Scripts Procedures Functions2023 11 14
Scripts Procedures Functions2023 11 14
SQL Scripts
In programming, scripts are the series of commands (sequence of instructions) or a program that will be executed
in another program rather than by the computer processor (compiled programs are executed by computer
processor –> please notice that the script is not compiled).
Same stands for SQL scripts. The only thing that is specific is that commands in such scripts are SQL
commands. And these commands could be any combination of DDL (Data Definition Language) or DML (Data
Manipulation Language) commands. Therefore, you could change the database structure (CREATE, ALTER,
DROP objects) and/or change the data (perform INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE commands).
It’s desired that you use scripts, especially when you’re deploying a new version and you want to keep current
data as they were before that change.
SQL Script – Comment
Indicates user-provided text. Comments can be inserted on a separate line, nested at the end of a Transact-SQL
command line, or within a Transact-SQL statement. The server does not evaluate the comment.
-- text_of_comment or
*/ text.....
• Assigning a name. The name must have a single @ as the first character.
• Assigning a system-supplied or user-defined data type and a length. For numeric variables, a precision
and scale are also assigned. For variables of type XML, an optional schema collection may be assigned.
• Setting the value to NULL.
For example, the following DECLARE statement creates a local variable named @mycounter with an int data
DECLARE @LastName NVARCHAR(30), @FirstName NVARCHAR(20), @StateProvince
The scope of a variable is the range of Transact-SQL statements that can reference the variable. The scope of a
variable lasts from the point it is declared until the end of the batch or stored procedure in which it is declared.
Setting a Value in a Transact-SQL Variable
When a variable is first declared, its value is set to NULL. To assign a value to a variable, use the SET
statement. This is the preferred method of assigning a value to a variable. A variable can also have a value
assigned by being referenced in the select list of a SELECT statement.
To assign a variable a value by using the SET statement, include the variable name and the value to assign to the
variable. This is the preferred method of assigning a value to a variable. The following batch, for example,
declares two variables, assigns values to them, and then uses them in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement:
USE AdventureWorks2014;
-- Declare two variables.
DECLARE @FirstNameVariable NVARCHAR(50),
@PostalCodeVariable NVARCHAR(15);
A variable can also have a value assigned by being referenced in a select list. If a variable is referenced in a
select list, it should be assigned a scalar value or the SELECT statement should only return one row. For
USE AdventureWorks2014;
SELECT @EmpIDVariable;
Creates a Transact-SQL or common language runtime (CLR) stored procedure in SQL Server, Azure SQL
Database, Parallel Data Warehouse and Parallel Data Warehouse. Stored procedures are similar to procedures in
other programming languages in that they can:
• Accept input parameters and return multiple values in the form of output parameters to the calling
procedure or batch.
• Contain programming statements that perform operations in the database, including calling other
• Return a status value to a calling procedure or batch to indicate success or failure (and the reason for
CREATE [ OR ALTER ] { PROC | PROCEDURE } [schema_name.] procedure_name
[ { @parameter data_type } [ NULL | NOT NULL ] [ = default ]
] [ ,... n ]
BEGIN ATOMIC WITH (set_option [ ,... n ] )
sql_statement [;] [ ... n ]
[ END ]
Creates a user-defined function in SQL Server and Azure SQL Database. A user-defined function is a Transact-
SQL or common language runtime (CLR) routine that accepts parameters, performs an action, such as a complex
calculation, and returns the result of that action as a value. The return value can either be a scalar (single) value
or a table. Use this statement to create a reusable routine that can be used in these ways:
• In Transact-SQL statements such as SELECT
• In applications calling the function
• In the definition of another user-defined function
• To parameterize a view or improve the functionality of an indexed view
• To define a column in a table
• To define a CHECK constraint on a column
• To replace a stored procedure
• Use an inline function as a filter predicate for a security policy
-- Transact-SQL Scalar Function Syntax
CREATE [ OR ALTER ] FUNCTION [ schema_name. ] function_name
( [ { @parameter_name [ AS ][ type_schema_name. ] parameter_data_type
[ = default ] [ READONLY ] }
[ ,...n ]
RETURNS return_data_type
[ WITH <function_option> [ ,...n ] ]
[ AS ]
RETURN scalar_expression
[ ; ]
BEGIN...END (Transact-SQL)
Encloses a series of Transact-SQL statements so that a group of Transact-SQL statements can be executed.
BEGIN and END are control-of-flow language keywords.
{ sql_statement | statement_block }
IF...ELSE (Transact-SQL)
Imposes conditions on the execution of a Transact-SQL statement. The Transact-SQL statement that follows an
IF keyword and its condition is executed if the condition is satisfied: the Boolean expression returns TRUE. The
optional ELSE keyword introduces another Transact-SQL statement that is executed when the IF condition is not
satisfied: the Boolean expression returns FALSE.
IF Boolean_expression
{ sql_statement | statement_block }
{ sql_statement | statement_block } ]
WHILE (Transact-SQL)
Sets a condition for the repeated execution of an SQL statement or statement block. The statements are executed
repeatedly as long as the specified condition is true. The execution of statements in the WHILE loop can be
controlled from inside the loop with the BREAK and CONTINUE keywords.
WHILE Boolean_expression
{ sql_statement | statement_block | BREAK | CONTINUE }