 20 years. It can be thought that the
reason behind this situation is the difficulties in preparing the knowledge base, and the relatively old field
has reached a maturity stage. Also, it was evaluated that fuzzy logic studies did not lose their place in the
literature thanks to their information preprocessing capabilities for other methods. The ANN literature has
gained momentum with DL approaches' development in the last ten years and strengthened its place. When
evaluated in this context, it can be stated that the field's potential is very high, and the studies in the field
of DL have not yet reached saturation in the MIS literature. Most of the Meta Heuristic approaches were
introduced after the 2000s, and the existence of a method that can be hybridized very easily with other
methods such as Genetic Algorithms can be considered the potential of this field is still precious.
Additional evaluations may be needed to give a more appropriate answer to the RQ1 question. Table 9
prepared for this purpose provides the number of articles and citation averages and trends over the years.

Table 8: Artificial intelligence techniques in management information systems literature

AI Technique 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
Fuzzy Logic 18 11 8 11 15 28 26 29 24 41 42 68 87 74 87 92 85 74 83 93 996
Fuzzy Sets 18 11 6 10 15 23 23 28 23 33 36 45 71 60 70 67 66 58 69 78 810
Rough Set Theory 1 0 2 1 1 5 3 3 2 9 9 27 16 16 19 29 25 18 17 15 218
Neural Networks 16 11 8 22 18 30 15 21 27 20 34 46 39 27 33 58 64 92 169 291 1041
Shallow Learning 13 10 8 21 18 29 15 21 25 20 33 43 36 26 29 39 41 43 72 69 611
Deep Learning 3 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 3 1 4 19 23 49 97 222 430
Expert Systems 22 15 11 9 19 25 11 22 7 7 11 13 20 19 12 14 18 15 15 15 300
Rules Based Systems 15 13 8 6 14 16 6 11 5 5 4 9 16 8 9 12 14 12 11 10 204
Case Based Reasoning 8 2 3 3 5 9 5 12 2 2 7 4 5 11 3 3 4 3 5 5 101
AI Based Meta Heuristics 8 10 5 10 18 33 20 34 39 30 55 39 71 51 65 106 111 101 123 145 1074
Evolutionary Algorithms 7 9 4 10 15 29 15 29 28 22 40 28 49 30 40 66 64 55 61 75 676
Physics Based Algorithms 0 1 1 0 5 2 3 2 5 7 4 4 12 9 7 18 20 19 23 29 171
Bio Inspired Algorithms 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 3 3 0 4 3 3 5 1 26
Swarm Intelligence 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 5 10 4 15 11 25 23 27 47 49 54 60 81 419
Total 49 41 29 38 60 100 61 90 82 79 119 142 173 151 170 233 237 255 338 497 2944
* There is more than one method in some articles,so the total number of articles containing the methods is higher than the general total.

Considering the citation rates in Table 9, although there is no significant difference between AI methods,
it is seen that the Expert Systems area lags a little. Depending on the number of publications, this situation
can be considered to be expected. On the other hand, it is seen that rough set theory approaches have come
to the fore in recent years. The most crucial factor behind this situation is that these approaches can
significantly benefit size and feature reduction studies. Another important observation is that SI
publications are at the forefront of citation with the effect of new methods introduced in recent years.
Table 9: Citation average and article number trends of AI techniques

Article Citation
Artificial Intelligence Technique Number Trend Average Trend
Fuzzy Logic 996 5,07 3,700 0,19
Fuzzy Sets 810 3,89 3,414 0,16
Rough Set Theory 218 1,33 4,969 0,22
Neural Networks 1041 7,84 3,452 0,18
Shallow Learning 611 2,52 3,327 0,08
Deep Learning 430 5,32 3,629 0,40
Expert Systems 300 -0,05 2,964 0,15
Rules Based Systems 255 0,12 3,180 0,22
Case Based Reasoning 101 -0,04 2,699 0,01
AI Based Meta Heuristics 1074 6,74 3,248 0,21
Evolutionary Algorithms 676 3,40 3,006 0,20
Physics Based Algorithms 171 1,30 3,441 0,36
Bio Inspired Algorithms 26 0,18 3,054 0,00
Swarm Intelligence 419 3,74 4,988 0,50

Trend values give the increasing trend of the number of publications and average citations in the field. From
this point of view, the most prominent subject in terms of both the number of publications and citations is
deep learning. So, it can be predicted that there is still a severe potential for academicians considering
publishing in the field. Another critical issue is that, although it is not clear in the slope of the number of
publications, it stands out as SI when the citation slope is taken into account. These approaches provide
significant benefits to optimization in many areas with their problem-independent perspectives, and they
are particularly successful in improving the performance of deep learning algorithms.

RQ2: At what level do AI studies support business analytics approaches?

AI, by its nature, gives outstanding results in problem areas called NP-Hard. In this sense, as the problem
area gets more complicated, more AI support is needed. When table 10, which presents the evaluations on
the axis of business analytics models, is examined, it is expected that most publications are in the field of
prescriptive analytics. There are a significant number of publications in the field of predictive analytics,
where deep learning approaches are often preferred. It is also seen that the citation average of this area is
ahead of the other fields. On the other hand, it is thought that the preference of MH techniques in the
predictive field and being valued by taking too many citations may stem from the need for resource
optimization, especially in big data analytics and deep learning studies. On the other hand, the descriptive
area is an area where AI techniques are not preferred much with its less complex problem structure.
Descriptive data mining approaches cover most of the preferred publications in this field.

H. I. Cebeci Artificial Intelligence Theory and Applications: 1 (2021) 25-56

Table 10: Evaluation of artificial intelligence techniques from the business intelligence perspective

Descriptive Predictive Prescriptive Total

Total Average Total Average Total Average Total Average
AI Technique Article Citations Article Citations Article Citations Article Citations
Fuzzy Logic 176 3,432 417 3,743 532 3,825 996 3,7
Neural Networks 155 3,409 870 3,766 373 3,687 1041 3,452
Expert Systems 52 2,494 183 3,745 351 3,073 300 2,964
AI Based MetaHeuristics 155 2,978 422 4,255 1070 3,252 1074 3,248
Total 472 3,288 1569 3,812 1840 3,414 2944 3,431

RQ3: Among the MIS journals, which ones are prominent in publishing AI, and do these
journals differ in business analytics publications?

According to 2020 data, 128 journals are indexed in the SCOPUS database in the MIS area. In 85 of these
journals, at least 1 AI publication has been published in the last 20 years. Table 11 shows the 20 MIS
journals with the highest number of publications in the field. When the table is examined, most of the
publications made have occurred in the "Knowledge-Based Systems" journal. This journal uses AI methods
in 16.1% of its publications in the last 20 years. In recent years, other noteworthy journals in terms of this
ratio are the "Big Data and Cognitive Computing" and "International Journal of CIS and Industrial
Management Applications" journals, which are relatively new journals indexed in SCOPUS. When the field
is evaluated in general, it is seen that the rate of publication of AI articles in the first 20 journals is around
Considering the order of MIS journals in the SCOPUS database, it is seen that the first five journals have a
place among the first 20 journals in terms of their number of the publication. The exception here is the
"MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems" journal, which prefers relatively theoretical
publications. According to the SCOPUS 2020 MIS journal ranking, 8 of the first 20 journals are Q1, five
are Q2, three are Q3, and four are Q4.
The most prominent journal in terms of average citation is the "Information and Management" journal. In
the journal, where relatively few AI articles are published proportionally, each publication has a very high
citation value of 15.01 on average. Decision Support Systems, a journal with a relatively low AI publication
rate, also has a high citation rate.
When examined in terms of the level of business analytics, the journals' different preferences are once again
revealed. For example, while an increase from descriptive to prescriptive is expected (or at least close) in
the field in general, it is seen that some journals make different choices. For example, "International Journal
of Logistics Systems and Management" journal accepts prescriptive publications in the vast majority,"
Knowledge-Based Systems "and" Decision Support Systems "journals, which receive the most publications
in the field of predictive analytics.
If the journal-based evaluation results are generalized, it can be evaluated that although AI has an essential
place in the MIS literature, such publications are primarily preferred in technical journals (engineering
origin). The "Artificial Intelligence" sub-field under computer science in SCOPUS subject taxonomy
generally hosts AI publications. The "Knowledge-Based Systems" magazine, which publishes the most in
this field, is a periodical that is ranked among computer sciences in various sub-fields, in a way to verify
this situation.

Table 11: Journal base evaluation of artificial intelligence techniques from the business intelligence perspective

SCOPUS AI Total Descriptive Predictive Descriptive

Journal Name Quartile Rank Article AI Article Rate Citation Article Citation Article Citation Article Citation
Knowledge-Based Systems Q1 3 8478 1363 0,161 3,51 228 4,22 837 3,07 785 4,17
Decision Support Systems Q1 7 6795 264 0,039 8,94 40 6,53 180 9 172 10,05
Int. Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining Q3 72 749 90 0,120 0,44 30 0,7 58 0,33 64 0,34
Int. Journal of Logistics Systems and Management Q2 45 2186 89 0,041 0,69 8 0,32 12 0,74 80 0,73
Industrial Management and Data Systems Q1 9 4013 83 0,021 2,93 16 2,41 34 2 50 3,65
OPSEARCH Q2 49 926 79 0,085 0,5 7 0,58 7 0,22 71 0,52
Construction Management and Economics Q1 19 4335 72 0,017 6,82 5 1,64 28 6,9 55 6,99
Int. Journal of Information and Management Sciences Q4 84 1564 67 0,043 1,21 10 0,39 21 1,31 33 1,28
Int. Journal of Business Information Systems Q2 44 2014 52 0,026 0,36 18 0,34 32 0,27 39 0,32
Journal of Decision Systems Q3 55 529 41 0,078 0,47 7 0,37 17 0,36 29 0,46
Int. Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management Q2 42 1335 41 0,031 0,35 11 0,21 32 0,38 30 0,34
Int. Journal of CIS and Industrial Management Applications Q3 62 209 36 0,172 0,06 6 0,06 22 0,05 22 0,05
Int. Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation Q4 87 543 35 0,064 0,34 10 0,41 14 0,46 24 0,23
Int. Journal of Information Management Q1 1 3084 35 0,011 2,84 4 1,74 24 1,91 13 5,05
Big Data and Cognitive Computing Q4 102 97 32 0,330 0,24 5 0,1 24 0,26 8 0,21
Int. Journal of Supply Chain Management Q1 2 1260 31 0,025 0,1 4 0,16 14 0,11 17 0,05
Int. Journal of Grid and Utility Computing Q2 40 687 28 0,041 0,35 5 0,22 8 0,08 21 0,39
Information and Management Q1 4 3421 27 0,008 15,01 1 9,2 13 23,32 16 21
Int. Journal of Systems Science: Operations and Logistics Q4 88 534 25 0,047 0,53 2 0,12 2 2,09 21 0,39
Int. Journal of Services Operations and Informatics Q1 22 252 25 0,099 0,47 1 0,11 9 0,65 20 0,57

RQ4: How and to what extent do AI approaches support informatics-related factors
affecting businesses?

In recent years, it is seen that AI techniques are frequently preferred in some subjects in informatics. Table
12 presents these informatics-related issues together with the number of publications and citations and their
trend status. To give a clear and detailed answer to the research question, it would be appropriate to evaluate
the fields in the table in detail.

Information Systems Support: The most basic information systems task is control and decision support
[70]. AI plays an essential role in decision support. Information systems that support people's decisions in
different areas are among the subjects studied a lot over the years. In this study, it was determined that AI
techniques benefit five different decision support system structures.
 Decision Support Systems [71,72,73,74]
 Enterprise Resources Planning [75,76,77]
 Customer Relationship Management [78,79,80]
 Geographical Information Systems [81,82]
 Management Information Systems [83]

In addition to a large number of publications in information system support, it is seen that the trend is also
very high. Although it does not reach high values in terms of the number of citations and trends, it can be
considered a potential field for publication.
Table 12: Current situation and trends of information-related issues in MIS literature

Article Citation
Information Related Issues Number Trend Average Trend
Information Systems Support 305 0,63 3,135 0,18
Knowledge Management 242 0,56 3,498 0,15
Software Development 130 0,5 2,904 0,26
Information Technologies 107 1,29 3,106 -0,01
Recommender Systems 99 0,75 4,254 0,46
e-Business 87 0,32 3,352 0,28
Security and Privacy 73 0,7 2,81 0,25
Cyber Crime 66 0,45 3,882 0,19
Fault Detection 54 0,32 5,2 0,53
Innovation and R&D 41 0,32 2,124 0,07

Knowledge Management: Information management is an informatics function that covers the extraction
[84,85,86], integration [87,88,89,90], sharing [91,92] and distribution [93,94,95,96] of the information
produced within the enterprise. From this point of view, the increase in the density of the produced
information and its differences in form and area requires different perspectives, and in this sense, the role
of AI techniques is important. It has a high number and trend in this field, similar to the publications related
to information system support.
Software Development: Software development is essentially a system analysis and design activity and
requires the execution of serial tasks related to project management. This series of activities includes
requirement analysis, process modeling, logic modeling, interface design. Software engineering studies that
H. I. Cebeci Artificial Intelligence Theory and Applications: 1 (2021) 25-56

evaluate each activity in the software development process in detail are applications that AI methods
provide significant support [97,98,99,100,101,102]. Human-computer interaction and specifically interface
design is another field of study [103,104,105,106,107]. Software evaluation is important as perhaps the
most important link in this series of activities that touches the end and the customer [108], and evaluations
in this area generally focused on usability [109,110]. Although the average citation rate of the publications
in this field over the years is low, it is seen that it has a rising trend.
Information Technologies: Many factors such as the need for digitalization, industry 4.0 adaptation,
globalization, survival in the market, and high costs require businesses to move towards new and more
efficient technologies. On the other hand, AI emerges as a critical support point in developing and managing
these technologies. Important information technology examples are given below.
 Cloud Computing [111,112,113]
 Internet of Things [114,115]
 Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) [116,117]
 Virtual Reality [118,119]
 Augmented reality [120]
 3-D printing [121]

Analysis of publications on information technologies turned out to be a fascinating result. Although these
publications are the fastest growing (the highest trend), they have remained remarkably stable in receiving
citations and do not show any inclination.
Recommender Systems: Information systems that anticipate a user's views about a product and make
suggestions to him are called an adviser or recommendation system. These systems naturally need AI
techniques as they have to predict human nature and behavior. There are a considerable number of
suggestion system publications in the literature in recent years [13,122,123]. Also, when table 11 is
examined, there is an increasing trend in both the number of publications and citations.
e-Business: Conducting activities such as purchasing/selling goods, customer service, communicating with
employees, customers, and business partners using the internet infrastructure is called e-business. These
activities can communicate with other systems without people with infrastructures such as electronic data
exchange. This need for automation may require the support of AI methods [124,125]. As a sub-component
of e-business systems, e-commerce is a direct contact point with the customer, so they use AI techniques
in many areas such as customer understanding, profiling, and segmentation [126,127].
Security and Privacy: As the use of information systems increases, the number and methods of accessibility
channels have also diversified. Besides, when businesses prefer cloud technology in terms of cost
advantage, the value of security and privacy issues will increase significantly. AI studies did not remain
insensitive to this situation and showed themselves in publications in the field of cybersecurity
[128,129,130] and information privacy [131,132]. The increasing number of studies in this field in recent
years can be seen with a trend value of 0.70. However, the number of article citations is slightly lower than
in other areas.
Cyber Crime: The increasing importance of security and privacy issues has led to an increase in the number
of publications, especially on fraud detection [133,134], intrusion detection [135,136,137], Deception
Detection [138,139,140], forensics [141,142] and Cyberbullying [143] in recent years. While the
publications in this area are highly cited, they still have a rising publication trend.
Fault Detection: With the developments in information and communication technologies and the increase
in the use of automation applications, the processes of detecting, isolating, and, if necessary, correcting an
H. I. Cebeci Artificial Intelligence Theory and Applications: 1 (2021) 25-56

error (or fault) that may occur on the system are gaining increasing importance. On the other hand, AI
techniques provide significant benefits in both detection and isolation, thanks to their analytical capabilities.
This process manifests itself with different names in the MIS literature, such as error analysis [144,145],
failure analysis [146,147], and fault detection [148,149]. It can be predicted that this area, which is highly
cited and is ahead of other methods in the citation trend, will become an essential field of study in the years
to come.
Innovation and R&D: Learning human behavior in the best possible way has always been the focus of AI
studies. This need for learning has brought studies to the birth of deep learning approaches. All AI
techniques, DL, in particular, appear as an essential research tool that performs very valuable activities in
terms of research and development and innovation studies [150]. This is why, in recent years, innovation
[151,152] and R&D [153] have started to find a place for themselves in AI studies.
RQ5: What is the preference of AI methods in business functions that are not related to
AI adds value to almost every enterprise activity, thanks to the analytical support it provides at the decision-
making point. As shown in Table 13, studies on all core business functions, especially production planning
and control, logistics, sales and marketing, finance, and human resources, are found in AI literature. Also,
support activities such as performance management, management and organization, risk management,
environmental management, and occupational health and safety can be counted among the business
functions where AI methods can be applied.
Table 13: Current situation and trends of several business-related areas in MIS literature

Article Citation
Business Functions Number Trend Average Trend
Product Management and Control 481 2,37 1,929 0,05
Supply Chains and Logistics 284 1,78 1,954 0,15
Sales / Marketing 221 0,62 2,873 0,08
Finance / Accounting 169 0,7 3,713 0,17
Performance Evaluation 162 0,77 2,477 0,17
Environmental Issues 138 1,13 3,853 0,27
Management and Organization 110 0,3 2,282 0,05
Risk Management 102 0,49 3,568 0,07
Project Management 68 0,09 1,843 0,04
Human Capital Management 42 0,12 2,411 0,09
Disaster and Crisis Management 37 0,26 3,094 0,25
Occupational Health and Safety 36 0,21 2,97 0,33
Investment Analysis 16 0,12 3,981 0,25

When Table 12 is examined, most articles were published in the field of production planning and control.
It can be said that this is not surprising since AI is the focus of the industry 4.0 concept announced in 2011
and digitalization studies in other countries. As a natural consequence of the support of fuzzy logic to multi-
criteria problems and the excess of AI-supported MH approaches, it can be thought that the number of
publications has increased in the field of supply chain and logistics. When the trends in these two areas are
examined, it can be said that they have not yet reached maturity and that the area maintains its potential. It
is seen that AI publications on environmental issues have an increasing trend in recent years, and it can be

H. I. Cebeci Artificial Intelligence Theory and Applications: 1 (2021) 25-56

evaluated that the citation values of this field are ahead of the others. Performance management, which is
complex and multi-dimensional due to its nature and creates analytical requirements due to indicators that
are not clear and cannot be measured easily, is trendy within the AI field.

RQ6: Which industries are at the forefront of AI use in MIS literature?

Industries must be grouped with taxonomy to make an assessment that will answer the research question
appropriately. Therefore, the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS), a taxonomy preferred for this
purpose in the literature [154,155] and developed by Standard & Poors and Morgan Stanley Capital
International in 1999, was chosen in the article.

Table 14: Artificial intelligence application in different industries

Article Citation
Industry Number Trend Average Trend
Industrials 361 2,13 3,549 0,25
Health Care 286 1,92 3,456 0,22
Consumer Discretionary 274 1,47 2,863 0,16
Information Technology 201 1,32 2,082 0,07
Financials 98 0,51 4,776 0,29
Communication Services 86 0,56 2,22 0,09
Consumer Staples 61 0,37 1,855 0,10
Materials 58 0,35 2,765 0,21
Energy 44 0,34 3,59 0,32
Utilities 39 0,29 3,799 0,40
Real Estate 10 0,05 1,956 0,11

According to the numbers given in Table 14, the most preferred sector is "Industrials", which covers activity
areas such as machinery manufacturing, transportation, and construction. Perhaps the most remarkable
result in the table is that the health sector is the second category with the highest number of publications
and the highest trend. This is a result of the increasing use of AI techniques in the fields of medical diagnosis
[156,157], anthropometry [158,159], bioinformatics [160,161], electronic record management [162], and
clinical DSS [163,164] in recent years. Other noteworthy values are seen in the Consumer Discretionary
sector group. It is thought that the sector, which includes the sub-fields of Auto Components and
Automobile Manufacturers, Household Durables, Consumer Services (restaurants, cafe, education
Services), and retailing, has been involved in many publications primarily in the axis of customer relations.
The Information Technology sector is the last area to be the subject of a large number of publications.
Utilities, Energy, and Finance sectors are at the forefront in citation-based evaluations, respectively. The
common point of these three areas is that they are the subject of AI-supported MH studies. As emphasized
in previous analyses, the increasing trend in these areas is reflected in sectoral studies.

RQ7: Which concepts are prominent in AI studies in the MIS literature, and has this
changed over the years?
To answer the last research question of the study, Multiple correspondence analysis, which is a type of
principal component analysis applied on categorical data, was preferred in addition to bibliometric analysis.
The analysis calculates the association of the Euclidian distance in a two-dimensional plane. As can be seen
from Figure 5, concepts have been collected in 6 different groups.

H. I. Cebeci Artificial Intelligence Theory and Applications: 1 (2021) 25-56

Figure 5: Concept clustering representation

When the figure is examined, cluster number 1 includes feature extraction and reduction and rough sets,
which is the most preferred approach in this field. Cluster number 2 is directly related to fuzzy clusters.
Also, these two clusters, which are very close to each other in terms of distance, can be considered
information processing and preparation clusters. Cluster number 3 evaluated the expert system and
knowledge management issues together. Number 4 generally includes metaheuristic approaches. Besides,
mathematical modeling, iterative methods, and computer simulation concepts are also seen here, all of
which point to prescriptive analytical techniques. While the cluster shown with the number 5 includes
prediction and classification approaches related to predictive analytics. The analysis method used assigned
the concepts related to deep learning to a different cluster. This situation also supports the previous
comment that "machine learning has evolved towards deep learning".
Evaluating the trends of concepts in the literature can gain different perspectives while answering the
research question. For this purpose, the logarithmic states of the frequencies in the Term Document Matrix
obtained by the text mining bag-of-words method are given in Figure 6 below. The frequencies in the figure
are taken logarithmically to increase the readability of the graphic.
When the figure is examined, it shows that especially the studies of artificial neural networks came to the
fore in 2014, and after 2018, they directly shifted towards deep learning. It has been observed that the
studies in the field of MH have increased significantly in the MIS literature since 2016. Apart from these,
it is seen that fuzzy logic and rough clustering studies were very prominent between 2013 and 2016 but did
not stand out much except these dates. On the other hand, it can be observed that the trend of the expert
system works was observed only at the beginning of the 2000s, and then the trend decreased. All these
conceptual inferences support our previous article-based evaluations.

H. I. Cebeci Artificial Intelligence Theory and Applications: 1 (2021) 25-56

Figure 6: The trend of artificial intelligence-related concepts over the years

The literature findings have shown that the MIS literature has not yet reached maturity in AI methods in
many areas. The analyses can also offer different perspectives and the general picture, giving the trend of
the field.
5. Conclusion

Digital transformation, very complex (Often NP-Hard) problems, and companies' desire to model and
understand human behavior are essential factors that trigger artificial intelligence studies. Especially with
the fourth industrial revolution, the importance of management information systems, which are located at
the interface of information, business, and industry, has increased even more today, when digitalization has
become a necessity. This study, which was prepared by considering these two concepts, aimed to examine
the use of AI techniques in MIS literature in a multi-dimensional and systematic manner. In this direction,
a systematic literature review method supported by the semi-automatic text mining method was proposed
in the study.
As a result of the analysis, it has been concluded that the studies conducted in the field of FL, ANN, and
MH are proportionally distributed in the literature. Still, this distribution has shown a shift towards ANN
and MH due to deep learning and swarm intelligence methods in recent years. Also, it has been seen that
these areas are at the introduction or growth level in the MIS literature, and it has been evaluated that they
have a high publication potential. It is predicted that fuzzy logic will continue to support other methods and
rough clustering approaches as an information processing tool in the following years. In this respect, it is
recommended that academicians include these techniques in the learning cycle. On the other hand, due to
the difficulties in building a knowledge base in recent years, it has been revealed that expert system
approaches are less preferred, and there is no trend towards this field.
AI methods have been evaluated in two categories in the MIS literature regarding the functions they are
applied to or support. When applications in functions related to informatics are examined, it is observed
that there are a significant number of articles especially in the field of information system support and

H. I. Cebeci Artificial Intelligence Theory and Applications: 1 (2021) 25-56

information management. However, it has been determined that the number of articles on the use of AI
techniques, especially in the field of information technologies, has increased over the years due to the digital
transformation and the need to develop new technologies accordingly. However, it is seen that the
recommender systems, which come to the fore with the deep learning approaches being the focus of
machine learning processes, are highly valued in the literature. The last and most meaningful conclusion is
that the areas of cybercrime and security and error detection are the rising fields of recent years.
When AI support to other business functions is evaluated, production planning and control activity are at
the forefront of the industrial transformation through digitalization. Although the studies in this field of
activity continue to increase, it has been determined that it does not see enough value as a citation. Behind
the strikingly high number of publications in the field of supply chain and logistics is the need for multi-
criteria and optimization problems due to the nature of the field. As a result of this need, MH and AI-based
multi-criteria/objective decision-making approaches are the most popular methods in the problem area like,
supplier selection, performance evaluation and, efficiency analysis. Another noteworthy result of the study
is that publications on environmental issues have increased with an increasing trend. Although there are not
many in the literature, it is seen that the publications on disaster and crisis management and occupational
health and safety are highly valued.
In the last stage, industrial uses of AI techniques were evaluated. In this context, "industrials" is expected
to appear at the top of the analyzes. As emphasized before, our age is the age of digital transformation and
industrial revolution, and in this respect, manufacturing-oriented studies are expected to increase. Perhaps
the most valuable output in the analysis is the use of artificial intelligence in health management in recent
In this study, the current situation and orientation of AI studies in MIS literature are presented in detail by
performing context, journal, and concept-based analysis using AI method preferences, areas of application,
sector preferences perspectives. In this sense, the results presented are intended to guide academicians and
professionals who want to work in the field. However, the following suggestions can be offered to the
academicians who will do systematic work in the future.
• By adding coding with natural language processing to the text mining method used, a systematic
review can be presented to examine many more articles.
• The proposed method can be used in other academic fields.
• The efficiency of the process can be increased by adding intelligent filters into a systematic
• The sample can be expanded with other academic databases.

It is certain that the study, which is predicted to significantly contribute to the field, has some limitations.
Below are the restrictions on the systematic literature review methodology.
• Only SCOPUS has been chosen as the academic publication database.
• During the coding process of the articles, the elimination and editing were done only by the author.
• The artificial intelligence taxonomy discussed in the article was aggregated by the author from
different papers.

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AI : Artificial Intelligence
ANN : Artificial Neural Networks
BI : Business Intelligence
CBR : Case-Based Reasoning
CNN : Convolutional Neural Networks
DL : Deep Learning
EH : Evolutionary Computation
ES : Expert Systems
FL : Fuzzy Logic
GA : Genetic Algorithms
GICS : Global Industry Classification Standard
MH : AI-supported Meta-heuristics
MIS : Management Information Systems
ML : Machine Learning
MLP : Multi-Layer Perceptron
PB : Physics-based
R&D : Research & Development
RNN : Recurrent Neural Networks
RST : Rough Set Theory
SA : Simulated Annealing
SI : Swarm Intelligence
SOM : Self-Organizing Map

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