TCL Training Day 1
TCL Training Day 1
TCL Training Day 1
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1. Types & Applications of compressors- Basic
requirements to design a compressor
2. Key parameters in API 614 - 617 standards
3. Divers for centrifugal compressors and Machine
4. Thermodynamics & working principle of a
centrifugal compressor- Performance curves
5. Constructional features of centrifugal compressors
What is a Centrifugal Compressor
What is a compressor?
A device used to pump compressible fluids ( mostly Gases)
from lower pressures to higher pressures
What is a Pump ?
Device used to pump incompressible fluids (mostly liquids)
from lower pressures to higher pressures.
What is the difference between blower and a compressor?
According to API 617, pressure rise below 0.35 bar is a
blower and above 0.35 bar is a compressor
Types of Compressors
Spl. appls.
Application Range
Discharge Pressure Psia 105
Fluidised catalytic cracking
Main air blowers & Wet gas service
Hydro cracker Unit
High pr. H2 recycle
DHDS/DHDT- Low pr. H2 recycle for ‘Sulphur’ recovery
Lube Oil production- Low pressure Inert gas (N2)
Compressors Domains
Power sector
NG boosters for GTs Reciprocating/Centrifugal
City gas Centrifugal
Gas gathering stations Centrifugal
Industrial applications.
Integrally geared
Alternate selection feasibility to be evaluated
Selecting right type of machine
Alternative to higher capacity axial compressors can be
obtained from parallel streams of centrifugal
compressors or double flow compressors which
provides a good turndown ratio and a good surge /
choke margin.
Several smaller RC units can be combined into one
medium or large size centrifugal machine which
provides good reliability and smoother operation
A conventional centrifugal machine can be replaced by
a high efficiency integrally geared unit with lower cost
which provides an energy efficient and cost economic
solution. Integrally geared machines are best suited for
certain applications like plant air compressors
Selecting right type of machine
Selection of type of coolers based on availability of
cooling water.
- Air cooled heat exchangers
- Gas to gas exchangers
- Water cooled exchangers
Selection between a barrel and cast casing compressor is
made based on gas type.Barrel is used for higher pressures
and hydrogen rich gases.
Type of mounting to be decided by buyer , Floor mounted
for GT applications or on RCC framed OH Platform for ST
driven units.
Basic Data Required for Selection
Capacity Kg/hr or Nm3/hr or am3/hr at suction Condition
Suction Pressure, Suction Temperature
Discharge pressure & Temperature ( if any limitation )
Side streams, extractions and injections,if any
Gas composition (presence of moisture H2S , Chlorides,
Special gas characteristics like polymerisation
Off-design performance requirements like regeneration,
sulphiding , turndown conditions, EOR,SOR etc.
Specify Driver, process steam parameters if ST is a driver
Utilities like cooling water, steam, N2, Electrical supply
Vendor Data Requirements
Process Requirements Specified
Thermodynamic /process data for the compressor and
its driver. Specify guaranteed points and envelop of
compressor intended operation,
P&I diagram defining the process loop. Specify Process
requirements like injections, extractions location of
knock out drums, anti-surge loops. (in closed loop
systems like recycle compressors), instrumentation,
Control philosophy and process interactions
Operational convenience: Capacity control,
performance control, parallel operation and load sharing
Control philosophy
Total plant control philosophy
Anti surge philosophy and basic control law requires
from process side.
Type of capacity control best suited for the customers
operational controls.
Converge on alarms and trips from safety of process
and selection of PLC/ equipment
Interaction with Plant DCS / MCR
Area classification as per NEC or IEC
Simulation philosophy and Hazop studies
Layout plot plan & General arrangements
Purchaser shall specify the area and utilities available for
the proposed plant.
Compressor vendor shall give a plot plan and general
arrangement of various equipments , auxiliaries and piping.
Vendor will draw his plant utilities from a common battery
limit and will furnish estimates for the utility consumptions
to purchaser.
Compressor suction and discharge parameters are also
generally specified at Battery limits.
Vendor shall give the weights of all the equipments dynamic
foundation loads.
Considering the erection and maintenance weights crane
capacity is decided.
Type of Bid required
API 617 Defines all the rotor dynamic studies required for
Lateral critical speed analysis,
Damped unbalance response analysis
Shop verification of unbalance response test
Stability analysis
Torsional Analysis.
Balancing requirements
Campbell diagram
Tests on compressors
Tests on Compressors
Mandatory & Optional shop tests.
Mandatory tests: Optional tests:
Hydraulic test of casings Helium leak test
Impeller over speed Tests Sound level test
Mechanical Running Test Performance test
Static seal test Auxiliary equipment test
Gas leak test Post test inspection of
Shop verification of the compressor
unbalance response Full pressure, full speed
Rotor Insensitivity test and full load test
In addition to the shop tests, it is a common practice to
ask for site performance test or a 72 hour site running
API 614 specifies basic rules
Design, manufacture of
lubrication and sealing systems
Compressors, Steam turbines & gearboxes.
API 614
General Requirements Section of API 614 provides users
of information relative to oil or gas definitions, filter
performance and oil system cleanliness testing
Special Purpose Oil systems provide guidelines on
Base plates
Oil Reservoirs, Pumps and Drivers
Coolers, Filters and Transfer Valves
Accumulators , Overhead Tanks
Essential components of Lube oil System
1.2 Base plates
1.3 Oil Reservoirs
1.4 Pumps & Drivers
1.5 Coolers
1.6 Filters
1.7 Transfer valves
1.8 Accumulators
1.9 Overhead tanks
1.10 seal oil drain traps
1.11 Degassing tanks
API 613 Gear Boxes
Gear boxes are generally of following classification
Single helical /double helical
Horizontal or Vertical offset
Speed increasing / speed reducing
Gear box shall be rated for the driver rating, for electric
motor driven units it shall be 110% of motor rating.
Gear teeth hardening is done by two or more methods.
This is as per practice of individual manufacturers , i.e.
Case carburising, Nitriding and Through hardening
Service factors for the sizing of gear teeth is based on
driver 1.4 for Motor driven , 1.6 for ST driven.
API 613 Gear Boxes
Steam Turbines
Electric Motors
Gas Turbines
Steam Turbines-Design Considerations
Steam Turbines use the thermal energy contained in steam
to deliver the power required. Steam is supplied from
either process plant steam from exothermic reaction or
steam produced in a boiler
Steam turbine is selected as a driver, when there is
abundant process steam available in a plant like
fertilizers or refineries. This is also considered as a
suitable driver, when many operating conditions are to
be satisfied and client likes to have a direct drive and a
gearbox can be eliminated
Steam turbine Types
Condensing Turbines Back pressure turbines
Straight condensing Back pressure Turbines
Extraction condensing Extraction back pressure turbines
Steam Turbines
Steam turbines are well suited as prime movers for driving
pumps, compressors, and other rotating equipment. This
service generally calls for a backpressure or extraction/
condensing steam turbine. The LP steam turbine exhaust is
available for feed water heating, and process
Steam turbine drives are equipped with throttling valves or
speed governors to modulate steam flow and achieve
variable speed operation. The steam turbine drive is thus
capable of serving the same function as an induction motor
coupled to an inverter or adjustable speed drive.
Steam turbine drives can operate over a broad speed range
and do not fail when overloaded. They also exhibit the
high starting torque required for constant torque loads
such as positive displacement pumps.
Steam Turbines
Steam Turbines are available for power ratings required
for most of the compressors operating envelop.
Power ratings of 1 to 50 Mw for Back pressure turbines
and 2 to 100 Kw for Condensing turbines are available,
and turbine speeds match the compressor requirements.
Steam turbine performance is expressed in terms of
isentropic efficiency or heat rate Kcal/hr/Kw. Steam
consumption rates are given in terms of tons/hour.
Steam turbines provide fast, reliable starting capability
and are particularly adaptable for direct connection to
equipment that rotates at high speeds. Steam turbine
drives may be installed for continuous duty under severe
operating conditions.
Back Pressure Turbines
Back pressure turbines are used as mechanical or
generators drivers. In industrial plant applications they
are installed between two steam pressure levels. The
exhaust steam is generally used for plant requirements.
This turbine design is particularly suitable for injecting or
extracting steam at intermediate pressure.
The best turbine efficiency and the injection / extraction
requirements are satisfied by adjustment of the number
of blades before /after extraction.
Condensing turbines
Courtesy : GE website
Electric Motors
Electric Motor is selected when there is only one fixed
speed operation required when steam /gas is not available
The two most common electric motors used for gas
compressor drives are AC synchronous and asynchronous or
induction motors.
The following possibilities exist.
Variable frequency drive (VFD) with electric motor
driving the compressor directly or though a gearbox.
Constant speed motor across-the-line with a variable
speed gearbox, using a variable speed hydraulic drive.
Constant speed motor across-the-line driving the
compressor at motor speed or through a gearbox.
Advantages of Electric Motor drive
Electric motor drives are very competitive and offer
significant advantages against gas/Steam turbines.
Electric drives have lower capital cost, higher efficiency,
higher availability and lower maintenance cost.
An electric drive with its relatively simple design requires
less maintenance than gas turbines ,which have many hot
gas path and wearing parts.
The start-up procedure for electric motors is much
simpler than for gas turbines and thus electric drives are
much more flexible.
Electric drives are beneficial from an environmental point
of view.
Arrangement of machines
Arrangement of ST+ C1 + Gear Box + C2+ C3
Driver + Steam or Gas turbine
Integrally geared compressor Integrally geared compressor
Impellers on either side of Bull gear Impellers on one side of Bull gear
Parallel flow, suction in ends Series flow (basic compressor)
Parallel flow, suction in center Series flow, one intercooler
Series flow, 2 intercoolers Series flow, 1 intercooler
Suction at ends
Series flow, 1 intercooler Series flow, with double flow
Large air compressor inlet and side stream
Thermodynamics - Centrifugal Compressors
Gas properties
Relative humidity & gas molecular weight
Perfect Gas Behavior
Compression Processes
Entropy, Enthalpy, Compressibility
Principle of compressor working
Working cycle of compressor
The Euler Turbo machinery Equation
Gas Laws and Gas properties
Gas - Compressors handle gases with different
behaviors. Some are ideal gasses like Air, N2 and the
other real gasses like Ammonia ,CO2 and mixture of
gases like hydrocarbons. The ideal gas law is often used
as the first order description of any gas
Ideal Gas - Although no gas is truly ideal, many gasses
follow the ideal gas law very closely at sufficiently low
pressures. The ideal gas law was originally determined
empirically . It is an equation of state that relates the
thermodynamic variables of pressure, temperature,
volume and number of molecules to one another.
Gas Laws and Gas properties
Ideal Gas :
Boyle Law: The gas volume varies inversely with the
pressure. In mathematical form, this can be stated as
p1 /p2 = V2/V1 or simply pV=Constant
Charles law defines linear relationships for Volumes and
temperatures V1/V2= T1/T2
Real Gases – One of the equations of state for a real gas
is written as р/ρRT = z( T, р ) where
p = abs. pressure , T = abs. temperature, ρ = Gas density
z = Compressibility factor, n = moles, R = ideal gas const.
Units used in Engg calculations
Flow Qn (Nm3 / hr) or G ( KG / hr ) or Qs (SM3/hr)
Nm3/hr represents volume flow at m3/hr at NTP
conditions of P = 1.033 kg/cm2a , T = 2730 K
Sm3/hr represents volume flow at m3/hr at Standard
conditions of P = 1.033 kg/cm2a , T = 2880 K
am3/hr represents volume flow in m3/hr at actual
suction conditions Pressure and Temperatures
Mass flow rate relates to G Kg/hr = Qn * MW / 22.414
As per Avagadros formula
Pressure Kg/cm2 a / bar / kPa / N/m2
Temperatures Deg C 0r Deg K
Gas Behavior
An Ideal Gas is one which obeys Boyle's Law and Charles'
Law exactly
The Ideal Gas Law is an equation of state for a gas, which
describes the relationship among the four variables
Temperature, Pressure, Volume, and moles of gas (n).
The mathematical form of the Ideal Gas Law is:
PV = nRT and n = m/MW, Where:
P – pressure , V – volume, and T - temperature
n - number of moles , m – mass and MW – Mol. Weight
R - ideal gas constant.
The moles of a gas is: n = m / MW
Where m is the mass of the gas, and MW is mol. weight.
Universal Gas Constant - Ru
2 PV= NkBT
1 W
V2 V2 V1 V
V1 V
Technical design areas
Thermodynamic Calculations
• Gas properties for gas mixtures
• Compressor performance prediction Design / Off design.
• Aerodynamic design of 3D impellers
• Internal gas leakage and seal performance
Mechanical Design
• Strength calculations for all compressor components.
• Sizing of couplings, bearings, seals
Rotor Dynamics
• Evaluation of critical speeds, Unbalance response
Stability analysis & Torsional analysis.
How a centrifugal compressor works ?
Centrifugal compressor is a dynamic type of compressor
where the pressure rise is accomplished by a transfer of
dynamic energy from the rotor to the gas.
Velocity is imparted from moving wheel to gas in the
impeller and Velocity is converted to pressure in the
The unconverted kinetic energy at the impeller exit is
converted further to pressure energy in diffusers.
For a given pressure ratio, more head is required to
compress a low molecular weight gas.
Increasing speed imparts higher kinetic energy, which can
raise the gas to higher pressure. Basic Fan laws give an
idea of the relations of various compressor parameters.
Euler’s Theorem
According to a form of Euler's fluid dynamics equation,
known as " Pump and Turbine equation," the energy
input to the unit mass of fluid passing through a channel
is equal to the product of variation of momentum of the
fluid between inlet and outlet and its angular speed.
Diffuser : the recovery of kinetic energy from diffuser inlet to diffuser exit
Δhu = ( C3 ^2 – C4 ^2 ) /2g*J
and Δhu = Cp * ΔT
Once ΔT is evaluated, pressure and other gas properties at the end of
diffuser can be estimated
Step 4.Analytical approach to stage design
Pressures , temperatures and gas properties are evaluated
for discharge conditions and used as input data for the
next impeller design. The process is repeated for the
number of stages envisaged in the machine till desired
discharge pressure is achieved.
Depending on the flow coefficient , right type of
impeller is selected from the right family of impellers. The
standard family of impellers are stored in the order of
As the gas is compressed from one casing to the other, the
flow coefficients get reduced and results in a more
narrow impeller. The entire process is automated and
performed by computer calculations
Impeller stages arranged in order of
flow coeff.
h s
Stage p
= Impeller +Diffuser
H-s diagram for stage design
C1 Q/2 Q/2
Q suc
Solution 1 Solution 2
Selection guidelines…. contd.
Limits on discharge temperatures
Natural gas limit to 130-150
Air and N2 compressors limit to 250 Deg C
Compressors with seals to 150 Deg C
No temperature rise to improve compressor efficiency.
If the temperatures exceed above, introduce an intercooler
If there is an intermediate injection, provide an outlet and an
intercooler and separator to facilitate ease of mixing
Arrange impellers back to back subject to 8 impellers per casing
Limit the tip speeds.
If there is presence of H2S or water vapor to 300 m/sec.
If the critical speeds are close to operating speeds
If the impeller stresses are higher than the material capability.
Design Inputs
Let us examine selection and sizing of a compressor having the
following parameters.
Barometer reading
Ps = 1.00 ata @ flange Ts = 45 Deg C
Pf = 8.5 ata @ flange td = ?
Flow rate 10000 Nm3 / hr
Medium air with 100 % relative humidity
To arrive at the following data
Casing size
Impeller diameter & Number of impellers
Number of Phases
Power consumption
Discharge temperatures
P1 = 1.00 ata T1 = 30 Deg C
P2 = 8.00 ata , Capacity 5000 m3/hr, Medium = air
Selection 1 Motor driven compressor
N 6500 rpm - 8 stages size 600 mm power 1.5Mw ,
Efficiency 78% cost 1 m $
Selection 2 Turbine driven compressor
N 6500 rpm 8 stages size 600 mm power 1.5Mw,
Efficiency 78% cost 1.5 m$
Selection 3 Integrally geared compressor
Pinion 1 Speed 16500 rpm 2 stages size 300 mm
Pinion 2 Speed 24000 rpm 2 stages size 200 mm
Total power power 1.2Mw , Efficiency 82 % cost 0.5 m$
Compressor selection - Examples
Understanding performance curves
Operation range of a centrifugal compressor
Influence of Different gas composition on compressor
Performance curves
The performance curves will bring out the’ expected ‘
performance of the machine throughout the entire
operating speed zone from Minimum governing speed to
maximum continuous speed and trip speed whenever
Curves are drawn for
Discharge Pressure Vs. Suction capacity
Shaft power Vs Suction capacity
Polytropic efficiency Vs. Suction capacity
Polytropic Head Vs Suction capacity
Performance curves are drawn with fixed suction
conditions for the entire capacity zone within which the
machine operation is feasible.
Design & Guarantee points.
The operating point that demands lowest shaft power or
highest efficiency and optimized compressor design is a
design point.
Out of many such design points with varying efficiencies,
the one customer chooses to operate continuously and
marked for guarantee is a guarantee point.
The highest speed demanded by the compressor among
various operating conditions is termed as 100% speed.
Driver over speed and impeller over speed are always
referred to this 100% speed.
Compressor performance Curve
85% N
Other Operating points
Compressor behavior for various operating points A, B,C and F
Consider ‘D ‘ design operating point
B Represents maximum flow 136% under constant pressure. This is
possible by increasing speed to 100%
A Represents minimum flow 58% under constant pressure. This is
possible by reducing speed to 85%
C Represents an intermediate flow of 82% under constant discharge
pressure by reducing speed to 90%
F Represents a maximum head situation under design flow. This is
possible by increasing speed to 100% which is a threshold of
operation . Also the turbine rated speed.
The performance is shown for 110% speed in the curve a required by
API but the machine can not run at this speed as it is known as
turbine trip speed. Any other operating point like E can be achieved
based on the system resistance within the speed domain of the
Design Performance Curves
ST / Gas Turbine drivers
Curves are drawn for Design Point speed, Rated point
speed , 100% speed , Minimum Gov. Speed and in steps
of10% between min and max speeds.
If the machine is a ST driven, Normal operating point
becomes design point and performance of the machine is
verified for Rated point
Required margins are provided for ST rated point as
envisaged in API
Identify the prohibited operating speeds ,if any, from
the Torsional and lateral critical speed point of view.
Design Performance Curves
Electric Motors
The worst operating point demanding highest head,
highest flow and lowest molecular weight and highest
inlet temperatures is decided as design point
The speed corresponding to this design point is
considered for the Gear Box pinion speed. All other
lower operating points are met by suction throttling.
As an energy conservative alternative, any of these
points are achieved by employing Fluid Coupling or VFD
controllers, wherever provided.
Performance curve
Best performance curve is one
It has good surge and choke margins and has a good
turndown ratio including for operation at 100% speed.
Which is flat and less sensitive to fluctuation in flow.
Where adequate speed and power margins are provided
to take care of fluctuation in inlet specified parameters
Which represents longer and continuous operation
Normal and Rated points.
Adequate margins for Surge & max. Capacity lines are
drawn at left & right of curves respectively
Understanding performance curves
Process system operating pressure and system pressure drop
strongly influence compressor capacity.
Suction pressure changes have a much larger influence on
compressor capacity due to their effect gas density
Increasing compressor suction pressure and reducing
discharge pressure will increase compressor capacity.
Reducing System pressure drop at compressor suction and
discharge need to be identified to increase the flow rate
through the compressor.
The curve is flat near the surge point and becomes steeper as
flow is increased. Hence, small head changes near the surge
point cause a large increase in compressor capacity.
As compressor operation moves toward stonewall, decreasing
head has less influence on inlet flow rate as the curve slope
Performance curves - Machine health
Observation Reason Result
Operating point Flow rate increase due to Reduction in discharge Pressure
shifting to right 1. Fall in syst. Resistance which needs speeding up
2. Heavy internal leakages Increase in discharge temperatures
shows recycling.
Operating point Flow rate fall due to Increase in Discharge Pressure
shifting to the left 1. Rise in syst. Resistance which needs speed reduction
2. Increase in inlet temp.
Operating point 1. Rise in syst. Resistance Increase in Discharge pressure +
Raising above 2. Increase in gas density. flow rate + shaft power
design point 3. Reduction in let temp.
Operating point 1. Blockage, Drop in Disch. Pr and capacity,
Falling below design 2. Gas density reduction Blockage of passages results in
point 3. Inlet temp rise. reduction in power also.
increase in power 1. Drop in inlet temp and maintain inlet temp and flow
consumption speeding up rates. If the leakages are to heavy
2. Increase in flow rate and as a consequence of a surge,
speeding up inspect the internals
3. Heavy int. leakages
Operating range
In a multi stage compressor train identifying surge and choke for the
train is a complex.
Every impeller has a surge and choke based on the blade geometry of
the impeller selected.
When an impeller is selected for an application with an optimum
flow rating, the subsequent impellers will have to be of lower and
lower capacity to have clear surge margin.
The train surge margin will be dictated by the most narrower of the
train . When one of the impellers of the train experiences surge, all
next impellers will follow and the machine collapses to surge.
If an intermediate impeller has reached choke margin, it will not
have design pressure rising capability in addition to limiting flow,
with the result that next impeller will see its surge point.
As the number of impellers in a machine are large, the train will
have a smaller operating range limited by either of the impellers.
Operating range
In a multi stage compressor train identifying surge and choke for the
train is a complex. Every impeller has a surge and choke based on
the blade geometry of the impeller selected.
When an impeller is selected for an application with an optimum
flow rating, the subsequent impellers will have to be of lower and
lower capacity to have clear surge margin.
Even when individual impellers have good surge and choke margins,
the resulting train surge margin will be reduced and dictated by
factors like gas mol.wt., speed & number of impellers.
First impeller should not go into surge and last one should not go
into choke. When one of the impellers of the train experiences
surge, all next impellers will follow and the machine collapses to
surge. If an intermediate impeller has reached choke margin, it will
not have design pressure rising capability in addition to limiting flow,
with the result that next impeller will see its surge point.
As the number of impellers in a machine are large, the train will
have a smaller operating range limited by either of the impellers.
Operating range
AI 1st stage impeller , AII 2nd stage impeller, AIII 3rd stage impeller
Internal Leakages & Fouling
Compressor Components
• Stator
•Casing, Nozzles, Casing • Journal bearing
• Thrust bearing
•Counter casing • Shaft end Oil Seals
•End covers (head flange)
•Shaft seals rings
• Rotor
• Impellers
• Spacers
• Balance drum
• Thrust collar
• Couplings
Various gas path components