Basic 2 Workbook Unit 10

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Basic 2 Unit 10

Unit 10


a. Complete the sentences with the correct hobbies below.

baking • biking • horseback riding • sewing • collecting

1. I really enjoy _________________ because I love being around animals.

2. I am taking a _________________ class so I can learn how to make cookies.

3. Do you sell albums for stamp _________________ ?

4. We enjoy outdoor activities like _________________ in the park.

5. Sarah loves making clothes. She is always doing _________________ projects.

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Basic 2 Unit 10

b. Put the words below into the correct category by writing them in the correct column.

build • climb • collect • crafts • hobby • horse • interesting • jewelry • make

old • outdoor • special

Nouns Adjectives Verbs

(We use nouns to talk (We use adjectives to (We use verbs to talk about
about things.) describe things.) actions.)

c. Do you enjoy doing any of the activities from activity a? Why or why not? Discuss
with a partner.

U-Do Hobby Shop

a. Do you remember the poster for the U-Do Hobby Shop? Which supplies are these
people looking for? Choose from the list below and write your answers in the space
provided. There are more words than you need.

arts and crafts • baking • jewelry making • model building • sewing

1. Igor enjoys making all types of desserts. ________________________

2. Luciana is looking for different kinds of beads and string to make necklaces,
earrings and bracelets. ________________________
3. Janice spends her free time making clothes from different types of fabric. ________
4. Mark plans to build a model airplane this weekend. _________________________

b. Think of an idea for an in-store event for the U–Do Hobby Shop and write a short ad
for it.

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Basic 2 Unit 10

Plans for the Weekend

a. How well do you remember the video from the computer lesson? Which of these
activities do Alex and Kara discuss?

Going out for ice cream
Rock climbing
Horse riding
Going to a concert
Bike riding
Going to a baking class

b. Alex and Kara decide to go out a second time. Again, they have trouble deciding
what to do. Match the activity with the reason why they can’t do that activity.

Activity Reason
1. Going out for ice cream _____ a. There are no show times that work.
2. Hiking _____ b. The gym is closed.
3. Going to see a movie _____ c. Alex doesn’t eat dairy foods.
4. Indoor rock climbing _____ d. Kara heard it may rain.

c. You and a friend are trying to decide what to do this weekend. Write a dialogue
between you and your friend. Use the dialogue from the computer lesson to help you.

You: ___________________________________________________
Your Friend: ___________________________________________________
You: ___________________________________________________
Your Friend: ___________________________________________________
You: ___________________________________________________
Your Friend: ___________________________________________________

d. Practice your dialogue with a partner.

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Basic 2 Unit 10

What Do You Do in Your Spare Time?

a. How well do you remember the dialogue from the computer lesson? Number the
sentences in the correct order.

a. Let’s go together some time!

b. Well, I enjoy hiking.
c. I like outdoor activities the most.
d. Me, too! Do you ever go rock climbing?
e. What do you like to do in your spare time?
f. Sure. I love rock climbing!
g. What kind of outdoor activities?

b. Molly and Nate went rock climbing together. Complete their online chat using the
words below.
bike • hiking • outdoors • Rock climbing

Nate: I had a really good time yesterday!

Molly: So did I! 1. ___________ is so exciting!

Nate: Yes, I love being 2. _____________!

Molly: Maybe next weekend we can go 3. ___________.

Nate: Sure. Or we could go 4. _________ riding.

Molly: Both of those activities sound great to me!

c. Together with a partner, take turns reading the completed online chat from activity
b. Then, continue the conversation.

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Basic 2 Unit 10

Why It’s Important to Have a Hobby

a. The article in the computer lesson mentions many reasons why hobbies are good
for you. Read what people say about their hobbies, and match the reasons to the
most suitable statement.

What people say about hobbies:

1. “I was always worrying about work while I was at home. I started painting and I
love it! It really relaxes me.” ___
2. “I play chess once a week with my neighbor. The game really helps me think in
new ways.” ___
3. “I met my best friend at a jewelry making workshop three years ago. We both
really enjoy making our own jewelry, and we still go together to workshops.” ___
4. “I didn’t always enjoy swimming. I felt I wasn’t a strong enough swimmer. But
then I took swimming lessons and now I am a really strong swimmer! I go
swimming twice a week.” ___
5. “Baking has always been my favorite hobby. My friend told me that I should
open a bakery. Well, I did! Now my hobby is my new business!” ___
6. “My friends aren’t always able to get together on the weekends. To keep myself
busy, I teach myself to play new songs on my guitar.” ___

Reasons why hobbies are important:

a. Hobbies keep your mind active.

b. People with hobbies don’t get bored.
c. Hobbies are good for your mood.
d. Hobbies can help you make new friends.
e. Hobbies help you feel confident.
f. Hobbies create new opportunities.

b. Tell your partner about your hobbies and why they are important to you.

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Basic 2 Unit 10

Interesting Hobbies
a. In this lesson you heard about people’s hobbies. Match the activity in column B with
the name of the person from the podcast in column A.

1. Jenna… ___ a. plays the guitar.
2. Dave… ___ b. sings.
3. Charlotte… ___ c. goes horseback riding.
4. Tony… ___ d. flips furniture.
5. Angel… ___ e. plays piano.

b. The following sentences are false. Correct them to make them true, according to the

1. Furniture flipping is a type of sport.

2. Playing piano is a good hobby for people who enjoy being outdoors.
3. I’m in a family band. I play the guitar, and my brother rides horses.
4. You don’t need anyone to help you learn to ride a horse.

c. Interview a friend with an unusual hobby. Complete the conversation.

You: What’s your favorite hobby?

Friend: I enjoy... ___________________________________________________.
You: Really? I do like... ______________________________________________.
Friend: __________________________________________________________.
You: __________________________________________________________.
Friend: __________________________________________________________.

d. Take turns with a partner reading the conversation you wrote in activity c. Did you
choose any of the same hobbies?

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