Ys%, XLD M Dka S%L Iudcjd Ckrcfha .Eiü M %H: The Gazette of The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

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The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
wxl 2"366 – 2024 ckjdß ui 05 jeks isl=rdod – 2024'01'05
No. 2,366 – friday, january 05, 2024

(Published by Authority)


(Separate paging is given to each language of every Part in order that it may be filed separately)
Page Page
Proclamations, &c., by the President … — Government Notifications … … 2
Appointments, &c., by the President … — Price Control Orders … … —
Appointments, &c., by the Cabinet of Ministers … — Central Bank of Sri Lanka Notices… … —
Appointments, &c., by the Public Service Commission — Accounts of the Government of Sri Lanka … —
Appointments, &c., by the Judicial Service Commission — Revenue and Expenditure Returns… … —
Other Appointments, &c. … … — Miscellaneous Departmental Notices … 5
Appointments, &c., of Registrars … — Notice to Mariners … … —
Excise Ordinance, Notices … … —

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For Publication in the Weekly “Gazette”
Attention is drawn to the Notification appearing in the 1st week of every month, regarding the latest dates and times of acceptance of Notices
for publication in the weekly Gazettes, at the end of every weekly Gazette of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
All notices to be published in the weekly Gazettes shall close at 12.00 noon of each Friday, two weeks before the date of publication.
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All Notices to be published in the weekly Gazette should reach Government Press two weeks before the date of publication i.e. Notices
for publication in the weekly Gazette of 26th January, 2024 should reach Government Press on or before 12.00 noon on 12th January, 2024.

Electronic Transactions Act, No. 19 of 2006 - Section 9

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Gangani Liyanage,
Government Printer.

Department of Govt. Printing,

Colombo 08,
01st January, 2024.

This Gazette can be downloaded from www.documents.gov.lk

1 - B 82533 - 403 (01/2024)
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Government Notifications
Registrar General’s Department

My No.: RG/NB/11/2/04/2022/msgq$ie.

Notice under the Land Registers Reconstructed Folio Ordinance (Cap. 120)

01. I, hereby give notice under section 04 of the land registers Reconstructed Folio Ordinance (Cap. 120) that Land
Register folios, particulars of which appear in column 1 of the schedule hereto, affecting the Land described in
column 2, there of which have been found to be missing or torn, have been reconstructed in full in provincial folios
and relate to the connected deeds, particulars of which are shown in column 3 of the said schedule.

02. The Provisional folio will be opened for inspection by any person or persons interested there in at the office of the
Registrar of Lands Gampaha, 05.01.2024 to 19.01.2024 between the hours of 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. on all working

03. Any person desirous of lodging any objection against any entry included in a provisional folio or against any of the
particulars contained in any such entry and any person desiring to make a claim for the insertion of any entry or of any
particulars alleged to have been improperly omitted from any entry must do so, by an objection or claim in writing
addressed to the undersigned which must be sent under registered cover and must reach the office of the Registrar
General not later than 26.01.2024. The matter in respect of which the objection or claim in made must be clearly and
fully set out in the objection or claim, and the objection or claim must be accompanied by all documentary evidence
relies upon the support of it.

W. R. A. N. S. Wijayasinghe,
Registrar General.

Registrar General’s Department,

No. 234/A3,
Denzil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha,


Particulars of Damaged Particulars of Land Particulars of Deeds Registered

Folios of the Land Registers

Folio No. 242 of volume 945 of All that allotment of land Lot No. 51 01. Deed of Mortgage No. 954 written
C Division of the Land Registry in Plan No. 2002/171 and dated and attested by S. S. M. Ranasinghe,
Gampaha, Gampaha District. 07.08.2002 made by I. T. Madula, Notary Public on 13.09.2010.
Licensed Surveyr of the land called
‘Millagahawaththa alias Godaparagaha
waththa’ situated at Mahara -
Karagahamuna, in the Adikari Pattu
Siyane Korale in the District of Gampaha,
Western Province and bounded on the,

North by : Lot No. 50;

East by : Lot No. R3 (20 feet width road);
South by : Lot No. 52;
West by : Lot No. 66;
Extent : 00A., 00R., 10P.

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Registrar General’s Department

My No.: RG/NB/11/2/34/2021/msgq$ie.

Notice under the Land Registers Reconstructed Folio Ordinance (Cap. 120)

01. I, hereby give notice under section 04 of the land registers Reconstructed Folio Ordinance (Cap. 120) that Land
Register folios, particulars of which appear in column 1 of the schedule hereto, affecting the Land described in
column 2, there of which have been found to be missing or torn, have been reconstructed in full in provincial folios
and relate to the connected deeds, particulars of which are shown in column 3 of the said schedule.

02. The Provisional folio will be opened for inspection by any person or persons interested there in at the office of the
Registrar of Lands Kurunegala, 05.01.2024 to 19.01.2024 between the hours of 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. on all working

03. Any person desirous of lodging any objection against any entry included in a provisional folio or against any of the
particulars contained in any such entry and any person desiring to make a claim for the insertion of any entry or of any
particulars alleged to have been improperly omitted from any entry must do so, by an objection or claim in writing
addressed to the undersigned which must be sent under registered cover and must reach the office of the Registrar
General not later than 26.01.2019. The matter in respect of which the objection or claim in made must be clearly and
fully set out in the objection or claim, and the objection or claim must be accompanied by all documentary evidence
relies upon the support of it.

W. R. A. N. S. Wijayasinghe,
Registrar General.

Registrar General’s Department,

No. 234/A3,
Denzil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha,


Particulars of Damaged Particulars of Land Particulars of Deeds Registered

Folios of the Land Registers

Extract bearing No. LDO All that allotment of land marked Lot 01. l=re/m% 30152 & 13.10.1992 grant
B 43/497/93 of the Land 172 depicted in plan No. w...ms. 1967 and presented by the Secretary to the
Registry Kurunegala in made by the Surveyor General of the President.
Kurunegala District. land called “Wewgawa Henyaya”
situated at Dekaduwala in Polpithigama
Divisional Secretariat Division in
Ponnilawa Grama Niladhari Division
in the District of Kurunegala, bounded
on the,

North by : Lot No. 169 1/2 and 170;

East by : Lot No. 171;
South by : Lot No. 173;
West by : Lot No. 29;
Extent : 01A., 03R., 20P.

4 I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

Registrar General’s Department

My No.: RG/NB/11/2/74/2021/Re./Con.

Notice under the Land Registers Reconstructed Folio Ordinance (Cap. 120)

01. I, hereby give notice under section 04 of the land registers Reconstructed Folio Ordinance (Cap. 120) that Land
Register folios, particulars of which appear in column 1 of the schedule hereto, affecting the Land described in
column 2, there of which have been found to be missing or torn, have been reconstructed in full in provincial folios
and relate to the connected deeds, particulars of which are shown in column 3 of the said schedule.

02. The Provisional folio will be opened for inspection by any person or persons interested there in at the office of the
Registrar of Lands Hambanthota, 05.01.2024 to 19.01.2024 between the hours of 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. on all
working days.

03. Any person desirous of lodging any objection against any entry included in a provisional folio or against any of the
particulars contained in any such entry and any person desiring to make a claim for the insertion of any entry or of any
particulars alleged to have been improperly omitted from any entry must do so, by an objection or claim in writing
addressed to the undersigned which must be sent under registered cover and must reach the office of the Registrar
General not later than 26.01.2024. The matter in respect of which the objection or claim in made must be clearly and
fully set out in the objection or claim, and the objection or claim must be accompanied by all documentary evidence
relies upon the support of it.

W. R. A. N. S. Wijayasinghe,
Registrar General.

Registrar General’s Department,

No. 234/A3,
Denzil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha,


Particulars of Damaged Particulars of Land Particulars of Deeds Registered

Folios of the Land Registers

Extract bearing yï/169/4305/96 All that allotment of land marked Lot 01. yï/12/m%/36466 & 20.08.1996 grant
of the Land Registry Hambanthota 25 depicted in plan No. y/90/005/tï/10 and presented by the Secretary to the
in Hambanthota District. and 20.08.1996 made by the Surveyor President.
General of the land called “Gonagamgodana
Kale” situated at Unawa in Thissamaharama
Divisional Secretariat Division in Saliyapura
Grama Niladhari Division in the District of
Hambanthota bounded on the,

North by : Lot 23;

East by : Lot 26;
South by : Lot 339 (Entrance Road);
West by : Lot 24;
Extent : Hec. 0.072.

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Miscellaneous Departmental Notices

SAMPATH BANK PLC PLC aforesaid as at 26th October, 2023 a sum of Rupees
(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited) One Hundred and Thirty Eight Million Two hundred and
Twelve Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty Seven and
Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors Cents Fifteen only (Rs. 138,212,667.15) of lawful money
of Sampath Bank PLC under Section 04 of the of Sri Lanka being the total amount outstanding together
Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) with interest on the said Mortgage Bonds and the Board
Act, No. 04 of 1990 amended by No. 01 of 2011 of Directors of Sampath Bank PLC aforesaid under the
and No. 19 of 2011 powers vested by the Recovery of loans by Banks (Special
Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1 990 do hereby resolve that
Chamathkar Holdings (Private) Limited the properties morefully described in the Schedule hereto
A /C N0.: 0211 1000 2022. mortgaged to Sampath Bank PLC aforesaid as security
for the said credit facilitie by the said Mortgage Bond
At a meeting held on 30.11.2023 by the Board of Nos. 5884, 3623 and 2251 to be sold in public auction by
Directors of Sampath Bank PLC it was resolved specially N. U. Jayasuriya, Licensed Auctioneer of Kandy for the
and unanimously: recovery of the said sum of Rupees One Hundred and
Thirty Eight Million Two hundred and Twelve Thousand
Whereas Chamathkar Holdings (Private) Limited a Six Hundred and Sixty Seven and Cents Fifteen only
Company duly incorporated under the Companies Laws (Rs. 138,212,667.15) together with further interest on a sum
of Sri Lanka bearing Registration No. PV 91112 in the of Rupees Sixty Three Million Four Hundred and Ninety
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as the Obligor Thousand One Hundred and Forty Five and Cents Forty One
and Dombagaha Pathirage Jayalath Krishan Peiris in the only (Rs. 63,490,145.41) at the rate of Average Weighted
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as the Mortagor Prime Lending Rate + Two per centum (AWPLR + 2%) per
have made default in the repayment of the credit facilities annum, further interest on a sum of Rupees Fifty Million
granted against the security of the property and premises Five Hundred and Sixty Seven Thousand Four Hundred and
morefully described in the Schedule hereto mortgaged and Fifty Four and Cents Thirty Four only (Rs. 50,567,454.34)
hypothecated by the Mortgage Bond Nos. 5884 dated 05th at the rate of Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate + Two
December, 2017 attested by R. G. D. Sunari and 3623 dated per ccntum (AWPLR + 2%) per annum , further interest
26th August, 2022 attested by T. Karunathilaka, Notaries on a sum of Rupees Thirteen Million Four Hundred and
Public of Colombo in favour of Sampath Bank PLC Forty Seven Thousand Eighty Four and Cents Eighty Eight
holding Company Registration No. PQ 144 and having only (Rs. 13,447,084.88) at the rate of Average Weighted
its Registered Office at No. 110, Sir James Peiris Mawatha, Prime Lending Rate + One per centum (AWPLR + 1%) per
Colombo 02 .
annum and further in terest on a sum of Rupees Five Million
Three Hundred and Thirty Four Thousand One Hundred
And whereas Chamathkar Holdings (Private) Limited
and Twenty Eight and Cents Nine only (Rs. 5,334,128.09)
a Company duly incorporated under the Companies Laws
at the rate of Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate + One
of Sri Lanka bearing Registration No. PV 91112 in the
per centum (AWPLR + 1%) per annum from 27th October,
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as the Obligor
2023 to date of satisfaction of the total debt due upon the
and Senura International (Private) Limited a Company duly
said Bonds bearing Nos. 5884, 3623 and 2251 together
incorporated under the Companies Laws of Sri Lanka bearing
with costs of advertising and other charges incurred less
Registration No. PV 90552 in the Democratic Socialist
payments (if any) since received .
Republic of Sri Lanka as the Mortgagor have made default
in the repayment of the credit facilities gran ted against the
security of the property and premises morefully described THE SCHEDULE
in the Schedule hereto mortgaged and hypothecated by
the Mortgage Bond No. 2251 dated 25th November, 2019 All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
attested by T. Karunathilaka, Notary Public of Colombo in Lof X depicted in Plan No. 2016-422 dated 24th March,
favour of Sampath Bank PLC holding Company Registration 2016 made by K. W. S. K. Wicknaraja, Licensed Surveyor
No. PQ 144 and having its Registered Office at No. 110, Sir of the land called “Kekunagahawatta” together with trees,
James Peiris Mawatha, Colombo 02 . plantations and building standing thereon situated at
Pannipitiya Village within the Grama Niladhari Division
And there is now due and owing on the said Mortgage of 530-Maharagama within the Divisional Secretariat
Bond bearing Nos. 5884, 3623 and 2251 to Sampath Bank and Urban Council Limits of Maharagama in Palle Pattu
6 I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

of Salpiti Korale in the District of Colombo Western (Mortgaged and hypothecated under and by virtue of
Province and which said Lot X is bounded on the North Mortgage Bond Nos. 5884 and 3623).
by Existing Road, High Level Road & Lot 2E2A in Plan
No. 3296, on the East by Lot 2 E2A in Plan No. 3296, on the Lot 2. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
Y hereof & Premises bearing Assmt. No.4 of Erewwala Road, “Lot 2” depicted in Plan No. 3466 dated 05th April, 2014
on the South by Premises bearing Assmt. No. of Erewwala made by L. P. A. Shantha-Priya Licensed Surveyor
Road and on the West by Lot 2D5A in Plan No. 3555 & Lot and of the land called “Meegahawatta, Kahatagahawatta
Lot 2D5B1 in Plan No. 3992 and containing in extent Thirty and Kahatagaha Owita” situated at Kotarupe Village
Three Perches (0A., 0R., 33P.) according to the said Plan in Grama Niladhari Division of Ganepola within the
No. 2016-422 and registered under Volume/Folio
Divisional Secretariat and Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of
B 432/64 at the Land Registry Delkanda.
Katana in Ragam Pattu of Aluthkuru Korale in the District
of Gampaha Western Province and which said Lot 2 is
Together with the right of way in over and along the
following land. bounded on the North by Road (Pradeshiya Sabha), on the
East by land claimed by Malani Winifred and others on the
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked South by Lands claimed by Malani Winifred and others and
Lot Y depicted in Plan No. 2016-412 dated 24th March, A. W. A. D. Nimalsiri and on the West by land claimed by
2016 made by K. W. S. K. Wicknaraja, Licensed Surveyor S. Chandrasiri and containing in extent Two Roods
of the land called “Kekunagahawatta” together with trees, Three Decimal Three Perches (0A., 2R., 3.3P.) (0.2108
plantations and building standing thereon situated at Hectares) as per the said Plan No. 3466 together with trees,
Pannipitiya Village within the Grama Niladhari Division plantations and everything standing thereon according to
of 530-Maharagama within the Divisional Secretariat and the said Plan No. 3466.
Urban Council Limits of Maharagama in Pallc Pattu of
Salpiti Korale in the District of Colombo Western Province Which said Lot 2 is a resurvey of following land to wit:-
and which said Lot Y is bounded on the North by Lot 2E3 in
Plan No. 2870 & Lot 2E4 in Plan No. 2870 on the East by
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
Erewwala - Road, on the South by Premises bearing Assmt.
Lot 2 depicted in Plan No. 2666/98 dated 25th July, 1998
No.4 of Erewwala Road and on the West by Lot X hereof
made by K. A. F. Fernando, Licensed Surveyor
and containing in extent Four Decimal Six Naught Perches
of the land called “Meegahawatta, Kahatagahawatta
(0A., 0R., 4.60P.) according to the said Plan No. 2016-422.
and Kahatagaha Owita” situated at Kotarupe Village
Which said Lot Y is a resurvey of the land described aforesaid and which said Lot 2 is bounded on the North by
below. Road (Pradeshiya Sabha), on the East by Land of Malani
Winifred and others on the South by land of Malani
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Winifres and others and land of John Appuhamy and on
Lot 2 idepicted in Plan No. 2013-607 dated 4th June, 2013 the West by Lot 3 hereof and containing in extent Two
made by K. W. S. K. Wicknaraja, Licensed Surveyor (being Rood Eleven decimal Six One Perches (0A., 2R., 11.61P.)
a resurvey of Lot 2H in Plan No. 60730 of the land called (0.23170 Hectares) according to the said Plan No. 2666/
“Kekunagahawatta” together with trees, plantations and 98 together with the trees, plantations and everything else
building standing thereon situated at Pannipitiya Village standing thereon. Registered in Volume/Folio H 161/100 at
within the Grama Niladhari Division of 530-Maharagama the Land Registry Negombo.
within the Divisional Secretariat and Urban Council Limits
of Maharagama in Palle Pattu of Salpiti Korale in the
(Mortgaged and hypothecated under and by virtue of
District of Colombo Western Province and which said Lot 2
Mortgage Bond No. 2251 )
is bounded on the North by Lot 2 E3 in Plan No. 2870 & Lot
2E4 in Plan No. 2870, on the East by Erewwala Road, on the
South by Premises bearing Assmt. No. 4 of Erewwala Road By Order of the Board,
and on the West by Lot 1 hereof and containing in extent
Four Decimal Six Perches (0A., 0R., 4.6P.) according to the Company Secretary.
said Plan No. 2013/607 and registered under Volume/ Folio
B 151/80 at the Land Registry Delkanda. 01-39
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SAMPATH BANK PLC recovery of the said sum of Rupees One Hundred and
(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited) Six Million Five Hundred and Sixty Eight Thousand
Eight Hundred and Fourteen and Cents Fifteen only
Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors (Rs. 106,568,814.15) together with further interest on
of Sampath Bank PLC under Section 04 of the a sum of Rupees One Hundred and Two Million only
Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) (Rs. 102,000,000.00) at the rate of Average Weighted
Act, No. 04 of 1990 amended by No. 01 of 2011 Prime Lending Rate + Two per centum (AWPLR+2%)
and No. 19 of 2011 per annum from 27th October, 2023 to date of satisfaction
of the total debt due upon the said Bonds bearing
Nos. 1484, 5783, 2249 and 3621 together with costs of
Chamathkar Holdings (Private) Limited. advertising and other charges incurred less payments (if
A/C No. : 0211 1000 2022 any) since received.

At a meeting held on 30.11.2023 by the Board of Directors THE SCHEDULE

of Sampath Bank PLC it was resolved specially and
unanimously: All that divided and defined allotment of Land marked
“Lot 1” depicted in Plan No. 3946 dated 23rd September,
Whereas Chamathkar Holdings (Private) Limited 2015 made by L. P. A. Shantha-Priya Perera, Licensed
a Company duly incorporated under the Companies Surveyor presently bearing Assessment No. 171/1 , Kynsey
Laws of Sri Lanka bearing Registration No. PV 91112 Road, Colombo 07 situated in Ward No. 36 Cinnamon
in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as Garden in the Grama Niladari’s Division of Cinnamon
the Obligor and Senura International (Private) Limited Gardens within the Municipal Council limits and Divisional
a Company duly incorporated under the Companies Secretariat Division of Thimbirigasyaya in Palle Pattu
Laws of Sri Lanka bearing Registration No. PV 90552 of Salpiti Korale in the District of Colombo Western
in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as Province and which said “Lot 1 “ is bounded on the North
the Mortgagor have made default in the repayment by Lands bearing Assessment No. 165, Kynsey Road and
of the credit facilities granted against the security of Assessment No. 124, Rt. Hon. D. S. Senanayake Mawatha,
the property and premises morefully described in the on the East by Rt. Hon. D. S. Senanayake Mawatha, on the
Schedule hereto mortgaged and hypothecated by the South by Land bearing Assessment. No. 171/5, Kynsey
Mortgage Bond Nos. 1484 dated 27th July, 2017 attested Road and Road 10ft wide, on the West by Road 10ft wide
by A. W. D. M. Yithanage, Notary Public of Gampaha, and Land bearing Assmessment No. 171, Kynsey Road
5783 dated 11th October, 2017 attested by R. G. D. and containing in extent Ten Decimal One Nine Perches
Sunari, 2249 dated 25th November, 2019 and 3621 dated (0A., 0R., l0.19P.) according to aforesaid Plan together with
26th August, 2022 both attested by T. Karunathilaka, the buildings and everything else standing thereon.
Notaries Public of Colombo in favour of Sampath
Bank PLC holding Company Registration No. PQ 144 Which said Lot 1 is a resurvey of following land to wit:-
and having its Registered Office at No. 110, Sir James
Peiris Mawatha, Colombo 02 and there is now due and Al l that divided and defined allotment of Land marked
owing on the said Mortgage Bond bearing Nos. 1484, “Lot 2B” depicted in Plan No. 996 dated 25th August, 1978
5783, 2249 and 3621 to Sampath Bank PLC aforesaid made by A. P. S. Gunawardena, Licensed Surveyor presently
as at 26th October, 2023 a sum of Rupees One Hundred bearing Assessment No. 171/1, Kynsey Road, Colombo 07
and Six Million Five Hundred and Sixty Eight Thousand situated along Kynsey Road in the Grama Niladari’s Division
Eight Hundred and Fourteen and Cents Fifteen only of Cinnamon Gardens within the Municipal Council limits
(Rs. 106,568,814.15) of lawful money of Sri Lanka being and Divisional Secretariat Division of Thimbirigasyaya in
the total amount outstanding together with interest on Ward No.36, Cinnamon Gardens in Pallc Pattu of Salpiti
the said Mortgage Bonds and the Board of Directors of Korale in the District of Colombo Western Province and
Sampath Bank PLC aforesaid under the powers vested which said “Lot 2B” is bounded on the North by Lot 1 in
by the Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) the said Plan No. 996 and premises bearing Assessment.
Act, No. 04 of 1990 do hereby resolve that the properties No. 124, Rt. Hon. D. S. Senanayake Mawatha, on the East
morefully described in the Schedule hereto mortgaged by Lot 3 in the said Plan No. 996, on the South by Lot 2C l
to Sampath Bank PLC aforesaid as security for the said and 2E in the said Plan No. 996, on the West by Lot 2A in the
credit facilities by the said Mortgage Bond Nos. 1484, said Plan No. 996 and containing in extent Ten Decimal One
5783, 2249 and 3621 to be sold in public auction by Nine Perches (0A., 0R., 10.19P.) together with the buildings
N. U. Jayasuriya, Licensed Auctioneer of Kandy for the and everything else standing thereon according to aforesaid
8 I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

Plan and registered under volume/folio E65/132 at the Land as aforesaid from 27.09.2023 to date of sale, and costs and
Registry Colombo. monies recoverable under Section 26 of the said Bank of
Ceylon Ordinance and the Manageress of the Kekirawa
Together with the right of way in over and along Lot 2E Branch of the Bank of Ceylon to publish notice of this
(Reservation for road) depicted in the said Plan No. 996. resolution in terms of Section 21 of the said Bank of Ceylon
By Order of the Board,
Company Secretary.
All that an allotment of Land called ‘Rajaye Idama’
01-40 situated at Demunnewa Village but registered as Debukkewa
Village in No. 594-Demunnewa Grama Niladhari Division
but registered as Debukkewa of Matambuwa Korale within
the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Kekirawa in the Divisional
Secretary’s Division of Palugaswewa in the District of
Anuradhapura, North Central Province aforesaid and which
THE BANK OF CEYLON said land is bounded on the North by Land of K. M. Somapala,
on the East by Main Road Reservation, on the South by
Notice under Section 21 of the Bank of Ceylon Land of M. B. Jayathilake and on the West by Demunnewa
Ordinance (Chapter 397) as amended by Act, Tank Reservation and containing in extent One Acre
No. 34 of 1968 and Law, No. 10 of 1974 (1A., 0R., 0P.) together with soil, trees, plantations buildings
and everything else standing thereon and Registered in
At a meeting held on 08th November, 2023, the Board of L.D.O.X 05/42 at the District Land Registry, Anuradhapura.
Directors of this Bank resolved specially and unanimously:
Which said Land according to a recent Survey Plan
No. 3675 dated 16.03.2001 made by K. V. Somapala
1. That a sum of Rs.20,525,688.89 (Rupees Twenty Licensed Surveyor is described as follows:-
Million Five Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Six Hundred
Eighty Eight and Cents Eighty Nine) on account of the All that an allotment of land marked Lot No. 1 depicted
principal and interest up to 26.09.2023 and together
in Plan No. 3675 dated 16.03.2001 made by K. V.
with further interest on the balance principal amount
Somapala, Licensed Surveyor of the land called “State Land
of Rs.12,000,000/- (Rupees Twelve Million) at the rate
alias Idama” Situated at Demunnewa Village aforesaid and
of Twenty Nine (29.00%) per centum per annum from
which said Lot 1 is bounded on the North by Land of K. M.
27.09.2023 till the date of payment is due on Loan Facility
Somapala, on the East by Road, on the South by Land of
from Mrs. Rajapaksha Karunanayaka Herath Bandaralage
Udayangani Herath and Mr.Herath Bandaralage Senarathne M. B. Jayathilake and on the West by Demunnewa Tank
Bandara (Deceased) of Homes Seas Rice Mill, Demunnewa, Reservation and containing in extent One Acre (1A. 0R.,
Palugaswewa, Kekirawa on Mortgage Bond No.258 dated 0P.) or Nought Decimal Four Nought Four Seven Hectares
28.05.2019 attested by R. D. S. K. Narasinghe N.P. (0.4047 Hectares) together with soil, trees plantations
buildings and everything else standing thereon.
2. That in terms of Section 19 of the Bank of Ceylon
Ordinance (Cap 397) and its amendments, Mr. M H T THE SECOND SCHEDULE
Karunarathne of T & H Auctions, Licensed auctioneer of
No 50/3, Vihara Mawatha, Kolonnawa be authorized and RESERVATIONS:
empowered to sell by Public auction the property mortgaged
to the Bank of Ceylon and described in the first schedule 1. The title to all minerals (which term shall in this
hereunder, subject to the reservations and conditions grant include precious stone) in or upon the holding and the
described in the second schedule hereunder for the recovery right to dig for, search for, work and carry away any such
of the said sum of Rs. 20,525,688.89 (Rupees Twenty minerals, are reserved to the state.
Million Five Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Six Hundred
Eighty Eight and Cents Eighty Nine) on Loan Facility on 2. The owners title to the holding is subject to any right
the said Mortgage Bond No. 258 dated 28.05.2019 attested of way or other servitude existing over the holding at the
by R. D. S. K. Narasinghe N.P, and together with interest date of this grant
I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05


01. The owner shall not dispose of a divided portion of the Notice under Section 21 of the Bank of Ceylon
holding less in extent than the unit of sub-division specified Ordinance (Chapter 397) as amended by Act,
No. 34 of 1968 and Act, No. 10 of 1974 and Law,
herein namely 1/4 acres highland .........-.......-hectares/acres
No. 54 of 2000
irrigated land.
At a meeting held on 21.11.2023 the Board of Directors of
02. The owner shall not dispose of an undivided share of this Bank resolved specially and unanimously:
the holding less than the minimum fraction specified herein,
namely ........-..... 1. That a sum of Rs. 21,691,060,11 (Rupees Twenty
One Million Six Hundred Ninety one Thousand Sixty and
Cents Eleven) on account of the principle and interest
03. No person shall be the owner of a divided portion up to 07.11.2023 and together with further interest on
of the holding less in extent than the unit of sub-division Rs. 17,333,328.00 (Rupees Seventeen Million Three
specified in condition 1. Hundred and Thirty Three Thousand Three Hundred and
Twenty Eight) at the rate of Twenty Three decimal Two
04. No person shall be the owner of an undivided share Five (23.25%) per centum per annum from 08.11.2023 till
of the Holding less than the Minimum fraction specified in the date of payment on loan is due from Mr.Walana Godage
Anura Mahendra Ranaweera of No. 316, Makandura,
condition 2.
Gonawila on Mortgage Bond No.1713 dated 27.04.2022
attested by W. A. Sachini Anuradha, N.P.
05. If the holding or any part of it is irrigable or becomes
irrigable hereafter by any irrigation work already constructed 2. That in terms of Section 19 of the Bank of Ceylon
in the course of construction, or to be constructed hereafter, Ordinance (Cap. 397) and its amendments, Mr. M. H. T.
the owner shall comply, in respect of the irrigable area, with Karunaratne, M/s T & H Auction, the Auctioneer of
No. 50/3, Vihara Mawatha, Kolonnawa, be authorized
the provisions of the irrigation ordinance (Chapter 453) and
and empowered to sell by public auction the property
any rules framed there under. mortgaged to the Bank of Ceylon and described in the
schedules hereunder, for the recovery of the said sum of
06. The owner shall not dig or search for, take, Rs. 21.691.060.11 (Rupees Twenty One Million Six
appropriate, sell or otherwise dispose of any minerals Hundred Ninety One Thousand Sixty and Cents Eleven)
in or upon the land, unless he has obtained permission in on term loan on the said Mortgage Bond No. 1713 dated
writing from the government agent and a license from the 07.04.2022 attested by W. A. Sachini Anuradha, N.P. and
together with interest as aforesaid from 08.11.2023 to the
appropriate authority.
date of sale, and costs and monies recoverable under Section
26 of the said Bank of Ceylon Ordinance and the Senior
07. No disposition of the holding or any portion thereof Manager of Mirigama Super Grade Branch of the Bank
shall be made except with the prior permission in writing of of Ceylon to publish notice of this resolution in terms of
the Divisional Secretary. Section 21 of the said Bank of Ceylon Ordinance.

By order of the Board of Directors of the Bank of THE FIRST SCHEDULE

All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 7929 dated 17th August,
Mrs. H. S. W. Siriwardhana, 2021 made by U. S. K. Edirisinghe, Licensed Surveyor
Branch Manageress. of the land called Polkandawala Kumbura (Now High
Land) together with soil, buildings, trees, plantations and
Bank of Ceylon, everything thereon situated at Ihala Makandura in Grama
Niladhari Division of No.1589, Pahala Makandura in
Kekirawa Branch,
Divisional Secretariat Division of Pannala in Pradeshiya
22nd November, 2023. Sabha Limits of Pannala (Makandura Sub Office) in Pitigal
Korale in Katugampola Hathpaththu in the District of
01-41 Kurunegala, North Western Province and which said
10 I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

Lot 1 is bounded on the North by Paddy Field claimed 1. That a sum of Rs. 29,074,420.94 (Rupees Twenty
by Ruwanie Wijesinghe, on the East by Lot 2 depicted in Nine Million Seventy Four Thousand Four Hundred
plan No. 5668 on the South by Lot 3 (Means of Access 15 Twenty and Cents Ninety Four Only) on account of the
feet wide) and Lot 2 in the said Plan and on the West by principal and interest up to 25.10.2023 and together
Land claimed by K. A. Kokila Anushan Siriwardhana and with further interest on Rs. 17,666,662.00 (Rupees
Lot 1 in Plan No. 3659 and containing in extent Three Seventeen Million Six Hundred Sixty Six Thousand Six
Roods Thirty Perches (0A., 03R., 30P.) as per aforesaid plan Hundred Sixty Two Only) at the rate of Twenty Three
No. 7929 and registered in E330/135 at the Kuliyapitiya Decimal Five Zero (23.50%) per centum per annum from
Land Registry. 26.10.2023 till date of payment on 151 loan and a sum of
Rs. 12,005,584.14 (Rupees Twelve Million Five Thousand
Together with right of way over & along lot 3 (Means of Five Hundred Eighty Four and Cents fourteen Only) on
Access 15 feet wide) depicted in said plan No.7929. account of the principal and interest up to 25.10.2023 and
together with further interest on Rs. 9,489,746.56 (Rupees
Which said Lot 1 and Lot 3 (Means of Access) are sub Nine Million Four Hundred Eighty Nine Thousand
division of the land described below: - Seven Hundred Forty Six and Cents Fifty Six Only)
at the rate of Thirteen Decimal Eight Six (13.86%) per
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked centum per annum from 26.10.2023 till date of payment
Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 5668 dated 01st October, 2017 on 2nd loan and a sum of Rs. 6,l86,072.23 (Rupees Six
made by U. S. K. Edirisinghe, Licensed Surveyor of the land Million One Hundred Eighty Six Thousand Seventy Two
called Polkandawala Kumbura together with soil, buildings, and Cents Twenty Three Only) on account of the principle
trees, plantations and everything thereon situated at Ihala and interest up to 25.10.2023 and together with further
Makandura as aforesaid and which said Lot 1is bounded on interest on Rs. 4,718,974.70 (Rupees Four Million Seven
the North by Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 3659 made by U. S. Hundred Eighteen Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy
K. Edirisinghe, Licensed Surveyor and Paddy Field claimed Four and Cents Seventy Only) at the rate of Thirteen
by Ruwani Wijesinghe, on the East by Lot 2 depicted in Plan Decimal Eight Six (13.86%) per centum per annum from
26.10.2023 till date of payment on 3rd loan are due from
No. 5668, on the South by main Road from Dankotuwa to
Mr. Weerawarna Nilaweera Rampatabendige Dayarathna
Giriulla and Land claimed by W. Lakmal Priyashantha, on
and Ms. Weerawarna Nilaweera Rampatabendige Shanika
the West by Land claimed by W. Lakmal Priyashantha, Land
Ishani of Ambagolla Pathana, Passara Road, Ella on
claimed by K. A. Kokila Anushan Siriwardhana and Lot 1
Mortgage Bond No. 1002 dated 07.02.2019 attested by
depicted in Plan No. 3659 and containing in extent One Acre
D. M. N. S. Dissanayaka N. P. of Badulla, Mortgage Bond
Three Roods and Nineteen Decimal Five Naught Perches
No. 833 dated 19.11.2019 attested by P. A. Udayangani,
(01A., 03R., 19.50P.) as per aforesaid Plan No. 5668 and
N. P. of Badulla.
registered in E330/102 at the Kuliyapitiya Land Registry.
2. That in terms of Section 19 of the Bank of Ceylon
Ordinance (Cap 397) and its Amendments Mr. Thusitha
By order of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Karunarathna the Auctioneer of T & H Auction, No 50/3,
Ceylon, Vihara Mawatha, Kolonnawa be authorized and empowered
to sell by Public Auction the property mortgaged to the
Ms. K. P. K. T. N. Amaresena, Bank of Ceylon and described in the schedules here under
Senior Manager. for the recovery of the said Rs. 29,074,420.94 (Twenty Nine
Million Seventy Four Thousand Four Hundred Twenty
Bank of Ceylon, and Cents Ninety Four Only), Rs. 12,005,584.14 (Rupees
Mirigama Super Grade Branch. Twelve Million Five Thousand Five Hundred Eighty Four
and Cents Fourteen Only), and Rs. 6, 186,072.23 (Rupees
01-42 Six Million One Hundred Eighty Six Thousand Seventy
Two and Twenty three Only) on Mortgage Bond No. 1002
dated 07.02.2019 attested by D. M. N. S. Dissanayaka,
THE BANK OF CEYLON N. P. of Badulla, Mortgage Bond No.833 dated 19.11.2019
attested by P. A. Udayangani, N.P. of Badulla together
Notice under Section 21 of the Bank of Ceylon with interest as aforesaid from 26.10.2023 to date of sale
Ordinance (Chapter 397) as amended by Act, and costs and monies recoverable under Section 26 of the
No. 34 of 1968 and Law, No. 10 of 1974 said Bank of Ceylon ordinance and the Branch Manager of
Ella Branch of the Bank of Ceylon to publish notice of this
At a meeting held on 06.12.2023 the Board of Directors of resolution in terms of Section 21 of the said Bank of Ceylon
the Bank resolved specially and unanimously: ordinance.
I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05


1. The title to all minerals (Which terms shall in the grant
All that divided and defined allotment of land is include precious stone) in or upon the holding and the right
depicted as Lot 01 in Plan No. 5365 dated 29.10.2018 to dig for, search for work and carry away any such minerals
are reserved to the State.
made by W. A. M. K. Karunarathna, Licensed Surveyor of
the land called “Dambagolla Patana” situated at Ella Town, 2. The owner’s title to the holding is subject to any right
within the Grama Niladhari’s Division of Ella Town, in of way or other servitude existing over the holding at the
Kumbalwela Korale, within the Divisional Secretary’s date of the grant.
Division of Ella, in Badulla District of Province of Uva
and which said Lot 1 is bounded on the North by Lot (CONDITIONS)
144 & 161 in T.S.P.P.1 1 , on the East By Lots 161, 258,
260, 243, 239 & 234 in T.S.P.P.ll, on the South by Lots 258, 1. The owner shall not dispose of a divided portion
260, 243, 239, 234, 137 & 261 in T.S.P.P.11, on the West of the holding less in extent the unit of sub­ division
specified·herein namely 0.025 hec. highland:
by Lots 261 & l44 in T.S.P.P.11 and containing in extent
Two Roods and Naught Decimal Three Eight Perches (00A., 2. The owners hall not dispose of an undivided share of
02R., 0.38P.) together with everything else standing thereon. the holding less than the minimum fraction specified herein,
namely: - 1/8
The said Lot 1is a resurvey of following land to wit:-
3. No person shall be the owner of a divided portion
All that divided and defined allotment of land is depicted of the holding less in extent than the unit of sub-division
as Lot A in Plan No. 2662 dated 22.06.2018 made by specified in condition l .
A. N. Kinigama, Licensed Surveyor of the land called
“Dambagolla Patana” situated at Ambagolla Village, 4. No person shall the owner of an undivided share of
the holding less than the minimum fraction specified in
within the Grama Niladhari’s Division of Ella Town, in
condition 2.
Kumbalwela Korale, within the Divisional Secretary’s
Division of Ella, in Badulla District of Province of Uva and 5. If the holding or any part of it is irrigable or becomes
which said Lot A is bounded on the North by Lots 144 & irrigable hereafter by any irrigation work already constructed
161 in T.S.P.P. 11, on the East by Lots 161, 258, 260, 243, in the course of construction or to be constructed hereafter,
239 & 234 in T.S.P.P.11, on the South by Lots 258, 260, 243, the owner shall comply in respect of the irrigable area with
239, 234, 137 & 261 in T.S.P.P.11, on the West by Lots 261 the provisions of the irrigation Ordinance (Chapter 453) and
& 144 in T.S.P.P.11 and containing in extent Two Roods and any rules framed thereunder.
Naught Decimal Three Eight Perches (00A., 02R., 0.38P.)
6. The owner shall not dig or search for take appropriate
together with everything else standing thereon.
sell or otherwise dispose of any minerals in or upon the
land, unless he has obtained permission in writing from
The said Lot A is an identical land of following land. the Government Agent and a license from the appropriate
All that divided and defined allotment of land is depicted
as Lot 257 in Plan No. T.S.P.P.11 made by Surveyor 7. No disposition of the holding or any portion thereof
General of the land called “Dambagolla Patana’’ situated at shall be made except with the prior permission in writing of
Ambagolla Village, within the Grama Niladhari’s Division the Divisional Secretary.
of Ella Town, in Kumbalwela Korale, within the Divisional
Secretary’s Division of Ella, in Badulla District of Province By order of the Board of Directors of the Bank of
of Uva and which said Lot 257 is bounded on the North by
Lots 144 & 16l, on the East by Lots 161, 258, 260, 243, 239 T. M. L. S. Thennakoon,
& 234, on the South by Lots 258, 260, 243, 239, 234, 137 Manager.
& 261, on the West by Lots 261 & 144 and containing in
extent Naught Decimal Two Naught Three Three Hectare Bank of Ceylon,
(0.2033Hec.) together with everything else standing thereon Ella Branch.
and registered in LDO/U 06/154 at the Badulla Land
Registry. 01-43
12 I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05


Notice under Section 21 of the Bank of Ceylon All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
Ordinance (Chapter 397) as amended by Act, Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 906 dated 27th March, 2019
No. 34 of 1968 and Act, No. 10 of 1974 and Act, made by G. M. Kamal Perera, Licensed Surveyor of
No. 54 of 2000 the land called “Meegahawatta, Kahatagahawatta and
Andaothudena Pitamullekumbure Ovita” together with
At a meeting held on 21.11.2023 the Board of Directors of soil, buildings, trees, plantations and everything standing
this Bank resolved specially and unanimously: thereon bearing Assesment No. 03, Kurukulawa Church
Road situated at Mahara Heenkenda Village in Grama
1. That a sum of Rs. 12,372,234.03 (Rupees Twelve Niladhari’s Division of 254, Heenkenda within the
Million Three Hundred Seventy Two Thousand Two Hundred Pradeshiya Sabha limits of Wattala Welisara-Sub Office)
and within the Divisional Secretariat of Wattala in Adikari
Thirty Four & Cents Three) on account of the principle and
Pattu of Siyane Korale and in the District of Garnpaha
interest up to 25.09.2023 and together with further interest
Western Province and which said Lot 1 is bounded on
on Rs. 9,857,130.00 (Rupees Nine Million Eight Hundred
the North by Balance portion of Lot A2 in Plan No.
and Fifty Seven Thousand One Hundred and Thirty) at
457/1987, on the East by Balance portion of the same land,
the rate of Twenty Seven decimal Seven Five (27.75%)
on the South by Road and on the West by Land of U. D.
per centum per annum from 26.09.2023 till the date of Francis Anthony and containing in extent Twenty Four
payment on Loan 01 and a sum of Rs. 2,448,733.89 (Rupees Perches (0A., 0R., 24P.) according to the said Plan No. 906.
Two Million Four Hundred Forty Eight Thousand Seven Registered in L500/39 at the Land Registry of Gampaha.
Hundred Thirty Three & Cents Eighty Nine) on account of
the principle and interest up to 25.09.2023 and together with Which said Lot 1 in Plan No.906 is a resurvey & sub
further interest on Rs. 2,097,663.78 (Rupees Two Million -division of the land described below:-
Ninety Seven Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Three & Cents
Seventy Eight) at the rate of Fifteen decimal Five Naught All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot
(15.50%) per centum per annum from 26.09.2023 till the A2 depicted in Plan No. 457/1987 dated 02nd September,
date of payment on Loan 2 is due from, Mr. Neththikumarage 1987 made by K. A. Rupasinghe, Licensed Surveyor [as per
Amal Chathuranga Fonseka and Mr Sooriyabandarage Don the endorsement made on the said Plan dated 07th December,
Innacent Doltan Janaka, Partners of Desk to Desk Delivery 1994 by the said Surveyor) of the land called Meegahawatta,
Solutions of No. 226/3, Thalawathuhenpita South, Makola Kahatagahawatta & Andaothudena Pitamullekumbure
on Mortgage Bond No.237 dated 11.06.2021 attested by Owita alias Half Share (Registered as Portion of
P. D. Samanmali, N.P. Meegahawatte Kahatagahawatte Kebella and Andaothudena
Pitamullekumbure ovita alias now half share) situated at
2. That in terms of Section 19 of the Bank of Ceylon Mahara Heenkenda Village as aforesaid and which said
Ordinance (Cap. 397) and its amendments, Mr. M. H. Lot A2 is bounded on the North by Kurukulawa Road &
T. Karunaratne, M/s T & H Auction, the Auctioneer , of Lot Al, on the East by Land of Jayawardena & balance part
No.50/3, Vihara Mawatha, Kolonnawa, be authorized of the same land, on the South by D. D. C. Road and on the
and empowered to sell by public auction the property West by lands of U. D. Francis Anthony & S. Jayasinghe and
mortgaged to the Bank of Ceylon and described in the containing in extent one Acre and Six Decimal Five Naught
Schedules hereunder, for the recovery of the said sum of Perches (1A., 0R., 6.50P.) according to the said Plan No.
Rs. 12,372,234.03 (Rupees Twelve Million Three Hundred 457/1987 and registered in L114/07 at the Land Registry
Seventy Two Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Four & Cents Gampaha.
Three) on Loan 1 and a sum of Rs. 2,448,733.89 (Rupees
By order of the Board of Directors of the Bank of
Two Million Four Hundred Forty Eight Thousand Seven
Hundred Thirty Three & Cents Eighty Nine) on Loan 2
on the said Bond No. 237 dated 11.06.2021 and together
Mrs. J. D. Hettiarachchi,
with interest as aforesaid from 26.09.2023 to date of sale,
Senior Manager.
and costs and monies recoverable under Section 26 of the
said Bank of Ceylon Ordinance and the Senior Manager of Bank of Ceylon,
Kiribathgoda Super Grade Branch of the Bank of Ceylon to Kiribathgoda Super Grade Branch.
publish notice of this resolution in terms of Section 21 of the
said Bank of Ceylon Ordinance. 01-44
I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

THE BANK OF CEYLON 2. That in terms of Section 19 of the Bank of Ceylon

Ordinance (Cap. 397) and its amendments, Mr. M. H.
Notice under Section 21 of the Bank of Ceylon T. Karunaratne, M/s T & H Auction, the Auctioneer , of
Ordinance (Chapter 397) as amended by Act, No. 50/3, Vihara Mawatha, Kolonnawa, be authorized
No. 34 of 1968 and Law, No. 10 of 1974 and
and empowered to sell by public auction the property
Act, No. 54 of 2000
mortgaged to the Bank of Ceylon and described ·in the
At a meeting held on 04.12.2023 the Board of Directors of Schedules hereunder, for the recovery of the said a sum of
this Bank resolved specially and unanimously: Rs. 10,510,949. 79 (Rupees Ten Million Five Hundred Ten
Thousand Nine Hundred Forty Nine and Cents Seventy
1. That a sum of Rs. 10,510,949.79 (Rupees Ten Million Nine) on Loan 1 sum of Rs. 10,192,783.52 (Rupees Ten
Five Hundred Ten Thousand Nine Hundred Forty Nine Million One Hundred Ninety Two Thousand .Seven
and Cents Seventy Nine) on account of the principle
Hundred Eighty Three and Cents Fifty Two) on Loan
and interest up to 10.10.2023 and together with further
interest on Rs.6,490,000.00 (Rupees Six Million Four 2, a sum of Rs. 2,537,285.58 (Rupees Two Million Five
Hundred Ninety Thousand) at the rate of Twenty Five Hundred Thirty Seven Thousand Two· hundred Eighty
decimal Two Five (25.25%) per centum per annum from Five and Cents Fifty Eight) on Loan 3 and a sum of
11.10.2023 till the date of payment on Loan 1, a sum of Rs. 616,968.19 (Rupees Six Hundred Sixteen Thousand
Rs. 10,192,783.52 (Rupees Ten Million One Hundred Nine Hundred Sixty Eight and Cents Nineteen) on loan 4 on
Ninety Two Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Three and the said Mortgage Bond No. 463/24072 dated 09.05.2013
Cents Fifty Two) on account of the principle and interest
and 10.05.2013, Mortgage Bond No. 1227 dated 03.07.2015,
up to 10.10.2023 and together with further interest on
Mortgage Bond No. 933 dated 03.02.2020, Mortgage Bond
Rs. 6,293,332.00 (Rupees Six Million Two Hundred
Ninety Three Thousand Three Hundred Thirty· Two) at the No. 2805 dated 07.01.2022 and together with interest as
rate of Twenty Five decimal Two Five (25.25%) per centum aforesaid from 11.10.2023 to date of sale, and costs and
per annum from 11.10.2023 till the date of payment on Loan monies recoverable under Section 26 of the said Bank of
2, a sum of Rs. 2,537,285.58 (Rupees Two Million Five Ceylon Ordinance and The Manager of Divulapitiya Branch
Hundred Thirty Seven Thousand Two hundred Eighty of the Bank of Ceylon to publish notice of this resolution in
Five and Cents Fifty Eight) on account of the principle and terms of Section 21 of the said Bank of Ceylon Ordinance.
interest up to 10.10.2023 and together with further interest
on Rs. 1,573,332.00 (Rupees One Million Five Hundred
Seventy Three Thousand Three Hundred Thirty two) at THE SCHEDULE
the rate of Twenty Five decimal Two Five (25.25%)
per centum per annum from 11.10.2023 till the date of All that divided and defined allotment of land depicted
payment on Loan 3, a sum of Rs. 616,968.19 (Rupees Six in Plan No. 3248 dated 05th August, 1998 made by
Hundred Sixteen Thousand Nine Thousand Sixty Eight and W. Vitharana, Licensed Surveyor of the land called
Cents Nineteen) on account of the principle and interest Ranjland Estate together with soil, buildings, trees,
up to 10.10.2023 and together with further interest on
plantations and everything standing thereon situated at
Rs.502,743.92 (Rupees Five Hundred Two Thousand
Urapana, Kelepitimulla and Mapalangedara Villages in
Seven Hundred Forty Three and Cents Ninety Two) at
the rate of Twelve (12%) per centum per annum from the Grama Niladhari’s Division of 86 Urapana B within
11.10.2023 till the date of payment on Loan 4, is due the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Divulapitiya and within
from Mr. Dilshan Thiwanka Premarathna of No. 342/01, the Divisional Secretariat of Divulapitiya in Dunagaha
Ranjland Watta, Maradagahamula, on Mortgage Bond Pattu of Aluthkuru Korale North and in the District of
No. 463/24072 dated 09.05.2013 and 10.05.2013 attested Gampaha Western Province and which said land is bounded
by M. D. I. K. Karunarathne, N.P and U. B. Premathilake
on the North by Lot 137 claimed by Ebert Fonseka &
N. P., Mortgage Bond No. 1227 dated 03.07.2015 attested by
Gunathilake Fonseka, on the East by Lot 109 claimed by
M. D. I. K. Karunarathne, N. P., Mortgage Bond No. 933
dated 03.02.2020 attested by W. A. S. Anuradha, N. P., Cleatus Fonseka & Gunathilake Fonseka, on the South
Mortgage Bond No. 2805 dated 07.01.2022 attested by M. by Main Road (RDA) and on the West by Pradeshiya
W. A. S. P. Wijewickrama, N.P Sabha Road and containing in extent One Rood (0A., 1R.,
14 I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

0P.) according to the said Plan No. 3248 and registered in The Board of Directors of the Bank acting under the
J 25/62 at the Land Registry Negombo. powers vested in them under the Recovery of Loans by
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990 (Principal
By order of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Act) as amended do hereby Resolve that the property and
Ceylon, premises including the Freehold and other right title and
interest to the property and premises described in below
Ms. W. A. G. D. Waragoda, mortgaged to the Bank as security for the said Loans/
Manager. Facilities by the said Bond be sold by public auction by
Mr. N. U. Jayasuriya, Licensed Auctioneer for the recovery
Bank of Ceylon, of the said sum of Rupees Twenty Five Million Two Hundred
Divulapitiya Branch. and Thirty Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Six and
Cents Thirteen (Rs. 25,234,856.13) or any portion thereof
01-45 remaining unpaid at the time of sale and interest;

(i) on a sum of Rupees Twenty Million Eight Hundred and

Thirty Three Thousand Three Hundred (Rs. 20,833,300.00)
due on the said Bond No. 3492 at the rate of Sixteen point
One Nought Percent (16.10%) per annum from 27th March,
2023 to the date of sale together with costs of advertising
selling and other charges incurred in terms of Section 13 of
Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors the Principal Act less any payments (if any) since received;”
Under Section 4 of the Recovery of Loans by
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990 as THE FIRST SCHEDULE
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
At a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the National Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 2856 dated 23.01.2020 made by
Development Bank PLC held on 18th July, 2023 the J. A. Rohitha Jayalath, Licensed Surveyor of the land called
following resolution was specially and unanimously “Thalgahawatta alias Seeyawatta” together with the trees,
adopted. plantations and everything else standing thereon bearing
Assessment No. 10/1, St. Jude’s Place situated at 1st Division
Whereas Sunil Wijethunga & Sons (Private) Ltd a of Bolawalana in Grama Niladhari Division of 160/A of
company duly incorporated under the Companies Act, Thaladuwa Divisional Secretariat Division of Negombo
No. 7 of 2007 under Registration No. PV 00215376 and in Municipal Council Limits of Negombo in the District
having its Registered Office at Kuliyapitiya (First Borrower) of Gampaha, Western Province and which said Lot 1 is
and Wijethunga Mudalige Rajitha Kasun Wijethunga of bounded on the North by Lot B of Thalgahawatta presently
Kuliyapitiya (Second Borrower) have made default in claimed by Kodikara on the East by Remaining portion
the payment on the Loans/Facilities granted against the of Lot lA claimed by H. J. Basnayake, bearing Assessment
security of the property and premises morefully described No. 10, St. Jude’s Place on the, South by portion of same
in the schedule hereto mortgaged and hypothecated by land claimed by Linda Perera bearing Assessment No. 10
Mortgage Bond No. 3492 dated 26.02.2020 attested by and Portion of same land claimed by Manuel Silva bearing
Ms. Jayakody Ralalage Nelum Champika Jayakody, Notary Assessment No. 12, St Jude’s Place and Lot 2 on the, West
by Land claimed by Shanthi Fernando and others.
Public of Kuliyapitiya in favour of National Development
Bank Plc (Bank).
and containing in extent of Thirty Decimal Four Two
Perches (0A., 0R., 30.42P.) together with right trees,
And Whereas Second Borrower being the freehold owner
Plantations everything else standing thereon.
of the property and premises described below has mortgaged
his freehold right title and interest to the Bank under the said Aforesaid Lot 1 is a resurvey of Lot 1A1 morefully
Bond No. 3492. described below:

And whereas a sum of Rupees Twenty Five Million Two All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
Hundred and Thirty Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Lot 1A1 depicted in Plan No. 1960 dated 25.06.2000 made
Six and Cents Thirteen (Rs. 25,234,856.13) has become due by R.A Chandrarathna Licensed Surveyor of the land
and owing on the said Bond No. 3492 to the Bank as at 26th called “Thalgahawatta alias Seeyawatta” together with
March, 2023. the trees, plantations and everything else standing thereon
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bearing Assessment No.10/1, St. Jude’s Place situated at by R. A. Chandrarathna, Licensed Surveyor of the land
1st Division of Bolawalana in Grama Niladhari Division called “Thalgahawatta alias Seeyawatta” together with the
of 160/A of Thaladuwa Divisional Secretariat Division of trees, plantations and everything else standing thereon
Negombo in Municipal Council Limits of Negombo in the bearing Assessment No.10/1, St. Jude’s Place situated at 1st
District of Gampaha, Western Province and which said Division of Bolawalana in Grama Niladhari Division of
Lot 1A1 is bounded on the 160/A of Thaladuwa Divisional Secretariat Division of
Negombo in Municipal Council Limits of Negombo in the
North by Lot B of Thalgahawatta presently claimed by District of Gampaha, Western Province and which said
Kodikara on the East by Remaining portion of Lot lAclaimed by Lot 1A2 is bounded on the;
H. J. Basnayake, bearing Assessment No. 10, St. Jude’s
Place on the South by Lot 1A2, Portion of same Land North by 1A1 on the;
of Manuel Silva, bearing Assessment No. 12, St. Jude’s East by Remaining portion of Lot 1A claimed by H. J.
Place and portion of same Land of Linda Perera bearing Basnayake bearing Assessment No. 10, St.
Jude’s Place, on the;
Assessment No. 16, St Jude’s Place on the, West by Land
South by Lot 1B1 on the;
claimed by Shanthi Fernando and others.
West by Portion of same land claimed by Manuel Silva
bearing Assessment No. 12, St Jude’s Place;
and containing in extent Thirty Decimal Four Two
Perches (0A., 0R., 30.42P.) together with right trees,
and containing in extent of One Decimal Eight Naught
Plantations everything else standing thereon registered in Perches (0A., 0R., 1.80P.) together with right trees,
volume/folio G 293/13 at Negombo Land Registry. Plantations everything else standing thereon registered in
volume/folio G293/14 at Negombo Land Registry.
Together with the right of way over below:
2. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
1. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot 3 depicted in Plan No. 2856 dated 23.01.2020 made
Lot 2 depicted in Plan No. 2856 dated 23.01.2020 made by J.A. Rohitha Jayalath Licensed Surveyor of the land
by J. A. Rohitha Jayalath, Licensed Surveyor of the land called “Thalgahawatta alias Seeyawatta” together with the
called “Thalgahawatta alias Seeyawatta” together with trees, plantations and everything else standing thereon
the trees plantations and everything else standing thereon bearing Assessment No. 10/1, St. Jude’s Place situated at
bearing Assessment No. 10/1, St. Jude’s Place situated at 1st Division of Bolawalana in Grama Niladhari Division
1st Division of Bolawalana in Grama Niladhari Division of 160/A of Thaladuwa Divisional Secretariat Division of
of 160/A of Thaladuwa Divisional Secretariat Division of Negombo in Municipal Council Limits of Negombo in
Negombo in Municipal Council Limits of Negombo in the the District of Gampaha province and which said Lot 3 is
District of Gampaha, Western Province and which said bounded on the
Lot 2 is bounded on the;
North by Lot 2 on the
North by Lot 1on the
East by Remaining portion of Lot 1A claimed by East by Remaining portion of Lot 1B claimed by H. J.
H. J. Basnayake bearing Assessment No. 10, Basnayake on the
St. Jude’s Place on the South by Thaladuwa Road on the,
South by Lot 3 on the; West by Portion of same land claimed by Manuel Silva
West by Portion of same land claimed by Manuel Silva bearing Assessment No. 12, St. Jude’s Place
bearing Assessment No. 12, St. Jude’s Place;
and containing in extent of Four Decimal Six Five Perches
(0A., 0R., 4.65P.) together with right trees, Plantations
and containing in extent of One Decimal Eight Naught
everything else standing thereon.
Perches (0A., 0R., 1.80P.) together with right trees,
Plantations everything else standing thereon;
Aforesaid Lot 3 is a resurvey of Lot 1B1 morefully
described below:
Aforesaid Lot 2 is a resurvey of Lot 1A2 morefully
described below: All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot
1B1depicted in Plan No. 1960 dated 25.06.2000 made by
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked R. A. Chandrarathna Licensed Surveyor of the land
Lot 1A2 depicted in Plan No. 1960 dated 25.06.2000 made called “Thalgahawatta alias Seeyawatta” together with the
16 I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

trees, plantations and everything else standing thereon BOARD RESOLUTION

bearing Assessment No. 10/1, St. Jude’s Place situated at
1st Division of Bolawalana in Grama Niladhari Division Whereas Hotel Rainbow (Private) Limited a Company duly
of 160/A of Thaladuwa Divisional Secretariat Division of incorporated in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri
Negombo in Municipal Council Limits of Negombo in the Lanka under the Companies Act bearing Registration
District of Gampaha, Western Province and which said Lot No. PV75121 and having its registered office in Negombo
1A2 is bounded on the; (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Company’) has made default
in payments due on Mortgage Bond Nos. 8868 dated
North by Lot 1A2 on the; 20.06.2014 and 9676 dated 07.05.2015 both attested by
East by Remaining portion of Lot 1B claimed by H. J. Chandani Dayarathna, Notary Public in favour of the DFCC
Basnayake on the; Bank Plc (Successor To Dfcc Vardhana Bank Plc).
South by Taladuwa Road on the;
West by Portion of same land claimed by Manuel And whereas there is as at 3lst August, 2023 due and
Silva bearing Assessment No. 12, St. Jude’s owing from the said Hotel Rainbow (Private) Limited
Place; to the DFCC Bank PLC on the aforesaid Mortgage Bond
No. 8868 and 9676 a sum of Rupees Twenty Three Million
and containing in extent of Four Decimal Six Five One Hundred and Three Thousand Four Hundred and
Perches (0A., 0R., 4.65P.) together with right trees, Forty and Cents Eighty Nine (Rs. 23,103,440/89) together
Plantations everything else standing thereon registered in with interest thereon from 01st September, 2023 to the date
volume/folio G293/15 at Negombo Land Registry. of Sale on a sum of Rupees Two Million Four Hundred And
Eighteen Thousand One Hundred And Fifty Nine And
Together with all and singular the immovable plant and Cents Seventy Two (Rs. 2,418,159/72) at the rate of Four
machinery equipment fixtures fittings and services which are Per Centum (4%) Per Annum above the Average Weighted
now or which may hereafter from time to time be affixed or Prime Lending Rate (AWPR-SPOT) which will be revised
permanently fastened to the said allotment of land morefully every three months on the first business day in the months
refereed above including. of January, April, July and October each year and on a sum
of Rupees Six Million Seven Hundred and Sixty Seven
Electricity supply system together with the equipment, Thousand Four Hundred and Fourteen and Cents Eighty Six
Water supply system equipment, (Rs. 6,767,414/86) at the rate of Eight Decimal One One Per
Telecommunication equipment, Centum (8.11%) Per Annum and on a sum of Rupees Five
Air conditioning equipment. Hundred and Forty Five Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty
Two and Cents Seventeen (Rs. 545,432.17) at the rate of
By Order of the Board, Seventeen Decimal Five Per Centum (17.5%) Per Annum
and on a sum of Rupees Twelve Million Six Hundred and
Secretary to the Board, Six Thousand and Cents Forty (Rs. 12,606,000.40) at the
National Development Bank PLC. rate of Nineteen Per Centum (19%) Per Annum.

01-60 And Whereas the Board of Directors of the DFCC Bank

PLC under the powers vested in them by the Recovery of
Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act No. 4 of 1990
do hereby resolve that the Land and Building described
below mortgaged to DFCC Bank PLC by the aforesaid
Mortgage Bond Nos. 8868 and 9676 by Lalith Amal Samuel
THE DFCC BANK PLC Rupasinghe alias Lalith Amal Samuwel Rupasinghe
and Mareena Rupasinghe be sold by Public Auction by
Notice of Resolution passed by the DFCC Bank Thusith Karunaratne, Licensed Auctioneer for the recovery
PLC under Section 4 of the Recovery of Loans by of the said sum Rupees Twenty Three Million One Hundred
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990 And Three Thousand Four Hundred And Forty and
Cents Eighty Nine (Rs. 23,103,440.89) together with
In terms of Section 8 of the Recovery of Loans by Banks interest thereon from 01st September, 2023 to the date of
(Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990 it is hereby notified Sale On a sum of Rupees Two Million Four Hundred and
that the following Resolution was unanimously passed Eighteen Thousand One Hundred and Fifty Nine and
on the 29th November, 2023 by the Board of Directors of Cents Seventy Two (Rs. 2,418,159.72) at the rate of Four
I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

Per Centum (4%) Per Annum above the Average Weighted DFCC BANK PLC
Prime Lending Rate (AWPR-SPOT) which will be revised
every three months on the first business day in the months Notice of Resolution passed by the DFCC Bank
of January, April, July and October each year and on a sum PLC under Section 4 of the Recovery of Loans by
of Rupees Six Million Seven Hundred and Sixty Seven Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990
Thousand Four Hundred and Fourteen and Cents Eighty Six
(Rs. 6,767,414.86) at the rate of Eight Decimal One One Per In terms of Section 8 of the Recovery of Loans by Banks
(Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990 it is hereby notified
Centum (8.11%) Per Annum and on a sum of Rupees Five
that the following Resolution was unanimously passed
Hundred and Forty Five Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty
on the 29th November, 2023 by the Board of Directors of
Two and Cents Seventeen (Rs. 545,432.17) at the rate of
Seventeen Decimal Five Per Centum (17.5%) Per Annum
and on a sum of Rupees Twelve Million Six Hundred and Six BOARD RESOLUTION
Thousand and Cents Forty (Rs. 12,606,000.40) at the rate
of Nineteen Per Centum (19%) Per Annum or any portion Whereas Nisal Chathuranga Govinnage of Angoda
thereof remaining unpaid at the time of Sale together with has made default on payments due on Mortgage Bond
the cost of advertising and selling the said land and premises No. 774 dated 22.07.2019 and Mortgage Bond No. 866
and all monies expended and costs and other charges incurred dated 06.04.2021 both attested by D. I. N. Tillekeratne,
by the DFCC Bank PLC in accordance with the covenants Notary Public in favour of the DFCC Bank Plc.
of the aforesaid Mortgage Bonds in terms of Section 13 of
the Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, Whereas there is as at 30th June, 2023 due and
No. 4 of 1990. owing from the said Nisal Chathuranga Govinnage to
the DFCC Bank PLC on the aforesaid Mortgage Bond
DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY MORTGAGED No. 774 and 866 a sum of Rupees Seven Million Two
Hundred Seventy Five Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Four
BY MORTGAGE BOND Nos. 8868 and 9676.
and Cents Eighty Nine only (Rs. 7,275,864/89) together
with interest thereon from 01st July, 2023 to the date of Sale
All that divided and defined allotment of land depicted On a sum of Rupees Five Million Two Hundred Twenty
in Plan No. 2795C dated 26.04.2001 made by W. J. M. G. One Thousand Five Hundred Eighty Five and Cents Thirty
Dias, Licensed Surveyor and Re-certified on 08.04.2014 (Rs. 5,221,585/30) at the fixed rate of Fifteen Decimal Five
by the same Licensed Surveyor of the land called Per Centum (15.5%) Per Annum and on a sum of Rupees
“Poonnaimaraththadithottam alias Dombagahawatta alias One Million Six Hundred Fifty One Thousand Seven and
Sea Drift” bearing Assessment No. 03, Carron Place situated Cents Thirty One (Rs. 1,651,007/31) at the fixed rate of
at Ettukala, more accurately Kudapaduwa within the Grama Eleven Per Centum (11%) Per Annum.
Niladari Division of No. 158 Wella Veediya and within
the Divisional Secretariat Division, the Municipal Council Whereas the Board of Directors of the DFCC Bank
Limits and the Registration Division of Negombo in the PLC under the powers vested in them by the Recovery of
District of Gampaha Western Province and which said Land Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990 do
is bounded on the North by:Road, East by: Land of Norbert hereby resolve that the Land and Building described below
Perera, South by: Land of Senevirathna and Sunset Beach mortgaged to DFCC Bank PLC by the aforesaid Mortgage
Bond No. 774 and 866 by Nisal Chathuranga Govinnage
Hotel (Pvt) Ltd, West by: Sunset Beach Hotel (Pvt) Ltd and
be sold by Public Auction by T & H Auction, Licensed
containing in extent One Rood and Twenty Four Decimal
Auctioneer for the recovery of the said sum of Rupees
One Naught Perches (0A, 1R, 24.10P) alias 0.1621 Hectare Seven Million Two Hundred Seventy Five Thousand Eight
together with everything standing thereon and registered at Hundred Sixty Four and Cents Eighty Nine Only
the Land Registry Negombo. (Rs. 7,275,864/89) together with interest thereon from
01st July, 2023 to the date of Sale on a sum of Rupees Five
By order of the Board, Million Two Hundred Twenty One Thousand Five Hundred
Eighty Five and Cents Thirty (Rs. 5,221,585.30) at the fixed
Company Secretary, rate of Fifteen Decimal Five Per Centum (15.5%) PER
DFCC Bank PLC. Annum and on a sum of Rupees One Million Six Hundred
Fifty One Thousand Seven and Cents Thirty One
01-25 (Rs. 1,651,007.31) at the fixed rate of Eleven Per Centum
18 I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

(11%) Per Annum or any portion thereof remaining unpaid Together with the Right of way in over and along
at the time of Sale together with the cost of advertising and reservation for road described as follows:-
selling the said land and premises and all monies expended
and costs and other charges incurred by the DFCC Bank PLC All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot
in accordance with the covenants of the aforesaid Mortgage No. 7 depicted in Survey Plan No. 540 dated 01.11.1988
Bonds in terms of Section 13 of the Recovery of Loans by made by Saliya Wickramasinghe, Licensed Surveyor of
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990. the land called Pitamagure Kumbura situated at Gothatuwa
within the Gramaniladari Division of No. 513, Gothatuwa
DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY MORTGAde BY in the Divisional Secretariat Division of Kolonnawa within
MORTGAGE BOND No. 774 and 866 the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Kotikawatta Mulleriyawa
in Ambatalen Pahala Aluth Korale South in the District of
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Colombo, Western Province and which said Lot No.7 is
Lot lA depicted in Survey Plan No. 15679 dated 27.12.2018 bounded on the North by Lot Nos. 5, 6 and 8, on the East
by Lot Nos. 8 and 9, on the South by Lot No. 10 and land
made by Saliya Wickramasinghe, Licensed Surveyor of
owned by Ganegoda and on the West by Land owned by
the land called Pitamagure Kumbura together with the soil,
Ganegoda and Lot No. 4 depicted in Plan No.1244 made
trees, buildings and everything else standing thereon bearing
by W. Karthigesu, Licensed Surveyor and containing in
Assessment No. 7/3, Nindahena Road situated at Gothatuwa
extent Nine Decimal Two Zero Perches (0A., 0R., 9.20P.)
within the Gramaniladari Division of No.513, Gothatuwa
as per the said Plan No. 540 and registered at the Colombo
in the Divisional Secretariat Division of Kolonnawa within Land Registry.
the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Kotikawatta Mulleriyawa in
Ambatalen Pahala Aluth Kuru Korale South in the District Together with the reservation along the canal marked as
of Colombo, Western Province and which said lot lA is Lot lB depicted in Survey Plan No. 15679 dated 27.12.2018
bounded on the North by Land of T. D. Amila Rohini and made by Saliya Wickramasinghe, Licensed Surveyor.
Lot lB hereof, on the East by Lot lB hereof and Land of
N. M. Govinnage, on the South by Land of N. M. Govinnage By order of the Board,
& Road (Lot 7 in Plan No. 540) and on the West by Road
(Lot 7 in Plan No. 540) & Land of T. D. Amila Rohini and Company Secretary,
containing in extent Six Decimal Six Five Perches (0A., 0R., DFCC Bank PLC.
6.65P.) or 0.0168 Hectare as per the said Plan No. 15679
The above said Lot lA is a Sub division of the following

All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot

A depicted in Survey Plan No.12001 dated 13.12.2012 made DFCC BANK PLC
by Saliya Wickramasinghe, Licensed Surveyor of the land
called Pitamagure Kumbura together with the soil, trees, Notice of Resolution passed by the DFCC Bank
buildings and everything else standing thereon bearing PLC under Section 4 of the Recovery of Loans by
Assessment No. 7/3, Nindahena Road situated at Gothatuwa Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990
within the Gramaniladari Division of No.513, Gothatuwa
in the Divisional Secretariat Division of Kolonnawa within In terms of Section 8 of the Recovery of Loans by Banks
the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Kotikawatta Mulleriyawa in (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990 it is hereby notified
Ambatalen Pahala Aluth Kuru Korale South in the District of that the following Resolution was unanimously passed on
the 29th November 2023 by the Board of Directors of DFCC
Colombo, Western Province and which said lot A is bounded
Bank PLC
on the North by Land of T. D. Amila Rohini and Drain (Lot
4 in Plan No. 540) , on the East by Drain (Lot 4 in Plan
No. 540) and Lot B hereof, on the South by Lot B hereof
and Road (Lot 7 in Plan No. 540) and on the West by Road
(Lot 7 in Plan No. 540) and Land of T. D. Amila Rohini Whereas Lahiru Roofing (Private) Limited a Company
and containing in extent Seven Perches (7P.) or 0.01777 duly incorporated in the Democratic Socialist Republic of
Hectare as per the said Plan No. 12001 and registered at the Sri Lanka under the Companies Act bearing Registration
Colombo Land Registry. No. PV 109022 and ·having its registered office in
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Anuradhapura (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Company’) 8095 by Lahiru Roofing (Private) Limited, Mortgage Bond
has made default in payments due on Mortgage Bond No. 8294 by Pathirana Gammachcharige Thilak
Nos. 7700 dated 20.06.2016, 8095 dated 10.03.2017, 8290, Nandasiri And Mortgage Bond No. 8292 by Pallewela
8292 and 8294 all dated 21.07.2017, 8651 and 8653 both Gammachcharilage Lahiru Chathuranga Nandasiri
dated 26.03.2018 and all attested by S. K. N. A. Kurera,
be sold by Public Auction by Jayasuriya & Jayasuriya
Notary Public in favour of the DFCC Bank Plc.
Auctioneers (Pvt) Ltd Licensed Auctioneer for the recovery
And Whereas there is as at 30th June, 2023 due and of the said sum of Rupees Ninety Four Million Five Hundred
owing from the said Lahiru Roofing (Private) Limited to And Fifty Six Thousand Eight Hundred And Eighty Four
the DFCC Bank PLC on the aforesaid Mortgage Bond Nos. And Cents Eleven (Rs. 94,556,884.11) together with interest
7700, 8095, 8290, 8292, 8294, 8651 and 8653 a sum of thereon from 01st July, 2023 to the date of sale on a sum of
Rupees Ninety Four Million Five Hundred and Fifty Six Rupees Five Million Thirty Four Thousand Five Hundred
Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty Four and Cents Eleven and Sixty Four and Cents Twenty Seven (Rs. 5,034,564.27)
(Rs. 94,556,884. 11) together with interest thereon from at the interest rate of Six Per Centum (6%) Per Annum
01st July, 2023 to the date of sale on a sum of Rupees Five
above the Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate (AWPR)
Million Thirty Four Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty
rounded upwards to the nearest 0.5% per annum which will
Four and Cents Twenty Seven (Rs. 5,034,564.27) at
the interest rate of Six Per Centum (6%) Per Annum be revised on the first business day of every month, on a
above the Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate (AWPR) sum of Rupees Nine Hundred and Forty Five Thousand
rounded upwards to the nearest 0.5% per annum which will Three Hundred And Twenty Eight And Cents Twenty Eight
be revised on the first business day of every month, on a (Rs. 945,328.28) at the interest rate of Seventeen Decimal
sum of Rupees Nine Hundred and Forty Five Thousand Five Per Centum (17.5%) Per Annum fixed, on a sum of
Three Hundred and Twenty Eight and Cents Twenty Eight Rupees Thirty Nine Million One Hundred and Forty
(Rs. 945,328.28) at the interest rate of Seventeen Decimal
Nine Thousand Eighty Seven And Cents Seventy Five
Five Per Centum (17.5%) Per Annum fixed, on a sum
(Rs. 39,149,087.75) at the interest rate of Six Decimal
of Rupees Thirty Nine Million One Hundred and Forty
Five Per Centum (6.5%) Per Annum above the Average
Nine Thousand Eighty Seven and Cents Seventy Five
(Rs. 39,149,087.75) at the interest rate of Six Decimal Weighted Prime Lending Rate (AWPR) rounded upwards
Five Per Centum (6.5%) Per Annum above the Average to the nearest 0.5% per annum which will be revised on
Weighted Prime Lending Rate (AWPR) rounded upwards the first business day of every month, on a sum of Rupees
to the nearest 0.5% per annum which will be revised on Thirty Four Million Six Hundred And Forty Two Thousand
the first business day of every month, on a sum of Rupees Eight Hundred And Thirty Seven And Cents Sixty Two
Thirty Four Million Six Hundred and Forty Two Thousand (Rs. 34,642,837.62) at the interest rate of Six Decimal Five
Eight Hundred and Thirty Seven And Cents Sixty Two
Per Centum (6.5%) Per Annum above the Average Weighted
(Rs. 34,642,837. 62) at the interest rate of Six Decimal
Prime Lending Rate (AWPR) (Spot) which will be revised
Five Per Centum (6.5%) Per Annum above the Average
Weighted Prime Lending Rate (AWPR) (Spot) which will on the first business day of every month and on a sum of
be revised on the first business day of every month and on Rupees Two Million Seven Hundred and Ninety Five
a sum of Rupees Two Million Seven Hundred and Ninety Thousand Five Hundred And Seventy Five and Cents
Five Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy Five and Cents Twenty One (Rs.2,795,575.21) at the interest rate of Thirty
Twenty One (Rs. 2,795,575.21) at the interest rate of Thirty Six Per Centum (36%) Per Annum or any portion thereof
Six Per Centum (36%) Per Annum. remaining unpaid at the time of Sale together with the cost
of advertising and selling the said land and premises and
And Whereas the Board of Directors of the DFCC Bank
all monies expended and costs and other charges incurred
PLC under the powers vested in them by the Recovery of
by the DFCC Bank PLC in accordance with the covenants
Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990
do hereby resolve that the Land, Building snd Machinery of the aforesaid Mortgage Bonds in terms of Section 13 of
described below mortgaged to DFCC Bank PLC by the the Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act,
aforesaid Mortgage Ond Nos. 7700, 8290, 8651, 8653 and No. 4 of 1990.
20 I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY MORTGAGED prepared by P. A. K. J. Perera, Licensed Surveyor of the

BY MORTGAGE BOND Nos. 7700, 8290 and 8651 land called “Nagahawatta” situated at Kirillawala village
in within the Pradeshiya Shaba Limits of Mahara (No. 2
All that allotment of land marked Lot No. 1 in Plan Naranwala Sub Office) in Adikari Pattu of Siyane Korale
No.2012/An/192 dated 07.05.2012 prepared P. B.
in the District of Gampaha of Western Province, Bounded
Ilangasinghe, Licensed Surveyor the land called Alankulama
as North by land now of the heirs of D. L. Weerasinghe,
Kele, situated at Alankulama Village of Nuwaragam Korale
in 259- 5th Cannel Grama Niladari Division of Wijayapura East by Lot No. 3, South by Lot No.V in Plan No. 3185
Pradeshiya Shaba in Nachchaduwa Divisional Secretary’s (6 meters wide road),Westby Lot No. 1 and containing in
Division of Anuradhapura District in North Central Province, extent of Nine Perches (00A., 00R., 09P.) with everything
and bounded on the North by the land of I.B.Herath, East standing thereon.
by Lot No.4 inF.V.P.274, South by Lot No. 2, West by
Road (RDA) and contai ning in extent Thirty Five Perches According to a recent survey this land describes as
(00A., 00R., 35P.) - (0.0885-H) together with everything follows:
standing thereon. r

description of the property All that allotment of land depicted in Plan No. 4054 dated
mortgaged by mortgage Bond No. 8292 02.12.2016 prepared by H. A. N. P. Ranasinghe, Licensed
Surveyor of the land called “Nagahawatta” situated at
All that divided and defined allotment of land Kirillawala Village within the Pradeshiya Shaba Limits of
marked as Lot 23 depicted in Plan No. 06/NPC/ 2016 Mahara of 287D, Kirillawela North Grama Seva Division
surveyed on 25.01.2016 by M.A.A.Munasinghe, Licensed (No 2 Naranwala Sub Office) in Adikari Pattu of Siyane
Surveyor, the land called Pothanegama Kele situated in Korale in Mahara Divisional Secretary’s Division in
Pothanegama Village in No. 296- Isurumuniya Grama
time District of Gampaha of Western Province bounded
Niladhari Division within Elayapaththuwa Pradeshiya
as North by Lot 1 in Plan No.3671 & land of the heirs of
Sabha Limits in Nuwaragam Korale in Nuwaragam Palatha
Central Divisional Secretary’s Division in the District of D. L. Weerasinghe, East by land of the heirs of D. L.
Anuradhapura of North Central Province, bounded as North Weerasinghe & Lot No. 3 in Plan No.3671, South by Lot
by Lot.No.20 (Road) in Plan No.06/NPC/2016, East by Lot. No. 3 in Plan No 3671 & Road (6 meters wide),West by
No.22 in Plan No.06/NPC/2016, South by the Paddy Field Road (6 meters wide) & Lot No. 1 in Plan No.3671 and
claimed by Udamaluwa Temple, West by Lot No.24 in Plan Containing in extent of Nine Perches (00A., 00R., 09P.)
No.06/NPC/2016Containing in extent of Fifteen Perches together with everything standing thereon.
(P-15) - (0.0379-H) with the buildings & every standing
Together with the right of way and other common rights
Above land is a divided portion of- in over and along the divided and defined allotments of
the lands described below:
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
as Lot 1/4 depicted in Plan No.1959 dated 08/07/2000 1. Lot V depicted in Plan No.3185 of the land called
prepared by K.K.Silva, Licensed Surveyor, the land called “Nagahawatta” situated at Kirillawala aforesaid and
Pothanegama Kele situated in Pothanegama Village in bounded on the North by Lots A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and
Nuwaragam Korale in the District of Anuradhapura of I, East by Lot K, South by Lots N, O, P, Q, R, S, T and U,,
North Central Province bounded as North by Lot.3/1045 but
West by Lot 13 I Plan No. 3159 and containing in extent
most correctly as Lot 3/1045 & Cannel, East by Road
of Twenty Decimal Six Perches (00A., 00R., 20.6P.) with
Reservation, South by the land claimed by Udamaluwa
Viharaya, West by Lot 4/1045 and Containing in extent of everything standing thereon.
Two Acres (A-02) with the buildings & everything standing
thereon. 2. Lot 13 and Lot 25 (reservation for road 6 meters
wide) in Plan No. 3159 dated 25.02.2001 prepared by P. A.
3. Lot 9 in Plan No. 5313 dated 25.10.1993 prepared by
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
KG.Hubert Perea, Licensed Surveyor.
as Lot No. 2 depicted in Plan No. 3671 dated 28.11.2001
I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05


Entirety of the movable plant machinery and equipment
Entirety of the movable plant machinery and equipment including -
including -
List of Machines
List of Machines
Machine Description
Item Description
Roofing sheet Punching Made in China
Hydraulic Plate Type - WC67Y Length - and curving machine Serial No. - MFM434689
Press Bender 10.5 Ft Pressure - 125T Unit No -
Roller shutter u channel Made in China
Made in - China
machine with Hydraulic Serial No. - RF2334599
Hydraulic Plate Type - WC67Y Length - 13ft cutter
Press Bender Pressure - 160T Unit No -
15060786 Double layer roofing Made in China
Hydraulic Type - QC12Y Length - 8ft forming & Serial No. - RF2334567
Shearing Machine Maximum Thickness - 6mm Unit Claddingprofile
No - 12069762 machine

Hydraulic Type - QC12Y Length - 10ft With 2 decoiler Made in China

Shearing Machine Maximum Thickness - l 0mm automatic slitting and Serial No. - RF238569
Unit No - 15060785 tutting roll forming
Double Layer Sheet size - 914mm
Roofing Forming Thickness - 0.3-0.6mm With 2 decoileer c Made in China
& Cladding Top layer roller - 14 Down layer purlin roll forming Serial No. - MFM533369
Profile Machine roller - 17 Shaft size - 68mm Made machine
in - China
With 2 decoileer Made in China
Roofing Sheet Sheet size - 914mm Thickness -
step tile roll forming Serial No. - MXM332456
Punching, Curving 0.3-0.6mm Made in - China
Roller Shutter U Hydraulic cutter and manual de With 2 decoileer roll Made in China
Channal Machine coiler No. 0f rollers - 16, made in - fonning machine Serial No. - MDL112567
with Authomatic China With 1 decoiler Made in China
hydraulic cutter Hydraulic curving roll Serial No. - SDL238898
forming machine
together with spares accessories and tools now lying
in and upon premises Lahiru Roofing (Private) Limited With 1 decoiler roller Made in China
at No. A349/234, 2nd Mile Post, Kurunegala Road,
Anuradhapura and in and upon any other godowns stores shutter door roll Serial No. - DDL991353
and premises at which the Company now is and may at any forming machine
time and from time to time hereafter be carrying on business Used roller door Made in Japan
or in or upon which the said movable plant machinery
and equipment may from time to time be stored kept or lie forming machine Serial No. - XCL24566
and also the entirety of the movable plant machinery and Used metal sheet roller Made in Japan
equipment whatsoever which shall or may from time to time
replace the said movable plant machinery and equipment machine Serial No. - RFM733533
spares accessories and tools which shall or may from time
to time and at all times hereafter be brought into kept or lie Diesel Generator 40 Made in India
in and upon the aforesaid godowns stores and premises and KVA Serial No. - H 1503649
all or any other place or places of. business into which the
Company may at any time and from time to time hereafter together with spares accessories and tools now lying in
remove or carry on its business or trade or store or keep and upon premises No. 561/22, New Bus Stand, Main Street,
the said movable plant machinery equipment spares Anuradhapura and in and upon any other godowns stores
accessories and tools. and premises at which the Company now is and may at any
22 I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

time and from time to time hereafter be carrying on business Mawatha, Colombo 02 and there is now due and owing
or in or upon which the said movable plant machinery and on the said Bonds Nos. 4677 and 5456 to Sampath Bank
equipment may from time to time be stored kept or lie PLC aforesaid as at 06th November, 2023 a sum of Rupees
and also the entirety of the movable plant machinery and Twenty Six Million One Hundred and Sixty Eight Thousand
equipment whatsoever which shall or may from time to time Four Hundred and Two and Cents Seventy Six only
replace the said movable plant machinery and equipment (Rs. 26,168,402. 76) of Lawful money of Sri Lanka being the
spares accessories and tools which shall or may from time total amount outstanding on the said Bonds and the Board
to time and at all times hereafter be brought into kept or lie of Directors of Sampath Bank PLC under the powers vested
in and upon the aforesaid godowns stores and premises by the Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions)
and all or any other place or places of business into which Act, No. 04 of 1990 do hereby resolve that the property
the Company may at any time and from time to time and premises morefully described in the Schedule hereto
hereafter remove or carry on its business or trade or store or mortgaged to Sampath Bank PLC aforesaid as security for
keep the said movable plant machinery equipment spares the said credit facility by the said Bonds Nos. 4677 and 5456
accessories and tools. to be sold in Public auction by N. U. Jayasuriya, Licensed
Auctioneer of Kandy for the Recovery of the said sum of
By order of the Board, Rupees Twenty ‘Six Million One Hundred and Sixty Eight
Thousand Four Hundred and Two and Cents Seventy Six
Company Secretary, only (Rs. 26,168,402.76) together with further interest on
DFCC Bank PLC. a sum of Rupees Sixteen Million Five Hundred and Thirty
Thousand only (Rs. 16,530,000) at the rate of Fourteen
decimal Five per centum (14.5%) per annum from 07th
01-27 November, 2023 to due date of Satisfaction of the total
Debt due upon the said Bonds Nos.4677 and 5456 together
with the costs of advertising and other charges incurred less
payments (if any) since received.
(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited) THE SCHEDULE

Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors All that divided and d efined allotment of land marked
of Sampath Bank PLC under Section 04 of the Lot 1 depicted in plan No. 106/2015 dated 30th March,
Recovery of Loans by Banks ( Special Provisions) 2015 made by H. M. R. T. K. Herath, Licensed Surveyor,
Act, No. 04 of 1990 amended by No. 01 of 2011 of the land called “Nikagolle Estate alias Ariththagale Hene
and No. 19 of 2011 Watta”, together with the trees, plantation and everything
else standing thereon situated at Mottappuliya Village
Y. A. N. U. Kumara & N. M. J. Nimanka. within the Grama Niladhari Division of Mottappuliya within
A /C No. : 118854852157. the Divisional Secretariat and Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of
Rambukkana in Medde Mediliya Pattu of Kinigoda Korale
At a meeting held on 30.11.2023 by the Board of in the District of Kegalle, Sabaragamuwa Province and
Directors of Sampath Bank PLC It was resolved specially which said Lot 1 is bounded on the NORTH by Remaining
and unanimously: portion of same land on the EAST by Road (RDA) from
Karandupona Junction to Rambukkana on the SOUTH
Whereas Yapa Appuhamilage Nayana Udayapriya Kumara by Road - Access (20ft. Wide) and on the WEST by Lot
and Nawarathna Mudiyanselage Jayamali Nimanka in the 07 in Plan No. 2953/99 / KG and containing in the extent
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as the Obiligors Twenty Seven Perches (AO-RO-P27) according to the said
and the said Nawarathna Mudiyanselage Jayamali Nimanka Plan No. 106 /2015 and registered under Volume/Folio
as the Mortgagor have made default in the repayment of the G 172/93 at the Land registry of Kegalle.
credit Facility granted against the security of the property
and premises morefully described in the schedule hereto Which said Lot 1 is a resurvey of the land marked Lot 1
mortgaged and hypothecated by the Mortgage Bonds Nos. depicted in Plan No. 5346/ 2005 /KG dated 27th December
4677 dated 09th October, 2015 and 5456 dated 30th 2005 made by S. R. P. L. Senanayaka, Licensed Surveyor
October, 2017 both attested by A. J. Bandara, Notary which in turn is a resurvey of the land marked Lot 1
Public of Kurunegala in Favour of Sampath Bank depicted in Plan No.2728 dated 27th September 1998 made
PLC holding Company Registration No.PQ 144 and by D. Rathnayake, Licensed Surveyor morefully described
having its Registered office at No. 110, Sir James Peiris Below:
I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Bonds bearing Nos. 5532, 5774 and 1500 to Sampath
Lot 1 depicted in plan No. 2728 dated 27th September, Bank PLC aforesaid as at 09th October, 2023 a sum
1998 made by D. Rathnayake, Licensed Surveyor, of the of Rupees Fourteen Million Eight Hundred and Forty
land called “Nikagolle Estate alias Ariththagale Hene Eight Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty Seven and Cents
Watta”, together with the trees, plantation and everything Seventy Six only (Rs. 14,848, 667.76) of lawful money
else standing thereon situated at Mottappuliya Village of Sri Lanka being the total amount outstanding on the
as aforesaid and which said Lot 1 is bounded on the said Bonds and the Board of Directors of Sampath Bank
NORTH and NORTH-EAST by Lot 1 in Plan No.2363 PLC aforesaid under the powers vested by the Recovery
made by C. Kurukulasooriya Licensed Surveyor on the of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of
SOUTH­ EAST by Rambukkana - Kegalle main Road on 1990 do hereby resolve that the property and premises
the SOUTH-WEST and WEST by Remaining part of this morefully described in the Schedule hereto mortgaged
land and containing in the extent Twenty Seven Perches to Sampath Bank PLC aforesaid as security for the said
(0A., 0R., 27P.) according to the said Plan No.2728 and credit facilities by the said Bonds bearing Nos. 5532, 5774
registered under Volume / Folio G 92/ 107 at the Land and 1500 to be sold in public auction by N. U. Jayasuriya,
registry of Kegalle. Licensed Auctioneer of Colombo for the recovery of the
said sum of Rupees Fourteen Million Eight Hundred and
By order of the Board, Forty Eight Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty Seven and
Cents Seventy Six only (Rs. 14,848, 667.76) of lawful
Company Secretary. money of Sri Lanka together with further interest on a
sum of Rupees Two Million One Hundred and Seventy
01-30 Four Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety Seven and
Cents Forty Three only (Rs. 2,174,997.43) at the rate
of Fifteen decimal Five per centum (15.5%) per annum,
further interest on a sum of Rupees Three Hundred and
SAMPATH BANK PLC Ninety Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Eight and
(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited) Cents Thirty Seven only (Rs.390,648.37) at the rate of
Twelve per centum (12%) per annum, further interest on
Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors a sum of Rupees Three Million Six Hundred and Sixty
of Sampath Bank PLC under Section 04 of the Five Thousand Fifty Two and Cents Eighty Two only
Recovery of Loans by Banks ( Special Provisions) (Rs. 3,665,052 .82) at the rate of Fourteen per centum
Act, No. 04 of 1990 amended by No. 01 of 2011 (14%) per annum and further interest on a sum of Rupees
and No. 19 of 2011 Seven Million Seven Hundred and Seven Thousand
Forty Eight and Cents Seventeen only (Rs. 7,707,048.17)
W. A. K. M. R. Wanniarachchi. at the rate of Fourteen per centum (14%) per annum from
A/C No. :1035 5787 0077. 10th October, 2023 to date of satisfaction of the total debt
due upon the said Bonds bearing Nos. 5532 , 5774 and
At a meeting held on 30.11.2023 by the Board of Directors 1500 together with costs of advertising and other charges
of Sampath Bank PLC it was resolved specially and incurred less payments (if any) since received.
Whereas Wanniarachchi Kankanamge Mahesh
Rukshan Wanniarachchi in the Democratic Socialist All that allotment of land marked Lot 46 depicted
Republic of Sri Lanka as the Obligor has made default in Plan No. 24/2019 dated 29th March, 2019 made by
in the repayment of the credit facilities granted against S. G. Weerasooriya, Licensed Surveyor, of the Land
the security of the property and premises morefully in called “Berillwatta” also known as Beriyal Estate together
the Schedule hereto mortgaged and hypothecated by the with the buildings, soil, trees, plantations and everything
Mortgage Bonds Nos. 5532 dated 28th August, 2019 else standing thereon and situated at Halpatota in the Grama
and 5774 dated 31st January, 2020 both attested by Niladari Division of 199A, Halpathota within the Pradeshiya
K. S. N. De Silva and 1500 dated 25th April, 2023 Sabha Limits of Baddegama and Divisional Secretariat of
attested by A. Nallaperuma, Notaries Public of Galle Baddegama and in Gangaboda Pattu South, in the District of
in favour of Sampath Bank PLC holding Company Galle Southern Province, and which said Lot 46 is bounded
Registration No.PQ 144 and having its Registered Office on the North by access road and Lot 48 of the same land and
at No.110, Sir James Peiris Mawatha, Colombo 02 on the East Lot 47 and on the South by Pahala Weweldeniya
aforesaid and there is now due and owing on the said Kumbura and land on the West by Lot No. 45 and road and
24 I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

containing in extent Two Roods And Two Perches (0A., 2R., SAMPATH BANK PLC
2R.) as per said Plan No. 24/2019. (Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited)

Above Lot 46 being resurveyed of; Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors
of Sampath Bank PLC under Section 04 of the
All that allotment of land marked Lot 46 depicted in Plan
Recovery of Loans by Banks ( Special Provisions)
Act, No. 04 of 1990 amended by No. 01 of 2011
No. 2267 (L.R.C.C0/3002) dated 11th July, 1985 made by T.
and No. 19 of 2011
Berti A. De Silva, Licensed Surveyor and also depicted in
Plan No.2878 made by T. B. De Silva, Licensed Surveyor of K. A. K. Siriwardena alias K. K. Siriwardena.
the land called “Berrillwatta” also known as Beriyal Estate A/C No. : 0106 5000 0213.
together with the buildings, soil, trees, Plantations and
everything else standing thereon and situated at Halpatota At a meeting held on 30.11.2023 by the Board of Directors
within the in Grama Niladaree Division of 199A, Halpathota of Sampath Bank PLC it was resolved specially and
and Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Baddegama and Divisional unanimously:
Secretariat of Baddegama and in Gangaboda Pattu South
Whereas Kathri Arachchige Kantha Siriwardena alias
in the District of Galle, Southern Province, and which
Kathriarachchige Kantha Siriwardena in the Democratic
said Lot 46 is bounded on the North by access road and
Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as the Obligor has
Lot 48 and on the East Lot 47 and on the South by Pahala made default in the repayment of the credit facilities
Weweldeniya Kumbura and land on the West by Lot No.45 granted against the security of the properties and
and Road containing in extent Two Roods and Two Perches premises morefully in the Schedule hereto mortgaged
(0A., 2R., 2P.) as per said Plan No. 2878 and registered at and hypothecated by the Mortgage Bond Nos. 5122
Land Registry Galle under Ref. No. N 195/38. dated 20th December, 2009 attested by K. S. P. W.
Jayaweera, 621 dated 19th July, 2010 attested by
Together with the right of way: N. M. Nagodavithana, 1381A dated 27th May, 2013, 653
dated of 01st February, 2022, 2138 dated 14th November,
2017, 309 dated 01st November, 2013, 1011 dated 29th
All that allotment of land marked Lot 48 depicted in Plan
July, 2015 and 1875 dated 05th June, 2017 all attested by
No. 2267 (L.R.C CO/3002) dated 11th July, 1985 made by
N. D. B. Gamage, Notaries Public of Colombo in favour
T. Berti A. De Silva, Licensed Surveyor and also depicted in of Sampath Bank PLC holding Company Registration
Plan No. 2878 made by T. B. De Silva Licensed Surveyor of No. PQ 144 and having its Registered Office at No. 110,
the land called “Berillwatta” also known as Beriyal Estate Sir James Peiris Mawatha, Colombo 02 aforesaid and
together with the buildings, soil, trees, plantations and there is now due and owing on the said Bonds bearing
everything else standing thereon and situated at Village of Nos. 5122, 621, 1381A, 2138, 653, 309, 1011 and 1875
Halpatota within the in Grama Niladaree Division of 199A, to Sampath Bank PLC aforesaid as at 23rd November
Halpathota and Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Baddegama and 2023 a sum of Rupees Sixteen Million Five Hundred
Divisional Secretariat of Baddegama in Gangaboda Pattu and Thirty One Thousand One Hundred and Fourteen
South in the District of Galle Southern Province and which and Cents Fifty Nine only (Rs. 16,531,114.59) of lawful
money of Sri Lanka being the total amount outstanding
said Lot 48 is bounded on the North by Lot 49A and on
on the said Bonds and the Board of Directors of Sampath
the East Lot 52 and on the South by Lots 46, 47 & 53 of Bank PLC aforesaid under the powers vested by the
same land and land on the West by Road and containing in Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act,
extent Twenty Four Perches (0A., 0R., 24P.) as per said Plan No. 04 of 1990 do hereby resolve that the properties and
No. 2878 and registered at Land Registry Galle under premises morefully described in the Schedule hereto
Ref. No. N 195/39. mortgaged to Sampath Bank PLC aforesaid as security
for the said credit facilities by the said Bonds bearing
By order of the Board, Nos. 5122, 621, 1381A, 2138, 653, 309, 1011 and 1875
to be sold in public auction by N. U. Jayasuriya, Licensed
Company Secretary. Auctioneer of Kandy for the recovery of the said sum of
Rupees Sixteen Million Five Hundred and Thirty One
Thousand One Hundred and Fourteen and Cents Fifty
01-38/1 Nine only (Rs. 16,531,114.59) of lawful money of
I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

Sri Lanka together with further interest on a sum of land called “Narangahawattepitakattiya & Narangahawatta”
Rupees Seven Million One Hundred and Seventy Eight together with the soil, trees, plantations buildings and
Thousand Five Hundred only (Rs. 7,178,500.00) at the everything else standing thereon bearing Assessment
rate of Ten per centum (10%) per annum, further interest No. 14, Pinnagoda Road, situated at Ovitigala aforesaid and
on a sum of Rupees Eight Million Three Hundred and which said Lot 1C2 is bounded on the North by Lot 1A2 &
Fifty Five Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty Six and 1Al , on the East by Lot 1B2 , on the South by Lot 2 in Plan
Cents One only (Rs.8,355,586.01) at the rate of Eleven No. 3245 and on the West by Road & Lot 1C1 and containing
per centum (11%) per annum from 24th October, 2023 in extent Twenty One Decimal Five Seven Perches
to date of satisfaction of the total debt due upon the said (0A., 0R., 21.57P.) according to the said Plan No. 5533.
Bonds bearing Nos. 5122 , 621, 138l A, 2138, 653,
309, 1011 and 1875 together with costs of advertising Which said Lot 1C2 is a resurvey of the land described
and other charges incurred less payments (if any) since below:
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
THE SCHEDULE Lot lC depicted in the said Plan No. 3401 of the land called
“Narangahawattepitakatiiya & Narangahawatta” together
1. (i) All that divided and defined allotment of land with the soil, trees, plantations, buildings and everything
marked Lot 1B2 depicted in Plan No. 5533 dated 30th else standing thereon situated at Ovitigala aforesaid and
September 2021 made by D. K. T. Baddevithana Licensed which the said Lot lC is bounded on the North by Lot l
Surveyor of the land called Narangahawattepitakattiya & A hereof, on the East by Lot 1B hereof, on the South by
Narangahawatta together with the soil, trees, plantations, Lot 2 in Plan No. 3245 dated 06/10/1955 made by D. B.
buildings and everything else standing thereon bearing Rajapaksha LS and on the West by Road and containing in
Assessment No. 14, Pinnagoda Road situated at Ovitigala extent Twenty Two Perches (0A., 0R., 22.0P.) according to
within the Grama Niladhari Division of Owitigala (G. N. the said Plan No. 3401 and registered at Matugama Land
No. 795) in the Divisional Secretariat Division of Matugama Registry under title A 273/ 20.
and within the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Matugama
in the Iddagoda Pattu of Pasdun Korale West in the Together with the right of way in over and along Road
District of Kalutara Western Province and which said Lot Reservation marked Lot A1 depicted in the said Plan
1B2 is bounded on the North by Lot 1B1, on the East by No. 3401.
Narangahawatta, on the South by Lot 2 in Plan No. 3245
and on the West by Lots 1 and containing in extent (Mortgaged and hypothecated under and by virtue of
Eighteen Decimal One Two Perches (0A., 0R., 18.12P.) Mortgage Bond Nos. 5122, 621 , 1381A, 2138 and 653).
according to the said Plan No. 5533.
2. All that divided and defined allotment of land
Which said Lot 1 B2
is a resurvey of the land described marked Lot A depicted in Plan No. 1639 dated 02nd and
below: 09th July, 2013 made by D. K. T. Baddavithana, Licensed
Surveyor (being a resurvey of a par of Lot 1 depicted in Plan
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot No. P. P. l 946 dated 17th February, 1976 authenticated
IB depicted in Plan No. 3401 dated 21st January, 2003 made by the Surveyor General) of the land called “Maddegedara
by W. L. Fonseka, Licensed Surveyor of the land called Estate” together with the trees, plantations and everything
Narangahawattepitakattiya & Narangahawatta together else standing thereon situated at Naravila & Ganegama
with the soil, trees, plantations, buildings and everything Village within the Grama Niladhari Division of Ovitigala
else standing thereon situated at Ovitigala as aforesaid 795 in the Divisional Secretariat Division of Matugama
and which the said Lot l B is bounded on the North by and within the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Matugama in
Narangahawatta, on the East by Narangahawatta, on the Iddagoda Pattu of Pasdun Korale West in the District of
South by Lot 2 in Plan No. 3245 dated 06.10.1955 made Kalutara Western Province and which said Lot A is bounded
by D. B. Rajapaksha, LS and on the West by Lots l A & IC on the North by Part of the same Land, on the East by Part
hereof and containing in extent Twenty Perches (0A., 0R., of the same Land, on the South by Road and on the West by
20P.) according to the said Plan No. 3401 and registered Balance Portion of Lot 1 in Plan No. P. P. l946 dated 17th
at Matugama Land Registry under title A 273/19. February, 1976 authenticated by the Surveyor General and
containing in extent Two Acres One Rood and Twenty Nine
Decimal One Eight Perches (2A., 1R., 29.18P.) according to
(ii) All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
the said Plan No. 1639 registered at the Matugama Land
Lot 1C2 depicted in Plan No. 5533 dated 30th September, 2021
Registry under title A 44/ 130.
made by D. K. T. Baddevithana, Licensed Surveyor of the
26 I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

(Mortgaged and hypothecated under and by virtue of described in the Schedule hereto mortgaged to Sampath
Mortgage Bond Nos. 309, 1011 and 1875). Bank PLC aforesaid as security for the said credit facility by
the said Bond bearing No. 373 to be sold in public auction
By order of the Board, by N. U. Jayasuriya, Licensed Auctioneer of Colombo for
the recovery of the said sum of Rupees Six Million Nine
Company Secretary. Hundred and Ninety Eight Thousand Sixty Nine and Cents
Eighty only (Rs. 6,998,069 .80) of lawful money of Sri
Lanka together with further interest on a sum of Rupees
Six Million Six Hundred and Sixty Seven Thousand
Seven Hundred and Fifty Seven and Cents Fifteen only
(Rs. 6,667, 757.15) at the rate of Eight per centum (8%) per
SAMPATH BANK PLC annum from 19th October, 2023 to date of satisfaction of the
(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited) total debt due upon the said Bond bearing No. 373 together
with costs of advertising and other charges incurred less
Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors payments (if any) since received.
of Sampath Bank PLC under Section 04 of the
Recovery of Loans by Banks ( Special Provisions) THE SCHEDULE
Act, No. 04 of 1990 amended by No. 01 of 2011
and No. 19 of 2011 All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot
01 depicted in Plan No. 1054/00 dated 28th July, 2000 made
S. Wijethunga and M. S. L. N. Perera. by N. C. A. Indraratna, Licensed Surveyor (boundaries
A/C No. : 1049 5212 4486.
verified on 22nd August, 2018 by H. L. W. Carvalho,
Licensed Surveyor) of the land called “Moragahawatta”
At a meeting held on 30.11.202 3 by the Board of Directors
together with the soil, trees, plantations and everything
of Sampath Bank PLC it was resolved specially and
else standing thereon bearing Assessment No. 052/05
situated at Erewwala village in Grama Niladhari Division of
Whereas Millaniyage Shyama Lankari Neranjalee No. 581C- Rathmaldeniya within the Urban Council Limits
Perera and Sumith Wijethunga in the Democratic and Divisional Secretariat Division of Kesbewa in Palle
Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as the Obligors and the Pattu of Salpiti Korale in the District of Colombo Western
said Millaniyage Shyama Lankari Neranjalee Perera as Province and which said Lot 01 is bounded on the North by
the Mortgagor have made default in the repayment of Lot 7 in Plan No. 1586 made by D. A. Rubasinghe, Licensed
the credit facility granted against the security of the Surveyor, on the East by Lot 2 in Plan No. 505A and Lot 3A
property and premises morefully in the Schedule hereto (Road) here of, on the South by Lot 05 in Plan No. 505A
mortgaged and hypothecated by the Mortgage Bond No. and Lot 3A (Road) here of and on the West by Lot 7 in Plan
373 dated 17th June, 2021 attested by K. A. S. Kulasinghe, No. 1586 and Land claimed by R. S. Perera and containing
Notary Public of Colombo in favour of Sampath Bank PLC in extent Seven Perches (0A., 0R., 7P.) according to the
holding Company Registration No.PQ 144 and having its said Plan No. 1054/ 00 and registered in M 1112/73 at
Registered Office at No. 110, Sir James Peiris Mawatha, the Land Registry Delkanda-Nugegoda.
Colombo 02 aforesaid and there is now due and owing
on the said Bond bearing No. 373 to Sampath Bank PLC Together with the right of way over and along Lot 3A
aforesaid as at 18th October, 2023 a sum of Rupees Six
depicted in the said Plan No. 1054/00.
Million Nine Hundred and Ninety Eight Thousand Sixty
Nine and Cents Eighty only (Rs. 6,998,069.80) of lawful
By order of the Board,
money of Sri Lanka being the total amount outstanding on
the said Bond and the Board of Directors of Sampath Bank
PLC aforesaid under the powers vested by the Recovery of Company Secretary.
Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990 do
hereby resolve that the property and premises morefully 01-38/3
I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

SAMPATH BANK PLC further interest on a sum of Rupees One Million

(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited) Eighteen Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Nine only
(Rs. 1,018,839.00) at the rate of Fifteen decimal Five
Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors per centum (15.5%) per annum, further interest on a sum
of Sampath Bank PLC under Section 04 of the of Rupees Four Hundred and Twenty Three Thousand
Recovery of Loans by Banks ( Special Provisions) Eight Hundred only (Rs. 423,800.00) at the rate of
Act, No. 04 of 1990 amended by No. 01 of 2011 Fifteen decimal Five per centum (15 .5%) per annum,
and No. 19 of 2011 further interest on a sum of Rupees Eighteen Million Ten
Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty Six and Cents Forty
U. N. B. Keerthi. Eight only (Rs. 18,010, 266.48) at the rate of Fourteen
A/ C No.: 0033 5002 4009. per centum (14%) per annum and further interest on a
sum of Rupees Five Million Seven Hundred and Forty
At a meeting held on 30.11.2023 by the Board of Directors Six Thousand Seven Hundred and Eleven and Cents Sixty
of Sampath Bank PLC it was resolved specially and Eight only (Rs. 5,746,711 .68) at the rate of Fourteen per
unanimously: centum ( 14%) per annum from 26th October, 2023 to
date of satisfaction of the total debt due upon the said
Whereas Ubeysiri Narayana Badalge Keerthi alias Bonds bearing Nos. 2317, 2402, 2882, 3335, 4210 and
Keerthi Ubesiri in the Democratic Socialist Republic 4268 together with costs of advertising and other charges
of Sri Lanka as the Obligor has made default in the incurred less payments (if any) since received.
repayment of the credit facilities granted against the
security of the property and premises morefully in the THE SCHEDULE
Schedule hereto mortgaged and hypothecated by the
Mortgage Bonds Nos. 2317 dated 31st March, 2016, 2402 All that divided and defmed allotment of land marked
Lot 01 depicted in Plan No. 4946 dated 26th February,
dated 03rd August, 2016, 2882 dated 29th January, 2018,
2016 (surveyed on 20th February, 2016) made by
3335 dated 05th February, 2019, 4210 dated 22nd June,
N. Kalupahana, Licensed Surveyor of the Land called and
2022 and 4268 dated 23rd September, 2022 all attested by
known as “Portion of Paragahamulla” together with trees,
K. L. M. D. Kithsiri, Notary Public of Ratnapura in favour
plantations, house building and everything else standing
of Sampath Bank PLC holding Company Registration
thereon bearing Assessment No. 26/ A, Angammana Road
No. PQ 144 and having its Registered Office at No.110,
situated at Batugedara along Angammana Road in Grama
Sir James Peiris Mawatha, Colombo 02 aforesaid and
Niladhari Division of 181B- Thiriwanaketiya within the
there is now due and owing on the said Bonds bearing
Municipal Council Limits and Divisional Secretariat of
Nos. 2317, 2402, 2882, 3335, 4210 and 4268 to Sampath
Ratnapura in Meda Pattu of Nawadun Korale in the District
Bank PLC aforesaid as at 25th October, 2023 a sum of
of Ratnapura, Sabaragamuwa Province and which said Lot
Rupees Twenty Seven Million Two Hundred and Forty 01 is bounded on the North by Angammana Road, on the
Nine Thousand Thirty Nine and Cents Thirty Six only East by Lot 3 in Plan No. 1690 made by B. A. Thambyah,
(Rs. 27, 249,039.36) of lawful money of Sri Lanka being Licensed Surveyor, on the South by Ganithayalage Idama
the total amount outstanding on the said Bonds and the and on the West by Lot 1 in Plan No.1690 made by B. A.
Board of Directors of Sampath Bank PLC aforesaid under Thambyah, Licensed Surveyor and containing in extent
the powers vested by the Recovery of Loans by Banks Twenty Nine decimal Seven Perches (0A., 0R., 29.7P.)
(Special Provisions) Act, No.04 of 1990 do hereby resolve according to the said Plan No. 4946.
that the property and premises morefully described in
the Schedule hereto mortgaged to Sampath Bank PLC Which said Lot 01 being a re-survey of the land morefully
aforesaid as security for the said credit facilities by the described below:
said Bonds bearing Nos. 2317, 2402, 2882, 3335, 4210
and 4268 to be sold in public auction by N. U. Jayasuriya, All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot
Licensed Auctioneer of Colombo for the recovery of the 02 depicted in Plan No. 1690 dated 04th January, 1958 (as
said sum of Rupees Twenty Seven Million Two Hundred per the extracts 03rd January, 1980 but more correctly 04th
and Forty Nine Thousand Thirty Nine and Cents Thirty January, 1958) (boundaries verified on 13th February, 2006)
Six only (Rs. 27,249,039.36) of lawful money of Sri made by B. A. Thambyah, Licensed Surveyor of the Land
Lanka together with further interest on a sum of Rupees called and known as “Paragahamulla” together with trees,
Five Hundred and Eighteen Thousand Eight Hundred and plantations, house building and everything else standing
Thirty One and Cents Seventy only (Rs. 518,831.70) at thereon bearing Assessment No. 26/A, Angammana Road
the rate of Fourteen per centum (14%) per annum, situated at Batugedara along Angammana Road in Grama
28 I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

Niladhari Division of 181B-Thiriwanaketiya within the said Bond and the Board of Directors of Sampath Bank
Municipal Council Limits and Divisional Secretariat of PLC aforesaid under the powers vested by the Recovery of
Ratnapura in Meda Pattu of Nawadun Korale in the District Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990
of Ratnapura, Sabaragamuwa Province and which said Lot do hereby resolve that the property and premises morefully
02 is bounded on the North by Angammana Road, on the
described in the Schedule hereto mortgaged to Sampath
East by Lot 3, on the South by Ganithayalage Idama and
on the West by Lot 1 and containing in extent Twenty Nine Bank PLC aforesaid as security for the said credit facility by
decimal Seven Perches (0A., 0R., 29.7P.) according to the the said Bond bearing No. 6416 to be sold in public auction
said Plan No. 1690 and registered in K 151/126 at the by N. U. Jayasuriya, Licensed Auctioneer of Colombo for
Land Registry Ratnapura. the recovery of the said sum of Rupees Seven Million Four
Hundred and Ninety Five Thousand Seven Hundred and
By order of the Board, Twelve and Cents Thirty Two only (Rs. 7,495,712.32) of
lawful money of Sri Lanka together with further interest
Company Secretary. on a sum of Rupees Seven Million One Hundred and Fifty
Three Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty Six and Cents
01-38/4 Twenty Six only (Rs. 7,153,846.26) at the rate of Eight
per centum (8%) per annum from 27th October, 2023 to
date of satisfaction of the total debt due upon the said Bond
bearing No. 6416 together with costs of advertising and
other charges incurred less payments (if any) since received.
(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited)

Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors THE SCHEDULE

of Sampath Bank PLC under Section 04 of the
Recovery of Loans by Banks ( Special Provisions) All that entirety of the soil, trees, plantations, buildings and
Act, No. 04 of 1990 amended by No. 01 of 2011 everything else standing thereon, of the defined allotment
and No. 19 of 2011 of land marked Lot 14 depicted in Plan No. 2877 dated
16.03.2000 made by K. G. S. Yapa Licensed Surveyor, of
L. D. Asanka and K. M. S. M. Perera.
the land called “sub-division of amalgamated Lots 11, 12
A/C No. : 0010 5005 1001.
& 13 of “Ambedolatennehena”, bearing Asst. No. 15444,
At a meeting held on 30.11.2023 by the Board of Directors Ambedolathenna Road, situated at Malagoda in Makawita, in
of Sampath Bank PLC it was resolved specially and Grama Niladari Division of Makawita, within the Divisional
unanimously, Secretary’s Division of Matara, within the Pradeshiya Sabha
Limits and Four Gravets of Matara, in the District of Matara,
Whereas Lokuge Dinesh Asanka and Kotigangoda Southern Province and which said Lot 14 is bounded on
Mahaliyanage Sanjeevi Madhurika Perera in the Democratic
the North by Lot 4 of the same land, on the East by Road
Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as the Obligors and the said
(Pradeshiya Sabha), on the South by Lot 15 (6m wide road)
Kotigangoda Mahaliyanage Sanjeevi Madhurika Perera as
the Mortgagor have made default in the repayment of the of the same land and on the West by Lot 13 of the same land
credit facility granted against the security of the property and containing in extent of Twelve Perches (0A., 0R., 12P.)
and premises morefully in the Schedule hereto mortgaged according to the said Plan No. 2877 and registered at Matara
and hypothecated by the Mortgage Bond No. 6416 dated District Land Registry under reference A 704/40.
21st June 2021 attested by W S Paranamana, Notary
Public of Matara in favour of Sampath Bank PLC holding Together with the right of way marked Lot 15 (6m wide)
Company Registration No. PQ 144 and having its Registered
depicted in the said Plan No. 2877.
Office at No. 110, Sir James Peiris Mawatha, Colombo 02
aforesaid and there is now due and owing on the said Bond
bearing No. 6416 to Sampath Bank PLC aforesaid as at 26th By order of the Board,
October, 2023 a sum of Rupees Seven Million Four Hundred
and Ninety Five Thousand Seven Hundred and Twelve and Company Secretary.
Cents Thirty Two only (Rs. 7,495,712.32) of lawful money
of Sri Lanka being the total amount outstanding on the 01-38/5
I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

SAMPATH BANK PLC Hundred only (Rs. 896,600.00) at the rate of Fifteen
(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited) decimal Five per centum (15.5%) per annum and further
interest on a sum of Rupees Thirty Two Million Two
Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors Hundred and Forty Thousand only (Rs. 32,240,000.00) at
of Sampath Bank PLC under Section 04 of the the rate of Fifteen decimal Five per centum (15.5%) per
Recovery of Loans by Banks ( Special Provisions) annum from 26th October, 2023 to date of satisfaction
Act, No. 04 of 1990 amended by No. 01 of 2011 of the total debt due upon the said Bonds bearing
and No. 19 of 2011 Nos. 2148, 2792 and 2794 together with costs of
advertising and other charges incurred less payments (if
G. R. P. L. Gamlath. any) since received.
A/C No. : 0033 5002 4572.
At a meeting held on 30.11.2023 by the Board of Directors
of Sampath Bank PLC it was resolved specially and 1. All that divided and defmed allotment of land marked
unanimously: Lot 01 depicted in Plan No. 762 dated 27th November,
2011 made by Prasanna Rodrigo, Licensed Surveyor of
Whereas Gamlath Ralalage Pradeep Lasantha the land called “Pahalamulle Watta” together with the soil,
Gamlath in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri trees, plantations, buildings and everything else standing
Lanka as the Obligor has made default in the repayment thereon situated at Delgamuwa Village in Grama Niladhari
of the credit facilities granted against the security of the Division of Delgamuwa within the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits
property and premises morefully in the Schedule hereto and Divisional Secretariat Division of Kuruwita in Uda
mortgaged and hypothecated by the Mortgage Bond Pattu South of Kuruwiti Korale in the District of Ratnapura
Nos. 2148 dated 07th October, 2015, 2792 and 2794 Sabaragamuwa Province and which said Lot 01 is bounded
both dated 19th September, 2017 all attested by K. L. on the North by Part of this Land & Reservation along the
M. D. Kithsiri, Notary Public of Ratnapura in favour Road on the East by Reservation along the Road & Lot 01
of Sampath Bank PLC holding Company Registration in plan No. 687 of RA Chandrasiri Licensed Surveyor on
No. PQ 144 and having its Registered Office at No. 110, Sir the South by Lot 01 in plan No. 687 & Kuruganga and on
James Peiris Mawatha, Colombo 02 aforesaid and there is the West by Kuru Ganga & Part of this Land and containing
now due and owing on the said Bonds bearing Nos. 2148, in extent Twenty Four Decimal Five Perches (0A., 0R.,
2792 and 2794 to Sampath Bank PLC aforesaid as at 25th 24.5P.) according to the said Plan No. 762 and registered in
October, 2023 a sum of Rupees Fifty Six Million Five H 85/108 at the Land Registry Ratnapura.
Hundred and Sixty Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety
One and Cents Thirty Eight only (Rs. 56,560,891.38) 2. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
of lawful money of Sri Lanka being the total amount Lot A depicted in Plan No. 5463 dated 18th June, 2014
outstanding on the said Bonds and the Board of Directors (surveyed on 01st June, 2014) made by H. P. S. Rajapaksha
of Sampath Bank PLC aforesaid under the powers vested Licensed Surveyor of the land called “Paradise Estate”
by the Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) together with the soil, trees, plantations, buildings and
Act, No. 04 of 1990 do hereby resolve that the property everything else standing thereon situated at Walandura
and premises morefully described in the Schedule hereto Village in Grama Niladhari Division of No. 154A -
mortgaged to Sampath Bank PLC aforesaid as security for Kahengama within the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits and
the said credit facilities by the said Bonds bearing Nos. Divisional Secretariat Division of Kuruwita in Uda
2148, 2792 and 2794 to be sold in public auction by N. South Pattu of Kuruwita Korale in the District of
U. Jayasuriya, Licensed Auctioneer of Colombo for the Ratnapura Sabaragamuwa Province aforesaid and which
recovery of the said sum of Rupees Fifty Six Million Five said Lot A is bounded on the North by Lot 13 in plan
Hundred and Sixty Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety No. 1647 on the East by Part of same Land on the South
One and Cents Thirty Eight only (Rs. 56,560,891.38) by Stream and Lot 15 in plan No. 1647 on the West by
of lawful money of Sri Lanka together with further Colombo - Rathanapura High way and containing in extent
interest on a sum of Rupees Twenty Million only One Rood & Thirty Five Perches (0A., 1R., 35P.) according
(Rs. 20,000,000.00) at the rate of Twenty Three per to the said Plan No. 5463 and registered in H 92/ 22 at the
centum (23%) per annum, further interest on a sum of Land Registry Rathnapura.
Rupees Four Hundred Thousand only (Rs. 400,000.00)
at the rate of Twelve per centum (12%) per annum, By order of the Board,
further interest on a sum of Rupees Eight Hundred and
Fifty Thousand only (Rs. 850,000.00) at the rate of Ten Company Secretary.
per centum (10%) per annum, further interest on a sum
of Rupees Eight Hundred and Ninety Six Thousand Six 01-38/6
30 I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05


THE Weekly issue of the Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is normally published on
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The Schedule

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january 05.01.2024 Friday — 22.12.2023 Friday 12 noon

12.01.2024 Friday –– 29.12.2023 Friday 12 noon
19.01.2024 Friday –– 05.01.2024 Friday 12 noon
26.01.2024 Friday –– 12.01.2024 Friday 12 noon

february 02.02.2024 Friday — 19.01.2024 Friday 12 noon

09.02.2024 Friday –– 26.01.2024 Friday 12 noon
16.02.2024 Friday –– 02.02.2024 Friday 12 noon
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march 01.03.2024 Friday — 16.02.2024 Friday 12 noon

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28.03.2024 Thursday –– 15.03.2024 Friday 12 noon

Gangani Liyanage,
Government Printer.
Department of Government Printing,
Colombo 08,
01st January, 2024.

Printed at the Department of Government Printing, Sri Lanka.

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