HSE - Lecture Note 5
HSE - Lecture Note 5
Chemical Process Safety
Hazard Identification
Why? To identify hazards so that they can be
eliminated or controlled.
How? Using a number of available
Procedure in Simple Terms
1. What are the hazards?
2. What can go wrong and how?
3. How bad could if be?
4. How often could it happen?
5. What is the risk?
6. How do we control and manage this risk?
Non-scenario methods: Depends on the experience of the review team.
Scenario-Based Methods: Use predictive and analytical methods to define
the incident scenarios.
Scenario-Based Methods: Use predictive and analytical methods to define
the incident scenarios.
Scenario-Based Methods: Use predictive and analytical methods to define
the incident scenarios.
Process Example Hazard Typical Hazard Evaluation or Risk
Phase Identification/Evaluation Objectives Analysis Method
Research -Identify chemical reactions or Inherent safety review
and chemical incompatibilities that Relative ranking
development could cause runaway reactions, Preliminary hazard analysis
fires, explosions, or toxic gas
-Identify process safety data needs
for future analysis.
Conceptual -Select process technology based Inherent safety What-if
design on inherent safety. review What-
-Identify other opportunities for Checklist analysis if/checklist
inherent safety. Relative ranking Inherent
-Compare the hazards between Preliminary safety review
potential plant sites. hazard analysis LOPA
Pilot plant -Identify ways for hazardous Checklist analysis FMEA
materials to be released to the Preliminary Fault tree
environment. hazard analysis Event tree
-Identify ways a catalyst can be What-if Cause–
deactivated. What-if/checklist consequence
-Identify potentially hazardous HAZOP analysis
operator interfaces. LOPA
Process Example Hazard Typical Hazard Evaluation or
Phase Identification/Evaluation Objectives Risk Analysis Method
Detailed -Identify ways for a flammable mixture Inherent safety FMEA
engineering to form inside process equipment. review Fault tree
-Identify how a reportable spill might Checklist Event tree
occur. analysis Cause–
-Identify which process control Preliminary consequence
malfunctions will cause runaway hazard analysis
reactions. analysis QRA
-Identify ways to reduce hazardous What-if LOPA
material inventories. What- Bow-tie
-Evaluate whether designed if/checklist
safeguards are adequate to control HAZOP
process risks to required levels.
Construction -Identify error likely situations in the Safety review
and startup startup and operating procedures. Checklist analysis
-Verify that all issues from previous What-if
hazard evaluations were resolved What-if/checklist
satisfactorily and that no new issues
were introduced.
-Identify hazards that adjacent units
may create for construction and
maintenance workers. 12
Process Example Hazard Typical Hazard Evaluation or
Phase Identification/Evaluation Objectives Risk Analysis Method
Routine -Identify hazards associated with Inherent safety FMEA
operation operating procedures. review Fault tree
-Identify ways an overpressure Safety review Event tree
transient might occur. Checklist Cause–
-Update previous hazard evaluations analysis consequence
to account for operational experience. What-if analysis
-Identify hazards associated with out- What- QRA
of-service equipment. if/checklist LOPA
-Ensure that maintenance is done on HAZOP
time and safely. Bow-tie
Process -Identify whether changing the
feedstock composition will create any All methods
or plant new hazards or worsen existing ones.
expansion -Identify hazards associated with new
Decommissi -Identify how demolition work will affect Safety What-if
oning adjacent units. review What-if/checklist
-Identify any fire, explosion, or toxic Checklist
hazards associated with any residues analysis
left in the unit after shutdown.
Process Phase Example Hazard Typical Hazard Evaluation or
Identification/Evaluation Objectives Risk Analysis Method
Incident As required. What-if Event tree
investigation HAZOP Cause–
FMEA consequence
Fault tree analysis
Bow-tie QRA
Factors that Influence the Selection of a Method
Hazard and Operability Studies
Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP)
• HAZOP review done by a team of 5 to 10 people.
• Team leader must be trained.
• Procedure can generate 1000s of combinations.
• Need a method to keep track of issues considered.
• Need a management system to track action items.
• Procedure can take several months.
HAZOP Definitions
Node: A location on a process diagram at which process parameters are
investigated for deviations. Node examples are:
A pipeline transferring material between two units
A specific tank or vessel
Design intent: Defines how the system is expected to operate at the nodes. It
provides a point of reference for developing deviations.
Parameter: A characteristic of the process that describes it physically,
chemically, or in terms of what is happening:
Specific parameters: flow, temperature, pressure, etc.
General parameters: addition, reaction, maintenance, relief, etc.
HAZOP Definitions
Guidewords: See Table.
Deviations: These irregularities are discovered by systematically applying
the guidewords to each parameter at each node (e.g., more + temperature =
higher temperature).
Causes: The reasons why deviations may occur. Causes can be equipment
failure, human error, or external events.
Consequences: Documented as impacts resulting from the loss event.
HAZOP Definitions
Recommendations: Suggested actions to prevent or mitigate the
consequence of deviations, or to obtain further information.
Safeguards: The systems in place that reduce the probability of the
deviation occurring or mitigate the severity of the consequences.
HAZOP Guidewords
No Other than
More Sooner than Batch
Less Later than
As Well as Where else
Part of
HAZOP Guidewords
Guide Meaning Comments
no, not, The complete No part of the design intention is
none negation of the achieved, but nothing else happens.
HAZOP Procedure - 1
1. Begin with a detailed flow sheet.
2. Divide flow sheet into sections, i.e. reactor, storage.
3. Choose a study node, i.e. line, vessel, pump, operating
4. Describe its design intent.
5. Select a process parameter.
6. Apply a guide word to the process parameter.
7. If the deviation is applicable, determine possible causes.
HAZOP Procedure - 2
8. Evaluate consequences of the deviation.
9. Recommend action:
what? who? when?
10. Record all information.
11. Repeat 5 to 10 for a new guide word.
12. Repeat 4 to 11 for a new process parameter.
13. Repeat 2 to 12 for a new study node.
14. Repeat 1 to 13 for a new flow sheet section.
HAZOP Example
Coffee grounds
Coffee filter
Study Nodes
HAZOP Summary
Advantages: Meets regulatory requirements
Plant operates better
Less down time
Product quality improved
Employees are happier
Disadvantages: Time, people and effort
Information management problem
Chemical Process Safety
Risk Assessment
Introduction Identification
Probability Theory
POISSON DISTRIBUTION Probability R (t ) component will not fail during (0, t )
This is called the reliability:
R(t ) = e− t P(t ) = 1 − R(t ) = 1 − e− t
dP(t ) R Reliability (no units)
f (t ) = = e−t
dt Average failure rate (time-1)
t1 P Failure probability (no units)
− t0 − t1
P(t0 → t1 ) = f (t ) = e −e f(t) Failure density (time-1)
Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) = E (t ) = tf (t )dt =
Bathtub curve
1 1
R P ƒ Area= 1
t t t t
Probability Theory
Example: A device is found to fail once every 2 years. What is the failure
rate, the failure probability and the reliability at the end of 1 year, and the
The failure rate, , is given by:
The reliability is given by Equation (12-1):
= 1/ 2 years = 0.5 yr −1
The failure probability is given by Equation (12-2):
R(t ) = e − t = exp − ( 0.5 yr −1 ) (1 yr ) = 0.607
The Mean Time Between Failure is given by Equation (12-5):
P (A or B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A) P(B) Pi
TABLE 12-1
Failure Rate Data for Various Selected Process Components
Instrument Faults/Year
Controller 0.29
Control valve 0.60 Basic Fact: The
Flow measurement (fluids) 1.14
Flow measurement (solids) 3.75 more complex the
Flow switch 1.12 device the higher
Gas–liquid chromatograph 30.6 the failure rate!
Hand valve 0.13
Indicator lamp 0.044
Level measurement (liquids) 1.70
Level measurement (solids) 6.86
Oxygen analyzer 5.65
pH meter 5.88
Pressure measurement 1.41
Pressure relief valve 0.022
Pressure switch 0.14
Solenoid valve 0.42
Stepper motor 0.044
Strip chart recorder 0.22
Thermocouple temperature measurement 0.52
Thermometer temperature measurement 0.027
Valve positioner 0.44
Example: Compute the overall failure rate, the unreliability, and the
MTBF of the following flow control loop. Assume a 1 year period of
We have 3 components: the control valve, the controller and the DP cell.
These components are related in series, i.e. if any one component fails the
entire flow control loop fails.
Look up the failure rates for these three components from Table 12-1. Then
compute the reliability and failure probability for each component for a 1 year
time period.
R = 0.10 = e−
= − ln ( 0.10 ) = 2.30 failures/year
The MTBF is given by Equation (12-5):
MTBF = = = 0.43 yr
2.30 / yr
Bow-tie Diagram
The top event from a fault tree becomes the initiating event for
an event tree.
Bow-tie Diagram
(Loss Event)
Initiating Events
Preventive Mitigative
Safeguards Safeguards
1) Hazards
2) Initiating Events
3) Enabling Conditions
Bow-tie Diagram
4) Conditional Modifiers
5) Preventative Safeguards
Figure 12-15
(4th only)
7) Mitigating Safeguards
8) Outcomes
9) Impacts
Bow-tie Diagram
Initiating Events Safeguards Probability of
(Causes) Flash Fire
Probability of
Proactive Explosion
Safeguards Vapor Cloud Explosion
Probability of
Control Failure
Preventive Incident Ignition
Building Explosion
Time at Safeguards (Loss Event) Probability of
Risk Ignition
Human Error Fireball
Physical Explosion
Mechanical Failure Chemical Exposure
Onsite Toxic
Each feasible path between an
initiating event and an outcome Toxic Infiltration
represents a scenario with
Offsite Toxic
applicable protective layers.
QRA: Quantitative Risk Assessment
Selection of
Release Incident Fig. 4-1
Fig. 11-1
Selection of
Hazards Source Model
to Describe
Release Incident
Selection of
Dispersion Model
Selection of Selection of
Fire and Effect Model
Explosion Model
Assessment Factors
QRA: Quantitative Risk Assessment
1. Define the initiating events and the incident sequence. For example, a
cooling water failure causes a runaway reaction that overpressures
the reactor vessel, causing the relief to open, discharging the reactor
2. Use source models to estimate the discharge rate. For the reactor
example, this would require a source model to estimate the discharge
rate through the relief. (See Chapter 4.)
3. Use a dispersion model to estimate the chemical concentrations
downwind of the release. (See Chapter 5.)
4. Estimate the incident consequences for people, environment, and
property using effect models. (See Chapter 3.)
5. Estimate the potential incident frequencies using event trees and fault
6. Estimate the risk by combining the consequences and frequencies.
7. Combine the risk estimates for all the scenarios to estimate the
overall risk.
8. Decide if the risk is tolerable. (See Sections 1-9 and 12-7 in 4th edition)
LOPA: Layer of Protection Analysis
History of LOPA:
• The Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) approach is
too laborious and intensive – only experienced risk
analysts in industry can use it.
• In the late 1990s several risk analysts in industry got
together and decided “There has to be a better
• They developed LOPA, a simplified risk assessment
• LOPA was originally used by risk analysts in
• However, process engineers soon realized that they
could use it directly in the plant environment.
• If you are a process engineer, you will likely use
LOPA Overview
Underground drainage Reduces the frequency of large consequences 10–2 to 10–3 10–2
system: (widespread spill) of a tank overfill, rupture, spill, etc.
Open vent (no valve): Prevents overpressure 10–2 to 10–3 10–2
Fireproofing: Reduces rate of heat input and provides additional 10–2 to 10–3 10–2
time for depressurizing, firefighting, etc.
Blast wall or bunker: Reduces the frequency of large consequences of an 10–2 to 10–3 10–3
explosion by confining blast and by protecting
equipment, buildings, etc.
Inherently safer design: If properly implemented, can eliminate scenarios or 10–1 to 10–6 10–2
significantly reduce the consequences associated with
a scenario
Flame or detonation If properly designed, installed, and maintained, can 10–1 to 10–3 10–2
arrestors: eliminate the potential for flashback through a piping
system or into a vessel or tank
TABLE 12-4
PFDs for Active IPLs and Human Actions
Safety instrumented See IEC 61508 (IEC, 1998) and IEC 61511 (IEC,
functions (SIF) 2001) for life-cycle requirements and additional
Human action Simple well-documented action with clear and 1 to 10–1 10–1
with 10-min response time reliable indications that the action is required.
Human action Simple well-documented action with clear and 10–1 to 10–2 10–1
with 40-min response time reliable indications that the action is required.
LOPA Example
9. Existing layers of protection (type and PFD from Table 12-3 ): Dike 10–2/yr
1 2 3 Safety 0 to 9 10 to 99
Human Health Fire, Explosion Chemical Severity Severity ≥ 100 years > 1000 years
years years
Impact Direct Cost in $ Impact Category Level
Public fatality 4
possible, Greater than Risk Level Risk Level Risk Level Risk Level
employee A A B C
fatalities likely
aLosttime injury (LTI): The injured worker is unable to perform regular job duties, takes time off for recovery, or is assigned modified work duties while
bRecordable injury: Death, days away from work (DAW), restricted work or transfer to another job, medical treatment beyond first aid, or loss of
Individual Risk – Risk Contours
The procedure for determining the individual risk contours is
as follows:
1. Identify all the incidents and incident outcome cases.
2. Estimate the frequency for all incident outcome cases.
3. Determine the effect zone and probability of fatality at every
location for all incident outcome cases.
4. Estimate the individual risk at every location by summing
the risk for all incident outcome cases.
5. Plot individual risk estimates on the map.
6. Draw individual risk contours connecting points of equal