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Java Collections

The document discusses various Java collection framework classes like List, Set, Map and their implementations like ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet. It covers differences between collections like Vector vs ArrayList, HashMap vs Hashtable. It also discusses concepts like iterators, comparators.

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intissar Mhamdi
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0% found this document useful (0 votes)
11 views4 pages

Java Collections

The document discusses various Java collection framework classes like List, Set, Map and their implementations like ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet. It covers differences between collections like Vector vs ArrayList, HashMap vs Hashtable. It also discusses concepts like iterators, comparators.

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intissar Mhamdi
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1. Draw Collections Framework Class Diagram

interface Iterable
interface Collection extends Iterable
interfaces List, Queue, Set extend Collection
interface SortedSet extends Set
interface Map
interface SortedMap extends Map
classes ArrayList, Vector, Stack, LinkedList implement List
classes HashSet, LinkedHashSet implement Set
class TreeSet implements SortedSet
classes HashMap, WeakHashMap, LinkedHashMap implement Map
class TreeMap implements SortedMap
utility classes Collections and Arrays

2. What is HashMap and Map?

Map is an interface. Contains methods to manipulate Key-Value based

collections. The main methods of Map interface are put(K,V), get(K), Collection<V>
values(), Set<K> keySet(), containsKey(), containsValue()
HashMap is one of implementations of the Map interface based on hashcodes of
objects used as keys.

3. Difference between HashMap and HashTable? Can we make hashmap synchronized?

Both implement Map interface. HashTable is synchronized. It is recommended to

use HashMap wherever possible. HashTable doesn't allow null keys and values.
HashMap allows one null key and any number of null values.
We can make it synchronized
Map m = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());

4. Difference between Vector and ArrayList?

Both implement List interface. ArrayList is not synchronized.

5. What is an Iterator?

It is an interface that contains three methods: next(), boolean hasNext(),

void remove()
It allows to iterate over the collection
If the class implements iterator then it can be used in foreach loop

6. List vs Set vs Map. Purposes and definitions.

All three are interfaces.

List -- storing values in specified order. Provides methods to get the element
by its position get(i), finding element, ListIterator. Known implementations:
ArrayList, Vector, LinkedList. List should be used when the order in which the
elements are stored matters.

Set -- storing only different objects and at most one null element. Known
implementations: TreeSet (iterate over the elements in order defined by Comparator,
or if the elements implement comparable; provides log(n) performance for basic
operations), HashSet -- stores values in buckets defined by their hashcodes. Each
bucket is a singly linked list. Provides constant time performance for basic
operations. LinkedHashSet

Map -- for storing key-value pairs. Map cannot contain duplicate keys. Provides
three collection views: set of keys, collection of values, set of key-value
mappings. Know implementations HashMap, EnumMap, TreeMap, LinkedHashMap,

7. Pros and cons of ArrayList and LinkedList

ArrayList -- fast random access.

LinkedList -- slow random access. Implements Queue interface. Fast deletion of
the element.
If lots of random reads is anticipated use ArrayList.
If lots of iterations over the whole list and lots of add/delete -- use

8. TreeSet vs LinkedHashSet

LinkedHashSet is backed by LinkedHashMap. LinkedHashMap is backed by doubly

linked list to enforce ordering on the elements contained in the Map.
If the ordering of the elements in the Set matters to you but you don't want to
use a comparator you may use LinkedHashSet since it will enforce ordering in which
the elements were added to the set. Otherwise use TreeSet

9. What are relationships between equals and hash codes?

See in Java Basics.

10. What are the advantages of ArrayList over arrays ?

1. ArrayList comes with a number of utility methods (e.g. contains, remove,

2. Type safety
3. Dynamic sizing
On the other hand arrays are a little bit faster and take less memory
(packing). Arrays are also able to contain values of primitive types while
ArrayList can only contain Objects.

11. Principle of storing data in a hashtable

HashSet. add(element) -> element.hashCode() -> mod bucketsCount -> store

HashMap. add(key, value) -> key.hashCode() -> mod bucketsCount -> store(value)

12. Differences between Hashtable, ConcurrentHashMap and


ConcurrentHashMap allows concurrent modification of the Map from several

threads without the need to block them. Collections.synchronizedMap(map) creates a
blocking Map which will degrade performance, albeit ensure consistency (if used
Use the second option if you need to ensure data consistency, and each thread
needs to have an up-to-date view of the map. Use the first if performance is
critical, and each thread only inserts data to the map, with reads happening less

13. How are hash codes computed?

if hashCode() method is defined then it is called to calculate the hashcode
if its not defined the default implementation in Object class does the

public int hashCode() {

return VMMemoryManager.getIdentityHashCode(this);

14. Is it possible that hash code is not unique?

It's totally possible. Actually a totally valid hashCode() function could look
like this

int hashCode(){ return 57; }

15. Can we put two elements with equal hash code to one hash map?

Yes we can. The hashcode of objects doesn't matter. Only the hashcode of keys.
But even if you want to put keys with the same hashcode it will be ok since it just
means that key-value pairs will be put into the same bucket

16. Iterator and modification of a List. ConcurentModificationException.

The iterators returned by this class's iterator method are fail-fast: if the
set is modified at any time after the iterator is created, in any way except
through the iterator's own remove method, the iterator will throw a
ConcurrentModificationException. Thus, in the face of concurrent modification, the
iterator fails quickly and cleanly, rather than risking arbitrary, non-
deterministic behavior at an undetermined time in the future.

Note that the fail-fast behavior of an iterator cannot be guaranteed as it is,

generally speaking, impossible to make any hard guarantees in the presence of
unsynchronized concurrent modification. Fail-fast iterators throw
ConcurrentModificationException on a best-effort basis. Therefore, it would be
wrong to write a program that depended on this exception for its correctness: the
fail-fast behavior of iterators should be used only to detect bugs.

17. What is the significance of ListIterator? What is the difference b/w Iterator
and ListIterator?

ListIterator allows to perform iteration both ways (first-->last and last--

From JavaDoc: ListIterator is an iterator for lists that allows the programmer
to traverse the list in either direction, modify the list during iteration, and
obtain the iterator's current position in the list

18. What is the Collections API?

See above

19. How can we access elements of a collection?

Depends on the collection type. In general: using an iterator, getting by

index, getting by key, using iterator on a view

20. What’s the difference between a queue and a stack?

In Java Queue is an interface and has a number of implementations. Stack is a

class derieved from Vector class.
The Queue interface contains methods to enqueue and dequeue elements: offer(),
poll(). Also contains methods to see the first element in the queue: peek(). The
queue ordering is not neccessairly FIFO. It can be based on the comparator
The Stack contains methods to add and remove elements to/from a stack. If used
correctly enforces LIFO policy. Contains methods push(), pop(), peek(). The problem
with Java stack implementation is that it contains all the methods from Vector
class which can lead to violation of LIFO policy.

21. What is the Properties class?

Property class is designed to hold properties (i.e. pairs <String, String> --

property name (key) and property value). The two main methods of Properties class
is getProperty(String name) and setProperty(String name, String value). Properties
class extends HashTable

22. Which implementation of the List interface provides for the fastest insertion
of a new element into the middle of the list?

LinkedList. It only requires 4 assignments.

Before: ... <--> A <--> B <--> ...
After: ... <--> A <--> C <--> B <--> ... . A changes one reference, B changes
one reference, C assigns two references.

23. How can we use hashset in collection interface?

I'm not sure I understand this question fully. HashSet implements Set interface
which in turn extends the Collection interface. Thus HashSet is a valid class to be
used everywhere where Collection interface is required.

25. Can you limit the initial capacity of vector in java?

I'm not sure if limit is correct word to be used in this question. One can just
set the initial capacity of the Vector. Well you could say that you are putting
lower limit on the size of the Vector.

26. What method should the key class of Hashmap override?

equals() and hashCode().

27. What is the difference between Enumeration and Iterator?

Enumeration is an interface similar to Iterator. But it doesn't have remove()

method. Enumeration acts as Read-only interface, because it has the methods only to
traverse and fetch the objects, where as using Iterator we can manipulate the
objects also like adding and removing the objects

28. Collections class and Arrays class

The Collections class contains a number of factory methods for creating

unmodifiable views or synchronized wrappers of collections, as well as utility
methods such as sort, shuffle, reverse

The Arrays class contains a factory method that take an array as input and
return a List based on this array (Arrays.asList()). Also contains methods to sort,
search, fill and print arrays

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